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   volume 37/number 6 I fcnews.net I the publication more retailers prefer I August 30/September 6, 2021 I $2.00

                                                          The ultimate


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Momentum driving waterproof                                                                                                                                floorcovering
        shows no signs of ebbing
               By FCNews staff
                                                         ranges offer a variety of colors available in both
                                                                                                                                                                      news      michael blick
                                                         rigid and glue-down options, allowing the                                                                              president/ceo
      he waterproof story isn’t just about the lat- homeowner to choose the color that best suits
T     est rigid core/SPC offerings hitting the mar- her décor in the construction format that ad-
ket. As FCNews’ 2021 Ultimate Waterproof dresses her needs.
                                                                                                                                                                               steven feldman
                                                                                                                                                                          publisher/editorial director
Guide bears out, other categories—including                     Speaking of needs, Wellmade’s HDPC/SPC
laminate, tile and engineered wood—are bene- rigid core flooring solutions are suitable for all                                                                               dustin aaronson
fiting by the waterproof/water-resistant craze areas of the home or office, including those                                                                        associate publisher/advertising director
that is clearly resonating with consumers.               prone to moisture, such as kitchens, bathrooms
     FCNews research showed resilient flooring and basements. Its HDPC waterproof hard-
was up 21.3% in 2020 vs. 2019.                                            wood features a real bamboo ve-
With numbers continuing to                                                neer mounted on an HDPC rigid                                                                        reginald tucker
                                           floorcoveringnews core—one of the industry’s first
                                         N E W S PA P E R

                                                                                                                                                                                managing editor
flourish, it’s no wonder that floor-           volume 37/number 6 I fcnews.net I the publication more retailers prefer I August 30/September 6, 2021 I $2.00                  reggie@fcnews.net
ing companies continue to ramp                         The ultimate       fully waterproof wood floors.
                                                  WATERPROOF                                                                                                                       ken ryan
up their R&D efforts to meet the                                               Improved dimensional sta-                                                                          senior editor
insatiable needs of consumers                                             bility is a hallmark of Axiscor’s                                                                     ken@fcnews.net
who desire a waterproof solution                                          Pro, Prime and Trio collections
                                                                                                                                                                               megan salzano
in their homes.                                                           of SPC flooring. The products                                                                   senior editor/digital director
     This year’s waterproof guide                                         are designed to perform well in                                                                     megan@fcnews.net
                                                                                                                      H OW S U P P L I E R S
                                                                                                                        ARE MAKING
reflects today’s market: an in-                                           extreme temperature situations                T H E I R OW N ,
                                                                                                                           UNIQUE                                                  k.j. quinn
creasingly crowded field with                                             while also offering high-impact                SPLASHES
                                                                                                                                                                               contributing editor
many newcomers vying for                                                  and scuff resistance.
showroom display space. Of course, they will all                Some featured companies in this issue fo-                                                                       art/production
have to follow behind category leader COREtec, cused on acoustical properties. CFL, for exam-
                                                                                                                                                                             frank notarbartolo
which continues to impress with products that ple, developed NovoCore Q to be the sound                                                                                     art/production director
provide warmth and comfort underfoot as well choice in waterproof floors. Q (for “quiet”) is                                                                                   frankn1@me.com
as dent resistance and sound abatement. And an engineered vinyl flooring that champions                                                                                               sales
while COREtec continues to add new products the quest for a high-performing hard surface so-
to its vast repertoire, that hasn’t stopped existing lution that isn’t noisy underfoot. NCQ features                                                                            krystal bates
                                                                                                                                                                                classified and
companies and newcomers from marketing a patent-pending construction that uses multi-                                                                                       digital sales manager
their own versions of waterproof flooring.               ple distinct layers from different materials that
     As for the standard-bearers, Mannington is each block specific frequencies of sound that                                                                                    headquarters
offering select lines of WPC, SPC and tradi- greatly improves acoustic performance.                                                                                  33 walt whitman road, suite 302E
                                                                                                                                                                         huntington station, ny 11746
tional LVT through its heralded Adura collec-                   No waterproof guide would be complete                                                               tel: 516.932.7860 fax: 516.932.7639
tions. Adura Max, Rigid and Flex now include without several first-timers. This year’s list in-                                                                 e-mail: info@fcnews.net, website: fcnews.net
Microban protection to keep floors cleaner, as cludes a name recognized by millions:
well as ScratchResist, its proprietary scratch-re- Christina Haack. The star of HGTV’s “Flip or                                                                                   founder
sistant surface protector.                               Flop” and “Christina on the Coast” used her ex-                                                                       albert wahnon
     SolidTech, Mohawk’s most durable luxury pertise in design and flooring to launch her new                                                                  Copyright 2021 by Ro•El Productions, Inc. All rights
vinyl product, is now available in wood and waterproof line, the Christina Collection.                                                                         reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Material in this
                                                                                                                                                               publication may not be reproduced in any form
stone collections across multiple price points to               Within these pages, readers will learn more                                                    without written permission from the publisher. The
                                                                                                                                                               opinions expressed by columnists do not necessarily
meet any consumer’s budget needs. Mohawk’s about a range of waterproof hard surface op-                                                                        reflect the views of management. Single copy $2
                                                                                                                                                               U.S. subscriptions $25/yr. Canadian subscriptions
sister company, Daltile, is featured in this guide tions—how the products are constructed, how                                                                 $50 U.S./yr. Foreign via air $200 U.S./yr, foreign via
thanks to its StepWise technology.                       they perform and what flooring dealers can ex-                                                        surface $100 U.S./yr. Printed in the U.S.A.

