Fresno County Transportation Issues 2022 Follow-up Survey - Measure C

Page created by Morris Green
Fresno County Transportation Issues 2022 Follow-up Survey - Measure C
Fresno County
Transportation Issues
2022 Follow-up Survey

Fresno County Transportation Issues 2022 Follow-up Survey - Measure C
Baseline Voter Survey Objectives
• Determine whether there is a continued perception that
 additional funds are needed for the County’s
 transportation system, including freeways, highways, local
 streets and public transit.
• Gauge if there continues to be support for potentially
 extending Measure C and for how long voters would like to
 see it extended.
• Identify Fresno County residents’ transportation funding
The results will be used as another important data point in
the conversation about the future of transportation funding
priorities throughout Fresno County’s diverse communities.

Survey Specifics and Methodology
         Dates                                   March 15 – April 18, 2022
      Survey Type                                 Dual-mode Voter Survey
  Research Population                  Fresno County Likely November 2022 Voters
    Total Interviews                                        2,988
                                    (Full sample) ±2.7% at the 95% Confidence Level
Margin of Sampling Error            (Half sample) ±3.8% at the 95% Confidence Level
                               (Per Measure Duration) ±4.7% at the 95% Confidence Level

                                       Telephone                 Email              Text
   Contact Methods
                                          Calls               Invitations        Invitations

                                                 Telephone                 Online
 Data Collection Modes
                                                 Interviews              Interviews

       Languages                                     English and Spanish
                    (Note: Not All Results Will Sum to 100% Due to Rounding)
Polling Region            Cities and Unincorporated Areas in the Polling Region

                                              Firebaugh, Kerman, Mendota,
      Region 1: Northwest
                                              San Joaquin, Unincorporated

      Region 2: Southwest                 Coalinga, Huron, Unincorporated Area

  Region 3: Fresno/Clovis Metro               Fresno, Clovis, Unincorporated

Region 4: Selma/Kingsburg/Fowler         Fowler, Kingsburg, Selma, Unincorporated

    Region 5: Sanger/Eastern                      Sanger, Unincorporated

  Region 6: Reedley/Southeast          Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, Unincorporated

  Region 7: Northeast Mountain                       Unincorporated

  Region 8: Southeast Mountain                       Unincorporated

Map of Fresno County Polling Regions

Views of the
Direction of the County

Voters are more pessimistic about the
    direction of the County than in 2020.
Thinking about Fresno County in general, would you say things are generally going in the
            right direction or do you feel things are off on the wrong track?

                 2021                                            2022

               Right                                         Right
             Direction                                     Direction
               42%                                           34%

        Don't            Wrong                          Don't             Track
        Know             Track                          Know               45%
         20%              37%                            20%

Close to nine-in-ten voters continue to recognize
there is a great or some need for additional funding
 for the County’s transportation system, with more
      than six-in-ten having said “great need”.
                                               2021                                                                        2022

 Great need                                          61%            Great/                                                        64%           Great/
                                                                  Some Need                                                                   Some Need
 Some need                         26%                               87%                                     24%                                 88%

  Little need          4%          Little/No                                                       5%          Little/No
                                   Real Need                                                                   Real Need
No real need           5%              8%                                                          5%             10%

 Don’t know            5%                                                                         3%

     Q. Generally speaking, would you say that Fresno County has a great need, some need, a little need or no real need for additional funding for the County’s
     transportation system, including freeways, highways, local streets and public transit?

Fresno County
        Transportation Continuation Measure
Without raising tax rates, shall an ordinance to repair potholes, keep local roads in good
condition; upgrade structurally declining bridges/overpasses; improve highway safety,
911 emergency vehicle access, air quality, public transit services; protect low-cost senior
transportation options and create local jobs; be adopted, continuing the voter-approved
transportation ½¢ sales tax (established 1986), providing approximately $84,000,000
annually for 20 years; requiring audits, public oversight/spending disclosure, local control?

Without raising tax rates, shall an ordinance to repair potholes, keep local roads in good
condition; upgrade structurally declining bridges/overpasses; improve highway safety,
911 emergency vehicle access, air quality, public transit services; protect low-cost senior
transportation options and create local jobs; be adopted, continuing the voter-approved
transportation ½¢ sales tax (established 1986), providing approximately $84,000,000
annually for 30 years; requiring audits, public oversight/spending disclosure, local control?

