From Our Own Rabbi Furman - WIZO South Africa

Page created by Eduardo Olson
From Our Own Rabbi Furman - WIZO South Africa
APRIL 2020                                       VOL 47 N0.1                                            IYAR 5780

                    From Our Own Rabbi Furman
Zionism started long before Theodor
Herzl. Every day in our prayers we say,
“Let our eyes behold your return to Zion...”
in our Amidah prayer at least three times a
day. In our grace after meals we say in the
benching ... “on the land” and we pray for
Jerusalem to be rebuilt speedily in our day.

The land of Israel was kept current in our
lives for over 2000 years of exile. But even
long before that Abraham was the first
“Zionist” when he responded to Hashem's
call to lech lecha - to get up and move to
the land of Israel, land he hadn't actually
seen, but was destined to be united with.
                                       before initiating a return to Zion.
When modern Zionism first appeared on However, even among those who do not
the Jewish scene there was much subscribe to that view, there were some
opposition from various Jewish groups. opposing the Zionist movement because
                                       of its secular nature. They felt that it was a
On the secular side, there were the form of Jewishness that would replace the
Bundist and Communists who were Torah as the primary expression of our
opposed to Jewish Nationalism. On the Jewishness.
religious side there were those that
thought Jews must wait for the Messiah                              Continued next page

In this, the 47th year since the inception of the Chronicle,we join with the WIZO P.E.
Executive in wishing Rabbi & Rebbetzin Furman,all our readers and their families,
safety and good health during these exceedingly difficult times.We particularly
commend our Rabbi Aryeh for keeping the community together.
This magazine will not dwell on the Covid-19 virus besides mentioning that Israeli
scientists,amongst others, are at the forefront in the efforts to develop a vaccine for
this new plague.

                                          EDITORIAL BOARD: June Kaplan
       The views expressed by correspondents & advertisers do not necessarily reflect the views of WIZO - P.E
                               or the editors,who reserve the right to edit any article.
                                    WIZO, P.O Box 63648, GREENACRESS 6057
                                      TEL: +27 41 373 4086 FAX: 086 458 7236
                                         Graphic Design by: Carola Sayago
From Our Own Rabbi Furman - WIZO South Africa
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                         2
Continued from previous page

They feared that Zionism would become     prejudiced Dreyfus case that even highly
the primary expression of Jewish identity assimilated Jews were subject to
and create what they would consider the   antisemitism. Sadly, antisemitism has
ultimate oxymoron a “secular Jew.”        not disappeared with the emergence of
Even Chief Rabbi Adler of the Adler       the State of Israel. In fact it might be
Machzor fame said, “I look to this        getting worse. No matter how much we
movement and worry with my heart,         try to advertise ourselves for the
since I see it opposed to the Torah of    advances we have made in the field of
Hashem.” And that was in 1898. There is   science and technology ,which benefit
a slew of great Rabbis who saw the        the whole of humankind, we still seem be
                                          hated and distrusted. This results in
establishment of the State of Israel as the
beginning of the flowering of our          Zionism being rejected, equating it with
redemption and even the secular           all the evils of the world. Witness those
Zionists were part of that process. As thewho used to be our friends in Britain and
present Chief Rabbi of England said,      in America. As time goes on, the narrative
Zionism a noble and integral part ofthat we have used to justify our claim to
Judaism.                                  the land of Israel seems to be getting less
                                          and less traction even amongst our
A Jew serves the G-d of Israel and the fellow Jews.
people of Israel - the Rabbis felt that
Zionism chose the latter and rejected the More and more we are being pushed into
former.                                   the realization that Zionism and Judaism
                                          must be remarried and for us to
The truth is that if one of the aims of recognize that, "We have no one on
Zionism was to “solve” the Jewish whom to rely except on our Father in
Problem” and eliminate antisemitism as Heaven”
Theodor Herzl saw, with the deeply                                      Rabbi Furman
From Our Own Rabbi Furman - WIZO South Africa
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Sharon Butlion- on the birth of a granddaughter to Maxine in Barcelona, Spain.

Eve Barris – Two Simchas and two Mazeltovs!! -on the marriages of her granddaughter
Lauren, daughter of Alyse and Brad Vituli, to Mendi Sacchi and of her grandson, Greg
Vituli, brother to Lauren, to Tammy Nussbaum.

Kevin and Wendy Bethlehem – on their grandson, Dylan's Bar mitzvah, in London.

Iris Bendel on the birth of a new addition to her family in U.K., -a baby girl to her grand-
daughter Amelia, eldest daughter of Colin and Louisa

Val and Dave Cohen who celebrated their Golden wedding in December 2019

Janice and Geoff Mendelowitz on their daughter, Beth's graduation as an occupational

Eunice Abrahams in Melbourne, on her 90th birthday In December.

Merle and Arnie Katz on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Connor Amsdorf, son of
Maxine, in Cape Town,

Stuart Kingsley, son of Brian and Dianne, on the occasion of Stuarts elder son Natinel's
Bar mitzvah in Israel last year.

Jenny and Joe Shoul on the birth of twin granddaughters to their daughter Kerri in
Cape Town.

Sharon and Arthur Aires on the Bar mitzvah of their grandson, Aaron Zev Berman, son
of Paula and Tony in Sunnyvale, California.

Laura and Charles Charlewood on the marriage of their grandson James Spanjaard to
Raissa in France.

Ann and Myron Sandwick on their 60th wedding anniversary in February.

Anna Levy, whose grandson Adam Davimes has made Aliyah and has started his tour
of duty in the Israeli Defense Force recently.

Last, but not least – congratulations to these Theodor Herzl Matriculants of 2019
and good wishes to them all for the future.

Neomi Meiri
Jonathan Franklin
Daniel Goldberg
Joshua Malkinson
From Our Own Rabbi Furman - WIZO South Africa
From Our Own Rabbi Furman - WIZO South Africa
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                 The Remarkable Story of the Man Who
Volunteered to Enter Auschwitz and Try to Tell the World About It

