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                                                          WATER FOR          INTERVIEW       MINI-GRID
                                                            ATLANTA     CHAUDIÈRE FALLS     SOLUTIONS
                                                              Page 10             Page 32        Page 36

                                                Page 18
    LATEST NEWS                                                                                             NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS


                                                    PORTUGAL                                     THÁC CÁ 2 AND
       FENGNING II                                  ALTO TAMEGA                                  DONG SUNG
      New contract; June 2017; 1,800 MW;                                                        New contract; June 2017; 16 MW each;
                                                   New contract; July 2017; 922 tons;
      Fengning Pumped Storage Ltd. Co.; two                                                     Xuan Thien Yen Bai Co.Ltd.; electro-
                                                   Iberdrola Generación Espana S.A.U.;
      306 MW/ 333MVA pump units incl. Balance                                                   mechanical equipment including a hori-
                                                   hydro-mechanical equipment including
      of Plant, Electric Power Systems (EPS) as                                                 zontal shaft Bulb turbine-generator for
                                                   trash racks, gates and stop logs as well
      well as protection and control systems and                                                each plant incl. mechanical auxiliaries,
                                                   as control systems;
      governors; closing scheduled for mid-2021;                                                electric power systems, and automation;
                                                                                                completion mid- respectively end of 2019;

                                                                                                 SMALL &
                                                                                                 MINI HYDRO
        CANADA                                                                                   "from-water-to-wire" package;

        GARTSHORE                                   TEMASCAL I                                   9.96 MW; Helgeland Kraft AS
                                                   Project update; June 2017; 338 MW;
      New contract; June 2017; 23.5 MW; Great
                                                   Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE);
      Lakes Power Limited; general major reha-
                                                   unit #4 successfully delivered and ready
      bilitation incl. new Kaplan runner,
                                                   for commissioning, guaranteed values of
      stator winding and turbine governor;
                                                   power and efficiency exceeded; site
      completion planned October 2018;
                                                   works for unit #3 started;

                                                                                                 one 500 kW horizontal axial turbine;
                                                                                                 Murauer EnergieZentrum

       PAKISTAN                                                                                  AUSTRIA
                                                    CHENAUX GS                                   TRAUNLEITEN
       GOLEN GOL                                   New contract; June 2017; 143.7 MW;
                                                                                                 Bulb turbines and synchronous
      Project update; June 2017; 110 MW;           Ontario Power Generation; replacing of all    generators; 2 x 10.3 MW­;
      Water & Power development authorities        control and protection systems for eight      Wels Strom GmbH
      (WAPDA); rotor and stator of unit #1 suc-    generators; including design, installation
      cessfully installed; pre-assembly for unit   and commissioning; completion sched-
                                                                                                 READ MORE ABOUT
      #2 and #3 ongoing; closing scheduled for     uled end of 2019;                             SMALL & MINI HYDRO PROJECTS
      end of 2018;                                                                                   Page 38

HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                                  3

        State-of-the-art technology for fish-friendly design
        and Mini-Grid solutions

                                            Wolfgang Semper                                Harald Heber

        Dear Business Friends,

        With some 22% of the world’s demand for electricity              Around the globe, the market for small and mini hydro-
        currently generated from renewable resources, the 74% of         power is steadily growing. Besides numerous new
        that total coming from hydropower already makes it by far        projects, older and less efficient sites are being modern-
        the largest clean power contributor. Many developing             ized and refitted. An example is the historically significant
        countries have now also started to realize the low and           Chaudière Falls site – in the heart of the city of Ottawa,
        very low head hydropower potential of their rivers. For all      Canada, the country’s oldest operational hydropower
        modern hydropower applications optimization across a             plant, where the most powerful ECOBulb* turbines to date
        range of economic parameters and environmentally-                have been installed by ANDRITZ HYDRO.
        friendly solutions are crucial. Fish migration has become a
        highly significant issue, for instance. ANDRITZ HYDRO is         Rural Electrification is also becoming a very important
        fully committed to the continuous development of fish-           element of the hydropower market. To meet this demand
        friendly solutions for hydropower turbines and structures,       ANDRITZ HYDRO has developed special Mini-Grid
        and has been for decades. The cover story in this edition        solutions for off- and micro-grid applications to bring
        of HydroNews provides an overview of the ANDRITZ                 electricity to remote areas and support economic
        HYDRO design strategy to ensure high survival rates              development.
        where fish populations encounter hydropower develop-
        ments.                                                           The experienced ANDRITZ HYDRO employees remain
                                                                         very active in project execution worldwide – as the current
        In a generally very challenging energy market, global            engagements in Angola, Brazil, Lao PDR and Switzerland
        investment in hydropower plants has remained buoyant             demonstrate. With evolving requirements for environmen-
        and project activities have reflected this stability in recent   tally-friendly and economic hydropower solutions, new
        years. ANDRITZ HYDRO continues to make its contribu-             possibilities for small and mini-hydro, as well as refurbish-
        tion with unique projects all over the world. Recent             ment and rehabilitation opportunities, ANDRITZ HYDRO
        examples include contracts for the three-nation Rusumo           is confidently looking forward to the future hydropower
        Falls project in Rwanda, the fish-friendly solution at Rock      market.
        Island in the USA, Nam Na 1 in Vietnam and Dnipro 1 in
        the Ukraine. Originally built in 1932, Dnipro is still the       With kind regards
        largest hydropower plant in the country and is now being         and sincere thanks for your continued trust,
        refurbished and the existing generating equipment

                                                                            Wolfgang Semper                      Harald Heber

          18    COVER STORY
                Fish-friendly Designs

                Franz Kropp
                Chaudière Falls

                Mini-Grid Solution


     41    24

  NEW PROJECTS                                                             SITE REPORTS                                                           FOR
                                                                         Laúca | Angola                                           24
Dnipro 1 | Ukraine                                     06
                                                                         Pimental | Brazil                                        26
Graz-Puntigam | Austria                                08
Tiloth | India                                         09                Sogamoso | Colombia                                      27
                                                                                                                                                  CONTACT US:
Atlanta | USA                                          10                Xayaburi | Lao PDR                                       28    
Rusumo Falls | Burundi | Rwanda | Tanzania 14                            Mwadingusha | DR Congo                                   30

Rock Island | USA                                      16                Hongrin Léman Ext. | Switzerland                         31

Nam Na 1 | Vietnam                                     17


Small Hydro Highlights                                 38
Innertkirchen 3 | Switzerland                          40
                                                                         Enjoy an interactive reading experience! View picture                    Online magazine
Luachimo | Angola                                      40                galleries, videos and other additional content to each
                                                                         article. Simply scan the QR-code or check out:
Namgang | South Korea                                  41      
Carhuac | Peru                                         41

IMPRINT:                                                             Project Manager: Judith Heimhilcher, Nadja Unmuth                 This issue includes links to videos on external websites
Publisher: ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH,                                       Editorship: Marie-Antoinette Sailer                               whose content we can’t influence. The opinions
A-1120 Vienna, Eibesbrunnergasse 20, Austria                         Copyright: 2017, ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH                               expressed in the videos are personal views of the
Phone: +43 50805 0                                                   All rights reserved.                                              speaker, which must not match with the positions of
E-Mail:                                        Graphic Design: INTOUCH Werbeagentur                              ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH. The initiator of the video is
Responsible for the content: Alexander Schwab                        Circulation: 15,500                                               responsible for the accuracy of the content. Printed on
Editorial Board: Clemens Mann, Bernhard Mühlbachler,                 Printed in: English, French, German,                              FSC paper; ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH; Printed at WGA
Jens Päutz, Hans Wolfhard                                            Portuguese, Russian and Spanish                                   Print-Producing, 6911 Lochau,

