First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023

Page created by Joel Kelley
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
First Quarter Fiscal
2023 Earnings Call


February 7, 2023
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
Introductory Information
Forward-Looking Statements                                                                               litigation, of adverse litigation judgments and settlements resulting from legal proceedings; in the
This presentation contains forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the           impact of potential on-job accidents involving employees; any failure, inadequacy, interruption,
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934               security failure or breach of our information technology systems; any failure to comply with data
that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of               privacy regulations; our ability to adequately protect our intellectual property; restrictions
historical facts, contained in this presentation, including statements made on slide 17 under the        imposed by our debt agreements that limit our flexibility in operating our business; our ability to
heading “Financial Guidance” and other statements related to our expectations regarding our              generate sufficient cash flow to satisfy our significant debt; our ability to incur additional debt
industry, strategy, future operations, future liquidity and financial position, future revenues,         financing to fund future working capital, capital expenditures, investments or acquisitions, or
projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of management, are forward-looking                      other general corporate requirements; our variable rate indebtedness and recent increases in
statements. The words such as “outlook,” “guidance,” “projects,” “continues,” “believes,”                interest rates governing our variable rate indebtedness increasing the cost of servicing our
“expects,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “seeks,” “intends,” “plans,” “estimates,” or “anticipates,” or the   substantial indebtedness; any future sales or other transactions, by us or our affiliates, which
negative version of these words or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking          could cause the market price for our common stock to decline; the ability of KKR BrightView
statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements: speak only as of the date they are              Aggregator L.P., who holds approximately 54% of our shares, to exert significant influence over
made; are not statements of historical fact or guarantees of future performance; and are subject         us; ownership of our common stock; occurrence of natural disasters, terrorist attacks or other
to risks, uncertainties, assumptions, or changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict or       external events; changes in generally accepted accounting principles in the United States; any
quantify. Our expectations, beliefs, and projections are expressed in good faith, and we believe         negative impacts from heightened inflation, recession and financial market disruptions; our
there is a reasonable basis for them. However, there can be no assurance that management’s               ability to pursue and achieve our environmental, social and corporate governance focus area
expectations, beliefs and projections will result or be achieved, and actual results may vary            goals; unexpected delays, difficulties, and expenses encountered or incurred in pursuing our
materially from what is expressed in or indicated by the forward-looking statements. Factors that        ESG goals; and costs and requirements imposed as a result of maintaining the requirement of
could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected include, but are not limited to:    being a public company. Additional factors that could cause our results to differ materially from
general business economic and financial conditions, including recessionary conditions; the               those described in the forward-looking statements can be found under “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in
continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; higher operational and supply costs and expenses             our Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2022 as such factors may be updated
due to inflation, and our inability to pass higher costs and expenses onto our customers;                from time to time in our periodic filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC’s website
competitive industry pressures; the failure to retain current customers, renew existing customer         at Accordingly, there are or will be important factors that could cause actual
contracts and obtain new customer contracts; the failure to enter into profitable contracts, or          outcomes or results to differ materially from those indicated in these statements. These factors
maintaining customer contracts that are unprofitable; a determination by customers to reduce             should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with the other
their outsourcing or use of preferred vendors; the dispersed nature of our operating structure;          cautionary statements that are included in this presentation and in our filings with the SEC. Any
our ability to implement our business strategies and achieve our growth objectives; the                  forward-looking statement made in this presentation speaks only as of the date on which it was
possibility that the anticipated benefits from our business acquisitions and dispositions will not       made. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement,
be realized; the possibility that costs or difficulties related to the integration of acquired           whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as required by
operations will be greater than expected and the possibility that integration efforts will disrupt our   law.
business and strain management time and resources; the seasonal nature of our landscape
maintenance services; the impact of seasonality on the demands for our services, including the           Non-GAAP Financial Measures
reliance on the level, timing and location of snowfall for our snowfall removal services; our            Included in this presentation are certain non-GAAP financial measures, such as “Adjusted
dependence on weather conditions and climate change; increases in prices for raw materials,              EBITDA”, “Adjusted EBITDA Margin”, “Adjusted Net Income”, “Free Cash Flow”, Total Financial
labor and fuel caused by rising inflation; changes in our ability to source adequate supplies and        Debt”, “Total Net Financial Debt” and “Total Net Financial Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio”,
materials in a timely manner; any failure to accurately estimate the overall risk, requirements, or      designed to complement the financial information presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP
costs when we bid on or negotiate contracts that are ultimately awarded to us; the conditions            because management believes such measures are useful to investors. These non-GAAP
and periodic fluctuations of real estate markets, including residential and commercial                   financial measures should be considered only as supplemental to financial measures provided in
construction; our ability to retain our executive management and other key personnel; our ability        accordance with GAAP. Please refer to the appendix of this presentation for a reconciliation of
to attract and retain trained workers and third-party contractors and re-employ seasonal                 the historical non-GAAP financial measures included in this presentation to the most directly
workers; any failure to properly verify employment eligibility of our employees; subcontractors          comparable financial measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. Because GAAP financial
taking actions that harm our business; our recognition of future impairment charges; laws and            measures on a forward-looking basis are not accessible, and reconciling information is not
governmental regulations, including those relating to employees, wage and hour, immigration,             available without unreasonable effort, we have not provided reconciliations for forward-looking
human health and safety and transportation; environmental, health and safety laws and                    non-GAAP measures. For the same reasons we are unable to address the probable significance
regulations, including regulatory costs, claims and litigation related to the use of chemicals and       of the unavailable information, which could have a potentially unpredictable and potentially
pesticides by employees and related third-party claims; the distraction and impact caused by             significant impact on its future GAAP financial results.

