FRONTLINE FOCUS TRAINING INSTITUTE - July - December 2021 Course Catalog - Chicago Jobs Council

Page created by Julio Wallace
FRONTLINE FOCUS TRAINING INSTITUTE - July - December 2021 Course Catalog - Chicago Jobs Council

     July - December 2021 Course Catalog
               Professional Development for the Workforce Field

     Expand your network.
Build your skills and knowledge.
     Advance your career.

                                    29 E. Madison Street, Suite 1700-C
                                                    Chicago, IL 60602
FRONTLINE FOCUS TRAINING INSTITUTE - July - December 2021 Course Catalog - Chicago Jobs Council
    The Frontline Focus Training Institute (FFTI) delivers trainings and resources to help frontline workforce professionals build their capacity to better meet
    the employment needs of disadvantaged job seekers, low-income workers and employers.
    Through the delivery of our hands-on, interactive trainings and workshops, we aim to:
      • Develop and enhance the skills, key competencies and knowledge of workforce professionals in order to increase job effectiveness
      • Decrease burnout and stimulate career growth within the workforce development field
      • Create an environment that fosters collaboration and networking among workforce professionals
      • Establish the workforce development field as an occupational destination

    FFTI is the capacity building initiative of the Chicago Jobs Council, a 40-year old non-profit organization that aims to move people out of poverty through
    employment using on-the ground expertise, advocacy, and capacity building. The Jobs Council launched FFTI in 2003 based on community research that
    indicated workforce development staff lacked professional development opportunities. From its early beginning as a “brown bag” lunch series to our
    current catalog of course offerings, the Frontline Focus Training Institute is uniquely positioned to meet the professional training needs of the workforce
    development field as one of the only organizations in the Midwestern region dedicated to such a mission. To date, FFTI has trained over 4,000 work-
    force professionals from 700 different organizations.

                          PUBLIC TRAININGS
                          FFTI offers over 15 different courses each year to support the professional development of frontline and leadership staff at
                          workforce and related social service organizations. Frontline Focus trainings are extremely interactive and encourage experi-
                          ential learning. Facilitators include experienced staff, expert consultants, and leaders in the field.

                           CUSTOMIZED TRAININGS
                           FFTI also offers customized trainings to organizations across the country to support their professional development. We can
                           train your entire staff using one of our existing curricula, combine topics to create a more tailored experience, or develop
                           something entirely new to fit your organization’s needs. We are also available to present at workshops or conferences hosted
                           by your agency. Pricing for customized training is negotiable and based on multiple factors including time, content, prepara-
                           tion, and travel. Contact Ashley Hamilton, Program Manager at with your professional development needs
                           and we’ll work with you to create a meaningful training experience!

    MEMBERSHIP                                                                     CANCELLATIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS
    Gain greater access to Chicago Jobs Council resources and information by       All cancellation and refund requests must be made in writing and should
    becoming a member. Benefits include significant discounts on FFTI train-       be emailed to Cheryl Hester. Full refunds will only be given if the cancella-
    ings!                                                                          tion request is received 24 hours in advance of the training. There will be
                                                                                   no refunds for students who withdraw after a training has started. If the
                                                                                   original registrant cannot attend the training, a coworker from the same
    Contact Cheryl Hester, FFTI Administrator, at for more          organization may take their place.
                                                                                   Finally, FFTI reserves the right to cancel or postpone training based on
    REGISTRATION & PAYMENT                                                         insufficient registration, inclement weather or other unforeseen emergen-
    Registration is available online at our website. Registrations are accepted    cies. In such rare instances, refunds will be given to all registered partici-
    on a rolling basis until each training has reached its maximum capacity of     pants.
    25 people. For high-demand courses, enrollment may be limited to two
    practitioners from a single agency.                                            For any other questions, please contact Cheryl Hester at