*Trademark of the ANDRITZ GROUP. For information regarding ownership and countries of registration, please visit
6        NEW PROJECTS                                                NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

         DNIPRO 1

             OF HISTORY

                                                      UKRAINE – Ukraine’s state-owned PJSC
                                                      Ukrhydroenergo (UHE), the country’s largest
                                                      hydropower company, has signed a contract
                                                      with ANDRITZ HYDRO for the rehabilitation
                                                      of three units at its Dnipro 1 hydropower
                                                      plant. Awarded in late December 2016, this
                                                      contract sees ANDRITZ HYDRO become
                                                      the first European contractor for a large hy-
                                                      dro rehabilitation project in Ukraine.
                        © PJSC Ukrhydroenergo (UHE)

                                                      At the lower reaches the Dnieper River is
                                                      filled with rapids, which made it difficult to
                                                      navigate until the 19 th century. Today, this
                                                      is the location of the Dnipro hydropower
                                                      plant (also called Dnieper HES-1). The
                                                      plant spans the Dnieper River like a bridge
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                 NEW PROJECTS                  7

                                                                                                                  further content

                                                Contract signing

                                                 © PJSC Ukrhydroenergo (UHE)

                                                bank. At the time of its construction – at
                                                over 800 m length and more than 60 m
                                                height – the Dnipro dam was the largest in
                                                Europe. Even today, considered jointly with
                                                HPP Dnipro 2, with a total of 18 units and an
                                                installed capacity of more than 1,500 MW,
                                                the Dnipro plant is still the largest hydro-
                                                power plant in Ukraine. Now, after more
                                                than 70 years of operation, the existing gen-
                                                eration units of HPP Dnipro 1 have to be
                                                replaced with new units, providing higher          Dnipro 1 | Ukraine
                                                output, efficiency and reliability.
                                                                                                   Technical data:
                                                ANDRITZ HYDRO is responsible for the               Total output:                     1,500 MW
                                                rehabilitation of three Francis turbines and       Scope:                           3 × 75 MW
                                                generators – units #1, #2, #3 – including dis-     Voltage:                             13.8 kV
between the cities of Zaporizhia and            mantling of the existing equipment and sup-        Head:                                  35 m
Dnipro­petrovsk.                                ply, installation, and commissioning of the        Speed:                            83.30 rpm
                                                new units.                                         Runner diameter:                  5,740 mm
This famous hydropower plant was the
first power plant of the Dnipro cascade and     One of the technical highlights of this con-
was originally built by the former Soviet       tract is the implementation of an umbrella de-
Union in 1932. Until 2016 this power plant      sign while keeping the historic upper bracket,   important historical artifacts at the same
was named after Lenin. In 2016, the             which will be refurbished and brought into       time. Rehabilitation of this historic and pres-
Ukrainian government renamed it after the       position but without function. According to      tigious hydropower plant making it fit for the
homonymous river.                               the contract time schedule, the last unit        future is not only an interesting but also a
                                                should be finished and commissioned in late      complex challenge.
During World War II the Dnipro plant was        2021.
severely damaged. After rebuilding, it was
re-commissioned in 1949. Some decades           This order represents not only a very im-                                                 AUTHOR
later, HPP Dnipro was extended with a sec-      portant step into the Ukrainian hydropower                                              Dieter Erke
ond power house (Dnipro 2) on the left ­river   market, but the partial preservation of                            
8         NEW PROJECTS                                                                                                                             NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

                  NEW PROJECTS
                                                                                                                                                     further content

                 60,000                                                                                                              Graz-Puntigam | Austria

                                                                                                                                     Technical data:

                 TONS                                                                                                                Total output:
                                                                                                                                                                           17.7 MW
                                                                                                                                                                       2 × 8.85 MW
                                                                                                                                                                              6.3 kV
                                                                                                                                                                             9.65 m
                                                                                                                                     Speed:                                 150 rpm
                                                                                               © Energie Steiermark / Scenomedia     Runner diameter:                     3,600 mm

                                                                                                                                   from the province of Styria and from the
                                                                                                                                   Federal Environmental Senate thoroughly an-
                                                                                                                                   alyzed the project site, as well as all the input
                                                                                                                                   and any concerns from NGOs and local res-
                                                                                                                                   idents. Finally, in 2014 the go-ahead for the
                                                                                                                                   project was given, and all required legal certi­
    A 3D simulation of the plant on the Mur River
                                                                                                                                   fications could be obtained. The ­hydropower
                                                                                                                                   plant will provide about 45,000 Graz resi-
                                                                                                                                   dents as well as the numerous electric cars
    AUSTRIA – In March 2017, ANDRITZ                 flow rate of 200 m³/s. The major part of the                                  in the city with CO2-free electricity starting in
    HYDRO was awarded the contract to sup-           equipment will be produced in the ANDRITZ                                     2019, and will lead to a sustainable reduc-
    ply the electro-mechanical equipment for a       HYDRO workshop in Weiz, Austria, thus pro-                                    tion of ­dependency on electricity imports.
    new hydropower plant to be built in the heart    viding substantial local added value.                                         Thus, about 60,000 tons of CO2 will be saved
    of Graz, the capital of the Austrian province                                                                                  annually once the hydropower plant is in
    of Styria. The project owner and investor is     Currently, the electricity produced in Styria                                 operation.
    the Styrian energy utility Energie Steiermark,   covers less than half of the province’s elec-
    together with VERBUND and Energie Graz.          tricity demand. In order to improve Styria’s                                  This order once again underlines ANDRITZ
    Commissioning of the plant is planned for the    energy balance and to achieve the ambitious                                   HYDRO’s successful and long-term coop-
    first half of 2019.                              climate goals set out under the Paris agree-                                  eration with both Energie Steiermark and
                                                     ment, the Styrian climate and energy strate-                                  VERBUND while it also strengthens the com-
    ANDRITZ HYDRO is going to supply two             gy stipulates intensified expansion of renew-                                 pany’s leading market position in the Austrian
    Bulb turbines with a capacity of 8.85 MW         able energy sources. Initial plans for the Mur                                hydropower market.
    each, including speed controllers, as well       River hydropower plant in Graz were present-
    as generators, excitation and the entire con-    ed to the public in 2009. In the course of an                                                                             AUTHOR
    trol system of the plant. The power plant is     environmental impact assessment taking a
                                                                                                                                                                     Michael Haslinger
    designed for a gross head of 9.65 m and a        total of four years, environmental experts                                                      
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                   NEW PROJECTS              9

                                                                                                               NEW PROJECTS

INDIA – Towards the end of 2016,
ANDRITZ HYDRO signed a contract with
UJVN Limited for the rehabilitation of the
Tiloth hydropower plant in Uttarakhand,