                                                                                                                                                             1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 2
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
Highlights & Business Update
Andrew Masterman | President & Chief Executive Officer

                                             1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 3
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
1Q FY2023 Highlights

                REVENUE             REVENUE
           • Strong growth across segments; 5.5% Total Organic
           • Maintenance 5.5% organic
             • 1.5% Land Organic
             • 50.5% Snow Organic: ~6% annual contracts and ~44% volume
           • Development 5.9% organic
           • Accretive M&A; revenue contribution of $31.3M for Q1

                                   ADJ. EBITDA
           • $49M in Adj. EBITDA above high end of guidance
           • 20 bp margin expansion

                      PROACTIVE DEBT MANAGEMENT
          • Hedged $1B of debt, fixed rate on 70% of total debt
          • Lowered interest expense by ~$10 million on annual basis

                                                     1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 4
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
BrightView’s Snow Markets in Q1 and Q2
          Q1FY23 - NOAA Data(1)                                                                            January 2023(2)
              NOAA                   Snow                  Snow                                                Avg. Snow
BrightView                                                                           BrightView                                  Vs. Prior Year
              30 Yr.               (Inches)              (Inches)                                               (Inches)
  Market                                                                               Region
               Avg.                1Q’2022               1Q’2023                                                Jan 2023

Denver        128.6%                   4.1                 20.8                  Rocky Mountain                   9.8                   6.3%

Chicago       46.7%                    1.9                  4.3                  Mid-Atlantic                     0.2                 (98.8)%

                                                                                 Mid-West                        10.4                  31.6%
Boston        48.9%                    2.6                  3.4

Across our footprint, for the first quarter,                                     Northeast                        2.4                 (87.0)%
   snowfall was at 85% of the 30-year                                            Total                            5.2                 (61.7)%
    average vs. 30% in the prior year
                                                                                 Northeast temperature for February & March
                                                                                   projected to be 30% to 40% higher than

                       Below average snowfall for Q1FY23
             January snowfall significantly below average in Northeast
              (1)   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Source of macro weather data
              (2)   Source: Weatherworks, data through January 31, 2023
              (3)   Source: NOAA temperature estimates                                                             1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 5
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
Strategic Pillars Drive Long-Term Growth

Dedicated, locally-based       Strategic technology          Accretive and strategic
 salesforce to generate         investments, digital             acquisitions to
       new sales              services and marketing            expand footprint

