Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -

Page created by Debbie Scott
Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -
May 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 5

 Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for
   The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market
Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -
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Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -
Middle East Food                                                                                                                                                    May 2017
Serving the Food Processing, Ingredients, Packaging & Catering Sectors in MENA - Since 1985                                                                    
May 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 5

                                                              INTRODUCTION                                                         DEPARTMENTS
                                                              Issue Content & CPH Team...............................01
                                                                                                                                   Corporate Happenings...................................45
                                                              Opening Letter & HCC...................................02
                                                                                                                                   Interviews & Profiles........................................46
                                                              MENA Food Digest........................................04           Hotels & Restaurants......................................47
                                                                                                                                   Products & Services.......................................48
                                                              INGREDIENTS & ADDITIVES

                                                              Naturalness Shapes the World’s                                       Events Preview...............................................51
                                                              Flavor Industry................................................07    Events Review................................................52

                                                                                                                                   Coming Events...............................................53
                                                              Wrapping                                                             Buyers’ Guide................................................54
                                                              Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for
                                                              The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market..........10

                                                       11     CATERING & HOSPITALITY
                                                              Catering & Hospitality
                                                              Rising Food Safety Concerns on Display.......14
                                                                                                                                   General Information........................................55
                                                                                                                                   Closing Letter.................................................56

                                                                                                                                     CPH Team
                                                                                                                                     (Email domain is

                                                              MEF EXCLUSIVE                                                          Founders
                                                              Lebanon Cultivates Common Ground                                       • Mr. Fathi Chatila • Mrs. Mona Chatila (1944 - 2006)
                                                              via Folkloric Food & Lodge............................17

                                                                                                                                     • President & Publisher Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@
                                                              FEATURE                                                                • General Manager Mohamad Rabih Chatila /
                                                              Hypermarkets                                                           • Administrative Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak /
                                                              Hypermarkets Create Large Footprints                                   ar.hallak@
                                                                                                                                     • Administrative Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@
                                                              in GCC..........................................................19
                                                                                                                                     Business Development
                                                                                                                                     • Business Development & Project Management
                                                              INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS                                                    Elie H. Geagea /e.geagea@
                                                              Food Containers                                                        Content & Research

                                                              Preserving Food Quality                                                • Editor-in-Chief Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@
                                                              with Convenience & Innovation.......................23                 • Content Editor & Researcher
                                                                                                                                     Fatima Saab / f.saab@
                                                              Nuts & Almonds
                                                              The Nut Market                                                         Circulation & Marketing
                                                              Bursting Out of its Shell.................................26           • Circulation & Marketing Manager
                                                                                                                                     Jad L. Aboulhosn / j.aboulhosn@
                                                              Soya Products                                                          • Circulation & Marketing Officer
                                                              Soy Milk Consistent                                                    Ibrahim Rihan / i.rihan@
                                                              with its Evolutionary Path.................................31          Information Technology
                                                                                                                                     • IT Operation & Support Officers

                                                              COUNTRY / REGIONAL REPORTS                                             Mazen Bou Diab / m.boudiab@
                                                                                                                                     Mostafa Mohtadi / m.mohtadi@
                                                              Egypt                                                                  Accounting & Finance
                                                              Egypt Implements Optimistic Plans                                      • Accountant Hala Nizam / h.nizam@
                                                              to Advance Sustainable Agriculture.............33
                                                                                                                                     Mail & Services
                                                              Far East                                                               • Mail & Service Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak /
                                                              Sales of Poultry Take Flight                                           ar.hallak@
                                                              in Thailand & Indonesia...................................34           • Mail & Service Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@

                                                              France                                                                 Graphic & Web Design
                                                              France’s Healthy Organic Food Market

                                                                                                                                     • Graphic & Web Designer
                                                              Becomes More Mainstream............................38                  Shatha Yahfoufi / s.yahfoufi@

                                                              Qatar Seeking Growth through Fertilizers.....42                                     Cover Photo Courtesy of Beumer

    Published by CPH World Media s.a.r.l. - Beirut, Lebanon          Helping Advance MENA & Beyond! Since 1977
      ‫ لبنان‬،‫ بريوت‬- .‫م‬.‫م‬.‫ميديا ش‬   ‫تصدر عن يس يب أتش ورلد‬        1977 ‫نساعد بتطوير الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا وأبعد! منذ‬                                        
Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -

                                                                                                        ‫الواردات الغذائية إلى ارتفاع‬
GCC's Food Import Bill
                                                                                                    ‫في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي‬
Set to Jump in 2017
                                                                                                                     2017 ‫في العام‬

Extremely hot and arid climatic conditions, limited arable land and             ‫ ونقص‬،‫ وقلة مساحة األرايض الصالحة للزراعة‬،‫أدَّت الظروف املناخية الحارة والقاحلة‬
inadequate water resources in the GCC have resulted in a high                   ‫املوارد املائية يف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي إىل االعتامد بشكل كبري عىل الواردات‬
dependency on food imports. Even as the food demand continues to
grow, domestic food production remains a challenge in the region. The
                                                                                ‫ ال يزال إنتاج األغذية املحلية يش ِّكل تحد ًيا يف املنطقة عىل الرغم من استمرار‬.‫الغذائية‬
food imports value in the Gulf increased at an annualized rate of 11.2          ‫ ارتفعت قيمة‬،‫ ووف ًقا لتقرير صدر مؤخ ًرا عن رشكة ألنب كابيتال‬.‫منو الطلب عىل الغذاء‬
percent to USD23.6 billion in 2014, according to a recent report by             ‫ مليار دوالر يف عام‬23.6 ‫ يف املئة لتصل إىل‬11.2 ‫الواردات الغذائية يف الخليج مبعدل سنوي‬
Alpen Capital, and at this rate could reach USD32.43 billion in 2017.           ‫ كام من املتو َّقع‬.2017 ‫ مليار دوالر يف عام‬32.43 ‫ وميكن أن يصل هذا املعدل إىل‬،2014
Food consumption in the GCC is expected to expand at a CAGR of                  48.1 ‫ يف املئة من نحو‬4.2 ‫أن يرتفع االستهالك الغذايئ يف الخليج مبعدل منو سنوي مركب‬
4.2 percent from an estimated 48.1 million MT in 2016 to 59.2 million
MT in 2021. This growth is primarily attributable to increase in the            ‫ و ُيعزى هذا النمو‬.2021 ‫ مليون طن مرتي يف عام‬59.2 ‫ إىل‬2016 ‫مليون طن مرتي يف عام‬
consumer base coupled with a higher per capita income, as the GCC               ‫ باإلضافة إىل ارتفاع نصيب الفرد من الدخل‬،‫يف املقام األول إىل زيادة رشيحة املستهلكني‬
economies recover from the recent downturn.                                             .‫بفضل التعايف االقتصادي املستدام الذي تشهده املنطقة بعد مرحلة الركود األخرية‬
High dependence on food imports tends to expose the GCC nations
                                                                                ‫َّإن اعتامد دول مجلس التعاون الكبري عىل الواردات الغذائية يجعلها عرضة لتقلبات‬
to the fluctuations in international food prices. The significant increase
in the prices during 2008, caused by rising oil prices and droughts             ‫ والناجمة‬،2008 ‫ لقد أدت الزيادة امللحوظة يف األسعار خالل عام‬.‫أسعار الغذاء العاملية‬
in grain-producing nations, gave rise to food inflation in the import-          ‫ إىل تضخم أسعار‬،‫ وإصابة الدول املنتجة للحبوب بالجفاف‬،‫عن ارتفاع أسعار النفط‬
dependent GCC countries. Although the drop in oil prices have led               ‫ وعىل الرغم من َّأن‬.‫األغذية يف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي املعتمدة عىل الواردات‬
to a substantial fall in global food rates from the highs touched during                ً
                                                                                ‫هبوطا شديدًا‬  ‫انخفاض أسعار النفط قد أدى إىل هبوط أسعار املواد الغذائية العاملية‬
2011-2014, prices have again started trending upwards since March
                                                                                .2016 ‫ مارس‬/ ‫ بدأت األسعار تشهد ارتفاعًا من جديد منذ آذار‬،2014 ‫ و‬2011 ‫بني عامي‬

