FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery

Page created by Deborah Guzman
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery
             Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021

Limelight Prime™ Hydrangea paniculata - p.58
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery
                            FROM DALE
                         “The trouble is, you
                         think you have time.”

    I never thought I’d be quoting Buddha, but
    these words of wisdom for the nursery                    Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc.
                                                                 12601 120th Avenue
    industry hold a lot of relevance these days.
                                                             Grand Haven, MI 49417-9621
    The lesson for 2020 is that business can
                                                         Tel (800) 633-8859 • (616) 846-4729
    change fast, faster than we ever thought.
                                                       Fax (800) 224-1628 • Fax (616) 846-0619
    We all wished for more time to adapt, to
    grow, and to protect our business.
    The uncertainty was scary and exciting
    at the same time.                                PRESIDENT                                   PROPAGATION
    Retailers this year found themselves             Dale Deppe, ext. 1300                       Gail Berner, ext. 1404
    scrambling to implement online ordering,                                                     Summer Field, ext. 1417
                                                     GENERAL MANAGER                             Jeff Flickinger, ext. 1424
    curbside pickup, and home delivery.
    Many were even shut down in early spring!        Jeremy Deppe, ext. 1400                     Jeff Kurtz, ext. 1417
    But then home gardening went crazy.                                                          Alex Van Soelen, ext. 1424
    Spring ended up better than expected,
                                                     Liz Deppe, ext. 1301                        SHIPPING
    and many retailers reported record
    seasons. Growers went from standstill            Gabie Bunnell, ext.1305                     John Papes, ext. 1407
    to 100 miles an hour overnight.                  Daniela Deppe, ext. 1305                    William Tritten, ext. 1414
                                                     Deb Nederhoed, ext. 1306                    Bryan Van Kammen, ext. 1414
    I’m hoping that your business did well, that     Alissa Olsen, ext. 1303
    you have recovered from the extra work           Charlene Silkworth, ext. 1302               STOCK PLANT AND R&D
    and stress. Amazing things happened so                                                       MANAGEMENT
    fast. Amazing people stepped up, changed         PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT                         Matt Carlton, ext. 1401
    stuff, and carried this industry forward. This   AND MARKETING                               Ginger Carston, ext. 1413
    was a great year not just because sales          Tim Wood, ext. 1200                         Kara Gregory, ext. 1413
    were up but because our people and               Natalie Carmolli, ext. 1203                 Dr. Judson LeCompte, ext. 1421
    yours did the extraordinary.                     Shannon Downey, ext. 1201                   Megan Mathey, ext. 1403
                                                     Diane Fullerton, ext. 1205                  Brigette Porter, ext. 1411
    Proven Winners is up huge in 2020. Years         Stacey Hirvela, ext. 1204                   Alex Pott, ext. 1411
    of building consumer confidence wins
                                                     Kristina Howley, ext. 1207
    the day again. No other plant brand even                                                     NEW CONSTRUCTION /
                                                     Adriana Robinson, ext. 1206
    comes close: twenty-five plus years of                                                       MAINTENANCE
                                                     Joe Williams, ext. 1208
    laying the foundation of a plant brand but
                                                                                                 Dan Hasty, ext. 1405
    still learning every single day. The best        GROWING                                     Michael McIntyre, ext. 1406
    team in the business doing amazing work.
                                                     David Joeright, ext. 1402
    I love this place.                               Jennifer Cobb, ext. 1432                    On the cover:
                                                     Todd Haveman, ext. 1422
                                                                                                 The future is now – Limelight Prime™
    I love this business.                            Grace Fricano, ext. 1422
                                                                                                 hydrangea, the next generation of
                                                     Jessica Gulczynski, ext. 1422               ‘Limelight’, is here! Developed by
                                                     Brian Maher, ext. 1412                      the team here at Spring Meadow,
    Keep Smiling,
                                                     Denise Sikkema, ext. 1412                   Limelight Prime hydrangea improves
                                                                                                 on the original in ways that growers,
                                                                                                 landscapers, and gardeners alike will
                                                                                                 appreciate: an earlier bloom time,
                                                                                                 sturdier stems, a denser, more compact
                                                                                                 habit, and tantalizing red and pink tones
                                                                                                 from summer through frost. Available
                                                                                                 in all three liner sizes from your Spring
                                                                                                 Meadow account manager.

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery
SALES                                                                LICENSING
Sales Manager                                                        Jane Beggs-Joles
Tony Thom                                                            jane@springmeadownursery.com
tony@springmeadownursery.com                                         616-223-3369

David Arsenault                                                      Jodi Griffin
david@springmeadownursery.com                                        jodi@springmeadownursery.com
616-223-3379                                                         616-223-3364

Terri Collins                                                        Jeff Pipp
terri@springmeadownursery.com                                        jeffp@springmeadownursery.com
616-223-3377                                                         616-223-3363

Monica Esh-Nauta                                                     Josh Vokal
monica@springmeadownursery.com                                       josh@springmeadownursery.com
616-414-7384                                                         616-223-3362

Kaylee Hardy
                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                4    ABOUT US                        17      FULL SPEED A HEDGE®
Woody Gutierrez                                                                              & PWCC DESTINATIONS
                                                5    STEWARDSHIP
                                                                                     18      NEW PLANTS
616-223-3363                                    6    WHAT WE DO
CT, MA, ME, NH, NL, NY, ON, PEI, QC, RI, VT                                          20      PLANT LISTINGS
                                                8    OUR LINERS
                                                                                     22      PERFECO MUNDO®
                                                10 SHIPPING
                                                12 LANDSCAPE PROGRAMS
Sandy Harmon                                                                         58      NEW HYDRANGEAS
sandy@springmeadownursery.com                   13 GROWING SHRUBS
                                                                                     98      TERMS & CONDITIONS
616-414-7378                                    14 PROGRAMS
                                                                                     99      GOT A NEW SHRUB?
AR, IL, KY, MO, OK, WV                          16    PWCC TREES

Amy Howard
                                              KEY TO ICONS
616-223-3365                                      Full Sun        Partial Shade         Shade              Bloom Color
                                                  Attracts Hummingbirds           Fragrant             Edible

Laura Swanson                                     Attracts Butterflies                    Reported Deer Resistance
                                                                                          (Based on the Rutgers University
616-223-3378                                      Good for Cut Flowers or Foliage

laura@springmeadownursery.com                                                             Female variety
MI, WI                                        gr Growth rate in growing seasons
Interim contact for: IN, OH                      to produce a 1- gallon container         Male variety
                                                 from smallest available liner

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery
                              SPRING MEADOW NURSERY

                                                            Why order from Spring Meadow?
                                                            • Selection: Whether you serve commercial landscapers or
                                                              high-end specialty garden centers, you’ll find something in
                                                              our 400+ varieties to set you apart from the competition.
    About us                                                • Availability: We grow at least two crops a year of nearly
    Since our founding in 1981, Spring Meadow has been        every variety in our catalog to ensure you can get the
    committed to producing quality woody plant liners to      plants that you and your customers want. We also offer the
    help growers achieve maximum profitability. In 1999,      option of placing a standing order, which eliminates the risk
    we launched the ColorChoice® Shrubs brand, which        		of back orders or sell outs, since we plan our propagation to
    introduced ‘Limelight’ hydrangea and Wine & Roses®      		meet standing orders first.
    weigela to North America. In 2004, we joined with
                                                            • Convenience: Our location in west Michigan allows for short
    Proven Winners® as the exclusive licensee to develop,
                                                            		transit times across North America. Plants arrive quickly
    introduce, and market shrubs under the Proven
                                                              and with less stress and damage. Place your order by 9 am
    Winners® ColorChoice® brand.
                                                              ET on Wednesdays for delivery as soon as the following week
                                                            		during the growing season.
    You are invited                                         • Service: Our account managers have small territories so they
    Want to see more of what we do? Come for a visit!         can get to know you and your business, ensuring the best
    Spring Meadow is located in beautiful Grand Haven,        service and support for your team, from growers to marketing.
    Michigan, just 2.5 hours from Chicago and Detroit.
    If you are in the area, we’d be glad to show you        • Expertise: Every Proven Winners ColorChoice shrub gets its
    around our facilities for a first-hand look at our      		start with us. As the source for the brand, we can provide
    approach to propagation, growing, and new plant           insight on growing, as well as sales and marketing support.
    development. Please contact your account manager          We offer a range of resources to help train your staff and
    to arrange a visit.                                       increase your profits.