Without raising tax rates, shall an ordinance to repair potholes, keep local roads in good
condition; upgrade structurally declining bridges/overpasses; improve highway safety,
911 emergency vehicle access, air quality, public transit services; protect low-cost senior
transportation options and create local jobs; be adopted, continuing the voter-approved
transportation ½¢ sales tax (established 1986), providing approximately $84,000,000
annually until ended by voters; requiring audits, public oversight/spending disclosure,
local control?

     Q. Based on this description, would you vote yes in favor of the measure or no to oppose it?

Slightly more than three-quarters initially support a Fresno
Transportation Continuation Measure regardless of the duration,
     with roughly half saying they would definitely vote yes.
                                 (Each Duration MOE = +/-4.7%; Total MOE = +/-2.7%)

                         Until Ended
                                                                  20 Years                             30 Years                 Total
                          by Voters
Definitely yes                54%                                  54%                                  53%                    53%
                                              Total                                Total                          Total                  Total
Probably yes 23% 77%                           Yes            25% 79%               Yes               23% 76%      Yes     23% 76%        Yes
 Undecided, 4%                                80%                                  81%                            80%                    80%
                                                          2%                                    4%                        3%
    lean yes

 Undecided, 1%                                            1%                                   1%
     lean no                      Total                               Total                               Total           1%
 Probably no 4%                    No                     5%           No                       5%         No             5%      No
                                  17%                                 16%                                 17%                    16%
Definitely no         11%                                  9%                                    11%                      10%

  Undecided 3%                                            4%                                    4%                        3%

       Q. Based on this description, would you vote yes in favor of the measure or no to oppose it?

Initial Vote on the Continuation of the Voter-Approved Transportation
              ½-cent Sales Tax (Total) by County Region
                                                                       Sanger/Eastern                                  Northeast
                                                                        77% Total Yes                                  Mountain
                                                                        19% Total No                                  72% Total Yes
                                          Fresno/                                                                     21% Total No
                                        Clovis Metro
       Northwest                        81% Total Yes
      76% Total Yes                     16% Total No
      19% Total No

                                                                                                        Reedley/            81% Total Yes
   Southwest                                                                                           Southeast            15% Total No
  75% Total Yes                                                                                       84% Total Yes
  19% Total No                                                                                        13% Total No

                                                                  75% Total Yes
                                                                  19% Total No
        Q Based on this description, would you vote yes in favor of the measure or no to oppose it?
There is strong support across the Fresno-Clovis
Area, with a high of 83 percent voting yes in the City
      of Fresno and a low of 70 percent in the
      unincorporated area just outside Clovis.
 Initial Vote on the Continuation of the Voter-Approved Transportation ½-cent Sales Tax (Total) by
                                   Region 3: Fresno/Clovis Metro

                                                                                Total Yes             Total No   Undecided

                          City of Clovis                                                   79%                                17%

 City of Clovis Unincorporated                                                        70%                                    29%

                         City of Fresno                                                     83%                               15%

City of Fresno Unincorporated                                                             78%                                18%    5%

       Q. Based on this description, would you vote yes in favor of the measure or no to oppose it?

Voters across all pre-2022 Fresno County
Supervisorial Districts highly support the measure.

Initial Vote on the Continuation of the Voter-Approved Transportation ½-cent Sales Tax (Total) by
                                  Pre-2022 Supervisorial District
                                                                  Total Yes          Total No           Undecided

    District 1                                                         81%                                          14%     5%

    District 2                                                         80%                                           17%

    District 3                                                           84%                                          13%

    District 4                                                        78%                                           17%     5%

    District 5                                                        78%                                           19%

      Q Combined. Based on this description, would you vote yes in favor of the measure or no to oppose it?

Support is strong across all ethnic/racial
 Initial Vote on the Continuation of the Voter-Approved Transportation ½-cent Sales Tax (Total) by
                                                                             Total Yes          Total No       Undecided

                      Whites                                                      82%                                       16%

                      Latinos                                                      83%                                      14%

     African Americans                                                               87%                                         12%

Asians/Pacific Islanders                                                        78%                                        16%     6%

     All Voters of Color                                                          81%                                       16%

       Q Combined. Based on this description, would you vote yes in favor of the measure or no to oppose it?