The May’s issue of the Middle East Food (MEF) magazine covers the               ‫ مايو من مجلة مأكوالت الرشق األوسط آخر أخبار قطاع الصناعة‬/ ‫يغطي عدد أ َّيار‬     ِّ
latest in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) food industry, including        ‫الغذائية يف منطقة الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا مبا فيها االبتكارات واملشاريع واألحداث‬
new innovations, projects and events. On page 10, we tackle the                 ‫ سوق التوضيب الف َّعال والذيك يف منطقة الرشق‬10 ‫ فيتناول مقال الصفحة‬.‫الجديدة‬
Middle East and Africa active and intelligent packaging market, which
is estimated to grow from USD280 million in 2016 to USD504.76
                                                                                2016 ‫ مليون دوالر أمرييك يف عام‬280 ‫ وق ِّدرت قيمة هذه السوق‬،‫األوسط وأفريقيا‬
million by the end of 2021. On page 17, MEF conducted an exclusive              ،17 ‫ أ َّما يف مقال الصفحة‬.2021 ‫ مليون دوالر أمرييك بحلول نهاية عام‬504.76 ‫لتصل إىل‬
interview with Kamal Mouzawak Founder of Souk el-Tayeb, farmers’                "‫خاصة مع صاحب مرشوع "سوق الطيب‬        َّ ‫أجرت مجلة مأكوالت الرشق األوسط مقابلة‬
market in Beirut, to highlight the latest concepts and trends in the            ‫ للوقوف عىل آخر مفاهيم واتجاهات‬،‫ وهو سوق للمزارعني يف مدينة بريوت‬،‫كامل مز َّوق‬
Lebanese hospitality industry. Moreover, the article on page 33 sheds           ‫ الضوء عىل االسرتاتيجيات الجديدة التي‬33 ‫ ويلقي مقال الصفحة‬.‫قطاع الضيافة يف لبنان‬
light on how Egypt is implementing new strategies to advance the
agriculture sector. Additional stories are also available, covering the
                                                                                ‫ يزخر هذا العدد‬،‫ باإلضافة إىل هذه املواضيع‬.‫اعتمدتها مرص للنهوض بالقطاع الزراعي‬
latest activities of regional manufacturers, importers and exporters, so        ‫باملزيد من األخبار التي تغطي أحدث األنشطة الخاصة باملصنّعني اإلقليميني واملستوردين‬
enjoy reading and send us your feedback at           ‫ فاستمتعوا بقراءته وأرسلوا لنا مالحظاتكم عىل‬،‫واملصدرين‬

Fathi Chatila                                                                                                                                              ‫فتحي شاتيال‬
Editor-in-Chief                                                                                                                                           ‫رئيس التحرير‬

 Honorary Content Consultants (HCC)

Dr. Abdullah Ahmad Abdulla - Chief - Food Control Kingdom of Bahrain        M. Karim Hammoud - Managing director, Vitech consulting
J. Peter Clark Ph.D - Consultant to the Process Industries Illinois - USA   Youssef H. Habbal - M.Sc. CFSA, Hospitality Management Dept.
                                                                            AUST - Lebanon
Sharaf Dabbagh - President Ta’aheel FZ. L.L.C.
                                                                            Dr. Beate Hubber - International Cooperation Division - Research Institute of
David Edwards - Managing Director, IMES International - Ireland
                                                                            Organic Agriculture (FIBL)
Dr. Omid Gilanpour - Assistant Professor & Director of Foreign Trade &
                                                                            Jane Stamiforth - Head of Food Business Development - Reading Scientiific
Marketing Research Department - APERI- Iran
                                                                            Services Limited (RSSL)

02 | May 2017
Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -

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Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -

                                                safety culture among the wide spectrum of       Bureau Veritas INTL Doha LLC and
              Iraq                              food industry professionals in the Sultanate,   received the company’s first certified
                                                an advisory committee was formed to             organization worldwide for FSSC 22000
                                                discuss the challenges and issues faced by      Version 4 Catering scheme. This is of
                                                the food safety professionals in the country.   special significance as Bureau Veritas is a
Rotana to Open its                              The advisory board serves an important          world well-known testing Inspection and
Third Property in Iraq                          role in shaping Oman’s food safety culture;
                                                whereas the purpose of the advisory
                                                                                                certification company, with headquarters
                                                                                                in Paris, and operates in more than 140
Rotana has chosen Erbil as the                  committee is to aid and recommend steps         countries across the globe. Speaking of
destination to launch its first-ever Arjaan     towards the continuous improvement of the       their new global certification, Belal Al-
hotel brand in the Kurdistan region,            food safety environment in the Sultanate.       Kadry, Hotel Manager at Sheraton Grand
Iraq, introducing modern and stylish            “The advisory committee is dedicated to         Doha, said: “The award demonstrates the
hotel apartments to the city. Following         improving the food safety environment in        hotel’s robust Food Safety Management
the company’s ongoing success in                the country,” said Robert McLean, Principal,    System which ensures the team delivers
Iraq, Erbil Arjaan by Rotana will be their      National Hospitality Institute.                 guaranteed customer satisfaction.”
third hotel in the country, joining the
company’s five-star Erbil Rotana and
Karbala Rayhaan by Rotana. With
construction on the project kicking
off in 2014, final preparations are well
underway toward the grand opening of
Erbil Arjaan in Q2 2017. Malia Group
is the major shareholder of the Erbil
Arjaan by Rotana, which is among the
investments developed by the Group
within the Hospitality sector. “On behalf
of Malia Group, we are very proud to be
part of this project,” said Jacques Jean
Sarraf, Chairman of Malia Group. “We
believe that this is the right time to invest
in the region, especially in regards to
the durable security situation. We look
forward to many more projects in the
future,” he added.

