FREE Take Me Home - Education What's On Early Years Clubs & Classes - Families ...

FREE Take Me Home - Education What's On Early Years Clubs & Classes - Families ...
                                                   Take Me Ho
                                                              m  e

What’s On
Early Years
Clubs & Classes

Issue 102 January/February 2022
                                    Families London Surrey Borders   1
FREE Take Me Home - Education What's On Early Years Clubs & Classes - Families ...
Everything you need
                                             Are you concerned                                under one roof!
                                             that your child is
                                             above a healthy
       Be Your Best is Surrey’s free family weight
       management programme for children aged 0-12 years.
       Now is the perfect time to think about making some
       positive changes to improve your child’s health and
       You’ll get:
       • 6 one-to-one nurse sessions
       • 6 online group sessions
       • Virtual family activity sessions

                                            Topics include:
                                            • Portion sizes
                                            • Dealing with fussy eaters
                                            • Managing screen time
                                            • Reducing anxiety
          mor          @BYBSurrey
                    01483 517005


                                                                          What is so special about Year 3
                                                                               at Croydon High School?
                                                                          So many things! Competitive sport, specialist teaching in
                                                                          Art, Drama, Languages, IT…and every single girl has the
                                                                          opportunity to learn a stringed instrument, thanks to a
                                                                          generous legacy from a former Music teacher. But, most of
                                                                          all, it’s a springboard to a fantastic learning adventure at what
                                                                          is a pivotal stage in a girl’s development.

                                                                          If your daughter is currently in Year 2, you may be interested
                                                                          in finding out about 7+ Entry including an exciting Taster
                                                                          Day on Saturday 26 February. Please contact our Junior
                                                                          Admissions Registrar, on 020 8260 7572 for more
                                                                          information or to arrange a time to visit us.

                                                                          Year 3 at Croydon High – a whole new world of possibilities
                                                                          for girls.


2   Families London Surrey Borders                                                                               
FREE Take Me Home - Education What's On Early Years Clubs & Classes - Families ...

Tamar Pearson
T: 075 3714 1998

Design: Rebecca Carr
Printed by: Print Mates
Next issue: March/April
Booking deadline: 7 February
Readership of over 65,000 local parents, carers and teachers every
issue. Published six times a year. For families from birth to twelve.

Welcome to the Jan/Feb issue.

We hope you had an amazing break and spent some special
time with family and loved ones! Hopefully the children are now
feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the new year and all the
adventures it brings.

This issue is packed with local and education news, starting from
page 4 and events to enjoy this February half term in our What’s
On section from page 17. Meet Mr Jon Chesworth on page 6, the
Head at Banstead Prep, which has recently achieved excellent in
all areas in their first ISI inspection. You may be interested to read
about ‘The benefits of outdoor learning in Early Years’ on page 8
and our dedicated Early Years news board from page 10. We also
have our regular Open Day Directory on page 7. Plus, we have a
Child-Parent Forest School Session directory for you on page 9.

Happy reading!

Tamar xx

  4	 News
  5 Education news
  6 Education
  8 Early years                                                                           Nursery        Prep    Senior    Sixth Form
  14 Clubs & classes directory
  15 Clubs & classes news
  17 What’s on
                                  Cover image:
                                                                           Saturday 19 March 2022
                                                                           Lingfield College is a vibrant and successful
                                                                           co-educational day school for ages 2-18.
                                                                           Blending academic excellence, supportive
  Families London Surrey Borders Magazine is part of Families
                                                                           pastoral care and a rich programme of
  Print Ltd, a franchise company. Families is a registered trademark       co-curricular opportunities to inspire, motivate
  of LCMB Ltd, Remenham House, Regatta Place, Marlow Road,                 and nurture every pupil.
  Bourne End, Bucks SL8 5TD. The contents of this magazine
  are fully protected by copyright and none of the editorial or
  photographic matter may be reproduced in any form without
                                                                           St Pier's Lane, Lingfield, Surrey.
  prior consent of Families Print Ltd. Every care is taken in the
  preparation of this magazine but Families Print Ltd, its distributors,
  franchisees and LCMB Ltd cannot be held responsible for the
  claims of advertisers nor for the accuracy of the contents, or any
  consequences thereof.                                                                                       Families London Surrey Borders   3
FREE Take Me Home - Education What's On Early Years Clubs & Classes - Families ...

    Local News                                                                 Help fund vital
                                                                               research by
    Are you concerned that your child is                                       joining Wear A
    above a healthy weight?                                                    Hat Day!
                                                                               Join thousands of children,
                                           Be Your Best is a FREE              parents and teachers on
                                           Surrey-wide, children’s             Friday 25 March for Wear A
                                           weight management                   Hat Day – a great way to bring
                                           programme which supports            people together and raise vital funds for leading charity Brain
                                           families to make small              Tumour Research.
                                           changes to live a healthier
                                           lifestyle. The programme            Register your school, community or family event today at
                                           includes six nurse one-to- and we’ll send you a free fundraising pack!
                                           one sessions and six online
                                           group sessions. The nurse           Coming at the end of March, Brain Tumour Awareness Month,
                                           sessions take place in the          several celebrities are supporting this hattastic campaign.
                                           family home at a mutually
                                           agreed time. Group                  The latest set of collectable Wear A Hat Day pin badges have a
    sessions take place on Tuesdays or Thursdays (4-5.30pm) online on          regal theme in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year.
    Zoom. There are also weekly online Family Fit sessions on Saturdays        Order your box of badges to sell during registration!
                                                                               Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40
    If your child is above a healthy weight (You can check this using          than any other cancer. This is unacceptable and Brain Tumour
    the NHS bmi calculator:               Research is determined to change this. Funds raised from Wear A
    bmi-calculator) and you feel that now is the time to develop some          Hat Day will help towards establishing a new Research Centre of
    long-lasting healthy habits, we can help. To be eligible, your child/      Excellence.
    children must be aged 0-12 and live in Surrey or attend a Surrey

    Visit to find out more and enrol.                        Enjoy National
                                                                               Nest Box Week
                                             Children’s                        National Nest Box Week takes
                                             Mental Health                     place every year between 14
                                                                               and 21 February, just as the bird
                                             Week 2022                         nesting season is starting. It’s
                                                                               organised by the British Trust for
                                             From 7 to 13 February,            Ornithology.
                                             families across the UK are
                                             encouraged to take part in        This celebratory period is aimed
                                             Children’s Mental Health          at turning the spotlight on breeding birds and encouraging everyone
                                             Week with the theme               to put up more nest boxes in their local area.
                                             Growing Together.
                                                                               Many of us are aware of how vital it is to feed our garden birds but
     Growing Together is about growing emotionally and finding ways            it’s also just as important that they have a suitable shelter and site
     to help each other do the same. Challenges and setbacks can               for breeding.
     help us to grow and adapt and trying new things can help us to
     move beyond our comfort zone into a new realm of possibility and
     potential.                                                                Natural nest sites such as holes in trees and buildings are
                                                                               disappearing fast as people have carried out home and garden
     Run by the children’s mental health charity Place2Be, children (and       improvements and woods have been ‘tidied up.’
     adults) are being asked to consider how they’ve grown, what they
     need to help them grow and how they can help others to grow too.          Find advice and instructions available about building and placing
     Around five children in every classroom have a mental health              nest boxes at
     problem and many more struggle with challenges from bullying to

