Page created by Gregory Zimmerman
       - JULY 2018 -
  TIME FRAME PAST       PRODUCE        JUICES AND SOFT       BREAD &      PACKAGED GRAINS,           MEAT &           DELI MEATS         PREPARED FOODS        MILK AND           CULTURED
    BEST BEFORE                            DRINKS            BAKERY       CEREALS & BAKED           SEAFOOD                                                   NON-DAIRY             DAIRY
                                                                              GOODS                                                                          ALTERNATIVES

                         Fruit /                                           Granola, Flours,                                              Prepared meals,      Milk (Fresh,
                                          Fruit &                                                  Packaged                                fresh pasta,       Powdered,
   PRODUCT            Vegetables -                           Loaves,      Rices, Dry Pastas,                          Deli Meats,                                                  Yogurt,
                                        Vegetable                                                and Bulk Meats,                          cooked meats,      Canned, UHT
 DESCRIPTIONS           Whole,                                Rolls,      Cookies, Crackers,                          Sausages                                                      kefir,
                                       Juices & Soft                                              Poultry, Fish                            Mixed Salads,      tetrapak);
                    Uncut, Unpeeled,                         Bagels,       Breakfast/Lunch                                                                                       sour cream
                                          Drinks                                                                                          Soups, Stews,      Soy & Almond
                      Undamaged                              Muffins         Cereal Bars
                                                                                                                                           Cut produce        Beverages

                                         Less than                                                                     Less than                               Less than
                     Fresh, whole                                                                                                                               2 hours
    ROOM               1 - 7 days         2 hours             Up to                                 Less than           2 hours             Less than                             Less than
                                       (If refrigeration                         NA                  2 hours         (If refrigeration       2 hours         (If refrigeration     2 hours
 TEMPERATURE                                                 1 Week
                                            needed)                                                                       needed)                                 needed)

                      Fresh, whole;
                      leafy greens                                                                    3 - 4 days          3-5
                    1 day - 2 months                                                              whole pieces;      deli counter;        2 - 3 days meal      1 - 2 Days
                                         7 - 10 days
                       (depending                           2 Weeks                             1 - 2 days ground;                       items; 3 - 4 days                       1 - 2 weeks
REFRIGERATED                           (If refrigeration                         NA                                     7 days                               (If refrigeration
                     on produce and         needed)                                                   1 - 2 days                           cut fruits and         needed)          cultured
                        condition)                                                                 seafood/fish        package              vegetables

                                                                                                Beef, lamb pork,
                                                                                               veal, whole poultry
                                                                                                    12 months;                                                                   1 - 3 months
                                                                                                 poultry pieces                                               6 months;            cultured;
    FROZEN               1 Year            1 Year           3 Months             NA                                  2 - 3 Months           4 Months         texture may          texture will
                                                                                                     6 months;
                                                                                                  ground meat                                                  change               change
                                                                                                   2-3 months;
                                                                                                fish 2-6 Months;
                                                                                                  and shellfish
                                                                                                   2-4 months

CANNED /JARRED            NA               1 Year              NA                NA                     NA                 NA                   NA               1 Year              NA

                                                                                                                                                                UHT -
     BOXED                              6 - 12 Months
                          NA                               Up to 1 Week     6 - 12 Months              NA                  NA                  NA             6 months,              NA
   / BAGGED                                                                                                                                                   Powdered*
* Milk powder:         Temperature is a critical quality factor for milk powder. Keep milk powder

                                                                                                      Best Before Date: This gives consumers information as to when the product is at its best -
                                                                                                                        with sensory qualities as acceptable as the day it was made when stored
                                                                                                                        under appropriate conditions and packaging is intact.
                                                                                                                        Best Before dates indicate the shelf life of foods. They are not indicators of
                                                                                                                        food safety.
                                                                                                                             Some manufacturers changed their wording in 2018 to “Better Before”.
                                                                                                      Expiry Date:           Tells consumers that the product may not be providing them with the nu-
    CHEESE             FATS            GENERAL GROCERY          NON-FOOD           INFANT FORMULA
                                                                                   AND NUTRITIONAL                           trients expected of the product and they should no longer consume it after
                                        (SHELF STABLE)
                                                                                     SUPPLEMENTS                             that date.
                                                                                                                             Products with Expiry Dates must not be shared past the date on the
                                          May include:      Laundry Detergent,          Note:                                packaging.
Cottage cheese,     Butter,
                                         Canned pastas,        Mixed Product       These products
 cream & soft     Margarines;                                                                         Products Include: Infant Formula (Canned or Boxed, Liquid or Powdered), and many Nutrional
                                         canned meats/      Pallets, Deodorants,    contain Expiry
 cheeses, hard    Cooking Oils
                                      fish,Tomato Sauces,      Body Washes,        Dates - not Best                     Supplements and Meal Replacements (Canned, Boxed, or Ready to Use,
    cheeses         (most)
                                        condiments, etc.      Diapers, Infant        Before Dates                       Liquid or Powdered).
                                                                   Wipes                                                     Note that baby foods for older babies and toddlers have Best Before dates,
                                                                                                                             not expiry dates.

