Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation

Page created by Lori Burke
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Fun Times
 Winter 2022

Christmas at the
  Fun Over 50
  Christmas on
    the Farm
  Riverfront Fun
 “Under the Big
  Top” Exhibit
 Free Seminars
 Youth Centers
Unwind Your Mind
  Winter Hikes
 Special Interest
Sports & Fitness
                       Fort Wayne Parks &
                     Recreation Department
    Winter Fun
   for All Ages
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
What’s Inside?
                 We are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic situ-
          5      ation and are following the best practices put forth by pub-
                 lic health authorities such as the Center for Disease Control
                 (CDC), Allen County Board of Health Department and the City
                 of Fort Wayne. Therefore the information in this Fun Times
                 is subject to change as needed to comply with new guide-
                 lines. Our number one priority is the health and safety of our
                 citizens and staff. We appreciate your support.

        14       Botanical Conservatory...................... 3-7
                 Computer Classes.................................11
                 Cooking Classes............................ 22, 23
                 Event Venues............................24, 46, 47
                 Headwaters Ice Rink............................ 48
                 Lindenwood Nature Preserve.........18, 19
                 McMillen Park Community Center....36, 37
        27       Outdoor Programs.........................18, 19
                 Pre-School Programs....... 5, 17, 21, 28-30
                 Registration Information.................49, 50
                 Riverfront.......................................16, 17
                 Salomon Farm................................. 20-24
                 Seminars........................................12, 13
                 Senior Programs............................. 38-43
        38       Special Events................. 6, 17, 20, 25-27
                 Special Interest Classes.................... 5, 8-11
                 Sports & Fitness........7, 14, 15, 36, 40, 41
                 Unwind Your Mind............................... 44
                 Volunteer Opportunities................24, 43
                 Youth Centers................................. 34-37
                 Youth Programs............... 5, 17, 21, 32-37

                                                     Tom Henry, Mayor
                 705 E. State Blvd.               Steve McDaniel, Director
               Fort Wayne, IN 46805
                  (260) 427-6000                    Board of Park
                                                      Richard Samek
                                                     Pamela Kelly, M.D.
                                                       William Zielke
                                                       Justin Shurley

2    Bundle up and “Park It” this winter!
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Botanical Conservatory

                   Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory
     1100 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne • (260) 427-6440 •

 Conservatory & Gift Shop Hours                                                     2021 Admission
 Tuesday-Saturday 10 am-5 pm                                          Adults $5/Children age 3-17 $3
 Thursday 10 am-8 pm                                                          Ages 2 and under Free
 Sunday 12-4 pm                                                                Group rates available.
 Closed Mondays, Thanksgiving                                           Admission fee not required
 Christmas & New Year’s Day                                                 for the café or gift shop.

                                         Holiday Hours
In addition to regular Thursday evening hours, the Botanical Conservatory is open until 8:00 p.m. on
Friday evenings from Black Friday, November 26 through December 17. Special holiday hours include
being open from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Please note the Botanical
Conservatory is closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

Parking                                              Conservatory Shop
The Admission Desk validates tickets for FREE        The Conservatory Shop offers a boutique-style
parking across from the entrance at Calhoun          atmosphere filled with houseplants, home &
St. and Jefferson Blvd. in the Civic Center Park-    garden essentials, unique toys & books, trendy
ing Garage; its third-floor skywalk bridge pro-      apparel & fashion accessories and seasonal mer-
vides indoor access to the Botanical Connector       chandise perfect for souvenir-taking and gift-giv-
through the Hilton Hotel, Grand Wayne Center         ing! Open during public hours Tuesday through
and Embassy Theatre. Metered parking is available    Sunday. Conservatory admission not required.
on surrounding streets and is free evenings and
weekends. Bus and handicap accessible parking is
available in the circle drive off Calhoun St. near                         Tue-Sat 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Conjure Coffee.                                                            Sun 12-4 p.m.
                                                                           Enjoy thoughtful hospital-
Conservatory Membership                               ity and hand-crafted coffee beverages featuring
                                                      local ingredients and fresh pastries from GK
Enjoy annual membership to the Botanical Con-
                                                      Bakery. Coffee is hand roasted at the Columbia
servatory! Members receive free garden admission
                                                      Ave location for a uniquely fresh experience.
anytime during public hours, a 10% discount in
                                                      More details at Order in
the Conservatory Shop, and reciprocal benefits
                                                      person or through the Odeko app for pick up
at more than 330 gardens around the country.
                                                      and contactless payment. Seating is available
Memberships make great holiday gifts. Become a
                                                      within the Conservatory Café, Atrium or the
member today at
                                                      outdoor patio. Catering options available to
                                                      Conservatory renters and businesses in the
      Questions? 427-6440                             downtown area.

               The Botanical Conservatory . . . Always in Season!                                   3
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Christmas at the Conservatory

                           “Alpine Holiday” Showcase Exhibit
                                 November 20-January 2, Public hours
Imagine the sting of snow on your cheek, the brilliance of dusted slopes and the fragrance of mountain
pines. The Botanical Conservatory’s version of the Alps offers a bold glacial display that will have you
basking in the cool blues of winter offsetting the rich deep colors of holiday poinsettias. Find yourself
winding down a mountain path and admiring the scenery from the porch of a snow-capped ski hut. If
you get in deep powder, all you have to do is give a “yodel-ay-hee-hooo!” Sponsored by English Bonter
Mitchell Foundation, PBS Fort Wayne and Majic 95.1 WAJI.

Night of Lights at the Conservatory Late-Night Light Display
Wednesday, November 24, 5:00-9:00 p.m.                  Thursdays & Fridays, November 26-December 17
Kick-off the holidays with a stroll through             5:00-8:00 p.m.
enchanted gardens glistening and glowing all            Amp up your holiday plans with a visit to the
throughout the Botanical Conservatory. Follow a         Botanical Conservatory where the gardens are all
magical trail where Icelandic reindeer are waiting to   dressed up for the season! From the moment you
greet you, then continue on and share the excite-       arrive, dazzle at the display of stunning poinset-
ment of the season with jolly Santa Claus! Take         tias, illuminated photo ops and charming scenes
in the beautiful scenery of the “Alpine Holiday”        that bring a twinkle to your eye. Unique gifts are
exhibit and enjoy a special treat too. Also, find       available for purchase in the Conservatory Shop.
warmth indoors where Conjure Coffee is open to          All this and more serves as ideal guest entertain-
serve you. Regular admission fees apply. Spon-          ment when the gardens in light are best seen at
sored by Majic 95.1 WAJI and PBS Fort Wayne.            night, November 26 through December 17 during
                                                        extended holiday hours from 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Conservatory Holiday Concert                            Thursday and Friday evenings. Included with regu-
Thursday, December 2, 5:30-7:30 p.m.                    lar Conservatory admission.
On this $1 Night in December, we welcome Those
2 Guys in Suits & Ties, Tom Didier and Todd Fry-        Suzuki Strings Performance
mier, who are singin’ with style! What a night to       Sunday, December 12, 2:00-2:45 p.m.
not only admire the gardens in light, but to also       As you walk into the “Alpine Holiday” showcase
enjoy live musical entertainment during the holiday     exhibit, listen for the children of Fort Wayne
season! No reservations required.                       Suzuki playing holiday favorites on the violin and
                                                        cello. These accomplished students are familiar
                                                        with the Suzuki Method of instruction that is the
                                                        “mother tongue method” based on the premise
                                                        that music is learned like a language. Hear for
                                                        yourself as local Suzuki students perform music
                                                        with holiday ear appeal. Included with regular Con-
                                                        servatory admission.

