Ganges and Indus river basin land use/land cover (LULC) and irrigated area mapping using continuous streams of MODIS data - Southwest ...

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Ganges and Indus river basin land use/land cover (LULC) and irrigated area mapping using continuous streams of MODIS data - Southwest ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317 – 341

 Ganges and Indus river basin land use/land cover (LULC) and irrigated
        area mapping using continuous streams of MODIS data
                                  Prasad S. ThenkabailT, Mitchell Schull, Hugh Turral
                                 International Water Management Institute (IWMI), P.O. Box 2075, Colombo, Sri Lanka

                          Received 7 September 2004; received in revised form 8 December 2004; accepted 11 December 2004


    The overarching goal of this study was to map irrigated areas in the Ganges and Indus river basins using near-continuous time-series (8-
day), 500-m resolution, 7-band MODIS land data for 2001–2002. A multitemporal analysis was conducted, based on a mega file of 294
wavebands, made from 42 MODIS images each of 7 bands. Complementary field data were gathered from 196 locations. The study began
with the development of two cloud removal algorithms (CRAs) for MODIS 7-band reflectivity data, named: (a) blue-band minimum
reflectivity threshold and (b) visible-band minimum reflectivity threshold.
    A series of innovative methods and approaches were introduced to analyze time-series MODIS data and consisted of: (a) brightness-
greenness-wetness (BGW) RED-NIR 2-dimensional feature space (2-d FS) plots for each of the 42 dates, (b) end-member (spectral angle)
analysis using RED-NIR single date (RN-SD) plots, (c) combining several RN-SDs in a single plot to develop RED-NIR multidate (RN-
MDs) plots in order to help track changes in magnitude and direction of spectral classes in 2-d FS, (d) introduction of a unique concept of
space-time spiral curves (ST-SCs) to continuously track class dynamics over time and space and to determine class separability at various
time periods within and across seasons, and (e) to establish unique class signatures based on NDVI (CS-NDVI) and/or multiband reflectivity
(CS-MBR), for each class, and demonstrate their intra- and inter-seasonal and intra- and inter-year characteristics. The results from these
techniques and methods enabled us to gather precise information on onset-peak-senescence-duration of each irrigated and rainfed classes.
    The resulting 29 land use/land cover (LULC) map consisted of 6 unique irrigated area classes in the total study area of 133,021,156 ha
within the Ganges and Indus basins. Of this, the net irrigated area was estimated as 33.08 million hectares—26.6% by canals and 73.4z5 by
groundwater. Of the 33.08 Mha, 98.4% of the area was irrigated during khariff (Southwest monsoonal rainy season during June–October),
92.5% irrigated during Rabi (Northeast monsoonal rainy season during November–February), and only 3.5% continuously through the year.
    Quantitative Fuzzy Classification Accuracy Assessment (QFCAA) showed that the accuracies of the 29 classes varied from 56% to
100%—with 17 classes above 80% accurate and 23 classes above 70% accurate.
    The MODIS band 5 centered at 1240 nm provided the best separability in mapping irrigated area classes, followed by bands 2 (centered at
859 nm), 7 (2130 nm) and 6 (1640 nm).
D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: MODIS; Reflectance; Irrigated areas; Land use; Land cover (LULC); Ganges; RED-NIR; Change vector analysis; Spiral curve; Two-band
vegetation indices

1. Background and rationale                                                  most critical resource in the twenty-first century—with
                                                                             increasing demands and decreasing supplies. Irrigation is
  The World Summit on Sustainable Development                                estimated to consume about 60% of the world’s diverted
(WSSD) in Johannesburg (2002) declared water to be the                       freshwater resources. In response to continued population
                                                                             growth (projected to rise from 6 billion now to 8.3 billion
                                                                             in 2030) and increased calorific intake of food (to 3000
 T Corresponding author. Tel.: +94 1 2787404; fax: +94 1 2786854.            calories per day per person from the current 2100; FAO,
   E-mail address: (P.S. Thenkabail).                 2003), the demand for water for irrigation is forecast to
0034-4257/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Ganges and Indus river basin land use/land cover (LULC) and irrigated area mapping using continuous streams of MODIS data - Southwest ...
318                             P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341

grow. This is neither feasible, due to shortage of water               acceptable levels of accuracy (Thenkabail et al., 2004a) to
resources in many parts of the globe nor desirable because             avoid serious implications of land cover misclassification
of the negative environmental impacts of irrigation                    on, for example, global land surface models (DeFries &
schemes.                                                               Los, 1999).
    Improved water accounting is required to track                         In order to achieve this goal, GIAM uses datasets that
agricultural and nonagricultural water use, particularly in            include AVHRR (1 km to 10 km), SPOT Vegetation (1
irrigation. This will require mapping LULC and irrigated               km), MODIS (250–500 m), ASTER (15–90 m), ETM+
area classes on a near-continuous (e.g., every 8-day)                  (15–30 m), TM (30 m), and IRS (5–23.5 m). Irrigated
basis. Most of the LULC classification efforts in the past             classes form part of some of LULC mapping efforts (e.g.,
three decades used single or a selected few remote                     Loveland et al., 2000), but no special focus or
sensing images (see Foody, 2002). Such classifications                 importance was given to them, leading to a large
provide little or no information on the temporal dynamics              percentage of mixed classes with natural vegetation.
of LULC classes, highly limiting their use in applications             Primarily, there are non-remote sensing based studies on
such as hydrological modeling and evapotranspiration                   irrigated areas (e.g., CBIP, 1989, 1994; Siebert, 1999).
estimations (DeFries & Los, 1999). In recent years,                    The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2003;
AVHRR pathfinder time-series images (e.g., DeFries et                  Framji et al., 1981–1983; Siebert, 1999) of the United
al., 1998; Loveland et al., 2000) have been used to                    Nations estimates that about 20% of the arable land is
capture temporal dynamics of LULC at global level.                     irrigated at present with various scenarios of projected
However, it is only recently that near-continuous (e.g., 8-            increases in the future, but provides no spatial map of
day composites) time series images from sensors such as                where these areas are. Current estimated trends in
Moderate Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) on board                         irrigation development are generally derived from
NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites have allowed assess-                  national agricultural statistics with many uncertainties
ment of LULC dynamics and quantitative landscape                       about their accuracy.
characteristics (e.g., biomass, leaf area index) (Huete et                 With the overall scope of the GIAM project as
al., 2002) in near real time. For example, using these                 discussed in the previous paragraph in mind, we focus
datasets, vegetation in continuous streams are currently               on mapping LULC with particular interest on irrigated
produced (                 areas in the Ganges and Indus river basin using MODIS
MODIS data are also known to provide a significant                     data for year 2001–2002. The study will use multi-date,
improvement in terms of quality relative to the heritage               near-continuous, MODIS data, and adopt a series of
AVHRR data (Friedl et al., 2000). The advances in                      innovative methods and procedures—the N-dimensional
spectral, spatial, radiometric, and temporal resolutions of            change vector analysis (CVA), new space-time spiral-curve
MODIS datasets () are further complimented by advances                 techniques to assess subtle and not-so subtle quantitative
in cloud/haze removal algorithms, time compositing, and                changes over time and space, and evaluate the study using
normalization of data into reflectance. It is well estab-              fuzzy classification accuracy assessment. Through these
lished that LULC and irrigated area maps of the present                measures we plan to demonstrate a unique set of data,
day require capturing quantitative dynamics over space                 methods, procedures, and protocols for mapping irrigated
and time (DeFries & Los, 1999; Foody, 2002; Huete et                   areas. The Ganges and Indus basins (referred to as Indo-
al., 2002) in order to enable them to be used more                     Gangetic) was selected for this study because it is one of
productively in studies such as hydrological modeling                  the most densely populated and intensively cultivated areas
(Foody, 2002), drought assessments (Thenkabail et al.,                 of the world with irrigation forming a key role in food
2004b), impact on biodiversity (Chapin et al., 2000),                  production.
human habitability and climate change (Skole et al.,
1994), global warming (Penner et al., 1992) and soil
erosion (Douglas, 1983).                                               2. Study area and the MODIS data
    The research described in this paper falls within the
framework of the Global Irrigated Area Mapping (GIAM)                     The study area (see non-hatched area within the basin
project at IWMI (Droogers, 2002; Turral, 2002). The                    boundary in Fig. 1) covers 63% (133,071,400 ha) of the
principal objective of GIAM is to map irrigated areas at               Indo-Gangetic plain (total area=211,224,444 ha). The
different levels (global to local) and at different scales             study area was chosen based on the importance of the
using satellite sensor data from various eras. Global LULC             area for agriculture and irrigation and a need to map this
are essential to advancing most global change research                 area (Droogers, 2002; Turral, 2002). The Ganges river
objectives (Loveland et al., 2000). Regional and local                 basin originates in the Himalayan glaciers named Gang-
LULC efforts must aim for a greater number of discrete                 otri, about 4270 m above sea level. It has one of the most
classes of relevance to a wide variety of users (Thenkabail,           fertile lands and has a very high population density of
1999; Thenkabail & Nolte, 2003). Irrespective of the level             about 530 persons per square kilometer. The river flows
at which the classes are mapped, it is essential to establish          through 29 cities each with a population of over 100,000,
Ganges and Indus river basin land use/land cover (LULC) and irrigated area mapping using continuous streams of MODIS data - Southwest ...
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                                                     E80°                  E100°






