Page created by Steve Campbell

But perhaps the best reason for studying English is that we
                                                                                                              offer TWO GCSEs for the price of one ................................... 12
Table of Contents                                                                                             Exam Board: ............................................................................ 12
The Options Process...................................................................... 6
                                                                                                                 Information about the number of papers / overview of
GCSE Options that are available ................................................. 7                              papers (content): ................................................................ 12
Core and Recommended Offering ............................................. 7                                    Recommended revision guides, IBSN numbers and
Remaining Options ....................................................................... 7                      suppliers. .............................................................................. 13

GCSE Options Information............................................................ 8                           Assessment objectives for each subject: .......................... 13

Maths GCSE ................................................................................... 9                 Key skills: ............................................................................... 14

    Why study this course?.............................................................. 9                       Revision techniques: ........................................................... 14

       Maths lets us predict the future ............................................ 9                           Key apps / websites / content to support: ........................ 14

       Maths is changing all the time – what will you contribute?                                           Combined Science GCSE.......................................................... 15
       ................................................................................................ 9     Why study this course? ........................................................... 15
    What skills will I get if I study maths?......................................... 9                       Exam Board: ............................................................................ 15
    Exam Board ............................................................................... 9                 Overview of assessment and assessment topics: ............. 15
       Information about the number of papers / overview of                                                      Our assessment objectives ................................................. 15
       papers (content): .................................................................. 9
                                                                                                                 Key Skills: ............................................................................... 16
       Assessment objectives for each subject: ........................... 10
                                                                                                                 Recommended revision techniques: ................................ 16
       Key skills:................................................................................ 10
                                                                                                            Science: Biology (As part of separate Sciences) GCSE .......... 17
       Revision techniques: ............................................................ 10
                                                                                                              Why study this course? ........................................................... 17
       Key apps / websites / content to support: ........................ 11
                                                                                                              Exam Board: ............................................................................ 17
English Language and English Literature .................................. 12
                                                                                                                 Overview of Assessments and Topics: ............................... 17
    Why study this course?............................................................ 12
                                                                                                                 Our assessment objectives: ................................................ 17
                                                                                                                 Key Skills: ............................................................................... 18

Recommended revision techniques: ................................. 18                            Geography GCSE ....................................................................... 26
Science: Chemistry (As part of separate Sciences) GCSE ...... 19                                          Why study this course? ........................................................... 26
    Why study this course?............................................................ 19                 Exam Board: ............................................................................ 26
    Exam Board: ............................................................................ 19              Overview of papers/units: .................................................. 26
       Overview of Assessments and Topics: ................................ 19                               Key Skills: ............................................................................... 26
       Key Skills: ............................................................................... 20        Key Websites: ....................................................................... 27
       Recommended revision Guides: ........................................ 20                              Textbooks: ............................................................................ 27
       Recommended revision techniques: ................................. 20                            Spanish & German GCSE ........................................................... 28
Science: Physics (As part of separate Sciences) GCSE........... 21                                        Why study this course? ........................................................... 28
    Why study this course?............................................................ 21                 Exam Board: ............................................................................ 28
    Exam Board: ............................................................................ 21              Overview of papers: ........................................................... 28
       Overview of Assessments and Topics: ................................ 21                               Facilitating subjects: ............................................................ 28
       Our assessment objectives:................................................. 21                        Revision guides: ................................................................... 29
       Key Skills: ............................................................................... 22        Spanish ................................................................................. 29
       Recommended revision Guides ......................................... 22                              German ................................................................................ 29
       Recommended revision techniques: ................................. 22                                 Key Skills: ............................................................................... 29
History GCSE ................................................................................ 23             Revision techniques: ........................................................... 29
    Why study this course?............................................................ 23                    Key apps/websites for support: .......................................... 30
    Exam Board: ............................................................................ 23         Art and Design GCSE – Fine Art ................................................. 31
       Overview of papers/units: ................................................... 23                   Why study this course? ........................................................... 31
       Key Skills: ............................................................................... 24     Exam Board: ............................................................................ 31
       Key Websites ........................................................................ 24              How is the course assessed? .............................................. 31
       Revision guides:.................................................................... 24               What does the course cover? ........................................... 31

Assessment objectives for coursework and exam: ........... 32                                          Key Skills: ............................................................................... 41
       Key Skills: ............................................................................... 32         Key performance skills: ....................................................... 41
       What skills will the course help you develop? ................... 32                                   Key Websites........................................................................ 41
       Equipment: ........................................................................... 32        Drama GCSE ............................................................................... 42
       What do learners who study this course go on to do? ..... 32                                        Why study this course? ........................................................... 42
       Useful Resources: ................................................................. 33              Exam Board: ............................................................................ 42
    Why study this course?............................................................ 34                  OCR ......................................................................................... 42
Business Studies GCSE ................................................................ 36                     Overview of papers/units: .................................................. 42
    Why study this course?............................................................ 36                     Key Skills you will develop: .................................................. 43
    Exam Board: ............................................................................ 36               Revision Techniques ............................................................ 43
       Overview of papers/units: ................................................... 36                       Key Websites........................................................................ 43
Computer Science GCSE ........................................................... 38                    Design Technology GCSE .......................................................... 44
    Why study this course?............................................................ 38                  Why study this course? ........................................................... 44
    Exam Board: ............................................................................ 38            Exam Board: ............................................................................ 44
       Overview of papers / unit: .................................................. 38                       How is the course assessed? .............................................. 44
       Practical Programming: ...................................................... 38                       What does the course cover? ........................................... 44
       Key Skills: ............................................................................... 38         What skills will the course help you develop? ................... 45
       Key Websites and Resources: ............................................. 39                           What do learners who study this course go on to do? .... 45
       Computer Science Revision and Text Books: .................... 39                                      Useful Resources: ................................................................. 45
Dance (Btec Performing Arts – Tech Award) ............................ 40                               Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE....................................... 46
    Why study this course?............................................................ 40                  Why study this course? ........................................................... 46
    Exam Board: ............................................................................ 40            Exam Board: ............................................................................ 46
       Overview of papers/units: ................................................... 40                       What does the course cover? ........................................... 46

