Funding Opportunity Edition - NSF BIO: How to Write a Great NSF Proposal - North Dakota State University

Page created by Harvey Christensen
Funding Opportunity Edition - NSF BIO: How to Write a Great NSF Proposal - North Dakota State University
June 7, 2021

           Funding Opportunity Edition

       NSF BIO: How to Write a Great NSF Proposal
Two Divisions within the National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Biological
Sciences (BIO) are hosting virtual office hours focused on writing proposals to NSF.

Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) Virtual Office Hour
"How to Write a Great NSF Proposal"
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 / 1pm-2pm
Learn more and register >>

Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) Virtual Office Hour
"How to Write a Great Proposal"
Monday, June 14, 2021 / 12pm-1pm
Learn more and register >>

    Upcoming Limited Submission Program Deadlines
Limited submission grant programs are those that indicate a limit on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by an institution for a particular deadline. A
selection process becomes necessary if more applicants express interest in applying
than NDSU is allowed to submit to the grant program. Email notifications of interest

If you identify a limited submission opportunity that is not on the list below, please
    • NEA: Our Town
        Notification Deadline: 06/09/2021
    • Mallinckrodt Foundation
        Notification Deadline: 06/10/2021
    • NIH: Director's Early Independence Awards
        Notification Deadline: 06/16/2021
    • NIH: Bridges to the Baccalaureate
        Notification Deadline: 06/30/2021

There are a number of limited submission grant programs with upcoming agency
deadlines for which we did not receive any notifications of interest. A full list of
those programs is available on the Limited Submissions page. For these programs,
marked "First to Notify," approval to move forward with a full proposal submission
to the funder will be given on a first come, first served basis. Email notifications of
interest to
    • Retirement Research Foundation
        Letter of Intent deadline: 06/15/2021
    • NEA: Grants for Arts Projects
        Deadline: 06/16/2021
    • NSF: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services and
        Deadline: 06/16/2021
    • NSF: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services and
        Support - Coordination Office
        Deadline: 06/16/2021
    • NIH: Program to Advance the Career Development of Scientists from Diverse
        Backgrounds Conducting Nutrition, Obesity, Diabetes, and Related Research
        Deadline: 06/17/2021
•   William T. Grant Foundation: Scholars Program
          Deadline: 07/07/2021
      •   NSF: Partnerships for Innovation
          Deadline: 07/14/2021
      •   Breast Cancer Alliance: Young Investigator Grants
          Deadline: 07/23/2021
      •   NSF: ADVANCE
          Letter of Intent deadline: 08/02/2021
      •   NSF: Research Traineeship Program (NRT)
          Deadline: 09/06/2021

  •   DEPSCoR: Research Collaboration
  •   DoD: ARL BAA for Basic and Applied Scientific Research
  •   DoD: C4ISR, Information Operations, Cyberspace Operations and Information
      Technology System Research
  •   DOE: Solicitation for the Office of Science
  •   Facebook: Engineering Approaches to Responsible Neural Interface Design
  •   National Historical Publications and Records Commission
  •   NEH: Archaeological and Ethnographic Field Research
  •   NIH: Director's Transformative Research Awards
  •   NIH: Maximizing the Scientific Value of Existing Biospecimen Collections
  •   NIH: Secondary Analyses of Existing Datasets of Tobacco Use and Health
  •   NIH: Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and
      Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities
  •   NSF: Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering
  •   NSF: Computer and Information Science and Engineering Research Initiation
  •   NSF: Division of Chemistry - Disciplinary Research Programs
  •   NSF: Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention

  •   NSF Virtual Grants Conference
•   SHARPhub Webinars for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
   •   Webinar: Overview of USDA-NIFA Competitive Education Programs
   •   Virtual DEPSCoR Day
   •   Dakota Cancer Collaborative on Translational Activity (DaCCoTA) Virtual
   •   Workshops for Health Professionals

                 Looking for more funding opportunities?
                            On January 1, NDSU transitioned to a new funding
                            opportunity database subscription: SPIN by InfoEd Global.
                            SPIN is free for current NDSU faculty, staff, and students.

