FULL CREAM CURRICULUM 2021 - Jaydee Events

Page created by Elmer Patel
FULL CREAM CURRICULUM 2021 - Jaydee Events
FULL CREAM CURRICULUM 2021 - Jaydee Events

The Cows Create Careers project was initiated by      A special thanks to the volunteer dairy farmers
the Lions Club of Strzelecki and McMillan College     and advocates that have been the reason for the
(Melbourne University) in 2004 into 9 Gippsland       program’s success. Without you, Cows Create
schools.                                              Careers would not have been able to showcase
                                                      the array of students taking up careers in the dairy
The committee consisted of a small group of
                                                      industry that it has today. Let’s keep this legacy
volunteers who desired to share their passion and
showcase the dairy industry and it’s opportunities
to students in Gippsland. Many of those volunteers
are still involved today.                               CONTACT DETAILS
The initial findings remain the legacy of the Cows      Cows Create Careers Project Managers:
Create Careers program 17 years later. The findings     John Hutchison & Deanne Kennedy
are that many of our rural students are town kids       JAYDEE EVENTS PTY LTD
who live in the country. They have not all had the      PO Box 18, LOCH VIC 3945
opportunity to investigate the range of careers in      M 0412 368 739 (John)
Agriculture and specifically the dairy industry.           0419 878 055 (Deanne)
Cows Create Careers can make this happen.               E admin@jaydee.net.au
In 2020, the Cows Create Careers program
was delivered Nationally to 23 dairying regions
involving over 230 schools.
FULL CREAM CURRICULUM 2021 - Jaydee Events
Contents_______________________________________________ 1


Assessment summary________________________________3

Presentation and awards day______________________ 4

Industry advocate visit______________________________ 5

Arrival of the calves in school______________________ 6

Tasks for submission________________________________ 7

1.1   3D model task__________________________________ 8

1.2 Mootube moovie/PowerPoint task_________ 20

2.1 Letter/email task_______________________________ 22

2.2 Scientific report task_________________________ 24

3     Creative photo task__________________________ 25

4     Student evaluation – entry and exit________ 25

5     Final team checklist__________________________ 26

FULL CREAM CURRICULUM 2021 - Jaydee Events
Over the next few weeks, your school will be significantly involved in the lives of
two calves. Caring for and monitoring the calves will be central to learning about
the dairy industry and what it entails.

Competition                                                         Multimedia authoring
Work as part of a team and submit your work to      Choose a topic and create a Mootube moovie
have a chance to win prizes and awards.                              or PowerPoint presentation.

Scientific report                                                                   3D model
Create a science report to record the                              Choose a topic and create a
progress of the calves whilst they                                 3D model using visual art to
are in your care.                                               demonstrate your dairy learning.

                                                                           Caring for calves
& awards day
                                                                  Work as part of a team to care
Attend an interactive presentation                                   for the calves, monitor their
and awards day where you will                                  health, growth and report on their
have the opportunity to display                                                        condition.
and share your learning.

                                                                           Team discussion
Industry advocates
                                                               Share your new awareness about
and dairy farmers                                                 rural industries and caring for
When these guests arrive at your school                         animals with your team. Discuss
prepare questions and consider the knowledge                        your thought processes and
that they share with your class.                                 understanding with your team.

Letter/email task
Write a letter or email to Jaydee Events Pty Ltd
                                                     Work as part of a team to use the internet to
and make sure you tell them of your new-found
                                                    research a topic and career pathway. Present
understanding about the dairy industry.
                                                     the research and information as part of your
                                                                               assessment tasks.
Online calves
Work in teams or individually to view our virtual
calves called Bright and Future. Capture their
growth rates on a graph and report.

FULL CREAM CURRICULUM 2021 - Jaydee Events
  WHAT TO SUBMIT                                      Teachers
                                                      Teachers who submit their teacher evaluation forms
  Teachers should select their best team
                                                      (entry and exit) will gain an additional 5 points
  to submit for assessment. If a school has
                                                      towards the school prize.
  both juniors and seniors participating in the
  project they can submit their best team for         The forms can be accessed here:
  each section.                                       Entry surveymonkey.com/r/2021/cccteacherentry
  All student surveys will be conducted using a       Exit surveymonkey.com/r/2021/cccteacherexit
  Survey Monkey link.
                                                      Bonus points
Here’s how it works                                   A bonus point will be awarded to any school that
Immerse yourself in Cows Create Careers by            submits all their work before the due date for the
submitting the following tasks. This will allow you   State/region. This will be added to the school’s
to be in the running for the school prize and team    score for the school prize.
awards for the State/region.
                                                      Submit the assessment task using:
Students                                              Dropbox – Email deanne@jaydee.net.au to request
Work in groups of 2-5 students and think of a         your Dropbox link, then simply upload your files.
catchy name for your team.                            Google drive links – Are you using Google as your
The following tasks will be completed for your        mail server? Simply attach all your large files to an
school-based assessment:                              email and Google will send via Google drive links.
   1.1 3D model (pages 8-19) or 1.2 Mootube
1.	                                                  Mail – Express post your work on a memory stick
   moovie/PowerPoint (pages 20-21)                    to: Cows Create Careers, PO Box 18, LOCH VIC
2.	2.2 Letter/email to Jaydee Events Pty Ltd
   (pages 22-23)                                      Refer to the School Resource Kit for due dates and
                                                      timelines for the project.
   2.2 Scientific report (page 24)
3. Take a Creative photo (page 25)
4. Student evaluation – entry and exit (page 25)
5. Final team checklist (page 26)