                    Less than
   Less than         2 hours                                        NA
    2 hours
                                              NA                                                      Food Products and their ability to be shared should always be based on:
                  (If refrigeration
                       needed)                                                                        1) Ensuring the product has been handled safely (ie. Chilled product is kept chilled).
                                                                                                      2) Assessing all packaging for integrity (i.e., dents, creases, etc.) based on Food
                                                                                                         Banks Canada Safe Food H.andling Standards.
  1 - 2 weeks                                                                                         3) That the product is at a level of quality (e.g., taste and smell) that is still worth
    cottage                                                                                              sharing.
                      1-5                                           NA                                4) That the Manufacturer’s Branding will not be compromised if the product is
 3 - 6 months                                 NA
                     Months                                                                              shared.
 hard blocks;
 1 - 2 months
                                                                                     DO NOT
  soft blocks
                                                                                   DISTRIBUTE         NOTE: This information is to be used as a guide only. It was developed based on general knowledge, indus-
                                                                                                            try practices and the understanding that best before dates are about sensory quality.
                                                                                   PAST EXPIRY
                                                                                      DATE            FOR REFERENCE:
 6 - 12 months
                                                                                                      - Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Date Labelling on Pre-packaged Foods, Date Modified: 2013-07-07, Avail-
 hard cheese                                                                                            able at:
     blocks;          6 - 12
                                              NA                    NA                                  ing-and-storage/date/eng/1332357469487/1332357545633
  3 - 6 month        Months
                                                                                                      - M.A. Freitas, J.C. Costa, Shelf life determination using sensory evaluation scores: A general Weibull mod-
  soft blocks                                                                                           eling approach, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2006, pp. 652-670.
                                                                                                      - A. Giménez, F. Ares, G. Ares, Sensory shelf-life estimation: A review of current methodological approach-
                                                                                                        es, Food Research International, Vol. 49, No 1, 2012, pp. 311-325.
                                                                                                      - S. Guerra, C. Lagazio, L. Manzocco, et al., Risks and pitfalls of sensory data analysis for shelf life prediction:
                                                                                                        Data simulation applied to the case of coffee, ‘Food Science and Technology, Vol. 41, No. 10, 2008, pp. 2070-
                  6 - 12 Months
                                           1 - 2 Year                                                 - and for additional guidelines.
      NA           (shelf stable                                   1 Year
                       oils)                                                                          - Utah State University Cooperative Extension Service, Food Storage: Dried Milk, Available at: http://exten-

      NA                NA               6 - 12 Months             1 Year
                                                                                                      I NFOR MAT I ON : Co nt ac t Fo o d Banks Can ad a at 1 -8 7 7 -535-0 9 58
                                                                                                      o r info@food b a nksc a n | Date c re ate d : Jan u ar y 2 01 1 . Date u p d ate d : M ar 2 01 8 .
NOTE:       Most fresh fruits and vegetables do not have best before
                                                          FRUIT & VEGETABLES                                                                                          dates - quality determines whether they should be shared.

  CANNED             FROZEN            WHOLE
 FRUITS &           FRUITS &          FRUITS &          VEGETABLES              VEGETABLES              VEGETABLES      VEGETABLES        VEGETABLES      VEGETABLES            FRUITS             FRUITS            FRUITS         FRUITS      FRUITS

                                                             Root                  Cold shelf                                                                                                    Harder fruit
                                      Fresh, whole,                                                                                                                           Tender fruit       e.g. apples,
                   Bagged frozen                          vegetables              vegetables                             Salad mixes         Shelled                             (peaches,                           Berries                     Fresh         Dried
 Canned fruits                         undamaged,      (e.g carrots, beets,   (e.g. broccoli, celery,   Fresh, cut up      and leafy                                                            pears (depends                      Fresh,                      fruit
                      fruits &                                                                                                            fresh garden     Bean sprouts         nectarines,                          (depends                  fruit salad
 & vegetables                         uncut fruits &      parsnips, etc)       green-top carrots)        vegetables     greens (bagged,                                                           on fruit and                      cut up                    various
                    vegetables                                                                                                                peas         (fresh, bagged)   plums) - depends                       on fruit and                (mixed in
                                        vegetable          - depends on            - depends on
                                                                                                                                                                                on fruit and    condition); fruit   condition)       fruit        juice)       types
                                                          vegetable and           vegetable and
                                                                                                                                                                                 condition      with skin (e.g.
                                                             condition               condition                                                                                                     Oranges)

  1-2 years             NA            Depends on          1-6 weeks                    NA                 < 2 hours       < 2 hours         < 2 hours        < 2 hours            Up to          1-2 weeks          1-3 days       < 2 hours   < 2 hours       6-12
                                       produce                                                                                                                                   1 week                                                                       months

                                                                                                            1 day           1 day             1 day            1 day
                                      Depends on                                                        - depends on    - depends on      - depends on     - depends on                                                                                         1-2
      NA                NA                               1-2 months               1-4 weeks             prior storage                     prior storage    prior storage          2-4           1-2 months          5-10 days      3-4 days
                                       produce                                                                          prior storage                                            weeks                                                         3-5 days        years
                                                                                                          conditions      conditions        conditions       conditions

      NA           8-10 months        Depends on              NA                       NA                    NA              NA             1 month                                NA                                6-8              NA                     indefinite
                                       produce                                                                                                                  NA                                    NA                                          NA

If juice develops an off odor, flavor or appearance, or if mold appears, it should be discarded.

