Page created by Ken Little
No. 01 | 2022 | Customer Magazine
          Datwyler IT Infra

                                    Stürmsfs AG, Goldach:

                                    FIRST PRIVATE 5G NETWORK
                                    IN SWITZERLAND
                                    Interview with Tilo Nemuth:

                                    DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION
                                    IN THE BUILDING SECTOR
                                    Micro data centres:

                                    MORE THAN A
                                    PRODUCT INNOVATION

                                                      CONTENTS                                                                                                                                            EDITORIAL
                                                      03		 Leadership in troubled times

                                                      REFERENCE PROJECTS
                                                      04		 Stürmsfs AG, Goldach: First private 5G network operating in Switzerland
                                                      06		 2022 Asian Games, Hangzhou: Intelligent technology for sports mega event
                                                      08 Buntweberei, Eislingen: A holistic experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                          in troubled times
                                                      10 PSA International Pte Ltd, Singapore: Fibre optic network for mega container terminal
                                                      12 Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance: Modern data network for 1200 trainees
First private 5G network operating                    13 Mandalika International Street Circuit: In pole position
             in Switzerland – page 4                  14		 HDB modernisation projects, Singapore: 28th, 29th and 30th term                                                                                  Dear Readers,
                                                      15		 Children’s Hospital, Lianyungang: Solid basis for state-of-the-art medical system
                                                      16		 Mubea Automotive Components Co. Ltd., Shenyang: Integrated IT infrastructure                                                                     Many things are not the same as they used to be. Not that
                                                      18		 Avenue South Residence, Singapore: Aiming high: Travelling cables for luxury                                                                     everything has got worse – on the contrary: for example, our
                                                      		 residential tower blocks                                                                                                                           IT infrastructure solutions are even more effective and use-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ful to society than ever before. Today many of us also enjoy
                                                                                                                                                                                                            a substantially higher standard of living than previously.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unfortunately, however, there are also factors which have
                                                      19 Europe: High-performance company networks from Datwyler and Nokia                                                                                  tended to produce a negative trend in recent years. From
                                                      20		 Worldwide campaign: The new Quality Policy                                                                                                       one day to the next, global supply chains have found them-
                                                      21 Asia-Pacific: BICSI hybrid event in Singapore                                                                                                      selves in considerable difficulty. Computer chips and wheat
    Artificial intelligence in theory
                                                      		   Germany, Austria, Switzerland: Supplier of the Year                                                                                              as well as gas, oil and various other important raw materi-
             and practice – page 22                   22 Europe: Artificial intelligence in theory and practice                                                                                             als are still only available in limited quantities and at high
                                                      23 Saudi Arabia: Agreement with MachinesTalk                                                                                                          prices. Suddenly some countries are not accessible, or only
                                                      24 Germany: Improving the framework conditions for data centre operators                                                                              with difficulty; and – like us – established customers and
                                                      		China: Outstanding success                                                                                                                          suppliers find themselves in a transformation process with
                                                      25		 Switzerland: Strategic partnership with Alltron AG                                                                                               an outcome which is as yet unpredictable.
                                                      26		 Europe: Rack catalogue available
                                                      27		 Italy, Austria: MDC partners certified                                                                                                           Such dramatic changes, hurriedly introduced in some cases,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and the associated planning uncertainty have forced many             frequent team calls and workshops and via different func-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            of us to reflect on our type of business management and              tions – CEO, Finance, HR, Product Management, R&D, Qual-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to adapt to the environment accordingly. Some time ago               ity und Global Operations – we can exchange views, ensure
                                                      28		 Building sector: “The key to greater sustainability lies in the property portfolio”                                                              we at Datwyler IT Infra already began enabling individual            we have an insight into what is happening locally, and show
                                                               Interview with Dr.-Ing. Tilo Nemuth, Managing Director of Julius Berger International                                                        regions to implement company strategy so that in practice            all the staff that we have not abandoned them.
The ultimate in flexibility – page 32
                                                      30		 Micro data centres: More than a product innovation                                                                                               they are able to act independently without operational in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            tervention “from the top”, from head office.                         Agile thinking and acting are just as much a central com-
                                                      INNOVATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ponent of our company philosophy as a quick and consist-
                                                      32		 Modular patch panel solution: The ultimate in flexibility                                                                                        We accordingly delegate decisions to the lowest possible             ent decision-making culture. And, if mistakes do occur
                                                      34		 Copper data technology: Unshielded Cat.6A solution                                                                                               level, so that the local Datwyler teams can respond to the           somewhere, we try to learn as much as possible from them.

            Imprint                                   35 Monitoring and security: Rack Monitoring System                                                                                                    situation on the spot with speed and agility. While trust in         So that we can offer you, Dear Readers, as perfect and com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            local managers and their teams brings much dynamism,                 prehensive a service as possible in troubled times. In fact
                                                                                                                                                                                                            entrepreneurial spirit and motivation to the organisation, it        the one from Datwyler IT Infra.
                             Publisher and    Dätwyler IT Infra AG,                                                                                                                                         also requires the very careful and diligent selection, guid-
                   editorial responsibility:  6460 Altdorf / Switzerland,
                                    Editors:  Sybille Borries, Sonya Eisenegger, Dieter Rieken                                                                                                              ance and training of the individual exponents.                       Enjoy the read!
                                   Authors:	Soubhi Al-Aliwi (soa), Gary Ang (gaa), Sybille Borries (syb), Gerardo Cetrulo (gec), Chen Chen (chc), Jimmy Chiam (jic), Ivan Corsini (ivc),
                                              Malin Christ / Fink & Fuchs AG (mac), Mark Egloff (mae), Ralf Fischinger (raf), Alexander Funk / MicroStep Europa GmbH (alf), Andreas Klodner (ank),          This strategy has proved effective. For over two years the           With kind regards
                                              Alexander Kölbel (alk), Vangelis Kostas (vak), Suresh Kumar (suk), Karsten Lengnink (kal), Norbert Ludwig (nol), Tze Wei Pang (tzp), Dieter Rieken (dir),
                                              Gary Shen (gas), Franklin Simanjuntak (frs), Bob Song (bos), Tony Tan (tot), Ivan Toh (ivt), Andreas Weng (anw), Mellon Wei (mew)                             Swiss members of the management team were unable to
                                Translation:  TTC wetranslate Ltd., Bedford Translations, Bedford / UK                                                                                                      visit the subsidiary in China to see the situation for them-
                                    Layout:   Kathrin Müller                                                                                                                                                selves. But right now, when various cities and provinces are
                                   Printing:  UD Medien, Multicolor Print AG, 6006 Luzern / Switzerland
                                Circulation:  10,000 German / English / Chinese                                                                                                                             again in lockdown, it is clear that both the systematic digi-
                    Publishing frequency:     Semi-annually                                                                                                                                                 tisation in our company and the decentralised set-up is a            Johannes Müller
                       Sources of images:	Alltron AG, Avenue South Residence / UOL Group Ltd., German DataCenter Association, HDB, HeidelbergCement / Thilo Ross, Julius Berger International, Lucky       major advantage in successful crisis management. Using               CEO Dätwyler IT Infra AG
                                              Joint Construction, MicroStep Europa, Mubea Group, Nokia, PT. Gunung Sawo, Salvia Gebäudetechnik, stürmsfs ag, Adobe Stock, Datwyler picture library
                  Reproduction of articles:   Permitted only with attribution to © 2022 Datwyler