     Help raise funds to enable Place2Be to reach more people by
     organising a Dress to Express fundraiser. Find FREE resources
     and more information at

                                  The Big Garden
                                  Birdwatch 2022
                                  Get your family involved in the RSPB
                                  Big Garden Birdwatch and help
                                  monitor bird life in the UK.
                                                                                      Woodfield Secondary School
                                                                                     Woodfield Secondary School in Redhill, caters for the needs of
                                  Simply count the birds you see in your           students with learning and associated difficulties and are currently
                                  garden, from your balcony or in your                            recruiting for the following positions.
                                  local park for one hour between 28 and            Classroom Teaching Assistants I One to One Teaching Assistants
                                  30 January.                                                      IT Support/Teaching Assistant

    Challenge your children to see who can spot the most birds. Take a              Do you have passion, drive, enthusiasm and a willingness to go the
                                                                                    extra mile to make a real difference to the lives of all our pupils with
    bike ride to a local park or make a day trip out of it and spot birds in                     special educational needs and disabilities?
    a new place.
    You can also watch Big Garden Birdwatch Live! on Youtube and                    If you are interested, please email: hresources@woodfield.surrey.
    Facebook to see what birds are being spotted across the UK with         to request further information and an applicaation form.
    live commentary, interviews and chats with special guests.
    Register and get your FREE guide at                                Sunstone Grove, Merstham, Surrey, RH1 3PR

4   Families London Surrey Borders                                                                                         
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Education News                                                            Current Vacancies
                                                                          at Woodfield
                                     Year 3 at Croydon                    Secondary School
                                     High – a whole                       Redhill based Woodfield Secondary
                                                                          School, caters for the needs of over
                                     new world of                         one hundred students with learning
                                     possibilities                        and associated difficulties and are
                                                                          currently recruiting for the following
                                     In recent years, Croydon High        positions.
                                     has seen an increasing number of
                                     applications at 7+.                  Classroom Teaching Assistants / One to One Teaching Assistants /
                                                                          IT Support/Teaching Assistant
 What is so special about Year 3 at Croydon High School? The
 answer is so many things! Competitive sport, specialist teaching         Do you have
 in Art, Drama, Languages, IT… and every single girl has the
 opportunity to learn a stringed instrument, thanks to a generous         •    Passion, drive, enthusiasm, and a willingness to go the extra
 legacy from a former Music teacher. But, most of all, it’s a                  mile to make a real difference to the lives of all our pupils with
 springboard to a fantastic learning adventure at what is a pivotal            special educational needs and disabilities;
 stage in a girl’s development.                                           •    The ability to work as a co-operative and flexible team member;
                                                                          •    Self-motivation and high expectations of yourself and others;
 If your daughter is currently in Year 2, you may be interested in        •    Excellent interpersonal skills and an ability to motivate and
 finding out about 7+ Entry including an exciting Taster Day on                engage pupils that face daily challenges and barriers to
 Saturday 26 February. Please contact the Junior Admissions                    learning;
 Registrar, on 020 8260 7572 or for more          •    Excellent numeracy and literacy skills?
 information or to arrange a time to visit.
                                                                          If so, we want you!
 More info:
                                                                          If you are interested, email to
                                                                          request a job description, person specification and application form.
                                    Dunottar is in UK’s                   More info:
                                    top independent
                                    schools for cricket                   Take part in National Storytelling
                                    Dunottar School has been              Week
                                    independently selected by The
                                    Cricketer magazine as one of the      National Storytelling Week takes place from 29 January to 5
                                    UK’s top independent schools for      February and during this period, stories will be told in schools and
                                    cricket.                              theatres, pubs, museums, village halls, community centres and in
                                                                          many other places across the UK.
The competitive process saw a number of schools submit entries,
judged against an extensive set of criteria, which included a             Speech and language therapists believe that storytelling is vital
compelling commitment to cricket in the curriculum, facilities, fixture   for children’s academic success as it promotes narrative skills and
programmes and coaching.                                                  strengthens the ability of children to correctly sequence ideas.
                                                                          To be a good reader and writer a child needs firstly to be a good
The Cricketer gathered entries and compiled the leading lists,            speaker and listener.
working alongside former England star Lydia Greenway.
                                                                          Above all though, storytelling is fun. Whether we are listening to
Jack Myers – Director of Cricket at Dunottar commented. “We are           someone else’s story or telling our own, inventing and adapting
highly committed to inspiring our pupils to discover a love of cricket.   stories can open doors to exciting new worlds — both real and
It forms a central programme on our sports curriculum, so we’re           imaginary.
delighted to receive recognition for our dedication to the sport”.
                                                                          To find a local event or to look through its extensive archive, visit
More info;                               

                                                         Danny Clarke

                                                                                        Dame Sheila Hancock DBE

                  Caprice Bourret                                                                                             Sarah Beeny

     MARCH 2022                                                           #WearAHatDay                       Registered charity number 1153487 (England and Wales) SC046840 (Scotland)                                                                                                         Families London Surrey Borders                              5
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    Meet the Head at Bantead Prep
    Mr Jon Chesworth BEd (Hons.)
        “My approach is very simple: School should be fun. Happy children flourish and happy children learn. Our greatest
      responsibility as teachers and leaders is to create an environment where our children feel safe, valued and listened to.’’

    How would the children from Banstead Prep describe you?

    I hope they would think I am kind, fair, interested in them and
    what they do and that I am fun. They might say that at times I
    can be a bit silly as I can get a little overexcited at Christmas in
    particular, but I think a snow machine is essential primary school
    equipment and who doesn’t love a staff panto?

    What was it about the school that made you want to apply for
    the position at Banstead Prep school?

    The space. I was so impressed with our incredible site and
    facilities, which enable the school to offer an incredibly broad
    and inspiring curriculum.

