Fintech and the evolving landscape: landing points for the industry

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Fintech and the evolving landscape: landing points for the industry
Fintech and
the evolving
landing points
for the industry
Fintech and the evolving landscape: landing points for the industry
Executive Summary
    Venture capitalists, private equity firms, corporates
    and a number of other players have poured an
    unprecedented amount of money into global
    financial technology (fintech) start-ups. More
    than $50 billion has been invested in almost
    2,500 companies since 2010 as these innovators
    redefine the way in which we store, save, borrow,
    invest, move, spend and protect money.

    While fintech is the poster child         As banks face increased pressure
    that continues to grab headlines,         to reduce costs and drive stickier,
    there are signals that the market is      more profitable relationships with
    reaching the next level of maturity       their customers, larger technology
    and moving into the mainstream. A         and platform players may offer a
    cool down in investment growth in         more attractive set of rails on which
    some geographies, expansion in others,    to deliver services to customers.
    increasing deal sizes, successful IPOs
    and the elimination of weaker players     As such, incumbent banks are
    are all helping to drive more realistic   increasingly looking to fintech
    investor expectations of fintech.         to enable them to continue
                                              operating a vertically integrated
    The ever-evolving start-up
                                              model, or find a specialist role
    scene is not the only source of
                                              as a platform service provider.
    opportunity for investors.
                                              Successful banks will rapidly make
    Technology giants such as Google,         clear strategic decisions on the
    Apple, Facebook, Amazon and               business model and use this vision
    Alibaba (GAFAA) are redefining            to rally their talent around a more
    the customer experience and               compelling journey, rather than the
    increasingly playing around the           cost cutting downward spiral in
    periphery of financial services.          which many players are now falling.

Fintech and the evolving landscape: landing points for the industry
The Fintech landscape
The value of global fintech investment in 2015 grew
by 75% to $22.3 billion, driven by deal-flow across
continental Europe and Asia-Pacific (APAC); the
year-on-year growth affirmed the sector’s position
as the hot ticket item in financial services (Exhibit
1). However, while this stellar growth continues
to outpace venture investment as a whole, which
in contrast grew by only 29% in 2015, there were
signs the fintech industry had reached a new
level of maturity, with some regions cooling-off
and a continued increase in larger deal sizes.

2015 will also be remembered as                                             However, 2015 also saw the demise
a year of successful fintech IPOs,                                          of some iconic industry players, most
with companies such as PayPal,                                              notably Powa, which built mobile payment
Square, WorldPay and First Data                                             products and was once considered one
achieving multi-billion-dollar market                                       of the UK’s brightest tech start-ups,
capitalisations, larger than many                                           valued at $2.7 billion in 20152. Less than
established financial institutions.                                         one year later, the business was put into
In addition to these newly public                                           administration after failing to satisfy the
firms, there are now twenty fintech                                         bold promises management had made
unicorns – private companies with                                           to investors, leaving some questioning
a valuation of over $1 billion1.                                            the value of the sector more broadly.

Exhibit 1: Global Fintech Financing Activity (2010 – 2015)

   Investments                                                                                                       Deal volume
       ($M)                                                                                                              (#)
30,000                                                                                                                     1,200

25,000                                                                                          871                        1,000
                                                                            772                                  22,265
20,000                                                                                                                     800
15,000                               459                                                      12,688                       600

10,000            338                                                                                                      400

 5,000                                                                     4,590                                           200
                                    2,537              3,175
     0                                                                                                                     0
                 2010               2011                2012               2013                2014              2015

             Europe         North America             RoW         APAC         Global deal volume

