HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

Page created by Eleanor Simpson
HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation




                                             FALL 2018 – S P R I N G 2019
                                         O F F I C I A L R E G U L AT I O N G U I D E
             DEPARTM EN T OF
         W ILD
               LIFE CONSE RVATION
                                    FLIP OVER for “Oklahoma Fishing” Regulations Guide
HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
The emerald ash borer threatens
     Oklahoma’s forests.
In 2016, Oklahoma had the first detection of the emerald ash borer. The emerald ash borer
is a highly destructive invasive insect that attacks Oklahoma’s native ash trees. The wood-
boring beetle has already killed millions of North American ash trees. Adults are metallic
green, about ½ inch long, and leave D-shaped exit holes in the tree. Moving firewood long
distances can potentially transport the emerald ash borer. Early detection of infestations is
the best defense for Oklahoma.

                       Photo courtesy of David Cappaert,

    Photo courtesy of Michigan Department of Agriculture,

  Report suspect findings to or (405) 522-5971.
                                                                        Photo courtesy of Steven Katovich, USDA Forest Service,
HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

    STATE OF OKLAHOMA                                                                               BIG GAME SEASONS
               Mary Fallin                                                                          Big Game Regulations�������������������������13
      COMMISSION                                                                                    Antelope�������������������������������������������������20
     John D. Groendyke, Enid               GENERAL
      Bill Brewster, Marietta
                                           INFORMATION                                              OTHER SPECIES
           Vice Chairman                   Regulation Changes������������������������������� 2     Mountain Lion���������������������������������������21
        Leigh Gaddis, Ada                  Licenses, Permits and Exemptions������ 4                Turkey�����������������������������������������������������22
                                           Field Tagging & Checking��������������������10          Upland Game Birds������������������������������24
    James V. Barwick, Edmond
                                           General Hunting Regulations��������������12             Migratory Game Birds��������������������������25
   Robert S. Hughes II, Bartlesville
     Bruce Mabrey, Okmulgee
                                           Hunter Orange Requirements�������������13               Small Game�������������������������������������������35
        Dan Robbins, Altus                 Hunter Education����������������������������������15    Feral Hog�����������������������������������������������35
       John P. Zelbst, Meers               Sunrise / Sunset Times������������������������39        Furbearer Hunting / Trapping��������������36
                                           OLAP Regulations��������������������������������40      Reptile / Amphibian Regulations��������38
 OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT                       Department-Managed Area Rules�����42
OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION                   Wildlife Department Offices�����������������62          SPECIAL
               J.D. Strong                 Partners in Conservation���������Appendix               REGULATIONS
                                           Game Wardens�������������������������Appendix           Public Hunting Lands���������������������������45
       Melinda Sturgess-Streich
           Assistant Director of
         Administration & Finance
                Wade Free
    Assistant Director of Operations
              Alan Peoples
          Chief, Wildlife Division
                                                                        OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION
              Barry Bolton
         Chief, Fisheries Division
             Nels Rodefeld
                                                                        FISH & WILDLIFE REGULATIONS APP
 Chief, Information & Education Division                                DOWNLOAD FREE TODAY!
                 Bill Hale
    Chief, Law Enforcement Division                                     Available on iPhone & Android
             Skylar St.Yves
                   Editor                                                         Visit us at
                Ron Smith
      Senior Biologist & Co-Editor

 Michael Chrisman, Nathan Erdman,
   Wade Farrar, Josh Richardson,
            Jerry Shaw

            Cover photo by
              Colin Berg

                                             This booklet is a summary of Titles 29 and 800 of the Oklahoma Statutes governing fish and wildlife laws as
                                             established by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission. It is not a legal document. For a complete
               OKLAHOMA                      listing of official regulations, you can check out copies of current Oklahoma statutes through your local
                                             library, visit the Oklahoma Secretary of State’s web site at and click on the “Administrative
                                             Rules” tab, or visit and click on “OK Statutes and Constitution.”

                 DEPARTM EN T OF
             W ILD
                   LIFE CONSE RVATION
                                                                        2018-2019 OKLAHOMA HUNTING GUIDE                                                                1
HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

                 REGULATION CHANGES FOR 2018-2019
                 The following are brief descriptions of regulation changes for the 2018-2019 seasons.
                 This summary of regulation changes is intended to be used as a reference only. You are
                 required to be familiar with all the changes to regulations that apply to each of these items.

                 • Fall Turkey Gun: The following                • Kaw WMA: Trapping - those lands
                   counties are now open to fall turkey            north of River Road on the Arkansas
                   gun tom-only harvest: Cleveland,                River Arm and north of Ferguson Road
                   Garvin, Johnston, Lincoln, Marshall,            on the Beaver Creek Arm are also
                                                                                                                       Williamstown, MA | Birmingham, AL
                   McClain, Oklahoma, Pontotoc and                 open to statewide trapping methods
                   Pottawatomie.                                   from Jan. 1 - Feb. 28. See page 53.
                 • NEW Arbuckle Springs WMA:                     • Packsaddle WMA: Rail and gallinule
                   Public hunting area. See page 45.               are same as statewide seasons. See

                                                                                                                  About This Guide
                                                                   page 56.
                 • Legal Firearms: Clips or magazines
                   of all .22 caliber firearms are no longer     • Schultz WMA: Spring turkey hunting
                   restricted to a maximum of seven                hours close at 7:00 p.m. daily. See
                   rounds of ammunition. There is no               page 58.
                   maximum rounds of ammunition
                                                                 • Shorb WMA: Spring turkey hunting               This high-quality guide is offered to you
                                                                   hours close at 7:00 p.m. daily. See            by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife
                 • Raccoon: Beginning Dec. 1, 2018,                page 58.                                       Conservation through its unique partner-
                   there is no daily/season bag limit. See
                                                                 • Waurika Lake Corps of Engineers                ship with J.F. Griffin Publishing, LLC.
                   page 36.
                                                                   Land: Spring turkey season is same
                 • Squirrel: Daily bag limit increased             as statewide seasons.                          The revenue generated through ad sales
                   to 25. Possession limit after first day                                                        significantly lowers production costs and
                                                                 • Deep Fork NWR: Spring turkey is                generates savings. These savings translate
                   increased to 50. See page 35.
                                                                   controlled hunts only. Rabbit open
                                                                                                                  into additional funds for other important
                 • Altus-Lugert WMA: Deer Gun                      Dec. 1 - Jan. 31. Deer archery -
                   open the first nine days only. Closed           contact Refuge for special restrictions.       agency programs.
                   to antlerless hunting. Archery,                 Pursuit with hounds is open Dec. 1             If you have any feedback or are inter-
                   shotguns with slugs and muzzloading             - Jan. 31, squirrel, rabbit and raccoon
                                                                                                                  ested in advertising, please contact us at
                   equipment only. Youth Deer Gun                  only. Waterfowl - contact Refuge for
                   closed to antlerless hunting. Archery,          special restrictions. See page 49.             413.884.1001 or at
                   shotguns with slugs and muzzloading
                                                                 • Ozark Plateau NWR: All hunting                            Graphic Design:
                   equipment only. See page 45.
                                                                   seasons are closed.                               Jon Gulley, Dane Fay, John Corey,
                 • Grady County WMA: The following
                                                                 • Shotgun Pellet Size: No person in                 Evelyn Haddad, Chris Sobolowski
                   seasons are same as statewide
                                                                   the field may possess or attempt to
                   dates, except closed during deer
                                                                   harvest any wildlife, except waterfowl
                   muzzleloader season and the first
                                                                   and crane, with a shotgun using shot
                   nine days of deer gun season: Turkey
                                                                   larger than #4 buckshot. See page 12.
                   Fall Gun, Quail, Squirrel, Rabbit,
                   Crow, Dove, Rail and Gallinule, Snipe,        • Oklahoma Self-Defense Act: Under
                   Woodcock, Trapping, Pursuit with                the provisions of this act, a person may
                   Hounds, Predator/Furbearer Calling              carry a firearm on any private or public
                   and Waterfowl. See page 51.                     state lands. See page 12.