   n the darkest years of the Second        nearly three years and who after the war
   World War, Witold Pilecki, a Polish      was relegated to the obscure corners of
   cavalry officer turned resistance          history, until now.
fighter, undertook the most audacious of     Fairweather recently spoke about his
missions: to get himself arrested by the    new book and research to tell this
Germans and sent to the Nazi                extraordinary story.
concentration camp at Auschwitz. On         “One of the amazing things I discovered
September 19, 1940, he went out during      in my research was just how many
a Warsaw street round up and was            people were still alive who had known
arrested. He was successful in the          Pilecki. Some had never shared their
mission that followed: to sabotage the      memories before – either because they'd
camp and smuggle news to the world          dared not, or simply because no one had
through Polish resistance networks of       asked them. I also wanted to follow in
the atrocities occurring within. Only the   Pilecki's footsteps as much as possible.
world wasn't ready to listen. In his new    The route of his extraordinary escape
book, The Volunteer: The True Story of      from the camp in 1943 was unknown.
the Resistance Hero Who Infiltrated          There was only one way to connect the
Auschwitz, Jack Fairweather has             dots – that was to recreate his breakout
unearthed the lost story of Auschwitz       down to the exact moment when he
inmate number 4859, Witold Pilecki, who     dashed for freedom from the camp, and
organised resistance in the camp for        then sleeping rough like he did along the
                                                                    Continued next page
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It gave me a deep apprecia on for his            unimaginable. What made Pilecki stand
physical stamina – he crossed 100 miles          out was that he was compelled to act.
of Nazi-occupied territory in li le more         His story reminded me that empathy is a
than a week – but best of all I ran into         choice. The Nazis were coun ng on the
some of the families who sheltered him           world turning away from their crimes.
and even remembered snatches of                  Primo Levi recounts being told by an SS
dialogue from that me.”                          guard upon arrival in Auschwitz in 1944.
Ul mately, Pilecki's greatest challenge          “However this war may end, we have
when trying to raise the world's                 won the war against you; none of you
awareness to the holocaust wasn't from           will be le to bear witness, but even if
the Germans, but from the Allies.                someone were to survive, the world will
“What Pilecki witnessed in camp was              not believe him.” Pilecki asks us, no
absolutely unprecedented in human                ma er how gruesome the subject that
history. He had to figure out what the            we never stop trying to understand the
Nazis were doing with each new step              plight of others. Witold died believing
they made towards developing a death             that he had failed to deliver his message.
factory. I think everyone who read the           My hope is that this book will help us
reports he was able to smuggle to the            hear him.”
Polish resistance – first in Warsaw, then                              Ack Elliot Ackerman
in London, and in Washington D.C. –                                                      
s t r u g g l e t o m a ke s e n s e o f t h e
From Our Own Rabbi Furman - WIZO South Africa
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   It is with much regret that the Co-Chairmen, Executive and members of WIZO PE
   note the passing of our members, Elaine Lazarus, widow of late Hilly, mother of
   Diane, Colin and David ,Marilyn Locketz who leaves her husband Maxwell and
   children Leanne and Michael; Heather Frankel, wife of Mark, and mother of
   David and Jade; Rene Pleaner, mourned by her daughters Melanie and Lee; and
   Bernice Tarlie (USA) wife of Anschel, and former Committee and Executive
   member of WIZO PE, during the months since the last edition of the Chronicle
   was printed. Each of these ladies, in her own way, contributed to the fundraising
   and activities of our Zionist efforts. They will be remembered and sadly missed.

   We note also the passing of well-known PE cricket umpire and businessman,
   Peri Hurwitz, father of Janice, Debbie and Kevin, in Cape Town, and Ray
   Goldberg, late of the P.E. UJW, in Johannesburg. We extend our sympathy to
   Sampie Kaplan, her children, Tracy, Alan and Nikki and their families, and to his
   brothers Reuven and Norman, on the recent sad passing of Harold Kaplan –
   long-time stalwart, past Chairman and respected member of the PEHC.

   We offer sympathy to Naomi Solomons, her children, Michael, Ros, Dana and
   their families on the loss of their loving father and husband, Donald, respected
   doctor and fine gentleman, in March during the pandemic shutdown.
   Sadly, Michael Gottlieb, brother of Lynette Goodman (Israel) and Denise Kessel
   ( U.S.A ), passed away in London, U.K. as a result of the Corona -19 virus.

   Ina - Marie Dunstan, sister of Chana and Aryeh Joubert, passed away
   peacefully after a long illness. Mourned by her children Sanchelle and
   Jonathan, all her family and friends.

   Our sincere condolences to all the families and we wish them “Long Life “.
From Our Own Rabbi Furman - WIZO South Africa
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      World WIZO Update
                                               Early childhood:
                                               Day care centers: All day care centers in
                                               Israel, including of course WIZO's more
                                               than 182 DCCs are closed . This means
                                               that some 14,000 infants and toddlers
                                               are home, including the severely
                                               deprived children in our 19
                                               comprehensive day care centers. In
                                               addition, some 4,000 employees of the
                                               DCCs are without work. Also, WIZO's
                                               early childhood centers in Beersheva
                                               and Sderot, including child development
                                               centers for children with serious
                                               developmental problems and at high
                                               risk, are closed as well.
                                               Neve WIZO – Foster Family Center in

           e are now in the grip of the most   Herzilya. Open and operating with 36
           dramatic health crisis in our       children, 8 adults (four pairs of foster
           lifetimes. The worldwide            parents) – but the children are home all
coronavirus pandemic knows no                  day, because schools are closed..
boundaries, and no one is immune. This
is true for each and every one of us,          Parent's Hotline: Operating on an
woman and man, rich and poor, from             expanded emergency basis and, a
every country on every continent. We are       special hotline for day care center
all in this together.                          employees has been established. We
                                               expect a huge demand for the services of
For many, the corona crisis has caused         this hotline.
panic and paralysis. That is
understandable, but it is not the WIZO
way. WIZO, here in Israel, joins hands         Youth Villages and Schools – the
with our proud federations around the          closings affect about 6,000 youth and
globe, in solidarity and unity of purpose,     hundreds of staff:
as we always have. We shall overcome
                                               1. Ahuzat Yeladim is open, though
– together.
                                               there are no school studies, and the staff
In order to control and minimize the           needs to care for about 75 children.
spread of the disease, the government of
                                               2. High schools: Beit Hakerem and
Israel has decided on severe and far-
                                               Rehovot are closed.
reaching measures, many of which affect
WIZO and the people we serve, our              3. Youth villages: The schools in the
volunteers, and our professional staff.         youth villages are closed, and all of the
Here is a short summary of how our             children living in the dormitories have
services have been affected:                    been sent home, with the some
                                                                       Continued next page
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exceptions (note: with no children in the    Violence and their Children in Jerusalem
villages, there is a major issue of          and Ashdod: these are recognized
maintaining the agricultural farms):         emergency institutions, and are open
· Naaleh program participants from           and operating until very difficult
countries around the world, a total of 310   “pressure cooker conditions” occur.
in Hadassim, Nahalal and Nachlat             · Centers for the Treatment and
Yehuda – are staying in their dormitories    Prevention of Domestic Violence: The
with support staff.                           Janet Burros Center in Jerusalem, and
4.   Beit Tzipora is closed.                 the two smaller centers in Mevasseret
                                             Zion and Ramat Gan are all functioning
                                             · Hotline for Violent Men: working at
WIZO Israel programs and institutions        full capacity.
are mostly shut down, with the following
exceptions:                                  2.Legal services: Various legal
                                             services, such as women's rights in the
1.   Domestic Violence Projects:             workplace, are being conducted by
· Shelters: The two Gina Fromer              phone instead of personal meetings.
Shelters for Women Victims of Domestic                                 Anita Friedman
                                                                 Chairperson, World WIZO
                                                                            Esther Mor
                                                                   President, World WIZO

                                     Thank you

 The family of Donald Solomons would like to thank everyone for their kind words
 of comfort on the passing of their beloved husband, dad and grandpa.
 Your thoughts and messages were of great comfort, especially in these unusual
 times. Naomi, Michael, Ros, Dana and their families.