Subject Content .................................................................. 46               Why study this course? ........................................................... 56
       What skills will the course help you develop? ................... 47                                Exam Board: ............................................................................ 56
       Assessments .......................................................................... 47              How is the course assessed? .............................................. 56
       Where will GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition take                                                    What does the course cover? ........................................... 56
       you? ...................................................................................... 48         Assessment objectives for exam: ....................................... 56
       Textbooks:............................................................................. 48             Key Skills: ............................................................................... 57
Health & Social Care (BTEC Tech Award Level 2) .................... 49                                        Useful Resources: ................................................................. 57
    Why study this course?............................................................ 49                  Why study this course? ........................................................... 58
    Exam Board: ............................................................................ 49            Exam Board: ............................................................................ 58
       Who is this qualification for? ............................................... 49                      What does the course cover? ........................................... 58
       What does the qualification cover? .................................. 49                               Entry Requirements: ............................................................ 58
       What can the qualification lead to? ................................. 50                               Why should I take this course? ........................................... 58
Media (Cambridge National Certificate) ................................. 51                                   What careers might this course lead to? .......................... 59
    Why study this course?............................................................ 51                Religious Studies GCSE............................................................... 60
    Exam Board: ............................................................................ 51            Why study this course? ........................................................... 60
    Key Skills: ................................................................................... 52     Exam Board: ............................................................................ 60
    Key Websites and Resources:................................................. 53                           How is the course assessed? .............................................. 60
Music GCSE ................................................................................. 54               Overview of papers/components: .................................... 60
    Why study this course?............................................................ 54                     Assessment objectives: ....................................................... 60
    Exam Board: ............................................................................ 54               Key Websites: ....................................................................... 60
       Overview of units: ................................................................ 54                 - ............................................................................................. 60
       Key Skills: ............................................................................... 55         Textbooks: ............................................................................ 61
       Revision Techniques............................................................. 55                 Why study this course? ........................................................... 62

Exam Board: ............................................................................ 62         Useful Resources: ................................................................. 63
       How is the course assessed? ............................................... 62
       What does the course cover? ............................................ 62
       Assessment objectives:........................................................ 62
       Key Skills: ............................................................................... 63

The Options Process

                                 Year 9 Virtual Options
          Year 9 Options                                  Parents/Carers sit and
                                Parents/Carers Evening
      Assembly 20th January                                 discuss and agree
                                   and Options form
            Morning                                       options with their child
                                released 20th January

                                                          Follow instructions on
      Viability of options to   Submit Form by the 11th       the form when
          run checked                of February            selecting Options
                                                             26th of January

          Learners and
       informed of options
     that have been agreed
          8th May 2020

GCSE Options that are available
       (Subject to learner numbers, and viability)

                                                       Core and Recommended Offering
English Language and English
                                  Maths                               Combined Science                    Humanities                         Modern Foreign Languages
All learners will study these 2   All Learners will study GCSE        All learners will study combined    A small group of learners may      This is a recommended option
GCSE courses                      maths                               science unless Triple Science       pursue a different option if we    but not compulsory. However,
                                                                      option is taken                     feel that they would find these    at Northampton International
                                                                                                          courses too demanding              Academy we want as many
                                                                                                                                             learners as possible to take a
                                                                                                                                             language; it is favourably
                                                                                                                                             viewed by employers and

                                                                     Remaining Options
 Learners will need 3 courses, but we would ask for the top 5 choices (3 you really want and 2 as reserves) to allow learners to be assigned a preferred option if one course
                                                does not run. Please note a Maximum of 1 BTec course can be chosen only.

Art or Graphics                   Food Preparation & Nutrition        Religious Studies                   Dance (BTEC)                       Media (BTEC)
Business Studies                  Geography                           Sociology                           Health & Social Care (BTEC)        Music (BTEC)
Computer Science                  German                              Spanish                             PE (BTEC)
Design Technology                 History                             Triple Science
Drama                             Psychology

GCSE Options Information
We know that choosing your options can be a daunting task. Suddenly, you have choices to make about the things you enjoy
doing and the things that you will want for your future.

As always, we are here to help you and you only need to speak to your teachers or form tutor for information and advice.

What follows is a summary of the courses that we are offering you next year and lots of information on why you may wish to study it,
what the course looks like, and where you can get started on it already, through revision and websites.

Take your time to read the information that follows before you make your selection.

You will be emailed a link to your online options form. Please use this time to really think about what you want to study.

Maths GCSE                                                           expand on what they already know to discover new theories
                                                                     and inventions.
Why study this course?
                                                                     Now Mathematicians and philosophers have debated for
Just as languages provide the building blocks and rules we           centuries the exact definition of maths but it is more than
need to communicate, maths uses its own language, made               performing simple operations.
up of numbers, symbols and formulas, to explore the rules we
need to measure or identify essential problems like distance,        What skills will I get if I study maths?
speed, time, space, change, force and quantities. Infact,
maths is the only universal language, and if there were to be        Maths is one of the best subjects to develop your analytical,
any communication from extra terrestrials, we would only be          research and problem solving skills. Not only will studying
able to decode it using maths!                                       maths help give you the knowledge to tackle scientific,
                                                                     mechanical, coding and abstract problems, it will also help
Studying maths helps us find patterns and structure in our lives.    you develop logic to tackle everyday issues like planning
Practically, maths helps us put a price on things, create            projects, managing budgets and even debating effectively.
graphics , build websites, build skyscrapers and generally
understand how things work or predict how they might
change over time and under different conditions.
                                                                     Exam Board
Maths lets us predict the future                                     Pearson