             Oman                                            Qatar                                          Saudi Arabia

Experts Discuss Oman’s Sheraton Receives Food Clifford Chance Advises
Food Safety Practices  Safety Recognition     On Saudi Investment
Food safety and quality have become             Sheraton Grand Doha Resort &                    International law firm Clifford Chance
essential components for the protection of      Convention Hotel, Qatar’s iconic social         has advised Cosumar, one of few
public health, economic development. The        landmark, announced its recent award            players with expertise in the processing
Sultanate has taken effective and efficient     for exceptional food quality and safety in      and refining of beet sugar and sugar
measures to safeguard public health and         FSSC 22000. FSSC 22000 is the Global            cane in Morocco, to invest in Durrah
strengthen consumer safety. Senior food         Certification Scheme for Food Safety            Advanced Development Company,
safety experts were part of the advisory        Management Systems recognized by                a sugar refining company in Saudi
committee meeting organized by Omanexpo         the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)        Arabia. Durrah Advanced Development
at the National Hospitality Institute in Wadi   and is based on existing ISO standards.         Company is a 2.500 ton per day
Kabir. Seeking to implement a rigorous food     The hotel was awarded accreditation by          greenfield sugar refinery in the industrial

04 | May 2017
Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -

port of Yanbu in the Saudi Arabia’s red                                                        should shift to credit, processing and
sea coast. Following the launch of the                       Syria                             marketing support, and repairing critical
National Transformation Plan in 2016,                                                          assets such as irrigation infrastructure.
this transaction is another example of                                                         The report states that if productive
increased foreign investment into Saudi        FAO Urges to                                    farming areas continue to be neglected,
Arabia. Commenting on the deal, Lead           Kick-Start Agriculture                          more people will be forced to leave rural
Partner, Riyadh-based Omar Rashid                                                              areas and Syria will be in danger of
said: "Congratulations to Cosumar on           Fighting in Syria has caused huge damage        emerging from the conflict as a country
the successful closing of this deal. Our       and losses to agricultural production,          with its commercial food production and
                                               but the sector can and should be kick-          agricultural base on the verge of collapse.


                                                                                               ATTD Welcomes Oberoi
                                                                                               to the Emirate
                                                                                               The Oberoi Beach Resort, Al Zorah
                                                                                               received the first five-star resort
                                                                                               classification from Ajman Tourism
                                                                                               Development Department (ATTD)
                                                                                               ahead of its official opening as Al
                                                                                               Zorah’s first waterfront hospitality
                                                                                               project opens its doors to the world,
                                                                                               making it the fifth five-star hotel in the
                                                                                               Emirate. Operated by Oberoi Hotels
                                                                                               and Resorts, The Oberoi Beach Resort,
                                                                                               Al Zorah, designed by famous Italian
                                                                                               architect Pierro Lissoni, is a luxury eco-
                                                                                               destination set on white-sand beaches,
                                                                                               and in close proximity to azure lagoons
                                                                                               and lush mangroves. The resort is
                                                                                               located beside one million square meters
                                                                                               of rich ecological wetland around which
                                                                                               Al Zorah is centered and offers a 18-
                                                                                               hole Nicklaus Design championship golf
                                                                                               course, motorized and non-motorized
                                               started now, dramatically reducing the          watersports which include among others
                                               need for humanitarian aid and migration,        jet skiing, banana boat rides, boat and
                                               according to a new FAO report. In               fishing trips, kayaking, windsurfing and
                                               addition to the severe human suffering,         sailing; amongst several other amenities.
                                               the conflict has caused more than               Commenting on the announcement,
                                               USD16 billion of lost crop and livestock        Faisal Al Nuaimi, General Manager
                                               production and destroyed farming                of the Ajman Tourism Development
                                               assets. The initial cost of rebuilding the      Department, said: “…Our goal is to
                                               agriculture sector over a three-year            develop a tourism sector in line with the
Riyadh-based team is delighted to have         period is estimated at between USD10.7          aim of making the Emirate the destination
assisted another key international player      and USD17.1 billion in total, depending         of choice for all types of tourists… We are
on this game-changing transaction in           on whether there is no change in the            confident that this development will help
Saudi Arabia. Once again Clifford Chance       conflict, a partial return to peace or a full   increase the attractiveness of the Emirate
has demonstrated its strength and              return to peace. Basic supplies such as         of Ajman, assisting with our efforts and
capability in complex and time-sensitive       fertilizer, seeds and veterinary medicine       strategic objectives of promoting it as a
cross-border M&A deals in the Kingdom          for livestock are urgently needed. After        unique tourism destination, both locally
and in particular in the industrial sector."   those needs have been met, emphasis             and internationally.”

                                                                                                                  May 2017 |   05
Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -
Ingredients & Additives
  07   Naturalness Shapes the World’s Flavor Industry
  08   Turning Up the Heat in Food Formulations
  09   Symrise Unlocks the CODE OF NATURE

  10   Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for
       The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market
  11   IMA DAIRY & FOOD Presents Innovative Packaging Solutions
  12   Solution-Oriented All Down the Line
  12   VEGA ADVANCE Exceeds the Current Standards of Speed

Catering & Hospitality
       Display Cabinets
  14   Rising Food Safety Concerns on Display
  15   Alpina Offers Wide Range of Heating Cabinets
  15   Showmaster Offers Display Cases in Two Different Sizes

                                                                  Photo Courtesy of Muhlack Kiel Gmbh
Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -
INGREDIENTS & ADDITIVES                                                                                               Flavorings

Naturalness Shapes the World’s
Flavor Industry
        lavor is a sensory impression of food or any other substance, which is determined by chemical senses of taste and smell. There
        are varied types of food additives added to food and beverages to make products tastier and more appealing. The food flavors
        market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.4 percent from 2015 to 2020, according to a report by MarketsandMarkets.
Natural food flavors have attracted attention of food ingredients manufacturers, with increasing consumer demand for fresh and natural
products. North America is the largest market for this industry, followed by Asia-Pacific and Europe.