     With a passion for luxury vinyl product de- pect in the coming months. The objective is to                                                                                postmaster
sign, Karndean Designflooring’s rigid portfolio arm store owners and retail salespeople with                                                                   Send address changes to FLOOR COVERING
                                                                                                                                                               NEWS, subscription Dept.,821 West Jericho Tpke,
spans four product ranges—from entry-level the product knowledge and information on                                                                            Ste. 2C, Smithtown, NY 11787
                                                                                                                                                               Floor Covering News (ISSN-10794174) is
Knight Tile to premier Korlok Select—allowing trends in waterproof flooring so they will be                                                                    published biweekly by Roel Productions Inc., 33
                                                                                                                                                               Walt Whitman Road, Suite 302E, Huntington Station
retailers to showcase a full spectrum of Karn- better equipped to respond to a variety of cus-                                                                 , NY 11746. Periodicals postage paid at Hicksville,
                                                                                                                                                               NY, and additional mailing offices.
dean rigid core visuals and price points. Two tomer inquiries.
f cn ews.net                                                                                                                                                                    August 30/September 6, 2021        I3
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Deciphering waterproof
vs. water ‘resistant’
                                                    Have a flood? That’s what insurance is for.”
   By Ken Ryan and Reginald Tucker
                                                         John Taylor, owner of Taylor Carpet One
     onsumers may not know an SPC from a Floor & Home, Fort Myers, Fla., is used to deal-
C    WPC but they can relate to waterproof ing with moisture issues as manager of multiple
flooring. Flooring retailers splash their show- Carpet One stores as well as Pro Source locations
rooms with “waterproof” signage because they in southwest Florida. “I worry about these
know it resonates with today’s consumer. At the [claims] being oversold,” he said. “We’ve taken a             Some wood/rigid core hybrids are touted as
same time, however, “waterproof” comes with position where we train our salespeople to tell                  being water resistant. Pictured is the Raintree
an asterisk—as it is not impervious to water people there are limitations on these warranties.               brand of composite wood from AHF Products.
damage should, for example, a home flood even If there is a flood, it is considered a catastrophic
from a dishwasher gone awry.                        event and, therefore, it is an insurance event—         Suppliers chime in
     Retailers are increasingly caught in the mid- not a warranty event.”                                   For their part, flooring suppliers say they honor
dle between manufacturer claims and consumer             Taylor goes one step further than most by          claims in cases where a defect has been deter-
expectations. Try as they might to inform con- providing moisture testing on every LVP, lami-               mined. This has historically been the case, man-
sumers of the product’s actual capabilities, deal- nate and wood job prior to and after the installa-       ufacturers argue, long before the advent of
ers are often left holding the bag when it comes tion. The consumer pays for the testing but does           waterproof floors. However, suppliers say they
to honoring warranties. “I am frustrated that so willingly, he added. “What ends up happening               realize there is tremendous power behind mar-
manufacturers can make such general claims is if you put a waterproof floor over a subfloor                 keting language, and it’s important to use that
about water and performance on marketing ma- with a moisture issue you end up trapping the                  power responsibly.
terials, yet never have to stand behind the actual moisture in and you eventually have a mold                    “The reality is floors need to be able to stand
issues a homeowner will face,” said Jon Dauen- issue,” Taylor explained. “If it goes on for a long          up to spills and minor accidents,” said Dan
hauer, co-owner of Carpet World Bismarck in time, you can have breathing issues from the                    Natkin, vice president, wood and laminate,
North Dakota. “The fine print of a warranty is mold. We test every job, and we give them the re-            Mannington. “Whether they are water resistant
confusing to most.”                                 sults—70% to 75% of jobs come back just fine.           or waterproof is just a matter of semantics. In a
     For retailers, waterproof is obviously a great With the other 25% to 30% we discuss moisture           flood, the flooring will need to be replaced.
story to tell the consumer. But while explaining mitigation and will put a sealer on the floor.”            Most sophisticated RSAs understand this and
the benefits retailers must make sure to manage          For some retailers, the concept of waterproof      guide the consumer appropriately.”
their customers’ expectations. “Setting proper can have separate meanings for all involved. “The                 For suppliers like Cali, which offers a variety
expectations is the key to success,” said Adam problem for retailers is this: what waterproof               of natural and engineered product categories (a
Joss, co-owner of The Vertical Connection Car- means to the consumer and what it means in re-               higher percentage being resilient these days),
pet One Floor & Home, Columbia, Md. “We ex- gard to warranties are two entirely different                   both “waterproof” and “water resistant” are
plain that it’s waterproof for everyday life; it things,” said Penny Carnino, COO at Grigsby’s              terms utilized in its offerings. According to
provides protection against spills, drips and pets. Carpet, Tile & Hardwood in Tulsa, Okla.                 Doug Jackson, president, it all depends on the
                                                                         “Promising more to con-            specific product category. “We market our SPC
             Cali’s SPC flooring products are                            sumers with already over-          products as waterproof, and we’re having no is-
     designated as being completely waterproof.                          the-top expectations makes
           Pictured is the Longboards series.
                                                                                                            sues with that,” he told FCNews.
                                                                         our lives tough; a lot of the           The waterproof vs. water-resistant dilemma
                                                                         time all they hear is ‘water-      extends beyond resilient and laminate, though.
                                                                         proof’ and no matter how           A prime case in point is the Raintree brand of
                                                                         many times we explain that         engineered wood/rigid core floors recently ac-
                                                                         is for topical spills they don’t   quired by AHF Products. “It has a real wood ve-
                                                                         hear it. We do love LVP, and       neer glued to a waterproof SPC core; the wood
                                                                         like most retailers it’s our       veneer is protected by waterproof coatings,” said
                                                                         No. 1 product. But it’s so im-     Don Finkell, vice president. “We are confident
                                                                         portant to educate the con-        enough with the performance of our Raintree
                                                                         sumer and keep their               floors to recommend them in bathrooms—an
                                                                         expectations realistic.”           area formerly off limits to wood floors.”
4 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                                   fcnew s . net
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Resilient booms as housing expands
          By Megan Salzano                                                                                         Suppliers agree the SPC category is
                                                                                                              propped up by its three main features—
     he waterproof resilient category has                                                                     performance, aesthetics and price of
T    reaped the benefits of exponentially
growing demand for home renovation
                                                                                                              entry, which give it a leg up against its sis-
                                                                                                              ter sub-segments. “HDPC/SPC rigid core
and building materials. It will come as no                                                                    vinyl products continue to grow faster
surprise that resilient—mostly led by the                                                                     than LVT and WPC,” said Dick Quinlan,
waterproof rigid core sub-segments—reg-                                                                       vice president of sales and marketing,
istered gains in 2020 while many other                                                                        Wellmade. “The superior performance
flooring categories did not. FCNews re-                                                                       characteristics and greater ease of instal-
search showed the category generated                                                                          lation provided by HDPC/SPC rigid core
$6.589 billion in sales in 2020—an in-                                                                        vinyl will continue to drive increased
dustry-leading 21.3% increase over 2019’s                                                                     sales and market share over LVT and
$5.433 billion.                                Rigid core offerings, such as Karndean’s Korlok Select and     WPC products.”
     This year shows even more promise,          Korlok Reserve ranges, continue to grow in popularity.            Novalis’ Ehrlich agreed, adding,
according to suppliers. “From my per-                                                                         “More and more market share is being
spective, the industry is up for the year,” ex- resilient residential dollars in 2019 to a whop- given to SPC in the residential environment—
plained Ed Sanchez, vice president of product ping 51.9% in 2020. In terms of its command customers are educating themselves and find-
management, resilient, Mohawk. “There has of the LVT segment in which it resides, 2020 ing that it is a better product with more
been strong demand across all channels as saw an increase from 37% to a staggering attributes (waterproof, dent resistant) at a com-
business reopens and the home building/real 59.2%. In terms of dollars, it generated $2.516 parable cost.”
estate market has been booming. I expect to billion of the LVT market’s $4.25 billion in                    However, many suppliers argue LVT and
continue to see resilient products take share 2020.                                                     WPC also have their place in the waterproof
from other categories as innovation in the cat-         As such, SPC remains the dominant player
                                                                                                        fold. Blakley Satterfield, residential LVT prod-
egory delivers differentiation and value for in the LVT game, potentially at the expense of uct manager, Mannington, explained that WPC
consumers.”                                        its sister sub-segments. Raj Shah, president,
                                                                                                        will hold its place in the category by “offering
     There are two main drivers of the water- MSI, said he expects to see SPC continue to customers a thicker floating product that is
proof category’s continued popularity and take share from WPC. “Ultimately, it’s a lower- softer and warmer underfoot and 30% quieter
growth in 2021—as well as the growth of the cost raw material with no detriment in techni- than SPC for use on a second story. Glue-down
entire industry: the pandemic and the current cal attributes for the consumer, whether they LVT, or traditional LVT, will continue to be a vi-
