Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...

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Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...
revenue across
the traveler’s
Introducing the concept of
Complete Retailing
                                                Flight No.

                             A white paper by
                             Henry Harteveldt
                             Atmosphere Research
Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...

Introduction from Atmosphere Research

Ireland enables the era
of Complete Retailing

As we write this updated introduction,                    affected many technology-related activities,
                                                          including spending for ancillary product
the world is still reeling from the                       development, retailing/merchandising, and
societal, financial and emotional                         digital direct and third-party distribution
impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.                          channels. But no business can be a “turtle,”
                                                          retreating within its shell, quivering, waiting
The virus has wreaked havoc across
                                                          for the bad times to pass before they extend
all industries, but few have felt its                     their head out and start to move forward. If
impact as forcefully and intensely                        anything, a business landscape like the one the
as the global travel industry.                            industry is currently in demands bold, creative,
                                                          and arguably even counterintuitive strategy
                                                          and action – albeit strategy and action that is
        Covid-19 is the first peacetime event to          also financially responsible.
        bring nearly all of the world’s travel industry
        to a total standstill. As we write this, some     Beginning in late June 2020, and continuing
        parts of the world are starting to reopen,        into mid-July, Atmosphere Research Group,
        while others remain fully or partially closed.    an independent and objective travel industry
        International travel restrictions remain in       market research firm, conducted its own global
        place between dozens of countries – and,          survey of airlines and hotel brands and groups
        in the US, even between various states            about their Covid-19 recovery strategies in
        or cities.                                        topics such as budgets and spending, ancillary
                                                          products, digital commerce and distribution,
        With most travel demand having evaporated         marketing, and other commercial topics related
        and a recovery timeline still uncertain,          to travel retailing. Forty-one digital commerce,
        airlines, hotels, and other travel businesses     distribution, marketing, innovation, and
        have understandably slashed their operating       technology professionals in the airline industry
        and capital expenditure to reduce expenses        and 35 professionals in similar roles at hotel
        and preserve cash. The budget carnage             brands or groups completed the survey.
Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...

From it, Atmosphere learned:                             — The focus will shift, slightly, from cost
                                                           reduction to revenue growth. Survey
                                                           participants were asked whether they
                                                           focused on cost reduction or revenue
       — Industry financial recovery is expected           growth for March 2020 through June 2020
         to take about three years. Both                   and where they expect their focus to be
         sectors currently anticipate it will take         for the remainder of the year (July 2020
         approximately three years to reach the            through December 2020). Almost all – 88%
         same topline revenue they saw before              of airlines and 91% of hotels – cited cost
         the pandemic. Hotels anticipate a slightly        reduction for March through June. Just 10%
         shorter timeline than airlines (2.8 years for     of airline respondents and three percent
         hotels, 3.1 for airlines). The expectation is     of hotel respondents said they had placed
         that leisure travel will recover faster than      their commercial tech emphasis on revenue
         business/corporate travel, with meetings/         growth (the balance opted not to answer
         conference demand (the MICE segment for           this question). For July through December,
         hotels) expected to take the longest time to      some change is afoot. The emphasis on
         return to pre-Covid-19 levels.                    budget reduction leads among both airlines
                                                           and hotels (39% and 43%, respectively),
        — Commercial technology budgets have               but there is a splash of good news: 34%
          been slashed. Budget, of course, is always       of airlines and 29% of hotels say they will
          the big topic, whether times are good or         focus their commercial technology budgets
          bad. The news here isn’t pretty – but it         on revenue growth. And, this reality check:
          may not be as bad as some expect. The            a critical mass of both airlines (22%) and
          airline respondents said their commercial        hotels (26%) are currently uncertain what
          technology budgets, covering software and        they will do.
          functionality such as digital commerce,
          personalization, ancillary product             — Priorities favor more immediate solutions.
          development and retailing, marketing,            When asked to rate the importance of
          and loyalty applications were cut 44%            various components to their Covid-19
          from their pre-Covid-19 budgets (NB: the         commercial recovery efforts, solutions that
          survey focused on budget for software,           offer the promise of faster returns come
          applications, etc., but not about headcount      out on top. Revenue management and
          and compensation). For hotels, it’s a            customer and commercial data won the
          nominally sharper cut – 47%. Asked where,        “gold” and “silver” medals, scoring 9.3/10
          at this point in time, they expect their         and 9.0/10 for airlines, and tied at 9.1 apiece
          commercial tech budgets to be in 2021,           among hotels. Ancillary revenue was the
          34% of airline respondents and 37% of hotel      third highest scoring focus for airlines
          respondents admitted they were uncertain.        (8.1/10) while personalization scored third
          If there’s good news, it’s this: Just 10% of     for hotels – 8.5 (ancillaries scored fourth
          airlines and 14% of hotels expect cuts from      among hotels, at 7.3). Personalization
          their revised post-Covid 2020 budgets to         was the fourth most important option for
          2021. There’s also this glimmer of hope:         airlines and scored dramatically lower –
          Nearly one in four airlines and 17% of hotel     just 6.8. Why? Because, in Atmosphere’s
          respondents believe their commercial tech        opinion, airlines were further ahead than
          budgets will increase next year from their       hotels with personalization efforts pre-
          current reduced levels. Fingers crossed.         Covid-19. Mobile scored fifth for both
                                                           groups (5.9/10 for airlines, 7.1/10 for hotels).
Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...

