FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range

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FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range
Compact, Utility
                                                   and Mid-Range
Compact, Utility and Mid-Range Tractors

                                          FROM MASSEY FERGUSON
                                          A world of experience. Working with you.
FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range
       It’s a fact. You can find well-used Massey Ferguson® tractors on farms everywhere. Classic beauties with more than a few hours on them, still
       getting the job done, day after day, season after season. These decades-old machines are proven symbols of Massey Ferguson’s commitment
       to durability, reliability and good old-fashioned toughness. And like land itself, they’re often handed down from generation to generation.

       Today, we’re reinventing what compact, utility and mid-range tractors can be and redefining what they can do. Read on to learn about
       our three distinct categories of performance that combine the right features and options to best meet your needs, and get any job done.
       Massey Ferguson — the last tractor you’ll ever need.

2    Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.
FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range

                             Smaller, hardworking tractors with plenty
                                                                                                         p. 6

                             of muscle. Yet easy enough to hop on and
                             get the job done.

                             All the horsepower you need for jobs
                                                                                                         p. 10

                             like hay and heavier loading.

                             These tractors pack even more horsepower
                                                                                                         p. 14

                             and are rugged enough for full-on, full-time work.
                             Hay. Dairy. Municipality. And more.

                                       Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.      3
FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range
      BUT WHAT KIND?”                                                                                                     compact
     Tractors come in all shapes and sizes. While many of us only associate tractors with large
     farms, the fact is, even if you just have a few acres, a compact, utility or mid-range tractor
     can make your life a whole lot easier.
     In fact, the right tractor can become one of the most important tools you own. From cutting
     grass to moving snow, from digging holes to hauling loads, the possibilities are endless.
     But with such an investment, it only makes sense to decide how much tractor you need
     before making a purchase.
     HOW MUCH LAND DO YOU HAVE? Do you                                 WHAT KIND OF OPERATION DO YOU HAVE?                WHAT KINDS OF JOBS DO YOU NEED
     plan to add more in the future? Since Massey                      Are you a full-time livestock, dairy or row crop   TO GET DONE? Are you cutting grass? Tilling a
     Ferguson tractors are built to last, buying the                   farmer? Do you farm part time or maybe have a      garden? Doing some heavy lifting? Will you need
     right tractor now can be more cost-effective                      farm-to-table business? Is your farming more for   to move snow? Brush? Hay? Spread manure?
     than upgrading later. Match the tractor to the                    “fun,” or do you have some property to maintain?   Match the tractor — and the implements you
     land you live and work on.                                        Match the tractor to who you are.                  need — to the jobs you need to do.

4    Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.
FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range
Massey Ferguson is an AGCO® brand. At AGCO, we take pride in knowing our dealers
are the best in the business. They’ll be there to advise and support you throughout
the selection and buying process, and help pick the right tractor for you. Then, after                           Go to page 18 to learn more
the sale, they’ll continue to be there, day in and day out, for as long as you own your                          about the implements that work
machine — with the service, expertise and parts you need to stay productive.                                     with our tractors.

When you buy a Massey Ferguson tractor, it becomes part of your family
and you become part of ours.

                                                                                          Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.   5
FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range

6   Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.
FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range
GC1700 SERIES                                                                       1526 COMPACT TRACTORS
Whether you’re a small landowner or a hobby farmer,                                 Our customers wanted a small tractor with a
everything about the Massey Ferguson GC1700                                         mid PTO for more versatility. We responded by
Series is designed to help you get the job done                                     bringing back the versatile Massey Ferguson
right. From mowing, loading and backhoe work to                                     1526 premium compact tractor. This tractor’s
snow-blowing and more, these multitaskers deliver                                   built especially for a new generation of landowners
impressive performance and unmatched versatility.                                   who want a machine that’s as hardworking and
                                                                                    practical as they are.
EASY TO USE. Providing more than just
great ergonomics, the operator’s station on the                                     IT CAN DO MORE, BECAUSE IT’S MADE TO
GC1700 Series makes the transition from lawn                                        HANDLE MORE. The 1526 is a smaller tractor,
tractor to small compact virtually seamless.                                        but it’s big on comfort, performance and versatility.
All major controls and functional pedals are in                                     That makes it the perfect all-around machine for
familiar, intuitive locations that are easy to reach                                tackling any number of chores on large acreage
and operate. So if you’re ready for a real tractor,                                 residences, small farms, golf courses and more.
check out the GC1700 Series. With the largest                                       Best of all, it’s not only one of the easiest
engine in its class, it’ll give you all it’s got —                                  tractors in its class to use, it’s also one of the
and then some. Every single day.                                                    most comfortable.