housing market, two topics that are inter- be residential or commercial. Almost all new able option for customers who need floors with
twined. “The recent pandemic has played a manufacturing capacity in the United States no transitions, especially those with wheel-
huge role in the unprecedented rise of resilient and across the world is made for SPC.”                 chairs present in their home or large, open floor
sales,” explained Steve Ehrlich, vice presi-                                                                  plans. I expect WPC to take on a role as
dent of sales and marketing, Novalis.                                                                         the more luxurious of the three LVT con-
“When pairing the fact that our customers                                                                     structions. The softness underfoot com-
spent more time at home than ever before                                                                      bined with better sound-dampening
last year and thus craved a refresh of their                                                                  qualities allow WPC to compete well
surroundings/décor with elevated dispos-                                                                      against SPC in residential applications.”
able income due to canceled vacations, no                                                                          Bill Anderson, CEO, Karndean,
dinners out and school and extracurricular                                                                    added that all variations of LVT/P have
activities coming to a screeching halt, it                                                                    done well and continue to do well for the
was the perfect storm to make all residen-                                                                    company as long as preference and need
tial remodeling—including resilient sales                                                                     are taken into account during the pur-
go through the roof.”                                                                                         chasing process. “Within our luxury vinyl
                                                                                                              product offering of glue down, loose lay
Waterproof leads the pack                                                                                     and rigid core, any format of our products
While the resilient category continues to                                                                     can be installed in any room of the home,
dominate the flooring industry, it is the                                                                     and so we encourage consumers to shop
waterproof rigid core subsegment that           The boom  in the housing market  has created widespread       our floors by color and design first rather
leads the pack. FCNews research showed           demand   for waterproof  products like Mohawk’s Pergo        than by format. We are seeing gains
                                                                   Extreme, seen here.                        across all three categories.”
residential SPC grew from 30.8% of total
f cn ews.net                                                                                                               August 30/September 6, 2021   I5
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The key to success?
A tailored selection
                                                                                       At Tennessee-based Chattanooga Flooring Center, consumers
                         By Reginald Tucker                                           have a choice of several waterproof lines from which to choose—
                                                                                          but not so many that they are overwhelmed with options.
     hoosing a flooring product for the home is a lot like trying to find
C    something to eat at a diner—so many choices, so little time. Con-
sumers looking to purchase waterproof WPC or SPC flooring are likely
                                                                               and clutter your showroom,” he explained.
                                                                                    Langan’s store typically carries about seven waterproof resilient
to face an equally daunting task—if not more so.                               lines, most of which are from the retailer’s core suppliers. “I partner
     So, what’s a retailer to do? While some dealers think the less-is-        with the suppliers that have a proven history of good pricing, excellent
more approach works, others say they believe in offering the con-              service and consistent inventory,” he added.
sumer as many choices as possible. Despite offering varying numbers                 Mary Ann Gore, office manager at Chattanooga Flooring Center,
of brands within their showrooms, most dealers agree that each prod-           Chattanooga, Tenn., explained that while her store has at least 10 wa-
uct line should have something (color, texture, construction, etc.) that       terproof resilient brands, she feels the ideal number to carry is closer
makes it stand out in the crowd.                                               to five. “We have noticed that when customers are offered too many
     FCNews asked retailers to provide the magic                                                       options, they can become overwhelmed,” she
number of waterproof lines.                                                                            explained. “Also, the patterns tend to be repeti-
                                                                                                       tive across the various brands.”
Three to five
Carpetland USA of Rockford, Ill., carries five wa-                                                     Ten or more
terproof resilient brands and suggests dealers                                                         For Akron, Ohio-based Barrington Carpet, wa-
showcase between three to five brands—just                                                             terproof flooring is its largest category in hard
enough to give the customer some options. “The                                                         surface, according to Craig Phillips, the com-
customer is much more educated today than she                                                          pany’s president. Barrington stocks about 40
was in the past,” explained Kevin Rose, presi-                                                         SKUs in waterproof and displays more than 20
dent. “They want options and value, and you                                                            different lines from all its key supplier partners.
need to show them you are not aligned with any                                                              “All other hard surface categories combined
one particular brand.”                                                                                 do not come close to matching our square
     For Harrisburg Wall & Floor in Harrisburg,                                                        footage sales in waterproof,” Phillips said. “It
Pa., carrying a handful of different product lines                                                     seems we can’t get enough.”
from one manufacturer can be beneficial. The                                                                Phillips explained it can sometimes be a
                                                     Akron, Ohio-based Barrington Carpet stocks
store currently carries five lines—three of            more than 40 SKUs of waterproof flooring,
                                                                                                       struggle to pinpoint the ideal number of brands
which are from the same manufacturer. “Nor-            reflecting the popularity of the category.      to showcase on the showroom floor. However,
mally, we buy [according to] quality and rela-                                                         for his store, “It seems our customers love the
tionship,” explained Brett Bentz, president. “Limiting the number of          variety and range we show.”
lines also helps on the freight, shipping—all of the extra costs. You              Big Bob’s Flooring Outlet in Yuma, Ariz., also shows upwards of 20
can combine truckloads of products when they are from the same                lines of waterproof flooring. “We are constantly removing old technol-
manufacturer.”                                                                ogy and introducing new and improved products in our showroom,”
     Bentz suggested that three brands are enough for the average dealer      said Josh Penny, president. “This category will continue to gain more
to showcase. “If you have too many, you can confuse the consumer,” he         space in our showroom as long as the consumers support and demand
said. “It’s harder for a person to make a decision when there are too         waterproof in their homes.”
many choices. Within each line you probably have 40 decisions, 40 col-             Penny’s store initially sold only five or six waterproof lines. How-
ors. Multiply that by three, and that’s more than 120 choices.”               ever, customers asked for a larger selection. “We are fortunate enough
                                                                              to have the showroom space to effectively display a wide variety of op-
Six to seven                                                                  tions in this category,” Penny added. “Today’s consumer has invested a
Eric Langan, owner of Davenport, Iowa-based The Langan Group (dba             lot of time researching waterproof flooring. We must be able to provide
Carpetland USA), said he believes six suppliers/brands in waterproof          a wide variety of products to give her the confidence that she has seen
resilient should offer enough good, better and best options for the con-      the latest and greatest and we can provide her with the best selection
sumer. “Bringing on much more than that will confuse the customer             for her home.”
6 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                              fcnew s . net
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     Differentiating between WPC, SPC
                             WPC                                                                             SPC
What’s in a name?                                                             What’s in a name?
WPC goes by several names based on the person you talk to. Some say           According to the Resilient Floor Covering Institute, “SPC” refers to the
it translates as “wood plastic/polymer composite,” while others believe       class of rigid vinyl flooring products with a solid polymer core. That solid,
it stands for “waterproof core.” Either way you define it, many would         waterproof core, experts say, won’t ripple, swell or peel no matter how
agree this category represents a game-changing product that continues         much liquid it is subjected to.
to generate excitement and additional sales opportunities for dealers             This core is ultra-dense with no foaming agents such as those found
and distributors.                                                                                                                  in traditional WPC
     WPC is a compos-                                                                                                              flooring. It provides
ite material made of                                                                                                               slightly less resiliency
thermoplastics, cal-                                                                                                               underfoot but is said to
cium carbonate and                                                                                                                 make the flooring ex-
wood flour. Extruded                                                                                                               tremely durable.
as a core material, it is                                                                                                               SPC features a
marketed as being wa-                                                                                                              stone- or hardwood-
terproof, rigid and di-                                                                                                            look printed vinyl layer,
mensionally stable. In                                                                                                             which continues to re-
an effort to differenti-                                                                                                           fine its style and design.
ate their products, sup-                                                                                                                The dense, highly
pliers are branding                                                                                                                mineral-filled,        ex-
their WPC offerings                                                                                                                truded core of SPC pro-
with names such as enhanced vinyl plank, engineered luxury vinyl floor-       vides superior indentation resistance and is best for high-traffic and
ing and waterproof vinyl, to name a few.                                      commercial applications.

