From the GRI to the UNGC Criteria for the GC Advanced Level - Using your GRI Index to complete the UNGC Advanced Level assessment

From the GRI to the UNGC Criteria for the GC Advanced Level - Using your GRI Index to complete the UNGC Advanced Level assessment
From the GRI to the UNGC Criteria
       for the GC Advanced Level
                  Using your GRI Index to complete the
                  UNGC Advanced Level assessment

Cross-References: GRI Indicators to UNGC
Criteria for the GC Advanced Level
        The information presented here is based on the Global Reporting

        Initiative’s GRI G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and the United

        Nations Global Compact’s 2012 update to the Criteria for the GC

        Advanced Level.

        Framework LLC developed this tool in order to help companies who are
        participating in the LEAD program to complete the UN Global Compact

        Advanced Level Assessment. (Please note that the program is not

        currently accepting new members.)

        GRI G3 Guidelines
        2012 Criteria for the GC Advanced Level

Criterion 1: Key aspects of the company’s high-level
sustainability strategy in line with Global Compact principles
UNGC Best Practices                               Related GRI Indicators
Impact of broader sustainability trends on the    1.1, 1.2, EC2
long-term prospects and financial performance
of the organization

Major sustainability risks and opportunities in   1.2, material issues (4.17),
the near to medium term (3-5 years)               DMAs

Social and environmental impact of the            1.2, material issues (4.17),
organization’s activities (Major positive and     stakeholder engagement
negative impacts on the company’s operating       (4.14-4.17), DMAs
environment and stakeholders)

                                             Strategy, Governance, Engagement
Criterion 2: Effective decision-making processes and
systems of governance for corporate sustainability
UNGC Best Practices                          Related GRI Indicators
Involvement and accountability of            4.5, Managing for
management (C-suite) in developing corporate sustainability section, DMAs
sustainability strategy in line with Global
Compact principles and overseeing its
Corporate governance structure (Board of        4.1-4.7, 4.9-4.10, Managing
Directors or equivalent) and its role in        for sustainability section
oversight of long-term corporate sustainability
strategy and implementation in line with Global
Compact principles.
Goals and incentive schemes for management 4.5, Managing for
(C-suite) to promote sustainability strategy in sustainability section, DMAs
line with Global Compact principles

                                           Strategy, Governance, Engagement
Criterion 3: Engagement with all important stakeholders

UNGC Best Practices                              Related GRI Indicators
Regular stakeholder consultations in the area    4.16-4.17, Stakeholder
of human rights, labor, environment and anti-    engagement section

List of stakeholder groups engaged by the        4.14

Process for stakeholder identification and       4.15

Outcome of stakeholder involvement               4.17, Material issues

Process of incorporating stakeholder input into 4.17, DMAs
corporate strategy and business decision

                                             Strategy, Governance, Engagement
Criterion 4: Actions taken in support of broader UN goals and
UNGC Best Practices                                 Related GRI Indicators
Adoption or modification of business strategy       1.1, 1.2, 4.8, 4.12, 4.13
and operating procedures to maximize
contribution to UN goals and issues

Development of products, services, and              Products/services aimed at
business models that contribute to UN goals         the base of the pyramid
and issues

Social investments and philanthropic                Diversity, philanthropy, and
contributions that tie in with the organization’s   base of the pyramid
core competencies, operating context and            offerings
sustainability strategy.
Public advocacy on the importance of one or         SO5, diversity, philanthropy,
more UN goals and issues.                           base of the pyramid
Partnership projects and collective actions in      Diversity, philanthropy, and
support of UN goals and issues.                     base of the pyramid
                                              UN Goals and Issues
Criterion 5: Robust commitments, strategies or policies in the
area of human rights
UNGC Best Practices                           Related GRI Indicators
Commitment to comply with all applicable laws HR DMAs
and respect internationally recognized human
rights, wherever the company operates

Statement of policy expressing commitment to       4.8-4.9, 4.11-4.13, Human
respect and support human rights approved at       Rights DMAs
the most senior level of the company

Statement of policy stipulating human rights       4.8-4.9, 4.11-4.13, Human
expectations of personnel, business partners       Rights DMAs, discussion of
and other parties directly linked to operations,   supplier relations
products or services
Statement of policy publicly available and         4.8-4.9, 4.11-4.13, Human
communicated internally and externally to all      Rights DMAs, discussion of
personnel, business partners and other             supplier relations
relevant parties