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery
                                     The Deppe family                Spring Meadow –
                                     believes that giving
                                                                     Proven Winners Scholarship
                                     is a responsibility that
                                     accompanies success             Because enthusiastic, well-trained, qualified people are
                                     and is proud to personally      essential to the nursery industry, we have offered scholarships
                                     support a variety of            to horticulture students since 1999. This year, we are pleased
                                     organizations in their west     to offer $2500 to four promising horticulturists:
                                     Michigan community,
                                     whether opening their
                                                                                      Mary Tuski
                                     garden for a fundraiser
                                                                                      Undergraduate student,
                                     for a local hospice or
                                                                                      Michigan State University
                                     with a donor-advised
fund through the Grand Haven Community Foundation. Their                              After spending her undergraduate studies
charitable nature extends to Spring Meadow as well, and our                           in the labs of Dr. Bridget Behe and Dr. Bert
company gives to organizations that embody the spirit of                              Cregg, Ms. Tuski intends to pursue her
innovation and positive change that further growth for all of us.                     masters degree in nursery production, with a
                                                                                      career goal of working in commercial woody
                                                                                      plant and tree production.

                         Since 1962, HRI has worked to                                Noah Brown
                         increase the quality and value of                            Undergraduate student,
                         plants, improve the productivity                             North Carolina State University
                         and profitability of the nursery and                         With his combination of business savvy and
                         landscape industry, and protect                              passion for horticulture, Mr. Brown is poised
                         and enhance the environment.                                 to reach his career goal of a management
                         Every time you make a purchase                               position within the green industry. After
from Spring Meadow, we add ¼ of 1% of your purchase total                             graduation, he hopes to study agritourism in
on to your invoice as a contribution to HRI. Spring Meadow                            the Netherlands.
then triples your donation, and these funds are used to
support the Spring Meadow Nursery New Plants Fund and                                 Amber Lancaster
the HRI Endowment Fund. These funds foster ground-                                    Undergraduate student,
breaking research that benefits everyone in the ornamental                            University of Arkansas
horticulture industry.
                                                                                      Ms. Lancaster is studying horticulture and
                                                                                      interning in her university’s plant pathology
                         Spring Meadow Nursery is a long-                             department with the goal of one day running
                         standing member of IPPS, the                                 a research nursery that propagates, grafts,
                         International Plant Propagators Society.                     and studies the best fruit trees for northwest
IPPS is a rich resource for anyone involved in horticulture,                          Arkansas.
and we encourage you and your employees to participate in
                                                                                      Jacklyn Stupienski
regional meetings and their informative publications. Visit
                                                                                      Junior college student,
www.ipps.org for more information.
                                                                                      Naugatuck Valley Community College

                                                                                      Inspired to be a “student of life,” Ms.
                                                                                      Stupienski began studying horticulture and
Over $1 million and counting…                                                         uncovered a latent passion for growing
                                                                                      plants. Her outstanding GPA and internship
                           Thanks to sales of Invincibelle®
                                                                                      experiences ideally position her for a career
                           Spirit and Invincibelle® Spirit II
                                                                                      in growing, propagation, or sales in the
                           hydrangeas and Pink Day events at
                                                                                      nursery industry.
                           garden centers, we’ve raised over
                           $1 million to support the Breast
                           Cancer Research Foundation®,
                           one of the most effective cancer         The Spring Meadow - Proven Winners scholarship is open to
                           charities in North America. 91 cents     college and university horticulture students in their sophomore
                           of every dollar they receive funds       year and above. For eligibility requirements and deadlines, visit
                           life-saving research.                    hriresearch.org/scholarship/fund-your-future.

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery

    Every liner that ships from our dock begins
    its life as a cutting. We maintain thousands of
    mother plants over 100 acres of stock fields
    and Quonsets, with crews cutting from spring
    through late autumn. Cuttings are handed off to
    our experienced propagation team, led by Gail
    Berner, and stuck by traditional methods or our
    ISO sticking machines. They then make their way
    to the relatively pampering conditions of our 5
    acres of heated floor prop houses, where they
    stay until they develop roots (6-10 weeks).

    Our growing area has come a long way – not
    just in terms of the amount of space we’ve
    added, but in our 30 acres of Westbrook
    greenhouses, 4 acres of sub-irrigated flood
    floors, and Argus Controls environmental
    system that monitors light, heat, and humidity
    to create the ideal growing conditions. Head
    grower Dave Joeright and his crew of six
    full-time growers walk the aisles of their
    house each day to monitor for quality. All
    of our liners are trimmed multiple times, by
    hand or with our custom-made automated
    trimming booms, to ensure our plants are
    well-branched and uniform. Consistency on
    our end means less work for you.

    Biological controls
    Pests are a fact of life in nurseries and
    greenhouses, but we all have a choice in how we
    manage them. Since 2018, we have implemented
    and steadily expanded a biological control
    program across propagation and growing.
    Headed by grower Jennifer Cobb, we use a
    combination of natural enemies, banker plants,
    trapping, and exclusion, as well as intensive
    scouting, to maintain quality while reducing
    pesticide exposure for all of our employees.

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery
Though we have long run our own internal
breeding program, under the leadership
of head breeder Megan Mathey and
Stock and R&D manager Matt Carlton, our
facilities have grown to 6 acres of climate
controlled greenhouses, seed houses,
and 29 acres of trial fields. We evaluate
hundreds of new plants from breeders
around the world, as well as from our own
breeding, in intensive, comparative trials
that provide objective data to our new
variety introduction strategy.

Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs
Remember the ColorChoice Shrubs brand? It was started by
Tim Wood and Dale Deppe when they first brought Wine &
Roses® weigela and Blondy® euonymus to the North American
market. That model of introducing proprietary new plant
varieties worked as well for us as it did for the Proven Winners
brand on the annuals side, so in 2007, we became Proven
Winners ColorChoice Shrubs. To this day, every shrub that
bears the Proven Winners logo begins its journey to market at
Spring Meadow, from discovery to evaluation for propagation,
production, and performance.

The Proven Winners brand isn’t just about great plants – it’s also
about marketing to drives consumer demand. Our marketing
team reaches out to gardeners of all skill levels on social media,
in print ads, on radio, and in digital advertising to increase
awareness and trust in our plants and the brand. For an in-depth
look at our marketing efforts and how you can use it to drive
sales, request our booklet, 8 Ways to Make Proven Winners
Marketing Work for You, from your account manager.

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery
QUALITY YOU CAN SEE                                                      Sprinter® boxwood liners
    Spring Meadow offers three liner sizes of most varieties, so you can
    meet the demands of your budget, climate, and production system.
    Our potted liners give you maximum flexibility: once you’ve received
    them, you can pot them as your workflow and staff levels allow. All of
    our liners are healthy, actively growing, and produced without the use
    of neonicotinoid pesticides.

                                         2 1/4" Pot - 32/Tray

                                           4" Pot - 18/Tray

                                         Quick Turn™ - 16/Tray

                                                                                 2 1/4"
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery
4"   Quick Turn™
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2020-2021 - Limelight Prime Hydrangea paniculata - p.58 - Spring Meadow Nursery
     Our shipping team is committed to the safe packaging and
     transport of your order. Whether you order the minimum
     number of trays or a full truckload, your liners will be
     carefully picked, inspected for quality, packed, and loaded
     to minimize stress and damage. We ship by both dry and
     refrigerated trucks at 45° F (7.2° C) and can ship year-round.

