FRANKLIN SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT - Grade 3 Social Studies Geography and Economics Early American and Tennessee History 2020-2021 - 2021 Grade 3 ...

Page created by Frank Edwards
           Grade 3 Social Studies
         Geography and Economics
   Early American and Tennessee History
Franklin Special School District
                                                                       2020 - 2021
                                                                 Grade 3 Social Studies

                                                          Part 1: Geography and Economics
                                                              (First and Second Quarter)
Third grade students will learn geographical skills, world geography, U.S., and Tennessee geography as well as the basic role of economics.

Course Description: Third grade students will gain a foundation in geography, as well as learn world geography, United States geography, and Tennessee
geography. In addition, students will learn basic terminology and study the role of economics through the lens of Tennessee. Students will develop skills across
the six essential elements of geography: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and the uses
of geography.

                                                             Part 2: Early American and Tennessee History
                                                                       (Third and Fourth Quarter)

Course Description: Third grade students will study the indigenous people of North America and European exploration. Students will describe early North
American and Tennessee settlements and examine the founding of the Thirteen Colonies, their regional geographic features, and the cooperation that existed
between American Indians and colonists. Students will use the Social Studies Practices in coordination with the content standards to evaluate evidence, develop
comparative and causal analyses, and interpret primary sources and informational texts in order to construct sound historical arguments and perspectives on
which informed decisions can be based.

Quarters 1 & 2 NOTES: Social Studies Overlaps – Material will be covered in the regular 3rd grade curriculum, but students will not have had exposure to them in the
2nd grade.
     • 2.04 – overlaps with 3.17
     • 2.07 & 2.08 overlap with 3.15
     • 2.05 & 2.06 overlap with 3.16 (add consumer/producer)
     • 2.12 overlaps with 3.01
     • 2.11 and 2.15 overlaps with 3.02 (students did not get cardinal directions)
     • 2.14 overlaps with 3.05
     • 2.16 overlaps with 3.03 & 3.11
     • 2.13 can be covered with 3.06 & 3.07 (Identify US as part of the North American continent with borders of Canada, Mexico, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and
         Gulf of Mexico
     • 2.21 – 2.23 – Branches of government, constitution

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                      July 2020                                                                       1
Franklin Special School District
                                                                          2020 - 2021
                                                                    Grade 3 Social Studies
                                            Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                         Quarter
                                      Academic Standards for                         Resources            Vocabulary                   Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                        Tested
                                          Social Studies
                                                                          First Quarter
                                                              Part 1: Geography and Economics
                                                            Geography: Maps and Globes Overview
                  Students will develop an understanding of map reading, including learning geographic terms that illustrate physical and
                  political features on maps and globes.
                              3.01 Analyze maps and globes using common           Unit 1             country                     I can analyze maps and globes.
                              terms, including:                                   Chapters 1 - 2     North Pole
                              ●Country             ●North Pole                                       equator
                              ●Equator             ●Prime meridian                                   Prime meridian
  First Quarter

                              ●Hemisphere          ●Region                                           hemisphere
                     1        ●Latitude            ●South Pole                                       time zones                                                             1
                              ●Longitude           ●Time zones                                       region
                              G                                                                      latitude
                                                                                                     South Pole
                              2.12 Identify and locate the four hemispheres                          longitude                   I can identify and locate the four
                              (i.e., Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western),                      latitude                    hemispheres, equator, prime
                              equator, prime meridian, North and South Poles,                        equator                     meridian, North and South
                  2nd grade   and the seven continents.                                              prime meridian              Poles, and the seven continents.
                  standard                                                                           hemisphere
                              3.02 Use cardinal directions, intermediate          Unit 1             cardinal directions         I can use map skills to locate
                              directions, map scales, legends, and grids to       Chapters 1 - 2     intermediate directions     major cities in Tennessee and
                              locate major cities in Tennessee and the U.S.                          map scale                   the U.S.
                     1        G, T                                                                   legend                                                                 1