    Payments must be made at the time of registration by credit card or e-
    check. Under limited circumstances , other payment methods may be ac-           CONTACT INFORMATION
    cepted. If payment is not received within a week after your scheduled
    course, you will be subject to a $25 late fee on top of your original registra-
                                                                                    • Tanvi Shah, FFTI Director—
    tion fee.                                                                       • Ashley Hamilton, FFTI Program Manager—
                                                                                   •    Dana Horstein, CCCAC Program Manager—
     Scholarships are available, please contact Cheryl Hester to apply.
1                                                                                  •    Cheryl Hester, FFTI Administrator—
FRONTLINE FOCUS TRAINING INSTITUTE - July - December 2021 Course Catalog - Chicago Jobs Council
          FFTI has created online training opportunities to support frontline workforce staff. Learn
                                 more about these training formats below.

                   WEBINAR                                                                                   VIRTUAL
                                                              VIRTUAL TRAINING

    •     Presentation on a topic              •   Mimics FFTI’s in-person trainings           •   Deep dive into a topic area
    •     Minimal interaction                      in a digital format                         •   Month-long interactive training
    •     Time for audience questions          •   Interactive training                        •   Emphasis on practicing new skills
    •     ~60-90 minutes per training          •   Two, 2-hour sessions per training

                                             COURSE CALENDAR
                                                                                                                     PG WITH
                                                                                       TIME        (MEMBER/
        CLASS DATE       FORMAT                    COURSE NAME                                                       COURSE
                                                                                       (CST)         NON-
        July 22, 2021                   Intro to Workforce Development Webinar                       $25/$35             3
        August 3 + 10,                     Conducting Quality Intakes Virtual
                                                                                   10AM—12PM         $60/$85             4
            2021                                       Training
    August 25, 2021                         Intro to Public Benefits Webinar                         $25/$35             3

    September 8, 15,
                                           Coaching Fundamentals Bootcamp              1-4PM        $170/$250            4
     22, + 29, 2021

        September 28,                    Navigating Labor Market Information +     10:30AM—
                                                                                                     $25/$35             3
            2021                                     Tools Webinar                   12PM
                                        Moving Beyond Stigma: Mental Health &      10:30AM—
    October 13, 2021                                                                                 $25/$35             4
                                                Employment Webinar                   12PM

    October 19 + 26,                    Using Emotional Intelligence to Navigate
                                                                                   10AM—12PM         $60/$85             5
         2021                           the New Remote/Hybrid Workspace VT

        November 10,
                                         Trauma-Informed Supervision Webinar       10AM-12PM         $25/$35             5

2                                                                                                                              2
FRONTLINE FOCUS TRAINING INSTITUTE - July - December 2021 Course Catalog - Chicago Jobs Council
                                                                      Intro to the Workforce Development
             Intro to Public Benefits Webinar                          System Webinar
              The public benefits system can be confus-                 Are you new to the workforce development
             ing and, up until now, one of the only ways               field? Do you know how to navigate the system,
    to learn the system was via experience. Through         program models, funding streams? Through this webinar,
    this webinar, gain an overall understanding of the      demystify what the workforce development system actu-
    public benefits system and how to make referrals to     ally is: who’s involved, how it operates, the program mod-
    public benefits programs. This course is designed       els used, how it’s funded and what its relationship with
    for new to intermediate case managers or job de-        other social services looks like.
                                                            After attending this training, you will be able to:
    After attending this training, you will be able to:       • Identify commonly used and best practice workforce
      • Identify which benefits are automatic eligibility       development program models (e.g. transitional jobs,
        qualifiers for the workforce development sys-           sector strategies, employment prep & placement,
        tem                                                     etc.)
      • Navigate the appeal benefits denial process           • Translate workforce development jargon into plain
      • Make an effective referral to a public benefits         language
        program                                               • Navigate public funding streams that support work-
                                                                force development
    Cost: $25 member / $35 non-member                         • Visualize your “place” in the local workforce system
    Date: August 25, 2021
    Time: 10:30am-12:00pm CST                               Cost: $25 member / $35 non-member
                                                            Date: July 22,2021
                                                            Time: 10:30am-12:00pm CST