                                                                     Information about the number of papers / overview of
For example, if I want to throw a custard pie so it lands on top
of your head on a very windy day, studying the maths can             papers (content):
help me work out the speed, force and angle I need to throw          Each paper is equally weighted (33.33%) and there are three
it to hit just the right spot. Or, more helpfully, maths helps me    to sit, one where calculators are not permitted and two with
work out how long it will take me to get somewhere if I know         calculators permitted. Each paper is 1hour and 30 minutes
the distance I have to travel and the speed I'm going.               long and can cover the entirety of the maths content:
                                                                     number, algebra, geometry and measures, statistics, ratio and
In this sense, studying maths helps predict the future...            probability.
Maths is changing all the time – what will you contribute?           Questions are a mixture of types of questions ranging from
                                                                     skills based questions, generally worth one to two marks, to
But it doesn’t stop there. As a subject, maths is also continually   interpretation based questions, often worth between 2 to 4
growing and changing, as mathematicians and scientists

marks and problem solving questions which carry a large            Assessment objectives for each subject:
amount of marks built up from the use of skills and reasoning.     The objectives cover the whole of content and can come up
There are also marks available with some topics to explain         in any of the three papers. The questions will cover a variety of
mathematical justification, deeming it necessary to fully          concepts from the following strands:
comprehend a skill as well as applying it.
                                                                      •   Number
Recommended revision guides, IBSN numbers and suppliers.              •   Algebra
                                                                      •   Geometry and Measure
The tier for learners will not be decided until nearer the time
                                                                      •   Statistics
they will sit the exams. We need to ensure learners are
                                                                      •   Ratio and Proportion
entered on the most appropriate paper based on their ability
                                                                      •   Probability
to access the different tiers. There are many excellent revision
guides available for Edexcel GCSE maths, however learners
often prefer the CGP revision guides due to the light hearted
way the editors phrase concepts can make them                      Some problem solving questions will require skills from multiple
memorable. The revision guides are available at most book          strands
stores, including WH Smith and online retailers using the          Key skills:
following information:                                             Questions are a mixture of types ranging from skills based,
CGP Foundation Revision Guide: ISBN 9781782944003                  generally worth one to two marks, to interpretation based
                                                                   questions, worth between 2 to 4 marks, and problem solving,
CGP Higher Revision Guide: ISBN 9781782944041                      which carry a large amount of marks built up from the use of
                                                                   skills and reasoning. There are marks available with some
                                                                   topics to explain mathematical justification, deeming it
                                                                   necessary to fully comprehend a skill as well as applying it.

                                                                   Revision techniques:
                                                                   The best way to revise maths is to practise the content
                                                                   regularly, particularly content that has not been studied in a
                                                                   while to reinforce the concept. We have invested in several
                                                                   online resources, accessible on any internet enabled device
                                                                   to aid in supporting this revision.

Key apps / websites / content to support:                         chains of reasoning to achieve a given result, interpret and
www.hegartymaths.com - Learners login using their                 communicate information accurately, present arguments
name/DOB/ and a password of their own creation                    and proofs, assess the validity of an argument and critically
                                                                  evaluate a given way of presenting information.
mathsapp.pixl.com - Learners login using NI6051, then their
initial and surname for both username and password                AO3 - Solve problems within mathematics and in other
                                                                  contexts Learners should be able to: translate problems in
www.diagnosticquestions.com - Learners can create their           mathematical or nonmathematical contexts into a process or
own account on this free to use website, where there is a         a series of mathematical processes, make and use
multitude of multiple choice quizzes where learners can justify   connections between different parts of mathematics,
their reasoning. Many quizzes also include exam questions         interpret results in the context of the given problem, evaluate
which is useful.                                                  methods used and results obtained, evaluate solutions to
All of the above analyse common misconceptions and                identify how they may have been affected by assumptions
frequent mistakes by the user to enable timely input into         made.
working through these.

Diagnostic Questions

Better results, more confidence, less time


Assessment Objectives:
AO1 - Use and apply standard techniques such as: accurately
recall facts, terminology and definitions, use and interpret
notation correctly, accurately carry out routine procedures or
set tasks requiring multi-step solutions

AO2 - Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically
Learners should be able to: make deductions, inferences and
draw conclusions from mathematical information, construct

English Language and English Literature
                                                                  Information about the number of papers / overview
                                                                  of papers (content):
Why study this course?
English is a unique subject on the Key Stage 4 curriculum as it
                                                                  English Language: Paper 1:
enhances the work of all other subjects. English lessons are
                                                                  This paper is 1h45 and it includes a reading section (based on
where we learn the nuances of language to help us to
                                                                  an unseen 20th or 21st century literary text) and a writing
understand the exams and lesson content of the other
                                                                  section where learners must write a description based on an
subjects, even maths. English lessons provide the structures to   image.
extended writing questions in subjects such as Science, History
and Geography.
                                                                  English Language: Paper 2:
                                                                  This paper is 1h45 and it includes a reading section where
However, more importantly, the study of English Literature        learners must compare two non-fiction texts (texts will be from
allows learners to explore new ideas/concepts and exposes         different centuries, either 19th, 20th or 21st) and a writing
them to a vast array of language that more factual subjects       section where learners will be asked to produce a non-fiction
simply do not offer. We do this through the study of texts from   style text (e.g. Speech, letter, leaflet, essay, article).
the 16th century to the modern day in the form of plays, novels
and poetry, introducing our learners to the likes of              English Literature: Paper 1:
Shakespeare, Shelley, Owen and Agard                              This paper is 1h45 and includes questions on Macbeth and A
                                                                  Christmas Carol. They are both extract-based questions but
In English Language our learners engage with a wide variety       this exam is closed book, meaning learners have to memorise
of prose from extracts from novels to newspaper articles.         quotations. The questions are often phrased as: ‘Starting with
Learners learn to write in many forms, such as summaries,         this extract, how does the author present…..’. It may be a
letters, essays and articles.                                     character or theme question.