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                                                                                                                                      To set up and operate the private 5G net-             plasma source. Mobile assets can also be              with high bandwidth and low latency for
                                                                                                                                      work Stürmsfs is working with the commu-              easily incorporated in the “smart factory”            sensors, machinery, vehicles and other
                                                                                                                                      nications network equipment provider                  via wireless technology.                              equipment. At the same time this ensures
                                                                                                                                      Nokia among others. Datwyler is responsi-                                                                   that all data stay in the company and are
                                                                                                                                      ble for implementing the entire technical             “The networking of production technolo-               processed on site in real time, which
                                                                                                                                      infrastructure on site – from the cabling             gy, robotics and movable assets as part of            means that Stürmsfs retains full control of
                                                                                                                                      through to the installed antenna technol-             campus mobile radio networks is an im-                its production know-how.
                                                                                                                                      ogy. Intel supports this development with             portant precondition for a higher level of
                                                                                                                                      key technologies for connectivity and IoT             automation, productivity increases, and               “Even today a high degree of automa-
                                                                                                                                      Edge Computing.                                       thus ultimately for Industry 4.0. The Nokia           tion in our production is a key factor in
                                                                                                                                                                                            Digital Automation Cloud is an industry-              our company’s success,” says Marcel Mei-
                                                                                                                                      5G technology will smooth the path of
                                                                                                                                      Stürmsfs towards “smart manufacturing”:
                                                                                                                                      In future all the relevant production assets
                                                                                                                                      will be interconnected via this particularly
                                                                                                                                      high-performance radio standard. The
                                                                                                                                      software used here is the IndustryFusion
                                                                                                                                      open source solution, an easy-to-imple-
                                                                                                                                      ment multi-manufacturer networking so-
                                                                                                                                      lution which creates an interoperable link
                                                                                                                                      between machinery, factory and Cloud
                   Stürmsfs AG in the municipality of Goldach is one of the highest-performing providers of end-to-end solutions      platforms.
                                                          in the steel, metal and alternative materials sector on the Swiss market.

Stürmsfs AG, Goldach:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  er, Divisional Head of Procurement/Cor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  porate Development and a member of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the Management Board at Stürmsfs.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Meier is convinced that efficiency can be

operating in Switzerland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  substantially boosted, particularly in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  areas of production, logistics and work-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ing processes, on the basis of the data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  obtained via networking. The focus is on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the integrated intelligent control and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  networking of machines, logistics and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  workers. AI-based improvements are on
                                                                                                                                                                 The focus at Stürmsfs is on the networking of production facilities, including   the agenda.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     this CNC cutting system from MicroStep.
                        Stürmsfs AG is networking its production with strong                                                                                                                                                                      “In Nokia, Intel and Datwyler as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the IndustryFusion Foundation we have
                        partners like Nokia, Intel and Datwyler as well as the                                                        Networking production facilities and                  compatible campus solution and platform               strong partners and are happy to pro-
                        Swiss IndustryFusion Foundation.                                                                              mobile assets                                         for digitisation. Stürmsfs has therefore              vide them with the opportunity of exten-
                                                                                                                                      The industry-quality private 5G network               succeeded in taking an important step                 sively testing technologies and use cases
                                                                                                                                      currently comprises two production facili-            towards the smart factory,” says Patrick              with us in a real production environ-
                                                                                                                                      ties on the main Stürmsfs production site             Langelaan, Nokia’s Vice President for the             ment,” says Meier.
                   Stürmsfs AG, one of Europe’s most mod-                     Federal IndustryFusion Foundation, the                  in Goldach. In the next phase of the pro-             Enterprise Market in Southern Europe.
                   ern steel and metal service centres, has                   company in Goldach on Lake Constance                    ject a wide variety of production facilities                                                                Nokia’s private 5G network hardware and
                   started operating the first private 5G net-                plans to design its production processes                will be interconnected via 5G technology              On-site data processing in real time                  the stuermsfs end-to-end plant server are
                   work in Switzerland. In collaboration with                 even more efficiently in future with In-                and IndustryFusion software – including,              The provision of the Nokia Digital Automa-            based on a broad range of Intel network-
                   Nokia, Intel and Datwyler as well as the                   dustry 4.0 solutions.                                   for example, a CNC cutting system or a                tion Cloud provides reliable connectivity             ing and edge technologies. (alf/raf)

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2022 Asian Games, Hangzhou:

for sports mega event

                                                                       With its high-performance product                                  volleyball, table tennis, handball, gymnastics, boxing, martial arts, in-
                                                                                                                                          door football and other contests.
                                                                       solutions Datwyler is making a small but
                                                                       important contribution to the success                              The indoor swimming pool is at the northern end of the Sports Cen-
                                                                                                                                          tre. It is a professional sports facility for swimming and diving compe-        The basketball stadium is the largest indoor stadium of the Asian Games.
                                                                       of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.                               titions which can accommodate 6,000 spectators. This is where the
                                                                                                                                          swimming, diving and synchronised swimming competitions will be
                                                                                                                                          held during the 2022 Asian Games.                                               The appropriate IT infrastructure
                                                                   On 16th September 2015 the President of the Olympic Council of Asia                                                                                    For decades in China Datwyler has been synonymous with premium
                                                                   (OCA) announced that the 2022 Asian Games would be held in Hang-       The “Jade Cong”, the facade of which was inspired by a neolithic                quality IT infrastructure solutions coupled with first class service.
                                                                   zhou. Hangzhou will be the third Chinese city to host the Asian        jade artefact from the excavations near Liangzhu, is a centre for ball
                                                                   Games after Beijing and Guangzhou.                                     games of every description. Its 184,500 square metres comprise a                As a supplier to the 2022 Asian Games Datwyler has delivered 500 kilo-
                                                                                                                                          training and handball hall, five further competition centres, a news-           metres of high-performance copper data cable, used to implement
                                                                   As the opening ceremony approaches Hangzhou has been stepping          room and residential accommodation for athletes, as well as public              over 10,000 data connections in five of the most important venues:
                                                                   up the construction of infrastructure facilities and sports venues.    infrastructures, car parks, underground logistics and a lot more. The           the Olympic Sports Centre, the Jade Cong ball game centre, the table
                                                                   Whether newly built or undergoing renovation, all the facilities and   Asian Games will stage basketball, volleyball, handball, fencing and            tennis arena and the Hangzhou Umbrella hockey arena.
                                                                   venues are not only being equipped with cutting-edge technology,       taekwondo competitions.
                                                                   but are also architectural masterpieces, constructed to the highest                                                                                    On top of this there are around 300 kilometres of single-mode fibre
                                                                   environmental standards. A sustainable low-carbon, energy-efficient    The Canal Asian Games Park                                                      optic cable for indoor and outdoor use, each with between four and
                                                                   design and appropriate IT solutions will ensure that the venues will   The Canal Asian Games Park in the city centre is the only new build             288 fibres, depending on the requirement.
                                                                   be intelligent, multifunctional, open and beautiful.                   among the 53 arenas in Hangzhou available for the Asian Games. A
                                                                                                                                          business complex and parks as well as sports facilities were created            The cabling systems in copper and fibre optic technology form the
                                                                   The Olympic Sports Centre                                              on a total area of 467,000 square metres. The sports facilities include         basis for reliable interference-free transmission of all the data and ap-
                                                                   The Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre covers a total area of almost       a table tennis arena seating 7,000 and a hockey arena, known as the             plications during the coming Asian Games in Hangzhou. As well as
                                                                   400,000 square metres. The main stadium at the southern end, also      “Hangzhou Umbrella”, with 5,000 seats.                                          communication technology in the narrow sense of the term, this also
                                                                   called “The Butterfly Lovers’ Stadium” to commemorate a local leg-                                                                                     includes a conference system, camera surveillance, access control, the
                                                                   end, can accommodate 18,000 spectators. It will be the venue for the   The new Park is equipped with state-of-the-art technology. It provides          parking guidance system, intelligent lighting control and the informa-
   Corridor in the main stadium of the Olympic Sports Centre       World Basketball Championships. It can also be used for badminton,     full 5G coverage and has a driverless shuttle system.                           tion sharing system. (gas)