                                                    HUNTING DAYS:
                                                    SEPT. 1-2, 2018
                                                     Do you know someone who wants to try hunting?                      This guide is also
                                                     Take them afield the first weekend in September. No
                                                     hunting license is required for Oklahoma residents                 available online at
Kurt Kuklinski

                                                     on Free Hunting Days! Introduce someone to hunting
                                                     this season!

2                                                              2018-2019 OKLAHOMA HUNTING GUIDE
HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
Shooters & Hunters:
                Help Prevent Wildfires.

        he target shooting and hunting
        community prides itself on being safe         •   Make it a point to know the
        and responsible with firearms in all              regulations and rules related to
situations—from using them outdoors to storing            shooting in areas experiencing dry
them safely at home. Sometimes, however,                  and hot conditions, whether on public
unusual conditions such as extremely dry                  or private land or at shooting ranges.
environments require an extra level of awareness          Many national forests, for example, do
and safety on the part of shooters.                       not allow recreational shooting when
Wildfires have many possible causes. The National         fire restrictions are in effect.
Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association     •   Consider the type of ammunition and
for the firearms and ammunition industry, reminds         targets you are using. Minimize the
all shooters that during dry and hot weather              risk of fires by not using steel-jacketed
conditions their use of certain ammunition and
                                                          ammunition, ammunition with steel-core
targets could accidentally ignite a wildfire. NSSF
                                                          components, tracer rounds or exploding
reminds all target shooters and hunters, as well
                                                          targets in fire-prone areas.
as other outdoor enthusiasts, to consider the
potential consequences of their activities in fire-   •   Remember that equipment, such as
prone environments.                                       cars and ATVs, can have extremely
                                                          hot exhaust systems that could
                                                          ignite dry vegetation, so park only in
                                                          designated areas.
                                                      •   Extinguish and dispose of smoking
                                                          materials safely.
                                                      •   Follow guidelines to extinguish
                                                      •   Warn others of potential dangers and
                                                          behaviors for starting wildfires.
                                                      •   Report any wildfire you see to
                                                      •   Spread this message to other target
                                                          shooters, hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.

HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

    Hunting Licenses
      License requirements are listed by game animal throughout this book. For many wildlife species a “hunting license” is one of those require-
    ments. There are many different types of “hunting licenses” that meet this requirement, and rather than listing all of them with every species,
    we have listed them below. So, if a “hunting license” is required, you must possess any one of the following:

      • Annual Hunting License
      • Annual Combination Hunting/Fishing License
      • Annual Youth Hunting License
      • Annual Youth Combination Hunting/Fishing License
      • Fiscal-Year Hunting License
      • Fiscal-Year Combination Hunting/Fishing License
      • Fiscal-Year Youth Hunting License
                                                                             IF YOU ARE A NONRESIDENT
      • Fiscal-Year Youth Combination Hunting/Fishing License
                                                                             A “HUNTING LICENSE” IS ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:
      • 5-Year Hunting License
      • 5-Year Combination Hunting/Fishing License                              • Nonresident Annual Hunting License
      • 5-Year Disability Hunting License                                       • Nonresident Fiscal-Year Hunting License
      • Lifetime Hunting License                                                • Nonresident 5-Day Hunting License
      • Lifetime Combination Hunting/Fishing License                         Note: Nonresidents who hold a resident lifetime license
      • Lifetime Disabled Veteran Combination Hunting/Fishing                (hunting or combination) have the same exemptions as a resi-
        License (under 60 percent disability)                                dent lifetime license-holder.
      • Lifetime Disabled Veteran Combination Hunting/Fishing                The Nonresident Lifetime Hunting, Nonresident Lifetime Combination
        License (60 percent or more disability)                              Hunting/Fishing, Lifetime Nonresident Small Game Hunting and Lifetime
      • Lifetime Senior Citizen Hunting License                              Nonresident Combination Small Game Hunting/Fishing licenses are no
      • Lifetime Senior Citizen Combination Hunting/Fishing                  longer available for purchase. However, these licenses are honored
                                                                             for people already possessing one.

                                                        RESIDENT VS. NONRESIDENT
                                                        What’s the difference?
                                                        A “Resident” is any individual who has an established residence in Oklahoma for
                                                        a period of not less than 60 consecutive days immediately preceding the date the
                                                        application for a license is submitted. (Note: For the lifetime, senior, and 5-year licenses,
                                                                      the period of residency must be six months or more. For lifetime and senior
                                                                      lifetime, applicants must intend to remain Oklahoma residents as specified
                                                         OK    on application.) The burden of establishing proof of residency is on the person
     Using Our Obsession to Preserve Yours!                   claiming residency status. A person holding a valid driver license shall be deemed
                                                              to be a resident of the state issuing the license or permit.
                                                        For a valid Oklahoma driver license to be used as the sole source of proof of residency,
                                                        it shall have been issued not less than 60 days prior to submission of the application. If a
                                                        person does not hold a valid driver license, the Department may consider other reliable
                                                        documentation for establishing proof of residency including, but not limited to, resident
                                                        income tax returns, voter registration, motor vehicle or vessel registrations, and other
                                                        public records documenting residence.
                                                        Residency status of children younger than 18 is presumed to be that of the custodial
                                                        parent, including a custodial parent when there is a joint custody order and the physical
                                                        custody of the child is shared by both parents, or legal guardian unless otherwise
                                                        documented. Ownership or possession of real property in the state by a person residing
                                                        outside the state shall not qualify the person as a resident. A person is
                                                        not entitled to claim multiple states of residence, with the exception of
                                                        active-duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces, and any dependents,
                                                        when applying for annual licenses.
                             Waterfowl • Upland                                                                                          KS
                                                                                                                                        TX    AR

                                   Turkeys              A “Nonresident” is any individual who is a resident of another state or
                                                        who has resided in Oklahoma for a period of less than 60 days, regardless
                             Small & Large Game         of whether he or she intends to make Oklahoma his or her home.
                              Shoulder Mounts
                                 to Life Size

    105 Pecan St, Kaw City, OK 580-269-2718                             All active-duty U.S. military personnel regardless of duty station or
                                                                        state of residency along with their dependents may purchase any
                                                                        resident annual license with documentation of active-duty status.
HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
I’m a Resident Hunter. What Licenses Do I Need?
          This is a reference chart only. Please read through this guide for complete information about hunter education, license requirements, and exemp-
       tions. This chart does not apply to good-for-life licenses such as the lifetime hunting or senior citizen licenses. See page 9 for information on lifetime
       licenses exemptions.

