FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Ellerslie School
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Newsle er 12 | Term Three | Week 2 | August 4, 2022 | | FROM THE PRINCIPAL Tena koutou katoa Ellerslie whānau Welcome new families and teachers A warm welcome to all our new students and their families who have started this term at Ellerslie School. We hope your Ellerslie journey will be one full of fun, engaging learning experiences, friends and life me memories. We also extend a warm welcome to Charlene Kahts, our new teacher in Matai 2 and Samantha Small who is the school’s new office assistant. Teacher / Parents / Student Learning Discussions Thank you to all the parents / caregivers and students who a ended the learning discussions yesterday. I hope the opportunity provided you with a worthwhile chance to connect with one of your child’s teachers in order to discuss their current achievement and progress as well as how they are going to school in rela on to the 5Cs and 5Bs. Educa ng our young people is a team effort and parents o en want to know what they can do to help their children progress and achieve. Some of this would have been discussed with your child’s teacher yesterday. Also the MInistry of Educa on has a number of resources that whanau can access. Please click here. Thank you to all the teachers who have spent many hours preparing for the learning discussions. Term 3 Learning Inquiry Our in class Inquiry focus for Term 3 across the school is Innova on: Kai aki - Make our world be er. This will have a Science and Technology focus across the school with teams looking at new systems and products to help make the world a be er and more sustainable place. Miro / Rimu Team: Year 0-1: Innova ng Ellerslie School - plan ng and greening things up Rata Team: Year 2: Innova ng Ellerslie School - the acorn patch Matai Team: Year 3 and 4: Let’s make a difference, Innova ng Ellerslie School - outside games / ac vi es Pohutukawa Team: Year 5 and 6: Innova ng Ellerslie School - fitness trail / senior playground Kauri Team: Year 7 and 8: Innova ng Ellerslie School - waste Term 3 Busy Term - Events for your Diary We have an ac on packed Term 3 and parents and caregivers are welcome to a end a number of these events. For the most up to date informa on please check the calendar func on on the school app. The school calendar is also available on the website This has been moved to the front of the homepage so it can be accessed easily.
Date Event Venue Time Friday 5 August Ellerslie Travel Trivia Night One Tree Hill College 7:00pm Friday 12 August Yr5-8 Cross Country School 11:00am-12:30pm Friday 12 August Whānau T-Shirt Day Yr0-8 School All day Friday 19 August AIMS Games Mu i Day Yr0-8 School All day 22 August-01 September Auckland City Mission Can Drive Yr0-8 School 2 weeks Tuesday 23 August Remuera Zone Sports Yr5-6 Auckland All day Wednesday 24 August Rata Year 2 Parents /Caregivers- Meet and School Staffroom 7:00pm Greet Thursday 25 August Auckland Mathex Compe on Yr7-8 Barfoot Stadium 6:00pm-9:30pm Kohimarama Monday 29 August Eastern Zone Cross Country Churchill Park School All day Monday 29 August Maori Whānau Hui School 7pm 5- 9 September AIMS Tournament - 1 Netball Team Tauranga All week Wednesday 7 September Matai Team-Year 3 and 4 Cross Country School 11:00am-12:30pm Tuesday 13 September Year 0-2 Cross Country School 1:30pm-2:45pm Wednesday 14 September School Disco Years 0-2, 5 and 6 Memorial Hall 5:00pm-8:00pm Thursday 15 September School Disco Years 3 and 4, 7 and 8 Memorial Hall 5:00pm-8:00pm 19-23 September Keep NZ Beau ful Week School / Ellerslie All week Tuesday 20 September Remuera Zones Cross Country TBC All day 21-23 September Year 6 Camp Chosen Valley All 3 days Thursday 22 September Term 3 Learning Celebra on School 1.30pm-2.45pm Wednesday 28 September Pizza and Mu i Day School All day Friday 30 September End of Term 3 School 2:45pm School Assembly - Term 3 During Term 3, these will con nue to take place in Te Manawa each Friday star ng at 9.15am. Parents / caregivers may a end this event (masks to be worn) however they will also be live streamed. Live stream link for each week - please click here. School A endance Thank you to all those parents and caregivers who are ensuring their children are a ending school every day of the week. (If they are well of course.) The winter flu and Covid are s ll very much present in our