Regardless of language of interview, all groups support the
measure in high percentages; however, Latinos who responded
 to the survey in English were more likely to say they would
                     definitely vote yes.
 Initial Vote on the Continuation of the Voter-Approved Transportation ½-cent Sales Tax (Total) by
                                       Language by Ethnicity
                                                                                      Total Yes            Total No   Undecided

     Latinos Interviewed in English                                                              83%                              14%

     Latinos Interviewed in Spanish                                                              84%                              11% 5%

 Non-Latinos Interviewed in English                                                           79%                             18%

       Q Combined. Based on this description, would you vote yes in favor of the measure or no to oppose it?

There are no meaningful differences in the level of support
 for the measure by annual household income groupings -
          all demonstrate high levels of support.
Initial Vote on the Continuation of the Voter-Approved Transportation ½-cent Sales Tax (Total) by
                                        Household Income
                                                                            Total Yes           Total No      Undecided

Keeping local roads and transportation infrastructure in good
  condition, repairing potholes, creating local jobs, keeping bus
          fares low, and upgrading structurally declining
      bridges/overpasses are among voters’ top priorities.
                                                    (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
      Very Impt. (6-7)           Smwt. Impt. (5)             Neutral (4)          Not Too/Not at All Impt. (1-3)                 Don't Know                  Mean
     Keeping local roads in good
                       condition                                                           81%                                         8% 5% 5%                6.3

                  Repairing potholes                                                       81%                                          8%         5%          6.3

     Repairing potholes in every
neighborhood of Fresno County,
  including rural and historically                                                       77%                                        10% 5% 6%                  6.2
  disadvantaged neighborhoods
           Keeping local roads in
         good condition in every
neighborhood of Fresno County,                                                           76%                                       11%      5% 7%              6.1
  including rural and historically
  disadvantaged neighborhoods
        Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
        your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
        to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
        IMPORTANT. Split Sample


                                                         (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
           Very Impt. (6-7)           Smwt. Impt. (5)             Neutral (4)          Not Too/Not at All Impt. (1-3)                 Don't Know                 Mean
                        Creating local jobs                                                73%                                     11% 7% 9%                      6.0

 Keeping public transit bus fares
       low for students, seniors,                                                          73%                                     10% 6% 11%                       5.9
      veterans and the disabled
Upgrading structurally declining
       bridges and overpasses                                                              72%                                       13% 6% 8%                      6.0

Keeping the local transportation
infrastructure in good condition                                                           72%                                       13% 6% 7%                      6.0

        Improving highway and
                         freeway safety                                           71%                                  11% 7% 10%                     5.9
  Adding lanes on highways and
 freeways to reduce bottlenecks
and provide a safe way to merge                                                  69%                                  13% 7% 11%                      5.8
                                into traffic
       Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
             your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
             to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
             IMPORTANT. Split Sample


                                                     (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
       Very Impt. (6-7)           Smwt. Impt. (5)             Neutral (4)          Not Too/Not at All Impt. (1-3)                 Don't Know                 Mean
     ^Reducing traffic congestion                                                    69%                                     13% 7% 10%                         5.9

 Improving traffic flow and safety
  on highways and freeways such
as I-5, the 33, 41, 43, 63, 99, 145,                                                  69%                                     13% 6% 9%                         5.9
168, 180, 198, 201, 245, and 269
           Adding street lighting in
       neighborhoods that do not                                                     68%                                    13% 7% 12%                          5.8
                         have them
  Qualifying for state and federal
   transportation matching funds
       that would otherwise go to                                                    68%                                    12% 6% 10% 5%                       5.9
                     other counties

               Improving air quality                                                  68%                                    9% 6% 14%                          5.8
         Q I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
         your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
         to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
         IMPORTANT. ^Not Part of Split Sample


                                                    (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
      Very Impt. (6-7)           Smwt. Impt. (5)             Neutral (4)          Not Too/Not at All Impt. (1-3)                 Don't Know                 Mean
  Improving traffic flow on local
        freeways and highways                                                       67%                                     15%          9% 8%               5.9

       Improving traffic flow on                                                                                                                               5.8
                     local roads                                                    67%                                    14% 8% 9%

      Protecting low-cost senior
         transportation options                                                    67%                                   13% 8% 12%                            5.8

