GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW

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GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW
IIM Raipur
      Senior Management Programme

GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW

IIM Raipur Director’s Message                     3
IIM Raipur Chairperson’s Message                  4
Senior Management Professionals:                  5
Spearheading Organisational Success

Developing Leadership Mindset and Competencies    6

The Case for IIM Raipur’s Senior Management       7
Programme (SMP)

About the Programme                               8

Learning Objectives                               9

Programme Content                                 10
Pedagogy, Programme Delivery and Schedule         11
Eligibility, Admission, Assessment & Evaluation   12
Certification                                      13
Programme Directors’ Profiles                      14
Programme Fees, Instalment Schedule &             16
Important Dates

About IIM Raipur                                  17

About TimesTSW & Times Group                      18
GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW
IIM Raipur
Director’s Message

                                 Prof. Bharat Bhasker
                                 Director, IIM Raipur
                                 Technology enabled growth in the Indian economy
                                 has given India an opportunity to move into the
                                 league of the ‘Developed Nations’. It has also put
                                 unprecedented challenges to management
                                 education as a discipline. The need for competent
                                 and contemporary management education has
                                 never been more crucial than today. At IIM Raipur,
                                 we are making concerted efforts in infusing high
level of management competence in a dynamic, yet, resource-constrained
environment. Preparing the future managers capable of harnessing the maximum out
of limited resources through innovative, entrepreneurial zeal and efficient
management of technology and trade is crucial to our economic growth and
development. We have a simple mission to nurture excellence and promote leaders
capable of managing resources in a globalised environment, with social
responsibilities. At IIM Raipur, we strive to achieve excellence in every endeavour –
creation of knowledge, imparting the knowledge and augmenting the practice
through consulting and executive education. In order to meet the needs of working
professional who would like to pursue quality management education without
hampering their professional and personal commitments, I invite you to be part of
this professionally rewarding experience.

GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW
IIM Raipur

Chairperson’s Message

                                    Prof. Mohit Goswami,
                                    Chairperson –
                                    Online Executive Education,
                                    IIM Raipur
                                    The current business dynamics across
                                    organisations and sectors are often accompanied
                                    by significant volatility, uncertainty, complexity
                                    and ambiguity in that leaders and managers not
                                    just need to focus on the current operations but
                                    also have to find cogent and feasible ways to

ensure that constant value is created for all the concerned stakeholders. For
organisations, constant learning and successful implementation of new ideas,
business models, technologies, and frameworks are imperative to ensure that
organisations continue to prosper and explore newer territories. Indian economy,
owing to its strong fundamentals, is destined to achieve strong growth in medium
and long term. With the government’s emphasis on self-reliance and considering
tectonic shifts in the way organisations function, it is imperative that leadership and
executives from organisations constantly learn and upgrade themselves utilising the
merits of digital learning technologies.

We at IIM Raipur have been making tremendous progress in ensuring that we deliver
the right contents with best practices focused on the needs of senior as well as
managerial professionals by harnessing the power of educational technologies. The
faculty at IIM Raipur is well known for excellence across the spectrum of academic
endeavors, be it in research or teaching or executive education. Till date we have
trained and enhanced the subject matter understanding of more than 700 working
executives across diverse areas such as general management, digital marketing,
leadership development, change management, operations management, data
sciences, financial risk management, cyber security, etc. In doing so, we have
successfully completed more than 10 different certification programmes of varying
durations i.e., 5 months to one year.

We invite you to be a part of our programmes so that you can harness the maximum
out of resources and hone your leadership and managerial potential and usher in the
new era of innovation.
GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW
Senior Management Professionals:
Spearheading Organisational Success
The quality of leadership is often considered to be an important determinant of an
organisation’s growth. People in senior management play a prime role in the success
of an organisation. As a member of your organisation’s senior management, you are
responsible for leading the employees towards achieving shared organisational goal
of achieving greatness.

    Companies with top quartile leadership effectiveness generate 3.5 times
                  more shareholder return. (

What Defines Senior Management Professionals?

                 Setting and achieving                          Planning, directing
                 organisational goals                           and assessing all
                 and objectives                                 business activities

                     Creating, employing
                                                                          Taking quick and
                     and updating procedures
                                                                          vital action
                     and policies

                 Supervising the progress                        Overseeing the organisation’s
                 and finance of the projects                      human resource function

                       Coordinating with internal
                                                                           Taking risks
                       and external stakeholders

                 Overcoming competition                           Being a role model

As a responsible senior management professional, you should be able to lead
yourself, others and your organisation effectively.
GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW
Developing Leadership Mindset and
As a senior management professional, your authority, responsibilities, accountability
and challenges are broader than those in a functional role. You are expected to have
the management skills required across all business functions like marketing & sales,
finance & accounting, operations, human resources, etc., to be able to orchestrate
various business operations efficiently. Thus, to transition into senior management,
you need to develop your personal, professional and leadership skills.