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        Buntweberei, Eislingen:

                                      Salvia Gebäudetechnik has set up the entire network infra-
                                      structure of the “Buntweberei” in Eislingen using products
                                      and solutions from Datwyler IT Infra.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The new headquarters of Salvia Gebäudetechnik
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      on the “Buntweberei” site

                                                                                             area and Sky Bar, the historic “Kesselhaus”        a 10 gigabit backbone of Cat.7A type CU         Spaced throughout the workplace areas of         and Communication Technologies at Sal-
                                                                                             – an event location –, a pop-up store with         7702 4P copper cable and Cat.6A connec-         the building are several consolidation           via Gebäudetechnik. “I am talking about
                                                                                             a café run by the fashion designer Karo            tion technology, which covers all five build-   points which are connected to the floor          product quality, great flexibility, and espe-
                                                                                             Kauer as well as an exclusive fitness and spa      ings. Altogether 17 distribution cabinets and   distributors by fibre optic breakout cables.     cially reliability of supply, which is very im-
                                                                                             club owned by handball player Michael              over 800 copper data ports were installed                                                        portant in challenging projects such as
                                                                                             “Mimi” Kraus.                                      on the campus for this purpose.                 Here Datwyler met Salvia’s requirements          these.” (anw/dir/alk)
                                                                                                                                                                                                for measured cut-to-length OM4 multi-
                                                                                             The builder’s own new head office is also lo-      Mini Data Centre for central server room        mode trunk cables factory-fitted with con-
                                                                                             cated on the site. With a workforce of 1500        The network infrastructure of the Salvia ad-    nectors, enabling rapid installation.            The Mini Data Centre at Salvia head office
                                                                                             on 25 sites and many years of project expe-        ministration building comprises a server                                                         is the central computing node of the entire
                                                                                             rience, Salvia Gebäudetechnik is one of the        room and six floor distributors which are       Great flexibility                                “Buntweberei”
                                                                                             leading German companies for building              networked via a fibre optic backbone. At        The access switches are positioned decen-
                                                                                             projects of all sizes. Its range of services       the same time the server room is the central    trally, directly at the consolidation points,
                                                                                             covers the entire technical life cycle of          computing node of the “Buntweberei”. A          which allows Salvia great flexibility with the
                                                                                             buildings – from the initial feasibility studies   four-rack Mini Data Centre from Datwyler        workstation cabling. Moreover the entire
                                                                                             through all the planning phases and execu-         was used here. Each cabinet is equipped         administration building as well as individual
Since October 2019 the “Buntweberei” has      greater Stuttgart area, a venue designed to    tion to the operation of buildings and sites.      with DIMS, the Datwyler Infrastructure Man-     outdoor areas are supplied with WLAN to
been taking shape on the former site of the   combine fun and adventure, health and                                                             agement System (see page 35). Salvia uses       ensure mobile working conditions.
Wurster weaving mill in Eislingen. By July    pleasure, business and networking. Among       Salvia has set up the entire network infra-        this to monitor access, vibration, tempera-
2022 Salvia Gebäudetechnik wants to cre-      the enterprises offering visitors a holistic   structure of the “Buntweberei” with prod-          ture, atmospheric humidity and leakage.         “Our experience with Datwyler on this pro-
ate a new venue on this large site covering   experience are the Industrial Design and       ucts and solutions from Datwyler IT Infra.         The system relays any malfunctions to the       ject has been nothing but positive,” re-
more than 10,000 square metres in the         Lifestyle Hotel “Loom” with a co-working       A key element of this is the campus network,       IT team’s service hotline.                      ports Michael Tietz, Head of Information

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 Kräne richtig??

    PSA International Pte Ltd, Singapore:

    for mega container terminal
      The largest automated terminal in the world is being                                      of communications networks, was award-           door applications as well as 14 server racks      Lucky Joint completed the installation in                  the reliability of the product solutions used
                                                                                                ed the contract for installing the fibre optic   in which the cables are terminated.               January 2022. After successful tests it was                and the excellent support from the Dat-
      created on the south western tip of Singapore. Specialist                                 cables which ensure the secure data trans-                                                         handed over to the end customer in March.                  wyler IT Infra team – both important fac-
      cables from Datwyler ensure control of the port cranes.                                   fer and video surveillance (CCTV) of the         Datwyler was chosen because the compa-            PSA International is very happy with the                   tors for a project in such a challenging en-
                                                                                                port cranes.                                     ny had already supplied reliable high qual-       new IT infrastructure, particularly as regards             vironment. (jic)
                                                                                                                                                 ity product solutions for earlier PSA pro-
                                                                                                Lucky Joint commissioned Datwyler to sup-        jects and is one of the port operator’s
PSA is one of the leading global port opera-     2027 the three existing ports in Tanjong       ply fibre optic cables for outdoor and in-       approved quality brands.
tors with terminals at over 50 locations in 26   Pagar, Keppel and Pulau Brani will be con-
countries, their most important ports being      solidated and moved to Tuas, on the south      Termination of the cables in the server racks    Robust cables for harsh environments
in Singapore and Antwerp. PSA manages            western tip of the island state. When the                                                       In order to connect the cranes to the exist-
more than 60 deep-sea, rail and inland ter-      fourth and final construction phase is com-                                                     ing network, 150 kilometres of fibre optic
minals as well as associated companies.          plete the Tuas Mega Port will be the largest                                                    cable were installed outdoors alone, some
These include freight distribution complex-      fully automated container terminal in the                                                       of them in cemented cable ducts which are
es with offices and warehouses as well as        world – with automated cranes, drones,                                                          filled with sea water at high tide.
marine service providers whose core busi-        driverless transport vehicles and just-in-
ness includes pilotage and towage.               time services.                                                                                  To meet these particular requirements spe-
                                                                                                                                                 cialist “FO Outdoor” cables with a double PE
The next milestone in the evolution of the       Lucky Joint Construction Pte. Ltd., one of                                                      sheath and steel armour were used here – ro-
port of Singapore is the Tuas Mega Port,         Singapore’s major providers of manage-                                                          bust products suitable for harsh environmen-
which PSA put out to tender in 2019. By          ment and installation services in the field                                                     tal conditions, even for installation in water.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cable run-in in ducts which are periodically filled with sea water