        Species Hunted                                              License(s) residents need:
        Deer: Archery                                               Hunting license & Deer archery license for each deer hunted (must be valid for the current calendar year)
        Deer: Youth Gun                                             All: Youth deer gun license (antlered or antlerless) for each deer hunted. In addition:
                                                                     • 16-17 years old: hunting license
                                                                     • Younger than 16: exempt from hunting license
                                                                     • Youths may also harvest a turkey in counties having a fall rifle turkey season, provided the hunter has a Fall
                                                                        turkey license.
        Deer: Muzzleloader                                          Hunting license & Deer muzzleloader license (antlered or antlerless) for each deer hunted
        Deer: Gun                                                   Hunting license & Deer gun license (antlered or antlerless) for each deer hunted
        Deer: Holiday Antlerless                                    Hunting license & Holiday antlerless deer gun license
        Elk                                                         Hunting license & Elk license for each elk hunted and written landowner permission
        Antelope                                                    Hunting license & Antelope license for each antelope hunted and written landowner permission
        Bear: Archery                                               Hunting license & Bear license (Must be purchased prior to the start of archery season.)
        Bear: Muzzleloader                                          Hunting license & Bear license
                                                                    (must be purchased prior to the start of muzzleloader season).
                                                                    An unfilled bear archery license is also valid
        Squirrel, Rabbit or Prairie Dog                             Hunting license
        Hog (feral swine)                                           No hunting license is required to pursue hog, except on public lands (see page 35 for public land information.)
                                                                    However, individuals pursuing hog on private land during any open big game gun or muzzleloader seasons
                                                                    must have the appropriate license for that season.
        Quail & Pheasant                                            Hunting license
        Turkey: Fall Archery                                        Hunting license & Fall turkey license
        Turkey: Fall Gun                                            Hunting license & Fall turkey license
        Turkey: Youth Spring                                        Hunting license & Spring turkey license
        Turkey: Spring                                              Hunting license & Spring turkey license for each bird hunted
        Dove, Rail (sora & Virginia), Gallinule (purple gallinule   Hunting license & HIP (Harvest Information Program) permit
        & common moorhen), Woodcock, Common Snipe
        Teal, Resident Canada Goose,                                Hunting license & HIP (Harvest Information Program) permit & State Waterfowl Stamp & Federal Migratory Bird
        Waterfowl (Ducks, Geese)                                    Stamp

                                                                        Join like your way of life depends on it!


BTI AD_JFPublishing_SixthPg_BB_OkComboIssue_April2018.indd
                                               4/25/2018 4:32:11
                                                           1     PM
HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

    Licenses and Permits are Valid From Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 (Unless Otherwise Noted)
     	All of these licenses or permits are valid from July 1 to June 30, annually.                         	May be purchased by senior citizens who will turn 65 years old or older during the current
       These licenses are valid for five (5) years from date of purchase.                                     calendar year.
     	Available online and through ODWC headquarters.                                                      	Bear licenses have purchase deadlines. See page 21 for more information.

                                                                                      Resident License Costs
                                                                                      (see page 4 for residency requirements)

                                     License / Permit                                          Cost                                      License / Permit                                      Cost
    Resident Annual Hunting                                                                     $25        Resident Bear                                                                       $101
    Resident Combination Hunting/Fishing                                                        $42        Turkey (spring or fall)                                                              $10
    Resident Youth Hunting (valid for 16 & 17 years old only)                                    $5        Fur License (Bobcat - Raccoon - River Otter - Gray/Red Fox)
    Resident Youth Combination Hunting/Fishing                                                             (valid from Dec. 1 - Feb. 28)
    (valid for 16 & 17 years old only)                                                                     Resident Annual Trapping (valid from Dec. 1 - Feb. 28)                               $10
    Resident Fiscal-Year Hunting            (valid July 1 to June 30)                           $32        Oklahoma Waterfowl (waterfowl stamp)                                                 $10
    Resident Fiscal-Year Combination Hunting/Fishing                                            $53        Federal Duck Stamp (at post office or                                 $25
    (valid July 1 to June 30)
                                                                                                           Federal Harvest Information Program (HIP Permit) Free online                          $3
    Resident Youth Fiscal-Year Hunting                                                           $7
    (valid for 16 & 17 years old only, valid July 1 to June 30)                                            Federal Sandhill Crane Permit Free online                                             $3

    Resident Youth Fiscal-Year Combination Hunting/Fishing                                                 Resident 5-Year Hunting                                                              $88
    (valid for 16 & 17 years old only, valid July 1 to June 30)                                                                                                                                $148
                                                                                                           Resident 5-Year Combination Hunting/Fishing
    Resident Disability Hunting (see page 8 for details)                                        $10        Lifetime Hunting                                                                    $625
    Resident Deer Archery                                                                       $20        Lifetime Combination Hunting/Fishing                                                $775
    Resident Deer Muzzleloader (antlered)                                                       $20                                                                                             $15
                                                                                                           Lifetime Senior Citizen Hunting
    Resident Deer Muzzleloader (antlerless)                                                     $20
                                                                                                           Lifetime Senior Citizen Combination Hunting/Fishing                                  $25
    Resident Deer Gun (antlered)                                                                $20
                                                                                                           Lifetime Disabled Veteran Combination Hunting/Fishing
    Resident Deer Gun (antlerless)                                                              $20                                                                                            $200
                                                                                                           (under 60 percent disability)
    Resident Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun                                                        $20        Lifetime Disabled Veteran Combination Hunting/Fishing
    Resident Youth Deer Archery (under 18)                                                      $10        (60 percent or more disability)
    Resident Youth Muzzleloader (antlered) (under 18)                                           $10        Annual Wildlife Conservation Passport (permit does not provide
                                                                                                           hunting or fishing privileges)
    Resident Youth Muzzleloader (antlerless) (under 18)                                         $10
                                                                                                           3-Day Wildlife Conservation Passport (permit does not provide hunt-
    Resident Youth Deer Gun (antlered) (under 18)                                               $10                                                                                             $15
                                                                                                           ing or fishing privileges)
    Resident Youth Deer Gun (antlerless) (under 18)                                             $10        Land Access Permit (Honobia Creek WMA & Three Rivers WMA)                            $40
    Resident Youth Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun (under 18)                                       $10        3-Day Resident Special Use Land Access Permit
    Resident Elk                                                                                $51        (for nonhunting/nonfishing users at Honobia & Three Rivers WMA)
    Resident Antelope                                                                           $51        5-Day Rattlesnake Permit (see page 8 for details)                                     $5

                                                                               Nonresident License Costs
                                                                                  (see page 4 for definition of nonresident)

                                     License / Permit                                          Cost                                      License / Permit                                      Cost
    Nonresident Annual Hunting (not valid for antelope, bear, deer or elk)                     $142        Nonresident Antelope                                                                $306
    Nonresident Fiscal-Year Hunting                                                                        Nonresident Bear                                                                    $506
    (not valid for antelope, bear, deer or elk)                                                            Turkey (spring or fall)                                                             $10
    Nonresident 5-Day Hunting                                                                              Fur License (Bobcat - Raccoon - River Otter - Gray/Red Fox)
                                                                                                $75                                                                                            $51
    (not valid for antelope, bear, deer, elk, turkey or quail)                                             (valid from Dec. 1 - Feb. 28)
    Nonresident Deer Archery (valid from Oct. 1 - Jan. 15)                                     $300        Trapping (available only through ODWC headquarters)
    Nonresident Deer Muzzleloader                                                              $300        (valid from Dec. 1 - Feb. 28)

    Nonresident Deer Gun                                                                       $300        Oklahoma Waterfowl (waterfowl stamp)                                                $10

    Nonresident Youth Deer Archery Either Sex                                                              Federal Duck Stamp (at post office or                                $25
    (valid from Oct. 1 - Jan. 15)                                                                          Federal Harvest Information Program (HIP Permit) Free online                         $3
    Nonresident Youth Deer Archery Antlerless                                                              Federal Sandhill Crane Permit Free online                                            $3
    (valid from Oct. 1 - Jan. 15)
                                                                                                           Land Access Permit (Honobia Creek WMA & Three Rivers WMA)                           $85
    Nonresident Youth Muzzleloader Either Sex                                                  $100
                                                                                                           Annual Wildlife Conservation Passport (permit does not provide
    Nonresident Youth Muzzleloader Antlerless                                                   $31                                                                                            $26
                                                                                                           hunting or fishing privileges)
    Nonresident Youth Deer Gun Either Sex                                                      $100        3-Day Wildlife Conservation Passport (permit does not provide hunt-
                                                                                                           ing or fishing privileges)
    Nonresident Youth Deer Gun Antlerless                                                       $31
    Nonresident Elk                                                                            $306        5-Day Rattlesnake Permit (see page 8 for details)                                    $5

6                                                                     2018-2019 OKLAHOMA HUNTING GUIDE
HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
Anyone buying a hunting or season specific license who has not
completed Hunter Education Certification will have the hunter
education number on that particular license designated as
apprentice. An individual who is in possession of an “apprentice-
designated” license must abide by accompanying hunter require-
ments. For those requirements as well as apprentice-designated
qualifications, see below:
• Hunters 30 and younger: Anyone who is not Hunter
  Education-certified may buy a hunting license that is
  apprentice-designated. Such hunters must abide by
  accompanying hunter requirements.
• Hunters 9 and younger: Anyone who is not Hunter
  Education-certified may buy a hunting license that is
  apprentice-designated. Such hunters must abide by
  accompanying hunter requirements.
• Accompanying hunter requirements: A person 18
  or older who is licensed (unless exempt) and Hunter
  Education-certified (unless exempt). For big game hunting,
  an accompanying hunter must be within arm’s length of
  the apprentice hunter or close enough to take immediate
  control of the firearm or bow of the apprentice. For small
  game hunting, the accompanying hunter must be within
  sight of and able to communicate with the apprentice in a
  normal voice without aid.
• Anyone 31 or older is not required to have Hunter
  Education Certification to buy a hunting license.