The information in this table is to be used as a guide only. It was developed based on general knowledge, industry practices and the understanding that best before dates are about sensory quality.

The suitability for sharing foods should always be based on:

1) Ensuring the product has been handled safely (i.e., refrigerated products are kept at 0°C-4°C).
2) Assessing all packaging for integrity (i.e., damange, dents, creases, etc.) based on Food Banks Canada Safe Food H.andling Standards.
3) Ensuring the product is at a level of quality (e.g., taste and smell) that is still worth sharing.
4) Ensuring the manufacturer’s brand will not be compromised if the product is shared.

                                                                                   Best Before Date is an indicator of the shelf life of a food.                       Expiry Date is an indicator of nutritional quality. At the Expiry Date the food
              Assumptions: refrigerator temperatures are
                                                                                                             It is not an indicator of food safety. When                                  will have the nutritional content declared on the label if the
              maintained at 0°C-4°C (food keeps fresh longer
                                                                                                             stored under appropriate conditions and                                      food was stored under appropriate conditions and the packag-
              at 0°C-2°C than at 3°C-4°C); freezer tempera-
              tures are maintained at -18°C; room temperature                                                the packaging is intact, the food is expect-                                 ing is intact. Most foods have Best Before dates. Foods such as
              storage is 10-25°C, dry and dark.                                                              ed to have acceptable taste and smell at its                                 infant formulas and meal replacements will have Expiry Dates.
                                                                                                             best before date.                                                            Products should not be shared after the Expiry Date.

For more information contact Food Banks Canada at 1-877-535-0958 or | Date updated: July 2018.
     TIME        FLUID MILK &            FLUID MILK &                                                                     REFRIGERATED
                                                                                  EVAPORATED                                                     POWDERED           FRUIT/                                                                                       COLD
                  NON-DAIRY               NON-DAIRY                                                                          COFFEE                                                                                                                                               SOFT           WATER
   FRAME                                                        POWDERED             MILK                  CREAM                                  COFFEE           VEG JUICE         FRUIT/           FRUIT/            FRUIT/                HOT                DRINK
                 BEVERAGES -             BEVERAGES -                                                                        WHITENER                                                                                                                                             DRINKS
PAST BEST                                                         MILK             (CANNED)                                                      WHITENER                           VEG JUICE        VEG JUICE         VEG JUICE             DRINKS              MIXES

                                           Ultra High
    Product          Milk and             Temperature                                                                                                                                                                                                          Powdered          Canned
Descriptions        non-dairy             Pasteruized                                                                                                                Juice                                                               Instant coffee,       dry drink       and bottled
                                                                  Powder*          Evaporated                                 Non-dairy           Non-dairy                                                                                                                                     Bottled
                    beverages          (Tetra-Pak or pouch)                                            Pasteurized                                                   boxes            Juice         Refrigerated         Frozen           coffee pods,         mixes E.g.       soda/pop,
                                                                 (pasteurized         Milk                                   refrigerated         powdered                                                                                                                                       water
                 (e.g. Soy, Almond,    Milk and non-dairy         bag, box or                          refrigerated                                                   shelf         cans shelf          juice             juice           tea bags; hot          ice tea,        vitamin
                                                                                  commercially                              liquid coffee          coffee                                                                                                                                        plain
                   rice, Coconut           beverages               canned                              liquid cream                                                  stable           stable        - pasteruized      concentrate         chocolate,          flavoured          water,
                                                                                     canned                                   whitener            whitener
                     beverages)         (e.g. Soy, Almond,         powder)                                                                                                                                                                  ovaltine            crystals         energy
                    Refrigerated       Coconut beverages)                                                                                                                                                                                                                         drinks
                                           Shelf stable

     Room           < 2 hours                 1-6                 Non-fat            1 year; low         < 2 hours            < 2 hours             2-4              2-3              6-9            7 - 10 days         < 2 hours       Instant coffee          6 - 12          9 - 12               2-3
Temperature                                  months               in bag 3         fat skimmed                                                     months           months           months                                                 2- 3 years;          month           month               years
                                                                  months;            evapora-                                                                                                                                            ground coffee
                                                                 non-fat in          ted milk 9                                                                                                                                          (Vacuum pac-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ked) 1 year; co-
                                                                can 2 years;          months
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ffee pods 3-8
                                                                 whole milk                                                                                                                                                                months; tea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6-12 months;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         hot chocolate

                2-3 days dairy;                                                                            1-2
Refrigerated     3-5 days soy,                  NA                    NA                 NA               weeks              5 - 7 days               NA               NA               NA           7 - 10 days            NA                  NA                 NA              NA                 NA
                 rice, almond,
                coconut, hemp