                                                            Santa’s Workshop, p. 25
4                          Holiday fun for the whole family!
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Succulent Christmas Tree
                                                      Design a 3D Christmas tree made of succulent
                                                      cuttings. Standing at just over one foot tall, this
                                                      exquisite little tree is sure to be adored throughout
                                                      the holiday season. You will learn expert tips on
                                                      how to maintain and multiply plant cuttings once
                                                      the season is over. Garden admission is included.
                                                      Ages 15+. Registration deadline: November 27.
                                                      Min. 12. Max. 20.
Breakfast with Santa!                                 Code             Date          Day               Time
                                                      127102-S1 12/5                 Su             1-3 pm
Reserve a spot on Santa’s ‘Nice List’ during this     # Sessions/Fee: 1/$47
legendary breakfast at the Botanical Conservatory.    Member or Volunteer Fee: $42
As a VIP guest, this special occasion includes a      Location: Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S.
personalized visit with the man in red! Enjoy pan-    Calhoun St.
cakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, fruit and a bever-
age of your choice. A holiday take-away is included
along with day-of garden admission and a chance
to visit the reindeer from 12-4 pm. Children under
two are free; spot must be reserved at registra-
tion along with requests for high chairs or booster
seats. Registration deadline: November 23. Min.
20. Max. 40.
Code             Date       Day                Time
127203-S1 12/4              Sa     9:30-10:30 am
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$28
Location: Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S.
Calhoun St.

Santa & Reindeer Saturdays
December 4, 11 & 18, 12:00-4:00 p.m.
Santa and his reindeer will be at the Botanical
Conservatory on each of the three Saturdays
before Christmas. Visit holiday-dressed reindeer
who love petting and posing for pictures. You are
also invited to enjoy the “Alpine Holiday” exhibit
and other jolly scenery on your way to see Santa
himself! (NOTE: Santa takes a break from 2-2:30
p.m.) Regular admission fees apply.
                                                      Evergreen Centerpiece Workshop
                                                      Join returning instructor and florist Dennis Bow-
                                                      man in fashioning balsam fir, cedar and pine branch
                                                      tips in a fragrant evergreen centerpiece to enjoy
                                                      throughout the season. Complement your piece
                                                      with festive ribbon, pine cones and a special fea-
                                                      ture. The registration fee also includes a visit to
                                                      the “Alpine Holiday” exhibit. Participants are
                                                      asked to bring garden gloves, pruners and any
                                                      suitable accents. Workshop subject to go virtual
                                                      via Zoom with email address and pre-pickup kit
                                                      necessary to participate. Ages 15+. Registration
                                                      deadline: November 27. Min. 12. Max. 24.
                                                      Code           Date        Day                Time
                                                      127501-R1 12/9             Th         10-11:30 am
                                                      127501-R2 12/9             Th           6-7:30 pm
                                                      127501-S1 12/11            Sa          9-10:30 am
                                                      # Sessions/Fee: 1/$43
                                                      Member or Volunteer Fee: $38
                                                      Location: Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S.
                                                      Calhoun St.

                                     Visit with live reindeer!                                          5
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Days of Holly Shopping Kick-Off                        $1 Nights
Saturday, November 27, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.            First Thursdays of the month, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Experience an exciting day throughout Downtown         Every first Thursday Conservatory admission is
Fort Wayne, the West Main Shops, and the Wells         just $1, PLUS Civic Center Garage parking is val-
Street Corridor. Locally owned & operated shops        idated for FREE! While visiting, be sure to drop
will be ready to host you this Small Business Sat-     in on the DNI: $1 Night Insight for a fun themed
urday, including our Conservatory Shop! Cozmé          activity from 6:00-7:00 p.m. No registration
Jewelry, a local vendor, will be also be hosting a     required.
lovely pop-up shopping experience as a benefit to
the Botanical Conservatory. Conservatory admis-        $1 Night Insight: Circus Trivia
sion not required to shop during this event in part-   Thursday, January 6, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
nership with the Downtown Improvement District.        In addition to experiencing the newest garden
                                                       exhibit, learn about fascinating facts and the his-
Days of Holly Shopping                                 tory of the circus.
Saturdays, November 27-December 18
10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.                                   $1 Night Insight: Circus Animals
                                                       Thursday, February 3, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
This year Shop Small Saturday will take place on
not just one Saturday, but every Saturday between      This month’s spotlight is on the various exotic ani-
Thanksgiving and Christmas. Experience the             mals you see when you go to the circus!
holiday excitement throughout Downtown Fort
Wayne, the West Main Shops, and the Wells Street                        On Display
Corridor. Locally owned & operated shops will
be ready to host you this Small Business Saturday,     Art Displays
including our Conservatory Shop! Conservatory
admission not required to shop during this expe-       Enjoy works of art by local and regional artists on
rience in partnership with the Downtown Improve-       display during public hours at the Botanical Con-
ment District.                                         servatory. Regular admission fees apply to each
                                                       exhibit and public reception. Submit your own
                                                       artwork for consideration to Amanda.Amstutz@
          Winter Family Fun!                 

                                                       Gregg Coffey: Life in the Brush
 Winterval at the Conservatory                         January-March
 Saturday, January 29, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.            Public Reception: January 16, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
 Ice Carving begins at 10:00 a.m.                      Art serves many purposes. It can be decorative,
 Join the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation              calming to those suffering and even bringing sen-
 Department and its Winterval partners in cel-         sual pleasure through color and form. Art may be
 ebrating the season of winter. Festivities at the     challenging the status quo, playing devil’s advo-
 Botanical Conservatory include a live ice sculp-      cate or causing someone to think. Some art is
 ture being carved outdoors, an activity for win-      so sublime that it incites a sense of wonderment
 ter bird feeding, and an indoor plant giveaway.       while prompting a mini samadhi or moment of
 In addition, explore “Under the Big Top” an           enlightenment. Art can be a crafted skill or link
 indoor circus garden! You are also invited to         to the collective unconscious. When a student
 warm up with Conjure Coffee and browse the            of classical Chinese painting, the rules for Gregg
 Conservatory Shop while you are here. Regular         Coffey were simple, as in “follow rules of the nat-
 Conservatory admission applies.                       ural world.” Just as they produce beauty, divine
                                                       symmetry and preternatural light, the same rules
                                                       produce entropy and decay. Art may also act as
                                                       propaganda, political rhetoric or a call to action. It
                                                       could be commercial treacle, couch art or match-
                                                       ing trendy colors. It may even be a ceramic urinal
                                                       or miles long running fence, and in some cases, the
                                                       artist’s art is to choose not to. Or simply, art is a
                                                       calling. It is a voice calling from the wilderness that
   Watch your mailbox for the                          requires work and diligence from the beholder.
 Spring Fun Times on February 2.

