Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22

Page created by Sue Oconnor
Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
Frederick Bremer School

 Parent/ Carer Handbook – 2021-22
Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
Section 1 – Introduction to the School ...................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.1 Headteacher’s Welcome.................................................................................................................................................. 4
   1.2 School Values ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
   1.3 Introduction to Key Staff.................................................................................................................................................. 6
   1.4 Who to contact if you would like support ....................................................................................................................... 8
Section 2 – School Routines & Expectations .............................................................................................................................. 9
   2.1. The School Day................................................................................................................................................................ 9
   2.2. Term Dates...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
   2.3. Key Events ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
   2.4. School Examinations ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
   2.5. Breakfast Club, School Lunches & Free School Meals .................................................................................................. 12
   2.6. Attendance and Absence from School ......................................................................................................................... 13
   2.7. Reporting you child’s absence from school .................................................................................................................. 14
   2.8. School Uniform ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
   2.9. Code of conduct & expectations of pupils ................................................................................................................... 15
   2.10 Behaviour Procedures (Summary) ............................................................................................................................... 15
   2.11. Banned Items .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
   2.12 Travelling to and from school ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Section 3 – Safeguarding & Keeping your child safe................................................................................................................ 18
   3.1. The School’s Commitment to Safeguarding ................................................................................................................. 18
   3.2. Safeguarding and the Curriculum ................................................................................................................................. 18
   3.3. Who to contact if you have a concern or would like support....................................................................................... 19
   3.4. E-Safety advice to parents ............................................................................................................................................ 20
   3.5. Use of ICT within School ............................................................................................................................................... 22
   3.6. Acceptable use of ICT Protocols ................................................................................................................................... 22
Section 4 – Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting ................................................................................................................... 24
   4.1. Curriculum Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 24
   4.2. Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education at Frederick Bremer .............................................................................. 26
   4.3. Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) & Citizenship ...................................................................... 27
   4.4. Relationships & Sex Education ..................................................................................................................................... 27
   4.5. Physical Education ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
   4.6. Careers and Progression ............................................................................................................................................... 28
   4.7. Assessing your child’s progress..................................................................................................................................... 29
   4.8. Academic Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Section 5: Home-School Partnership ....................................................................................................................................... 30
   5.1. Expectations of Parents ................................................................................................................................................ 30
   5.2. Home / School Agreement ........................................................................................................................................... 30

Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
5.3. Additional opportunities to work in partnership with the School ................................................................................ 31
   5.4. Communicating with the School ................................................................................................................................... 32
   5.5 Complaints Procedure ................................................................................................................................................... 32
   5.6 What happens if expectations are not met? ................................................................................................................. 33
Section 6 - E-Learning Packages............................................................................................................................................... 34
   6.1. Introduction to School Gateway ................................................................................................................................... 34
   6.2. Introduction to Eventbrite ............................................................................................................................................ 37
   6.3. E-Learning Packages used by the School ...................................................................................................................... 37
Section 7 – Other Important Information................................................................................................................................ 38
   7.1 Parental consent ............................................................................................................................................................ 38
   7.2 Provision of Medication to Pupils .................................................................................................................................. 39
   7.3 Homework & Study Surgery .......................................................................................................................................... 41
   7.4 Young Carers .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Appendices .............................................................................................................................................................................. 42
   Home – School Agreement .................................................................................................................................................. 42
    School Uniform ................................................................................................................................................................... 43
   Banned Items ....................................................................................................................................................................... 46
   Parent Code of Conduct....................................................................................................................................................... 47
   Parent/Carer Learner expectations ..................................................................................................................................... 48

Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
Section 1 – Introduction to the School

1.1 Headteacher’s Welcome
On behalf of the staff at Frederick Bremer I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to the School and
introduce our Parent / Carer Handbook.

We have developed this Parent / Carer Handbook to provide you with information about the daily life of the
school and to help you support your child during their time at Frederick Bremer. Within this booklet you will
find details of our school uniform, how to keep up-to-date with your child’s academic progress, how to
contact the school if you have any questions and links to a range of other important information which is
available through our website.

As a school we are committed to working closely with you to ensure your child’s success within their education
and welcome contact from you if you would like any information to enable you to support them further. We
would also encourage you keep up to date with the school’s daily successes and any information updates
through our website ( and by following us on social media.

We hope that our Parent Handbook provides you with the information that you need but please do not
hesitate to contact us using the details in sections 1.3 and 1.4 if you would like any further information.

Yours sincerely

Jenny Smith

Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
1.2 School Values
As a school we are proud of our status as a fully comprehensive, mixed and inclusive school and are ambitious
for each and every one of our pupils. Every member of staff at the school is fully committed to providing the
best possible education for our pupils and are dedicated to ensuring that this provides them with the basis for a
successful future after their studies at Frederick Bremer. Relationships are at the heart of our school; and your
child will be known, nourished and nurtured here.

We are proud of our pupils GCSE results but we also recognise the importance of developing the whole child and
enfranchising them to be able to become active and responsible citizens and leaders of the 21st century. As a
result, our attention for the success of our pupil is, of course, accompanied by a commitment to ensuring that
every pupil is challenged and supported to ‘be the best that they can be’.