Competitive advantages                                                        Competitive advantages
WPC’s features and benefits make it a strong competitor against almost        There are at least two reasons why rigid core has seen a surge in
every other flooring category available today. Its primary benefits are its   popularity among vendors, with new companies entering the
waterproof core and its ability to go over most subfloors without much        market seemingly every month. For one, it is the fastest grow-
preparation. Unlike WPC, traditional vinyl floors are flexible, meaning       ing sub-segment of the fastest growing category. Retailers
any unevenness in the subfloor will likely transfer through the surface.      across the country are dedicating more showroom floor space
Compared to traditional glue-down LVT or solid-locking LVT, WPC               to the category based on the growing demand. Second, the cost
products have a distinct advantage because the rigid core hides subfloor      of entry is relatively minimal. Part of its rapid growth stems
imperfections, proponents say.                                                from the sub-segment’s versatility. Although SPC is suitable for
     Against laminate, WPC shines in the waterproof arena. While most         any environment where you need a durable, waterproof floor, it
laminates are engineered to be water “resistant,” WPC is marketed as          is also ideal for settings such as commercial kitchens and bath-
truly waterproof. Proponents of WPC say it is more suitable for envi-         rooms as well as grocery stores and other venues where spills
ronments in which laminate would not normally be used—including               occur. Unlike traditional vinyl that is flexible, manufacturers
bathrooms and basements. What’s more, WPC products can be installed           designed rigid core to be unbending. As such, it is ideal for both
in large rooms without an expansion gap every 30 feet—a long-estab-           commercial and residential settings.
lished requirement for laminate floors. WPC is also seen as a quieter,
softer alternative to laminate because of its vinyl wear layer.               Future prospects
                                                                              Experts say composite waterproof flooring, led by SPC, will be
Future prospects                                                              the high double-digit growth engine in hard surfaces over the
Piet Dossche, the founder of USFloors and the “father of WPC,” pre-           next several years. Composite/SPC tiles as an alternative to ce-
dicted WPC “will forever change the landscape of the industry.” If re-        ramic tiles is the next big growth opportunity for a slew of rea-
tailer response is any indication, WPC has in fact left its mark on the       sons: SPC tiles are lighter and warmer than ceramic; they don’t
industry and is likely in it for the long haul. This is based not only on     break and are cheaper/easier to install (click); no grout is
the sales and profits the category is generating for floor covering dealers   needed; they are easier to remove; and, thanks to an attached
but also the high level of investment suppliers are making.                   cork backing, are more comfortable to walk/stand on.
f cn ews.net                                                                                                              August 30/September 6, 2021    I7
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    WPC vs. SPC: How, where they thrive
         By Megan Salzano
     s part of the resilient category’s       ◗ Axiscor - Trio
A    growth, it has splintered into vari-
ous sub-segments, each touting its own
                                              Axiscor Performance Flooring’s Trio collection offers proven dimensional stability in extreme temperature
                                              ranges, high-impact and scuff-resistance ratings and is designed to look great for years even when exposed
                                              to pet accidents and spills; water will not affect the dimensional integrity of the product. Based on ABA
value to the end user. As such, flooring      construction, the SPC core is separated by two layers of 100% virgin vinyl. The top layer enables a deeper,
                                              richer EIR texture and the underside layer adds to the dimensional stability of the 7 x 60 planks.
dealers have to stay educated on each
sub-segment’s features and benefits and
where each will thrive in the home. Two                                                  ◗ CFL - Firmfit
such sub-segments are WPC and SPC.                                                       CFL’s Firmfit is 100% waterproof and comes with an advanced surface treatment resulting in en-
                                                                                         hanced antibacterial features. It also allows for the use of residential steam mops, which can be
                                                                                         used to create an environment in which most bacteria or viruses can’t survive. With proven quality
WPC puts comfort first                                                                   and a wide range of designs, including its new 72-inch EIR planks and 48 x 24 tiles, Firmfit aims to
                                                                                         take the resilient category to a new level.
There are several features that draw con-
sumers to WPC, most notably those re-
lated to comfort. “The biggest difference
                                              ◗ COREtec Grande
                                              COREtec The Original has expanded into large formats with the 82-inch Grande, which features 10 oak
in WPC versus rigid core is the added         visuals and a wide color scheme from light and natural to rich and dark. The floor comes with all the
comfort and quietness you get with            waterproof, kid-proof, pet-proof benefits from The Original, plus a 30-mil wear layer that won’t com-
                                              promise the crisp and clear visuals and an even thicker core (9mm) to provide more comfort, optimal
WPC,” explained Steve Weisberg, presi-        sound absorption and stability. It offers quick and easy installation and is GreenGuard Gold certified.
dent of Crest Flooring, Allentown, Pa.
    Bruce Odette, owner, Carpet Ex-
change, Colorado, agreed, adding that                                                    ◗ Engineered Floors - Ensignium
                                                                                         Ensignium offers a waterproof product with high quality and natural aesthetics. A standout of En-
WPC’s comfort-first characteristics can                                                  signium is its low-repeat, real-wood patterns that are digitally printed directly on each planks’
be marketed as an added value for an up-                                                 rigid core. This low repeat allows for a faster, easier installation. There is no paper film covering
                                                                                         the plank, giving the illusion of real wood, but rather the clean grains, natural wood feel and natural
graded price point.                                                                      colors are engrained directly on each plank.
    Despite competition from its sister
sub-segment, WPC remains a major              ◗ Mohawk - SolidTech Plus
player for many dealers. “We’ve always        Mohawk’s SolidTech Plus is designed for any room, at any climate. Being 100% waterproof, this flooring
done well with WPC,” said Chris               is optimal for wet areas and built to withstand spills and pet accidents. For extra protection, SolidTech
                                              Plus also features Mohawk’s EasyClean technology for enhanced stain and soil protection as well as All
Cosentino, president of Hadinger Floor-       Pet Plus Protection, which covers all pets, all accidents, all the time, with scratch protection. Being one
ing, Naples, Fla. “We embraced the            of the top selling styles, Yakima from the Thatcher collection is an example of visually appealing flooring
product early and our people had great        built tough to withstand real-life wear and tear.

