Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia

Page created by Erik Chapman
Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation

Fine Arts Auction

24th November 2018
San Anton Palace
Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
Organising Committee 2018                  Introduction
                             Chairman         The aim of the Fine Arts Auction is to sell works of
                          David Curmi         art donated by private patrons as well as leading
                                              contemporary Maltese and foreign artists with Maltese
                              Secretary       connections, at the best possible price. All proceeds are
                    Marlene Scicluna          given to the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.
                                              The majority of paintings are framed other than where a
                             Members          frame is not considered suitable.
                   Charles Attard
                    Carmel Briffa             The indicative estimated prices of certain of the works as shown in
                                              the catalogue could be considerably lower than their likely market
           Anthony Miceli Demajo              value because all the works have been kindly donated by the artists
                   Daniela Galea              in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.
                     Maria Galea
                      Lara Parker

   The Organising Committee would like
to thank the following for their assistance
      in the production of this catalogue.

Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
Foreword by H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca,                                                                                        Chairman’s Note 2018
     President of Malta
     Art allows us to explore our world in creative ways. Art          These funds make it possible to provide sustainable care          The 2018 Fine Arts Auction will be held on Saturday             successful event and auctioneer Joseph Sammut of
     gives us the opportunity to share unique perspectives             for people who are facing precarity and vulnerability, as         24 November 2018 at San Anton Palace, Attard.                   Belgravia Auction Gallery.
     about life with others. Art is also a powerful source of          well as to save lives, by providing access to specialised
     healing.                                                          treatment and support.                                            This year, participation in the 2018 Fine Arts Auction          Finally I would like to thank in anticipation those who will be
                                                                                                                                         was open to all artists. Our invitation was received with       attending this year’s auction. The success or otherwise of
     No matter our cultural or social diversity, artistic expression   On concluding, let me commend the Chair and members               an overwhelming response from 124 artists who have              the auction depends on your kind generosity and support,
     allows us to reach out to one another and to develop new          of the Fine Arts Committee for their commitment to the            submitted 101 works of art ranging from paintings,              for which we are extremely grateful and I urge you to
     connections.                                                      continuing success of this event.                                 watercolours, sculptures and ceramics.                          demonstrate your support for the efforts of our participating
                                                                                                                                                                                                         artists by bidding generously during the auction.
     The Fine Arts Auction, in aid of the Malta Community Chest        Let me also thank all of the artists who have shown such          An independent selection panel has selected 75 works
     Fund Foundation, is a practical example of how this healing       great generosity by donating their work in support of the         from all the submissions received.                              Personal enrichment is not just about having but also
     process can have an immense and positive impact on the            Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.                                                                                            about giving. The real benefit that we will all receive from
     people who need our support.                                                                                                        On behalf of the Organising Committee I would like to           this event is the knowledge that we will be contributing
                                                                       Finally, let me thank all of you for attending this auction and   thank most sincerely all the artists who have responded to      tangibly in helping to make a real difference to the lives of
     Moreover, the Fine Arts Auction is an opportunity for us          making a contribution to the Malta Community Chest Fund           our call for their kindness and generosity towards this very    less fortunate people.
     to remember the essential work being done by the many             Foundation.                                                       good cause.
     professionals and volunteers, who generously contribute
     their time and energy through the Malta Community Chest           Together, we are shining a light of hope and solidarity for       Once again, this year I would like to urge corporates and
     Fund Foundation.                                                  all the people who call our Maltese Islands their home.           businesses to visit the auction and to invest in original art   David G. Curmi
                                                                                                                                         by acquiring some of the beautiful pieces being exhibited       Chairman
     As Malta’s national charity, the Foundation makes use of                                                                            which can be displayed in offices, reception areas and          Fine Arts Auction Organising Committee
     the much-needed funds collected during this auction to                                                                              boardrooms.
     ease the challenges being experienced by individuals,             H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
     families, and communities in our Maltese Islands in times                                                                           I would like to express my appreciation to the President
                                                                       President of Malta
     of sickness, distress, and strain.                                                                                                  of Malta HE Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca for entrusting
                                                                                                                                         me with chairing the Organising Committee of the Fine
                                                                                                                                         Arts Auction for a third time. I would also like to thank
                                                                                                                                         the members of the Organizing Committee for their
                                                                                                                                         dedication, hard work and commitment in ensuring a

ii                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         iii
Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
     The works in this catalogue are listed in the
     same order in which they will be auctioned.

     George Muscat                       01          Anthony Mahoney          21   Michela Said               43   Charles Palmier           64
     Anthony Patrick Vella               02          Tatiana Kalikian         22   Isabelle Borg              45   John Caruana              65
     Godfrey Xuereb                      03          Sue Nightingale          23   Doriette Gauci Sciortino   47   Rene’ Sacco               66
     Emanuel Caruana                     04          Claude Gaffiero          24   Anna Grima                 49   Francis Galea             67
     Viktoria Marion                     05          Mark G. Muscat           25   Joseph Navarro             50   Nadine Micallef-Grimaud   68
     Pawlu Grech                         06          Maria Rossella Dalmas    27   Josette Casha              51   George Apap               69
     Mark Mallia                         07          Roberta Zammit Cutajar   29   Andrew Borg                52   Paul Caruana              70
     Josette Fenech                      08          Richard Saliba           31   Albert Joseph Caruana      53   Mariorick Mifsud          71
     Dagmara Zaczeniuk                   09          Tony Bugeja              32   Ray Parascandolo           54   Arnold Sultana            72
     Claudia Magro                       10          Kevin Sciberras          33   Frank Ancilleri            55   Derek Mason               73
     Josette Caruana                     11          Patrick Galea            34   Francis Gauci              56   Marie Clare Albanozzo     75
     Josiann Bonello                     12          Stephan Grixti           35   Diane Agius Calleja        57   Vania Goshe               76
     Carmin Marrero                      13          Jackie Micallef          36   Raymond Dominic Agius      58   Alexia Coppini            77
     Fiona Mackenzie-Spence              15          Joseph Ellul Vincenti    37   Edwin Galea                59   Patrick Fenech            79
     Lara Parker                         17          Matthew Kassar           38   Henry Alamango             60
     Kenneth Zammit Tabona               18          Mario Sammut             39   Philip Farrugia Randon     61
     Ethelbert Perini                    19          Mariz Cassar             40   John Martin Borg           62
     Debbie Bonello                      20          Amanda Hsu               41   Joseph Casapinta           63

iv                                                                                                                                                v
Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
Untitled                                            Mediterran

     George Muscat                                       Anthony Patrick Vella
     Stoneware                                           Acrylic Impasto on Canvas
     53cm Diameter                                       30cm x 25cm
     Estimate €550 - €850                                Estimate €350 - €550
     Email                          Email

     George Muscat was born in Qormi in 1962.            Anthony Patrick Vella was born in Valletta. He
     He received his education at the Salvatore          has experimented in, developed and executed
     Dimech School for Craftsmen besides attending       various artistic practices. During his stay in Italy
     evening courses with Gabriel Caruana and            he worked as an Art Director in a design studio,
     various others by Maltese and foreign artists.      where he directed promotions for one of the
     Between 1996 and 2001, he was entrusted with        best Italian Amaro sellers in Europe. He was
     an evening class for adults to teach ceramics in    involved in different architectural projects. He
     the same school in which he had been a student.     studied Museum design in Florence and was
     George Muscat became an excellent thrower           commissioned a number of museum projects.
     and acquired a number of hand building and          His artworks are exhibited around Europe and
     decorating techniques. This experience was          elsewhere. One of his outstanding works is
     put to optimal use especially after 1997 when       the Adoration Chapel in Santa Lucia, Malta. At
     he organised his first personal exhibition. Since   present he is the Head of Department for Art
     then the artist has held a number of successful     and Graphical Communication at the Secretariat
     solo exhibitions and has also participated in a     for Catholic Education. Aesthetics in art and
     number of collective exhibitions.                   design remain his forte.