Food flavors are essential part of the
food processing industry to maintain the
taste of a product. It is an indispensable
tool for food and drinks manufacturers,
not only in delivering palatability but
also in helping to position a product or
target a specific audience. The Food
and Beverage industry requires different
kinds of flavor designed for different
purposes, such as developing a new
product, adding new product lines, or
changing the taste of existing products.
Flavor is available in two categories i.e.
natural and synthetic. However, natural
flavors are in great demand due to
shifting preferences away from synthetic.
They are derived from fruits, vegetables,
and other substances, while synthetic
ones are obtained from chemicals,
and are widely used in beverage could pose a major threat to the overall dairy and frozen among other end-
industries. The industry is facing high market. This market is projected to user applications. In 2014, the market
competition. However, it is one of the reach USD15.1 Billion, at a CAGR of 5.4 was dominated by the North American
most established industries in the world, percent from 2015 to 2020, according region, followed by Asia-Pacific. The
according to MarketsandMarkets. The to MarketsandMarkets. The market is Asia-Pacific market is projected to
flavors’ market is region centric, as the also fuelled by increasing demand for grow at the highest CAGR with rapid
demand for savors differs from place healthy food products. Globally, the rise growth in the food & beverage industry,
to place. For instance, roasted meat in population and urbanization have led in developing countries such as India
taste is in high demand in most parts of to the increase in purchasing power and China. The growing demand for
Europe, but the Chinese population is among consumers, and simultaneously technological innovation, and increasing
fond of boiled meat, whereas India has resulted in a change in their standards consumer               preference       towards
hardly any market for the aforesaid                                                    convenience and ready-to-eat meals
flavors. Therefore, population plays a     “The market for food flavors is are driving the market. The global
vital role in this industry, which makes    projected to reach USD15.1 market                    is fragmented and highly
                                                                                       competitive, with a large number
companies trigger upon the densely
populated geographical regions, such Billion, at a CAGR of 5.4 percent of players operating at regional and
as Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Africa,            from 2015 to 2020”                  local levels. Key players in this market
and the Middle East. High demand                                                       have adopted new product launches
for new savors from food and beverage of living. All these factors have equally and development, acquisitions, and
industries and continuous innovation contributed to the overall growth of this expansions as some of their preferred
are driving the global market, according market. The market is segmented on growth strategies. Some of the key
to a report by Allied Market Research. the basis of type such as fruits & nuts, player's operatives in the global market
Additionally, increasing demand from chocolate, vanilla, and others. Further, of flavors include Givaudan, Firmenich
fast food industries is fuelling market on the basis of application, the market SA, Kerry Group plc, Symrise AG,
growth.        However,      rising  health is classified into beverages, savory and and Wild Flavors Inc.
awareness of the global population snacks, bakery and confectionery, and                                                   MEF Staff

                                                                                                            May 2017 |   07
Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for - The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market -

Turning Up the Heat in Food Formulations
Creating the right amount of heat in      provide manufacturers with the heat         knowledge of cuisines from around the
a food product can be a difficult and     level they desire. By incorporating         world increases. Kalsec® HeatSync®
delicate process. Consumers are           extracts into their application, they can   Systems provide nuances to the
no longer satisfied with the addition     achieve a consistent heat throughout        heat of the manufacturers’ products
of just one type of pepper; they are      their product, which can be difficult       that provide control over pungency
looking for different flavor profiles,    to do with peppers that can vary in         intensity, location of the pungency on
increased levels of heat, and more        their intensity and flavor profile from     the tongue, the timing of pungency
complex heat. Sophistication is           batch to batch. The company has a           and the sensation or pungent
important when developing a hot and       full line of specialty pepper extracts      perception. Created from unique
spicy food product. There are several     that not only provide the level of heat     combinations of pungent ingredients
ways to add heat to snacks, sauces,       customers are looking for, but also a       and carriers, these systems give
and prepared meals that can take          specific flavor profile. The company’s      customers’ application a specific
the ordinary to a culinary creation.      line of specialty peppers is comprised      heat profile developed based on their
The Kalsec® Heat Management               of twelve different extracts, ranging       specifications. Companies looking for
Toolbox can help its customers            from low heat such as ancho and             a novel addition to their heat profile,
navigate through the nuances of           pasilla, to medium heat such as             should try Fusionary® Heat flavor, which
adding heat to their specific food        jalapeno and chipotle, to high heat         combines heat with a non-traditional
application. Manufacturers can rely       such as habanero and ghost pepper           flavor to create a unique sensory
on the company’s experts in flavor,       extract. The newest extracts include        experience. These products provide an
applications and sensory analysis to      green hatch and serrano pepper              incomparable depth to heat expression
isolate and develop the ideal heat        extracts. The green hatch is a mild         and can include such elements as
expression for their products. Below is   heat and the serrano provides a             savory, sour, sweet and tangy.
an overview of the toolbox.               medium level of heat.
                                                                                      Elevating a Simple Flavor to a
Specialty Pepper Extracts                 Adding Complexity with HeatSync®            Culinary Creation
From subtle to sizzling, adding an        Systems and Fusionary® Heat                 Adding heat to an application can
individual extract such as black          Consumers are craving more                  be an easy way to develop a quick
pepper, ginger or capsicum can            sophisticated spicy profiles as their       product line extension. However, if
                                                                                      companies are looking to develop
                                                                                      authentic regional flavor profiles such
                                                                                      as Shawarma, Mortadella and Baharat,
                                                                                      working with a supplier such as
                                                                                      Kalsec®, they can achieve the specific
                                                                                      regional flavors to their snacks,
                                                                                      dressings and prepared meals. The
                                                                                      company’s full line of spice and herb
                                                                                      flavor extracts can be combined into
                                                                                      a single system that can provide its
                                                                                      clients with a consistent flavor profile.
                                                                                      It has an extensive portfolio of existing
                                                                                      flavor systems that they can use in
                                                                                      their formulation development. Flavor
                                                                                      profile categories include Asian,
                                                                                      Mediterranean, Indian, American,
                                                                                      Mexican, and Latin American. The
                                                                                      company’s global applications experts
                                                                                      can assist companies in developing
                                                                                      the profile based on their particular
                                                                                      desires. Whether they are adding
                                                                                      heat, looking to create layered flavors,
                                                                                      or adding a twist to a regional flavor
                                                                                      profile, Kalsec® solutions can provide
                                                                                      them with the right tools and expertise
 Regional flavors
                                                                                      for their application.

