Geant4 Physics : Work Plan for 2021 - Alberto Ribon CERN EP/SFT On behalf of the SFT Simulation project - CERN Indico
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Geant4 Physics : Work Plan for 2021 Alberto Ribon CERN EP/SFT On behalf of the SFT Simulation project CERN EP/SFT group meeting, 1 February 2021
Outline ● Highlights of Geant4 physics in 2020 ● What has been included in G4 10.7 – Extracted from the Geant4 Technical Forum on January 21 ● Program of Work for 2021 ● Electromagnetic and Hadronic physics – The full version will be presented to the users at the next Geant4 Technical Forum Notes: ● A large fraction of the work goes to support, and regular testing & validation, which do not appear in the work program ! ● Names of the people are omitted here for brevity & simplicity ● Colors are used for activities with SFT-related contributions; grey for activities without direct and significant SFT participation 2
st 1 Part Highlights of Physics Achievements in 2020 included in G4 10.7 3
Electromagnetic Physics (Standard only) 4
Electromagnetic Physics (1/2) ● Developments focus on technical improvements of the code, and to boost the CPU performance of HEP applications ● New, fully theory-based state-of-the-art single Coulomb scattering for e- / e+ ● Based on numerical double-differential cross-section provided by Dirac Partial Wave Analysis using ELSEPA code ● Results are independent from Geant4 cuts and other parameters – Very similar results obtained with EM Option4 (EMZ, based on GS multiple scattering): this supports the use of EMZ option as baseline for precision ● Tune of Urban’s multiple scattering model and energy fluctuation model ● Muon and hadron bremsstrahlung and e+e- pair production ● Improved initialization for pair production and allowed restore tables from G4LEDATA ● Sampling of angles of secondaries via a new angular generator ● If energy transfer is above a newly introduced threshold, then kill the primary particle 5 and add it to the list of secondaries (i.e. make a new vertex)
Electromagnetic Physics (2/2) ● Improved / extended simulation of optical photons ● Added second wavelength shifting process within the same material ● Implemented 3 time constants for scintillation, and allow multiple time constants to work with scintillation by particle type ● New class introduced to control the parameters of optical physics ● EM physics lists ● New, improved construction of physics for different types of particles – In particular strange mesons, hyperons, charm and bottom hadrons ● Gamma-general-process available as an option in any standard Physics List ● Note: physics results remain stable 6 ● Electromagnetic showers stay very close to those in Geant4 10.6
Hadronic Physics 7
Hadronic Physics (1/2) ● For both FTF (Fritiof) & QGS (Quark Gluon String) ● Completed the extension to charm and bottom hadron projectiles – Enabled in most physics lists, in particular those of interest for HEP – QGS used above 12 GeV ; FTF used down to 100 MeV (simplified approach below) – Simplified treatment of the decays of secondary charm and bottom hadrons ● FTF model ● Improved agreement of FTF simulations with NA49 experimental data ● Retuning of Pt in the string fragmentation ● Corrected treatment of string direction ● QGS model ● Improved treatment of antibaryon interactions 8 – Now QGS is used above 12 GeV for hyperons and anti-baryons in QGS-based physics lists
Hadronic Physics (2/2) ● Introduced optional scaling factors for elastic and inelastic cross sections of hadrons for systematic studies ● 3 categories: nucleons (p, n), pions (π±), all others ● New methods in G4HadronicParameters to scale the cross sections ● ±10% for nucleons & pions; ±15-20% for kaons; ±20-30% for others – Bigger variations might be considered at low energies to account for the uncertainties on the shape of the cross section in the threshold and resonance region ● New UI commands introduced for hadronics ● To change the default upper energy limit ; to switch off printing of information ; to replace where possible the use of environmental variables in hadronic models ● Note: hadronic showers in G4 10.7 remain stable ● Hadronic showers stay similar to those in Geant4 10.6.p03 9
Validation Portal 10 ● We rely heavily on this tool for testing and validating Geant4 ● For major, minor, patches and internal (reference tags) versions ● The only validation tool in Geant4 ● On-going work to extend its coverage ● Under evaluation also by the Fluka-CERN team 11 12
nd 2 Part WORK PLAN 2021 for Geant4 PHYSICS 13
EM R&D for Speed-Up ● Complete the G4HepEm physics modeling capabilities ● Include multiple scattering for electrons and positrons ● Include gamma interactions ● Keep providing support for other related R&D activities targeting GPUs and implement alternative stepping for electron, positron, gamma ; then evaluate its computing performance ● If successful, complete the physics coverage (energy loss fluctuation, gamma- nuclear interactions) and investigate further directions (field propagation, etc.) ● Evaluation of the General Process approach ● EPJ Web Conf. 245 (2020) 02009 ● Further optimization of EM physics libraries and general infrastructure ● E.g. G4PhysicsVector, etc. 15