                 3 - 4 months;                  NA                 3 years               NA           2-4 months;                NA                   NA               NA               NA              8 - 12            8 - 12         Instant coffee            1-2             NA                 NA
                  texture may                                                                          texture will                                                                                    months            months            indefinite;            years
                     change                                                                           change, whi-                                                                                                                         whole bean
                                                                                                      pping cream                                                                                                                            coffee
                                                                                                        will not be                                                                                                                        2-3 years;
                                                                                                       whippable                                                                                                                         ground coffee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1-2 years

   *Milk powder           Temperature is a critical quality factor for milk powder. Keep milk powder cool. At 10°C or lower, milk powder can have 3-5                              Food Products and their ability to be shared should always be based on:
                          year shelf life; at 32°C, off flavours will develop within 6 months.
                                                                                                                                                                                   1) Ensuring the product has been handled safely (ie. Chilled product is kept chilled).
   Best Before Date       This gives consumers information as to when the product is at its best - with sensory qualities as acceptable as the day it
                                                                                                                                                                                   2) Assessing all cans for integrity (i.e., dents, creases, etc.) based on Food Banks Canada Safe
                          was made when stored under appropriate conditions and packaging is intact. Best Before dates indicate the shelf life of
                                                                                                                                                                                      Food H.andling Standards.
                          foods. They are not indicators of food safety.
                                                                                                                                                                                   3) That the product is at a level of quality (e.g., taste and smell) that is still worth sharing.
   Expiry Date            Tells consumers that the product may not be providing them with the nutrients expected of the product and they should no
                          longer consume it after that date. Products with Expiry Dates must never be shared past the date on the packaging.                                       4) That the Manufacturer’s Branding will not be compromised if the product is shared.

   Note: This information is to be used as a guide only. It was developed based on general knowledge, industry practices and the understanding that best before dates are about sensory quality.
   For reference: Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Date Labelling on Pre-packaged Foods, Date Modified: 2013-07-07, Available at:
   M.A. Freitas, J.C. Costa, Shelf life determination using sensory evaluation scores: A general Weibull modeling approach, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2006, pp. 652-670. A. Giménez, F. Ares, G. Ares, Sensory shelf-life estimation: A review of current methodological
   approaches, Food Research International, Vol. 49, No 1, 2012, pp. 311-325.
   S. Guerra, C. Lagazio, L. Manzocco, et al., Risks and pitfalls of sensory data analysis for shelf life prediction: Data simulation applied to the case of coffee, ‘Food Science and Technology, Vol. 41, No. 10, 2008, pp. 2070-2078.
   Utah State University Cooperative Extension Service, Food Storage: Dried Milk, Available at:
TIME FRAME         CRACKERS           BREADS             BREADS            DRY PASTA/          FRESH PASTA/          WHOLE GRAIN FLOURS,              LOW FAT                OTHER           DRIED          OATMEALS           BOXED           FLOUR
PAST BEST         AND COOKIES                                               NOODLES/             NOODLES             GRAIN FLAKES, BROWN              FLOURS                GRAINS &        LEGUMES                           CEREALS          BASED
  BEFORE                                                                   WHITE RICE                                  RICE EXCEPT OATS                                     CEREALS                                                            MIXES

                                                       Commercially         Dry Pasta              Fresh             Whole grain flours with          White flour,          White rice,    Dried beans,    Instant oatmeal,      Various     Cake, cookie
                  Dry Crackers     Bakery Style      packaged Loaves,    (e.g. wheat or rice    refrigerated           germ/fat content            cornmeal/ corn          Whole Barley     peas and      flavoured Instant      boxed/        brownie,
      Product                      Loaves, Rolls,      Rolls, Bagels,    noodles of various    pasta/ noodles         (e.g. whole wheat flour),     flour, chickpea         and low fat       lentils        oatmeal; 1-5       packaged        muffin,
                  and Cookies,
  Descriptions                         etc.             Muffins, etc.
                                                                               shapes)         (e.g. wheat or rice         Brown Rice             (gram/ besan) flour         grains                      minute oatmeals      breakfast -     buscuit,
                   rice cakes
                                                                                                     noodles)                                                                                                                 type cereals    pancake/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             waffle mixes

       Room       1 - 2 months       2 - 3 days          5 - 7 days         1 - 2 years          Less than 2             4 - 6 months;             Corn flour 9-12           3 years         3 years        Instant - 1-2       6-8             6 - 12
  Temperature                                                                                      hours                  brown rice               months; coarn                                          years; flavoured     months          months
                                                                                                                         6 - 8 months              meal 1-2 years;                                          6-9 months;
                                                                                                                                                     white & Rice                                         other 2-3 years
                                                                                                                                                  flour 6-8 months

  Refrigerated         NA               NA             1 - 2 Weeks               NA               4 - 5 days             6 - 8 months;                   NA                    NA              NA                NA               NA             NA
                                                                                                                          brown rice
                                                                                                                         6 - 8 months

       Frozen     4 - 5 months       6 months           6 months                 NA             6 - 8 months             6 - 12 months                   NA                    NA              NA                NA               NA             NA

 The information in this table is to be used as a guide only. It was developed based on general knowledge, industry practices and the understanding that best before dates are about sensory quality.

