Future smart: Why robotics changes everything - Deloitte

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Future smart: Why robotics changes everything - Deloitte
CFO Insights
                                                                                                                       July 2017

Future smart: Why robotics
changes everything
What comes to mind when you hear the          It may be time for CFOs to put aside such       steroids,” but that’s like comparing the cruise
word “robot?” Maybe an image from pop         misperceptions, because the robots that are     control function in cars to fully automated,
culture, such as R2-D2 or, at the other end   quickly and quietly becoming an integral part   driverless vehicles. Put simply, RPA replicates
of the spectrum, Arnold Schwarzenegger        of the finance function bear no resemblance     any mouse and/or keyboard actions a
in The Terminator? Perhaps giant yellow       to those just described. Rather, they are       human would do across any applications
arms pivoting on an auto assembly line?       arriving in the form of a technology termed     on their PC. RPA can do everything from
Or even one of those package-delivery         “robotic process automation,” aka “RPA,” with   open email and attachments to collect social
robots currently cruising the streets of      the emphasis squarely on the “PA.”              media statistics to follow if/then decisions
San Francisco? In any event, you probably                                                     and rules (see Figure 1, “What RPA can do”).
associate “robot” with some sort of           These robots exist as software and are          In finance, that translates into everything
physical entity, a substitute human made      designed to automate a wide range of            from recording journal entries to reconciling
of metal, plastic, and plenty of electronic   processes that tend to be repetitive, labor-    general ledger accounts to auditing
componentry: mobile, task-oriented, still     intensive, and rule-based. RPA has been         expense reports, to cite just a few common
somewhat exotic—and certainly expensive.      described as “a spreadsheet macro on            applications.
Future smart: Why robotics changes everything - Deloitte
CFO Insights Future smart: Why robotics changes everything

While RPA is simply software code—and
fairly simple, inexpensive code at that—it
is analogous to those giant yellow-armed
robots deployed across factory floors in
that it changes the calculus of outsourcing/
insourcing decisions by automating labor-
intensive tasks. Companies that have turned
to business process outsourcing as a way
to economically tackle a variety of finance
needs may find that an increasing number of
them can be handled by RPA.

Many, in fact, already are. This year the
market for RPA products and services
will reach $433 million, according to HFS
Research, and may climb to $1.2 billion by
2021, a compound annual growth rate of
36%.1 And in this issue of CFO Insights, we will
take a look at the process of implementing
RPA and the potential it has to help finance
automate its way to higher performance.

Demystifying RPA
As mentioned, RPA is a relatively simple and                To get a robot up and running, a “robot           Many vendors offer RPA software at this
inexpensive software-based technology (a                    configurator” specifies in detail the             point, and over time its capabilities are likely
“fully loaded” robot may cost about one-third               instructions the robots will follow and           to become embedded in core systems as
of what a globally sourced employee might                   publishes that script to a robot controller,      relevant applications evolve, facilitating
cost2) that sits on top of other applications (at           a centralized repository that will assign the     interoperability. But CFOs don’t need to
the user-interface level) requires no special               jobs to various robots and monitor their          wait; even in its current form, RPA is already
hardware, and plays well in almost any IT                   activities. The robots can reside on desktop      saving companies substantial amounts of
environment. It is robotic in the sense that it             computers or be virtualized, but either way       time and money. In some instances, we have
does what people sitting at desks often do:                 they will interact directly with whatever         found that RPA is 15 times more efficient
enter keystrokes, mouse over to certain fields              business applications are needed to do their      than humans and offers a 15% to 90% cost-
within an application, cut and paste, move                  jobs. Business users typically resolve any        reduction opportunity,3 depending on the
data from one place to another, make queries                exceptions or escalations that might occur as     characteristics of the function to which it’s
and calculations, hit “send,” etc.                          robots do the lion’s share of the work.           being applied.