          Why do hotels place more importance               Your product and its value must be
          than airlines on mobile? In a post-Covid-19       unambiguously clear and intuitive – this is
          world, hotels recognize that a great deal of      about helping your customers improve their
          the hotel guest experience can exist within       appeal and relevancy to their travelers, while
          their mobile apps. Plus, airlines had already     helping them generate critically-needed
          created comprehensive mobile experiences          revenue or provide newly-essential information.
          (booking, flight check-in, contactless bag        Don’t be afraid to show how your product may
          check, mobile boarding passes) – meaning          generate a small profit now but could easily
          there’s not that much left to do. As one          generate many times more within a few years.
          airline said in a follow-up call, “We’re          Make sure your software is easy to implement
          holding off on mobile perfection for now.         and operate, and that it integrates with key
          Good enough will have to be good enough           systems (for example, airline PSS or DCS, hotel
          until our business improves.”                     PMS, customer databases, etc.). Prepare to
                                                            take on as much of the tech set-up, testing,
                                                            implementation, and maintenance as possible;
                                                            your prospect’s or client’s IT department has
                                                            a sea of empty desks now. Be open to new
What does this mean?                                        commercial terms to show that your firm
                                                            understands the severe business environment
                                                            your prospect or client is operating in,
       If you’re an airline or hotel, 1) you’re not         plus your commitment to a long-term
       alone in the confusion and professional              partnership based on shared success.
       angst you may be feeling, 2) you can’t just
       cut, cut, cut and hope to make it through            Against this, the technology innovation that
       this mess, and 3) it’s OK to tackle more             is occurring in Ireland has perhaps never
       pragmatic things for now. Earlier, we                been more valuable to the global travel
       counseled that airlines and hotels shouldn’t         industry. And while Enterprise Ireland, the
       be corporate turtles. To that, we’d also like to     trade and venture capital arm of the Irish
       discourage airlines and hotels from embracing        government, commissioned Atmosphere
       lemming-like behavior as well. Opportunities         Research Group to prepare this Thought
       exist to conduct affordable testing of various       Leadership Paper before the pandemic
       software solutions. The intensity of the current     had emerged, its findings remain relevant.
       revenue crunch compels airlines and hotels to        Atmosphere Research interviewed 10 of
       explore new ancillary product ideas. And the         Enterprise Ireland’s portfolio companies,
       “Complete Retailing” strategy, explained in full     forming its own opinions about each firm.
       detail later in this report, is arguably even more   The report also includes data from
       important than it was before the pandemic            Atmosphere’s proprietary studies of travelers
       began. Why? Pre-Covid-19, it was relatively          in five countries selected by Enterprise Ireland
       easy to coax financially confident travelers into    – the USA, UK, Germany, Spain, and China –
       spending money. Now, the traveler has a tight        to provide context for why Complete
       vice around that wallet. You’ll need to work         Retailing is essential to airlines’ and hotels’
       extra hard to get even a few bucks more.             commercial success.

       If you’re a software provider, you’re in one         Finally, please note that the concepts and
       of the toughest selling environments that’s          opinions expressed in this report are solely
       existed since software sales began.                  those of Atmosphere Research Group.
Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...


 6   Introduction   Why is Ireland a hotbed of Travel Tech?

 9   Section 1      Poor digital experiences weaken the joy of travel

13   Section 2      The story arc framework remains underutilized

15   Section 3      Tapping into travelers’ second wallets is the key to travel retailing profitability

18   Section 4      Travel enters the era of Complete Retailing

22   Section 5      Cloud and machine learning are at the core of Complete Retailing

25   Section 6      Content is king

41   Section 7      If content is king, data is the power behind the throne
Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 6

Why is Ireland a hotbed
of Travel Tech?

                                                                                           North America, the Irish government made
Ireland is one of technology’s most
                                                                                           aviation a central focus of its pre-World War
active and creative start-up hubs.                                                         II industrial development policies. Aviation
                                                                                           contributed to the country’s participation in
                  Ireland is one of technology’s most active                               exploration, science and engineering, and
                  and creative start-up hubs. The country is                               commerce. An Irish pilot, James Fitzmaurice,
                  home to more than 70 innovative travel tech                              was the first to cross the Atlantic from east to
                  firms, including start-ups, early stage, and                             west. In 1929, Irish pilot Sophie Peirce-Evans
                  established businesses. These companies sell                             (also known as Lady Mary Heath), was the first
                  to companies worldwide, including the USA,                               person to fly solo the 9,000+ miles from Cape
                  China, and countries across Europe.                                      Town, South Africa to London. The world’s
                                                                                           first female aviation engineer, Lilian Bland, was
                  How did Ireland earn its place as a leading                              from Ireland. The world’s first airport duty-free
                  nexus of travel technology?                                              store was located at Shannon Airport. Ireland
                                                                                           is home to the world’s first commercial aircraft
                  Let’s look at the map. Literally. Ireland is an                          leasing firm and Europe’s largest single airline
                  island nation located on Europe’s periphery.                             brand, Ryanair. Ireland has also produced
                  Travel and transportation have played unique                             several well-known airline CEOs, among
                  roles in the country’s trade and commerce.                               them Alan Joyce (Qantas), Michael O’Leary
                  Irish shipbuilding dates back to the Viking era                          (Ryanair), and Willie Walsh (International
                  and was a major industry during the 18th, 19th,                          Airlines Group, parent of British Airways,
                  and early 20th centuries. Given its geographic                           Aer Lingus and others).
                  proximity between continental Europe and
Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 7

                  To learn more about how Ireland became                                   propel existing businesses forward and spark
                  a vibrant technology hub, Atmosphere                                     the creativity that fosters an entrepreneurial
                  spoke with Dr. Padraic Regan, Ph.D, an                                   culture. As the Irish economy boomed, Irish
                  aviation consultant and formerly Ussher                                  expats returned from abroad with their
                  Assistant Professor in International Strategic                           own experiences and ideas and started their
                  Management at Trinity College Dublin.                                    own businesses.
                  Dr. Regan explained that, as the 20th century
                  progressed, the country lost much of its                                 Dr. Regan shared that Ireland also developed
                  manufacturing industry. Exploring options,                               ‘inside out clusters’ centered around aviation
                  the country’s leaders realized that technology                           and travel. “Aviation has long been a respected
                  was a sector growing enormously and acted to                             industry in Ireland to work in.” The Professor
                  position the country to benefit from it.                                 also pointed out that aviation in Ireland is
                                                                                           valued as much for its role, creating a large
                  Dr. Regan explained that Ireland has a strong                            number of skilled engineering and technical
                  focus on education. The country’s primary and                            jobs in its ability to link the country to other
                  secondary schools’ programs of studies focus                             parts of the world. Having created industries
                  on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,                              like aircraft leasing and duty-free shopping,
                  Arts, and Math). Ireland is home to numerous                             and having developed expertise in air traffic
                  world-renowned mainstream and technology-                                control and airport management, Ireland
                  focused universities and colleges, including                             exported these concepts to other countries.
                  Trinity College Dublin, University College
                  Dublin, University College Cork, NUI Galway,                             Another key to Ireland’s success was its ability
                  Dublin City University, and University of                                to successfully attract a growing constellation
                  Limerick. As the country pursued its focus on                            of technology firms, including top-tier brands
                  a technology-based future, these and other                               like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Airbnb and
                  Irish institutions of higher learning ‘blossomed’                        others. “These firms did more than just create
                  with diverse curricula in disciplines such as                            jobs,” said Dr. Regan, “they attracted the
                  technology, digital, business, entrepreneurism,                          disruptors, spurred the development of locally-
                  design, and literature, producing graduates                              based venture capital firms, and contributed
                  well equipped with the knowledge,                                        to the country’s burgeoning entrepreneurial
                  inquisitiveness, and savviness required to                               business environment.” It helped, added
Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 8