 Investing in 200+ person    Driving differentiated value      Expanding footprint in
business development team     proposition to attract and    high-growth geographies
solely focused on securing      engage customers and        with favorable weather and
      new customers             expand market share          economic characteristics

                                                                1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 6
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
▪ Executed on 35+ accretive
                    Expanding through                                                                                                               acquisitions in the last seven
                                                                                                                                                    years, including more than
                   Strategic Acquisitions                                                                                                           15 acquisitions in the last
                                                                                                                                                    two years

2021                                                                                                                                              ▪ Expanded in high growth
                            Austin, TX                       Plymouth, MN                          Las Vegs, NV                    St. Paul, MN     MSAs, i.e., Boise; Salt Lake
                                                                                                                                                    City; and Phoenix

        Syracuse, NY                       Bradenton, FL                        Atlanta, GA                         San Jose, CA
                                                                                                                                                  ▪ In fiscal 2023, added Apex in
                                                                                                                                                    Myrtle Beach; Smith’s Tree
2022                                                                                                                                                Care in Newport News; and
                                                                                                                                                    Island Plant Company in
                       Honolulu, HI
                                                                 Ringwood, NJ
                                                                                                             Detroit, MI                            Hawaii

                                                                                                                                   Phoenix, AZ
                                                                                                                                                  ▪ M&A continues to be a solid
                                Salt Lake City, UT & Boise, ID                         Boise, ID
  Wailuku, HI
                                                                                                                                                    contributor to topline growth

                                                                                                                                                      +   $700M                DEAL

Myrtle Beach, SC
                                                                                                                                                          Strategically Deploying FCF
                                                         Pukalani, HI
                         Newport News, Va
                                                                                                                                                          in Select M&A transactions

                                                                                                                                                              1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 7
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
Disciplined Approach to Enhance Operational
      Performance and Optimize Costs

  Landscape Maintenance                      Snow Services                            Development
Pricing offset increases in labor &      Expand in self-performance to            Shifted timing of pricing
         in material costs            improve reliability & lower total costs   commitments to 10 - 15 days
   Managed fuel, neutral to Q2            Invest in equipment to drive          Focused on expanding into
           FY2023                                   efficiency                    higher-margin projects

            FY2023 Prudent Overhead Actions
• Limit new hiring, bringing out-sourced operations in-house, and focus                     +20 BP
  on driving operational efficiencies                                                     Total Margin
• Reducing T&E expenses, managing marketing costs and reducing
  reliance on third-party vendors                                                          Expansion

                   SG&A Ratio Down 100 Basis Points since FY2021

                                                                                     1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 8
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
ESG Highlights

                      ENVIRONMENTAL                               SOCIAL
                Deployed ~1,000 battery powered,       Conducted BrightView’s first team
                zero-emission handheld                 member engagement survey to
                equipment units.                       help inform our strategy and
                Converted ~400 vehicles to hybrid      strengthen team member
                or electric                            experience

                Installed sophisticated irrigation     Continued to diversify our
                solutions in hundreds of               workforce by increasing the
                properties across the U.S,             percentage of women and
                including large HOAs,                  Hispanic/Latino team members
                universities, hospitals and            in manager level roles
                corporate campuses

                 Partnered with Arbor Day              Sustained total recordable injury
                 Foundation to plant nearly            rate below the landscaping
                 300,000 trees                         services industry average

                                                               1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 9
           Note: ESG report published on Feb 1, 2023
First Quarter Fiscal 2023 Earnings Call - NYSE: BV February 7, 2023
Financial Review & Outlook
  Brett Urban | Chief Financial Officer

                                    1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 10
1Q FY2023

(Numbers $M)                 1Q23     1Q22      Commentary
                                               • 10.8% Increase
Total Revenue                $655.9   $591.8     • 5.5% Total Organic Growth and M&A contribution of $31.3M

                                               • 10.3% Increase
Total Maintenance Services   $483.2   $438.2
                                                 • 5.5% Organic Growth and M&A contribution of $20.7M

