Framework of Probabilistic Power System Planning

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Framework of Probabilistic Power System Planning
CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS, VOL. 1, NO. 1, MARCH 2015                                                                           1

Framework of Probabilistic Power System Planning
                                                        Wenyuan Li, Fellow, IEEE

   Abstract—This paper presents the framework of probabilistic                    has risks. Such risks cannot be identified by deterministic
power system planning. The basic concepts, criteria, procedure,                   criteria.
analysis techniques and tasks of probabilistic power system                    4) Many major outage events across the world indicate that
planning are discussed. Probabilistic reliability evaluation and
probabilistic economic assessment are two key steps. It should                    the N-1 principle is insufficient to maintain a reasonable
also be recognized that probabilistic system planning has a wider                 system reliability level. On the other hand, it is impossible
coverage than these two aspects. An actual example using a utility                to apply the N-2 or N-3 principle because it is too
system is given to demonstrate an application of probabilistic                    expensive in planning investments.
transmission development planning.                                             5) Renewable energy sources (such as wind, solar, ocean
   Index Terms—Power system reliability, probabilistic system                     powers) have been greatly penetrated into power sys-
planning, risk assessment, system planning criteria.                              tems. These green sources are intermittent and random
                                                                                  in nature. It is extremely difficult to model renewable
                         I. I NTRODUCTION                                         generations using a deterministic approach.
                                                                                Probabilistic power system planning can overcome the
T     HE task of power system planning is determination of
      new equipment addition or retirement of aged equipment
and the implementation time of a decision. The fundamental
                                                                             disadvantages of deterministic criteria and address the issues
                                                                             mentioned above. However, it should be noted that the purpose
                                                                             of introducing probabilistic methods into system planning is
objective of power system planning is to develop the system as
                                                                             to add one more dimension to enhance system planning rather
economically as possible and maintain an acceptable reliability
                                                                             than replacing the N-1 criterion. There is no conflict between
level. The deterministic system planning criteria have been
                                                                             deterministic and probabilistic criteria since these two kinds
used in the utility industry for many years. These include
                                                                             of criteria are applied at different stages in a planning process.
the N-1 principle for transmission system planning and a
                                                                                The probabilistic behavior of power systems has been rec-
fixed percentage of capacity reserve in generation planning.
                                                                             ognized for a long time. Probabilistic system reliability eval-
In general, the deterministic criteria have served the power
                                                                             uation methods have been well developed in the past decades
industry well in the past. However, weaknesses associated
                                                                             [1]–[12]. On one hand, quantified reliability assessment is a
with the deterministic criteria have been exposed in planning
                                                                             core in probabilistic power system planning. On the other
practice of utilities. The disadvantages of the deterministic
                                                                             hand, probabilistic planning is much beyond the probabilistic
criteria include the following:
                                                                             reliability evaluation alone. It includes load forecasts, various
  1) Only consequences of outages are considered but proba-                  system analyses, reliability evaluation, and economic assess-
      bilities of outages are overlooked. An outage event, even              ment, all in a probabilistic modeling manner. Dealing with
      if extremely undesirable, is of little risk if it is so unlikely       uncertainties of input data and system parameters is also an
      that it can be ignored. On the other hand, if an outage                essential task. The concepts, criteria, procedure and methods
      event is not very severe but has a high probability of                 of probabilistic power system panning have been gradually
      occurrence, it may still lead to relatively high risk.                 developed as probabilistic quantified reliability assessment
  2) Uncertainties in power systems are related not only to                  techniques were applied to system planning issues [13]–[18].
      component outages but also to various system parameters.                  This paper provides the framework of probabilistic pow-
      Uncertainties in load forecast, generation patterns, equip-            er system planning. The probabilistic planning criteria and
      ment parameters, limit values and environment conditions               procedure are presented in Sections II and III, respectively.
      are all ignored in the deterministic criteria. Incorporating           The basic analysis techniques in probabilistic system planning
      the uncertainties of the system parameters can make a                  are discussed in Section IV, whereas the tasks of probabilistic
      planning decision closer to reality.                                   planning are summarized in Section V. An illustrative example
  3) The deterministic criteria are based on “worst case”                    for probabilistic transmission system planning is demonstrated
      studies. However, studied cases are selected by planners               in Section VI, followed by the conclusions in Section VII.
      and the worst case may be missed in the selection. Even
      if a system withstands the worst case, the system still                          II. P ROBABILISTIC P LANNING C RITERIA
                                                                                There are different probabilistic planning criteria. Four cri-
  Manuscript received November 20, 2014; accepted January 7, 2015. Date
of publication March 30, 2015; date of current version March 5, 2015. This   teria [1], [14] are discussed in this section. Which one is used
work was supported in part by the National 111 Project of China (B08036).    depends on planning issues and utility’s business objectives.
  W. Li is with the State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment &
System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, China (Email:      A. Probabilistic Cost Criteria
  Digital Object Identifier 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2015.00001                       Reliability is one of multiple factors considered in probabi-
                                                               2096-0042 c 2015 CSEE
Framework of Probabilistic Power System Planning
2                                                                         CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS, VOL. 1, NO. 1, MARCH 2015