          Source: Accenture analysis on CB Insights data

         Accenture analysis on CB Insights data
         “Powa: The start-up that fell to earth”, BBC News, March 21, 2016. Factiva, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Fintech and the evolving landscape: landing points for the industry
Early 2016, however, indicates a          than quadrupled to $4.3 billion in 2015.
resurgence from Q4 in investor            Given APAC’s rich tech ecosystem,
confidence with $5.3 billion poured       rapid economic growth trajectory and                            The rise of APAC
into the sector in the first quarter,     growing middle class, the region is
largely driven by two Chinese deals                                                                       Fintech Investment in
                                          tipped for major digital growth (see
each crossing the $1 billion threshold.                                                                   Asia-Pacific more than quadrupled
                                          Sidebar 1). Furthermore, an increased
In fact, fintech companies in APAC                                                                        in 2015 to $4.3 billion. It is now
                                          interest in some of the newer fintech
received more than 50% of all                                                                             the second biggest region for
                                          segments, such as InsurTech, RiskTech
investment in Q1. This 47% year-                                                                          fintech investment after North
                                          and RegTech, has helped spur on                                 America, accounting for 19% of
over-year growth in the first quarter     investment into the sector.
is a sure sign that the sector could                                                                      global financing activity and up
be poised for another stellar year.       Another sign of maturity is the                                 from just 6% in 2010. China has
                                          increasing number of big-ticket                                 the lion’s share of investment,
                                                                                                          accounting for 45% in 2015, but
A change                                  deals in the sector. In 2015, there
                                                                                                          India makes up 38% and is growing
                                          were 94 fintech deals larger than
in composition                            $50 million (Exhibit 2), including a                            fast. Mumbai, Bangalore, Tokyo
Reversals of fortune such as the Powa                                                                     and Beijing are the major fintech
                                          number of megadeals like the $1
collapse led some critics to question                                                                     hubs in the region by the number
whether current fintech valuations        billion financing round from SoFi,
                                                                                                          of deals. Looking at deal volumes,
are justified, or merely frothy. While    the online lending marketplace.
                                                                                                          78% went to fintech companies
it looks like Q4 may have reflected       Over the course of the past five years,                         targeting the banking industry, 9%
a dip in confidence, what we can          fintech investment has been largely                             to wealth management and asset
see clearly is that the composition                                                                       management companies and 1%
                                          focused around retail payments.
of the market is changing.                                                                                to the insurance sector. Payments
                                          However, maturity has brought much
                                          greater diversification, with innovators                        is the most popular segment
Despite some cooling down at the
                                          seeking to disrupt and enhance elements                         for fintech deals in Asia-Pacific,
end of last year in some of the
                                                                                                          accounting for 38% of the total.
more mature fintech hotspots, such        along the financial services value chain
as Silicon Valley, New York and           (Exhibit 3). Insurance, for example, is
London, hubs in other parts of the        rapidly emerging as the next big thing in
world, such as Austin, Stockholm          fintech, with investment into firms with
and Mumbai gathered pace. Indeed,         InsurTech propositions more than tripling
fintech investment in APAC more           from 2014 to 2015 (see Sidebar 2).

                                          Exhibit 2: Number of >$50m Fintech deals, 2010-15                                        94





                                                                                                      1        1
                                                                       6                          1
                                                  4                                           2           13
                                                                           3   2      5

                                                2010               2011                2012           2013           2014         2015

                                                RoW       Europe           APAC      North America

                                             Note: only deals with amount reported by CB Insights
                                             Source: Accenture analysis on CB Insights data
Fintech and the evolving landscape: landing points for the industry
Exhibit 3: Global Fintech Financing Activity by Product Segment, 2010-15

Investment ($M)                                                                                                                      = 200 $M
 Cagr 10-15 %                                                                                                                        = 800 $M
                                   High growth segments
   60                                                                                                                                = 2000 $M
                           Retail Lending
                               Retail Investments                                                                                Deposit accounts
                                                                                                                                 Wealth Mgmt & AM
                    DCM                                                         Mature segments
   40 Risk &                                                                                                                     Markets
      Regulation Asset Mgmt     Corporate Payments
                 Operations                                                                                                      Insurance
                                Account Mgmt - Retail
   30                                                                            Retail Payments                                 Back Office Operations
                            SME Lending & Asset Finance                                                                          Other
      Non - life
                                                                                             Other                            Note:
                            Account Mgmt - Commercial                                                                         1. Bubble size represents amount of
             Life                                                                  Merchant Acquiring
                                                                                                                                  investments 2010 – 2015
    10                Inv. Research
                                                                                                                              2. Other includes accounting solutions,
               Corporate Finance                                                                                                  e-commerce solutions excluding
         0           100       200          300     400   500         600          700       800         900        1,000     Source: Accenture analysis on
                                                                                                                              CB Insights data
                                                                                                   # of deals 2010 - 2015