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  and many more!                                                                       The hunting trip of a lifetime!

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HUNTIN G OKLAHOMA - FALL 2018-SPRING 2019 OFFICIAL REGULATION GUIDE - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

    Fiscal-Year Licenses                                     Land Access Permits
       The fiscal year licenses (hunting, combination,          A $40 annual land access permit is required           PASSPORT OR LICENSE?
    youth hunting, youth combination, nonresident            of all residents who hunt or fish on Honobia
                                                                                                                      People who use Department-owned areas
    hunting) are valid from July 1 to June 30. These         Creek and Three Rivers WMAs, unless exempt.
                                                                                                                      for nonhunting or nonfishing activities,
    licenses cover many hunting seasons that extend          Nonresidents are required to purchase a $85
                                                                                                                      such as birdwatching or photography,
    beyond the calendar year.                                annual permit, no exemptions.
                                                                                                                      are required to have either a Wildlife
                                                                A $10, 3-day special use land access permit
    Resident 5-Year Hunting License                                                                                   Conservation Passport or any current
                                                             is available to residents for non-hunting and
    or 5-Year Combination                                                                                             hunting or fishing license issued by the
                                                             non-fishing related activities. Individuals who
    Hunting / Fishing License                                                                                         Wildlife Department.
                                                             possess the $40 annual land access permit are
       Persons who have been residents of Oklahoma
                                                             exempt from the special use permit.                      Buying a hunting or fishing license can cost
    for at least six months may purchase a 5-year
                                                                Oklahoma residents who are under 18 years             less than buying a Wildlife Conservation
    hunting or 5-year combination hunting/fishing
                                                             of age on the first day of the current calendar          Passport. Plus, license holders are granted
    license. Holders of these licenses are exempt from
                                                             year or are 64 years old or older are exempt from        the privileges of that license and can enjoy
    the annual hunting license only. Holders of the
                                                             land access permit requirements.                         those activities during the license term.
    resident 5-year licenses who become residents
    of another state during the 5-year period of their       3-Day/Annual Wildlife                                    Persons under 16 years of age at the
    license may continue to use their license as a           Conservation Passport                                    start of the calendar year, and students
    nonresident annual hunting license. However,                The Wildlife Conservation Passport is required        and instructors participating in bona fide
    they must purchase any season-specific licenses,         on certain ODWC lands, although individu-                educational tours or activities sponsored
    such as antelope, bear, deer, elk or turkey, that are    als who possess any current hunting or fishing           or organized by an education institution or
    not covered by a resident annual hunting license.        license issued by the ODWC are exempt from               any other organized event sanctioned by
                                                             the passport.                                            and approved in advance by the Wildlife
    Lifetime Senior Citizen Hunting /                                                                                 Department are exempt from the Wildlife
    Combination License                                      Motor Vehicle Permit to Hunt from a                      Conservation Passport requirement.
       Residents born on or after Jan. 1, 1923, upon         Motorized Vehicle*
    reaching age 65 (or those who turn 65 during the            Use of a motor vehicle for hunting is intended
                                                                                                                      For a list of Wildlife Management Areas
    calendar year) are eligible to purchase a senior         only as a means of facilitating access. During the
                                                                                                                      and Fishing Areas where a passport
    citizen hunting license or combination hunting/          actual taking of any wildlife, the vehicle being
                                                                                                                      is required, visit
    fishing license which is valid for life. The license     used by the permittee must be stopped and the
    provides the same exemptions as a resident life-         engine must be turned off.
    time combination hunting/fishing license (see               A 5-year motor vehicle permit to hunt or take
    page 9). Anyone born before Jan. 1, 1923, is exempt      wildlife with the aid of a motor-driven vehicle
    but must carry proof of age such as a driver’s           on Department-managed lands may be issued
    license. Application available at wildlifedepart-        to residents having a permanent disability which Form must be signed by Wildlife                confines them to a wheelchair, or requires the use       REPLACE LICENSE
    Department employee before mailing.                      of crutches, a walker or other means of support
                                                             or assistance for body mobility as certified by a
    Disability Hunting License                               medical doctor licensed to practice in Oklahoma          If you lose your hunting license or hunter
       Persons who have resided in Oklahoma for
                                                             or any state which borders this state.                   education certification card, don’t despair!
    at least six months and who are receiving So-
                                                                Use of a vehicle on Department-managed                You may now request a replacement online
    cial Security disability, Supplemental Security
                                                             lands by a motor vehicle permittee is authorized         at the Department’s website.
    Income benefits, or persons receiving disability
                                                             only on roads or trails specifically designated as
    benefits under the Federal Railroad Retirement                                                                    To get a replacement application form,
                                                             open for such activity. Off-road travel by a motor
    Act or the Multiple Injury Trust Fund may pur-                                                                    just log on to and
                                                             vehicle permittee is prohibited.
    chase a 5-year disability hunting license for $10.                                                                click on “License.” Then select the type of
    Applicants for this license are urged to ask for         Non-ambulatory Permit to Hunt from                       license or card you wish to replace. Fill out
    a Benefits Verification Statement from Social            a Motorized Vehicle*                                     the application form and mail it to us, along
    Security at (800) 772-1213. Application avail-              Use of a motor vehicle for hunting is intended        with the appropriate fee.
    able at Must include             only as a means of facilitating access. During the
    paperwork specified in application.                      actual taking of any wildlife, the vehicle being
                                                             used by the permittee must be stopped and the
    Lifetime Disabled Veteran                                engine must be turned off.
    Combination Hunting / Fishing                               A 5-year non-ambulatory permit to hunt or
    License*                                                                                                       during an organized rattlesnake hunting event
                                                             take wildlife with the aid of a motor-driven ve-
       This license is available to resident disabled                                                              or festival must have a rattlesnake permit, un-
                                                             hicle on Department-managed lands may be
    veterans, as certified by the Department of Veter-                                                             less exempt.
                                                             issued to residents who are unable to walk due
    ans Affairs. For veterans with a disability of less                                                               Persons with a valid hunting or combination
                                                             to a single or double leg amputation, paralysis
    than 60 percent, the cost of the license is $200.                                                              hunting/fishing license are exempt from the
                                                             of lower extremity(ies) and/or disease or injury
    For veterans with a disability of 60 percent or                                                                rattlesnake permit.
                                                             and are confined to the use of a wheelchair as
    more, the cost of the license is $25.                                                                             Permits are available by calling (405) 521-3852,
                                                             their primary source of mobility, as certified by a
       The license provides the same exemptions as                                                                 online at, or at any
                                                             medical doctor licensed to practice in Oklahoma,
    a resident lifetime combination hunting/fishing                                                                hunting or fishing license dealer.
                                                             or any state which borders this state.
    license (see page 9).
                                                                Off-road use of a vehicle on Department-man-       Tribal Compact Licenses
    Harvest Information Program                              aged lands by a non-ambulatory permittee is             For tribal compact licenses, visit wildlifede-
    (HIP) Permit                                             authorized only on lands specifically designated
        A Harvest Information Program (HIP) permit           as open for such activity. Maps of areas open to
    is required of all migratory bird hunters, except        off-road use may be obtained from Department
                                                                                                                   Federal Sandhill Crane Permit
                                                                                                                      All crane hunters must possess a $3 fed-
    those exempt from a hunting license.                     headquarters in Oklahoma City.
                                                                                                                   eral sandhill crane permit (valid July 1 to
        The permit is valid from July 1 through the
                                                             5-Day Rattlesnake Permit                              the following June 30). Permits are available
    following June 30, and may be obtained free of
                                                                Any person hunting, pursuing, trapping, har-       from any Oklahoma hunting license dealer.
    charge at or is available
                                                             assing, catching, killing, taking, or attempting to   Permits also are available free of charge at
    at all state hunting license dealer locations for $3.
                                                             take in any manner any species of rattlesnake