listic power system planning. System unreliability can be ex-                an absolute threshold. Input data used in probabilistic power
pressed using unreliability costs so that system reliability and             system planning always have uncertainties, particularly the
economic effects can be assessed on a unified monetary basis.                data for reliability assessment based on historical statistics.
The probabilistic cost criteria are the most popular methods.                Computational errors in both data and modeling can be offset
The best alternative in system planning should achieve the                   in a relative comparison.
minimum total cost:
    Total cost = investment cost + operation cost + unreliability cost.      D. Incremental Reliability Index
                                                                                In some cases, it may be difficult to use the unreliability
   The calculation of investment cost is a basic aspect of
                                                                             cost for different reasons. In such situations, an incremental
economic assessment in system planning. The operation cost
                                                                             reliability index (IRI) can be applied. The IRI is defined as
includes OMA (operation, maintenance and administration)
                                                                             the reliability improvement due to per $M of investment:
expenditures, network losses, financial charges and other on-
going costs. The unreliability cost is obtained using the EENS                                 IRI = (RIB − RIA )/Cost.
(expected energy not supplied, in MWh/year) multiplied by
a unit interruption cost (UIC, $/kWh), where the EENS is                        The “Cost” refers to the total cost of investment and
a reliability index that can be evaluated using a probabilistic              operation (in $M) required for a reinforcement option. The
reliability assessment method.                                               RIB and RIA are the reliability indices before and after the
   An alternative approach is the benefit/cost analysis. The                 reinforcement, respectively. An appropriate reliability index
capital investment of a planning alternative is the cost, whereas            (such as the EENS, probability, frequency or duration index)
the reduction in operation and unreliability costs due to the                can be used. In most cases, the EENS is suggested since it
alternative is the benefit. The difference between the benefit               is a combination of outage frequency, duration and severity,
and cost is the net benefit. The benefit divided by the cost is              and carries more information than any other single index. The
the benefit/cost ratio. The net benefits or benefit/cost ratios for          IRI can be used to rank projects or compare alternatives in
all selected alternatives are calculated and compared. In other              a project. A demerit of the IRI approach is that the doing
words, the alternatives can be ranked using their net benefits               nothing option cannot be included.
or benefit/cost ratios.
   A project may be associated with multiple-stage investments                III. P ROCEDURE OF P ROBABILISTIC S YSTEM P LANNING
and a multiple-year planning timeframe (such as 5 to 20 years)                 There are different ways to perform probabilistic power
is always considered. All the three cost components should be                system planning. A general procedure is shown in Fig. 1 [1],
estimated annually to create their cash flows on the timeframe               [15], in which the criteria mentioned in Section II are included.
and then a present value (PV) method [19] is applied to                      Both the N-1 and probabilistic criteria are combined in the
calculate the total cost or benefit/cost ratio.                              process.
                                                                               The basic procedure includes the following four major steps:
B. Reliability Index Target                                                   1) If the single contingency criterion is a mandate, select the
   Many utilities have used reliability indices to measure the                    planning alternatives that meet the N-1 principle. If the N-
system performance and make an investment decision based                          1 principle is not considered as a strict criterion, select all
on the indices. It is well known that the LOLE (loss of load                      feasible alternatives. In either case, the traditional system
expectation) index of one day per 10 years has been used as                       analysis techniques (power flow, optimal power flow,
a target index in generation planning for many years. This                        contingency analysis, and stability studies) are needed.
approach has become a firm criterion in generation planning                   2) Conduct probabilistic reliability evaluation and unrelia-
of many utilities, particularly in the North America. For                         bility cost evaluation for the selected alternatives over
distribution systems, the SAIDI (system average interruption                      a planning timeframe (such as 5–20 years) using a
duration index) and SAIFI (system average interruption fre-                       reliability assessment tool.
quency index) have been widely used to represent system                       3) Calculate the cash flows and present values of investment,
performance. A target SAIDI or SAIFI for a planning purpose                       operation and unreliability costs for the selected alterna-
can be specified according to historical statistics.                              tives in the planning time period.
   It should be noted that it is not easy to set an appropriate               4) Select an appropriate criterion and conduct an overall
index target for the reliability of a transmission system. This                   probabilistic economic analysis.
approach should be used with caution for transmission system                   It can be seen that the probabilistic power system plan-
planning.                                                                    ning process requires various technical assessments in which
                                                                             probabilistic reliability evaluation and probabilistic economic
C. Relative Comparison                                                       analysis are the two key steps.
   In many cases, the purpose of system planning is to conduct
a comparison between alternatives including the doing nothing                IV. A NALYSIS T ECHNIQUES IN P ROBABILISTIC P LANNING
option. One major index or multiple indices (including relia-                   Probabilistic power system planning requires a variety of
bility and economic indices) can be used in the comparison.                  analysis techniques. This section addresses the major analysis
Performing a relative comparison is often better than using                  techniques in probabilistic power system planning [1].
LI: FRAMEWORK OF PROBABILISTIC POWER SYSTEM PLANNING                                                                                                    3