Located on the Bhagrathi River in the north
of India, HPP Tiloth was originally commis-
sioned in 1984. It consists of three generating
units with a capacity of 30 MW each.              necessary. Methods to reduce the impact
                                                  of silt particles on the equipment include
ANDRITZ HYDRO’s contractual scope                 adding a further sedimentation chamber                            further content
comprises the supply of three vertical            and adaptation of the steel of the runner
Francis turbines, generator components,           blades. To design such advanced equip-
electronic governors, static excitation and       ment poses an interesting challenge for the
protection systems, and a SCADA sys-              engineers.
tem. The contract also includes electrical
and mechanical auxiliary systems, as well         The completion of the project and hand
as the refurbishment of existing equipment,       over to the customer is scheduled for the
such as spherical valves, transformers, and       second half of 2021.
switchyard equipment. Installation, testing
and commissioning complete the terms of           ANDRITZ HYDRO has already executed
the contract.                                     rehabilitation work at HPP Pathri (3 ×
                                                  6.8 MW) in 2010–2014 to the full satisfac-
A team from ANDRITZ HYDRO locations               tion of the same customer.                       Tiloth | India
in Germany, Switzerland, and India are
working in close cooperation to meet the          With successful execution of this project,       Technical data:
challenges of the project. One of these           ANDRITZ HYDRO will further reinforce its         Total output:                          90 MW
challenges is the tight time frame for deliv-     position as a technology leader and reliable     Scope:                             3 × 30 MW
ery of the first unit – within 22 months in-      partner in developing hydropower in India.       Voltage:                                 11 kV
cluding reverse engineering. Furthermore,                                                          Head:                                   145 m
the Bhagrathi River is very silty. Suspended                                           AUTHOR      Speed:                             428.6 rpm
solids can cause serious damage, hence                                                             Runner diameter:                    1,620 mm
                                                                                     Raj Deepak
erosion-resistant underwater equipment is                        
10    NEW PROJECTS                                                                                                 NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

USA – The former Bellwood granite quarry
                                                                              “Clean and secure water supply is
northwest of Atlanta, Georgia, is to become
one of the biggest water storage facilities in                                essential to the health of the people
the United States as part of a major infra-                                   and to the economy of a city.”
structure development program to increase
                                                                              Department of Watershed Management
drinking water supplies for more than one
million residents of the city and its surround-
ings. As the capital and the most populous
city in the state, Atlanta has intensified its ef-   Atlanta has been striving to modernize its     Bellwood quarry – northwest of Atlanta’s
             forts to alter the city demograph-      infrastructure and revitalize its neighbor-    downtown district – is going to become
              ics, politics and culture to be-       hoods since the 1996 Olympic Games.            one of the biggest water storage facilities
               come a pioneer in enhancing           One of the most prestigious and import-        in the country, s­ toring some 2.4 billion US
                safe and stable supplies of po-      ant projects is set to dramatically increase   gallons of water (9.1 billion liters) as part of
                table water for its citizens.        the city’s drinking water supplies.            this program. This expansion of the city’s

                                 NEW PROJECTS

                                WATER FOR

HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                                   NEW PROJECTS           11

raw storage c    ­apacity will provide Atlanta                   (10.7 m) diameter and 200 ft (61 m) deep         After a public naming contest, the tunnel-
with a reliable supply of drinking water for the                 and the second with a 20 ft (10.6 m) di-         boring-machine was named “Driller Mike” as
next 100 years and increase the ­emergency                       ameter and 300 ft (91.4 m) deep. Five fur-       a tribute to Atlanta resident Michael Render,
raw water reserve from just three days to                        ther 6.3 ft (1.9 m) diameter pump shafts are     aka “Killer Mike”, a famous rapper, actor and
30 days. The Department of Watershed                             to be constructed, along with a new pow-         activist. The artist is honored to be associated
Management, which is in charge of the water                      er substation and various improvements           with this project.
supply of about 1.2 million people in Atlanta                    to existing infrastructure. Central to this
and its surrounding area, is investing about                     project are the 136 million gallons per day      After completion of the project, the city
US$ 300 million in this amazing project.                         (mgd; 29,052 m³/h) Hemphill Tunnel Pump          plans to develop a 300 acre (1.2 km2) rec-
                                                                 Station with four vertical turbine pumps and     reation area at the site – the Westside Park.
Converting a 300 ft (91.4 m) deep ­quarry                        the 200 mgd (40,834 m³/h) Quarry Pump            It will be the largest park in Atlanta and will
into a water storage facility and recreation                     Station with four ver­tical turbine pumps and    be designed with public input in accor-
area includes blasting two circular pump                         three s­ ubmersible turbine pumps.               dance with the Department of Watershed
station shafts near the quarry, one 35 ft                                                                         Management requirements.
                                                                 The quarry will be filled through a five-
                                                                 mile-long (7 km) tunnel that will connect it     The strategically important contract to
                                                                 with the Hemphill and Chattahoochee Water        ­supply the submersible pumps, including as-
                                                                 Treatment Plants and the raw water intake         sociated equipment for the low level pump-
                                                                 and pump station at the Chattahoochee             ing station, was awarded to ANDRITZ on the
                                                                 River, the city’s primary water source. The       basis of a technically superior, innovative, and
                                                                 work also involves boring this 10 ft (3 m) di-    very economical solution. Offering a turn-key
                                                                 ameter tunnel, as well as the mechanical,         solution provides a sustainable, low-main-
                                                                 electrical and SCADA systems associated           tenance service concept with low follow-up
                                                                 with the pump stations.                           costs. In contrast to previous projects, direct
                                                                                                                   contact between the engineering company
                                                                 Drilling is being done by an impressive           and the owner was possible. Consultation and
                                                                 400 ft-long tunnel-boring-machine (121 m),        ­engagement with the owner during the early
                                                                 which arrived in Georgia in July 2016 on 70        development stages was a major advantage.
                                                                 trucks and assembled directly on-site.

                                                                                                The average domestic water
                                                                                                use for each person in the
                                                                                                USA totals about 50 gallons
                                                                                                (190 liters) a day.
                                                                  © / Ashiq_J
                                    © / bauhaus1000
12       NEW PROJECTS                                                               NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

     Submersible pump
                                           © JP2

                                                                        “Reinvention of this quarry as a
                                                                        reservoir and as a surrounding
                                                                        park is one of the most creative
        Chattahoochee                                                   land reclamation projects going
        Water Treatment plant                                           on in the city of Atlanta and
                                                                        certainly in the southeast.”
                                                                        Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta

                                                                     As water is withdrawn and the water lev-
                                                                     el drops to very low levels, the system re-
                                                                     quires that each submersible motor pump
                                                                     has a constant capacity rated at 30 mgd
                                                                     (4,842 m³/h), even under fluctu­  ating water
                                                                     surface levels ranging up to 120 ft (36.6 m).
                                                                     between minimum and maximum. To achieve
                        Quarry Water
                        Storage Facility                             this system requirement whilst ­operating un-
                                                                     der this submergence differential the sub-
                                                   Hemphill Water
                                                   Treatment Plant   mersible motors are driven by a variable
                                                                     speed drive, which enables the motors to
                                                                     run at varying speeds between 885 rpm and
                                                                     1,081 rpm. Variable speeds change the ax-
                                                                     ial forces on the rotating unit, which results
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                                       NEW PROJECTS                 13

                                                                                                                     An abandoned granite quarry
                                                                                                                     west of Atlanta – world famous
                                                                                                                     from its appearance in television
                                                                                                                     dramas such as “The Walking
                                                                                                                     Dead”, “The Hunger Games”,
                                                                                                                     and “Stranger Things” – is on its
                                                                                                                     way to becoming a communal
                                                                                                                     amenity for Atlanta.