      Improving 911 emergency                                                                                                                                  5.9
                   vehicle access                                                   67%                                   12% 8% 10%
       Providing safer routes to
  school in every neighborhood
    of Fresno County, including                                                     66%                                   13% 7% 12%                           5.7
            rural and historically
 disadvantaged neighborhoods
Providing safer routes to school                                                    66%                                   12% 8% 10%                           5.8
        Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
        your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
        to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
        IMPORTANT. Split Sample


                                               (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
 Very Impt. (6-7)           Smwt. Impt. (5)             Neutral (4)          Not Too/Not at All Impt. (1-3)                 Don't Know                 Mean
     Improving freeway and
      highway interchanges                                                   64%                                    15%          9% 10%                   5.7

 Improving pedestrian and
              bike safety                                                    64%                                   13% 9% 13%                             5.6

         Synchronizing signals                                                63%                                   14% 7% 10%                            5.7

Improving Dial-A-Ride-type
 transit services for seniors,                                               63%                                 13% 9% 12%                               5.7
  veterans and the disabled
   Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
   your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
   to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
   IMPORTANT. Split Sample


                                                     (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
        Very Impt. (6-7)          Smwt. Impt. (5)             Neutral (4)          Not Too/Not at All Impt. (1-3)                 Don't Know                 Mean
Improving roads and transportation
  routes from small towns and rural
      areas to larger cities in Fresno
  County for better access to health                                                 62%                                 15% 8% 13%                             5.6
 care, colleges, entertainment, and
                       other services

  Continuing to improve the Fresno
   County transportation system to                                                   61%                                 16%         9% 13%                     5.6
    help economic and job growth

  Upgrading local streets to reduce
    flooding in flood prone areas in
 Fresno County, including rural and                                                  61%                                15% 10% 12%                             5.6
         historically disadvantaged
         Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
         your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
         to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
         IMPORTANT. Split Sample


                                                     (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
       Very Impt. (6-7)           Smwt. Impt. (5)             Neutral (4)          Not Too/Not at All Impt. (1-3)                 Don't Know                 Mean
  Improving pedestrian and bike                                                                                                                              Score
   safety in every neighborhood
     of Fresno County, including                                                  61%                                 13% 8%                16%                 5.5
             rural and historically
  disadvantaged neighborhoods
     Protecting open space and
            natural habitats from                                                 61%                                 13% 8%                16%                 5.5
development and traffic impacts
  Reducing air pollution by using
   cleaner burning transit, trucks                                                61%                                 11% 7%               19%                  5.4
                and school buses

Maintaining public transit service                                               60%                                 16%          10% 13%                       5.6

       Upgrading local streets to
                reduce flooding                                                  60%                                  16%           9% 13%                      5.6
         Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
         your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
         to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
         IMPORTANT. Split Sample


                                                    (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
       Very Impt. (6-7)          Smwt. Impt. (5)             Neutral (4)          Not Too/Not at All Impt. (1-3)                 Don't Know                 Mean
   Improving, maintaining, and                                                                                                                              Score
 adding sidewalks, bicycle paths                                                59%                                  16%           9%        14%             5.5
                       and trails

                Repairing sidewalks                                            58%                                  17%          10% 13%                       5.5

Transportation improvements to
 allow more efficient movement                                                  58%                                 16%          10% 11%                       5.6
          of goods and services

Reducing truck traffic congestion                                              58%                                15% 10%                  16%                 5.4

                 Improving safety at
                   railroad crossings                                          57%                                14% 9%                 17%                   5.4

Improving public transit services                                             56%                               15%          9%         17%                    5.3
        Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
        your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
        to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
        IMPORTANT. Split Sample


                                                      (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
        Very Impt. (6-7)          Smwt. Impt. (5)             Neutral (4)          Not Too/Not at All Impt. (1-3)                 Don't Know
       Subsidizing low-cost travel                                                                                                                           Mean
 options, such as Uber or Lyft, to                                                                                                                           Score
 provide seniors, individuals with
      disabilities and low-income                                            51%                             14% 11%                     22%                    5.1
  residents options where public
                   transit is limited
^Transportation projects that will
    help address climate change                                              51%                           9% 7%                    30%                         4.8

         Improving frequency of
     connections to public transit                                           50%                            14%          13%            18%                     5.2
                      bus service

Converting all public transit buses
                to electric vehicles                                     43%                         15%          9%                30%                         4.6