  Deterministic N-1                 Planning drivers (load
                                                                                      Probabilistic reliability
  study for existing               growth, new generators,
                                                                                         evaluation tools
      network                       equipment aging etc.)                                                                     Technical, economical,
                                                                                                                              environmental, societal
                                                                                                                                   and political
                       Is any                                    Probabilistic
          No                             Yes                                                           Identify viable
                  reinforcement                             reliability evaluation
                                                                                                        alternatives                 Yes
                needed to meet N-1                          for existing network
                     criterion?                               to obtain indices
                                                                                                                                   N-1 criterion
                                                                                                  Probabilistic reliability
                                                     Yes      Is there a target      No            evaluation for each
                                                                   index?                         selected alternative to
                                                                                                      obtain indices

                    Yes       Meet target       No
                                index?                                                         No      All alternatives

                                   Decision making (business
                                       & financial needs,
    No reinforcement
                                   regulatory requirements,                                          Select appropriate
                                     societal expectation)                                          probabilistic criterion

                                       Prepare investment
                                                                                                    Select probabilistic
                                         justification for              Probabilistic
                                                                                                  indices appropriate to
                                          reinforcement              economic analysis

Fig. 1. Procedure of probabilistic power system planning.

A. Load Modeling                                                                  C. Traditional System Analysis
   The differences in load modeling between deterministic                            The traditional system analysis techniques include power
planning and probabilistic planning include the following:                        flow, optimal power flow, contingency analysis, voltage sta-
 1) In general, only the peak load or a few load levels                           bility and transient stability. The techniques that are based on
     are considered in deterministic planning, whereas a load                     deterministic assumptions are still of importance in probabilis-
     curve is modeled in probabilistic planning.                                  tic system planning. This is not only because these computing
 2) A fixed load forecast value is used in deterministic                          tools are used to initially select feasible planning alternatives
     planning, whereas a probability distribution of forecasted                   that meet the N-1 principle but also because probabilistic
     load is needed in probabilistic planning.                                    system analysis techniques are derived from them.
 3) Both uncertainty and correlation of loads at substations
     need to be modeled in probabilistic planning.
                                                                                  D. Probabilistic System Analysis
                                                                                     The probabilistic system analysis techniques include prob-
B. Generation Modeling
                                                                                  abilistic power flow, probabilistic contingency ranking, proba-
   In addition to traditional considerations in deterministic                     bilistic optimal power flow, probabilistic reliability evaluation,
planning, the following factors need to be modeled in proba-                      probabilistic voltage stability study and probabilistic transient
bilistic planning:                                                                stability assessment. The details of the probabilistic system
 1) uncertainties of generator types, locations, capacities and                   analysis techniques can be found in Reference [1].
      unavailability in the future;                                                  As mentioned earlier, probabilistic reliability evaluation
 2) correlations between different generation sources and                         is one of the two key steps in probabilistic planning. The
      between loads and generations, particularly for renewable                   probabilistic reliability assessment of composite generation
      generation sources [2];                                                     and transmission systems can be summarized as follows [1]–
 3) random behaviors of primary energy sources, particularly                      [3]:
      renewable sources, such as wind speeds, solar insolations                     1) A multiple level load model is created which eliminates
      and tidal current speeds.                                                         the chronology and aggregates load states using hourly
4                                                                   CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS, VOL. 1, NO. 1, MARCH 2015