                                                                                            © PC Construction

                                                                                                                                      further content

in varying shaft elongation and ultimately in   ANDRITZ HYDRO received this important
undefined dynamic loads on the axial thrust     order – the largest pump order for ANDRITZ
bearings.                                       in North America to date – from the Joint
                                                Venture PC Construction and H.J. Russell.
One of the major benefits of the pro-           It marks an important step into this growing
posed ANDRITZ solution using double suc-        market. The ANDRITZ team, comprising en-
tion submersible motor pumps is the full        gineers and specialists from the US as well
compensation of the axial thrust indepen-       as Europe, are proud to prove the high qual-
dent of the rotational speed. This charac-      ity of ANDRITZ pumps and equipment and
teristic neutralizes the load on the pump,      are pleased to contribute to the future sup-
the motor and its thrust bearings. With         ply of hundreds of thousands of people with                        Atlanta | USA
this technology, two contra-rotating sub-       fresh drinking water.
mersible motor pumps are arranged on top                                                                           Technical data:
of each other and driven by a continuous        The completion of the project is sched-                            Primary Rated Capacity:    30.7 mgd
pump shaft. Each of the two pumps trans-        uled for 2019 and will address Atlanta’s goal                      Primary Rated TDH:            160 ft
ports half of the capacity to the middle of     of achieving a sustainable water infrastruc-                       Rated Motor Power: 2,210 HP, 60 Hz,
the pump at full pressure. This significantly   ture for future generations and flexibility in                                    max. speed 1,081 rpm
reduces wear and tear, increasing service       systems operation. In the event of a crisis or
life to up to 20 years and more and pro-        loss of water service, it provides redundant                       3 × double suction submersible motor
vides the maximum possible operational          water storage and can save the city millions of                    pump units with discharge piping and
reliability. The division of work between the   dollars per day.                                                   variable speed drives
two pumps not only achieves the complete
compensation of axial thrust, it also halves
                                                                                    Stefan Borst                1 US gal. = 3.78 liters, 1 ft = 0.3048 meters, 1HP = 0.75 kW,
the suction velocity at the pump inlets. This                                    1 acre = 4,046 m2
protects the well walls around the intake
openings and minimizes the intake of abra-
sive solids and silt.
14    NEW PROJECTS                                                                                          NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

                                NEW PROJECTS
                              RUSUMO FALLS

                            A THREE

 BURUNDI / RWANDA / TANZANIA – For               The new hyropower station will be lo-         Execution of this project will be done by
 the Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project          cated on the Kagera River, about 2 km         a team from international ANDRITZ HYDRO
 Rusumo Power Company Limited has                downstream of the confluence of the rivers    locations. ANDRITZ HYDRO Germany has
 awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO a contract for            Ruvubu and Kagera, at the border between      the lead of this project, and – working in
 design, supply, installation, and commission-   Rwanda and Tanzania.                          close cooperation with the customer – will
 ing of the electro-mechanical equipment.                                                      be in charge of all on-site works. ANDRITZ
                                                 Under the terms of the contract signed        HYDRO India is responsible for the manu-
 A joint development of three east African       in November 2016, ANDRITZ HYDRO’s             facturing and delivery of the main compo-
 nations – Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania –        scope of supply comprises the delivery        nents including generators, EPS, and the
 the implementation of this project will be      of three 27.5 MW vertical Kaplan turbines     draft tube gates, whereas the ANDRITZ
 driven by an investment program of the Nile     and auxiliaries. In addition, generators,     HYDRO Austria team is giving technical en-
 Basin Initiative, the “Nile Equatorial Lakes    Electrical Power Systems (EPS), power-        gineering support.
 Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP)”, on         house cranes, draft tube gates, and stop
 behalf of Rusumo Power Company Limited.         logs, as well as the control and protection   The first big project milestone was
 Financing for the project is being provided     systems of the whole hydropower plant, fall   reached at the end of March 2017, when
 by the World Bank.                              within the scope of supply.                   the groundbreaking ceremony took place in
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                          NEW PROJECTS       15

                                                                                                Vertical Kaplan
                                                                                                   runner as for
                                                                                              HPP Rusumo Falls

                                                  Contract signing

the presence of important officials from all      inforce regional power interconnection.
three involved nations, representatives from      About 7,000 households in each of the
the World Bank, the African Development           countries will benefit from the power gener-
Bank, and key stakeholders. This was the          ation of the hydropower plant. Additionally,
official start of the site civil works contract   the site is going to provide job opportuni-                 Rusumo Falls |
activities. ANDRITZ HYDRO will start its          ties for over 500 local people.                             Burundi | Rwanda | Tanzania
site activities towards the end of this year,
when the access to the powerhouse and                                                        AUTHOR           Technical data:
the site has been prepared.                                                             Michael Stadler       Total output:              82.5 MW
                                                                               Scope:                 3 × 27.5 MW
Overall the project duration is scheduled                                                                                             3 × 30 MVA
to last some 36 months, with completion                                                                       Voltage:                      11 kV
by the end of 2019. HPP Rusumo Falls is                                                                       Head:                          25 m
an important project for the whole region. It                                                                 Speed:                   187.5 rpm
will provide an additional 27.5 MW to each                           further content                          Runner diameter:          4,050 mm
of the three countries involved and will re-
16     NEW PROJECTS                                                                                                 NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS


                                                                                                                                                 © Chelan PUD
                   HISTORY WITH
                   FUTURE                                                                             s­chedule, Chelan PUD achieves greater
                                                                                                       flexibility to address any future unplanned
                                                                                                       outages and will have the units available
                                                                                                       prior to Chelan PUD’s “check in” for its
                                                                                                       Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). This plan
                                                                                                       is a 50-year commitment to ensure that
                                                                                                       Chelan PUD’s hydro projects have no net
                                                                                                       impact on mid-Columbia salmon and steel-
                                                                                                       head runs. ANDRITZ HYDRO is proud to
 USA – Located in Washington State, the                                                                support Chelan PUD in meeting its HCP
 Rock Island Hydroelectric Power Plant              “It’s a proud moment to move                       commitment.
 was commissioned in 1933 and was the               forward with this modernization                                                         AUTHOR
 first dam to span the Columbia River. Sited        work and to have the oldest                                                       Darren Houghton
 about 12 miles (19 km) downstream from             turbines on the Columbia be re-                                   
 the city of Wenatchee, units B1–B4 in              placed by the newest turbines.”
 Powerhouse 1 were the first turbine gener-
 ator sets installed on the Columbia River. In      Randy Smith,
 the 1950s another six generating units were        Chelan PUD Commission President
 installed in Powerhouse 1 and a second
 powerhouse with eight Bulb turbine units
 was subsequently commissioned in 1979.          ANDRITZ HYDRO’s proposed turbine de-
                                                 sign increases capacity, at lower heads, and
 ANDRITZ HYDRO was awarded a con-                boosts unit efficiency, providing incremental
 tract by Chelan County PUD to modern-           value to Chelan PUD. Another benefit of the
 ize units B5–B10 starting in 2006. Now,         new runners is the fish-friendly design, re-
 ANDRITZ HYDRO has received a new con-           ducing the number of blades from six to four
 tract to modernize the first four units, B1–    and reducing the risk of blade strike by a fac-        Rock Island | USA
 B4, at Rock Island Powerhouse 1.                tor of 33%. Blade strike is a leading stressor
                                                                                                        Technical data:
                                                 affecting fish survivability. Cavitation is also a
                                                                                                        Total output:                 218 MW
                                                 key stressor with impact on fish survivability.
 Kaplan runner                                                                                          Scope:                  4 × 20.7 MW
                                                 The design also reduces cavitation so that
                                                                                                        Voltage:                       13.8 kV
                                                 the runners are essentially cavitation-free
                                                                                                        Head:                  40 ft (12.19 m)
                                                 over the entire operating range.
                                                                                                        Speed:                        100 rpm
                                                 ( COVER STORY page 18)
                                                                                                        Runner diameter: 228 inch (5,791 mm)