Our school values of “Respect, Responsibility and Integrity” are understood and championed by all members of
our school community and are now encapsulated in School Charter:

Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
1.3 Introduction to Key Staff
At Frederick Bremer School, we aim to give you a receive a response from us within 24 hours. Please don’t
hesitate to contact us if you have questions or queries about the school.

Senior Leadership Team & Chair of Governors
 Headteacher: Ms Jenny Smith
 Telephone: 020 8498 3340                                  Email:
 School Business Manager : Ms Shermaine Lewis
 Telephone: 020 8498 3352                                  Email:

 Deputy Headteacher: Ms Fenella Hewitt
 Telephone: 020 8498 3347                                  Email:

 Deputy Headteacher: Mr Steve Moore
 Telephone: 020 8498 3340 ext 3356                         Email:

 Deputy Headteacher: Ms Angy Osman
 Telephone: 020 8498 3340 ext 3411                         Email:

 Assistant Headteacher: Ms Claire Binns
 Telephone: 020 8498 3340 ext 3480                         Email:

 Assistant Headteacher: Ms Kelly Padley
 Telephone: 020 8498 3340 ext 3420                         Email:

 Assistant Headteacher: Mr Stephen Rowswell
 Telephone: 020 8498 3340 ext 3310                         Email:

 Chair of Governors : Ms Rachel Lampard
 Telephone: 020 8498 3340                                   Email:

For full details of all members of our Governing Body and to find out how you can become involved as a
Governor, please Click Here.

Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
Faculty/Department Leaders
 Department                               Staff Name                              Email
 English                                  Ms Jean Saliah                
 Maths                                    Ms Meera Ved                  
 Science                                  Ms Saarah Moosa               
 Creative Arts (Art, Drama & Creative     Ms Sarah Gibson (Maternity Cover)
 Music                                    Mr Toby Pellow                
 Humanities (Geography, History,          Ms Lizzie Staten              
 CPSHE, Social Legal Studies &
 Modern Foreign Languages (French,        Mrs Kelly Padley              
 German & Spanish)
 Technologies                             Ms Yolanda Younes             
 PE                                       Mr Robert Dixon               
 Additional Needs Department              Ms Ria Mills (SENCO)          

Heads of Year
 Year     Staff Name                                 Extension     Email
 7        Ms Krystal Stewart                         3409
 8        Mr Pavlos Anastasi                         3410
 9        Mr Mohammed Abdi                           3344
 10       Ms Becca Marchant-Daisley                  3311          r.marchant-daisley
 11       Ms Grace Kenny                             3431

Pastoral Support Officers
 Year     Staff Name                                 Extension     Email
 7        Ms Laura Hall                              3348
 8        Ms Kimesha Harding                         3358
 9        Ms Gemma Anderson (Medical needs)          3405
 10       Mrs Hazel Turner                           3353
 11       Mr Kareem Kavde                            3413

Key Support Staff
 Role                                   Staff Name                Extension   Email
 Attendance Officer                     Ms Lynne Deere            3332
 Careers & Progression Manager          Ms Elaine Seymour         3361
 Communications and Systems             Ms Harriet Cooke          3316
 Manager, and Exams Officer

For full details of all our teaching staff, please Click Here to access the staff list via our website.

Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
1.4 Who to contact if you would like support
If you have any question / concerns or would like to discuss anything relating to your child’s time in school then
we would recommend that you contact their form tutor or Head of Year in the first instance:

 Form     Tutor(s)                     Tutor e-mail address                  Head of Year
   7A     Dani Walsh                  Ms Krystal Stewart
   7B     Louise Healy       
   7C     Chloe Bowtell      
   7D     Zainab Jamil       
   7E     Bel O’Leary                  b.o’
   7F     Yolanda Younes     

   8A     Farhaz Patel                Mr Pavlos Anastasi
   8B     Toby Pellow        
   8C     Esme Lee           
   8D     Dwayne Nelson      
   8E     Altin Kercani      
   8F     Thomas Carruth     

   9A     Greg Baldwin              Mr Mohammed Abdi
   9B     Sonia Walcott/ Catrice
   9C     David Akata        
   9D     Claire Zanelli     
   9E     Jessica Dixon      
   9F     Eve Harriman       

  10A     Chantelle Clarke/ Alison        Ms Rebecca Marchant-Daisley
          Paine                       r.marchant-
   10B    Kim Phillips/ Alison Paine
  10C     Mariam Sankar      
  10D     Lee Carryl/ Shabnum
   10E    Elena Nicou        
   10F    Shahid Hussain     

  11A     Kaled Rebai                 Ms Grace Kenny
  11B     Katie Kibbler      
  11C     Sarah Gibson       
  11D     Rob Dixon          
  11E     Fahim Haque        
  11F     Eleanor Rason      

Please also feel free to contact your child’s individual subject teachers or the relevant subject leader using the
details above if you feel this is more appropriate.

Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
Section 2 – School Routines & Expectations

2.1. The School Day
Our School Day begins at 8.25am and finishes at 3.00pm each day. We run a one-week timetable consisting of
25 curriculum lessons each week, each 60 mins in duration, although several of their subjects may be scheduled
as double lessons (120 mins in total). On each day your child will begin their first curriculum lesson at 8.30am
(where the morning registration will be completed) and each day concludes with a 30 min form session or
assembly. We are also operating a programme of staggered break and lunch times, with different year groups
allocated to one of the two timetabled breaks / lunches.
It is extremely important that your child arrives at school no later than 8.25am each day to ensure that they
do not miss out on any of their learning as their first lesson will commence at 8.30am each morning. Please be
aware that if your child arrives late to school then they will receive a detention after school that day – for
further details of how this operates please see our behaviour policy.
Pupils can gain access to the school site from 7.45am for Breakfast Club and other organised activities, but
should arrive between 8.10am and 8.25am if they are not attending any formal pre-school activities.
Daily activities schedule will follow shortly;

Weekly Lesson Schedule

Friday Lunchtime Schedule
Each Friday the schedule for lunch runs on a
carousel basis with year groups allocated as
indYour Child’s Timetable

Your child’s individual timetable will be provided at the beginning of each academic year (or when they start
the school if they join during an academic year) and can be accessed for you to view through your School

Allocated break / Lunch Times
Within our staggered break / lunch schedule, pupils will be scheduled for their breaks as follows:
 Year Groups                              Morning Break                            Lunch Time
 Pupils in Y7 and Y9                      9.30am to 10.00am                        12noon to 12.30pm
 Pupils in Y8, Y10 and Y11                10.30am to 11.00am                       1.00pm to 1.30pm

2.2. Term Dates
It is an expectation that your child attends school every day during the school term and that any family holidays (or other
such events which require your child to be absent from school) should be scheduled outside of these dates. Frederick
Bremer school term dates for this academic year are as follows:

Please note that our training days may be subject to change due to the unique circumtances of this year. We will contact
you as soon as possible if we do make any changes to our training days.

Frederick Bremer School - Parent/ Carer Handbook 2021-22
First Day                             Wednesday 1st September 2021
 Autumn Term 1              Last Day                                Friday 22nd October 2021

                          CPD Day (s)                            Wednesday 1st September 2021

      Holiday              Half-Term                    Monday 25th October—Friday 29th October 2021

                           First Day                               Monday 1st November 2021
 Autumn Term 2              Last Day                               Friday 17th December 2021

                          CPD Day (s)                              Friday 19th November 2021

      Holiday          Christmas Holiday           Monday 20th December 2021—Friday 31st December 2021

                           First Day                                Tuesday 4th January 2022
  Spring Term 1             Last Day                                Friday 11th February 2022

                          CPD Day (s)                              Monday 24th January 2022

      Holiday              Half-Term                   Monday 14th February —Friday 18th February 2022

                           First Day                               Monday 21st February 2022
  Spring Term 2             Last Day                                   Friday 1st April 2022

                          CPD Day (s)                               Monday 14th March 2022
      Holiday            Easter Holiday                    Monday 4th April—Thursday 14th April 2022

                           First Day                                 Tuesday 19th April 2022
 Summer Term 1              Last Day                                  Friday 27th May 2022

                         Bank Holiday              Friday 15th April, Monday 18th April, Monday 2nd May 2022

      Holiday              Half-Term                         Tuesday 31st May—Friday 3rd June 2022

                           First Day                                  Monday 6th June 2022
 Summer Term 2              Last Day                                  Friday 22nd July 2022

                          CPD day (s)                                 Friday 24th June 2022

Please note: CPD days are subject to change. Please watch our website calendar for up-to-date details.

To help provide you with as much notice as possible, full details of term dates for forthcoming academic years
are published in advance through our website (as soon as these are confirmed with the local authority). Please
click here to access further details about our term dates for the forthcoming years.

2.3. Key Events
Details of the dates and information relating to any special events that will be taking place in the school are
provided through the School Calendar displayed on our website. We have also introduced a facility to enable
you to sync your calendar to the school’s calendar to help you with keeping up-to-date with events
throughout the year – Please click here to access the School Calendar and sync options. You will also receive
specific information from the school about events that apply to your child at timely intervals via School

Parent & Carer Evenings
As a school, we believe that providing opportunities for you to discuss your child’s learning with their individual
subject teachers is an important part of the support we provide. During the pandemic, we will continue to host
our Parent/Carer evenings using SchoolCloud. This system links directly to our school database, providing a
bespoke booking experience where parents/carers are able to book appointments with their child’s class
teachers. You can access schoolcloud from any device with internet access, and does not require any
downloaded software – it’s all accessed via the schoolcloud website. More details are sent prior to each
Parent/Carer Evening with insturctions of how to access your individual, data-secure, account

If you would like to discuss your child’s academic progress at any other point during their time at Frederick
Bremer, then please contact your child’s Head of Year or any of their individual subject teachers using the
contact details provided in section 1.3.

2.4. School Examinations
As part of our annual programme of assessment, formal written examinations are scheduled for specific points
through your child’s time at Frederick Bremer. These examinations, combined with our ongoing assessment
programme, help provide us with detailed assessment information, and ensure that we can provide you and
your child with specific feedback and identify any necessary support as part of the January and July report

Full details of the schedule of any examinations that apply to your child will be available two months before
each of these examination sessions and will be sent to you via your School Gateway account. To help ensure
that your child is prepared for each examination that they will complete at Frederick Bremer, we ask that you
support your child by supervising their revision and exam preparation in the build up to these periods and
would suggest that you contact your child’s Head of Year to book an appointment if you would like any
further information or advise on supporting your child with this.