    I was also drawn to the very exciting opportunity of being in a
    new school that was still evolving and growing. It is rewarding to
    be able to reflect on the needs of children in the 21st century and      is of our school. It was very special to realise that we are a united
    create a curriculum that meets those needs.                              community.
    What inspired you to become a teacher, and later a                       What is your best memory, so far at Banstead prep?
                                                                             I think it was the first time we had the whole school gathered as
    Role models. I was lucky enough to have several teachers over            one. On my first day as head (January 2021) here we went into
    the years who inspired me. Their passion for the subjects they           national lockdown so it took some time before we could have
    taught, the energy and enthusiasm they bought to lessons and             all of us back in one room. When it finally happened, it was very
    the kindness they showed. I think it is an incredible privilege to       special to come together as a whole school.
    be able to inspire people and help them realise their potential
    and their self-worth.                                                    What did you want to be when you grew up?
    How do you think a head can make a real difference to an                 When or if? My lifelong hobby and passion is fly-fishing. One day
    individual pupil?                                                        I would love to be a fishing guide…one day!
    Notice them, listen to them and understand them.                         What are your most useful and useless skills?
    At BPS we recognise that every child’s behaviour is a language           I am a pretty decent cook. I can tap dance!
    and our job as teachers is to interpret what they are trying to tell
    us every day. We have a responsibility to create the weather in          Netflix or Kindle?
    our classrooms, corridors and outdoor spaces and making our
    school feel positive and kind makes a difference to everyone in          Kindle.
    our community.
                                                                             Premier League or Last Night at the Proms?
    What are you most proud of since joining Banstead Prep as                Premier League (or 6 Nations preferably)
    Head teacher?
                                                                             For more information, please contact Adrienne Forster, Head
    Our parents, children and staff were all asked to share their            of Admissions and Marketing on admissions@bansteadprep.
    thoughts and feelings about our school as part of our full ISI           com or 01737 363600.
    inspection in September (the school was rated Excellent in all
    areas). The responses were overwhelmingly supportive and
    positive about what we are doing here and how proud everyone

      Banstead Prep School judged EXCELLENT in all
      areas by ISI
      Judged ‘excellent’ in all areas, this first full inspection for Banstead Prep marked an
      important moment in the school’s history. Inspectors were particularly impressed by the
      sense of community that exists across the school. Noticing pupils’ strong team work and
      social skills, the inspectors saw how readily they help and support each other. They went
      on to say that the children’s strong social, collaborative, and cooperative skills are what
      make the school so successful.

      Commenting on the report, Head Teacher Jon Chesworth said: “This fantastic
      report recognises the hard work and achievements of the entire Banstead Prep community. The report noted that children ‘achieve
      considerable success in entrance examinations to schools with high standards of entry’ and ‘benefit from highly supportive teaching,
      excellent resources and a carefully planned curriculum.”

      Visit to read the full report and arrange a visit.

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Independent School Open
Many open events require advance booking, so
please contact the school to check.
             Aberdour School            Essendene Lodge
             Burgh Heath,               Caterham,
             KT20 6AJ                   CR3 5PB
             Co–educational Prep        018 8334 8349
             school. Pupils 2–13 yrs.   Co–education day
             Fri 4 Mar                  school
                                        Pupils 2–11 yrs
             Banstead Prep              Thu 27 Jan
             Banstead, SM7 3RA
              Ewell Castle Junior
             01737 363601               and Senior
             Co–educational Prep        Ewell, KT17 2AW
             school. Pupils 2–11 yrs
             Individual tours by        020 8393 1413
             appointment.               Co-educational day
                                        Pupils 3–18 yrs
                                        Sat 5 Feb

                                        The Hawthorns School
Belmont School                          Bletchingley, RH1 4QJ
Dorking, RH5 6LH              
01306 730852
                                        Fri 4 Feb
                                                                              An independent school
Co-Educational Independent Day
and Boarding School
                                        Kingswood House School
                                        Epsom, KT19 8LG                      and nursery for girls and
Pupils 2–16 yrs
Early Years and Prep Tues 1 Mar
                                        Fri 21 Jan and Fri 4 Mar              boys aged 2-11, where
Seniors Fri 4 Mar
                                        Laleham Lea                           there’s more to a good
Box Hill School                         Purley, CR8 3J
Dorking, RH5 6EA                                     020 8660 3351
Fri 25 Feb                              Co-educational,
                                        Catholic day school
Caterham School                         Pupils 3–11 yrs
Caterham, CR3 6YA                       Contact Mrs Edwards to book a
Wed 9 Mar
                                        tour                                     Banstead Prep School is a diverse
                                        Lingfield College                      and inclusive community dedicated to
             Croydon High School
                                        Lingfield, RH7 6PH                    equipping children with skills for life and
                CR2 8YB                 Co-educational Inter-                helping each individual grow in character
                                        denominational                             and be the best they can be.
                                        Pupils 2.5-18 yrs
                020 8260 7508           Prep School - Sat
              Independent Girls’
           Day School.
                                        19 Mar                                 With senior school standard facilities,
Pupils 3–18 yrs                         Manor House School & Nursery           Banstead Prep can offer the broadest
7+ Entry and Taster Day Sat 26
                                        Little Bookham, KT23 4EN               range of opportunities as part of a an
                                        Wed 9 Feb                               engaging, innovative, and exciting
                                                                             curriculum, helping to achieve the highest
                                        Micklefield School
                                        Reigate, RH2 9DU                         possible ambition for every child.
                                        Sat 5 Mar
Downsend School
Leatherhead, Ashtead and Epsom          Reigate St Mary’s                          Reigate, RH2 7RN
Co–educational Pre prep       
school                                  Working Open Morning                      Take a virtual tour at
Pupils 2–6 yrs                          Thu 27 Jan                  
Year 2 to Year 11 - Fri 11 Mar
                                        Seaton House School
              Dunottar School           Sutton, SM2 5LH
              Reigate, RH2 7EL
            Sat Mar 19
              Co-educational day
              school                    Sutton High,
              Pupils 11-18 yrs          Nursery and Juniors
              Tue 25 Jan, Thu 3         Sutton SM1 2AX
Feb, Thu 24 Feb and Tue 1 Mar 
                                        020 8642 0594
              Elmhurst School for       Independent day
              Boys, and Little Elms     school for girls
              Nursery                   Pupils 3–18 yrs
              South Croydon,            Private Tours Available
              CR2 7DW                   Nursery & Prep – Wed 12 Jan
            Seniors Virtual Event – Fri 11 Feb               Sutton Lane I Banstead
              020 8688 0661
Independent day school for boys                                     I 01737 363600
Pupils 2–11 yrs                                                             
Fri 4 Feb                                                                              Families London Surrey Borders   7
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    The benefits of
    outdoor learning in
    Early Years
    By Sharon Elliot, Director of Childcare at Godstone Farm Day
    Nursery and Pre-School, part of Kids Play UK

    Starting my career in childcare well over 20 years ago, I have
    seen many changes over the years. This is one reason I love early
    years education: the ability to reflect on practice and understand
    what works and what doesn’t for our little ones!