                                                                      How we ship

                                                                                                         For LTL shipments, flats are
                                                                                                         boxed individually, then
                                                                                                         stacked on a pallet, corner-
     MAKE ORDERING EASY                                                                                  stabilized, and wrapped with
                                                                                                         plastic film.
     A few tips to ensure your complete satisfaction
     when ordering:

     • Create a Standing Order
        We fill standing orders first, as we propagate specifically
        to meet our customers’ requests. You can adjust your
        order up until the Wednesday before it ships.

     • Order Early
        Our new varieties are announced in our yearly catalog,
        which is published in late summer. By placing your order
        shortly after its receipt, you secure your share of the
        most promising and popular plants. This is also the ideal
        time to review your standing order.                           Whole-truck shipments are packed on specially built racks.

     • Confirmation and Shipping                                      These sturdy racks can be moved with a forklift or pallet jack.

        Your account manager will call you two weeks before
        your order ships. This is a good time to make any
        last-minute adjustments to your order and to confirm
        contact information, delivery address, and any special
        instructions for the delivery driver.

All orders placed with Spring Meadow ship via FedEx from Grand Haven,
Michigan. Our central location means a short transit time to any location
in Canada and the United States, ensuring that your plants arrive happy,
healthy, and ready to grow. Our sales team will work with you to secure
your preferred ship date so that your order arrives when you have the
time, staff, and space to pot it up. If your order is confirmed by 12 p.m. ET
on a Wednesday, we can ship the following week.
                                                                                                                                           1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days


                                            Alberta                                  Manitoba

                                                                                                                    Ontario                                                                  Brunswick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Nova Scotia

                                                  Montana                  North Dakota     Minnesota
                                  Idaho                                South Dakota                                                                                                 Mass.
                                                                                                                                                                    New York
                                                                                                                                Michigan                                            Conn. R.I.

                                                                                                Iowa                                                     Pennsylvania            New
                                                                              Nebraska                                                                                          Jersey
                         Nevada                                                                                                            Ohio
                                                                                                               Illinois     Indiana                                            Delaware
                                      Utah                                                                                                                                     Maryland
                                                         Colorado                                                                                 Virginia
                                                                                 Kansas                                                                      Virginia
                                                                                                  Missouri                         Kentucky

                                                                                                                                                        North Carolina
                                  Arizona                                           Oklahoma
                                                      New Mexico                                  Arkansas

                                                                                                                              Alabama         Georgia

                                                                                Texas                         Mississippi




                                                                                                                                                  We ship to Alaska and Hawaii;
                                                                                                                                                  please contact your account manager
                                                                                                                                                  for details and transit time.

                                                W                                                                                  X                                                                                             Y


     Jane Beggs-Joles,
     Landscape Program Manager

     I started out 2020 with a busy schedule of events: coast-to-coast trade shows,
     seminars, and Proven Winners® landscape roadshows kept me traveling non-stop
     from the first week of January through Mid-March.

     It all came to a halt, of course, as COVID-19 impacted events around the world.
     Sadly, the first event to go was a favorite on my calendar: The National Collegiate
     Landscape Competition. Proven Winners® ColorChoice® has been a sponsor of
     this fantastic event for several years. We think that helping the next generation of
     green industry professionals is a critical part of our industry’s success. Plus that
     event is a lot of fun!

     In-person events may have slowed down, but the show must go on. That means
     webinars, videos, and even snail mail. If we don’t keep learning, we don’t keep
     growing, and that’s no good – especially in our business.

     Being the authority on what will work best in a landscape gives your customer
     the assurance that they’ve hired a true professional to do the job and you pull
     yourself away from the race to the bottom of competing on price. If you aren’t
     already getting our monthly postcards and the Plant of the Week email, email me
     jane@springmeadownursery.com. They’re a quick, simple way to keep up on the
     latest new varieties.

     If you’d like to take it to the next level, join my Proven Winners® colleagues and
     me on an online event. You can check the schedule of webinars and videos at
     www.provenwinnerspros.provenwinners.com. And if you’re looking for content
     for your own organization, just ask.

Hi gang! Throughout our time on the road meeting with new                    - High margins
prospective customers, we often sense a bit of nervousness for
                                                                                Shrubs can provide the highest margins of any plant
the unknown of growing woody ornamentals for the first time.
                                                                                on your property. Take, for example, our pre-budded
The Spring Meadow growing and sales teams have been hard
                                                                                hydrangea program (p. 14) or a bare root rose program.
at work on ways to make producing flowering shrubs easy and
                                                                                Each uses the same type and size of space you’d
profitable, even if you’ve never tried it before. I thought it would
                                                                                devote to perennial production, but commands a
be beneficial to share some of the ways we can support your
                                                                                much higher price at both wholesale and retail levels.
journey to the woody plant side:

                                                                             - Ordering made easy
      - Partners in profitability
                                                                                Our program is a package. When you order from us,
         Our account managers aren’t sales people – they are
                                                                                you’ll receive the plants, tags, and containers all at
         partners in your profitability, with the knowledge and
                                                                                once. That limits overhead and labor expenses, and
         strategies to help you achieve success, wherever
                                                                                allows you to pot up in your desired container size on
         you are and whoever you serve. We have developed
                                                                                your schedule. We also ship practically year-round
         a top 10 plant list for each region. Use our expertise
                                                                                which gives you the flexibility you need when labor
         and start with a narrow assortment and ease into it by
                                                                                and timing is tight.
         building confidence along the way.

      - Options from start to finish                                         - Growing support
         Unlike other liner suppliers, we offer 3 sizes of nearly               Our growing team has been hard at work at creating

         everything we sell, so there’s a perfect fit for every                 individual variety growing spec sheets that are

         budget, production system, and schedule. Then                          here to help you with the finer nuances of each

         you choose which finished container size fits your                     plant. How much water? What about fertilization

         business. Your account manager will advise on the                      recommendations? Do I need to use growth

         best liner to finish sizes for your climate and customer               regulators? We got it covered. Also, we have a grower

         base.                                                                  support manager on staff, ready to take your calls and
                                                                                walk you through the growing process.
      - Fast and easy
                                                                       Ready to get started? Contact the account manager for your
         Feel the need for speed? Try the Quick Turn branded
                                                                       state or province today, and turn the page for a closer look
         liner! It exists to speed up the growing process for
                                                                       at our value-added, easy-to-implement programs. We are
         you. These hefty, one-quart liners have been trimmed
                                                                       looking forward to partnering with you on your new adventure!
         multiple times for good branching and are ready to
         grow into a lush, well-rooted finished plant. All you
         have to do is pot it! No need to for repeated pruning,
         or guessing at old wood or new wood bloom.

      - Quick Flip Program
         We’ve selected over 50 Proven Winners varieties
         for our Quick Flip program: plants that go from our
         Quick Turn liner to a finished two gallon in less than
         twelve weeks. You’ll get a saleable crop of flowering
         shrubs fast, with lower input costs, less overhead, and
         ultimately higher margins – all backed with Proven
         Winners ColorChoice consumer marketing. Talk to
         your account manager for a list of plants.

                   E A S Y – B E A U T I F U L – P R O F I TA B L E !

     Our pre-budded hydrangea liner program is designed with
     one goal in mind: an easy-to-produce crop of colorful one-
     gallon hydrangeas in bloom, just in time for Mother’s Day.
     We take cuttings, trim them, and treat them so that they are
     full of flower buds. You take delivery of our rooted, ready-
     to-grow Quick Turn™ liners in late winter, grow according
     to our thirteen-week recipe, and end up with a crop of
     flowering Proven Winners ColorChoice hydrangeas to ship
     for Mother’s Day sales. There’s no minimum order on our
     pre-budded hydrangeas, making this program suitable for
     anyone who has a little extra space in their growing facility.
     Place your order this autumn for best availability.