An interactive day will conclude the Cows Create Careers project for your school.
On this day an overall winning school prize for the junior and senior sections
will be announced. All students will receive a certificate of participation in the

                                                        Judging will be undertaken by an independent
    STATE/REGION’S SCHOOL AND                           assessor based on an internal rubric. The highest
    TEAM PRIZE                                          school score for the State/region will take out the
    $500 school prize and $30 iTunes vouchers           school prize.
    for each of the team members (max $150).            The prize is awarded in both junior and senior
                                                        sections if there are two or more schools meeting
                                                        the assessment criteria in that section.
To be eligible for this prize, the school must submit
their best team’s assessment work. This work must
contain all the assessment tasks as outlined in the       If you get your work in before the due date
Assessment Summary.                                       your school can gain an additional point
                                                          towards the final score.
                                                          Teachers who submit their teacher evaluation
                                                          forms will gain an additional 5 points towards
                                                          the final school score.

Your school has its own industry advocate who will visit to give students a
presentation about their role in the dairy industry. How about as a class you
prepare some questions that will assist with your research projects?

Some key ideas/questions                              Brainstorming careers
Students may wish to investigate in more depth        During the Cows Create Careers journey students
aspects of the industry advocate’s work, such as:     will be collecting information and asking questions
  hat pathway did you take to achieve your           about work and work futures in the dairy industry.
 current position?                                    To help students make a start, here are a number
  hat do you see as the real positives about         of career areas listed below:
 working in the industry?                             • feed systems
  hat is the nature of study undertaken to qualify   • artificial breeding
 you to do this work?                                 • shed design
• What ‘duties’ do you perform in this position?      • agronomy
  hat do you think you will be doing in five years   • nutrition/stockfeed
 time? What about in ten years time?
                                                      • milking systems
  hat special talents and interests are needed to
                                                      • research and development
 succeed in your work?
                                                      • farm management
  ell us about the latest technology that is being
                                                      • environmental management systems
 used in relation to your career pathway?
                                                      • dairy farmer
                                                      • manufacturing
                                                      • finance
                                                      • technology and engineering
                                                      • robotics
                                                      • marketing
                                                      • dietician
                                                      • animal welfare
                                                      • herd improvement
                                                      • pasture improvement
                                                      • agricultural consultant

                                                      Note: Industry advocate visits can be in person or
                                                      via zoom or other online alternatives.

The calves are going to be arriving at your school soon. How about as a class you
work together to ensure that you are well prepared for their arrival?

Key ideas                                            Does the class understand the general principles
Research and identify environmental conditions       of calf management?
Identify conditions conducive to calf safety and     Do you know what needs to be done, when and
growth and ensure that your facilities meet these    why? Perhaps refer to the Dairy Australia Calf
requirements prior to the calves arrival.            rearing handbook for helpful tips. A copy of this
                                                     can be found on the CCC memory stick as a PDF
Prepare a calf rearing plan                          alternatively your teacher may have a copy in the
Develop a plan to ensure the health and welfare of   library.
the calves whilst they are in your care.
                                                     Monitor the calves’ weight gain
Develop a roster to feed the calves                  Make sure you monitor and record the feeding
What is the most effective way for teams to share    regime and weight gain of the calves whilst they
the care and monitoring of the calves during their   are in your care. Include this in your scientific report
stay at school? How can we ensure each team          or letter/email to Jaydee Events Pty Ltd.
shares responsibilities (including weekends)?
                                                     Veterinary assistance
Create a checklist of questions to ask the dairy     Please contact the dairy farmer or project manager
farmer                                               listed on your information sheet if your school has a
The first question will be to ask the dairy farmer   concern about the health and welfare of the calves.
about the feeding regime for the calves. Write       If a vet is required then approval of veterinary
these details on the poster that has been included   expenses must be authorised.
in your School Resource Kit. Display the poster
somewhere so that everyone can see.                  Animal biosecurity
                                                     Make sure that you are aware of the biosecurity
Research and understand the importance of your       requirements in your State. If you need some
own personal hygiene                                 assistance, contact your project manager.
Personal hygiene is extremely important when
looking after animals. Make sure that your team      Note: our virtual calves Bright and Future can be
and class understands why. Display the poster that   used for this component of the project.
has been provided in the School Resource Kit as a
reminder to students.                                  If a vet is required, approval of vet expenses
Prepare daily and weekly checklists for                must be authorised by calling 0412 368 739
monitoring the calves                                  (John) or 0419 878 055 (Deanne).
Have a look over the samples that have been
included in the School Resource Kit.