Ramadan and Exams
Exams can be a stressful time for all pupils, and we will do everything we can to ensure that pupils are well
supported. This year, Ramadan coincides with the period where pupils will be completing their final
preparations for GCSE Examinations. The combination of exam preparation and fasting, might mean that
some pupils find this period especially challenging. We therefore ask parents to work with pupils to develop
a structured programme for revision which fits around the exams and the period of fasting / the breaking of
fasts and support them in ensuring that this is completed.

GCSE Examination Timetables
The GCSE Examination timetable is co-ordinated by the Joint Council for Examinations (JCQ) and is confirmed
and published in November each year. GCSE Examinations are normally scheduled throughout May and June but
the schedule for GCSE Examinations may change for the 2022 season as part of the Government’s response to
Coronavirus – We anticipate that details of an outline timetable will be confirmed by JCQ during October and
will share details of this announcement with parents / carers as soon as we receive it.
Personalised examination timetables. which indicate the date and time of the examinations that apply to
individual will be published following confirmation of their examination entries in February. If you would like to
discuss your child’s GCSE Examination schedule before this point then please contact our Examinations Officer
using the contact details provided in section 1.3.

2.5. Breakfast Club, School Lunches & Free School Meals
We run a Breakfast Club which operates in school between 7.30am and 8.15am each morning and is fully
staffed by school staff. Our Breakfast Club currently offers pupils a choice of cereals, porridge, hot bagels, fresh
fruit, fruit juice or milk and is free of charge and open to all pupils from all year groups. Please note all pupils
who are wishing to attend our breakfast club are required to be on-site by 8am.

This year we are also able to offer ‘takeaway breakfast packages’ to help support families where pupils may
not wish to (or be able to) attend our in-school breakfast club provision. If you would like to discuss this option
further, then please contact Ms. Hazel Turner (Assistant Pastoral Support Manager) via or contact the school using the details provided in section 5.4.

School Lunches
Ensuring that your child has a wholesome and nourishing diet is important as this provides them with the fuel for
their learning throughout the day and a healthy and nutritious lunch is an important element of this. We have
worked hard to ensure that our school catering provider (Waltham Forest Catering) offers a wide range of
nutritious meals each day and we ask that you ensure that any food brought into school also meets these
requirements, whether part of a packed lunch or otherwise - The cost of a school meal for pupils is £2.56 per day

In order to ensure that we keep Year Groups separate, we will be operating a staggered break and lunch. If your
child has school dinners, these will need to be pre-ordered and these orders will be available in your child’s
learning zone. Information on how to download and use the Fusion mobile app has previously been sent to
parents. Alternatively, you may wish to provide a packed lunch for your child - but please remember that we are
a ‘nut-free’ school.

Pupils will have a break and lunch time of 30 minutes each. They will have an opportunity to play outside, as
well as social space inside their zone in the school. Year 7 and Year 9 will have their break at 9.30am and lunch
at 12noon. Years 8, 10 and 11 will have their break at 10.30am and lunch at 1pm.

When pupils are able to order food directly from the canteen instead of pre-ordering, pupils will now use a PIN
rather than their finger. The PIN and the Onboarding Code you need to set up the Fusion mobile app have been
added into the School Gateway app under Reporting > Assessment > Pupil E-Platform Account Details.

Please note: For you or your child to complete their food order you must have sufficient funds within your
Parent Pay account; please, therefore ensure that you keep the relevant Parent Pay account topped up with
sufficient balance to enable this process to be completed.

If your child doesn’t have a ParentPay account or you need any support with our payment systems then please
do not hesitate to contact Ms Seymour via

Free School Meals
If your child is eligible, or you believe they are eligible, to receive Free School Meals then you will be required to
complete an application via the London Borough of Waltham Forest. If your child is entitled to receive Free
School Meals then their school catering account will be credited with the appropriate amount on a daily basis. To
find out further details about this application process and a copy of the application form then please click here
to access further information from the LBWF website.

2.6. Attendance and Absence from School
Good attendance and punctuality are essential if your child is to achieve to their full potential. As a school we
believe that ensuring pupils attend school on-time each day not only supports their learning but also helps them
to develop good habits which help improve their future employability. We are, therefore, committed to
supporting you and your child to ensure they achieve the best possible attendance and punctuality.

As a parent you, of course, play the most significant role in ensuring that your child develops a positive habit in
these areas and we, therefore, ask that you:

 ∙   Working with your child to develop an effective morning routine which enables them to arrive into school
     in good time (allowing for any potential delays or issues throughout their journey).
 ∙   Assess any illness that you child is experiencing and only keep them off school if it is serious and/or likely
     to prevent them from learning.
 ∙   Contact the school on the first day of absence, explaining the reason and expected length of absence.
 ∙   Make medical appointments outside of school hours, where possible. Appointments must be made in
     advance and we need to see evidence of the appointment in order to allow pupils to leave the school
     during the day
 ∙   Do not take holidays during term time. We will not authorise holidays at all even very short ones.
 ∙   Contact our attendance office (Ms. Lynne Deere) via if you wish to
     discuss any issues with attendance or punctuality.