EM Physics developments for HEP ● Optimize GS multiple scattering on top of EM Opt0 for HEP ● To improve lateral EM showers without paying the overhead of EM Opt4 (EMZ) ● Develop an alternative model for energy-loss fluctuations for e- / e+ ● Currently the parameterised Urban (energy-loss fluctuation) model is used as default in all EM options; PAI (Photon Absorption Ionization) model exists as an alternative, but it is CPU consuming, so the goal is to investigate another theory-based model with better CPU performance ● Improve Urban model of energy-loss fluctuations ● Evaluate the new models of ion ionisation for relativistic ions ● Evaluate the new model of ion energy-loss fluctuations ● Introduce gamma linear polarization option to HEP EM physics 16 ● Introduce full set of gamma models based on EPICS2017
EM developments for Rare & Higher-Order Processes ● Introduce bremsstrahlung on atomic electrons via triplet production ● At high and moderate energies ● Deployment of the new model of positron annihilation into 3 gammas ● Introduce positron annihilation into tau pairs ● Extend energy limit for positron annihilation into hadrons ● Extend interactions of dark matter particles 17
EM Validation ● Extend validation of HGCal example and integrate to geant-val ● Keep extending geant-val to cover the whole EM testing suite ● Perform regular validation of monthly Geant4 versions 18
Hadronic String models ● Code and hadronic shower improvements of FTF and QGS models ● Extend validation of charm production for FTF and QGS ● Improvement of antiproton and light anti-ion annihilations in FTF ● From at rest to hundreds GeV – ALICE, CERN AD antiproton experiments, GAPS, Panda/GSI, etc. ● Validation of FTF nucleus-nucleus interactions ● Using NA49 , NA61/SHINE , HADES experimental data ● Study of Pt-correlations of hadrons in p-p and pbar-p collisions in FTF and comparison with other models : UrQMD , QGSM , PYTHIA 20
Intra-nuclear Cascade models ● Bertini (BERT) model ● Maintenance and user-support ● Some model development for light nuclei ● Binary (BIC) model ● Code review and maintenance ● Liege (INCL++) model ● Maintenance and user-support ● Maintenance of ABLA++ model, including some improvements on hyper-nuclei ● Start new development for antiproton – Ph.D. student at CEA 21
Precompound / De-Excitation models ● Maintenance and code improvements ● Improvements of de-excitation models: FermiBreakUp , Evaporation , GEM ; validation and tuning to data ● Extended validation and tuning of cross section and final-state for the gamma-nuclear model Radioactive Decay model ● Maintenance and user support ● Maintenance of the database ● Superheavy elements 22
ParticleHP model ● Validation & Maintenance of ParticleHP ● Improvement of Geant4 for nuclear-fusion applications ; production of Lithium nuclear data libraries, verification and validation ● Implement an option that forces ParticleHP to respect event-by-event conservations (energy-momentum, baryonic number, etc.) ● Extend ParticleHP model to higher energies ● Implement a very detailed physics for organic neutron detectors up to 100 - 200 MeV ● Insert in G4 the NuDEX code (to generate EM de-excitation cascades) ● Create a tool to automatically change the charged particle cross sections adding user experimental data 23
Other Hadronic models ● LEND model : update and validation ● NCrystal model : physics development, technical improvements, integration in Geant4 ● Development and validation of neutrino / lepton – nuclear physics ● Electromagnetic Dissociation model : clean-up and inclusion into Physics Lists as an option ● Maintenance of the QMD model ● Muonic atom physics 24
Hadronic Cross Sections ● Improvement of light-ion nuclear cross sections ● Based on recent feedback from cosmic-ray and neutrino Geant4 users ● Revision of anti-baryon and light anti-ion nuclear cross sections ● Based on recent feedback by ALICE ● Extension of nuclear cross sections for light hyper-nuclei and anti-hyper-nuclei projectiles ● ALICE request to transport light hyper-nuclei and anti-hyper-nuclei 25
Hadronic Framework ● Campaign for deleting obsolete classes and interfaces, and update of existing models for the major release, Geant4 11 ● Extension of the hadronic framework for light hyper-nuclei and anti-hyper-nuclei ● ALICE request to transport light hyper-nuclei and anti-hyper-nuclei ● Revise unique identification of models (that create secondary tracks) for the major release, Geant4 11 26
SFT Contribution to Geant4 Physics for 2021 A. Bagulya G. Folger A. Galoyan V. Grichine V. Ivanchenko D. Konstantinov The contribution of this people for Geant4 G. Latyshev Physics amounts to ~5-6 FTEs M. Novak L. Pezzotti I. Razumov A. Ribon V. Uzhinsky A. Zaborowska 27
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