01                                                                                                              02
Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
No Dividing Line                                    Untitled Abstract

     Godfrey Xuereb                                      Emanuel Caruana
     Ceramic                                             Mixed Media on Paper
     44cm Diameter                                       40cm x 28cm
     Estimate €250 - €450                                Estimate €300 - €450
     Email                          Email

     Godfrey Xuereb was born in Vittoriosa in 1937.      Emanuel Caruana was born in 1975 and as he
     He studied ceramics at the Malta College of         had expressed a keen interest in art at an early
     Art & Design, where he followed an intensive        age, he was soon introduced to drawing and
     three-year course in ceramic art and raku-firing    painting classes. Here he learnt the basics of
     techniques under George Muscat. Prior to his        painting under the watchful eyes of several
     retirement, Godfrey had a long professional         well-known local artists before continuing his art
     career in education and administered a number       education at the Malta Government School of
     of secondary schools. His hand-built ceramic        Art. Manuel’s paintings reflect his impression of
     artworks are a reflection of his passion for        life, expressed through abstraction in a wide-
     nature and Maltese heritage buildings. He uses      ranging and impressive display of colours. His
     several surface decorations in his clay murals      artistic voice is reflected in a variety of forms,
     and applies a variety of glazes to make his         sometimes soft and serene, other times bold
     ceramic pieces pleasing to the viewer. He has       and energetic, yet always fun, full of life and
     held several solo ceramic art exhibitions and       exploding with colour. Every painting is unique
     participates in numerous collective ones in Malta   and presents a strong sense of Manuel’s spirit
     and Gozo.                                           and heritage, inspired by his desire to capture
                                                         and preserve, in his own unique way, life’s beauty
                                                         for others to enjoy. While his art has appeared in
                                                         various collective and solo exhibitions, some of
                                                         Manuel’s paintings are now a part of private and
                                                         corporate collections.

03                                                                                                            04
Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
Ggantija Door                                       Exotic Vegetation 1

     Viktoria Marion                                     Pawlu Grech
     Oil and Acrylic with Sea and Limestone Sand         Mixed Media
     155cm x 90cm                                        20cm x 24cm
     Estimate €1,200 - €1,500                            Estimate €250 - €450
     Email                      Email

     Viktoria Marion spent six years in Budapest,        Maestro Chevalier Pawlu Grech was born in
     Hungary, working in the field of art holding 4      Malta in 1938. His painterly education began
     main solo exhibitions and many more group           in Malta and continued in Rome and London
     exhibitions. She moved to Malta – an island         where he also graduated in music/conducting/
     gifted with the beauty of nature and the sea - to   composition from the Conservatorio Santa
     get inspired by its deep, ancient culture. On       Cecilia and met the great Igor Stravinsky. His
     her canvases, Viktoria adds building material       paintings have been displayed in a number of
     to art material. The rustic honest look of          collective and solo exhibitions in Malta, Rome,
     her big wall-sized paintings makes one think        London (where he lived for 20 years) and Paris.
     about time. There is, however, another aspect       His visual output has also been the subject
     to the meaning of her rustic art - sometimes        of the book ‘Pawlu Grech – The Visual Artist’.
     really colourful, sometimes minimalist – but in     Grech’s work, epitomized by an extensive series
     appearance always capturing a moment from           of paintings on fossils, suggests the timelessness
     her abstracted inside impressions and feelings.     of all that was and is. A selection of works can
     She is now a permanent resident on our islands      be seen on
     together with her husband Christian Mayer
     who is also an artist. In Malta they both started
     a new chapter in their art life since the Island
     had a strong spiritual influence on them. This
     faith comes out in every gesture created with
     Viktoria’s brush who has found her niche in
     Modern Abstract Expressionism.
05                                                                                                            06
Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
Untitled                                               Embrace

     Mark Mallia                                            Josette Fenech
     Mixed Media on Canvas                                  Acrylic
     60cm x 130cm                                           120cm x 80cm
     Estimate €500 - €650                                   Estimate €700 - €900

     Mark Mallia was a student of the late Esprit           Josette is an accomplished Maltese artist who
     Barthet. He has already held his first solo            has become particularly known for her unique
     exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Valletta      abstracts. Her solo exhibitions, ‘Riflessi’ in 2013
     and this led him to winning a bursary at the           and ‘Against All Odds’ in 2015 gained her
     Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. Although             accolades at home and abroad. During April
     travels around France and the US made him put          2016 she took part in a collaborative project,
     art second place to a hedonistic lifestyle, this       ‘Incontri’ exhibiting with three Italian artists
     also led to some of his greatest experiences.          and under the auspices of RIDT (University of
     In France, he worked for Pathe, a major film           Malta Research Trust). Then later that year in
     production and distribution company, as a              Montone - Provincia di Perugia, she exhibited in
     storyboarder and photographer. It was here             a collective entitled ‘Sognando con le Immagini’.
     that Princess Stephanie of Monaco recognized           In 2017, Josette represented Malta in a personal
     his talent and commissioned him an exhibition          exhibition entitled ‘Horizons’ celebrating the
     which turned out to be a complete sell out. He         opening of the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the
     also exhibited in Toronto and recently at the          Council of Europe and in August 2017 she had
     Miami Art Basel in the USA. It was after his arrival   another personal exhibition in Gozo named
     in Malta, though, that he realized the need to         ‘Lwien il-Gzejjer’. In July 2018 Josette took
     pursue his career as an artist, full time. Although    part with three others in ‘Oasis’, an exhibition
     Mallia is marketed as a European pop artist, he        organised by RIDT and the Honorary Consulate
     is definitely an expressionist. A subsequent line      General of the Slovak Republic.
     up of exhibitions are planned for London and
     possibly in New York.
07                                                                                                                08
Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
Untitled                                           Petunia

     Dagmara Zaczeniuk                                  Claudia Magro
     Mixed Media on Deep Edge Canvas                    Acrylic on Canvas
     100cm x 70cm                                       50cm x 70cm
     Estimate €750 - €850                               Estimate €250 - €350
     Email                                  Email