                           Michelle's family thanks you

 Michelle (Margolis) Solomons, (born 1951), daughter of Esme Segal and late
 Jack Margolis, passed away peacefully on 28th December 2019 in Cape
 Town. She was a well-respected pharmacist in Port Elizabeth where she
 lived for 48 years before moving to Cape Town with her second husband,
 Gordon Solomons. Michelle's first husband, Ian Bergman died in 1985.
 She is sadly mourned by her heartbroken mother Esme, sisters Beverly
 Edelstein and Arlene Collins, brothers in law, Martin Edelstein and Charles
 Collins, niece Gia and her husband, Gordon.
 The family wish to thank everyone for their calls and messages of sympathy
 during this difficult time.
From Our Own Rabbi Furman - WIZO South Africa
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                             New Jersey.

                                           Continued next page
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Always enjoy the Chronicle
Thank you!
Raymond Schkolne, Cape Town.

I really love keeping in touch with what is happening in PE so thank you for a wonderful little
All the best.
Jean (nee Gluckman), Linsky, U.K.

We really appreciate receiving the PE Chronicle even after being away from PE for nearly 40
years and we hope you will continue to send it to us.
Best wishes to all,
Naomi Sidelsky, Israel

I look forward to receiving my copy (of the Chronicle) and reading the interesting articles.
Kind regards
Charlene Cawood, Port Elizabeth

I am ex Kirkwood & P.E. I so enjoy reading your amazing Chronicle and particularly
recognizing familiar names of residents, even after so many years.
Thelma Sher Dancig, Johannesburg.

This year ( 2019) is the 100th anniversary of my mom, Enez Weinronk's birth, and 50 years
since my dad died. Together with many of you, my sisters Vivienne and Barbara, my daughter
and nieces, I have created some fun stories of about my mom and her love of cooking and
Perhaps you would enjoy reading, preparing some of the recipes and know that each bite , is
imbued with love.
I am delighted to share it with you. (see the recipe page)
Sandy Hotz Australia

 Thanks for the Chronicle. Rayna's scones were amazing !
I would like to make a donation but cant see bank details. Kindly send,
Carole Smollan U.K.
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                                          13

                  “WIZO doing what matters “
In the months since the last edition of            by co-chair, Val Cohen, who
the Chronicle, WIZO P.E. has had the               introduced the main speaker -- the
pleasure of hosting Eden Ben                       second co-chair, Merle Katz! Merle
Shitrit, exemplary graduate of one of              had recently returned from Tel Aviv
our own Neve WIZO projects in                      where she attended the General
Israel, and her mentor and friend,                 Meeting of World WIZO which is only
Careen Peer- Smith. Eden held the                  held every four years. As this year,
audience spellbound with her                       2020, is the 100th anniversary of
account of her life from the time she              the start of WIZO in 1920, it was a
was sent, aged seven, by court order,              particularly meaningful
to a Neve WIZO Foster Home in                      conference.
Hertzliah, to holding a responsible
position in the Israeli Air Force and              Federations from 29 countries
currently studying to be a                         participated in the meeting, from the
veterinarian.’                                     Argentine to Venezuela and all the
                                                   countries in between. Chile, with 61
The 2019/2020 A.G.M of WIZO Port                   delegates in their contingent, had the
Elizabeth took place in February at                largest number– Merle was the
the charming home of Laura and                     single delegate from the Eastern
Charles Charlewood. It was chaired                 Cape!.

                          Wizo Welcomes Our September 2019 Visitor EDEN
    June Kaplan, Nadine Lang, Laura Charlewood, Careen Peer-Smith, Eden, Merle Katz & Bryna Lewis
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Continued from previous page

The Theme of this year's conference
was “WIZO doing what matters “.
explaining WIZO’S importance in
doing her part world-wide. One of the
main objectives of the gathering was
also to hear the problems
experienced by the different
associations, and to hear feedback
from any decisions made.
Coincidentally one of the speakers at
the ECM was Eden Ben Shitrit, who
was also the recipient of one of the
scholarships awarded by WORLD                Rabbi Areyh and Rebbitzen Jenny Furman
                                                        attend WIZO AGM
WIZO. Merle came back
enthusiastically energized and her
attentive audience felt they had
gained a lot.

                                            WIZO Secretary, Janice Lazarus with Executive Co-
                                                             chair, Val Cohen

                                                          Stop Press

    Merle Katz and Shirley Bettman , WIZO
      delegate from Sydney, at the EGM
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                 Our Visit to Missionvale
                                              Israeli NGO organization “Wheelchairs
                                              of Hope “as a humanitarian mission
                                              specifically to help those who cannot
                                              afford an item as expensive as a
                                              The handover was organized by
                                              volunteer physiotherapist Keren Gates ,
                                              in the company of Cheryl Kennelly of
                                              WorldNet Logistics,( who arranged the
                                              transport of chairs from Durban gratis,) in
                                              the exercise classroom of the Wellness
                                              Clinic where we met the delighted
On the morning of Thursday 14            th   mother and grandmother and the
November, WIZO P.E co-chairmen children who were to receive their life-
Merle Katz and June Kaplan, with altering gifts.
                                            By the time we had been in the company
Laura Charlewood, committee
                                            of the smiling little girls and seen the
member, visited the Missionvale Care
                                            appreciation of their carers, we felt as
Center to hand over three “
                                            though WE were the ones who had been
Wheelchairs of Hope” to give three
                                            given a very special gift – we felt that we,
disabled children the gift of mobility.
These chairs were a present from the as a conduit of Israeli generosity, were
children of Israel to the children of South the ones who had been blessed!
                                            The morning was one of the most moving
Africa and to date 150 have been
                                            moments experienced by the three of us,
received by disabled little ones from
                                            while our admiration for the work done at
Johannesburg, Natal, Cape Town and
                                            the Missionvale Care Centre knows no
now, Port Elizabeth. The wheelchairs, in
                                            bounds. The attention ,care and love
cheerful colors, are designed for children
                                            given to the people they help – the old,
from five to nine years old, are light
                                            sick, poor ,school children in need of
weight and easy to handle on rough
                                            breakfast before they start the day
This child-friendly design is by specialist amongst other compassionate deeds, is
Israeli doctors and innovated by truly remarkable.
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   A Memory Of Wartime France

    n September 2019, Brian and            In mid-September the guided tour and
   Dianne Kingsley, (ex P.E) travelled     talks on the theme of the Jews of St
                                           Martin Ve'sublie and their stories ,
   from their home in London to join
                                           culminated in a Marche de Memorie to
the “ Marche de la Me'morie “at Saint-     the mountain passes to commemorate
Martin Ve'sublie. This is a commune of     the Exodus of the Jews in 1943.
the Alpes -Maritime department in          Brian and Dianne were privileged to
                                           attend this moving occasion.
South Eastern France which is just east
of the France/Italy border.
During World War 2, the area was
occupied by the Italian Army from
November 1942 onwards. The region
had been a legal residence and
modicum of safety for thousands of
Jewish refugees due to the sympathies
of the Italian authorities. This was
mainly the work of an Italian Jewish
Banker, Angelo Donati, who convinced
the Italians to protect the Jews from
French and German prosecution,
After the Italians surrendered in
September 1943 and with threats of                Momentoes of the children.
persecution from the Germans, a
thousand Saint- Martin Jews , with their
children, climbed the mountain passes
through the Gesso Valley to what they
thought was the safety of Italy.
All the remaining Jews were sent to
A few local members of the police force
took in and protected Jewish children,
presenting them as their own during the
Gestapo round-up. They were later
recognised as “ Righteous among the
Nations” at a ceremony in 2010 in St
                                                  Brian and Dianne with guide
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  Birthday Bash at Theodor Herzl School
                        August 2019

                                 Mr John Alexander
                       addresses the pupils - past and present.