Key Skills of Senior Management Professionals
   Awareness of the business and                  Analytical, problem-solving, and
   operating environment                          decision-making skills
   Forward planning and strategic                 High levels of self-management,
   thinking                                       flexibility, responsiveness, and
   Interpersonal, communication,                  adaptability
   negotiation and motivation skills              Organisation and delegation
   Leadership and managerial skills               Self-awareness and emotional
   Strong organisational, time and                intelligence
   resource management                            Guidance and mentorship

      What senior management professionals
      require is a blend of strong fundamental
      business management skills, an
      understanding       of verticals    and
      departments critical to the success of
      their organisations, and effective
      leadership skills. However, not every
      organisation can enable the type of
      learning required to acquire these skills
      which may pose challenges in career
GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW
The Case for IIM Raipur’s Senior
Management Programme (SMP)
Pursuing a Senior Management Programme will help you acquire a strategic
perspective, gain relevant knowledge, develop new skills, forge stronger
relationships and foster creativity and self-confidence. It will empower you to
overcome the inertia in your career and catalyse career advancement.

                                                         Get into the league of
                                                         decision-influencers and decision-makers

                                                Formulate strategies at an
                                                organisational level

                                       Be instrumental in your
                                       organisation’s growth journey

                             Understand your own strengths and use them
                             optimally for personal and organisational growth

                    Overcome the competition in rising up the
                    organisational hierarchy

         Refresh yourself with
         contemporary knowledge

IIM Raipur’s SMP enables you to

Research insights point at the dearth of leadership talent currently due to lack of
right knowledge, experience and guidance. IIM Raipur’s Senior Management
Programme empowers you with the opportunity to be a senior management
professional in India’s leading companies.

       80%               of the organisations in India are currently facing a
                         leadership talent shortage

       64%               of global C-level executives cited ‘Developing
                         Next-Gen Leaders’ as their top-most challenge

                         of business leaders believe that their organisations

       41%               fail to meet the needed leadership standards

    Source: Mercer | Mettl,,
GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW
About the Programme
Senior Management Programme
This thoughtfully designed Senior Management Programme is for executives who
want to play a critical role in formulating growth strategy, cross-functional
integration, execution, and change management in their organisations. Such roles
require reflection on the question, ‘What core strengths do I need to make
transformative change in my organisation and me?’ The programme is structured
around this question so that executives will get a holistic and advanced
understanding of personal, functional, and organisational challenges. At one end,
the programme will focus on understanding the self. At the other end, it will also
provide the participants with the critical management perspectives necessary to
lead their organisation in the new economy successfully.

                                                  Programme Highlights

                                                  Taught by IIM Raipur faculty, senior
                                                    management professionals, and
                                                          academic experts

                                                    Programme content featuring
                                                      cross-functional modules

                                                           Participative and
                                                          engaging pedagogy

                                                              IIM Raipur
                                                             Alumni status

                                                            6-day campus

GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW
Learning Objectives

                        To provide self-reflection and
                        development of personal
                        leadership philosophy

            To provide frontier knowledge
                   of functional areas and
            emerging trends in businesses

                      To provide strategic tools for
                      cross-functional integration and
                      change management

           To provide a deep understanding
                   of industry dynamics and
                  stakeholder management

                      To provide a road map for the
                      formulation of growth strategy and
                      successful organisational
GEAR UP FOR THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE - IIM Raipur Senior Management Programme - TimesTSW
Programme Content
The programme curriculum comprises the following modules:

Modules                 Submodules                                Area/Scope
M1                      Financial Statement Analysis-I            Finance
Foundational Module     Strategic Framework of Business and       Strategy
                        Business Canvass

                        Business Communication                    Communication
                        Spread-sheet Modeling                     IT
                        Understanding Self                        HR & OB
M2                      Financial Statement Analysis-II           Finance
Functional Module I     Marketing Management-I                    Marketing
                        Managerial Decision-making-I              Quantitative
                        Macro and Microeconomics                  Economics
                        Operations Management                     Ops

M3                      Leadership within Organisations           Strategy

Functional Module II    Corporate Finance                         Finance
                        Managerial Decision-making-II             Quantitative
                        Conflict and Negotiation                   HR & OB

M4                      Strategic HRM and High-performance        HR & OB
                        Work Culture
Functional Module III
                        Supply Chain Management                   Ops
                        Marketing Management-II                   Marketing
                        Financial Budgeting                       Finance