8                                                           2018-2019 OKLAHOMA HUNTING GUIDE

                                                     Disability                                             citizen hunting, resident senior citizen combi-
Residents                                               Residents having a proven permanent disability      nation or lifetime disabled veteran license may
Under 16 Years of Age                                which renders them non-ambulatory and confines         still use the license with all the same privileges.
   Residents under 16 years of age are exempt        them to a wheelchair, as certified by a medical        Those privileges are listed on this page in the
from the purchase of the hunting license, fed-       doctor, are exempt from the hunting license.           “residents” column.
eral duck stamp, Oklahoma waterfowl license,
                                                     Proof of Exemption                                     Nonresident Lifetime Licenses
Wildlife Conservation Passport, land access
                                                       Proof of exemption from a license or permit             Nonresidents who hold a nonresident life-
permit and HIP requirements.
                                                     must be carried while in the field.                    time hunting or combination license are ex-
Under 18 Years of Age                                                                                       empt from the purchase of a nonresident annual
                                                     Veterans Affairs Disability Exemptions
  Any person under 18 years of age in the                                                                   hunting license. To hunt antelope, bear, deer or
                                                       Resident disabled veterans with 60 percent or
physical custody of a child-care facility is ex-                                                            elk, nonresident lifetime license holders must
                                                     more disability. Call State Department of Veter-
empt from the purchase of a hunting license.                                                                purchase a nonresident antelope, bear, deer or
                                                     ans Affairs, (888) 655-2838 to acquire proof of
  Also, any person under 18 years of age is                                                                 elk license.
exempt from the Wildlife Conservation Pass-                                                                    The owner of a nonresident lifetime license must
port and land access permit.                         Nonresidents                                           purchase a nonresident annual hunting license in
                                                                                                            addition to a turkey license to hunt turkey.
64 Years Old or Older                                Under 14 Years of Age
                                                                                                               Nonresident lifetime license holders need
   Residents 64 years old or older are exempt          Nonresidents under 14 years of age are ex-
                                                                                                            the following for certain types of migratory
from the purchase of a land access permit and        empt from the purchase of a hunting license,
                                                                                                            bird hunting: a HIP permit to hunt migratory
HIP requirements (including those who will           HIP requirements and federal duck stamp.
                                                                                                            game birds, a federal sandhill crane permit to
turn 64 during the calendar year in which they
                                                     Under 16 Years of Age                                  hunt sandhill cranes, a federal duck stamp
intend to hunt migratory birds). Residents 65
                                                        Nonresidents under 16 years of age are ex-          and an Oklahoma waterfowl license to hunt
years old or older are exempt from the purchase
                                                     empt from the purchase of the federal duck             waterfowl.
of the Oklahoma waterfowl license.
                                                     stamp and HIP requirements.
Lifetime Licenses
                                                     Under 18 Years of Age                                     There are no license or permit exemptions
(Hunting, Combination, Senior Citizen &
                                                        Any person under 18 years of age in the physi-      for nonresident landowners.
Disabled Veteran)
                                                     cal custody of an Oklahoma child-care facility is
   All resident holders of a lifetime hunting,                                                              Military Personnel
                                                     exempt from the purchase of a hunting license.
lifetime combination, senior citizen hunting ,                                                                 All active-duty U.S. military personnel re-
senior citizen combination or lifetime disabled      Lifetime Licenses held by former residents             gardless of duty station or state of residency
veteran combination hunting/fishing license             Nonresidents who formerly lived in Okla-            along with their dependents may purchase any
are exempt from the purchase of the annual           homa and purchased a resident lifetime hunting,        resident annual license with documentation of
hunting license; deer, elk, antelope and turkey      resident lifetime combination, resident senior         active-duty status.
licenses; Oklahoma waterfowl license, trapping
license and the fur license.
   Holders of these lifetime licenses are not
exempt from the purchase of the federal duck
stamp, bear licenses, land access permit, HIP
requirements or federal sandhill crane permit,
unless exempt by age as listed above.
Landowners or Tenants
   Resident landowners or tenants who hunt only
on land owned or agriculturally leased by them
(not including hunting leases) are exempt from the         QUIK-CHANGE II ™
hunting license. Resident landowners who hunt              Our Innovative, Interchangeable
waterfowl and other migratory game birds only              Fixed Blade Cutlery System
on their own property are exempt from the Okla-
homa waterfowl license and HIP requirements.
   Only resident landowners or tenants or such                                                  7” FILLET
individuals’ children who trap on land owned
or agriculturally leased by such owners or ag-                                          5” FILLET
ricultural lessees (not including hunting leases)
are exempt from purchasing a trapping license.                                    3” SERRATED
   Persons residing in another state who own                                       3” GUT HOOK COMBO
land in Oklahoma but do not live on that land
are considered nonresidents and are not exempt.
Landowners or Agricultural Lessees
   Landowners or agricultural lessees who kill
bobcats, raccoons, gray/red foxes or river otters
actually found destroying livestock or poultry
are exempt from the purchase of the fur license.
   No landowner or agricultural lessee who
takes these species under the depredation ex-
emption may remove any part of the fur or un-
skinned carcass from the premises where taken.
   Landowners or agricultural lessees taking
furbearers in open season with intent to sell
must possess a fur license. This license is not
required for those who run or chase furbearers
with dogs but do not take.
                                                          © 2018 Havalon Knives


     Field Tagging and Checking Requirements
     Field Tagging Requirements                          Checking Requirements                               Deer Processors
        All hunters (including lifetime license hold-       All deer and elk must be checked within 24          Deer hunters can find a list of deer process-
     ers) who harvest a deer or elk must immediately     hours of leaving the hunt area through one of the   ing sites online at Many
     attach their name, license number, and date and     options listed below. All turkeys must also be      deer processors participate in the Hunters Against
     time of harvest securely to the carcass. Annual     checked within 24 hours of leaving the hunt area,   Hunger program, which allows hunters who legally
     license holders who harvest deer or elk must        and in all cases prior to processing the carcass.   harvest a deer during any deer season to donate the
     also complete the “Record of Game” section on          Deer, elk and turkey must be E-Checked           meat to feed hungry Oklahomans.
     the license form.                                   online at, or with
        All hunters (including lifetime license hold-    an authorized Department employee. Once
     ers) who harvest a turkey must immediately          checked, the animal will be issued a carcass
     attach their name and license number securely       tag or an online confirmation number. This tag
     to the carcass. Annual license holders must also    or number must remain with the carcass to its
     include the date and time of harvest with their     final destination or through processing and/
     field tag and complete the “Record of Game”         or storage at commercial processing or stor-
     section on the license form.                        age facilities. Deer and elk carcasses may be
        All hunters (including lifetime license hold-    checked in quartered with sex organs naturally
     ers) who harvest an antelope must immediately       attached and head accompanying the carcass.
     attach their name and license number securely          All antelope must be checked within 24
     to the carcass. Annual license holders who har-     hours of leaving the hunt area at an open
     vest antelope must also complete the “Record        check station in Cimarron or Texas counties
     of Game” section on the license form. Antelope      (see page 20), or with an authorized Depart-
     hunters participating in controlled hunts must      ment employee assigned to one of the counties
     also include the date and time of harvest on        where antelope are hunted. Once checked, the
     the field tag.                                      antelope will be issued a carcass tag that must
        All field tags can be any item, so long as       remain with the carcass to its final destination
     the tag contains the required information. The      or through processing and/or storage at com-
     information must remain attached to the carcass     mercial processing or storage facilities. The
     until it is checked.                                head must remain attached to the carcass until
        Field tagging requirements for bear are listed   the antelope is checked.
     on page 21.                                            Checking requirements for bear are listed
                                                         on page 21.

