Frederick News - November 20, 2020

Page created by Ivan Saunders
Frederick News - November 20, 2020
Frederick News – November 20, 2020

A Long Walk to Water:
Our 5th graders are reading A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park and we
invite everyone to join us in walking for water to raise awareness about the
issues in South Sudan. See the attached flyer with more information and the map
of where our special path is set up.

Book News
The book eFair will be running through November 24th. Books will be delivered to
Frederick and distributed the week before Winter Break. See the attached flyer
for more information.

Unfortunately, the decision was made to not allow school library checkout for the
near future. You are asked to check with your public libraries for material or the
great collection of online resources available.

If your child is struggling to find something, please email Ms. Payleitner
payleitner.rebecca@d46 .org and she will do everything she can to get them
paired up with something they will enjoy. Attached is a document with links to all
the public library goodies so we can keep them engaging with books.

Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday next week.
If you still would like to conference with your child’s homeroom teacher, and have
not yet set up a time to do that, please email the teacher directly and they will be
able to set you up with a date and time to meet. A reminder that due to
conferences, there are no classes next week.
Frederick News - November 20, 2020
PE News
Dear Parents/Guardians,

If you would like to schedule a conference meeting with your son or daughter’s
PE teacher, please contact their teacher via email and we’ll be happy to schedule
a meeting. We will be available for conferences on November 23rd (1pm-8pm)
and November 24th (8am-3pm).

The Frederick PE Team

Mrs. Ade:                        Mr. Geske:
Mrs. Greissinger:        Mr. Will:

Report Cards
You should now have access to view your child’s first trimester report card in
Infinite Campus.

Giving Tree
Thank you to everyone who signed up to purchase and wrap a present for our
giving tree project. All present requests have been filled. For those that signed up
to purchase gifts, once they are wrapped and labeled, you can drop them off at
Frederick School on Monday (11/23) 8 AM – 8 PM, Tuesday (11/24) 8 AM – 3
PM, or Monday (11/30) or Tuesday (12/1) 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM.

Spirit Wear
The PTO has opened up the school spirit wear store just in time for the Holidays.
All orders will be filled and delivered straight to your door. The deadline for orders
is December 1st, so don’t delay.

Important Dates
NOV 19 – Report Cards available in IC
NOV 23 & 24 – Parent / Teacher Conferences (virtual)
NOV 23-27 – Thanksgiving Break – No School
DEC 9 – Late Start 9:50 AM
DEC 21-JAN 1 - Winter Break
Frederick News - November 20, 2020
        How far are you willing to walk for a glass of water?
 For many in South Sudan, villagers have to walk over 3.5 miles to get water.
 Often, this water is contaminated and easily spreads disease throughout a
 village. There has also been increased rebel activity in the area making this a
 dangerous walk.

 Frederick School is supporting Water for South Sudan. This organization
 was founded by Salva Dut, one of the Lost Boys of Sudan, in their efforts to
 raise awareness and funds to build wells and educate people in the region.

 Join Frederick School November 20 - December 18 in taking the long walk to
 water. Starting at the corner of Frederick Rd. and Atkinson Rd. we have laid
 out a path that will take you past Frederick and GMS and through Central
 Park to the “pond” before you turn around and walk it back. The path is
 marked with signs to encourage you and teach you more about the situation
 in South Sudan.

 Please follow social distancing etiquette while you are walking. Check the
 weather before hitting the path and remember that if winter weather occurs
 the park district will plow the pathway but not de-ice it.

 This is in connection with the 5th grade reading of A Long
 Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. We recommend grabbing
 a copy to enrich your walk to water.

Water for South Sudan               To donate                 #alongwalktowater
Frederick News - November 20, 2020
Frederick News - November 20, 2020
Order Your Yearbook Today!

      No doubt this school year is like none other!

                          Order your copy of the
          2020-2021 Frederick School Yearbook at


                           Or call ​1-877-767-5217​.

     Early bird cost is $18.00 through December 31

   Send photos of your student on theme days, doing projects at home, show us your home
"office", events you attend, getting together with friends in your masks and socially distanced.

               Let's document all the crazy new things we have had to adapt to!

               Submit your photos to Mrs. Greissinger by
                                      Clicking Here
Frederick News - November 20, 2020
¡Ordene su anuario hoy!
¡Sin duda este año escolar es como ningún otro!

                         Solicite su copia del
     anuario escolar de Frederick 2020-2021 en


                    O llame al ​1-877-767-5217​.

 El costo de inscripción anticipada es de $18.00
                     hasta el 31 de diciembre.
Envíe fotos de su estudiante en días temáticos, haciendo proyectos en casa, muéstrenos la
"oficina" de su hogar, eventos a los que asiste, reuniéndose con amigos en sus máscaras y
                               distanciados socialmente.