                                                                                         600     0     600   1200
                                                                                            Scale 1:40 000 000 Kilometers

Fig. 1. The study area within the Ganges and Indus basins. The un-hatched portion of the Ganges and Indus basins shown on an AVHRR image. The Z-scale
shows scaled normalized difference vegetation index (SNDVI) for October 1990.

23 cities each with a population between 50,000 and                           Imagine 8.6 from which the areas within the Ganges and
100,000, and about 48 towns (Aitken, 1992; Ilich, 1996).                      Indus basins were delineated (Fig. 1).
The source of the Indus River is in Western Tibet in the
Mount Kailas region at an altitude of 5500 m above sea
level. The Indus basin comprises the Indus river, its five                    3. Methods and techniques
major left bank tributaries—the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi,
Beas and Sutlej rivers—and one major right bank                               3.1. Mega file: multitemporal MODIS data for Ganges and
tributary, the Kabul (Khan, 1999). The catchments contain                     Indus river basins
some of the largest glaciers in the world outside the Polar
Regions (Meadows, 1999). The southwest monsoon or                                In this study, we use the MOD09 product, with 7 of the
khariff season (June to October) is followed by northeast                     36 MODIS 500 m bands. The MOD09 is computed from
monsoon or Rabi season (November to February). The                            MODIS level 1B land bands 1–7 (centered at 648 nm, 858
mean annual rainfall is about 2000 mm, of which                               nm, 470 nm, 555 nm, 1240 nm, 1640 nm, and 2130 nm).
approximately 70% occurs during the khariff season.                           The product is an estimate of the surface reflectance for
The dry season (March–May) the highest temperatures                           each band as it would have been measured at ground level
vary between 40 and 45 8C.                                                    if there was no atmospheric scattering or absorption
    In order to enable the study of the characteristics of                    (Vermote et al., 2002). The original MODIS data are
land use and irrigation on a near- continuous basis, the 8-                   acquired in 12-bit (0–4096 levels), and are stretched to 16-
day composite MODIS images of year 2001, a rainfall                           bit (0–65,536 levels). Dividing these data by 100 will
normal year, and year 2002, which experienced rainfall                        make them comparable to laboratory spectra in the 0–
deficit in terms of amount and distribution, were selected).                  100% range.
One of the main goals of the study was to establish crop                         The long time series analysis of MODIS data requires
calendar for irrigated area crops as precisely as possible.                   construction of mega datasets that involve hundreds of
The goal was to determine onset-duration-magnitude of the                     bands. Altogether 294 bands (42 images7 bands) from
peak-senescence for each irrigated area class. As a result                    21 images from year 2001 and 2002 were formulated
we need to use as frequent images as possible-leading us                      into a single mega file of approximately 7 GB. A
to use 8-day composites and apply cloud removal                               separate 42-band NDVI mega file (one NDVI band for
algorithm rather than use 32-day images with significantly                    each date) was also created. The single mega file
lesser cloud issues. About 95% of the Ganges basin (total                     facilitate (a) analyzing the time series in their entirety
area 95,111,154 ha) and 37% of the Indus basin                                (e.g., they perform unsupervised classification of 294-
(116,113,290 ha), were covered by 3 MODIS tiles                               band data and determine how classes change in
(h24v06, h25v06, and h26v06; each tile of 10001000                           magnitude and direction over space and time) and (b)
km). The three tiles were mosaicked into a single                             tracking quantitative changes at any level in near-
contiguous tile by running batch scripts in ERDAS                             continuous mode (e.g., NDVI variations at pixel or
Ganges and Indus river basin land use/land cover (LULC) and irrigated area mapping using continuous streams of MODIS data - Southwest ...
320                               P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341

entire study-area level in 8-day time interval). Performing              removed and (c) none of the desert gets removed. A simple
analysis on 10 s or 100 s of images of individual dates                  algorithm for cloud removal in ERMapper (ERMapper,
is too cumbersome, leads to repetitive work, hard to                     2004) was:
keep track of class number changes for a given pixel,
                                                                         If ði3N21%Þ then null else I                             ð1Þ
and just leads to chaos of handling too many files. In
comparison mega file offers a single file of data, a                     Where, i3 is MODIS band 3 (blue band). The algorithm
single file of output, and provide temporal variations for               assigns null values to all cloud areas.
every pixel in quantitative terms (e.g., NDVI dynamics
over time).                                                     Visible band minimum reflectivity threshold for
                                                                         cloud. The minimum reflectivity of clouds in the MODIS
3.2. Cloud removal algorithm                                             visible bands (bands 3, 4, and 1), provide the best
                                                                         separability in which almost all clouds gets removed.
   The Indo-Gangetic basin is subject to the effects of the              The algorithm for cloud removal, using this approach
oscillating Sub-Tropical Convergence Zone (www.srh.                      with MODIS visible bands 3 (blue), 4 (green), and 1 These effects include the monsoon (June–                   (red) was
September), which brings extensive cloud cover and heavy
                                                                         If ði1N22 and i3N21 and i4N23Þ then null else I          ð2Þ
rains. During this season, there is a great change in the
vegetation cover, rapid change in its dynamics and biomass                  However, when using this approach much of snow and
accumulation. In order to retain the maximum number of                   a significant portion of the desert also get removed. This is
time series images during this period we (a) retained all                not a problem, since we have several other time series
images with b5% cloud cover and (b) developed a cloud-                   images where snow and desert data exist in their entirety.
masking algorithm so as to eliminate areas of cloud cover                So clouds were removed using Eq. (2), but snow and desert
and retain the rest of the image as is. Of 42 images, 8 images           areas were retained in their entirety, based on non-cloudy
had 25–40% cloud cover which also implies that 60–75% of                 images.
133 million hectare study area is cloud-free. Our attempts to               The results of cloud removal have been illustrated before
use MODIS quality control layers and flags were not                      and after images in Fig. 2.
successful and resulted in several difficulties. These include:
(a) cloud vs. snow vs. desert sand vs. aerosol confusion: as a           3.3. Normalization of temporal variability
result of this often Himalayan seasonal snow was removed
as cloud; (b) over-correction issue: over correction by                     The MODIS reflectance product has gone through a
quality control flags lead to significantly low reflectance              rigorous atmospheric correction scheme based on the 6S
values which in turn effected temporal NDVI profiles; and                radiative transfer code for normalizing for molecular
(c) bblockyQ effects: applying quality flags lead to bblockyQ            scattering, gaseous absorption and aerosols that affect
effects in the images probably as a result of original quality           the top of the atmosphere (TOA) signal (see inter alia
flags being performed at 1-km pixel size which seemed to                 Vermote et al., 2002). Aerosol effects are known to
cause bblocky/noisyQ effects in 500-m pixels (four 500-m                 remain uncorrected even after long compositing periods
pixels in one 1-km pixels). In fact, we were able to establish           (e.g., a month) (Vermote et al., 2002) so such effects in
a more consistent, smooth, and stable NDVI profiles from                 8-day time intervals are significant. It would be desirable
the MODIS cloud removal algorithm specially developed in                 to do further corrections for these effects, for which we
this study rather than use MOD09 QC layers.                              found a time-invariant location in the Rajasthan desert,
                                                                         calculated mean values of each band for each of the 42
3.2.1. Cloud algorithm: statistical characteristics                      images for this time-invariant location, determined the
   Clouds have unique spectral characteristics with consis-              calibration coefficient of each band for each date by
tently high reflectivity in all visible and NIR wavebands, but           dividing its reflectance by the mean, and then normalized
are quite often mixed with snow and desert backgrounds—                  images of each date by multiplying using calibration
the other two highly reflective classes. To establish clear              coefficients.
statistical characteristics for clouds, we obtained sample
spectra from 350 locations for clouds, 240 locations for                 3.4. Image processing and interpretation
snow and 180 locations for deserts. When the means,
minima and maxima of spectra for the clouds, snow and                       A summary of the image processing and interpretation
desert were plotted the results showed there were 2 excellent            undertaken in this research is provided in Fig. 3. The
possibilities for separating most of the clouds.                         basis of the work stems from unsupervised classification
                                                                         of all bands in the mega file, followed by various Blue band minimum reflectivity threshold for cloud.             innovative refinements in class membership using techni-
When we use minimum blue band reflectivity of 21% or                     ques derived from RED-NIR and time series signatures,
above (a) all clouds get removed, (b) much of snow gets                  which are discussed in more detail in the section on
P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341                                                                    321