08 | May 2017

Symrise Unlocks the CODE OF NATURE
Fruits, roots, seeds, barks, herbs,
blossoms and nuts. Nature offers plenty
of ideas for inspirational beverage
concepts, whether it’s carbonates, teas,
juices or alcoholic beverages. Consumers
love the taste of nature. Naturalness
is generally popular around the world,
both in mature and emerging markets.
At Symrise, experts consolidated their
expertise in the strategic platform CODE
OF NATURE® and developed beverage
concepts that are attractive based on their
naturalness. The company looked into
naturalness from different perspectives:                                                                                             Fresh fruit flavor
consumer needs, expert knowledge,
cutting-edge technologies, etc. To find                       naturalness means to consumers, what        beverage concepts. Fruity Essentials®
out, which aspects of naturalness appeal                      they expect of certain drink segments       are 100 percent authentic and natural
to consumers, what consumers look for                         and what products and the packaging         forming the second portfolio of CODE
and what they associate with nature we                        should look like. Therefore the company     OF NATURE®. This contains red fruits,
conducted an extensive study. For this,                       knows how a drink should taste like         garden fruits, exotic fruits and citrus fruits.
the company interviewed consumers in                          and which additional characteristics will   Using its sophisticated, multidimensional
five countries and enriched the findings                      boost the impression of naturalness.        technologies, the company captures
with the opinions of industry experts.                        It uses this detailed consumer and          fresh fruit flavors for impressive beverage
In its study, Symrise examined what                           market know-how to develop winning          concepts for its customers.


         VISIT US @ BOOTH #414

         VISIT US @ HALL 15, BOOTH D03

         FOOD PROCESSING & PACKAGING SYSTEMS                                                                    LEARN MORE


     MEF_May17_HalfPage_195x120_4mmBleed_Frying.indd 1                                                                              1/04/2017 11:24:33 AM
                                                                                                                             May 2017 |          09

Food Safety Unwraps Opportunities for
The MEA Intelligent Packaging Market
        he Middle East and Africa packaging market is witnessing a remarkable growth. The demand on packaged food and products
        is driven by consumers’ changing lifestyles and convenience. Food manufacturers are moving into ready meals, pre-packed
        ingredients and fruits and vegetables to meet consumers’ demand. The Middle East and Africa active and intelligent packaging
market is estimated to grow from USD280 million in 2016 to USD504.76 million by the end of 2021 at a CAGR of 10.32 percent.
The UAE has the largest market share followed by South Africa, according to a recent report by Mordor Intelligence. The growth
is spurred by the growing economies and increasing need for packaging solutions with longer sustainability. Food safety is a major
factor contributing to the market’s growth. Governments are implementing strict regulations regarding food packaging and safety
standards to meet requirements of food products.

Economic advancement coupled with
                                                                                             Cover Photo Courtesy of Beumer
increasing population in the Middle East
and African nations is the major driver to
the packaging industry as a whole and
in turn active and intelligent packaging.
Countries like UAE, Turkey and Egypt,
etc. have huge growth potential and are
expected to lead the market in the coming
years. Packaging and lifestyle issues go
hand in hand. The Middle East has one
of the highest GDP per capita, so the
consumers there have more disposable
income to spend on e-commerce retail,
luxury retail and retail in stores. With
the increase in sales of products, the
packaging market will be growing to fulfil
needs of both consumers and retailers.
Countries like Qatar have GDP per
capita more than USD100,000 so that
as the purchasing power increases so food sector. The advent of globalization materials on the human body, security
does the packaging market. Increasing has necessitated the transport of goods and privacy issues in case of intelligent
demand for packaged products because around the world; this has made the packaging systems are expected to be
of changing lifestyles and demand from assurance of shelf life and integrity of major challenges for the market’s growth
manufacturers for longer shelf life is driving the package significant. Packaging is over the next five years. Increasing
this market growth. Governments’                                                          population is directly burdening
strict regulations regarding food “The need to ensure the quality of the food industry. To meet the
packaging and safety standards                                                            requirements, different countries
are other such factors which are the package is a key driver to the and enterprises are exporting their
contributing to the market growth.                    testing market”                     food products across the world.
Packaging is also being altered to                                                        This has given rise to packaging
suit the needs of fast food consumers bound by regulations and standards companies who are providing solutions
who are rapidly replacing traditional defined by authorities like American that expand the shelf life of the food
meals with packaged foodstuff. This Society for Testing and Materials product being exported. Traditional
has increased the need for testing the (ASTM) and International Safe Transit packaging products cannot meet the
packaging of products to ensure higher Association (ISTA). With the evolving requirements of food products like meat
shelf life and the reduction of costs nature of the packaging industry, these and frozen foods. These constraints
normally associated with damaged regulations are also becoming more have given rise to new technologies, like
goods. The need to ensure the quality of stringent. Package testing companies active and intelligent packaging, which
the package is a key driver to the testing check different packaging products. provide longevity and freshness to the
market as packages now need to be more Major tests include drop, shock, food products being exported.
durable, where even a trace of toxicity is vibration, shelf life, and compression.                        Mordor Intelligence
completely unacceptable especially in the Issues regarding the effect of packaging          Web:

10 | May 2017

IMA DAIRY & FOOD Presents Innovative
Packaging Solutions
IMA DAIRY & FOOD presents
various newly developed products at
"interpack 2017". Besides machines
on display, visitors to the stand can
also see packaging machines in action
on large video walls as well as partly in
virtual reality technology. IMA Hassia
extends its product range by adding a
packaging machine for portion cups in
the low output range – an ergonomic FFS
machine for mini-portions. The "P100"
as an entry-level machine is particularly
noted for its compact design and easy
handling. With a length of five meters and                                                                                        FFS machine "C100"
depth of approximately 1.3 meters it can
be integrated in a space-saving manner                     characteristics. It is specially designed for    buffets to dressings, sauces or desserts
in any production facility. The cup web is                 mini-portion cups so that smaller volumes        for in-flight catering on board an aircraft.
transported at an easy to use height of                    can also be produced efficiently. The            The FFS machine "C100" was developed
one meter, making visual inspection easier                 application range covers practically all         for cups based on the same machine
for the operator. The output of the new                    liquid and pasty food and dairy products,        design. This model is suitable as an
FFS machine is up to 20,000 units per                      from butter, margarine or marmalade in           entry-level machine for application rates
hour depending on format and product                       a mini-portion format such as for hotel          of up to 7,000 cups per hour.