  ¡Documentemos todas las locas cosas nuevas a las que nos hemos tenido que adaptar!

          Envíe sus fotos a la Sra. Greissinger haciendo
                                      clic aquí
Frederick News - November 20, 2020
Frederick News - November 20, 2020

The November 10th Family University’s live webinar with Erin Walsh focused on ‘Stress and the Brain: Helping
Kids Cope’. During the presentation, Erin pointed out that currently we are all running a race without knowing
the course or where the finish line is, discussed why some stress isn’t bad, and pointed out the role
relationships play in combating stress. Throughout the presentation, Erin also took the time to answer
questions from parents.

If you were unable to watch the ‘Stress and the Brain: Helping Kids Cope’ live webinar you can click here to
watch the recording*:
                                   STRESS AND THE BRAIN BY ERIN WALSH

*The recorded webinar will be available for 30 days.

                             Additional Resources from Spark and Stitch Institute

Five Things Kids Need to Regulate and Recharge

The Many Faces of Stress in Children and Teens

Five Ways to Stay Connected to Kids During Stressful Times

Talking With Teens

                 Mark your calendars for the last Family University Webinar in this Series
           December 1, 2020:        Building Your Family’s Stress Recovery and Resilience Toolkit
This webinar will run from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm and will be recorded for those who cannot attend. It is a free
program, open to the community, and can be accessed by clicking on this link:

          Passcode: Spark


El taller virtual en vivo de Family University el día 10 de noviembre con Erin Walsh se enfocó en “El estrés y el
cerebro: Cómo ayudar a los niños a enfrentar situaciones”. Durante la presentación, Erin reconoció que todos
estamos participando en una carrera sin saber la ruta ni donde termina, discutimos sobre por qué algunas
veces el estrés no es malo y enfatizamos el rol que tienen las relaciones para combatir el estrés. Durante la
presentación, Erin también se tomó el tiempo para contestar preguntas de los padres de familia.

Si no pudieron asistir al taller virtual “El estrés y el cerebro: Cómo ayudar a los niños a enfrentar situaciones”,
pueden presionar este enlace para ver una grabación*:
                    “El estrés y el cerebro: Cómo ayudar a los niños a enfrentar situaciones”
*Esta grabación estará disponible durante 30 días.
Frederick News - November 20, 2020
Recursos adicionales del instituto “Spark and Stitch Institute”

Cinco cosas que necesitan los niños para regular y recargar

Las muchas caras del estrés en los niños y adolescenteses

Cinco maneras de mantenerse conectados con los niños durantes momentos estresantes

Cómo hablar con los adolescentes

             Anote en su calendario estos próximos talleres virtuales de Family University
           Diciembre 1, 2020:      Cómo desarrollar un botiquín de recuperación de estrés y resistencia
Cada taller se llevará a cabo de 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm y será grabado para aquellas personas que no puedan
asistir. Estos programas son gratuitos y disponibles para la comunidad y se pueden ver presionando este

          Passcode: Spark
Frederick News - November 20, 2020
Public Library Links
        Temporary Library Card
        Digital Resources
        Curbside Information

              Round Lake
                      Temporary Library Card
                      Digital Resources
                      Curbside Information

Lake Villa
        Temporary Library Card
        Digital Resources
        Curbside Available
Frederick is hosting an eFair!
Supporting a love for reading is critical to student success. Explore
our online book fair and help your child find your next favorite book.

Now everyone can participate! Encourage your child to create their
       online wish list and share with friends and family.


                Our eFair code: ZG63P
          Orders due by: November 24th 2020
     The books will be sent to Frederick for pickup the week of
                         December 14th.

                         Every purchase made will earn up to 40%
                         back in rewards to help support our school!

                         Any questions?
                         Contact Ms. Payleitner

¡Frederick será anfitriona de una eFeria!
    Apoyar el amor por la lectura es esencial para el éxito de los
 estudiantes. Explore nuestra feria de libros en línea y ayude a sus
            hijos a encontrar su siguiente libro favorito.

 ¡Ahora todos pueden participar! Aliente a sus hijos a crear su lista
    de deseos en línea y compartirla con amigos y familiares.


           Nuestro código de eFeria: ZG63P
         Pedidos para el: Noviembre 24th 2020
 Los libros se enviarán a Frederick para que los recojan la semana
                        del 14 de diciembre.

                         ¡Por cada compra realizada, obtendremos
                         hasta 40% en recompensas para ayudar a
                         apoyar a nuestra escuela!

                         ¿Alguna pregunta?
                         Comuníquese con la
                         Sra. Payleitner
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