     Our 2021 selection includes:
     Blue/Purple (pre-treated with aluminum sulfate for blue
     flowers – no further treatment required):
       Let’s Dance® Blue Jangles®, Cityline® Venice,
       Tiny Tuff Stuff™, Wee Bit Grumpy®
     Pink/Red: Cityline® Paris, Let’s Dance Big Band®, Wee Bit Giddy®

     There’s no more cost-effective way to get big, bold, blooming roses
     to market early in the shopping season than with our bare root Proven
     Winners ColorChoice roses. Now in its third year, our partnership with
     Certified Roses means you get hefty #1 or #1.5 grade bare roots of our
     award-winning roses. Just pot them up into our two-gallon branded
     containers, bring out of dormancy in a warm greenhouse, add our diamond
     hang tag and start selling! Plants will need little to no trimming to become
     a saleable, blooming container. Place your order with a Spring Meadow
     account manager by early December; plants ship directly from Certified
     Roses beginning in mid-January (ship date based on your climate).

     The 2021 selection includes:
       At Last®                         Oso Easy Paprika®
       Oso Easy® Double Pink            Oso Easy Peasy®
       Oso Easy Double Red®             Oso Easy® Petit Pink
       Oso Easy Hot   Paprika®          Oso Easy® Urban Legend®
       Oso Easy Italian Ice®            Ringo®
       Oso Easy Lemon Zest®             Ringo All Star™
       Oso Easy® Mango Salsa            Suñorita®

Spreading the word about great plants is a big part of what
has made Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs a success –
the Shrubs of the Year program takes that to the next level!
Each year, four of our shrubs are named Landscape Shrub
of the Year, Hydrangea of the Year, Rose of the Year, and
Flowering Shrub of the Year. We ask our Gold Key growers,
some of the best and best-known growers in North America,
to vote on each year’s roster, then we give these four plants
a little extra marketing love to both trade and consumers.
If you’re looking for a simple way to boost your shrub sales,
this is it!

2021 Shrubs of the Year:                                         MAMA MIA.
                                                                   Oso Eas
                                                                           y Ital ian
                                                                                       Ice® Ros
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   Landscape Shrub: Kodiak Orange Diervilla
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                                                                                                                                                                POWER PUFF GIRL.

   Flowering Shrub: Pugster Blue® Buddleia

                                                                                                                                                                Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha® Mountain Hydrangea: HARDY, STRONG
                                                                                                                                                                REBLOOMER WITH MASSIVE, LACECAP PINK AND BLUE FLOWERS

   Hydrangea: Tuff   Stuff Ah-Ha®   H. serrata                                                                                                                  Before they reach your garden, our flowering shrubs undergo years of trials
                                                                                                                                                                and testing for color, quantity of blooms, reliability, foliage and ability to
                                                                                                                                                                thrive with ease. Only a few prove they’re worthy of the #1 plant brand.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PIED PIPER


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To help you plan your production, we’re pleased

to also include the 2022 Shrubs of the Year:
   Landscape Shrub: Incrediball® Hydrangea arborescens
   Flowering Shrub: Double Play Doozie® Spiraea
   Hydrangea: Little Quick Fire® H. paniculata
   Rose: Suñorita® Rosa

We think shrubs are pretty irresistible on their own, but our Decked Out Patio
Container program provides a way to bring that level of enthusiasm to everyone.
Just combine one of our 350+ eye-catching shrubs with a decorative container
and our informative diamond-shaped Decked Out tag and watch your sales grow!

Nearly all of the shrubs in the Proven Winners ColorChoice line are suitable
for the Decked Out program, but it’s an especially great way for consumers
to enjoy non-hardy varieties in areas where they can’t be grown, like:

                                                   Sicilian Sunshine® Laurus (p. 71)
                                                   Austin Pretty™ Limits Nerium (p. 74)
                                                   Peppy Le Pom™ Punica (p. 77)
                                                   Chicklet™ Tecoma (p. 88)

                                                 As well as colorful, long-blooming favorites like:
                                                   Pugster® Buddleia (p. 29)
                                                   Perfecto Mundo® Azalea (p. 22)
                                                   At Last® Rose (p. 79)

                                                 Ask your account manager for our Decked Out flyer, or view
                                                 it in the resource center at SpringMeadowNursery.com.


     Proven Winners ColorChoice Ornamental Trees are in demand! Selected for their immediate appeal to
     homeowners, they make the ideal addition to your program, and are a natural fit if you’re already selling tree-form
     hibiscus or hydrangeas. Spring Meadow has partnered with nursery industry veteran Maria Zampini of UpShoot to
     offer nine outstanding selections, with a bevy of exciting new genetics in testing and production still to come:

      1 Spring Glory® serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis ‘Sprizam’)
      2 Avalanche® birch (Betula x ‘Avalzam’)
      3 Golden Shadows® pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia ‘Wstackman’)
      4 Crusader® hawthorn (Crataegus crus-galli var. inermis ‘Cruzam’)
      5 Lollipop® crabapple (Malus ‘Lollizam’)
      6 Show Time™ crabapple (Malus ‘Shotizam’)
      7 Sweet Sugar Tyme® crabapple (Malus ‘Swesutyzam’)
      8 Pink Snow Showers™ weeping cherry (Prunus x ‘Pisnshzam’)
      9 Weeping Extraoridinaire™ weeping cherry (Prunus x ‘Extrazam’)


      2                                3                                 4                                 5

      6                                7                                 8                                 9

     Bareroot tree liners and finished product are available and can be ordered directly from the following licensed nurseries.
     Liners of Golden Shadows are also available from Spring Meadow Nursery.

     Alpha Nurseries                  Hans Nelson & Sons Nursery         Pride’s Corner Farms             If you have questions about
     Salem, OR • 800-293-1286         Boring, OR • 877-663-0511          Lebanon, CT • 800-437-5168       the tree program – or perhaps
     Baker’s Nursery, Ltd.            J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.         Robinson Nursery                 you’ve developed an interesting
     Bayfield, ON • 519-441-3369      Boring, OR • 800-825-8202          Amity, OR • 877-855-8733         new tree that you’d like to
     Arrowhead Ornamentals LLC        Kankakee Nursery                   Surface Nursery                  suggest for the program –
     Hubbard, OR • 503-651-2040       Aroma Park, IL • 800-344-7697      Gresham, OR • 800-831-2599       please contact Maria Zampini,
     Blue Heron Farm                  Oregon Pride Nurseries             Turner & Sons Nursery            maria@upshoothort.com.
     Corvalis, OR • 800-223-8410      McMinnville, OR • 888-472-9147     Smithville, TN • 931-934-2355
     Bountiful Farms                  Overdevest Nurseries, LP           Willoway Nurseries
     Woodburn, OR • 503-981-7494      Bridgeton, NJ • 856-451-3179       Avon, OH • 866-934-4435

FULL SPEED A HEDGE® ‘American Pillar’ arborvitae
For years, ‘American Pillar’ arborvitae (p. 89) was the
most-visited page on the Spring Meadow website
- and the plant that our sales team fielded the most
calls from consumers about. Turns out, there are lots
of homeowners who are looking for a fast-growing,
space-saving arborvitae, and they were finding it on
our website, but not, unfortunately, where they could
purchase it.

To help you capitalize on the continued growing
interest in this plant, we’ve spiffed it up with a nifty
new name that captures its rapid growth rate and
dense coverage, and introduced a hefty new two-
quart size that’s retail-ready or the perfect robust start
on a field or container crop. We’ve also developed
some marketing support materials: a two-quart logo
pot, distinctive stick tag, a website, and even videos,
to help you tell – and sell – the story of this useful
native evergreen.

Garden centers that sell a wide variety of Proven Winners
ColorChoice Shrubs – or plan to – can create a boutique
shopping experience with our destination program. Here’s how
it works: the sales person and garden center collaborate on
the product selection, and work with our designer to create
customized POP for the space. Garden centers who have created
a destination have reported increases of 20% on their Proven
Winners shrub sales!