Attendance / Absence from School - Coronavirus Specifics Details
With the start of the new 2021/22 academic year, the Department for Education has confirmed that school
attendance is, once again, compulsory for all pupils. They have, however, provided details of some specific
situations in which pupils should not attend school in the interests of public health. These are identified as
▪ Your child is required to self-isolate as they, or a member of their household, has symptoms or confirmed
▪ Your child is required to self-isolate because they are a close contact of someone who has symptoms or
    confirmed coronavirus.
▪ Your child is required by legislation to self-isolate as part of a period of quarantine.

If any of these specific situations applies to your child, then we ask that you contact the school immediately to
report your child’s absence and inform us of which of these reasons might apply. This guidance may change in
the future if we experience any ‘local lockdown’ or other resurgence of the Coronavirus.

Please note: Current guidance does not include provision for the absence of any pupil who is considered as
‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ and may well have previously been ‘shielding’. If your child is considered within
this category, then please make every effort to ensure your child attends school each day and inform us of any
absence they might require due to illness in accordance with normal school processes.

Absence from School for religious observation
Please be aware that the school can only grant one day of authorised absence for observation of any specific
religious event per year. If your child will be absent from school because of religious observation then please be
aware that permission must be sought from the school in advance by requesting a day of absence for religious
observance – Please contact our Attendance Officer using the details provided in section 1.3 if you would like to
request such an absence. If permission is not sought from the school, this may be recorded as unauthorised

2.7. Reporting you child’s absence from school

If your child is going to be absent from school, please inform the School by 8.20am on each day of their absence,
either by telephone on 0208 498 3332 or via your School Gateway account.

2.8. School Uniform
We believe that our uniform is important, providing a school identity and demonstrates equality amongst pupils
and we, therefore, expect all our pupils to be dressed in their full uniform at all times.

Full details of our school uniform can be found here but please note that the following items are compulsory:

 ∙   A school blazer with school badge / logo
 ∙   Plain white shirt with collar
 ∙   School tie (with year group colours)
 ∙   School navy blue trousers or skirt (knee or full length)
 ∙   Black leather or similar school shoes

Please note: Trainer style shoes (e.g. Airforce) are not an acceptable form of footwear.

Experience has shown that the wearing of uniform is a significant factor in creating a sense of pride in the
school and in encouraging the kind of spirit we wish to develop; we, therefore, ask that you support us in our
work by ensuring that your child is dressed in full school uniform when they arrive into school each day.

Year Group Tie Colours
Each year group in the school is denoted by a different colour stripe on their tie. From September 2019 the
year colour ties are as follows:

 Year 7 –         Green Stripe
 Year 8 -         Blue Stripe
 Year 9 -         White Stripe
 Year 10 -        Yellow Stripe
 Year 11 -        Red Stripe

School Uniform Supplier
Our school uniform suppliers are Speedstitch (Address: Speedstitch, Unit 32, Walthamstow Business Centre,
Clifford Road, Walthamstow, E17 4SX, 020 8531 4446 – Opening times 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday). Speedstitch
are the preferred suppliers of Frederick Bremer school uniform. Uniform purchased from other retailers may not
be a correct match and in some instances may not be considered correct uniform. Please see additional
information in appendix 2.

2.9. Code of conduct & expectations of pupils
 At Frederick Bremer, we expect high standards of positive behaviour, both in school and out in the
 community. We believe that good behaviour underpins success and pupils can only reach their potential if
 their standard of behaviour is consistently high, and if learning is not disrupted by the negative behaviour of

 With this in mind, our rewards serve to recognise and positively reinforce your child’s good behaviour and the
 sanctions serve as a consequence if our expectations are not met. As members of the Bremer community, we
 believe that your child should understand that there are always consequences associated with good and bad

 To help keep you informed of the positive behaviours that your child has demonstrated and provide you
 notification of any negative behaviour, you can now monitor your child’s conduct through the Achievement
 and Behaviour tabs within your School Gateway account.

 If you would like to discuss your child’s behaviour in school or would like to find out further information about
 our Code of Conduct then lease contact your child’s Head of Year using the contact details provided in section

2.10 Behaviour Procedures (Summary)
In Class Behaviours

The Behaviour Culture we are trying to achieve:

We want a culture that is pupil learning centred, where staff are empowered to focus on the core business of teaching &
learning, where the teaching is of the utmost importance and therefore poor behaviour is not tolerated in or out of the
classroom. Our aim is to support young people to learn adult behaviours such as Respect, Responsibility and Integrity – our
core values as a school.

A classroom system to support us achieving this:

    ●   Teacher Verbal Warning
    ●   Redeem & Repair
    ●   Parked (departmental)
    ●   Parked from ‘Parking’ – IER for 24 hours

Any pupil that is parked from a class:

    ●   Receives a WSD (on the same day)
    ●   WSD to happen every day
    ●   Message home (via gateway – on the same day)
    ●   Where possible (and if impactful) the teacher is encouraged to speak to the pupil whilst they’re in their WSD in the
        Assembly Hall
    ●   Where possible (and if impactful) the teacher is encouraged to contact home if they ‘park’ a pupil

●   Behaviour is logged on SIMs by the classroom teacher

Rewarding Positive Behaviours and ensuring Unacceptable Behaviour has consequences

What is the Vision?