                     Dr. Regan, that the Irish government had a                                        development agency tasked with helping Irish
                     foreign direct investment tax rate of just 12.5%,                                 companies grow. Enterprise Ireland provides
                     and that Ireland is an English-speaking country.                                  financial support and advice to its portfolio
                     The European Commission classifies Ireland as                                     companies, which include more than 70 travel
                     a ‘Strong Innovator’ in its European Innovation                                   tech firms. Given its strong STEAM-based
                     Scoreboard (EIS) 2019, thanks in part to its                                      education, a longstanding role in travel and
                     extremely high level of university graduates,                                     aviation, and a passion for entrepreneurism,
                     strong venture capital funding landscape, and                                     Ireland continues to play a significant role in
                     high employment.                                                                  travel technology and the industry’s future
                                                                                                       success and prosperity.
                     Aside from their roles as conduits for travel
                     and tourism, travel and aviation in Ireland are                                   Digital travel, especially digital travel retailing,
                     major employers. They are complex industries                                      demands creative, market-focused B2C and
                     with numerous business challenges and                                             B2B travel technology solutions. As you will
                     highly technology-reliant – perfect fodder for                                    see, there are numerous gaps which must be
                     entrepreneurs with ideas they believe can help                                    addressed for the industry to meet (and ideally
                     solve some of these.                                                              exceed) travelers’ ever-increasing expectations
                                                                                                       and enable airlines, hotels, and other travel
                     Helping incubate and scale many of Ireland’s                                      sellers to achieve greater digital commerce
                     most compelling travel tech start-ups is                                          success.
                     Enterprise Ireland, the country’s economic

                  An interactive tool of the European Innovation Scoreboard can be found at
Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...

Section 1
Poor digital
experiences weaken
the joy of travel
Maximizing revenue across the traveler's journey - Introducing the concept of Complete Retailing - Hosting ...
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 10

Travel can be fun. Travel can be                                                                                                                                                     It’s not like digital commerce is a niche activity.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Every day, more than 5.2 million people around
a source of joy, learning, sharing,                                                                                                                                                  the world make at least one digital purchase.
personal and professional growth,                                                                                                                                                    Travel is one of the pioneering e-commerce
success, and even love.                                                                                                                                                              categories. People have been booking travel
                                                                                                                                                                                     for 25 years, and travel remains one of the
                                       And yet sometimes the process of planning                                                                                                     largest digital commerce sectors. In the US,
                                       and booking a trip just sucks.                                                                                                                UK, Germany, Spain, and China, between
                                                                                                                                                                                     82% and 92% of online travelers are Bookers,
                                       This isn’t a random statement. Atmosphere’s                                                                                                   people who research and buy some portion of
                                       research among travelers in five countries                                                                                                    their travel online. But plenty of these Bookers
                                       – the US, UK, Germany, Spain, and China –                                                                                                     curse airlines, hotels, and other travel sellers as
                                       shows numerous pain points vex travelers.                                                                                                     they plan and book their trips.

                 Figure 1: Travelers say planning trips takes too much time
              % - Airline passengers

                                                                                                                                                                  % - Hotel guests

                                                  US                     UK                 Germany                   Spain                 China                                           US                    UK                Germany            Spain   China

                                         Sources: Atmosphere Research Group's US Travel Online Studies, Q1 2019 and Q1 2018; UK, Germany, and Spain Travel Online Studies, Q2 2019 and Q2 2018; and China Travel Online Studies, Q3 2019 and Q3 2018
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 11

               Why? Because:

               — Travelers say it takes more time to plan and                             Figure 2: Travelers have to shop too many
                  book trips online now than in the past.                                  places to get the information to plan a trip
                  Even though travel has been sold online since
                  1994, 50% or more of the airline passengers
                  in the US, UK, Germany, Spain, and China say
                  they spend more time than they want using
                  digital channels to plan and book flights (see
                  Figure 1). Worse, more people feel this way in
                  2019 than in the past. Hotels fare only slightly
                  better; on average, 45% of the hotel guests                              UK
                  believe they spend too much time planning                                Germany
                  and booking a hotel stay. Compounding this                               Spain
                  are travelers’ perceptions that they need to                             China
                  shop across too many websites to find the
                  travel services they want and need for their
                  trip (see Figure 2).

               — Inadequate actionable, contextual product
                 information makes them feel confused.
                 Why do travelers find flight and hotel
                 booking to be so frustrating? In part,
                 because they lack contextually useful
                 content to make well-informed purchase
                 decisions. As with the shopping process for
                 almost any goods or service, shopping for                                 Sources: Atmosphere Research Group’s US Travel Online Studies, Q1 2019 and
                                                                                           Q1 2018; UK, Germany, and Spain Travel Online Studies, Q2 2019 and Q2 2018;
                 travel involves finding the base and optional                             and China Travel Online Studies, Q3 2019 and Q3 2018.
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 12

                                                                                 “Travelers believe
                                                                                 other industries do
                                                                                 a much better job
                                                                                 of personalizing offers
                                                                                 than airlines and hotels.”

                     products that meet a traveler’s emotional                                        Figure 3: Travel brands guilty of sending
                     and rational needs. Yet just 23% of airlines                                     irrelevant offers to travelers
                     and just 17% of hotels say they adequately
                     invest in innovation for their ancillary
                     product strategies.4

              — Airlines and hotels don’t adequately
                 personalize their offers.
                 Unfortunately, travelers believe other
                 industries do a much better job of
                 personalizing offers than airlines and hotels.
                 Even though 70% or more of travelers in the                                          UK
                 US, UK, Germany, Spain, and China want                                               Germany
                 to receive personalized offers from travel                                           Spain
                 sellers, not even one in five say they receive                                       China
                 offers that reflect their interests, travel
                 behaviors, or stage in their lives (see Figure
                 3). That’s a massive gap. Meanwhile, digitally
                 native businesses such as Amazon, Netflix,
                 and Spotify regularly push personalized
                 communications, recommendations, and
                 offers. Tsk, tsk, travel.