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      GUIDED QUAIL HUNTS                                                                                                              Hunt Quail
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                                                             PROTECT OKLAHOMA TREES FROM INSECTS
                                                             AND DISEASES THAT TRAVEL IN FIREWOOD

                                                    • Leave firewood at home. Don’t transport it to campsites.

                                                         • Burn all firewood before leaving campsites. Leftover
                                                              firewood can house unwanted insects and disease.

                                                                                               • Use locally cut firewood.

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                       F O RE S T R Y

                                                                                                      or visit


       RI C           FO
            ULT URE •


     Computer-Aided Hunting                                     All persons are prohibited from entering land             Shooting From Road
       The use of computer software or services                 owned by another without permission for the                  Shooting from or across any public road, high-
     that allow a person, not physically present, to            sole purpose of retrieving domestic livestock or          way (or right-of-way) or railroad right-of-way is
     remotely control a firearm or weapon to hunt               other animals.                                            prohibited. Public roadways are defined as any
     any live animal or bird is prohibited.                        Consent is not valid for more than one year,           governmental or corporate roadways where ve-
                                                                unless the owner, lessee, or occupant specifically        hicular traffic is not restricted and the roadway is
     Dogs For Hunting                                           grants consent for a specified period of time.            routinely used by the general public.
        Dogs may not be used in taking bear, deer,
     elk, antelope and turkey.                                  Oklahoma Self-Defense Act                                 Shotgun Pellet Size
        Except as otherwise provided, nothing shall                Under the provisions of this act, a person may           No person in the field may possess or attempt to
     prohibit the year-round pursuit of game (species           carry a firearm on any private or public state lands.     harvest any wildlife, except waterfowl and crane,
     that can be lawfully hunted with dogs) for dog             This includes, but is not limited to, while hunt-         with a shotgun using shot larger than #4 buckshot.
     training or sport only. However, unless otherwise          ing, fishing, scouting and tracking. Federal lands        Hogs are not considered wildlife; see page 35 for
     provided, no person in pursuit of game with hunt-          such as Corps of Engineers or National Wildlife           shotgun provisions for hogs.
     ing dogs outside the regular harvest season shall          Refuges are subject to additional regulations that
                                                                                                                          Suppressors (Silencers)
     possess the means to harvest such game.                    may prevent the provisions of this act.
                                                                                                                             Hunters are allowed to use legally acquired and
     Final Destination                                          Possessing Wildlife                                       possessed suppressors to hunt game animals, game
        For purposes of pheasant, turkey, bear, deer,              No person may possess any game bird, animal            or nongame birds on both private and public lands.
     elk, Eurasian collared dove and antelope, “final           or other wildlife, or portions thereof, that have
                                                                                                                          Taking of Wildlife
     destination” shall be the hunter’s residence or            been taken by another person unless written
                                                                                                                             No person, including but not limited to per-
     place of consumption.                                      information giving the taker’s name, address,
                                                                                                                          sons licensed for commercial hunting or wildlife
                                                                license number, date taken and the number and
     Headlighting / Spotlighting                                                                                          breeders, may hunt, chase, capture, shoot, shoot at,
                                                                kinds of game birds, animals or other wildlife,
         No person may attempt to take, take, attempt to                                                                  wound, attempt to take or take, attempt to kill or
                                                                is attached to the game birds, animal or other
     catch, catch, attempt to capture, capture, attempt to                                                                kill, or slaughter an antelope, moose, whitetail or
                                                                wildlife, or portions thereof. In addition, informa-
     kill, or kill any deer, feral animal or other wildlife,                                                              mule deer, bear, elk, mountain lion, Rocky Moun-
                                                                tion on turkey, bear, deer, elk, and antelope must
     except fish and frogs or except as provided by law,                                                                  tain bighorn sheep, wild turkey, or any subspecies
                                                                include where game was checked or the online
     by the use of a vehicle-mounted spotlight or other                                                                   except as otherwise provided by statute or com-
                                                                confirmation number. The person’s name and
     powerful light at night, by what is commonly                                                                         mission rule.
                                                                address receiving said wildlife must also appear
     known as “headlighting” (or “spotlighting”) or
                                                                on the written information.                               Transportation of Firearms, Bows
     use any light enhancement device (night scope).
                                                                   It shall be unlawful for any person to have            & Crossbows
     Provided, however, nothing in this code shall
                                                                in their possession any meat, head, hide, or any             Except as otherwise provided, no person may
     prevent one from possessing a .22 caliber rimfire
                                                                part of the carcass of any wildlife not legally           transport a loaded firearm in a land or water motor
     rifle or .22 caliber rimfire pistol and a light carried
                                                                taken. The keeping of wildlife as pets and the            vehicle. “Loaded firearm” shall mean any firearm
     on his person while in pursuit of furbearers with
                                                                sale of wildlife or parts is strictly controlled by       that has live rounds in an inserted clip, attached
     hounds during the legal open furbearer season,
                                                                state and federal laws.                                   magazine, cylinder or chamber, or a capped muz-
     while possessing a valid hunting license and fur
                                                                                                                          zleloader with a loaded powder charge and bullet.
     license, unless exempt.                                    Protected Species                                         No bow may be transported at full or partial draw
                                                                   All migratory birds, which include all hawks,
     Hunting During Big Game Seasons                                                                                      in a motorized vehicle.
                                                                owls, eagles, songbirds and all other birds except
        Any person hunting any wildlife in open areas                                                                        Muzzleloaders may be transported with a load-
                                                                resident game birds, house sparrows and starlings
     during the youth deer gun, bear muzzle­loader,                                                                       ed powder charge and bullet as long as the gun is
                                                                are protected by federal and state law. House spar-
     deer muzzleloader, deer gun, holiday antler-                                                                         uncapped or battery is disconnected.
                                                                rows and starlings are the only birds that are not
     less deer gun (in open zones), elk gun (in open                                                                         Crossbows may not be transported in a motor-
                                                                protected by either federal or state law. However,
     counties) or September antelope gun (in open                                                                         ized vehicle unless uncocked or disassembled.
                                                                federal regulations provide for the control of black-
     areas) seasons with a shotgun and rifled slug,
                                                                birds under a depredation order. For complete             Use of Fire
     or any rifle or handgun larger than a .22 caliber
                                                                regulations, see 50 CFR, Part 20.43.                         No person shall concentrate, drive, molest, hunt,
     long rifle, must possess a valid bear, deer, elk,
                                                                   Endangered and threatened species are pro-             take, capture, kill, or attempt to take any wildlife
     or antelope license, unless otherwise exempt.
                                                                tected by federal and/or state law.                       by aid of any fire or smoke whether man-made
     Hunting From Motor Vehicles                                                                                          or natural.
        No person may harass, attempt to capture,                Oklahoma’s Endangered                                    Wanton Waste
     capture, attempt to take, take, kill or attempt             and Threatened Species                                       No person may capture, kill or destroy any wild-
     to kill any wildlife with the aid of any motor-                Mammals: Gray bat, northern long-eared                life protected by law and remove the head, claws,
     driven land, air or water conveyance, except                bat, Ozark big-eared bat, Indiana bat. Birds:            teeth, hide, antlers, horns or any or all of such parts
     a non-ambulatory person may hunt from said                  Whooping crane, piping plover, interior least            from the carcass with the intent to abandon the
     conveyances with a non-ambulatory or motor                  tern, red knot, red-cockaded woodpecker.                 carcass. No person may kill any wildlife protected
     vehicle permit. Provided, however, nothing in               Fish: Ozark cavefish, leopard darter, Neosho             by law and abandon the carcass without disposing
     this code shall prevent the use of motor-driven             madtom, Arkansas River shiner, blackside                 of the carcass in the most appropriate manner. No
     land or water conveyances for following dogs in             darter, longnose darter. Invertebrates:                  person may dump the carcass of any dead animal
     the act of hunting, when use of said conveyances            Winged mapleleaf mussel, Neosho mucket,                  in any well, spring, pond, or stream of water or
     is restricted to public roads or waterways. Said            scaleshell mussel, Ouachita rock pocketbook,             leave it within 1/4 mile of any occupied dwelling
     conveyances may be used on private property                 rabbitsfoot mussel, Oklahoma cave crayfish.              or public highway without burying the carcass in
     for following dogs in the act of hunting with the           Insect: American burying beetle. Plant:                  an appropriate manner where it will not become
     landowner’s or occupant’s permission.                       Harperella.                                              exposed through erosion of the soil or where such
     Landowner Permission                                                                                                 land is subject to overflow. Penalties and fines have
        Hunters must obtain permission to enter any                                                                       been increased for anyone convicted of improperly
                                                                Selling of Wildlife
     posted or occupied land or land primarily de-                                                                        disposing of wildlife.
                                                                   Except as otherwise provided for by law, no
     voted to farming, ranching or forestry purposes.
                                                                person may buy, barter, trade, sell or offer, or expose
        Nothing in this guide shall be interpreted
                                                                for sale all or any part of any fish or wildlife or the
     as permitting hunting or allowing access into
                                                                nest or eggs of any bird, protected by law.
     any area, public or private, without permission
     from the owners or custodian as required by law.