             Navigating Labor Market Trends &
             Tools Webinar
               What can help you look into opportunities
            for job seekers, engage employers, and de-
    velop relevant programming? Labor market infor-
    mation! It is a key part of the workforce develop-
    ment world and our needed expertise. Through this
    webinar, discover a wide variety of online tools that
    can be used to understand career growth opportu-
    nities, learn which industries are growing/declining
    and what training and education can support your
    clients’ career goals.

    After attending this training, you will be able to:
      • Identify useful labor market information online
      • Filter data to understand labor market trends
      • Teach job seekers to use data to identify poten-
        tial career paths
      • Employ online assessments to help your job
        seekers identify their skills and passions

    Cost: $25 member / $35 non-member
    Date: August 25, 2021
    Time: 10:30am-12:00pm CST
FRONTLINE FOCUS TRAINING INSTITUTE - July - December 2021 Course Catalog - Chicago Jobs Council
              Conducting Quality Intake Assess-                        Coaching Fundamentals Bootcamp
              ments Virtual Training                                    Coaching is a collaborative way of working with
               The intake process: you have a limited                 job seekers which builds on their strengths and
           amount of time to fill out forms and ask sensi-    helps them develop actionable, long-term goals. Through
    tive questions while somehow trying to build rap-         this four-part interactive virtual bootcamp, you will build
    port— not so easy! Through this two-part interac-         your coaching values, skills and tools, and explore how to
    tive training, learn strategies to build a better rela-   apply them in your work with job seekers. Each highly inter-
    tionship with your job seekers to work towards            active session will include coaching content, participatory
    their employment goals.                                   learning activities, and discreet coaching practice in a peer
                                                              to peer model.
    After attending this training, you will be able to:
      • Create a better relationship with your job seek-
                                                              The bootcamp format is composed of four 3-hour sessions
        ers through the intake assessment process             for a total of 12 hours of training and practice. The benefit
      • Actively listen to both verbal and non-verbal
                                                              of this "bootcamp" format is the opportunity to immediate-
        cues to truly get to know your job seeker             ly put the skills and tools into practice in the learning envi-
      • Use a strengths-based approach to assess job
        seeker skills, interests, and goals
                                                              After attending this training, you will be able to:
    Cost: $60 member / $85 non-member                           • Identify and utilize a coach approach to build collabora-
    Date: August 3 & 10, 2021                                     tive, accountable partnerships with job seekers
    Time: 10:00am-12:00pm CST                                   • Apply coaching skills and support job seekers' goal
                                                                • Use tools to support your job seekers in setting and
                                                                  achieving their goals
                                                                • Incorporate coaching into your virtual or in-person
                                                                  meetings with job seekers

                                                              Cost: $170 member / $250 non-member
                                                              Date: September 8, 15, 22, & 29, 2021

                                                                       Moving Beyond Stigma: Mental Health
                                                                       & Employment Webinar
                                                                        Do you sense your job seekers’ mental health
                                                                     needs are beyond your training? Are you unsure how
                                                              to find resources? Through this webinar, learn about com-
                                                              mon mental health issues and myths; when and where to
                                                              refer job seekers who need mental health services; and
                                                              strategies for helping job seekers with mental health issues
                                                              succeed in employment.