    Follow BConservatoryFW on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Free WIFI

6                                  Visit us in person . . .
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
More Than a Garden
                                                       Book Signing by Terri Richardson
                                                       Saturday, December 11, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
                                                       An easy drive from almost every major midwest-
                                                       ern city and full of history and adventure, it’s
                                                       no wonder Fort Wayne keeps making the list of
                                                       the top places to live. Enter 100 Things to Do in
                                                       Fort Wayne Before You Die, your insider guide to
                                                       Indiana’s second-largest city. This guide highlights
                                                       the top food and drink, live music and entertain-
                                                       ment, culture and history attractions, sporting
       “Under the Big Top”                             events, recreation and shopping, all with the per-
                                                       sonal touch of a longtime resident’s recommenda-
           Winter Showcase Exhibit                     tions. Local author and journalist Terri Richardson
        January 8-April 17, Public hours               brings three decades of experience in the Fort to
                                                       all of her carefully crafted itineraries and sugges-
   Come one, come all to the greatest circus           tions. So, grab a Coney dog and your copy of this
   Garden in town! Imagine yourself as part of         book available for purchase in the Conservatory
   the spectacle and attempt great feats of der-       Shop. Admission not required.
   ring-do including acrobatics and tightrope
   walking. Join the Side Show when posing as          Garden Railroading
   a Strong Man or Bearded Lady. Marvel at
   exotic topiary animals and astonishing plant        Whether inside or out, plants and model trains are
   oddities. This winter, everyone is invited to       hobbies that complement the other! Blane Ryan,
   go to the circus and “clown around” under           a Master Gardener and train guru, will be pre-
   the Conservatory’s Botanical Big Top.               senting budget friendly ways to create your very
                                                       own garden railroad. Details such as site selec-
                                                       tion, planning and maintenance will be covered.
1st Garden Glimpse                                     Informational handouts, starter plant and garden
Showcase Exhibit Opening Day                           admission are included. Ages 8+. Registration
Saturday, January 8, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.              deadline: February 11. Min. 8. Max. 15.
Get one of the first glimpses of the “Under the Big    Code          Date        Day                Time
Top” exhibit at the Botanical Conservatory, and        127104-S1 2/19            Sa        10-11:30 am
explore this newly installed garden with a specially   # Sessions/Fee: 1/$12
crafted activity. Also, join our knowledgeable staff   Member or Volunteer Fee: $9
for a brief “backstage” tour at either 11:30 a.m. or   Location: Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S.
12:30 p.m. This exclusive opportunity is included      Calhoun St.
with regular admission on the opening day of each
seasonal Showcase Exhibit in January, April, July      T’ai Chi for Relaxation
and November. No reservation required.                 Relax and quiet your mind with the ancient Chi-
                                                       nese practice of T’ai Chi. Certified instructor Liz
Sweetheart Orchid Display                              Monnier assists with finding flow in your move-
February 8-March 13, Public hours                      ment and developing confidence in balance and
A tasteful display of orchids in bloom create a        weight shifts. She also promotes healing and inter-
delightfully intimate space in the Botanical Con-      nal harmony with user-friendly Qigong exercises.
servatory’s Tropical Garden. Find yourself as part     Garden admission is included. Students are invited
of a complimentary backdrop with striking Cat-         to take a self-guided meditative walk in the gardens
tleyas, fragrant Dendrobiums, dainty Oncidiums         either after the morning session or before the eve-
and moth-like Phalaenopsis. Orchids and other          ning session. Please bring a water bottle and wear
memorable plants available for purchase in the         comfortable fitting shoes. Drop-ins are not being
Conservatory Shop. Just the occasion for a date        accepted at this time. Series subject to go virtual.
with your sweetheart! Included with regular Con-       Ages 18+. Registration deadline: January 11. Min.
servatory admission.                                   12. Max. 20.
                                                       Code            Dates      Day                  Time
                                                       127400-T1 1/18-2/22 T              9:30-10:30 am
                                                       127400-T2 1/18-2/22 T                        5-6 pm
                                                       # Sessions/Fee: 6/$52
                                                       Member or Volunteer Fee: $47
                                                       Location: Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S.
                                                       Calhoun St.

                          or at                                          7
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Special Interest
      May I Have This Dance?                            Clogging
                                                        Clogging resembles tap dancing but with double
Beginning Ballroom Dance                                time steps that are executed with a flat foot rather
Learning to dance with a partner is fun, challeng-      than on the balls of your feet. It is fun for all ages
ing, and good exercise for the mind and body.           and provides a great aerobic workout. Continuing
Classes will focus on the Swing, Foxtrot, Waltz,        is for individuals who have the basic knowledge
Polka and American Tango and will give you a solid      of clogging steps and combinations. Ages 13+.
base for social dancing. You must register with a       Instructor Elizabeth Hoy has been clogging for
partner. Ages 16+. Instructor: Tiffany Neuls has        20+ years. Registration deadline: January 4. Min.
been teaching dance at the Community Center             6. Max. 15.
for many years. Registration deadline: January 17.      Code           Dates       Day                   Time
Min.14. Max. 24.                                        Intermediate
Code           Dates       Day               Time       142200-M2 1/10-3/14 M                    6:15-7 pm
142203-M1 1/24-2/28 M              7:30-8:30 pm         Location: Franke Pond, Sherman Blvd.
# Sessions/Fee: 6/$40 per person/$45 per person         Advanced
after January 17                                        142200-T3 1/11-3/15 T                 7:15-8:15 pm
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.             Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
                                                        # Sessions/Fee: 10/$42/$47 after January 4
Line Dancing for Fun & Fitness
This class is designed to accommodate beginners         Adult Tap Dance
while also appealing to the more seasoned line          Tap dancing is great exercise and a great way to
dancer. We will cover basic steps and incorporate       spend an evening. You’ll learn various tap dance
them into popular dances. Music ranges from pop,        techniques and performance skills. No previous
classic rock, country, and Latin to funk. Ballroom      experience is required for the beginner class. The
styles such as swing, foxtrot, waltz, rumba, cha-       advanced class requires some previous tap dance
cha, etc. will be included and taught in a line dance   training. Please wear tap or hard-soled shoes.
format. No special shoes or clothing are required.      Instructor: Linda Mullenhour. Ages 18+. Regis-
Ages 13+. Instructors: Philip and Carol Fretz.          tration deadline: January 4. Min. 5. Max. 12.
Registration deadline: December 30. Min. 10.            Code           Dates       Day                Time
Max. 50.                                                Beginners
Code            Dates       Day                  Time   142205-T1 1/11-3/1 T                5:30-6:15 pm
142204-T1 1/4-2/22 T                          7-8 pm    Beginning Plus
# Sessions/Fee: 8/$36/$41 after December 30             142205-T2 1/11-3/1 T                   6:15-7 pm
Location: Franke Park Pavilion #1, Sherman Blvd.        Advanced
                                                        142205-T3 1/11-3/1 T                       7-8 pm
                                                        # Sessions/Fee: 8/$24/$29 after January 4
                                                        Location: Shoaff Riverlodge, 6401 St. Joe Rd.