From competition                                           potential partners. Last year, the level                           companies looking to compete only
                                                           of investment into fintechs wishing to                             increased by 23% (Exhibit 5). So while
to collaboration                                           collaborate with the industry increased                            there is still more investment going
Broadly speaking, there are two                            by 138%, now representing 44% of all                               into competitive fintech companies,
different types of fintech companies:                      fintech investment, up from 29% last                               there is a clear and growing appetite,
the competitive, which we define as                        year. Whereas investment into fintech                              from both sides, to collaborate.
direct challengers to the incumbent
financial services institutions,
and the collaborative, which offer
solutions to enhance the position of                        Exhibit 4: Fintech heat map – Threats and opportunities (# of deals 2010 – 2015)
existing market players (Exhibit 4).
                                                                                            Competitive FinTechs                         Collaborative FinTechs
Competitive fintech companies have
                                                                                     Loss of        Loss of         Loss of   Reduce Op.        Reduce      New Digital
enjoyed some success, targeting less                               Products        Relationship    Relevance       Revenues     Costs            Risk        Business
profitable segments by delivering better                            Deposit
experiences directly to customers. For
example, On Deck Capital provides                                  Payments
faster loans for SMEs, Square offers
card services for micro merchants                                  Lending
and eToro offers professional
trading strategies for retail investors,                         Wealth Mgmt
                                                                    & AM
frequently at a discounted price.
Many financial services institutions
recognise the role collaborative                                  Insurance
fintechs can play to help drive
                                                                  Back Office
their own evolution. Meanwhile,                                   Operations
fintechs – from those who began
as collaborative players, to those                              >50% of deals        30-50% of deals       10-30% of deals     50% of deals        10-50% of deals
Fintech and the evolving landscape: landing points for the industry
This is one reason the FinTech Innovation                               competitive fintech companies, initiatives    pales in comparison to the $50 billion these
Lab, sponsored by Accenture and the                                     such as the FCA’s Project Innovate3 have      banks spent on new technology investment
Partnership Fund for New York City,                                     helped to lower the barriers to entry for     during the same period (Exhibit 7).
which brings leading financial services                                 these firms. Interestingly, although not
firms together to identify and mentor                                   as pronounced, these trends are reflected     It is not possible to analyse how much of
the most promising fintech innovators,                                                                                this $50bn is being spent on new forms
                                                                        regionally whereby the investment
is such an important part of the growing                                                                              of financial technology, or indeed invested
                                                                        dollars have moved towards more
ecosystem (see Sidebar 3). Now in its                                                                                 in new home-grown bank intellectual
                                                                        competitive firms in Europe and more
sixth year, The FinTech Innovation Lab has                                                                            property, but we believe from anecdotal
                                                                        collaborative firms in North America, and
produced many successful collaborations                                                                               evidence that much of bank investment
                                                                        to a lesser extent in APAC (Exhibit 6).
for banks, with more than 90 graduates                                                                                remains tied up with adjusting legacy
across the four Lab locations: London,                                  Even though investment dollars still tend     technology. Furthermore, banks continue
New York, Hong Kong and Dublin.                                                                                       to employ a static method of annual
                                                                        to favour those looking to compete with
                                                                                                                      investment allocation for activities
                                                                        the industry, many are quickly acquired
The ratio of competitive versus                                                                                       designed to ‘Change the Bank’. As a
collaborative investment throughout                                     by or take significant investment from
                                                                                                                      result, we observe that bank employees
the world differs dramatically from                                     incumbents once market traction has
                                                                                                                      are encouraged to protect their existing
market to market. For example, the shift                                been proven, and even sometimes before.
                                                                                                                      multi-year programmes rather than
to collaboration has been particularly                                  For example, Atom bank – a UK mobile-         adopting new technologies as quickly as
strong over the last five years in New                                  only bank – will launch in 2016 after         those in specialist processing companies
York, where the proportion of investment                                receiving a $68 million investment in         and other competing business models.
in collaborative fintech companies has                                  exchange for a 29.5% stake from BBVA4.
grown from 37% in 2010 to 83% in 2015.                                                                                This relatively low participation in external
However, in the UK, where the regulatory                                Nevertheless, while more fintechs wish        investment, combined with constraints
environment is more favourable for                                      to cater to the needs of the banking          on ‘Change the Bank’ internal investment
those looking to compete directly with                                  industry, they are not seeing reciprocal      now poses a significant risk to incumbent
the industry, this trend is reversed, with                              investment from banks in their                banks. subsequently hindering their ability
more than 90% of investment going to                                    businesses. Last year, banks participated     to win the battle for customer relevance
would-be competitive fintech companies.                                 in less than 10% of all reported fintech      and radically improve the efficiency
Whilst the UK does not explicitly favour                                deals, totalling less than $5 billion. This   of banking transaction platforms.