M5                      Digital Strategy for Business Models      Strategy

Digital Module          Digital Transformation                    IT
                        Digital Marketing                         Marketing
                        Analytics + Industry 4.0                  IT + Ops

M6                      Managing Growth and New Businesses        Strategy
                        in Competitive Markets

Module/On-campus        Aligning Operations with Strategy         Ops
                        Managing Large Scale Projects             Ops
                        Leading Self, Others, and Organisations   HR & OB
Pedagogy, Programme Delivery and Schedule
The programme will follow a pedagogy of engagement that involves participants
in – reflecting, experiencing, sharing, thinking, discussing, and debating – activities
which develop a habit of mind for deep understanding and transformation
It will be a judicious blend of various methods that will develop value and
intellectual capabilities to adopt a suitable strategy and the latest knowledge of
the subject area within which one is working
The case method will be used as a predominant pedagogical tool along with many
other learning methods suitable for executive education

                                       Programme Delivery
                                       It is a blended programme comprising
                                       both online and on-campus modules
                                       For the online modules, the primary
                                       method of instruction will be through
                                       LIVE lectures that will be delivered
                                       online via the internet to participants’
                                       desktops/laptops or classrooms

Class Schedule
Sunday / 12:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.

                                         Campus Immersion
                                         One campus visit of 6 days in the last
                                         In case the COVID-19 situation does
                                         not ease and appropriate guidelines
                                         are not received from MHA/Local
                                         administration, the on-campus
                                         module would be converted to
                                         live-online mode

Programme Duration – One year
Eligibility, Admission, Assessment & Evaluation

Who Should Attend
Middle and top-level managers with at least 10
years of work/industry experience.

Eligibility Criteria
Diploma (10+2+3)/Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent (10+2+3 or 10+2+4)/2 years
Master’s Degree or equivalent from a recognised university or institution
approved by UGC/AICTE/DEC/AIU/State Government in any discipline
Minimum 10 years of work experience post completion of qualifying education
Participants who fulfil the above criteria but are not working currently are also
eligible for the programme

                                       Admission Criteria
                                       Academic record
                                       Years and quality of work experience

Assessment & Evaluation
There are periodic evaluations built-in throughout the duration of the course.
These may be in the form of a quiz, assignment, case study or other
objective/subjective assessments
The evaluations are designed to ensure continuous student engagement with the
course and encourage practical learning
The evaluation shall be at the discretion of the faculty
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Candidates will successfully complete the programme if they have met the attendance
requirements and the evaluation criteria

Successful candidates will receive a ‘Certificate of Successful Completion’ from IIM Raipur

Those with requisite attendance but unable to complete successfully will receive a
‘Certificate of Participation’
Programme Directors’ Profiles

                                         Prof. Prashar has attended Global
                                         Colloquium on Participant-centered
                                         Learning on Teaching through Case
                                         Studies Method at Boston, US
                                         (2014) and Leadership and
                                         Management Development in
                                         Institutes and Universities at
                                         Birmingham, UK (2016). He has
                                         also been a Visiting Fellow at
                                         Department of Commerce and
                                         Financial Management, University
                                         of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (2016-17 and
                                         January 2020).

                                         Winner of Rotary Youth Leadership
Prof. Sanjeev Prashar                    Award for Rotary International
                                         Districts 3050 and 3090 (1997), he
Presently working as a Professor in      has also travelled extensively for
the area of Marketing and                academic assignments abroad.
Dean-Academics with Indian
Institute of Management Raipur,
India, Prof. Prashar has thirty years’
academic experience of teaching
Postgraduate Management courses,
corporate training and consulting.
With an MBA and PhD in
Management from University of
Kurukshetra (India), he has published
many research papers (70) and case
studies (74) in prominent
international journals of repute.
Currently, he is pursuing research on
shopping behavior including impulse
buying and online buying behavior.
Programme Directors’ Profiles