community. Average a endance last term across the school was 86.1% which, with all things considered, is really good. This means that just over 100 students are absent each day. As the situa on with Covid-19 con nues to se le and as we head out of the winter we will be working hard to ensure our average a endance gets back over 90%. I would like to reiterate that we greatly appreciate parents and caregivers keeping their children home if they are sick. Maori Whānau Hui Our first hui of 2022 will be held on Monday 29th August at 7:00pm in the school staffroom. All whānau members are invited. The purpose of this hui is to listen to our whānau about how the school can be er fulfil the goals and aspira ons of
their children during their me at Ellerslie. It also provides an opportunity to gather thoughts and sugges ons on how we can reach the poten al of all students at Ellerslie through more of a bi-cultural focus. Equity Index to replace Decile Ra ng From January 2023 the new Equity Index (EQI) will replace the current Decile Ra ng system. How the Equity Index works: To work out each school’s Equity Index number, the sta s cal model uses informa on held in Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure (the IDI). This is made up of administra ve data provided by other government agencies. Data in the IDI is de-iden fied. This means informa on like names, dates of birth, and addresses have been removed. Numbers that can be used to iden fy people, like IRD and NHI numbers, are encrypted (replaced with another number). The model: ● Looks at cohorts of children from the last 20 years, who have already passed through the school system. It assesses which socioeconomic characteris cs observed at different ages best predict a student’s achievement in NCEA levels 1 and 2. ● It then looks at the socio-economic characteris cs of students enrolled at schools for the last three years and predicts how likely they are to achieve NCEA level 1 and 2. ● Student numbers are averaged at an individual school level to produce an EQI number for each school between 344-569. While most students will face challenges and obstacles at some point during their me at school, a higher EQI number indicates that a school has students facing more or greater socio-economic barriers. The Ellerslie EQI ra ng from January 2023 is 377. This new ra ng does not have any impact on the staffing alloca on or grant funding the school receives which is always based on the school roll. The EQI ra ng relates to the extra amount of funding the school will receive based on the number of the ra ng. For more informa on please click here. Ngā mihi nui Nick Butler - Principal ‘To be the best we can be’ THIS WEEK AT ELLERSLIE SCHOOL SCHOOL FOCUS School Focus for Week 2: Be a Good Friend - I can be a good friend by including others. School Focus for Week 3: Be Helpful - I can be helpful by giving support to others. REMINDER - COVID-19 REPORTING LINK If anyone in your household tests posi ve for Covid-19, please report any informa on about your child to the school via this LINK - Covid Repor ng Form. This ensures that we record your child’s details accurately in our absence system. SENIOR CROSS COUNTRY EVENT (YEARS 5-8) - FRIDAY 12 AUGUST The Year 5-8 Senior Cross Country will be held at school on Friday 12 August. A 800m track has been designed for the students to run around. The 8 race programme will start at 11:00am and should be completed by 12:30pm. Parents and caregivers are welcome to a end to support their children. Our students have been training hard in the run up to this event and all whānau are welcome to a end to support our tamariki. MIDDLE SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY EVENT - YEARS 3-4 - WEDNESDAY 07 SEPTEMBER Matai team’s Cross Country event will be held on Wednesday 07 September. Further details of the day’s schedule will be sent out to families closer to the me. JUNIOR CROSS COUNTRY EVENT - YEARS 0-2 - TUESDAY 13 SEPTEMBER The Cross Country event for Rimu, Miro and Rata Pods is being held on Tuesday 13 September. As above, we will send out further details of the event to families before this is held. WHĀNAU HOUSE DAY - FRIDAY 12 AUGUST Our next Whānau House Day will take place on Friday 12 August. Students will par cipate in a variety of exci ng house ac vi es throughout the day. Students are encouraged to dress up in their Whānau House colours. House T-shirts can be ordered via Kindo.