Exhibit 5: Collaborative Fintech Investments vs. Competitive Fintech Investments, 2014/15 ($M)

                                                                            % Ch. 15-14


                                                    44%                        +138%


    Collaborative          29%

                                                    56%                         +23%
     Competitive           71%

                          2014                      2015

Note: total excludes Other segment
Source: Accenture analysis on CB Insights data

 “UK Mobile-Only Atom Bank Picks Up $128M Led By BBVA, Owner Of Simple In The U.S.”,, November 24, 2015. Factiva, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Exhibit 6: Collaborative Fintech Investments vs. Competitive Fintech Investments, 2010/15 ($M)

The rise of InsurTech                                              Europe                             North Amerca                             APAC
                                                              92         2,897                       1,118        11,387                 43           3,781
While fintech is relatively
pervasive in banking and                                                    14%                                                                       16%
capital markets, it is still               Collaborative     38%                                     40%
nascent in insurance. In 2014,                                                                                     60%
tech companies targeting the
insurance space received less
than $800 million in funding, but                                           86%
in 2015 insurance tech start-ups
                                            Competitive      62%                                     60%
attracted more than three times
that, receiving approximately                                                                                      40%

$2.6 billion. Most insurers are
still tied to a business model
                                                           2010          2015                       2010          2015                  2010          2015
based on pooling risk, calculating
average pricing and generating             Note: total excludes Other segment
gross premium income, which                Source: Accenture analysis on CB Insights data
is increasingly threatened by
digital technologies, such as
wearable devices, smart objects
and connected cars. However,               Exhibit 7: Global Banks’ IT Investment by Type, 2015
these technologies also offer
insurers a new, rich data source,
providing new possibilities                Bank IT spending for new investments
for underwriting, enhancing                ~ $50Bn

the customer experience and
cutting costs. For example,
Oscar Health Insurance partners
with wearable-device company,              Fintech Investments
Misfit, reward fit customers               ~ $22Bn

by automatically linking their
biometric information to their
health insurance. Meanwhile,
Censio has developed software
                                           Value of fintech deals with banks as investors
that automatically monitors                ~ $5Bn
and measures drivers’ data
for auto insurers, which has
been adopted by Progressive,
a US-based insurer.

                                           1. IT Spending in Banking, A Global Perspective, Celent, February 2015
                                           2. Digital Disruption: How FinTech is forcing Banking to a tipping point, Citi, March 2016
                                           3. Accenture analysis on CB Insights data


A complex battlefield
    Banks are now recognising that fintech
    companies typically pose more of an opportunity
    than a threat. Yet, despite this, banks still
    find themselves confronted by a wide range
    of related challenges across several fronts.

    The impact of GAFAA                         – from Play Store to Mapping to
                                                Search – with no fuss and no cost,
    Customers are accustomed to higher
                                                customers may perceive this gap
    levels of digitally enabled customer
                                                from their bank as a service failure.
    service in other industries. This is
    particularly true with firms such as        With their prevalence amongst
    Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon             consumers, GAFAA are starting to
    and Alibaba (GAFAA). This group             offer targeted financial services that
    is resetting the benchmark for              satisfy specific needs. Amazon, for
    customer experience. Recognising the        example, is making loans to small
    inherent value of financial data, they
                                                businesses trading in its Marketplace
    are increasingly offering banking-
                                                through a service called Amazon
    style services to customers. This in
                                                Lending. The service uses trading data
    turn, leaves traditional banks at a
                                                and vendor reviews to make highly
    disadvantage as their view of the
                                                reliable credit decisions. Google Wallet
    customer cannot match the ‘high
                                                allows customers to make online
    definition’ picture available to GAFAA.
                                                purchases via email, and Apple has
    The challenge for banks here is what        integrated payments into its new
    Fjord refers to as “liquid expectation5”,   touch authentication devices, such
    whereby customers measure the quality       as the iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2. Also,
    of service they receive from players in     Facebook has launched its free ‘Friend-
    one sector, against their experience        to-Friend’ payments service. Given how
    from another. If, for example, Google       fast the digital financial ecosystem
    can offer a fully integrated customer       is evolving, learning from and
    experience, with a single log-in,           collaborating with GAFAA will be high
    across multiple devices and products        on the agenda for bank leadership.

