FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars

Page created by Clarence Bauer
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars
Award-winning singer-songwriter/producer

FINNEAS             with the new GT K21e   INSIDE:
                                           THE 2021
                                           GUITAR GUIDE
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars

    Letters                                                                                                                                                                               social
                                                                                          program. Scott Paul’s article describ-            I aspire to own a Taylor guitar one

    Email us                                                                              ing the partnership with West Coast
                                                                                          Arborists really nailed it for me: Taylor
                                                                                                                                        day. When I do, I’ll feel great satisfac-
                                                                                                                                        tion not only knowing that the instru-                                                             is The Real Deal. How many musical            ment was designed with tremendous
                                                                                          instrument companies have a position          thought and care (which is clear from
                                                                                          of Director of Natural Resource Sus-          reading Bob and Andy’s columns), but             Join the Taylor community
                                                                                          tainability? You guys don’t just talk, you    also that buying a Taylor supports a
                                                                                          walk the walk. As someone who advo-           good company. Thank you so much for              Facebook: @taylorguitars
                                                                                          cates for urban forests, loves working        forging such an excellent path in this           Instagram: @taylorguitars
Interior Design                               Handled with Care                           with wood, and occasionally plays             world. Please know that your efforts are                     @taylorespanol
     I’m currently trying my hand at some         I’m too old for writing fan letters,    guitar, I just feel compelled to write and    appreciated!                                     Twitter: @taylorguitars
still-life photography. I thought you         but I have to say I’m absolutely blown      say thank you.                                                           Craig Haggart         YouTube: TaylorQualityGuitars
might like to see what goes on inside         away with Taylor’s service. Twenty years                                                                    Sunnyvale, California
your guitars once they leave the factory.     ago, my wife gifted me a 410ce LTD
By the way, thank you for the main-           at a time in our lives when we didn’t
tenance videos on YouTube. I’ve just          have a lot of money. It’s my most prized
re-strung that guitar following one of        possession. I nervously sent it on a
the guides.                                   6,000-mile round trip from upstate New             Mic Magic
                              Steve Hyde      York to you in California for service and               This is in response to Gabriel O’Brien’s article in Wood&Steel [Vol. 98 / Issue 3], “An Introduction to Recording
                                                                                                 Acoustic Guitar.” The excellent article aptly shows the tried-and-true method of placing a cardioid mic about 12
                                                                                                 inches from the top, pointing a touch off the hole. One can always expect excellent, natural-sounding results from
                                                                                                 this single-channel (mono) capture.
                                                                                                      For a “stereo” method, the article briefly mentions the possibility of using an XY pattern, but I find that XY still
                                                                                                 captures the instrument more or less in mono (even when the channels are fully spread, the guitar appears com-
                                                                                                 pactly centered), while providing a broad “stereo” spread of the acoustic environment around the guitar. Nice! But...
                                                                                                      Years ago, I pioneered a two-mic acoustic guitar recording technique that provides two distinct-sounding chan-
                                                                                                 nels that can be very effective in a mix.
                                                                                                 Mic 1, which can actually be pointed a few frets back from the
                                                                                                 end of the fingerboard, picks up what I would call a “scooped”
                                                                                                 sound — lots of bottom and a bright, stringy top, but not much
                                                                                                 “meaty” midrange.
                                                                                                 Mic 2, pointed near the center of the lower bout, picks up
                                                                                                 very little bass and absolutely no stringy treble, but effectively
                                                                                                 captures the meaty midrange of the instrument — thus filling in
                                                                                                 the spectral range that is missing from the Mic 1 signal.                                    1
                                                              Inside Hyde’s 2005 110                  As such, the two channels allow for a range of interesting
                                                                                                 mixing or blending options, such as:
                                                                                                 		 • Spreading the sounds of the guitar widely across the
Welcome to the Family                         basically got back a new guitar. Gob-              			stereo speakers
     I am a 54-year-old disabled veter-       smacked!                                           		 • Enhanced adjustment of tonal balance to suit a given
an and author who has never played                These days, just getting folks to              			orchestration, etc.
guitar but always had a desire to learn       do what they claim to do seems like a                   Because the mics point to different sources of radiation
to play. I am finally in a place in my        challenge, so finding people who go                from the top, the signals do not interact in a way to cause a lot
life to fully commit to becoming an           above and beyond is a real pleasure.               of phase cancellation when summed to mono.
accomplished player. Older, yes, but          Your service people fall into this cate-                Just thought I’d share.
much more committed. I’ve been prac-          gory. From the swift, efficient and help-                                                                 Larry Revit
ticing every day and look forward to          ful communication of Adam Bernal to                                                                                                             2
playing my first real song.                   the top-class return arrangements and              Gabriel replies: Thanks so much for your thoughts, Larry.
     After doing a lot of research, listen-   communications of Mike Puckett, and                I mentioned coincident XY recording as a popular approach
ing to different brands of guitars and        of course the patience and high skill              to acoustic guitar with multiple microphones in the same
comparisons, I settled on Taylor. The         level of Chris Bearden in service, your            way that I’d mention ORTF or a spaced pair, like what you’re
814ce became my favorite model after          team was amazing. Whatever you’re                  describing. You’re correct in that it’s not particularly “stereo
researching several models, and I just        paying these people, it ain’t enough!              sounding.” I assume many use XY because it simulates human hearing. However, my goal when recording guitars
received my Taylor V-Class 814ce last                                       Jim Meade            is circumstantial. For studio work, I’m usually trying to seat something in a larger mix. For video content, I’m usually
Saturday.                                                                                        trying to give listeners my impression of what the guitar sounds like to the player so the listener can determine
     On my journey to becoming a great                                                           whether that’s a guitar they’d like to try out in a store and possibly own — an important distinction — and to show
player, I am learning everything Taylor                                                          what a guitar can do. In the studio, for solo guitar or singer-songwriter setups where acoustic guitar is the main
because I believe the history, heritage       Noble Path                                         instrument, I often use two to three microphones. I’ll usually start with the first in the position I previously men-
and knowing about the people behind               A friend of mine bought a Taylor               tioned: about 12 inches from the treble side of the upper bout. When adding a second microphone, I often place
Taylor will make me a better player and       guitar a few years ago, and he always              it shoulder high to the player’s strumming arm, angled slightly down toward the bridge from three to four feet
human being.                                  passes along his copy of Wood&Steel                away, thus obeying the three-to-one rule. I’ll go into more depth in a future article, but for now, thanks again for
     Anyway, I love Taylor Primetime for      to me once he’s done reading it. I have            sharing your experience. I look forward to trying out the technique you suggested.
the education, fun, knowledge, “nerdi-        to tell you how incredibly impressed I
ness” and all the players in each epi-        am with not only your guitars, but also
sode. Thank you for making me feel like       your company. Your tree husbandry was
I belong.                                     already above and beyond the call of
                        James A. Murphy       duty; now I read about your urban tree
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars
Contents                                                            WOOD&STEEL         |   VOLUME 99         |    2021 ISSUE 1

                                                                    Features                                                          Departments
                                                                    10 The Taylor GT:                                                   6 Ask Bob
                                                                    		 New Models for 2021                                            		 Telegraphing explained, angled back bracing,
                                                                    		 Following the acclaimed debut of our fun-to-play new GT,       		 wood-drying techniques, relative vs. absolute
                                                                                                                                      		 humidity, and more.
                                                                    		 we’re thrilled to introduce the new rosewood/spruce
                                                                    		 GT 811e and all-koa GT K21e.
                                                                                                                                        8 Sustainability
                                                                    14		 Dream Team                                                		       Reforestation has grown into a global
                                                                    		 Developed in the face of adversity, our American Dream      		       phenomenon, but climate change and other
                                                                    		 Series has earned a permanent place within the Taylor line. 		       factors add complexities to the initiatives
                                                                                                                                   		       being developed.