8                         Call 427-6000 to register by phone.
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
I Got the Music in Me!                                       Good Vibrations
                                                         Meditation with Sound Immersion
                                                         Experience the wonderful world of meditation with
                                                         sound immersion, an ancient art that uses vibra-
                                                         tional tones to reset and restore cellular and emo-
                                                         tional patterns in the physical and energetic body.
                                                         Sound immersion is a simple and direct-connect
                                                         to the powerful benefits of meditation – promot-
                                                         ing deep restorative relaxation and a quiet mind.
                                                         The harmonic resonance orchestrates an energetic
                                                         reset to release stress and tension. Please bring a
                                                         blanket and wear comfortable, light-colored cloth-
                                                         ing. We recommend removing any metal on your
                                                         body, as metals have their own frequency and may
                                                         interfere in the process. Ages 16+. Instructor:
                                                         Heather Williams MA, LMT, CRMT. Registration
                                                         deadline: January 10. Min. 8. Max. 15.
                                                         Code           Dates        Day                Time
                                                         142365-M1 1/17-2/21 M                       7-8 pm
                                                         # Sessions/Fee: 6/$48/$53 after January 10
Beginning Piano                                          Location: Lakeside Pavilion #1, 1401 Vermont
Do you have a keyboard you never learned to play?        Ave.
This easy to learn technique will have you playing
in no time. You will have workouts, exercises, and       Energy Workshop Part 2
performance pieces to practice and build upon            In order to be the best version of ourselves men-
each week. These are individual lessons with only        tally, emotionally and spiritually, we need to be
4 time slots, so register today. Ages 14+. Instruc-      aware of how to get to and stay in the highest pos-
tor: Kristine Agen. Registration deadline: January       sible vibration. In this interactive workshop, learn
18.                                                      what the power tools are to operate on a higher
 Code          Dates        Day               Time       consciousness. This will allow you to grow spiritu-
142417-T1 1/25-2/15 T                        6 pm        ally and raise your vibration to be the best version
142417-T2 1/25-2/15 T                     6:30 pm        of yourself daily. This workshop is for everyone
142417-T3 1/25-2/15 T                        7 pm        and will be held in a calm and casual atmosphere.
142417-T4 1/25-2/15 T                     7:30 pm        Ages 12+. Registration deadline: January 11. Min.
# Sessions/Fee: 4/$64/$69 after January 18               7. Max. 15.
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.              Code            Date         Day               Time
                                                         142324-T1       1/18         T              6-8 pm
You Can Play the Ukulele                                 # Sessions/Fee: 1/$16/$21 after January 11
  With this fun (and family-friendly) class, you’ll      Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
learn how to hold the ukulele, use a chord chart,
and strum with confidence. You’ll leave the class        Energy Workshop Part 3
with the skills necessary to sit at home and work        Empaths are easily affected by the energy around
out of any book of ukulele music. We’ll start slow,      them. This can have emotional and physical effects
and using lots of repetition, work up to playing         on their lives. This interactive workshop, will give
real tunes. Your handouts will have chords and lyr-      the Empath empowerment. Learn tips and see
ics for a variety of songs. A ukulele is included with   tools to protect your energy. Learn to identify
the tuition for this class, and is yours to take home    energy vampires, how to say “no” and how to use
at the end of the class. Ages 9-adult. Instructor:       your energy shields. Ages 12+. Registration dead-
Richard Ash. Registration deadline: February 11.         line: February 8. Min. 7. Max. 15.
Min. 10. Max. 20.                                        Code            Date        Day               Time
Code             Date         Day                Time    142324-T2       2/15        T              6-8 pm
142410-S1 2/19                Sa     9:30 am-12 pm       # Sessions/Fee: 1/$16/$21 after February 8
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$72/$77 after February 11              Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.

      Register on-line at                                     Sports & Fitness, p. 15

                                  Thinking of a new hobby?                                                 9
Fun Times - Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
I’m in the Paint
Acrylic Pour
The defining characteristic of the technique of
pouring acrylics is that you don’t apply the paint
with a brush or palette knife but rather use grav-
ity to move the paint across a canvas. The results
are unlike anything you can get with a brush: fluid
flows of paint without any brush marks or tex-
ture. Choose your technique – dirty cup, swipe or
strainer – and learn to create amazing and beauti-
ful works of art. Instructors are provided by Build
Guild. Ages 13+. Registration deadlines: January
10 and February 7. Min. 5. Max. 8.
Code           Date        Day                Time
142043-M1 1/17             M               6-8 pm
142043-M2 2/14             M               6-8 pm
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$41/$46 after deadlines
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
                                                        Beginning Pottery
Acrylic Painting                                        Learn how to prepare clay, select a design, work
Paint a picture and take it home the same day!          the clay and finish it with various glazing methods.
You’ll be guided step-by-step from blank canvas to      Every student will create six unique pieces to take
your finished painting in just one class. Learn how     home (a cylinder, vase and bowl by wheel and a
to load brushes, paint wet into wet, and blend col-     coiled creamer, slabbed box and your own cre-
ors as you go. All necessary supplies will be pro-      ation by hand. The Thursday class focuses on hand
vided. Ages 13+. Instructor Marilyn Copeland is         building, while the Monday and Saturday classes
a nationally certified and accredited art instructor.   feature both hand building and wheel throwing
Registration deadlines: January 7 and February 11.      techniques. All pieces will be fired at the Commu-
Min. 5. Max. 8.                                         nity Center and may be picked up one week after
Code           Date         Day                 Time    the last class. Ages 13+. Registration deadlines are
142035-S1 1/15              Sa        10 am-12 pm       5 working days prior to each class. Min. 5. Max. 6.
142035-S2 2/19              Sa        10 am-12 pm       Code             Dates       Day               Time
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$31/$36 after deadlines               142004-M1 1/10-2/14 M                        6-9 pm
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.             142004-R1 1/13-2/17 Th                       6-9 pm
                                                        142004-S1 1/15-2/19 Sa              11:30 am-1 pm
                                                        # Sessions/Fee: 6/$94/$99 after deadlines
             Practical Crafts                           Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.

Beginning Macramé                                       Chair Recovery
Make your own BoHo wall hanging! You will learn         Don’t give up your comfortable chair just because
how to begin a macramé piece, how to work a few         it is a little worn. Give it a new exterior and bring
different basic knots, and create a design, texture     it back to life! Bring your chair (no recliners, sofas
and pattern within your piece by varying the knots      or love seats) to the first class with fabric intact, if
as you work. You will complete a wall hanging           possible. We’ll determine the amount of material
in just two class sessions. All supplies included       needed for your project and discuss fabric selec-
and no prior experience is necessary. Ages 14+.         tion. You will learn basic frame repair, spring tying,
Instructor: Michelle Russell. Registration deadline:    pattern layout, cushion styles and furniture styles.
January 27. Min. 4. Max. 6.                             In most cases, you will be able to reupholster your
Code           Dates       Day                Time      chair in the 10 weeks of class. No experience is
142028-R1 2/3-2/10 Th                       6-8 pm      necessary. Instructor Larry Brooks has been reup-
# Sessions/Fee: 2/$43/$48 after January 27              holstering furniture for over 34 years and oper-
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.             ates his own shop. Call Larry at 260-426-5010
                                                        for more information or to determine if your chair
                                                        is right for this class. Age 18+. Registration dead-
   The Community Center will be                         line: January 3. Min. 8. Max. 10.
                                                        Code             Dates        Day                 Time
  CLOSED December 23, 24 & 31.                          142902-M1 1/10-3/14 M                          6-9 pm
         Happy Holidays!                                # Sessions/Fee: 10/$101/$106 after January 3
                                                        Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.