1 3D model or Mootube moovie/                          2 Letter/email or Scientific report
  PowerPoint                                            2.1 Letter/email task
Choose one of these tasks to submit:                    This publishing task involves writing a letter or
                                                        email. The letter or email should be addressed to
1.1 3D model task
                                                        Jaydee Events Pty Ltd and focus on the industry
Choose from one of the eight research topics
                                                        advocate, the dairy farmer, and how the team felt
                                                        about the Cows Create Careers project. All letters
1 Calf rearing                                          or emails should be presented in a business format.
2 Finance management                                    Further details about this task can be found on
3 Identification and breeding                           pages 22-23.
4 Natural resource management                           OR
5 The dairy industry                                    2.2 Scientific report task
6 The fifth food group                                  Create a scientific report which can be submitted to
7 Researching animal behaviours through cattle         provide a summary of the calves’ condition during
   handling                                             their time in your care.
8 Farm safety.                                          Further details about this task can be found on
                                                        page 24.
Create an informative and illustrated 3D model.
There are no shape or size requirements.                3 Creative photo task
Further details about this task and topics can be       Submit a creative photo of your team with the
found on pages 8–19.                                    calves. Don’t forget to include the bag of milk
OR                                                      powder that has been sponsored for your school.
1.2 Mootube moovie/PowerPoint task                      Further details about this task can be found on
Choose from one of the four statements below:           page 25.
1 Role-play a career in the dairy industry, include
                                                        4 Student evaluation – entry and exit
  what is fun about the job.
                                                        Submit your student evaluation data using these
2 Tell the viewers about best practice when caring
  for the calves.
                                                        Entry surveymonkey.com/r/2021cccstudententry
3 Tell the viewers why dairy is an important part of
  your health and nutrition.                            Exit surveymonkey.com/r/2021cccstudentexit
4 Dress up as scientists and carry out a simple        Further details about the surveys can be found on
  science experiment.                                   page 25.
The Mootube moovie should be timed for 3                5 Final team checklist
minutes (+/- 10 seconds). Further details about this    Please ensure that your team completes this form
task can be found on pages 20-21.                       to accompany your assessment work. Print your
                                                        names clearly for certificates.
                                                        Further details about this task can be found on
                                                        page 26.

In teams of 2–5, choose a research topic from the list on the following page.
Work together to create an informative and illustrated 3D model such as a
poster, diorama, working model or sculpture, this will become your 3D model.

It is important to include illustrations and text to     Your team must submit high quality photos that
explain what you have learned about your research        clearly show your 3D model close up so that judges
topic and to link your 3D model to career pathways       can read the text and assess the overall visual
in the dairy industry.                                   appeal.
Ensure that you use relevant pictures and your own       No physical copies of the models are to be posted
words to explain your learnings.                         to Cows Create Careers, only photos.
Use the internet, library, an industry advocate, dairy   Organise with your teacher to bring your 3D
farmer or maybe even your teacher, to help with          models along to the presentation and awards day.
ideas and information.
Don’t forget there is a full page in this handbook         Work together to learn about the dairy industry,
relating to each of the research topics. Use this to       career options, pathways and the many related
start your ideas.                                          industries.
Each team may use the completed 3D model as the
focus of a class talk.
(All team members must have some involvement in
this class talk).

Following are some research topics for your 3D Model.

                                                        Topic 5 - The dairy industry
  Years 9 -11 select from topics 1 to 8.
                                                        Sample core focus:
  Years 5-8 select from topics 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8.
                                                        1 Identify and research the significance of the dairy
                                                          industry to your local community.
Topic 1 - Calf rearing
                                                        2 Explore the career pathways that relate to dairy
Sample core focus:                                        in your community.
1 Explain the main objectives of calf rearing.         3 Draw up a concept map showing the industries
2 Discuss issues such as the management of               and other services and how they relate to the
   calves, housing, feeding requirements and              dairy industry, community and other services.
   disease management. Illustrate the important
                                                        Topic 6 - The fifth food group
   events in a young female calf’s life.
                                                        Sample core focus:
Topic 2 - Finance management
                                                        1 Research the five food groups and where dairy
Sample core focus:                                        fits in relation to a healthy eating pattern.
1 Identify the key elements of financial planning in   2 Conduct a minor survey at class or school level
  relation to a particular career (of your choice) in     to determine whether dairy is a prominent part of
  the dairy industry.                                     their diet.
2 Explain how an understanding of these key
                                                        Topic 7 - Researching animal behaviours through
   elements will strengthen this career. Describe
                                                        cattle handling
   some likely outcomes of poor performance in
   these areas.                                         Sample core focus:
                                                        1 Consider the facilities that cattle are housed
Topic 3 - Identification and breeding
                                                          in. What are the conditions necessary for best
Sample core focus:                                        practice when caring for animals?
1 Research the latest technology in the dairy          2 Using scale diagrams, or by making a 3D model,
  industry concerning identification, animal              design an animal production facility such as a
  genetics or animal reproduction.                        dairy, cattle yards, or housing for the calves at
2 Evaluate whether these technologies have been          school.
   effective. Shape and report your conclusion.
                                                        Topic 8 - Farm safety
Topic 4 - Natural resource management                   Sample core focus:
Sample core focus:                                      1 Investigate farm safety and present a report
1 Identify and explain the projects that the dairy        on the potential dangers of the dairy farm
  industry has initiated in the area of natural            environment.
  resource management.                                  2 Recommend guidelines to minimise risks for
2 How have these projects contributed to a               people who live on, work on or visit dairy farms.
   healthier catchment and community?
                                                          Make sure you include a list of dairy related
                                                          career pathways on your 3D model.

Key ideas                                                ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8
• What are the nutritional requirements of a calf?       Science AACSIS124, ACSIS139
  iscuss, then calculate the quantity of various        Mathematics ACMSP169, ACMSP206
 feed sources required.                                  Humanities ACHES021, ACHES032
• Identify environmental conditions conducive to        Technologies/Literacy A
  calf safety. In your team, create a plan for the                             ACELY1725/1736
  accommodation of the calves at school.
                                                         The Arts ACAVAM121
  efer to the checklists for monitoring cattle
 included in your School Resource Kit. Is your team      ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
 equipped to handle this? For example, can you           Science ACSIS164, ACSIS198
 demonstrate the correct method of weighing the
                                                         Mathematics ACMSP228, ACMSP253
                                                         Humanities ACHES045/57, ACHES048/60
  esearch the standard growth curves for calves
                                                         Technologies/Literacy A
 and use these to develop targets for your calves.
 While the calves are at school, monitor their
 growth and compare the results with standard            The Arts ACAVAM126, ACAVAM128
 growth rates.
                                                         ACARA outcomes – Year 11
  reate a timeline that illustrates the important
 events in a young female calf’s life (birth, weaning,
                                                         Senior secondary curriculum
 mating, first calving, etc.).                           English Unit 1 – Create a range of texts:
                                                         ACEEN011–ACEEN017, Reflect on their own and
  stimate the quantity of milk, fat and protein the
                                                         others’ text by: ACEEN018-020
 calf will produce during her first lactation.
                                                         General Mathematics Unit 2 – The statistical
ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,            investigation process: ACMGM026, Making sense
and will vary depending on the direction                 of data relating to a single statistical variable:
individual projects take.                                ACMGM027-030