Figure 1. What RPA can do

                       Opening email and                                                                                    Scraping data from
                            attachments                                                                                     the web

          Logging into web/ enterprise                                                                                       Connecting to system
                          applications                                                                                       APIs

                   Moving files and folders                                                                                 Making calculations

                               Copying and pasting                                                                  Extracting structured data
                                                                                                                    from documents

                                                 Filling in forms                                           Collecting social media statistics

                                          Reading and writing to databases                     Following “if/then” decisions/rules

Source: “Robotics & cognitive automation: General overview,” Deloitte Development LLC, 2017

CFO Insights Future smart: Why robotics changes everything

    Not only can RPA save on full-time                                    Making RPA happen                                   •• Shared services tasks that typically
    equivalents (FTEs), but it can also provide                           When it comes to leveraging robotic process            entail multiple interactions with different
    several other advantages. Because it can                              automation, companies generally fall into              systems, such as payroll, onboarding and
    run 24/7, it can grind through time-sensitive                         one of two camps: those that have launched             benefits management in HR, and folder
    reporting tasks that often require finance                            pilots and are now trying to scale the                 and file management, infrastructure/
    staff to log night and weekend hours in                               technology, and those that are at the early            application monitoring, and user/
    order to meet deadlines. And it is often more                         stages of exploring its possibilities.                 directory and release management in IT.
    accurate, with some companies reporting
    the complete elimination of data re-entry                             If your organization falls into that latter camp,   To be manageable, an agile pilot program
    and rekeying errors.4 That reliability is                             one viable way to begin is with a prototype         would begin with selecting three to five
    bolstered by the creation of an audit trail that                      or pilot that will allow you to become familiar     processes. As with most pilot efforts, it is
    identifies any potential glitches. In fact, many                      with RPA at a basic level. Begin by identifying     advisable to make reasonably fast decisions
    organizations create a monitoring system                              tasks that lend themselves well to RPA.             regarding team composition, product
    that allows a finance staffer to “supervise” a                        Often, this low-hanging fruit exists in a           selection, and the pilot process. With RPA,
    team of robots in real time.                                          Center of Excellence or in an outsourcing           though, it’s also important to invest time in
                                                                          arrangement and may include the following:          understanding the value and limitations of
    That may sound fanciful, but RPA differs from                                                                             whatever tools you decide to deploy, in order
    many other technology implementations in                              •• Tasks that may have been outsourced,             to ensure they are right for today’s needs
    that it is not really about technology, but about                        such as reconciliations, claims processing,      and, if applicable, have the ability to scale.
    redeploying human talent: let the robots                                 returns management, inventory
    do what they do so well, which can free up                               processing, desktop support, and                 Another key consideration: determine how
    finance talent to address activities that are                            network monitoring;                              to engage the owners of a given process to
    less rote and add more value. Within a shared                         •• Process automation tasks in the front            give an RPA pilot a try, because they have
    services center, for example, using RPA to                               office (sales order management,                  the process knowledge that will be a key
    automate some tasks can enable staff to focus                            competitor price monitoring, customer            component in programming the robot—not
    on delivering customer and market insights or                            engagement), middle office (trend tracking,      to mention the business need that can prove
    develop new levels of service altogether.5                               report generation) and back office (data         the value of RPA.
                                                                             reconciliation, applications integration);

       Figure 2. Where automation may happen in finance
       Almost half the roles in back office functions have the potential to be automated

                                                      Low probability               Medium probability                               High probability of
                                                  of automation, 40.33%             of automation, 3.59%                             automation, 56.08%
Level of education (Bachelors or more)

                                                Business &
                                                financial project
                                                                                      Purchasing                                        manager
                                         0.6                                                                                                            Finance
                                                professional                          managers and
                                                                                      directors                                                         account
                                                                                                                       Financial &
                                         0.4                                                                           technician
                                         0.2    Financial managers
                                                and directors
                                                                                                                 Credit                                     Payroll
                                                                                                                 controller                                 managers
                                               Weighted probability       0.3                                       0.7                               1.0
                                               of automation
                                                                                                               Size of bubble represents # of employees