                   tmosphere defines an online traveler as a person who takes at least one business or leisure/personal trip (excluding commuting to/from work) to a destination
                  located more than 50 miles away from her or his primary home. The percent of online travelers who are Bookers are: US, 92%; UK, 88%; Germany 87%; Spain, 85%;
                  China, 82%.
                  Sources: Atmosphere Research Group’s Airline Commercial Outlook Online Study, Q4 2018 and Lodging Commercial Outlook Study, Q 4 2018

Section 2
The story arc
framework remains
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 14

Every trip, from the first spark of an                                                      into groups, such as demographic groups or
                                                                                            personas, a travel seller can identify common
idea about taking a trip to returning                                                       moments in which to sell various products to
safely back home, consists of countless                                                     a cohort of travelers. What will make the story
micro-moments where a traveler is                                                           arc a successful tool for a travel seller is when
                                                                                            that seller fully leverages its customer data,
open to making a purchase.
                                                                                            software, customer insights, and commerce
                                                                                            tools to dynamically create and publish
                  Some of these purchase opportunities will be                              tempting offers to the traveler at the opportune
                  large and considered – Where to go? How do                                moment, and through the channel most likely
                  we get there? Where do we stay? – to simple                               to snag that traveler’s attention.
                  – Where should we eat? What should we do
                  today? Where do local residents shop?

                  Atmosphere likes to use a framework we call
                  the ‘story arc’ to organize these moments
                  (see Figure 4). Though we pioneered the
                  use of the story arc within travel commerce,
                  we borrowed it from the literature and
                  entertainment industries, which use the story
                  arc to provide structure to novels, movies, TV
                  series, and video games. A traveler’s story arc
                  embraces the entire trip, from ideation through
                  planning and booking to all the steps within
                  the journey itself.

                  The ‘story arc’ framework is just that, a
                  framework, a structure that each travel seller
                  can use to tailor the products and offers it
                  wants to show to each traveler. Just as no two
                  people are alike, no two story arcs are alike,
                  either. Yet, just as people can be clustered

                  Figure 4: A ‘story arc’ spans every traveler’s trip

                                                                              Traveler’s Journey

                                                                       Channels, content, offers, etc.
                  ©2019 Atmosphere Research Group, LLC. All rights reserved

Section 3
Tapping into
travelers’ second
wallets is the key
to travel retailing
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 16

From our consumer research, we                                                             Figure 5: Most leisure travelers create
                                                                                           budgets for an entire trip
know more than four in five travelers
in the US, UK, Germany, Spain and
China establish budgets that cover
their leisure trips’ transportation,                                                       US

lodging, ground transportation, and                                                        UK
meals (see Figure 5).
               This partially explains travelers’ intense
               focus to find the best possible price for their
               flights, hotel rooms, and other travel services.
               Fortunately, travelers give themselves an
               ‘out’ to spend more. They view travel as an
               indulgence they have earned (see Figure 6).
               We also know leisure travelers tap into other                               Sources: Atmosphere Research Group’s US Travel Online Studies, Q1 2019 and
                                                                                           Q1 2018; UK, Germany, and Spain Travel Online Studies, Q2 2019 and Q2 2018;
               budgets for activities such as shopping,                                    and China Travel Online Studies, Q3 2019 and Q3 2018.

               entertainment and other ‘splurges’ (see Figure
               7). This is where airlines and hotels can tap                               Airlines and hotels can’t sit back and expect
               into what Atmosphere calls the ‘second wallet’,                             travelers to open their second wallets without
               travelers’ supplemental budgets for affordable                              working for it, though. This is why it’s critically
               extravagances. It’s this second wallet that often                           important for airlines and hotels to invest in rich
               funds travelers’ ancillary product purchases                                visual content, such as high-definition video,
               such as fast-track security, seat or room                                   high-resolution photography, or crisp diagrams
               upgrades, or a spa treatment.                                               and graphics to sell effectively. Airlines and
                                                                                           hotels also need highly detailed written
                                                                                           content, ideally dynamically prepared so the
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 17

               seller can match the product’s description to                                                                                        to be able to say “yes, we have that” as often
               the traveler’s interests. But at the core, the                                                                                       as possible, both to please the traveler and
               airline or hotel must offer a broad, relevant                                                                                        generate more sales – and profits. Amazon sells
               mix of products, especially those that can fill                                                                                      both mass-market major brands and numerous
               out travel’s ‘long tail’. A smart retailer knows                                                                                     niche products it believes are relevant to its
               what its customers may want or need and                                                                                              customers. Airlines and hotels that want to
               strives to sell as many of those products as it                                                                                      be successful retailers must be prepared to
               can. It’s no different for an airline or a hotel.                                                                                    do the same.
               Like well-run retailers, airlines and hotels need

               Figure 6: Travel is an opportunity                                                                                                   Figure 7: Travelers ‘second wallets’ fund
               for self-indulgence                                                                                                                  ancillary purchases





                                                                % - Online leisure travelers                                                                                                         % - Online leisure travelers

                        Sources: Atmosphere Research Group's US Travel Online Studies, Q1 2019 and Q1 2018; UK, Germany, and Spain Travel Online             Sources: Atmosphere Research Group's US Travel Online Studies, Q1 2019 and Q1 2018; UK, Germany, and Spain Travel Online
                        Studies, Q2 2019 and Q2 2018; and China Travel Online Studies, Q3 2019 and Q3 2018                                                   Studies, Q2 2019 and Q2 2018; and China Travel Online Studies, Q3 2019 and Q3 2018

Section 4
Travel enters the era
of Complete Retailing
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 19

Except for ‘all-inclusive resorts’, most                                                    allow travelers to find the products they want
                                                                                            and the value they demand, in a shopping and
hotels use the ‘a la carte’ business                                                        booking process that reinforces the seller’s
model, where a guest books a room,                                                          desired attributes. And good news, we’re
with additional hotel services charged                                                      making progress.
when used.
                                                                                            Travel sellers now enjoy access to more
                                                                                            extensive (though still not perfect) customer,
                                                                                            commercial, and operational data. The
                  In contrast, most airlines had traditionally                              industry is benefitting from advancements
                  used the ‘all-inclusive model’ with services                              in transformational technologies such as the
                  like checked bags, meals, and assigned seats                              cloud, mobility-based solutions, and machine
                  included in the fare. This began to change                                learning, all of which have also become more
                  after 9/11, with airlines more widely moving to                           affordable. Some travel firms have begun to
                  unbundle its products (especially domestic or                             build teams of data scientists, complementing
                  regional economy class) following the oil spike                           their digital commerce and product groups.
                  and start of the economic crisis in 2008.                                 The intersection of these developments enables
                                                                                            the travel industry to enter what Atmosphere
                  But just because airlines and hotels have been                            calls ‘the era of Complete Retailing’.
                  selling ancillary products for a decade or more
                  doesn’t mean they do it well. As with many
                  aspects of business, airlines and hotels have                             We define Complete Retailing as:
                  followed an evolutionary path towards their
                  new roles as retailers as market dynamics,                                The ability for a travel seller to dynamically
                  technology, and consumer behavior allow.                                  create, price, publish, and sell relevant,
                                                                                            personalized, appealing offers, whether as a
                  The industry is now at the point where travel                             proactive ‘push’ or a response to a traveler’s
                  sellers should be equipped to elevate their                               request, and manage the order’s creation,
                  customer and user experiences with the most                               purchase, payment, and fulfillment across any
                  useful back- and front-end technologies that                              channel and platform.
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 20

