Page created by Terrance Castro
Galway County    Issues
Development Plan 2022~2028    Paper
Galway County Development Plan                                                               Issues Paper | 2022~2028



                                       Making a Submission........................................................................................3

                                       What is a County Development Plan?......................................................5

                                       Context of the Plan............................................................................................7

                                       Core Strategy and Housing............................................................................9

                                       Urban Living and Placemaking.....................................................................12

                                       Rural Place Making and the Countryside................................................14

                                       Economic, Enterprise, Tourism and Retail Development................16

                                       Infrastructure and Transport..........................................................................19

                                       Environment, Renewable Energies and Communications.............21

                                       Architectural and Archaeological Heritage.............................................23

                                       Social, Community and Cultural Development....................................25

                                       The Galway Gaeltacht......................................................................................27

                                       Natural Heritage, Landscape and Green Infrastructure....................29

                                       Agriculture, Fishing Marine and Forestry.................................................31

ii                                                                                                                                                                     iii
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                   Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                                                                      new development and further growth with the need to protect both the
                                                                                      concerns of residents and communities while preserving the distinctive
                                                                                      heritage and environment of the towns and rural areas of County Galway.

                                                                                      The Development Plan making process includes periods of consultation
                                                                                      where participation from members of the public is invited and welcomed.
                                                                                      The County Development Plan will be adopted following full consideration
                                                                                      by the Elected Members of the Council.

                                                                                      The publication of this Issues Paper is the first step in the making of the
                                                                                      new County Development Plan. This consultation document presents an
                                                                                      overview of the main planning and development issues in Galway and seeks
                                                                                      to encourage public debate on what broad issues should be considered in
                                                                                      the new County Development Plan.

                                                                                      The issues highlighted in this Issues Paper and subsequent short videos are
                                                                                      relevant, but they are by no means exhaustive. It is vitally important that

     Preamble                                                                         as many individuals and groups are involved in this process as possible
                                                                                      so that the final County Development Plan reflects public concerns and
                                                                                      aspirations whilst having regard to national and regional policies and
    Galway County Council commences the preparation of the 2022-2028 County
                                                                                      guidelines. Everybody is entitled to give an opinion on any aspect of the
    Development Plan on the 18th June 2020. This Plan-making process must
                                                                                      County Development Plan. At this stage we are particularly interested in
    be completed within two years by May 2022. The Regional Spatial Economic
                                                                                      encouraging submissions on strategic and ‘big picture’ issues.
    Strategy (RSES) came into effect on the 24th of January 2020. A series of
    short videos have been prepared and will be published on social media and         More detailed issues such as requests for the zoning of land should be left
    on our website to stimulate public participation in this process while adhering   to the Draft County Development Plan consultation phase or be dealt with
    to social distancing. The consultation period of the Issues Paper will run        during the preparation of the Local Area Plans which cover a number of
    for an extended period of 12 weeks rather than the statutory 8 weeks. The         towns in the County.
    consultation dates for this Issues Paper are 18th June 2020 – 10th September
                                                                                      We look forward to hearing from you.
    2020 (inclusive). Please review these short videos and Issues Paper at:

    The review and preparation of the Galway County Development Plan
    is one of the most important functions of the Council. The new County
    Development Plan will set out the strategy for the future planning and
    sustainable development of County Galway up to 2028 and beyond. The               Kevin Kelly (Interim Chief Executive)
    County Development Plan review has come at a time of change globally,
    nationally and locally.

    The needs of Galway’s population must be considered in this review
    process by creating sustainable communities through housing delivery, job
    creation, enterprise promotion, tourism support, provision of services and
    community facilities within the context of a healthy well planned natural
1   and built environment. The Council seeks to balance the need to facilitate
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                                          Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                                                                                                       When making a                                          It is necessary for the Council to collect some

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Making a Submission
                                                                                                                                                                              personal information in order to process your
                                                                                                                       submission please note:                                submission.    Legally we can process this
                                                                                                                       In accordance with Section 19 of the Planning          information in the exercise of official authority
                                                                                                                       and Development (Amendment) Act, 2018 all              vested in the Council. The protection of your
                                                                                                                       valid submissions received by the Council shall        personal data is a key priority for the Council
                                                                                                                       be published on the Galway County Council              and your data will be processed in line with
                                                                                                                       website within 10 working days of its receipt          our Privacy Policy which is available at www.

     Making a Submission                                                                                               by the Council. The planning process is an
                                                                                                                       open and public process and therefore your
                                                                                                                                                                     or in hard copy from our offices
                                                                                                                                                                              at Galway County Council, Áras an Chontae,
                                                                                                                       submission (in part or in total) will be available     Prospect Hill, Galway.
                                                                                                                       to view online at
    Please include your name, address, email,                      The staff from the Forward Planning Policy                                                                 Should you have any questions about our
    contact number and where applicable, details                   Unit will be available to take your call if you     Galway County Council is subject to the                privacy policy or the information we hold
    of the organisation or group you represent.                    have queries on the process and on the making       requirements of the Freedom of Information             about you please contact us by email at
    Further information on this process and                        a submission, call 091 509382, 091 509311, 091      Act, 2014; the Data Protection Act, 2018 and  or write to
    updates are available on                        509533 or 091 509121 to talk to us directly.        the General Data Protection Regulations                us at Data Protection Officer, Galway County
    cdpreview. There is an online form available                                                                       (GDPR).                                                Council, Áras an Chontae, Prospect Hill,
                                                                   In addition staff will be available to meet
    for you to complete with your viewpoints. See                                                                                                                             Galway.
                                                                   Wednesday afternoons by appointment only            Please be aware that in order to process
    link below:
                                                                   for pre-arranged meetings in County Hall,           submissions that may contain GDPR Special
                                                                   which will last up to 15 minutes in duration.       Categories of Data/Sensitive Personal Data
    This form will be sent directly to us and will be              Call 091 509121 to schedule a meeting.              as defined by Article 9 of the GDPR, explicit
    taken as your submission/observation.                                                                              consent to the processing of the special
                                                                   Submissions/observations      can   only       be
                                                                                                                       categories of data must be provided by the
    If you would prefer to send your viewpoints                    made between 18th June 2020 and the 10th
                                                                                                                       person to whom the data refers.
    via email, see link below:                                     September 2020.
                                                                   The deadline for receipt of all submissions is
    Please note that requests or proposals for                     4PM on Thursday the 10th September 2020.
    the zoning of particular land for any purpose
                                                                   PLEASE NOTE THAT SUBMISSIONS
    cannot be considered at this stage of the
                                                                   RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE CANNOT BE

