From inputs to outputs: an analysis of the changes to learning outcomes for dental undergraduate education in the UK - Nature


    From inputs to outputs: an analysis of the changes
    to learning outcomes for dental undergraduate
    education in the UK
    Helen Mather,*1 Heidi Bateman,1 John Taylor,1 Christopher Vernazza,1 Charlotte Rothwell,2 Giles McCracken1 and Janice Ellis1

    Key points
    Highlights developments in content and                       Considers how professional and clinical skills have          Acknowledges the importance of stakeholder
    structure of learning outcomes for dentists in the           been incorporated into curricula.                            involvement when revising learning outcomes so
    revision from The first five years to Preparing for                                                                       that there is a clear understanding of the skillset
    practice.                                                                                                                 of the dental graduate.

Introduction/aims Preparing for practice (PfP) was thought to represent a significant shift in the expectations of dental
undergraduates compared to its predecessor, The first five years (TFFY). This project aimed to explore requirement
changes by comparing learning outcomes for undergraduate dentists in these two documents. Changes in curriculum
requirements defining clinical, professional, or a blend of these skills were also investigated.
Methods Curriculum mapping was used to compare learning outcomes in PfP to requirements in TFFY.
Results The total number of learning outcomes increased from 101 to 149 in PfP compared to TFFY. There was a
proportional reduction in outcomes describing clinical skills and an increase in the proportion of outcomes describing
professional and blended skills. Three TFFY requirements did not appear in PfP and a further 23 learning outcomes in
PfP were absent in TFFY.
Conclusions In the transition from TFFY to PfP, there has been an overall increase in the number of outcomes
graduates must attain before they can register with the General Dental Council. There are more outcomes defining
professionalism which subsequently has resulted in proportional but not actual decrease in outcomes related to
clinical skills. While there is uncertainty over how schools have managed curricula to incorporate these changes and
thus whether the perception of graduate preparedness can be directly attributable to these changes, it is timely to
consider any changes within dental learning outcomes in the context of preparedness concerns.

Background                                                       regulator, thus enabling them to practise within             dentists.3,4 Higher education institutions must
                                                                 their chosen profession. Regulator-defined                   ensure their undergraduate programmes
Curricula for professional courses are                           learning outcomes are subsequently used by                   demonstrate satisfactory attainment of the
commonly described by regulators of                              higher education providers to inform curricula               GDC learning outcome for graduates to be
professions, such as the General Dental                          content, design and assessment. Regardless of                permitted onto the UK dentists’ register.
Council (GDC) or the General Medical                             the pedagogical approach chosen, multiple                       On completion of a GDC-accredited
Council (GMC) in the UK, and in recent                           stakeholders may have a view on what skills                  undergraduate programme, UK dental
years the accepted pedagogy underpinning                         and attributes the new graduate should have                  graduates can apply for full registration with
such curricula has tended to move to an                          and how these should be defined, which will                  the GDC. The majority of UK dental graduates
outcomes-based model. Learning outcomes                          in turn drive the curricula described.                       will complete dental foundation training
will often align to professional standards that                     As the registrant body for UK dentists,                   (99.6% in 2019),5 which is strongly endorsed
the student must demonstrate by graduation                       the GDC accredits and quality-assures                        and mandated for those who wish to practise
to enable full or partial registration with their                undergraduate dental education programmes.                   within the NHS; however, a minority will
                                                                 The GDC describes the expected outcomes of                   progress directly into private practice, move
 School of Dental Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences,
                                                                 undergraduate programmes in Preparing for                    abroad, complete further qualifications or
Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK;                   practice: dental team learning outcomes for                  pursue a career outside of the NHS or dentistry
  Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
                                                                 registration (PfP), where learning outcomes                  itself. Irrespective of the route taken, graduates
*Correspondence to: Helen Mather                                 are specified for each registrant group.1,2 PfP              are arguably entering into a profession which
Email address:
                                                                 replaces the GDC’s previous policy document                  continues to undergo considerable challenge
Refereed Paper.                                                  The first five years (TFFY), which provided                  and development; this has been further
Accepted 11 May 2021                                             recommendations on curriculum content                        exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19
                                                                 in addition to the learning outcomes for                     pandemic.

BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL | VOLUME 232 NO. 2 | January 28 2022                                                                                                                     101
                                                      © The Author(s) under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association 2021.

   Within the profession, concerns have been                 changes that occurred in the revision of TFFY                Data sources
expressed as to the standard of new graduates                and the formulation of PfP have not been                     Educational requirements from the second
and the extent to which they are prepared for                explored to date.                                            edition of TFFY4 and learning outcomes
clinical practice.6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 Such concerns                                                                 from the first publication of PfP2 for dentists
are certainly not new,16 but publications                    Aims                                                         were identified. Educational requirements
regarding this topic have increased in the                                                                                from TFFY, which are described as learning
last 10–15 years which includes the period                   To compare the expected outcomes for                         outcomes in the document, are preceded by
during which PfP was introduced in 2012.2                    dental graduates as described by the learning                the prefixes ‘be competent in’, ‘have knowledge
New graduates are regularly compared to their                outcomes in PfP2 with those educational                      of ’ or ‘be familiar with’. These were included in
predecessors,17 and studies involving foundation             requirements in the second edition of TFFY4                  the mapping and were numbered in the order
dentists and educational supervisors (previously             and to consider changes in the outcomes which                presented in the ‘Dental domains’ section of
vocational dental practitioners and trainers)                defined clinical skills, professional skills or a            TFFY.4 In PfP, learning outcomes for dentists
have suggested that graduates lack clinical                  blend of clinical and professional skills.                   were identified under the following domains:
experience, specifically in more complex                                                                                  ‘clinical’, ‘communication’, ‘professionalism’ and
procedures such as molar endodontics and fixed               Methods                                                      ‘management and leadership’.2 The organisation
prosthodontics.9,10,12,14,15,18,19,20,21 It has also been                                                                 of the learning outcomes by domain and sub-
suggested that a greater curricular emphasis                 This was a mapping study cross-referencing                   domain in TFFY and PfP is shown in Tables
on ‘soft skills’, such as health promotion,                  and comparing the learning outcomes in PfP                   1 and 2. Both sets of learning outcomes were
professionalism and communication, may be                    to those in TFFY.                                            inputted into an Excel spreadsheet with each
at the detriment of clinical skill development
in undergraduates.14 It is hypothesised that if
such changes have occurred, they are likely                   Table 2 Organisation of learning outcomes for dentists by domain and sub-domain,
                                                              adapted from the list of learning outcomes for dentists in PfP2
to have been influenced by educational
providers’ interpretation of the learning                                                                                                                         Number of
                                                              Domain              Sub-domain                                                                      learning
outcomes described in PfP, and the subsequent                                                                                                                     outcomes
implementation of curriculum review and
                                                                                  Individual patient care: foundations of practice                                13
development. However, the nature of the
                                                                                  Individual patient care: comprehensive patient assessment                       6
 Table 1 Organisation of educational                                              Individual patient care: diagnosis                                              2
 requirements in the ‘Dental domains’
 section of TFFY; educational requirements                                        Individual patient care: treatment planning                                     6
 for mapping were identified in the order
 they appeared in these domains. Adapted                                          Individual patient care: patient management                                     11
 from requirements listed in the ‘Dental                                          Individual patient care: patient and public safety                              8
                                       Number of              Clinical            Individual patient care: treatment of acute oral conditions                     4
 The first five years
 ‘Dental domains’                                                                 Individual patient care: health promotion and disease prevention                7
 Clinical skills                       13                                         Individual patient care: management of periodontal disease                      6

 Practical procedures                  22                                         Individual patient care: hard and soft tissue disease                           8

 Patient investigation                 5                                          Individual patient care: management of the developing and developed dentition   7

 Patient management                    20                                         Individual patient care: restoration and replacement of teeth                   12