 The suitability for sharing foods should always be based on:

 1) Ensuring the product has been handled safely (i.e., refrigerated products are kept at 0°C-4°C).
 2) Assessing all packaging for integrity (i.e., damange, dents, creases, etc.) based on Food Banks Canada Safe Food H.andling Standards.
 3) Ensuring the product is at a level of quality (e.g., taste and smell) that is still worth sharing.
 4) Ensuring the manufacturer’s brand will not be compromised if the product is shared.

                                                                            Best Before Date is an indicator of the shelf life of a food. It is                         Expiry Date is an indicator of nutritional quality. At the Expiry Date the
            Assumptions: refrigerator temperatures are
                                                                                                       not an indicator of food safety. When stored                                    food will have the nutritional content declared on the label
            maintained at 0°C-4°C (food keeps fresh longer
                                                                                                       under appropriate conditions and the pack-                                      if the food was stored under appropriate conditions and the
            at 0°C-2°C than at 3°C-4°C); freezer tempera-
            tures are maintained at -18°C; room temperature                                            aging is intact, the food is expected to have                                   packaging is intact. Most foods have Best Before dates.
            storage is 10-25°C, dry and dark.                                                          acceptable taste and smell at its best be-                                      Foods such as infant formulas and meal replacements will
                                                                                                       fore date.                                                                      have Expiry Dates. Products should not be shared after the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Expiry Date.

For more information contact Food Banks Canada at 1-877-535-0958 or | Date updated: July 2018.
TIME FRAME              OIL                 OIL               HARD               HARD              HARD            HARD           SALAD           SALAD         SALAD             DESSERT           DESSERT          DESSERT
PAST BEST            (LIQUID)            (LIQUID)             FATS               FATS              FATS            FATS          DRESSING        DRESSING      DRESSING           TOPPINGS          TOPPINGS         TOPPINGS

                    Cooking oil       Specialty oils         Ghee,            Margarine           Butter        Shortening        Mayonaise       Creamy        Vinagrette      Whipped topping   Dessert topping      Dessert
     Product       - e.g. canola,     -e.g. sesame,        coconut oil                                            / lard                         dressings      dressings         - aresol can       mix dry           topping
 Descriptions     corn, safflower,     walnut, olive                                                                                                                            (regfrigerated)     powdered            frozen
                   vegetable oil      (protect from

      Room         1 2 months            Olive 12          1 2 months            NA                 NA           6 months       3 - 4 months    1 - 2 months   3 - 4 months           NA            12 months            NA
 Temperature                            months;
                                       Sesame 6
                                     months; walnut
                                      or hazelnut 1

                    2 years                NA                  NA           4 - 5 months         1 month         12 months           NA             NA             NA             3 months              NA               NA
                 (some oils will

       Frozen           NA                 NA                  NA            6- 8 months      6 - 12 months;        NA               NA             NA             NA                 NA                NA           6 months
                                                                                              6 - 9 months;
                                                                                               6 - 9 months

 The information in this table is to be used as a guide only. It was developed based on general knowledge, industry practices and the understanding that best before dates are about sensory quality.

 The suitability for sharing foods should always be based on:

 1) Ensuring the product has been handled safely (i.e., refrigerated products are kept at 0°C-4°C).
 2) Assessing all packaging for integrity (i.e., damange, dents, creases, etc.) based on Food Banks Canada Safe Food H.andling Standards.
 3) Ensuring the product is at a level of quality (e.g., taste and smell) that is still worth sharing.
 4) Ensuring the manufacturer’s brand will not be compromised if the product is shared.

                                                                          Best Before Date is an indicator of the shelf life of a food. It         Expiry Date is an indicator of nutritional quality. At the Expiry Date the
          Assumptions: refrigerator temperatures are
                                                                                                is not an indicator of food safety. When sto-                    food will have the nutritional content declared on the label
          maintained at 0°C-4°C (food keeps fresh longer
                                                                                                red under appropriate conditions and the                         if the food was stored under appropriate conditions and
          at 0°C-2°C than at 3°C-4°C); freezer tempera-
          tures are maintained at -18°C; room temperature                                       packaging is intact, the food is expected to                     the packaging is intact. Most foods have Best Before dates.
          storage is 10-25°C, dry and dark.                                                     have acceptable taste and smell at its best                      Foods such as infant formulas and meal replacements will
                                                                                                before date.                                                     have Expiry Dates. Products should not be shared after the
                                                                                                                                                                 Expiry Date.