                                                                    16		 Guitar Lesson:
                                                                    		 Playing for Keeps                                              46 TaylorWare
                                                                                                                                      		 Taylor gear and accessories, including guitar
                                                                    		 Been playing more while stuck at home? Here’s how to
                                                                                                                                      		 stands, straps, picks, wall hangers, guitar care
                                                                    		 make real progress without losing sight of having fun.
                                                                                                                                      		 products, apparel and more.

                                                                      4 Kurt’s Corner                              5 BobSpeak                            45 The Craft
                                                                    		    The longevity of several musical       		 Bob reflects on the past year,     		 Music is constantly evolving,
                                                                    		    instrument companies is a              		 the importance of music, and       		 so the instruments we make
                                                                    		    testament to the intrinsic value       		 the need to look after each        		 should too.
                                                                    		    of musical expression — and a          		other.
                                                                    		    motivator for Taylor.

                                                                    18		 The 2021 Taylor Guitar Guide

                                                                    19		 The Taylor Difference
                                                                    		 Five things that set the Taylor
                                                                    		 experience apart.

                                                                    20 Taylor Body Shapes

                                                                    		 How the proportions of each Taylor
                                                                    		 body style impact its feel and sound.

                                                                    22 Tonewoods
On the Cover                                                        		 A closer look at the properties that
                                                                    		 give each wood species its unique
                                                                    		 sonic personality.
                                                                    24 The Taylor Line
The GRAMMY-winning artist/producer comes up for air during          		 at a Glance
a fertile creative stretch to share why a good acoustic guitar is   		 A road map of our guitar series
an indispensable songwriting tool and what he likes about the       		 and tonewood pairings for each.
new Taylor GT.
                                                                    26 The Taylor Line
Cover Photo: FINNEAS with the new GT K21e                           		 by Series
                                                                    		 Explore the Taylor line one series at
                                                                    		 a time and discover what’s special
                                                                    		 about each.
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Volume 99
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2021 Issue 1
                                                                                                                                             Produced by the Taylor Guitars Marketing Department

                                                                                                                                             Publisher Taylor-Listug, Inc.
                                                                                                                                             Vice President Tim O’Brien
                                                                                                                                             Director of Marketing Craig Evans
                                                                                                                                             Editorial Director Jim Kirlin
                                                                                                                                             Art Director Cory Sheehan
                                                                                                                                             Graphic Designer Ryan Hanser
                                                                                                                                             Photographer Patrick Fore

                                                                                                                                             Colin Griffith / Kurt Listug / Gabriel O'Brien / Scott Paul
                                                                                                                                             Shawn Persinger / Andy Powers / Chris Sorenson / Bob Taylor / Glen Wolff
                                                                                                                                             Technical Advisors
                                                                                                                                             Ed Granero / Gerry Kowalski / Crystal Lawrence / Andy Lund
                                                                                                                                             Rob Magargal / Monte Montefusco / Andy Powers / Bob Taylor
                                                                                                                                             Chris Wellons / Glen Wolff
                                                                                                                                             Printing / Distribution

 Kurt’s Corner
                                                                                                                                             PrintWoods (Phoenix, AZ)
                                                                                                                                             The Language Company (Bristol, England, UK)

Future-Proofing                                                                              lete, and companies get relegated to the

One of the keys to longevity in business
                                                                                             dustbin in just a few years. A company
                                                                                                                                             Wood&Steel is distributed to registered Taylor guitar
                                                                                             needs to be on the cutting edge to
                                                                                                                                             owners and Authorized Taylor Dealers as a complimentary service.
is finding ways to make people’s lives better.                                               remain relevant. We’re all aware of tech-
                                                                                             nology companies that were once dom-
                                                                                             inant but now no longer exist. The world        Manage Your Subscription
    I’d like to start by wishing everyone       that Taylor Guitars could outlive Apple.     of technology changes quickly.
a healthy and happy year in 2021. So            That’s a fairly outrageous statement to           I can’t imagine Apple going away
                                                                                                                                               To receive a subscription, please register your Taylor guitar at
much has been out of our control, and           make, but I think he made an interesting     because their products make life better.
everyone else’s control, during this pan-       point. Musical instruments evolve fairly     If they stopped improving the ways their
demic. Here at Taylor, we were fortunate        slowly. The best instruments produced        products enhance people’s lives, would          Unsubscribe
to have a healthy year in 2020, and lucky       by some manufacturers were made 60           the company continue to thrive? Maybe             To unsubscribe from Wood&Steel, please email
to be in a business that was well-aligned       or more years ago. Musical instrument        that’s the appropriate question, because Please include your
with people spending more time working          technology doesn’t easily become out-        musical instruments do continue to                name and mailing address as they appear on this issue,
from and being at home, and turning to          dated.                                       improve and enhance people’s lives,               plus the subscription number located directly above
music during that time. With the recent             Martin Guitars has been in business      even as the instruments become quite              your name.
news of several vaccines proving effec-         since 1833. Steinway since 1853.             old. Their inherent technology doesn’t
                                                                                                                                             Change of address
tive and nearing approval, I’m hopeful          Gibson since 1902. Each for more             become outdated and useless.

                                                                                                                                               To change your mailing address, please visit
                                                                                                  For me, the question is, where do  
                                                                                             I want technology to help improve and
                                                                                             simplify my life, and where do I not want       Online
                                                                                             more technology? Some people like the             Read our digital edition and other back issues of Wood&Steel at
     Some of the oldest companies in                                                         idea of a self-driving car. Not me, I really