                                                                                                                    VISIT US @ BOOTH #414

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        FOOD PROCESSING & PACKAGING SYSTEMS                                                                       LEARN MORE


    MEF_May17_HalfPage_195x120_4mmBleed_Coat&Conv.indd 1                                                                            1/04/2017 11:20:58 AM
                                                                                                                              May 2017 |         11
PACKAGING                                                                                                            Wrapping

Solution-Oriented All Down the Line
BEUMER Group will exhibit at interpack
its high level of expertise as a solution
provider for integrated packaging and
intralogistics systems. In addition to
highly efficient palletizing and packaging
systems, the Group also provides
tailor-made components for material
flows specific to different industries.
Customers can get everything from
one hand, including the software and
comprehensive customer support. As
a single-source provider, the company
supplies and installs the packaging
lines and adjusts them individually to
the products of the customer. The                                                                         BEUMER stretch hood A
new BEUMER fillpac R filling machine
fills bulk material from the building        has now complemented the rotary filling      BEUMER fillpac FFS is used in the
materials industry and other industrial      machine with a bag placer and a ream         chemical and petrochemical industries. It
pulverized goods into bags in an efficient   magazine. This means that performance        forms bags from a prefabricated tubular
and gentle way and with the required         and efficiency can be further increased.     PE film and fills them with the product
throughput. It can fill very fine to very    Due to its modular design, the BEUMER        of the customer. Both systems are
coarse materials into different bag          fillpac R can be easily integrated and       equipped with a specialized weighing
formats and types, such as valve bottom      adjusted with existing packaging lines.      unit which ensures the correct quantity of
bags and flat valve bags. The Group          The highly efficient form fill seal system   the filled material.

VEGA ADVANCE Exceeds the Current
Standards of Speed
Based in the Italian “Packaging Valley”,     has launched the ADVANCE RANGE,              fastest available solutions on the
OCME manufactures high-technology            including OCME’s fastest range of            market. The high speed shrinkwrapper
primary and secondary packaging              palletizers (Pegasus & Orion Advance)        is able to reach 150 cycles/minute with
machines as well as fillers, end-of-line     and shrinkwrappers solutions (Vega           film only and 120 cycles/minute with
and logistic solutions for the Beverage,     Advance). The VEGA ADVANCE is born           tray + film. This machine is composed
Food, Detergent, Petrochemical               to exceed the current standards of           of a fingers and counter fingers
and Tissue sectors. To drastically           speed for the end of line, by matching       selection system driven by brushless
improve productivity, the company            the market demands to have the               motors and of an oven which ensures
                                                                                          high quality film retraction. The film
                                                                                          cutting and automatic film splicing of
                                                                                          the reels are the company’s patented
                                                                                          systems. With Vega Advance, energy
                                                                                          savings and safety are combined to
                                                                                          perform high level performance and
                                                                                          easy maintenance. The engineering
                                                                                          team that worked on the VEGA
                                                                                          ADVANCE design has not only focused
                                                                                          on achieving maximum performance in
                                                                                          terms of production speed, but have
                                                                                          also sets ambitious goals in terms of
                                                                                          profitability and productivity, whilst
                                                                                          complying with the highest safety
  Vega Advance machine

12 | May 2017
Confectionery specialist NID is home sweet
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From processing through packaging, with NID’s
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becoming your single source supplier for the
confectionery industry.

To find out about NID’s range of confectionery
solutions, visit

Visit for complete turnkey
solutions that rethink the conventional.

Rising Food Safety Concerns on Display
         efrigerated display cases/cabinets (RDCs) are refrigeration equipment used for storing and displaying products (food
         and beverage items) which require chilled or frozen conditions. Food refrigeration is of paramount importance for food
         and beverage companies to ensure minimum damage to their products. The need for Refrigerated Display Cases helps
retailers to guarantee longer storage of products which helps them to reduce wastage. The global refrigerated display cases
market is anticipated to witness steady growth and will post a moderate CAGR of more than 5 percent over the forecast period
(2016-2020), according to a market research by Technavio. The augmented demand for frozen food is one of the major factors
driving this market’s growth. Supermarkets and other retail outlets are concerned about keeping ingredients and frozen products
safe for consumption, which will increase the need for RDCs.

The Refrigerated Display Cases market
is expected to grow at a notable
pace over the next five to six years,
according to a report by Allied Market
Research, owing to various factors
such as expanding organized retail
sectors including supermarkets and
hypermarkets, and changing food
preferences of people. Other factors
include, evolving lifestyles, increasing
disposable incomes, surging demand
for carbonated soft drink bottles and
packaged water bottles, and rising
food safety concerns. Asia Pacific as a
region is expected to show the highest
growth rate due to its macro-economic
fundamentals, increasing per capita
income and increasing demand for
CSD and water bottles. Regions such
as Western Europe and North America
are expected to witness modest growth
rate due to high volumes in both an anticipated CAGR of 10.1 percent outlets, the demand for Vertical RDCs
regions, according to Future Market from (2016 – 2022), according to Allied has witnessed a substantial increase.
Insights. With the increase in the retail Market Research. Moreover, the North Horizontal RDCs are expected to
industry in Eastern Europe, Middle American and European countries exhibit a notable growth trend during
East and Latin America, the demand adopted many changes to the the forecast period (2015 - 2022),
for RDCs is expected to witness a compressor design owing to emission owing to their growing demand in
substantial growth rate hence putting of greenhouse gases like CFCs and organized large size retail food stores.
a bullish trend on the market                                                         Hybrid RDCs, which have dual
value. Plug-in and remote                “Hybrid RDCs, which have dual                temperature control system
RDCs are the two key product                                                          have been gaining adoption,
types available in the market, temperature control system have been especially                       with     increasing
of which the former enjoys                      gaining adoption”                     demand from cafes and quick
a higher adoption. Plug-in                                                            service restaurants. Due to
or integrated RDCs are space- and HFCs in existing RDCs. Plug-in RDCs high demand, the industry is highly
energy-efficient, compared to remote are essentially of two types; vertical fragmented with the top 7 players
RDCs. Demand from small to medium RDCs and horizontal or semi-horizontal owning not more than 25 percent of the
sized stores, which often have limited RDCs.      Vertical  RDCs     dominate total market share. Some of the major
investment power and floor space, is the market in the product design players in the refrigerated display cases
expected to support the market growth segment, constituting around three- are AHT Cooling systems, Epta Spa,
of plug-in RDCs as compared to remote fifths of the market revenue in 2015. Hussman Corporation, Nekano
systems, according to Transparency The segment is estimated to exhibit refrigerators co. ltd, and ISA Italy.
Market Research. In 2015, the plug- the fastest growth during the forecast
in RDC segment constituted over 70 period (2015 - 2022). With widespread
                                                                                                            Fatima Saab
percent of total market revenues, with growth in small and medium sized retail              Content Editor & Researcher

14 | May 2017
Display Cabinets

Alpina Offers Wide Range of Heating Cabinets
When it comes to keeping food warm,
Alpina have excelled once again with
different heating cabinets, electric or
gas. The main benefit of the displays is
that they doesn't have a circulation fan,
which dramatically reduces the potential
for food dehydration. As a result, food
stays fresh for a longer period of time,
which allows the user to achieve a
greater sales volume. The user-friendly
nature of the Alpina heating cabinets
comes from practical experience. The
Delice model for example, is equipped
with a multi-part sliding mechanism that
can be opened from both sides, left                                                                           The Delice model
and right. When it comes to the larger
version, the Delice 707, two people can     placed underneath the appliance slide      long periods of time. The gas display
remove meals simultaneously, without        smoothly along ball-bearings, while        cases are perfect for outdoor use and
having to open up the appliance entirely.   the rill along the outside edges helps     for people who need to transport food
Humidity can be regulated individually in   accumulate excess liquids. All Hot         regularly. Designed to display pre-
the gastronomic standard trays with the     Display Case is perfect for caterers,      prepared foods, they meet all existing
use of water, and according to specific     schools, colleges, universities, cafes,    safety standards. Keeping food above
quality requirements of the dishes in       diners and restaurants, where pre-         65°C is essential for professional
question. The extricable cutting boards     cooked food needs to be kept warm for      presenting of hot tasty food.