              MODELS                  GC1705                                           GC1710                                              GC1715                                           GC1720                      MF1526H
       Rated Engine HP (kW)     22.5 (16.8) @ 2,600 RPM                        22.5 (16.8) @ 2,600 RPM                              24 (17.9) @ 3,000 RPM                            24 (17.9) @ 3,000 RPM        24.8 (18.5) @ 2,600 RPM
         Rated PTO HP (kW)            17.3 (12.9)                                      17.3 (12.9)                                         18.9 (14.1)                                      18.9 (14.1)                    20 (14.9)
                Engine type                                                                Iseki 1.1 L 3-cylinder liquid-cooled diesel, Tier 4 Final                                                                   3-cylinder diesel
               Transmission                                                  2-range hydrostatic transmission with side-by-side foot pedals and cruise control                                               3-range hydrostatic w/ cruise control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                8.7 gpm (32.9 LPM) total flow;
                 Hydraulics              6.3 gpm (23.8 LPM) total flow, includes loader joystick                                              6.8 gpm (25.7 LPM) total flow, includes loader joystick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 factory-installed joystick opt.

                                                                                                                                                                     Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.                 7
FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range
1700E SERIES                                                                                   1700 SERIES PREMIUM
                                                                          The Massey Ferguson 1700E Series is a compact,                                                 If you’re looking for even more power, comfort,
                                                                          no-nonsense workhorse that’s easy to operate,                                                  convenience and control, step up to the Massey
                                                                          easy to afford and easy to love. These 4WD                                                     Ferguson 1700 Series Premium tractors, with
                                                                          tractors, with standard rear 540 PTO, 3-point                                                  advanced engineering that goes above and beyond
                                                                          hitch and optional backhoe, deliver more than                                                  your expectations. You’ll get performance options
                                                                          comparably-priced machines.                                                                    common in larger tractors, but with the simplicity
                                                                                                                                                                         and fuel efficiency of a compact.
                                                                          THE E STANDS FOR EFFICIENCY AND EASY.
                                                                          You get durability and legendary performance.                                                  EVERYTHING ABOUT THESE MACHINES
                                                                          Plus, more capability, more functionality and key                                              IS PREMIUM. All 1700 Series Premium compacts
                                                                          features like a clean-burning, Tier 4 diesel engine,                                           boast a 540 RPM independent rear PTO, or optional
                                                                          higher flow hydraulics and your choice of                                                      mid PTO,* that engages electro-hydraulically with a
                                                                          transmission.                                                                                  simple twist of a knob on the front dash. These 36.2
                                                                                                                                                                         to 59 gross horsepower tractors also include a wet
                                                                          MATCHED FRONT END LOADER. To further                                                           clutch for durability and a modulation button for slow,
                                                                          improve productivity, the Massey Ferguson loader                                               smooth start-up to prevent shock load damage.
                                                                          features a quick-attach main frame design for
                                                                          quick and easy loader mounting and dismounting,                                                *Not available on the 1759
                                                                          as well as a frame-mounted hydraulic joystick for
                                                                          convenient loader control.

           MODELS                 1726E                       1734E                          1739E                1736                        1742                     1749                       1754                    1758                     1759
    Rated Engine HP (kW)   24.7 (18.4) @ 2,600 RPM    34 (25.4) @ 2,600 RPM       38.5 (28.7) @ 2,800 RPM 36.2 (27.0) @ 2,500 RPM 41.6 (31.0) @ 2,500 RPM 48.3 (36.0) @ 2,500 RPM 53.6 (40.0) @ 2,500 RPM 59.0 (44.0) @ 2,500 RPM 59.0 (44.0) @ 2,500 RPM
                               20.9 (15.6) Gear           28.9 (21.6) Gear             32.7 (24.4) Gear      27.5 (20.5) Shuttle        32.8 (24.5) Shuttle       39.0 (29.1) Shuttle        42.1 (31.4) Shuttle            NA                45.6 (34.0) Shuttle
      Rated PTO HP (kW)
                               19.7 (14.7) HST            27.2 (20.3) HST              30.8 (23.0) HST        26.3 (19.6) HST            31.6 (23.6) HST           37.8 (28.2) HST            40.9 (30.5) HST         44.4 (33.1) HST                NA
             Engine type                    Shibaura 1.5 L 3-cylinder diesel, Tier 4 Final                                             1.7 L 3-cylinder diesel                                                     2.2 L 4-cylinder diesel
           Transmission                   9 x 3 constant mesh / 3-range hydrostatic (HST)                          12 x 12 power shuttle or Servo-HST                   12 x 12 power shuttle or Servo-HST               Servo-HST           12 x 12 power shuttle
              Hydraulics    10.5 gpm (40.0 LPM)        10.5 gpm (40.0 LPM)           11.3 gpm (42.7 LPM)    11.6 gpm (43.9 LPM)        11.6 gpm (43.9 LPM)       11.6 gpm (43.9 LPM)        11.6 gpm (43.9 LPM)    11.6 gpm (43.9 LPM)       12.8 gpm (48.5 LPM)