     Dagmara Zaczeniuk is from Poland. Ever since       Claudia Magro creates art through the Thuja
     she can remember, she painted and drew. She        approach. The main goal for her is enjoy the
     is a self-taught artist and she co-operated with   moment when, while sipping tea, she lets the
     many galleries in Poland. Her art work is in       unconscious mind take the lead. Doing so,
     private collections both in Poland and abroad.     she discovered that while painting she chooses
     Painting is her passion and life. Her medium       colours and images that heal. This is much
     is usually acrylic and mixed media. She paints     more so when painting portraits. Persons
     her subjective image of the world and creates      being painted report after the completion that
     images on abstract assumptions, introducing        their image revealed those obscure aspects of
     realistic elements to them. She participated in    their personality which they admit should be
     the following exhibitions: The International Art   corrected or appreciated and a shift in their
     Collective lll by Gallery Marcoux, Malta, 2016;    consciousness takes place to a certain degree.
     ALS Expo Goods Market, Malta, 2016; FestART,       One original aspect of her paintings is that once
     Cavalieri Art Hotel, Malta, August 2016; POP       finished, the artist writes a particular positive
     UP ART GALLERY, Naxxar, Malta, 2016 and Art        affirmation on the painting which is inspired by
     Exhibition at DAR Bjorn, Qormi, Malta 2017.        the same painting. This is where healing takes
                                                        place in a more effective way since words have
                                                        the power to transform and create. Petunia is
                                                        finally back in touch with her innermost centre.

09                                                                                                          10
Fine Arts Auction - Belgravia
Environmental                                         With Floating Colours

     Josette Caruana                                       Josiann Bonello
     Medium Coloured Pencil                                Coloured Pencil on Paper
     10cm x 24.3cm                                         42cm x 29cm
     Estimate €65 - €120                                   Estimate €180 - €250
     Email               Email

     Josette Caruana was awarded a short them              Josian Bonello worked since 1986 with the
     scholarship by the Italian Government and             Museums Department/Heritage Malta,
     she studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti,           forming part of the teams which designed the
     Perugia from 1982 to 1984. She studied at             permanent and temporary displays in various
     the Polythecnic, Msida and was later awarded          Museums, Visitor Centres and Heritage Sites.
     a long term scholarship to study in Firenze           Her responsibilities were mainly in designing
     from 1984 to 1988 at the Accademia di Belle           the interpretation panels, graphic displays
     Arti, Firenze. In 1990 she was invited in NYC         and posters. Currently she is attending figure
     at Coopers Union to attend a course for               drawing lessons from live models, a passion that
     Professional Practising Artists. She has her studio   started back in 1989 in Perugia, Italy. Her tools
     Gallery 16 at Sappers Street, Valletta.               in graphic design and personal art are different
                                                           media where she feels free to experiment
                                                           expressions with satisfying results.

11                                                                                                             12
The Garden Blooms behind Bars
     Diptych Composition

     Carmin Marrero
     Acrylic on Canvas
     60cm x 60cm
     Estimate €850 - €1,000

     Carmin Marrero was born in 1949 and is a
     Venezuelan engineer currently residing in Malta.
     Carmin belongs to the Venezuelan Association
     of Visual-Plastic Arts and besides being a winner
     of national salons in Venezuela, she is also an
     individual exhibitor in the Caribbean area. Her
     career managed four specific pictorial movements:
     marshes, sacred art, faces and abstract. Shortly
     after her arrival in Malta in November 2017 the
     artist involved herself in supportive initiatives and
     donated 2 pieces of art to The Foundation Board
     of the Millennium Chapel. The artist believes
     in supporting entities and organizations which
     help improve quality of life and wellbeing and
     that is why she decided to donate a couple of
     pieces from her most recent work to the Malta
     Community Chest Fund Foundation. The work
     of the artist is characterised by pieces composed
     of two canvasses although they are considered a
     single piece of art in its entirety.

13                                                           14
Song for Green                  Fish out of Water
     Limited Edition 2 of 7          Original

     Fiona Mackenzie-Spence          Fiona Mackenzie-Spence
     Digitally Enhanced Photograph   Digitally Manipulated Photograph
     38cm x 55cm                     27cm x 40cm
     Estimate €150 - €250            Estimate €150 - €250

                                     Fiona Mackenzie-Spence is a British painter
                                     and photographer and two year Gozo resident.
                                     She has recently held Solo exhibitions at the
                                     Cittadella and the Banca Giuratale, Victoria, both
                                     featured on Maltese TV. Fiona’s photography is
                                     split into two types; classic untouched photos
                                     and those which are digitally manipulated to
                                     create abstract art, as either originals, or very
                                     limited editions. This artist has collections of
                                     both her paintings and photography throughout
                                     the UK, the USA, Norway, Portugal and of course
                                     here in Malta and Gozo. One of her oil paintings
                                     was exhibited at the Royal West of England
                                     Academy in 2015.

15                                                                                        16
Medusa                                                  Sailing away into the Night

     Lara Parker                                             Kenneth Zammit Tabona
     Oil on Canvas                                           Watercolour on Paper
     60cm x 90cm                                             32cm x 32cm
     Estimate €250 - €400                                    Estimate €1,000 - €1,350
     Email                             Email

     Lara Parker is a graphic designer by profession,        Kenneth Zammit Tabona was born in 1956. He is a
     with a profound love for art history and painting.      well-known watercolourist with paintings hanging
     Lara carried out her studies at the University          in many prestigious private collections both in
     of Kent at Canterbury (UK), obtaining a Master          Malta and overseas. Kenneth was a member and
     of Arts degree, Post Graduate Diploma,                  later Deputy Chairman of the Manoel Theatre
     and Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in Visual            Management Committee. In 2012 he was made
     Communication. Her passion for design,                  Artistic Director of the Valletta International
     coupled with exceptional creativity is expressed        Baroque Festival, which is his brainchild. In
     in both her graphical work and paintings.               2012, he became Artistic Director of the Manoel
     Lara has always been particularly interested in         Theatre opera and in 2013 artistic director of the
     Renaissance art, a period which she studied in          Manoel Theatre Malta’s national theatre. Kenneth
     depth during her academic years. She finds her          represents the theatre as a member of Perspectiv:
     inspiration in artists like Sorolla, Mondrian, Klimt,   the Association of European Historic Theatres and
     Modigliani and the revolutionary Frida Kahlo, as        has been European president of the Association
     well as her travels to South America, Africa and        since April 2017. Kenneth is a director of REMA:
     South East Asia.                                        Reseau European de Musique Ancienne by the
                                                             success of the Valletta International Baroque
                                                             Festival. Kenneth was the founder and first
                                                             president of the Friends of the Museum of Fine
                                                             Arts (now MUZA) and is Chairman of the Valletta
                                                             Stakeholders Committee.