success with it.”
                                                                                      ◗ Republic Floor - Pure SPC
SPC equals durability                                                                 The new Republic Floor Pure SPC line features the company’s proprietary Stone Plastic Composite
                                                                                      technology, which is completely inert and waterproof. Republic’s stone composite contains no wood
For some, the new kid on the block—                                                   or limestone, and at 5mm to 8mm-thick, it is very strong and snaps into place very easily. It is
SPC—is everything its WPC sister sub-                                                 FloorScore certified and offers a 25-year residential warranty. Republic Floor says its innovative SPC
segment is and more.                                                                  products take the category to new heights and into more areas of the home.

     So where does SPC thrive? For re-
tailers like Kevin Frazier, Frazier’s Car-    ◗ Shaw Floorté Classic Series - Pantheon HD Plus
                                              Floorté waterproof collection by Shaw Floors are 100% waterproof and designed to stand up
pet One Floor & Home, Knoxville,              to active households with kids and pets. All Floorté constructions are easy to install and main-
Tenn., SPC flourishes, in almost every        tain. Floorté Classic Series features WPC offerings with SoftSilence attached pad for a softer,
space, especially in kitchens, bathrooms,     warmer, quieter waterproof floor. Inspired by a fusion of aesthetics, Pantheon HD Plus incor-
                                              porates mixed species, high color contrast and embossed-in-register textures.
home offices and basements. “SPC
thrives everywhere, above and beyond
WPC,” he said. “If you add on top of the                                                        ◗ Stanton - Natural Beauty
visuals the fact that it does everything as                                                     From the natural, organic look of the wood grain to the performance properties and clean
                                                                                                color palette, Stanton’s Natural Beauty series is designed to “wow” design-conscious con-
well as WPC, and resists indention bet-                                                         sumers with high-quality decorative flooring choices. Style options range from modern hick-
ter, you have a foolproof recipe for SPC                                                        ory to transitional oaks, edgy metropolitan colors to the new coastal beach favorites; all of
                                                                                                which can be paired with Stanton’s designs in made-to-order rugs and carpet.
thriving everywhere.”

8 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                                                                  fcnew s . net
Floorcovering news The ultimate - Rackcdn.com

 Moisture tests still required with SPC, WPC
          BY JASON    SPANGLER                  after being poured—a process that can          ity of excess moisture before the flooring
                                                take many months—moisture evaporates           is installed. If the subfloor is concrete, al-
            hen a flooring failure occurs,      from the slab’s surface.                       ways conduct a moisture test to evaluate

 W          one of the most common cul-
            prits is excess moisture. That
 goes for ALL types of flooring. What
                                                     When you install a flooring material
                                                that’s billed as waterproof, the water in-
                                                side the concrete slab has no place to go.
                                                                                               the overall moisture condition of the con-
                                                                                               crete slab.
                                                                                                    It’s also important to carefully con-
 about popular materials that are consid-       Over time, the water will rise to the slab’s   sider which type of moisture test you will
 ered waterproof, such as vinyl plank           surface to evaporate—except, it can’t. A       perform. The two most common are the
 flooring? If it is waterproof, there must      waterproof floor will serve as an impervi-     in-situ relative humidity (RH) test and
 be nothing to worry about, right? This         ous layer that won’t allow moisture to es-     the anhydrous calcium chloride test. But
 might be true for water spilled on the         cape. Trapped underneath the floor, the        only one has been shown to be consis-
 floor’s surface. However, water lurking        moisture is left to interact with flooring     tently accurate and reliable: The RH test,
 underneath the floor may be another            adhesives and/or the finished floor itself.    which utilizes small RH sensors that are
 matter entirely.                               If the moisture is substantial, a flooring     placed in test holes at 40% of the depth
      Case in point: If a waterproof flooring   failure such as cupping, debonding of          of the slab.
 product is installed over a concrete slab,     glue or adhesives, mold, mildew and
 a surprising amount of moisture may still      other issues could be the inevitable and                      Jason Spangler is sales manager
 be in the substrate. That’s because water      disastrous result.                                            for Wagner Meters. He has more
 is one of concrete’s most essential ingre-          Fortunately, it’s quite easy to avoid                    than 25 years’ experience in sales
 dients and is always added before the ini-     these common moisture-related issues.                         and sales management across a
 tial pour. As the concrete slowly dries        The key is to pay attention to the possibil-                  broad spectrum of industries.

f cn ews.net                                                                                                   August 30/September 6, 2021    I9
Floorcovering news The ultimate - Rackcdn.com
needs. Pro is available         Bells &
                                                                                           in three formats: planks        Whistles
                                                                                           in 7 x 60 and 9 x 60
                                                                                           sizes; and 12 x 24 tile     • Trio: 7mm overall
                                                                                           visuals.                     thickness; 20-mil
                                                                                                PrimePlus: The         wear layer; cut-and-
                                                                                           need for practical            painted beveled
                                                                                           pricing does not mean a         edges; ABA
                                                                                           customer has to give        construction; 7 x 60
                                                                                           up styling and great               planks
               Axiscor’s new PrimePlus features a 20-mil wear layer and antimicrobial      looks. Recent
              UV coating to prevent the growth of bacteria.The top layer of Axiscor Trio
                                   (shown here) allows for a deeper, richer EIR texture.   improvements to the         • Pro: 6mm overall
                                                                                           collection make              thickness; 20-mil
                                                                                           PrimePlus an even          wear layer; 9 x 60 and
Pro, Prime and Trio                                                                        better value in SPC
                                                                                           floors. The high-
                                                                                                                      7 x 60 planks; 12 x 24
Triple threat delivers the complete package                                                performing wear layer
                                                                                           has been increased to       • PrimePlus: 4.5mm
Axiscor Performance            virgin vinyl. The top            performance in high-       20-mil thickness and an      overall thickness;
Flooring’s three distinct      layer enables a deeper,          traffic areas is needed,   antimicrobial UV coating     20-mil wear layer
collections offer              richer embossed-in-              Axiscor hits the mark. A   helps keep the floor       with antimicrobial UV
extremely durable              register texture, and the        6mm/20-mil wear layer      cleaner by preventing           coating; 2G
floors with some of the        underside layer adds to          makes Pro one tough        the growth of bacteria,         angle/angle
most natural-looking           the dimensional                  performing product. An     mold and mildew.                installation;
tiles and planks.              stability of the 7 x 60          EIR finish with cut-and-   Other enhancements             7 x 48 planks
     Trio: Based on ABA        planks. The 7mm-thick            painted beveled edges      include an improved
construction, Trio sets a      product offers heft, but         make each individual       warranty for residential
new benchmark for              these aesthetically              tile and plank stand out   and light commercial
styling and visuals for        pleasing visuals turn            as one of the best         use, a denser 1mm
SPC floors. The SPC            shoppers into buyers.            looking collections        IXPE attached pad and
core is separated by                Pro7, Pro9 and              suitable for commercial    2G angle/angle
two layers of 100%             Pro12: When high                 and/or residential         installation technology.

                                                 PRIME COLLECTION GETS BETTER WITH PRIMEPLUS
                                                 The fast growth and tremendous success of Axiscor Prime has been attributed to the
                                                 outstanding colors and visuals in an entry-level SPC price point. And now Axiscor is
                                                 introducing enhanced features that will make PrimePlus an even better value for
                                                 shoppers in search of a good-looking floor on a budget. Two new colors were introduced
                                                 to round out a collection of eight natural-looking planks. The wear layer has been
                                                 increased from 12 mil to a 20 mil with antimicrobial properties added to help prevent the
                                                 growth of bacteria, mold and mildew. Other improvements include a longer warranty for
                                                 residential use and an enhanced density IXPE pad for a quieter walk underfoot. The 7 x
                                                 48 planks feature 2G locking technology by Välinge for easy installation.