       Before Cloud Removal Algorithm Day 153 2001                                                  Before Cloud Removal Algorithm Day 185 2001
                E70Ê     E75Ê        E80Ê        E85Ê       E90Ê    E95Ê         E100Ê                     E70Ê     E75Ê        E80Ê        E85Ê       E90Ê    E95Ê         E100Ê

                                                                                 TCC;RGB                                                                                    TCC;RGB
                                                                                 1,4,3                                                                                      1,4,3
                                                                                 648, 555, 470 nm                                                                           648, 555, 470 nm
                   500          0          500      1000                         Day 153 2001                 500          0          500      1000                         Day 185 2001
                                                       Kilometers                                                                                 Kilometers
                            Scale 1:16 500 000                                                                         Scale 1:16 500 000

                                                                           RGB                                                                                        RGB

       After Cloud Removal Algorithm Day 153 2001                                                   After Cloud Removal Algorithm Day 185 2001
                E70Ê     E75Ê        E80Ê        E85Ê       E90Ê    E95Ê         E100Ê                     E70Ê     E75Ê        E80Ê        E85Ê       E90Ê    E95Ê         E100Ê


                                                                                 TCC;RGB                                                                                    TCC;RGB
                                                                                 1,4,3                                                                                      1,4,3
                                                                                 648, 555, 470 nm                                                                           648, 555, 470 nm
                   500          0          500      1000                         Day 153 2001                 500          0          500      1000                         Day 185 2001
                                                       Kilometers                                                                                 Kilometers
                            Scale 1:16 500 000                                                                         Scale 1:16 500 000

                                                                           RGB                                                                                        RGB

Fig. 2. MODIS images before and after application on cloud removal algorithm. An algorithm was developed to remove cloud from MODIS data. The figures
above show the cloud removal capability of the algorithms.

Results and discussion. Ground-truth data have therefore                                               We adopted a hierarchical classification system based on
been a crucial element in the process and are described in                                           modified Anderson classification (Anderson et al., 1976).
the next section.                                                                                    For example, if a class does not belong to rice (class A) or

Fig. 3. Ground truth data point distributions in the study area. Precise location of the 9090 m ground truth locations spread across the study area shown on a
MODIS RED-NIR image. Color key: red: dry, cyan/green/yellow: green, blue/light blue: wet. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
322                                        P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341

sugarcane (class B) it will fall into a higher category of                                         samples (Congalton, 1988) was infeasible due to limitations
irrigated croplands (classes A and B).                                                             in resources.
                                                                                                      At each location (e.g., Fig. 5), the following data were
4. Ground-truth data
                                                                                                   1. LULC classes: levels I, II and III of the Anderson
    Ground truthing was conducted during October 1–22,                                                approach.
2003 to coincide with the peak khariff (monsoonal rainy                                            2. Land cover types (percentage): trees, shrubs, grasses,
season from June to October) conditions. For such a large                                             built-up area, water, fallow lands, weeds, different crops,
area as the Ganges and Indus basins, random or systematic                                             sand, snow, rock, and fallow farms.
sampling is unrealistic and costly (Muchoney & Strahler,                                           3. Crop types, cropping pattern and cropping calendar: for
2002). Therefore, the sampling was stratified by access                                               khariff, rabi (second main cropping period from Novem-
through roads and foot paths and randomized by locating                                               ber to March) and interim seasons.
sites every few minutes of the drive.                                                              4. Source of water: irrigated, rain-fed, supplemental
    The MODIS data require a minimum sampling unit of                                                 irrigation.
500 m500 m, which in itself is inadequate. A larger                                               5. 311 digital photos hot linked @ 196 locations.
sampling unit is desired, but was quite impractical in the
field. The approach we adopted was to look for contiguous                                             The data were organized in proprietary image processing
areas of homogeneous classes within which to sample (see                                           and GIS formats with accompanying metadata so that they
Thenkabail, 2003, for sampling LAI), taking a representa-                                          could be co-located with the unsupervised classification
tive area of 90 m90 m. Class labels were assigned in the                                          (e.g., Fig. 4).
field, using a system that allows merging to a higher class or
breakdown into a distinct class, based on the land cover
percentages taken at each location.                                                                5. Results and discussion
    In all, about 6500 km were covered to gather data from
196 sample locations (Fig. 4). The precise locations of the                                        5.1. Unsupervised classification
samples were recorded by GPS in the Universal Transverse
Mercator (UTM) and the latitude/longitude coordinate                                                  To begin with, unsupervised classification was per-
system with a common datum of WGS84. The sample size                                               formed on the mega file (UC-MF) using an ISODATA
per class varied from 8 to 37 and the ideal target of 50                                           statistical clustering algorithm for multidimensional data

                            Cloud Removal Algorithms (CRAs):                             Mega-file (MFC) for time-series analysis
                            (A) Blue band minimum reflectivity threshold,                of 294 bands for 2001 and 2002
                            (B) Visible band minimum reflectivity                        42 MODIS 500-m 7-band images

                         End Member Analysis (EMA) :                                                           Multidate-multiband
                         Brightness-greenness-Wetness (BGW)
                                                                            Calculate Statistics            unsupervised classification
                         2-dimensional Feature Space (BGW                                                        (MD-MB UC)

                     NIR-RED Single Dates                              Class
                         (NR-SDs)                                                                          Class Signature based on NDVI
                                                                                                              (CS-NDVI): time-series

                     NIR-RED Multi Dates                          Mega Classes

                                                                 Class refinement                            Ground truth
                    Space-Time Spiral-Curve
                    (ST-SCs) from multi-date
                         tasseled cap                                                                                                          composition
                                                                   simplification                          Net irrigated
                            Class Signatures                                                                   area
                    Multi-band Reflectivity (CS-MBR)

                                                                     Extraction of
                       2-band spectral plots                       Irrigated pixels                  Kharif, Rabi, and              Quantitative Fuzzy Classification
                            2:1 & 6:7                                                               Continuous irrigated                Accuracy Assessment
                                                                                                           areas                             (QFCAA)

Fig. 4. Methods and techniques workflow diagram. Flow chart showing methods and techniques of LULC and irrigated area mapping using continuous streams
of MODIS data.
P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341                                           323

Fig. 5. Photographs illustrating irrigated area classes and forest cover land use and land cover (LULC) classes. At each ground truth point, 2 photographs were
taken apart from other ground truth data. Illustrated here are representative photos (a–e) of 6 unique irrigated area classes (classes 21–26) and representative
photos (f–h) of 3 forest classes (classes 27–29).