                                                                                For more information contact Food Banks Canada at 1-877-535-0958 or | Date updated: July 2018.
TIME FRAME          DELI            HOT DELI            COLD DELI           MEAL          CONDIMENTS       CONDIMENTS        CONDIMENTS           CONDIMENTS      PASTA        PASTA       SAUCE           CANNED            VINEGAR
PAST BEST          SALADS            MEALS               MEALS              MIXES                                                                                SAUCES       SAUCES       MIXES            FOODS

                                    Hot prepared         Cold meals       Macaroni &      Tomato based       Mustard,       Various sauces        Ketchup,       Tomato        Cream         Dry      Mixed commercially      white,
                   Mixed Deli       meals e.g. Ro-   (e.g. sandwiches)   Cheese dinner     chili sauce,         relish,        (e.g. hoisin,     BBQ sauce,       based        based      packaged     canned, prepared     cider, rice,
      Product                     tisserie Chicken     - must not be         mixes         salsa, taco        pickles,      fish, blackbean,    horseradish       pasta        pasta       Sauce       foods (e.g. baked       malt
  Descriptions                   (must be kept Hot    unrefrigerated,      (Dry boxed        sauce         bullion cubes/     oyster, plum)    (shelf stable),    sauce        sauce        mixes       beans, spagetti      vinegars
                                 above 60C or Cold       depnds on           mixes)        (bottle/jar)      granules                             cocktail/                                           noodles and sauce,
                                      below 4C)           condition                                                                            seafood sauce                                            stews, soups)*

       Room          NA                NA                   NA             3 months         12 months          2 years        Soy, steak            6 - 12         12          6-8         6 - 12          2 years          Indefinitely
  Temperature                                                                                                               Worcestershire         months        months       monhts      months                           (may develop
                                                                                                                            sauce 3 years;                                                                                  cloudiness)
                                                                                                                              hot pepper
                                                                                                                             sauce 5 years

  Refrigerated     1 - 2 days       3 - 4days           1 - 2 days            NA               NA                NA               NA                 NA            NA            NA          NA              NA                NA

       Frozen         NA             1 month                NA                NA               NA                NA               NA                 NA            NA            NA          NA              NA                NA

   * 2 years after the best before date; 5 years after manufacture date if no best before date.

   ‘The information in this table is to be used as a guide only. It was developed based on general knowledge, industry practices and the understanding that best before dates are about sensory quality.

   The suitability for sharing foods should always be based on:

   1) Ensuring the product has been handled safely (i.e., refrigerated products are kept at 0°C-4°C).
   2) Assessing all packaging for integrity (i.e., damange, dents, creases, etc.) based on Food Banks Canada Safe Food H.andling Standards.
   3) Ensuring the product is at a level of quality (e.g., taste and smell) that is still worth sharing.
   4) Ensuring the manufacturer’s brand will not be compromised if the product is shared.

                                                                            Best Before Date is an indicator of the shelf life of a food. It is           Expiry Date is an indicator of nutritional quality. At the Expiry Date
            Assumptions: refrigerator temperatures are
                                                                                                  not an indicator of food safety. When stored                            the food will have the nutritional content declared on
            maintained at 0°C-4°C (food keeps fresh longer
                                                                                                  under appropriate conditions and the pack-                              the label if the food was stored under appropriate con-
            at 0°C-2°C than at 3°C-4°C); freezer tempera-
            tures are maintained at -18°C; room temperature                                       aging is intact, the food is expected to have                           ditions and the packaging is intact. Most foods have
            storage is 10-25°C, dry and dark.                                                     acceptable taste and smell at its best be-                              Best Before dates. Foods such as infant formulas and
                                                                                                  fore date.                                                              meal replacements will have Expiry Dates. Products
                                                                                                                                                                          should not be shared after the Expiry Date.

For more information contact Food Banks Canada at 1-877-535-0958 or | Date updated: July 2018.
  TIME FRAME           SHELL          LIQUID EGGS &        CHEESES FROM            HARD CHEESE             SEMI-SOFT/SOFT              COTTAGE         HARD DRY               REFRIGERATED            REFRIGERATED       FERMENTED
  PAST BEST            EGGS           SUBSTITUTES           RETAIL DELI           COMMERCIALLY          CHEESE COMMERCIALLY            CHEESE          CHEESES                 PROCESSED               DAIRY-BASED          DAIRY
    BEFORE                                                                          PACKAGED                 PACKAGED                                                           CHEESES                    DIPS           PRODUCTS

                    Grade A eggs        Pasteurized         Deli packaged           E.g., Cheddar,           E.g. , Mozzerella,     Cottage Cheese,       Grated             Refrigerated Cream       Dips made with     Yogurt, sour
       Product         in shell           eggs /            cheese slices           Marble, swiss,       Camembert, Brie, Feta,      Ricotta cheese     parmesan/           Cheese, Single Slices,      sour cream,      cream, kefir,
   Descriptions                       egg substitutes        and pieces              brick; block,        blue, Gruyere, Havarti;                      romano sold           Velveeta, Laughing       cream cheese       commercial
                                                                                     shredded or         block, shredded, sliced,                     unrefrigerated           Cow triangles           commercially       buttermilk
                                                                                        sliced                   crumbled                                                                                packaged

        Room         Less than           Less than           Less than              Less than 2                Less than              Less than       9 - 12 months          Less than 2 hours          Less than
PAST BEST             (EXCL. POULTRY)                  POULTRY                 SHELLFISH           FISH/ SHELLFISH       MEATS COMMERCIALLY        RETAIL COUNTER             MEATS             BURGERS        CURD         BUTTER
  BEFORE                                                                                                                      PACKAGED