10                  Parks and Recreation is a great place to work!
Get with the Program
Microsoft Excel 2019                                          Getting to Know Your Android
Excel is a powerful, yet relatively easy-to-master            System (50+)
tool for organizing, analyzing and displaying infor-          Do you feel like your smart phone or tablet is
mation such as personal finances or an inventory.             smarter than you are? From batteries, to signals,
You will learn how to enter data, create formulas             to apps and games…you will learn all about your
and display charts. Experience with Windows, file             handy little device. We’ll cover texting, settings,
management, word processing and the cut, copy                 maintenance, trouble shooting and even what to
and paste tool is required. Registration deadline:            do if you lose your phone. You’ll learn how to use
February 12. Min. 4. Max. 5.                                  Google calendar and many other free user-friendly
Code           Dates        Day                Time           applications. Bring your phone to class and show
142109-W1 1/19-2/23 W                10 am-12 pm              it who’s boss. Note: This class is not for Windows
# Sessions/Fee: 6/$32/$37 after February 12
                                                              phones/tablets or iPhones/iPads. Registration
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
                                                              deadline: January 10. Min.4. Max. 5.
                                                              Code           Dates       Day                Time
Microsoft Windows 10 (50+)                                    142120-M1 1/17-2/21 M               2:45-4:45 pm
Our Windows classes are designed for those with               # Sessions/Fee: 6/$32/$37 after January 10
little or no computer experience. You will learn              Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
very basic terminology, hardware, components of
a window and how to manipulate a window. You
will then learn how to cut, copy and paste text,
                                                                      This Gives Me Hives!
graphics and files. These tasks are common to just
about every computer program. Finally, you will
learn how to organize your files so they are easy
to locate and tricks for finding files when they do
get misplaced. Knowledge of the Windows oper-
ating system is a pre-requisite for most of our
other computer classes. You should have access to
a computer outside of class for practice. Instruc-
tor: Keith Hering. Registration deadline: January
5. Min. 3. Max. 5.
Code           Dates        Day               Time
142100-W1 1/12-3/9 W                        1-3 pm
# Sessions/Fee: 8/$42/$47 after January 5
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.

 Computer Lab
 The Community Center Computer Lab is open
 to the public and staffed by a volunteer on
 Mondays 12:30-2:30 p.m. and on Thursdays
 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. No reservation is nec-
 essary. Just drop in.                                        Intro to Beekeeping NEW
 Lab Fee............................................$1/hour   Beehives inside the city limits? Beekeeping is
 B/W Copies................ 10¢ single/15¢ double             becoming very popular, but there is much to learn
 Color Copies..............15¢ single/25¢ double              before you jump in, such as bee biology, hive
 Photo Prints......................... 35¢ for 4” x 6”        equipment and basic beekeeping techniques. This
 ................................... $1.50 for 8.5” x 11”     introduction will focus on the hobby hive and is
                                                              for anyone considering starting a hive or in their
                                                              first year of beekeeping. Take home reading mate-
                                                              rials will be provided. Ages 13+. Instructor: Glenn
                                                              Hile. Registration deadline: January 18. Min. 6.
                                                              Max. 15.
                                                              Code             Date       Day                Time
      Fort Wayne Parks and                                    142415-T1        1/25       T              6-8 pm
                                                              # Sessions/Fee: 1/$17/$22 after January 18
  Recreation Community Center                                 Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.

             See employment opportunities at                                            11
Did You Know?
              FREE Seminars on Topics That Matter to You
                                                         Speech, Voice and Cognition
                 Be Healthy
Greet & Eat                                              Tuesday January 19, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, February 22, 10:00 a.m.                         Wednesday, February 24, 8:30-11:00 a.m.
Community Center, 233 W. Main St.                        Whether you have experienced any recent changes
Join us for a continental breakfast and social spon-     in your voice, speech and thinking, or simply want
sored by Miller’s Health Systems of Greater Fort         to contribute to the learning experience of grad-
Wayne. It’s your opportunity to meet and mingle,         uate students at Purdue Fort Wayne, volunteers
win prizes and see what fun things are happening at      are needed for screenings. Under the guidance of
the Community Center. ABC Exercise and Cardio            a licensed speech-language pathologist, graduate
Flex classes are offered on the same day, so plan        students will conduct a 15-minute screening of the
to drop in for a little exercise. Greet & Eat is free,   volunteer’s speech, voice and thinking skills. They
however, pre-registration is required by February        will then answer any questions you may have and
15. Call 427-6460 to sign up. Space is limited.          provide education on typical changes associated
                                                         with aging. The screenings are free. Please call
Eating Smart and Moving More                             427-6460 to make an appointment or stop by the
                                                         Center on January 12 or February 17 to schedule
Wednesdays, January 12-February 2
                                                         in person with PFW staff who will be on site.
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
                                                         10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s
Eating Smart and Moving More are free lessons on
                                                         Tuesday, January 18, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
food, nutrition and exercise. These sessions will
                                                          Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
help you plan nutritious meals, be active, handle
food safely, spend food dollars wisely and improve       Learn to recognize some common signs of Alzhei-
food purchasing and preparation skills. You can          mer’s Disease. We’ll explore typical age-related
also earn a free cookbook and handy kitchen items        changes, offer tips for how to approach someone
just by attending! The sessions are free, however,       about memory concerns and explain the impor-
pre-registration with an email address is required.      tance of early detection and the benefits of diag-
Please call 427-6460 to sign up by January 5.            nosis. The seminar is sponsored by the Alzheimer’s
                                                         Association and will be presented virtually. You
Joint Screening & Fall Risk                              may participate from the comfort of your home
                                                         or join others at the Community Center. Please
Assessment                                               call 427-6460 by January 11 to reserve your spot.
Thursday, January 20 and February 17                     Min. 7.
10:00-11:00 a.m.
Community Center, 233 W. Main St.                        Healthy Living for your Brain &
More than 1/3 of adults 65 and older fall each year      Body
and 20-30% of people who fall suffer moderate
                                                         Tuesday, February 15, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
to severe injuries. Integrity Physical Therapy of
                                                         Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
Indiana is offering 15 minute appointments on the
4th Thursday of the month to help you identify if        For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the
you are at risk for falling. They will also provide      brain and the body are connected. But now, sci-
you with education on risk factors and fall preven-      ence is able to provide insights into how to make
tion strategies. The Joint Screening will focus on a     lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain
brief evaluation of one joint (elbow, neck, shoul-       and body healthy as you age. Join us to learn about
der, knee, hip, etc.) using Range of Motion and          research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exer-
Manual Muscle Testing. Call 427-6460 to reserve          cise, cognitive activity and social engagement and
your FREE appointment. Please arrive 15 minutes          hands-on tools to help you incorporate these rec-
before your appointment to check in. If there are        ommendations into a plan for healthy aging. This
openings or no shows walk-ins will be welcome.           seminar is sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Associa-
                                                         tion and will be presented virtually. You may par-
                                                         ticipate from home or join others to participate
       Questions? 427-6460                               from the Community Center. Please call 427-6460
                                                         to sign up by February 8. Min. 7.