    Where do I send my Submission/Observation?
    You may submit your submission/observation by one of the following methods:

    In writing to: Administrative Officer, CDP Review, Forward Planning Policy Unit,
    Áras an Chontae, Prospect Hill, Galway.
                                                         VIEW TO

    Online form:
                                                                          VIEW TO

    Please send your submission/observation through one medium only, either electronically or hard
3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                           Issues Paper | 2022~2028

     What is a County

                                                                                                                                                                                        What is a County Development Plan?
     Development Plan?
    The County Development Plan sets out the              new Development Plan 2022 - 2028. Every 6
    overall strategy for the proper planning and          years a Planning Authority is legally obliged to
    sustainable development of the County over            make a new County Development Plan under
    a six-year period, within the context of the          the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as
    national and regional framework of strategies         amended). This Plan will set out the strategic
    and guidelines. Galway County Council is now          spatial vision and future direction for the
    commencing the process of preparing the               County from 2022 - 2028.

    Stages of a Development Plan                                                                                        Issues Paper
    There are various stages involved in the preparation of a                                                       The Issues Paper is
    Development Plan. This current stage is considered to be               AFTER ALL,                             intended to encourage
    Stage 1 ‘Pre-Draft’ and includes for the preparation of an                                                      dialogue on the key
    Issues Paper. During this and the subsequent stages, as
                                                                           IT’S YOUR                              topics important to the
                                                                                                                 County of Galway, as well
    outlined below, the Planning Authority will consult with the             PLAN                                as promote and support
    public to encourage and facilitate public participation in the
                                                                                                                 your involvement at this
    preparation of the new Development Plan.                                                                            early stage.

               Stage                             Stage                              Stage

                1                                  2                                 3
                                                                                                             AFTER ALL, IT’S YOUR PLAN

                                                                                                             With your active help and guidance, the new
                                                                                                             Galway County Development Plan can create
                                                                                                             a more attractive, inclusive, competitive and

         ublic Consultation
                                       Draft Development
                                                                         Amendments to Draft
                                                                              ublic Consultation
                                                                                                             sustainable County.

                                                                                                             The new Plan should reflect the needs and
        (Issues Paper)
         hief Executive’s Report
        on Consultation
                                           ublic Consultation Draft
                                           hief Executive’s Report
                                                                              hief Executive’s Report
                                                                             on Submissions
                                                                                                             ambitions of all communities in the County
                                                                                                             of Galway, so it is essential that you have
                                                                                                             your say right from the start. Galway County
         irection from Elected
         reparation of Draft
                                          on Submissions
                                           onsideration of Chief
                                          Executive’s Report by
                                                                              onsideration of Chief
                                                                             Executives Report by
                                                                             Elected Members
                                                                                                             Council welcomes the views of individuals
                                                                                                             or groups on the content of the new County
                                                                                                             Development Plan. We really want to know
        Development Plan                  Elected Members                     doption of New
                                                                             Development Plan                what you think the main issues facing the
                                           aterial Amendments
5                                                                                                            County of Galway in the future.                                                               6
                                          being Prepared
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                              Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                                                                                               Key Challenges We Face!
     Context of the Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Context of the Plan
                                                                                                                  eveloping a unique identity and building
                                                                                                                 D                                                     roviding sufficient physical and social
                                                                                                                 on the strengths of the County.                      infrastructure to support economic
    National and Regional                                    North-West came into effect on 24th January
                                                                                                                  rowing the metropolitan area and other
                                                                                                                                                                      development and to enhance our quality of
                                                             2020 and includes a Metropolitan boundary                                                                life.
    Policy                                                   encompassing Oranmore, An Bearna and Baile
                                                                                                                 settlements within the County to achieve
                                                                                                                 Compact Growth.                                       romoting town and village centre
    The   Government    have     published    Project        Chláir. It is envisaged that these areas as key                                                          vibrancy and vitality with multi-functional
                                                                                                                  iving in the future and how it will be
    Ireland 2040 (National Planning Framework                                                                                                                         uses including entertaining, living,
                                                             economic drivers within Metropolitan Galway         different.
                                                                                                                                                                      gathering, working, shopping etc.
    and National Development Plan 2018 – 2027).              will   accommodate    significant   population       educing our carbon footprint and
                                                                                                                                                                       uilding on the provision of high-quality
    Galway now forms part of the North West                  increases and jobs within the lifetime of this      achieving the national target of zero
                                                                                                                                                                      employment and economic opportunities
    Regional Assembly.     The Regional Spatial                                                                  emissions by 2050.
                                                             new Galway County Development Plan 2022                                                                  at appropriate and sustainable locations.
    and   Economic    Strategy    (RSES)     for    the      – 2028.                                              iving sustainably without compromising
                                                                                                                                                                       elivering a balance between social and
                                                                                                                 future generations.
                                                                                                                                                                      private housing.
                                                                                                                  ccommodating the needs of an ageing
            EU, National                            National Planning                Local
             Legislation                               Framework                    Authority
               Policy                                    (NPF)

                                                                               Local Economy                                                                between social
               EU Directives                                                   Community Plan                                                                  & private
                                                                               (LECP)                                                                          housing            provision of
                                                                                                                                  Developing                                     high-quality
                                                   Regional, Spacial &                                                             a unique                                       employment
                   Planning                        Economic Strategy                                                               Identity                                       & economic
                 Legislation                                                   Housing Strategy                                                                                  opportunities
                  Guidelines                                                   Capital Programme                Growing the                                                                      Promoting town
                                                                                                                metropolitan                                                                     & village centre
                                                                                                                area & other

                                                                                                                 settlements                         Key                                            vibrancy &

                     Policy                        County
                                                   Development                                                                                    Challenges
                                                                               Climate Change
                                                                                                                                                   we face!
               Programmes                          Local Area Plans                                                                                                                                to support
                                                                                                                  Living in
                                                                                                                 the future
                                                                                                                                                                                                  development &
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to enhance our
                                                                                                                                                                                                  quality of life
    The diagram above illustrates the position of the Development Plan in the Irish Planning system
    hierarchy. This Issues Paper is the first step in the preparation of the new Development Plan. The                             Reducing
    County Development Plan must be consistent with national and regional policies and guidelines                                 our carbon
    and objectives.