(ERDAS, 2004). Initially, 100 classes were obtained as a                           5.3), ground truth data (Sections 4 and 5.4), temporal NDVI
starting block for further refinement and analysis. The                            plots (Section 5.9), and space-time spiral curves (Section
UC-MF provides a substantial within-class variance                                 5.10) were used.
(Friedl et al., 2000; McIver & Friedl, 2002) that is
essential to map classes within a theme (e.g., different                           5.2. RED-NIR Plots for single dates (RN-SDs), class
types of irrigated-area classes). The sample size of the                           identification and labeling
field-plot data was insufficient for certain classes to make
the supervised classification robust. Hence unsupervised                              The spectral properties of the 100 classes obtained
approach backed by RED-NIR plots (Sections 5.2 and                                 through UC-MF were analyzed, based on their distribution
324                                                                   P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341

in brightness–greenness–wetness (BGW) RED-NIR feature                                                        ness areas compared to the crop classes clustering in the
space. The distributions of a selection of the 100 unique                                                    brightness–greenness area (see Fig. 6).
spectral classes for May 2001 are illustrated in Fig. 6.
   All classes were identified and labeled, based on their                                                   5.3. RED-NIRs for multi-dates (RN-MD)
position in the BGW RED-NIR feature space, use of higher-
resolution images (Geocover Landsat TM MrSid images),                                                           The 42 separate TC SDs, one for each MODIS image,
NDVI thresholds at different time periods and ground truth                                                   were plotted together to observe and interpret classes. We
information (e.g., Figs. 4 and 5).                                                                           found that it was more useful to juxtapose RED-NIR plots
   All of the information was used in the hierarchical class                                                 of multiple dates (RN-MDs) in a single plot (e.g., Fig. 7) in
labeling process that led to the reduction of the 100 classes                                                order to arrive at the final 29 classes (Table 1). The TC MDs
to the final 29 classes. The pure pixels (the brightest, the                                                 capture both the direction and magnitude of change in time
greenest and the wettest) are at the edges of the triangle                                                   and space. The change angle (h) and change magnitude (M)
(spectral angle). Most pixels are some combination, linear or                                                were computed using equations (Zhan et al., 2002):
nonlinear of these purest pixels. Brightness is represented by
albedo (approximately the mean of the red and NIR                                                            h ¼ arctanðDkred =DkNIR Þ                                            ð3Þ
reflectances) and the greenness by the difference between                                                            h                      i
NIR and red bands. The brightness–greenness space is just a                                                  M ¼ Sqrt ðDkred Þ2 þ ðDkNIR Þ2                                       ð4Þ
458 clockwise rotation of the red and NIR space. Tree
canopies and hills have deeper shadows compared with                                                         where h=change direction or angle; M=change magni-
crops making tree classes to cluster in the wetness–green-                                                   tude; Dk red=red reflectance at time 2-red reflectance at

                                                                                                                        Barren Type 4
                                                                         MODIS band 1 Vs. MODIS band 2 mean reflectance values: May 9, 2001
          Mixed: grasslands (floodplain)/
             Irrigated crops (moist)
                                                                                      Mixed: irrigated crops/ riparian vegetation
                                                                                                                                                             Soil line
                                                         40                            Crop type 3        Crop type 4      Crop type 5

                                                                  Mixed: Natural Veg. (open)/dry rain fed ag.                                                    Barren Type 5
                                                                                                                                                    Mixed: Barren/rain fed crop
                                                          35                 Crop type 7
                     Natural Vegetation (floodplain)                                                                                                      Barren Type 3
                    Crop type 6
                                                                                                                                      Mixed: Barren/Irrigated crop
                         Mixed: Natural Veg. / crops
                             30      (floodplains)                                                                              Barren Type 2
        Mixed: open forest/ crops                                                                                           Mixed: barren/ fallow crops
                          MODIS band 2 reflectance (%)

      Mixed: Forest/ sugarcane & rice                                                                                       Mixed: Natural veg. (open)/ supplemental ag.
                                                                                                                          Mixed: Riparian vegetation (moist), wetlands/built-up
                                                          25                                     Wetlands
                                                                                       Crop type 1                        Barren Type 1
                                                                                                                         Mixed: Natural Veg. / Irrigated crops
      Forest Type 5
                                                         20                                                     Seasonal Snow Type 1

      Forest Type 4                                                                                                  Mixed: Rangelands & open areas/ rain fed crops

      Forest Type 3                                                                                                          Mixed: water / barren land
                                                                                                      Barren Type 6

         Forest Type 2
          Forest Type 1                                                                                   Water Type 2
                                                                                    Water Type 1
          Forest Type 6
         Barren Type 7                                                                Water type 3
         Moist Soils
                   Snow Type 3                                              Barren Type 8
                                                         0                  Very Bright Soils
                                                                              5                      15                     25                     35
                                                                  0                      10                     20                       30                      40
                                                                      Snow type 1               MODIS band 1 reflectance (%)
                                                                        Snow type 2

Fig. 6. RED-NIR single dates (RN-SDs) plot of 100 unsupervised classes. The 100 unsupervised classes are plotted taking mean class reflectance in MODIS
band 1 (red) and band 2 (NIR). The classes are shown in brightness–greenness–wetness (BGW) feature space and their preliminary class names identified for
further investigations during ground truthing. Similar to figure shown above RN-SDs were plotted for each of the 42 dates.
P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341                                                                     325

                                            MODIS band 1 Vs. MODIS Band 2 mean refelectance values: Jan. 1, 2002(green);
                                                               May 9, 2002 (red); Sept. 6, 2002 (blue)

                                                                                   21                                                                                                    7
                                                                              26                                                        29
                                                                                                             24                                                           18
                                                                                             23 29                                                                18 10
                                                                           22                                                                               617
                                                                              13                                   13                                              11
                                                                                        14                                    17
                                                                                                    5                                            2324
                                                                              2715           2
                                                                                                                                                                           Soil Line
                                                                                                                                             9              9
                              MODIS Band 2 Reflectance (%)

                                                                                         16             20               17        1421                 6
                                                                                             23                22                                  9
                                                                                   21                        24               16
                                                                                        26           14
                                                                                                 1516                               8
                                                                                        19 13
                                                                                        25              12
                                                                                   22      5                        15
                                                                              20                                         8
                                                                              28             4


                                                             10                                  1

                                                                  0                          10                                             20                                 30            40
                                                                                                     MODIS Band 1 Reflectance (%)

Fig. 7. RED-NIR multi dates (RN-MDs) Change vector analysis of 29 unsupervised classes. First the 100 unsupervised classes shown in Fig. 6 are reduced to
29 classes after a rigorous analysis including RN-SDs, ground truth, vegetation index signatures, RN-MDs, and others (e.g., geo-cover TM images). Here, we
illustrate the magnitude and direction of change of each of the 29 LULC classes over time using RN-MDs taking a driest month (May), a wettest monsoon
month (September), and a second Rabi cropping month (January) during year 2002. RN-MDs were also initially plotted for all 100 classes. These plots are also
done for year 2001 and for other dates in both years.