MUFTI DAY - FRIDAY 19 AUGUST A mu i day will be held on Friday 19 August to support the Ellerslie School Year 8 netball team that is travelling to the AIMS Games. Students are welcome to wear plain clothes on the day. $2.00 per student can be donated on Kindo. CAN COLLECTION FOR CITY MISSION - 22 AUGUST TO 02 SEPTEMBER It's that rewarding me of the year when Ellerslie School comes together in the best interests of the community. The Auckland City Mission needs your support to provide the essen als that many families need to fill their pantries. This year, Ellerslie School will hold a can collec on from Monday 22 August to Friday 02 September. If you are able to contribute to this wonderful cause, the student leaders will be standing outside the office collec ng items every morning for these two weeks. This year we would appreciate dona ons of canned goods only. House points are on offer for dona ons. Your kindness and generosity will help thousands of families who are in desperate need of your support. TEAM 2 PARENTS MEET AND GREET EVENING - WEDNESDAY 24 AUGUST We'd like to invite Team 2/Year 2 parents/guardians to an informal evening to get to know others who are at the same stage of your Ellerslie School journey. Please join us in the staffroom on Wednesday 24 August from 7:00pm - 8.30pm where a few friendly faces will be available to answer any ques ons you may have. To register your a endance, please RSVP to by 19 August. TEAM UPDATES RIMU / MIRO Kia ora Team 1 whānau. Welcome to all the new families that have joined us. We look forward to being (Year 1) a part of your child's Ellerslie School journey. We loved catching up with you all at our Parent teacher interviews and look forward to con nuing the learning and progress in Term 3. We have our school trip to the Botanical Gardens coming up next week which we are very excited about. We will be learning about what things are living and not living and what plants need to survive and grow. Much excitement ahead! RATA Kia ora Rata whānau. We had a great week back celebra ng 100 days at school on Friday. We made (Year 2) 100 and 1000’s cookies, cool 100 day glasses and shared our 100 items with our friends. Some of us even had a disco with lights and cool sounds from our new UE Boom! We have also begun our cross country training, where we learned about the importance of warming your body up and pacing ourselves when running a race. STEAM classes are back in ac on with a Science focus this term. We enjoyed sharing your child’s learning journey at the parent/teacher interviews on Wednesday. MATAĪ Kia ora Matai whānau and welcome to Term 3. This is a crucial term for us as we help your child embed (Years 3 and 4) and extend their learning at Level 2 of the curriculum. Thank you for your me at parent interviews this week. We appreciate your input and support. Science in a Van is happening next week and we are excited about a great interac ve show that will help our learners switch on their scien fic thinking. Our Inquiry this term is Science based and you will find out more about our curriculum coverage when our Term overview is shared with you soon. Watch out for this in your inbox. Ngā mihi maioha. PŌHUTUKAWA Kia ora e te whanau. Team 4 have had a busy and produc ve start to Term 2. Ka pai, well done, to all (Years 5 and 6) the students who took part in Tough Guy gal Challenge on Tuesday. Thank you to all the whanau and family members who came along to the parent/teacher interviews on Wednesday. It was a valuable me, with the children sharing their learning goals and celebra ng some of their achievements. At this me of the year we are trialling for the different winter zone sports including hockey, netball and football. We are so proud of students stepping out of their comfort zone and trialling for different sports. Please remind your child that not everyone will get through to a team, but to con nue to trial in the future. Our term overview will be shared soon so you can see all the other exci ng events and learning we have coming up. KAURI Kia ora koutou Kauri whānau. Term 3 is underway and the sun is shining, even if only briefly! We sent (Years 7 and 8) three netball teams to the E.Z. compe on last Friday and now have two basketball teams preparing for their upcoming tournaments in Week 4. As part of this, we welcome the weekly coaching clinics that OTHC have made available to us. We have begun our delivery of the Mitey Programme that aims to support the mental wellbeing of our ākonga. This replaces our Bounce Back programme. As with the rest of the school, our main theme this term is Science-related. Elements of science will also be included in our STEAM sessions.