    There are many set approaches towards Early Years education.              self-control; those animals don’t always behave the way we want
    While each approach has its own merits, for me, using the best bits       them to. Animals also provide lessons about life (reproduction,
    of different theories is a great way to constantly improve and adapt      birth, illnesses, accidents, death, and bereavement); a connection to
    to work for different settings, children, and families.                   nature; and they can teach respect for all living things.
    However, what seems to shine from most approaches is that one             As you can see, there are a multitude of different techniques
    thing is central to a successful experience in childcare – outdoor        and we are given a precious window of time to give our children
    learning is essential.                                                    a foundation for their years ahead, helping to shape who they
                                                                              will become and the potential that lies within them. If there is
    Outdoor learning is more than free flow access for children to the        one positive to come from the last few years, is it that this new
    outside space. It is now becoming widely recognised that being            generation are probably the best equipped yet, to have compassion,
    outdoors and ensuring children are active is important to their           care and understanding for the benefits of being at one with nature
    health and development. With the recent Coronavirus outbreak, we          and I sincerely hope that is passed on for generations to come.
    have all realised how important it is for our children to have access
    to the outdoors.                                                          Sarah Elliot has been involved in setting up several farm-based
                                                                              early years settings, including local Godstone Farm Nursery.
    Physical activity develops problem solving, co-ordination,                Some activities children may enjoy at Godstone Farm Nursery
    concentration, and strength, as well as self-confidence, and              are weighing animal feed, feeding animals, tidying, using the
    develops risk taking in a positive way. By being active, children         wheelbarrow, watering plants and digging, the list is endless.
    improve their motor skills, and develop coordination, balance, and
    body awareness. The results are clearly evidenced; children who           For more information about Godstone Farm Nursery visit them at
    engage in exercise have strengthened muscles, improved bones              their next Open Day on Saturday 5 February or Saturday 5 March.
    density and good control of their breathing. Children also need           To register your interest and book a tour visit.
    opportunities to challenge themselves and learn to take risks in a
    controlled environment.

    Research shows that children who are not exposed to risk, are
    denied the opportunity to learn to address everyday challenges and
    problems. The Health and Safety Executive argued that the goal is
    not to eliminate risk, but to weigh up the risks and benefits. Outdoor
    learning naturally applies itself to real-life activities which prepare
    our children for the outside world – figuratively as well as literally.

    Something I feel most passionate about is the fact that outdoor
    learning allows us to talk about the planet, the importance of looking
    after wildlife and in a way which is not fearful or scaremongering.
    Giving children opportunities to explore wildlife areas, make
    hedgehog houses, planting to support bees and insects become
    easy ways to talk about threats to our environment and our planet
    as a whole, learning intuitively to reuse, recycle and be resourceful.
    When spending lots of time outdoors we are able to have
    discussions about water too. Collecting rainwater helps children
    learn about farming, seasons, how plants grow and what effects

    When children learn to care for animals, to treat them in nicely and
    patiently, they also receive invaluable experience in learning to
    treat people the same way. Animals teach kids about patience and

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Child-Parent Forest School Session
Tiny Trees Forest School                                                                                  natural world around them with
Overdale entrance to Ashtead                                                                              outdoor activities based in the
Common, KT21 1PZ                                                                                          grounds of Morden Hall Park.
tinytreesforestschool                                                                                     Woodland Explorers
Friday, meet at 9.25am                                                                                    Belmont School
Tiny Trees Forest School                                                                        
provides a space in nature for                                                                            woodland-explorers.
children to explore, discover and                                                                         First Thursday of the month in
learn alongside their parent or                                                                           term time, 1.30–3pm
responsible adult in the beautiful                                                                        This fun activity session, aimed
Ashtead Common.                                                                                           at parents/carers with children
                                                                                                          under 5 years old. Visitors
Little Squirrels Forest School                                                                            will join in with the woodland
High Ashurst, RH5 6DQ                Woodpeckers at Sutton              Happy Wild Ones Forest            session led by the Outdoor         Ecology Centre                     School                            Activities Co-ordinator and
Monday & Wednesday                   Sutton Ecology Centre SM5 3        Frylands Wood Scout Camp,         can try their hand at crafts in
9.45-11.45am                                     Croydon, CR0 9AA                  Belmont’s dedicated camp area
Explore what nature has to offer.    wildlingsforestschool        equipped with tyre swings, a
Discover and play in the woods       Friday 1pm–2.20pm                  Monday & Friday                   shelter, campfire and log seats.
while building your child’s          Woodpeckers is a fun and           Weekly forest school sessions     The next session is on Thursday
confidence and providing them        friendly nature group for under    in Croydon for children aged      3rd February.
with a sense of adventure.           5s and their parents/carers, run   18months-5years with their
                                     by Wildlings Forest School.        families, parents, grandparents   Forest Tots
Little Seeds Forest School                                              and carers.                       Little Downsend Leatherhead
Gatton Park, RH2 0TW                 Forest School Rangers                                                Tuesday term time only,         Nower Woods just off               Park Explorers                    10.45–11.45am
seeds-forest-school                  Hampstead Lane                     Morden Hall Park                  Hosted at Little Downsend
Monday 10am & 2.30pm                Leatherhead, Forest Tots is a
Explore the woodlands through        Saturday drop off sessions         morden-hall-park                  fun, interactive, outdoor stay
organised play. Set in the           Tuesday community Forest           Mondays term time only            and play session. Children are
beautiful Cedar Woods and            school groups                      Park Explorers sessions are       encouraged to have fun with
include plenty of mud, fire,         Dorking Forest School Rangers      for children aged 2 to 5 years    bugs, play with mud, toast
dens, woodland crafts and most       runs a variety of sessions         to attend with their parents      marshmallows, and tell stories
importantly a lot of fun!            ranging, Forest school sessions,   or carers. With the help of the   around the campfire. Warm,
                                     birthday parties and woodland      trained leaders, children and     waterproof clothing and wellies
                                     parkour.                           adults learn together about the   needed! 18 months to 5 years.

                           A Place to
    Swimming sessions in our own pool
    Daily outdoor classes & Forest School
    Weekly French and Music lessons

                           For girls aged 3+
                           Small class sizes - individual attention
                           Qualified Nursery teachers

   Book a Nursery private tour today                                                                                      Families London Surrey Borders     9
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     Early Years News                                                                   Little
                                                                                        Downsend is
                                                Bus Stop Forest                         preparing for
                                                School Training                         the future!
                                                                                        From January 2022, all Little
                                                Bus Stop Forest School training         Downsend pupils, from
                                                delivers level 1 and level 2 Forest     Nursery through to Year 1,
                                                School training and a range of          will embark upon a brand
                                                outdoor learning certificates.          new learning journey, to
                                                Students benefit by training            become the content creators
                                                alongside experiences Forest            of the future.
                                                School Leaders and the amazing
                                                pre-school children of Bus Stop         Every child in Reception and Year 1 will be provided with an iPad
                                                Forest School.                          loaded with the latest ed-tech apps, from Scratch Jr for coding,
                                                                                        to iMovie for video editing. Nursery children will have access to
     All training is tailored to meet each individual student’s knowledge,              a bank of devices, giving even the youngest pupils access to the
     experience, and work commitments, and only one or two students                     best technology from an early age.
     are ever trained at one time ensuring each student the time and
     support needed to complete their training. Bus Stop Forest School                  Vanessa Conlan, Head of Little Downsend said, “This is such an
     courses give students the knowledge and confidence to deliver                      exciting way for our little people to become the content creators
     their own Forest Schools to a range of abilities from Early Years to               of the future rather than simply content consumers – we want
     Secondary and beyond.                                                              to use every technology we can to bring learning to life, to make
                                                                                        it personalised, interactive and relevant whilst also making sure
     Bus Stop Forest School training offer a consultancy service, where                 our little people use devices safely and in an age-appropriate
     experiences trainers come out to see Forest School Leaders and can                 way.”
     offer advice and guidance on how to set up sites and how to start up
     Forest School business.                                                            To see Little Downsend’s Ed-Tech strategy in action get in touch
                                                                                        to book a tour:
     Bus Stop Forest School training offer taster sessions to adult
     educational groups, such as Nursery teams, Childminders, School                    More info:
     teams and Youth Work teams, who are wishing to learn more about
     the Forest School approach and how they can implement it within
     their practice.