12                                 Information you can use . . .
Know Your FInances                                        Planning Ahead
Investment Basics                                     Wills, Trusts & Power of Attorney
Tuesday, February 15, 6:00-7:30 p.m.                  Wednesday, January 19, 1:00 p.m.
Community Center, 233 W. Main St.                     Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
The best investing strategy is a carefully planned    The law regarding wills, trusts and power of attor-
and prepared approach to managing and accumu-         ney is constantly changing. Whether you already
lating money. A well-planned strategy can help        have a will or trust or are just in the planning
you meet your short-term, mid-term, and long-         stage, you will find the information presented by
term financial goals. Investment planning requires    Elder Law Attorney Jesica Thorson very helpful.
discipline and patience. But it doesn’t have to be    The seminar is FREE, however pre-registration is
difficult. “It is not necessary to do extraordinary   required. Please call 427-6460 by January 12 to
things to get extraordinary results.” -- Warren       reserve your seat.
In this seminar on Investment Planning, you’ll        Medicare & Medigap Supplements
learn:                                                Monday, January 17, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
• investment fundamentals, including the effects      Wednesday, February 16, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
   of inflation and compounding,                      Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
• how to identify financial goals and time hori-      Let us clear up any confusion you have about
   zons,                                              Medicare from Part A to Part D to Medicare Sup-
• how to measure your risk tolerance, and the         plemental Insurance. We will review how Parts A,
   relationship between risk and return, and          B, C and D Medicare coverage work together with
                                                      Medicare Advantage Plans or with Medicare Sup-
• the difference between cash equivalents, bonds,
                                                      plemental Insurance. You’ll also learn where you
   stocks and mutual funds, and the importance of
                                                      can obtain the information you need to help with
   asset allocation
                                                      your Medicare decision process. This free seminar
You’ll receive a free workbook created just for       is being presented by Ray Hunert. Please call 427-
this presentation. The workbook contains key          6460 to register by January 10 or February 9.
information, worksheets, and questions to help
you remember important points from the seminar.       Assisted Living Lunch & Learn
This workshop is free, however, pre-registration
                                                      Thursday, January 27, 1:00 p.m.
is required. You may reserve your seat by calling
                                                      Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
427-6460 by February 8. Min. 10.
                                                      People often confuse assisted living facilities for
Savvy Social Security Planning                        nursing homes, but the two senior care options
                                                      are very different. We will discuss the topic of
Tuesday, January 18, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
                                                      preparing yourself, or a loved one for an assisted
Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
                                                      living community. What is an Assisted Living
The decisions you make today will have a tremen-      Community? What is the cost? Can spouses live
dous impact on the amount of Social Security          together? Can I leave when I want? Is there finan-
benefits you will receive over your lifetime. This    cial assistance for assisted living communities?
workshop will help you determine how much you         What services are offered in this type of setting?
can expect to receive, when to apply, as well as      These are all questions that will be answered while
how to maximize your benefits. Learn the rules for    you enjoy lunch! The seminar is free; however, you
spousal benefits and much more. This seminar is       will need to call 427-6460 by January 20 to regis-
free, however, pre-registration is required. Please   ter. Min. 5. Max. 15.
call 427-6460 to register by January 11. Min. 10.
                                                      Cemetery/Funeral Planning
                                                      Tuesday, January 18, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
                                                      Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
                                                      Learn what questions to ask before making pre-ar-
                                                      rangements with cemeteries and funeral homes.
                                                      Helpful information for veterans is also included.
                                                      Presenter Sarah (Schwehn) McMillan has 30 years
                                                      of professional experience in the cemetery and
                                                      funeral home industry. This informational seminar
                                                      is free; however, pre-registration is required. Call
                                                      427-6460 by January 11 to reserve your spot.

                                         and it’s all FREE!                                          13
Sports & Fitness
       See You on the Court!
Recreational Basketball
As exercise goes, it doesn’t get much better than
a fun team sport that requires no expensive equip-
ment or major time commitments. Basketball is
good for our heart, your muscles, your bones,
your brain, your gut, your social life and your
stress level. And it’s FUN! Who needs more con-
vincing than that? Pick a night and join us for a few
games of basketball in an informal yet structured
setting. Age 18+. Registration deadline: Novem-
ber 29. Min. 10. Max. 18. Note: There will be no        Aqua Dance
Monday basketball on January 17, MLK Day.               This high energy class is a total body aqua workout
Code           Dates        Day                 Time
                                                        with cardio, weights and core exercises. Fun music
144000-M1 12/6-2/14 M                        7-9 pm
                                                        will bring waves to the beat and the warm water
144000-W1 12/8 -2/9 W                        7-9 pm
                                                        takes the stress of the joints. It’s a “pool party”
# Session/Fee: 10/$45
                                                        for all ages! Instructors are provided by Fitness
Location: Blackhawk MS, 7200 E. State Blvd.
                                                        Studio. Ages 13+. Registration deadline: January
                                                        13. Min. 6. Max. 10.
Recreational Volleyball                                 Code           Dates         Day              Time
Volleyball is one of the top three most played          142314-R1 1/20-2/24 Th                   6:15-7 pm
sports in the world. It doesn’t matter how old you      # Sessions/Fee: 6/$66/$71 after January 13
are, how fit you are or how athletic you are. This      Location: Turnstone, 3320 N. Clinton St.
high-energy, zero body contact, mixed team sport
is loads of fun and no matter what level you play at,
volleyball can help improve your fitness and coor-
dination. Recreational volleyball is informal play
with no officials. Teams form once players arrive
and play proceeds for two hours. The program
runs for 10 weeks. Ages 18+. Registration dead-
line: December 1. Min. 10. Max. 18.
Code            Dates      Day                 Time
144800-W1 12/8-2/9 W                        7-9 pm
# Session/Fee: 10/$45
Location: Northwood Middle School, 1201 E.
Washington Center Rd.

                                                          Golf memberships make
                                                           great Christmas gifts!
                                                         Golf Memberships
                                                         McMillen /Shoaff
                                                         $495 Individual     $650 Family (2 people)
                                                         $175 Junior         $395 Senior
                                                         $630 Individual     $785 Family (2 people)
                                                         $215 Junior         $470 Senior
                                                         All Course Pass
                                                         $730 Individual

14                    Stuff their stocking with a golf membership!
Relax . . . And Breathe!
T’ai Chi for Relaxation                               Yoga
Relax and quiet your mind with the ancient Chinese    Enjoy the benefits of regular Yoga practice, from
practice of T’ai Chi. Certified instructor Liz Mon-   muscle toning and limbering to managing stress.
nier assists with finding flow in your movement       Yoga’s combination of exercise, breathing and
and developing confidence in balance and weight       meditation techniques will help you build concen-
shifts. She also promotes healing and internal har-   tration and poise, improve your stamina and even
mony with user-friendly Qigong exercises. Garden      relieve insomnia. Please bring a blanket and a yoga
admission is included. Students are invited to take   mat and wear comfortable clothing. The classes are
a self-guided meditative walk in the gardens either   open to all skill levels. Drop-ins are welcome ($10/
after the morning session ends or before the eve-     class). Ages 16+. Instructor: Melissa Vanyo-Hey
ning session begins. Please bring a water bottle      is a Certified 200-hour RYT with Yoga Alliance.
and wear comfortable fitting shoes. Drop-ins are      Registration deadlines are 5 business days before
not being accepted at this time. Series subject to    the start of each class. Min. 8. Max. 30. Note:
go virtual. Ages 18+. Registration deadline: Janu-    There will be no class January 24.
ary 11. Min. 10. Max. 20.                             Code            Dates        Day               Time
Code            Dates       Day                Time   142300-M1 1/10-3/21 M                 5:30-6:45 pm
127400-T1 1/18-2/22 T               9:30-10:30 am     142300-T1 1/11-3/15 T                 4:30-5:45 pm
127400-T2 1/18-2/22 T                       5-6 pm    142300-R1 1/13-3/17 Th                6:15-7:30 pm
# Sessions/Fee: 6/$59                                 # Sessions/Fee: 10/$57/$62 after deadlines
Member or Volunteer Fee: $49                          Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
Location: Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Cal-
houn St.                                              Yoga on the Riverfront
                                                      Sundays, November 14, December 12,
Yoga for Moms                                         January 9, February 13
Escape and recharge for the holidays! This time       10:30-11:30 a.m.
of year can be extra stressful for moms, so take      Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
refuge knowing you have somewhere to escape           FREE yoga on the Riverfront continues this winter
to each week to reset, recharge, and balance          inside the Park Foundation Pavilion overlooking
your mind and spirit. Yoga for Moms will focus        the St. Marys River. This relaxing, 1-hour flow
on deepening the connection to yourself while         is for all skill levels and led by instructor Chelsea
working through anything going on in the world        Vona, owner of Discover Yoga.
around you. Class includes a post-workout juice
shot and a gluten-free snack. Registration dead-
line: November 13. Min. 8. Max 12.
Code          Dates           Day          Time
142323-S1 11/20-12/18 Sa 10:30 am-12
# Sessions/Fee: $45/$50 after November 13
Location: Community Center, 233 W. Main St.
                                                       COMING SOON! Watch for details at
                                              Wayne Parks.
                              It’s not too late to get in shape!                                      15
On the Riverfront