  For more information, visit the SPIN page on the RCA website. If you have questions,
  please contact

DEPSCoR: Research Collaboration
The objectives of the Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
(DEPSCoR) are to:
   1. increase the number of university researchers in eligible States / Territories
       capable of performing science and engineering (S&E) research responsive to the
       needs of the Department of Defense (DoD);
   2. enhance the capabilities of institutions of higher education (IHEs) in eligible States
       / Territories to develop, plan, and execute S&E research that is relevant to the
       mission of the DoD and competitive for Federal funding; and
   3. increase the probability of long-term growth in the competitively awarded Federal

The Research Collaboration funding opportunity [FOA-AFRL-AFOSR-2021-0007] aims to
create basic research collaborations between a pair of researchers, namely
   1. Applicant / Principal Investigator (PI), a full-time faculty member who has never
       served as a PI on a prior DoD directly funded research Prime award; and
2. Collaborator/co-Principal Investigator (co-PI), an investigator who will provide
       mentorship to the Applicant and has served as a PI on a DoD directly funded
       research Prime award active between 1 October 2014 and 30 September 2021.

This structure is aimed at introducing potential applicants to the DoD’s unique research
challenges and its supportive research ecosystem. Topic areas of interest include:
    • Physics of Sensing
    • Complex Networks
    • Modeling of Complex Systems
    • Biomathematics
    • Solid Mechanics
    • Environmental Chemistry
    • Electronic Sensing
    • Nanoscale Computing Devices and Systems
    • Additive Manufacturing
    • Social Networks and Computational Social Science

See the full list in the FOA.

Deadline: September 20, 2021

DoD: Army Research Laboratory Broad Agency Announcement
(BAA) for Basic and Applied Scientific Research
This BAA [W911NF-17-S-0003] sets forth basic and applied scientific research areas of
interest of the Army Research Laboratory, including:
    • Computational Sciences,
    • Materials Research,
    • Sciences for Maneuver,
    • Information Sciences,
    • Human Sciences,
    • Analysis and Assessment, and
    • Artificial Intelligence.

This BAA is open through March 31, 2022.
DoD: C4ISR, Information Operations, Cyberspace Operations
and Information Technology System Research
The Naval Information Warfare Center, Pacific (NIWC Pacific) is soliciting white papers and
proposals for areas relating to the advancement of Command, Control, Communications,
Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities, enabling
technologies for Information Operations and Cyberspace Operations, and Information
Technology systems. This BAA [N66001-21-S-4700] is for procurement contracts , grants,
cooperative agreements, and other transactions. Proposed research should investigate
unique and innovative approaches for defining and developing next generation
integratable C4ISR capabilities and command suites. Examples of topic areas of interest
    • Command and Control (human / information system communication and
    • Communications;
    • Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance;
    • Unmanned Vehicles;
    • Information Operations / Cyberspace Operations;
    • Ubiquitous Communications and Computing Environment;
    • STEM education;
    • Advanced Power and Energy Production and Efficient Use; and
    • Cryogenics and Quantum.

Consult the BAA for a full list of topics.

This BAA will remain open until June 3, 2022.

DOE: Solicitation for the Office of Science
Through this solicitation [DE-FOA-0002414], the Office of Science (SC) of the Department
of Energy (DOE) continues its interest in receiving grant applications for support of work in
the following program areas:
    • Advanced Scientific Computing Research,
    • Basic Energy Sciences,
    • Biological and Environmental Research,
•   Fusion Energy Sciences,
   •   High Energy Physics,
   •   Nuclear Physics,
   •   Isotope R&D and Production, and
   •   Accelerator R&D and Production.

This solicitation is open through September 30, 2021.

Facebook: Engineering Approaches to Responsible Neural
Interface Design
Facebook Reality Labs (FRL) has been exploring neural and neuromotor data as potential
inputs for controlling augmented reality and / or virtual reality systems. In keeping with
Facebook’s Responsible Innovation principles, the FRL research teams work to surface and
consider neuroethical considerations in tandem with system design. As part of that effort,
FRL is pleased to solicit proposals that leverage engineering to address the principles of
considering everyone, putting people first by treating data with care, and providing
controls that matter by developing tools and methods for data management and privacy.

Key Focus Areas:
   • Inclusive optical neurotechnologies
   • Inclusive surface EMG wristband technology
   • Privacy-preserving methods for handling neural data

A total of up to five awards are available, worth up to $150,000 each. Payment will be
made to the proposer’s host university as an unrestricted gift. Teams that are able to
publish results are strongly encouraged to choose an open access academic journal. For
full details and to apply, please visit the engineering approaches to responsible neural
interface design RFP page.

Deadline: July 14, 2021

National Historical Publications and Records Commission
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) of the National
Archives supports projects that promote access to America's historical records to
encourage understanding of our democracy, history, and culture. The Commission
currently has two open funding opportunities.