     More info:                                            Music ignites all
                                                                                      areas of child
                                                 Godstone Farm                        development
                                                 Day Nursery is                       Instinctively, parents use music
                                                                                      to calm and soothe, to express
                                                 on the hunt for                      love and joy, and engage and
                                                                                      interact with their children,
                                                 the childcare                        and can build on these
                                                 talent                               natural instincts by learning
                                                                                      how music can impact child
                                              Godstone Farm Day Nursery               development, improve social
                                              is now just six months                  skills, and benefit children of all ages.
                                              old – having opened in
                                              July, receiving its Ofsted              A study shows musical experiences in childhood can accelerate
       registration – it is now in full swing. So much so that the nursery            brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition
       is growing just as fast as its little ones. Perhaps it’s the bountiful         and reading skills.
       fresh air being based on 45 acres of Surrey Hills greenery and its
       big focus on outdoor learning, but the day nursery is on the hunt              Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school
       for the best of the best in childcare talent.                                  readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language,
                                                                                      and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together.
       There are a number of open roles as the nursery welcomes more                  Exposing children to music during early development helps them
       children this term. The day nursery is currently recruiting for a              learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps
       full-time Early Year Practitioner, a Trainee Early Year Practitioner,          children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-
       a Lunchtime Assistant and Pre-School Room Leader. Nursery                      expression.
       Manager, Lucy Nicholson says, “Parents and children alike are
       loving our new day nursery – perhaps because there’s nothing                   Linsey, from Monkey Music pre-school music classes runs classes
       quite like it in the area.”                                                    across East Surrey that takes children on a developmental journey
                                                                                      from the age of 12 weeks to 4 years.
       More info:
                                                                                      More info:

      Bus Stop Forest School Training                                                                               Calling all young Scientists!
      üLevel 2 & 3 Forest School Training
                                                                                                                     Help us discover how babies & kids learn!
      üOutdoor Learning Certificates
      üForest School Consultancy Service                                                                             We’re recruiting infants from birth to school age to
      üForest School Taster Sessions for                                                                               take part in fun studies at Birkbeck’s Babylab &
      üPractitioners                                                                                                 ToddlerLab in central London. Our prime locations
      üEarly Years & Secondary Level                                                                                are easy to reach and we refund travel expenses. We
      Students learn alongside experienced Forest                                                                   also have online studies you can do from the comfort
      School leaders and amazing pre-school                                                                              of home
      children at our amazing Forest School setting in
      Polesden Lacey Estate, Bookham.
                                                                                                                      020 3926 1207
      01372 879712 I
      Follow us on Instagram: busstopforest                                                               

10   Families London Surrey Borders                                                                                                

                                                                           Ewell Castle
                                      Brilliance in
                                                                           Nursery, Pre-
                                      every boy
                                                                           Prep and Prep
                                        Elmhurst School for Boys
                                        nurture and value every pupil,
                                        challenging them to their
                                                                           Learning at Ewell Castle
                                        brilliant best, and laying the
                                                                           Nursery and Prep School
                                        foundations for a happy and
                                                                           takes place both inside
                                        successful future through
                                                                           and outside the classroom;
                                        forward-thinking educational
                                                                           yet always within a warm,
                                        excellence and a commitment
                                                                           nurturing environment
to pastoral care and wellbeing. Offering a broad curriculum,
                                                                           that produces resilient young people who are; independent,
extracurricular clubs and enrichment events; an Elmhurst education
                                                                           confident, creative, collaborative and caring.
is centred on excellent, boy-friendly learning in an environment
designed to shape brilliant, confident young men who care deeply
                                                                           Pupils from as young as Nursery up to Year 6 take part in
about themselves, and the world around them.
                                                                           exciting and fun weekly Forest School lessons with experienced
                                                                           Forest School Leaders. Whether it be within the Nursery, Pre-
Boys may join the Pre-Reception Nursery class upon turning 3
                                                                           Prep or Prep School. The small classes and committed staff
years old. With specialist teaching in Phonics, Music, Computing,
                                                                           allow each child to thrive academically and their individual
Sports, Forest School and French, they are aptly prepared for
                                                                           needs are provided for within a varied and challenging
school life. Boys then journey through the school with additional
specialist lessons in 11+ Preparation, Maths, English, Science and
Art, developing the self-belief, confidence and the enthusiasm for
                                                                           Ewell Castle School embraces a ‘building learning power’ (BLP)
learning needed to excel in Senior School.
                                                                           learning journey that includes resilience, resourcefulness,
                                                                           reflectiveness and reciprocity. There are weekly P.E., Music,
Contact the Admissions Manager to arrange a visit and find out
                                                                           and Art lessons, and as pupils move up through the School
what an Elmhurst education can offer your son.
                                                                           they also taught D.T. and Drama. At the centre of all learning is a                                                     growth mindset, that ensures that effort and struggle will always
                                                                           eventually be rewarded.

                                      Early Years at                       More info:
                                      Laleham Lea                        Independent Play
                                      Nursery                            Transition
                                       The aim at Laleham Lea
                                       Nursery is for every child to     Entering the world of
                                       benefit from the continuity       independence is a big step for
                                       of teaching and learning          both a child and parent. However,
                                       to ensure they are best           the transition can be made that bit
                                       prepared for the Reception        smoother by a few simple steps.
                                       Class, and a minimum
                                       attendance of three full days     When playing, set your little one a
  is required to effectively achieve that goal.                          playful task, for example, building
                                                                         a simple structure. should they ask you how to carry out part of the
  Nursery children enjoy a varied day which covers all areas of          task, flip the question back on them, encouraging them to get to the
  the EYFS Curriculum including Computing, Spanish, Music and            answer themselves.
  Movement and Phonics as well as exploring our Sensory Garden
  and amphitheatre.                                                      The principal of question and answer play is a great tool for
  Reception                                                              encouraging independent play by simply asking your child “how do
                                                                         you think this goes together,” or “where is the box we need,” this will
  The Reception Class provides a welcoming, supportive,                  trigger your child to engage their independent thinking. By doing
  and stimulating environment, where children are given                  this, they are building the confidence required to tackle questions
  equal opportunities to develop and learn, in a way and pace            outside of their home environment.
  appropriate to them as individuals.
  The aims of the curriculum are to help develop the whole child         Tumble Tots 3 – School age class aims to provide an opportunity for
  and to secure the foundation for happy, confident, well-adjusted,      children to take part in independent learning whilst being guided
  independent and educated individuals.                                  and supported by trained staff members.