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Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                                                                       Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                                                                                                                                     How and where we plan to meet our housing

     Core Strategy and Housing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Core Strategy and Housing
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Galway County   Galway County   Galway County
                                                                                                                                                     targets must be set out in the Plan’s Core               Population      Population      Population
                                                                                                                                                     Strategy and Housing Strategy. We need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                               153,025         175,085        179,390
                                                                                                                                                     ensure sufficient housing is available in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               + 12.6%         + 2.4%
    The Planning and Development Act 2000                                             the provision of appropriate infrastructure in                 right places, with good infrastructure, services

    (as amended) introduced the requirement                                           areas identified for growth. The Core Strategy                 and amenities, if we are to improve the quality

    for an evidence based ‘Core Strategy’ to                                          will respond to, and be consistent with other                  of life for our citizens. We must also provide

    be included in County Development Plans.                                          policy documents, guidelines and plans such                    for the right type and mix of housing to reflect

    The Core Strategy of the Galway County                                            as Project Ireland 2040, the Regional Spatial                  the different requirements of all of our citizens

    Development Plan will aim to identify where                                       and Economic Strategy (RSES) and the                           which can change at the different stages of

    future residential development should be                                          Water Framework Directive for example. The                     their lives. Galway has a diverse housing stock

    prioritised and reserve an appropriate amount                                     ‘Settlement Hierarchy’ will form part of the                   located in a wide variety of areas, both urban             Census          Census          Census

    of land in those locations to meet housing and
    population targets. The Plan will support this
                                                                                      Core Strategy of the Development Plan, which
                                                                                      will provide a framework for the development
                                                                                                                                                     and rural. The towns, villages and rural areas
                                                                                                                                                     have their own character which influences
                                                                                                                                                                                                             2006 2011 2016
    Core Strategy through a range of services and                                     of the settlements in the County.                              where people choose to live.          Providing
                                                                                                                                                     an appropriate scale and type of housing
                                                                                                                                                     development which respects and enhances                  Key Questions
                                                                                                                                                     the character of our urban and rural areas will             ow best can the County
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Development Plan cater for the
                                                                                                                                                     be a key challenge.
                                                                                *Galway                                                                                                                         projected population growth in the
                                                                              Metropolitan Area
                                                                                                                                                     Galway County had a total population of                    County over the lifetime of the plan?
         Galway County                                                       Garraun/Ardaun)                                                         179,390 in 2016, 2.4% higher than at the last               here should the increase in
          had a total                                                             Hub Town                                                           Census (2011). Galway County’s population                  population within the County be
         population of                                                             TUAM                                                                                                                         directed?
                                                                                 County Town
                                                                                                                                                     was 12.6% higher than a decade earlier (2006),
             179,390                                                                                                                                                                                             evelopment land is a limited
                                                                                 BALLINASLOE                                                         a greater increase than occurred nationally
             in 2016                                                                                                                                                                                            valuable resource. How best do
                                                                         **Key Towns /Other Towns                                                    (12.3%).   The National Planning Framework                 we maximise the development
                                                                  Loughrea, **Oranmore, Athenry, Gort,                                               (NPF) and the Regional Spatial and Economic                of appropriate land to create
                                                                     Clifden, Portumna, Maigh Cuilinn                                                                                                           sustainable communities?
                                                                                                                                                     Strategy (RSES) for the North-West sets
                                                                             ***Other Villages                                                       target populations for Galway County.        The            ow can Council policy protect
                                                         Baile Chláir, Oughterard, Headford, Mountbellew, Ballygar, An
                                                          Cheathrú Rua, Dunmore, Glenamaddy, Craughwell, Kinvara,                                                                                               areas within the County currently
                                                             Corofin, Moylough, Clarinbridge, An Spidéal, Ardrahan,                                  new County Development Plan will be in                     under severe pressure for one-off
                                                               Kilcolgan,An Tulaigh/Baile na hAbhann, Cor an Dola,
                                                                  Woodlawn, Kilconnell,New Inn,Ballymacward.
                                                                                                                                                     accordance with the NPF and RSES.                          dwellings?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 here in the County should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                population growth be directed to
                                               Other Selements & Rural Area                                                                                                                                    achieve balanced growth as per the
                                              Briarhill, An Carn Mór, Lackagh, Turloughmore, Abbeyknockmoy, Cluain Bú,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Is there a deficit in the provision of
                                     Eanach Dhúin, Ahascragh, A’ymon, Monivea, Eyrecourt, Banagher, Aughrim, Caltra, Clonfert,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a particular type of housing that
                                     Kiltormer, Menlough, Lawrencetown, Fohenagh, Killoran,Castleblakeney, Ballinamore Bridge,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 should be addressed eg. apartment,
                                            Gorteen, Cappataggle, Willimastown, Kilkerrin, Barnaderg, Belclare, Kilbennan,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 duplex etc?
                         Briarfield, Newbridge, Ballymoe, Milltown, Kilconly, Caherlistrane, Brownsgrove, Sylane, Lavally, Foxhall, Newbridge,
                            Cashla, Kiltevna, Glinsk, Ballyglunin, Laragh More, Woodford, Killimor, Ballymana, Esker, Carrabane, Kiltullagh,                                                                     hat contributes to an attractive
                        Derrydonnell Beg, Ballinderreen, Kilchreest, Ballinakill, Moyglass, Peterswell, Killeenadeema, Drim, Kilconieran, Labane,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Where in the               residential environment?
                        Tynagh, Kilreekil, Abbey, Bullaun, Castledaly, Coose, Newcastle, Cooloo, Shanaglish, Na Forbacha, An Cnoc, Na Minna,             Development
                                                                                                                                                                                    County should                ow can the plan best address
                         Ros an Mhíl, Rosscahill, Tulaigh Mhic Aodháin, Lei–r Móir, Cill Chiaráin, Cill Rónáin, Roundstone, Carna, Tully/Renvyle,       land is a limited                                       increased residential densities?
                      Glinsk, Lei–r Mealláin, Béal an Daingin, Tullycross, Rosmuc, An Fhairche, Leenane, Cleggan, Le’erfrack, Casla, Corr na Móna,                                   population
                      Ballyconneely , Sraith Salach, Claddaghduff, An Mám, Maam Cross, An Aird Mhóir, Maree, Kilbeacanty, Cloghanover, Camas.                                         growth be                  ow should social housing be
                                                                                                                                                                                      directed?                 delivered and do we have the right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                balance between social and private
9                                                                                                                                                                                                               housing?                                           10
                                                 Galway CDP 2015~2021
Galway County Development Plan                                                      Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                       Urban Living and Placemaking