     America make musical instruments.                                                       enjoy driving. I want technology to help
                                                                                             me enjoy doing the things I really love
                                                                                                                                             ©2021 Taylor-Listug, Inc. All Rights reserved. TAYLOR, TAYLOR (Stylized); TAYLOR GUITARS, TAYLOR
                                                                                             doing, not do them for me. I don’t want
                                                                                                                                             QUALITY GUITARS and Design; BABY TAYLOR; BIG BABY; Peghead Design; Bridge Design; Pickguard
                                                                                             technology to take the skill or enjoyment       Design; ACADEMY SERIES; 100 SERIES; 200 SERIES; 300 SERIES; 400 SERIES; 500 SERIES; 600
                                                                                             out of them for me.                             SERIES; 700 SERIES; 800 SERIES; 900 SERIES; PRESENTATION SERIES; GALLERY; QUALITY TAYLOR
                                                                                                                                             GUITARS, GUITARS AND CASES and Design; WOOD&STEEL; ROBERT TAYLOR (Stylized); TAYLOR
we’ll all turn the corner, get back to          than a hundred years, making pretty               Our job as instrument builders and
                                                                                                                                             EXPRESSION SYSTEM; EXPRESSION SYSTEM; TAYLORWARE; TAYLOR GUITARS K4; K4, TAYLOR K4;
more normal conditions, and have a              traditional musical instruments. Making      designers is to make instruments that           TAYLOR ES; DYNAMIC BODY SENSOR; T5; T5 (Stylized); BALANCED BREAKOUT; R. TAYLOR; R TAYLOR
positive year.                                  and enjoying music fulfills a human          are more fun and more inspiring for you         (Stylized); AMERICAN DREAM; TAYLOR SOLIDBODY; T3; GRAND SYMPHONY; WAVE COMPENSATED;
    As I’ve written many times before, we       need, as it’s creative and aesthetic. It’s   to play, and that brighten your day when-       GS; GS MINI; ES-GO; V-CABLE; FIND YOUR FIT; and GA are registered trademarks of Taylor-Listug, Inc. in
                                                                                                                                             the United States and other jurisdictions. V-CLASS; NYLON SERIES; KOA SERIES; GRAND AUDITORIUM;
don’t know what each year will bring or         an art form, and it makes life better.       ever you pick one up. That will remain          GRAND CONCERT, TAYLOR SWIFT BABY TAYLOR; LEO KOTTKE SIGNATURE MODEL; DYNAMIC
what challenges we’ll be presented with,        It’s remarkable to me that some of the       our focus and purpose from now into             STRING SENSOR; GRAND ORCHESTRA; GRAND PACIFIC; GO; TAYLOR ROAD SHOW; JASON MRAZ
and 2020 was certainly no exception!            oldest companies in America are com-         the future. If we do a good job at this,        SIGNATURE MODEL; NOUVEAU; ISLAND VINE; CINDY; HERITAGE DIAMONDS; TWISTED OVALS;
                                                                                                                                             DECO DIAMONDS; SPIRES; and URBAN ASH are trademarks of Taylor-Listug, Inc.
    If we’re lucky, life is long, yet it only   panies that make musical instruments —       and if we’re a little lucky, hopefully Taylor
lasts decades. But businesses can last          instruments that haven’t changed much        Guitars will continue to thrive and inspire     ELIXIR and NANOWEB are registered trademarks of W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. D’ADDARIO PRO-ARTE
centuries, depending on the industry.           throughout the years.                        people to create music for generations          is a registered trademark of J. D’Addario & Co., Inc. NUBONE is a registered trademark of David Dunwoodie.

Bob, Andy and I were talking recently,               By contrast, technology can evolve      to come.                                        Prices, specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.
and Bob said somewhat provocatively             so rapidly that products become obso-                                 — Kurt Listug, CEO
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars

                                                                                                                                      Explore our Digital Edition

Better Days Ahead                                                                                                                     Beyond the print edition of Wood&Steel,
Bob reflects with bittersweet emotions                                                                                                you’ll find related video content in our
on an unprecedented year.                                                                                                             digital edition, accessible for free at
                                                                                                                             (look under Owners
                                                                                                                                      in the menu bar) or here:
     Experiencing the upheaval of the        as a business sector because when            known from a lifetime of making guitars.
last year has taken me and all of us on      people are forced to cut back, they          We’ve worked hard this year to make
a journey the likes of which I’ve never      seem to find that playing music helps        what players want. And just to be clear,    Here’s a taste of what you’ll find:
experienced in my life. Collectively, it     their spirits. Never has this played out     when I say “we,” I really mean it. The
felt as if we were shaken to the core        as obviously as the year 2020 for us         Taylor team, represented around the
last year — in different ways in different   here at Taylor. People bought guitars        world, is who I want to go through dif-       • Demos of our newest GT and
parts of the world. Health, equality, fair   in numbers I’ve never experienced. I’ll      ficult times with. And that includes our    		 American Dream models
opportunity, governmental leadership,        admit I had a hard time reconciling the      dealers, and you who buy our guitars.
populations’ willingness to follow, and      feelings I had as our livelihoods were       Together, it’s a great team with a good      • Ask Bob: Bob Taylor explains V-Class
many more ideas and conditions have          supported with the knowledge that            outlook that makes beneficial deposits      		telegraphing
been tested, evaluated, re-evaluated         those of others were not. We’re happy        into the world. I couldn’t ask for any-
                                                                                          thing better.
                                                                                                                                        • An overview of Taylor body shapes
and discussed like no other time I can       we’re surviving and serving the needs
remember. This was global.                   of people, but heartbroken for those             In this issue, we’ll go on to talk
                                                                                                                                      		 and tonewoods
     With every experience I’ve had in       who are struggling.                          about guitar models, construction
                                                                                                                                        • How different guitar picks affect your tone
the past, I’ve always been able to count          So when we reflect on our accom-        techniques, guitar gear, music, sustain-
on people getting together to work,          plishments from the past year, our           ability efforts and other related topics      • The basics of using our ES2 pickup and
to put forth effort to get ourselves out     feeling of good fortune is bittersweet.      because life goes on, and we want it        		 guitar care tips
of the mess. This time, however, the         It’s not that we feel like the world would   to go on. I’m just here to say that we
option of solving things by coming           be better if we did worse for the sake       feel blessed that we’re okay, and truly       • Instructional videos on using a capo,
together physically was hampered, and        of suffering, but you should know we all     hope that you’re okay. For those who        		 playing posture and more
in some cases, it evaporated.                have been touched by friends and fam-        are not, know that we’re thinking of you
     As we look into the new year, we        ily who are not so fortunate. And I trust    because we all know someone close
                                             that on a personal level, all of us who      who has suffered greatly.
can see we have a way to go in order
to recover from the pandemic. But I’m        are more fortunate during these times            May I suggest to everyone: play
                                                                                                                                      Some of this video content is
looking forward to things getting better     are helping those we know personally         music. Try to love each other. Help your    accessible from these pages if
for all of us, and I miss all the people     who are not.                                 neighbor. Make memorable times. You’ll
                                                                                                                                      you have a smartphone. Simply
I’m used to seeing, both here in San              One thing that makes us proud is        never forget it or regret it.
Diego and around the world!                  that when we make guitars, it really                                                     scan the QR codes for instant access.
     One thing that became clear once        seems to help people. I love hearing                         ­­— Bob Taylor, President
again is that music helps people feel        how so many people have found mean-
better. Historical data shows that           ing in playing music for themselves, for
during hard economic times, musical          others, and with others. This is probably
instruments have always done fairly well     the greatest benefit and blessing I’ve
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars

    Ask Bob
    Telegraphing explained, angled back bracing,
    wood-drying techniques, and relative vs. absolute humidity