We also cover spoken language, and all learners receive a
separate grade for their use of spoken English.
                                                                  English Literature: Paper 2:
                                                                  This paper is 2h15 and includes questions on An Inspector
But perhaps the best reason for studying English is               Calls, Power Conflict poetry anthology and unseen poetry.
that we offer TWO GCSEs for the price of one                      This exam is closed book, meaning learners will have to
                                                                  memorise quotations.
Exam Board:                                                       Non-exam assessment: speaking and listening. This is not
AQA                                                               credited with a GCSE, however learners will be given a ‘pass’,

‘merit’ or ‘distinction’ which will show on their exam            Collins: Unseen Poetry Workbook: New GCSE Grade 9-1
certificates. They will be required to give an individual         English Literature AQA ISBN: 978-0008355319 (£3.99 on
presentation on a topic of their choice.                          Amazon)

Recommended revision guides, IBSN numbers and                     Assessment objectives for each subject:
suppliers.                                                        English Language:
There are a few copies of revision guides and set Literature      AO1- Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information
texts available in the library.                                   and ideas
                                                                  Synthesise evidence from different texts
English Language:                                                 AO2- analysis of language and structure, using relevant
     •      CGP: GCSE English Language AQA Complete               subject terminology
            Revision & Practice - Grade 9-1 ISBN: 978-            AO3- Compare writers’ ideas and perspectives in two or more
            1782944140 (£5.99 on Amazon)                          texts
     •      CGP: New GCSE English Language AQA Practice           AO4- evaluate texts critically
            Papers - for the Grade 9-1 Course ISBN: 978-          AO5- communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively,
            1782944126 (£5.77 on Amazon)                          creating coherence
                                                                  AO6- Accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar
English Literature (all CGP except the unseen
                                                                  English Literature:
                                                                  AO1- Critical writing style, including using quotations
     •   New GCSE English Literature AQA Poetry Guide: Power
         & Conflict Anthology - for the Grade 9-1 Course ISBN:
                                                                  AO2- Analysis of language, structure and form, using relevant
         978-1782943617 (£3.77 on Amazon)
                                                                  subject terminology
     •   Grade 9-1 GCSE English Text Guide - An Inspector Calls
                                                                  AO3- Understanding the importance of context
         ISBN: 978-1841461151 (£3.99 on Amazon)
                                                                  (social/historical info about the text)
     •   Grade 9-1 GCSE English Text Guide – A Christmas Carol
                                                                  AO4- Accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar
         ISBN: ISBN-101782943099 (£5.95)
     •   Grade 9-1 GCSE English Shakespeare Text Guide –
         Macbeth ISBN: 101841461164 (£4.46 on Amazon)

Key skills:
Technical accuracy (punctuation and grammar)
Writing analytically (using what? How? Why? Paragraphs)
Writing appropriately for purpose and audience
Knowledge of the set texts

Revision techniques:
     •   Read for 30 minutes a day to improve vocabulary,
         writer’s voice and punctuation accuracy (a mixture of
         fiction and non-fiction)
     •   Re-read the Literature texts and write key quotations
         on post-it notes (display these in your room/house)
         (Copies are available in the library)
     •   Use blank copies of the poetry anthology (and unseen
         poems) and practise annotating them from memory,
         at speed
     •   Complete practice papers for each of the Literature
         texts and the Language papers. Use
         highlighters/success criteria/mark schemes to assess
         your work.
     •   Writing practice- use headlines from the news/photos
         on your phone as stimulus

Key apps / websites / content to support:
www.sparknotes.com has revision resources for A Christmas
Carol, An Inspector Calls and Macbeth (it also includes a ‘No-
Fear Shakespeare’ version of Macbeth
www.pobble365.com gives a picture stimulus every day,
which can be used as practice for Language Paper 1 writing.

Combined Science GCSE                                                        Cell Biology
                                                                                                                             The rate
                                                                                                                             and extent
                                                                             Infection and    response      and the          of chemical Particle      Magnetism
Why study this course?                                                       response         Inheritance,  periodic         change      model of
Science is the subject which allows you to study and question                Bioenergetics    variation     table            Organic     matter
                                                                                              and           Bonding,         chemistry   Atomic
the world around you and the reason behind everyday                                           evolution     structure        Chemical    structure
phenomena such as how electricity travels around devices                                      Ecology       and              analysis
                                                                                                            properties       Chemistry
and how the body works. Within Combined Science, you will                                                   of matter        of the
learn about topics relating to the 3 Science disciplines:                                                   Quantitative atmosphere
                                                                                                            chemistry        Using
Biology, Chemistry and Physics, so you can fully understand                                                 Chemical         resources
the scientific world. By studying science, you will develop your                                            and
investigative and problem-solving skills as well as enhancing                                               changes
practical techniques.                                                                                           6 x 1hr 15min exam
                                                                                                           Foundation and Higher tier
                                                                                                             75 Marks per assessment
                                                                                                        Each exam is worth 16.7% of GCSE

As one of the core subjects, Science is one of the subjects
that all pupils study at either Combined or Triple Science
                                                                             Our assessment objectives
levels. GCSE Science qualifications are a perfect
                                                                              AO1            Are students able to recall the key information
steppingstone for continuing to A Level Science qualification
                                                                              40%            covered within the Science GCSE?
which can lead to medicine related careers, engineering and
                                                                                             Can students suggest why some things happen in
many other STEM related careers                                                              Science?
                                                                              AO2            Are students able to accurately describe the
                                                                              40%            scientific process behind why things happen?
Exam Board:                                                                                  Can students describe how to investigate the
AQA                                                                                          science behind a big idea?
                                                                              AO3            Can students apply their knowledge to new and
                                                                              20%            unusual situations?