ACARA outcomes – Years 5 and 6                           Science Unit 1 – Biology – Science Inquiry Skills:
Science ACSIS231, ACSIS232
                                                         Science Unit 1 & 2 – Earth & Environmental
Mathematics ACMSP118, ACMSP148
                                                         Science – Science as a Human Endeavour:
Humanities ACHASSI102, ACHASSI130                        ACSES008-014
Technologies/Literacy A
                      ACELY1704/1714                       Teams can present their research to the class.
The Arts ACAVAM115, ACAVAM116

Key ideas                                           ACARA outcomes – Year 11
An important aspect of dairying is understanding    Senior secondary curriculum
finance. There is always a bottom line in any       English Unit 1 – Create a range of texts:
business, and efficient use of the resources will
                                                    ACEEN011-ACEEN017, Reflect on their own and
help ensure a healthy bottom line.
                                                    others’ text by: ACEEN018-020
A dairy farm is a business and many who work in
                                                    General Mathematics Unit 2 – The statistical
the dairy industry manage their businesses.
                                                    investigation process: ACMGM026, Making sense
Provide a report on the key elements of financial   of data relating to a single statistical variable:
planning, including:                                ACMGM027-030
• Planning and budgeting
  ecognising unnecessary and excessive               Teams can present their research to the class.
• Monitoring weekly and monthly progress
• Setting goals and targets
• Understanding credit
• Planning for the future.

ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,
and will vary depending on the direction
individual projects take.

ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
Science ACSIS169, ACSIS206
Mathematics ACMSP228, ACMSP253
Humanities ACHES044/56, ACHEK053
Technologies/Literacy A
The Arts ACAVAM126, ACAVAM128

Key ideas                                               Research support
Well, you’ve no doubt worked out by now that            Identification activity
dairying is big business. No wonder farmers spend
                                                        • Research then list the main reasons for identifying
so much time studying and applying the latest
                                                          animals in the herd.
science and technology to their business.
                                                        • Find out why the NLIS was introduced.
Technology is advancing quickly in the areas of
identification and breeding on dairy farms. The         • What is an NLIS tag? When does an animal
following page of this handbook will help you to          receive its NLIS tag?
shape your research and focus on this activity.         • What disease outbreaks have occurred in dairy
Research either herd identification, animal genetics      industries overseas? Discuss why tracking the
or animal reproduction.                                   movement of animals is so important in Australia.
Whilst researching consider and report on the           • What methods of identification are used by the
latest technologies that have been introduced in          owner of the calves?
each of these areas. Take the time to evaluate what     • Some pure-bred dairy cows are registered in
the technologies set out to achieve and whether           breed societies. Go to holstein.com.au or jersey.
this has been effective.                                  com.au to find out what breed societies do.
Make sure you explore these technologies on a           •R
                                                          esearch the latest technologies available in the
global basis and then consider the possibilities of      area of identification.
this technology being suitable for Australia.
                                                        Animal genetics activity
Research, then list, the main reasons for identifying
                                                        • List five characteristics that could be passed on
animals in the herd.
                                                          by the sire and dam for each calf.
  hat methods of identification are used by the
                                                        • A pedigree is a family tree for an individual animal.
 owner of the calves?
                                                          Prepare a ‘pedigree report’ for each calf.
• Prepare a ‘pedigree report’ for each calf.
                                                        • Identify the countries represented in each
  ist five characteristics that could be passed on       pedigree.
 by the sire and dam for each calf.
                                                        • Find out some information about the dam of each
• Identify the countries represented in each             calf. For example, how much milk did the dam
  pedigree.                                               produce last year? How many calves has she
  esearch, then list, some of the roles of herd-         had? How old is she? When did she have her first
 testing and artificial-breeding organisations.           calf?
  ind out why the National Livestock Identification
 System (NLIS) was introduced.
  he following page of this handbook will help you
 shape your research focus for this activity.