                                                                                                                                                 Urban Living and Placemaking
                                      The National Planning Framework (NPF) states         Small   Growth     Towns     and    the   villages
                                      that provision will be made for a Metropolitan       collectively support the sustainable economic
                                      Area Strategic Plan (MASP) that will focus           and social development of the county. They
                                      on delivery of population and economic               act as local development and service centres
                                      development.       Within   County     Galway;       facilitating development commensurate with
                                      Oranmore, Baile Chláir and Bearna now form           the nature and extent of the existing settlement
                                      part of the (MASP) area.     The metropolitan        and availability of public services and facilities.
                                      area straddles the boundary with Galway City         Other villages and towns in County Galway will
                                      Council which will require close collaboration       be addressed in the main body of the County
                                      in delivering housing and jobs within the            Development Plan with appropriately focused
                                      metropolitan area.                                   policies and objectives

                                      Development on brownfield and greenfield sites       The current Galway County Development
                                      closely integrated with public transport and         Plan 2015-2021 contains thirteen chapters
                                      other key infrastructure will be a priority. The     and has through variation’s integrated the
                                      quality of the urban places in County Galway         Galway Transport Strategy and the Bearna
                                      listed above will be imperative in delivering        and Gaeltacht plans. It is now envisaged that
                                      economic growth and regional development.            certain Local Area Plans (Populations less
                                      The Plan must ensure that there is a range of        than 5,000 persons) and settlement plans that
                                      quality places where people will choose to live,     had previous plans in situ will be incorporated
                                      work and invest.                                     into the new Plan. These areas are county
                                                                                           wide and have the necessary infrastructure
                                      The Key towns of Ballinasloe and Tuam play
                                                                                           to accommodate the growth as per the Core
                                      an important role in particular to the East and
                                      North East of the county in the delivery of key
                                      commercial, retail and higher order important
                                      services such as Portiuncula University Hospital
                                      which serves a regional population. A strategic       Key Questions
                                      aim in this new County Development Plan will              ow can the plan support the delivery of
                                      be that these Key Towns develop as attractive,           a robust (MASP)?
                                      liveable, vibrant, and well-designed locations            ow can we make our urban places more
                                      that ensure a high quality of life, which will           attractive for people to live and work?
                                      promote a sense of place and personal well-               hat parts of the urban places
                                                                                               (Metropolitan areas, Town and villages)
                                      being. Other towns such as Loughrea, Athenry
                                                                                               are most suitable in your view for people
                                      and Gort are key service centres and drivers of          to live and work?
                                      growth for their immediate and surrounding                ow can we make our urban places
                                      areas, each having a high degree of self-                (Metropolitan areas, Towns and villages)
                                      sufficiency.                                             more attractive and connected for
                                                                                               pedestrians and cyclists?
                                                                                                hould we facilitate a better mix of
                                                                                               employment and housing in our urban
11                                                                                             places?                                                  12
Galway County Development Plan                                                        Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                       Rural Place Making

                                                                                                                                              Rural Place Making and the Countryside
                                       and the Countryside
                                      It is anticipated that the remaining population        The County Development Plan will try to
                                      targets   will   be   directed   towards     small     balance the need to accommodate rural
                                      settlements and the rural areas. There are             generated residential development for a
                                      numerous     small    settlements,   which    are      growing population, support communities
                                      predominately rural in nature and have limited         and     increased   rural   based   commercial
                                      capacity to service the local community                activities against the equally important need
                                      through their existing facilities such as post         to protect its countryside from excessive and
                                      office, schools, small retail outlets and public       inappropriate development.

                                                                                              Key Questions
                                                                                                    ow should the countryside be
                                            protect the                                            enhanced through better design?

                                           countryside                                              ow can the County Development Plan
                                                                                                   promote improvement in the quality of
                                          from excessive                                           the built environment in rural areas?
                                         & inappropriate                                            ow can the County Development Plan
                                                                                                   ensure that development is appropriate
                                           development                                             to its location?
                                                                                                    ow can rural housing be designed to a
                                                                                                   high standard?
                                                                                                   How can the new County Development
                                                                                                   Plan support development within the
                                                                                                   smaller settlements that do not have
                                                                                                   zoning plans?