                                                                  Continued next page
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tent, where we sang and danced into the     Slevin (Sendzul) and of course
early hours. Entertainment was              Michelle herself. Coupled with this,
provided by Kevin Abraham and               alumni representing all the decades of
Johnny Birin who both sang and got the      Theodor's existence travelled from
crowds on their feet. Each guest was        places such as Dubai and Thailand as
gifted with a beautiful, commemorative      w e l l a s f r o m C a p e To w n a n d
key ring celebrating Theodor Herzl          Johannesburg. There were also many
turning 60.                                 local alumni present.
Michelle Brown (nee Levy), class of         A big thank you to Mariska Schewitz for
'74, organised her 45th matric reunion on   being the main organiser behind this
the same weekend which just added to        wonderful weekend where everything
the special occasion and the following      ran smoothly in spite of the weather and
alumni attended from all over the globe,    one which all who attended will
(including Israel, America, Dubai,          remember with great fondness for years
Australia and Thailand): Raymond            to come.
Schkolne, Avron Abraham, Cecil              60 years ago, the founding fathers of
Rimer, Hilton Zvi Jankelowitz, Michael      Theodor set out to establish a school. In
Schneider, Jeffrey Glazer, Michael           the process they created a family. I may
Alexander, Tracy Cohen (Meyer),             have left Theodor Herzl 38 years ago,
Felicity Schwartz (Awerbuch), Louise        but Theodor Herzl has never left me.
Plutchok (Michalowsky), Pam Peled
(Simon), Sue Spark (Joffe), Estelle                Glynne Wolman (nee Goldberg)

              The Poignant Story of Albert Einstein's
                 'Magnicent' 70th Birthday Party
                                            Albert Einstein, whose birthday on
                                            March 14th was always a cause for
                                            celebration, chose for his 70th
                                            birthday in 1949,to host at his home in
                                            Princeton N.J, children who had just
                                            been relocated to the U.S. from
                                            displaced persons camps in Europe .
                                            On this day he was also told by one of
                                            the authorities that the United States
                                            pledged to “ empty” all the camps and
                                            relocate the displaced European Jews
                                            to the U.S. and Israel.
    Albert Einstein celebrating his 70th    Einstein described the pledge as “ a
           birthday with children.          magnificent birthday gift”
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          Another Reunion – In Israel This Time!
The Theodor Herzl Matric class of 1979                 their lives during a hectic but memorable
came literally from all over the world                 and life affirming five days in Tel Aviv. The
including the U.S., South Africa, Australia            joy in meeting up with friends from all those
and the U.K. to celebrate the 40 reunion of            years ago, swopping their family stories
their matric year.                                     and getting on so well together, will stay
This very excited group had the time of                with this group for the rest of their lives !

Michelle ( Hart ) Sher, Joanne ( Fineson) Karney, FayeAnne (Meyer) Brody, Sherilyn Diamond, Janine (Resnick)
Friar, Karen ( Ryan ) Metz, Dianne (Rachman) Patterson, Tammy Shefer, Tracey Kaplan, Hughie Kratzick, Illana
( Sacks ) Lobel, Joseph Cohen, Pip Symon, Michael Levin, Lawrence Nathan, Jerrold Bernstein & Lionel
Wolowitz. Yuval Davidowitz and Michael Hirsch in Front.
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                      MADE IN ISRAEL
Drip Irrigation Systems                          Iron Dome
Israeli engineer Simcha Blass noticed a          The Iron Dome has saved thousands of lives
specific tree that was growing larger than        and is one of Israel's greatest military
those around it. Upon closer inspection, he      inventions.   This air defence system was
found that a larger tree was being fed water     developed by Rafael Advanced Defense
by a leaking water pipe, and thus Netafim         Systems Ltd and is designed to intercept
was founded in 1965. Modern drip irrigation      short-range rockets and mortar shells. The
is utilised worldwide, having revolutionised     Iron Dome was first deployed in 2011 in the
agriculture.                                     southern region of Israel to intercept rockets
                                                 from Gaza and has an astonishing 90%
                                                 success rate thanks to radar and cameras
                                                 that track the arms.

The USB Flash Drive
The first USB flash drive was developed and                                Continued next page
patented by M-Systems Ltd, situated outside
of Tel Aviv, and is well-known for their
invention of the first flash drive “DiskOnChip”,
and the first USB flash drive – “DiskOnKey”.
Founder Dov Moran sold the company to
ScanDisk some 17 years later.
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Continued from previous page

ReWalk                                            BabySense
After a tragic accident that left Dr Amit Goffer   Today's baby monitors have stemmed from
a quadriplegic, he became driven to help          BabySense.      Israeli company HiSense
disabled people and regain a sense of dignity     developed the first non-touch, breathing
and autonomy. The invention of ReWalk took        movement monitor. The device does not emit
many years to come to fruition, and now           radiation and is designed to prevent cot death
enables quadriplegics to walk again through       by monitoring the baby's breathing and
a bionic walking exoskeleton.                     movements during sleep.

Thanks to inventor Gavriel Iddan, we can say
goodbye to unpleasant colonoscopies and
upper gastrointestinal scopes by swallowing
a tiny camera that is hidden inside a pill.
The PillCam is used in over 75 countries and
by more than 2 million people.
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                           24

Remembering the Emmys’ First Best Actress Winner
                                             advice column, two books, a cookbook,
                                             and a line of housedresses. Despite a
                                             lack of stage acting experience, Berg
                                             also won a Best Actress Tony in 1959 for
                                             A Majority of One, a play about a Jewish
                                             widow and a Japanese widower who’d
                                             both lost children during WWII. She was
                                             also active in liberal causes and fought
                                             the blacklist, which wound up hitting
                                             terribly and tragically close to home.

                                              How on earth this woman, who created a
                                             show about an explicitly, authentically
                                             Jewish-inflected family in a time of
                                             immigration quotas and widespread
                                             anti-Jewish sentiment, be remembered
                                             by so few? Especially given that there
                                             wasn’t another TV show with a Jewish

        any of us have been glued to our
        TV’s for the Emmy Awards, so         character as the lead until 1972.
        why not take the opportunity to      Berg’s granddaughter, Anne Schwartz,
learn about the winner of the very first      said about her beloved grandmother “the
Emmy for best actress, Gertrude Berg         character of Mrs Goldberg was this
who was Jewish?                              immigrant good-natured busybody, but
                                             my grandmother was not an immigrant”
 Berg is the unjustly underwritten-about     she said. “Molly’s family lived in the
powerhouse who not only starred in the       Bronx, but my grandmother lived on Park
Jewish-est show on television from 1948      Avenue and in Westchester County.”
to 1957, but also created it and wrote it.
The ‘Goldbergs’ began life as a radio         She was born Tillie Edelstein in
program, broadcast from 1929 to 1946.        Harlem, when it was a middle-class
Berg not only created the character of       neighbourhood. Gertrude’s father was
Molly Goldberg for the radio show, but       an entrepreneur with all these get-rich
also wrote all 3500+ episodes.               schemes. He bought a resort in the
                                             Catskills and would tell her “you have to
The Goldbergs focused on a funny yet         do something to keep the guests here
functional family and its meddlesome yet     when it rains.” That’s how she started
loving matriarch. The radio show             writing and performing.
reached as many as 10 million listeners;
a national poll named Berg the most          Berg’s relentless work schedule (when
respected woman in America after             she got sick and the radio show was off
Eleanor Roosevelt. In addition to the        the air for a week, NBC received 18000
radio and TV books, the character            letters of distress) meant she wasn’t the
spawned a straight play, a musical, an       most present parent.
                                                                     Continued next page
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                          25
Continued from previous page

She was, however, elegant, generous          In the early 1950’s the sea change in
and adored grandma. “My main                 political climate and the work of the
memory is how much she loved us and          blacklist enabled networks and sponsors
the amount of warmth and charisma she        to finally kill a series that had long made
had.”                                        them uncomfortable.