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                         July 2020                                                                    2
Franklin Special School District
                                                                            2020 - 2021
                                                                      Grade 3 Social Studies
                                             Grade 3
         Quarter                                                                                                                                                          Quarter
                                       Academic Standards for                      Resources              Vocabulary                   Learning Target
       Introduced                                                                                                                                                         Tested
                                           Social Studies
                               2.11 Compare how maps and globes depict                               cardinal directions         I can compare how maps and
                               geographical information in different ways.                           physical map                globes depict geographical
                   2nd grade                                                                         political map               information in different ways.
                   standard                                                                          road map
   First Quarter

                               2.15 Use legends and cardinal directions to                           border                      I can use legends and cardinal
                               determine locations on physical and political                         cardinal direction          direction to determine locations
                   2nd grade   maps.                                                                 compass rose                on maps.
                   standard                                                                          legend

                               3.03 Examine major physical features on globes   Unit 1               Basin        Ocean          I can examine major physical
                               and maps, including:                             Chapter 3            Bay          Peninsula      features on globes and maps.
                               ●Basin          ●Bay                                                  Canal        Plain
                               ●Canal          ●Canyon                                               Canyon       Plateau
                               ●Delta          ●Desert                                               Delta        River
                               ●Gulf           ●Island                                               Desert       Sea
                      1        ●Isthmus        ●Mountain                                             Gulf         Strait                                                    1
                               ●Ocean          ●Peninsula                                            Island       Stream

                               ●Plain           ●Plateau                                             Isthmus      Valley
                               ●River           ●Sea                                                 Mountain
                               ●Strait          ●Stream

                               2.16 Compare physical features of the earth,                          mountain                    I can compare physical features
                               including:                                                            landform                    of the earth.
                               ● Island      ● Lake         ● Mountain                               hill
                   2nd grade   ● Ocean       ● Peninsula ● Plain                                     plains
                   standard    ● Plateau     ● River         ●Valley                                 plateau

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                       July 2020                                                                      3
Franklin Special School District
                                                                            2020 - 2021
                                                                      Grade 3 Social Studies
                                             Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                         Quarter
                                       Academic Standards for                         Resources            Vocabulary                  Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                        Tested
                                           Social Studies
                              3.04 Examine major political features on globes      Unit 1             boundaries                 I can examine major political
                              and maps, including: boundaries, cities,             Chapter 3          cities                     features on globes and maps.
                              highways, railroads, and roads.                                         highways
                              G                                                                       railroads
                     1                                                                                                                                                      1
  First Quarter

                              3.05 Use different types of maps (e.g., political,   Unit 1             political map              I can use different types of
                              physical, population, resource, and climate),        Chapter 4          physical map               maps, graphs, and charts to
                              graphs, and charts to interpret geographic                              population map             interpret geographical
                              information.                                                            resource map               information.
                              G                                                                       climate map
                     1                                                                                graph                                                                 1

                              2.14 Recognize the difference between physical                          physical map               I can recognize the difference
                              and political maps.                                                     political map              between physical and political
                                                                                                      terrain                    maps.

                  2nd grade

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                          July 2020                                                                   4
Franklin Special School District
                                                                         2020 - 2021
                                                                   Grade 3 Social Studies
                                           Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                         Quarter
                                     Academic Standards for                        Resources              Vocabulary                   Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                        Tested
                                         Social Studies
                                                                    World Geography Overview:
                  Students will utilize their geographic content knowledge to study physical and political world geography.
                            3.06 Identify and locate the major continents and   Unit 2               Africa                      I can identify, locate, and label
                            oceans using maps and globes:                       Chapter 5            Antarctica                  the major continents and oceans
                                 • Africa                                                            Asia                        using maps and globes.
                                 • Antarctica                                                        Australia
  First Quarter

                                 • Asia                                                              Europe
                                 • Australia                                                         North America
                                 • Europe                                                            South America
                                 • North America                                                     Arctic Ocean
                     1                                                                               Atlantic Ocean                                                         1
                                 • South America
                                                                                                     Indian Ocean
                                 • Arctic Ocean
                                                                                                     Pacific Ocean
                                 • Atlantic Ocean
                                                                                                     Southern Ocean
                                 • Indian Ocean
                                 • Pacific Ocean
                                 • Southern Ocean