time 1; Dk NIR=NIR reflectance at time 2-NIR reflectance                                                                                           confirming the similar results by Dymond et al. (2002),
at time 1; arctan=arc tangent; Sqrt=square root.                                                                                                   Jensen (2000) and Schriever and Congalton (1995).
   We investigated the dynamics of the classes in three key
seasons: rabi peak in January, summer in May, and                                                                                                  5.4. LULC classes and their linkage with land cover (LC)
monsoonal peak in September (Fig. 7). The connectivity                                                                                             percentages: class labeling and area calculations
of the vectors of three distinct classes during the three
dates is illustrated in Fig. 7. Class 8 is barren land and                                                                                            A total of 29 LULC classes (Table 1, Fig. 8) were mapped
remains near the soil line during all three seasons (Fig. 7).                                                                                      which showed clear spectral separability on one or more
In contrast, class 17 is rain-fed agriculture with rangelands                                                                                      single dates (e.g., Fig. 6), and/or one or more multiple dates
and is close to soil line on the bright side of BGW feature                                                                                        (e.g., Fig. 7), and/or over a near-continuous time interval
space between khariff and rabi seasons. During the khariff                                                                                         (e.g., Fig. 9a and b). The total study area within the Ganges
peak (September) and rabi peak (January), class 17 is in                                                                                           and Indus basins was 133,021,156 ha (Table 1) where there
the greenness–brightness area. Class 22 is irrigated and has                                                                                       was a high degree of irrigation (e.g., see classes 21–26 in Fig.
high greenness during September, mid-way in the green-                                                                                             8 and Table 1). Class 30 was data noise that amounted to
ness–wetness feature space in January, and only comes                                                                                              0.5% of the total study area and, hence, was negligible.
anywhere nearer the soil line during the summer month of                                                                                              The LULC name is based on predominance of a particular
May.                                                                                                                                               land cover. For example, the name for class 27 is bForests
   The availability of time series images has provided an                                                                                          (Himalayan): Mature.Q The land cover (LC) of this class is
opportunity to define irrigated areas and other LULC                                                                                               dominated by mature forests (31.7%, see Table 1), which
classes (e.g., rainfed agriculture) based on their seasonal                                                                                        occur along the Himalayan mountains. The trees were 20+
or multi-seasonal dynamics. The phenological informa-                                                                                              years and hence classified as mature. Similarly, class 18 was
tion contained in these multi-temporal images signifi-                                                                                             labeled brain-fed cropsQ since this was an intensely cropped
cantly contributes to land cover classification, further                                                                                           area class that is heavily dependent on seasonal rains.
326                                    P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341

Table 1
LULC and irrigation area the study area in Ganges and Indus from MODIS time series images of 2001 and 2002
Class    Class name (name)              MODIS         MODIS          Watering method      Ground          Ground        Ground       Ground
(#)                                     LULC          LULC           (irrigation          truth LC %      truth LC %    truth LC %   truth LC %
                                        area (ha)     percent (%)    type/rainfed)        of tree         of shrubs     of grass     of cultivated
                                                                                          all the LCs within a LULC class (%)

1        Water: Lakes and Rivers          133883        0.1          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
2        Water: Marshland or               36449        0.0          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
3        Water: Glacial Lakes              23570        0.0          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
         Water Total                      193901        0.1
4        Wetlands: Natural                 86615        0.1          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
5        Wetlands: Agriculture           1059235        0.8          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
         Wetlands Total                  1145850        0.9
6        Snow: Seasonal                  2830150        2.1          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
7        Snow: Year round                1507185        1.1          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
         Snow Total                      4337335        3.3
8        Barren lands: Himalayas         1649611        1.2          NA
         with bright tones, river
         beds and built-up
9        Barren lands: Himalayas          859473        0.6          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
         with bright tones
         Barren lands Total              2509085        1.9
10       Desert lands: Lower             7779006        5.8          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
11       Desert lands: Higher            9752495        7.3          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
         Desert lands Total             17531501       13.2          NA                   NA              NA            NA           NA
12       Mixed: Marshlands and            625817        0.5          NA
         Himalayan barren lands
         with dark tones
13       Mixed: Rice, other crops,       2731665        2.1          wetlands             1.0             0.3           20.0         75.3
         and wetlands
14       Mixed: Rice, other crops,      22823167       17.2          rainfed+             2.9             12.7          11.9         54.1
         shrubs, and young                                           supplemental
         secondary forest
         Mixed classes and crops        26180649       19.7
         rice dominant Total
15       Mixed: Rangelands,              4158052        3.1          rainfed              6.1             7.0           41.1         25.1
         open areas, rainfed
         crops, and sub-urban
16       Mixed: Shrublands, fallow       3411039        2.6          rainfed              1.0             20.4          7.7          33.7
         lands, built-up, and others
         Rangelands and                  7569091        5.7
         shrublands Total
17       Rainfed Crops and               7584546        5.7          rainfed              1.4             5.3           29.5         43.5
18       Rainfed Crops                   5347864        4.0          rainfed              0.0             5.0           0.0          95.0
         Rainfed Total                  12932411        9.7
19       Forests (open): mix with        1822605        1.4          rainfed              1.5             0.0           13.8         66.8
         rice and other crops
20       Forests (open): mix with        2719730        2.0          rainfed              5.3             6.7           20.0         61.3
         rice and natural vegetation
         Forests (open) Total            4542335        3.4
21       Irrigated: Rice, sugarcane,     3150636        2.4          Canal+tube           3.8             0.5           2.0          91.3
         other crops                                                 well
22       Irrigated: Rice,                6046429        4.5          Canal+tube           11.2            8.4           7.5          61.6
         sugarcane, agroforests,                                     well
         other crops
23       Irrigated: Other crops,        16212207       12.2          tube well            1.4             1.5           1.8          90.8
         fallow farms, rice
P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341                                  327

Ground       Ground truth   Actual tree area      Actual shrub      Actual grass area     Actual cultivated   Actual other      Actual rice
truth LC %   LC % of rice   of class (LULC        area of class     of class (LULC        area of class       areas of class    area within
of others    only LC %      area of classtree    (LULC area of     area of classgrass   (LULC area of       (LULC area of     cultivated area
                            cover % of class)     classshrub       cover % of class)     classcultivated    classother       (LULC area
                            (ha)                  cover % of        (ha)                  cover % of class)   cover % of        of classrice
                                                  class) (ha)                             (ha)                class) (ha)       cover % of
                                                                                                                                class) (ha)
NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA
NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA
NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

NA           NA             NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

NA           NA             NA
                            NA                    NA                NA                    NA                  NA                NA

3.5          70.0           28000                 6829              546333                2055578             94925             1912165

18.3         28.6           667578                2906784           2724833               12345432            4178542           6526792

20.6         1.4            255483                291064            1710741               1045453             855311            59401

37.1         12.1           34110                 696827            263137                1150007             1266957           414198

20.3         0.0            103426                400602            2240958               3302656             1536905           0

0.0          0.0            267                   267126            0                     5080471             0                 0

18.0         45.5           27795                 0                 250608                1216589             327613            829285

6.7          46.7           145052                181315            543946                1668101             181315            1269207

2.5          39.3           118149                15753             63013                 2874955             78766             1236625

11.4         31.6           674781                504877            450459                3727321             688991            1910369

4.6          25.2           227480                241377            287188                14714662            741500            4083160

                                                                                                                        (continued on next page)
328                                      P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341

Table 1 (continued)
Class Class name (name)              MODIS       MODIS       Watering method           Ground                       Ground     Ground     Ground
(#)                                  LULC        LULC        (irrigation               truth LC %                   truth LC % truth LC % truth LC %
                                     area (ha)   percent (%) type/rainfed)             of tree                      of shrubs  of grass   of cultivated
                                                                                       all the LCs within
                                                                                       a LULC class (%)

24     Irrigated: Water logged       7623035     5.7         Canal+tube                0.5                          16.3       3.3          28.8
       crops (Indus), rice, shrubs                           well
25     Irrigated: Rice with          5607387     4.2         tube well                 0.9                          0.2        7.8          65.3
26     Irrigated: Rice and           6762875     5.1         tube well                 1.6                          0.3        5.5          87.4
       other crops
       Irrigated Total               45402568    34.1
27     Forests (Himalayan):          2412553     1.8         NA                        31.7                         15.3       33.3         0.0
28     Forests (Himalayan):          6010237     4.5         floodplain/               19.2                         8.0        10.0         16.5
       Young and wetlands                                    tube well
29     Forests (Himalayan):          1635143     1.2         NA                        25.0                         1.0        60.0         0.0
       Forests Total                 10057933 7.6
30     Striping: Noise               618497    0.5           noise                     noise                        noise      noise        noise
       Total Area from all           133021156 100.0
       classes (ha)
                                                             Total area of particular LC from all LULC classes
                                                             Total % area of particular LC from all LULC classes


A total of 62.9% of the Ganges Indus basins is covered in this study. The actual LULC class areas are determined by multiplying LULC areas obtained from
MODIS images with LC percentages of each class determined during ground-truthing.