Showmaster Offers Display Cases in
Two Different Sizes
ShowMaster is a subsidiary of               with smooth edges, providing a hygienic    cm. Whether as salad bar, breakfast
Muhlack Kiel GmbH based in                  presentation of food. The temperature      buffet or dessert display cases, the
Germany. It is a family owned company       range is +4° to +10° C maintaining         refrigerated display case is suitable
for 75 years, specialized in interior       the HACCP rules. ShowMaster                for all food products, guaranteeing
furnishing. The ShowMaster is a mobile      refrigerated display cases are available   long lasting delicious freshness. When
refrigerated display case in sleek design   in two diameters: 111 cm and 147           closed the display case provides
                                                                                       refrigerator temperature. When opened,
                                                                                       the acrylic glass hood serves as an
                                                                                       effective hygienic barrier. The stainless
                                                                                       steel tank is manufactured in one piece
                                                                                       without joints, enabling easy cleaning.
                                                                                       All refrigerating and electrical parts are
                                                                                       made of proven low maintenance or
                                                                                       maintenance-free components. Due
                                                                                       to their mobility, the display cases has
                                                                                       proved themselves to be successful
                                                                                       in restaurants, hotels, airline lounges,
                                                                                       factory canteens, on cruise liners as
                                                                                       well as in supermarkets. Whether
                                                                                       customers require a specific color or
                                                                                       surface, the team will be glad to make
                                                                                       sure that every customer requirement
 Refrigerated display case                                                             is fulfilled.

                                                                                                        May 2017 |   15
MEF Exclusive
 16   Lebanon Cultivates Common Ground
      via Folkloric Food & Lodge

Lebanon Cultivates Common Ground
via Folkloric Food & Lodge
   n the age of sustainable development, a Lebanese entrepreneur in the food and hospitality industry is developing various
   aspects to promote a culture of sustainable agriculture, preserve traditional food identities, and build bridges between Lebanon’s
   societies. We caught up with Kamal Mouzawak, founder of Souk el Tayeb (the first farmers’ market in Beirut) and Tawlet
restaurant to talk about his latest projects in the gastronomy industry in Lebanon.

“Food is the real expression of our roots,                                                                              ©
                                                                                                                         Souk El Tayeb
our identity, of who we are.” With these
words the Lebanese social entrepreneur
Kamal Mouzawak defines his passion
for preserving his country’s architectural
and cultural heritage. In a country that
for decades has been split along political
and religious lines, Mouzawak founded a
“Social enterprise” to help the Lebanese
communities find common ground
through folks’ cooking. “Our slogan is
“Make Food Not War”. In a country as
divided as Lebanon, nothing can bring
people together as much as the land
and its food,” explained Mouzawak.
In 2004, he launched Souk el Tayeb,
a weekly farmers’ market, with the           the country just to cook authentic cuisine       without acting socially or environmentally
goal of supporting small-scale farmers       from their villages. This project is a turning   responsible,” he said. “Nonprofits focus
and producers, fostering a model of          point in the lives of many of these women,       on being socially and environmentally
sustainable agriculture, and helping         helping them support their families. In          responsible but funding is always a
unite countrymen and women with              addition to food projects, Mouzawak              problem. Today both typical businesses
homegrown aromas and tastes. The             launched ‘Beit’ (home) in 2015, a chain          and nonprofits must generate income
project has enabled local small farmers      of guesthouses in three different outlets,       and sell their products and services but at
and producers heralding from different       aiming to bring back the traditional             the same time act with responsibility and
regions and cultural backgrounds to          national home. “If I want to go to the           not consider these as an incidental option
sell their organic products in Beirut,       village and eat traditional food instead of      whenever it is convenient.”
and helping create a direct link between     generic food, I also need to stay at a non-
buyers and sellers.                          generic hotel. Architecture, food, and  Based on Tawlet’s success, Mouzawak
                                             crafts can tell so much about traditionsis now working to introduce his project to
In 2007, Mouzawak started a new project                                              the French community through “Tawlet
                                             in a specific region,” he said. “Traditional
called “Food & Feast”, which highlights      Lebanese homes allow us to experience   Paris”, using Parisian cuisine traditions
local culture and food traditions of                                                      and customs to promote social and
different Lebanese villages. “We went                                                     cultural unity there. “This project
to small producers, to their own land, “Food is the real expression of our will shed light on the traditional
instead of bringing them to the city. roots, our identity, of who we are” Parisian food, home cuisine cooked
We started a new project aiming to                                                        by Parisian women and will focus
promote traditional food across all villages the real sense of place.” Moreover, for on the demography that makes Paris
through a food festival, where people Mouzawak, in social business, one and France today. A third generation
can come and discover traditions of this must take into consideration the social Vietnamese is as French as anyone
specific area,” he said. “It is a chance to and environmental responsibilities when else, so does a second generation from
eat traditional food prepared by women planning to generate income. “There is Morocco. Life has changed; there is not
villagers instead of eating generic food, nothing in the 21st century called pure just England for English. We will celebrate
and this is how Tawlet idea came up.” In business or pure nonprofit. It is bringing the traditions of the country with all its
2009, he founded Tawlet, a cooperative the best of both worlds. Businesses have components,” he announced.
restaurant in Beirut, where each day done something wonderful until now which                                       Fatima Saab
women come from different regions of is generate income but have done so                            Content Editor & Researcher

                                                                                                               May 2017 |     17
19   Hypermarkets
     Create Large Footprints in GCC
20   Lulu Group Opens New Hypermarkets in Saudi Arabia
20   Majid Al Futtaim Opens Second Carrefour Hypermarket in Kenya
21   IT Software Delivers Ideal Solution
FEATURE                                                                                                           Hypermarkets

Create Large Footprints in GCC
         igh income levels, large expatriate communities and strong urbanization have reinforced growth of the GCC retail sector.
         Modern retail outlets such as hypermarkets and supermarkets have proliferated in the region. These large organized
         establishments offer a wide array of food products at competitive prices in a convenient set-up, to provide an overall hassle-
free shopping experience to consumers. Sales of supermarkets and hypermarkets in the GCC are expected to grow at an annual
average rate of 10.5 percent between 2011 and 2016, according to a report by Alpen Capital. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are the
largest markets in the GCC, accounting for three-fourth of the region‘s total food retail market.