  ind out some information about the sire of each     ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,
 calf. For example, what country does he live in?      and will vary depending on the direction
 How many daughters does he have? How does             individual projects take.
 he compare to other bulls? Hint... go to datagene.
 com.au – bull ABV quick search to find out.           ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
  hat are the names of six breeds of dairy cattle     Science ACSIS174, ACSIS208
 found in Australia? What makes each breed             Mathematics ACMSP228, ACMSP253
 different?                                            Humanities ACHES045/57, ACHES048/60
  ind out the difference between inbreeding and       Technologies/Literacy A
 crossbreeding.                                                              ACELY1746/1756
  ustralian cows are mated using artificial           The Arts ACAVAM126, ACAVAM128
 insemination or a natural bull. What are the
 advantages and disadvantages of these two             ACARA outcomes – Year 11
 practices? Discuss this as a class.                   Senior secondary curriculum
  esearch the latest technologies available in the    English Unit 1 – Create a range of texts:
 area of animal genetics.                              ACEEN011-ACEEN017, Reflect on their own and
Animal reproductive activity                           others’ text by: ACEEN018-020
  repare a 36–month (3–year) calendar and mark        General Mathematics Unit 2 – The statistical
 on it the key events in the life of a calf.           investigation process: ACMGM026, Making sense
 For example:                                          of data relating to a single statistical variable:
- When was she born?
                                                       Science Unit 1 – Biology – Science Inquiry Skills:
- How long will it be before she can be mated?
- When will she have her first calf?
                                                       Science Unit 1 & 2 – Earth & Environmental
- When will she start producing milk?
                                                       Science – Science as a Human Endeavour:
- When will she be mated for the second time?          ACSES008-014
- When will she be dried off (take a holiday from
  retend that a bull calf was born on the same
 day as your calf. When will he begin to produce
  hen cows are ready to be mated, they show
 signs of oestrus (heat). People say ‘that cow is on
 heat’. What are the signs of a cow on heat?
  esearch the latest technologies available in the
 area of animal reproduction.

  Teams can present their research to the class.

The Australian dairy industry is recognised for its    ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8
proactive approach to environmental management,
                                                       Science ACSIS124, ACSIS139
an approach that is delivering significant outcomes
in terms of on-farm change in environmental            Mathematics ACMSP169, ACMSP206
practices.                                             Humanities ACHES021, ACHES032
  s part of your research you can also investigate    Technologies/Literacy A
 the nature of water scarcity and the role of                                ACELY1725/1736
 humans in creating and overcoming it, relate your     The Arts ACAVAM121
 findings to dairy farming.                            Health/Physical Education ACPPS078
  he cornerstone of the Australian dairy industry’s
 success in facilitating on-farm change is the         ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
 industry-led Dairying for Tomorrow (DfT) program,     Science ACSIS164, ACSIS198
 managed by Dairy Australia.                           Mathematics ACMSP228, ACMSP253
  he projects and underlying philosophy of DfT        Humanities ACHGK063, ACHGK073
 actively encourage collaborative partnerships         Technologies/Literacy A
 between the dairy industry and catchment                                    ACELY1746/1756
 managers to set on farm targets for change
                                                       The Arts ACAVAM126, ACAVAM128
 that will contribute to healthy catchments and
 communities.                                          ACARA outcomes – Year 11
• In recent years projects under DfT have changed     Senior secondary curriculum
  the way farmers think about their environmental
                                                       English Unit 1 – Create a range of texts:
  management and changed how the community
  looks at the role of farming.                        ACEEN011-ACEEN017, Reflect on their own and
                                                       others’ text by: ACEEN018-020
  he DfT website dairyingfortomorrow.com.au will
 help you with your research into natural resource     General Mathematics Unit 2 – The statistical
 management.                                           investigation process: ACMGM026, Making sense
                                                       of data relating to a single statistical variable:
ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,          ACMGM027-030
and will vary depending on the direction               Science Unit 1 – Biology - Science Inquiry Skills:
individual projects take.                              ACSBL001-007
ACARA outcomes – Years 5 and 6                         Science Unit 1 & 2 – Earth & Environmental
                                                       Science - Science as a Human Endeavour:
Science ACSIS231, ACSIS232
Mathematics ACMSP118, ACMSP148
Humanities ACHASSI102, ACHASSI130
                                                         Teams can present their research to the class.
Technologies/Literacy A
The Arts ACAVAM115, ACAVAM116

Key ideas                                              ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8
  ave a look around your community and visit the      Science ACSIS124, ACSIS139
 Dairy Australia website which will showcase that      Mathematics ACMSP169, ACMSP206
 the dairy industry is the heart of many careers.
                                                       Humanities ACHEK020, ACHEK030
 It also supports and is supported by many other
 services and industries.                              Technologies/Literacy A
  rainstorm your local community (including
 employment situation of family and friends) for       The Arts ACAVAM121
 links to the dairy industry. How significant is the   ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
 dairy industry in your community?
                                                       Science ACSIS164, ACSIS198
  se the internet to make a list of dairy-related
                                                       Mathematics ACMSP228, ACMSP253
 services and careers.
                                                       Humanities ACHES043, ACHEK055
  rom the various dairy-related careers in your
 community, list those that appeal to yourselves.      Technologies/Literacy A
 What special skills and/or training are required to                         ACELY1746/1756
 work in these careers?                                The Arts ACAVAM126, ACAVAM128
• Draw up a ‘concept map’ showing these industries
                                                       ACARA outcomes – Year 11
  and services, and how they relate to:
  1) the dairy industry, 2) the community, and         Senior secondary curriculum
  3) each other.                                       English Unit 1 – Create a range of texts:
                                                       ACEEN011-ACEEN017, Reflect on their own and
ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,          others’ text by: ACEEN018-020
and will vary depending on the direction
                                                       General Mathematics Unit 2 – The statistical
individual projects take.
                                                       investigation process: ACMGM026, Making sense
ACARA outcomes – Years 5 and 6                         of data relating to a single statistical variable:
Science ACSIS231, ACSIS232
                                                       Science Unit 1 – Biology - Science Inquiry Skills:
Mathematics ACMSP118, ACMSP148
Humanities ACHASSI102, ACHASSI130
                                                       Science Unit 1 & 2 – Earth & Environmental
Technologies/Literacy ACTDEP024,                      Science - Science as a Human Endeavour:
                      ACELY1704/1714                   ACSES008-014
The Arts ACAVAM115, ACAVAM116
                                                         Teams can present their research to the class.