         load records during one year. The uncertainty of load at          As mentioned earlier, the unreliability cost equals to the
         each level can be modeled using a probability distribu-        product of an EENS index and a unit interruption cost. Obvi-
         tion. Annualized reliability indices are calculated first by   ously, this cost component is a random number that depends
         using a single load level and expressed on the one year        on various probabilistic factors in a system, particularly on
         basis. All the load levels are considered successively and     random outage events. The EENS is calculated using the
         the resulting indices for each load level are weighted by      probabilistic reliability evaluation method described in Section
         its probability to obtain annual indices. Alternatively, a     IV-D. The unit interruption cost (UIC) can be estimated using
         chronological load curve model can be used if necessary.       one of the following four techniques.
    2)   The system states at a particular load level are selected        1) The method based on customer damage functions (CDF)
         using either Monte Carlo simulation or state enumeration            [3]. The CDFs can be obtained from customer surveys. A
         techniques. This includes the following:                            CDF provides the relationship curve between the average
           a) Generally, generating unit states are modeled using            unit interruption cost and duration of power outage.
              multiple state random variables.                            2) The method based on gross domestic product (GDP).
          b) Transmission component states are modeled using                 The GDP is divided by total electric energy consumption
              two-state (up and down) random variables. For some             to create a dollar value per kWh, which represents the
              special transmission components such as HVDC                   average economic damage cost due to one kWh of energy
              lines, a multiple state random variable can be ap-             loss.
              plied. Weather-related transmission line forced out-        3) The method based on the relationship between capital
              age frequencies and repair times can be determined             investment projects and system EENS indices. With in-
              using a method of recognizing regional weather                 vestment cost assessments and relevant system reliability
              effects. Common-cause outages of transmission lines            evaluations in a series of system reinforcement projects,
              are simulated by separate random numbers.                      an average unit interruption cost can be estimated.
           c) The bus load uncertainty and correlation are modeled        4) The method based on the lost revenue to a utility due
              using a correlated probability distribution random             to power outages. The unit interruption cost using this
              vector.                                                        method could be the average electricity rate.
    3)   System analyses are performed for each selected sys-
         tem state. In many cases, this requires power flow and         F. Data Uncertainty
         contingency analysis studies to identify possible system          Probabilistic power system planning requires much more
         problems. In some cases, voltage and transient stability       data than deterministic planning. A successful planning de-
         studies may also be required.                                  cision depends on not only appropriate methods but also
    4)   An optimal power flow (OPF) model is used to reschedule        acceptable accuracy of data. Two types of uncertainties exist
         generations and other reactive sources, eliminate limit        in load forecast and component outage data: randomness and
         violations (line overloading and/or bus voltage violations)    fuzziness [1]. A probabilistic model can be used to model
         and avoid any load curtailment if possible or minimize the     randomness and a fuzzy model can be used to represent
         total load curtailment or interruption cost if unavoidable.    fuzziness. For example, it has been recognized for many years
    5)   The reliability indices (such as the EENS) are calculat-       that the outage frequency or unavailability of an overhead
         ed using probabilities and consequences of all selected        line is heavily related to weather conditions. Classification
         system states.                                                 of weather conditions is fuzzy in nature because of vague
                                                                        language in weather descriptions such as normal or adverse
E. Probabilistic Economic Analysis                                      weather, light or heavy rain/snow, etc. When an outage is
                                                                        assigned to a normal or adverse weather condition in statistical
   There are three cost components in the economic analysis:
                                                                        data collection, it depends on human being’s fuzzy judgment.
investment, operation and unreliability costs [1]–[3].
                                                                        Many utilities may not have sufficient statistical records but
   The investment analysis is a fundamental part of the eco-
                                                                        engineers generally have a good judgment on the range of data
nomic assessment in a planning process. The cash flow of
                                                                        uncertainty. In such cases, fuzzy models become a necessary
annual investment cost can be created using the capital return
                                                                        complement to probabilistic models in order to cope with
factor (CRF) method [1], [2], [19] and actual capital estimates.
                                                                        the both uncertainties of input data in probabilistic system
The uncertainties of the parameters in the economic analysis
(such as the useful life, discount rate and capital estimates of
a project) can be modeled using their probability distributions.
   The cash flows of operation and unreliability costs are              G. System State Selection Techniques
calculated through year-by-year evaluations. In addition to                Random selection of system states (generation patterns,
fixed cost components, the operation cost of a transmission or          network configurations and load levels) is an essential step in
distribution system is also related to the evaluation of network        probabilistic system analysis. There are two kinds of selection
losses, simulation of system production costs and estimation            techniques: state enumeration and Monte Carlo simulation.
of energy prices on power market. This is associated with               Both have merits and demerits. In general, state enumeration
many uncertainty factors, including load forecasts, generation          is preferable when the system size is relatively small and/or
patterns, maintenance schedules and power market behaviors.             component outage probabilities are low, whereas Monte Carlo
LI: FRAMEWORK OF PROBABILISTIC POWER SYSTEM PLANNING                                                                                5