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                                                                                                              The new BIBF Training Centre in Bahrain Bay

Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance:

Modern data network for                                                                                    Secure high-performance cabling                                   Mandalika Int. Street Circuit:
                                                                                                                                                                             IN POLE POSITION
                                                                                                           Datwyler is supplying the 10 gigabit-com-

                                                                                                           patible communications cabling installed
                                                                                                           in the new building. Among other things it
                                                                                                           comprises 100 kilometres of Category 6A
                                                                                                           shielded copper data cable and 3000 Cate-
                                                                                                           gory 6A RJ45 modules. In addition, for the                                            Speed and technology: the factors in
                                                                                                           backbone Datwyler supplied OM4 multi-                                                 motor sport which determine racing
                                                                                                           mode fibre optic cable with the appropriate                                           success. It is much the same in data net-
                                                                                                           connection technology together with net-                                              works – as demonstrated by this project
                The Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance relies on                                     work cabinets of various heights.                                                     from Indonesia.
                Datwyler to supply a high-performance communications                                       The project was successfully completed us-                                            The “Pertamina Mandalika International
                network for its new headquarters.                                                          ing the professional support of AMPS W.L.L.,                                          Street Circuit” is a motor sports race track
                                                                                                           a local Datwyler Solution Partner. The AMPS                                           on the Indonesian island of Lombok. The 4.3
                                                                                                           team has been working with Datwyler for                                               kilometre circuit is on the coast of Manda-
            The Bahrain Institute of Banking and Fi-         1200 trainees on nine floors occupying        four years, and this positive experience has                                          lika in the midst of tropical scenery. Here the
            nance (BIBF) is the leading provider of          around 25,000 square metres. It has a large   reinforced its confidence in the IT infrastruc-                                       “Asia Talent Cup”, a motorcycle road race, is
            training and further education courses in        auditorium, “smart classrooms”, modern        ture provider’s high-quality product solu-                                            held. In 2021 the “Superbike World Champi-
            the Kingdom. The Institute, which is affili-     computer labs, and is the only place in the   tions. In the project AMPS also cooperated                                            onship” also took place here, and the “Mo-
            ated to the Central Bank of Bahrain, plays a     whole region where the trade in financial     closely with telecommunications company                                               toGP” in March 2022. The “GT World Chal-
            central role in training qualified specialists   products can be simulated.                    Batelco, which installed the complete pack-                                           lenge Asia” is to follow.
            for the country’s banking and financial sec-                                                   age of electrical and low voltage systems
            tor. Since it was established in 1981 the        All the facilities on campus are equipped     and ensured that all the project require-                                             Hotels and various other single-purpose
            goal of the BIBF has been to improve spe-        with state-of-the art technologies. These     ments were met in full, from the specifica-                                           buildings will be erected on the extensive
            cialist training in this field.                  were introduced at the same time as im-       tion phase through to acceptance.                                                     site, which occupies around 120 hectares.
                                                             proved educational opportunities and                                                                                                Originally built as a race track with ample
            At the end of 2021 the BIBF moved into a         training schemes so as to give the students   The IT infrastructure was successfully hand-                                                                                    >>
            new ultra-modern head office in Bahrain          the skills and experience demanded by         ed over to the Institute in October 2021 – in
            Bay. The new building can accommodate            employers.                                    time for the start of teaching. (suk)

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                     Glimpse into an IT cabinet
                           during installation

                                                  “discharge areas”, consideration is being        brought the Datwyler solutions into play.                                                                                             Children’s Hospital, Lianyungang:
                                                  given to also using part of it as link roads     The general contractor approved these

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SOLID BASIS
                                                  to the new resorts, i.e. for normal traffic.     because Datwyler has a market reputation
                                                                                                   for supplying technically high-quality ca-
                                                  Datwyler partners make the running               bling products at competitive prices.
                                                  Naturally an international motorsport circuit
                                                  needs a modern IT infrastructure, for the in-    The installation took place between De-
                                                  ternet connection and camera surveillance
                                                  (CCTV) for example. So last year the general
                                                  contractor, PT. Mandalika Sesuatu, planned
                                                                                                   cember 2021 and February 2022. Datwy-
                                                                                                   ler’s Indonesian distributor, PT. Gunung Sa-
                                                                                                   wo, provided PT. Brain with the requisite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for state-of-the-art
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            medical system
                                                  a new installation which includes both the       system components, including high-speed
                                                  paddock and the race track itself.               copper and fibre optic cables as well as
                                                                                                   connection technology and accessories –
                                                  Entrusted with this installation was PT. Ben-    from a single source and all from Datwyler.
                                                  hil Raya Internasional – PT. Brain for short –
                                                  a system integrator and at the same time         The new IT infrastructure was handed over
                                                  a certified Datwyler Solution Partner. Puji-     in March 2022, in time for the “MotoGP”.
                                                  yono Wahyuhadi, the company’s CEO,               (frs)

                                                                                                                                                                                                               In order to take full advantage of the potential of its
                                                                                                                                                                                                               medical system, the Children’s Hospital in Lianyungang
                                                                                                                                                                                                               decided on an integrated IT infrastructure solution from
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Datwyler as part of its computerisation project.

HDB modernisation projects, Singapore:
28TH, 29TH AND 30TH TERM                                                                                                                          The Children’s Hospital in Lianyungang                several generations of hard work and per-         ly decided on a high-performance struc-
                                                                                                                                                  was founded in October 1951 by Dr. Liu                severance. It not only performs health care       tured cabling system and Mini Data Centre
                                                                                                                                                  Yilin, a physician who graduated in Germany.          and preventative medical duties, but also         from Datwyler.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       shines in medical technolo-
Datwyler’s elevator travelling cables do          Supplier for three projects in succession                                                                                                                            gy for specialist fields, at the   Over 2000 data connection points
their job unobtrusively around the world          Some of these elevator companies have                                                                                                                                same time integrating re-          The end-to-end cabling, which was in-
– including in much of Singapore’s pub-           entrusted Datwyler with producing and                                                                                                                                search, teaching and further       stalled between March and June 2021, in-
lic housing.                                      delivering the travelling cables for their                                                                                                                           postgraduate training.             cludes more than 2000 data connection
                                                  current 29th and 30th term HDB projects.                                                                                                                                                                points. The Mini Data Centre supplied to
The Housing & Development Board (HDB),            There are altogether around 300 elevators                                                                                                                            When the Children’s Hospi-         the hospital is an all-in-one system with
a statutory board under the Ministry of           per term. The Datwyler team having                                                                                                                                   tal began planning a com-          integrated climate control, energy distri-
National Development, is responsible for          worked with Hitachi Elevator in Singapore                                                                                                                            puterisation project two           bution, uninterruptible power supply
public housing in Singapore. The great ma-        for the last 15 months, the 28th term is                                                                                                                             years ago, it was the de-          (UPS) as well as intelligent environmental,
jority of the country’s housing develop-          gradually nearing its end.                                                                                                                                           clared aim of those in charge      monitoring and management systems. It
ment projects are under public ownership                                                                                                                                                                               to use only the most reliable      comprises five racks and a precision in-
and are managed by the HDB. Around 80             For the 29th term project HDB is working                                                                                                                             IT infrastructure for the cut-     row cooler and is a completely closed sys-
percent of Singapore’s inhabitants live in        with Mitsubishi Elevator, and is back with                                                                                                                           ting-edge medical system           tem, so in that respect is very energy-
buildings which mainly were and are being         Hitachi Elevator for the 30th. Both have al-                                                                                                                         throughout the hospital.           efficient.
built to create enough affordable housing         ready started and will be completed at the
for the country’s growing population.             end of 2022. Both Mitsubishi Elevator and                                                                                                                             In an early project phase in      For Datwyler in China this project was the
                                                  Hitachi Elevator have ordered the travel-        housing stock – with product solutions                                                                               August 2020 Datwyler IT In-       first with a Mini Data Centre, for which suit-
Since the 1990s the HDB has increasingly          ling cables for these term projects from         which are seldom seen but which can be                                                Energy-efficient solution:     fra was given the opportu-        able products were specifically developed
been concentrating on modernising existing        Datwyler.                                        relied upon to do their everyday job, trans-                     Mini Data Centre with integrated in-row cooler      nity of participating in the      in Taicang. Since then the Datwyler team
flats in older properties and installing new                                                       mitting power and data between the cab-                                                                              planning of the technical         has been using the experience gained in
facilities, for example elevators which stop at   The Datwyler team in Singapore is thus           ins and controls and ensuring perfect                                                                                solutions. Like the First Peo-    this project to support other Chinese cus-
each floor. The agency awards the contracts       making an important contribution to the          round-the-clock operation under great          In recent decades it has developed into               ple’s Hospital in Lianyungang (see Panora-        tomers in implementing similar IT infra-
for this to various lift manufacturers.           modernisation of the country’s public            mechanical stresses. (ivt)                     one of China’s leading hospitals thanks to            ma No. 1/2021) the Children’s Hospital final-     structure projects. (tot)