    Total Land               $421.4   $402.2   • 4.8% Increase; 1.5% organic growth

    Total Snow               $61.8    $36.0    • 71.7% Increase; 50.5% organic growth

                                               • 12.7% Increase
Development Services         $174.4   $154.7     • 5.9% Organic Growth and M&A contribution of $10.6M
                                                                               1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 11
1Q FY2023 Adjusted EBITDA

(Numbers $M)      1Q23     1Q22      Commentary
                                     ▪ 14.1% Increase
Total Adjusted
                  $48.6    $42.6        • 7.4% Adjusted EBITDA margin
EBITDA                                  • 20 bp improvement
                                     ▪ 11.5% Increase
                  $50.5    $45.3        • 10.5% Adjusted EBITDA margin
Services                                • 20 bp improvement
                                     ▪ 13.8% Increase
                  $16.5    $14.5        • 9.5% Adjusted EBITDA margin
Services                                • 10 bp improvement

                 ($18.4)   ($17.2)   ▪ 2.8% of revenue, 10 bp improvement

     Profitability Significantly Above High-End of Guidance Range

                                                                 1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 12
Disciplined Expense Management
                      Total Revenue
                         $ in mm
                                                        ✓ Consistent topline growth

                                               $2,839   ✓ Disciplined and prudent
                                                          management of overhead costs,
  $2,405     $2,346
                                                          while investing to drive
                                                        ✓ SG&A as percentage of
  FY19        FY20         FY21       FY22     Q1FY23
                                                          revenue improving

             SG&A / Total Revenue                           • 100 bp better since FY21
                                                            • Flat with FY19, despite
            22.5%                                             inflationary environment
                                                        ✓ Levered corporate costs
18.8%                                           18.9%
                                                        ✓ Supporting long-term EBITDA
                                                          margin expansion
FY19         FY20         FY21        FY22     Q1FY23

        Solid topline growth, investing in our business and maintaining SG&A flat
                                                                      1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 13
Proactive Debt Maturity and Rate Management
 Optimizing Debt Structure                                                                                Term Loan Rate(1)                          Term Loan Rate(2)
                                                                                                            Current SOFR                              Blended Hedge
 • Capped interest rate on $1B of Term Loan (TL)                                                               On $1B                                     On $1B
        o 50% swap at 3.46% SOFR and 50% collar at 4.35%
          to 2.65% SOFR
 • Collar floor of 2.65%, upside if rates decrease
                                                                                                                      8%                                        7%
 • Expect cash interest expense of:
        o $27 million for Q2                                                                           Interest expense: savings of $7 million
        o ~$100 million for FY23                                                                         in FY23 and $10 million annualized

                                  Debt Maturity                                                                                       Debt Structure
             No significant
            maturity until 2029


              2023       2024       2025        2026       2027       2028       2029

                                Term Loan                     Revolver
                                                                                                                                           Fixed     Floating

(1)   Term loan rate is based on current term SOFR plus a spread of 325 basis points
(2)   Term loan rate is based on $500M swap at 3.46% plus a spread of 325 basis points and $500M collar at 4.35% plus a spread of 325 basis points                   14
Net CapEx, Net Debt and Cash Flow
                                            1                                                                2                                                          3
                  Net Capital                                                           Net Debt                                              Free Cash Flow

         $27.5                                                              $1,374.9

                         1                                                                                                                   ($8.7)                 ($21.7)

           1Q'22                         1Q'23                                4Q'22                          1Q'23                          1Q'22                    1Q'23
                                                                                                                                            Cash Interest Expense

          Net CapEx / Total Revenue                                    Net Debt / TTM Adjusted EBITDA                                            Free Cash Flow
       Disciplined capex management                                                    4.8x at 4Q’22                                  Excluding expected interest headwind,
                                                                                                                                      free cash flow improved by $7 million
     Expecting 3.0% to 3.25% for FY23                                                  4.9x at 1Q’23
                                                                                                                                                  year over year

                                      Disciplined Management of Capital Expenditures
1 Net capital expenditures includes proceeds from sale of property & equipment
2 Net Debt includes total long-term debt, net of original issue discount, and capital lease obligations net of cash and equivalents
3 Defined as borrowing availability plus cash and equivalents