12                                                             2018-2019 OKLAHOMA HUNTING GUIDE

BIG GAME REGULATIONS                                                                                                       The regulations on this page apply to all
                                                                                                                                  Big Game Seasons (pages 14-21)

Legal Means of Taking                                       ammunition: Chambered for any centerfire
                                                            rifle ammunition using at least a 55-grain soft-
                                                                                                               Public Lands
                                                                                                                 Seasons on public lands may vary from state-
Archery                                                     nosed bullet and having an overall cartridge
                                                                                                               wide seasons. Consult public hunting lands
   This includes Deer Archery, Elk Archery, Ante-           case length of 1.25 inches or longer and a
                                                                                                               special regulations on page 45.
lope Archery & Bear Archery seasons.                        minimum barrel length of 4 inches.
• Bow: Any compound bow of 30 pounds or
  more draw weight; any recurve, longbow or
                                                          • Archery: Equipment described as legal in
                                                            the archery section.
                                                                                                               Shooting Hours
                                                                                                                  One-half before official sunrise to one-half
  self-bow of 40 pounds or more draw weight.
                                                          • Suppressors (Silencers): Hunters are allowed       hour after official sunset. For sunrise/sunset
  Hand-held releases are legal. Devices that
                                                            to use legally acquired and possessed sup-         table see page 39.
  permit a bow to be held mechanically at full
                                                            pressors on both private and public lands.
  or partial draw are allowed.
• Broadheads: Arrows / bolts must be fitted
                                                          • Illegal devices: Fully automatic firearms,         Tracking With Dogs
                                                            laser sights (unless certified 100% disabled          Hunters are allowed the use of a leashed dog
  with hunting type points not less than 7/8
                                                            or legally blind) thermal tracking devices,        to help locate downed game after notifying a
  inches wide, including mechanical broad-
                                                            and light enhancement devices (including           game warden (message, email or call) with loca-
  heads meeting this width requirement when
                                                            nightscopes) from sunset to sunrise.               tion and time. No person may have a means of
  fully open.
                                                                                                               take on their person while tracking with dogs.
• Crossbows: Minimum of 100 pounds draw
                                                            This includes Deer Muzzleloader, Elk Muzzlel-
  weight and equipped with safety devices.
  Bolts must be a minimum of 14 inches in
                                                          oader & Bear Muzzleloader seasons.                   More Than One Method
  length. Leverage gaining devices are legal.             • Muzzleloading rifles, muzzleloading shot-          of Take in the Field
                                                            guns or muzzleloading pistols: .40 caliber            Hunters are allowed to carry both archery
• Firearms Restrictions: No person may carry
                                                            or larger rifle or pistol, or 20-guage or larger   equipment and a muzzleloader during the
  or use any firearm in conjunction with ar-
                                                            shotgun, firing a single slug or ball that is      muzzleloader season provided they have the
  chery equipment during any archery season.
                                                            loaded from the muzzle.                            appropriate licenses and follow other muz-
  Hunters are allowed to carry both archery
                                                                                                               zleloader season regulations. Hunters are al-
  equipment and a muzzleloader during the                 • No person shall carry or use any modern
                                                                                                               lowed to carry both archery equipment and
  muzzleloader season provided they have the                firearm in conjunction with any legal muz-
                                                                                                               legal firearms during any modern gun season,
  appropriate licenses and follow other muz-                zleloading firearm during any muzzleloader
                                                                                                               provided they have the appropriate licenses
  zleloader season regulations. Hunters also                season.
                                                                                                               and follow other regulations to participate in
  are allowed to carry both archery equipment
                                                          • Archery: Equipment described as legal in           those seasons.
  and legal firearms during any modern gun
                                                            the archery section.
  season, again provided they have the appro-
  priate licenses and follow other regulations            • Illegal devices: Blackpowder firearms loaded       Carcass Disposal
  to participate in those seasons.                          from the breech, laser sights (unless certi-          No person may dump the carcass of any dead
                                                            fied 100% disabled or legally blind), thermal      animal in any well, spring, pond, or stream of
• Illegal Devices: Laser sights (unless certi-
                                                            tracking devices, and all light enhancement        water or leave it within 1/4 mile of any occupied
  fied 100% disabled or legally blind), thermal
                                                            devices (including nightscopes) from sunset        dwelling or public highway without burying the
  tracking devices, and light enhancement de-
                                                            to sunrise.                                        carcass in an appropriate manner where it is not
  vices (including nightscopes) from sunset
                                                                                                               likely to become exposed through erosion of the
  to sunrise.
                                                                                                               soil or where such land is subject to overflow.
   This includes Youth Deer Gun, Deer Gun, Youth
Elk Gun, Elk Gun & Antelope Gun seasons.
• Rifles: Centerfire rifles firing at least a 55-grain
  weight soft-nosed or hollow-point bullet and
  having an overall cartridge case length of 1.25
  inches or longer (9 mm rifles are not legal).
                                                              HUNTER ORANGE
• Muzzleloaders: Equipment as described as
                                                              (DAYLIGHT FLUORESCENT ORANGE)
  legal in the muzzleloader section.                          All hunters participating in any antelope, bear, deer or elk season using a firearm
                                                              (muzzleloader or gun) must wear both a head covering and an outer garment above the
• Shotguns: 20-guage or larger, firing a single               waistline, both totaling at least 400 square inches of hunter orange that are clearly visible
  slug, are legal.                                            while in the field. Camouflage hunter orange is legal as long as there are at least 400
• Centerfire handguns: Chambered for .24                      square inches of hunter orange.
  caliber or larger and 100 grain or heavier                  Antelope, bear, deer or elk hunters using archery equipment during any antelope, bear,
  soft-nosed bullet having an overall cartridge               deer or elk firearms (muzzleloader or gun) season in any open hunting area (zone, county,
  case length of 1.25 inches or longer are legal              or area) must conspicuously wear either a head covering or an outer garment above the
  (.357 or larger) and a minimum barrel length                waistline consisting of hunter orange. Camouflage hunter orange is legal.
  of 4 inches.
                                                              All other hunters, including trappers, except those hunting waterfowl, crow or crane, or
• Semi-automatic handguns: Chambered for                      while hunting furbearing animals at night, must wear either a head covering or upper
  any centerfire ammunition with a 100-grain                  garment of hunter orange clothing while hunting during any antelope, bear, deer or elk
  or heavier soft-nosed bullet and having a                   firearms (muzzleloader or gun) season in any open hunting area (zone, county or area).
  cartridge case size of .40 caliber or larger (in-           Camouflage hunter orange is legal.
  cludes 10 mm, .357 Sig., and 40 cal. or larger)
  and a minimum barrel length of 4 inches.
• Handguns chambered for any centerfire rifle