                                                         panorama      14     Datwyler IT Infra                                                                                                                panorama      15     Datwyler IT Infra

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Installing the air conditioning unit for the Mini Data Centre

                                                                                                                                                  Hardware, software and services                 need and specification, Mubea awarded                    reliability of the solution and the improved
                                                                                                                                                  As a provider of end-to-end IT infrastruc-      Datwyler the contract to implement an in-                user convenience.
                                                                                                                                                  tures Datwyler IT Infra has in the past years   tegrated Mini Data Centre solution for the
                                                                                                                                                  invested increasingly in the development        Shenyang site.                                           Mubea also saves a lot of time and money
                                                                                                                                                  of products and services for new genera-                                                                 due to the integrated IT support and ex-
          Mubea Automotive Components Co. Ltd., Shenyang:                                                                                         tion data centres. Datwyler has thus pro-       This included not only the data centre itself            tended technical services. (mew)
                                                                                                                                                  duced innovative solutions for use in Micro     but also, with CABNAVI, an intelligent ca-

          Integrated IT infrastructure solution
                                                                                                                                                  Data Centres (MDCs) and modular Mini            ble management platform with graphic
                                                                                                                                                  Data Centres which can be seamlessly in-        visualization (see Panorama No. 2/2020),
                                                                                                                                                  tegrated into a company’s existing struc-       which was combined with an electronic

                                                                                                                                                  tured cabling systems.                          patch panel.

                                                                                                                                                  In China, moreover, Datwyler provides a         Within one week in December 2021, thanks
                                                                                                                                                  unique digital service platform and a sim-      to the excellent cooperation of Mubea,
                                                                                                                                                  ple-to-operate intuitive and efficient plat-    Datwyler’s technical team succeeded in
                                                                                                                                                  form for the visualisation and manage-          completing the final tests and acceptance
                                                                                                                                                  ment of cabling systems, which mean-            of the Mini Data Centre. By contrast with a
                                                                                                                                                  ingfully complement the range of IT infra-      traditional data centre the Datwyler solu-
                                                                                                                                                  structure solutions.                            tion was operational immediately upon ac-
                                                                                                                                                  It goes without saying that Datwyler’s inte-
          Installation of the Mini Data Centre in
                                                        In only one week Datwyler implemented a reliable                                          grated solutions meet the highest quality       In addition to the Mini Data Centre Datwy-
the premises of Mubea Automotive Components                                                                                                       standards and are tailored to a customer’s      ler supplied Mubea with many other prod-
                                                        and cost-efficient Mini Data Centre solution on the                                       specific need and requirements.                 ucts forming part of the integrated IT infra-
                                                        Mubea site in China – including a cable management                                                                                        structure solution: single-mode and OM3
                                                                                                                                                  Operational within one week                     multimode fibre optic cables for indoor
                                                        software platform.                                                                        A good example of the successful imple-         and outdoor use, flame-retardant low-
                                                                                                                                                  mentation of such a solution is the mod-        smoke, halogen-free shielded copper data
                                                                                                                                                  ernisation project at Mubea Automotive          cables, including type IOT101-24-BK intelli-
                                                    New generation data centres are designed       with environmentally friendly low-carbon       Components in Shenyang. Since 2013 the          gent copper cables, and shielded keystone
                                                    to manage digital transformation, enable in-   technologies. They typically feature the use   globally active lightweight design special-     patch panels.
                                                    telligent upgrades, reflect innovation and     of cutting edge technology, high-perfor-       ist has been manufacturing components
                                                    cope with the requirements of 5G, Industri-    mance computers, exceptional energy effi-      for the automotive industry on a produc-        Convenient and cost-effective
                                                    al Internet applications, Cloud Computing      ciency and a high level of security. The de-   tion area of 7000 square metres at the Chi-     The decision to purchase the complete IT
                                                    and Artificial Intelligence. These new data    velopment of information technology and        nese site.                                      infrastructure from Datwyler as the single
                                                    centres are secure, reliable infrastructures   the rapid increase in data have accelerated                                                    source proved very advantageous for Mu-
                                                    based on multiple data sources, enabling       the change from traditional data centres to    In mid October 2021, after several rounds       bea: today the automotive supplier on the
                                                    efficient data processing and equipped         this new type.                                 of discussion which served to determine         Shenyang site benefits from the excellent                The Mini Data Centre following acceptance

                                                           panorama     16     Datwyler IT Infra                                                                                                        panorama      17     Datwyler IT Infra

          Avenue South Residence, Singapore:                                                                                                                                                                                               Europe:

          AIMING HIGH                                                                                                                                    HIGH-PERFORMANCE
          Travelling cables for luxury residential                                                                                                      COMPANY NETWORKS
          tower blocks                                                                                                                                              from Datwyler and Nokia
                                       Datwyler is supplying the high-rise travelling cables for the 56-floor
                                       towers of the Avenue South Residence – and is thus contributing to                                                       Together with Nokia Datwyler is offering end-to-end
                                       the reliability of the lifts.                                                                                            solutions for industry-compatible 4.9G/5G Private Wireless
                                                                                                                                                                and Passive Optical LAN infrastructures in several European
The Avenue South Residence is a new luxu-          ited together with partners, is located in a    skyline, but also high-altitude natural sur-
ry residential project in Singapore. It basical-   central position right beside the central       roundings thanks to its 18 “Sky Gardens”.                    countries.
ly comprises two 56-floor towers with 1074         business quarter and the future Greater
residential units together with retail premis-     Southern Waterfront district. It offers resi-   What is more, both residential tower blocks
es on the ground floors. The new building          dents not only a magnificent view over Sin-     set new standards as the world’s highest
project, developed by the UOL Group Lim-           gapore’s new waterside promenade and            construction project in prefabricated pre-               The cooperation between Nokia and Dat-           network. In doing so the company carries
                                                                                                   finished volumetric construction (PPVC). In              wyler encompasses the fields of technolo-        out the necessary cabling with copper, fi-
                                                                                                   this method all the rooms are delivered to               gy, sales, marketing and service. The two        bre optic or wirelessly with 4.9G/5G, and
                                                                                                   the building site as ready-made modules in-              companies are jointly implementing tai-          implements Micro and Mini Data Centres
                                                                                                   cluding fixtures and fittings, and there they            lor-made, cost-effective and high-perfor-        for on-site data processing.
                                                                                                   are assembled into complete towers.                      mance data networks for their customers,
                                                                                                                                                            based, for example, on Passive Optical LAN       In return Datwyler enjoys Nokia Reseller
                                                                                                   Project-specific cables                                  (POLAN) or 4.9G/5G Private Wireless.             status with access to their entire portfolio.
                                                                                                   Under contract from Schindler Datwyler IT
                                                                                                   Infra will supply around four kilometres of              Unlike traditional copper cabling systems,       Hardware, software and know-how
                                                                                                   project-specific flat multimedia-compatible              users of POLAN can make significant sav-         With Datwyler as a sales and systems inte-
                                                                                                   high-rise travelling cables during the course            ings on procurement and operating costs.         grator Nokia is strengthening its Europe-
                                                                                                   of 2022 to construct the lifts.                          In addition, 5G mobile wireless technology       wide partner network. To this end Nokia
                                                                                                                                                            facilitates comparably high transmission         has trained the Datwyler team on products
                                                                                                   The installation of the lifts with “Schindler            rates, low latency, and provides a high lev-     and solutions relating to Private Wireless,
                                                                                                   R.I.S.E.” – an acronym for “Robotic Installa-            el of flexibility without the expense of ca-     GPON and POLAN devices, and supports it
                                                                                                   tion System for Elevators” – is the first time           bling.                                           with technical advice and service level
                                                                                                   this innovative method is being used in the                                                               agreements (SLA) for the Nokia equip-
                                                                                                   Asia-Pacific region. It involves a self-climb-           As part of the partnership Datwyler is au-       ment. Customers in the enterprise market
                                                                                                   ing robotic system carrying out the installa-            diting and documenting an existing net-          can thus profit from the combined exper-
                                                                                                   tion and assembly work in the lift shaft.                work, pinpointing potential weaknesses,          tise of both companies.
                                                                                                                                                            and taking over the planning including im-
                                                                                                   Datwyler is making a major contribution to               plementation of the desired new campus           The new partnership is already bearing
                                                                                                   the efficiency and reliability of the lifts in the                                                        fruit. In addition to fibre optic cabling Dat-
                                                                                                   Avenue South Residence with its premium-                                                                  wyler has supplied Nokia OLT and ONT de-
                                                                                                   quality, pre-assembled lift cables, which                Raoul Harlacher (left), Partner Sales Manager    vices for initial POLAN projects and has in-
                                                                                                   have all the relevant certificates. The pres-            at Nokia, and Karsten Lengnink, Head of          stalled a 5G company network in Switzer-
                                                                                                   tigious project is scheduled for completion              Partner Management at Datwyler IT Infra          land (see page 4). (kal)
                                                                                                   in 2023. (ivt)

                                                          panorama      18     Datwyler IT Infra                                                                   panorama       19     Datwyler IT Infra


                                                                                                                                                                                             BICSI HYBRID EVENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in Singapore
                                                                                                                                                             Datwyler addressed the topic of “Micro                Many tests and trial runs having been carried
                                                                                                                                                             Data Centres in the Era of Edge Comput-               out to ensure the best possible preparation.
                                                                                                                                                             ing” – a session with consequences.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Josh Soo, Technical Manager at Datwyler, used
                 Worldwide campaign:                                                                                                                         In early November 2021 the Datwyler Team in
                                                                                                                                                             Singapore took part in the first Hybrid Confer-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the event to exchange ideas with the audience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   as part of a “Sharing Session”. In his presenta-

                 THE NEW
                                                                                                                                                             ence & Exhibition organised by BICSI (Building        tion he covered the challenges of Edge Com-
                                                                                                                                                             Industry Consulting Services International). The      puting and provided information on the added
                                                                                                                                                             event was a resounding success.                       value of an appropriate technical solution such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   as the Datwyler Micro Data Centre (MDC).

                 QUALITY POLICY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Soo analysed the requirements of MDCs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   based on the 5W1H concept, a questioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   method to define and solve a problem. He
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   also dealt with the critical points in the pro-    Presentation of a Micro Data Centre on the Datwyler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   duction of conventional data centres and ex-       exhibition stand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   plained how MDCs in growth sectors can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   used to manage the demands of the Edge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Computing age.                                     The hybrid event was a good opportunity for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the representatives of participating companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The presentation only lasted 45 minutes, but       in the region to find out about Datwyler’s Edge
                                            Datwyler IT Infra has made further improvements to the level of                                                                                                        the MDC solution had clearly made a lasting        Computing solutions in person – and the Dat-
                                            product and service quality for its customers.                                                                                                                         impression, as afterwards a number of audi-        wyler team in Singapore was able to make valu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ence members headed for the Datwyler exhi-         able contacts despite the continuing Covid 19
                                                                                                                                                                  Josh Soo of Datwyler Singapore giving his talk   bition stand to see the MDC for themselves.        restrictions. (tzp)

As a company with strong Swiss roots, the outstanding quality of the              classroom and online training sessions, a quiz and a Quality Inspec-
products offered by Datwyler has always been part of the “corporate               tion Competition. With these and other activities Datwyler is ensuring
DNA”. Nowadays, however, the proverbial “Swiss quality” no longer re-             that all the teams around the globe are constantly “fit” and state-of-
lates only to the products supplied. The end-to-end customer-specif-              the-art, so that in future their premium quality solutions, products and
ic IT infrastructure solutions now available from Datwyler also include           services can prove attractive to customers. (nol/vak)                      Germany, Austria, Switzerland:
services and software solutions.

This has changed the quality perspective in the company: customers                                                                                           SUPPLIER OF                                           Cabling category, came third in the Fibre

                                                                                                                                                             THE YEAR
should also be inspired by the superb services and software solutions.                                                                                                                                             Optic Cabling class.