8      Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.
FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range
   Massey Ferguson and your dealer support you with an industry-leading parts warranty as well as factory-trained technicians who work as hard at preventing problems as they do repairing them.   9
FROM MASSEY FERGUSON A world of experience. Working with you - Compact, Utility and Mid-Range

10   Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.
2700E SERIES                                                                               2600H SERIES
These hardworking, matter-of-fact tractors combine                                         For more than 160 years, Massey Ferguson has been
the practicality of a compact tractor with the added                                       the benchmark for what a great utility tractor should
functionality of a utility tractor. That makes the                                         be. Now we’ve added to that legacy with the 2600H
versatile 2700E Series ideal for loader work, rotary                                       Series, a rugged line of tough and dependable tractors
cutting or any other rear PTO job that needs doing.                                        that easy to use, easy to like and easy to pay for. Yet
These tractors are perfect for hobby farmers, farm-to-                                     still rugged and durable. Featuring a simple, open
table operations, small businesses or just people with                                     design with a hood and fenders made out of solid
a lot of property and a ton of tasks to wrangle.                                           steel. High capacity hydraulics for loader and
                                                                                           implement work. And, of course, the legendary 3-point
IT’S READY TO GO WHEN YOU ARE.                                                             hitch that Massey Ferguson invented so long ago.
At 12.6 gallons (47.7 liters) per minute, the 2700E
tractors have a higher hydraulic flow rate than                                            RE-WRITING THE DEFINITION OF VALUE. The
comparable models, allowing for greater speed in                                           2600H Series offers four different models, ranging
loader work and tasks using other implements. So                                           from 44.4 to 73 horsepower. Within each model, you
whether you’re bringing in the hay, cleaning the barn                                      get the option of 2- or 4-wheel drive. This helps
or just doing general land maintenance, the two                                            determine your transmission and PTO. Our 8x2
tractors in this series will not just be handy, but                                        Sliding Mesh and Live PTO give you a more
absolutely indispensable.                                                                  inexpensive option, while the 8x8 Synchro Shuttle and
                                                                                           Independent PTO provide even more great features at
                                                                                           a low price.

                 MODELS                    2705E                           2706E                             MODELS              2604H                         2605H                           2606H                         2607H
          Rated Engine HP (kW)    48.8 (36.4) @ 2,600 RPM          57.3 (42.7) @ 2,600 RPM            Rated Engine HP (kW)       44.4 (33.1)                  54.2 (40.4)                     64.1 (47.8)                   73.0 (54.4)
                                       41.4 (30.9) 8x8                  48.7 (36.3) 8x8
            Rated PTO HP (kW)                                                                           Rated PTO HP (kW)        38.0 (30.1)                  46.0 (33.8)                     55.0 (40.4)                   64.0 (47.0)
                                       39.0 (29.1) HST                  45.9 (34.2) HST

                                   Shibaura N4LDI-T, 2.2 L,       Shibaura N4LDI-TA, 2.2 L,
                   Engine type                                                                                 Engine type                               Simpsons 2.6 L, 3-cylinder, EPA Tier 4 final-compliant
                                 4-cylinder liquid-cooled diesel 4-cylinder liquid-cooled diesel

                                        8 x 8 (4-speed x 2 sub-range) syncro shuttle /                                           2WD: 8F x 2R sliding mesh with live PTO
                  Transmission                                                                                Transmission                                                                             8F x 8R synchro shuttle
                                                   3-range mechanical HST                                                    4WD: 8F x 8R synchro shuttle with independent PTO