      Expanding access to electric
         vehicle charging stations                                      42%                        13% 12%                          31%                         4.5
         Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
         your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
         to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
         IMPORTANT. ^Not Part of Split Sample

Most Important Projects by Region
                                                       (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
                                                                               All                        Region
                                                                             Voters           1   2   3   4    5  6   7   8
      Keeping local roads in good condition                                   81%            84% 75% 82% 77% 81% 77% 76% 56%
                Repairing potholes                                            81%            79% 83% 83% 79% 69% 87% 56% 77%
  Repairing potholes in every neighborhood of
  Fresno County, including rural and historically                              77%           82% 76% 78% 72% 80% 77% 60% 85%
          disadvantaged neighborhoods
  Keeping local roads in good condition in every
 neighborhood of Fresno County, including rural                                76%           71% 80% 77% 70% 61% 85% 46% 63%
  and historically disadvantaged neighborhoods
                 Creating local jobs                                           73%           77% 78% 73% 68% 70% 71% 61% 76%
Keeping public transit bus fares low for students,
       seniors, veterans and the disabled                                      73%           67% 73% 73% 69% 69% 70% 67% 51%
     Upgrading structurally declining bridges
                  and overpasses                                               72%           71% 80% 73% 70% 62% 76% 49% 76%
         Keeping the local transportation
         infrastructure in good condition                                      72%           78% 79% 72% 72% 72% 71% 67% 43%
     Improving highway and freeway safety                                      71%           77% 68% 72% 73% 60% 75% 43% 50%
    Adding lanes on highways and freeways to
   reduce bottlenecks and provide a safe way                                   69%           70% 66% 69% 69% 58% 79% 44% 62%
                to merge into traffic
           ^Reducing traffic congestion                                        69%           70% 68% 69% 70% 62% 72% 44% 52%
         Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
         your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
         to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
         IMPORTANT. ^Not Part of Split Sample

Most Important Projects by Region; Continued
                                                       (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
                                                                              All                                           Region
                                                                             Voters            1         2         3        4    5              6         7        8
  Improving traffic flow and safety on highways
 and freeways such as I-5, the 33, 41, 43, 63, 99,                             69%           73% 65% 70% 67% 70% 69% 54% 65%
      145, 168, 180, 198, 201, 245, and 269
     Adding street lighting in neighborhoods                                   68%
              that do not have them                                                          64% 75% 69% 68% 49% 68% 38% 48%
  Qualifying for state and federal transportation
      matching funds that would otherwise                                      68%           63% 72% 69% 62% 64% 74% 47% 45%
                go to other counties
               Improving air quality                                           68%           67% 75% 70% 63% 60% 64% 33% 32%
     Improving traffic flow on local freeways                                  67%
                    and highways                                                             66% 75% 67% 71% 57% 73% 51% 38%
       Improving traffic flow on local roads                                   67%           69% 66% 68% 62% 65% 60% 48% 57%
Protecting low-cost senior transportation options                              67%           76% 65% 66% 63% 63% 69% 53% 49%
    Improving 911 emergency vehicle access                                     67%           78% 67% 67% 60% 69% 68% 61% 65%
    Providing safer routes to school in every
 neighborhood of Fresno County, including rural                                66%           60% 71% 67% 64% 67% 72% 42% 48%
  and historically disadvantaged neighborhoods
         Providing safer routes to school                                      66%           76% 68% 66% 65% 61% 64% 54% 54%
  Improving freeway and highway interchanges                                   64%           68% 64% 64% 59% 67% 64% 36% 66%
         Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
         your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
         to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
         IMPORTANT. Split Sample