                            3.07 Identify and locate major countries,           Unit 2               Brazil                      I can identify, locate, and label
                            including:                                          Chapter 6            China                       major countries on a map.
                                 • Brazil                                                            Egypt
                                 • China                                                             France
                                 • Egypt                                                             Great Britain
                                 • France                                                            India
                     1           • Great Britain                                                     Italy                                                                  1
                                 • India                                                             Japan
                                 • Italy                                                             Russia
                                 • Japan
                                 • Russia
                                 • Spain

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                       July 2020                                                                      5
Franklin Special School District
                                                                           2020 - 2021
                                                                     Grade 3 Social Studies
                                           Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                         Quarter
                                     Academic Standards for                         Resources             Vocabulary                   Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                        Tested
                                         Social Studies
                            3.08 Identify major physical features of the         Unit 2              Rivers—Amazon, Nile         I can find and label the major
                            world, including:                                    Chapter 6           Mountains and               physical features on a world
                                 • Rivers—Amazon, Nile                                               Ranges—Alps, Andes,         map.
                                 • Mountains and Ranges—Alps, Andes,                                 Himalayas
                                       Himalayas                                                     Deserts— Gobi, Sahara
                                 • Deserts— Gobi, Sahara                                             Bodies of Water—
                     1                                                                                                                                                        1
  First Quarter

                                 • Bodies of Water—Mediterranean Sea,                                Mediterranean Sea,
                                       Straits of Magellan                                           Straits of Magellan
                                 • Landforms—Great Barrier Reef,                                     Landforms—Great
                                       Niagara Falls                                                 Barrier Reef, Niagara
                            G                                                                        Falls

                                                         United States and Tennessee Geography Overview:
                  Students will utilize their geographic content knowledge to study physical and political geography of the United States and
                            3.09 Identify and locate the fifty states of the     Chapter 7           State names will be         I can identify, locate, and label
                            U.S.                                                                     assigned each quarter.      all fifty states.

                     1                                                                                                                                                     going
                                                                                                                                                                          1, 2, 3, 4

                            3.10 Identify and locate major cities in the U.S.,   Chapter 7           Chicago                     I can locate and identify major
                            including:                                                               Los Angeles                 cities in the U.S.
                                 • Chicago                                                           Miami
                                 • Los Angeles                                                       New York City
                                 • Miami                                                             Seattle
                     1                                                                               Washington, D.C.
                                 • New York City
                                 • Seattle
                                 • Washington, D.C.

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                        July 2020                                                                     6
Franklin Special School District
                                                                        2020 - 2021
                                                                  Grade 3 Social Studies
                                          Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                         Quarter
                                    Academic Standards for                         Resources              Vocabulary                   Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                        Tested
                                        Social Studies
                           3.11 Identify major physical features of the U.S.,   Chapter 7            Mississippi River           I can identify, locate, and label
                           including:                                                                Ohio River                  major physical features of each
                                • Rivers—Colorado, Mississippi, Ohio,                                Rio Grande                  region.
                                      Rio Grande                                                     Alaska Range
                                • Mountains—Alaska Range,                                            Appalachian Mountains
                                      Appalachian, Rockies                                           Rockies
                  1                                                                                                                                                         1
  First Quarter

                                • Bodies of Water—Great Lakes, Gulf of                               Great lakes
                                      Mexico                                                         Gulf of Mexico
                                • Desert— Great Basin                                                Great Basin
                                • Landforms—Grand Canyon, Great                                      Great Canyon
                                      Plains                                                         Great Plains
                           G, T
                           3.12 Locate the following cities and physical        Chapter 8            Chattanooga                 I can name the major cities of
                           features in Tennessee:                                                    Knoxville                   Tennessee and locate them on
                                • Cities—Chattanooga, Knoxville,                                     Memphis                     a map.
                                      Memphis, Nashville                                             Nashville                   I can label the major physical
                  1             • Rivers—Cumberland, Mississippi,                                    Cumberland River            features of Tennessee.                     1
                                      Tennessee                                                      Mississippi River
                                • Mountain Range—Great Smoky                                         Great Smoky Mountains

                           3.13 Explain how geographic challenges are met       Unit 3               Bridges                     I can describe how people deal
                           with:                                                Chapter 9            Canals                      with geographic challenges.
                                 • Bridges                                                           Dams
                                 • Canals                                                            Freshwater supply
                                 • Dams                                                              Irrigation systems
                  1              • Freshwater supply                                                 Landfills                                                              1
                                 • Irrigation systems                                                Tunnels
                                 • Landfills
                                 • Tunnels
                           C, E, G, H