13                                                                                                                                                      14
Galway County Development Plan                                                         Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                                                                                                                                Economic, Enterprise, Tourism and Retail Development
                                          Economic, Enterprise, Tourism
                                          and Retail Development
                                                                      65% of Galway farms
                                                                      are involved in beef
                                              65          %           production
                                      Galway has a strong and diverse economic                The agri-food sector has become a very
                                      base which is characterised by high levels of           important industry in Galway, which accounts
                                      investment in areas such as Medical Devices,            for almost 36% of the national agricultural
                                      IT, agriculture, tourism and culinary, retail, arts     output. The agri-food sector includes primary
                                      and craft.                                              production (agriculture or farming), forestry,
                                                                                              fishing, food, drink and wood-processing.
                                      The Medical Devices and ICT Industries are
                                                                                              Galway has the highest number of farms in the
                                      a   significant   contributor   to   employment
                                                                                              West of Ireland with an average farm size of
                                      and economic activity in Galway. According
                                                                                              25.8 hectares. 65% of these farms are involved
                                      to the 2016 census, the Industry sector is
                                                                                              in beef production, with limited dairy farming
                                      significantly more important to employment
                                                                                              activity taking place.
                                      in Galway County than nationally, 16.3% of
                                      all employment compared with 11.4%; the                 The West of Ireland, and in particular County
                                      fourth highest share working in Industry of all         Galway, is one of the most unique parts of
15                                                                                                                                                            16
                                      counties.                                               Ireland. Galway is the regional capital for the
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                         Issues Paper | 2022~2028

     North-West Region and has a very successful
                                                       The agri-food

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Economic, Enterprise, Tourism and Retail Development
     brand domestically. The Wild Atlantic Way
     has been a successful tourism initiative for
     the counties along the Atlantic seaboard. The     sector in Galway,
     Wild Atlantic Way stretches almost 2,500km
     from Donegal to Cork, and includes almost         accounts for
     700km of Galway’s coastline. This tourism
     initiative has been very effective in marketing   almost 36% of
                                                       the national
     and promoting tourism, in particular Galway
     City, Conamara, including Oileáin Árann

     and Inishbofin, resulting in tourist numbers
     increasing annually.


                        36      %
                                                             The retail
                                agricultural              environment is
                                output                    changing with                                                                                        Key Questions
                                                            significant                                                                                           hat are County Galway’s strengths and
                                                           migration to                                                                                          weaknesses regarding future enterprise
                                                                                                                                                                 and employment growth?
                                                           online sales
                                                                                                                                                                  ow can the County Plan support
                                                                                                                                                                 inward investment and job creation
                                                                                                                                                                 in the County and where should it be
                                                       A key tourism infrastructural requirement          The retail environment is changing and                  ow can the Plan best support new and
                                                       for the county would be the delivery of the        significant migration to online sales is posing        evolving work patterns which reduce the
                                                                                                                                                                 demand to travel to work, including e
                                                       Dublin to Clifden Cycleway. The Conamara           significant challenges to all High Streets.            business and home-based activity?
                                                       Greenway - a section of the cycleway between       This change in the retail environment, in
                                                                                                                                                                  hat areas of the County have the
                                                       Ballinasloe and Clifden, spans approximately       combination with the limited opportunities             potential to become sustainable key
                                                       84 kilometres. This greenway will for the most     for modern ‘living over the shop’ type housing         tourism attractions?
                                                       part utilise the former Clifden to Galway rail     may be at the heart of increases in dereliction         hat areas within Galway have
                                                       line which closed in 1935. A 6km section of the    and reductions in footfall in many towns               the potential to form part of the
                                                                                                                                                                 development of a comprehensive tourist
                                                       greenway from Athry to Cloonbeg opened in          throughout Ireland. As such it is important            trail within the County?
                                                       2018. It runs close to the route of Ballynahinch   to develop quality retail and commercial
                                                                                                                                                                  hat policies should be introduced to
                                                       Castle and Ballinafad graveyard, north of          environments that will improve the vibrancy            further support town centre retailing
                                                       Cloch na Rón. To the east of the county there      and enhance traditional on street experiences          and commercial activities that enhance
                                                                                                                                                                 the vitality and vibrancy of our town and
                                                       is untapped potential for the development          in all our towns.
                                                                                                                                                                 village centres?
                                                       of the Lakelands brand, which comprises of
                                                                                                                                                                  ow can the Plan policies help integrate
                                                       Lough Derg and an interconnected lake system                                                              enterprise land uses with other uses
                                                       on the Shannon and the Hidden Heartlands                                                                  such as residential, transportation and
17                                                                                                                                                               tourism, etc?                                            18
                                                       tourism brands.
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                          Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                                                                                            Key Questions                                        ow can the plan best promote walking,
      Infrastructure and Transport

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Infrastructure and Transport
                                                                                                                                                                cycling and the use of public transport?
                                                                                                              ow can the plan support agencies in the
                                                                                                             provision of Water and Wastewater?                  ow can rural transport and accessibility
                                                                                                                                                                be improved?
                                                                                                              re there significant factors leading to
                                                                                                             deterioration in the quality of groundwater         ow can the concept of “Smarter Travel”
                                                                                                             or rivers and how can these be addressed?          be incorporated into the plan to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                dependence on the private car?
                                                                                                              hat towns and villages should be
                                                                                                             prioritised for water/wastewater                    hould parking standards for new
                                                                                                             improvements?                                      developments reflect the need to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                car dependency?
                                                                                                              ow can the County Development
                                                                                                             Plan make sure that there is a better               ow can the safety of vulnerable road
                                                                                                             co-ordination between land use and                 users (cyclists/ pedestrians) be improved?
                                                                                                             transportation facilities in order to achieve
                                                                                                             more sustainable development?

