Formulating the Iindicators of Talent Identification in Golf Sport from the Perspective of Prominent Iranian Coaches

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Formulating the Iindicators of Talent Identification in Golf Sport from the Perspective of Prominent Iranian Coaches
International Journal of Sport Studies. Vol., 5 (4), 445-450, 2015
Available online at http:
ISSN 2251-7502 © 2015; Science Research Publications

Formulating the Iindicators of Talent Identification in Golf Sport from the
               Perspective of Prominent Iranian Coaches

                                   Elham Talebi1*, Mohsen Ghanbarzade2

     1- Department Of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Soushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University,
                                             Shoushtar, Iran
 2- Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences , Islamic Azad University Sousangeard,Sousangeard
                                        Branch, Sousangeard, Iran

                          Corresponding Author, Email:


                 The present study aimed to investigateand formulate the indicators of talent
                 identification in golf sport in Iran from the prespective of prominent coaches.
                 For this purpose, to determine the most importantfactors, the indicators of
                 talent identificationwere examined in four skill, anthropometric,
                 physiological, andsociologicaldiomentions.In this regard, a few5-choice
                 Likert questionnaires were designed and randomly distributed among 59
                 prominent Iranian coaches in golf sport.After the questionnaires were
                 collected,using descriptive statistics and Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Friedman
                 andbinomial tests, the data were analyzedin SPSS softwareat the 5%level of
                 significance.The results obtained from the studyrevealed that from the
                 perspective of prominent Iranian coaches of golf, psychological, skill,
                 anthropometric, and sociological indicators wererespectively important in
                 the talent identification of golf sport.Also, from the perspective of these
                 coaches, holding golf tournaments inyoung age ranges affects the
                 identifiaction ofsport talent.

                 Keywords: Sports TalentIdentification, Golf Sport, Indicators of Talent


    Specialization of sports and achievement of desired results require to pay attention to especial physical and
psychological needs for that field such as anthropometric charachteristics,
    intelligence, and innate talentin learning specific skillsand so on.Therefore, due tothe multitudiness of
athletes interested in the activity in each field and restriction in facilities and investment on one hand and the
high costs of time andfinance for trainingelite athletes ; on the other hand, and to ensureforsuccess, top
individuals in each fieldof sport should be identified.Top individuals should be selected withinthe process of
talent identification with regard to theabove-mentionedfeatures.
    As a result of using the process of talent identification, the standard of sport success is provided through
maximizing the number oftalented athletes so that they can improvetheir athletic skillsand finally,the potential
of all whomayachieveathletic successwill also increase (Gould, 2000).
    The process of talent identification and selection of superior persons ingolf, like other sports give an
opportunity to coaches and specialists to spend their cost andtime for a few athletes and optimally exercise with
a particular group.On the other hand, in this condition,golfers who have more chances for success are elected
and receive a great opportunity for exercising whoseoutcome is to train the future champions (Auckland, 2001;
Jynry, 1999; Testa, 1996).

Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 5 (4), 445-450, 2015

    Given to the above descriptions, this study seeks to providean appropriate mechanism for talent
identification in golf sport so that spending time and cost will be avoided for those who are not suitable for this
field and individuals with higher capacity can meethigher capital per capita.
    Several studies have so far been conducted on talent identification and providing a model for it in foreign
countries such as the study by Jarvr (1981) in the Soviet Union; chun (1992) inChina, and Russell (1989) in
    Mathew et al, (2012) examinedrecords, attributes, and effects of the latest implicit theories on golfers in
terms of athletic ability.In their study, they used a qualitative research design and approved a based constructive
theoriticalmethod.8 participants were asked to describe their golf skills.All resposes were recorded
andtranscribed and the datawere analyzedthrougha series of iterationsleadingto the identificationof three
dimensions that formedtheir beliefs on their abilities.
    In their study, Andrew et al, (2011) investigated the effect of the achievement of the objectivesonpositive
and negative emotions in golf and whether there is an intermediate perceivedand mediatedperformance in this
relationship or not. After the data were analyzed, it was found that participation in positive act and perceived
performanceare in turnpositive predictors ofhappiness and excitements; however, they arenegativepredictors of
depressions.They separatelyanalyzed theirown datafor each emotionusinghierarchical multiple regression.In
these analyses, they evaluated task andself-interferenceat the first stage,the perceived performanceat the second
stage,andallcombinations in terms of interaction betweenthe objectives of improvementsand percieved
performance at the third stage.
    Jones et al, (2005) describedthe development ofa specific athletic action and feelings before competitionfor
the evaluation ofanger, anxiety, depression, excitement,andjoyment.Form, content, factorial, andvalidity
wereconcurrently examined over four stages.
    In their study, (Goerge et al., 2009) investigated the relationships between physical condition and
golfperformance.In fact, the study aimed to identifythe physiological factors of the golf performance in elite
golfersin vitro(ball speed and distance) andconditions of competitions (average score, green in regulation,
actions of short game, andhaving accuracy).
    In his study, (Brandon., 2006)determined the effects ofphysical programs on speed, stability, andremote
    In their study, (Hetu et al., 1998) evaluated the effect of8-weekprograms on selectedmeasures, fitness,
andgolf performance of recreational golfers.
    Lephartet al, (2007) investigated theimpacts of 8-weekparticular exercise program of golf on physical
characteristics, swing mechanics, and golf performance and selected fifteentrained male golfers.Their
resultsshowed thatthe exercise program of golf improvesstrength, flexibility, andbalance in golfers.This
improvement leads to increase the high speed ofrotation axistorso which in turn increases the speed of club
head, ball speed, and remote driving.

                                            Materials and Methods

    Since we reviewedarticles, books, and various authentic sourcesto provide documentationsfordifferentparts
of the study, this is a descriptive study.Also, because of using questionnairestocollect data, this study can be
consideredas a survey study.In general, this is a descriptive-survey study. Also, it should be noted that giventhe
method applied to collectthe required data, the present study is descriptive (non- experimental) as well
    In the current study, the population includes150prominent Iranian coaches in golf sport who are engaged in
contract and employment.
    There are several reasonsto select Iran as the study population: one reason is that golf is less common in Iran
and using this study, a long stepcan be taken in this regard.The sample size is calculated using Cochran formula
which is given below.

   Where giventhe total numberofprofessional golf coaches across the country as the population (N=150),
probability (P = 0.5)and values (1-P)which is equal to qwill be equal to 0.5 and given the level of confidence of
95% and error rate of 10%,the sample size will be equal to: n=77.

    The questionnaire of the studyhas beendesigned and used as 5-choice Likert-type based onthe proposed
criteria andaccording to thedesire of the researcher toinvestigate the relationship betweenthe variables with
regard to the experts'views and opinionsof the professors in the field.

Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 5 (4), 445-450, 2015


    In this study, the content validity of the questionnaire has been approved by professors and anumber of
prominentIranian coaches in golf and hastherequired validity.
    To ensure the reliability of the questionnaireused in this study,Cronbach's alphahas been calculated for the
questions of each ofpsychological,skill, sociological, and anthropometric variablesas well as for all
questions.Cronbach's alpha forall questions was eequal to 0.79 which indicatesa goodand acceptablereliability of
the instrument.

    The investigation ofthe normality of data distribution
    In order to assessthe normality of the data distribution, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used.According to the
obtained results, since for skill,anthropometric,and sociologicalvariables,the value ofthe level of significance
(sig) is more than the level ofthe probability of error, α=0.05, as a result, the assumption ofthe normality ofthe
data distribution is not rejected, while on psychological variables and age range, the assumption of their
normalityis rejected with regard to the lower value ofsig compared to the value of error of 0.05.