                                                 ANDRITZ HYDRO offered an alternate
                                                 approach to this project by taking three
                                                 units out of service for simultaneous mod-
                                                 ernization. This approach will result in the
                                                 modernization being completed six months                             further content
                                                 earlier than specified. Under the proposed
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                NEW PROJECTS              17

                                                                                                    NEW PROJECTS
                                                                                                           NAM NA 1

                                                                                   30 MW FOR

                                                  ANDRITZ HYDRO secured this contract
                                                  for the Nam Na 1 hydropower plant, about
                                                  12 hours drive from the capital Hanoi, on the
                                                  basis of the quality of its equipment and pro-
                                                                                                                 further content
                                                  fessional project management, proven during
VIETNAM – The new Nam Na 1 hydropower             pervious projects executed in Vietnam in re-
plant, located on the river of the same name,     cent years.
is just part of Vietnam’s impressive hydro­  -
power potential of about 120,000 GWh/year.        In order to increase domestic value during
Lai Chau Province, where Nam Na 1 is­             the execution of the project, ANDRITZ
located, is identified as a significant           HYDRO is to involve local suppliers for manu-
area for the development of medium-               facturing of turbine parts, such as draft tube,
size and small hydropower projects in the         hatch cover and embedded piping, local de-
country’s National Electrical System De­          liveries for the EPS and mechanical auxiliary
velop­ment Plan. Hung Hai Group has been          equipment and installation works.
­promoted as a major strategic investor in the
 province, having been granted the right to
 ­                                                The newly-established ANDRITZ HYDRO
 develop many hydropower projects. As part        company in Vietnam is playing a key role as       Nam Na 1 | Vietnam
 of its investment program, a subsidiary          first contact for the customer and coordinator
 of Hung Hai Group – North-West Power             of the local supplies and services. The dedi-     Technical data:
 Joint-stock company – has signed a con-          cated team of ANDRITZ HYDRO Vietnam is            Total output:                      30 MW
 tract with ANDRITZ HYDRO for the electro-        facing a very tight schedule and is keen to       Scope:                         2 × 15 MW
 mechanical equipment for HPP Nam Na 1.           accelerate the project development as much        Voltage:                            6.3 kV
                                                  as possible, working in tight coordination with   Head:                              9.62 m
The contractual scope of supply com­              the customer.                                     Speed:                            120 rpm
prises design, manufacturing, and installation                                                      Runner diameter:                4,600 mm
of two turbine-generator units, including gov-    With eight Large Hydro projects as well as
ernor, main transformer, GIS, electrical p
                                         ­ ower   six Compact Hydro projects currently being
system, and auxiliary mechanical systems.         executed in Vietnam, ANDRITZ HYDRO has                                                 AUTHOR
Erection, commissioning supervision and           again underlined its leading position in the                                        Wenye Xu
training are completing the contract.             important Southeast Asian region.                              
                                   18   FISH-FRIENDLY DESIGNS                                             NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

                                                                    With top-notch environmental performance now a
                                                                     decisive factor for the owners and developers of
                                                                hydropower plants, fish-friendly designs are becoming
                                                                  increasingly important considerations for the overall
© / DanBachKristensen

                                                                                     feasibility of hydropower projects.
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                   FISH-FRIENDLY DESIGNS          19

        Decisions made during the early design stages of a proj-             adult sea-dwelling species like salmon, striped bass and sturgeon
        ect, such as those relating to the hydraulic and mechanical de-      return to their spawning grounds in the tributaries of large rivers.
        sign of the turbines can have a dramatic effect on improving fish
        viability.                                                           Once a year, the adults of these species enter rivers and swim
                                                                             upstream, energetically clearing all obstacles and even water-
        Among the many different topics that must be addressed to            falls, to reach their destination where they produce fertilized
        optimize a run-of-river hydropower project from an environ-          eggs. The young eventually find their way downstream to the
        mental point of view, fish migration is a highly significant issue   sea to mature into adulthood. Every fish faces many sources
        for many water courses.                                              of danger during migration: professional or leisure fishing and
                                                                             natural predation, but also poor water quality due to pollu-
        Fish migration usually occurs in order to feed or reproduce.         tion and local water temperature changes caused by cooling
        For example, in upstream migration (anadromous fish migration),
20                                        FISH-FRIENDLY DESIGNS                                                                                    NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS


                                      1                                             2                                       3                                         4
Variable speed                                                    Optimal                                       Reduced                                 Reduced
                                                                  operating scheme                              gap runner                              turbulence level

                                                                      © CH. Karnchang (Lao) Company Ltd.

     water discharge from the industry. Last                                              instance, during the powerhouse design        to significantly and positively influence fish
     but not least, hydroelectric power plants                                            phase when the number, type and size of       survival rates. In order to accurately as-
     can also pose dangers to migrating fish.                                             the turbines are selected, many important     sess different designs in terms of their fish
                                                                                          decisions are made that can potentially re-   mortality-related performance, compre-
     Possibilities to influence fish survival                                             duce fish mortality. In particular, the hy-   hensive knowledge of injury mechanisms
     From the first phases of plant design and                                            draulic as well as the mechanical design      and their corresponding mitigation mea-
     layout, important parameters are set. For                                            of the turbines offers many opportunities     sures is necessary. Thorough studies also
                                                                                                                                        have to be conducted, forming the basis of
                                                                                                                                        the best hydropower solution for the ecol-
                                                                                                                                        ogy of the river.

                                                                                                                                        Fish Survival Assessment
                                                                                                                                        There are two kinds of hydropower re-
                                                                                                                                        lated influences on fish mortality. Direct
                                                                                                                                        impacts due to physical injuries sustained
                                                                                                                                        during passage through the turbine; and
                                                                                                                                        indirect effects such as increased preda-
                                                                                                                                        tion downstream of the discharge, and in-
                                                                                                                                        creased stress and/or disorientation after
         © Tony Campbell /

                                                                                                                                        passage through the unit.

                                                                                                                                        Since the 1990s, ANDRITZ HYDRO has
                                                                                                                                        followed a combined design strategy to
                                                                                                                                        ensure high rates of fish survival. Different
                                                                                                                                        design features are possible in connection
                                                                                                                                        to the various injury mechanisms caused
                                                                                                                                        by the different stressors (measurable,
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                          FISH-FRIENDLY DESIGNS            21

          5                                        6                                          7                                           8
Minimum                                Blunt leading edge                       Aligning stay and                            Biological
cavitation runner                                                               guide vanes                                  assessment tool