Get familiar with the process in our booklet, available from your
account manager or on the Spring Meadow website, or contact
your account manager to get started. Winter is the ideal time
to begin the process, so you can have all of the POP ready and
plants in place when the first forsythia starts to bloom.

                              Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com
     Meet the newest Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs.                                                   Also new for 2021
                                                                                                          are four new game-changing
     This year’s new introductions represent a diverse group of colorful, unique shrub                    Hydrangea paniculata – learn
     selections. They include a little something for everyone – landscapers, homeowners,                  more on page 58.
     plant geeks, and of course, growers and retailers looking to increase their profits and
     set themselves apart from the competition.

     All of our liners, including those for new varieties, are sold on a first come, first served
     basis, so contact your account manager right away to secure your share.

        PERFECTO MUNDO® Double Dark Pink              PERFECTO MUNDO® Double White Azalea            PERFECTO MUNDO® Orange Azalea
           Azalea, p. 22 – Months of color              p. 22 – High performance, classic color       p. 22 – Fiery tones for hot climes

           PERFECTO MUNDO® Red Azalea                        PUGSTER PINKER™ Buddleia               SIMPLY SCENTSATIONAL® Calycanthus,
             p. 22 – Sizzling hot azalea                       p. 29 – Improved pink                    p. 31 – Unbelievably fragrant

            BEYOND PINK’D™ Caryopteris                     PINPOINT® GOLD Chamaecyparis                  HAYWIRE™ Chamaecyparis
               p. 31 – Pretty and pink                        p. 34 – Space-saving color                   p. 34 – Unique texture

         LEGEND OF THE SMALL™ Fothergilla                 STEADY AS SHE GOES™ Gardenia                Dark Lavender CHIFFON® Hibiscus
               p. 46 – Tidy and tiny                         p. 46 – Blooms all summer                   p. 47 – Improved selection

PARAPLU ROUGE™ Hibiscus           INVINCIBELLE LACE™ Hydrangea      FAIRYTRAIL BRIDE™ Hydrangea
   p. 48 – Big, colorful flowers       p. 54 – Wide-ranging appeal     p. 54 – Finally in North America

LET’S DANCE ¡ARRIBA!™ Hydrangea            FIZZY MIZZY™ Itea               AQUAVITA™ Juniperus
      p. 56 – Potent rebloomer         p. 68 – Flower powerhouse       p. 68 – Durable, deer resistant

CENTER STAGE® Coral Lagerstroemia   CENTER STAGE® Pink Lagerstroemia    FLIRTY GIRL™ Schizophragma
     p. 70 – Irresistible color          p. 70 – Bold and bright         p. 83 – Precocious bloomer

    MR. MUSTARD™ Sorbaria              CHICKLET™ Orange Tecoma             CHEER DROPS™ Thuja
     p. 83 – Dwarf selection            p. 88 – Vivid and versatile        p. 88 – Charming shape

    STEADY EDDY™ Viburnum           MIDNIGHT WINE SHINE™ Weigela         VERY FINE WINE™ Weigela
       p. 93 – Reblooming              p. 96 – Improved hardiness          p. 95 – More colorful

1                                                                                                 2

 3                                                                                                 4

Abelia - Abelia                                                                                                4 SWEET EMOTION® (A. mosanensis ‘SMNAMDS’ pp#27,370, cbr#5937)
Family: Caprifoliaceae (Ab-elia: after Dr. Clark Abel, 1780-1826, physician and author on China)              Very hardy and very fragrant, this spring-blooming abelia is anything but
                                                                                                              conventional. Easy to ship in bloom for prime retail sales season, and one whiff
            1 FUNSHINE® (A. x grandiflora ‘Minacara1’ pp#30,430)                                              of the jasmine-scented white and pink flowers is enough to entice any shopper!
           The brightest abelia! With its vivid lime-green, gold, and orange foliage,                   5’
                                                                                                              Glossy foliage turns orange-red in autumn.
           Funshine abelia shines out in the landscape and on the bench at retail.                            USDA 4-8, 5-6', gr 1, spring bloom
           Summer brings waves of fragrant lavender flowers, but it’s the foliage and its                     Item #: 00572 - 2 ¼" • 00574 - 4" • 00575 - Quick Turn
     5’    effect that makes this abelia from Pépinières Minier in demand.
           USDA 6-9, 2-3', gr 1, summer bloom
           Item #: 00412 - 2 ¼" • 00414 - 4" • 00415 - Quick Turn                                  Aronia - Chokeberry
                                                                                                   Family: Rosaceae (Aro-nia: modified from Aria, a species of Sorbus)

            2 RUBY ANNIVERSARY® (A. chinensis ‘Keiser’ pp#21,632)                                  ‘Brilliantissima’ (A. arbutifolia)
           Hardy and fragrant! This colorful, long-blooming selection has ruby-red new                        White spring flowers, glossy red berries, shiny foliage, and brilliant fall color
           growth and bracts. Developed by Susan Keiser of Ossining, NY.                                      make this versatile, adaptable plant a favorite of landscapers. Excellent fruit
           USDA 5-9, 4-6', gr 1, summer bloom                                                           10’   production, no pollinator required. Native. Awards: GMPA.
           Item #: 00122 - 2 ¼" • 00124 - 4" • 00125 - Quick Turn                                             USDA 4-9, 6-8', gr 1, spring bloom
                                                                                                              Item #: 02522 - 2 ¼" • 02524 - 4"
            3 SUNNY ANNIVERSARY® (A. x g. ‘Minduo1’ pp#24,445, cbr#5236)
           Fragrant yellow blooms with pink throats and orange freckles make this abelia                       5 GROUND HUG™ (A. melanocarpa ‘UCONNAM012’ pp#31,821, cbraf)
           from Pépinières Minier thoroughly original. Long mid-summer through autumn                         Hard-working ground cover! This dwarf aronia grows as a thick, dense mat,
           bloom period.                                                                                      minimizing weeding and mulching. Glossy foliage, white spring flowers, dark
           USDA 6-9, 3-4', gr 1, summer bloom                                                                 purple berries in summer, and autumn foliage hues of orange-red make this
           Item #: 00322 - 2 ¼" • 00324 - 4" • 00325 - Quick Turn                                             native plant as showy as it is adaptable. Ideal for difficult commercial spaces,
                                                                                                              like parking lots and slopes. Developed by Dr. Mark Brand at University of
                                                                                                              Connecticut. Native.
                                                                                                              USDA 3-9, 8-14" tall and 3' wide, gr 1, spring bloom
                                                                                                              Item #: 02842 - 2¼" • 02844 - 4" • 02845 - Quick Turn


 6                                                                                            7

            6 LOW SCAPE HEDGER® (A. m. ‘UCONNAM166’ pp#28,831, cbraf)                        Aucuba japonica - Japanese aucuba
           Form follows function with this compact, narrow aronia selection, making it       Family: Garryaceae (Au-cu-ba: Latinized version of aokiba, the Japanese word for the plant)
           the perfect, carefree plant for narrow hedges, screening, or mass plantings.
           Requires less care and maintenance than ‘Viking.’ Glossy, dark green foliage      ‘Picturata’
           turns bright red in autumn. Developed by Drs. Mark Brand and Bryan Connolly                   A lush and colorful evergreen for shade. Thick, glossy leaves sport a showy
           of the University of Connecticut. Native.                                                     central yellow splotch, and green margins are peppered with yellow dots.
           USDA 3-9, 3-5' tall and 2-3' wide, gr 1, spring bloom                                         The deep purple maroon flowers bear red fruit if a male variety is present.
           Item #: 02832 - 2 ¼" • 02834 - 4" • 02835 - Quick Turn                                 10’
                                                                                                         Surprisingly hardy; can also be grown indoors.
                                                                                                         USDA 7(6b)-10, 4-6', gr 1, spring bloom
            7 LOW SCAPE MOUND® (A. m. ‘UCONNAM165’ pp#28,789, cbraf)                                     Item #: 02894 - 4"
           Cute as a button yet tough as nails, this remarkable dwarf aronia may be
           the closest yet to the ideal landscape plant. Perfectly suited to mass planting
           as ground cover or bank stabilization. Adaptable to wet or dry soils, with
           deep green glossy foliage, loads of white spring flowers, purple-black fruit in
           summer, and intense red-orange autumn color. Developed by Dr. Mark Brand
           of the University of Connecticut. Native.
           USDA 3-9, 1-2' tall and 2' wide, gr 1, spring bloom
           Item #: 02822 - 2 ¼" • 02824 - 4" • 02825 - Quick Turn
                                                                                                    Aronia melanocarpa Habit Comparison
‘Viking’ (A. m.)                                                                                                                                                                            8’