                                             Human Rights Implementation
Criterion 6: Effective management systems to integrate the
human rights principles
UNGC Best Practices                            Related GRI Indicators
Due diligence process that includes an         HR DMAs, HR1-2, HR4-7,
assessment of actual and potential human       HR9, SO1
rights impacts.
Internal awareness-raising and training on     HR3, HR8, HR DMAs
human rights for management and employees

Operational-level grievance mechanisms for     HR9, SO1
those potentially impacted by the company’s
Allocation of responsibilities and accountability HR DMAs, HR9, SO1
for addressing human rights impacts

                                           Human Rights Implementation
Criterion 6, Continued

UNGC Best Practices                              Related GRI Indicators
Internal decision-making, budget and             HR DMAs, HR9, SO1
oversight for effective responses to human
rights impacts

Processes to provide for or cooperate in the  HR9, HR11 (G3.1), SO1
remediation of adverse human rights impacts
that the company has caused or contributed to

                                             Human Rights Implementation
Criterion 7: Effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms
of human rights integration
UNGC Best Practices                                Related GRI Indicators
System to monitor the effectiveness of human       4.4, HR DMAs, HR 1-9
rights policies and implementation, including in
the supply chain.

Monitoring drawing from internal and external      4.17
feedback, including affected stakeholders

Leadership review of monitoring and                4.1, 4.4, 4.9
improvement results

Process to deal with incidents                     HR 9- 11, SO1

                                            Human Rights Implementation
Criterion 8: Key outcomes of human rights integration

UNGC Best Practices                              Related GRI Indicators
Outcomes of due diligence process.               HR 2, HR 10-11 (G3.1)

External and formal reporting of operations or   Sustainable report, relevant
operating contexts that pose risks of severe     company webpages
human rights impacts.

Disclosure of main incidents involving the       HR9, HR 11 (G3.1)

Outcomes of processes of remediation of          HR 11 (G3.1), SO1
adverse human rights impacts.

                                             Human Rights Implementation
Criterion 9: Robust commitments, strategies or policies in the
area of labor
UNGC Best Practices                               Related GRI Indicators
Reference to relevant international               4.8. 4.12-.13, LA DMAs,
conventions and other international               maybe 1.1, 1.2, Material
instruments (e.g. ILO Core Conventions).          issues (4.17), supplier
Reflection on the relevance of the labour         LA DMAS, Material issues
principles for the company.

Written company policy (e.g., in code of          4.8, 4.12, 4.13,supplier
conduct) on labour                                relations

Inclusion of minimum labour standards in          LA DMAs, supplier relations
contracts with suppliers and other relevant
business partners
Specific commitments and goals for specified      LA DMAs, Highlights and
years                                             goals, supplier relations

                                              Labor Principles Implementation
Criterion 10: Effective management systems to integrate the
labor principles
UNGC Best Practices                                 Related GRI Indicators
Risk and impact assessments in the area of          4.18, Material issues (4.17),
labor                                               LA DMAs, Managing for
                                                    sustainability, Ethics hotline

Allocation of responsibilities and accountability
within the organization

Internal awareness-raising and training on the      LA10 -13, Ethics hotline
labor principles for management and
Grievance mechanisms, communication                 Ethics hotline
channels and other procedures (e.g.
whistleblower mechanisms) for reporting
concerns or seeking advice

                                              Labor Principles Implementation
Criterion 11: Effective monitoring and evaluation
mechanisms of labor principles integration
UNGC Best Practices                            Related GRI Indicators
System to track and measure performance        4.1, 4.9, LA DMAs, LA 3-8,
based on standardized performance metrics      LA 11-12, LA 14

Audits or other steps to monitor and improve   HR 1- 2
the labour performance of companies in the
supply chain

Leadership review of monitoring and            4.1, 4.9, Managing for
improvement results                            sustainability, LA DMAs

Process to deal with incidents                 LA DMAs, Ethics hotline

                                           Labor Principles Implementation
Criterion 12: Key outcomes of integration of the labor
UNGC Best Practices                            Related GRI Indicators
Outcome of due diligence and follow-up efforts Indicators suggested by
to uphold the freedom of association right to  UNGC Lead document: LA4,
collective bargaining.                         HR5

Outcome of due diligence and follow-up efforts Indicator suggested by
to eliminate forced labor.                     UNGC Lead document: HR7

Outcome of due diligence and follow-up efforts Indicator suggested by
to abolish child labor.                        UNGC Lead document: HR6

Outcome of due diligence and follow-up efforts Indicator suggested by
to eliminate discrimination.                   UNGC Lead document: HR4