                                                                                     NEW POSTION

                                                                                       OLD POSITION

   physical quantities that can be linked to      in reducing impacts on fish. For exam-              Reducing the gap         between rotating and
   each injury mechanism). It is worth not-       ple, increased fish survival rates can be           stationary components can also boost sur-
   ing that the optimal choice of design pa-      achieved by optimization of the oper-               vival rates by diminishing the risk of fish being
   rameters for fish survival might be slightly   ating scheme           for power plants. The        trapped. This can be realized by using a fully
   different from those design considerations     strong relationship between the rates of fish       spherical discharge ring to minimize the blade
   in which maximizing energy production or       survival, the discharge rate and fish length is     tip gap, using a spherical hub with “pockets”
   minimizing costs are the only targets.         one of most evident characteristics. During         to minimize the hub gap.
                                                  the migration season, recording the sizes of
   Variable speed 1 Bulb turbines with            migrating fish allows plant operators to re-        Smaller gaps at the runner also diminish
   additional speed variation have very high      act by changing the operating scheme of             the turbulence level         in the draft tube.
   efficiencies across a wide operating range     the turbines to increase fish survival rates.       In general, turbulence in hydraulic pas-
   whereas conventional double regulated          The more information about fish migration           sages can be separated between small and
   turbines show high efficiency over a nar-      behavior that is available, the more precisely      large-scale effects, which affect fish differ-
   rower operating range. This efficiency         the operating regime of the turbines can be         ently. Turbulence at small scales (length
   capability is one of the fundamental ad-       adjusted during periods of significant migra-       scales smaller than the fish length) is pres-
   vantages of variable speed technology          tion.                                               ent in the same locations as high shear, and
                                                                                                      lead to similar injuries such as compression,
                                                                                                      stretching, and bending. Thus, small-scale
                                                                                                      turbulence injuries can usually be lumped to-
              ANDRITZ HYDRO focuses intensely on the devel-                                           gether with shear stress injuries. Large scale
              opment of fish-friendly solutions to safeguard the                                      turbulence (length scales longer than the
                                                                                                      fish) causes disorientation, hence increased
              viability of fish populations while delivering high
                                                                                                      stress on the fish. Such effects taken alone
              efficiency applied technology. By combining hy-                                         do not harm the fish, but increase the inci-
              draulic knowledge with biological understanding,                                        dence of indirect mortality.

              ANDRITZ HYDRO makes a big difference.
22                         FISH-FRIENDLY DESIGNS                                                                               NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

                                                                                                           Direct turbine-related fish
                                                                                                           injury mechanisms
                                                                                                            A - Rapidly pressure changes

                                                       E                                                    B - Shear stress
                                          G                                                                C - Turbulence

                                   A                                                                        D - Cavitation
                                                           D                 F
                                                                                                            E - Impacts on walls and components
                                                                                                            F - Grinding
                                                                                                           G - Abrasion

                        A minimum of cavitation              through-    fish is acclimated to. Secondly, the pres-
                        out the whole operating range is also es-        sure must drop more rapidly than the fish
                        sential for a fish-friendly design. Cavitation   can accommodate such changes. These
                        occurs when static pressure reaches the          conditions usually occur where the abso-
                        vapor pressure, leading to the forma-            lute pressure can drop in a few instants to
                        tion of vapor bubbles. Reaching regions          a fraction of a fish’s acclimation pressure.
                        of higher pressure, these bubbles rapidly
                        implode producing extremely energetic            A blunt leading edge         design may also
                        micro-jets, which may damage the runner          allow a relevant increase in survival rates in
                        blades and disrupt fish tissues, represent-      particular for small-sized fish species in
                        ing a potential cause of fish mortality. This    terms of the ratio of fish length to lead-
                        is very much linked to rapid decompres-          ing edge thickness. The optimal choice
                        sion, which is hazardous if two conditions       of the leading edge thickness will be
                        are met. Firstly, the pressure must drop sig-    achieved with the help of CFD simula-
                        nificantly lower than the pressure that the      tions which also allow evaluating their

                           READ MORE ABOUT
                           FISH-FRIENDLY PROJECTS IN
                           THIS ISSUE:

                                ROCK ISLAND / USA
                                Page 16
© / pidjoe

                                XAYABURI / LAO PDR
                                Page 28
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                            FISH-FRIENDLY DESIGNS       23

influence on the performance and on the            ANDRITZ HYDRO is fully committed to               those impacts can have a dramatic and
cavitation characteristic of the blade.            continuous development in regard to the           positive effect on the environmental perfor-
                                                   fish friendliness of hydropower units and         mance of hydropower plants.
Aligning the stay and guide vanes             at   structures. Enhanced understanding of fish
least in the most important operating points       behavior and injury mechanisms to ensure          ANDRITZ HYDRO is ready to contribute!
reduces the probability that a fish will hit the   more reliable identification of critical design
wicket gate.                                       features is a must and advanced methods           AUTHOR

                                                   to improve fish survival through a hydraulic      Andreas Rammler
ANDRITZ HYDRO uses a biological as-                turbine have been developed in conjunction
sessment tool             supported by CFD         with internationally active groups of biolo-
to record the various stressors on a fish          gists. Measures to improve fish survival are
along its trajectory through an operating          possible at all stages during the planning
turbine. Based on in-depth knowledge of            and design of a hydropower plant. Serious
the stressor limits for injuries to various fish   consideration of the many parameters af-
species, survival rates can be calculated          fecting mortality rates and optimization of                         further content
with this assessment tool.                         the tools and measures used to mitigate

                                                                    As the intact fish population is not only basis
                                                                    of the livelihood of people living along the
                                                                    rivers and lakes, but is also main food source
                                                                    for animals, the sound fauna is essential
                                                                    for the economic welfare of thousands of
                                                                    people, sometimes for a whole region.
24   SITE REPORTS                                                     NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS




                                                       ANGOLA – Angola has one of the fastest
                                                       growing economies in the world. Due to
                                                       rapid urbanization and population growth,
                                                       especially in the capital city of Luanda, there
                                                       is a huge and growing demand for electri­
                                                       city. As a result Angola has taken steps to
                                                       improve its energy supply.

                                                       In 2014, ANDRITZ HYDRO received a
                                                       con­ tract to supply the ­electro-mechanical
                                                       equipment for the new Laúca ­hydropower
                                                       plant located in the middle section of the
                                                       Kwanza River. This project consists of a
                                                       main power house with six units and an
                                                       eco-power house with one further unit. The
                                                       scope of supply for ANDRITZ HYDRO in-
                                                       cludes design, supply, installation super-
                                                       vision, and commissioning of the Francis
                                                       turbines, generators, main transformers,
                                                       isolated bus ducts, as well as control and
                                                       protection systems. The security, access
                                                       control and telecommunication systems for
                                                       both the main and eco power houses are
                    View of powerhouse, dam and area   also included within the scope of supply.
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                            SITE REPORTS           25

GY                                                   Cross section drawing           Lowering of rotor unit #1

                                                                                                                                                      © Odebrecht

 The time schedule was challenging from              Corporate social responsibility is taken very
 the very beginning of the project, with the         seriously by ANDRITZ HYDRO and during the
 hydraulic development completed within the          site works at Laúca hydropower plant, sev­-
 first four months and the site delivery of the      ­eral important CSR activities are taking place.
 embedded parts started in 2014. A complex            A permanent training center was built di-
 sourcing concept was employed to fulfil the          rectly at the Laúca site with the objective of
 very demanding delivery schedule, expedit-           preparing technicians for operations and
 ing shop assemblies and functional inspec-           maintenance activities – and the commercial
 tions at the workshops.                              operation of the plant itself – but also to train
                                                      local people for future power generation and
 After a commissioning phase of two months            transmission projects in Angola. ANDRITZ
                                                                                                                 Laúca | Angola
 and successful first synchronization of unit #1      HYDRO completely furnished three laborato-
 the inauguration ceremony took place in the          ries for this training center.                             Technical data:
 presence of President José Eduardo dos                                                                          Total output:               2,070 MW
 Santos on August 4th, 2017. Commissioning                                                        AUTHOR         Scope:             6 × 338 MW (Main)
 of the remaining units is being conducted at                                              Joachim Gütler                             1 × 42 MW (Eco)
 two-monthly intervals. All six main units will be                       
                                                                                                                 Voltage:              6 × 18 kV (Main)
 in commercial operation by mid-2018. With a                                                                                            1 × 15 kV (Eco)
 total capacity of 2,070 MW, HPP Laúca will                                                                      Head:                    200 m (Main)
 produce approximately 8,600 GWh of renew-                                                                                                 118 m (Eco)
 able energy per year – enough to supply about                                                                   Speed:                 200 rpm (Main)
 8 mio. Angolan households – making a signif-                                                                                         233.77 rpm (Eco)
 icant contribution to the fast growing demand                           further content                         Runner diameter:    4,790 mm (Main)
 of the country.                                                                                                                       3,220 mm (Eco)
26    SITE REPORTS                                                                                                   NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