     Source: “The robots are coming,” Deloitte UK, 2015

CFO Insights Future smart: Why robotics changes everything

Assuming a successful pilot, many                       That’s not to say that robots will do                          already well aware that in an ever more
organizations may want to determine how                 everything, of course. But as RPA and other                    dynamic business environment, success
to scale the technology to meet additional              technologies usher in an era of digital                        depends on continuously training, retraining
needs and opportunities. In this regard,                transformation, CFOs will have to think                        and redeploying their human talent. The
organizations can adopt something of a pay-             carefully about what (human) skills they will                  same holds true for the robots that can
as-you-go strategy, using the money saved               need to hire or train for. One advantage                       increasingly augment the work of the finance
from a first round of RPA to finance the next           of RPA is that it can be configured by non-                    team: As companies acquire and divest
round, and so on. Aside from that, several              technical staff: any finance team member                       businesses, move to new ERP or other large-
core decisions need to be made.                         comfortable creating spreadsheet macros                        scale IT systems, change their processes,
                                                        should be able to play a key role in making                    or evolve in any number of ways, robots will
For example, to build a business case,                  RPA happen.                                                    likely require frequent reprogramming in
companies should determine what pain points                                                                            order to deliver as much value as possible.
can be alleviated by RPA, what metrics will be          As RPA proliferates and acquires additional                    They may never match the wit of C-3PO, but
useful in assessing RPA’s effectiveness, and            capabilities, however, there will likely                       they seem bound to become indispensable
what strategy will be used for redeploying              be a growing need to have finance staff                        members of the finance department.
existing resources once RPA is up and running.          focused on how to apply an expanding
In addition, companies should also decide               arsenal of digital capabilities to finance and                 For more information on robotics and the
which operating and governance models                   broader business needs. Put another way,                       other digital technologies that are changing
most suit their needs: Should they own RPA              RPA is not a “one-and-done” technology                         finance, visit Deloitte’s repository on “CFOs
capability long-term, or continue to partner            implementation, but a capability that needs                    and the digital transformation of finance.”
with a third party? Is the right team in place          to be continuously managed. CFOs are
to support the solution, and who will manage
and monitor the robots as they carry out their               RPA: Separating fact from friction                              process allows an obvious error to creep
duties? With so many vendors in this space,                  As with any emerging technology, RPA                            into the instructions you’ve provided to
organizations should also determine which                    is often freighted with some common                             your robots, they will still follow those
ones are best suited to their business needs,                misconceptions. Here are four to                                instructions to the letter.
which sourcing options work best, and how                                                                                    Robots will take our jobs
various pricing models compare. Finally, it’s                You need an army of robots to make                              An assessment of organizations that
                                                             RPA worthwhile                                                  have deployed automation suggests that
also important that the people driving RPA
                                                             In fact, one of the main attractions of RPA                     the majority are focused on increasing
efforts ensure that all stakeholders affected                is the ability to automate the “long-tail”                      the efficiency and effectiveness of their
understand what RPA is, why it’s being                       of low-volume or low-value processes                            workforce rather than eliminating it,
deployed, and how it will be rolled out.                     that would not be economical to address                         and the people relieved of routine tasks
                                                             via other means. That said, there is a                          are refocused toward more valuable
                                                             minimum scale required to realize both                          or rewarding activities. Over time,
The promise and the pitfalls
                                                             the return on the upfront investment of                         organizations could see lower turnover,
Regardless of whether a company is piloting                  establishing an automation capability                           higher morale, and increased internal
RPA or beginning to scale it, odds are good                  and the ongoing overhead of running                             innovation.
that the tasks it’s being applied to today are               one. Vendors commonly specify a
                                                                                                                             RPA will significantly reduce the
highly transactional, rules-based, and labor-                minimum number of licenses that must
                                                                                                                             importance of your IT department
                                                             be purchased, but those minimums are
intensive. But already some companies are                                                                                    RPA can be used to automate processes
                                                             usually not prohibitive. It is quite possible
combining RPA with other technologies to                                                                                     across business applications in a
                                                             in today’s market to see positive results
                                                                                                                             “noninvasive” manner, which can reduce
automate not only human actions but human                    with the deployment of a few robots.
                                                                                                                             reliance on IT for deployment. But
judgment, and, eventually, intelligence.                     Robots are infallible                                           while some subset of roles in IT may
                                                             While software robots may follow rules                          be reduced, others may increase. IT
By combining RPA with cognitive and artificial               without deviation, don’t need sleep or                          typically takes responsibility for systems
intelligence capabilities, natural language                  take vacations, and will not make typos,                        infrastructure, security, resilience/
                                                             they are not perfect. Poor quality input                        recovery, and governance, and these
processing/generation, and other emerging
                                                             data can cause exceptions, and while                            functions are as important as ever.
technologies, companies can create toolsets                  the ways in which robots recognize the                          Therefore, IT should be involved in RPA
that can tackle judgment-based processes,                    elements of application user interfaces                         deployments from the outset. In fact, in
predictive decision-making, and more,                        are quite robust they are not completely                        some organizations the IT function is the
to produce virtual customer assistants,                      impervious to system changes,                                   buyer of RPA solutions, as it looks for cost-
                                                             particularly when interacting with remote                       effective means to better support and
conversational user interfaces, and many
                                                             environments. In addition, robots have                          enhance the experience of its business
other advances.6 Seen through that lens,                     no “common sense,” so if a flaw in your                         partners.
RPA becomes a foundational technology                        organization’s robot management
for a digitally transformed enterprise that
can evolve in lockstep with these quickly
advancing technologies.                                 *Excerpted from “Automate this: A business leader’s guide to robotics and intelligent automation,” Deloitte Consulting LLP,
                                                        2017; https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/process-and-operations/us-sdt-process-
CFO Insights Future smart: Why robotics changes everything