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                       July 2020                                                                      7
Franklin Special School District
                                                                           2020 - 2021
                                                                     Grade 3 Social Studies
                                             Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                         Quarter
                                       Academic Standards for                        Resources             Vocabulary                  Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                        Tested
                                           Social Studies
                                                                       Second Quarter
                                                                        Economics Overview:
                   Students will learn about natural resources, goods, and services in relation to Tennessee’s economy.
                               3.14 Compare natural resources within the three     Unit 4             natural resource           I can trace the development of a
                               grand divisions of Tennessee, and trace the         Chapter 10         finished product           product from a natural resource
                               development of a product from natural resource                                                    to a finished product.
                               to a finished product.                                                                            I can distinguish between the
  Second Quarter

                      2        E, G, T                                                                                           three Grand Divisions of TN.               2
                                                                                                                                 I can compare and contrast the
                                                                                                                                 natural resources in the 3 Grand
                                                                                                                                 Divisions of TN.

                               3.15 Interpret a chart, graph, or resource map of   Unit 4             import                     I can explain the difference
                               major imports and exports in Tennessee.             Chapter 11         export                     between an import and an
                               E, G,                                                                                             export.
                      2                                                                                                          I can identify the major imports           2
                                                                                                                                 and exports of TN by reading
                                                                                                                                 charts and graphs.

                               2.07 Differentiate between imports and exports.                        import                     I can differentiate between
                                                                                                      export                     imports and exports.

                   2nd grade

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                          July 2020                                                                   8
Franklin Special School District
                                                                            2020 - 2021
                                                                      Grade 3 Social Studies
                                              Grade 3
           Quarter                                                                                                                                                        Quarter
                                        Academic Standards for                      Resources             Vocabulary                   Learning Target
         Introduced                                                                                                                                                       Tested
                                            Social Studies
                               2.08 Evaluate how imports and exports help to                         ingredients                 I can evaluate how imports and
                               meet the needs of people in the U.S.                                  benefit                     exports help to meet needs.
                   2nd grade                                                                         services
  Second Quarter


                               3.16 Describe how scarcity, supply, and demand     Chapter 13         scarcity                    I can describe how scarcity,
                               affect the prices of products. E, T                                   supply                      supply, and demand affects the
                      2                                                                              demand                      price of products.                         2

                               2.05 Recognize major U.S. industries and their                        goods                       I can recognize major United
                               products, including: agriculture, manufacturing,                      services                    States industries and their
                               tourism, transportation, etc.                                         economy                     products.
                   2nd grade                                                                         construction
                   standard                                                                          engineer


                               2.06 Analyze how supply and demand influence                          demand                      I can analyze how supply and
                               production.                                                           depend                      demand influence production.
                   2nd grade                                                                         produce
                   standard                                                                          resources

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                         July 2020                                                                    9
Franklin Special School District
                                                                            2020 - 2021
                                                                      Grade 3 Social Studies
                                              Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                      Quarter
                                        Academic Standards for                       Resources             Vocabulary                  Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                     Tested
                                            Social Studies
                               3.17 Compare and contrast how goods and             Chapter 13         goods                      I can compare and contrast how
                               services are exchanged on local and regional                           services                   goods and services are
                               levels. E, G, T                                                        local                      exchanged on local and regional
                      2                                                                               regional                   levels.                                   2
  Second Quarter

                               2.04 Examine different types of producers and                          producer                   I can examine different types of
                               consumers in the U.S.                                                  consumer                   producers and consumers in the
                   2nd grade                                                                          goods                      United States.