                    Hydraulics                       12.4 gpm (47.8 LPM)                                        Hydraulics                                               15.7 gpm (59.5 LPM)

                                                                                                                                                  Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.                         11
4600M SERIES                                                                                           4700 SERIES
                                                                                   Whether it’s rural lifestyle farming, professional                                                     You’ve got a ton of different jobs to get done every
                                                                                   or government use, the Massey Ferguson 4600M                                                           day, and the last thing you need is a lightweight
                                                                                   Series is ideal for loader work, mowing, hay                                                           tractor that shies away from the tough ones. That’s
                                                                                   production and any other job you can throw at it.                                                      why Massey Ferguson 4700 Series tractors are built
                                                                                   They’re durable, easy-to-operate tractors in a small,                                                  extra tough to handle bigger jobs, while giving you
                                                                                   yet powerful package with just the right mix of                                                        added stability and comfort. At a best-in-class base
                                                                                   innovation, technology and comfort.                                                                    weight of 7,125 lbs., the 4700 Series is purpose-built
                                                                                                                                                                                          for more pulling power, more lift capacity and
                                                                                   YEARS OF INNOVATION LEAD TO THIS.                                                                      greater maneuverability.
                                                                                   The 4600M Series tractors continue our legacy
                                                                                   for a new generation of customers who demand                                                           UTILITY GOES HEAVY DUTY. Hay, dairy
                                                                                   premium quality in a very rugged machine. These                                                        operations, small farms and more all need a tough
                                                                                   Tier 4 Final tractors feature a more robust design,                                                    do-everything tractor that can handle the heavy
                                                                                   with more stability and more lift capacity than ever                                                   lifting. The 4700 Series tractors deliver, giving you
                                                                                   before. Not to mention a new optional deluxe cab.                                                      the power and versatility to handle your toughest
                                                                                                                                                                                          jobs so you can get more done faster, regardless
                                                                                                                                                                                          of the kind of operation you have.

                                         MODEL                   MF4607M*                        MF4609M                      MF4610M                         MF4707*                         MF4708                      MF4709                       MF4710
             Max Engine HP (kW) @ 2,000 RPM                          70.1 (52.2)                    89.8 (66.9)                 99.0 (74.1)                     75 (55.9)                       85 (63.4)                   95 (70.8)                   100 (74.6)
            Rated Engine HP (kW) @ 2,200 RPM                         70.1 (52.2)                    89.8 (66.9)                 99.0 (74.1)                     70 (52.2)                       80 (59.7)                   90 (67.1)                   100 (74.6)
              Rated PTO HP (kW) @ 2,200 RPM                          56.0 (41.8)                    72.0 (53.7)                 80.0 (59.7)                     57 (42.5)                       66 (49.2)                   75 (55.9)                    84 (62.6)
                                        Engine type                                                               AGCO Power™ 3-cylinder, 3.3 L, intercooled turbocharged, high-pressure common rail direct fuel injection (HPCR)

                                                                                                                                                    Classic: 8F x 8R, 2-range, synchro        Classic: 8F x 8R, 2-range, syncro shuttle,   Classic: 12F x 12R, 2-range, syncro
                                                                   12F x 12R 2-range Std. or 18F x 18R 3-range (with Opt. creeper gear),               shuttle, 4 gears synchronized                   mechanical shuttle lever              shuttle, mechanical shuttle lever
                                                                    power shuttle – 6 gears synchronized, electro-hydraulic shuttle lever           Deluxe: 12F x 12R, 2-range, power         Deluxe: 12F x 12R, 2-range, power shuttle,    Deluxe: 12F x 12R, 2-range, power
                                                                                                                                                       shuttle, 6 gears synchronized                electro-hydraulic shuttle lever        shuttle, electro-hydraulic shuttle lever

                                         Hydraulics                                           17.5 gpm (66.5 LPM)                                                                                        17.7 gpm (67 LPM)

         *Tier IV Final without the use of a DPF (diesel particulate filter) or DEF (diesel exhaust fluid).