Over recent months Datwyler has formulated this wider perspective                                                                                                                                                  Ralf Klotzbücher, Vice President Sales &
in a new quality policy. It serves to further improve the quality level of                                                                                                                                         Marketing and Managing Director of Dät-
products and services on an ongoing basis.                                                                                                                                                                         wyler IT Infra GmbH, accepted the awards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in Datwyler’s offices in Hattersheim.
This is complemented by Datwyler’s sustainability strategy, now an in-                                                                                       Datwyler excels in two categories in the
tegral part of the new quality policy. Datwyler aims at carbon neutral-                                                                                      LANline Online Reader Awards.                         “We were particularly pleased with our
ity by 2030, thus making a contribution to limiting global warming.                                                                                                                                                good placings in the vote for Supplier of
                                                                                                                                                             Datwyler IT Infra took to the stage twice in          the Year 2021. This encourages us to work
To promote quality consciousness within the company, Datwyler has                                                                                            the LANline Online Reader Awards for                  even harder,” says Klotzbücher. “A big thank
been carrying out various activities in all its branches since August                                                                                        “Supplier of the Year 2021”: Datwyler was             you to everyone who took part in the LAN-
2021: these include videos, a poster campaign, town hall meetings,                Staff at Datwyler’s plant in Taicang at the end of their “Quality Week”    awarded second place in the Copper Data               line survey and voted for us.” (dir)               Ralf Klotzbücher with the LANline trophies

                                                              panorama       20    Datwyler IT Infra                                                                                                                      panorama      21      Datwyler IT Infra

                                                                                                                                                                       Saudi Arabia:

                                                                                                                                                                        AGREEMENT WITH
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Datwyler Middle East has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
                 Europe:                                                                                                                                                                            with MachinesTalk.

                 ARTIFICIAL                                                                                                                                   MachinesTalk is a company owned by NOMD
                                                                                                                                                              Holding Co., one of the leading IoT solution

                                                                                                                                                              providers in Saudi Arabia.
                                                                                                                                     Adrian Bolliger at the
                                                                                                                               C-Leve Strategy Forum 2021     With the agreement signed in February Dat-
                                                                                                                                                              wyler and MachinesTalk state their intention
                                                                                                                                                              to step up their collaboration in order to sup-

                 in theory and practice                                                                                                                       ply their customers in the Kingdom with in-
                                                                                                                                                              novative IT infrastructures and services.

                                                                                                                                                              MachinesTalk was one of the first companies
                                                                                                                                                              in the country to be certified by the Commu-
                                                                                                                                                              nications and Information Technology Com-
    In Europe Datwyler IT Infra is working closely with                                                                                                       mission as an IoT Virtual Network Operator.
                                                                                                                                                              The so-called IoT-VNO Certificate allows Ma-
    the AI Business School (AIBS). This benefits staff and                                          It is also important for the Datwyler man-                chinesTalk to provide the relevant services in
    customers alike.                                                                                ager to let other interested companies                    the Kingdom.
                                                                                                    share in the experience gained in Altdorf –
                                                                                                    for example by giving presentations.                      Over the past three years Datwyler Middle
AIBS, a global training provider with the fo-    At Datwyler IT Infra’s Swiss head office these                                                               East has collaborated with MachinesTalk as a
cus on artificial intelligence (AI), robotics,   technologies are not merely theory, but            Both Datwyler and AIBS are involved in “C-                strategic partner. Now both firms will devel-
data and digitisation, has been supporting       established practice, as the plant in Altdorf      Level”, a community of top managers from                  op IT infrastructure use cases, chiefly to sup-   Mohamad Sayaf, Chairman of MachinesTalk, and Asem Shadid, Managing Director of
Datwyler IT Infra throughout Europe since        is currently forging ahead with its conver-        the 450 biggest companies in the DACH re-                                                                   Datwyler Middle East (3rd and 4th from left), together with their teams
2021 in promoting and speeding up the            sion into a “smart factory” (see Panorama          gion (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Bol-
company’s digital development and digital        No. 2/2021).                                       liger, who sits on the Top Executive Advi-
transformation.                                                                                     sory Board, recently gave a talk on the                                                                     port the “Saudi Vision 2030” projects and           boost the project business, drive forward
                                                 “We have started to use technologies such          transformation journey of Datwyler IT Infra                                                                 help organisations in the country to run their      product and solution development, and im-
“Cooperating with AIBS is mainly about           as artificial intelligence, robotics or robotic    at the C-Level Strategy Forum.                                                                              IT infrastructures seamlessly and scale their       prove the provision of services for the cus-
promoting the understanding and enthu-           process automation, for example. We will                                                                                                                       business with ease. The plan is jointly to          tomers of both companies. (soa)
siasm of our local teams in the use of new       subsequently incorporate machine learn-            Also dealt with were the AI applications
digital technologies,” explained Adrian          ing, which can take over tasks or subtasks         currently being put in place in the Datwy-
Bolliger, Managing Director Europe at Dat-       from staff. At the same time it is important       ler plant, since the machines already are                                                                   Mohamad Sayaf, Chairman of MachinesTalk
wyler IT Infra. “That way we can have a          to take the staff with us on this journey,” says   linked via IoT. The aim is to use the machine                                                               (left), and Asem Shadid, Managing Director of
voice worldwide and give our customers           Bolliger. Datwyler should take this knowl-         data to acquire knowledge which can be                                                                      Datwyler Middle East (right)
the best explanation of new develop-             edge to customers and use it to support            used to optimise the processes via artificial
ments and solutions.”                            them in their IT projects.                         intelligence. (dir)

                                                        panorama       22      Datwyler IT Infra                                                                                                                       panorama      23      Datwyler IT Infra

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Symbolic handshake:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Andrej Golob, CEO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Alltron AG (on the left),
Germany:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Adrian Bolliger,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Managing Director

IMPROVING THE FRAMEWORK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Europe, Datwyler IT Infra

Datwyler IT Infra has been a member of                    ther,” explained Ralf Klotzbücher, Vice
the German DataCenter Association                         President Sales & Marketing and Manag-
(GDA) since February. The GDA represents                  ing Director of Datwyler IT Infra in Hat-
the interests and concerns of data centre                 tersheim. “As equal partners we assess,
operators in politics, society and the me-                develop and implement the IT infrastruc-
dia. Its objective is to achieve a lasting im-            ture of our customers on their road to
provement in the framework conditions                     successful digitisation; we increase their
for operating data centres in Germany.                    value creation, reduce overall costs and
                                                          the complexity of their IT infrastructure –
“Organisations are only ideally placed for                all over the world. We would like to pass                                                                                                                                                                      Switzerland:
future technical developments if they                     this know-how on to the GDA.” (dir)

have appropriate sustainable IT infra-
structures. If the IT infrastructure is un-               GDA website: https://www.german-
suitable, digitisation does not succeed ei-     

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          with Alltron AG
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Together Datwyler and Alltron are supplying end-to-end
                                                                                     SUCCESS                                                                                                            solutions for data centres in Switzerland.