Contacts                                                                                                                  Endnotes:
Anthony Abbattista                                             Matt Soderberg                                             1.   HFS Research 2017, as cited in the Horses for Sources blog, http://
Principal, Co-Leader RPA/RCA                                   Principal                                                  2.   “Frequently asked questions,” Blue prism, 2017, https://www.
Deloitte Consulting LLP                                        Deloitte Consulting LLP                                         blueprism.com/whatwedo/faq.

aabbattista@deloitte.com                                       msoderberg@deloitte.com                                    3.   Deloitte client experience.
                                                                                                                          4.   “Use cases for robotic process automation: Providing a team
                                                                                                                               of 'virtual workers,’” November 2016, Gartner, Inc., https://
Tadd Morganti                                                  Jan Hejtmánek                                                   www.gartner.com/doc/3156924/use-cases-robotic-process-
Managing Director                                              Manager                                                    5.   “Predicts 2017: The future state of business process services
Deloitte Consulting LLP                                        Deloitte Central Europe                                         and outsourcing,” November 2016, Gartner, Inc., https://www.
tmorganti@deloitte.com                                         jhejtmanek@deloittece.com                                  6.   “Maverick* research: To avoid working for robots, make robots
                                                                                                                               work for your organization,” Gartner, Inc., January 2017, https://

Deloitte CFO Insights are developed with the guidance of
Dr. Ajit Kambil, Global Research Director, CFO Program,
Deloitte LLP; and Lori Calabro, Senior Manager, CFO
Education & Events, Deloitte LLP. Special thanks to Scott
Leibs, Senior Manager, CFO Program, Deloitte LLP, for his
contributions to this issue.

  About Deloitte’s CFO Program
  The CFO Program brings together a
  multidisciplinary team of Deloitte leaders and
  subject matter specialists to help CFOs stay ahead
  in the face of growing challenges and demands.
  The Program harnesses our organization’s broad
  capabilities to deliver forward thinking and fresh
  insights for every stage of a CFO’s career—helping
  CFOs manage the complexities of their roles, tackle
  their company’s most compelling challenges, and
  adapt to strategic shifts in the market.

For more information about Deloitte’s CFO Program, visit
our website at: www.deloitte.com/us/thecfoprogram.

       Follow us @deloittecfo

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