Access to Historical Records: Archival Projects
With this program, the NHPRC seeks projects that will significantly improve online public
discovery and use of historical records collections. Projects may preserve and process
historical records to:
    • Convert existing description for online access,
    • Create new online Finding Aids to collections,
    • Digitize historical records collections and make them freely available online.

Public Engagement with Historical Records
With this program, the NHPRC seeks projects that encourage public engagement with
historical records, including the development of new tools that enable people to engage
online. The NHPRC is looking for projects that create models and technologies that other
institutions can freely adopt. In general, collaborations between archivists, documentary
editors, historians, educators, and / or community-based individuals are more likely to
create a competitive proposal. Projects that focus on innovative methods to introduce
primary source materials and how to use them in multiple locations also are more likely to
create a competitive proposal.

Cost-sharing is required for both programs.

Optional draft deadline: August 10, 2021
Application deadline: October 6, 2021

NEH: Archaeological and Ethnographic Field Research
The Archaeological and Ethnographic Field Research program makes awards to
institutions and organizations conducting empirical field research to answer significant
questions in the humanities. Archaeology and ethnography are important methodologies
utilized by many disciplines across the humanities and social sciences that provide
observational and experiential data on human history and culture.
Archaeological methods may include field survey and field-based remote sensing,
documentation or visualization, and/or excavations in support of answering research
questions in all aspects of the human past, including but not limited to ancient studies,
anthropology, art history, classical studies, regional studies, epigraphy, and other related
disciplines. Ethnographic methods may include participant observation, surveys and
interviews, and documentation or recording in pursuit of research questions in
anthropology, ethnolinguistics, oral history, ethnomusicology, performance studies,
folklore studies, and related disciplines.

A pre-application webinar will be hosted on June 21, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Click
here to join.

Optional draft deadline: August 12, 2021
Application deadline: September 29, 2021

NIH Director’s Transformative Research Awards (R01 Clinical
Trial Optional)
The NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award Program supports individual scientists
or groups of scientists proposing groundbreaking, exceptionally innovative, original, and /
or unconventional research with the potential to create new scientific paradigms,
establish entirely new and improved clinical approaches, or develop transformative
technologies. For the program to support the best possible researchers and research,
applications are sought which reflect the full diversity of the nation’s research workforce.
Individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups and
from the full spectrum of eligible institutions in all geographic locations are strongly
encouraged to apply to this Funding Opportunity Announcement. In addition, applications
are welcome in all topics relevant to the broad mission of NIH, including, but not limited
to, topics in the behavioral, social, biomedical, applied, and formal sciences and topics
that may involve basic, translational, or clinical research. No preliminary data are
required. Projects must clearly demonstrate, based on the strength of the logic, a
compelling potential to produce a major impact in a broad area of relevance to the NIH.
The NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award is a component of the High-Risk, High-
Reward Research (HRHR) Program of the NIH Common Fund.

Deadline: September 1, 2021

NIH: Maximizing the Scientific Value of Existing Biospecimen
Collections (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) [RFA-OD-21-004] is to
invite R21 applications to stimulate exploratory research relevant to the mission of the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) using existing
(publicly available) biospecimens currently stored in repositories in the United States. This
will include, but not be limited to, collections associated with the Population Assessment
of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, the National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (NHANES), the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Biologic
Specimen and Data Repository Information Coordinating Center (BioLINCC), and the
Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial. Proposed research
should seek to maximize the scientific value of these stored collections and to provide
researchers with an opportunity to generate preliminary data for subsequent research
proposals. Other publicly available datasets would be considered, depending on analyses
to be conducted. These applications need to provide justification why the data set is
unique, and the research questions cannot be answered from a publicly available,
nationally representative, data set.

Deadline: October 8, 2021

NIH: Secondary Analyses of Existing Datasets of Tobacco Use
and Health (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) [RFA-OD-21-003] is to
invite R21 applications proposing the innovative analysis of existing (publicly available)
nationally representative U.S. cross-sectional and longitudinal data, to investigate novel
scientific ideas and / or to generate new models, systems, tools, methods, or technologies
that have the potential for significant impact on biomedical or biobehavioral research in
areas relevant to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - Center for Tobacco Products
(CTP). Other publicly available data sets would be considered depending on the analyses
to be conducted; however, nationally representative analyses will receive priority.
Applications not using nationally representative data sets will need to provide justification
why the data set is unique, and why the research questions cannot be answered from a
(publicly available) nationally representative data set. This FOA encourages the analyses
of public use datasets that may inform tobacco regulatory actions in the United States.