 Health promotion and disease                                                     Population-based health and care                                                5
                                                                                  Patients, their representatives and the public                                  4
 Communication                         4
                                                              Communication       Team and the wider healthcare environment                                       4
 Data and information handling
 skills                                                                           Generic communication skills                                                    5
 Understanding of basic and                                                       Patients and the public                                                         5
 clinical sciences and underlying      10
 principles                                                                       Ethical and legal                                                               4
 Appropriate attitudes, ethical                               Professionalism
 understanding and legal               3                                          Teamwork                                                                        3
                                                                                  Development of self and others                                                  7
 Appropriate decision-making,
                                       8                                          Managing self                                                                   8
 clinical reasoning and judgement
 Professional development              4                                          Managing and working with others                                                8
                                                              and leadership
 Personal development                  4                                          Managing the clinical and working environment                                   6

102                                                                                                   BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL | VOLUME 232 NO. 2 | January 28 2022
                                                  © The Author(s) under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association 2021.

  Fig. 1 Flowchart of the curriculum                    Table 3 Descriptors used in the mapping of learning outcomes from PfP (on) to
  mapping process                                       educational requirements in TFFY

                                                        Descriptor          Explanation
                    Identification of                                       The skill, knowledge, or attribute in TFFY requirement is fully covered by PfP learning
                  learning outcomes                     Fully maps
                  from PfP and TFFY
                                                                            The skill, knowledge or attribute described in TFFY is partially covered by PfP learning
                                                        Partially maps
                                                                            outcome(s), but the link is not sufficient to fully map
                                                                            The skill, knowledge or attitude described in TFFY can only be considered to be minimally
                   Identification of
                                                        Slightly maps       covered by the PfP learning outcome(s); however, the mapping is still considered to be of
                 ‘maps’ between PfP
                    and TFFY by PI
                                                        Does not map        There are no learning outcomes in PfP that map to an outcome in TFFY

                   Categorisation of
                 learning outcomes in                   Table 4 Definitions of clinical, professional and blended skill categories, adapted from
                  PfP and TFFY by skill                 available definitions in TFFY and PfP with examples from TFFY and PfP2,4

                                                        Type of learning                                          Example of educational        Example of learning
                                                        outcome or            Definition                          requirement from The          outcome from
                Validation of mapping                   requirement                                               first five years              Preparing for practice
                and skill categorisation
                                                                              The skills (and supporting          Be competent at               1.2.1 Obtain, record and
                                                                              knowledge/attributes)               obtaining a detailed          interpret a comprehensive
                                                                              necessary to provide safe           history of the patient’s      and contemporaneous
                                                                              patient care                        dental state                  patient history
                                                                              The skills (and supporting          Be familiar with the legal
                                                                                                                                                1.7.1 Treat all patients
requirement from TFFY corresponding to a                Professional
                                                                              knowledge/attributes) required      and ethical obligations