                                         Promenade Park
           202 W. Superior St., Fort Wayne • (260) 427-6000 •
 Park Hours
 6:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.                                                         Facebook – Riverfront FW
 Trubble Riverside Café Hours                                                    Twitter – Riverfront FW
 Check Facebook for hours                                               Instagram-RiverfrontFortWayne
 Park Foundation Pavilion Hours
 Open for RFW Programs                                                            photo by Derek Felger

Sunday Heritage Concert Series                         American Legion Band of Fort
2nd/4th Sundays, 2:00-3:00 p.m.                        Wayne Live Radio Show
beginning December 12                                  Tuesday, November 16, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Park Foundation Pavilion                               Park Foundation Pavilion
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.                    Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
Join us for an up close and personal experience        This unique performance is a labor of love for the
with local musicians and musical groups in the Park    musicians that perform it. It takes us back to the
Foundation Pavilion this winter. Groups including      days of live radio, presenting a piece of Ameri-
the American Legion Band of Fort Wayne, Auburn         can Media History for a modern audience. Com-
Dixielanders, Shepherd’s Brass Quartet and Heart-      plete with commercials, jingles, music, and sound
land Sings will be performing every 2nd and 4th        effects, the American legion band will give you
Sunday starting December 12. Concerts are free         ‘behind the scenes’ look at radio history. This free
and open to all ages. Seating inside will be on a      performance is a special experience that you won’t
first-come first-served basis and capacity will vary   want to miss. Arrive early! Space is limited to 40
by performance. Watch Facebook for the schedule        persons.
of performers and additional event details.

16                              Meet me at the Riverfront . . .
Dog Sweater Day
                                                        Saturday, January 29, 3:00-5:00 p.m.
                                                        Auer Lawn, Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
                                                        All fashion-conscious pet lovers are invited to
                                                        “unleash” their fur-pal’s sense of wintertime style
                                                        at Dog Sweater Day. Show off your pooch’s cable
                                                        knit sweater, warm scarf, or killer canine overcoat
                                                        for the perfect seasonal photo. Dog owners and
                                                        dogs can meet in the Auer Lawn. Have your dog’s
                                                        picture taken in the Bandshell to enter the “Cut-
                                                        est Dog Contest” determined by most likes on
                                                        Facebook. Note: The event area is not enclosed
                                                        - please plan to keep your dog leashed and pick
                                                        up after them.

                                                        “Living with Wildlife” Presentation
                                                        Wednesday, February 2, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
                                                        Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
                                                        Even in urban hubs, wildlife encounters can be in
                                                        residents’ backyards, crossing roads, and shar-
                                                        ing trails. Understanding these animals is key to
Rollin’ at the River Comedy Series                      understanding wildlife. Jessica Merkling, north
Fridays, January 21, February 18, 8:00-9:30 p.m.        urban wildlife biologist with the Indiana Depart-
Park Foundation Pavilion                                ment of Natural Resources, Division of Fish &
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.                     Wildlife, will present information designed to
Riverfront Fort Wayne is partnering with the Mau-       minimize conflicts between humans and wildlife,
mee, Mary, and Joseph Comedy Festival for Fri-          attract beneficial wildlife and help residents better
day evening laughs at the riverfront. Join us every     understand the animals in their backyards. Ques-
3rd Friday of the month for a showcase of local         tions are encouraged at the end of the presenta-
and regional comedians certain to keep the winter       tion in the Park Foundation Pavilion.
evenings warm and full of giggles. Trubble Brew-
ing will be on-site providing beer and wine for the      Sensory Friendly Night of Lights
event. Additional food and beverages available for
                                                         Wednesday, November 24, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
purchase. Ages 18+. Tickets $20 if purchased 24
                                                         Park Foundation Pavilion
hours in advance and $25 at the door. Max. 150.
                                                         Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
Yoga on the Riverfront                                   Escape the hustle and bustle of the holidays
                                                         with a relaxing light show presentation using
Sundays, November 14, December 12,
                                                         low lighting projections, optional aromather-
January 9, February 13
                                                         apy, soft music, and guided relaxation. Explore
10:30-11:30 a.m.
                                                         your senses in a new light! The program will be
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
                                                         offered in 15-minute sessions throughout the
FREE yoga on the Riverfront continues this winter        evening beginning at 6:00 p.m. Sessions with
inside the Park Foundation Pavilion overlooking          the Three Rivers Visiting Dogs will also be avail-
the St. Marys River. This relaxing, 1-hour flow          able. Admission is FREE, thanks to the AWS
is for all skill levels and led by instructor Chelsea    Foundation, and open to all.
Vona, owner of Discover Yoga.

Pictures with Santa
December 3, 4, 10, 11, 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Sweetwater Bandshell
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.
Bring your friends, family, or furry loved ones to
Promenade Park for a photo and Christmas sing-
alongs with dancing Santa! Find us at the Sweet-
water Bandshell East. No reservation or fee is
required. In the event of inclement weather, please
check the Riverfront Fort Wayne Facebook page
for updates.
                                       for winter family fun!                                            17
The Great Outdoors

                              Lindenwood Nature Preserve
                    600 Lindenwood Ave. Open every day from dawn until dusk
Lindenwood Nature Preserve is 110-acres of beauty in the heart of Fort Wayne. Explore the park on
one of 4 hiking trails: Trillium Trail (.5 miles), Oak Paradise (.75 miles), Trail of Reflection (1 mile)
and Maple Spur (.25 miles). Hiking, wildlife viewing, photography, picnicking, and just relaxing are
a few of the activities you’ll enjoy at the preserve. Portable restrooms are available onsite; however,
the nature preserve does not have running water, so please plan accordingly. Follow us on Facebook
for nature news, updates, and announcements! Pets, bikes, fishing and camping are not allowed in the
preserve. Admission is free.