See the “Non-GAAP to GAAP Reconciliation” in the Appendix of this presentation for a reconciliation to the most directly
comparable GAAP measure
                                                                                                                                               1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 15

                                   THEN(1)                                                      NOW(1)
                Cash Improvement Drivers                                             Cash Improvement Drivers

      Enhanced EBITDA Performance                                            Enhanced EBITDA Performance

      CARES Act Net Benefit of $20 Million                                   CARES Act Net Benefit of $20 Million

                                                                             Capital expenditures at 3% to 3.25%
      Capital expenditures at 3.5%
                                                                                +$10 to $15 Million benefit

                                                                             Cash Interest expense at $100 million
      Cash interest expense at $107 Million
                                                                                +$7 Million in-year benefit

               ~$20M Additional Expected Benefit to FY2023 Free Cash Flow

(1)     Then is as of November 17, 2022, and Now is as of February 7, 2023                         1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 16
2Q Fiscal 2023 Financial Guidance1

           Total Revenue                                                                   Adjusted EBITDA

    $610M to $650M                                                                     $33M to $43M
• Land Organic Growth: 2% to 3%                                              • Maintenance: pricing to offset labor &
                                                                                 material costs
• Development Organic: ~(8)%; due to
 timing and mix of projects. Expect                                          • Development: margins improve by 20 to 40
 significant rebound in 2HFY23                                                   basis points

• Snow: low end assumes $100 million of                                      • Fuel: neutral to Total Adj. EBITDA
 snow revenue and high end assumes $140
 million of snow revenue vs. $208 million in                                 • Snow: assumes significantly below average
 the prior year                                                                  snowfall in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic

             1Our financial guidance, which was updated on 2/7/23, contains forward-looking statements
             and is subject to risks and uncertainties.
             See “Introductory Information”.
                                                                                                         1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 17
BrightView Business Model               ▪ Expect significant
                                          improvement in cash relative
                                          to FY22

                                        ▪ Continue to invest in long-
                                          term business growth
              Revenue                   ▪ Prioritize M&A to drive
                                          growth and improve leverage

                                        ▪ Focus on enhancing
  Invest in                               shareholder value
  M&A and
  Leverage                  Growth

              Cash Flow

                                                1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 18
Closing Remarks
Andrew Masterman | President & Chief Executive Officer

                                             1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 19
Long-Term Profitable Growth

➢ Operate in a resilient and durable industry;
  withstood various economic cycles

➢ Leader in a fragmented industry with multiple
  growth opportunities; organic and M&A

➢ Differentiated value proposition; technology,
  sustainability and network of expertise

➢ Serve marquee customers across a diverse
  array of end-markets

➢ Well positioned for environmental trends;
  carbon reduction and water conservation

                                1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 20
1Q FY2023 Earnings Call


                          1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 21
Non-GAAP to GAAP Reconciliation
                                                               Three Months Ended
                                                                  December 31,
(in millions)*                                                 2022          2021
Adjusted EBITDA
Net (loss)                                                 $      (18.9) $         (12.8)
   Interest expense, net                                           23.2              9.7
   Income tax (benefit)                                            (5.5)            (4.6)
   Depreciation expense                                            27.1             21.4
   Amortization expense                                            11.9             13.4
   Business transformation and integration costs (a)                4.7              5.9
   Equity-based compensation (b)                                    5.7              4.8
   COVID-19 related expenses (c)                                    0.4              4.8
   Debt extinguishment (e)                                           —                —
Adjusted EBITDA                                            $       48.6 $           42.6
Adjusted Net (Loss) Income
Net (loss)                                                 $      (18.9) $         (12.8)
   Amortization expense                                            11.9             13.4
   Business transformation and integration costs (a)                4.7              5.9
   Equity-based compensation (b)                                    5.7              4.8
   COVID-19 related expenses (c)                                    0.4              4.8
   Income tax adjustment (d)                                       (5.0)            (7.9)
Adjusted Net (Loss) Income                                 $       (1.2) $           8.2
Free Cash Flow
Cash flows (used in) operating activities                  $      (29.6) $         (22.4)
 Capital expenditures                                              27.2             28.6
 Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                       1.4              1.1
Free Cash Flow                                             $      (55.4) $         (49.9)
*Amounts may not total due to rounding
                                                       1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 23
Non-GAAP to GAAP Reconciliation (cont.)
(a)     Business transformation and integration costs consist of (i) severance and related costs; (ii) business integration costs and (iii) information technology
        infrastructure, transformation costs, and other.
                                                                                                               Three Months Ended
                                                                                                                  December 31,
       (in millions)*                                                                                       2022                2021
       Severance and related costs                                                                   $              0.1       $          0.3
       Business integration (e)                                                                                     2.7                  4.0
       IT infrastructure, transformation, and other (f)                                                             1.9                  1.6
       Business transformation and integration costs                                                 $              4.7       $          5.9