                                                                                                                                    STOW       STOW



                  Complete Retailing is the fourth and most                                — Basic merchandising (2012-2016).
                  recent, though certainly not final, stage of                                The first attempts to ‘merchandise’ airline
                  travel’s retailing evolution that began in the                              and hotel ancillary products emerged
                  early 2000s. The four periods that comprise                                 during this time, and they were weak.
                  travel’s retail evolution are:                                              Though airlines and hotels began to present
                                                                                              a few optional products during the initial
                  — Simple selling (start through 2012).                                     booking path within their own websites,
                     Think of this as travel retailing’s Hadean era.                          the offers were fairly uniform and rarely
                     Airlines started to cluster their fares into ‘fare                       targeted, and were often not available from
                     families’ based on factors such as advance-                              other direct or indirect channels. Once the
                     purchase requirements and refundability as                               initial reservation was made, the traveler
                     well as cabin classes; in 2007-2008, the first                           rarely saw another offer for an ancillary
                     branded fares (product or attribute-based                                product until they checked in for their
                     fares) emerged. If an airline or hotel was able                          flight or arrived at their hotel. The seeds
                     to sell its ancillary products online, it did                            for improved airline merchandising were
                     so in a random, higgledy-piggledy manner.                                planted in 2012, when IATA, the airline
                     There was minimal offer targeting, let alone                             industry’s global trade group, launched
                     tailored or dynamic pricing. Travelers’ loyalty                          New Distribution Capability (NDC), a set
                     ‘elite tier’ statuses were generally overlooked,                         of industry-developed XML-based data
                     resulting in their seeing sales messages for                             transmission standards intended to help
                     products or amenities that they were entitled                            airlines sell their base fares and optional
                     to receive on a complimentary basis. Copy                                products more effectively through third-
                     and visual content were both basic. Aside                                party distribution channels such as GDSs
                     from greeting a registered user by name after                            (Global Distribution Systems).
                     logging in, there was no personalization.
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 21

                                                                         “Offer personalization is
                                                                         at the core of the user
                                                                         experience – relevancy is

                  — Beginning Retailing (2016-2019).                                      — Complete Retailing (2019-).
                    During this three-year period, airlines                                   The era of Complete Retailing is built
                    and hotels began to implement their                                       on a foundation of timely, targeted, and
                    initial attempts to ‘retail’ their optional                               thoughtfully presented offer creation and
                    products, including some of the first                                     real-time order management. The seller
                    efforts using offline and third-party                                     makes a complete catalog of its own and
                    channels. The products received more                                      third-party ancillary products available
                    engaging, compelling copy and, for some,                                  for sale on a channel-agnostic basis, with
                    photography or video content. Airlines                                    offers crafted using machine learning-
                    and hotels improved their abilities to                                    based inputs. Similarly, machine learning-
                    target offers. Their customer databases                                   based algorithms inform the dynamically
                    and content management systems were                                       calculated prices, which are made available
                    enriched as well, allowing them to promote                                on a more continuous curve rather than
                    ‘elite tier’ benefits to eligible members                                 the traditional, less flexible revenue
                    within the search, shop, and booking                                      management ‘stair step’ approach. Travel
                    phases. This is also when airlines and                                    sellers embrace the ‘story arc’ of potential
                    hotels augmented their mobile app-based                                   selling opportunities that spans each
                    optional product merchandising. Airlines’                                 traveler’s journey. Offer personalization is at
                    first uses of NDC standards in production                                 the core of the user experience – relevancy
                    mode launched in 2017.                                                    is everything. Brands use an omnichannel
                                                                                              distribution and sales strategy to ensure
                                                                                              their products are available at the right time
                                                                                              via the traveler’s channel(s) of choice.
Ireland enables the era of complete retailing: Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion   22

                           Section 5
                           Cloud and machine
                           learning are at the
                           core of Complete
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 23

The new generations of flexible, nimble,                                                    has numerous challenges, they are similar in
                                                                                            some ways to those found elsewhere: “The
and responsive technologies allow                                                           challenges the travel industry faces are the
Complete Retailing to exist. And, within                                                    same as other industries, such as retailing,
these new technologies, the cloud and                                                       manufacturing, and financial services.”

machine learning play the greatest roles.                                                   Dr. McDonnell sees the cloud, data, artificial
                                                                                            intelligence (AI) – which includes machine
                  As part of our research for this report,                                  learning – the Internet of Things (IoT), and
                  Atmosphere spoke with Dr. Edward McDonnell,                               blockchain as technologies offering potential to
                  Centre Director, National Centre for Applied                              the travel industry. Chief among the challenges
                  Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence, at                               faced by the travel sector, Dr. McDonnell
                  the Centre for Applied Data Analytics Research                            believes, is actionable customer data. “Traveler
                  (CeADAR).                                                                 data is one of the first steps of enlightenment.
                                                                                            The challenges of having limited customer
                  Dr. McDonnell noted that “Ireland has long                                insights is not unique to travel.” But other
                  been a strong innovator in the European                                   industries, namely fintech, in his opinion, use
                  innovation ecosystem,” a point borne out                                  their data more effectively and thus serve as
                  by the European Innovation Scoreboard. He                                 an example for travel firms. According to Dr.
                  also observed that though the travel industry                             McDonnell, “it’s not enough to have the data,
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 24