Overview of assessment and assessment topics:
            Biology                 Chemistry                Physics
     Paper 1        Paper 2   Paper 1       Paper 2   Paper 1      Paper 2

Key Skills:
     • Learners will develop scientific knowledge and
                                                                 Recommended revision techniques:
       conceptual understanding through the specific
       disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.            Regular review over covered topics is essential. By using the
    • Learners will develop understanding of the nature,
                                                                 workbook to answer 1-2 pages per week, learners will recap
       processes and methods of Science, through different
                                                                 all of the Science content in 6 months.
       types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer
       scientific questions about the world around them.         YouTube also has a lot of resources to help learners revise,
    • Learners will develop and learn to apply                   including: Primrose Kitten
       observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and          https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBgvmal8AR4QIK2e0EfJ
       problem-solving skills, both in the laboratory, in the
                                                                 waA, Free Science Lessons:
       field and in other learning environments.
    • Learners will develop their ability to evaluate claims
       based on science through critical analysis of the         G3_bw , Khan academy:
       methodology, evidence and conclusions, both               https://www.youtube.com/user/khanacademy, Seneca
       qualitatively and quantitatively.                         Learning is a free learning platform where learners can access
     AQA              AQA              AQA              AQA      a range of courses from KS3 to their GCSEs. All learners can
 Combined          Combined         Combined        Combined     sign up at any level and can pick and choose which topics
   Science          Science           Science         Science    they want to revise.https://www.senecalearning.com/
 Higher Level     Higher Level     Foundation       Foundation
   Revision        Workbook       Level Revision        Level
    Guide                              Guide         Workbook

  ISBN: 978-      ISBN: 978-      ISBN: 978-       ISBN: 978-
 1782945598      1782944850      1782945604       1782944867

Science: Biology (As part of separate                              separate qualification for each of the Science disciplines as
                                                                   you will study concepts in more detail.
Sciences) GCSE
Why study this course?
By studying GCSE Biology, you will delve further into the study    Exam Board:
of living organisms and how they interact with the                 AQA
environment around them. This will include:-
                                                                   Overview of Assessments and Topics:
     •   how cells build up to organisms and how the parts of
         the organisms lead to a living organism                                 Paper 1                                  Paper 2
     •   How organs work like the heart, lungs, eyes and kidneys   Cell Biology                              Homeostasis and response
                                                                   Organisation                              Inheritance, variation and
     •   How genes are past and how this leads to evolution
                                                                   Infection and response                    evolution
     •   How humans affect the environment and the                 Bioenergetics                             Ecology
         organisms that live in them                                                            2 x 1hr 45 min exam
     •   How pathogens infect humans, and how infections are                                Foundation and higher tier
         fought                                                                              100 Marks per assessment
                                                                                          Each exam is 50% of the GCSE
     •   How Biology advancements, such as cloning and
         monoclonal antibodies, are being used in the modern
         world                                                     *Although the topics listed are similar to the topics in GCSE Combined Science, there
                                                                                 is additional content that learners are required to learn.
Alongside the theory you will learn about, you will develop not
only your practical skills but also problem solving and            Our assessment objectives:
analytical skills.                                                  AO1           Are students able to recall the key information
                                                                    40%           covered within the Science GCSE?
A GCSE in Biology is also a fantastic step towards studying A                     Can students suggest why some things happen in
Level Biology, which in turn is a step towards a career in                        Science?
medicine and health care, marine Biology, Neurology and             AO2           Are students able to accurately describe the
many other STEM careers.                                            40%           scientific process behind why things happen?
                                                                                  Can students describe how to investigate the
If you choose to study GCSE Biology, as part of Separate                          science behind a big idea?
Sciences, instead of Combined Science you will gain a               AO3           Can students apply their knowledge to new and
                                                                    20%           unusual situations?

Key Skills:
     Learners will develop scientific knowledge and
     •                                                        Recommended revision techniques:
     conceptual understanding through the specific
     discipline of Biology.
                                                              Regular review over covered topics is essential. By using the
   • Learners will develop understanding of the nature,
                                                              workbook to answer 1-2 pages per week, learners will recap
     processes and methods of Science, through different
     types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer   all of the Biology content in 3 months.
     scientific questions about the world around them.        YouTube also has a lot of resources to help learners revise,
   • Learners will develop and learn to apply                 including: Primrose Kitten:
     observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and
     problem-solving skills, both in the laboratory, in the
                                                              waA Free Science Lessons:
     field and in other learning environments.
   • Learners will develop their ability to evaluate claims
     based on science through critical analysis of the        G3_bw Khan academy:
     methodology, evidence and conclusions, both              https://www.youtube.com/user/khanacademy
     qualitatively and quantitatively.
                                                              Seneca Learning is a free learning platform where learners
Recommended revision Guides
                                                              can access a range of courses from KS3 to their GCSEs. All
 AQA Biology    AQA Biology     AQA Biology    AQA Biology    learners can sign up at any level and can pick and choose
   Higher       Higher Level    Foundation     Foundation     which topics they want to revise.
  Revision       Workbook         Revision        Level       https://www.senecalearning.com/
   Guide                           Guide        Workbook

  ISBN: 978-      ISBN: 978-     ISBN: 978-      ISBN: 978-
 1782945598      1782944928     1789083248      1789083262

Science: Chemistry (As part of separate                           If you choose to study GCSE Chemistry, as part of Separate
                                                                  Sciences, instead of Combined Science you will gain a
Sciences) GCSE                                                    separate qualification for each of the Science disciplines as
                                                                  you will study concepts in more detail.