  More info:                                        More info:

                                                                             Classes in Reigate & Lingfield
                                                                             Contact Linsey Dommett
                                                                             01737 485431 I                                                                                           Families London Surrey Borders      11

      Early Years News                                                                    Early Years
                                                                                          and Woodland
                                             Outdoor play                                 Explorers at
                                             at Sutton High                               Belmont School
                                             Nursery                                      At Belmont, Early Years
                                                                                          pre-school children enjoy
                                         We all know that being outside                   either sessional or full-time
                                         is beneficial for our wellbeing,                 in a magical setting, with
                                         which is why at Sutton High                      bright and cheerful rooms,
                                         Nursery make sure their girls                    two gardens, an adventure
                                         have time to learn outdoors                      playground and woodland activities. French, Music, Performing
                                         every day. Their Breathe the                     Arts, PE, IT, Art, Forest School, and ballet lessons are provided
                                         Wild Air initiative allows the girls             by specialist teachers in addition to the traditional curriculum.
                                         to explore, dream and discover                   An extended day is possible with breakfast club from 7.30am and
      the world around them. One day the girls may be gardening and the                   after school club until 4.20pm.
      next they could be acting as Palaeontologists or playing with water!
                                                                                          Woodland Explorers is a fun activity session, aimed at parents/
      Once a week the girls attend a local woodland for Forest School                     carers with children under 5 years old. Visitors will join in with
      where they learn all about the world around them, natural materials,                our woodland session led by our Outdoor Activities Co-ordinator
      the names of plants and animals and much more.                                      and can try their hand at crafts in Belmont’s dedicated camp
                                                                                          area equipped with tyre swings, a shelter, campfire and log
      Sutton High Nursery also currently having a brand new bespoke                       seats.
      building being created – Fernwood House. This Prep building will
      include an outdoor learning terrace called ‘the LookOut’ containing                 The event is free of charge and runs from 1.30pm – 3pm on the
      a garden, rockery, and plenty of room to go birdwatching and learn                  first Thursday of the month in term time. The next session is on
      all about nature and Sutton High can’t wait for their girls to use this             Thursday 3rd February.
      building when it is completed later this year.
      More info:                                        

                                       More flexible                                   Are you looking for a nursery place
                                       approach to school                              for your child?
                                       starting age                                    Essendene Lodge School is an Independent Co-educational
                                                                                       Preparatory and Nursery School in the heart of Caterham, providing
                                       Being young in a school class puts              an outstanding education for 2- 11 year olds.
                                       a child at a long-term disadvantage
                                       compared to their older peers                   The small class sizes ensure that the children get a bespoke
                                       according to new research.                      curriculum designed for their strengths and developmental needs,
                                                                                       and thriving sports, music, language and drama programmes to
                                     The study by Kings College                        develop pupil talent and achieve their potential.
                                     London, found that when children
       are the youngest in their class, they have a greater chance of                  There is a 51 week onsite nursery with flexibility to choose sessions
       experiencing educational problems, as well as social and even                   and take advantage of the 15 or 30 hours funding and childcare
       emotional complications. These findings could help parents                      vouchers are accepted. The Early Years Department provides strong
       considering when to enrol their child in school.                                foundations for learning and pupils move seamlessly to KS1 and
                                                                                       then progress to KS2.
       Senior author Professor Jonna Kuntsi said: ‘The difference
       between the youngest and oldest member of a class can be                        Essendene Lodge School can take care of your child from 8am to
       up to eleven months. In the early stages of childhood, this is a                6pm during term time as well as offering a holiday scheme during
       significant difference in terms of maturity, behaviour and cognitive            the school holiday periods where children enjoy a wide range of
       abilities.’ The researchers are now calling for greater flexibility             activities catered for their age range.
       about school starting age.
                    Epsom-Advert-6cmH-x-4.5cmW-21.06.21.pdf 1 21/06/2021 15:36:05      More info:
       More at

                                                                             THE UK’S NO.1 CLUB
                                                                              FOR NEW AND EXPECTANT PARENTS

 C                                                              PREGNANCY



                Centres in                                                    FITNESS
              Epsom, Ewell,
              Sutton, North                                     COME FOR A
                Cheam &                                         FREE
               Raynes Park
 K                                                              TRIAL
          Sarah Wiseglass • 07539 468 002


12    Families London Surrey Borders                                                                                          
Early Years to GCSE | Day & Boarding | Co-Ed


                       Holmbury St Mary, Surrey RH5 6LQ

                         Open Morning Thursday 20th January 2022
                        To arrange a private tour contact the admissions team.                              Families London Surrey Borders    13

                            CLUBS & CLASSES DIRECTORY
     Preschool and Toddler                Performing Arts                      Active Sports                             Petite Ecole Reigate
     Aquatots                             Ambition Dance                       Axten 1-2-1 Private Football              La Petite École de Reigate offers
     Various locations                    Epsom                                Coaching                                  French classes every Saturday, for
     Swim programme for children from     Dance classes for children aged      Across London & Surrey                    children from 4-16.
     10 wks-8 yrs.                        18 months to adult. Classes from     1-2-1 football coaching with UEFA B                     beginner level.                      License football coach for beginners
                                              to professionals.         Rock Project Croydon
                                                                                                                         Caterham, Purley
                                                                               Future Gymnastics                         The Rock Project teaches 7-11 and
                                           Ashtead                                                                       12-18 yr olds Drums, Guitar, Bass
                                           Ballet School                       Carshalton and South Croydon
                                                                               From absolute beginner to Future          Guitar and Vocals.
                                           Venues across                                                       
                                           Ashtead                             Pro’s, Future Gymnastics offer
                                                                               recreational and squad classes for
      Busylizzy                            Classes for                         boys and girls age 3+.
      Reigate                              students                  
      Join our community of like-minded    from 3 years
      mums in Reigate for support,         to adult in ballet, tap, modern     Future Generation Cheerleading
      fitness and wellbeing along your     and, for older students, body       South Croydon
      pregnancy and postnatal journey.     conditioning and pointe work.       Brand new recreational and                 Stitches Academy of Sewing
      Busylizzy is a great way to have     www.ashteadballetschool.            competitive cheerleading team              and Creative Arts
      fun whilst getting fit with your                               located in Croydon                         Cheam
      little one.                                                                    Sewing and textiles classes for                                                                                             children and adults. Lessons
                                           C&C Dance                           Great Waves Swimming Academy               take place daytimes, afterschool,
     Mini Athletics                        School                              Various locations                          evenings and at the weekends.
     Reigate, Dorking, Sutton, Croydon     S.Nutfield,                         Lessons for swimmers of all ages           121 and home education groups
     Structured and fun athletics          Redhill, Reigate,                   and abilities. 1-2-1 and 2-2-1 lessons     available.
     programme for children 2–7 yrs.       Merstham                            are available.                                    A wide range              
                                           of classes in
                                           dance & drama
      Monkey Music
      Reigate, Lingfield,                  for pupils aged 18 months to                                                  Academic Tuition
      Epsom, Ashtead,                      adults, including ISTD Graded
                                           examinations in Ballet, Modern                                                First Class Learning
      Walton on the                                                             MultiSports Sutton and Cheam             Various locations
      Hill, Bocketts                       & Tap and LAMDA Speech and
                                           Drama.                               Nonsuch High School for Girls            Providing expert English and maths
      Farm.                                                                     MultiSports gives boys and girls         tuition for children of all ages and
      Providing a                
                                                                                of all abilities between 4-16 yrs        abilities.
      progressive curriculum for                                                a unique learning experience in
      children aged 3 months to 4         Dance Studio 84                       the world of sport. The extensive
                                          Sanderstead                                                                    Maths Masters
      years where we support learning                                           programme covers 18 individual           Epsom, Tadworth & Redhill
      and development in a safe and       Royal Academy of Dance ballet         and team sports across the year.
                                          school. Suitable for children aged                                             Professional, affordable maths tuition
      nurturing environment.                                                        clubs for children at Key Stages 1-2.         3+yrs.
                                                                                                                         Fun and friendly, small groups 1-3
      leatherhead-dorking                                                                                                ratio.
                                          Ewell Dance                          Skills UK
                                          Ewell, Epsom, Stoneleigh             Croydon, Sutton
                                          Ballet, modern,tap, contemporary,    Awesome and exciting weekly
                                          street dance, acro and musical       football sessions. Ages 2-11 yrs.
                                          theatre. 2+yrs.