The rise of the platforms                                                    from multiple banks and building          open, secure and resilient services
                                                                             greater efficiency into non-value-        that can also be integrated with
The banking landscape is not
                                                                             adding, yet essential processes           other customer solutions
only changing in the front office;
                                                                             such as customer identity checks.       • Banks lose their customer-facing
core processing functions are
                                                                             This starts to question the current       relevance and their industry foothold
changing too. Traditionally, banks
                                                                             industry data model where each            as more-nimble tech / processing
have controlled most end-to-
                                                                             bank attempts to control and own          companies create better platforms,
end processing themselves, but                                               data to support services they offer.      but retain a core role as highly
with the increasing divestment
                                                                                                                       regulated entities that integrate
of their processing operations                                               Tech players may provide some
                                                                                                                       complex supply chains of
– either through choice or                                                   platform services more efficiently
                                                                                                                       platform providers
under regulatory pressure – this                                             than banks. However, they will truly
model is starting to change.                                                 begin to compete with the banks         There is no reason why different areas
                                                                             once they achieve the scale and         of banking will follow the same scenario
In 2009, the European Commission                                             capabilities required to serve the      – the competitive dynamics for retail
ordered RBS to sell its payments                                             industry as a utility, rather than      banking are different, for example, from
processing company, RBS Worldpay,                                            as fragmented players scattered         those in corporate banking and more
as part of a larger state aid ruling6.                                       between individual banks. Banks that    different still for prime brokerage.
This year, the UK regulator has                                              hang on to platforms, rather than
opened up the UK payments system                                             sourcing them from better providers,    Banks must learn lessons from GAFAA
to further competition by compelling                                         will struggle to compete, while         about how to reach, interact with and
Lloyds, Barclays, HSBC and RBS to                                            others will efficiently orchestrate     delight their customers. By forming
divest their joint stake in VocaLink,                                        a set of best-of-breed services.        partnerships with these firms, they can
the company providing the UK’s                                                                                       access their deep pools of customer
payments infrastructure7. By the time                                        Likely Landing Points                   data and drive future products and
Payments Services Directive (PSD2)                                           We see one of the following             services. If banks surrender parts of
rolls out in 2018, the UK payments                                           three scenarios as the most likely      their supply chain that they possess
market may look very different.                                              to emerge:                              neither the appetite nor the capability
                                                                                                                     to run efficiently, they could concentrate
Previously, such back office functions                                       • Banks remain relevant to their        instead on driving higher returns
were not a revenue generating part of                                          customers and adopt fintech 		        from other, more valuable
the business model and seen instead                                            much more aggressively,               parts of their business.
as pure processing functionality.                                              enabling radical
However, through divestment, a                                                 productivity improvements.
new breed of free-standing, profit-                                            This would happen quickly
hungry businesses are being created,                                           enough to pass efficiencies on
which could pose a threat to the                                               to customers through lower
status quo for banks. Elsewhere, in                                            transaction fees
investment banking, companies like                                           • Banks become less directly
Markit are looking to significantly                                            relevant to customers, but
expand the services offered on                                                 retain end-to-end platform service
an industry basis, by pooling data                                             provision by creating value-added,

 “RBS to sell WorldPay to Advent”, Domain-B, August 7, 2010. Factiva, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 “UK regulator urges banks to sell stakes in VocaLink to increase payments competition”, Banking Service Payments,
February 26, 2016. Factiva, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The emerging
                              bank reactions
                              In our report “The Future of Fintech and Banking”⁸,
                              we identified three critical behaviours of banks
                              that would successfully seize the opportunities
                              presented by the digital revolution. These were:

     Act Open                 • Act Open
                              • Collaborate
                              • Invest

                              Over the past year, we have seen                                           year technology scanning,
                              successful financial institutions                                          investment and adoption
                              continue to pursue these behaviours.                                       programme. Banks should also place
                              However, building out a set of                                             themselves closer to the centre
                              strategies to stay relevant and                                            of their customers’ digital lives;
                              endure the pace of change will help                                        embedding customer-centric
                              banks emerge as digital winners.                                           thinking at the core of the corporate
                              While no strategy can be dogmatic,                                         strategy. New technologies require
                              as the landscape will move quickly,                                        new skills, so banks must invest in
                              banks need to take a position on                                           their people to ensure they have
                              what the future looks like and act                                         the right skillsets for their new
                              accordingly. Below we have outlined                                        digital environment at every level of
                              an emerging set of strategies for                                          the organisation
                              the near, medium and long-term.
                                                                                                       • For the longer-term: banks will
                              • In the near-term: banks are starting                                     need to consider how they will
                                to look at tactical ways to improve                                      expand their franchises to develop
                                their business models by investing                                       a service ecosystem around their
                                in easily adoptable technologies                                         customers. They need to challenge
                                within the industry. No regret                                           their own business models,
                                actions, such as RPA, and ensuring                                       potentially cannibalising short-
                                that the digital disruption message                                      term revenue in order to be become
                                is amplified across the agenda of                                        more relevant to their customers
                                banks’ leadership are imperative to                                      and access longer-term, but larger,
                                addressing these industry dynamics                                       revenue pools. Banks will also
                                                                                                         need to make higher risk
                              • In the medium-term: banks will                                           investments in innovation and
                                benefit from developing a multi-                                         not wait until the return on these