                               3.18 Analyze how people interact with their         Chapter 12         housing                    I can describe how people
                               environment to satisfy basic needs and wants,                          industry                   interact with their environment to
                               including: housing, industry, transportation, and                      transportation             meet their basic needs and
                      2        communication.                                                         communication              wants.                                    2
                               C, E, G, T


C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                          July 2020                                                                   10
Franklin Special School District
                                                                          2020 - 2021
                                                                    Grade 3 Social Studies
                                            Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                      Quarter
                                      Academic Standards for                        Resources              Vocabulary                  Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                     Tested
                                          Social Studies
                                                                         Third Quarter
                                                                  THIRD GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES, PART 2
                                                                           Early American and Tennessee History
                   Course Description: Third grade students will study the indigenous people of North America and European exploration. Students will describe early
                  North American and Tennessee settlements and examine the founding of the Thirteen Colonies, their regional geographic features, and the cooperation
                  that existed between American Indians and colonists. Students will use the Social Studies Practices in coordination with the content standards to
                  evaluate evidence, develop comparative and causal analyses, and interpret primary sources and informational texts in order to construct sound
                  historical arguments and perspectives on which informed decisions can be based.

                                           Indigenous Peoples through European Exploration (prior to 1585) Overview:
  Third Quarter

                  Students will describe the legacy and cultures of major indigenous settlements of Tennessee, the routes of early explorers,
                  and the impact of exploration on the Americas.
                              3.19 Compare and contrast the geographic            Unit 5             Northeast                   I can compare and contrast the
                              locations and customs (i.e., housing and            Chapter 14         Southeast                   customs of NE, SE, and Plains
                      3       clothing) of the Northeast, Southeast, and Plains                      Plains                      north American Indians and                3
                              North American Indians.                                                                            geographical locations.
                              C, G, H, T
                              3.20 Describe the conflicts between American        Chapter 14         conflict                    I can describe the conflicts
                              Indian nations, including the competing claims                         claim                       between the American Indian
                      3       for the control of land.                                               control                     groups that resulted over control         3
                              E                                                                                                  of land.

                              3.21 Identify the routes and contributions of       Unit 5             route                       I can identify and label routes,
                              early explorers of the Americas, including:         Chapter 15         contributions               and describe impacts of
                              Christopher Columbus, Hernando de Soto,                                Christopher Columbus        Columbus, Magellan, Vespucci,
                      3       Ferdinand Magellan, and Amerigo Vespucci.                              Ferdinand Magellan          and de Soto.                              3
                              C, E, G, H, P, T                                                       Hernando de Soto
                                                                                                     Amerigo Vespucci

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                         July 2020                                                                    11
Franklin Special School District
                                                                         2020 - 2021
                                                                   Grade 3 Social Studies
                                           Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                      Quarter
                                     Academic Standards for                        Resources              Vocabulary                   Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                     Tested
                                         Social Studies
                            3.22 Examine how American Indian cultures            Unit 5              population                  I can explain how European
                            changed as a result of contact with European         Chapter 16          disease                     exploration changed the life and
                            cultures, including: decreased population,                               smallpox                    culture of American Indians.
                     3      spread of disease (smallpox), increased conflict,                        territory                                                             3
                                                                                                                                 I can describe the Columbian
                            loss of territory, and increase in trade.                                European                    Exchange and its effects.
                            C, E, G,
  Third Quarter

                                                     Early North American Settlements (1585-1600s) Overview:
                  Students will describe early North American and Tennessee settlements and examine the founding of the Thirteen Colonies,
                  their regional geographic features, and the cooperation that existed between American Indians and colonists.
                            3.23 Describe the failure of the lost colony of      Unit 6              Roanoke                     I can describe the failure of the
                            Roanoke and the theories associated with it. C,      Chapter 17                                      lost colony of Roanoke.
                     3      G, H                                                                                                                                           3

                            3.24 Explain the significance of the settlement of   Unit 6              Jamestown                   I can understand the importance
                            Jamestown and the role it played in the founding     Chapter 17                                      of the Jamestown settlement.
                     3      of the U.S.                                                                                                                                    3
                            C, E, G, H, P

                            3.25 Explain the significance of the settlements     Unit 6              Massachusetts Bay           I can explain the importance of
                            of Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth and the            Chapter 17          Plymouth                    the Massachusetts Bay and the
                     3      role they played in the settling of our country.                                                     Plymouth colonies.                        3
                            C, E, G, H, P