12   Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.
          Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.   13

     Every Massey Ferguson tractor is backed by a network of local dealers who are as committed to your tractor as you are. You can count on your
14   dealer during critical planting, harvesting, mowing and spraying periods to always be there with emergency part drops and extended hours.
5700 SERIES                                                                                            6700 SERIES
If you need to work efficiently in a variety of                                                        Your work is demanding. You want a tractor
conditions, look no further than the Massey Ferguson                                                   ready to meet that demand — and then some.
5700 Series. These tractors are engineered from the                                                    The heavy-duty 6700 Series is ready to go when
ground up for smart, versatile, long-lasting operation.                                                you are, with the power to pull larger, heavier
They won’t let you down, no matter how demanding                                                       implements and take on even the most rigorous
the job, and are especially easy to use, with a price                                                  tasks in a variety of conditions and environments.
point seldom found on this size tractor.
                                                                                                       SPACIOUS AIR-CONDITIONED CAB FOR
A BIGGER TRACTOR AND MORE HP FOR                                                                       OPERATOR COMFORT. These strong, agile
YOUR MONEY. Built as part of Massey Ferguson’s                                                         machines come with the largest cab in the sector,
commitment to developing a completely new range                                                        offering industry-leading comfort, control and
of modern and versatile tractors, the 5700 Series                                                      functionality. Plus you get lower cab noise than
tractors are ideally suited to get the job done right,                                                 everyone in the industry. The low cost of ownership
wherever you work, from livestock and dairy                                                            is an added bonus and makes them well-suited to
enterprises to mixed farms, transport and loader                                                       working in fleets on large enterprises, or as
applications.                                                                                          complimentary tractors on large farms.

                           MODELS                      MF5710                             MF5711                              MF6712                             MF6713*
   Max Engine HP (kW) @ 2,000 RPM                       100 (74.6)                          110 (82)                           120 (89.4)                           130 (96)
  Rated Engine HP (kW) @ 2,200 RPM                      95 (70.8)                          105 (78.3)                          115 (85.8)                          125 (93.2)
    Rated PTO HP (kW) @ 2,200 RPM                        82 (61.2)                         92 (68.6)                           99 (73.8)                           109 (81.3)
                              Engine type                  AGCO Power 4-cylinder, 4.4 L, intercooled turbo-charger, high-pressure common-rail direct fuel injection (HPCR)

                                                                        Classic: 5710 & 5711: 12F x 12R, 2-range, syncro shuttle, mechanical shuttle lever
                           Transmission                               Deluxe: 5710 & 5711: 12F x 12R, 2-range, power shuttle, electro-hydraulic shuttle lever
                                                                      Deluxe: 6712 & 6713: 12F x 12R, 2-range, power shuttle, electro-hydraulic shuttle lever

                                                               Classic: Main pump 15.1 (57)
                                                                                                                                 Deluxe: Main pump 15.1 (57) & Auxiliary
                              Hydraulics           Deluxe: Main pump 15.1 (57) & Auxiliary pump 10.8 (41),
                                                                                                                                 pump 10.8 (41), Total combined 25.9 (98)
                                                                  Total combined 25.9 (98)

*Not currently for sale in the state of Nebraska

                                                                                                                                                                                Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.   15

16   Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.
The Massey Ferguson 5700SL Series is one of the most advanced,
premium, mid-range tractor we’ve ever made. With its smart and stylish
award-winning design, the 5700SL Series features the best visibility on the
market, and the latest on-board technologies, too.

Because of its small size, this tractor offers excellent maneuverability,
even in tight quarters. Its powerful 110-130 horsepower four cylinder, 4.4
liter engine means it can get any job you need done fast and done right.
Plus, our exclusive Hi-Vis hood coupled with the multi-function joystick
makes this tractor the best loader tractor on the market.

The 5700SL Series offers 540/540e/1000 PTO options or an integrated
front hitch and PTO. You can also choose closed center hydraulics and up
to four rear valves. Lastly, our Visio Roof option gives you better visibility for
all types of loader and implement work.

                                 MODELS            MF5711SL              MF5712SL                 MF5713SL*
          Max Engine HP (kW) @ 2,000 RPM             110 (82)               120 (89.5)               130 (96.9)
        Rated Engine HP (kW) @ 2,200 RPM            105 (78.3)              115 (85.8)               125 (93.2)
           Rated PTO HP (kW) @ 2,200 RPM             85 (63.4)              95.0 (70.8)              105 (78.3)
                                                      AGCO Power™ 4-cylinder, 4.4 L, intercooled turbocharger,
                                   Engine type
                                                        high-pressure common rail direct fuel injection (HPCR)

                                                     Dyna-4 16 x 16 Powershift and power shuttle transmission,
                                                                     available 13:68:1 creeper

                                                    15 gpm (57 LPM) (open center), 26 gpm (100 LPM) (twin flow)
                                                              29 gpm (110 LPM) Opt. (closed center)

*Not currently for sale in the state of Nebraska

                                                                                                                  Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.   17

                                                                                     Every Massey Ferguson compact, utility and mid-range tractor is designed to be versatile, but
                                                                                     it’s important to remember that your tractor’s usefulness can go well beyond cutting grass and
                                                                                     plowing fields.