                                                         2018-2019 OKLAHOMA HUNTING GUIDE                                                                              13
BIG GAME SEASONS                                                    For requirements on hunter orange, legal means of taking, public lands,
                                                                                      shooting hours, carcass disposal, more than one method of take in the field
                                                                                                   and tracking with dogs, see Big Game Regulations on page 13.

     DEER                                              Tracking Devices
                                                         Telemetric radio tracking devices for deer
                                                       hunting are legal. However, thermal tracking
                                                                                                               for that particular season for each deer
                                                                                                               hunted, or
                                                                                                            • Nonresident Youth Deer Antlerless License
                                                       devices are illegal.
     Combined Season Limit                                                                                    (exempt from nonresident hunting license)
                                                                                                              for that particular season for each deer
     • Six: no more than two may be antlered.          Antlerless Deer Zones                                  hunted, or
       This includes deer archery, youth deer gun,        Antlerless deer may only be harvested on
                                                                                                            • Nonresident Deer License (exempt from
     deer muzzleloader and deer gun seasons.           specified days and in zones open to antlerless
                                                                                                              nonresident hunting license) for that par-
       Deer taken during Jan. 1-15, 2019 count to-     harvest (see page 17 for Antlerless Deer Zones).
                                                                                                              ticular season.
     ward the 2018 combined season limit.                 If you harvest two antlerless deer during
       Deer taken during controlled hunts or dur-      Deer Muzzleloader or Deer Gun, at least one
                                                                                                            Nonresident (unless exempt):
     ing the holiday antlerless deer gun season do     must be harvested in Zones 2, 7 or 8 (see page
     not count toward the combined season limit.       17 for Antlerless Deer Zones).                       • Nonresident Deer License (exempt from
                                                                                                              nonresident hunting license) for that par-
     Antlered Deer Definition                          Unfilled Antlered Deer                                 ticular season.
        Any deer, regardless of sex, with at least
     three inches of antler length above the natural
                                                       Licenses                                             Season Dates & Bag
                                                          An unfilled deer antlered license may be
     hairline on either side.
                                                       used to harvest an antlerless deer on the last       Limits
                                                       day of that deer season in zones open to antler-
     Field Tagging & Checking                          less harvest.
                                                                                                            Deer Archery
        Hunter must attach name, license number,          Hunters must still comply with the limit          • Oct. 1, 2018 - Jan. 15, 2019
     date and time to the carcass immediately after    restriction of no more than two antlerless deer
                                                                                                            • Six: no more than two may be antlered. All
     harvest.                                          during the deer primitive season, at least one
                                                                                                              deer taken during the deer archery season
        Annual license holders must also fill out      of which must come from Zone 2, 7 or 8 (see
                                                                                                              count toward the hunter’s combined season
     the “Record of Game” section on the back of       page 17 for Antlerless Deer Zones).
                                                                                                              limit of six deer.
     their license.
        Hunter must E-Check deer within 24 hours
     of leaving the hunt area.
                                                       Unfilled Deer Licenses                               Youth Deer Gun
                                                          Unfilled resident and nonresident deer li-        • Oct. 19-21, 2018.
                                                       censes are not valid for any other deer season.
                                                                                                            • Two: no more than one may be antlered.
                                                       For example: an unfilled deer muzzleloader
                                                                                                              Harvest of antlerless mule deer is prohib-
                                                       license is not valid for the deer gun or holiday
                                                                                                              ited. All deer taken during the youth deer
                                                       antlerless deer gun seasons.
                                                                                                              gun season are included in the hunter’s
                                                          Unfilled resident and nonresident youth
                                                                                                              combined season limit of six deer, but are
                                                       deer gun licenses are valid for deer gun and
                                                                                                              not included as part of the hunter’s regular
                                                       holiday antlerless deer gun seasons. Antlered
                                                                                                              deer gun season limit of three deer.
                                                       youth deer gun licenses are not valid for holiday
      Offering a variety of                           antlerless deer gun season.                          Youth Deer Gun Age Requirements
       hunts on over 13,000 acres of Ph: (580)                                                              • 17 years old and younger. All youth hunters
       world class Oklahoma hunting 515-4533
       property & luxury lodging
                                                       License Requirements                                   must be accompanied by an adult 18 years
                                                                                                              of age or older.
                                                       Youth Resident (unless exempt):
      Sales: Hunting Blinds, Feed-                                                                         Deer Muzzleloader
       ers, Etc.                                       • Resident youths under 16 years of age must
      1000 yard Shooting Range,                         possess a resident youth deer license for          • Oct. 27 - Nov. 4, 2018.
       Trap Range                                        that particular season for each deer hunted.
                                                                                                            • Three: one antlered, two antlerless. If you har-                            • Resident youths 16 and 17 years of age must          vest two antlerless deer, at least one must be
                                                          possess a resident youth hunting license and        harvested in Zones 2, 7 or 8 (see page 17 for
                                                          a resident youth deer license for that particu-     Antlerless Deer Zones). All deer taken during
                                                          lar season for each deer hunted.                    the deer muzzleloader season count toward
                                                          Jan. 1-15: must be in possession of a resident      the hunter’s combined season limit of six deer.
                                                       hunting license and a resident deer archery
                                                                                                            Deer Gun
                                                       license for the current calendar year. Unfilled
                                                       deer archery license (Jan. 1-15) may be used the     • Nov. 17 - Dec. 2, 2018.
                                                       following fall season.
                                                                                                            • Three: one antlered, two antlerless. Harvest
                                                                                                              of antlerless mule deer is prohibited. If you
                                                       Resident (unless exempt):
                                                                                                              harvest two antlerless deer, at least one must
                                                       • Resident Hunting License, and                        be harvested in Zones 2, 7 or 8 (see page 17
                                                                                                              for Antlerless Deer Zones). All deer taken
                                                       • Resident Deer License for that particular
                                                                                                              during the deer gun season count toward the
                                                          season for each deer hunted.
                                                                                                              hunter’s combined season limit of six deer.
                                                          Jan. 1-15: must be in possession of a resident
                                                       hunting license and a resident deer archery          Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun
                                                       license for the current calendar year. Unfilled
                                                                                                            • Dec. 21-30, 2018.
                                                       deer archery license (Jan. 1-15) may be used the
                                                       following fall season.                               • One: antlerless only. Harvest of antlerless
                                                                                                              mule deer is prohibited. Deer taken during
                                                       Nonresident Youth (unless exempt):                     the holiday antlerless deer gun season do
                                                                                                              not count toward the hunter’s combined
                                                       • Nonresident Youth Deer Either Sex License
                                                                                                              season limit of six deer.
                                                         (exempt from nonresident hunting license)

14                                                                             2018-2019 OKLAHOMA HUNTING GUIDE
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