    Assessment of the first question
    What are the anthropometric indicators in the talent identification of golf from the perspective of the
prominent Iranian coaches in golf sport?
    To assess this question, Friedman test was used.The null hypothesis for this test is as follows:
    Null hypothesis: there is no significant difference among the factors of anthropometric indicator in
thestudied group ( themean ranks has no differencewith each other).
    Based on the obtained results from the prespective of the prominentIranian coaches, the height of athletes
with the mean response of 3.81 and standard deviation of 1.01 and shortness and tallness ofheights with the
mean response of 3.79 and standard deviation of 0.96 respectivelyhave the highest mean of response and are
considered as the most importantanthropometric factors in talent identification ingolf sport.Given the results
ofFriedman testto assessthe differences among anthropometric factors and since the coverage level of test
statistic (sig) is higher than 0.05, itcan be concluded that from the perspective of the prominentIranian coaches
in golf sport, there is no significant difference among the factors of anthropometric variable and the factors of
height andweightwith slight differences have the highest mean and the degree of importance.Table 1 shows the
results of Friedman test for ranking the factors of anthropometric indicator. Accordingly, the priority of these
factorsis as follows:
    Weight, shortness and tallness ofheights, impact of highweight,physical disabilities and proportion of height
and weight.

           Table 1: Results of Friedman test for ranking the factors of anthropometric indicator

                           Variables                          Mean rank       Priority
                           Height                             3.15            2
                           Weight                             3.25            1
                           The impact of high weight          3.05            3
                           Proportion of height and weight    2.77            5
                           physical disabilities              2.78            4

Assessment of the second question

    What are the psychological indicators in the talent identification of golf from the perspective of the
prominent Iranian coaches in golf sport?To assess this question, Friedman test was used.
    Based on the obtained results from the prespective of the prominent Iranian coaches, the presence of
competitionamong athleteswith the mean response of 3.83and standard deviation of 1.08 and confidence with
the mean response of 3.81and standard deviation of 1.04 have respectivelythe highest mean response and are
considered as the most importantpsychological factors in the talent identification of golfsport.
    Given the results of Friedman testto assessthedifferences among psychological factors and since the
coverage level of test statistic (sig) is higher than 0.05, itcan be concluded that from the perspective of the
prominent Iranian coaches in golf sport, there is no significant difference among the factors of psychological
variable andanxiety and stressand competitionhavethe highest mean and the degree of importancewith slight
differences.Table 2 shows the results of Friedman test for ranking the factors of psychological
indicator.Accordingly, the priority of these factorsis as follows:
    Anxiety and stress, competition, confidence, fear of failure and increasing motivation.
Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 5 (4), 445-450, 2015

                           Table 2: Results ofFriedman test for ranking the factors
                                           of psychological indicator
                              Variables                 Mean rank     Priority
                              Motivation                2.91          5
                              Confidence                303           3
                              Fear of failure           2.97          4
                              Anxiety and stress        3.5           1
                              Competition               3.04          2

Assessment of the third question

    What are the skill indicators in the talent identification of golf from the perspective of the prominent Iranian
coaches in golf sport?To assess this question, Friedman test was used.
    Based on the obtained results from the prespective of the prominent Iranian coaches, the talent ofleading
how to hit the ballwith the mean response of 4.05 and standard deviation of 0.94 and atyle of standing (taking
golf club)with the mean response of 4.03 and standard deviation of0.95 respectivelyhave the highest mean
response and are considered as the most important skill factors in the talent identification of golfsport.
    Given the results of Friedman testto assessthedifferences among skill factors and since coverage level of test
statistic (sig) is higher than 0.05, itcan be concluded that from the perspective of the prominent Iranian coaches
in golf sport, there is a significant difference among the skill factors and the factors of style of standing and
talenthave the highest mean and the degree of importance.Table 3 shows the results of Friedman test for ranking
the factors of skillindicator.Accordingly, the priority of these factorsis as follows:

   Talent, style of standing, meditation, patience and precision

                                Table 3: Results ofFriedman test for ranking the
                                             factors of skill indicator
                                Variables                 Mean rank     Priority
                                Patience and precision 2.18             4
                                Style of standing         2.68          2
                                Talent                    2.75          1
                                Meditation                2.39          3

Assessment of the fourth question

    What are the sociological indicators in the talent identification of golf from the perspective of the prominent
Iranian coaches in golf sport?To assess this question, Friedman test was used.
    Based on the obtained results from the prespective of the prominent Iranian coaches, the rate ofstudents' role
with the mean response of 3.58and standard deviation of 1.34 and degree ofspecialized education with the mean
response of 3.56and standard deviation of 1.26 respectivelyhave the highest mean response and are considered
as the most importantsociological factors in the talent identification of golfsport.
    Given the results of Friedman testto assessthedifferences among sociological factors and since coverage
level of test statistic (sig) is higher than 0.05, itcan be concluded that from the perspective of the prominent
Iranian coaches in golf sport, there is no significant difference among the factors of sociological variable and
welfare facilities and degree ofspecialized education with slight differences have the highest mean and the
degree of importance.Table 4shows the results of Friedman test for ranking factors of sociological indicator.So,
the priority of these factorsis as follows:
    Welfare facilities, degree ofspecialized education, the rate ofstudents' role, the role of government,
individuals’culture, cultural differences, level of education.

Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 5 (4), 445-450, 2015

                             Table 4: Results of Friedman test for ranking factors of
                                                sociological indicator
                            Variables                           Mean rank   Priority
                            Individuals’ culture                3.96        5
                            Cultural difference                 3.86        6
                            The role of government              3.98        4
                            Students' role                      4.03        3
                            Level of education                  3.86        6
                            Degree of specialized education     4.04        2
                            Welfare facilities                  4.26        1

Assessment of the fifth question

   Is there a relationship between holding golf tournament at the young age range and sport talent identification
from the perspective of the prominent Iranian coaches in golf?
   To assess this question, nonparametric binomial test was usedin SPSS software. The results of the testare
givenin Table 5.Since in this test, the level of significance (sig) is less than the level of probability of error of
α=0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected;in other words,it can be deduced that from the perspective of the
prominentIranian coaches in golf, holding golf tournament at the young age range has an effect on sport talent

                          Table 5: Results ofnonparametric binomial test for age range

                       Age range    Groups       N     Observed ratio       Test ratio    sig
                       Group 1      3           59    1
                       Total                     59    1.00

                                              Discussion and conclusion

    The present study aimed to investigate the views ofprominent coaches in golf in the field ofindicators which
has also been stated by (Pltola, 1992).The type and quality of talents are different for variousfields
ofsports.Hence, according to the objectives and results of conducted studies, a few notes can be pointed to:
    First, in the countries all over the world, twocommon natural or scientific methodsaregenerally usedfortalent
identification while in Iran, there are none of these two procedureswhichshows that talent identification has not
been institutionalizedin the current situation and is purely coincidental.In other words, there are no sufficient
reasons and evidencesindicating a formal and systematic program.
    Second, in the process of talent identification, age is an important as well as basic factor. The program of
talent identification is not enough to be started in a sport field without observing the appropriate age and will not
have desirable result. According to the results of the present study, holding golf tournament at the young age
range affects the talent identification of this sport. Based on the results of the study, psychological indicator has
the highest level in the talent identification of golf sport.This result is consistent with the results of the study by
Blansby et al, (1986);Hur (1995); andSinger et al, (1993).The key pointto improve sport performance is that
psychologicalfactors have a profound effect on physical performance.
    In order to develop and disseminate golf sport among various classes,especiallythe youth and students of
physical education, it is required to do designs of talent identification by Iranian sport officials and the
federation should conduct necessary actions to pavethe way for the introduction and development of this
sport.Golf sport canbe presented as a course of physicaleducationto students at universities in the country.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest

Intl. j. Sport Std. Vol., 5 (4), 445-450, 2015


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