FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT - FOR BUSINESS herovired.com/vired-for-business - Hero Vired

Page created by Bobby Mills
FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT - FOR BUSINESS herovired.com/vired-for-business - Hero Vired
You’re not made to write code,
You’re made to rewrite the future.


MODULE               ABOUT THE MODULE                                 LEARNING OUTCOMES

CURRICULUM COVERAGE                                                                                                  Client side
                                                                                                                     with AngularJS
                                                                                                                                          This module covers the most popular client
                                                                                                                                          side framework AngularJS to build dynamic
                                                                                                                                          web pages that communicates with the
                                                                                                                                                                                           Introduction to angular
                                                                                                                                                                                           AngularJS MVC
                                                                                                                                          server and handles html elements elegantly.      jQuery Angular and HTML document binding
                                                                                                                                                                                           npm and angular development
                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit Tests with Angular

                                                                                                                     MongoDB              MongoDB is the most widely used NoSQL            MongoDB - Introduction, setup and usage
                                                                                                                                          database used to store, retrieve and search
                                                                                                                                                                                           MongoDB - CRUD operations. Searching
                                                                                                                                          documents quickly
                                                                                                                                                                                           MongoDB - NodeJS connection

MODULE             ABOUT THE MODULE                  LEARNING OUTCOMES                                               Source control,      This module covers how applications are          git
                                                                                                                     Build and deploy     deployed in production environment
                                                                                                                                          including creating containers for
                                                                                                                                          deployment using Docker                          releasing nodejs applications with Heroku
Introduction to    Understand the basic idea         What is Full Stack                                                                                                                    Dockers
Full Stack         behind full stack development
                                                     Scope and Opportunities of Full Stack
                   and how it differs from
                   programming alone                 Program Overview - other                                        Testing              The difference between a good and a              Test Driven Development
                                                                                                                                          production grade application is the amount
                                                                                                                                          of testing it undergoes. This module covers
Javascript         Get a solid foundation in         Setup of IDE                                                                         testing aspects of Fullstack engineering         Serverside testing
programming        programing in one of the most
                                                     Variables, constants, loops, functions, hello world
basics             popular Full Stack programming                                                                    Project - Building   MEAN is Mongo Express Angular Node. It’s
                   language, Java Script             Arrays, Loops, Objects, iterators, dictionary
                                                                                                                     Application with     the most widely used stack to build web
                                                     Errors and debugging                                            MEAN Stack           applications. In this mini project students
                                                                                                                                          will build an end to end application using the
                                                     Unit Testing
                                                                                                                                          MEAN stack
                                                     Class & OOP

                                                                                                                     SQL Databases        This module covers the PostGreSQL                SQL Databases - Introduction, setup and
                                                                                                                                          Database to cover relational databases.          usage (Postgres)
Algorithms and     This is at the core of all full   Data Structures - Stacks, Queues, linked list, Graph
Data Structures    stack development and the                                                                                                                                               CRUD operations
                                                     Algorithms - Searching, Sorting, Quick sort, Graph Traversal,
                   module will provide a necessary
                                                     BFS, DFS                                                                                                                              Filters,Joins, aggregations
                   theoretical foundation for
                   applied programming               application                                                                                                                           Data modelling - Concept of keys
                                                                                                                                                                                           Connecting to DB from NodeJS
HTML, Forms,       The module focuses on material    HTML                                                                                                                                  Transactions & locking
CSS & Javascript   on web development, beginning
                                                     CSS                                                                                                                                   Authentication & Authorization
                   with basic HTML, moving on all
                   the way to how JS is used to      Document
                   interact with HTML                Manipulating Documents using Javascript
                                                                                                                     Client side          ReactJS is the next big thing in client side     ReactJS Introduction, ES6
                                                                                                                     programming          frameworks. This module focuses on ReactJS
                                                                                                                                                                                           Virtual DOM, JSX
                                                                                                                     with ReactJS         and how it can be used to build front end
Web server with    Apply Node JS for developing      What is a web server                                                                 applications and interact with backend           React Components
NodeJS             web servers essential for the                                                                                          services
                                                     Node.js                                                                                                                               React State
                   back end
                                                     Request response. Handling Form data                                                                                                  Lifecycle of application
                                                     Express                                                                                                                               Jamming
                                                     REST API                                                                                                                              Function Components and Hooks
                                                     Async Programming                                                                                                                     React Router
                                                     npm                                                                                                                                   React Testing with Jest
                                                     typescript                                                                                                                            Redux - Basic and introduction
                                                     Unit Testing                                                                                                                          Advanced Redux
                                                                                                                                                                                           Redux Testing
MODULE            ABOUT THE MODULE                           LEARNING OUTCOMES
                                                                                                                        MODULE             ABOUT THE MODULE                       LEARNING OUTCOMES