simulation is better for a large size system and/or relatively      and the solid lines for 138 kV lines). This region is under-
high component outage probabilities. Monte Carlo methods are        going significant economic development and requires major
more flexible to simulate complex conditions compared to state      enhancements due to the rapid load growth in the area supplied
enumeration. General Monte Carlo simulation requires consid-        by the three substations named as CWD, BMT and DAW. The
erable computing time. Many variance reduction techniques,          existing 138 kV transmission system is constrained by voltage
which can significantly speed up the simulation process, have       instability limits and transmission line thermal limits as the
been available for probabilistic power system analysis [3],         load grows in this area.
[20]. A recent research found that incorporating cross-entropy
method into Monte Carlo simulation could significantly reduce                                               FJN

computing time required to achieve the same accuracy in                                                           TAY

system analysis [21].
   There are two types of Monte Carlo methods: sequential                        GMS

and non-sequential simulations. Sequential simulation can                                                                DAW
                                                                                          CWD                      BMT
accurately calculate unreliability frequency indices but is time-
consuming, whereas non-sequential simulation is much faster
but can only calculate approximate frequency indices. Both                                  SNK

simulation methods can accurately estimate non-frequency-
related indices. In most cases, the EENS index is used in
probabilistic power system planning without need of any infor-      Fig. 2. The existing regional system.
mation of frequency index. In such situations, non-sequential
simulation is generally desirable.                                  Based on technical (the traditional system contingency anal-
                                                                    ysis using the N-1 principle), environmental and social as-
                                                                    sessments, the following three reinforcement alternatives were
  Different tasks can be performed under the framework of           worked out as initial options:
probabilistic power system planning. The main tasks are listed
                                                                      1) Alternative 1: Constructing a double-circuit 230 kV trans-
as follows:
                                                                         mission line (indicated by the bold dashed lines) from a
 1) probabilistic reliability assessment for generation sources,         new substation SLS to BMT switching station to replace
     transmission systems, substation configurations, distribu-          the existing 138 kV line, plus a second 138 kV line
     tion systems, smart grids, micro-grids, protection and              (indicated by the dashed line) between BMT and DAW,
     control systems, and wide area measurement and control              as shown in Fig. 3.
     systems;                                                         2) Alternative 2: Constructing a second 138 kV transmission
 2) system interruption cost assessment (reliability worth               line from a new substation SLS to BMT switching station
     assessment);                                                        and a new 138 kV line from BMT to DAW, as shown in
 3) least cost reinforcement planning (comparison between                Fig. 4. This alternative also includes the installation of a
     alternatives in a project or between projects);                     110 MVAr static VAr compensator (SVC) at BMT.
 4) probabilistic reactive source planning;                           3) Alternative 3: Constructing a 138 kV transmission line
 5) load or independent power producer (IPP) connection                  from substation TAY to substation DAW, plus the new
     planning;                                                           substation SLS, as shown in Fig. 5. This alternative
 6) project or alternative ranking using a probabilistic index           also includes the installation of a 110 MVAr static VAr
     (either reliability index, or economic index, or both);             compensator (SVC) at BMT. The alternative is shown in
 7) probabilistic analysis of power source location and sizing;          Fig. 5.
 8) ranking system equipment importance in a power system;
                                                                       The upstream system reinforcement, which includes a 230
 9) retirement or replacement planning of system equipment;
                                                                    kV line from GMS to SNK and a 230 kV line from SNK to the
10) equipment spare planning (determination of the number
                                                                    new substation (SLS), as shown by the dashed lines in Figs.
     and timing of equipment spares);
                                                                    3–5, is the common portion for all the three reinforcement
11) reliability centered maintenance;
                                                                    alternatives considered in the study. The benefit and cost of
12) integrated planning of power system and primary and
                                                                    the upstream system reinforcement is therefore excluded from
     other secondary energy sources (natural gas/oil/coal/green
                                                                    the benefit/cost analysis in this paper.
     resources and thermal/cold energies).