                                                                                                                                                with equality, respect and
column heading, and each learning outcome                                     to practise ethically and act in    of registered dental
                                                                              the best interests of the patient   practitioners
from PfP corresponding to a row heading.
                                                                                                                                                1.8.3 Recognise and take
                                                                              A combination of the skills         Have knowledge of
                                                                                                                                                responsibility for the
Initial curriculum mapping                              Blended
                                                                              (and supporting knowledge/          managing patients from
                                                                                                                                                quality of services and
                                                                              attributes) that constitute both    different social and
An overview of the curriculum mapping                                                                                                           devices provided to the
                                                                              clinical and professional skills    ethnic backgrounds
process is shown in Figure 1. Each educational
requirement in TFFY was sequentially assessed
by the principal investigator (HM) to identify         of the validation team, each member had
                                                                                                                     Table 5 Proportions of skill type in TFFY
learning outcomes in PfP which encompassed             different experiences and perspectives that                   and PfP
the same skill, knowledge or attitude with             they brought to the process; this ensured
                                                                                                                     Type of           TFFY              PfP
outcomes considered to fully, partially, slightly,     non-clinical and clinical components of                       learning
or not at all map (Table 3). It was accepted PfP       educational requirements and learning                         outcome or        N (out of 101)    N (out of 149)
                                                                                                                     requirement       (%)               (%)
learning outcomes could map to more than               outcomes were considered equally. Each
one TFFY outcome. Where requirements or                validation team member had experience                         Clinical          84 (83%)          88 (59%)
learning outcomes in either TFFY or PfP had            of designing and implementing dental                          Professional      10 (10%)          37 (25%)
no apparent cross mapping, further scrutiny            curricula and use of learning outcomes. One
                                                                                                                     Blended           7 (7%)            24 (16%)
using the reverse direction of mapping was             team member had experience of delivering
undertaken.                                            outcomes in TFFY and PfP, exclusively in the
                                                       non-clinical training of undergraduates. The                 Results
Categorising requirements and learning                 second validation team member, in addition
outcomes                                               to clinical training of dentists, has expertise              Preparing for practice (2012) contains 149
Educational requirements (TFFY) and learning           and experience in curriculum mapping and                     learning outcomes which are divided into
outcomes (PfP) were categorised into skill             blueprinting. The principal investigator                     four domains (clinical, communication,
type by the principal investigator (HM) using          currently delivers teaching to align to learning             professionalism, and management and
the definitions shown in Table 4. These were           outcomes in the revised version of PfP and                   leadership) with 23 sub-domains. The second
developed using available definitions from             was an undergraduate at the time of the                      edition of The first five years has 101 education
TFFY and PfP.2,4                                       transition from the interim edition of TFFY                  al requirements divided into 12 domains.
                                                       to PfP. Taking the same approach to mapping
Validation and revision of mapping and                 and categorisation, the team validated the                   Categorisation of learning outcomes and
skill categorisation                                   entirety of the mapping and a sample of the                  requirements by skill
Following initial mapping and categorisation,          categorisation of requirements and learning                  There were clear differences in the proportional
a validation process took place with two other         outcomes. Reviewing the results after the                    representation for the different categories
members of academic staff from the School of           validation process allowed for recursive                     of learning outcomes when the two policy
Dental Sciences. Considering the reflexivity           analysis.                                                    documents were compared, as shown in Table 5.

BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL | VOLUME 232 NO. 2 | January 28 2022                                                                                                              103
                                            © The Author(s) under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association 2021.

                                                                                                                     Mapping of learning outcomes to
 Table 6 Educational requirements from TFFY not mapped to by learning outcomes in PfP
                                                                                                                     educational requirements
 Domain                 Learning outcome                                                     Skill type              There were three outcomes in TFFY to which no
                        Have the knowledge to design, insert and adjust space                                        outcomes from PfP could be mapped (Table 6).
 Practical procedures                                                                        Clinical
                        maintainers                                                                                     There were 23 learning outcomes in PfP
                        Have the knowledge to design, insert and adjust active removable                             that did not map to any outcomes from TFFY
 Practical procedures                                                                        Clinical
                        appliances to move a single tooth or correct a cross bite                                    (Table 7); 12 of these were defined as clinical
                        Have knowledge of dental problems that may manifest                                          skills, 5 were professional skills and 6 were
 Patient management     themselves in older patients and of the principles involving the     Clinical
                                                                                                                     blended skills. Sixteen of the outcomes were
                        management of such problems
                                                                                                                     within the ‘clinical skills’ domain, four within
                                                                                                                     the ‘management and leadership’ domain, two
 Table 7 PfP learning outcomes that did not map to educational requirements in TFFY                                  in the ‘communication’ domain and one in the
                                                                                                                     ‘professionalism’ domain.
 Domain                 Preparing for practice learning outcome                              Skill type
                                                                                                                        For 25 of the educational requirements
                        1.1.12 Explain the principles of epidemiology and critically                                 in TFFY, one learning outcome from PfP
                        evaluate their application to patient management
                                                                                                                     mapped to one requirement from TFFY. An
                        1.2.6 Discuss the importance of each component of the patient
                        assessment process
                                                                                             Clinical                example of this is: TFFY requirement ‘be
                                                                                                                     competent at obtaining a detailed history of
                        1.5.2 Describe the range of orthodox complementary and
                                                                                             Clinical                the patient’s dental state’ was mapped to by
                        alternative therapies that may impact on patient management
                                                                                                                     PfP learning outcome 1.2.2: ‘Recognise the
                        1.5.6 Critically evaluate the treatment planning process             Clinical
                                                                                                                     importance of and record a comprehensive
                        1.7.3 Monitor and review treatment outcomes                          Clinical                and contemporaneous patient history’.
                        1.7.9 Explain the role and organisation of referral networks,                                   However, for the remaining 76 TFFY
                        clinical guidelines and policies and local variation                                         requirements, there was not a one-to-one
                        1.7.11 Critically evaluate all components of patient management      Clinical                relationship with PfP learning outcomes, and
                        1.8.3 Recognise and take responsibility for the quality of                                   in some cases, multiple PfP learning outcomes
                        services and devices provided to the patient                                                 could be mapped to each TFFY requirement.
                        1.8.4 Explain the responsibilities and limitations of delegating                             As an example, the TFFY requirement ‘be
 Clinical                                                                                    Blended
                        to other members of the dental team                                                          familiar with the legal and ethical obligations
                        1.8.8 Identify the signs of abuse or neglect, explain local and                              of registered dental practitioners’ was mapped
                        national systems that safeguard welfare and understand how           Blended
                        to raise concerns and act accordingly
                                                                                                                     to by 33 learning outcomes from PfP.
                                                                                                                        In total, there were 298 instances where
                        1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients’ acute orofacial and
                                                                                             Clinical                PfP learning outcomes mapped to TFFY
                        dental pain
                        1.9.4 Identify the need for and make arrangements for
                                                                                                                     requirements as it was accepted all PfP
                                                                                             Clinical                outcomes could map to more than one TFFY
                        follow-up care
                        1.11.4 Monitor and record changes in periodontal health on a                                 outcome. For 57% of these ‘maps’, the PfP
                        regular basis using appropriate methods                                                      learning outcomes fully mapped to TFFY, 34%
                        1.13.3 Identify and explain developmental or acquired occlusal                               partially mapped and 9% slightly mapped with
                        abnormalities                                                                                23 learning outcomes (15%) not mapping at
                        1.14.3 Create an oral environment where restoration or                                       all. There were three TFFY requirements
                        replacement of the tooth is viable
                                                                                                                     to which no PfP outcomes mapped. Of the
                        1.14.7 Recognise the role of surgical management of                                          PfP learning outcomes that fully, partially or
                        periradicular disease
                                                                                                                     slightly mapped, 72% were clinical skills, 16%
                        4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, training and review of
                        colleagues, giving and receiving effective feedback
                                                                                             Professional            were professional skills and 11% were blended
 Communication                                                                                                       skills. Fifty-one of the PfP outcomes mapped
                        4.3 Give and receive feedback effectively to other members of
                                                                                             Professional            to a single TFFY requirement, while 98 PfP
                        the team
                        9.6 Accurately assess their own capabilities and limitations in                              outcomes mapped to more than one TFFY
 Professionalism        the interest of high-quality patient care and seek advice from       Professional            requirement, as shown in Table 8.
                        supervisors or colleagues where appropriate
                        10.2 Effectively manage their own time and resources                 Professional            Discussion
                        10.4 Recognise the significance of their own management and
                        leadership role and the range of skills and knowledge required       Professional            The publication of PfP appears to represent
                        to do this safely
 Management and                                                                                                      a significant shift in the GDC’s expectations
 leadership             11.4 Where appropriate, lead, manage and take professional                                   of the outcomes of undergraduate dental
                        responsibility for the actions of colleagues and other members       Blended
                        of the team involved in patient care                                                         education. This investigation has demonstrated
                        12.6 Describe the implications of the wider heath economy and
                                                                                                                     the changes in wording, definition and
                                                                                             Blended                 distribution, which we consider shows
                        external influences

104                                                                                            BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL | VOLUME 232 NO. 2 | January 28 2022
                                             © The Author(s) under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association 2021.