I have a 2019 814ce with a cedar top
that I purchased from Wildwood Gui-
tars in August of 2019. It’s been lov-
ingly played nearly every day since,
and otherwise stored in its hardshell
case with an Oasis humidifier. I also
                                                 Are there any urban tonewoods other than ash
have a small digital hygrometer in               on the horizon for Taylor?
the case and check it each time I
get my guitar out to play. It’s always                                                                        Pat O’Brien
between 40 and 45 percent RH. Late-
ly I have begun to notice “witness
lines” of the [V-Class] bracing pat-
                                                 Yes, Pat. We’re looking at eucalyptus and blackwood.
tern in the top. I can clearly see the
“V” radiating down from the bridge               And maybe more in the future. There are some great
to the tail of the guitar, and I can
also see witness lines of those same             tonewoods out there in the urban environment, most
braces between the bridge and the
soundhole. Is this normal? I love my
                                                 traditionally discarded when a city decides to take
guitar, and I just want to be sure I             them. By the way, we buy a lot of our mahogany from
am doing everything I can so it has a
long and wonderful life.                         India, as it was basically planted as an urban tree
                            Mike Keffeler
                                                 during the colonial years. So without the marketing,
          Scan the code                          a lot of our mahogany sides and backs are actually
             to see Bob’s
          video response.                        urban wood. And you should know that most Indian
                                                 rosewood comes from being planted as shade and/or
Mike, this is normal and not a problem.
Telegraphing is when you can see the
                                                 wind-blocking trees for tea plantations. It’s neat to
pattern of the braces underneath the             think that so much is renewable that way.
top by looking at the top in certain light
conditions. I’ll try to explain in words,
but I’m making a video response as
well. Our V-Class bracing is still new to
the market after just a couple years, but
we made guitars with it in our factory
and put them through both our torture
chambers and time trials for five years
before ever releasing them to be sure        This is forever a problem because the        I know that humidity is a concern for       is the amount of water in the air relative    relative humidity. A bath towel tends to
they would be resilient. What is so          string height goes up and down like          guitars, and the recommendations            to the air temperature’s ability to hold      stay damp in a Seattle house and tends
good about V-Class is that the braces        a bladder being inflated and deflated.       are usually given in relative humidity      water. So when the RH is 50%, it means        to get really dry in a Las Vegas house.
don’t run across the top from one side       Since V-Class runs at only a slight          terms. Isn’t specific humidity most         that at that given temperature, the air is    So does a guitar. The absolute humidity
to the other like X bracing does. This       angle in relation to the top grain, as the   important? I live in the Pacific North-     at 50% capacity of what it’s capable of       works differently. At Taylor, we prepare
helps both the sound and the stabil-         top stretches from drying, or gathers in     west, and while our relative humidity       holding. Raise the temperature and then       our wood and build at close to 50% RH,
ity of the guitar. Many other stringed       on itself as it swells from higher humidi-   is high, the temperatures are cool,         it can hold more, so it changes to 40%        which is a good all-around level to build,
instruments are actually braced in a         ty, it does not cause the top to rise and    so our specific humidity is low. A          or 20%, depending on the temperature          and the guitar is very happy if it gets to
similar way to V-Class, like mandolins,      fall. Action and string height stay amaz-    tropical climate might have a relative      rise. Lower the temperature and the           experience that out in its working life. It
violins, archtop guitars and others. We      ingly stable. This is a huge advantage       humidity in the recommended range,          RH increases, since cold air holds less       can withstand changes, but it’s nice if it
have a soundhole in the middle of the        of the V-Class design in addition to the     yet have a high specific humidity.          water. Absolute humidity is how much          experiences that and not the extremes.
top, so we run our braces in the V pat-      tonal and intonation advantages. But         Which is better?                            water is in a volume of air, regardless of
tern to pass by the sides of the sound-      the top can show the braces under-                                       M Pedersen      the temperature.
hole. The top of the guitar will shrink      neath when a top stretches or gathers                                                         Okay, here’s the answer. Wood
and swell with changing humidity levels,     from changing width. It’s just visual.       Good question, M! Some refer to that        equalizes to the relative humidity, not the   What is the drying time for different
as always. An X brace runs across the        There is no harm being done. It can          as absolute humidity. If we were making     absolute. So does your bath towel or          tonewoods before they can start to
grain from side to side, so it doesn’t       come and go with humidity changes.           Gummy Bears or shiny chocolate bars,        your potato chips. This is called EMC         be machined for tops and sides? Do
show as much of the telegraphing pat-        Don’t be alarmed. We’ve tortured these       absolute humidity, so I have heard, is      (equilibrium moisture content), and the       some woods process sooner than
tern. But it causes the top to arch up       guitars to extremes you cannot imagine.      important. Without getting geeky, which     wood will gain or lose moisture in an         others, and how is tone affected?
with humidity and down with dryness.         We are confident in them.                    is hard not to do, relative humidity (RH)   effort to equalize to the surrounding                                                  Al
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars

Al, I’ll start by saying that we dry for      making acoustic guitars with bodies            tone in ways we can alter as I explained     blocks, we will direct the wood to the        the Italians. We make a lot of guitars.
stability more than tone. If we do a          that were less deep than other guitars.        in the question regarding back bracing.      best value part to make. The colored          Hundreds each day. And I think when it
good job of that, the tone is the best        That makes them comfy to hold and play         The body is a sound box almost like a        pieces are called royal ebony, as you         comes to guitars made in El Cajon, we
it can be. Wood with lower moisture           and gives them a clarity of tone that has      speaker cabinet. It’s just different for     referred to it, by some people, but we        actually make more wood-bound gui-
content always sounds better since            great utility. Andy recognized both of         a different purpose. So a spruce back        don’t use that term — although I like the     tars than anyone anywhere. So I guess
water weight adds nothing to tone.            those assets, and when thinking as he          doesn’t add much. Something hard that        ring of that name! Thank you for the          we have a different viewpoint. As for
So we work toward stability, and that         does about how to solve an acoustic            still moves gives us the tone we want for    comments on the tone. Your description        your pickguard question, we produce
means removing water in ways that             problem with a guitar in an unconven-          the back. And a sound post would stop        might help others, so I appreciate the        some models without them. And we like
make it difficult for it to re-enter the      tional way, he fashioned the idea of           the top from vibrating and turn it into a    descriptive wording.                          the wooden ones we make for certain
wood. Nearly all of our woods can be          making the braces at an angle. This            boink.                                                                                     series. Again, plastic is pretty tradition-
dried in a two-to-three-month, highly         makes the back asymmetrical and con-                                                                                                      al. Putting it on yourself (maybe not you
controlled process. But since we carry        trols its tension in a way that Andy knew                                                                                                 personally) would likely be a disaster.
more wood stock than a few months’            would enhance the low-end response                                                          As an owner of two Taylors — a 2004           It’s not easy to position it exactly where
worth, we usually dry it longer since it’s    but not add what could be described            Is the ebony wood [processed] in             W12ce and a 1984 712 (Lemon                   it belongs on the first try. We have the
there anyway.                                 as a reverb response, which sort of            Cameroon by Crelicam exclusively             Grove) — and always looking to add            tools and skill to do that here in the
                                              undoes the clarity virtues we like in the      Gabon ebony? Are royal ebony and             to the collection, I pause because of         factory.
                                              guitar I made and Andy inherited. So           Macassar ebony different species             the use of ivoroid, Italian acrylic and
                                              this did the trick. If you just think of how   than Gabon? Are there other species          tortoise (fancy names for plastic) for
Bob, much has been written about              differently the angled braces spread the       of ebony besides those three that are        binding and inlays and basic plastic
Taylor’s innovations in guitar design         load, the tension and the vibration over       commonly used for parts of guitars?          pickguards. I am curious why Tay-             I am the proud owner of a 514ce
and production, but I’m curious               the back compared to if it were broken              At a Road Show before the quar-         lor would “gild the lily” with plastic,       made in 2018. I am still amazed
whether your team also has pursued            into equal quadrants like normal back          antine (at Music 6000 in Olympia,            especially when Taylor does every-            at the sweet sounds I get from my
advances in your methods of drying            braces, you can get an idea that it’s          Washington), I was able to play an           thing else so flawlessly and because          guitar’s cedar top. I can hear nice
and conditioning your wood. Are there         really different acoustically. I asked Andy    E14ce [featuring ebony back and              many other makers (at comparable              ringing tones from the B & E strings
particular challenges you face now            today if he would do that to a more            sides]. I love the sound of that guitar —    price points) are binding with flame          when I fingerpick. I wanted to find
that you didn’t have to contend with          traditional-depth guitar too, and he said      I felt that it presented a strong and        maple or ebony or a variety of                out more about the selection pro-
in the past?                                  while he thought of it as a solution to a      solid fundamental. There was some            woods. And fret inlays, etc., are aba-        cess for cedar tops. I have played
                           Marc Larsen        shallower guitar, that yes, he’d do it now     gradual overtone bloom (which I do           lone, mother-of-pearl or wood.                spruce-top guitars for a long time,
                                              to a deeper guitar if that guitar was in       appreciate), but I found the way that             As for pickguards, as a finger-          and I know that wood is ubiquitous
Yes, Marc, we are always advancing that       need of what this offers. I love learning      the full chords initially hit me very        picker, for me, the pickguard adds            in acoustic guitar building. How do
process. In fact, as I write, we’re con-      from Andy!                                     satisfying. Is it reasonable to assume       nothing to the instrument. Can they           you know which cedar logs will work
ducting drying experiments to improve                                                        that the beautiful back and sides of         be removed, or, better yet, can Taylor        for the tops you put on the 514?
the current processes, and this practice                                                     that guitar came from the Crelicam           send them with the instrument and                                            Anthony
never ceases, as it’s one of my dearest                                                      mill? Are the folks in Cameroon              let the end user install or not? I see
interests. We prefer to dry all our wood      As an amateur builder, I have made             selecting which logs become fret-            you use some wood pickguards, and             It’s easy, Anthony. We just look at it. It’s
here on-site. We have very little wood        about a dozen guitars. Without the             boards and bridges and which ones            they appeal much more than plastic.           that simple, but straight grain, no struc-
that comes to us dry and ready to use.        money to invest in top-quality spe-            might be good choices for backs and          But all this plastic limits my Taylor         tural flaws, and accurate quartersawn
We have a huge drying operation with          cialized tools, I’ve always resorted to        sides? Or are those decisions made           options.                                      cutting from the mill all add up to cedar
dependable methods we’ve developed            trying to figure out how to make cer-          in smaller chunks than the whole log?             With an instrument as smartly            you can depend on. We don’t over-use
over time. One challenge we have that         tain cuts or make bends in different                                              Robert    designed and produced as yours,               cedar because it’s hard to work with
we’re working on now is how to make           ways, or use different materials and                                  Lacey, Washington     why “pollute” all that wood and steel         compared to spruce, so there’s a limit
wood more stable through drying,              techniques...some obviously more                                                            with plastic?                                 to how many guitars we can make.
re-drying, and even some heat here and        successful than others. My questions           Robert, that’s a lot of questions! Okay,                                 John LaSala       For instance, it takes forever for glue
there in order to be able to expand more      have to do with why other stringed             Gabon ebony is the same as Cameroon                                                        to dry on cedar. I’m often asked how
easily in the high-humidity equatorial        instruments like violins and cellos            ebony. Look at your smart phone map          John, ivoroid and tortoise are not just       we know something will sound good.
regions of the world. We have such high       have a sound post but guitars do               and notice that Gabon is the country         plastic, they’re nitrocellulose plastic,      There’s no mystery to it for us. It’s like
demand for our guitars, so this keeps         not. And why not also make the back            sharing part of the southern border of       the original plastic. What film is made       asking a chef how he or she knows
us on our toes. Here where we live in         out of the soundboard material?                Cameroon. The species is Diospyros           of. It’s not made in the U.S. anymore         something will taste good. In the same
Southern California, it’s about keeping       Wouldn’t more movement produce                 crassiflora Hiern, and the tree isn’t        because it’s so volatile in the manufac-      way, if I suggested you put ketchup
the guitar from cracking in dry condi-        more sound?                                    aware of the border. Macassar ebony,         turing process. It’s made in Italy and        and mustard on your morning granola,
tions. But there it’s about keeping it from                             Rick Mortimer        on the other hand, comes from Indo-          has deep, deep roots in the history of        you’d know that is just wrong, as wrong
swelling from ultra-high daily humidity.                                                     nesia and is Diospyros celebica. And         guitar making. Italian acrylic is similar —   as can be, even if you’ve never tasted
We never stop trying to improve this.         Rick, with a violin, a sound post is meant     Madagascar ebony is Diospyros ebe-           made in Italy like the others to be beau-     it. Well, the tonal properties of wood
It’s a core competency of ours that is        to excite the back to vibrate with the         num. FYI, persimmon fruit comes from         tiful and preserve some tradition. It’s       are like that for us. We touch it, feel it,
foundational to a good guitar and our         top. Remember, it’s a bowed instrument,        Diospyros kaki. And there are many           not made here, there’s no profit in it for    smell it, tap it. Then we know.
business.                                     and the power going into the string is         other Diospyros species, too, spread out     American thinking, so “grazie mille” to
                                              enormous — many, many times greater            across the tropics. The blackest comes
                                              than a pluck on a guitar. And so that          from Madagascar. Macassar is different
                                              constant bowing motion can get the             and is highly colored. Cameroonian
Can you explain the theory behind             violin to really perform! It’s so loud. It’s   ebony that we get from our Crelicam
your angled back bracing?                     wonderful. The guitar is a different thing.    mill is both black and colored. Currently,

                                                                                                                                              Got a question for Bob Taylor?
                             Alexa D.         So now think of what a violin sounds like      more trees are colored from that region.
                                              when it’s plucked. Boink. It’s kind of a       We do not extract whole logs since we
Alexa, in the time I’ve spent with Andy       letdown, isn’t it? It takes 10 of them in      don’t have roads that offer access to            Shoot him an email:
Powers, he’s taught me much of his            the orchestra to even hear that measly         the trees. We use big four-wheel-drive
knowledge of guitar making. He’s quite        pluck. No sustain at all. None. Sound          trucks, on a machete-cut path into               If you have a specific repair or service concern, please call
clever and thinks of things most of us        over. The guitar’s soundboard resonates        thick forest to extract the blocks we cut        our Customer Service department at (800) 943-6782,
mere mortals don’t! Let’s start with          and sustains. The back is there to sup-        on-site. These are usually 500-pound             and we’ll take care of you.
the fact that, back in the day, I started     port it, add some color, and fill out the      blocks. Then, reading the color of those
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars


                                                                                                                                      Women at a nursery in Nawalparasi, Nepal.
                                                                                                                                          (Photo: Eden Reforestation Projects)