10 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                  fcnew s . net
on rigid core offering a         Key selling
                                                                                          modern twist to                    points
                                                                                          conventional bamboo.
                                                                                               In addition, the         • Signature Aluminer
                                                                                          company’s hardwood            UV-cured aluminum-
                                                                                          rigid core series             oxide finish protects
                                                                                          extends into two                against everyday
                                                                                          collections: Harmony              wear and tear
                                                                                          and Aqua Floors. Both
                                                                                          collections have a              • 100% waterproof
                                                                                          1.2mm real wood
                                                                                          veneer, micro-bevel            • Scratch resistant
                                                                                          edge and random
                                                                                          length planks.                 • Micro bevel edge
                                                                                               BHW Floors’ vinyl
                                                                                          rigid core flooring             • Easy click-lock
                                                                                          presents an exclusive           system for rapid
                                                                                          line of high-resolution              install
                                                                                          planks that simulate
                    The Symphony collection is a 1.2mm, strand-woven bamboo veneer
                                                                                          the look and feel of             • Exceptional
                        on rigid core, offering a modern twist to conventional bamboo.
                                                                                          real hardwood, making         durability and simple
                                                                                          it a seamless choice              maintenance
                                                                                          for active lifestyles.
Waterproof portfolio                                                                           BHW Floors is            • Residential 50-year
Rigid core styles span bamboo, hardwood and vinyl                                         unique in that it                   warranty
                                                                                          manufactures its own
BHW Floors’ products          themselves to modern            several categories          products with high-           • FloorScore certified
have been                     and timeless design             from bamboo to              quality, cost-effective
meticulously designed         trends alike. BHW               hardwood to vinyl. The      collections that provide
to provide an appealing       Floors’ rigid core              Symphony collection is      a great return on
range of styles and           waterproof portfolio            a 1.2mm, strand-            investment for flooring
textures that lend            splashes across                 woven bamboo veneer         retailers.

                                                         THE BEST IS YET TO COME
                                                         BHW Floors’ waterproof veneer SPC rigid core moves full steam ahead with
                                                         plans to expand on existing collections later this year. These innovative
                                                         products feature a 1.2mm real wood veneer that is infused with a waterproof
                                                         sealant. Stain is then applied to the veneer and finished with eight layers of
                                                         BHW’s signature Aluminer UV-cured aluminum-oxide coating to ensure
                                                         exceptional performance against everyday spills and scratches. Complete
                                                         with a click-lock profile for rapid installation, these prefinished, premium-grade
                                                         planks create a focal point for any atmosphere.

12 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                   fcnew s . net
degrees of sound              This and that
                                                                                                   In the case of           ● Up to three times
                                                                                              NovoCore Q, this floor           quieter than a
                                                                                              is much quieter than a        5.5+1mm WPC floor
                                                                                              normal 4mm SPC with
                                                                                              1mm cork or a                ● Comes in XL format
                                                                                              5.5+1mm WPC floor.              with registered
                                                                                              The difference is in the         synchronized
                                                                                              reflecting sound, the           embossing and
                                                                                              sound you hear within        pronounced beveled
                                                                                              the room. Think of the        edges, tile formats
                                                                                              clonking of people’s
                                                                                              heels walking around         ● Rigid, waterproof,
                                                                                              the office, or the bangs     durable, stable and
                                                                                              and thumps when kids               certified
                                                                                              are running around the
  NovoCore Q features a patent-pending construction engineered to use multiple distinct
                  layers from different materials that block specific sound frequencies.
                                                                                              home.                           ● Comes with
                                                                                                   Sound is tricky. All    ScratchShield MAX
                                                                                              frequencies aren’t           finish, best in class
NovoCore Q from CFL                                                                           heard equally or
                                                                                              reflected equally. NCQ
                                                                                                                           for scratches, wear
                                                                                                                                and stains
The sound choice in waterproof floors                                                          is not made of one
                                                                                              material; it’s a patent-       ● Patent-pending
NovoCore Q was                 high-performing hard            surface floor covering         pending construction             construction
developed by CFL to be         surface solution.               solutions today have           engineered to use             engineered to use
the sound choice in                CFL drives flooring         come a long way in             multiple, distinct layers      multiple, distinct
waterproof floors. “Q”         innovation not by simply        terms of durability,           from different materials     layers from different
(for quiet) is an              making products but by          beauty and                     that block specific          materials that block
engineered vinyl               providing solutions to          waterproofability;             frequencies of sound         specific frequencies
flooring that champions        challenges facing clients       however, some                  and greatly improves               of sound
the quest for a quieter,       and consumers. All hard         products have varying          acoustic performance.

                                                                                    HEARING IS BELIEVING
                                                                                    Unlike many hard surfaces that face acoustic challenges,
                                                                                    NCQ offers a solution to the sound problem. What’s more,
                                                                                    it is extremely easy to demonstrate: just drop a marble or
                                                                                    a golf ball on the floor and you hear the difference
                                                                                        CFL’s standard displays come with a built-in sound test
                                                                                    piece with competing waterproof products—one next to
                                                                                    the other (SPC, WPC, laminate and NCQ)—to demonstrate
                                                                                    the sound difference. In this case, hearing is believing.

14 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                      fcnew s . net
own home with her              Features and
                                                                                           three children and               benefits
                                                                                           pets. Creating floors
                                                                                           that can uphold any              • DiamondWalk
                                                                                           messes or accidents             Finish withstands
                                                                                           from kids or pets is            high-traffic areas
                                                                                           crucial to Haack
                                                                                           because she                     • Scratch resistant
                                                                                           understands the
                                                                                           stress of being a mom            • Stain resistant
                                                                                           and homeowner.
                                                                                                This scratch- and             • Waterproof
                                                                                           stain-resistant flooring
                                                                                           comes in 21 colors to          • 21 on-trend colors
                                                                                           fit any type of home.           that fit any design
                                                                                           Every style was                         style
                                                                                           carefully selected with
                                                                                           a professional                 • 20-mil wear layer
                                      Christina Haack’s new SPC collection features        designer to cater to            protects flooring
                                                scratch- and stain-resistant flooring      any taste and is on
                                                        that is available in 21 colors.
                                                                                           trend. The 20-mil wear            • Suitable for
                                                                                           layer creates a thick             residential or
                                                                                           product that is
Christina Collection                                                                       protected for
                                                                                                                            commercial use

Stylish, durable and affordable                                                             residential or                • Kid and pet friendly
                                                                                           commercial traffic. The
Christina Haack from          her new waterproof              stylish but durable and      collection also
“Flip or Flop” and            line, the Christina             affordable as well.          includes a multitude of
“Christina on the             Collection. She is              After dedicated hard         shades that not only
Coast” parlayed her           motivated to help               work, the result was a       reflects Haack’s taste
expertise in design           people find quality             luxury vinyl SPC floor       but is easy to clean
and flooring to launch        flooring that is not only       that was tested in her       and safe for any home.

                                                          FLOORS FOR ALL
                                                          Collaborating with HGTV star Christina Haack from “Flip or Flop” and
                                                          “Christina on the Coast,” distributor Flooring Lines devoted a great deal of
                                                          time and effort into creating the Christina Collection. The high-performing SPC
                                                          line is the result of its DiamondWalk finish that will withstand high-traffic
                                                          while still looking stylish. This durable and waterproof collection is kid and pet
                                                          friendly—it was tested by Christina's children to ensure it can last through
                                                          any messy mistakes or accidents. The collection also consists of 21 colors
                                                          that will appeal to an array of consumer tastes.