In 1938, a poll found that 53 percent of     The show had suffered from the political
American non-Jews felt that the freedom      climate and was soon cancelled. The
of Jewish citizens ‘should be restricted.’   Goldbergs was gone, and a new show
Yet The Goldbergs, in addition to warmly     called I love Lucy got its timeslot.
portraying Jewish tenement life, kept
fearless tackling Jewish subjects. In        In 1959, Berg, continued to work in TV,
April 1939, the radio show discussed         did a television movie: The World of
Kristallnacht, and the family’s Passover     Sholom Aleichem with a host of big
seder got disrupted by a rock thrown         names like Zero Mostel, Charlotte Rae,
through their window. Other plots            Nancy Walker, Jack Gilford, Lee
discussed family and friends trying          Grant, and more. Six of the stars had
desperately to get out of Europe.            been blacklisted. The show is credited
                                             with helping to break McCarthy’s hold on
Berg repeatedly violated the colour line     entertainment.
in television, first by hiring Fredi
Washington and second by publicly            Berg died in 1966, at 68 while working to
discussing plans to develop a character      turn the book, How to Be a Jewish
for actor Eartha Kitt. Furthermore, Berg     Mother into a Broadway show. She had
employed actors who’d been called to         almost lived long enough to not only
testify by the House Un-American             originate the Jewish Mother character,
Activities Committee.                        but also to parody it.
                                                                    By Marjorie Ingall
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                                                     26

                                             Nevé WIZO card
                                  Donations have been made in the name/s of:

           In memory of Tony Bendel: Deepest sympathy to Iris & family on their sad loss by Carol &
                                              Stan Kahn & Family.:
              With sincere condolences to Iris and the Bendel Family by WIZO PE Executive and
                                             Rebecca Sieff branch.

Wendy & Kevin Bethlehem: on their Grandson Dylan's Bar mitzvah by Morris & Janice Lazarus and Lily Freedman
     Eden Ben Shitrit in appreciation of her visit and talk by the Executive and Members, WIZO PE.
        Viv & Gustav Bruns: presented in appreciation of Viv's much appreciated assistance at the WIZO
                   Bargain Shop by the Bargain shop Volunteers & Rebecca Sieff Branch.

                       Val & Dave Cohen: with many thanks by June & Ronnie Kaplan
                    Louis Diamond: on the occasion of his Birthday by Arnie & Merle Katz
                    Raquel Diamond: on her Bat mitzvah by Arnie & Merle Katz & Family.
                June & Ronnie Kaplan: on their 65th Wedding Anniversary by Merle & Arnie Katz
                           Benjy Lapiner: on his Birthday by Carol & Stan Kahn,

             Janice & Morris Lazarus: on the occasion of their Wedding Anniversary by Bryna Lewis

                           Maurice Lemberger: on his Birthday by Carol & Stan Kahn

    Esther & Melvyn Levitan: on the occasion of their golden Wedding Anniversary by Val, Dave & Avi Cohen.

Farrell Levy: In loving memory of our beloved Farrell on his 16th Yahrzeit by his Family, Anna, Ian, Janine, Myron,
                                              Ricki, Galia & Adam.
Stan Levy: In loving memory of our beloved father and grandfather on his 1st Yahrzeit by Anna, Ian, Janine Myron,
                                              Ricki, Galia & Adam

                                     Latti Liss: Purim greetings by Kim Nell

                       Marilyn Locketz: With sincere condolences to Maxwell and Family.
                       In loving memory of a dear friend, Marilyn by Val, Dave & Avi Cohen.

                           Melanie Lubbe: Happy Purim greetings in Israel by Kim Nell
                          Beryl Meyer: on her 90TH Birthday by June & Ronnie Kaplan.

Beryl Meyer: for her much-valued contribution to the welfare of our community & the public of PE by the WIZO PE

                   Peter & Bernice Miller: for their Wedding Anniversary by Arnie & Merle Katz
                               Jay Philip: on her Birthday by Arnie & Merle Katz

                 In memory of René Pleaner: on the passing of a gracious lady by Bryna Lewis

  Elaine & Errol Racussen: on their Grandson's Bar mitzvah. In appreciation of Elaine's work and our excellent
                         from the Co-Chairmen, Executive and Members, WIZO PE.

                   Bernice Rummel: on her Granddaughter's Bat mitzvah by Selwyn Solomon

                    Mendy & Lorin Sarchi: on the occasion of their Marriage by Bryna Lewis

 James & Raissa Spanjaard: on their Marriage. In recognition of the commitment of their grandparents, Laura &
           Charles Charlewood to WIZO by the WIZO PE Executive and the Rebecca Sieff branch.

                              Dawn Veiner: on her Birthday by the Ettinger Family.

                   Gregory & Tamara Vituli: on the occasion of their Marriage by Bryna Lewis
                                                                                           Continued next page
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                                       27
Continued from previous page

                                   WIZO GIFT card
                       Donations have been made in the name/s of:

     In memory of Tony Bendel: with deepest sympathy to Iris & Family by Val & Dave Cohen.
                 Belinda Bennett: to a special lady on her Birthday by Sue Spark
      Val & Dave Cohen: on their special Wedding Anniversary, by Maxwell & Marilyn Locketz.

                     Val & Dave Cohen: on their Golden wedding anniversary.
                  Your generosity, and love of Israel are a shining example to us all.
                from the Exec, Bargain shop volunteers and all your friends at WIZO.

                   Jordyn Green: on her Bat mitzvah by Val & Dave Cohen.
     Harold Kaplan: in loving memory of a special gentleman by Carol Kahn & Janice Lazarus
            June & Ronnie Kaplan: on your 65th Wedding Anniversary by Iris Bendel
     Ryan Kaplan: on the occasion of his Bar mitzvah by Geoff & Janice Mendelowitz & Family.
                      Benjy Lapiner: on his Birthday by Tony & Iris Bendel.

  Beryl Meyer: on her Birthday by Val & Dave Cohen, Ivor & Debby Fleischer, Kim & Rayne Nell &

                          SPONSOR A BAR/BATMITZVAH card
                           Donations have been made in the name/s of:

    Dylan Bethlehem: on the occasion of his Bar mitzvah, by his Grandparents, Wendy & Kevin

  Debbie & Harry, Taryn & Richard Epstein: on Aaron's Bar mitzvah by Pam & Selwyn, Debbie &
                               Farren, Ariela & Leah Leibowitz.