a change in pedagogical approach to an                   learning outcomes relating to clinical skills. In            the differing expectations of these groups and
outcomes-based model. In PfP, there is                   PfP, learning outcomes defining clinical skills              it is hoped the findings will be incorporated
less prescription of the systems and topics              appear to have been written to have a broader                into future revisions of GDC undergraduate
that should feature in the undergraduate                 scope while those describing professional skills             learning outcomes.23 GDC definitions of
curriculum for dentists. Instead, the focus              are more specific than those in TFFY. There                  professional attributes as outcomes present
is on the outcomes of dental undergraduate               were three requirements from TFFY that did                   additional challenges for educational
training which must be demonstrated to a                 not appear to have been addressed within PfP                 providers in demonstrating attainment of
level required for registration with the GDC –           and 23 learning outcomes in PfP that may                     complex phenomena.24 The shift in emphasis
that is, the safe beginner. There is also a greater      represent additional curriculum content.                     towards professional skills in PfP seems to be
emphasis on professionalism and the skills                  The value placed on clinical experience by all            viewed negatively by those exploring graduate
that are overtly labelled as professionalism,            stakeholders cannot be underestimated. Dental                preparedness.14 However, it is the authors’
communication and management and                         foundation trainers have cited concern over                  opinion that the skillset of the graduate must
leadership – so-called ‘soft skills’.14 The timing       a ‘reduction’ in clinical experience of recent               be adaptable and reactive to the needs of the
of publication would appear to correlate to a            graduates compared to previous foundation                    population served; professionalism and the
certain extent with an increase in published             trainees or their own undergraduate training;                associated skills and attributes are a core and
concerns regarding preparedness for practice             this frequently concerns more complex clinical               necessary aspect of this.25
of graduates;5,6,7,9,10,11,12,15,18,19 although these    procedures such as molar endodontics and                        PfP learning outcomes describing
concerns are certainly not new.9,16,22 In order          fixed prosthodontics.6,14,15,18,20 Graduates also            professional skills are predominantly
to understand the relationship between these             report they would have benefited from greater                written with greater specificity than those
two observations, it was pertinent to analyse            clinical experience,13 though they tend to                   requirements in TFFY. This may, therefore,
the nature of the changes in requirements                assess their confidence levels and preparedness              account for multiple PfP learning outcomes
while also acknowledging the autonomy                    higher than foundation trainers.15,19 Ensuring               mapping to a single TFFY requirement. In the
of educational providers in designing and                the preparedness of graduates is also a priority             case of the TFFY requirement ‘be familiar with
implementing curricula which deliver intended            of the GDC, though it is recognised that there               the legal and ethical obligations of registered
learning outcomes.                                       are challenges to increasing the breadth                     dental practitioners’, 33 PfP learning outcomes
   The curriculum mapping aimed to explore               and depth of clinical experience in what is                  mapped. This suggests an expansion in detail
changes in learning outcomes between TFFY                considered to be ‘an already full curriculum’                from a broader requirement statement to a
and PfP, in addition to looking at differences           and the extent of patient availability.5 In the              more specific and detailed learning outcome.
in proportionality of learning outcomes                  transition to PfP from TFFY, there was an                    As discussed previously, this may represent a
defined as clinical, professional or a blend of          increase in the total number of learning                     perceived need by the GDC to be more explicit
clinical and professional skills. The mapping            outcomes for dentists; however, the duration                 and directive in what was required, or it may
confirmed an overall greater number of                   of the undergraduate degree programme                        be a result of the change to an outcomes-based
learning outcomes for dentists in PfP than               remained unchanged. While the number of                      curriculum whereby each learning outcomes
requirements in TFFY. While the number                   learning outcomes referring to clinical skills               needs to be assessable.
of learning outcomes describing clinical                 has changed very little (TFFY 84; PfP 88),                      Conversely, clinical skills outcomes in
skills was similar, there were more outcomes             there are more learning outcomes describing                  TFFY were often very narrow in their scope,
describing professional or blended skills.               professional and blended skills in PfP. It might             focusing on certain skills or procedures,
This suggests there are proportionally fewer             be expected that with an overall increase in                 thereby limiting interpretation by providers.
                                                         number of learning outcomes, dental schools                  For example, in TFFY, graduates had to ‘be
 Table 8 Mapping ratios of PfP learning                  have had to re-evaluate how they approach                    competent at approximal and incisal tip
 outcomes to TFFY requirements                           clinical skills teaching within curricula to                 restorations’. This, along with other TFFY
 Mapping ratio of                                        ensure graduates can demonstrate all outcomes                outcomes, is encompassed by the PfP learning
                           Number of TFFY
 outcomes from PfP                                       required by the GDC.                                         outcome ‘manage restorative procedures that
 to TFFY
                                                            There is greater emphasis on professionalism              preserve tooth structure, replace missing or
 0 to 1                    3                             in PfP learning outcomes in comparison to                    defective tooth structure, maintain function,
 1 to 1                    25                            TFFY; this is corroborated by the increase                   are aesthetic and long lasting, and promote soft
 2 to 1                    30
                                                         in outcomes defined as professional and                      and hard tissue health’. While this approach
                                                         blended skills identified in the mapping                     clearly provides flexibility in curriculum
 3 to 1                    19
                                                         undertaken by our group. While it is not                     design for providers, there is an inevitability
 4 to 1                    10                            clear why the GDC made such changes, it is                   that individual interpretation by providers will
 5 to 1                    5                             possible that at the time of developing the                  result in graduates with a widely diverse skills
                                                         PfP learning outcomes, there was an attempt                  and experience profile. This may also allow
 6 to 1                    1
                                                         to either expand professional skills deemed                  providers to respond to advances in technology
 7 to 1                    6                             necessary to practise as a dentist or to provide             and practice, although it is not clear if this was
 11 to 1                   1                             clarification and greater detail of pre-existing             a motivation of the authors of PfP.
                                                         expectations. Recent work on professionalism,                   In TFFY, outcomes were preceded by a
 33 to 1                   1
                                                         involving a number of stakeholders, looked at                statement describing the level of understanding

BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL | VOLUME 232 NO. 2 | January 28 2022                                                                                                         105
                                              © The Author(s) under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association 2021.

expected of the graduate. Graduates had to           completing a large proportion of orthodontic                 have been added to most curricula to enable
‘be competent’, ‘have knowledge of ’, or ‘be         treatment and changes to NHS contractual                     demonstration of attainment of the additional
familiar with’ the knowledge, skill or attribute     arrangements limiting treatment which can                    learning outcomes but this remains to be
outlined in the learning outcome. This same          be provided in a non-specialist NHS primary                  demonstrated.
terminology is not used in PfP, where instead        care setting. The emphasis is now on the                        The choice of the GDC’s education
there is the over-arching principle that             graduate being able to recognise when and                    documents for analysis may be a further
graduates must attain the level of the ‘safe         how to refer for orthodontic assessment rather               limitation. The rationale for selection of GDC
beginner’. The concepts of competence, and           than undertake management themselves.1                       education documents for analysis was twofold.
the ‘safe beginner’, are open to interpretation,     Graduate skills in managing orthodontic                      Firstly, both documents when published
and are likely to vary between and within            emergencies and making referrals, however,                   differed considerably from their predecessors
different stakeholder groups. An educational         are still cited in the discussion of graduate                in content and domain structure. Secondly,
provider, for example, may aim to produce            preparedness, falling below the standard                     these documents were published in 2002 and
a graduate, who recognises their limitations         expected by dental foundation trainers.18,19,20              2011, respectively, and this timespan correlates
and is comfortable to ask for help (the safe         The third outcome that does not feature in                   to the period (taking into account the lag time
beginner), whereas a dental foundation               PfP referred to knowledge of gerodontology.                  for new intended learning outcomes to be
trainer may perceive this as a graduate who          With an increasingly ageing UK population,                   implemented into curricula) when concerns
lacks competence to carry out a procedure in         the majority of whom are increasingly likely                 over graduate preparedness came more
any circumstance. In turn, this might be what        to retain a functional dentition, it might be                frequently to the fore; the interim edition of
has led to a perceived mismatch between what         anticipated graduates need to have greater                   TFFY in 2008 was not used as the learning
is delivered within undergraduate curricula,         experience in managing this cohort of patients,              outcomes remained the same. However,
and what is expected of graduates in dental          or at the very least graduate with sufficient                when publishing PfP, the GDC permitted a
foundation training and beyond.12,26 The             knowledge and skill in gerodontology. 27                     five-year grace period for providers to enact
loss of the terminology ‘be competent in’,           While PfP does make reference to the need for                curriculum change, and it is therefore possible
‘have knowledge of ’ and ‘be familiar with’          students to have the opportunity to practise on              that for some dental schools the first students
in PfP requires educational providers to             a wide range of patients,1 the lack of specific              graduating from the new PfP curriculum
act autonomously to decide on the level to           learning outcomes for treatment of the older                 would not have commenced dental foundation
which graduates should be able to achieve            patient may be at odds with population                       training until 2016. Therefore, we would not
these learning outcomes. Clarification of            changes and needs.                                           conclusively attribute concerns over graduate