                 VI. A N ACTUAL E XAMPLE                            B. Study Conditions
  An actual transmission planning project in a regional system         The probabilistic benefit/cost analyses were conducted for
of BC Hydro, Canada is used as an example to illustrate an          the three alternatives. The study conditions are as follows.
application of probabilistic transmission planning [22].
                                                                      1) The system reinforcement is assumed to be in service
A. Regional System and Reinforcement Alternatives                        in 2016 and the planning period of 20 years from 2016
  The simplified single-line diagram of an existing regional             to 2035 is considered in the study. The load forecast is
system is shown in Fig. 2 (the bold lines for 230 kV lines               shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the load increases over
6                                                                   CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS, VOL. 1, NO. 1, MARCH 2015



                       CWD                        BMT



Fig. 3. Alternative 1 for reinforcement.
                                                                        Fig. 6. Load forecast in the studied area.

                                                                                                      TABLE I
                                                                                  U NIT I NTERRUPTION C OST AND L OAD C OMPOSITION

                                                                                                      Unit Interruption
               GMS                                                              Customer                                      Percentage (%)
                                 LAP                                                                   Cost ($/kWh)
                       CWD                        BMT
                                                                                Industrial                 15.76                     65
                                                                               Commercial                  36.60                      5
                                                                               Residential                  1.36                     30

                                TLR                                                                  TABLE II
                                                                                T OTAL I NVESTMENT OF THE T HREE A LTERNATIVES ($M)
Fig. 4. Alternative 2 for reinforcement.
                                                                              Alternative 1             Alternative 2          Alternative 3
                                                                                 285.613                  247.962                  259.884
                                                                                                      TABLE III
                                                                                    P ROBABILITY D ISTRIBUTION OF D ISCOUNT R ATE
                                                                                    Discount Rate                         Probability
                       CWD     SLS                BMT                                      0.04                              0.3
                                                                                           0.06                              0.5
                                                                                           0.08                              0.2


                                                                        C. Probabilistic Benefit/Cost Analysis Results
Fig. 5. Alternative 3 for reinforcement.
                                                                           The MECORE program for composite generation and trans-
                                                                        mission system reliability evaluation [23] was used to quantify
                                                                        the EENS indices for the existing system and three alterna-
         the years, reaches the peak in 2027 and then decreases         tives. The composite unit interruption cost was obtained from
         afterword.                                                     the data in Table I and then was used to calculate the unrelia-
    2)   The outage data of system components, which are re-            bility costs. The benefits due to reduction in the unreliability
         quired in probabilistic reliability evaluation, are based on   cost for the three alternatives are presented in Table IV. The
         historical records in the previous 10 years.                   PLOSS program for network energy loss assessment [24],
    3)   The unit interruption costs for industrial, commercial         which automatically incorporates a load curve into power flow
         and residential customers of the utility and their load        calculations, was used to calculate network energy losses. The
         composition in the area are presented in Table I. It can       energy loss costs are obtained by multiplying energy losses by
         be seen that the industrial load is dominant in the load       the energy rate. The benefits due to reduction in the energy
         composition.                                                   loss cost for the three alternatives are presented in Table V.
    4)   The predicted energy rate is $120/MWh. This rate is used          The expected annual investment costs for the three alter-
         in calculating network energy loss costs.                      natives were evaluated using the capital return factor (CRF)
    5)   The total investment of each alternative includes the          method and the data in Tables II & III. The CRF method is an
         direct capital of new transmission lines and substation,       equal annual investment cash flow method. The uncertainty of
         overhead charge and interest during construction (IDC),        the discount rate was incorporated in the evaluation. The OMA
         and is given in Table II.                                      (operation, maintenance and administration) cost including the
    6)   The probability distribution of the discount rate, which       taxes were estimated on the yearly basis using the financial
         includes both interest and inflation rates, is presented in    estimation method in the utility. Both the expected annual
         Table III.                                                     investments and OMA costs are presented in Table VI.
LI: FRAMEWORK OF PROBABILISTIC POWER SYSTEM PLANNING                                                                                         7