Deadline: October 8, 2021

NIH: Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Structural
Racism and Discrimination (SRD) on Minority Health and Health
Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
This initiative [RFA-MD-21-004] will support observational or intervention research to
understand and address the impact of SRD on minority health and health disparities.

Projects must address SRD in one or more NIH-designated populations with health
disparities in the US and should address documented disparities in health outcomes.
Applications are expected to provide a justification for why the specific types of SRD
included constitute SRD, such as how the racism or discrimination is structural rather than
reflecting individual-level behavior and how the SRD results in differential treatment or
outcomes for less advantaged individuals, groups or populations. Applications are also
expected to provide a conceptual model identifying hypothesized pathways between the
SRD and health outcomes. Potential health outcomes may reflect health status; health
condition-specific or all-cause disability, quality of life, mortality and morbidity; biological
measures that reflect cumulative exposures to and effects of SRD; health behaviors; or
access to, utilization of, or quality of health care.

It is also expected that projects will collect data on SRD beyond individual self-reported
perceptions and experiences to include data at organizational, community or societal

Projects are expected to involve collaborations with relevant organizations or groups or
stakeholders, such as academic institutions, health service providers and systems, state
and local public health agencies or other governmental agencies such as housing and
transportation, criminal justice systems, school systems, patient or consumer advocacy
groups, community-based organizations, and faith-based organizations. Multidisciplinary
research teams, including researchers from areas outside of the health sciences, such as
economics, education, history, criminology, law, and political science, are encouraged.

Letter of Intent deadline: July 20, 2021

NSF: Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering
Large-scale simulations and the ability to accumulate massive amounts of data have
revolutionized science and engineering. The goal of the CDS&E meta-program [PD 21-
8084] is to identify and capitalize on opportunities for major scientific and engineering
breakthroughs through new computational and data-analysis approaches and best
practices. The CDS&E meta-program supports projects that harness computation and data
to advance knowledge and accelerate discovery above and beyond the goals of the
participating individual programs. The intellectual drivers may be in an individual
discipline, or they may cut across more than one discipline in various Divisions and
Directorates. A CDS&E proposal should enable and / or utilize development and
adaptation of advances in research and infrastructure in computational and data science.

Areas of emphasis for CDS&E vary by program. Programs involved include:
   • Division of Mathematical Sciences
   • Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation
   • Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
   • Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure
   • Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems
   • Division of Astronomical Sciences
   • Division of Chemistry
   • Division of Materials Research

The CDS&E meta-program is not intended to replace existing programs that support
projects involving computation or the analysis of large or complex data sets using
established methods. Rather, proposals submitted to the CDS&E meta-program must have
a significant component of computational or data science that goes well beyond what
would normally be included in these programs.

Deadlines vary by program.

NSF: Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Research Initiation Initiative
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science
and Engineering (CISE) seeks to award grants intended to support research independence
among early-career academicians who specifically lack access to adequate organizational
or other resources. It is expected that funds obtained through this program [NSF 21-591]
will be used to support untenured faculty or research scientists (or equivalent) in their
first three years in a primary academic position after the PhD, but not more than six years
after completion of their PhD for proposals submitted in 2021, and not more than five
years after completion of their PhD for proposals submitted after 2021. Applicants for this
program may not yet have received any other grants or contracts in the PI role from any
department, agency, or institution of the federal government, including from the CAREER
program or any other program, post-PhD, regardless of the size of the grant or contract,
with certain exceptions as noted below. Serving as co-PI, Senior Personnel, Postdoctoral
Fellow, or other Fellow does not count against this eligibility rule.

Deadline: September 20, 2021

NSF: Division of Chemistry - Disciplinary Research Programs
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Chemistry (CHE) supports a large and
vibrant research community engaged in fundamental discovery, invention, and innovation
in the chemical sciences. The projects supported by CHE explore the frontiers of chemical
science, develop the foundations for future technologies and industries that meet
changing societal needs, and prepare the next generation of chemical researchers.