                                           Hidden Gems                         Art, Language and Music                    Mock Test Masters
                                           Theatre                                                                        Sutton, Croydon, Wallington
                                           School                              Art K                                      Specialist providers of 11+ mock
                                           Coulsdon                            Various locations                          tests in the UK.
      The Lotus Practice - Baby            Performing                          Art learning in the studio and at
      Massage and Yoga                     Arts Theatre                        home, to suit every pupil who loves
      Croydon                              School                              art!                      Starlight Learning
      Baby yoga is relaxing and            specialising in musical theatre,                                              Kenley, Caterham, Purley, Coulsdon
      enjoyable for both mum and           dance, singing & drama for                                                    A small tuition group designed for
      babies and supports bonding.         kids ages 3-16. Youth MHFA,                                                   children in yrs 3-6.
      Massage offers a unique way to       BAST singing teacher. Holiday                                       
      raise the ‘feel-good’ hormone        Workshops.
      oxytocin in yourself and your        www.hiddengemstheatreschool.
      baby.                                Craft My Day
                                                                                Worcester Park                            Get your club or class
      TumbleTots                           Perform weekly                       Crafts activities for all ages               seen by 1000’s of
                                                                                and abilities that range from
      Epsom                                drama, dance
                                                                                papercraft, decoupage,                    local parents for less
      Epsom, Ewell,                        and singing
      Sutton, North                        classes                              painting, printing, powertex,              than £20 per month.
      Cheam                                Purley, Cheam,                       sewing and much more!
      A progressive                        Caterham,                  
      play programme designed to           Reigate, Oxted                                                                      Call Tamar on
      develop children’s balance,          Confidence                                                                      075 3714 1998 or email
      climbing and co-ordination,          building fun for 4-12s. A unique     Dunottar
      which enhances brain                 mix of drama games, dance and        Saturday Music
      development and builds               singing specially designed to        Academy                                     for more information.
      confidence. From 6 months old        boost confidence, communication,     Reigate
      who can sit up unaided.              concentration, and coordination.     Music tuition for
                                           Use code LSB70222 for a £40
                                           discount when you book before 7
                                           Feb. Book a free trial online at
                                                                                young musicians
                                                                                aged 5-18. All
                                                                                abilities welcome.
                                                                                                                         Free Magazines
                                                Piano, Singing, Woodwind,                   for your school, nursery, cafe,
                                                                                Strings, Brass and Music Theory.                shop or club - just ask!
                                                                                                                                     or 0794 7535 986
      Vital Yoga Toddler Yoga                                                  Coulsdon, Tadworth, Banstead
      Reigate                                                                  Fun French classes suitable for
      Move your body with your little                                          children of all ages from birth-11 yrs.
      one! Exploring positive movement,                              
      songs, laughter and joy!
      vitalyogareigate                          Don’t forget to say you saw these in Families London Surrey Borders Magazine

14   Families London Surrey Borders                                                                                         

Clubs & Classes News                                                          Achieving success
                                                                              at Ashtead Ballet
                                       Happy Confident                        School
                                       New Year from
                                                                              Exams might not be the first thing
                                       Perform                                you think of when you think about
                                                                              having fun! But for the students
                                       Perform, the South East’s biggest      at Ashtead Ballet School taking a
                                       drama school, is getting 2022          dance exam is part of the journey
                                       off to a brilliant start with a new    and a great way to mark their
                                       term of amazing themes for their       progress. Yes, there are nerves,
                                       drama classes for 4-12s.               but there’s a huge sense of achievement at having challenged
                                                                              themselves and come out smiling! Since coming out of lockdown
It’s no surprise that some children have found it difficult to readjust       in April this year Ashtead Ballet School have already had one set
after the effects of the pandemic. Child Psychologist and Author,             of exams with 100% success rate.
Linda Blair, told Perform that “drama classes can help children
recover from social isolation as it encourages communication                  With classes from age 3 upwards in ballet, tap, modern, pointe
and effective social interactions”. Drama helps a child’s ability to          work and body conditioning where every child can fulfil their own
understand and interpret things like eye contact and body language,           potential, with or without exams! And to those who are about to
which they may have lacked exposure to. She continues, “drama                 take their next ballet exam we want to say that we’re already very
classes can help in countless ways both socially and cognitively.”            proud of you!
With that in mind, Perform classes are packed with confidence-                To find out more email, call
boosting drama-based games and activities, allowing every child               07947 920343 or visit
to shine. 4-7s will trek off on a Jungle adventure while 7-12s enjoy          Instagram and Facebook @Ashteadballetschool
a thrilling adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. What’s more, Perform’s
jungle theme becomes a West End musical during February half-
term, featuring a professional adult cast, stunning costumes and             New principal at
fabulous music. Visit
                                                                             MultiSports Sutton
NEW classes in Cheam and Reigate
To book a no-obligation FREE trial at Purley, Cheam, Caterham,
                                                                             & Cheam
Reigate or Oxted visit using code                     Jack Craven, a local dad has
LSB70222 for a £40 discount when you book by 7 February.                     recently taken over MultiSports
                                                                             Sutton & Cheam. The MultiSports
 Learn new skills in a magical                                               programme is specifically
                                                                             designed to develop well-rounded
 musical environment                                                         young people by promoting
                                                                             sportsmanship, leadership skills
 Local Mumpreneur Linsey runs Monkey Music pre-school music                  and growing confidence. Each week at MultiSports, your 4-16 year
 classes across East Surrey. The curriculum has over 500 original            old will play a team sport, an individual sport and participate in a
 songs all tailored to your child’s stage of development. Each               team building activity all in a fun and safe environment. Children
 week the classes include these original songs, plus well-known              who attend the MultiSports programme will learn and participate in
 children’s classics which are sung live by the teachers who                 18 different sports across the year
 use actions, instruments, and colourful props to focus on three
 main areas of your child’s development - their Social, Language             Spaces available for the Spring Term. Join for 2-Week Special Offer
 and Physical skills, whilst taking your child on a developmental            and experience first hand MultiSports at its best!
 journey from the age of 12 weeks to 4 years.
                                                                             MultiSports Sutton & Cheam will be offering Easter Holiday
 Book today and share precious time together with your little one            Workshops with three days of fun and sports. Limited Spaces, so
 - your first class is FREE!                                                 book early to avoid disappointment.