17                                                                                                                18
Te’ bil-Lumi                                        Maer Woods

     Ethelbert Perini                                    Debbie Bonello
     Pastel on Paper                                     Oil on Canvas
     48cm x 30cm                                         40cm x 40cm
     Estimate €350 - €450                                Estimate €650 - €750
     Email                     Email

     Ethelbert Perini was born in 1971 and works         Debbie Bonello always considered art to be
     as a bank manager. He is mainly self-taught,        an innate part of who she was as a young girl
     though Harry Alden taught him art at Secondary      and still does now as a dedicated art teacher.
     School level. He later attended the local School    She is a creative soul who has rediscovered the
     of Art under Anton Calleja. He also attended        joy of painting. She has, in the last few years,
     Calleja’s life classes in Bahrija between 2003      been producing remarkable paintings that are
     and 2008. He regularly participates in weekly       expressive and characterised by loose brushwork
     sessions in nude drawing. Ethelbert frequently      and a broad palette with which she has created
     exhibits in collective exhibitions. His paintings   a timbre that has come to typify her work. Her
     and drawings are found in private and public        subjects are varied: sweeping vistas, intense
     collections, both locally and abroad. From an       portraits, enchanting pets, nudes - even a hat
     early age he found the treatment of chiaroscuro     takes centre stage in Debbie’s oeuvre. She is
     inspiring and has gradually transferred that        also not one to shy away from painting en plein
     powerful light and deep shadow to his paintings     air, becoming one of the many local painters who
     in acrylics and lately in pastels.                  have been rediscovering the joys and pleasures
                                                         of painting outdoors despite the challenges it
                                                         presents. Debbie is naturally drawn to rural Malta,
                                                         perhaps also due to the fact that she spent her
                                                         childhood years in Mellieha. She is instinctively
                                                         sensitive to her surroundings and the emotions of
                                                         those around her, amply visible in some key works.

19                                                                                                             20
Requiem at Sunset                                   The Eternal City - Valletta

     Anthony Mahoney                                     Tatiana Kalikian
     Oil on Canvas (Palette Knife)                       Acrylic
     61cm x 92cm                                         40cm x 40cm
     Estimate €1,800 - €2,000                            Estimate €350 - €450
     Email                         Email

     Anthony Mahoney has exhibited widely, within        Tatiana Kalikian was born in 1987 in Moscow,
     over 200 exhibitions in Malta and abroad. His       USSR. In 2002 she graduated from The Art
     works are found in various countries, in private    School in Moscow and after that she continued
     collections, government and private institutions,   her studies at the Moscow City University
     colleges and art galleries. So far, Anthony         obtaining a degree in Design and Fine Arts.
     has painted well over 800 paintings. Recently,      After graduation the artist began her career as
     the Gollcher Foundations acquired one of            an art teacher at the government school and at
     his paintings and donated it to the National        the studio of additional education in Moscow.
     Museum of Fine Arts. This is one of his favourite   During her work experience as an art teacher,
     works, called ‘The Birth of Ichthus’. Anthony had   Tatiana and her students often participated in
     been invited to hold a ‘retrospective exhibition’   various exhibitions in Moscow. In 2012, Tatiana
     by the Bank of Valletta. Presently, Anthony is      decided to relocate to Malta. “Valletta is a city
     busily occupied working on commission works         that I fell in love with from the first sight - I will
     in his favourite style of a canvas full of light    never forget the magnificent view of the eternal
     - strange, mystical, brooding light - creating      city” – says the artist. “My art-work is about
     landscapes in a dreamy, musical atmosphere.         time that has passed through the streets of the
                                                         city, enhancing unique experience, wisdom,
                                                         bitterness and happiness in people’s lives”.

21                                                                                                                22
Festa - Gozo                                        Farmhouse near Selmun

     Sue Nightingale                                     Claude Gaffiero
     Gouache                                             Watercolour
     51cm x 46cm                                         45cm x 35cm
     Estimate €250 - €350                                Estimate €300 - €400
     Email                        Email

     Sue Nightingale was an art teacher for many         Claude Gaffiero studied Art at the Lyceum and
     years in secondary schools in England and Africa.   the Government School of Art. He continued
     She has a residence in Gozo but is living mostly    with his studies in Germany where he served in
     in England now. During her travels to New York,     the Army. He was a member of the Artists’ Guild
     San Francisco, Rome and Vienna she visited          and of the Six Soldier Artists Group. He has
     museums, stately homes and castles which all        taken part in several exhibitions both with these
     served as an inspiration for her paintings. At      organisations and with others. His favourite
     the moment, Sue is working on four inch square      medium is watercolours.
     paintings each with a word to ponder on –
     there will be a set of 30 and she will be having
     them printed and boxed to give as presents to
     her friends. She is very grateful to Gozo Arts,
     Gorg Borg Olivier Street, Victoria, Gozo who
     sponsored the framing of her painting when
     they heard it was a donation in aid of the Malta
     Community Chest Fund Foundation.

23                                                                                                           24
St. George’s Bay - Birzebbuga   Balzan Parish Church

     Mark G. Muscat                  Mark G. Muscat
     Watercolour and Pencil          Watercolour and Pencil
     17cm x 26cm                     17cm x 26cm
     Estimate €350 - €450            Estimate €350 - €450

                                     Mark Geoffrey Muscat was born in 1986. He
                                     was educated at St Edward’s College and the
                                     University of Malta where he obtained a degree
                                     in Architectural & Civil Engineering, specializing
                                     in Architectural Design and at the Politecnico
                                     di Milano, where he studied Architectural
                                     Photography under Professor Marco Introini. He
                                     obtained his Masters Degree (MArch Graduate
                                     Architectural Design with Distinction) at the
                                     Bartlett School of Architecture, University
                                     College, London. He has been interested in
                                     art from a very young age having grown up in
                                     an artistic environment. He studied art under
                                     Charlot Cassar, Harry Alden, Winston Hassall,
                                     Jessica DeBattista and Anton Grech at the
                                     University of Malta. Throughout his artistic
                                     career, Mark held various solo and collective
                                     exhibitions both locally and in London.

25                                                                                        26
Pavaljuni tal-Festa       Il-Girna

     Maria Rossella Dalmas     Maria Rossella Dalmas
     Acrylic on Canvas Board   Acrylic on Canvas Board
     30cm x 24cm               31cm x 31cm
     Estimate €350 - €450      Estimate €350 - €450

                               Maria Rossella Dalmas is a self-taught artist who
                               prefers the acrylic medium because it is versatile
                               and dries fast. The pity, though, is that it ruins
                               many a brush. She paints in the washroom,
                               hence the name Washroom Studio from where
                               she carries out her work. Throughout the
                               years she has held several solo and collective
                               exhibitions and she has won various prizes. Some
                               of her portraits feature in the book ‘The National
                               Portrait Gallery of Malta’ by Nicholas de Piro.
                               Also in 2016, the APS Bank issued its third volume
                               of the series ‘Two Generations of Maltese Artistic
                               Families’ where she features with her father
                               Giuseppe Cassar, the well-known watercolour
                               artist and photographer from Hamrun.

27                                                                                  28
Il-Kampnar               Shadows of Mdina

     Roberta Zammit Cutajar   Roberta Zammit Cutajar
     Oil on Canvas            Oil on Canvas
     50cm x 40cm              60cm x 30cm
     Estimate €350 - €450     Estimate €350 - €450

                              Roberta Zammit Cutajar has been painting all her
                              life. She started Art at Sacred Heart Convent and
                              was fortunate to have Debbie Caruana Dingli
                              in her class. Debbie has been an inspiration to
                              Roberta ever since. Roberta took a break from
                              painting in the 90’s to raise three children. She
                              started using watercolors but has now moved to
                              oil on canvas. She participated in the ‘New Faces’
                              Exhibition a few years ago. She participates
                              regularly in art classes organized by Debbie
                              Caruana Dingli, Tonio Mallia and Doranne Alden.
                              Roberta loves to express herself through art
                              and this shows in the work she creates. Her first
                              solo exhibition will be held in November at the
                              Chamber of Commerce, Valletta.