           Attractive glossy leaves with superb red autumn color make tree-like ‘Viking’ a                                                                                                  6’
           winner for commercial and residential landscapes. Showy floral display begins
           early in spring. Large, attractive black fruits persist through winter and are
           reportedly high in vitamins. Developed in Europe as an orchard plant. Native.
     10’                                                                                                             ™
                                                                                                                                      PE                      PE                       '
                                                                                                                  UG              SCA®                                             ing
           USDA 3-9, 3-6', gr 1, spring bloom                                                                DH                                           SCA®                'Vik
                                                                                                            N                 LOWUND                 LOW GER
           Item #: 02852 - 2 ¼" • 02854 - 4"                                                        G                          MO                     HED

                                            Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com                                                       21
Azaleas Series
                                   Azalea - Azalea
                                   Family: Ericaceae (Rhododendron: From the Greek words for rose, rhodo, and tree, dendron)
Meet the newly expanded
                                               1 PERFECTO MUNDO® Double Dark Pink
Perfecto Mundo azalea series.                       (Rhododendron. x ‘NCRX7’ ppaf, cbraf)
More than just rebloomers,                    Super-saturated deep pink flowers cover this plant in almost rhododendron-like
                                              clusters. Extremely long bloom period in both fall and spring!
these truly innovative varieties              USDA 6b-9, 2.5-3' tall + 3-4' wide, gr 1
deliver the superlative spring          10’   spring, late summer/fall rebloom
bloom people expect from                      Item #: 65142 - 2 ¼" • 65144 - 4" • 65145 - Quick Turn

azaleas, as well as the fall
bloom that more conventional                   2 PERFECTO MUNDO® Double Pink (R. x ‘NCRX3’ ppaf, cbraf)
rebloomers provide. Double                    This was the first intro into the series and remains a favorite, thanks to its
                                              delicate color, glossy foliage, and outstanding bloom coverage.
flowers and good hardiness
                                              USDA 6b-9, 2-3' tall + 3-4' wide, gr 1
and heat tolerance sweeten                    spring, late summer, fall rebloom                                                1
the deal.                                     Item #: 62252 - 2 ¼" • 62254 - 4" • 62255 - Quick Turn

Dr. Tom Ranney at NCSU                         3 PERFECTO MUNDO® Double Purple (R. ‘NCRX4’ ppaf, cbraf)
provided the vision, brains,                  Double flowers mean double the sales! Practically irresistible at retail,
                                              the long spring and autumn bloom periods on this beauty make it easy to
and technical know-how to                     produce and sell.
develop the Perfecto Mundo              10’
                                              USDA 6b-9, 2.5-3' tall + 3-4' wide, gr 1
series at his renown Mountain                 spring, late summer, fall rebloom
                                              Item #: 62122 - 2 ¼" • 62124 - 4" • 62125 - Quick Turn
Horticultural Crops Research
and Extension Center, and                      4 PERFECTO MUNDO® Double White (R. x ‘NCRX5’ ppaf, cbraf)
the R&D team here at Spring                   Enjoy timeless sophistication with modern-day performance in this double white
                                              azalea. Each bloom boasts a little wink of spring-green color in the center.
Meadow undertook our                          USDA 6b-9, 2.5-3' tall + 3-4' wide, gr 1
largest, most intensive, most                 spring, late summer, fall rebloom
comprehensive evaluation to                   Item #: 63672 - 2 ¼" · 63674 - 4" · 63675 - Quick Turn
date to make sure Perfecto
Mundo azaleas out-bloom and                    5 PERFECTO MUNDO® Orange (R. x ‘NCRX6’ ppaf, cbraf)
out-perform in this admittedly                Blazing color and outstanding bloom period and coverage will get you and your
                                              team fired up.
saturated marketplace. We
                                              USDA 6b-9, 2.5' tall + 3-4' wide, gr 1
have collected an extensive                   spring, late summer, fall rebloom
data set of bloom weeks,                      Item #: 64662 - 2 ¼" · 64664 - 4" · 64665 - Quick Turn
flower size and shade, bloom
coverage, and visual appeal to
                                               6 PERFECTO MUNDO® Red (R. x ‘NCRX8’ ppaf, cbraf)
create an objective measuring                 Red azaleas are always perennially popular, and this first red in the
tool that helps us select only                Perfecto Mundo series will satisfy your market’s demand for great-looking
                                              heavy bloomers.
the best for introduction.                    USDA 6b-9, 2.5' tall + 3-4' wide, gr 1
Grow them yourself and see                    spring, late summer, fall rebloom
the difference!                               Item #: 65522 - 2 ¼" • 65524 - 4" • 65525 - Quick Turn


2              3                                            4                                             5

    PERFECTO MUNDO Series Color Comparision                                                                          5’

                   ®                 ®                  ®                 ®                 ®                    ®
               NDOink          NDOink           NDO             NDO            NDO            NDO
             MU             MU               MU rple         MU hite         MU range       MU Red
        ECTO Dark P     ECTO uble P     ECTO ble Pu     ECTO ble W      ECTO   O       ECTO
    PER ouble       PER
                       F   Do          F
                                    PER Dou
                                                    PER Do
                Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com            23
1                                                             2                                                                   3

 4                                                             5                                                                   6

Azalea continued                                                                                        4 BLOOM-A-THON® Red (R. ‘RLH1-1P2’ pp#21,562)
                                                                                                       Bright crimson-red flowers pop against the dark green foliage.
BLOOM-A-THON® Series                                                                             10’   USDA 7, AHS 9, 3-4', gr 1, spring; rebloomer
Reblooming azaleas delight gardeners (and garden centers)! These evergreen azaleas                     Item #: 61012 - 2 ¼" • 61014 - 4" • 61015 - Quick Turn
were developed by breeder Bob Head, and do best in part sun to dappled shade.

            1 BLOOM-A-THON® Hot Pink (R. ‘RLH1-11P1’ pp#27,900)                                         5 BLOOM-A-THON® WHITE (R. ‘RLH1-3P3’ pp#21,512)
           Vivid pink flowers with freckled throats. Blooms are semi-double, with a                    Large, single white flowers are attractively sprinkled with green freckles
           frill of extra petals in the center.                                                        on the upper petals.
           USDA 7-9, 3.5-4.5', gr 1, spring; rebloomer                                                 USDA 7, AHS 9, 2.5-3', gr 1, spring; rebloomer
           Item #: 61022 - 2 ¼" • 61024 - 4" • 61025 – Quick Turn                                      Item #: 61052 - 2 ¼" • 61054 - 4" • 61055 - Quick Turn

            2 BLOOM-A-THON® Lavender (R. ‘RLH1-4P19’ pp#21,476)                                         6 BOLLYWOOD® (R. ‘Farrow’ pp#22,209)
                                                                                                       Neon red-pink flowers engulf this compact semi-evergreen azalea in spring.
           Large, ruffled bright lavender flowers are sprinkled with deeper rose freckles
                                                                                                       Showy silver and dark green variegated foliage supplies color the rest of the
           through the throat.
     10’                                                                                         10’
                                                                                                       year. Developed by Mike Farrow of Holly Hill Nursery in Maryland.
           USDA 7-9, 3.5-4.5', gr 1, spring; rebloomer                                                 USDA 6, AHS 9, 2-3', gr 1, spring bloom
           Item #: 61072 - 2 ¼" • 61074 - 4" • 61075 - Quick Turn                                      Item #: 62422 - 2 ¼” • 62424 - 4” • 62425 - Quick Turn