                                     Norwegian University of Science and
                                     Technology, Trondheim, Norway. He
                                     is also a recipient of EU Marie Curie
                                     Postdoctoral fellowship for
                                     2007-2010 and has worked with
                                     National University of Ireland
                                     Galway and Government of Ireland.
                                     In the early decade-long
                                     international consulting career, he
                                     has led more than fifty
                                     multi-disciplinary teams to deliver
                                     complex time-bound consulting
                                     projects for EU member states,
                                     preeminent development agencies,
                                     and private sector organisations.
 Prof. Satyasiba Das                 Prof. Das has nearly seventy-five
                                     international publications in
 Prof. Das is currently working as
                                     international journals, cases, and
 Associate Professor in Strategic
 Management at Indian Institute
 of Management Raipur, where he
 teaches core, advanced and
 executive management
 programmes. Prof. Das is a highly
 accomplished academic and
 consultant with a comprehensive
 scholastic and professional
 background in Entrepreneurship
 and Venturing Process,
 Technology and Innovation
 Management, and Growth
 Strategy. He has received MBA
 degree from Hult International
 Business School, USA; M.Phil. in
 Social Change, and Dr Philos from
Programme Fees, Instalment Schedule &
Important Dates
Programme Fees
  Particulars                                                                  Amount (in ₹) (excluding GST)
  Registration Fee                                                             7,000

  Processing Fee*                                                              15,000

  Programme Fees                                                               2,32,000

  Campus Visit Charges @ ₹3,000/day                                            18,000

  Total Fees (excluding Registration Fee and                                   2,50,000
  Processing Fee)

*Note: Processing Fee includes ₹7,000 towards Registration Fee and ₹8,000 towards the Programme Fees. Processing Fee of
₹15,000 is refundable in case the participant’s profile is rejected by IIM Raipur.
Collection of Fee:Fees is collected in the name of BCCL (TPL).

Instalment Schedule

                               Instalment I                Instalment II   Instalment III   Instalment IV   Instalment V

                        At the             Within one
      Date             time of            week of offer     10th August, 10th November, 10th January,         10th April,
                     registration         letter rollout      2021           2021          2022                2022

  Amount (in ₹)*        8,000                52,000         50,000           50,000           50,000          40,000

* GST will be additional as applicable.

Important Dates
   Application Closure Date                                                14th March, 2021

   Academic Orientation Date                                               13th June, 2021

   Date of First Online Class                                              19th June, 2021

   Programme End Date (tentative)                                          May 2022

                                                APPLY NOW
About IIM Raipur
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) has been set up by the Government of India,
Ministry of Human Resource Development in 2010 at Raipur, the capital of
Chhattisgarh. Chhattisgarh is one of the fastest growing states of India with its rich
mineral, forest, natural and local resources.

The institute believes in preparing ethical leaders who are not only committed to
business, commerce and industry but are also socially conscious towards their
contribution in nation building and bringing in name for the country globally. The
institute is abuzz with activities carried by the student clubs which are now expanding
their scope of activity and bringing luminaries from the corporate world. The
Government of Chhattisgarh has allotted over 200 acres of land for the IIM Raipur
campus in Atal Nagar. The new campus is a state-of-the-art campus presenting a
blissful mix of modern architecture, culture and heritage of Chhattisgarh.

About Executive Education
The Executive Education Programme of IIM Raipur aims to develop managers,
broaden their horizon, strengthen their skills and prepare them to face the challenges
of the global business and present them as changing heroes for changing domains.
Participants also gain valuable understanding from broad interaction with their peers
from other organisations on development and management concepts, which helps
them to apply those in the new global context. IIM Raipur offers programmes at the
senior and middle management level with a broad range of subjects. The participants
will be equipped with the modern tools, techniques and skills across different streams
of management such as General Management, Human Resources, Organisational
Behaviour, Marketing, Finance, Operations Management, Information Systems,
Strategic Management, Industrial Relations, etc.

The Executive Education Programmes of IIM Raipur comprise
•   In-company Programmes (Customised)
•   Management Development Programmes (Open Programmes)
•   Advanced Management Programmes
•   Faculty Development Programmes
•   E-Learning Programmes

About TimesTSW

The Second Wind (TSW) is an
initiative by Times Professional
Learning aimed at working
professionals keen to hone their
skills and add value to their work
for a more rewarding career.
                                     About Times Group
TSW’s passion for excellence and a
                                     The Times of India Group began its
brief that “Executive Education
                                     operations in 1838 and is India’s
Empowers” works hand-in-hand
                                     oldest and largest media house.
with the organisation’s aim to
impart knowledge to business
                                     The Times of India is the world’s
professionals nationwide.
                                     largest-selling English newspaper,
                                     with over 5 million copies sold daily.

                                     The Economic Times is the world’s
                                     2nd largest English business
                                     newspaper, second only to The Wall
                                     Street Journal, with over 800,000
                                     copies sold daily.

                                     The Group is also amongst India’s
                                     most diverse media houses with
                                     assets across Publishing, Radio, TV,
                                     Out of Home (OOH) and Online
Ground Floor, Vakratunda Corporate Park,
Vishweshwar Nagar, CTS No. 256, Off Aarey Road,
Next to Udipi Vihar, Goregaon (E), Mumbai- 400063

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