Key ideas                                               ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8
  he Australian Dietary Guidelines identify five       Science ACSIS125, ACSIS140
 food groups that are essential for daily diets.        Mathematics ACMSP169, ACMSP206
 The fifth food group is dairy. Dairy is essential to
                                                        Humanities ACHES022, ACHES033
 everybody and every day.
                                                        Technologies/Literacy A
  airy foods provide a unique package of over 10
 essential nutrients with a wide range of benefits.
 These nutrients are essential for healthy blood,       The Arts ACAVAM121
 nervous and immune systems, eyesight, muscle           Health/Physical Education ACPPS077, ACPPS076
 and nerve function, healthy skin, energy levels
 and growth and repair in all parts of your body.       ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
  esearch the place of dairy in a ‘healthy eating      Science ACSIS164, ACSIS198
 pattern’. Where are dairy products in a ‘balanced      Mathematics ACMSP228, ACMSP253
 diet’? How frequently should we eat dairy              Humanities ACHES045, ACHES057
 products and in what quantities? Do these              Technologies/Literacy A
 answers vary for different situations?                                       ACELY1746/1756
  esearch the importance of regular serves of          The Arts ACAVAM126, ACAVAM128
 dairy for teenagers, and for those who are active
                                                        Health/Physical Education ACPPS095
 in sport (sports nutrition). What specific elements
 of dairy affect human growth and performance           ACARA outcomes – Year 11
 (such as calcium for bone density)? What are the       Senior secondary curriculum
 dangers of a deficiency of dairy for these people?
                                                        English Unit 1 – Create a range of texts:
  onduct a minor survey at class or school level       ACEEN011-ACEEN017, Reflect on their own and
 to determine whether the importance of dairy           others’ text by: ACEEN018-020
 nutrition is reflected in the eating habits at
                                                        General Mathematics Unit 2 – The statistical
 your school. Does your school need a strategy
                                                        investigation process: ACMGM026, Making sense
 to improve its dietary practice – if so can you
                                                        of data relating to a single statistical variable:
 provide one?
ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,           Science Unit 1 – Biology - Science Inquiry Skills:
and will vary depending on the direction                ACSBL001-007
individual projects take.                               Science Unit 1 & 2 – Earth & Environmental
ACARA outcomes – Years 5 and 6                          Science - Science as a Human Endeavour:
Science ACSIS231, ACSIS232
Mathematics ACMSP118, ACMSP148
                                                          Teams can present their research to the class.
Humanities ACHASSI102,ACHASSI130
Technologies/Literacy A
The Arts ACAVAM115, ACAVAM116
Health/Physical Education A
Key ideas                                                 ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,
  ew technologies have allowed agricultural              and will vary depending on the direction
 industries to develop models for ‘best practice’ -       individual projects take.
 best practice for handling animals, best practice        ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8
 for creating facilities for animals, and best practice
                                                          Science ACSIS129, ACSIS144
 for food production. Studying animal behaviours
 helps lead to new understandings of best                 Mathematics ACMSP169, ACMSP206
 practice.                                                Humanities ACHES022, ACHES033
  aving the calves at school creates the                 Technologies/Literacy A
 opportunity for students to learn about animal                                 ACELY1725/1736
 behaviour through cattle handling. While                 The Arts ACAVAM121
 monitoring the health and growth of the calves,
 research the big ideas about best practice when          ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
 handling cattle, and the links between cattle            Science ACSIS164, ACSIS198
 handling and production.                                 Mathematics ACMSP228, ACMSP253
  s part of your learning, consider the facilities       Humanities ACHES045, ACHES057
 that cattle are housed in, and the conditions
                                                          Technologies/Literacy A
 necessary for best practice when caring for
 animals. These facilities could be the dairy, cattle
 yards, or simply the accommodation you provide           The Arts ACAVAM126, ACAVAM128
 the calves at school.                                    ACARA outcomes – Year 11
  sing scale diagrams, or by making a 3D model,
                                                          Senior secondary curriculum
 design an animal production facility such as a
                                                          English Unit 1 – Create a range of texts:
 dairy, cattle yards or housing for the calves at
                                                          ACEEN011-ACEEN017, Reflect on their own and
                                                          others’ text by: ACEEN018-020
  ou may wish to explain your learning and design.
                                                          General Mathematics Unit 2 – The statistical
                                                          investigation process: ACMGM026, Making sense
  Teams can present their research to the class.          of data relating to a single statistical variable:
                                                          Science Unit 1 – Biology - Science Inquiry Skills:
                                                          Science Unit 1 & 2 – Earth & Environmental
                                                          Science - Science as a Human Endeavour:

Key ideas                                               ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,
Dairy farms are special places, as they are usually     and will vary depending on the direction
both a home for the family and a busy workplace.        individual projects take.
As a home for the family, issues of health and          ACARA outcomes – Years 5 and 6
safety are even more extreme than usual. The            Science ACSIS231, ACSIS232
dangers associated with big trucks driving up and
                                                        Mathematics ACMSP118, ACMSP148
down the driveway twice a day, heavy machinery,
big awkward animals, snakes and electric fences         Humanities ACHASSI095, ACHASSI123
can even bite, are just a few of the safety issues.     Technologies/Literacy A
All workplaces have rules to ensure worker health                             ACELY1704/1714
and safety is protected, and there are heavy            The Arts ACAVAM115, ACAVAM116
penalties for unsafe work practices.                    Health/Physical Education ACPPS053/54,
Health and safety issues related to dairy farms are                                ACPPS058
not limited to but may include:
                                                        ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8
• v ehicles (quad bikes, tractors, milk tankers,
  general traffic)                                      Science ACSIS124, ACSIS139
• chemicals (along with water and effluent)             Mathematics ACMSP169, ACMSP206
  ower and electrical (don’t touch that electric       Humanities ACHES022, ACHES033
 fence!)                                                Technologies/Literacy A
• farm machinery                                                              ACELY1725/1736
  orking spaces (confined spaces, outside spaces,      The Arts ACAVAM121
 heights)                                               Health/Physical Education ACPPS073/077,
• visitors and children.                                                           ACPPS078
Investigate farm safety. Present a report on the
potential dangers of the dairy farm environment.          Teams can present their research to the class.
Recommend guidelines to minimise risks for people
who live on, work on, or visit dairy farms. You might
be interested to explore the nature, number and
seriousness of farm accidents in Australia (many of
which involve children on and around tractors and
quad bikes).

ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10                    ACARA outcomes – Year 11
Science ACSIS164, ACSIS198                         Senior secondary curriculum
Mathematics ACMSP228, ACMSP253                     English Unit 1 – Create a range of texts:
Humanities ACHES043/55, ACHES045/57                ACEEN011-ACEEN017, Reflect on their own and
                                                   others’ text by: ACEEN018-020
Technologies/Literacy A
                      ACELY1746/1756               General Mathematics Unit 2 – The statistical
                                                   investigation process: ACMGM026, Making sense
The Arts ACAVAM126, ACAVAM128
                                                   of data relating to a single statistical variable:
Health/Physical Education A
                                                   Science Unit 1 – Biology - Science Inquiry Skills:
  Teams can present their research to the class.
                                                   Science Unit 1 & 2 – Earth & Environmental
                                                   Science Science as a Human Endeavour:

Your Mootube moovie/PowerPoint                           Statement 1
must:                                                    As a team choose a career in the dairy industry
• Run or be timed for 3 minutes (+/-10) seconds.         and roleplay this career for the viewers. Be sure
                                                         to tell the viewers about the education and daily
  e presented on a file that will run on freely
                                                         activities required for this career.
 available software (preferably mp4, wmv or ppt).
                                                         Make the viewers laugh; be sure to tell them the
Helpful tips                                             fun parts of this job. You only have 3 minutes!
Be sure to read this section carefully before you        Statement 2
get started.                                             As a team tell the viewers what you have
  hen using cows or calves in your pictures, make       learned about calf rearing.
 sure they are dairy.                                    Share your personal experiences and stories
  nsure when you research the internet that your        about the calves; tell us about their feeding
 information is from Australia.                          regime and personality. Your style here is
  hen creating your Mootube keep the messages           important and perhaps you should dress up as a
 positive.                                               media presenter.
• Remember to plan your Mootube thoroughly              Make your Mootube moovie fun and engaging
  before you start, this isn’t a home video.             to keep the viewers interested. You only have 3
  nsure that there is no background noise
 interfering with your Mootube ie. wind, rain.           Statement 3
• If you decide to sing a song, make sure you have      As a team, tell the viewers why dairy is an
  the words scrolling along the bottom so the            important part of your health and nutrition.
  viewers don’t miss out on all the lyrics.              Keep your Mootube moovie unique and be
  ry and keep the Mootube at the same recording         sure to make the viewers laugh and remember
 volume throughout the moovie.                           to have DAIRY in their day. You only have 3
  arefully choose your music as the lyrics need to
 line up with the message.                               Statement 4
                                                         As a team, dress up as scientists and carry out
  he final tip: If you have fun whilst learning, then
                                                         a simple science experiment. Your Mootube
 so will the viewers!
                                                         moovie explains the methodical thinking and
                                                         processing that a person is likely to undertake in
                                                         this career pathway.
                                                         Google ‘milk experiments’ on the internet to
                                                         help give your team some ideas. You only have
                                                         3 minutes!

ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,     ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
and will vary depending on the direction          Literacy ACELY1748, ACELY1776
individual projects take.
                                                  Humanities ACHES043, ACHES055
ACARA outcomes – Years 5 and 6                    Technologies ACTDIP037, ACDEP049
Literacy ACELY1707, ACELY1717                     The Arts ACAVAM126, ACAVAM128
Humanities ACHASSI094, ACHASSI122
Technologies ACTDEP024, ACTDEP028
The Arts ACAMAM064

ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8
Literacy ACELY1728, ACELY1738
Humanities ACHES022, ACHES033
Technologies ACTDIP025, ACTDIP026
The Arts ACAMAM068, ACAMAM069

                                FU LL C R ELU             LI G H T
                                     R IC U   M       C U R R IC U LUM
                                CU R
                                     2021                 2021

Write a letter or send an email of thanks to Jaydee Events Pty Ltd.