In an age of climate change, growing
                                                ver the past decade, reforestation     (the African Forest Landscape Res-               tree cover. These include open-canopy
                                        			 has become a worldwide                     toration Initiative) in Africa. On the           woodlands, peatlands, grasslands,
the right tree in the right place is    			 movement. Think of it as the               smaller side stages, you’ll find local and       chaparral, tundra and deserts. So, let’s

more important than ever. Here’s why.
                                        equivalent of the world’s largest (and         upcoming initiatives, where community            just assume I’m talking about reforesta-
                                        longest) music festival, with live events      roots are often strongest. Here you’ll           tion in areas where it is appropriate.
                                        taking place on stages all around the          find Taylor Guitars’ work via the Ebony
By Scott Paul                           globe. Headlining acts include the             Project in Cameroon, Paniolo Tone-               Forests & Agriculture
                                        Bonn Challenge, with its global goal to        woods in Hawaii, and our emerging                    Although growing trees seems like
                                        bring 350 million hectares of degraded         efforts with urban trees in our home             a straightforward act, like many things,
                                        and deforested landscapes into resto-          state of California. Meanwhile, there are        deciding what and where to grow
                                        ration by 2030; the Paris Agreement,           countless others around the world also           trees isn’t so simple. For example, in
                                        created to combat climate change; and          jamming away on festival side stages             taking care of a global population of
                                        the New York Declaration on Forests,           and even in the parking lot.                     7.8 billion people and counting, with
                                        an international plan to halt global               Taken together, the scale of forest          increasing escalations in the demand
                                        deforestation that has 200 endors-             restoration initiatives now either under-        for food, fiber and fuel, arable land is at
                                        ers including national governments,            way or under discussion is unprece-              a premium. The word “arable” comes
                                        multi-national companies, groups rep-          dented. So, we thought it might be a             from the Latin word arabilis, meaning
                                        resenting indigenous communities, and          good time to share a few thoughts on             “able to be plowed.” It’s the flat land
                                        non-government organizations.                  this increasingly hot topic. But first, it’s     where it is most economically efficient
                                            Supporting acts might include              worth acknowledging that the Earth               to grow temporary crops or temporary
                                        regional restoration efforts like Initiative   has several important terrestrial eco-           meadows for mowing or for pasture.
                                        20×20 in Latin America and AFR100              systems, and not all are dominated by            Competition for this land is one reason
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars

why, in temperate regions, you tend to         social scientist, environmental activist       ing flora and fauna. Further, native tree
see remaining native forests on hillsides      or government official.                        species tend to support more insects,
or in ravines, where agricultural activity         From an economic perspective,              an important food source for native
would be costly. It is also a reason why       exotic species often enjoy years, even         birds, which in turn distribute seeds and
so much agricultural expansion is taking       decades, of rapid growth due to the fact       help a wide variety of plants reproduce.
place across the tropics, where there          that they are separated from the natural       Healthy insect populations also prey
are vast areas of flat land with few           predators of their native range. Growing       upon native plants, keeping their pop-
rocks and lots of sun. Over 70 percent         trees sequester carbon, and wood is            ulations controlled. The importance of
of tropical forest loss is due to the          increasingly being seen as an environ-         protecting and expanding native forest
conversion to large-scale agricultural         mentally friendly building material over       lands cannot be overemphasized, a fact
production.                                    steel and concrete. Growing more trees         that comes into clearer focus as we gain

                                                                                              further insights into the ecological sys-
                                                                                              tems that support life on Earth.

                                                                                              The Climes They Are
      Over 70 percent of tropical forest loss                                                 a-Changin’
                                                                                                  Conversations about what to
      is due to the conversion to large-scale                                                 plant and where to plant are not new.
      agricultural production.

                                                                                              Regardless of where you stand on the
                                                                                              issue, climate change is changing every-        Natural restoration of tropical dry forest in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Thirty-five
                                                                                              thing, and it’s a driving force behind          years ago this land was pastureland cleared from the forest over a century ago.
                                                                                              many internationally funded reforestation       (Photo: Eric Palola)
                                                                                              efforts, as policymakers mobilize funds
                                                                                              and look for incentives to slow, reduce
    Meeting the world’s growing demand         can also reduce the rate of deforestation      and eventually reverse greenhouse gas            In an attempt to restore the for-         attempt to restore natural systems while
for food, fiber and fuel in an era of cli-     of nearby native forests, as people may        emissions. But climate change is also        est, Icelanders began planting native         caring for an ever-expanding global
mate change helps explain why most of          have less need to enter native forests         impacting the act of growing trees itself.   species, but after a few decades, they        population — which sometimes can feel
the largest tree-planting projects over        for their timber or fuelwood needs. So         To understand how, let’s look at Iceland,    realized the new forest was dying off.        like having the Sex Pistols on one stage
the past several decades have priori-          having fast-growing, short-rotation trees      the volcanically active island in the        Conditions had changed — winters were         and the New York Philharmonic on
tized the planting of a few profitable,        makes sense, but we need to balance            North Atlantic region.                       milder, and summers were longer — and         another.
often exotic, tree species. It might also      our portfolio. For our planet (and our             Although people might imagine            many of the native trees couldn’t survive.        On March 1, 2019, the UN General
help explain why you often see two             metaphorical festival), in order to survive,   Iceland with its characteristic sand and         When the country incorporated             Assembly officially adopted a resolution
seemingly contradictory statistics —           we need to make informed and deliber-          lava fields, mountains and glaciers, the     several exotic species that were better       declaring 2021–2030 the UN Decade
that in some countries forest cover is         ate choices, and we need diversity to be       island was, in fact, once heavily forest-    adapted for current conditions, the for-      on Ecosystem Restoration, and in 2020
increasing overall, while native forest        resilient.                                     ed. With colonization some 1,000 years       est began to take hold. The takeaway?         the World Economic Forum in Davos
is shrinking. There is no universally              From an ecological perspective,            ago, land was cleared and livestock          In some places, climate change is             launched the Trillion Trees platform to
agreed-upon definition of a forest, let        growing native trees provides the best         were introduced, exposing soil on the        outpacing the evolution of new traits in      support it. Through initiatives like Ter-
alone reforestation. Your opinion likely       return on investment, as native species        notoriously windswept island and creat-      trees that help determine, for example,       raMatch, the for trees, they
varies depending on whether you’re a           have evolved to compete and survive in         ing conditions that kept the forest from     how much heat they need in the sum-           are funding experienced local groups
palm oil company, forester, ecologist,         a symbiotic relationship with surround-        coming back.                                 mer, how tolerant they are to drought,        dedicated to doing reforestation the
                                                                                                                                           and when to start or stop growing             right way. And researchers are also
                                                                                                                                           seasonally. In regions all over the           getting better at seeing where trees
                                                                                                                                           world, we’re seeing plants and animals        are growing with the help of satellites,
                                                                                                                                           abandon their historical territories and      helping track progress toward those
                                                                                                                                           move to more suitable zones or perish         ambitious goals. Everywhere you turn,
                                                                                                                                           altogether. Tropical fish are migrating       it seems that something is happening.
                                                                                                                                           north or south away from the equator to           As we grapple with the challenges
                                                                                                                                           cooler waters. Trees, too, are gradually      and intricacies of reforestation around
                                                                                                                                           shifting latitudes or into higher eleva-      the world, it is helpful to keep in mind
                                                                                                                                           tions. Yes, over time, trees migrate too.     that archaeological and ethnobotanical
                                                                                                                                               In another example of how climate         evidence shows humanity has survived
                                                                                                                                           change is changing the game, one clos-        and prospered by manipulating the
                                                                                                                                           er to home for us at Taylor Guitars, the      environment and by moving plants and
                                                                                                                                           U.S. government is now advocating for         animals from one place to another.
                                                                                                                                           the planting of “climate-ready trees” in      Now, it suits our needs to enhance, not
                                                                                                                                           California cities. These trees are suited     diminish, the world around us. As the
                                                                                                                                           to changing environmental conditions,         proverb says: “The best time to plant
                                                                                                                                           such as the increased likelihood of           a tree was 20 years ago. The second-
                                                                                                                                           drought. Many of the trees suggested          best time is now.”
                                                                                                                                           are from places like Australia, India,            With the right partners and resourc-
                                                                                                                                           Mexico or Brazil.                             es in place, local knowledge, and the
                                                                                                                                                                                         empowerment of affected communities,
                                                                                                                                           Get Growing                                   we can make our global restoration fes-
                                                                                                                                               Climate change is an enormous-            tival a neverending event.
                                                                                                                                           ly complicated issue, and scientific
                                                                                                                                           research indicates the best thing we          Scott Paul is Taylor’s Director of
                                                                                                                                           can do to mitigate its impact is reduce       Natural Resource Sustainability.
                                                                                                                                           our consumption of fossil fuels. Grow-
    Plantation for plywood production, Forest College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India.
    (Photo: James Anderson/World Resources Institute)                                                                                      ing trees is not a panacea, but it’s
                                                                                                                                           a great idea. So we simultaneously
FINNEAS with the new GT K21e - Taylor Guitars