At Frederick Bremer we want pupils learning to be at the centre of everything we do. We want pupils to enjoy their time at
school, to obtain the best qualifications they are capable of, to be able to gain the skills, knowledge and behaviours
needed to be successful. This is done through participation, opportunities and positive relationships with staff and peers.

At Frederick Bremer the staff will always try to build relationships with students and encourage them to make the right
choices. Teachers use a number of classroom management strategies, give chances of success and reward it, emphasising
the positive and ensuring that pupils have a fair and consistent experience. Our approach to rewards and consequences
backs this up.

Out of Class Behaviours

For out of class behaviours the school will continue to use the ‘Red Card’ system.

The ‘red Card’ book will have categories in it which are reflected in the SIMs category list;

    ●   Banned Item
    ●   Incorrect uniform – Out of classroom
    ●   Hand, Feet & Objects – Out of classroom
    ●   Inappropriate behaviour in Corridor / Playground
    ●   Not moving purposefully around the building or in from playground
    ●   Shouting or inappropriate language – Out of classroom
    ●   Failure to follow instructions – Out of classroom

The sanction for receiving a Red Card will be a Whole School Detention (WSD) – The pupil will be verbally told of this as
well as given the white detention slip, parents will be informed via School Gateway.


If a pupil makes the decision to not attend a WSD this will be escalated to an SLT (Senior Leadership Team) detention –
pupils will be collected for this detention.

    ●   Parents will be informed of this via School Gateway

2.11. Banned Items
 To help us ensure a positive learning environment where your child and all other pupils’ primary focus is on
 their learning, there are a number of items that we do not permit pupils to bring into school – Please see the
 appendices for full details of these items.

 Please note: Any item that is confiscated between Monday & Thursday will be available for you to collect from
 Friday of that week (between 8am-3.30pm) but any item that is confiscated on a Friday will not be available for
 you to collect until the following Friday. Please be aware that items are only available for collection between
 8am and 3.00pm on Fridays unless an alternative arrangement is made with your child’s Head of Year.

 We operate a zero tolerance approach to any instance where these items are brought into school and ask that
 you will make every effort to ensure that your child adheres to this policy to avoid confiscation of any such item.

Healthy Food and Drink
Parents are asked to ensure their children eat healthily at school. We have chilled drinking water available, so
please provide your child with a water bottle.

We discourage the consumption of large packets of crisps, Pringles or sweets. Sugary drinks (e.g. Coke) and energy
drinks are banned and will be confiscated if seen. Chewing gum and bubble gum are also banned.

2.12 Travelling to and from school
We strongly encourage pupils to walk to school. Buses will be very busy, and seats need to be prioritised for
those who need them most. There will be some additional 123 and 212 buses running for school pupils, but
these are likely to be very busy. If your child does take public transport, they will need to allow additional time
for their commute and they must wear a face covering for the entirety of this journey. More information can be
found here.

If you are dropping your child off by car, please do not stop outside the school or pull into the school gates. This
is a very busy area, and additional stationary vehicles add to the congestion and danger. Please drop your child
on a side road.

Safe cycling
If your child wishes to cycle to school, then we have plenty of bicycle racks available, but you will need to supply
a padlock and chain.

Home First Approach
It is always important that your child returns home immediately after school as this helps ensure their safety but
this is especially important in the current situation as this helps ensure they do not gather in groups and
increase any transmission risk. In light of this we have introduced a ‘Home First’ approach which applies to all
pupils at the end of the school day. Within this approach, it is an expectation that all pupils return home
immediately after school and that any subsequent arrangements to meet with friends only take place after they
have been home and changed out of their uniform. Whilst we hope the vast majority of pupils will understand
and adhere to this expectation, it is inevitable that some will need to be reminded and even sanctioned to
appreciate how seriously we take this.

Section 3 – Safeguarding & Keeping your child safe

3.1. The School’s Commitment to Safeguarding
As a School we take our Safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. We are committed to providing a safe
environment for all members of the school community and ensuring the safety and well-being of your child
whilst in school, travelling to/from school and at all times when they are involved in school co-ordinated

To help us achieve our aims all staff at Frederick Bremer are trained in the key aspects of Safeguarding, Child
Protection and the Prevent strategy and receive annual updates to their training to ensure that their expertise
reflects changing priorities within the community. For further details of our commitment to Safeguarding and
for information about the processes in place to protect your child, please click here to access our Safeguarding

3.2. Safeguarding and the Curriculum
We believe that providing your child with honest, transparent and relevant information about the potential
risks that they might face helps develop their awareness and ability to manage these risks in the modern
world. With this in mind, we have developed links to a number of the key topics within the following
curriculum areas:

Alongside these curriculum links, we have also work in partnership with specialist external organisations to
  develop your child’s awareness and provide support with a number of potential safeguarding / well-being
  issues, including gang involvement, substance abuse, radicalisation / extremism, demotic / honour based
  violence, forced marriage and FGM. For further information about our work in each of these areas please click
  here to visit the “Safeguarding” section of our website.