            3 BLOOM-A-THON® Pink Double (R. ‘RLH1-2P8’ pp#21,477)                                              Every barberry we offer is certified wheat-rust free.
           Bright pink doubled flowers are very showy. This cultivar sets buds and
           continues flowering at lower temperatures than the rest of the series.           Berberis • Barberry
           USDA 7-9, 3.5-4.5', gr 1, spring; rebloomer                                      Family: Berberidaceae (Berber-is: Arabic name; thunberg-ii)
           Item #: 61032 - 2 ¼" • 61034 - 4" • 61035 - Quick Turn
                                                                                                        7 SUNJOY® Citrus (B. thunbergii ‘Koren’ pp#24,818)
                                                                                                       A vastly improved version of Berberis ‘Aurea’ with a rounded, highly uniform habit
                                                                                                       that ensures appealing container presentation. This plant was evaluated for over
                                                                                                       five years in full sun to ensure its gold foliage exhibited excellent burn resistance.
                                                                                                       USDA 4-8, 2-3', gr 1, foliage plant
                                                                                                       Item #: 03252 - 2 ¼" • 03254 - 4" • 03255 - Quick Turn

7                                                                                            8

9                                                            10                                                              11

          8 SUNJOY GOLD PILLAR® (B. t. ‘Maria’ pp#18,082)
         Similar in shape to ‘Helmond Pillar’ but with bright golden foliage, red new
         growth, and stunning orange-red autumn foliage. Proven burn resistant in
         side-by-side tests with conventional yellow leaf barberries.
         Awards: MOBOT Tried and True; AGM; Bronze Medal Plantarium.
         USDA 4-8, 3-4', gr 1, foliage plant
         Item #: 03872 - 2 ¼" • 03874 - 4" • 03875 - Quick Turn

          9 SUNJOY® Mini Saffron (B. t. ‘Kasia’ pp#24,817)
         Looking for a dwarf golden mounding barberry that grows fast enough to
         be profitable? Here it is. Shines even in the heat of the summer, thanks to
         excellent burn resistance. The foliage has hints of orange in the new growth
         and orange-red fall color.
         USDA 4-8, 1.5-2' tall and 24-30" wide, gr 1, foliage plant
         Item #: 03242 - 2 ¼" • 03244 - 4" • 03245 - Quick Turn

         10 SUNJOY® Mini Salsa (B. t. ‘Mimi’ pp#24,841)
         An improved ‘Crimson Pygmy’ that offers vivid, dark red foliage with no threat of
         reversion, ensuring every crop is consistently compact and colorful.
         USDA 4-8, 1.5-2' gr 1, foliage plant                                                          12 SUNJOY SEQUINS® (B. t. 'Arlene' pp#31,117)
         Item #: 03342 - 2 ¼" • 03344 - 4" • 03345 - Quick Turn                                        Green, cream, and pink variegated foliage is some of the best we’ve seen on
                                                                                                       any plant. This flashy selection does not revert and has never shown any leaf
         11 SUNJOY NEO™ (B. t. ‘NCBT2’ ppaf)                                                           burn. Compact, mounded, wider-than-tall habit. Blush hues develop as summer
                                                                                                       progresses, turning the plant to a patchwork of pink by autumn.
         This barberry will make you – and your customers - say “WOW!” Stunningly                 5’

         vivid orange foliage from early spring through fall must be seen in person to be              USDA 4-8, 3-4' tall and wide, gr 1, foliage plant
         believed. Developed by Dr. Tom Ranney, NCSU.                                                  Item #: 03002 - 2¼" • 03004 - 4" • 03005 - Quick Turn
         USDA 6(5b)-8, 2.5', gr 1, foliage plant
         Item #: 03572 - 2¼" · 03574 - 4" · 03575 - Quick Turn

                                          Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com                                          25
1                                                                                                  2

3                                                                                                  4

Berberis continued                                                                                ‘Crimson Pygmy’ (syn. atropurpurea ‘Nana’)
                                                                                                             Our liners come from verified field stock plants of true-to-name, dwarf, dense
           1 SUNJOY® Tangelo (B. t. ‘O’Byrne’ pp#26,546)                                                     ‘Crimson Pygmy’. Awards: AGM.
          Bright and cheery, Sunjoy Tangelo barberry has vivid orange foliage that                           USDA 4-8, 1.5-2', gr 1.5, foliage plant
          develops a distinctive chartreuse margin. More vigorous than similar such                          Item #: 03682 - 2 ¼" • 03684 - 4"
          barberries, it shines from spring to fall.
          USDA 4-8, 3-4', gr 1, foliage plant
                                                                                                  ‘Rose Glow’
          Item #: 03862 - 2 ¼" • 03864 - 4" • 03865 - Quick Turn
                                                                                                             Colorful rose-pink mottled foliage matures to a deep purple, then turns hot pink/
                                                                                                             purple in fall. Import permit required for Canadian shipments. Awards: AGM.
                                      Sterile Varieties                                                5’
                                                                                                             USDA 4, AHS 8, 4-5', gr 1, foliage plant
           3 SUNJOY MINI MAROON® (B. t. ‘NCBT1’ pp#30,330, cbraf)                                            Item #: 03962 - 2 ¼" • 03964 - 4"
          This truly innovative barberry is colorful, sterile, and rust resistant. The habit is
          dwarf and low-mounded like ‘Concorde’, with dark burgundy-purple foliage that
          is often develops an attractive green margin. Multiple years of university testing
                                                                                                  Betula x plettkei - Birch
                                                                                                  Family: Betulaceae (Bet-ula: from the Latin word for pitch or tar)
          has shown 0-1.2% seed viability.
          USDA 4-8, 2-3', gr 1, foliage plant                                                                  4 CESKY GOLD® (B. x p. ‘Golden Treasure’ cbr#5637)
          Item #: 03602 - 2 ¼" • 03604 - 4" • 03605 - Quick Turn                                             A shrubby dwarf birch with neat little leaves that emerge orange-red and
                                                                                                             mature to yellow. Let its natural multi-stemmed habit shine, or shape, shear,
           2 SUNJOY TODO® (B. x ‘NCBX1’ pp#29,504, cbraf)                                                    or train into a low hedge or a miniature patio tree. Exceptionally hardy. Awards:
          There’s lots to love about this sterile, disease-resistant barberry: super glossy,                 Green is Life Silver Medal in Poland. Developed by Michal Andrusiv from the
          semi-evergreen foliage with deep purple color combined with a tidy, semi-dwarf,              10’
                                                                                                             Czech Republic.
          mounded habit. Very showy bright yellow-orange flowers give way to berries, but                    USDA 2-7, 2-4', gr 1, foliage plant
          university testing has shown that this wide, complex hybrid produces no seed.                      Item #: 04442 - 2 ¼" • 04444 - 4" • 04445 - Quick Turn
          USDA 6, AHS 8, 1.5-2', gr 1, foliage plant
          Item #: 03612 - 2 ¼" • 03614 - 4" • 03615 - Quick Turn

26                                           Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com
5                                                                                              6

 7                                                                          8                                                           9