C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                        July 2020                                                                     12
Franklin Special School District
                                                                          2020 - 2021
                                                                    Grade 3 Social Studies
                                            Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                      Quarter
                                      Academic Standards for                        Resources             Vocabulary                   Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                     Tested
                                          Social Studies
                                                                       Fourth Quarter
                                                      Early North American Settlements (1585-1600s) Overview:
                   Students will describe early North American and Tennessee settlements and examine the founding of the Thirteen Colonies,
                   their regional geographic features, and the cooperation that existed between American Indians and colonists.
                             3.26 Examine how the regional (i.e., New England,      Unit 6          New England Colonies         I can identify and locate the
                             Middle, and Southern) geographic features of the       Chapter 18      Middle Colonies              thirteen original colonies on a
  Fourth Quarter

                             Thirteen Colonies influenced their development.                        Southern Colonies            map.
                             C, G, H, P                                                                                          I can identify how the
                      4                                                                                                          geographical features of the              4
                                                                                                                                 continents influenced their

                             3.27 Identify the economic, political, and religious   Unit 6          indentured                   I can identify the 4 economic,
                             reasons for founding the Thirteen Colonies and the     Chapters        servitude                    religious, and political reasons
                             role of indentured servitude and slavery in their      17 & 19         slavery                      for founding the 13 colonies.
                      4      settlement.                                                                                         I can explain the difference              4
                             C, E, G, H, P                                                                                       between servitude and slavery.

                             3.28 Identify representative assemblies and town       Chapter 18      colonial                     I can identify and describe
                             meetings as early democratic practices during the                      town meetings                examples of democracy during
                             colonial period.                                                       democracy                    the colonial period including
                      4      H, P                                                                   colonial period              representative assembles and              4
                                                                                                    Mayflower Compact            town meetings.

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                       July 2020                                                                      13
Franklin Special School District
                                                                           2020 - 2021
                                                                     Grade 3 Social Studies
                                           Grade 3
          Quarter                                                                                                                                                      Quarter
                                     Academic Standards for                              Resources            Vocabulary               Learning Target
        Introduced                                                                                                                                                     Tested
                                         Social Studies
                            3.29 Explain the cooperation that existed between            Unit 6         fur trade                I can use multiple sources to
                            colonists and American Indians during the 1600s and          Chapter 21     military alliances       describe the ways that colonists
                            1700s, including: fur trade, military alliances, treaties,                  treaties                 and American Indians worked
                            and cultural exchanges.                                                     cultural exchanges       together during the 1600s and
                      4     C, E, G, H, P, T                                                            cooperation              1700s, including: fur trade,              4
  Fourth Quarter

                                                                                                                                 military alliances, treaties, and
                                                                                                                                 cultural exchanges.

                            3.30 Examine how long hunters (e.g., Daniel Boone            Unit 6         Daniel Boone             I can show cause and effect
                            and William Bean) created interest in land west of           Chapter 20     William Bean             between the journeys of long
                            the Appalachian Mountains.                                                  long hunters             hunters Daniel Boone and
                      4     C, E, G, H, T                                                               Appalachian Mountains    William Bean and the new                  4
                                                                                                                                 interest in moving west of the
                                                                                                                                 Appalachian Mountains.

                            3.31 Describe life on the Tennessee frontier and             Unit 6         frontier                 I can summarize life on the TN
                            reasons why settlers moved west. C, E, G, H, P, T            Chapter 20     settlers                 frontier and describe reasons
                                                                                                        westward movement        why settlers moved west.
                      4                                                                                                                                                    4


C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                            July 2020                                                                 14
Franklin Special School District
                                                                                 2020 - 2021
                                                                           Grade 3 Social Studies
                                                   Grade 3
             Quarter                                                                                                                                                   Quarter
                                             Academic Standards for                      Resources           Vocabulary                Learning Target
           Introduced                                                                                                                                                  Tested
                                                 Social Studies

                                                                           Quarter Not specified
  Quarter Not Specified

                                     2.21 Recognize that the U.S. has a constitution,                  amendments                I can recognize that the U.S.
                                     which is the basis for our nation’s laws.                         constitution              has a constitution, which is the
                                                                                                       executive                 basis for our nation’s laws.
                             2nd                                                                       legislative
                           Grade                                                                       judicial
                          Standard                                                                     famers
                                                                                                       Bill of Rights