    Jordyn Green: on her Bat mitzvah. Presented to her Grandmother, Carol Kahn in very sincere
   appreciation of her commitment to our organization from the Executive and Members, WIZO PE.

                    Amber Joubert: on her Bat mitzvah by Carol & Stan Kahn
                   Ryan Kaplan: on his Bar mitzvah by Debby & Ivor Fleischer
               Daniel Katz: on the occasion of his Bar mitzvah by Carol & Stan Kahn

              TRAUMA COUNSELLING card (in lieu of Rosh Hashanah gifts)

    Donations have been made in WIZO's name from the Barris and Olitzki Families (Houston)

From Val, Dave & Avi Cohen: to Val & Aubrey Aronson, Iris Bendel, Laura & Charles Charlewood,
Debby, Ivor & Allan Fleischer, Carol & Stan Kahn, June & Ronnie Kaplan, Merle & Arnie Katz, Nadine
 Lang, Janice & Morris Lazarus & Family, Tamar & Ronald Lazarus, Esther & Melvyn Levitan, Anna
         Levy & Family, Bryna Lewis, Marilyn & Maxwell Locketz, Jonathan Ossher, Adele &
                                        Julian Sagor & Family.
                           Val, Dave & Avi Cohen: from Jonathan Ossher

                                      EDUCATION certificate
                               Donations have been made in the name/s of:

                        Jordyn Green: on her Bat mitzvah by Bryna Lewis
                  Ryan Kaplan: on the occasion of his Bar mitzvah by Bryna Lewis
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                                        30

                   Women Of Action
                                  supply this Old Age Home with      children, sanitizers and
                                  supplies for their medical         cleaning products.
                                  needs and with the cost born
                                  by the Union.                      Just as a matter of interest, the
                                                                     UJW took over the running of
                                  A very delighted manager           Shalom Kleinskool, Educare
                                  Monga Peter was able to go         Centre, from Alison Loon
                                  and fetch the items purchased      when she left for Australia.
                                  on their behalf.
It is over a month since the
country has been in lock down                                        This is run as an entirely
and on Friday 1st May, the new    2. Uviwe approached us for         seperate group and I am
arrangements moved to lock        help with their feeding            delighted to tell you that we
down Stage 4.                     schemes. They are in the           have had amazing donations
                                  Northern Areas, and as the         from someone in the UK, who
                                  schools are closed, this           was part of Temple Israel, and
  The Union of Jewish             organization helps with            is generously helping to fund
Women is still operating on       acquiring food for the children.   this organization. The
line and we continue to do        They have members, who are         teachers have not been paid
projects in the broader           able to go and collect the food    since March, and his donation
communities, with most of our     and deliver these parcels to       will ensure that the teachers
projects done via the internet,   the needy.                         receive a stipend each month,
and shop deliveries.                                                 or at least until the schools
                                   3. Get Giving Foundation is       open.
Our focus has been mainly on      getting a lot of help from the
requests, and working with the    UJW, Denise John is the              Winter is upon us and it
organizations that we know        organizer and she feeds the        remains our task to see whom
provide an excellent and          unemployed and hungry              we can help in these difficult
valuable service in these very    people in the very poor areas,     times.
very difficult times.               in and around Malabar.             We intend to supply warm
                                  We have been supplying her         winter clothes which we are
Just a brief summary of the       with food. She has just            appealing for.
organizations that we were        received a donation of fruit and
able to help.                     will fetch it weekly for the       Stay safe.
                                  period of the lock down .
1    .Ekuphumieni Old Age                                                         Elaine Racussen
Home - Covid 19 support           We have also provided her               E-mail:
request. We were able to          with face masks for the
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                                                  31

   Guess Who Created these Games?
                      Think of a game you played as a child!

                                                         Mastermind – created by Israeli Mordecai
                                                         Meirowitz which has now sold over 50 million
                                                         sets in 80 different countries. Who hasn't
                                                         played Mastermind! Even mathematicians
                                                         have created formulas for winning the game
                                                         with as few guesses as possible.

                                                         Rummiclub (or Rummikid )– dates to the
                                                         1930's and was invented by a Romanian Jew
                                                         ,Ephraim Hertzano who made Aliyah after
                                                         WWII and started carving the domino- like
                                                         tiles by hand. By 1977 the game expanded,
                                                         was a huge hit and became Israel's no.1
                                                         export for 1978. There are now many clubs
“Guess Who?” A two-person game of                        and Rummiclub World Championships.
elimination – the game was created by                    These 3 games of ingenuity and
Theora Design in 1979 in Israel and brought              determination have made a huge impact on
to the UK in 1982 and increased in popularity            children and adults alike all over the world in
all over the world in the 90's. It was also used         the past decades. And they were all created
to aid children with Autism (ASD) where it               in Israel !
helped with facial recognition.

                                      Eunice turns
      Eunice Abrahams birthday was celebrated on 30th December in Melbourne
       together with her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and many

Back row: Neil Scheckter, Lawrence Scheckter Middle row: Sharlene Abrahams, Carrie Groll, Lauren Scheckter
and baby Zola, Barbara Want, Steph Kahn, Martin Scheckter, Sharon Scheckter, Glenda Levy, Kay Scheckter,
Eddie Israel, Ronnie Israel,Maurice Miltz, Joan Miltz, Sharon Spilkin, Brad Abrahams Front row: Taryn Abrahams,
Doug Abrahams, Lorraine Scheckter, Eunice Abrahams, Merle Goldberg, Bengy Goldberg, Caryn Greenstein, Jared
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                       32

                   Liam's New York trip
                                                              weekend retreat for
                                                              Jewish teens from
                                                              around the world.
                                                               The climax of the
                                                               shabbaton was a
                                                               special Havdalah
                                                               ceremony and
                                                               concert in Times
                                                               Square where over
                                            2700 Jewish teens converged for an
                                            “unforgettable weekend of friendship,
                                            inspiration and Jewish unity.”
                                            They also toured some of the Big Apple's
Liam Amsdorf of Cape Town (grandson
                                            landmarks and attractions. They stayed
of Arnie and Merle Katz) won a
                                            in Brooklyn with host families.
competion organised by Chabad. The
prize was a trip to the 12th Annual CTeen   Liam was privileged to have had such a
Shabbaton In New York City. The             “wonderful and amazing” experience
International CTeen shabbaton is a          and would love to go again !.
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                               33