                                                 In 2021 Datwyler in China again re-                    proof that the company has made a name
                                                                                                                                                      For years Datwyler has been working suc-
                                                                                                                                                      cessfully with Alltron as a distributor in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We are convinced that with our
                                                 ceived coveted awards for its IT infra-                for itself in this field as well.             passive component sector. In addition to                          combined strengths we can jointly
                                                 structure solutions.
                                                                                                        Not least, Datwyler continues to excel with
                                                                                                                                                      data cables and patch cables, panels, sock-
                                                                                                                                                      ets and ports, the ICT distributor has re-                        develop the data centre market.
                                                 Last year Datwyler was once more delight-              outstanding achievements in high-perfor-      cently also been supplying racks from Dat-                        Adrian Bolliger, Managing Director Europe at Datwyler IT Infra
                                                 ed to be honoured as “China Intelligent                mance IT infrastructures for airports. The    wyler IT Infra.
                                                 Building Brand”, awarded by the Qianjia                Airport Construction Magazine and the Chi-
                                                 Brand Lab.                                             na Airport Construction Network yet again     The “Competence Center Data Center” set
                                                                                                        presented Datwyler with the prestigious       up at Alltron Solutions under Marco Duca-
                                                 In the “Structured Cabling Systems” catego-            award of “China’s Preferred Brand for In-     ti has strengthened the confidence of both       End-to-end data centre solutions                     servers, storage and end devices, while
                                                 ry the company defended its fourth place.              tegrated Cabling in Airport Construction”     parties in developing the data centre mar-       The partnership puts both companies in               Datwyler provides the whole IT infrastruc-
                                                 But that’s not all: for the second time Dat-           and in addition chose the company as          ket jointly and even more intensively in fu-     a position to offer their customers end-             ture, from racks through power supply
                                                 wyler received the “Brand Recommenda-                  “Highest Market Share Brand in the Airport    ture. To this end Datwyler and Altron en-        to-end data centre solutions. Alltron con-           and cooling to monitoring and physical
                                                 tion Award for Data Center Industry” – clear           Industry”. (chc)                              tered into a strategic partnership in March.     tributes the active components such as               security.                              >>

                                                        panorama     24     Datwyler IT Infra                                                                                                                panorama      25      Datwyler IT Infra

                                                                                                                                                            Italy, Austria:

“We are convinced that with our combined
                                                                  Thanks to the expanded partnership

                                                                                                                                                            MDC PARTNERS
strengths we can jointly develop the data
centre market. Good relationships with major
manufacturers, an extensive customer land-
                                                                  with Datwyler we can offer services
scape and great data centre expertise make                        which extend far further than was
Alltron an ideal partner for Datwyler, allow-
                                                                  previously possible.

ing us to respond as effectively as possible to
customers’ wishes as providers of end-to-                         Andrej Golob, CEO of Alltron
end solutions,“ said Adrian Bolliger, Manag-
ing Director Europe at Datwyler IT Infra.

“Thanks to the expanded partnership with
Datwyler we can offer services which ex-          Making partners more successful                  Upcoming event in Flums
tend far further than was previously possi-       Small and medium-sized partners such as          On 6th September 2022 Datwyler and All-                                                 Expert installation and service partners “just around the corner”?
ble,” commented Andrej Golob, CEO of All-         value added resellers should also profit         tron are organising an exclusive half-day
tron. “From planning, the choice of com-          from the joint venture. They themselves          event at the Hagerbach Gallery in Flums,                                                Who wouldn’t want that! A scheme from Datwyler makes this
ponents together with their installation, op-     should be enabled to adopt a forward-            with talks and a tour of Datwyler IT Infra’s                                            possible for Micro and Mini Data Centres (MDCs).
eration and maintenance, through to the           looking managed service provider business        underground data centre. (mae)
consideration of planned future growth,           model and become data centre operators.
this partnership means that our companies         Micro Data Centres represent a possible
are becoming overall solution providers in        way for resellers to get started in this field   There is more information about this at
the Swiss ICT ecosystem.”                         of business.                                                                                                         they can expect rapid response times when         The STW portfolio covers fibre optic net-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        servicing is required.                            works for every field of application, includ-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ing high speed solutions for data centres.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Datwyler has trained and certified new part-      Since 2022 STW has not only been certified
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ners for MDCs in Europe in recent months.         as a Solution Partner for Datwyler’s MDCs, it
                                                                                                                                                                                                        It started with GTI Srl, based in Modena. In      has also started operating its own Micro Da-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        late 2021 GTI was trained at the Swiss head-      ta Centre at its head office.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        quarters of Datwyler IT Infra in Altdorf, and
                                                                    Europe:                                                                                                                             started 2022 as the official partner for Micro    Other training courses and certifications will
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Mini Data Centres in Italy.                   follow shortly. Datwyler IT Infra is currently

                                                                    RACK CATALOGUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in discussion, for example, with interested
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Maurizio Truglia, Datwyler sales engineer in      companies in Switzerland and Germany.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Italy, is convinced that GTI is the ideal part-   (gec, ank)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ner. “The company has many years of expe-

                                                                    AVAILABLE                                                                          Massimo Angelo Merola, Cabling and Data
                                                                                                                                                         Centre Specialist, and Dante delli Esposti,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        rience and a great deal of technical know-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        how in the fields of Voice-over-IP, Unified
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Collaboration, data networks, data centres
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dieter Kaltenriner (right), Managing Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               COO, STW Spleisstechnik West GmbH, and
                                                                                                                                                  Cabling Installer and KNX Specialist, both GTI Srl,   and security. It also shares the approach we               Bernhard Wetsch (left), Sales Engineer,
                                                                                                                                                        with Maurizio Truglia, Sales Engineer, and      take, that of wanting to improve the pro-              Datwyler IT Infra GmbH in Austria, in front
                                                                                                                                                  Gerardo Cetrulo, Project Leader IT Infrastructures,   duction, trading and organisational proce-                           of the new Micro Data Centre
                                                                                                                                                          both Datwyler IT Infra (from right to left)   dures of their customers and making them
                                                  maries covering Micro and Mini Data Cen-         able locking systems to fans and cable                                                               more competitive on the market.”
                                                  tres and Datwyler’s infrastructure monitor-      management kits.                               In addition to Distribution Partners, Datwy-
                                                  ing system DIMS.                                                                                ler IT Infra maintains a worldwide network            Austria follows Italy
                                                                                                   The catalogue is rounded off by sensors for    of trained and certified Solution Partners            At the beginning of this year came the next
An overview of rack solutions from Dat-           As well as a large selection of standard racks   the monitoring system (DIMS), which en-        who support end customers in the design,              European partner in the shape of STW, a
wyler – from wall cabinets to Mini Data           in various sizes the short catalogue also        ables the optimum control of sensitive and     installation, maintenance and repair of Dat-          company based in Thaur in Austria. Since
Centres.                                          contains modular rack designs which can          complex infrastructures, causing a compa-      wyler cabling solutions.                              2005 STW Spleißtechnik West GmbH has
                                                  be supplied as required, i.e. with the desired   ny’s IT operation to become more secure                                                              been networking end customers in the Al-
Datwyler’s new product guide “Rack Solu-          equipment and cabling and adapted to             and more profitable in the long term.          Datwyler also provides special training               pine region. An expert partner in communi-
tions for Every Requirement” is a 24 page         cooling concepts and security require-                                                          courses for the installation of Micro and Mi-         cations networks, it supplies end-to-end ca-
overview of tried and tested and new IT           ments. For all the racks Datwyler provides       The new product guide is available to down-    ni Data Centres (MDCs) and for the relevant           bling systems, and if requested also deals
cabinets and enclosures as well as of their       comprehensive accessories to satisfy every       load as a PDF on the Datwyler website. Any     services. This means that MDC users have a            with network design, project management,
wide range of rack accessories. The short         need. The products on offer range from           Datwyler branch office will be pleased to      certified partner nearby to provide fast un-          implementation, commissioning and docu-
catalogue also provides informative sum-          socket strips through intelligent configur-      take orders for the printed version. (syb)     complicated installation and from whom                mentation for its customers.

                                                         panorama      26     Datwyler IT Infra                                                                                                                panorama      27     Datwyler IT Infra
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