   The ability to map a large number (29) of classes                            ment compared to earlier sensors. Even within an
(Fig. 8) even at 500 m spatial resolution, demonstrates                         irrigated area class, 6 distinct classes (classes 21–26 in
the strength of the 7-band near continuous MODIS data                           Table 1) were spectrally and temporally differentiated
and attests to the improved sensitivity of this instru-                         (Fig. 9b).
P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341                                     329

Ground       Ground truth         Actual tree area     Actual shrub       Actual grass area     Actual cultivated   Actual other       Actual rice
truth LC %   LC % of rice         of class (LULC       area of class      of class (LULC        area of class       areas of class     area within
of others    only LC %            area of classtree   (LULC area of      area of classgrass   (LULC area of       (LULC area of      cultivated area
                                  cover % of class)    classshrub        cover % of class)     classcultivated    classother        (LULC area
                                  (ha)                 cover % of         (ha)                  cover % of class)   cover % of         of classrice
                                                       class) (ha)                              (ha)                class) (ha)        cover % of
                                                                                                                                       class) (ha)
51.3         22.5                 38115                1238743            247749                2191623             3906805            1715183

25.8         53.8                 50778                9657               438934                3662870             1445148            3018332

5.3          60.2                 107618               17348              369018                5913105             355786             4072427

19.7         0.0                  763975               369925             804184                0                   474469             0

46.3         15.8                 1151962              480819             602025                991689              2783742            951621

14.0         0.0                  408786               16351              981086                0                   228920             0

noise        noise

             ha.                  4803355              7645397            12524211              61940511            19145695           27998764
             %                    3.6                  5.7                9.4                   46.6                19145695.4         21.0
             Irrigated: canal                                             ha                    8793899             classes 21, 22,
                                                                                                                    and 24 in area
             irrigated: tube                                              ha                    24290637            classes 23, 25,
             wells                                                                                                  and 26 in area
             Irrigated (Total:                                            ha                    33084536            classes 21 to
             canal+tube well)                                                                                       26 in area
                                                                          %                     24.9                classes 21 to
                                                                                                                    26 in %
             Irrigated (Khariff                                                                 32555183            98.4 % of NET
             Total: canal+tube
             Irrigated (Rabi                                                                    30603195            92.5% of
             Total: canal+tube                                                                                      NET
             Irrigated (Continuous Khariff-summer-Rabi Total:                                   1157959             3.5% of
             canal+tube well)                                                                                       NET
             Irrigated (Gross from kariff, Rabi, continuous Total: canal+tube well)             64316337
             Rainfed: Total                                                ha                   13463277            classes 15 to
                                                                                                                    20 in area
                                                                          %                     10.1                classes 15 to
                                                                                                                    20 in %
             Rainfed+supplemental: Total                                  ha                    12345432            class 14 in area
                                                                          %                     9.3                 class 14 in %
             Wetland cultivation: Total                                   ha                    3047267             classes 13 and
                                                                                                                    28 in area
                                                                          %                     2.3                 classes 13 and
                                                                                                                    28 in %
             Cultivated: Total from all classes                           ha                    61940511            Classes 13
                                                                                                                    to 29 in ha.
                                                                          %                     46.6                Classes 13 to
                                                                                                                    29 in %

5.5. Irrigated area, rice area and cropped area estimates                      (61.6%) dominate but there are significant other LC types
                                                                               that include other land cover (11.4%), trees (11.2%),
   Each LULC class is a composite of several LC types                          shrubs (8.4%) and grasses (7.5%) (Table 1). Of the
(see Table 1). For example, in class 22, cultivated areas                      cultivated areas, 31.6% is rice crop—the single major
330                                   P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341

Fig. 8. The 29 LULC and irrigated area classes in the study area. Final 29 classes were mapped using 294 band MODIS data (42 MODIS images, each of 7
bands, during 2001 and 2002). The study area covers 63% of the Ganges and the Indus basins.

crop of the class. Sugarcane was the next major crop                         locations for each class we feel confident that our area
although statistics of sugarcane are not shown in Table 1.                   estimates are reasonable. Normally, most studies take non-
Precise estimates of various thematic areas within classes                   decomposed pixel areas as actual areas of a particular land
were calculated as follows (see Table 1):                                    use class.
                                                                                 Field data on bwatering sourceQ (column 5 of Table 1)
Tree area in class 22                                                        was used to define classes as irrigated, rain-fed, rain-fed
   ¼ LULC class area for class 22                                            with supplemental irrigation and flooded or wetland
                                                                             cultivated. Classes 21, 22 and 24 were canal irrigated and
         LC percentage of tree for class 22
                                                                             classes 23, 25 and 27 were tube-well irrigated. The same
      ¼ 6; 046; 429  ð11:2=100Þ ¼ 674; 781 ha ð11:2%Þ                       approach described in the previous paragraph was used to
                                                                             estimate the irrigated areas in each class wherein the total
    Using the same approach, there were 504,877 ha (8.4%)                    area is multiplied by LC percent for crops in class 21
of shrubs, 450,489 ha (7.5%) of grasses, 372,7321 ha                         through 27 (since these classes are exclusive irrigated
(61.6%) of cultivated areas and 688,991 ha (11.4%) of other                  agriculture). For example, the irrigated area resulting in a
areas. The rice crop alone totaled 1,910,369 ha (31.6%).                     total irrigated area of 33,084,536 ha (24.9% of the total
    We propose the above approach to area calculations since                 study area). Of this, canal irrigated area was 8,793,899 ha
it takes into account sub-pixel composition of the pixels. Let               (6.6% of the total area of the study of 133,021,156 ha)
us take the example of irrigated area class 21 which has a                   compared the tube-well supplied area of 24,290,637 ha
total area of 3,150,616 ha (Table 1). Every pixel of this class              (18.3% of the total area). The cropland LCs of classes 23,
is irrigated, but at different degree—some pixels are 100%                   25, and 27 were exclusively tube-well irrigated. The
irrigated and some 50% and some others a different pro-                      cropland LCs of classes 21, 22, and 24 were overwhelm-
portion. In order to calculate exact area under irrigation for               ingly canal irrigated, but has some very minor tube well
this class, we will need to perform sub-pixel decomposition.                 irrigated mix that we ignore.
We adopt a fairly straightforward approach based on land                         There were 12,345,432 ha (9.3% of the total area of the
cover (LC) composition for the class based on ground truth                   study) of rain-fed areas with substantial supplemental
data. The accuracy of this approach increases with sample                    irrigation of one sort or another. A significant portion,
size for the class. Since we have fairly large sample size                   3,047,267 ha (2.3%) incorporated wetland cultivation.
P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341                                                                                                                                    331

             a                                                                      All Class type biomass fluctuation for 2001 and 2002


              NDVI Value


































                           -0.2                                                                                                           Julian Date
                                                class 18-Rainfed Crops                                                   class 21- Irrigated: Rice, sugarcane, other crops
                                                class 27- Forests (Himalayan): Mature                                    class 5- Wetlands: Agriculture
                                                class 7- Snow: Year round                                                class 8- Barren lands: Himalayas with bright tones, river beds and built-up
                                                class 10 Desert lands: Lower NDVI                                        class 15- Mixed : Rangelands, open areas, rainfed crops, and sub-urban built-up

             b                                                                      Irrigated crop biomass fluctuation for 2001 and 2002



             NDVI Value







                                                                                                                                          Julian Date
                                                      class 21- Irrigated: Rice, sugarcane, other crops                                               class 22- Irrigated: Rice, sugarcane, agroforests, other crops
                                                      class 23- Irrigated: Other crops, fallow farms, rice                                            class 24- Irrigated: Water logged crops (Indus), rice, shrubs
                                                      class 25- Irrigated: Rice with wetlands                                                         class 26- Irrigated: Rice and other crops

Fig. 9. MODIS NDVI signatures over time. With the availability of near-real-time MODIS data it is possible to develop LULC spectral signatures over time. (a)
Illustrates MODIS NDVI signatures for 8 spectrally distinct classes over 2 years. The classes are spectrally separable, distinctly, from each other at one time or
the other. (b) Illustrates MODIS NDVI signatures for 6 spectrally close irrigated area classes over 2 years. Time series MODIS data enables separability even
within close classes at one time or the other.