                     FA M I LY

     After unveiling our sleek, fun-to-play
     GT guitar last October, we’re thrilled to
     branch out with premium rosewood and
     koa models.
     By Jim Kirlin

		       or those of us at Taylor who get   inches — the equivalent of capo-ing a             “It’s one of the easiest playing gui-   recommendations that offer the easiest      who’ve had a chance to get their hands
		       to usher inventive new guitar      guitar with a 25-1/2-inch scale length        tars I’ve ever had my hands on,” wrote      playability. Given its many hand-friendly   on it.
		       designs into the world, one of     at the first fret.                            Guitar Player magazine gear guru Art        features, the GT is, without question, a         As part of his “First Look” video
the joys of our work is responding to the         For the body proportions, he envi-      Thompson in his review of the GTe           great option to explore.                    series, Premier Guitar gear editor John
needs of players — delivering inspiring     sioned something larger than our pop-         Urban Ash for the publication’s Decem-                                                  Bohlinger shared his initial impressions
musical tools that haven’t been available   ular GS Mini but slightly smaller than        ber edition, on his way to giving the       The Birth of Serious Fun                    of the GT and liked its “bluesy mojo.” He
before. Usually it’s a guitar with some     our Grand Concert. He borrowed the            guitar an Editors’ Pick Award. “It’s as          When we launched the GT in             also picked up on the “serious fun” dual-
new combination of refined features that    shapely curves of our biggest body style,     light as a feather, yet so dynamic and      October — our fastest-selling U.S.          ity of the guitar.
make it easier to play, or a fresh tonal    the Grand Orchestra, but scaled them          expressive.”                                model launch ever — one message                  “It seems like the kind of thing you
palette to explore. Often, it’s both.       down and made the body shallower.                 Among the other nuanced touches         we sent with our “serious fun” tagline      could go disappear in the woods with
     Such was the case in October,                The other critical ingredient was       that contribute to the GT’s hand-friendly   was the fusion of easy handling and         for a few days and then go play a con-
when we unveiled our sporty Grand           the internal bracing architecture. The        feel are a nut width of 1-23/32 inches,     high performance we feel the GT             cert in an arena the next day,” he said
Theater — better known as the GT.           challenge was to coax a full voice from       which splits the difference between the     embodies. Historically speaking, our        after a test drive.
As we detailed in our cover story last      the body’s compact proportions. One of        1-3/4-inch and 1-11/16-inch nut widths      GS Mini became arguably the most                 For more early reactions to the GT
issue, master builder Andy Powers           the benefits of Andy’s innovative V-Class                                                 successful guitar we’ve ever offered in     Urban Ash guitar, see our “Review Riffs”
had observed a groundswell of inter-        architecture, introduced in 2018, is its                                                  part because we were able to blend          sidebar.
est among players for the compact           ability to improve the tonal output and                                                   couch-friendly size with a surprisingly
proportions and nimble feel of smaller      produce a uniform response across                       taylor                     TM
                                                                                                                                      robust voice. Yet we knew there was
guitars, yet players didn’t want to skimp   the frequency spectrum. But due to the                                                    room — and a desire among players —                           Scan the code
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to watch demos of the
on sound. They wanted a stage- and          GT’s smaller proportions, he needed to                                                    for another level of musical sophistica-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    GT 811e and GT K21e.
studio-worthy instrument capable of         resort to a bit of “acoustic alchemy,” as                                                 tion from a compact guitar.
producing rich, full-bodied tone.           he puts it, in order to enhance the low-                                                       Our debut model, the GT Urban
     Andy had actually been kicking         end frequencies. That led to an asym-                                                     Ash, features solid Urban Ash back
around design ideas on and off for a few    metrical variant of his V-Class design,                                                   and sides with a solid spruce top, and      New GT Models
years before Taylor committed to devel-     dubbed C-Class™ bracing in honor of its                                                   comes with optional ES2 electronics.            From its earliest stage of develop-
oping what became the GT last winter.       cantilevered structural element.              used on other Taylor 6-strings, plus a      The choice of this species of ash (also     ment, the GT offered great potential as
From the beginning, he knew that one of           “It’s a different mechanism to exag-    new neck carve profile that caters to the   known as Shamel or evergreen ash)           another versatile framework for Andy to
the foundational design choices for this    gerate the low-end response out of a          GT’s unique scale length.                   was two-fold: We loved its mahoga-          present other appealing tonewood voic-
guitar, one that would help define both     relatively small guitar,” Andy says, “while       “This profile has elements of our       ny-like tonal characteristics, and we       ings (and aesthetic treatments) within
the feel and sound, would be the scale      still delivering the enhancements of the      classic Taylor neck shape and offers        saw this guitar as another exciting         the Taylor line. In fact, we’ve officially
length of the strings (measured from the    V-Class design, like improved volume          a subtle nod to the compound-carve          demonstration of our commitment             adopted it as a member of our family of
nut to the saddle). He set his sights on    and intonation.”                              design we developed for the Grand           to our urban wood initiative — using        body shapes, assigning the numeral 1
something shorter than the string length          When integrated together, the           Pacific,” Andy says. “Proportionally, it    responsibly sourced wood from end-          to designate it within our model naming
range of most modern acoustic guitars       unique design specifications of the           has a touch more depth and fullness         of-life trees slated for removal from       scheme when adding it to an existing
(“Most live in the world of somewhere       GT place it in a category all its own,        in the player’s hand than you might         municipal areas.                            Taylor series.
around 25 inches,” he notes), but longer    offering a uniquely appealing blend of        assume for such a nimble guitar, but             We also wanted to make our                 To kick off 2021, we’re excited to
than the typical string length of what      playing comfort and sound. The scale          the subtle profile transition as you move   first GT model broadly accessible to        expand the GT footprint with two new
would be considered a travel guitar — up    length, in tandem with light-gauge            from the nut to the heel has an appeal-     players, so we gave it modest appoint-      models: the rosewood/spruce GT 811e,
to about 23.5 inches (the scale length      (.012-.053) strings, yields a light, slinky   ing, balanced feel that makes playing       ments and introduced it in the same         which brings another rich voice to our
of our GS Mini). To most people, that       tension profile. (It’s the same tension as    seem effortless.”                           price range as our American Dream           800 Series, and the all-koa GT K21e,
in-between zone might seem negligible,      a guitar with a scale length of 25-1/2            We get a steady stream of inquiries     Series guitars, making it among the         which adds an enticing new musical
but for Andy, it was prime real estate to   inches tuned down a half step.) The           from folks — from beginners to mature       most affordable U.S.-made, all-solid-       personality to our Koa Series.
create a new category of guitar with an     shorter scale length also means slightly      players eager to reduce the stress on       wood guitars in the Taylor line.
inviting new feel and sound. In the end,    condensed fret spacing, making more           their hands and prolong the lifespan of          So far, the guitar has been warmly
Andy arrived at a scale length of 24-1/8    complicated chords easier to play.            a favorite hobby — looking for model        embraced by reviewers and the artists                                      continued