Why study this course?
By studying GCSE Chemistry, you will delve further into the
study of atoms and how atoms they interact with each other
                                                                  Exam Board:
to create new products. This will include:                        AQA

     •   How atoms and the Periodic Table were discovered         Overview of Assessments and Topics:
         and developed
     •   How atoms form particles and molecules, and how                        Paper 1                              Paper 2
         these interact with each other                           Atomic structure and the periodic      The rate and extent of chemical
                                                                  table                                  change
     •   How products and the amounts of products being
                                                                  Bonding, structure and properties      Organic chemistry
         made can be predicted                                    of matter                              Chemical analysis
     •   How we use resources of the earth within the modern      Quantitative chemistry                 Chemistry of the atmosphere
         world                                                    Chemical and energetic changes         Using resources
     •   How research in Chemistry has led to products in the                               2 x 1hr 45 min exam
         modern worlds, such as Nanoparticles and smart                                 Foundation and higher tier
                                                                                         100 Marks per assessment
         materials                                                                    Each exam is 50% of the GCSE

Alongside the theory you will learn about, you will develop not
                                                                  *Although the topics listed are similar to the topics in GCSE Combined Science, there
only your practical skills but also problem solving and
                                                                                is additional content that learners are required to learn.
analytical skills.

A GCSE in Chemistry is also a fantastic step towards studying
A Level Chemistry, which in turn is a step towards a career in
medicine and health care, Biochemistry, Pharmaceuticals
and many other STEM careers.

Key Skills:
                                                                   Recommended revision techniques:
      •   Learners will develop scientific knowledge and
          conceptual understanding through the specific
          discipline of Chemistry.                                 Regular review over covered topics is essential. By using the
      •   Learners will develop understanding of the nature,       workbook to answer 1-2 pages per week, learners will recap
          processes and methods of Science, through different
                                                                   all of the Chemistry content in 3 months.
          types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer
          scientific questions about the world around them.        YouTube also has a lot of resources to help learners revise,
      •   Learners will develop and learn to apply                 including: Primrose Kitten:
          observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and         https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBgvmal8AR4QIK2e0EfJ
          problem-solving skills, both in the laboratory, in the   waA Free Science Lessons:
          field and in other learning environments.
      •   Learners will develop their ability to evaluate claims
                                                                   G3_bw Khan academy:
          based on science through critical analysis of the
          methodology, evidence and conclusions, both              https://www.youtube.com/user/khanacademy
          qualitatively and quantitatively.                        Seneca Learning is a free learning platform where learners
Recommended revision Guides:                                       can access a range of courses from KS3 to their GCSEs. All
        AQA           AQA              AQA             AQA         learners can sign up at any level and can pick and choose
     Chemistry      Chemistry        Chemistry       Chemistry     which topics they want to revise.
       Higher      Higher Level     Foundation      Foundation     https://www.senecalearning.com/
      Revision      Workbook          Revision         Level
       Guide                           Guide         Workbook

   ISBN: 978-        ISBN: 978-      ISBN: 978-      ISBN: 978-
  1782945574        1792944836      1789083224      1789083255

Science: Physics (As part of separate                             Exam Board:
Sciences) GCSE
Why study this course?                                            Overview of Assessments and Topics:
By studying GCSE Physics, you will delve further into the study
of the                                                                            Paper 1                                      Paper 2
                                                                  Energy                                    Forces
     •   How atoms are structured and how unstable atoms          Electricity                               Waves
         can be used to generate energy                           Particle model of matter                  Magnetism
                                                                  Atomic structure                          Space
     •   How energy is stored and transferred
                                                                                               2 x 1hr 45 min exam
     •   How electricity interacts with components and can be                              Foundation and higher tier
         used to generate magnetism                                                         100 Marks per assessment
     •   How the universe, stars and planets are formed and                              Each exam is 50% of the GCSE
         how gravity causes these to orbit around each other
     •   How forces cause motion and how this can be used in      *Although the topics listed are similar to the topics in GCSE Combined Science, there
         the modern world                                                       is additional content that learners are required to learn.

Alongside the theory you will learn about, you will develop not   Our assessment objectives:
only your practical skills but also problem solving and            AO1           Are students able to recall the key information
analytical skills.                                                 40%           covered within the Science GCSE?
                                                                                 Can students suggest why some things happen in
A GCSE in Physics is also a fantastic step towards studying A                    Science?
Level Physics, which in turn is a step towards a career in         AO2           Are students able to accurately describe the
engineering, astrophysics, radiography and many other STEM         40%           scientific process behind why things happen?
careers.                                                                         Can students describe how to investigate the
                                                                                 science behind a big idea?
If you choose to study GCSE Chemistry, as part of Separate         AO3           Can students apply their knowledge to new and
Sciences, instead of Combined Science you will gain a              20%           unusual situations?
separate qualification for each of the Science disciplines as
you will study concepts in more detail.

Key Skills:
     •   Learners will develop scientific knowledge and           Recommended revision techniques:
         conceptual understanding through the specific
         discipline of Physics.                                   Regular review over covered topics is essential. By using the
     •   Learners will develop understanding of the nature,
                                                                  workbook to answer 1-2 pages per week, learners will recap
         processes and methods of Science, through different
                                                                  all of the Physics content in 3 months.
         types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer
         scientific questions about the world around them.        YouTube also has a lot of resources to help learners revise,
     •   Learners will develop and learn to apply                 including: Primrose Kitten
         observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and         https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBgvmal8AR4QIK2e0EfJ
         problem-solving skills, both in the laboratory, in the
                                                                  waA Free Science Lessons
         field and in other learning environments.
     •   Learners will develop their ability to evaluate claims
         based on science through critical analysis of the        G3_bw Khan academy:
         methodology, evidence and conclusions, both              https://www.youtube.com/user/khanacademy
         qualitatively and quantitatively.                        Seneca Learning is a free learning platform where learners
Recommended revision Guides                                       can access a range of courses from KS3 to their GCSEs. All
 AQA Physics      AQA Physics     AQA Physics      AQA Physics    learners can sign up at any level and can pick and choose
   Higher         Higher Level    Foundation       Foundation     which topics they want to revise.
  Revision         Workbook         Revision          Level       https://www.senecalearning.com/
   Guide                             Guide          Workbook

   ISBN: 978-      ISBN: 978-       ISBN: 978-      ISBN: 978-
  1782945581      1782944843       1789083231      1789083293

History GCSE                                                             •   Making connections between factors and events
                                                                         •   Looking at different perspectives.