 More info:                     All enrolments include a two-week trial. Book online at
                                                                    or call 0800 799 0979.

                                                                                    The Lotus Practice
             11+ Mock Tests
                      11+ Mock Tests
                                                                                     Now offering
Stage   - Mock 11+WALLINGTON
 CEM1 style                  Orpington/Kent
                             Stage     2 Sutton Schools
                Selective Eligibility Test
 BexleyEligibility           Grammar
                    Test& Stage
           Tests (SET)               2 Tests  Schools                             ü Cranio-sacral therapy
 Dates:  30/3/15
 Dates: 20/2/15  – Mon.
                Fri Half Term    Dates: 18/2/15
                          pm8th January
                                 Dates:  31/3/15Wed
                                           2022– Tue.   Sch.
                                                     Half     hols
                                                           Term                   ü Baby Massage Courses
        28/3/15  – Sat. am               26/5/15Wed
                                        01/4/15  - Tue. Half term
                                                     Easter  Hols
                    (Weekend    - ONLINE)04/7/15 Wed  . amTerm
                                                 – SatHalf                        ü Baby Yoga Courses
        29/5/15  – Sat.
                    Half am
                         Term           27/5/15
  Where: Hurst  Community 19th Where: February     2022
                                              Crofton  Halls,
  Where:   Wallington
  Centre, Hurst Place,  SM6           Where: Road,
                        Hurst Rd, - INCrofton Sutton Orpington
                                                     SM3 or                       ü Osteopathy
                   (Half-term           PERSON)
  Bexley DA5 3LH                      BR6 8PRWallington SM6
  See the     The
     Where:         Centre,
                  for full     Milton
                           address.   Rd,
                                      See Wallington
                                          the            SM6
                                              website- for       9RP
                                                           full address.            CranioSacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive
  Time: 1.30pm – 3.45pm               Time: 9.30am      1pm
                                                                                    handon technique that supports body’s innate
        Fee: From
           From £45
              Fee: £25
                   £22.50   paper
                         2 papers   including
                            per paper           detailed
                                          including      feedback &
                                                      detailed    and               ability to balance, restore and heal itself. It is
             feedback and FREE
                         access   online
                             online  all   tests.*to practise.
                                                                                    suitable for everyone from new-born to elderly.
                            BOOK NOW
                          FEEDBACK includes                                       ) 07956442223
                    ✔ Detailed report
                        ü Ranked
                      ✔ Strengths
             ü Your child’s
                                   table your child’s
                                   & weaknesses
                            strength and weaknesses report
              ✔Access to mock test questions & answers
              üAccess to mock test questions & answers
                 ✔ Your child’s answer papers returned
                                                                                  8                                                                                             Families London Surrey Borders     15

     The hidden benefits
     of performing arts
     By Linda Stone
     Our daughter was 3 years old when we enrolled her in a
     performing arts holiday workshop – 5 mornings for a week, on
     her own, with children she’d never seen before, aged from 3 to
     8 years.

     When my husband dropped her off, he said: ‘I think we’ll get a
     phone call soon. She was the only little one there and there were
     loads of older children.’

     No phone call came. In fact, quite the opposite. When our
     daughter came home at lunch time that day, her face glowing
     and eyes sparkling, her first words to me were: “Mummy, I                      Drama teaches children how to get inside the head of others.
     LOVED it. Can I go tomorrow?”                                                  By “being a character” they learn to empathise. And this is a
                                                                                    highly valuable skill for making friends during childhood, for
     And that was it. 9 years later, she still attends a performing arts            understanding the deeper context of books and even world
     class once a week. During that time, she has sung, dance and                   situations and for developing emotional intelligence. Performing
     acted her way through dozens of performances, formally and                     arts has helped our daughter make friends by teaching her how
     informally, with and without audiences, with and without been                  important it is to consider others feelings and needs and to be
     filmed or in costume. She’s taken LAMDA acting exams, LCM                      kind.
     Musical Theatre exams, auditioned for scholarships and even,
     famously, stood up in front of 400 people in a packed church to                Her performing arts classes involve considerable trial and
     sing a Christmas carol.                                                        error. In rehearsals, lines are forgotten, mashed up and fluffed
                                                                                    in all sorts of ways. Songs are sung at the wrong pitch or note.
     And, she has done the large majority of this without feeling                   Dancers fall into each other and trip over their own feet. And it is
     nervous about what she was doing. Perhaps because she                          all fun, everyone laughs and it is all okay. Most importantly, with
     started at such a young age.                                                   repeated practice and commitment, things improve.

     Maybe your first reaction to this tale is: ‘My child could never do            This fantastic blueprint has helped our daughter to accept
     that.’ ‘Your daughter must have been a naturally confident child,              failure, value practice and understand why commitment is
     who was always going to want to perform,’ I hear you say. It’s                 required. This translates into an acceptance that she can
     true that she’d always shown a fondness for role play, singing                 contribute to class discussions and put up her hand to answer
     and acting out fairy stories. And seemed to love to dress up and               questions and that it is okay for others to disagree with her or for
     ‘accessorise.’ And we ran with that. But, truthfully, I think most             her to get an answer wrong. She has even been able to accept
     children love these things if given the opportunity to nurture                 that sometimes she will do less well than expected in an exam
     them.                                                                          or test but that this too is okay – because with more work and
                                                                                    practice, she will improve.
     Interestingly, although our daughter was comfortable being
     away from us, she was never all that comfortable interacting with              Not only this, but her confidence and level of articulation mean
     other children. In fact, she was quite reserved.                               she is able to comfortably read out loud, in class and in front of
                                                                                    an audience at school, deliver presentations and even speeches.
     I sincerely believe that starting performing arts classes at such              All this as a result of nurturing her initial interest in stories and
     a young age, on the back of her love of storytelling, developed                ways of storytelling during her pre-school years!
     her confidence and ability to perform, rather than capitalising on
     some innate confidence she already had.                                        It just shows where encouraging and developing a child’s
                                                                                    interest in stories, books and self-expression can lead.
     Participating in performing arts has benefited her personal
     growth and education in unprecedented ways.

                      R ALL!!!
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                                                                CDE - AISTD (Dip)
                                                                Miss C Taylor
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                                                               Council for Dance
                                                                  Education &                                      To(ROYAL
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16   Families London Surrey Borders                                                                                                 
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