  SITE REPORTS                                                                    DONE
 BRAZIL – Pimental hydropower plant, locat-
 ed on the Xingu River in Brazil, is the com-
 plementary powerhouse of the Belo Monte
 Hydroelectric Plant. Belo Monte is the sec-
 ond largest hydropower plant in Brazil and
 the fourth largest in the world. With six        With 18 spillway gates, a total size of
 38.8 MW generating units, all supplied by        445.5 m and a nominal flow of 62,000 m³/s,
 ANDRITZ HYDRO, the Pimental hydropower           HPP Pimental has one of the largest
 station was fully completed at the beginning     spillways in the world. Operating since
 of 2017 and is now in commercial operation.      July 30, 2015, its erection involved an im-
                                                  pressive 8,500 tons of equipment and river
 ANDRITZ HYDRO received the contract              diversion was completed in only 364 work-
 for the Pimental hydropower plant in 2011.       ing days.
 The contractual scope of supply included six
 38.8 MW Bulb turbine units, six 40.9 MVA         The dedication, hard work and commit-
 horizontal generator units, six speed regula-    ment of the ANDRITZ HYDRO team was
 tors, six excitation systems, automation con-    reflected in a record 387 consecutive days
 trol and protection systems, electrical power    without any accidents, a result that reflects
 systems, mechanical auxiliaries, six emer-       ANDRITZ HYDRO’s working principles and
 gency gates, and two cranes for the power        high quality of work.

 Located in Altamira, in Pará state, the final
 unit (GU #6) went into operation in the first
 week of January 2017.
                                                                                                  Installation of Bulb generator

 Delivery of the ­final environmental report in
 April c­ oncluded the company’s contractual
 ­requirements to the customer, Norte Energia.
  In June 2017, the Turbine Performance                                                           Cristiano Del Nero and
                                                                                                  Luciano Di Domenico
  Test was carried out, surpassing the con­­  -                                         
  tractual specifications.
                                                    Pimental | Brazil

 After the power plant was officially handed        Technical data:
 over to the customer and put into commercial       Total output:                  233 MW
 operation, ANDRITZ HYDRO executed the              Scope:                    6 × 38.8 MW
 final milestone of the plant’s development –                                 6 × 40.9 MVA
 the dismantling of the lodges, the construc-       Head:                           11.4 m
 tion site and the administrative building. All     Speed:                         100 rpm                                  Experience
 equipment and furniture was given to neigh-        Runner diameter:             6,450 mm                               further content
 boring schools and charity institutions.
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                     SITE REPORTS            27


signed a contract with ISAGEN S.A. E.S.P.
for the supply of the electro-­   mechanical
equipment for a new hydropower plant on
the Sogamoso River in the north-eastern part
of Colombia. The contract with ANDRITZ
HYDRO comprised the delivery of three
Francis turbines with a capacity of 295 MW
                                                 Acceptance Certificate (FAC) for the delivery     HYDRO and strengthens the leading position
each including a fully homologous model          from ANDRITZ HYDRO. A cavitation inspec-          of the company in the Colombian hydropower
test, as well as cylindrical gates, electronic   tion after 8,000 hours of operation was also      market.
and hydraulic turbine governors, and the         satisfactorily completed on all three units.
mechanical balance of plant equipment for                                                          AUTHOR

the turbine. Supervision of installation and     A particular feature of these units is the        Andres Hernandez
commissioning complete the contractual           use of a cylindrical gate with a diameter of

terms. The contract was executed by a            6,400 mm as a closing device between the
team of ANDRITZ HYDRO locations in               guide vanes and stay vanes. Closing and
Germany and Colombia.                            opening of the gate is performed by six hy-
                                                 draulically-operated servomotors, which are                            Experience
                                                                                                                    further content
The hydropower plant was built between           kept synchronous without the use of mecha­
the years 2009 and 2014 and has been in          nical linkages but by means of an ANDRITZ
commercial operation since then. By the          HYDRO proprietary control system.
end of 2016 all three units had successfully
completed the warranty period, thus leading      With 885 MW of nominal capacity and an
up to the March 2017 signature of the Final      annual average generation of 5,056 GWh
                                                 per year, this is the fourth largest hydroelec-
Aerial view construction site and river          tric power plant in Colombia, providing the
                                                 country with about 8% of the energy con-
                                                 sumed by Colombians each year. The units
                                                 of HPP Sogamoso, which are currently
                                                 the largest in operation in Colombia, are op-
                                                 erating stably and safely within an ample
                                                                                                    Sogamoso | Colombia
                                                 performance range, thus providing not only
                                                 power generation but also contributing to          Technical data:
                                                 grid stability and regulation.                     Max. total output:                    885 MW
                                                                                                    Scope:                            3 × 295 MW
                                                 By providing state-of-the-art products and         Head:                                   155 m
                                                 services in close cooperation with the custom-     Speed:                            163.64 rpm
                                                 ers, the successful completion of this project     Runner diameter:                    5,100 mm
                                                 again confirms the commitment of ANDRITZ
28      SITE REPORTS                                                                                                             NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

                                                                                SITE REPORTS


 Draft tube installation
 ceived an order from CH. Karnchang (Lao)
 Company Ltd. for the supply of electro-
 mechanical equipment for the Xayaburi run-
 of-river hydropower station on the Mekong
 River. ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply
 comprises the delivery of seven 175 MW
 Kaplan turbines (hydroelectric power pro-
 duction for EGAT, Thailand), and one
 60 MW Kaplan turbine (hydroelectric power           tenth of the total construction costs of the                developed oil-free hubs and has applied
 production for EDL, Lao PDR), as well as            entire power plant are invested in this en-                 them in numerous projects over many years.
 gene­rators, governors, automation systems,         vironmental requirement.                                    With such a design, the risk of oil leakage
 and auxiliary equipment. With a planned                                                                         into the river water is significantly reduced
 capacity of 1,285 MW, HPP Xayaburi will             In times of increasing demand for ever                      while the blade seal arrangement prevents
 produce more than 7,000 GWh/year of                 more exceptional ecological performance,
                                                     ­                                                           water exchange. The oil-free hub design has
 electricity, equivalent to about more than          the release of even very small amounts of oil               a major positive impact on the water qual-
 3 mio. households.                                  into river courses has to be avoided. With                  ity and thus on the environment. For HPP
                                                     the objective of reducing the quantity of oil               Xayaburi, the use of the oil-free hub concept
 The Mekong is one of the most biologi-              used in hydro turbines, ANDRITZ HYDRO                       will save about 14,000 liters of oil per unit.
 cally diverse rivers in the world. About
 60 mio. people along the Mekong make
                                                     Navigation lock, spillway, intermediate block, powerhouse and fish ladder
 their livelihood from the river and its fish pop-
 ulation. Therefore specially designed fish-
 friendly turbines will be installed at HPP
                                                                                                                                                           © CH.Karnchang (Lao) Company Ltd.