“Living with Wildlife”                                                Take a Hike!
Wednesday, February 2, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
                                                      Wild Walkers
                                                      2nd/4th Fridays of each month
Park Foundation Pavilion
Promenade Park, 202 W. Superior St.                   Explore some of northeast Indiana’s finest out-
                                                      door areas with this nature-oriented group. Wild
Even in urban hubs, wildlife encounters can be
                                                      Walkers is an adult hiking group that meets the
in residents’ backyards, crossing roads, and
                                                      second and fourth Fridays of each month for a
sharing trails. Understanding these animals
                                                      walk on the wild side. Each hike features a different
is key to living with wildlife. Jessica Merkling,
                                                      natural area in the region (parks, wetlands, nature
north urban wildlife biologist with the Indiana
                                                      preserves) and carpooling is available when neces-
Department of Natural Resources, Division
                                                      sary. The 2021 schedule is posted on our website
of Fish & Wildlife, will provide information
                                                      at or you may call Eden
designed to minimize conflicts between humans
                                                      at 427-6008 to request a schedule by mail.
and wildlife, attract beneficial wildlife and help
residents better understand the animals in their
backyards. Questions are encouraged at the
                                                      Winter Tree ID Hike
end of the presentation.                              Can you tell a maple tree from an oak without the
                                                      leaves? Join us for a guided hike and tips on how
                                                      to identify trees without their leaves. We depart
                                                      from the parking lot promptly as scheduled. The
                                                      hike is open to all ages so bring the whole fam-
                                                      ily. There is no charge, however, pre-registration is
                                                      required for planning purposes. Call 427-6000 to
                                                      sign up. Registration deadline: December 3.
                                                      Code            Date        Day                Time
                                                      148001-S1 12/11             Sa              1-2 pm
                                                      Fee: FREE
                                                      Location: Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600
                                                      Lindenwood Ave.
18                              Enjoy the great outdoors . . .
Winter Hikes                                          Night Stargazing at the Preserve
Bundle up and join us for a winter walk in the        Twinkle, twinkle little star! Lindenwood Nature
woods! Hikes depart from the parking lot promptly     Preserve is the perfect place for stargazing on clear
as scheduled and are open to all ages, so bring       winter nights. Come join us for a walk in the woods
the whole family. There is no charge, however,        under the night sky. We will hike on the Trail of
pre-registration is required for planning purposes.   Reflection to the Reflection Pond where you will
Call 427-6000 to sign up. Registration deadlines:     be able to use a telescope to locate planets and
December 15 and February 5.                           constellations in our galaxy. There is no charge,
Code           Date         Day               Time    however, registration is required for planning pur-
Winter Solstice Hike                                  poses. All ages are welcome. Registration dead-
148105-T1 12/21             Tu              5-6 pm    lines are 5 working days prior to each hike.
Winter Hike                                           Code           Date         Day                Time
148105-S1 2/12              Sa              2-3 pm    148002-F1 1/7               F                7-8 pm
Fee: FREE                                             148002-S1 1/29              Sa               7-8 pm
Location: Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600             148002-A1 2/6               Su               7-8 pm
Lindenwood Ave.                                       148002-S2 2/26              Sa               8-9 pm
                                                      Fee: FREE
                                                      Location: Lindenwood Nature Preserve, 600
                                                      Lindenwood Ave.

   Lindenwood Nature Preserve                          More Winterval Events, p. 26

 Winterval Hike and Bonfire                           Winterval Stargazing Hike
 Saturday, January 29, 9:00-10:30 a.m.                Saturday, January 29, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
 Lindenwood Nature Preserve                           Lindenwood Nature Preserve
 600 Lindenwood Ave.                                  600 Lindenwood Ave.
 The forest may look like it’s sleeping in winter,    Twinkle, twinkle little star! Lindenwood Nature
 but it’s full of life! Bundle up and enjoy a quiet   Preserve is the perfect place for stargazing on
 morning hike in the woods and warm up at the         clear winter nights. Come join us for a Winterval
 bonfire before you head out for other Winterval      walk in the woods under the night sky. There is
 activities. This Winterval even is free and open     no charge, however, registration is required for
 to all ages.                                         planning purposes. All ages are welcome. Regis-
                                                      tration deadline: January 21. Code: 148002-S1

                                 right here in Fort Wayne!                                             19
Salomon Farm Park

                                     Salomon Farm Park
                      817 W. Dupont Rd. Open daily, 6:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Salomon Farm Park is a true historic gem and a perfect location for walking, jogging, biking, bird
watching, photography and more. The Salomons established the farm in 1871, but visitors will notice
the endearing 1930’s theme. Stop by for a visit to admire historic buildings, relax at the wetlands or
enjoy our fully paved 1.8 mile trail around the property. Follow us on Facebook for news, events,
updates and announcements! For general questions please email SalomonFarm

  Christmas on the Farm
                         SAT DEC 4 1-5 PM
                         Salomon Farm Park, 817 W. Dupont Rd.

      Live Animals d Dog Sledding Demonstrations d Father Christmas
      Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides d Christmas Shopping d Holiday Music

                                       Admission: $5/car
                            Follow Salomon Farm Park on Facebook for updates.

Christmas on the Farm Call for Vendors/Entertainers
We still have space for craft vendors and artisans to fill fill the barn with Christmas cheer and hand-
made gifts and goodies during our Christmas on the Farm event (above). Please contact Salomon Farm
Park at (260)427-6790 or email for a vendor application.

20            Enjoy some old-fashioned family fun on the farm!
Photography at the Farm                                Dirt Wain Community Composting
                                                        Salomon Farm Park has partnered with Dirt Wain,
 Beautiful barns, rolling meadows, quaint gar-
                                                        a new composting initiative in the area that pro-
 dens, and acres of cheery sunflowers make
                                                        cesses food scraps from households. Members are
 Salomon Farm Park an attractive place for pho-
                                                        provided with a bucket that they fill, drop off at the
 tography. Professional photographers using
                                                        Farm at their convenience, and then pick up a clean
                           Salomon Farm Park and
                                                        bucket to repeat the process. For more detailed
                           charging for their ser-
                                                        information or to sign up check out www.dirtwain.
                                vices must pur-
                                                        com or Salomon Farm Park on Facebook.
                                chase an annual
                                photography pass
                                ($50) at the Parks
                          and Recreation Office,
                          705 E. State Blvd.
                            The pass is valid for the
                            calendar year (January-
                           December). Photography
                         passes are not required of
                          hobbyists or professional
                            photographers hired to
           photograph events in rented facilities.
 All fees will directly support Salomon Farm Park
 operations. For more details, call 427-6790 or

                                    Whatcha Got Cookin’?
Little Roots: Culinary Classes for                      Roots: Culinary Cooking Classes
Preschoolers                                            for Youth
*Adult/Child                                            Designed to help children and youth feel confident
Empower your little one to create his/her own           and comfortable in the kitchen, our Roots classes
healthy snacks. We’ve partnered with Wholesome          allow students to grow in their culinary skills.
Roots Cooking to offer fun, age appropriate cook-       Classes are kept small so recipes can be catered
ing classes bursting with hands-on learning and         to the ability of the student! Each class offers
cooking! Younger siblings are welcome to stay           hands-on cooking time and instruction, and also
with their caregiver, but any child participating       allows time for eating! Led by a Wholesome Roots
in class must register. Ages 2-5. Led by a Whole-       instructor. Ages 6-14. Registration deadlines are 5
some Roots instructor. Registration deadlines are       business days before each class. Min. 7. Max. 15.
one week prior to the start of each class. Min. 7.      Code            Date       Day                Time
Max. 15.                                                Pineapple Stir-Fry
Code           Date        Day               Time       153911-T8 12/7             T           6-7:30 pm
Holiday Popcorn Balls		                                 Holiday Cooking
153909-T6 12/7             T            10-11 am        153911-R2 12/16            Th          6-7:30 pm
Holiday Cooking                                         Skillet Dinners
153909-R1 12/16            Th           10-11 am        153911-T9 1/4              T           6-7:30 pm
Parfaits Your Way                                       Mexican Fiesta
153909-S1 1/15             Sa           10-11 am        153911-T10 1/25            T           6-7:30 pm
Breakfast Cookies                                       Valentine’s Cooking
153909-T7 1/25             T            10-11 am        153911-T3 2/1              T           6-7:30 pm
Valentine’s Cooking                                     Pasta Primavera
153909-S2 2/12             Sa           10-11 am        153911-T11 2/22            T           6-7:30 pm
We Like to Chop it Chop it                              # Sessions/Fee: 1/$40
153909-T9 2/22             T            10-11 am        Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center, 817
# Sessions/Fee: 1/$25                                   W. Dupont Rd.
Location: Salomon Farm Park Learning Center, 817
W. Dupont Rd

                        Things to Know Before You Sign Up, p. 49                                         21
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