                  travel firms must be able to extract insights                             report credited the cloud or machine learning,
                  and act on them as close to real-time as is                               and often both, for their firms’ abilities to
                  possible.” To do this will require travel firms to                        exist and operate as market-, client- and
                  have “bottom-up use of data science and AI”                               traveler-focused businesses. The executives
                  as part of their decision-making processes.                               routinely cited the cloud’s flexibility, scalability,
                  Contributing to the mix are blockchain-based                              and cost-effectiveness compared to even
                  smart contracts, which could help travel firms                            the newest generation of servers. Several of
                  pass information and funds more securely and                              the firms Atmosphere interviewed for this
                  irrefutably, whether internally or with a                                 report, including Boxever and CarTrawler,
                  third-party organization, improving aspects                               cited the cloud in playing a role in their
                  such as operational effectiveness and the                                 growth and success.
                  customer experience.
                                                                                            The firms we interviewed also regularly cited
                  Dr. McDonnell believes travel firms are making                            machine learning as the most important
                  progress, adding he sees a “never-ending quest                            component of artificial intelligence they were
                  for gathering more and better data, and for                               using. The algorithm, once it has learned the
                  exploiting the data travel firms already have.”                           patterns in the data, often from seeing multiple
                  Yet the situation is ripe with opportunities to                           repeated patterns, applies the learnings in a
                  improve. How? One suggestion he offers is                                 fraction of a second to subsequent decisions.
                  marrying what may appear to be disparate data                             Its ability to process massive volumes of data at
                  sources, but which if combined could help a                               blazing speeds makes effective personalization
                  travel company vastly improve its product and                             possible, because results can be returned with
                  provide a better end-to-end travel experience.                            essentially no noticeable latency. But we
                  As a suggestion, Dr. McDonnell mentioned                                  must recognize one brutal truth: As is often
                  a piece of work they undertook with a major                               the case when using data, a travel seller’s
                  airline which combined data from the aircraft                             ability to execute depends on its own data’s
                  plus weather patterns to minimize the aircraft’s                          relevancy and quality. No matter how good
                  fuel consumption and flight path while                                    a machine learning-based algorithm may be,
                  satisfying international rules on air travel.                             it can’t compensate for inadequate or poor-
                  Almost every executive we interviewed for this                            quality data.

Section 6
Content is king
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 26

If airlines and hotels want more people                                                     In Complete Retailing, it’s the product catalog
                                                                                            content that is king.
to buy more things from them – from
their direct channels, too – then they                                                      In retail terms, airlines and hotels are specialty
need to transform themselves into what                                                      shops, while travel agencies are department
consumers would call ‘travel companies’.                                                    stores. Referencing the massive online retailer,
                                                                                            some airlines and hotels say they want to
                                                                                            become ‘Amazons of travel’. Guess what?
                  What do we mean by that? In 2019, the typical                             Travel agencies are already there. If airlines and
                  airline or hotel website or mobile app sells                              hotels want to become more comprehensive
                  primarily its own products: its core fares or                             retailers – retailers of travel, not just their own
                  rates and its own ancillary products (and                                 services – they need more content.
                  possibly not all of those). If the airline or hotel
                  sells third-party products, they probably                                 And while this isn’t necessarily difficult,
                  offer a small selection, such as insurance,                               it will require airlines and hotels to slay a
                  airport transfers and ground transportation                               few corporate dragons, among them being
                  and, for airlines, lodging. Contrast this with                            prisoners to big numbers. When an airline or
                  travel agencies, which in addition to a wide                              hotel generates hundreds of millions (or more)
                  selection of airlines and lodging options, also                           of euros in ancillary revenues, its product
                  sell other forms of transportation, (e.g., rail,                          managers understandably look for the ‘next
                  ferry), cruises, destination activities such as                           big thing’ to meet their ever-increasing revenue
                  sightseeing tours and festival tickets, passport                          goals.
                  and visa expediting services, and more.

                  In the era of Complete Retailing, airlines and                            “In retail terms,
                  hotels must remember that authentic ‘retailing’
                  is based on more than ‘selling stuff’. To succeed                         airlines and hotels are
                  at Complete Retailing, airlines and hotels must
                  offer robust content based on product catalogs
                                                                                            specialty shops, while
                  comprised of a thorough, relevant assortment                              travel agencies are
                  of proprietary and third-party products –
                  especially ‘long tail’ products.                                          department stores.”
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 27

                                                                                                                                               40        60




                  Atmosphere understands this. It’s much                                    Enterprise Ireland has numerous portfolio
                  easier to hit an increased revenue goal with                              companies that can help airlines and hotels
                  a commission of €100 than one of €10. We’d                                become travel companies. For this report,
                  counter with this suggestion: Look at the                                 Enterprise Ireland selected 10 firms from
                  bigger picture. Adding ‘long tail’ services that                          its vast portfolio, based on each company’s
                  may admittedly be considered niche products                               abilities to complement and strengthen an
                  now, with smaller pay-outs, may actually be                               airline’s or hotel’s customer experience, its
                  quite the smart move. Why? Adding these                                   business strength, and its unique nature
                  services can help improve the utility and                                 within the travel technology landscape. These
                  appeal, and thus the customer experience, of                              six, presented in alphabetical order, all offer
                  the brand’s digital channels and, by extension,                           content that can enhance an airline’s or hotel’s
                  the brand itself.                                                         digital customer experience and brand USP.

                  Some may argue it may take the same amount
                  of IT effort to add the smaller ancillary
                  product provider as the larger one. This may
                  be a point of negotiation. Explore having the                             Camping is much more than hiking, cooking
                  vendor do more of the IT work or consider a                               out, and sleeping under the stars. Camping
                  compensation arrangement that allows the IT                               is part of the $260+ billion adventure travel
                  costs to be recouped within a given timeframe.                            market, which the United Nations World
                                                                                            Tourism Organization estimates is growing
                  This much is true: Adding the right mix of third-                         by 30% or more annually. In 2020, Campsited
                  party ancillary products can help transform the                           estimates camping will produce more than one
                  airline or hotel into the more customer-centric                           billion ‘camp nights’ worldwide.
                  retailer it needs to be, the more comprehensive
                  travel brand it wants to be, and helps it get                             Campsited has made camping a digitally
                  closer to becoming the ‘Amazon of travel’ its                             accessible part of travel’s ‘long tail’. The firm
                  CEO says it’s going to be.                                                estimates the value of campsite bookings
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 28

                  (excluding airfare, gear, meals, and activities)
                  in Europe in 2019 will be €11.5 billion and
                  is estimated to reach €13.5 billion by 2023.
                  Camping’s growing appeal reflects how we
                  live increasingly hyper-connected lives from
                  which we’d like to disconnect, even if for brief
                  periods of time. We’ll admit there’s a bit of
                  irony in Campsited, an online company, making
                  it possible for consumers to use technology to
                  book escapes from their digital lives.