                                                                                                                 The new
                                                                                                                N6 Galway
                                                                                                             City Ring Road
                                                                                                               (N6 GCRR) is
     The provision and maintenance of high-quality      within and through the County. The provision          currently at
     service infrastructure is vital to attracting      of   transportation    infrastructure   including    planning stage
     and retaining economic development and             road and rail together with public transport
     improving the quality of life in the County.       projects must be integrated with a sustainable
     Population growth will be identified in areas      settlement strategy.
     with public services and facilities.      Close
                                                        The provision of road and rail infrastructure
     collaboration with Irish Water in relation to
                                                        has improved greatly in recent years. The
     the investment and upkeep of these facilities
                                                        main transportation corridors from the South
     will be a key aim contained within the new
                                                        to the North and the West to the East of the
     Development Plan.
                                                        country pass through Galway and includes
     The Regional Spatial Economic Strategy             the M6 and M17/M18. The new N6 Galway City
     (RSES) lists a number of infrastructural           Ring Road (N6 GCRR) is currently at planning
     projects in the county, which Galway County        stage, when constructed will enhance the
     Council are fully supportive i.e the progression   accessibility to Galway city and surrounding
     and development of the East Galway Drainage        areas.
     Scheme.    Investment in new or additional
                                                        The railway infrastructure with the Galway-
     capacity in water services will be informed
                                                        Dublin and Galway-Limerick line provides
     by national, regional and local planning policy
                                                        improved links to the east and the south from
     and addressed through Irish Water’s Capital
                                                        Galway. Increased train frequency, especially
     Investment Plans.
                                                        on the Galway to Athenry trainline will require
     County Galway has undergone significant            dualling of the tracks as identified as a growth
     growth over the last 30 years which has            enabler in the National Planning Framework.
19   resulted in a major increase in travel demand                                                                                                                                                                20
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                              Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                                                                                        The   existing    Wind    Energy      Strategy    for

      Environment, Renewable

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Environment, Renewable Energies and Communications
                                                                                                        County Galway will be replaced with a

                                                                                                        new    Local     Authority    Renewable       Energy

      Energies and Communications                                                                       Strategy (LARES) as part of this County
                                                                                                        Plan process. LARES will form an appendix
                                                                                                        of the County Plan providing details on the
     The County Development Plan must ensure            on the climate change actions as per the CAP.   various renewable energy options available
                                                                                                                                                                       greenhouse gas
     that a balance is achieved between land            This can be achieved by examining how best      in County Galway and it will identify the                     emissions net zero
     use and development and the protection             to provide for sustainable living across the    most suitable locations for renewable energy                    target by 2050
     of our environment. It is critical that the        County. This may be achieved by supporting      across the County. Guidance and options for
     natural environment is protected and adverse       large populations with sustainable transport    incorporating renewable energy systems into
     impact on climate change is minimised.             services which would reduce the level of        existing and new residential development will
     The County Development Plan will be subject        carbon emissions through reduction of private   be included in the LARES.
     to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)        car usage.
     and Appropriate Assessment (AA) to consider                                                        The Council recognises the importance of
                                                        Comprehensive consideration of flood risk is                                                                Key Questions
     its potential effects on the natural environment                                                   the   telecommunication          sector,    including
                                                        now a key requirement in the preparation of                                                                    hat are the main environmental issues
     and on EU protected sites (Natura 2000                                                             its   availability,   price   and     quality    and
                                                                                                                                                                      that currently face Galway?
                                                        development plans and determining planning      acknowledges its role in attracting inward
     sites) and their networks. A Strategic Flood                                                                                                                      hat additional measures should be
                                                        applications. The ‘Planning System and Flood    investment. Antennae and support structures
     Risk Assessment (SFRA) will also be carried                                                                                                                      taken to protect the environment?
                                                        Risk Management Guidelines’ emphasise the       are necessary to facilitate a high-quality
     out.                                                                                                                                                              ow can the County Development Plan
                                                        importance of identifying areas at risk of      communications        network.     However,      their        address matters such as adaptation to
     The    Government’s    Climate    Action   Plan    flooding and protecting these areas either by   location is an important planning consideration.              climate change?
     2019 (CAP) recognises that the impact of           preventing further development or mitigating    The Council will continue to work closely with                 hat methods should the Council
     greenhouse gas emissions has accelerated           against the effects of possible flood events.                                                                 encourage to maximise renewable
                                                                                                        the Department of Communications, Climate
     in recent years. Ireland is supporting the         Strategic flood risk assessments will be                                                                      energy provision, both for developments
                                                                                                        Action    and     Environment       to     implement          and individual homes?
     ambition that is emerging within the European      carried out as part of the preparation of the   the National Broadband Plan in Galway.                         here should wind turbines be
     Union to achieve a net zero target by 2050.        new County Development Plan.                    It recognises that high speed broadband                       encouraged / discouraged?
     County Galway must play its part in delivering                                                     is essential as an economic facilitator in a                   hat should the Council be doing to
                                                                                                        knowledge-based economy.                                      promote bio-energy production from
                                                                                                                                                                      waste streams, agri-food effluents,
                                                                                                                                                                      manures, municipal solid waste, sewage
                                                                                                                                                                      sludge and purpose grown energy
                                                                                                                                                                       ow can the plan support the provision
                                                                                                                                                                      of telecommunications & broadband

21                                                                                                                                                                                                                        22
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                                 Issues Paper | 2022~2028

      Architectural and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Architectural and Archaeological Heritage
      Archaeological Heritage
     County Galway has a rich and diverse array            significance of the building in question is not        As with Protected Structures, ACA’s are
                                                                                                                                                                       Key Questions
     of historic buildings.    Many of these have          compromised.        Therefore, a balance must          assessed and reviewed as part of the County
                                                                                                                                                                         Is the existing level of protection for
     been protected in legislation by virtue of            be struck between adequately preserving                Plan review process. The Plan must create
                                                                                                                                                                          Galway’s Protected Structures, ACAs
     their inclusion onto the Record of Protected          the character and appearance of the historic           policies and objectives that will preserve our          and archaeology adequate? How can it
     Structures (RPS). At present there are in             buildings   and     facilitating   modern    living,   historic towns and villages while ensuring that         be improved?
     excess of 1,500 buildings on the RPS.           Its   which includes retrofitting energy efficiency          they are an attractive and competitive place in         ow can the new County Development
     review   and   maintenance    forms      part   of    measures in old buildings, such as adding              which we live, work and visit.                         Plan promote awareness of the
                                                                                                                                                                         County’s past which includes Protected
     this   statutory    development   plan    review      solar panels or updating windows.                                                                             Structures, ACA’s and archaeology?
                                                                                                                  Archaeological Heritage includes physical
     process. The protection and preservation
                                                           Architectural      Conservation    Areas    (ACA’s)    remnants that remain in place and form part of          ow can the new County Plan
     of these historic buildings is of paramount                                                                                                                         facilitate modern living standards and
                                                           protect the character and appearance of                historic human activity. Many archaeological
     importance.        However, credence must be                                                                                                                        conveniences in some of our older
                                                           the wider street scene and not just the                features may not be readily recognisable               buildings that are Protected Structures
     given to the needs of those who own and live
                                                           building itself.    Very often the setting and         or visible as they can be partly concealed             located in Conservation Areas?
     in Protected Structures. As such, alterations
                                                           the surrounding built environment forms an             from plain view either underground or due               an you name any parts of County
     and improvements to Protected Structures                                                                                                                            Galway that you would like to see
                                                           important feature of a Protected Structure.            to foliage growth. Like Protected Structures
     should be supported where the historic                                                                                                                              becoming a designated ACA?
                                                                                                                  and ACA’s, archaeology forms part of our past
                                                                                                                                                                          an you identify any older buildings
                                                                                                                  and therefore it needs to be preserved and             that you are aware of that are worthy of
                                                                                                                  remembered in this Development Plan review.            protection?
                                                                                                                                                                          ow can we secure the protection of
                                                                                                                                                                         our archaeological features including
                                                                                                                                                                         landscapes into the future?