                                                                                     With the right implements and attachments, these tractors can be ready to handle whatever job
                                                                                     you throw at them, from moving and spreading manure, clearing snow, digging post holes, tilling
                                                                                     soil, cutting hay, clearing brush and much more.

                                                                                     Best of all, Massey Ferguson and our dealer network offer a wide selection of front loaders,
                                                                                     backhoes, rotary cutters, shredders, rakes, seeders and more that are all made to attach quickly
                                                                                     and easily to your tractor.

                                                                                     MASSEY FERGUSON                       WOODS EQUIPMENT
                                                                                     Dozer blades                          Batwing rotary cutters
                                                                                     Rotary brooms                         Single spindle rotary cutters
                                                                                     Loaders                               Multi-spindle rotary cutters
                                                                                     Backhoes                              Rear-discharge finish mowers
                                                                                     Snow blowers                          Mid-mount finishing mowers
                                                                                     Mower decks                           Center drive flail shredders
                                                                                                                           End drive flail shredders
                                                                                                                           Snow blowers
                                                                                     HAY IMPLEMENTS                        Rear blades
                                                                                     Round balers                          Box scrapers
                                                                                     Small square balers                   Grading scrapers
                                                                                     Disc mowers                           Landscape rakes
                                                                                     Mower conditioners                    Precision super seeders
                                                                                     Rakes                                 Post hole diggers
                                                                                     Tedders                               Forward and reverse rotary tillers
                                                                                                                           Disc harrows

18   Your dealer is happy to help you get the right attachments designed to work with your new tractor.

                         Learn more at, or see your dealer for a demo.   19
Compact, Utility and Mid-Range Tractors

FIVE-YEAR POWERTRAIN WARRANTY                                                             LOW-RATE, FLEXIBLE FINANCING                                                                     SHOW YOUR MASSEY FERGUSON PRIDE
We’ve been making tractors for a                                                          With competitive rates and easy terms, your                                                      Choose from collectibles, toys, work and
long time, and we believe in what we                                                      Massey Ferguson dealer and AGCO Finance® offer                                                   leisure wear, accessories and more. Visit
make. That’s why we offer a five-year                                                     great ways to buy, lease or rent your new machine.                                      today.
powertrain warranty. Some restrictions
may apply. Please see dealer for full details.                                            QUALITY PARTS                                                                                    AGCO ANSWERS
                                                                                          Genuine Massey Ferguson replacement                                                              At AGCO, customer care isn’t just a department,
TOTAL SUPPORT — ALWAYS AVAILABLE                                                          parts are made to the same high standards                                                        it’s a commitment. We’ll do our best to answer
The Massey Ferguson distributor and dealer                                                as those used on the assembly line, so you                                                       any questions promptly, or put you in touch
network comes with the support and service you                                            can always keep your Massey Ferguson                                                             with someone who can. AGCO Answers:
need to keep working — whenever and wherever                                              tractor running like new.                                                                        (877) 525-4384 or
you need it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We proudly support:

                                                                                    For more than 25 years, in more than 140 countries worldwide, AGCO has been on a mission to become the single resource farmers can
                                                                                    depend on for innovative, leading-edge thinking, equipment and technology. And, today, you know AGCO brands, even if you don’t know
                                                                                    the AGCO name. While AGCO equipment may not all share the same logo or same color, they all have one thing in common – the ability to
                                                                                    help farmers be as productive and profitable as they possibly can be, regardless of the tasks at hand.

©2016 AGCO Corporation. Massey Ferguson is a worldwide brand of AGCO Corporation. AGCO and Massey Ferguson are trademarks of AGCO ®. All rights reserved. MF16B009CR
AGCO may at any time, and from time to time, for technical or other necessary reasons, modify any of the data, specifications or warranty of the products described herein. Some equipment shown may be
optional. Attention: Photographs in this publication may show protective shields and guards open or removed for the purposes of illustration. Be certain all shields and guards are in place during operation.
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