29                                                                                 30
Gozo Landscape                                       Limits of Dingli

     Richard Saliba                                       Tony Bugeja
     Oil on Canvas                                        Oil on Canvas
     56cm x 41cm                                          59cm x 46cm
     Estimate €500 - €700                                 Estimate €500 - €700
     Email                    Email

     Richard Saliba was born in 1943. He studied          Tony Bugeja was born in 1949. The media he
     drawing and painting at the Government School        uses for his art are oils, acrylics, airbrush, pencils,
     of Art during the years 1960 – 1965 under the        watercolours and computer-generated art.
     tuition of Esprit Barthet, Vincent Apap and          Throughout his career he has been using said
     George Borg. In 1972 he proceeded to Perugia         media according to the artwork in hand. He
     to study drawing and etching at the Accademia        has participated in many collective exhibitions
     di Belle Arti Pietro Vannucci. In the year 1982 he   held in the past years. He held a post as tutor
     furthered his studies in the techniques of etching   for two years at the then Institute of Visual
     and aquatint at the Istituto Statale d’Arte in       Arts, teaching evening classes in watercolour,
     the city of Urbino, the birthplace of Raffaello.     airbrushing and graphic design. His portfolio
     Richard Saliba is best known for his study of the    includes landscapes, portraits, illustrations and
     Maltese landscape, but in recent years he has        caricatures. Amongst the work he has designed
     sought to recreate himself and extend his style      are 24 postage stamps for Maltapost and some
     of painting to figure and portrait painting. Since   70 telecards for Maltacom. He has worked
     1975, his work has been exhibited in numerous        for the last 16 years as a graphic designer in
     personal and collective exhibitions and is also      advertising agencies. Now retired, he dedicates
     to be found in the collection of the National        all his time to painting.
     Museum of Fine Arts, Valletta; the Cathedral
     Museum, Mdina and in many other public and
     private collections.

31                                                                                                                  32
Mgarr Harbour - Gozo                               Xrobb l-Ghagin

     Kevin Sciberras                                    Patrick Galea
     Acrylic on Canvas                                  Acrylic on Canvas
     100cm x 70cm                                       70cm x 50cm
     Estimate €650 - €750                               Estimate €450 - €650
     Email                     Email

     Kevin Sciberras seeks atmosphere through           Patrick Galea was born in Mdina in 1954. He
     light and colour and the artist works in varying   studied under Espirt Barthet and Antoine
     degrees of abstraction. However, although          Camilleri from 1966 to 1973. The artist pursued
     his style is abstract, the scenes are familiar     his studies in Art & Design at Jacob Karmer
     and recognizable. Kevin Sciberras constantly       College of Arts and in 3D Design and Interior
     explores the potential of abstract forms,          Architecture at the Leeds Metropolitan
     brush marks, contrasts and textures to create      University. He graduated BA Hons (Leeds
     expressionist visual art. The artist builds up     Metropolitan University, UK) in 1977 and
     the surfaces of his paintings in consecutive       received a Post-Graduate Degree in Education
     transparent layers. He employs multiple layers     (University of Malta) in 1979. He is an Art &
     of rich colours giving his paintings luminous      Design Educator and presently he is a Director
     depth and richness.                                of Events at MCAST and a visiting lecturer at
                                                        the Faculty for the Built Environment, University
                                                        of Malta. Patrick held his first solo exhibition in
                                                        Mdina in 1975 and other exhibitions also put up
                                                        by him were held in Dusseldorf and Vienna in
                                                        1982, at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Malta in
                                                        2011 and at the Chamber of Commerce in 2014.
                                                        He also participated in collective exhibitions
                                                        and was appointed curator during other artistic
                                                        events in Malta. His inspiration stems from local
                                                        architechtural heritage and the environment.
33                                                                                                            34
Corner Balcony in Valletta                           Serenity

     Stephan Grixti                                       Jackie Micallef
     Photographic Print on Giclée                         Acrylic on Canvas
     42cm x 30cm                                          50cm x 50cm
     Estimate €60 - €100                                  Estimate €350 - €550
     Email                      Email

     Stephan Grixti was born and raised on a              Jackie Micallef is a full-time professional artist
     small island in the heart of the Mediterranean       located in Malta and she specializes in large
     named Malta. He is a self-taught freelance           mixed media paintings on canvas. Jackie
     photographer and artist and has been taking          is known for her large vibrant abstracts and
     photos around the Maltese Islands for the last       powerful textures, creating unique combinations
     couple of years. He bought his first Digital SLR,    in her artwork. Her journey into the art world
     a Nikon D5200, four years ago and has been           began through her inspiration by renowned
     shooting everything ever since - from landscapes     Maltese artist Harry Alden. She has completed
     to Maltese folkloric events. He likes to capture     several courses over the years including studies
     anything that catches his eye, or is unusual and     in mixed media painting and expressive painting
     interesting. His source of inspiration comes from    in London. Jackie now runs her own art studio
     the various photographic exhibitions he goes to.     in Mosta and a private Art Gallery within Art
     To see more of Stephan’s work, his portfolio is on   Academy. Jackie’s latest accomplishments
     the link:            include being selected by Nestle’ Perugina
                                                          Chocolate to design the chocolate wrapper as
                                                          well as being selected as one of the 20 artists
                                                          from around the world to become a GOLDEN
                                                          Certified Educator following intensive training in
                                                          New Orleans (USA) in October 2016.

35                                                                                                             36
Village Scene                                       Fort St. Angelo

     Joseph Ellul Vincenti                               Matthew Kassar
     Glazed Clay                                         Acrylic on Newspaper Collage
     40cm x 40cm                                         45cm x 92cm
     Estimate €450 - €650                                Estimate €450 - €650
     Email                            Email

     Joseph Ellul Vincenti is a retired architect. His   Matthew Kassar was born in 1968 and studied
     work included the design of factories, churches,    at The Malta Society of Arts, Manufacture and
     schools, villas, houses and so on. Of special       Commerce and took art lessons under Alfred
     interest was the design and execution of the        Chircop at the 6th Form, Msida. He followed
     De la Rue Factory in Bulebel and money vaults.      a four year diploma course in painting at The
     He was deeply involved in the introduction          Malta School of Arts and a one year course in
     of building practices for people with special       Ceramics at Targa Gap. He also studied at the
     needs, helped Caritas in the design of the ex-      artist Roberto Cippolone’s studio La Bottega in
     military building in San Blas, was a Court expert   Florence. He has taken part in various solo and
     and was also the Curia architect for several        collective exhibitions, both locally and abroad.
     years. After a very active life, he now dedicates   Matthew’s technique produces sculptural
     most of his spare time to modelling in clay and     illusions with a dreamy atmosphere of serenity,
     glazing of same.                                    peace and tranquility. By choosing the right
                                                         piece of newspaper cuttings, Matthew manages
                                                         to intermingle his paintings and collages to
                                                         produce certain effects and an object that
                                                         usually gets outdated becomes alive with history
                                                         and scenery. He uses gesso, varnish, paint and
                                                         sand to produce real, acute and clear subjects –
                                                         some geometrical and some figurative - giving a
                                                         texture resembling a big jigsaw puzzle.