the graduate as a safe beginner has recently            Considering the 23 learning outcomes                      preparedness to changes in the learning
become a key priority of the GDC.5 Alongside         from PfP that could not be mapped onto                       outcomes. Nonetheless, it was a key event in
this, defining the purpose of undergraduate          requirements in TFFY, 12 of these were                       dental education within the UK that must
dental education would also be welcomed.12           defined as clinical skills, therefore adding in              be borne in mind when considering these
The concept of a safe beginner aligns well to a      clinically based learning outcomes. This would               concerns.
model in which education and lifelong learning       be counter to the argument that graduates are
exist as a continuum and recognises that             less well prepared but may reflect a broader                 Implications for future iterations of GDC
completion of undergraduate dental training          curriculum, acknowledging changes in clinical                learning outcomes
is the starting point rather than an end point.      practice such as technologies and disease                    In identifying these changes that took place
Such a continuum requires graduates, as safe         profiles.                                                    in the revision of the learning outcomes from
beginners, to have a view of and take ownership                                                                   TFFY to PfP, it is evident that professionalism
of their professional development, placing an        Limitations                                                  has become an important aspect of the
importance on lifelong learning and the need         Our intention of mapping PfP learning                        undergraduate learning outcomes for dentists.
for graduates to recognise and plan for their        outcomes to TFFY requirements was                            It is therefore imperative that such learning
own training needs and development. All these        to provide evidence for the intended                         outcomes are carefully considered in regard
skills are outlined much more clearly in PfP         developments and change in undergraduate                     to their implementation by educational
than they were in TFFY. There is an increasing       education; however, as previously alluded to,                providers. 25 We have demonstrated that
body of literature in relation to preparedness,      it is only part of the story. Mapping at this                there are proportionally fewer learning
competence and confidence of undergraduates          level cannot begin to explore how providers                  outcomes related to clinical skills in PfP and
and new graduates. 6,7,8,14,15,18,19,20 Further      implemented PfP and the transition to an                     this continues to be a matter of concern for
discussion on the use of these terms is outside      outcomes-based curriculum. Indeed, this                      many of the stakeholders in dental education.
the scope of this manuscript, but continued          study did not aim to understand changes to                   It is hoped that by clarifying the definition of
work in this area would be welcomed.                 curricula by educational providers; however,                 the safe beginner and working closely with
   There were three requirements in TFFY             it would not be unreasonable to speculate that               educational providers, both undergraduate
to which no PfP learning outcomes mapped,            in adding such additional content in regards                 and postgraduate, the GDC will help to allay
as shown in Table 6. Two of these outcomes           to professionalism, clinical skills teaching                 concerns over graduate preparedness. It would
were clinical skills relating to orthodontic         may have had to have been reduced. At the                    also be beneficial to reduce comparison of
treatment. This almost certainly reflects            very least, it seems probable that alternative               contemporary graduates to their predecessors,
a shift towards orthodontic specialists              or additional elements of assessment would                   particularly without acknowledgement of the

106                                                                                         BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL | VOLUME 232 NO. 2 | January 28 2022
                                          © The Author(s) under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association 2021.

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