Most Important Projects by Region; Continued
                                          (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
                                                         All                                                         Region
                                                       Voters    1     2                                         3   4    5  6   7   8
        Improving pedestrian and bike safety            64%     58% 75%                                         64% 66% 56% 65% 37% 56%
                  Synchronizing signals                 63%     62% 55%                                         65% 57% 50% 61% 53% 30%
 Improving Dial-A-Ride-type transit services for        63%
          seniors, veterans and the disabled                    75% 69%                                         63% 60% 58% 69% 37% 63%
Improving roads and transportation routes from
   small towns and rural areas to larger cities in      62%     77% 73%                                         60% 67% 65% 66% 51% 48%
 Fresno County for better access to health care,
    colleges, entertainment, and other services
     Continuing to improve the Fresno County
      transportation system to help economic            61%     65% 68%                                         61% 64% 51% 72% 43% 26%
                      and job growth
   Upgrading local streets to reduce flooding in
         flood prone areas in Fresno County,            61%     68% 82%                                         61% 63% 48% 66% 40% 55%
             including rural and historically
             disadvantaged neighborhoods
  Improving pedestrian and bike safety in every
 neighborhood of Fresno County, including rural         61%     70% 48%                                         62% 58% 54% 58% 43% 39%
  and historically disadvantaged neighborhoods
Protecting open space and natural habitats from         61%
           development and traffic impacts                      62% 64%                                         61% 58% 57% 64% 47% 48%
 Reducing air pollution by using cleaner burning        61%     60% 72%                                         61% 60% 50% 59% 31% 25%
            transit, trucks and school buses
         Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
         your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
         to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
         IMPORTANT. Split Sample

Most Important Projects by Region; Continued
                                                      (Ranked by Very Important: 6-7)
                                                                              All                                         Region
                                                                            Voters           1        2         3         4    5             6         7         8
         Maintaining public transit service                                  60%            69%      58%       60%       49% 55%            62%       60%       58%
   Upgrading local streets to reduce flooding                                60%            69%      61%       60%       50% 63%            60%       38%       55%
 Improving, maintaining, and adding sidewalks,                               59%            54%      68%       61%       52% 53%            63%       26%       38%
               bicycle paths and trails
                Repairing sidewalks                                          58%            62%      53%       59%       56% 49%            58%       28%       38%
  Transportation improvements to allow more                                  58%            71%      73%       59%       53%       54%      62%       39%       59%
    efficient movement of goods and services
         Reducing truck traffic congestion                                   58%            67%      65%       59%       54%       48%      57%       32%       33%
      Improving safety at railroad crossings                                 57%            69%      51%       56%       57%       58%      61%       42%       62%
          Improving public transit services                                  56%            60%      64%       56%       57%       50%      53%       34%       48%
Subsidizing low-cost travel options, such as Uber
   or Lyft, to provide seniors, individuals with                              51%           55% 61% 52% 46% 45% 58% 23% 49%
  disabilities and low-income residents options
           where public transit is limited
         ^Transportation projects that will                                   51%           59% 59% 51% 45% 46% 53% 31% 27%
            help address climate change
       Improving frequency of connections                                     50%           54% 55% 50% 41% 49% 51% 49% 43%
            to public transit bus service
         Converting all public transit buses                                  43%           47% 44% 43% 36% 44% 47% 34% 23%
                 to electric vehicles
            Expanding access to electric                                      42%           50% 59% 42% 39% 36% 44% 28% 16%
              vehicle charging stations
        Q. I am going to mention some features and provisions of the proposed Fresno County Transportation Continuation Measure we are discussing. Regardless of
        your opinion of the measure, please tell me how important it is to you that the feature or provision be included as part of the measure. We will use a scale of 1
        to 7, where 1 means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT to you that the feature or provision is included in the measure extension and 7 means it would be VERY
        IMPORTANT. ^Not Part of Split Sample

Most Important Projects by Various
                     Demographic Groups
                                              (Ranked by All Voters Very Important: 6-7)
                                              (Ranked by All Voters Very Important: 6-7)
                                              (Ranked by All Voters Very Important: 6-7)
                                              (Ranked by All Voters Very Important: 6-7)
                                              (Ranked by All Voters Very Important: 6-7)
Key Findings

• Eighty percent support the Fresno County Transportation
 Continuation Measure, which requires a two-thirds
 majority vote for passage.
• Between 72 and 84 percent of voters in all eight regions of
 the County initially support this super-majority measure
 within their respective margins of error.
• A large majority of voters support the measure across
 diverse demographic communities, including gender
 identity, age groups, income levels, and ethnic/racial and
 linguistic groups.

Conclusions, Continued

• Voters have a good understanding that the County’s
 transportation system is in need of additional funds, with a
 majority indicating that need is great.
• The duration was tested in isolation, support is
 consistently high regardless of the length of the period of
 the measure.
• Keeping local roads and transportation infrastructure in
 good condition, repairing potholes, creating local jobs,
 keeping bus fares low, and upgrading structurally declining
 bridges/overpasses are among the top transportation

Fresno County
Transportation Issues
2022 Follow-up Survey

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