                            TABLE IV                                                              TABLE VI

   Year        Alternative 1     Alternative 2     Alternative 3                      Investment ($M)                 OMA Cost ($M)
   2016           21.558            19.783            11.187                   Alter. 1   Alter. 2  Alter. 3   Alter. 1 Alter. 2  Alter. 3
   2017           25.242            23.295            12.075         2016      17.718      15.383    16.122     0.979    0.255      0.318
   2018           26.900            24.876            12.474         2017      17.718      15.383    16.122     0.979    0.499      0.318
   2019           28.557            26.457            12.874         2018      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.158    0.499      0.358
   2020           29.458            27.297            12.796         2019      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.237    0.790      0.358
   2021           31.094            28.280            13.577         2020      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.277    0.790      0.497
   2022           31.810            28.710            13.918         2021      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.537
   2023           32.628            29.202            14.309         2022      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2024           33.241            29.570            14.602         2023      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2025           33.957            30.000            14.943         2024      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2026           33.967            28.249            14.133         2025      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2027           33.975            26.789            13.457         2026      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2028           32.261            26.379            13.213         2027      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2029           30.236            25.895            12.924         2028      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2030           28.989            25.598            12.747         2029      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2031           28.225            25.050            12.693
                                                                     2030      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2032           26.601            23.887            12.579
                                                                     2031      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2033           25.073            22.792            12.472
                                                                     2032      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2034           23.354            21.560            12.351
                                                                     2033      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
   2035           22.113            20.670            12.264
                                                                     2034      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750
                                                                     2035      17.718      15.383    16.122     1.317    0.790      0.750

                            TABLE V                                                               TABLE VII

   Year        Alternative 1     Alternative 2     Alternative 3            Alternative 1          Alternative 2          Alternative 3
   2016            8.401             1.114             2.558                  276.204                191.518                 -4.801
   2017            9.078             1.221             1.346
   2018           10.874             3.942             2.056
   2019           10.546             4.123             2.187                                 VII. C ONCLUSIONS
   2020           11.553             5.525             2.741
   2021           12.685             6.244             3.258           This paper presents an overview of probabilistic power
   2022           13.181             6.558             3.484        system planning. The basic concepts, criteria, procedure,
   2023           13.787             6.958             3.646        analysis techniques and tasks of probabilistic power system
   2024           14.242             7.258             3.767        planning are discussed. Probabilistic reliability evaluation and
   2025           14.773             7.608             3.909        probabilistic economic assessment are two key steps. However,
   2026           14.845             7.753             4.151        it should be recognized that the contents of probabilistic power
   2027           14.905             7.874             4.353        system planning are much beyond these two aspects.
   2028           14.083             7.396             3.964           Probabilistic power system planning can overcome the de-
   2029           13.112             6.831             3.504
                                                                    merits of deterministic planning criteria since it covers both
   2030           12.514             6.484             3.222
                                                                    consequences and probabilities of outages events and provides
   2031           12.056             6.263             3.081
   2032           11.082             5.792             2.782
                                                                    results closer to reality. It is important to appreciate that
   2033           10.166             5.350             2.500        there is no conflict between the deterministic and probabilistic
   2034            9.134             4.852             2.183        planning criteria. Both criteria can be combined to apply to a
   2035            8.390             4.492             1.955        system planning process.
                                                                       An actual example using a utility system is given to demon-
                                                                    strate an application of probabilistic transmission development
                                                                    planning. This is just a specific example. Many other planning
   The expected present values of net benefit for the three         tasks listed in Section V can be performed under the frame-
alternatives were calculated using the intermediate results         work of probabilistic power system planning.
in Tables IV, V and VI, and the probability distribution of
discount rate in Table III. The results are given in Table VII.                                  R EFERENCES
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