23                                                                                                                                                                                                                           24
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                            Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                                                                                             will be encouraged in the first instance before
                                                                                                                                                                  Key Questions
      Social, Community and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Social, Community and Cultural Development
                                                                                                             progressing to development of greenfield
                                                                                                                                                                     re you satisfied with the provision of
                                                                                                             sites. Co-location of education and childcare
                                                                                                                                                                    community and cultural facilities in your

      Cultural Development
                                                                                                             facilities is considered to be the preferred           area?
                                                                                                             choice among parents.                                   hat kind of community facilities would
                                                                                                                                                                    you like to see provided for in the new
                                                                                                             County Galway has a long established rich and          County Development Plan?
     Central to the development of the county’s           Where new school buildings are developed           varied cultural tradition. The 2020 Capital of
                                                                                                                                                                     o you think that schools and childcare
     towns and villages are the provision of              the multi-use of assembly halls and playing        Culture programme sees evidence of this in             facilities should be co-located?
     adequate community facilities for all sectors        pitches will be encouraged, this has previously    many of the County’s towns and villages.                hat type of facilities in your view
     across society. Community facilities include         worked quite well as a valued resource to the                                                             would be required in County Galway to
     the provision of libraries, schools, childcare       local community.                                                                                          support existing communities?
     facilities, open space, playing grounds, leisure                                                                                                                ow can the multi use of existing
                                                          The county development plan review will                                                                   community buildings and facilities
     facilities and health centres. The development
                                                          examine each of the settlements within                                                                    in your area be facilitated and
     of these facilities in our towns and villages will                                                                                                             encouraged?
                                                          the county and identify suitable areas for
     encourage people to live in these locations
                                                          community facilities.     The expansion and                                                                hat type of cultural and arts facilities
     and will also create a sense of social cohesion.                                                                                                               are needed in County Galway and how
                                                          redevelopment      of   existing    community
                                                                                                                                                                    can the new county development plan
                                                          facilities such as schools and sports facilities                                                          deliver these?

                The county
             plan review will
             examine each of
             the settlements
            within the county
               and identify
              suitable areas
             for community

25                                                                                                                                                                                                                        26
Galway County Development Plan                                                                         Issues Paper | 2022~2028

     The Galway Gaeltacht

                                                                                                                                       The Galway Gaeltacht
     County Galway has the largest Gaeltacht            the area from Bearna to Carna and including
     population in Ireland representing 49.7% of        Oileáin Árann.
     the national Gaeltacht population, where
                                                        Chapter 10 - Cultural, Social and Community
     49,524 people speak the Irish language daily
                                                        Development of the existing Galway County
     (based on Census 2016). The Galway Gaeltacht
                                                        Development      Plan      2015-2021   contains
     stretches from Baile Chláir, which is east of
                                                        narrative, policies and objectives relating to
     the city to Cloch na Rón in west Conamara,
                                                        the Gaeltacht. It is envisaged that there will be
     a distance of approximately 100km, and from
                                                        a chapter relating specifically to the Gaeltacht
     Oileáin Árann northwards to the Mayo border.
                                                        in the new Galway County Development Plan
     The language and culture of the Gaeltacht
                                                        2022 - 2028. A number of settlements in the
     is a unique and precious inheritance, which
                                                        Galway Gaeltacht have settlement plans in
     it is a National aim to preserve and protect.
                                                        situ and these will appear in the Appendix
     This aim is now enshrined in the Planning and
                                                        referred as ‘Settlement Plans’. A very small
     Development Act, 2000 (as amended). The
                                                        part of the Country is designated as being in
     strongest Irish speaking community in the
                                                        the Gaeltacht and it must be preserved and
     country is located in County Galway, mainly in
                                                        promoted linguistically.

                                          Key Questions
                                              ow can we manage our cultural
                                             resources to ensure that the Gaeltacht
          County Galway                      economies and communities prosper in a
          has the largest                    sustainable manner?
            Gaeltacht                         ow do you think that the Plan can
           population in                     support the Gaeltacht area?

27                                                                                                                                         28
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                             Issues Paper | 2022~2028

                                                                                                           GI such as greenways is usually carried out            the community through active participation,

      Natural Heritage, Landscape

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Natural Heritage, Landscape and Green Infrastructure
                                                                                                           by collaboration and agreement between                 knowledge and understanding of our natural
                                                                                                           landowners.    The benefits of GI can be far           heritage.