investments is as clear as historically    where talented people who are best
  demanded for ordinary ‘Run’                able to adopt innovation, no longer see
  or ‘Change the Bank’ projects or           the bank as an attractive place to work.    The FinTech
  investments. Using historical
                                             The analysis of the outcome scenarios
                                                                                         Innovation Lab
  investment assessment criteria
  may optimise the bank, but it will         and the management of execution             The FinTech Innovation Lab is an
  not truly challenge or change the          risks can seem daunting, but we             annual mentorship programme
  business model                             believe that for now, the incumbent         for entrepreneurs and early-stage
                                             banks remain in a strong position to        companies that are developing
The approaches to execution and              influence and determine their own           cutting-edge technologies for the
strategies for investment that are           destiny. The current wave of disruptive     financial services sector. The Lab
currently being deployed amongst             innovation will be seen in five years’      brings senior executives from the
banking incumbents suggest that              time as having delivered safer, more        world’s leading financial services
many, though not all, have yet to            transparent, efficient and responsive       firms together to identify the most
develop a clear ’house view’ on the          banking services to retail consumers,       promising financial technology
likely outcomes for themselves or for        businesses and market participants alike.   innovations, mentor a handful
their respective markets. They are also                                                  of aspiring entrepreneurs, and
unconvinced about their ability to drive     Fintech start-ups themselves are not        help them refine and test their
                                             emerging as the main competitive            propositions over a three-month
their own destiny. We believe this lack
                                             threat for most areas of banking. Banks     period. The FinTech Innovation Lab
of strategic clarity is the biggest threat
                                             that can assess, adapt and adopt these      began in New York in 2010, founded
to the future of incumbent players.
                                             new technologies most quickly will be       by the Partnership Fund for New
For some, this is leading to confused        best positioned to achieve their desired    York City and Accenture. In 2012,
execution whereby top level statements       position in the new industry structure.     Accenture launched the programme
of bold intent, investment and                                                           in London, and then Hong Kong
innovation-driven change are not                                                         and Ireland in 2014. More than 50
matched by actions on the ground. This                                                   financial institutions participate
risks leading to a knock-on constraint                                                   in the programme globally.

About Accenture                          Methodology                               Acknowledgements
Accenture is a leading global            This report used investment data          This report and the research would
professional services company,           from CB Insights, a global venture        not have been possible without the
providing a broad range of services      finance-data and analytics firm. The      generous participation of many
and solutions in strategy, consulting,   analysis included global financing        people from the financial services
digital, technology and operations.      activity from venture capital and         industry and beyond.
Combining unmatched experience           private equity firms, corporations        Authors
and specialized skills across more       and corporate venture-capital             Julian Skan
than 40 industries and all business      divisions, hedge funds, accelerators      Managing Director
functions—underpinned by the             and government-backed funds. The          Accenture Financial Services
world’s largest delivery network—        investment figures exclude global
Accenture works at the intersection      exit activities of fintech companies      James Dickerson
of business and technology to help                                                 Accenture Financial Services
                                         – M&A and IPOs – and a number
clients improve their performance        of regional tracking dimensions           Luca Gagliardi
and create sustainable value for their   however analysis has been conducted       Accenture Research
stakeholders. With approximately         on these activities. Fintech
                                                                                   Key Contacts:
373,000 people serving clients in        companies are defined as those that
                                                                                   Loren Naish
more than 120 countries, Accenture       offer technologies for banking and
drives innovation to improve the way     corporate finance, capital markets,       Accenture Innovation
the world works and lives. Visit us at   financial data analytics, payments                       and personal financial management.
                                         The list of deals included are            Petra Shuttlewood
                                         dynamic and constantly changing,          Media and Analyst Relations
                                         as new companies are added to the         Accenture Financial Services
                                         database. All publicly known fund
                                         raising for a company, which can
                                         include earlier rounds, are back filled
                                         into the database.                          @FinTechLabLDN

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