                     Packaged and Bulk             Packaged and Bulk         Packaged and Bulk      Tins, commercial        Cooked Deli Meats        Cooked ,sliced or     Dry, hard meats       Veggie      Fresh tofu/
      Product      uncooked Meats, Ground       uncooked poultry, Ground     uncooked (low fat        pouches (e.g.       (cold cuts), semi-dry    chunks of Deli Meats    (e.g., dry salami,   Burgers     soybean curd

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BUTTERS, SEE MISCELLANEOUS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FOR PEANUT BUTTER AND NUT
  Descriptions      Meats/Fresh Sausages          poultry/Fresh poultry       and high fat fish,   beef, salmon, tuna,   sausage/salami, cooked    (cold cuts) packaged     pepperoni and       (frozen)
                                                        Sausages                 shellfish)        sardines, mackerel,   sausages (e.g. hotdogs,     at retail counter            jerky)
                                                                                                        shellfish)          weiners, kielbasa)

       Room           Less than 2 hours            Less than 2 hours             Less than             1 - 2 years         Less than 2 hours       Less than 2 hours         4 - 6 weeks          NA         Less than
  Temperature                                                                     2 hours                                                                                                                     2 hours

                      3-5 days; ground                 1 - 2 days                1 - 2 days                NA                  7 - 10 day               3 - 5 days            6 months            NA         3 - 5 days
  Refrigerated        meats 1-2 days;
                        bacon 1 week

       Frozen        Beef 9 - 12 months;            Whole poultry               Low fat fish               NA                 2 - 3 months            2 - 3 months          9 - 12 months       6 months    3 - 5 months
                   pork, ham 6 - 9 months;        12 months; pieces             (cod, tilapia)
                   lamb 6 - 9 months; veal       6-12 months; ground        6 - 8 months; high
                    4 - 6 months; ground        3-4 months; sausages         fat fish (salmon,
                      meat 3 - 4 months;        and bacon 1-2 months         char, mackerel)
                     sausages and bacon
                                                                               2 - 4 months;
                         1 - 2 months
                                                                               3 - 4 months

   The information in this table is to be used as a guide only. It was developed based on general knowledge, industry practices and the understanding that best before dates are about sensory quality.

   The suitability for sharing foods should always be based on:

   1) Ensuring the product has been handled safely (i.e., refrigerated products are kept at 0°C-4°C).
   2) Assessing all packaging for integrity (i.e., damange, dents, creases, etc.) based on Food Banks Canada Safe Food H.andling Standards.
   3) Ensuring the product is at a level of quality (e.g., taste and smell) that is still worth sharing.
   4) Ensuring the manufacturer’s brand will not be compromised if the product is shared.

                                                                            Best Before Date is an indicator of the shelf life of a food. It is           Expiry Date is an indicator of nutritional quality. At the Expiry Date
            Assumptions: refrigerator temperatures are
                                                                                                   not an indicator of food safety. When stored                           the food will have the nutritional content declared on
            maintained at 0°C-4°C (food keeps fresh longer
                                                                                                   under appropriate conditions and the pack-                             the label if the food was stored under appropriate con-
            at 0°C-2°C than at 3°C-4°C); freezer tempera-
            tures are maintained at -18°C; room temperature                                        aging is intact, the food is expected to have                          ditions and the packaging is intact. Most foods have
            storage is 10-25°C, dry and dark.                                                      acceptable taste and smell at its best be-                             Best Before dates. Foods such as infant formulas and
                                                                                                   fore date.                                                             meal replacements will have Expiry Dates. Products
                                                                                                                                                                          should not be shared after the Expiry Date.

For more information contact Food Banks Canada at 1-877-535-0958 or | Date updated: July 2018.
  TIME FRAME                  INFANT                  BABY AND              BABY AND               ADULT MEAL                ADULT MEAL         MEAL/ENERGY          MEAL/ENERGY          MEAL/ENERGY
  PAST BEST                  FORMULA                TODDLER FOOD          TODDLER FOOD            REPLACEMENTS              REPLACEMENTS        SUPPLEMENTS          SUPPLEMENTS          SUPPLEMENTS

                         All Infant Formula -         Cereal mix          Vegetable/fruit           Complete Meal            Complete Meal     Meal substititues/      Breakfast/       Dry or Chewy Granola
       Product           Complete Meals for            (dry mix)        puree, mixed foods       Replacement Liquid           Replacement      supplements (e.g.     Lunch/ Energy         and Cereal Bars
   Descriptions                 Infants                                  (prepared in jars,      (E.g. Ensure, Boost)           Powders        breakfast drinks)     bars (e.g. Clif)    (e.g. Quaker, Nature
                                                                          pouches, etc.)                                                                                                     Valley, Kind)

        Room              Do not distribute           6 months               6 months             Do not distribute        Do not distribute      6 months             6 months              6 months
   Temperature            past expiry date                                                        past expiry date         past expiry date

                          Do not distribute               NA                    NA                Do not distribute        Do not distribute          NA                     NA                 NA
                          past expiry date                                                        past expiry date         past expiry date

                          Do not distribute               NA                    NA                Do not distribute        Do not distribute          NA                     NA                 NA
                          past expiry date                                                        past expiry date         past expiry date

Products with Expiry Dates should not be shared past the date on the packaging.