Disclosure of main incidents involving the       HR 9, HR 10-11 (G3.1)

                                             Labor Principles Implementation
Criterion 13: Robust commitments, strategies or policies in
the area of environmental stewardship
UNGC Best Practices                            Related GRI Indicators
Reference to relevant international            4.8, 4.12-.13
conventions and other international
instruments (e.g. Rio Declaration on
Environment and Development).
Reflection on the relevance of environmental   1.1, 1.2, Managing for
stewardship for the company.                   sustainability, Material
                                               issues, EN DMAs

Written company policy on environmental        4.8, EN DMAs

Inclusion of minimum environmental standards EN DMAs, discussion of
in contracts with suppliers and other relevant supplier relationships
business partners
Specific commitments and goals for specified   Environmental section, EN
years                                          DMAs, Goals and highlights

                                  Environmental Stewardship Implementation
Criterion 14: Effective management systems to integrate the
environmental principles
UNGC Best Practices                               Related GRI Indicators
Environmental risk and impact assessments         4.11, EN DMA, PR1

Assessments of lifecycle impact of products,      PR1
ensuring environmentally sound end-of-life
management policies
Allocation of responsibilities and accountability Managing for sustainability,
within the organization                           EN DMA

Internal awareness-raising and training on        LA 10
environmental stewardship for management
and employees
Grievance mechanisms, communication               Ethics hotline, SO1
channels and other procedures for reporting
concerns or seeking advice regarding
environmental impacts

                                    Environmental Stewardship Implementation
Criterion 15: Effective monitoring and evaluation
mechanisms for environmental stewardship
UNGC Best Practices                            Related GRI Indicators
System to track and measure performance        4.1, 4.9, Managing for
based on standardized performance metrics      sustainability, EN 6, 7, 12,
                                               14, 25, 26, environmental
Leadership review of monitoring and
improvement results

Process to deal with incidents

Audits or other steps to monitor and improve
the environmental performance of companies
in the supply chain

                                  Environmental Stewardship Implementation
Criterion 16: Key outcomes of integration of the
environmental principles
UNGC Best Practices                              Related GRI Indicators
Indicators on uses of materials and energy       Indicators suggested by
                                                 UNGC Lead: EN1, 3, 8

Indicators on emissions, effluents, and waste    Indicators suggested by
                                                 UNGC Lead: EN 16, 19, 20

Indicators on the company’s initiatives to       Indicators suggested by
promote greater environmental responsibility     UNGC Lead : EN 2, 5, 10,
                                                 14, 18, 27

Indicators on the development and diffusion of   Indicators suggested by
environmentally friendly technologies            UNGC Lead: EN 6, 26

Disclosure of main incidents involving the       1.1, 1.2, EN DMAs
company.                                         Highlights and goals

                                   Environmental Stewardship Implementation
Criterion 17: Robust commitments, strategies or policies in
the area of anti-corruption
UNGC Best Practices                                  Related GRI Indicators
Publicly stated formal policy of zero-tolerance of   4.8, 4.12, SO DMAs,
corruption                                           Governance section of
                                                     company website, Ethics
                                                     hotline, SO5, section on
Commitment to comply with all relevant anti-         supplier relations
corruption laws, including the implementation of
procedures to know the law and monitor changes

Statement of support for international and
regional legal frameworks, such as the UN
Convention against Corruption


                                               Anti-Corruption Implementation
Criterion 17, Continued

UNGC Best Practices                                   Related GRI Indicators
Carrying out risk assessment of potential areas       4.8, 4.12, SO DMAs,
of corruption                                         Governance section of
                                                      company website, Ethics
                                                      hotline, SO5, section on
Detailed policies for high-risk areas of corruption   supplier relations

Policy on anti-corruption regarding business

                                                Anti-Corruption Implementation
Criterion 18: Effective management systems to integrate the
anti-corruption principle
UNGC Best Practices                                Related GRI Indicators
Support by the organization’s leadership for    4.1, 4.6, 4.8, 4.11-12, SO
anti-corruption                                 DMAs, Governance section
                                                of company website, Ethics
                                                hotline, SO5, section on
Human Resources procedures supporting the
anti-corruption commitment or policy, including supplier relations
communication to and training for all
Internal checks and balances to ensure
consistency with the anti-corruption
Actions taken to encourage business partners
to implement anti-corruption commitments