Why study this course?                                                Exam Board:
History is a well-respected subject that forms part of the            Edexcel
EBACC qualification. A GCSE in History can offer many
exciting job opportunities:                                           Overview of papers/units:
                                                                      Paper 1 - British Thematic Study with Historic Environment
     •   As effective writers and communicators, many who
                                                                      [52 marks, 30% weighting, 1 hour 15 minutes]
         study History become successful journalists, authors,
                                                                      Thematic study (20%)
         editors, content managers and marketing
                                                                      -Medicine in Britain, c1250 to present
     •   History and Law are very similar subjects so many            Historic Environment (10%)
         pursue careers as lawyers, diplomats and politicians.        -The British sector of the Western Front: injuries, treatment and
     •   The course will teach you how to locate, organise and        the trenches
         manage information. This enables you to become
         outstanding researchers, librarians, information             Paper 2 - Period Study and British Depth Study [64 marks,
         managers and administrators.                                 40% weighting, 1 hour 45 minutes]
     •   You can also pursue further studies to become
                                                                      Period study (20%)
         teachers or museum facilitators.
                                                                      - The American West, c1835–c1895
Even if a career in History is not for you, GCSE History will teach
you the following skills that are useful in all professions:          British Depth Study (20%)
                                                                      - Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
     •   Researching
     •   Forming an argument                                          Paper 3 - Modern Depth Study [52 marks, 30% weighting,
     •   Reading                                                      1 hour 20 minutes]
     •   Writing                                                      Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-1939
     •   Spelling, punctuation and grammar
     •   How to analysis events and opinions
     •   Making judgements
     •   Debating

Key Skills:                                                   AO1/ AO2 ‘[Statement.]’ How far do you agree? Explain your
                                                              answer. 16 marks
Paper 1 – British Thematic Study with Historic Environment
[52 marks, 30% weighting, 1 hour 15 minutes]                  Paper 3 – Modern Depth Study [52 marks, 30% weighting,
                                                              1 hour 20 minutes]
Section A: Historic environment 10%
AO1 Describe two features of… 4 marks                         Section A
AO3 How useful are Sources A and B for an enquiry into…? 8    AO3 Give two things you can infer from Source A about... 4
marks                                                         marks
AO3 How could you follow up Source [A/B] to find out more     AO1/ AO2 Explain why.... 12 marks
about…? 4 marks
                                                              Section B
Section B: Thematic study 20%                                 AO3 How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry into...? 8
AO1/ AO2 Explain one way in which X was [similar/different]   marks
to Y. 4 marks                                                 AO4 What is the main difference between the views? 4 marks
AO1/ AO2 Explain why… 12 marks                                AO4 Suggest one reason why Interpretations 1 and 2 give
AO1/ AO2 ‘[Statement.]’ How far do you agree? Explain your    different views about... 4 marks
answer. 16 marks + 4 marks for SPaG                           AO4 How far do you agree with Interpretation [1/2] about...?
                                                              16 marks + 4 marks for SPaG
Paper 2 – Period Study and British Depth Study [64 marks,
40% weighting, 1 hour 45 minutes]                             Key Websites :
                                                              GCSE BBC Bitesize, BBC Teach.
Booklet P: Period Study 20%
AO1/ AO2 Explain two consequences of… 8 marks                 Revision guides:
AO1/ AO2 Write a narrative account analysing… 8 marks            •   GCSE History Edexcel Revision Guide - for the Grade 9-
AO1/ AO2 Explain two of the following: The importance of X           1 Course (CGP GCSE History 9-1 Revision)
for Y. 16 marks                                                  •   Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History Early Elizabethan
Booklet B: British Depth Study 20%                                   England Revision Guide and Workbook: with free online
AO1 Describe two features of… 4 marks                                edition (Revise Edexcel GCSE History 16)
AO1/ AO2 Explain why… 12 marks

•   Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History Medicine in Britain
         Revision Guide and Workbook: with free online edition
         (Revise Edexcel GCSE History 16)
     •   Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History The American West
         Revision Guide and Workbook: with free online edition
         (Revise Edexcel GCSE History 16)
     •   Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History Weimar and Nazi
         Germany, 1918-39 Revision Guide and Workbook with
         free online edition (Revise Edexcel GCSE History 16)

Geography GCSE                                                     Key Skills:

                                                                   Paper 1 – Living in the UK Today [30% weighting, 1 hour]:
Why study this course?
Geography helps us to explore the world around us and                 •   Knowledge of locations, places, environments,
recognise the great differences and diversity in cultures,                processes on different scales (global and local)
political systems, economies, landscapes, and environments            •   Knowledge of social, political and cultural contexts
across the world, while enabling us to explore the links                  and impact on geographical material
between them. It is a fantastically connective subject that has       •   Understanding of interactions between people and
crossovers and links to other subject areas. The skills that you          environments
learn in Geography, such as independent learning,                     •   Understand changes in places and processes over
teamwork, research, data analysis, report and essay writing,              space and time, and understand interrelationship
are highly transferable with other subject areas and therefore            between geographical phenomena at different scales
can support your learning elsewhere.