P.E.: Sharon Aires, Olga Augoustatos, Linda Abrahams, Carol Baretti, Eve Barris, Colin &
Samantha Barris, Iris Bendel, Bella Bergman, Harriet Berkowitz, Elaine Berman, Sandra
Bernstein, Wendy Bethlehem, Yonah Blackman, Pearl Blecher, Hester Booyens, Jayne
Botha, Rynette Brett, Viv Bruns, Ivy Butlion, Charlene Cawood, Howard & Gail Cohen, Mike
Cohen, Val Cohen, Thelma Collins, Margaret Davidson, Cindy Dickson, Janine Edwards,
Debby Fleisher, Lou-ann Fisher, Halcyon Fountain, Gabby Fourie, Lynette Franklin, Lavinia
Gluckman, Ray Goldberg, Collette Gruss, Donald Haddon, Daphne Henen, Colin Hersch,
Anthea Hide, Mike Hoffmann, Thea Howard, Carol Kahn, Gisela Kahn, Marilyn Kahn, Melindi
Kahn, Vicky Kahn, Marlene Kaplan, Sampie Kaplan, Merle Katz, Marsha Kolnick, Eugene
Kommel, Nadine Lang, Michelle Lapiner, Meloney Lazarus, Pam Leibowitz, Bernadette Levin,
Anna Levy, Bryna Lewis, Cecily Lipschitz, Esther Levitan, Bev Liss, Janice Malkinson, Soleil
McCabe, Janice Mendelowitz, Bella Meyer, Hilary Meyer, Kim Nell, Ora Nell, Dawn Palmer,
Aliza Rachman, Vera Rubin, Bernice Rummel, Elza Sack, Ann Sandwick, Clive Sandwick,
Ashleigh Schewitz, Maureen Schewitz, Neil Schwartz, Peter Schwartz, Jenny Shoul, Hiliary
Spilkin, Lionel Thwaits, Carol York, Yocheved van Vuuren UITENHAGE: Jonathan Ossher
OUDTSHOORN: Esther Wilck BEACON BAY: Ellen Ettinger KROONSTAD: Barbara
Smiedt C.T.: Elsa Chapman, Sheila Edelstein, Debbie Epstein, Diane (nee Lazarus)
Goldsmith, Tyrone & Estelle Lipman, Adrienne Meyer, Jack Meyers, Bubbles Roberts, Thelma
Saker, Raymond Schkolne, Muriel Sendzul, Michelle Solomons, Dawn Viener JHB: Thelma
Sher Dancig, Melanie Glass, Ray Goldberg, Pam James, Gillian Karstaedt, Beryl & Cecil
Lewus, Alan Porter, Alice Rummel, Jonathan Russon, Patsy Shefer ISRAEL: Estelle
Chasen, Phyllis Collins, Yael Krygier, Adèle Sagor AUSTRALIA:            Eunice Abrahams,
Sharlene & Douglas Abrahams, Joanne Karney, Gail Kerbel, Rosalie Klass, Barbara (nee
Katz) Klein, Bertie Miller, Risa Silbert, Chuck Volpe U.K.: Jenny Altschuler, Victor & Moira
Benigson, Jennifer Goldin, Dr Saul Issroff, Brian Kingsley CANADA: Mandy Maggen
U.S.A.: Bubbles Jassinowsky, Stan & Denise Kessel, Phyllis Kolnick, Neville & Leah Levin,
Edie Radomsky

“Appreciated ” are the additional contributions from:
P.E.: Sharon Aires, Charlene Cawood, Val Cohen, Thelma Collins, Lavinia Gluckman,
Collette Gruss, Donald Haddon, Daphne Henen, Carol Kahn, Melindi Kahn, Vicky Kahn,
Marsha Kolnick, Nadine Lang, Bernadette Levin, Louis Rubin, Hiliary Spilkin, Charmaine
Strick OUDTSHOORN: Esther Wilck BEACON BAY: Ellen Ettinger KROONSTAD:
Barbara Smiedt C.T.: Elsa Chapman, Sheila Edelstein, Debbie Epstein, Diane (nee
Lazarus) Goldsmith, Tyrone & Estelle Lipman, Wilfed Mirkin, Raymond Schkolne JHB: Ziona
Clacher, Thelma Sher Dancig, Pam James, Gillian Karstaedt, Beryl & Cecil Lewus, , Alice
Rummel, Jonathan Russon, Patsy Shefer ISRAEL: Estelle Chasen, Phyllis Collins
AUSTRALIA: Sharlene & Douglas Abrahams, Joanne Karney, Gail Kerbel, Rosalie Klass,
Barbara (nee Katz) Klein, Bertie Miller, Risa Silbert U.K.: Jenny Altschuler, Victor & Moira
Benigson U.S.A.: Bubbles Jassinowsky, Stan & Denise Kessel, Edie Radomsky
Michael & Julia Davidson, Ronnie & Sylvia Davidson U.K

W I Z O is most grateful to the following people for their generous donations:
P.E.: Hester Booyens, Val Cohen, Yvonne Freund, 'Sponsor a child' - Flo Glago, Diane
Lazarus Goldsmith, Collette Gruss, Jenny Hübsch, Melindi Kahn, Bernadette Levin, Sandy
Orwin, Hiliary Spilkin, Lionel Thwaites, Yocheved van Vuuren C.T.: Wilfed Mirkin, Sue Spark
JHB: Ziona Clacher, Pam James, Glynne Wolman ISRAEL: Phyllis Collins AUSTRALIA:
Joanne Karney, Barbara Katz Klein U.S.A.: Stan & Denise Kessel.
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                                       34

         enjamin Ferencz arrived in New               of NAZI killings outside of the
         Yo r k w i t h h i s p a r e n t s f r o m   concentration camps.
         Romania at the age of five and
spoke only Yiddish until he went to school.            When the recorded killings grew to over
He won a scholarship to Harvard where he              one million murders, Ferencz flew to
studied Law until America entered the                 Nuremberg, where the first International
Second World War in 1941, after the                   War Crimes Tribunal was being held,
Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour.                        and told Taylor, in no uncertain terms, that
Rejected by the navy and air force                    he wanted to add another trial.
because of his height (under five feet tall),          “Impossible!” said Taylor, “ the trials are
h e r e tu r n e d to H a r v a r d w h e r e h e     underway!!” But Ben refused to take” No”
completed his studies, reading as much                for an answer as this was mass murder on
as he could on war crimes.                            a grand scale. Another trial – no 9. – was
After Ben enlisted                                                             added to the
as a private, he                                                               schedule and
was just in time for                                                           Ben, in addition to
the Normandy                                                                   his original
landings and                                                                   evidentiary task,
Battle of the Bulge.                                                           was appointed
Near the end of the                                                            lead prosecutor.
war he was sent to                                                             Out of the many
Gen. George                                                                    perpetrators, he
Patton's army                                                                  chose 22 of the
headquarters to                                                                most senior rank
join a brand new                                                               a n d h i g h l y
unit which was to                                                              educated to stand
i n ve sti g a te w a r                                                        trial, accused of
crimes.                                                                        “crimes against
As the U.S. troops                                                             humanity “.
liberated the concentration camps Ben's               This was the 27-year-old Ben's first
job was to rush in and gather evidence. To            experience of a court room.
this day he is haunted by the things he saw
and stories he heard in those camps.                  Ferencz, from the beginning regarded the
Telford Taylor, who headed the evidence               trial as the plea for humanity to use the
gathering, sent the 27 year old Ben to the            rule of law in settling disputes and to
German Foreign Ministry in Berlin, where              deter similar crimes from being
he found hundreds of top secret                       perpetrated again..
documents detailing the actions of the                   He did not call any witnesses, but relied
Einsatzgruppen, the SS commanders                     completely on the exacting written
who followed the German army to the                   German records for conviction. What
Eastern front in 1941. They were ordered              galled Ferencz most -“I'm still churning
to kill, without remorse, all the “enemies”           inside.” - were the defendants' blank
of the Reich: Gypsies, Communists and                 faces, the “rational” explanations of self-
especially Jews in the small towns and                defence and the chief defendant, Otto
villages. This was the greatest number                Ohlendorf's retort:
                                                                                   Continued next page
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                              35
Continued from previous page