Buddleia • Butterfly Bush                                                                                   8 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Purple Haze’ (B. ‘Purple Haze’ pp#24,514, cbr#4447)
Family: Scrophulariaceae (Buddle-ia: after Adam Buddle, English botanist)                                  Though it shares the dwarf habit, long blooming, and non-invasive nature of
                                                                                                           other members of the series, this plant has distinctive horizontal branching
LO & BEHOLD® Series                                                                                        and big, pendulous blooms that point downward for a lush look. Developed by
The original non-invasive dwarf buddleia! Growers can typically finish these and ship                      Dr. Dennis Werner of NCSU. Award: Silver Medal at Groot Groen 2013.*
in-bloom plants 10-12 weeks after potting liners.                                                   10’
                                                                                                           USDA 5-9, 2-3' tall and 3' wide, gr 0.5
                                                                                                           summer rebloomer
            5 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Blue Chip’ (B. ‘Blue Chip’ pp#19,991, cbr#3602)                                Item #: 04554 - 4" • 04555 - Quick Turn
           One of the highest-rated cultivars in the RHS All European Buddleia Trial, ‘Blue
           Chip’ has become a go-to plant for retailers and landscapers. Developed by
           Dr. Dennis Werner of NCSU. Awards: Gold Medal best new plant at Salon du
                                                                                                            9 LO & BEHOLD RUBY CHIP® (B. ‘SMNBDD’ ppaf, cbraf)
           Vegetal; Top Buddleja RHS at Wisley Gardens; Gold Medal Plantarium 2009.*                       For years, everyone has been asking for a buddleia with the habit of the
                                                                                                           Lo & Behold® series and the flower color of ‘Miss Ruby’. Through the magic of
           USDA 5-9, 2-2.5', gr 0.5, summer rebloomer
                                                                                                           plant breeding, it’s finally here. Lo & Behold® ‘Ruby Chip’ is larger than ‘Pink
           Item #: 07092 - 2 ¼" • 07094 - 4" • 07095 - Quick Turn                                          Micro Chip’, with bigger, more richly colored flowers. Developed by Megan
                                                                                                           Mathey of Spring Meadow.
            6 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Blue Chip Jr.’ (B. ‘Blue Chip Jr.’ pp#26,581, cbr#5620)                        USDA 5-9, 2.5', gr 0.5, summer rebloomer
           Smaller, less brittle, and much earlier blooming than the original ‘Blue Chip’,                 Item #: 05002 - 2 ¼" • 05004 - 4" • 05005 - Quick Turn
           with larger, bluer, more upright flowers and distinctive silvery foliage to boot.
           Great for mass plantings, containers, or mixed into perennial gardens. Developed
           by Dr. Dennis Werner of NCSU. Award: Silver Medal Plantarium 2015.*
           USDA 5-9, 1.5-2.5', gr 0.5, summer rebloomer                                        Lo & Behold® Series - Size, Bloom Onset, and Color Comparision
           Item #: 04632 - 2 ¼" • 04634 - 4" • 04635 - Quick Turn                              Bloom order:
                                                                                                      Early summer                                                          Mid-summer
             7 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Pink Micro Chip’                                                                                                                                                         3'
                 (B. ‘Pink Micro Chip’ pp#26,547, cbr#5621)                                                                                                                                           2'
           Developed by Dr. Dennis Werner of NCSU, this dwarf pink cultivar combines the
           garden-friendliness of perennials with buddleia’s summer-long bloom.*
                                                                                                              ip J
                                                                                                                  r.'            p'                ip
                                                                                                                                                                           ip'            e'
           USDA 5-9, 1.5-2', gr 0.5, summer rebloomer                                                                         Chi              y Ch                    e Ch            Haz
                                                                                                          e Ch           icro                ub                    'Blu            ple
                                                                                                      'Blu            k M                   R                                  'Pur
           Item #: 05872 - 2 ¼" • 05874 - 4" • 05875 - Quick Turn                                                'Pin

                                                                                               * These non-invasive inter-specific varieties are permitted for sale in Oregon and Washington State.   27



         “Miss” Series
         Another feather in the cap of NCSU’s Dr. Dennis Werner. This award-winning buddleia
         series is characterized by bright, saturated color, useful medium size (half that of
         conventional buddleia), and a graceful, garden-friendly habit.
                      1 ‘Miss Molly’ (B. pp#23,425, cbr#4446)
                     Easy to love! The deep red-pink of ‘Miss Molly’ is without peer, and may be
                     even more pronounced in the South.*
                     USDA 5-9, 4-5', gr 0.5, summer bloom
                     Item #: 04532 - 2 ¼" • 04534 - 4" • 04535 - Quick Turn

                      2 ‘Miss Pearl’ (B. pp#28,553, cbraf)
3                    ‘Miss Pearl’ pairs the same compact, well-branched habit and strong flowering
                     as its sisters with elegant, pure white flowers.*
                     USDA 5-9, 4-5', gr 0.5, summer bloom
                     Item #: 06722 - 2 ¼" • 06724 - 4" • 06725 - Quick Turn

                      3 ‘Miss Ruby’ (B. pp#19,950, cbr#3603)
                     ‘Miss Ruby’ is a sweetheart of a plant noted for its compact habit and
                     remarkable red-pink blooms. Award: RHS Award of Garden Merit.*
                     USDA 5-9, 4-5', gr 0.5, summer bloom
                     Item #: 07042 - 2 ¼" • 07044 - 4" • 07045 - Quick Turn

                      4 ‘Miss Violet’ (B. pp#28,448, cbr#5950)
                     ‘Miss Violet’ shares the commendable qualities of the three “Miss” buddleia,
                     but offers loads of irresistible bright purple-violet flowers. Award: DGA Green
                     Thumb, 2016.*
                     USDA 5-9, 4-5', gr 0.5, summer bloom
4                    Item #: 05842 - 2 ¼" • 05844 - 4" • 05845 - Quick Turn

28       * These non-invasive inter-specific varieties are permitted for sale in Oregon and Washington State.

 6                                                                                             7

 8                                                                                             9

PUGSTER® Series                                                                                            7 PUGSTER BLUE® (B. ‘SMNBDBT’ pp#28,794, cbraf)
A whole new look for butterfly bush! Pugster® buddleia are the first to combine dwarf                     Finally, a better blue! Enticing dark violet-blue flower heads and a short, sturdy
habit with very large, highly fragrant blooms. Thick, sturdy stems increase hardiness,                    habit. Awards: 2018 Gold Medal Plantarium; 2018 Plantarium Best in Show.
making this series better suited to areas where other buddleia experience winter dieback.          10’
                                                                                                          2021 Flowering Shrub of the Year.
Easy and profitable in production, Pugster buddleia require minimal inputs, yet quickly                   USDA 5-9, 2', gr 0.5, summer rebloomer
develop into saleable, in-bloom plants.                                                                   Item #: 06944 - 4" • 06945 - Quick Turn
            5 PUGSTER PINKER™                  (B. ‘SMNBDB’ ppaf, cbraf)
           The Pugster butterfly bush breeding keeps on getting better and better, so this                 8 PUGSTER PERIWINKLE® (B. ‘SMNBDO’ pp#28,796, cbraf)
           selection, with deeper, richer pink flower color, replaces the older variety.                  Plump, periwinkle-purple flower heads cover this short, stocky shrub.
           USDA 5-9, 2' tall and 2-2.5' wide, gr 0.5                                               10’
                                                                                                          USDA 5-9, 2', gr 0.5, summer rebloomer
           summer bloom                                                                                   Item #: 06914 - 4" • 06915 - Quick Turn
           Item #: 04714 - 4" · 04715 - Quick Turn

                                                                                                           9 PUGSTER WHITE® (B. ‘SMNBDW’ pp#28,795, cbraf)
                                                                                                          Robust white flower spikes cover this short, durable shrub.
            6 PUGSTER® Amethyst (B. ‘SMNBDL’ pp#30,236, cbraf)                                            USDA 5-9, 2', gr 0.5, summer rebloomer
           Fantastic clear purple color and very densely-set florets give this cultivar            10’
                                                                                                          Item #: 06884 - 4"- • 06885 - Quick Turn
           serious appeal.
           USDA 5-9, 2', gr 0.5, summer rebloomer
           Item #: 06474 - 4" • 06475 - Quick Turn
                                                                                               Buddleia Series Size and Habit Comparision                                                      5’

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                                              Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com                                              29
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