16 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                     fcnew s . net
to resist wear from             CORE
                                                                                        high-traffic                  strengths
                                                                                             The COREtec           •100% waterproof,
                                                                                        Stone, COREtec             kid-proof, pet-proof
                                                                                        Advanced+ and
                                                                                        COREtec Wood                 •Can be installed
                                                                                        collections (Mineral        over most existing
                                                                                        Core) offer:                hard surfaces with
                            COREtec Plus HD, shown here in Blended Sienna, is a WPC     Dimensional stability:        little or no prep
                                          offering with enhanced, integrated bevels.    Having no PVC reduces
                                                                                        the amount of             •Can be installed and
                                                                                        movement caused by
COREtec Plus HD                                                                         fluctuation in
                                                                                                                  enjoyed the same day

The three cores of COREtec                                                                                          •No need for nails,
                                                                                        Rigidity: Increased         glue or additional
COREtec Floors is             which helps prevent            dropping something on      rigidity enhances the         underlayment
known for delivering          the transfer of outside        them, sounds will be       overall performance.
exceptional style with        temperatures                   lessened.                  Finish options: A         •Easy, click-together
100% waterproof, kid-         impacting the flooring             The COREtec Pro        mineral core can              installation
proof and pet-proof           temperature.                   collection (SPC) offers:   expand on what’s
performance. The core         Comfort: With less             Strength: Performs in      possible: Opportunities    •Extremely durable
layer of each product         density, WPC has more          harsher environments,      in polished or matte       and easy to maintain
has many unique               of an absorption               including commercial       finishes, real hardwood
benefits to fit any           property making the            applications.              veneers and advanced,       •GreenGuard Gold
customer’s needs.             floors easier on the           Dent resistance: The       scratch-resistant               certified
    The COREtec               body and more                  high density of SPC        finishes.
Originals collection          comfortable to live on.        helps to prevent                Choosing the          •Lifetime residential
(WPC) offers:                 Sound abatement:               indentations from          perfect COREtec floor          warranty and
Warmth: The                   Sounds are reduced             heavy items falling on     comes down to                   competitive
expansion of the core         from impacts—from              the floor.                 preference and                  commercial
works as an insulator,        walking on the floors to       Durability: Designed       application.                    warranties

                           COREtec Advanced+ is the floor that treats flooring customers better, no matter how they treat it.
                           Enjoy expanded design possibilities with fewer pattern repeats and a sophisticated color palette.
                           Innovative engineering combined with natural artistry provides next-level protection against pets, kids,
                           high heels and everyday life. Available in two styles (7 and 9 inches), the product’s innovative mineral
                           core offers a 100% waterproof, kid-proof and pet-proof floor designed not to swell, cup or crack when
                           exposed to water. Low-luster visuals and enhanced scratch performance make this the highest-
                           performing COREtec floor yet, boasting a 15-year residential scratch warranty.

18 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                             fcnew s . net
(MSPC), which aims to        This and that
                                                                                           build upon an already
                                                                                           popular flooring            • Lifetime waterproof
                                                                                           category. Thanks to the            warranty
                                                                                           strength and stability of
                                                                                           the MSPC, Create             • Scratch resistant
                                                                                           Flooring can offer a
                                                                                           product that can be             • Pet friendly
                                                                                           placed in areas where
                                                                                           temperatures are            • Embossed in register
                                                                                           warmer without the
                           The Lofts collection from Create Flooring is available in 10
                                                                                           threat of product             • 12mm + 2mm pad
                                       trendy colors to suit virtually any design taste.
                                                                                           shifting—which can             attached = 14mm
                                                                                           occur with some SPC            overall thickness
Lofts collection                                                                           products. Create’s
                                                                                           MSPC core consists of        • 10 designer colors
A new laminate line that checks all the boxes                                              magnesium oxide,
                                                                                           which provides a            • Random long lengths
If you are a flooring         random long lengths,             allowing consumers to       stronger and more              of 2-, 4- and 6-foot
retailer looking for a        attached pad and 10              live and work without       stable core. The                      planks
floor covering that           trendy colors.                   the worry. It is designed   structural innovation of
checks all the important      The objective with this          with both performance       this core aims to set a
boxes, then look no           launch is to achieve             and aesthetics in mind.     new standard for the
further than the Lofts        designer looks—with                   The Lofts collection   flooring industry.
laminate collection by        added durability—for             is the latest in a series        MSPC is fireproof,
Create Flooring. The          both residential and             of new introductions the    waterproof and offers
company has taken the         commercial                       company has brought to      improved sound-
wraps off a new series        applications. As such,           market in 2021. Create      absorption qualities. The
that offers a bevy of         the Lofts collection is          Flooring’s Maritime         product is also
benefits—lifetime             engineered to withstand          collection features the     environmentally friendly,
waterproof warranty,          any moisture-related             company’s magnesium         making MSPC an easy
wide widths and               accident without fail,           stone polymer core          choice for consumers.

                                              GROWING THROUGH INNOVATION, CRAFTSMANSHIP
                                              Create Flooring offers its customers forward-looking technology, exquisite workmanship
                                              and outstanding extreme environmental protection standards as denoted by its
                                              stringent certification curriculum and best-in-class customer service record. The
                                              company houses 10 million square feet of flooring in its Calhoun, Ga., warehouse, and
                                              recently added a second warehouse in Dallas. A third warehouse is planned for 2022.
                                              Create Flooring has been growing its business—and its retailer base—for 12 years. The
                                              company has roots in laminate, hardwood and WPC, but today about 75% of its
                                              business is in the rigid core segment. It manufactures hardwood and even some SPC,
                                              giving it a competitive advantage in pricing, design, quality control and turnaround time.

20 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                  fcnew s . net

  MSPC FLOORING                            SPC FLOORING


                 createflooring.com • 877.425.9961
             124 Industrial Blvd NE, Calhoun, GA. 30701
StepWise products are         This and that
                                                                                        hassle free and as easy
                                                                                        to clean as standard            • Slip-resistant
                                                                                        tile.                            technology to
                                                                                              Daltile optimizes         confidently step
                                                                                        this technology by                 anywhere
                                                                                        combining it with the
                                                                                        tile looks and sizes that     • Built-in durability
                                                                                        are most popular in
                                                                                        today’s world, from             • Patent-pending
                                                                                        wood and stone looks               proprietary
                                                                                        to raw concrete visuals.     technology embedded
                                                                                        Tile featuring StepWise            in the glaze
                                                                                        technology is also
                                                                                        waterproof, free of           • Easy cleanability
                     With StepWise, Daltile enables seamless design from the kitchen    toxic chemicals, scratch
                                  to outdoor settings such as pool decks and patios.    resistant, stain proof         • Made in the USA
                                                                                        and slip resistant.
                                                                                              From a home             • Scratch resistant
                                                                                        design standpoint, slip
StepWise                                                                                resistance is a
                                                                                                                        and stain proof

Achieving the optimal balance between                                                   significant attribute.        • Enables seamless
                                                                                        Indoor to outdoor
slip resistance and cleanability                                                                                        design from the
                                                                                        cohesive style is a top       kitchen to the patio,
Utilizing StepWise            ideal flooring choice for      surface that achieves      trend for creating a          making the outdoor
technology, Daltile           bathrooms, kitchens,           the optimal balance        personal oasis. With         space an extension of
offers myriad tile            public spaces and even         between slip               StepWise, Daltile                  the home
collections that provide      outdoor areas.                 resistance and             enables seamless
50% more slip                     StepWise uses a            cleanability. Unlike       design from the kitchen
resistance than regular       proprietary material           competitor products        to the patio, making the
tile, making these            infused directly into the      with surface               outdoor space an
Daltile products the          glaze, creating a              enhancements,              extension of the home.