Retail sales in the Gulf region were
expected to reach USD270.3 billion
by 2016, according to Alpen Capital.
"The region's retail sector has displayed
strong resilience in the face of global
economic downturn and is expected
to continue to grow at a steady pace
given its attractiveness to tourists and
residents in terms of geographic location,
developed logistics and availability of
diverse and quality shopping options.
While the sector presents attractive
opportunities, it is highly competitive and
retailers need to continue to innovate,
so that they can achieve sustainable
growth and profitability," said Mahboob
Murshed, Managing Director, Alpen
Capital. The food retail market in the
Emirates has grown substantially to
meet the needs of diverse communities,
with penetration of modern grocery
outlets at over 60 percent, second only also gaining traction in the UAE, and a provide an outing for families. Retailers in
to Bahrain. Several international retailers growing number of brick-and-mortar the food market are trying to increase their
such as Spinneys, Carrefour and retailers are establishing digital presence presence to gain more market share and
Geant have created a large footprint in to battle out the mushrooming grocery consumer segments. With the rise in the
the UAE, alongside homegrown giants start-ups. The retail food market in Saudi influx of tourists in the country because of
like Lulu Group, Choithrams                                                                 pilgrimage to Mecca, the demand
and Al Maya Group. These large “… food retail market in Saudi Arabia for packaged food in this region
retailers are further widening their        to grow at a CAGR of around 5                   will see tremendous growth in the
reach by opening new outlets in the                                                         coming years. With the popularity
upcoming commercial / residential
                                                    percent by 2020”                        of such formats, major food
complexes set to open ahead of the Expo Arabia has huge room for expansion, retailers have laid down plans to expand
2020 event. Due to busy lifestyles and considering only 52 percent penetration presence in the Kingdom. In June 2016,
increasing road traffic, people prefer to of modern retail stores. Technavio’s the Kingdom permitted foreign investors
purchase their daily grocery from stores market research analyst predicts the food to own 100 percent interest in retail and
located within their vicinity, even as they retail market in Saudi Arabia will grow at wholesale businesses, subject to certain
visit hypermarkets for bulk shopping. a CAGR of around 5 percent by 2020. terms, according to Alpen Capital. This
To capitalize on this trend and enhance Food retail outlets in Saudi Arabia carry regulation is likely to intensify competition
revenue, the big brands are focusing a broad range of options for consumers with additional stores opening in the
on opening smaller format convenience such as domestically processed foods, country, as new players enter the market
stores. They are also looking at offering imported specialty food products, and and existing players look at increasing
a variety of organic and high-quality organic food products. Consumers market share.
foods to meet the growing demand prefer to shop at supermarkets and                                                  Fatima Saab
for such products. Online food retail is hypermarkets as these food stores also                      Content Editor & Researcher

                                                                                                             May 2017 |   19

Lulu Group Opens New Hypermarkets
in Saudi Arabia
LuLu Group has opened its latest
hypermarkets in the city of Hail,
Saudi Arabia. The Hypermarket was
inaugurated at a ceremony by Dr. Saud
Hamood Al Bugami, Under Secretary
of Hail province along with several
high-ranking officials from government
departments and representatives from
local business communities. Also
present at the event were Yusuff Ali
MA, Chairman of Lulu Group, Saifee
Rupawala, CEO, Ashraf Ali Executive
Director other senior officials of Lulu
along with a large number of residents.                                                                 The opening ceremony
The hypermarket, which is the 7th
in Kingdom and 133rd to be built by       are very happy to unveil our latest         in from our own sourcing offices in
LuLu Group is spread over an area         hypermarket in Saudi Arabia which           UK, US, Brazil and Far East. The
of approximately 160,000 square           will bring world class shopping nearer      excitement surrounding the opening
feet and will serve the residents of Al   to people. Our main emphasis is on          has been building among the
Jamiyeen District and its surrounding     showcasing the biggest range of             residents of this region for several
areas with easy access and spacious       “Free From” products such as Gluten         months, and we believe this store will
parking. Chariman of LuLu Group,          free, lacto-free, sugar free, fat free,     be as popular with shoppers as our
Yusufali MA said at the event, “We        etc. that have been specially flown-        other existing stores.”

Majid Al Futtaim Opens Second Carrefour
Hypermarket in Kenya
Majid Al Futtaim, the well-known          retailer’s expansion within the Kenyan      Al Futtaim – Retail Kenya said, “At the
shopping mall, communities, retail        market marks a significant milestone        new Carrefour store, we will remain
and leisure pioneer across the Middle     in the company’s expansion plans into       committed to offering the best price
East, Africa and Asia, announced          the African continent. The most recent      and best merchandise in a pleasant
the opening of its second Carrefour       hypermarket is located in East Africa's     shopping environment as we have at
hypermarket in Nairobi, Kenya. The        pre-eminent destination anchored by         our Carrefour Store at the Hub Mall,
                                          the newest retail hotspot in Nairobi, the   because we are in the business of
                                          Two Rivers Mall, and offers more than       creating great moments for everyone
                                          30,000 items, including fresh produce       every day. Carrefour is here to be
                                          and groceries, a fresh bakery, home         Kenya’s daily shopping partner and
                                          appliances, electronics and general         strives to make a world class difference
                                          merchandise. Renowned for great             to the retail experience and to enrich
                                          value products and a combination of         the lives of all consumers in Kenya.”
                                          discount offers, Carrefour promises its     “We are pleased to see the benefits of
                                          customers more than just shopping.          Carrefour’s presence in Kenya through
                                          As evidenced by the first store, the        continuous job creation and support
                                          hypermarket’s customers will continue       for local producers. We have so far
                                          to enjoy an excellent shopping              recruited just over 210 staff members at
                                          experience and purchase quality             the Two Rivers hypermarket and by the
                                          products at even lower costs at the         end of 2017 Carrefour Kenya will have a
 Carrefour Kenya Country Manager          new 7,200 square meters store. Franck       solid staff base totaling 400 individuals
 Franck Moreau, Left                      Moreau, Country Manager, at Majid           at both stores,” he continued.

20 | May 2017
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