As a school we are committed to support your child’s well being and have developed our, bespoke wellbeing
support website. This website provides you and your child with access to a wealth of information which can be
used to support your child's well-being and also includes links to specialised organisations who can provide
additional information and/or support. The website is available to you and your child 24/7 at

3.3. Who to contact if you have a concern or would like support
  All staff at Frederick Bremer are trained in the key aspects of Safeguarding, Child Protection and the Prevent
  strategy and would be able to offer you advise about keeping your child safe and/or refer any concerns you
  might have to our designated Safeguarding team. We would recommend that, in the first instance, you
  contact your child’s form tutor or Head of Year using the details provided in section 1.3. You may
  alternatively wish to contact a member of our designated Safeguarding team directly to discuss any concerns
  you might have, using the contact details below:

  Role                          Staff Name                  Extension    Email
  Designated Safeguarding       Ms Fenella Hewitt           3347
  Deputy Designated             Ms Angy Osman               3357
  Safeguarding Lead KS4
  Deputy Designated             Mr Pavlos Anastasi          3410
  Safeguarding Lead KS3
  Safeguarding Officer          Ms Deborah Davies           3349
                                School Counsellor

Other Sources of Support
There are a number of organisations who are available to provide 24-7 advice, guidance and support to
parents and to pupils. These organisations can aide with a variety of support needs, ranging from general
wellbeing concerns through to support with dealing with trauma. We actively promote the following
organisations in school with pupils and would recommend contacting these (or others) if you feel you would
like to explore any additional advice or support:

          Organisation                       Telephone Number                      Online Support

                                            Helpline: 0800 1111                  Website: Click Here

                                          Helpline: 0808 802 5544                Website: Click Here

Please visit CEOP website                   Website: Click Here

                                             Helpline: 0808 8005000                     Website: Click Here

3.4. E-Safety advice to parents
The internet and digital technologies are integral parts of the lives of 21 st century children. The ability to access
and exchange information from anywhere has many educational and social benefits but ensuring that it is used
appropriately by children and young adults can often be challenging for us all.

General Advice for Parents and Carers
As a parent or carer, you will of course decide what is right for their child but general advice and guidance from
the key internet safety organisations includes the following:
   ▪ Helping them to understand the potential risks; associated with social networking (e.g. having many online
      ‘friends’ might mean your child may be revealing personal information to complete strangers).
   ▪ Ensuring they always set their social network profile settings to private and keep their personal
      information private.
   ▪ Encouraging them to think about who their online ‘friends’ are, remind them not to arrange to meetup
      with someone they only know online and tell you if someone asks.
   ▪ Encouraging them to think before they post, send or forward any content online as they need to be aware
      that they cannot control its distribution once posted.
   ▪ Regularly discussing with them the kind of websites that they use, how to set safety features and how to
      report concerns.
   ▪ Ensuring that they feel happy and safe when online and that they do not feel pressured into sharing or
      accessing inappropriate content.
   ▪ Ensuring that they know they can discuss anything that happens online which worries or upsets them and
      that you will support them to resolve the issue.
   ▪ Ensuring they do not have access to use your credit card or bank details whilst they are online

It is worth remembering that children do not always fully consider the risks and can often be concerned that
they will lose access to the internet if they reveal they have got into trouble online. It is, therefore, important
to ensure that these things are regularly discussed to make sure that your child feels that they can raise any
concerns with you.

Reporting Concerns
Parents and pupils are strongly recommended to report any concerns hey have in relation to activity online. As a
school we will always support with resolving issues involving other pupils and can signpost other appropriate
sources of resolving issues which do not involve other pupils from the school. The majority of website and apps
also contain a “Report It” function which can be used to alert providers and/or CEOP of other serious concerns.
The following information is provided as a guide to help you identify the most appropriate method of reporting

 Summary of concern                                           Recommended Reporting Process
 Your or your child have a concern about online actions or    We recommend you contact the school and discuss the
 behaviour involving pupils from the school (e.g. cyber       concerns with your child’s form tutor, head of year or a
 bullying, requesting/sharing inappropriate content, etc)     member of the safeguarding team as soon as possible.
Your or your child have a concern about online actions or    We recommend you contact the Police and discuss the
 behaviour which does not involve pupils from the school      concerns with them directly. The school will of course
 (e.g. cyber bullying, requesting/sharing inappropriate       support with referring this to our assigned Police Officer
 content, etc)                                                if we are notified of any such concern.
 Your or your child have a concern about content which is     We recommend you report this to the provider and/or
 available via an online platform they are using (e.g. Age    CEOP using the “Report It” function provided through the
 inappropriate advertising, discriminatory content, etc)      platform or CEOP website.
 Your or your child have a serious concern about online       We recommend you contact the Police or CEOP
 actions or behaviour from any other people (e.g.             immediately to raise your concerns.
 Immanent threats, grooming, extremist materials, etc)

Sources of Further Support
A wealth of information and advice is available to access online. The following websites are known nationally for
providing high quality, impartial information which covers a wide range of issues of interest to parents:

                           The NSPCC offer a wide range of resources to support children, young adults and parents to
                           understand the key issues associated with safe and responsible use of ICT and the internet.
                           NetAware is a particularly useful feature for parents which provide access to details about
                           the intended use, features and safety ratings for almost all apps and websites that are
                           available to children or young people.