37                                                                                                          38
Holy Family                                            Sculptured Seated Figure

     Mario Sammut                                           Mariz Cassar
     Ceramic (fired 1260c)                                  Bronze Sculpture
     44cm x 13cm x 10cm                                     18cm x 12cm
     Estimate €550 - €850                                   Estimate €400 - €600
     Email                            Email

     Mario Sammut had, at an early age, attended            Mariz Cassar is the daughter of artists Lewis
     drawing and painting lessons by Antoine                Wirth and Helen née Cavarra. She was
     Camilleri and Esprit Barthet and then ceramics         influenced by her parents’ art from a very young
     classes with Gabriel Caruana. From 1989                age. She attended the Accademia di Belle Arti,
     onwards, Mario took part in various collective         Perugia after obtaining an A level in Ceramics
     ceramics exhibitions in Malta and has also             through the tutorship of ceramist Gabriel
     exhibited his works in Cyprus, Frankfurt, Sicily and   Caruana in Malta. She is furthering her sculptural
     Denmark. He also co-organised and exhibited            interest by attending the Govt. School of Art. Her
     in the annually held Malta-Cyprus Ceramics             ceramic works include a variety of abstract works
     Exhibitions. In 2010 his works were selected to        inspired by the beauty of nature that surrounds
     be exhibited at the Bornholm European Ceramics         us and from under the sea. Her sculptural work
     Exhibition in Denmark. Following public calls, he      which started at the Accademia in Perugia is the
     was commissioned to make two large sculptures,         stylized human figure obtained by movement
     ‘Embracing Dancers’ in bronze at Xewkija in            which, at the same time, has solidity.
     2012 and ‘Ras il-Huta’ at Marsaskala seafront
     promenade in 2016 which he sculpted in bianco
     carrara marble. Having three solo exhibitions
     to his credit, his works can be found in private
     collections in Malta and various other countries
     and in the collections of the National Museum of
     Fine Arts of Malta and other entities.

39                                                                                                               40
To Lovers - Earth          Awakening
                                Collaboration with the Notarial Archives
     Amanda Hsu
     Digital Manipulation Art   Amanda Hsu
     59.3cm x 44.5cm            Digital Manipulation Art
     Estimate €550 - €650       59.3cm x 44.5cm
                                Estimate €550 - €650

                                Amanda Hsu is a portrait photographer, a
                                recipient of photography prizes for her fine art
                                photography. She was born in Taiwan and has
                                been living in Europe for over 12 years. She has
                                also contributed to local publications such as
                                the Pink Magazine, Sunday Circle and Times of
                                Malta. Her portrait exhibition in 2015 ‘Women
                                in Malta’ received plenty of good feedback
                                and comments. Her ongoing self-portrait series
                                ‘Her’ since 2009 is a metaphor of a woman’s self
                                discovery journey.

41                                                                                 42
Hunger I                  Hunger II

     Michela Said              Michela Said
     Cotton Thread on Fabric   Cotton Thread on Fabric
     90cm x 90cm               90cm x 90cm
     Estimate €250 - €350      Estimate €250 - €350


                               Michela Said was born in 1992. In 2012 she
                               obtained her BTEC Higher National Diploma in
                               Fine Arts at Malta College of Arts, Science and
                               Technology. She has a background in art and
                               design and studied textiles at MCAST, Mosta,
                               graduating in National Diploma in 2010. She
                               concentrates on working in printing and drawing
                               using materials such as fabrics and threads,
                               which became a significant element in her work.
                               The work seeks to find authenticity within both
                               drawing and the female form. Most of her work
                               explores exaggeration and abstraction of body
                               related forms. Currently she is working in the
                               printing industry.

43                                                                               44
The Nude Sketch                         The late Isabelle Borg (1959 - 2010)

     Isabelle Borg
     Pencil on Paper                         Isabelle Borg lived in London (her birthplace,      before her passing was Strange Cargo (National
     40cm x 58cm                             1959) and Malta, as well as spending periods in     Museum of Fine Arts, Malta, 2008) which
                                             Berlin, and West Cork, Ireland.                     explored the effect of this series of journeys and
     Estimate €1,900 - €2,500                                                                    homecomings and re-defined an earlier interest
                                             She studied painting at the Camberwell School       in figurative art.
     Email   of Art, London, graduating BA (Hons) in 1986.
                                             She gained an MA (History of Art) in 1994 and       Isabelle was passionate about several things,
                                             taught art full-time at the University of Malta.    amongst them were her strong feminist
                                             She held regular solo exhibitions of her            connections. She was instrumental in creating a
                                             paintings and participated in group shows.          movement called the Movement Mara Malta of
                                             Her work is found in a number of public and         which she became president in November 1992.
                                             private collections. During her time working        It was back in Camberwell in the 1980’s that
                                             from her studio in Floriana, Malta, she continued   Isabelle Borg realised the need for women to
                                             to exhibit locally and internationally, whilst      stand up for themselves.
                                             publishing her research in art.
                                                                                                 Isabelle Borg was first and foremost an artist
                                             Early solo landscape exhibitions Marine and         who had a free spirit that allowed her to delve
                                             Maritime Paintings (1991) and Bastions and          into a number of genres without any fear of
                                             Harbours (1992) concentrated on Malta’s             retribution. Whatever the subject matter, form
                                             constructed coastline. Later, Two Islands (2004,    and colour take centre stage. Colour that is
                                             with photographer Graham Cooper) and                broadly executed with vigorous brushstrokes is,
                                             Maltese Landscape (2006) were inspired by           however, often seen to override form. Her art is
                                             natural scenery and atmospheric conditions.         open for viewers’ interpretations but ultimately,
                                             Much of this change came from time spent            all of her works are a mirror of her character and
                                             painting Irish landscape since 2000, whilst based   of her colourful life.
                                             in Clonakilty, West Cork. Her last exhibition

45                                                                                                                                                    46
Inlet Sea                  The late Doriette Gauci Sciortino (1937 - 2017)

     Doriette Gauci Sciortino
     Oil on Canvas              Doriette Gauci Sciortino, a self-taught artist,
                                worked primarily in oils and was an established
     58cm x 39cm
                                qualified interpreter of marine scenes. She was
     Estimate €550 - €750       an active member of Art Club 2000 and The
                                Malta Society of Arts.
                                Doriette organised various exhibitions, such as
                                that held by the National Council of Women, the
                                Valletta Strada Art Festivals and the Gozo Rotary
                                Exhibitions, with outstanding success. She
                                was the organizer at Ir-Razzet tal-Markiz Mallia
                                Tabone, Mosta of the collective exhibitions
                                ‘Diversity in Arts’ 2007, 2008 and 2009. Her
                                first solo exhibition was at The Gallery at the
                                Corinthia Palace Hotel at Attard in 2004 while
                                another exhibition ‘No Limits – Sea and Sky’
                                was held in 2011. Her 2012 Oil Painting ‘Gozo
                                Tranquility’ was chosen by Heritage Malta for
                                ‘This is Malta’ campaign at Harrods in London.