Purely rain-fed dryland cropping was estimated at                                                                                                     classes composed one predominant LC type) and also rather
13,463,277 ha (10.1%).                                                                                                                                inaccessible. These classes were identified, based on their
   Rice is grown not only in the 6 irrigated classes 21–26,                                                                                           spectral characteristics, GeoCover Landsat TM images, their
but also in other classes albeit only to some extent. Specific                                                                                        geographic location and from numerous other sources of data
LC percentages of rice crop within LULC classes 13–29                                                                                                 (e.g., USGS LULC classification, Loveland et al., 2000).
were used to estimate the total rice area of 27,998,763 ha                                                                                                It is important to note that the precise class areas pre-
(21% of the total study area) (Table 1).                                                                                                              sented in Table 1 were applicable to the khariff season only,
   The total cultivated land area in the study region is                                                                                              as LC percentage data were not available for other seasons.
61,940,511 ha (46.6% of the total area). Classes 1–12 have                                                                                                We adopted a unique strategy to determine intensity of
almost no area under cultivation or irrigation and occupy                                                                                             irrigation in different seasons. The maximum monthly
18.6% of the total area. LC percentages were not measured on                                                                                          NDVI composite images for different seasons were masked
the ground, as these classes are relatively pure (e.g., LULC                                                                                          out taking the spatial extent of irrigated areas of classes 21
Table 2
Cropping pattern for different classes in the study area in Ganges and Indus river basins
MODIS LULC class #          Khariff crops                                                   Summer crops                                  Rabi crops
                            crop-1       crop-2         crop-3          crop-4              crop-1    crop-2    crop-3       crop-4       crop-1       crop-2      crop-3       crop-4
1                           NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA

                                                                                                                                                                                             P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341
2                           NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
3                           NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
4                           NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
5                           NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
6                           NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
7                           NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
8                           NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
9                           NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
10                          NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
11                          NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
12                          NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
13                          Rice         maize          Moong           arhar               Rice      maize     moong        arhar        Wheat        Gram        Barley       Mustard
14                          Rice         Jawar          Basra           Moong               Rice      Jawar     Basra        Moong        Wheat        Barley      Gram         Mustard
15                          Jawar        Soybean        Basra           Rice                Jawar     Soybean   Basra        Rice         Wheat        Barley      Sugarcane    Mustard
16                          Jawar        Urd            Moong           Rice                Jawar     Urd       Moong        Rice         Wheat        Barley      Gram         Mustard
17                          Jawar        Basra          Gowar                               Jawar     Basra     Gowar                     Wheat        Barley      Gram         Mustard
18                          Jawar        Basra          Arhar                               Jawar     Basra     Arhar                     Wheat        Barley      Gram         Mustard
19                          Jawar        Rice           Basra           Maize               Jawar     Rice      Basra        Maize        Wheat        Barley      Mustard      Maize
20                          Rice         Jawar          Basra           Vegetables          Rice      Jawar     Basra        Vegetables   Sugarcane    Wheat       Barley       Potato
21                          Rice         Jawar          Sugarcane       Vegetables          Rice      Jawar     Sugarcane    Vegetables   Wheat        Barley      Sugarcane    Berseem
22                          Jawar        Rice           Mango           Vegetables          Jawar     Rice      Mango        Vegetables   Wheat        Sugarcane   Barley       Mustard
23                          Jawar        Basra          Arhar           Rice                Jawar     Basra     Arhar        Rice         Wheat        Barley      Gram         Mustard
24                          Jawar        Rice           Vegetables                          Jawar     Rice      Vegetables                Wheat        Sugarcane   Vegetables
25                          Jawar        Rice           Arhar           Maize               Jawar     Rice      Arhar        Maize        Wheat        Sugarcane   Mustard      Vegetables
26                          Rice         Jawar          Basra           Maize               Rice      Jawar     Basra        Maize        Wheat        Barley      Gram         Mustard
27                          NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           Wheat        Mustard     Maize        Sugarcane
28                          Jawar        Rice           Basra           arhar               Jawar     Rice      Basra        arhar        NA           NA          NA           NA
29                          NA           NA             NA              NA                  NA        NA        NA           NA           NA           NA          NA           NA
30                          noise        noise          noise           noise               noise     noise     noise        noise        noise        noise       noise        noise
The cropping pattern are given for different seasons.
P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341                                                                                                                                                                                                                       333

                                                                                                                                                                             Irrigated area with
                                                                                                                                                                             supplemental this
through 26. The masked areas for different months in the

                                                                                                                                                                             MODIS 500-m

                                                                                                                                                                             images each of
                                                                                                                                                                             2001–2002 42
seasons were then classified and areas irrigated and fallow

                                                                                                                                                                             7-bands (%)
                                                                                                                                                                             study using
were determined based on their seasonal NDVI dynamics.

The classes will cluster based on NDVI dynamics. A class

with high degree of irrigation (say 90–100% of pixel areas
are irrigated) will have a higher NDVI threshold over 2–4

                                                                                                                                                                             with supplemental
                                                                                                                                                                             this study using
months of a growing season relative to a class with a low

                                                                                                                                                                             MODIS 500-m

                                                                                                                                                                             images each of
                                                                                                                                                                             2001–2002 42
                                                                                                                                                                             Irrigated area

                                                                                                                                                                             7-bands (ha)
degree of irrigation (say 20–30% of pixel areas are

irrigated). Based on this approach, we determined 98.4%

of this area during Khariff (June–October), 92.5% during
Rabi (November–February), but only 3.5% all through the

                                                                                                                                                                             this study using
                                                                                                                                                                             Irrigated area

                                                                                                                                                                             MODIS 500-m

                                                                                                                                                                             images each of
                                                                                                                                                                             2001–2002 42
year or continuous (apart from Khariff and Rabi, also in

                                                                                                                                                                             7-bands (%)
March–May) cropping.

5.6. Cropping pattern

                                                                                                                                                                             MODIS 500-m
                                                                                                                                                                             this study using
                                                                                                                                                                             Irrigated area

                                                                                                                                                                             images each of
                                                                                                                                                                             2001–2002 42
   The cropping pattern of classes 13–29 are given in Table

                                                                                                                                                                             7-bands (ha)

2 for khariff and rabi. In some cases, there is a short interim
season between rabi and khariff when summer crops are

                                                                                                                                                                                                   USGS1993: study area in Ganges and Indus

                                                                                                                                                                                                   GLC2000: study area in Ganges and Indus
grown if water is available, and according to ground survey
these are the same combinations as for khariff. The irrigated

                                                                                                                                                                             1000 m 2000
                                                                                                                                                                             Irrigated area

                                                                                                                                                                             36 each of 1
                                                                                                                                                                             using SPOT

                                                                                                                                                                             NDVI band
area classes, 21–26, have either rice or sorghum as main

crops during khariff and, where applicable, in summer. The

cropping mix in rabi is generally wheat-sugarcane or wheat-

                                                                                                                                                                                                   USGS1993: Ganges basin

                                                                                                                                                                                                   GLC2000: Ganges basin
barley. The main rain-fed crops, classes 17 and 18, have                                                                                                                     Irrigated area

                                                                                                                                                                             1000 m 2000
                                                                                                                                                                             36 each of 1
                                                                                                                                                                             using SPOT

                                                                                                                                                                             NDVI band
sorghum-millet in khariff, but change to wheat-barley in rabi

(Table 2). During the field work, the authors were
accompanied by highly knowledgeable local agricultural

experts from the Indian National systems (see Acknowl-
                                                                                                                                                                             36 images each
                                                                                                                                                                             AVHRR 1000

edgements) who were instrumental in determining rabi and
                                                                                                                                                                             m 1992–1993
                                                                                                                                                                             Irrigated area
                                                                                                                                                                             USGS using