Exam Board:                                                        Paper 2 – The World Around Us [30% weighting, 1 hour]:
OCR Specification A
                                                                      •   Knowledge of locations, places, environments,
Overview of papers/units:                                                 processes on different scales (global and local)
Unit 1 – Living in the UK Today [30% weighting, 1 hour]:              •   Knowledge of social, political and cultural contexts
Landscape of the UK / People of the UK / UK Environmental                 and impact on geographical material
Challenges                                                            •   Understanding of interactions between people and
                                                                      •   Understand changes in places and processes over
Unit 2 – The World Around Us [30% weighting, 1 hour]:
                                                                          space and time, and understand interrelationship
Ecosystems of the Planet / People of the Planet /
                                                                          between geographical phenomena at different scales
Environmental threats to our planet

Unit 3 – Geographical Skills [40% weighting, 1 hour 30 minutes]:
Geographical Skills / Fieldwork Assessment

Paper 3 – Geographical Skills [40% weighting, 1 hour 30
minutes] :

     •   Develop fieldwork skills, using maps and Geographical
         Information Systems, and researching secondary
         evidence including digital sources
     •   Develop enquiry and investigation approaches.
     •   Apply geographical skills to real work contexts and
         contemporary situations
     •   Develop cartographic skills, graphical skills, and
         numerical and statistical skills

Key Websites:
GCSE Bite size, Cool Geography, Geography on the Internet.

     •   “Geographical Skills and Fieldwork OCR GCSE (9-1)
         Geography A and B” – Steph Warren – ISBN

     •   OCR A GCSE “Geography: Geographical Themes
         Student Book” – Simon Ross, Alan Parkinson, Jo Debens,
         Jo Payne – ISBN 9781471853081

Spanish & German GCSE                                               Paper 2: Speaking –
                                                                    Communicating and interacting effectively in speech for a
Why study this course?                                              variety of purposes (25%)
Learning a language gives learners capability and                          The speaking exam is formed of three parts: photo
confidence for a wide range of challenging opportunities. By        card, role play and general conversation.
having a GCSE qualification in a language, learners will have
a valuable talent that is applicable to everything they do.         Paper 3: Reading –
Russell Group Universities, such as The University of Oxford,        Understanding and responding to different types of written
Cambridge, York and Exeter, consider a language GCSE a              language (25%):
facilitating subject. Learning a language develops key skills
that employers value and there are unlimited areas of interest      Section A: Questions in English, to be answered in English.
in the working world where languages are an asset: tourism,         Section B: Questions in Spanish/German, to be answered in
business, retail, law, teaching, international banking and Civil    Spanish/German.
                                                                    Section C: Translation from Spanish/German into English.
Service. In addition, learning a language helps your memory,
creativity, communication skills and confidence meaning
you’ll develop essential skills that will help you in any subject
                                                                    Paper 4: Writing –
                                                                    Communicating effectively in writing for a variety of purposes
or any career in the future. With a language, the prospects
are endless.

Exam Board:                                                         Theme 1: Identity and culture (social media, music, sports,
AQA                                                                 relationships)
                                                                    Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of
                                                                    interest (towns, environment, holidays, Spanish and German
Overview of papers:                                                 festivals)
Paper 1: Listening –                                                Theme 3: Current and future study and employment (jobs,
Understanding and responding to different types of spoken           school life)
language (25%):
Section A: Questions in English, to be answered in English.         Facilitating subjects:
Section B: Questions in Spanish/German, to be answered in              -   English
Spanish/German.                                                        -   Sciences
                                                                       -   Business Studies
                                                                       -   German

A GCSE in a language will equip you with essential
Revision guides:                                                    communication skills (for use with any language) for life. This is
                                                                    a key asset that employers seek.
GCSE Spanish AQA Complete Revision & Practice (with CD &
                                                                    Revision techniques:
Online Edition) - Grade 9-1 Course (CGP GCSE Spanish 9-1
                                                                    •   Revise a range of vocabulary for the topics (teachers
Revision) - 978-1782945482 – Amazon, WHSmith, Waterstones
                                                                        provide vocabulary lists printed or on Quizlet). The best
Revise AQA GCSE (9-1) Spanish Revision Workbook: for the 9-1
                                                                        thing to do is study little and often! Do not leave it all to
exams (Revise AQA GCSE MFL 16) - 978-1292131412 - Amazon,
                                                                        the last minute. 10 minutes, 5 days a week would really
WHSmith, Waterstones
                                                                        make a difference. Some useful methods of revising
                                                                        vocabulary are:
AQA GCSE Spanish Grammar and Translation Workbook - 978-
                                                                    •   Creating mind maps
1292133195 - Amazon, WHSmith, Waterstones, could also
                                                                    •   Look, cover, write, check
order from school if necessary
                                                                    •   Using Quizlet
                                                                    •   Finding the opposites of words (dictionary required)
German:                                                             •   Finding synonyms for key words (dictionary required)
GCSE German AQA Complete Revision & Practice (with CD &             •   Listen to as much Spanish or German music as you can
Online Edition) - Grade 9-1 Course (CGP GCSE German 9-1             •   Watch as much Spanish or German TV shows/films as you
Revision) - 978-1782945543 - Amazon, WHSmith, Waterstones               can (you change the language on hundreds of films on
Revise AQA GCSE (9-1) German Revision Guide: includes                   Netflix so you can watch a familiar programme but in
online edition (Revise AQA GCSE MFL 16) - 978-1292131436 -              Spanish or German!)
Amazon, WHSmith, and Waterstones                                    •   Speak as much of the language as possible: practise with
Stimmt!                                                                 a friend; teach a family member; seek opportunities if
AQA GCSE German Grammar and Translation Workbook -                      you’re travelling or visiting to that country; record yourself
978-1292132617 - Amazon, WHSmith, Waterstones, could also               speaking and listen to it back.
order from school if necessary                                      •   Read your favourite books or magazines in Spanish or
                                                                        German (you can find various online or buy translated
Key Skills:                                                             copies fairly cheap from Amazon)
Listening, reading, writing, speaking, translation, intercultural   •   Don’t get frustrated when you come across something
understanding.                                                          difficult or complicated. Learning a language is really hard
                                                                        but it’s important to not give up because you CAN do it.
                                                                        When getting frustrated or stuck, make a note of the

You can also read