Some of the areas supported by CHE include:
   • designing, synthesizing and characterizing new molecules, catalysts, surfaces, and
      nanostructures - especially those with a focus on sustainability;
   • increasing our fundamental understanding of chemical species, their structures,
      and their chemical transformations, kinetics, and thermodynamics;
•   developing new tools and novel instrumentation for chemical discovery, including
       those in data discovery science where increasing volumes and varieties of data are
       harnessed to advance innovation;
   •   determining structure-function relationships in biological systems and contributing
       to our understanding of the fundamental rules of life;
   •   observing, manipulating, and controlling the behavior of matter and energy in
       nanometer dimensions such as the quantum regime;
   •   understanding chemical processes in the environment;
   •   expanding chemical understanding through data sharing, mining, and repurposing;
       and expanding state-of-the-art data analytics tools;
   •   solving complex chemical problems by the development of new theories,
       computations, models, and tools;
   •   contributing to industries of the future as relevant to the chemical sciences:
       quantum information systems, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, artificial

This solicitation [NSF 21-589] covers submission to the following nine CHE Disciplinary
Research Programs (DRPs; also known as core programs): Chemical Catalysis (CAT);
Chemical Measurement and Imaging (CMI); Chemical Structure, Dynamics and
Mechanisms-A (CSDM-A); Chemical Structure Dynamics and Mechanisms-B (CSDM-B);
Chemical Synthesis (SYN); Chemical Theory, Models and Computational Methods (CTMC);
Chemistry of Life Processes (CLP); Environmental Chemical Sciences (ECS); and
Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry (MSN).

Deadlines vary by program.

NSF: Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase I –
Development Grants
This solicitation [NSF 21-590] is for Development Grants as part of NSF’s new Predictive
Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention (PIPP) initiative. This initiative focuses on
fundamental research and capabilities needed to tackle grand challenges in infectious
disease pandemics through prediction and prevention. NSF anticipates releasing a Phase
II Center Grants solicitation around 2023. Note that submission or award of a
Development Grant is not required to participate in the anticipated PIPP Phase II Center
Grants competition.
The PIPP Phase I initiative intends to support planning activities encompassing (1)
articulation of a grand challenge centered around a critical and broad question in
pandemic predictive intelligence; (2) proposals of novel conceptual research and
technology developments that aim to advance state-of-the-art forecasting, real-time
monitoring, mitigation, and prevention of the spread of pathogens; and (3)
multidisciplinary team formation.

Successful Phase I proposals must identify an innovative interdisciplinary grand
challenge that engages integrated computational, biological, engineering, and social /
behavioral approaches to formulate and solve critical problems relating to predictive
intelligence for pandemic prevention. PIs of Phase I Development Grants are strongly
encouraged to develop research and technical approaches that start to address critical
aspects of the identified grand challenge.

NSF’s PIPP activities place great emphasis on high-risk/high-payoff convergent research
that has the potential for large societal impact. To that end, prospective principal
investigators (PIs) must develop teams and proposals that work across scientific,
disciplinary, geographic, and organizational divides, push conceptual boundaries, and
build new theoretical framings of the understanding of pandemic predictive intelligence.

The Directorates for Biological Sciences (BIO), Computer Information Science and
Engineering (CISE), Engineering (ENG), and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
(SBE), are jointly collaborating to support the PIPP Phase I activities. Involvement of and
collaboration with other research communities with significant effort in related spaces is
highly encouraged.

Deadline: October 1, 2021

                        NSF Virtual Grants Conference
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Spring 2021 Virtual Grants Conference will be held
the week of June 7-11, 2021. You can register to attend "live" here. Sessions will be
recorded and will be available on-demand shortly after the event and posted on
the website and YouTube page.
SHARPhub Webinars for Innovators and Entrepreneurs
The SHARPhub Program assists life science innovations that have been developed (or are
developing) into a startup company with its headquarters and R&D operations in Kansas,
Oklahoma, Nebraska, North Dakota, or South Dakota. SHARPhub is hosting a number of
upcoming webinars:

June 9, 2021 / 8:30-10am
ABC of SBIR / STTR Funding
Find out whether your research is a candidate for SBIR / STTR federal R&D funding and
learn SBIR / STTR program basics, including program purpose, eligibility, and sources of
funding. This presentation will provide ample information to help you determine if you
should seriously pursue proposal development and tools to help begin the process.
Register now >>

June 14, 2021 / 11am-12:30pm
Identifying SBIR / STTR funding opportunities and developing the Aims page for your
Are you considering applying for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs? Are you planning to reach out to SBIR /
STTR program managers to gauge interest in your project? This is the right training for
Register now >>

June 21, 2021 / 8:30am-1pm
SBIR / STTR Proposal Prep for NIH
Discover the differences between SBIR and STTR, review how to navigate the NIH’s SBIR
website to research awarded projects, learn how to prepare an SBIR proposal, and find
out how to avoid common pitfalls.
Register now >>