Authentication    This module covers the core security       OAuth 2.0                                                  Web Architecture   Full stack is not only about coding.   Distribution of Load in Web Applications
and               concept of Authentication and                                                                         - Server Farms,    This module covers architectural
                                                             Passport.js                                                                                                          Using Load Balancers
Authorization     Authorization and how to handle them                                                                  Load Balancers,    concepts that are most frequently
                  in full stack web applications             Session and Cookies                                        Caching,           used for making applications ready     Monitoring and failover using load balancer
                                                             JWT                                                        Monitoring         for the internet. For e.g. load        Caching
                                                                                                                                           balancing enables the distribution
                                                                                                                                           of load between multiple servers
                                                                                                                                           when thousands or millions are
Project with      PERN is PostGreSql Express React                                                                                         accessing a service
PERN Stack        and Node. It is the choice of
                  technology for most new applications.
                  In this mini project students will build                                                              Cloud              This module covers basics of           Cloud Architecture
                  an end to end application using the                                                                   Deployments        cloud to how we can deploy our
                                                                                                                                                                                  Deploying in cloud
                  PERN stack.                                                                                                              applications onto a cloud
                                                                                                                                           platform. We will be using the         Serverless Architecture
                                                                                                                                           Amazon Web Services (AWS)              Connecting to cloud data sources
Web Security      This module covers the types of            Introduction to web security, types of security breaches                      platform for this.
                  security vulnerabilities and how to                                                                                                                             Kubernetes
                  protect your application against some
                  popular threats                            XSS
                                                             SQL Injection                                              Mobile             This module covers basics of           Mobile Architecture
                                                                                                                        Applications -     mobile development and a way to
                                                             Data Validation and Sanitization                                                                                     Creating PWA applications
                                                                                                                        PWA                create full stack applications that
                                                                                                                                           can work both in web and mobile        Creating ppk files
                                                                                                                                           devices. We will be using android      Deploying mobile applications
Java              Java is versatile and powerful             Core Java, programming in java, compiling and running                         as the mobile operating system
                                                             java application                                                              for this.                              Responsive Design
                  language and forms the core of many
                  software applications. This module         OOP in Java, class, objects, interface, inheritance                                                                  Creating a mobile PWA application with cloud based Java
                  covers Java from basics to an
                                                             Templates                                                                                                            Microservices in Backend
                  intermediate level usually required for
                  full stack engineering.                    Spring Framework
                                                             Spring MVC
                                                             Connecting to Databases

Server side       This module covers Springboot              Springboot
programming in    which is the most popular
                                                             Spring REST
Java Springboot   application framework for Java.
                  It helps build web applications            Microservices with Spring
                  with quick turnaround time.                Deploying Spring Applications with Tomcat and Apache

Agile, CI/CD      This module covers the core                Agile Concepts. Stories, epics, tasks. Estimation.
pipeline          concepts of managing software
                                                             JIRA, Bitbucket
                  development lifecycle. It introduces
                  the Agile concepts and agile way of        Jenkins
                  thinking to actually seeing it
                  implemented with incremental build
                  and release with continuous delivery

Project           This mini project will require users       Building SPA - with Java Spring and Postgres
                  to use Java as a backend server and
                  PostgreSQL database.

 Devraj Sanyal                        Roopali                        Subhashis                          Manojit
• BE in Computer Systems Technology
                                      Salwan                         Majumder                           Chattopadhyay
• Diploma in Advanced Computing       • M.Tech in Computer Science   • PhD in Computer Science &        • M-Tech Aerospace Engineering
                                      • MSC in Computer Science        Engineering                      • M-Tech Machine Learning
Experience                                                           • M.Tech in Computer Science
                                      Experience                                                        Experience
Founder Partner                                                      Experience
Bdec.in                               Technical Trainer                                                 Director
                                      LEARNXT                        Professor & HOD                    Kriyetic studio-Art & Automation
CTO                                                                  Heritage Institute of Technology
dōnō consulting                                                                                         Visiting Researcher
                                      Assistant Professor                                               NICTA
                                                                     Professor & Course Director
                                      Amity University               IIIT
Vice President
Goldman Sachs
                                                                     General Manager, Technica
                                                                     Astralsys Software

 Melvin                           Satyavrat
 Manuel X                         Bondre
Graduate in Electronics and       BTech - Aerospace Engineering -
Communication Engineering         IIT Madras

Experience                        Experience

Software Engineer                 CTO
BLEEP PLC (Global Payments), UK   Quant Legal Tech

Sr. Web Developer                 VP of Enginreering
IceLabs Solutions                 NSPIRA Management
IRM Consultant
ProVise Consulting, Muscat

           Want more information on the program?
Reach us at 1800 309 3939 | Visit us at www.herovired.com
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