The information in this table is to be used as a guide only. It was developed based on general knowledge, industry practices and the understanding that best before dates are about sensory quality.

The suitability for sharing foods should always be based on:

1) Ensuring the product has been handled safely (i.e., refrigerated products are kept at 0°C-4°C).
2) Assessing all packaging for integrity (i.e., damange, dents, creases, etc.) based on Food Banks Canada Safe Food H.andling Standards.
3) Ensuring the product is at a level of quality (e.g., taste and smell) that is still worth sharing.
4) Ensuring the manufacturer’s brand will not be compromised if the product is shared.

                                                                         Best Before Date is an indicator of the shelf life of a food. It      Expiry Date is an indicator of nutritional quality. At the Expiry Date the
         Assumptions: refrigerator temperatures are
                                                                                               is not an indicator of food safety. When sto-                  food will have the nutritional content declared on the label
         maintained at 0°C-4°C (food keeps fresh longer
                                                                                               red under appropriate conditions and the                       if the food was stored under appropriate conditions and
         at 0°C-2°C than at 3°C-4°C); freezer tempera-
         tures are maintained at -18°C; room temperature                                       packaging is intact, the food is expected to                   the packaging is intact. Most foods have Best Before dates.
         storage is 10-25°C, dry and dark.                                                     have acceptable taste and smell at its best                    Foods such as infant formulas and meal replacements will
                                                                                               before date.                                                   have Expiry Dates. Products should not be shared after the
                                                                                                                                                              Expiry Date.

                                                                               For more information contact Food Banks Canada at 1-877-535-0958 or | Date updated: July 2018.
TIME FRAME            PUDDING            PUDDING          JAM/JELLY           SWEET          SUGAR AND HONEY           PEANUT BUTTER &          NUTS & SEEDS        SNACKS -       SNACKS -         SNACKS            SNACKS
PAST BEST                                                                    SPREADS                                     NUT BUTTERS                                HIGH FAT       LOW FAT

                                                           Fruit jams         Nutella           Sugar and Honey           Peanut Butter;          Shelled nuts     Potato chips,    Pretzels,   Popcorn kernels    Popcorn kernels
                   Pudding cups         Dry Pudding        and jellies,                        (unpasteurize and       Natural peanut butter       and seeds        Corn chips,     popcorn       unpopped        in microwaveable
      Product                               Mix            Marmalade                        pasteurized; creamed,     (no hydrogenated oils )                        Nachos*       (prepared                           packets
  Descriptions                                                                                liquid, crystallized)       and nut butters

       Room           1 month           1 - 2 months         1 year          1 - 2 years        Indefinitely               12 months;             2 - 4 weeks       2 months       6 months         2 years          12 months
  Temperature                                                                               (keep moisture out)           Natural style
                                                                                                                          2 - 3 months

  Refrigerated           NA                 NA                 NA               NA                NA                       12 months;           6 - 9 months           NA                NA           NA                 NA
                                                                                                                          Natural style
                                                                                                                          3 - 6 months

       Frozen            NA                 NA                 NA               NA                NA                           NA                 9 - 12 month         NA                NA           NA                 NA

 The information in this table is to be used as a guide only. It was developed based on general knowledge, industry practices and the understanding that best before dates are about sensory quality.

 The suitability for sharing foods should always be based on:

 1) Ensuring the product has been handled safely (i.e., refrigerated products are kept at 0°C-4°C).
 2) Assessing all packaging for integrity (i.e., damange, dents, creases, etc.) based on Food Banks Canada Safe Food H.andling Standards.
 3) Ensuring the product is at a level of quality (e.g., taste and smell) that is still worth sharing.
 4) Ensuring the manufacturer’s brand will not be compromised if the product is shared.

                                                                            Best Before Date is an indicator of the shelf life of a food. It is             Expiry Date is an indicator of nutritional quality. At the Expiry Date the
            Assumptions: refrigerator temperatures are
                                                                                                  not an indicator of food safety. When stored                            food will have the nutritional content declared on the label
            maintained at 0°C-4°C (food keeps fresh longer
                                                                                                  under appropriate conditions and the pack-                              if the food was stored under appropriate conditions and the
            at 0°C-2°C than at 3°C-4°C); freezer tempera-
            tures are maintained at -18°C; room temperature                                       aging is intact, the food is expected to have                           packaging is intact. Most foods have Best Before dates.
            storage is 10-25°C, dry and dark.                                                     acceptable taste and smell at its best be-                              Foods such as infant formulas and meal replacements will
                                                                                                  fore date.                                                              have Expiry Dates. Products should not be shared after the
                                                                                                                                                                          Expiry Date.

For more information contact Food Banks Canada at 1-877-535-0958 or | Date updated: July 2018.
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