As a team, word process a letter or write an email      Helpful tips...
in business format to Jaydee Events Pty Ltd.            • The letter/email should be presented in a
The letter/email should talk about your experiences       business style format.
and what you have learned about the dairy industry      • Use a font that is easy to read eg. Arial or Times
and your calves. Outline what you have learned            New Roman.
from the industry advocate and dairy farmer who
                                                        • Check the letter/email for spelling and grammar.
visited your school.
                                                        • Use proper sentence structure and layout.
Students should address their letter to Jaydee
Events Pty Ltd, Mr John Hutchison & Mrs Deanne          • Write clearly, concisely and avoid long sentences.
Kennedy, PO Box 18, LOCH VIC 3945.                      • Provide meaningful text in the subject field.
Students should send their email addressed to Mr        • Avoid abbreviations, acronyms and emojis (eg.
John Hutchison & Mrs Deanne Kennedy to their              smiley faces).
own email address and copy the text into a word         • Do not write in CAPITALS.
document to submit with other assessments tasks.        • Read the letter/email before you send it.
Don’t forget to include your team name and school       Further details to assist with this task can be found
name as part of the letter/email.                       on your memory stick or the A4 sheets inside your
Letter/email writing tips...                            School Resource Kit.
  reate a letter/email to Jaydee Events Pty Ltd that
 talks about your experiences and what you have
 learnt from the dairy industry and your calves.
  utline what you have learnt from the industry
 advocate and dairy farmer who visited your
 school. What did they tell you about the calves
 that you didn’t know before?
  ake sure you provide the reader with some
 scientific information about your calves. What did
 you feed them? Did they gain weight? If so how
  escribe the calves and their personality traits.
 What are their names? Did you visit the calves to
 feed them every day or were you part of a roster?
  ell us some gossip. Did anything funny happen
 whilst the calves were staying at school?

ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,   ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
and will vary depending on the direction        Literacy ACELY1746, ACELY1756
individual projects take.
                                                Humanities ACHES044, ACHES056
ACARA outcomes – Years 5 and 6                  Science ACSIS164, ACSIS198
Literacy ACELY1704, ACELY1714
Humanities ACHASSI101/129
Science ACSIS231, ACSIS232

ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8
Literacy ACELY1725, ACELY1736
Humanities ACHES023, ACHES034
Science ACSIS132/234, ACSIS133/148

The scientific report should provide a summary of the calves’ condition during
their time in your care. The report must include data on each calf’s growth, feed
intake and health status.

A suggested format for your report writing is          ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,
‘the scientific method’. The key elements of the       and will vary depending on the direction
scientific method are:                                 individual projects take.
• identification of the problem
                                                       ACARA outcomes – Years 5 and 6
• forming a hypothesis
                                                       Literacy AACELY1704, ACELY1714
• using deductive reasoning
                                                       Humanities ACHASSI101/129
• data collection and analysis
                                                       Science ASIS231, ASIS232
• deriving a conclusion
• friendly text                                        ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8
• scientific information                               Literacy ACELY1725, ACELY1736
• grammar and spelling.                                Humanities ACHES023, ACHES034
                                                       Science ACSIS132/134, ACSIS133/148
Scientific report tips...
  our scientific report must follow some basic        ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
 rules.                                                Literacy ACELY1746, ACELY1756
  our report must have a title and begin with an      Humanities ACHES044, ACHES056
 overview (or abstract).                               Science ACSIS164, ACSIS198
  escribe and/or explain your method (what you
 did) and your materials (what you used).
  ext describe and/or explain (what you found).
 Results should include data and statistics.
  astly, describe and/or explain the results. What
 do the results mean? Include a bibliography.
Further details to assist with the scientific report
task can be found on your memory stick or the A4
sheet inside your School Resource Kit.

This task is asking for you to show us your creative side.
Take a creative photo of your team with the calves.
As an extra, we would like you to include the bag
of milk powder that has been sponsored for your
What makes your photo stand out from the rest?
Make sure you have a point of difference.

ACARA outcomes presented here are indicative,
and will vary depending on the direction
individual projects take.

ACARA outcomes – Years 5 and 6
The Arts ACAVAM116

ACARA outcomes – Years 7 and 8                        ACARA outcomes – Years 9 and 10
The Arts ACAMAM069                                    The Arts ACAVAM128

The survey information for Cows Create Careers is important to Jaydee Events
Pty Ltd and their sponsoring partners to gain an understanding about student
learning, student involvement and student interest in the dairy industry.
                                                      Submit your student evaluation data using these
  Remember to answer the questions
                                                      Entry surveymonkey.com/r/2021cccstudententry
                                                      Exit surveymonkey.com/r/2021cccstudentexit
                                                      If you do not have access to a computer or the
                                                      internet to complete this survey online then please
                                                      ask your teacher for a physical copy.

Teachers should select their best team to submit for assessment. If a school has
both juniors and seniors participating in the project they can submit the best
team’s work for each section. All student surveys will be conducted online using
a Survey Monkey link.

Team name:__________________________________________________________________________________ Year:________________________________________
Student names (for certificates, please write neatly!):
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Has your team submitted the following work?
Missing assessment work will be recorded as unsubmitted and will not be followed up.
Please tick what your team has submitted
 Mootube moovie/PowerPoint task OR  3D model task
 Letter/email task to Jaydee Events Pty Ltd OR  Scientific report task
 Creative photo task
 Student evaluation - entry and exit - Survey Monkey link

Mail or digitally submit your
assessment work                                                                CONTACT DETAILS
                                                                               Cows Create Careers Project Managers:
Save all your files with your team name and the
                                                                               John Hutchison & Deanne Kennedy
type of activity as the name of the file.
                                                                               JAYDEE EVENTS PTY LTD
Submission options                                                             PO Box 18, LOCH VIC 3945
Dropbox – Email deanne@jaydee.net.au to request                                M 0412 368 739 (John)
your Dropbox link, then simply upload your files.                                 0419 878 055 (Deanne)
Google drive links – Are you using Google as your                              E admin@jaydee.net.au
mail server? Simply attach all your large files to an
email and Google will send via Google drive links.
Mail – Express post your work on a memory stick
to: Cows Create Careers, PO Box 18, LOCH VIC

   Complete this as a checklist for your team, and
   submit with their work.











































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