June 22, 2021 / 2-3pm
Entrepreneur Workshop Series: Licensing and Partnering agreements
Join the next session in this workshop series, hosted by NIA OSBR and the National Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute Small Business Program. The workshop includes breakout rooms
on startup and university license agreements, partnerships and collaboration agreements,
and negotiation tips.
Register now >>


     Webinar: Overview of USDA-NIFA Competitive Education
                                Friday, June 11, 2021 / 1-3pm
Interested in learning more about the National Institute of Food and Agriculture
(NIFA) education portfolio and grant opportunities? This webinar aims to raise awareness
about NIFA's competitive education programs including K-12, undergraduate, and
graduate programs as well as programs targeted to minority-serving institutions. NIFA
staff will give an overview of programs and upcoming Request for Application (RFA)
deadlines for FY2021/2022. The webinar will include opportunity for Q&A.

Learn more and register >>


                              Virtual DEPSCoR Day
                          Wednesday, June 23, 2021 | 9am-4pm
The Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) is holding
a virtual DEPSCoR Day which will include overviews of currently open funding
opportunities, various panel sessions, and breakout sessions with Program Officers
representing the topics in the Research Collaboration funding opportunity
announcement. The tentative agenda is as follows:

9:00 AM: Welcome and Opening Remarks, Dr. Bindu Nair, Director, Basic Research
9:30 AM: Session 1: DEPSCoR Collaborative Research and Capacity Building FOAs
10:15 AM: Session 2: Tri-Service Basic Research Offices Overviews
11:00 AM: Session 3: Engagement and Brainstorming Ideas with Program Officers
11:30 AM: Lunch Break
12:30 PM: Session 4: Previous DoD-funded Researchers
1:00 PM: Session 5: DEPSCoR Awardees Lessons Learned
1:30 PM: Session 6: DEPSCoR Application Submission: Noblis nVision
2:00 PM: Break
2:30 PM: Session 7: DEPSCoR FY21 Topic Breakout Sessions

To participate in the Virtual DEPSCoR Day, you must register in advance no later than
June 16, 2021.

You are encouraged to register early as space is limited. If you register and find you can no
longer attend, please cancel your registration so we can accommodate as many
participants as possible.

       Dakota Cancer Collaborative on Translational Activity
                 (DaCCoTA) Virtual Symposium
                                June 18, 2021 / 8am-5pm
Registration is now open for the 2021 DaCCoTA Virtual Symposium. It is free and open to
the public.

The symposium includes:
    • Educational Opportunities (educational credit will be provided)
            o Use of navigators in cancer care
            o Design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials
            o Navigating collaboration with industry
            o Best practices in community engagement
            o Mentorship: It takes two to tango
            o Demystifying the NIH study section
    • Poster Sessions
    • DaCCoTA Awardee Presentations
    • Networking Opportunities
Register through the following

For additional information about the symposium and details regarding poster
presentation requirements, please visit:

The DaCCoTA is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the
National Institutes of Health under Award Number U54GM128729.

                    Workshops for Health Professionals
                              June 24, 2021 / 8:30am-12:30pm
Paul Casella, MFA, is a writer, teacher, editor and producer. Since 1988, Paul has worked
with health professionals to improve the clarity and effectiveness of their manuscripts for
publication, formal presentations, grant applications, slides, posters, videos, and other
media for scientific purposes.

On June 24, 2021, Paul will visit the NDSU campus to conduct a series of workshops for
health professionals:
   • Writing for Publication
   • Writing Effective NIH Grant Proposals
   • Speaking for Success: Strategies for Effective Medical and Scientific Presentations
Learn more and register >>

This workshop is hosted by NDSU, UND, and the DaCCoTA. The workshop is sponsored by
Great Plains IDeA-CTR.


            Have questions, ideas, or suggestions for the RCA Update?

                                       Contact Us
The Office of Research and Creative Activity (RCA) sends weekly emails to NDSU faculty and staff to provide current
information on various topics including funding opportunities, grant program changes, research
resources, deadlines, notices, and training.
You are receiving this notification through the NDSU official employee listserv or sub-list. The official listserv
refreshes after each pay period.

North Dakota State University does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender
expression/identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, public assistance status, race, religion, sex,
sexual orientation, or status as a U.S. veteran. Direct inquiries to: Equal Opportunity Specialist, Old Main 201, 701-
231-7708 or Title IX/ADA Coordinator, Old Main 102, 701-231-6409.
You can also read