                                Art critics have described her as ‘a good
                                interpreter of marine scenes’ and ‘the very rocks
                                come alive, while her waves crash with all the
                                energy of the real thing’.

47                                                                                  48
Nude Studies                                         Wied iz-Zurrieq Rocks
     Diptych Composition
                                                          Joseph Navarro
     Anna Grima                                           Soft Pastel
     Chalk and Charcoal                                   42cm x 57cm
     93cm x 63cm                                          Estimate €100 - €200
     Estimate €1,350 - €1,550
                                                          Joseph Navarro was born in Mtarfa, Rabat
     Anna Grima studied Art at the Malta School           in 1954 and was brought up in Valletta. He
     of Arts and the Accademia di Belle Arti Pietro       attended primary school at Baviera Boys’ School
     Vannucci, Perugia, and has since exhibited her       and later undertook a Mechanical Engineering
     works nationally and internationally currently       Course at the Technical Institute, Paola. He
     representing Malta in the Summa Artis                joined the Malta Police Force and spent 10 years
     Exhibition at the Berlaymont Building, Brussels.     as the Curator of the Malta Police Museum till
     Interdisciplinary art practices include the Figure   he retired in 2005. Joseph Navarro also attended
     in ink, chalk and charcoal; Illustration in mixed    the School of Arts in Valletta between 1988 and
     media including creative writing, and abstract       1993 and took tuition under Anton Calleja in
     paintings which often suggest spiritual values       modelling and design and under Charles Cassar
     interpreted through the use of beauty, form          in Design and Texture. Joseph put up a first
     and design. Her art includes a philosophical,        personal exhibition of his artworks in 1993 at the
     metaphysical discourse encoded into visual           Fine Arts Museum, Valletta and others at various
     narratives which seek to communicate the             venues in Malta and Gozo. His subjects are
     integration of conscious mind, healing body,         mostly typical Maltese scenery in various media,
     boundless spirit. She holds a Master of Fine         but he specialises in Old School Pen & Ink. His
     Art in Digital Arts degree from the University       works are characterised by a special seal at the
     of Malta and is currently a Visiting Assistant       back of each painting. He is also a collector of
     Lecturer in the Faculty of Media and Knowledge       Victorian memorabilia such as dip pens, pens
     Sciences in the Department of Digital Arts.          and inkwells, amongst others.

49                                                                                                             50
Waves                                                 Bingemma Valley

     Josette Casha                                         Andrew Borg
     Acrylic on Canvas                                     Watercolour on Paper
     58cm x 38cm                                           19cm x 31cm
     Estimate €450 - €550                                  Estimate €500 - €600
     Email                            Email

     Josette Casha was born in 1964 and throughout         Andrew Borg was born in 1964. He is intrigued
     the years, her work as a professional tailor and      by capturing interesting shapes, tonalities and
     fashion designer kept her rooted to art. She has      moods from an off-beat angle and any source
     now completed the full course in her diploma,         of these facets would be enough to tempt him
     followed by a thesis and studies in History of        towards painting; he finds joy in searching for
     Art at the School of Arts, Valletta. She uses         unusual subjects in his travels but all the while
     different media and techniques – specialised in       location seems to be not that important for
     watercolour, different styles and compositions.       Borg, and he takes his pleasure from choosing
     Her paintings comprise a range of subjects from       a well-worked subject and transforming it
     landscape to still life, figurative and portrayals.   through a fascinating angle whether by way
     She has been, and still is, participating in many     of composition, perspective or mood. He has
     collective exhibitions under different local          exhibited in collective and personal exhibitions
     organizations. Her first solo exhibition ARTna        extensively and his work has been featured in
     took place at the Corinthia Palace Hotel in           leading international press. Andrew’s work can
     2016. In another two international exhibitions        be viewed on
     in Siracusa and Cefala’ Diana in Sicily, Josette
     gained achievement in her artwork by placing
     second and meriting the title of Maestro under
     the certificate of ‘Benemerenza Artistica’. Her
     determination is to accomplish, share and
     expose works of art throughout this journey.

51                                                                                                             52
Bighi (from Birgu)                                   Grotto at Wied iz-Zurrieq

     Albert Joseph Caruana                                Ray Parascandolo
     Watercolour on Paper                                 Acrylic on Canvas
     33cm x 42cm                                          50cm x 30cm
     Estimate €600 - €800                                 Estimate €500 - €700
     Email                  Email

     Albert Joseph Caruana was born in Sliema             Ray Parascandalo, born in 1957, started drawing
     in 1928. He underwent early artistic training        at an early age. He was tutored by Harry Alden
     from 1943 to 1945 under Mary Inglott and her         and the late Esprit Barthet at the School of
     husband Anton Inglott. He attended the Malta         Arts (1973-4). Full commitment to his medical
     School of Art during the years 1978 to 1981. His     carrier left him with little time for further
     preferred medium is watercolour, depicting the       artistic development. However, interest in art
     local landscape en plein air. He has participated    was rekindled years later when he decided
     in over one hundred collective exhibitions both      to further his studies in drawing and painting
     locally and abroad, including twice jointly with     under the tuition of Anton Calleja (2000-2008).
     his artist daughter Doranne Alden. He held his       Subsequently, he joined Patrick Dalli’s Art Group
     first and only solo exhibition of watercolours in    in 2009. Ray participated in several collective
     1990 at the N.M.F.A. Valletta. He has published      art exhibitions between 2001 and 2017. His
     several sets of prints depicting folklore subjects   preferred medium is acrylic. Impressionism and
     and other topics related to trades, customs and      figurative art are his favourite.
     other traditions.

53                                                                                                            54
Marsa Harbour Boat Yard                               At Rest

     Frank Ancilleri                                       Francis Gauci
     Acrylic on Canvas                                     Oil on Canvas
     40cm x 40cm                                           52cm x 78.5cm
     Estimate €400 - €500                                  Estimate €650 - €750
     Email                             Email

     Frank Ancilleri was born in Cospicua in 1952.         Francis Gauci is a retired art teacher. His
     He began to show an interest in art and design        favourite techniques are impressionism of
     during his childhood days and took up this field      Maltese scenes and culture. He has taken
     of work at the early age of 17. A graphic artist by   part in various international exhibitions with
     profession, he worked for a number of years with      excellent results. His works were, and still are,
     different local design studios before venturing       being exhibited in various exhibitions including
     on his own. Frank is a well-known local artist on     collective, joint and solo exhibitions, in many
     the stamp collection scene. He has won various        Maltese and foreign museums and other
     stamp design competitions and has designed 16         prominent places.
     different sets of postage stamps for Maltapost.
     Over ten years ago Frank set on fulfilling his
     dream of painting, his favourite subjects being
     the Maltese landscape and local architectural
     scenes using oils and acrylics. He has taken part
     in various collective exhibitions and his works
     are found in private collections, both locally
     and overseas.