                                               Anti-Corruption Implementation
Criterion 18, continued

UNGC Best Practices                            Related GRI Indicators
Management responsibility and accountability   4.1, 4.6, 4.8, 4.11-12, SO
for implementation of the anti-corruption      DMAs, Governance section
commitment or policy
                                               of company website, Ethics
                                               hotline, SO5, section on
Communications (whistleblowing) channels
and follow-up mechanisms for reporting         supplier relations
concerns or seeking advice
Internal accounting and auditing procedures
related to anti-corruption

                                           Anti-Corruption Implementation
Criterion 19: Effective monitoring and evaluation
mechanisms for the integration of anti-corruption
UNGC Best Practices                            Related GRI Indicators
Leadership review of monitoring and            4.1, 4.6, 4.8, 4.11-12, SO
improvement results                            DMAs, Governance section
                                               of company website, Ethics
                                               hotline, SO5, section on
Process to deal with incidents
                                               supplier relations, SO7, 8

Public legal cases regarding corruption

Use of independent external assurance of
anti-corruption programs

                                           Anti-Corruption Implementation
Criterion 20: Key outcomes of integration of the anti-
corruption principle
UNGC Best Practices                              Related GRI Indicators
Outcomes of assessments of potential areas       Indicator suggested by
of corruption, where appropriate                 UNGC Lead document: SO2

Outcomes of mechanisms for reporting             Indicator suggested by
concerns or seeking advice                       UNGC Lead document: SO4

Indicators Human Resources procedures            Indicator suggested by
supporting the anti-corruption commitment or     UNGC Lead document: SO3
Disclosure of main incidents involving the       SO 7, 8

                                             Anti-Corruption Implementation
Criterion 21: Describes implementation of the Global
Compact principles in the value chain
UNGC Best Practices                                 Related GRI Indicators
Analysis of sustainability risk, opportunity and    4.11; Materiality; DMAs for
impact in the value chain, both upstream and        HR, LA, SO; EC6; HR1-3, 5-
downstream                                          9; sections on suppliers
                                                    and/or customers
Policy on value chain, including a policy for       4.8, 4.12
suppliers and subcontractors

Communication of policies and expectations to DMAs for HR, LA, SO;
suppliers and other business partners         sections on suppliers and/or

Monitoring and assurance mechanisms (e.g.           DMAs for HR, LA, SO
audits/screenings) for compliance in the value
Awareness-raising, training and other types of      Sections on suppliers and/or
capacity building with suppliers and other          customers
business partners

                                                Value Chain Implementation
Criterion 22: Information on the company's profile and
context of operation
UNGC Best Practices                               Related GRI Indicators
Legal structure, including any group structure    2.1, 2.3, 2.6
and ownership

Countries where the organization operates,        2.4, 2.5
with either major operations or operations that
are specifically relevant to sustainability

Markets served (including geographic              2.7
breakdown, sectors served, and types of

Primary brands, products, and/or services         2.2

Direct and indirect economic value generated      EC1, 3, 6-9
for various stakeholders (employees, owners,
government, lenders, etc.)

                                            Transparency and Verification
Criterion 23: High standards of transparency and disclosure

UNGC Best Practices                                  Related GRI Indicators
COP uses the GRI Sustainability Reporting            4.9, About the Report
Guidelines                                           section, GRI Index, Annual
COP qualifies for Level B or higher of the GRI
application levels

COP includes comparison of key performance
indicators for the previous 2-3 years.

Board, where permissible, approves COP and
other formal reporting on corporate
Relevant sustainability information from COP
is included in annual financial report and filings

                                              Transparency and Verification
Criterion 24: The COP is independently verified by a credible
UNGC Best Practices                              Related GRI Indicators
Accuracy of information in COP is verified       Letter or commentary from
against assurance standard (e.g. AA1000,         advisory panel, auditors, or
ISAE 3000)
                                                 assurance organization;
                                                 official GRI check
Accuracy of information in COP is verified by
independent auditors (e.g. accounting firm)

Content of COP is independently verified
against content standards (e.g. GRI Check)

COP is reviewed by a multi-stakeholder panel
or by peers (e.g. Global Compact Local

                                                Transparency and Verification
About Framework LLC
Framework helps businesses become more
successful by developing what we call the
Sustainable Advantage: the ability to
generate value by better understanding
risks, implementing cost-saving efficiencies,
managing finite resources judiciously,
attracting and retaining talented employees,
earning public goodwill, and capitalizing on
new market opportunities.
                                                For more information, please contact:
                                                Alexandra Marchosky
                                                Twitter: @SustainStrategy

                                                     © 2012 Framework LLC. All rights reserved. 30
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