Meet the GT 811e…
     Andy was eager to craft a GT guitar
with the classic rosewood and Sitka
                                                                                                                                              Review Riffs
spruce wood pairing.                                                                                                                          Here are some highlights from recent reviews
     He compares working with the                                                                                                             of the GTe Urban Ash.
woods in this context to the way differ-
ent chefs or regions use staple ingredi-
ents in a fresh way to place their own
culinary imprint on a familiar dish.
                                                                                                                                              Chris Vinnicombe,
                                                                                                                                                   “…the relaxed playability encourages those of us who aren’t
     “With the GT 811, you’ll hear that
                                                                                                                                              acoustic virtuosi to be a little more ambitious. The wound G, for
familiar spruce and rosewood flattop
                                                                                                                                              example, is considerably easier to bend than it is on an acoustic
guitar sound, but as a result of the GT’s
                                                                                                                                              with a more conventional scale length, so you can approach solos
fresh form and structure, the listening
                                                                                                                                              much as you might on an electric guitar strung with a plain G.”
and playing experiences deliver a dis-
                                                                                                                                                   “Single notes in higher registers hang in the air for longer
tinctly new dimension,” Andy says. “This
                                                                                                                                              than expected, harmonic content is plentiful, and even when
iteration retains the slinky, ultra-easy
                                                                                                                                              using deep open tunings, the intonation is superb….”
handling and string feel, svelte body
                                                                                                                                                   “The more time you spend with it, the more its charms reveal
contours, and surprisingly broad GT
                                                                                                                                              themselves, and for singer-songwriters, the GT’s compact
voice we love, but it’s been shaped
                                                                                                                                              dimensions and intimate feel mean it’s as ideally suited to the
into a denser, harmonically saturated
                                                                                                                                              living room as it is to the stage or studio.”
sound. The top responds quickly to
even the most delicate articulation, and
it’s buoyed by the deep and supportive
                                                                                                                                              Pete Prown, Vintage Guitar
                                                                                                                                                  “Strum a chord and listen to that clear-as-a-bell tone. You
sound rosewood is known for.”
                                                                                                                                              won’t find the boom of a dreadnought, but this Taylor does
     Aesthetically, the guitar shares many
                                                                                                                                              produce a surprisingly nuanced tone to a portable instrument.
standard 800 Series appointments,
                                                                                                                                              The treble end is also sweet — not the thin, wimpy tone of some
including maple binding with rosewood
                                                                                                                                              acoustics, but delivering genuine sonic meat....”
top trim, an abalone rosette, our Ele-
                                                                                                                                                  “Think of it as the pro’s small acoustic…The GTe is ready for
ment inlay scheme in mother-of-pearl,
                                                                                                                                              live gigs just as much as songwriting on-the-go.... This Taylor is
a rosewood pickguard, and a 4.5-mil
                                                                                                                                              not another parlor guitar — the GTe Urban Ash is really its own
gloss-finish body. Distinctions include
                                                                                                                                              class of small-body acoustic.”
C-Class bracing, an armrest-free body
(due to the GT’s comfortably small
form), and Taylor Mini tuners in smoked
                                                                                                                                              Art Thompson, Guitar Player
                                                                                                                                                   “The GT is very responsive to
nickel (the Minis are more appropriate
                                                                                                                                              the player’s touch, easily steering
for the guitar’s smaller proportions, and
                                                                                                                                              through softer and louder passages
their lighter weight keeps the guitar
                                                                                                                                              while maintaining consistently sweet
physically balanced). The GT 811e also
                                                                                                                                              and focused tone.”
features onboard ES2 electronics and
                                                                                                                                                   “[It] has a big presence that
comes with our attractive AeroCase,
                                                                                                                                              belies its small size…. It’s a natural
which players love for its blend of light-
                                                                                                                                              for trips, but it’s just as worthy as a
weight yet super-sturdy attributes.
                                                                                                                                              studio and/or performance instru-
                                                                                                                                              ment thanks to its rich tone and
…And the GT K21e
                                                                                                                                              full-bodied soundstage.”
    The all-koa edition of the GT introduc-
es a unique harmony of aesthetic beauty,
playing comfort, and sonic expression.
                                                                                                                                              Christian Seaman,
    “Tonally, this guitar is the perfect
                                                                                                                                              American Songwriter
                                                                                                                                                  “Lead runs and fingerstyle lines
demonstration of the midrange balance
                                                                                                                                              are in the GT’s favor; however, it
and sweetness koa is known for,” Andy
                                                                                                                                              is no slouch when asked to
says. “It has a vibrantly focused sound,
                                                                                                                                              produce a driving flat-picked
with a smoothly rounded attack. The
                                                                                                                                              rhythm…. the GT gives off
balanced response is broadly useful
                                                                                                                                              a full-bodied fundamental
for a player who will use it as a rhythm
                                                                                                                                              voice with a lively midrange
instrument, a fingerstyle guitar, or for an
                                                                                                                                              as well. A very light touch
electric guitar-oriented playing style.”
                                                                                                                                              provides a louder than
    The models boast solid, figured           selves, is the effect of the different finish   certain: a great playing experience runs
                                                                                                                                              expected response.”
koa top, back and sides, with a shaded        treatments, as Andy explains.                   in the family.
                                                                                                                                                  “In some ways, the
edgeburst around the body and neck.               “The GT Urban Ash guitars wear                   For more details on all Taylor GT
                                                                                                                                              GT’s shorter scale and
Additional Koa Series appointments            an ultra-thin, water-based matte finish,        models, including complete specifica-
                                                                                                                                              tighter string spacing
include maple binding and top purfling,       which has a super-low damping factor,           tions, photos, video demos and more,
                                                                                                                                              offer a new light on the
an elegant maple Spring Vine inlay            allowing a direct and organic overtone          visit and our digital
                                                                                                                                              landscape of the finger-
scheme, a gloss-finish body, and Gotoh        profile from these woods,” he says.             edition of this issue. For model availabil-
                                                                                                                                              board. I had lots of fun
Mini 510 tuners in antique gold. It comes     “Both the 800 Series and Koa Series             ity, contact your preferred Taylor dealer.
                                                                                                                                              trying out different chords
equipped with our ES2 pickup and              GT guitars are completed with our more
                                                                                                                                              otherwise uncomfortable to reach
includes Taylor’s AeroCase.                   traditional gloss Taylor finish, which
                                                                                                                                              on a standard scale guitar!”
    One interesting tonal distinction         subtly filters the characteristics of each      Correction: In last issue’s GT story, we mis-
between the new GT models and the             piece of wood, refining the response.”          stated that the GT’s body depth measured at
original GT Urban Ash, beyond the dif-            Whichever GT model you find your-           the soundhole is 3-3/4 inches. The correct
ferent sonic flavors of the woods them-       self gravitating toward, one thing is for       depth from that location is 4-1/4 inches.
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