JUNIOR TOUGH GUY/GAL CHALLENGE The Tough Guy and Gal Challenge proved to be an enjoyable and successful event, with 80 students from Pōhutukawa Team taking part. Students travelled by bus to Kumeu to take part in the challenging but fun 3km mud course, with an added mix of ‘sheep manure’ thrown in and a number of tricky obstacles to overcome. Our students had the me of their lives and had big smiles on their faces… most of the me! The Ellerslie School 5Bs were fully in ac on with students demonstra ng teamwork, helping others, showing determina on, mee ng personal goals and overcoming fears. Congratula ons to everyone who took part, and a massive thanks to our army of parent/guardian helpers that came along to support Mrs Anggraini, Miss Barkley and Miss E les with this event. LUNCHTIME PASSION CLUBS - TERM THREE As a part of our extra-curricular ac vi es at Ellerslie School we offer a lunch me clubs program for all children, some clubs can be specific to a certain year group. These clubs are run for a period of 6-8 weeks. The clubs provide a great opportunity for children to get involved in extra ac vi es outside the normal classroom program. The clubs are free of charge and are run by teachers and parents. The clubs run this term are: Lego, reading, Enviro group, coding, Kapa Haka, Pasifika, Mathex, drawing, Dungeons and Dragons, Connect Four, Chess/board Games, cra , crochet, mindful colouring. The children gain many benefits from being a part of these clubs, including learning new skills, interac ng with new children and teachers. KIDS ART WORKS FUNDRAISER 2022 Last term your child created their own individual piece of brilliant art which you can now purchase in the form of a calendar, diary, cards, notebook or mousepad. Today they will bring home their own personalised sheet with a unique code for you to enter, view their art and purchase the products on the Kids Art Works website. We are doing this earlier than usual this year as there will be a price increase a er the stated cut-off date of Monday 29 August at 9:00am, so please order before then to get the prices on your sheet. This fundraiser has always been really popular as the products make great personalised gi s for all whānau for birthday or Christmas presents. ICE BLOCK AND COOKIE SALES - FRIDAYS Celebrate Fridays with an ice block or a bag of cookies on the way home from school. Purchase these from our sellers next to the junior playground. All items are only $2 each. Cash accepted and E pos available. STAFF CHANGES WELCOME SAMANTHA SMALL - ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT I am really looking forward to joining the Ellerslie School team. Originally from the UK, I moved to Ellerslie 7 years ago with my husband and 2 children and we have loved becoming part of the amazing Ellerslie community. I come from an HR and Execu ve assistant background, but for the last few years I’ve been CEO of the Small family. When I’m not in the school office, you will be able to find me at Michaels Ave football club cheering on the Ellerslie School teams, exploring our beau ful Aotearoa or in my li le home studio making jewellery. HEALTH AND SAFETY - COVID-19 - ORANGE SETTING REMINDER HEALTH AND SAFETY - Orange Se ng - Covid-19 - TERM 3 We are asking everyone to con nue to follow a number of safety measures: ● If anyone in your household tests posi ve for Covid-19, please report any informa on about your child to the school via this LINK. ● Stay home if you are sick. If this is the case – stay home and get tested. If you have cold, flu or Covid-19 symptoms, stay home. Call your doctor or Healthline on 0800 3585453 for advice about ge ng tested.
● Face masks are to be worn by staff and students in Years 4-8 at school, when indoors. ● All visitors including parents and whānau, must wear a face mask when indoors - onsite. ● Face masks are to be worn in the office foyer. ● Face masks are mandatory on school transport for students aged 12 and older. ● Keep a physical distance away from other people where possible. ● Inform the school if you need to pick up your children outside pickup and drop off mes and only come to the office. ● Parents / caregivers may enter any learning environments before school however a face mask needs to be worn. ● Parents / caregivers can enter the school courtyard (face masks are strongly encouraged). ● Keep the school informed of any important Covid-19 related informa on. ● Reinforce the importance of good hand washing and drying. ● Reinforce good cough and sneeze e que e. ● Ensure all indoor spaces are well ven lated by opening windows, doors, and any vents. REMINDER - SCHOOL TERM 3 TIMETABLE Rimu / Miro / Pōhutukawa Mataī / Kauri Teams 1, 2 and 4 / Years 1, 2, 5, 6 Teams 3 and 5 / Years 3, 7, 8 8.30am Bell Learning areas are open for all students. Learning areas are open for all students. Session 1 8:50am - 10:00am 8:50am - 10:30am Morning Tea Break 10:00am - 10:20am 10:30am - 10:50am Session 2 10:20am - 11:45am 10:50am - 12:30pm Break 11:45am - 12:30pm 12:30pm - 1:15pm Session 3 12:30pm - 1:35pm 1:15pm-2:45pm A ernoon Break 1:35pm - 1:45pm Session 4 1:45pm - 2:45pm VOLUNTEER HUB AT ELLERSLIE SCHOOL How can you help us at Ellerslie School? If you can help for an hour, a lunch me, a shi at an event… it all counts in suppor ng the great range of ac vi es and events that we have planned un l the end of the year for our students and whānau to have some fun! Here’s a few ways that you can help: Guardian Group Volunteer We know that life is really busy and some mes we need that extra reminder about what's coming up at school. Are you an organised person who would be happy to send out a weekly/fortnightly email to other parents in your child's Guardian Group to remind them of ac vi es and events? Become a Guardian Group Rep for Ellerslie School! Please let Sarah Nu all know if you are interested, along with your child's GG number. Your email will then be sent to parents in your GG by the office, and it will be up to you to share your email with your class rep to receive school reminders. Crossing Volunteers needed Can you spare one morning every fortnight, or even once or twice a term? Help our kids to stay safe on the Kalmia Street crossing. The job entails handing out flags and encouraging children to cross safely. Please contact Sarah Nu all via email with a morning that suits you from 8:15am to 8:50am. Fairy Fes val helpers needed We are looking for 8 volunteer helpers for the Ellerslie Fairy Fes val between 9:30am - 1:00pm on Sunday 11 September, to help with making Fairy Floss and working on the Lucky Dip stand. Please contact Sarah Nu all with a me that suits.