“What? Jews were shot? This is the             International Court of Justice in the
first time I hear of it.”                       Hague, and in other societal changes
Even though all the statistics were            such as the improved status of women
carefully documented in extensive              and gender equality. He has visited well-
German files, Ben believes that war,            known law schools in the USA,
which entails espousing some ideology,         encouraging students to help humanity
changes educated, polite, intelligent          through their legal skills. He has donated
people, who would never otherwise              his life savings to establish a Genocide
consider murder to commit                      Prevention Initiative at the Holocaust
unmentionable crimes. When asked               Museum and still longs for a peaceful
about his lifelong motivation, he said that    world.
he has been driven to advocate for law,        Ferencz was still active at the age of 97 in
not war, to change people's mind-set.          May 2017 when a very moving virtual
Of the 22 defendants at trial no.9, all        interview was recorded by “60 Minutes “
were found guilty – but none showed            producer, Shari Feldstein, and repeated
remorse !!                                     on YouTube in 2020 in celebration of
 Ben, a legend in the world of International   Ben's 100th birthday .
law, was gratified at the progress made in
the establishment, in 1998, of the                                  Thank you Bryna Lewis
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                            36

    Sharon And The Peace Train
                                             another's suffering.
                                             She went on to receive a B.A in English,
                                             African Government and law and has a
                                             teacher's degree in music plus a
                                             master's in music therapy. She has
                                             travelled the townships teaching children
                                             from impoverished backgrounds through
                                             music .When Nelson Mandela was
                                             released in 1990, she formed a large
                                             choir of children from many ethnic
                                             groups to sing in celebration. In Durban
                                             she partnered with musician No
                                             Nhlanhla Wanda to bring the children

            hile still a high school girl,
                                             together in a history- making concert.
            Sharon Katz broke the laws
                                             By 1993 they had founded “the Peace
            of Apartheid during the
                                             Train” where the 150 children of the
1970's- putting herself at risk- and
                                             choir were charged with not only singing
meeting with many people being
                                             together but being ambassadors for their
persecuted for their beliefs who were
struggling to exist.
                                             Sharon has performed around the world
Thus began her passion for social
                                             in prisons, schools, youth empowerment
justice, of making music in many
                                             centres and drug rehabilitation centres.
communities in South Africa and
                                             In Israel where her late parents moved to
breaking down barriers through song.
                                             from Port Elizabeth, she did musical
Born in Port Elizabeth , she was in the
                                             projects around the country and a Peace
first class at the new Port Elizabeth
                                             concert in Jerusalem. In September
Jewish Day school, Theodor Herzl,
                                             2019 she even performed at Joes Pub in
which her parents helped to found. In
                                             Manhattan where she participated in a
school she learnt about the persecution
                                             project which helps to bring together
of the Jews and about Auschwitz – and
                                             South African and vulnerable American
thought there were people being
persecuted right here in South Africa
                                             She continues to work in South Africa
under our own eyes. She felt as a
                                             with children at an orphanage, and to
privileged white child , brought up in an
                                             raise funds for their studies and future.
atmosphere of secrecy, she must do
                                                               with thanks to: Arnie Katz
more and must not turn away from
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                                              37

                      The Chef Recommends
                         In memory of Enez Weinronk
                    Historic recipes compiled by her family

Cold Borscht                                         Lentil Babotie
8 washed medium Beetroot, trim leaves but leave      3 Tablsp. Oil
50mm. to prevent colour from cooking out.            2 Onions chopped
2 eggs – separated                                   500 gm butternut , peeled and cubed
125 ml lemon juice                                   4-6 gloves garlic, chopped
I Tablsp. salt ( sounds a lot – check rst )         3 teasp. Medium curry powder
4 Tablsp. sugar                                      2 bay leaves
 1 Tablsp. brown vinegar                              2 teaspoons each sugar & salt
2 ½ to 3 litres water                                1 x 410 can tomatoes, undrained
250 ml thick cream                                   1 Tablsp. Grated ginger
Boil beetroot covered until tender, remove beets,    1 teaspoon pepper
strain liquid and return to rinsed pot.              250-gram brown lentils
Grate about 5 beets into pot and season with lemon   4 eggs- beaten with 1 ½ cups milk , salt and
juice, sugar, salt and vinegar to taste. Should be   pepper
sweet sour. Cook slowly for few minutes.             Cook lentils in in boiling water for 25 minutes.
Beat egg yolks and while beating add one cup of      Rinse, and drain.
soup. Add this to soup and stir briskly but do not   Heat oil in large pan and sauté onions with
allow soup to cook.                                  butternut for 5 minutes, stir in garlic, curry powder.
Chill soup and serve with cream and a hot boiled     Add tomatoes and juice. Simmer 5 minutes.
potato.                                              Stir ginger, sugar, seasoning and bay leaves into
                                                     butternut mixture . Simmer until butternut is
                                                     Remove lid and cook on medium high heat until
                                                     most of liquid has evaporated.
                                                     Layer lentils and veg. mixture in a greased baking
                                                     dish , starting with lentils.
                                                     Top with egg/milk mixture and bake at 180 until
                                                     custard is set.
                                                                                     Continued next page
P.E. JEWISH CHRONICLE 2020                                                                            38
Continued from previous page

Coconut Macaroons                                     Danish Apple Cake
2 cups desiccated coconut –not the very ne one       Can make two at once.
1 cup sugar                                           3/4 cup sugar
4 egg whites –(can use the 2 leftover egg whites       ¼ teasp. salt
from the soup.!! Do you know you can freeze egg       60 grams butter ( 2 oz.)
whites ?)                                             2 teasp. baking powder
Little lemon juice if desired.                        1 egg
Beat egg whites until stiff, add sugar slowly. Then    ¼ teasp. vanilla
fold in coconut and add lemon juice.                  1 ½ cups our
Place teaspoonfuls on greased baking sheet .          1/2 cup milk
Bake in 180-degree preheated oven for 30 min.         Sift our, salt and baking powder
Check as all ovens are different !                    Cream butter and sugar. Add egg, beat well and
Leave in oven after turning off. Store when cool in   add milk.
airtight container.                                   Add our to batter and mix well.
                                                      Place into greased pan –line with baking paper too.
                                                      Top with sliced apples fresh or unsweetened pie
                                                      apples and sprinkle well with cinnamon sugar.
                                                      Bake on middle shelf for 40 minutes in 180 degree
                                                      oven. Check with skewer as all ovens differ.
                                                      Serve with hot or cold with cream or custard.

Baked Mayo Fish
 1 kg sh pieces – gurnard is good.
Grated onion
crushed garlic
 1 cup grated cheese
 1 cup mayonnaise
1 teasp mustard
Combine sauce ingredients and pour over sh.
Place on middle shelf under grill until puffed and
brown for approx..15 -20 min.
 Nice with rice.
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