      and Green Infrastructure                                                                             reaching. The new Plan must seek to support
                                                                                                           GI where possible as it offers a valued type of
                                                                                                                                                                  The review of the County Development Plan
                                                                                                                                                                  will also seek to promote and protect our
                                                                                                           recreation and amenity. Buildings within the
     County Galway as the second largest county         a measured approach to changes in the                                                                     biodiversity and natural heritage as required
                                                                                                           towns and villages along with public urban
     in Ireland has some of the most unique             landscape must be maintained.                                                                             by the NPF.
                                                                                                           parks and squares, provide communities with
     landscape types in the country, which are of
                                                        The NPF now requires the integration of            a valued focal point for various events which          Galway has the highest number of Natura
     great variance from the coastal landscapes in
                                                        planning for Green Infrastructure (GI).     The    provides alternative recreation and amenity            2000 sites which include Special Areas of
     the west, bog lands to the north to the fertile
                                                        review of the County Development Plan will         options.                                               Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection
     plains in the east.
                                                        include an analysis of the (GI) that exists                                                               Areas (SPA). It is important to recognise the
                                                                                                           Biodiversity includes the variety of plant and
     The existing Landscape Character Assessment        across the County and how it can be improved.                                                             value of these protected habitats that form
                                                                                                           animal life in County Galway which are to
     (LCA) for County Galway will be reviewed as        This will result in a GI Strategy that will form                                                          the natura network.    Therefore, the review
                                                                                                           be considered important and desirable. The
     part of the County Development Plan maling         part of the new County Development Plan.                                                                  of the County Development Plan must give
                                                                                                           Heritage and Biodiversity Action Plan for
     process.   The Landscape Strategy examines         For reference GI includes the parks, walkways                                                             careful consideration to County Galway’s rich
                                                                                                           County Galway 2017–2022 places heritage
     the various landscape character types across       and trails, any green corridors and spaces                                                                biodiversity and wide ranging habitats and
                                                                                                           and biodiversity at the heart of public life. This
     the County and how they were formed. The           that can be used to the benefit of the local                                                              species that exist.
                                                                                                           would be achieved through the promotion of
     landscape is divided into regions, character       community.    GI can also provide a solution
                                                                                                           awareness of biodiversity and heritage within
     types and units. Scenic routes and a sensitivity   to flooding with open green spaces doubling
     rating will also be defined. The protection        up as a place that can retain flood water. It
     and preservation of these landscapes needs         also protects our biodiversity. It is important
                                                                                                                                              Key Questions
                                                                                                                  The Heritage                    ow can the new County Plan protect and enhance Galway’s
     to be balanced against the reality that these      to note that not all GI is publicly available.
                                                                                                                and Biodiversity                 existing natural heritage and biodiversity?
     are living and working landscapes. Therefore,      Delivery of large expanses of publicly available         Action Plan for
                                                                                                                                                  ow can the new County Development Plan tailor its policies
                                                                                                                 County Galway                   and objectives in a manner that will continue to protect
                                                                                                                2017– 2022 places                the natural heritage including landscape while supporting
                                                                                                                  heritage and                   sustainable development?
                                                                                                               biodiversity at the
                                                                                                                                                  re there any pieces of GI that you are aware of in County
                                                                                                                 heart of public
                                                                                                                                                 Galway that could be developed further to benefit the
                                                                                                                       life                      community?
                                                                                                                                                 How can the existing GI in County Galway be improved?

29                                                                                                                                                                                                                           30
Galway County Development Plan                                                                                                                         Issues Paper | 2022~2028

      Agriculture, Fishing Marine

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Agriculture, Fishing Marine and Forestry
      and Forestry

     Agriculture makes an important contribution      Combined the development of agriculture,            contribution   to    the   economy   has   been
                                                                                                                                                               Key Questions
     to the County’s rural economy. As such this      fishing and forestry industries will not only       calculated at €2.3 billion annually with some
                                                                                                                                                                  ow can the Council support
     industry is of great value to our economy        sustain rural employment but also contribute        12,000 jobs dependent on the sector in 2012.           sustainable means of agriculture fishing
     and therefore merits protection and support      to driving the national economy, a sentiment        In the case of County Galway that has a                and forestry related activities?
     where possible.    However, the agricultural     that it’s expressed in the NPF.                     quantum of land that would not be suitable to           ow can the County Development
     industry must adapt to the challenges that are                                                       agricultural production, for example, this has         Plan support and encourage the
                                                      NPO 39 of the NPF seeks to support the                                                                     development of the agri-food and
     posed in a competitive international market.                                                         been found to be suitable for afforestation.
                                                      sustainable growth and development of the                                                                  related sectors?
     The exit of the UK from the EU is one of the                                                         There are environmental benefits to forestry
                                                      maritime economy and continue to invest in                                                                  ow can the new County Development
     biggest challenges facing the agriculture                                                            development as it contributes to our carbon
                                                      the seafood sector and our Fishery Harbour                                                                 Plan encourage the use of land for
     industry. The preservation of the environment                                                        sequestration potential which is welcomed              afforestation where appropriate?
                                                      Centres, particularly in remote rural coastal
     and designated sites across the County is                                                            and supported by national government as we              an you identify areas within County
                                                      communities and islands. This is of particular
     also something that those directly involved                                                          are required to reduce our level of greenhouse         Galway that you would consider
                                                      relevance    to   County   Galway    given   our                                                           appropriate land for afforestation?
     in agriculture are required to consider. This                                                        gas emissions.      However, increased planting
                                                      extensive coastline. This is a great asset to the                                                           ow can the new County Development
     requires careful planning and innovative ways                                                        can only be achieved as existing agricultural
                                                      rural economy which provides communities                                                                   Plan manage County Galway’s maritime
     of working around certain parameters.                                                                land that is not economically viable becomes           resources ensuring a balance is
                                                      across the county the opportunity to become
                                                                                                          available for forestry use.                            maintained between social, economic
     The continued development of the agri-food       involved in maritime related industries.                                                                   and environmental issues?
     sector is supported and encouraged as it is
                                                      The forestry industry makes an increasing
     becoming increasingly important to the rural
                                                      contribution to the rural economy of County
31   economy.                                                                                                                                                                                                        32
                                                      Galway.     Nationally the direct and indirect
Its Your Plan,
                 Have Your Say...
            Submissions/Observations can only be made between
    18th June 2020 – 10th September 2020. The deadline for receipt of all
            submissions is 4PM on Thursday 10th September 2020.

                Where do I send my Submission/Observation?
In writing to Administrative Officer, CDP Review, Forward Planning Policy Unit,
                   Áras an Chontae, Prospect Hill, Galway



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