IMPORTANT DATES 05 AUGUST 2022 - ELLERSLIE SCHOOL TRIVIA NIGHT 11 AUGUST 2022 - Y7/8 E.Z. SPEECH FINALS 12 AUGUST 2022 - WHANAU HOUSE DAY / SENIOR CROSS COUNTRY (Years 5-8) 15 AUGUST 2022 - Y7/8 E.Z. BASKETBALL GIRLS TOURNAMENT 17 AUGUST 2022 - Y7/8 E.Z. BASKETBALL BOYS TOURNAMENT 19 AUGUST 2022 - MUFTI DAY - SUPPORTING AIMS GAMES NETBALL TEAM 19 AUGUST 2022 - Y7/8 NEST PUBERTAL CHANGE PROGRAMME 22 AUGUST - 02 SEPTEMBER 2022 - CAN COLLECTION FOR AUCKLAND CITY MISSION 24 AUGUST 2022 - RATA TEAM 2 PARENTS MEET AND GREET EVENING 25 AUGUST 2022 - Y7/8 MATHEX COMPETITION 29 AUGUST 2022 - Y7/8 E.Z. CROSS COUNTRY COMPETITION 29 AUGUST 2022 - WHANAU HUI - Staffroom 7:00pm 05 - 09 SEPTEMBER 2022 - AIMS WEEK (Y8 NETBALL TEAM in TAURANGA) 07 SEPTEMBER 2022 - YEAR 3 AND 4 CROSS COUNTRY 11 SEPTEMBER 2022 - ELLERSLIE FAIRY FESTIVAL 13 SEPTEMBER 2022 - YEAR 0-2 CROSS COUNTRY 14 SEPTEMBER 2022 - ELLERSLIE SCHOOL DISCO - YEARS 0, 1, 2, 5, 6 (Session mes to be advised) 15 SEPTEMBER 2022 - ELLERSLIE SCHOOL DISCO - YEARS 3, 4, 7, 8 (Session mes to be advised) 21-23 SEPTEMBER 2022 - YEAR 6 CAMP 22 SEPTEMBER 2022 - LEARNING CELEBRATION 28 SEPTEMBER 2022 - PIZZA AND MUFTI DAY (Dates can also be found under “Calendar” on the Ellerslie School App, and can be downloaded to your own diary.) REMINDERS 2022 SCHOOL DATES ● Term Three - Monday 25 July to Friday 30 September ● Term Four - Monday 17 October to Friday 16 December (Holiday - Labour Day 24 October) TERM DATES FOR 2023 Please note that the following dates for the 2023 school year have been finalised as follows: ● Term One - Wednesday 01 February to Thursday 06 April (Holiday - Waitangi Day 06 February, Good Friday 07 April) ● Term Two - Monday 24 April to Friday 30 June (Holiday - Anzac Day 25 April, Queen’s Birthday 05 June) ● Term Three - Monday 17 July to Friday 22 September ● Term Four - Monday 09 October to Friday 15 December (Holiday - Labour Day 23 October) ABSENCES If your child/ren is/are going to be away from school, please do one of the following BEFORE 9:00am each morning: ● call the school (579-5477), press op on 1 and leave a message on the answer phone. ● use the Absence submission template on the Ellerslie School App. ● send an email to ● use the Absence submission form on the school website. Please clearly state your child/ren’s name, Guardian Group and reason why they are absent. ATTENDANCE If your child is away for 5 con nuous days or more, please note that you are required to either: - Before Travel - complete an “Applica on for Student Extended Leave Form” - link - Illness which is not Covid-19 related - provide a Medical Cer ficate. STUDENT LEAVE A reminder for those parents/whānau wishing to take their child out of school for any non-school related reason for more than three days must apply in wri ng to the Principal. Please ensure that a Student Extended Leave form is completed and submi ed to the school office for approval.
Ellerslie School thanks these adver sers for their ongoing support of our newsle er and events. If you wish to adver se your business on our newsle er or the Ellerslie School website, please contact
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