                  Campsited’s backstory began when its founder,
                  Finán O’Donoghue, wanted to take his family
                  camping in Europe. An IT and digitally centric
                  business professional and experienced camper,
                  he knew the campsites existed but found it
                  maddeningly difficult to find them online. Even
                  when he did, a significant proportion weren’t                            O’Donoghue launched Campsited in late
                  bookable online directly, and there was no                               2015. He focused on signing up campsites in
                  easy-to-use central platform to find, compare                            order to have product to offer travelers when
                  and book every campsite globally.                                        the company eventually began to market to
                                                                                           them. Today, Campsited has more than 2,000
                  You can see the light bulb going off above                               properties on its platform, and can offer real-
                  O’Donoghue’s head right about now, can’t you?                            time availability, pricing, and booking at more
                                                                                           than 1,300 locations. Campsited’s inventory
                  Campsited became O’Donoghue’s passion                                    currently represents about 10 million available
                  before it became his business. While working                             nights and is growing weekly. With an average
                  full-time in another job, O’Donoghue spent                               stay of seven nights, the platform has enough
                  nearly every night and weekend for six months                            supply to accommodate 1.4 million bookings.
                  researching campsites, gathering government                              Campsited has seen impressive growth.
                  statistics on camping and campsites, assessing                           O’Donoghue anticipates that Campsited’s 2019
                  campsite operators in 30 countries, and                                  revenue will be 400% greater than 2018’s.
                  conducting country-level, local-language
                  Google searches using 20 different search                                Campsited currently has small campsites,
                  phrases. Eventually, O’Donoghue emerged                                  glamping sites, right up to five-star camping
                  with a catalog of 600 websites, plus mobile                              resorts in France on its platform. In France,
                  apps. He scored each based on UX, ease of                                campsites are known as ‘hotel de plein air’,
                  use, number of campsites and number of                                   which translates into open-air hotels. That’s a
                  bookable campsites (which were very few).                                fitting description, because some of the largest
                  Through more than 40 conversations and                                   campsites are resorts that define European
                  in-depth interviews with almost every type                               camping. These campsites offer every
                  of camper – individuals, families, younger                               imaginable type of camping accommodation,
                  couples, older couples, groups of friends, and                           from pitches, to safari tents to air-conditioned
                  more – O’Donoghue learned that guidebooks                                mobile homes. They also offer a huge array
                  and Google Maps were the tools campers used                              of amenities, such as bars, restaurants,
                  to find campsites. And, because many of the                              supermarkets, and spas, plus an extensive
                  campsites didn’t have transactional websites,                            assortment of activities, including archery,
                  people emailed the campsites with their                                  fishing, and nature walks. Some even offer
                  queries and for reservations.                                            accommodations in air-conditioned cabins.
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 29

“Campsited estimates the
value of campsite bookings
(excluding airfare, gear,
meals, and activities) in
Europe in 2019 will be €11.5
billion and is estimated to
reach €14.3 billion by 2023.”

                  While a week’s stay at a modest campsite                                  and camper vans. Travelers from other
                  may cost a few hundred euros, according                                   countries often opt for rental accommodations,
                  to O’Donoghue a booking at some of these                                  including those air-conditioned cabins.
                  campsites can reach several thousand euros.
                                                                                            Campsited uses two models to work with
                  The primary Campsited customer segment,                                   partners such as airlines and travel agencies.
                  producing more than 75% of its reservations,                              The company has a full white-label solution
                  are families. Younger travelers, either                                   and a suite of APIs that can be integrated
                  couples or small groups, are also important,                              into the partner’s website (O’Donoghue says
                  as are retirees, who have the time to                                     integrating the white-label solution is the
                  travel and are flexible about when and                                    faster option). Campsited has invested a “huge
                  where they go camping. In our interview,                                  amount” in its UX and conversion optimization,
                  O’Donoghue emphasized how camping is                                      which partners benefit from through steadily
                  often an intergenerational experience, where                              improving conversion rates.
                  grandparents travel with their kids and
                  grandkids. This helps build deep passion for the                          One benefit Campsited offers airlines and
                  camping way of life among future generations                              travel agencies is that most parties booking on
                  of travelers. It’s common, says O’Donoghue, to                            the site consist of two or more people, which
                  see people who first went camping with their                              can contribute to the partner’s traffic, volume,
                  parents or grandparents return to the same                                and revenues. Campsited, says O’Donoghue,
                  campsites as adults with their children.                                  shares its commissions with its partners using a
                                                                                            negotiated revenue share model. The company
                  The company plans to expand its network of                                plans to introduce car rentals and transfers.
                  campsites, including the US market. The US                                It is exploring adding camper van and carvan
                  market is as large as all of Europe; each region                          rentals and adding destination services and
                  produces about 500 million ‘camp nights’ a                                activities at and around the campsites on its
                  year. That’s one billion camp nights just from                            platform, O’Donoghue said. Many of these
                  these two regions – the global market size is, of                         ancillaries will be included in its partner
                  course, even larger.                                                      revenue share program as well.

                  From its experience, Campsited has learned
                  that all campers are not alike. UK campers, says
                  O’Donoghue, are “stone mad” for their caravans
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 30