55                                                                                                             56
Boats in Marsaxlokk                                Storm on the Water

     Diane Agius Calleja                                Raymond Dominic Agius
     Watercolour                                        Watercolour
     28cm x 30cm                                        60cm x 45cm
     Estimate €450 - €650                               Estimate €450 - €650
     Email                           Email

     Diane Agius Calleja was born in Malta in 1965.     Raymond Dominic Agius is a combination
     She grew up loving the sea, to appreciate the      of artist and engineer. Since retiring from
     outdoors and enjoy walks in the countryside        designing cars, he has returned to his first love:
     during the winter months. Diane studied art        Art. His subjects include portraiture, figurative
     at school as a child but is mostly a self-taught   and historic in all media. The major exhibitions
     artist. She works most media but prefers using     he has held in Malta include ‘Behold the People’
     watercolour pigments. For the past few years       at the Casino Maltese, Valletta (2013); ‘Santa
     Diane has enjoyed working outdoors painting        Maria Convoy’ at the Garrison Church Crypt,
     landscapes, seascapes and rural scenes. She        Valletta (2014); ‘450th Anniversary of the Siege
     participates regularly in collective exhibitions   of Malta’ at St John Cavalier, Valletta (2015);
     in Malta and abroad and exhibits permanently       ‘Let us not forget’, Senglea (2016); ‘Ansacs’ at
     at Qawsalla Frames, St. Julians’s, Don Mesquita    the House of Representatives, Valletta (2017);
     Wine Bar, Mdina and Spirit of Malta Departures     ‘Commemoration of the Pedestal Convoy’ at St
     Hall, Malta International Airport.                 George’s Band Club, Cospicua (2017) and ‘Fid-
                                                        Dell tal-Hitan’ at the House of Representatives,
                                                        Valletta (2018). Raymond’s art is featured in ‘The
                                                        National Portrait Gallery of Malta’ and he has
                                                        also published three books: The Santa Marija
                                                        Convoy (Fate of a Nation) – 2014, The Great
                                                        Siege of Malta 1565 – 2015 and Of Flesh and
                                                        Blood – 2018 (Kite Group Publishers).

57                                                                                                           58
Coming Home in a Grigale                             View from Ta’ Cenc

     Edwin Galea                                          Henry Alamango
     Watercolour                                          Watercolour
     27cm x 17cm                                          54cm x 74cm
     Estimate €1,100 - €1,300                             Estimate €800 - €950
     Email                    Email

     Edwin Galea, son of the artist Chev. Joseph          Henry Alamango is an established popular artist
     Galea from whom he received his artistic             engaged in figurative art depicting landscapes
     formation, was born in Valletta in 1934. Edwin       and coastal scenes in Malta and the island of
     Galea is a full time professional artist who works   Gozo, his new home. His medium is primarily
     exclusively in watercolours. In 1981 he was          watercolours, although at various times he has
     officially listed as a US Navy Combat Artist. His    worked in, or introduced, alternative media such
     collection of paintings depicting the US Navy        as pastels, acrylics, inks and gesso. Much of
     was exhibited throughout the U.S.A. and as a         Henry’s work transmits a serenity enhanced by
     result, the Secretary of the Navy awarded him        the atmospherics that is best-conveyed through
     with the navy’s highest honour – a citation for      watercolour. Indeed he believes that mood
     Meritorious Public Service. Edwin Galea’s works      and colour are the primary emotive drivers that
     can be found in countless private collections        popularise his art. A love of nature and all things
     including those of President Bush and the Royal      Mediterranean has left its mark in his formative
     family, naval museums and his art gallery.           years as an artist. Henry Alamango exhibits
                                                          regularly in solo and collective events in Malta
                                                          and Gozo.

59                                                                                                              60
Green Memories of a Past Valley                     An Afternoon Autumn Sky
                                                         over Tal-Virtu
     Philip Farrugia Randon
     Watercolour                                         John Martin Borg
     51cm x 32cm                                         Watercolour
     Estimate €600 - €750                                57cm x 38cm
                                                         Estimate €850 - €1,000
     Philip Farrugia Randon, Doctor of Laws, is the
     author of circa 20 books on law and art. He is in   John Martin Borg took up watercolour painting
     the process of collating his poems and a large      after graduating in Pharmacy from the University
     number of his articles for a new publication.       of Malta in 1977, exhibiting his first works in
     He has also written children’s stories and is       1979. He is renowned for his maritime pictures
     the creator of Puttinu. With many years of          and atmospheric landscapes. Working mostly on
     experience on television and radio, he was for      location, his watercolours gradually developed
     some time Chairman of the Public Broadcasting       into studies of moods and poetic expressions.
     Services. He was also Chairman of the National      He broke new ground with his abstract and
     Book Council. He sits on the Council of St          religious works, intertwining them seamlessly
     John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation. A Member            together to produce individual distinctive works.
                                                         His work gained recognition both locally and
     of the Order of Merit and a Knight of Malta
                                                         internationally. Locally, his works are found
     (SMOM), he is married to Helen née Tabone
                                                         at the Museum of Contemporary Arts, the
     and has one daughter, Philipa. Very recently he
                                                         Maritime Museum, the Cathedral Museum in
     became a proud ‘nannu’ for the first time.          Mdina, the Presidential Palace at San Anton
                                                         and the National Collection of the Museum of
                                                         Fine Arts. He exhibited internationally in various
                                                         prestigious locations with some of his works
                                                         even permanently exhibited at the WHO centre
                                                         in Geneva, the European Parliament in Brussels,
                                                         the Vatican Collections, the Commonwealth
                                                         Centre and the Royal Collection in London.
61                                                                                                            62
Ghal Pjazza San Nikola                               Valletta Street Scene

     Joseph Casapinta                                     Charles Palmier
     Watercolour                                          Watercolour
     26cm x 36cm                                          43cm x 30cm
     Estimate €400 - €500                                 Estimate €350 - €550
     Email                       Email

     Joseph Casapinta was born in 1965 and his            Charles Palmier was born in Gzira, Malta in
     passion in watercolour painting is a testimony       1950. At a very young age he started showing
     to the great development in the mastery of this      an interest in drawing. He studied at St. Joseph
     medium. Collections of his watercolour paintings     Secondary Technical School in Paola and later
     have been exhibited both locally and abroad.         at the School of Arts in Msida. In 1975 he
     Casapinta successfully shows that the delicate       opened his art studio where he specialised in
     medium of watercolour can be bold, rich and          watercolour paintings and pen and ink drawings.
     dramatic. He is greatly interested in depicting      In his landscape and seascape drawings he likes
     everyday life in a different light, by taking what   to include Maltese characters. Charles also
     is not first noticeable and then bringing it into    loves to paint historic scenes, especially scenes
     focus, giving the viewer a new perception. His       depicting Maltese history. His work is spread in
     watercolour paintings make us understand how         many countries.
     to see beauty and simplicity within complexity.

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