                                                                                                                                                                             of 1 NDVI

summer crops at each field plot location, at times involving
                                                                                                                                                                             band (%)

interview with local farmers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   relative to irrigated area
                                                                                                                                                                                                   relative to irrigated area
                                                                                                                                                                                                   relative to irrigated area
                                                                                                                                                                                                   relative to irrigated area
                                                                                   Irrigated area comparisons between different studies for study area in Ganges and Indus

5.7. Irrigated area comparison with other studies
                                                                                                                                                                             Irrigated area

                                                                                                                                                                             36 images each
                                                                                                                                                                             AVHRR 1000
                                                                                                                                                                             m 1992–1993
                                                                                                                                                                             USGS using

                                                                                                                                                                             of 1 NDVI

                                                                                                                                                                             band (ha)

   The results of this study were compared with: (a) USGS                                                                                                                                                                                          Irrigated areas mapped using different studies is compared with this study.
study using monthly AVHRR 1-km NDVI time series from
April 1992 to March 1993 (Loveland et al., 2002), and (b)
                                                                                                                                                                             Total area of this
                                                                                                                                                                             study in percent
                                                                                                                                                                             relative to total

global land cover (GLC) for year 2000 using monthly SPOT
                                                                                                                                                                             basin area (%)

1-km data (Belward et al., 2003). In the GLC2000 study,
data from the 4 spectral bands of the SPOT sensor were
used: blue (0.43–0.47 Am), red (0.61–0.68 Am), infrared
                                                                                                                                                                                                   data of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   data of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   data of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   data of

(0.78–0.89 Am) and shortwave infrared (1.58–1.75 Am).
   In the entire study area, the combined irrigated and
                                                                                                                                                                             Total area of this
                                                                                                                                                                             study in hectares
                                                                                                                                                                             relative to total

                                                                                                                                                                                                   based on MODIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                   based on MODIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                   based on MODIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                   based on MODIS
                                                                                                                                                                             basin area (ha)

supplemental irrigated areas mapped using 2001–2002

MODIS data in this study showed an increase of 13.4%

to 45,429,968 ha, compared with the USGS figure of
40,046,229 ha (Table 3). The GLC2000 irrigated areas
(72,614,135 ha) did not tally with our study. This is
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Irrigated area in this study
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Irrigated area in this study
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Irrigated area in this study
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Irrigated area in this study
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ganges and Indus basins

because GLC has 2 irrigated area classes (class 32 and 33)
with a contrasting definition. Class 32 is irrigated with
intensive agriculture, which is similar to our irrigated area
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ganges basin

classes. Almost all of the spatial distribution of this class
                                                                                                                                                                             Study area

fell within our irrigated-area classes. However, the
                                                                                   Table 3

GLC2000 class number 33 (irrigated agriculture) with
38.4 million hectares is a predominantly rain-fed with some
334                              P.S. Thenkabail et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 317–341

irrigated. Almost all of our rain-fed classes, 17 and 18, fall          the normal year, the NDVI for Khariff season steeply
within this class 33. In addition, classes we identified as             raises from Julian day 160, reaches peak NDVI of 0.25
rangelands and some of the forests are also labeled irrigated           and then starts falling reaching low values again around
agriculture by GLC200.                                                  Julian day 300. In contrast, during 2002 the NDVI never
    The comparisons are only indicative to show how the                 rose above 0.2 and near complete crop failure is obvious
irrigated areas are estimated for Ganges river basin by                 relative to NDVI dynamics of 2001. Rangeland class 15
various studies using remote sensing datasets of wide                   has a sharp NDVI increase from about 0.25 during the
range of characteristics. The results of this study                     driest period to little over 0.6 during the monsoon from
performed at 500-m were compared with AVHRR and                         June to October. During khariff, this is a class with rise in
SPOT classifications performed at 1-km scale. The USGS                  NDVI almost similar to that of irrigated-area class 21.
AVHRR study use 2 broad bands (band 1 and 2), The                       However, the 2 classes are distinctly separate during other
GLC SPOT study used 4 broad bands (2 visible and 2                      periods. As expected, the desert class has a near-flat
SWIR). This study used 7 narrow bands (4 visible, 2                     NDVI across the year.
NIR and 2 SWIR). Thereby, differences in LULC or                            The temporal signatures of the six irrigated classes are
irrigated areas are often as a result of factors such as                plotted in Fig. 9b. Irrigated class 21 peaks on day 49 (rabi
data types, class definitions, level at which the classes               crop peak), reaches the lowest biomass around day 129 (dry
are mapped, analysis methods and techniques, and                        season, low), and reaches peak again around day 249
resources spent on analysis and classification schemes                  (khariff, crop peak). The cycle is remarkably similar for
rather than change per se.                                              both 2001 and 2002 (see Fig. 9a). For example, the rabi crop
                                                                        peak green period or critical growth phase was around
5.8. Tree cover, shrub and grass cover in the basin                     Julian day 57 during 2001 and day 49 during 2002.
                                                                        Senescence begins around day 89 during year 2001 and
   The tree shrubs and grasses are predominant in classes 27            day 81 during year 2002. Based on these results, the
to 29. But often, other classes have a significant percentage           nominal crop duration from sowing to harvest during khariff
of one of these cover types. For example, 11.16% of the                 is (Fig. 9a) 180 days (Julian day 153–333 days), rabi is 142
land cover in irrigated-area class 22 was trees as a result of          days (from day 333 of 1 year to the next year Julian day
agroforests forming part of the cropping system. Using the              110), and a short dry season of no cropping for 43 days
tree, shrub and grass percentages of all classes we found               (days 110–153).
there was 4,803,355 ha (or 3.6% of the total area) of trees,                The six irrigated-area classes are identified by subtle
7,645,397 ha (5.7%) of shrubs, and 12,524,211 ha (9.4% of               differences between these classes. Most of these classes
grasses) in the study area.                                             were dominated by rice and other irrigated crops during
                                                                        khariff. Crop vigor, biomass levels and percent area
5.9. Class signatures, NDVI-reflectivity thresholds, and                cultivated are comparable at certain times of the year,
onset-peak-senescence-duration of crops                                 but not at other times (Fig. 9b). In spite of many
                                                                        similarities, the classes often provide significantly different
   The class signatures of NDVI (CS-NDVI) are unique                    NDVI signatures (Fig. 9b) at one time or another during a
time series of a class using NDVI or spectral reflectivity              year. There are several reasons for this. The first is the
in individual wavebands. It is not possible to have                     type of land cover within and between these classes. Class
temporal signatures when single date or a few date                      22, for example, is found mainly along the Indus river
images are used as is often the case with most LULC                     basin, is heavily irrigated and flooded (31% water) or
studies. The set of NDVI class signatures is shown in Fig.              moist throughout the year, suppressing NDVI substan-
9a and b for classes mapped in Fig. 8. Threshold NDVIs                  tially. The presence of flooding or wet soils may result in
and NDVI signatures over time help us determine the                     substantial absorption in near-infrared leading to low
onset and duration of cropping seasons (rabi and khariff),              NDVI throughout the season. Irrigated land accounts for
the intensity of cropping in drought and normal years and               85% of all cereal grain production (mainly rice and
the end of a cropping season.                                           wheat), all sugar production and most of the cotton
   MODIS CS-NDVI signatures are presented and dis-                      production (Khan, 1999). Class 21, for example, is
cussed for a set of distinct classes (Fig. 9a) and                      basically dryland that is irrigated whereas other classes
thematically similar classes (Fig. 9b). The NDVI of forest              like 22 exhibit higher moisture levels. The NIR reflec-
class 27 never falls below 0.5 on any date throughout a                 tance in drier lands with vigorous vegetation is substan-
year and across years (Fig. 9a). The agricultural lands in              tially higher than the NIR reflectance in irrigated areas
wetlands (class 5) have a moderately high NDVI                          with substantial moisture or water logging. The second is
throughout the year as a result of continuous soil moisture             that differences occur in LC percentages within and
availability. The rainfed agriculture (class 18 in Fig. 9a)             between classes. Class 26, for example, has about 20%
shows the dramatic differences in NDVI dynamics during                  more rice than class 21 (Table 1). Class 21 has greater
the normal year (2001) vs. drought year (2002). During                  percentage of other crops including sugarcane. The third is
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