(b)     Represents equity-based compensation expense and related taxes recognized for equity incentive plans outstanding.

(c)     Represents expenses related to the Company’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, principally temporary and incremental salary and related expenses,
        personal protective equipment and cleaning and supply purchases, and other.

(d)     Represents the tax effect of pre-tax items excluded from Adjusted Net Income and the removal of the applicable discrete tax items, which collectively result in a
        reduction of income tax (benefit). The tax effect of pre-tax items excluded from Adjusted Net Income is computed using the statutory rate related to the
        jurisdiction that was impacted by the adjustment after taking into account the impact of permanent differences and valuation allowances. Discrete tax items
        include changes in laws or rates, changes in uncertain tax positions relating to prior years and changes in valuation allowances.

                                                                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                                                               December 31,
       (in millions)*                                                                                2022                         2021
       Tax impact of pre-tax income adjustments                                             $                   6.0       $                    7.9
       Discrete tax items                                                                                      (1.0)                            —
       Income tax adjustment                                                                $                   5.0       $                    7.9

(e)     Represents isolated expenses specifically related to the integration of acquired companies such as one-time employee retention costs, employee onboarding
        and training costs, and fleet and uniform rebranding costs. The Company excludes Business integration costs from the measures disclosed above since such
        expenses vary in amount due to the number of acquisitions and size of acquired companies as well as factors specific to each acquisition, and as a result lack
        predictability as to occurrence and/or timing, and create a lack of comparability between periods.

(f)     (Represents expenses related to distinct initiatives, typically significant enterprise-wide changes. Such expenses are excluded from the measures disclosed
        above since such expenses vary in amount based on occurrence as well as factors specific to each of the activities, are outside of the normal operations of the
        business, and create a lack of comparability between periods.

      (*) Amounts may not total due to rounding.
                                                                                                                                  1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 24
Non-GAAP to GAAP Reconciliation (cont.)
Total Financial Debt and Total Net Financial Debt
                                                                                                      December 31,          September 30,       December 31,
(in millions)*                                                                                            2022                  2022                2021
Long-term debt, net                                                                                  $        1,409.5      $        1,330.7    $       1,204.0
 Current portion of long-term debt                                                                               12.0                  12.0               10.4
 Financing costs, net                                                                                            10.2                  10.6               10.2
 Present value of net minimum payment - finance lease obligations (i)                                            44.8                  41.7               24.0
Total Financial Debt                                                                                          1,476.5               1,395.0            1,248.6
Less: Cash and cash equivalents                                                                                 (22.4)                (20.1)            (132.8)
Total Net Financial Debt                                                                             $        1,454.1 $             1,374.9 $          1,115.8
Total Net Financial Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio                                                                4.9x                  4.8x               3.8x

 (i)     Balance is presented within Accrued expenses and other current liabilities and Other liabilities in the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

       (*) Amounts may not total due to rounding.

                                                                                                                                  1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 25

Faten Freiha                  David Freireich
VP of Investor Relations      VP of Communications & Public Affairs
484.567.7148                  484.567.7244   
                                                                      1Q FY2023 Earnings Presentation | 26
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