                  CarTrawler’s Chief Commercial Officer, Aileen McCormack

                                                                                            Executive Director, told Atmosphere,
                                                                                            CarTrawler’s data “knows no one rents a car
                                                                                            at London Heathrow Airport, but 40% do at
                  Ground transportation provider CarTrawler is                              Miami International.” As a result, CarTrawler
                  a B2B supermarket of global mobility services.                            will serve up taxi and private transfer options
                  CarTrawler provides unrivalled breadth and                                at Heathrow, while at Miami they’ll suggest a
                  depth of mobility suppliers across the globe,                             car hire along with other options, such as on-
                  including car rental, private airport transfer,                           demand ride hailing. “The selection a traveler
                  and on-demand ride hailing services at                                    sees,” says Healy, “isn’t random.”
                  more than 50,000 locations in 174 countries.
                  Working with more than 100 airlines and                                   CarTrawler is a business deeply rooted in,
                  2,000 travel retailers, CarTrawler expands the                            and passionate about, personalization and
                  airlines’ and travel partners’ offering to their                          merchandising. The company often finds itself
                  customers, while deepening those relationships                            teaching its clients how to be more effective
                  and creating substantial ancillary revenue                                in their personalization and merchandising
                  opportunities – a central component of                                    efforts. CarTrawler’s secret, says Healy, is the
                  Complete Retailing in travel.                                             amount of data it has collected – “trillions
                                                                                            of data points,” according to Healy – and
                  CarTrawler is exclusively B2B – the company                               its ability to utilize that data effectively on
                  doesn’t compete with its airline and travel                               behalf of its clients: “90% of the problem
                  partners for customers. CarTrawler is also                                in personalization is needing the data to
                  a master at using its data to tailor offers to                            make the decisions.” CarTrawler’s Healy is
                  increase the potential of a traveler making a                             a personalization evangelist. He elegantly
                  purchase. CarTrawler has massive scale and                                articulates the benefits personalization can
                  an equally extensive diversity of data from                               offer travel sellers and the risks travel firms
                  its worldwide sales, which it aggregates and                              face if they ignore personalization or fail at it.
                  learns from. As Bobby Healy, CarTrawler’s                                 Says Healy, “This is a time where businesses
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 31

                                                                                                   “CarTrawler’s secret
                                                                                                   is the amount of data
                                                                                                   it has collected –
                                                                                                   trillions of data points,”
                                                                                                   according to Healy.

                  are made if they do personalization well, and                                    CarTrawler’s new SDK takes advantage of geo-
                  where they won’t succeed if they don’t.” Healy                                   location data, of course, plus the company’s
                  acknowledges the challenges regulations such                                     customer data insights and other pertinent data
                  as GDPR and external events like hacks pose                                      elements to suggest the most appealing and
                  to earning travelers’ trust and participation:                                   relevant options to the traveler. But CarTrawler
                  “People are fearful about sharing data thanks                                    didn’t merely “shrink” the screen size of its
                  to hacks, breaches, and bad actors, so they are                                  traditional web displays to fit mobile device
                  less likely to do it. Some feel it’s safer not to                                forms – the company completely rethought
                  share data.” Fortunately, Atmosphere’s research                                  its mobile UX and processes to account for
                  shows 75% or more of travelers in the US, UK,                                    mobility being a distinct platform whose user
                  Germany, Spain, and China are comfortable                                        is a traveler with a very different mindset than
                  sharing personal data with travel sellers if                                     when on a laptop or desktop computer.
                  doing so will help them save money or result in
                  more pleasant journeys – provided their data is                                  From its UX testing, CarTrawler knows that
                  protected and their privacy respected.                                           presenting travelers with too many options
                                                                                                   can dilute conversion rates and reduce
                  CarTrawler recently introduced a very slick                                      performance. “You can’t overwhelm the
                  mobility SDK that sits inside partner apps                                       customer with 50 choices when they’re on
                  which allows airlines and travel retailers to                                    their smartphones. Mobile needs to be more
                  offer the broadest range of travel solutions                                     precise,” says Aileen McCormack, CarTrawler’s
                  in-app so that they can “own the last mile”                                      Chief Commercial Officer. Mobile is a more
                  for their customers. This is the culmination of                                  immediate platform and is more focused as
                  significant investment by CarTrawler in the                                      a shopping and booking channel. Travelers
                  mobility sector and ensures that airlines and                                    are often pressed for time and have too many
                  travel retailers can maximize revenues from the                                  potential distractions swirling about them as
                  mobility-as-a-service (MaaS)5 market, which is                                   they’re shopping. CarTrawler doesn’t want to
                  estimated to reach a value of $1.75 trillion by                                  risk losing them. Decision-making on mobile
                  2028. The result: In just two taps, the traveler                                 is “atomic,” says Healy, compared to a more
                  can find and reserve all available mobility                                      contemplative and comparative process for
                  products at the destination.                                                     travelers using a laptop or desktop computer.

                   Source: Global Mobility as a Service Market – Analysis and Forecast (2018-2028), BIS Research, October 2018
Maximizing revenue across the traveler’s journey: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Conclusion 32

                  CityHook’s CEO, Kevin O’Shaughnessy

                  Airlines, in particular, offer a unique customer                          results for its clients, claims Healy, adding
                  value proposition through their loyalty                                   “There is no end to our optimization efforts.”
                  programs. CarTrawler offers the first ever
                  mobility SDK which affords travelers the ability
                  to both earn and burn their airline loyalty
                  points as they ride. As McCormack put it,
                  “Airlines need to offer travel solutions that                             CityHook is a specialist airport transportation
                  can exist alongside car rental – the ride-hailing                         provider, focusing on bus, airport shuttles,
                  market alone is estimated to reach a value                                taxis, rail, and car-sharing. The company works
                  of $285 billion by 2030 and the overall MaaS                              in 60 countries worldwide – a global network
                  market will grow by 25% over the next five                                the company created solely on angel funding.
                  years. However, just 12% of the world’s 473
                  airlines currently offer mobility services to                             Arriving at an airport, whether familiar or new,
                  their customers.”                                                         can create stress for a traveler. CityHook’s
                                                                                            CEO, Kevin O’Shaughnessy, believes the
                  Does CarTrawler work? In its first year of                                company has an opportunity to help arriving
                  working with SWISS and Vueling, CarTrawler                                travelers feel more in control. “The first 10
                  says each airline saw its car rental conversion                           meters of each arrival are the most anxious,”
                  increase by 151% and 298%, respectively.                                  says O’Shaughnessy, who believes CityHook
                  What’s more, in the first three years working                             can help business and leisure travelers “book
                  with one of its large European partners,                                  like a local” while reducing “arrival anxiety.”
                  CarTrawler grew car bookings made on the
                  airline’s site by travelers flying with competing                         A reason CityHook launched was because
                  airlines by 40% between Year 1 and Year 2, and                            it realized there were no existing sources of
                  by 49% between Year 2 and Year 3. CarTrawler                              authoritative, neutral information and content
                  actively builds brand loyalty for its partners.                           for ground transfers. And while adding ground
                  This growth isn’t a one-time event, either. Says                          transportation seemed straightforward – just
                  Healy, “We continually grow the revenue per                               establish the connections to a transit system’s,
                  PNR we produce for airlines.” Constant mining                             bus line’s, or railroad’s reservation platform or
                  and fine-tuning its data are among the reasons                            a taxi group’s or car service’s booking system,
                  why CarTrawler steadily produces strong                                   right? – CityHook discovered numerous
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