                                                      SCRIPTER ALLOWS YOUR DESIGN
                                                      TO EXTEND OUTDOORS
                                                      Scripter, Daltile’s new product launching in early September, is a glazed porcelain
                                                      with StepWise technology. Scripter embarks on a storytelling design journey. This
                                                      neutral stone look comes in large-format sizes and an 8-inch hexagon floor tile.
                                                      Designed to complement the entire color palette, the 8-inch hexagon decorative
                                                      accent can be used on its own or combined with any of the four solid colors for a
                                                      unique design touch. The entire series features StepWise technology offering up
                                                      to 50% higher slip resistance, allowing a homeowner’s design to extend
                                                      outdoors. From beginning to end, Scripter conquers anyone’s design desires.

22 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                fcnew s . net
waterproof SPC and
                                                                                                                         Finer points
                                                                                          WPC cores.
                                                                                                With collections        Digital Print offers
                                                                                          featuring planks of 5, 7,    improved clarity: 720
                                                                                          9 and 10 inches in               dpi HD print
                                                                                          width, and tile from
                                                                                          6 x 36 to 18 x 36, there     • Minimum to infinite
                                                                                          is something for every          pattern repeats
                                                                                          room or space.
                                                                                                In 2021, TruCOR        • Synchronized digital
                                                                                          introduced three new             print textures
                                                                                          products to round out
                                                                                          the brand’s offering.        • Proven scratch and
                                                                                          TruCOR Applause,             abrasion resistance
                                                                                          made in the USA, is an
                                                                                          entry-level 4.7mm SPC        • Eco friendly: Water-
                                                                                          with attached pad.            based inks and 30%
                    TruCOR from The Dixie Group aims to replicate the look and feel of    Applause features eight       less PVC than some
                             wood and stone in 100% waterproof SPC and WPC cores.         colors and boasts a               alternatives
                                                                                          lifetime residential and
                                                                                          10-year commercial             • TruBevel Click
TruCOR                                                                                    warranty. TruCOR Prime
                                                                                          XXL is among the
                                                                                                                         giving tile/stone
                                                                                                                       realistic grout visual
Leading the way in innovation and design                                                  widest and longest
                                                                                          WPC planks at 10 x 84.       • Painted, four-sided
Launched in 2019, the         consumer can trust that          crowded market,            Combined with TruCOR            beveled edge
TruCOR brand brings to        her TruCOR floor will not        TruCOR looks to lead       Prime XL, this XXL
market 15 collections in      disappoint and will              with design and            product comes in 30                • Lifetime
both WPC and SPC              provide many years of            innovation. Whether a      SKUs providing                residential/15-year
construction. TruCOR          enjoyment.                       residential or             something for every          commercial warranty
protects against                  TruCOR provides              commercial installation,   taste. Lastly, there is
moisture, excessive           retailers, consumers             TruCOR is perfectly at     TruCOR 3DP, an                • AC5 commercially
wear and tear and, most       and end users with               home. It replicates the    innovative direct-digital-           rated
importantly, is a             features and benefits            look and feel of wood      print SPC in 16 on-trend
beautiful floor that          that truly make it an            and stone with striking    SKUs featuring wood
performs. Today’s             easy choice. In a                authenticity in 100%       and tile visuals.

                                                TRUCOR 3DP…CLARITY, FLEXIBILITY, DURABILITY
                                                TruCOR continues to lead with innovation and realistic, on-trend design. The TruCOR
                                                3DP collection provides an innovative direct digital print onto an SPC substrate that is
                                                waterproof, easy to install and maintain and, most importantly, stylish. Today’s
                                                consumer can trust that her TruCOR 3DP floor will not disappoint. The 3DP print
                                                technology creates higher clarity, more realistic textures, shades and tones to provide
                                                more authentic visuals. Combined with the TruGlass finish that resists UV rays, an
                                                impressive AC5 abrasion rating and TruBevel grout on tiles (along with micro-painted
                                                beveled edges on planks) makes TruCOR 3DP the product of the future.

24 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                  fcnew s . net
natural colors are          Features and
                                                                                           engrained directly on         benefits
                                                                                           each plank.
                                                                                                Each distinguished      • Natural aesthetic
                                                                                           grain looks and feels
                                                                                           like the grain from a           • Waterproof
                                                                                           real plank without the
                                                                                           worry and maintenance        • Evertuff coating
                                                                                           of actual wood. The              AC4 rated
                                                                                           clarity in the visual is
                                                                                           two times that of              • Ensignium is
                   Ensignium, the newest rigid core collection from Engineered Floors      regular printed film.
                     Hard Surfaces, is the next step in premium hard surface flooring.                                      suitable for
                                                                                           Protecting these wood          residential and
                                                                                           prints is EF’s Evertuff          commercial
                                                                                           coating, which is AC4           applications
Ensignium                                                                                  rated and suitable for
                                                                                           both residential and           • Matte finish
Bringing the power of nature into the home                                                 commercial                    provides a more
                                                                                           applications. Evertuff          natural look
Engineered Floors is          collection from                       Ensignium’s low-       has a matte finish to
well known in the             Engineered Floors Hard           repeat wood patterns        give the product a           • Low-repeat wood
flooring industry on the      Surfaces, is the next            are digitally printed       more natural look than      patterns are digitally
soft surface side.            step in premium hard             directly on each planks’    that of a glossy film.       printed directly on
However, its recent           surface flooring.                rigid core. This low        For natural beauty            each planks’ rigid
arrival into the world of     Ensignium aims to                repeat allows for a         coupled with raw                    core
hard surface looks to         disrupt the industry’s           much faster, easier         toughness, look no
build upon its                coequal rigid core               installation. There is no   further than
reputation for proven         segment by offering a            paper film covering the     Engineered Floors Hard
performance and               unique waterproof                plank giving the illusion   Surface. Ensignium
aesthetics.                   product with high                of real wood, but rather    brings the power of
     Ensignium, the           quality and natural              the clean grains,           nature into the interior
newest rigid core             aesthetics.                      natural wood feel and       home space.

                                                            3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY IS AT THE CORE
                                                            State-of-the-art manufacturing is what makes Ensignium truly unique and
                                                            sets it apart from traditional SPC floors. Recent advancements in 3D printing
                                                            technology allows Engineered Floors Hard Surface to take high-definition
                                                            scans of real wood planks and deliver a “perfectly replicated product” with
                                                            up to 30 unique individual prints.
                                                            The company’s Evertuff coating also aids in the natural appearance of
                                                            Ensignium by leaving a much more muted finish on the surface of the floor
                                                            when compared to the glossy finishes of traditional wear layers.

26 I August 30/September 6, 2021                                                                                                  fcnew s . net
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