 Xayaburi. They are characterized by fewer
 runner blades, lower rotational speed and
 a different operating scheme.
 ( COVER STORY page 18)

 A fish ladder with a specially designed fish
 lock system is also foreseen in order to al-
 low migration of the fish upstream. One-
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                 SITE REPORTS         29

                                                                                further content

HOUSEHOLDS                                                   Xayaburi | Lao PDR

                                                             Technical data:
                                                             Total output:              1,285 MW
                                                             Scope:                   7 × 175 MW
                                                                                       1 × 60 MW
                                                             Voltage:              16 kV / 13.8 kV
                                                             Head:                           39 m
                                                             Speed:           83.33 rpm / 150 rpm
                                                             Runner diameter:           8,600 mm
                                                                                        5,050 mm

Currently, the turbines and generators are
in the manufacturing process. The power-          UPDATE
house overhead cranes (2 × 380 tons and
2 × 80 tons) have already been installed and
are in operation. All eight turbine draft tubes
have also been installed while the first four
main transformers are currently being trans-
ported to the site. Start of commercial op-
eration at HPP Xayaburi is scheduled for
October 2019.

HPP Xayaburi is an important project on
the mighty Mekong River and with its suc-
cessful execution ANDRITZ HYDRO proves
once again its leading position in the Lao
hydropower market and the high quality of
its state-of-the-art technology. ANDRITZ
HYDRO is proud to contribute to the devel-                 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
opment of the huge hydropower potential of                 Beginning of June 2017, the first runner at HPP
the country.                                               Xayaburi has successfully completed the
                                                           Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). To date, it is
                                       AUTHOR              the largest and most powerful oil-free runner
                                                           ever built.
                            Harald Taubenschmid
30    SITE REPORTS                                                                                                  NO. 31 / 2017 HYDRONEWS

             SITE REPORTS

                                                                                                                      further content

                                                     INTO THE

                                                                                                      Mwadingusha | DR Congo

                                                                                                      Technical data:
                                                                                                      Total output:                       78 MW
                                                                                                      Scope:                       4 × 13.05 MW
                                                    ANDRITZ HYDRO. Up until today no ma-              Voltage:                             6.6 kV
                                                    jor overhaul of the hydropower plant and its      Head:                                111 m
                                                    equipment had been conducted.                     Speed:                             375 rpm
                                                                                                      Runner diameter:                 1,320 mm
                                                    For ANDRITZ HYDRO, the scope of sup-
                                                    ply comprises replacement of four turbine
                                                    units, generators, governors, inlet valves,     equipment will be delivered to the site by
                                                    exciters, voltage regulators, and draft tube    mid-October 2017.
                                                    stop logs. This includes dismantling, erec-
                                                    tion, and commissioning. Transformers and       Site mobilization has started mid-August
 DR CONGO – In September 2016, an                   the balance of plant are within the scope       2017 and will be followed by dismantling of
 ANDRITZ HYDRO-led consortium was                   of the consortium partner. The original dis-    the existing equipment through until April
 awarded a contract for the refurbishment           charge volume and net head remain un-           2018. The contractual commissioning of
 of the existing Mwadingusha hydropower             changed, but there will nonetheless be a        the first unit is scheduled for February 2019
 plant in Katanga Province of DR Congo.             power increase of about 10% from 11.8 MW        and by the end of the same year all four
 This hydropower plant is equipped with six         to 13.05 MW per unit.                           units should be commissioned.
 Francis units with a capacity of 11.8 MW
 each. Financed by Ivanhoe Mines, the fi-           All major equipment, such as the tur-           After completion and hand over, HPP
 nal client is Société Nationale d’Electricité      bines, inlet valves, stop logs, and genera-     Mwandingusha will supply electrical ener-
 (SNEL), while the owner’s engineer is the          tors, have already been designed and are        gy to the Congo National Grid as well as to
 Swiss consulting firm Stucky.                      in the manufacturing process. Due to road       the copper mining activities at the Kamoa-
                                                    infrastructure conditions in DR Congo, the      Kakula project by Ivanhoe mines.
 The Mwadingusha hydropower plant is                transport of the equipment to the site is go-
 located on the river of Lufira. It was original-   ing to be very challenging and can only be      AUTHOR
 ly commissioned in 1930, and the origi­nal         done in the dry season, from mid-April to
                                                                                                    Igor Nikolov
 supplier was Charmilles, Switzerland, now          mid-October. Therefore most of the heavy
HYDRONEWS NO. 31 / 2017                                                                                                           SITE REPORTS            31

                                                                     SITE REPORTS
                                                                     HONGRIN LÉMAN EXTENSION

                                                                   30 GWh               INTO THE GRID
SWITZERLAND – The extension of the
pumped storage plant Hongrin Léman,
owned by Forces Motrices Hongrin-Léman
S.A. (FMHL), has been fully operational
since early 2017. This pumped storage
scheme uses the Lake of Hongrin and Lake
Geneva as reservoirs and is expected to pro-
vide about 1,000 GWh of peak power per
year, supplying more than 300,000 house-
holds with electricity.                            480 MW, the ­capacity of the plant was almost         lake Hongrin. However, due to a tempera-
                                                   doubled with this extension.                          ture drop in Europe between 30th December,
In 2011, ANDRITZ HYDRO was contract-                                                                     2016, and 8th January, 2017, and the simul­
ed to deliver two new ternary generating           Pumped storage is considered to be an in-             taneous low availability of large volumes of
sets, including motor generators, Pelton tur-      dispensable complement to renewable energy            other forms of renewable energy, the scheme
bines, digital and oil hydraulic governors, as     sources; it can provide power at short notice         was able to provide about 30 GWh of electri-
well as the cooling water system of the entire     and at large capacities, which is mandatory for       cal energy to the grid at short notice, further
plant. Furthermore, as part of a consortium,       the stability of the European grid. FMHL con-         proving the advantages of the pumped stor-
ANDRITZ HYDRO delivered four of the six            siders the development of renewable energy            age concept.
high head spherical valves needed, including       sources will increase the demand for rapid grid
                                                                                                                                            Stefan Kristukat
oil pressure units. Besides design and manu-       stabilization even further in the future.                               
facturing, the scope of supply also comprised
installation, commissioning, and efficiency        Despite winter time, the mild weather during                          Experience
testing of the equipment. Strain gauge tests       the last two weeks in 2016 entailed a relative-                       further content
have been conducted to establish the runner        ly low power consumption in Europe allowing
bucket vibration behavior at various operating     the Hongrin Léman pumped storage scheme
points of the unit. With a total output of about   to fill its almost empty reservoir, the artificial

                                                      Ternary Generating Unit
                                                      generator-motor, turbine and pump arranged
                                                      along the same shaft line; only one electric ma-
    Exciter                                           chine acting as motor; no reversal of rotation
                                                      needed when operation is changed from pump
                                                      to turbine or vice versa; short transition times
                                                      from one mode of operation to the other;
                                                                                                           Hongrin Léman | Switzerland

    Coupler                                                                                                Technical data:
                                                                                                           Total output FMHL:                  480 MW
                                                                                                           Extension output:               2 × 120 MW
                                                                                                           Voltage:                             15.5 kV
    Pump                                                                                                   Head:                                 880 m
                                                                                                           Speed:                              500 rpm
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