                           CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command) is a partnership involving the
                           Police, charities and industry leaders and was set up to provide support, advice and
                           information to young people and parents. The resources and reporting tools within the
                           website are particularly useful if things go wrong or if you want to find out about recent
                           concerns which have been reported across the YKJ.

                           The Safer Internet Centre offer a wide range of resources to support children, young adults
                           and parents to understand the key issues associated with safe and responsible use of ICT
                           and the internet. Resources are available to support all levels of prior understanding and

                           Internet Matters offer a wide range of resources to support children, young adults and
                           parents to understand the key issues associated with safe and responsible use of ICT and the
                           internet. Resources are available to support all levels of prior understanding and abilities.

  There are many different websites which offer parents information about online safety issues and how their
  child can ‘Stay Safe’ online (Please see below for links to some useful websites) but it’s also important that
  you know how to use these technologies and are aware of how your child is using the internet.

Setting parental controls through your internet provider
Almost all UK internet providers, mobile service providers and reputable websites offer free parental controls
which can be activated at any time. Parental controls are designed to help you manage your child’s use of the
internet and can be used to limit access to only age-appropriate content, set usage times and provide details of
your child’s internet activity.

Full details of how to set up your parental controls will be available through your service providers but useful
information about the four main places that parental controls are available is provided by

 •   Internet provider: you can set up filters to help block access to inappropriate content on any device that
     connects to your home Wi-Fi
•      Mobile operator: filters are often automatically set up on mobile contracts, but you can double-check
with your provider
  • Devices: many devices have parental control settings, for example, to help restrict spending in apps or
     disable location functions
  • Online services: reputable websites such as BBC iPlayer and YouTube have parental control settings to
     help restrict access to inappropriate content

It is worth remembering that parental controls are not perfect and can often be bypassed by technically
minded young people and access to the internet can take place anywhere and at any time so it is also
important you make sure your child is able to use the internet safely.

Social Media
Please monitor your child’s use of social media and also restrict it. Mobile phones and tablets should not be
used at night, as the blue light emitted from the screen restricts the body’s natural production of melatonin – a
hormone that regulates sleep.

3.5. Use of ICT within School
The use of ICT and the internet within the classroom has tremendous potential for education but they need to
be used responsibly to ensure that the maximum benefit is achieved. We, therefore, offer all pupils ‘controlled’
access to ICT facilities / use of the internet and have the expectation that they adhere to our ‘Acceptable Use of
ICT Protocols’ and any other guidance provided by staff.

3.6. Acceptable use of ICT Protocols
 Access to, and use of, the ICT facilities within school is a privilege, and pupils are responsible for good
 behaviour which ensures a positive digital footprint on the school network and the Internet. As such, pupils
 are not allowed to have unsupervised access to computers or the Internet and must ensure that they only
 access computers and the school network/internet through their personalised login details – Pupils must not,
 under any circumstances, use staff login details to access ICT facilities within school.

 We are confident that the filtering service provided through our ISP is of the highest possible standard but no
 such system is ever perfect. It is, therefore, an expectation that pupils do not actively try to bypass or
 manipulate the access that they are provided through this service and that any inappropriate content which is
 inadvertently accessed is reported to a member of staff immediately.

Rules for Pupils
Most Internet use will be clearly defined as part of a lesson. Outside of this, you may have other opportunities to
use the Internet, e.g. Homework Club. These may apply to all situations and may also apply to home or outside
school use.
1.   You must only access those services you have been given permission to use.

2.   You must not access the service without a supervisor. A supervisor can either be a teacher or the LRC
     Manager or other adult that is employed in the school.
3.   Any work/activity on the Internet must be directly related to your school work.
4.   Do not disclose any password or login name you have been given to anyone. Change your password
     immediately if you believe someone else has your details.
5.   Do not give your personal information to anyone. Under no circumstances give addresses/telephone
     numbers of any teachers and pupils at Frederick Bremer School. Use of names of pupils or photographs of
     pupils is forbidden.
6.   Do not download, use or upload any material or use material which is copyright.
7.   Do not download/upload any software on to the school network.
8.   Do not damage computers, computer systems or computer networks.
9.   Do not trespass in another user’s folders, work or files.
10. Do not give your name/password to another user or adult.
11. Do not post anonymous or personal communications.
12. Do not waste resources (such as on-line time, paper).
13. Under no circumstances should you view, upload or download any material which is likely to be unsuitable
    for children or schools. This applies to any material of a violent, dangerous, racist, or inappropriate sexual
    content. If you are not sure about this, or any materials, you must ask your supervisor.
14. You must agree for the systems supervisor to view any material you store on the school’s computers, or
    software you use on the school’s computers.
15. Be polite and appreciate that other users might have different views than your own. The use of strong
    language, swearing or aggressive behaviour is not allowed. Do not use computer systems to threaten, scare
    or bully any other member of the school. Do not state anything, which could be interpreted as libel.
 Please note: Failure to comply with these rules will result in one or more of the following:

 a) A ban, temporary or permanent, on the use of the Internet facilities at school.
 b) A letter informing your parents of the nature and breach of rules.
 c) Appropriate sanctions and restrictions placed on access to school facilities to be decided by the Head of
    Year/Head of Department.
 d) Any other action decided by the Head teacher and Governors of Frederick Bremer School.

NB: For serious breaches of the above rules, the police may be involved.

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