                                                              After attending this training, you will be able to:
                                                               • Identify when a job seeker needs mental health ser-
                                                               • Find available mental health resources
                                                               • Make a “warm” referral to a needed service

                                                              Cost: $25 member / $35 non-member
                                                              Date: October 13 , 2021
4                                                             Time: 10:30am-12:00pm CST
FRONTLINE FOCUS TRAINING INSTITUTE - July - December 2021 Course Catalog - Chicago Jobs Council
             Trauma-Informed Supervision                                  Using Emotional Intelligence to
             Webinar                                                      Navigate the New Remote/Hybrid
              Trauma can take many forms and it impacts                   Workspace Virtual Training
           everyone differently. Even if you are not in direct         The workspace has changed drastically. ‘Zoom’
    contact with the traumatic event, it can have lasting        meetings, employees working remotely either full-
    effects on you. As a supervisor in a field where your su-    or part- time – we have had to rethink how we lead.
    pervisees frequently encounter trauma, it is important       As a leader, you have to manage your team’s
    to create a trauma-informed work environment.                productivity, keep them engaged, and handle the
    Through this webinar, understand how to effectively          interpersonal dynamics of the team – while you all
    identify and manage your supervisees’ exposure to            continue to adjust to ‘the new normal’. Through
    trauma through their work, and develop strategies to         this two-part interactive training, learn how honing
    build trauma-informed care into your team's structure.       your Emotional Intelligence can boost your team’s
                                                                 productivity and enhance their engagement.
    After attending this training, you will be able to:
      • Recognize signs of compassion fatigue and vicarious      After attending this training, you will be able to:
        trauma                                                     • Describe Emotional Intelligence (EI) and the role
      • Develop a trauma-informed team culture                       it plays in team leadership
      • Incorporate the understanding of the 6 principles of       • Practice EI strategies to enhance your ability to
        trauma-informed care into building staff resilience          navigate the virtual/hybrid workspace
                                                                   • Apply EI practices to help your team remain
    Cost: $25 member / $35 non-member                                productive and engaged as they continue to
    Date: October 13 , 2021                                          adapt to the remote/hybrid workspace
    Time: 10:30am-12:00pm CST
                                                                 Cost: $60 member / $85 non-member
                                                                 Date: October 19 & 26, 2021
                                                                 Time: 10:00am-12:00pm CST

FRONTLINE FOCUS TRAINING INSTITUTE - July - December 2021 Course Catalog - Chicago Jobs Council
 Workforce Professionals Credential
 In the Frontline Focus Training Institute’s 18 years of training experience, we’ve learned what it takes to be a successful
 workforce professional – join this cohort to find out! Through a competitive application process, 20 participants will be se-
 lected to learn workforce best practices to improve their organization’s recruitment, assessment, and placement outcomes.
 This credential is designed for the frontline workforce professional looking to round out their skill set, add new skills to their
 toolbox, and advance their career. The Workforce Professionals Credential includes:

11 MONTHLY TRAININGS             COHORT-BASED LEARNING                     NETWORKING                      MENTORSHIP
                                                                      Expand your relationships       Receive coaching and men-
 Learn about the competen-        Gain access to an intensive
                                                                      with peers committed to          torship from a seasoned
 cies and values that best-in-       small group learning
                                                                             the work                      workforce leader
class workforce professionals            environment

                           Chicago College & Career Advising Credential (CCCAC)
 The Chicago College and Career Advising Credential (CCCAC) is an intensive cohort training on youth -centered
 coaching strategies and resources for progressive postsecondary pathway options (apprenticeships, college,
 job training, military and service/gap year). In this training, participants try out different coaching strategies,
 examine how to make coaching on the pathways more equitable, hear from guest speakers about different
 pathway options, and use tools that will help youth explore their passions and find corresponding pathway
 options that are right for them.

 55 HOURS OF TRAINING            COHORT-BASED LEARNING                     NETWORKING                     GUEST SPEAKERS
                                                                      Expand your relationships      Hear guest speakers discuss
  Learn and practice youth-       Gain access to an intensive
                                                                      with peers committed to         different progressive post-
centered coaching strategies         small group learning
                                                                             the work                secondary pathway options
to educate youth about their             environment
   different postsecondary
       pathway options

              FRONTLINE FOCUS
                        FOCUS             Visit for more information.
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