                                     2.22 Recognize that Tennessee has a constitution,                 constitution              I can recognize that Tennessee
                                     which is the basis for our state’s laws.                          document                  has a constitution, which is the
                             2nd                                                                       legislative               basis for our state’s laws.
                           Grade                                                                       rules

                                     2.23 Describe the three branches of U.S.                          Legislative Branch        I can describe the three
                                     government and the basic role of each.                            Judicial Branch           branches of U.S. government.
                             2nd                                                                       Executive Branch
                           Grade                                                                       laws
                          Standard                                                                     legal


C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                           July 2020                                                                  15
Franklin Special School District
                                                                       2020 - 2021
                                                                 Grade 3 Social Studies

                                                           Formative Assessment Schedule
               Quarter 1                                    Quarter 2                                     Quarter 3                                    Quarter 4
 3.01                   3.08                  3.09                                          3.09                                         3.09
 3.02                   3.09                  3.14                                          3.19                                         3.26
 3.03                   3.10                  3.15                                          3.20                                         3.27
 3.04                   3.11                  3.16                                          3.21                                         3.28
 3.05                   3.12                  3.17                                          3.22                                         3.29
 3.06                   3.13                  3.18                                          3.23                                         3.30
 3.07                                                                                       3.24                                         3.31

                                                                      Additional Resources
                                   District Level                                                                       Individual Classroom
 Gallopade (Units and Chapters from Gallopade)                                              Supplemental resources will be needed beginning in Unit 6 (i.e. gap
 Discovery Education                                                                        lessons)
 Google Expeditions
 Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE)

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                      July 2020                                                                       16
Franklin Special School District
                                                                         2020 - 2021
                                                                   Grade 3 Social Studies
                                                                   Grades 3-5 Social Studies Practices
Overview: Students will apply these skills to create and address questions that will guide inquiry and critical thinking. These practices should be regularly applied throughout the
year. Students will progress through the inquiry cycle (SSP.01-SSP.04) by analyzing primary and secondary sources to construct and communicate their conceptual
understanding of the content standards and to develop historical and geographic awareness (SSP.05- SSP.06).
                 Gather information from a variety of primary and secondary sources, including:
                 ● Printed materials (e.g., literary texts, newspapers, political cartoons, autobiographies, speeches, letters, personal journals)
                 ● Graphic representations (e.g., maps, timelines, charts, artwork)
                 ● Artifacts
                 ● Media and technology sources
                 Critically examine a primary or secondary source in order to:
                 ● Summarize significant ideas and relevant information
 SSP.02          ● Distinguish between fact and opinion
                 ● Draw inferences and conclusions
                 ● Recognize author’s purpose, point of view, and reliability
                 Organize data from a variety of sources in order to:
                 ● Compare and contrast multiple sources
                 ● Recognize differences between multiple accounts
                 ● Frame appropriate questions for further investigation
                 Construct and communicate arguments supported by evidence to:
                 ● Demonstrate and defend an understanding of ideas
                 ● Compare and contrast viewpoints
                 ● Illustrate cause and effect
                 ● Predict likely outcomes
                 ● Devise new outcomes or solutions
                 Develop historical awareness by:
                 ● Recognizing how and why historical accounts change over time
 SSP.05          ● Recognizing how past events and issues might have been experienced by the people of that time, with historical context and empathy rather than present-
                 ● Identify patterns of continuity and change over time, making connections to the present
                 Develop geographic awareness by:
                 ● Determining relationships among people, resources, and ideas based on geographic location (local, national, global)
                 ● Determining the use of diverse types of maps based on the purpose
                 ● Analyzing the spatial relationships between people, circumstances, and resources
                 ● Analyzing interaction between humans and the physical environment
                 ● Examining how geographic regions and perceptions of the regions change over time
C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                         July 2020                                                                       17
Franklin Special School District
                                                                           2020 - 2021
                                                                     Grade 3 Social Studies

                                                                              Gallopades Chapters
 SSP.01          1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

 SSP.02          1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

 SSP.03          2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21

 SSP.04          1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,1 8, 19, 20, 21

 SSP.05          2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,1 8, 19, 20, 21

 SSP.06          1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,1 8, 19, 20, 21

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

                                                                                             July 2020                                                                18
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