YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography

Page created by Cynthia Norton
YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography

J U LY 2 0 2 0
                             76th Y E A R   O F   P U B L I C A T I O N
Vol. 76 No. 7
YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography
Ramadan Prayer Congregation

Charminar at night during Ramadan
YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography
                    Official Organ of The Federation of Indian Photography
                             Editor in Chief : Hony. Secretary General : FIP
                                                 Editor :
                                              Dr. B.K. Sinha
                                    MFIAP, ESFIAP, Hon. FIP, ARPS, Hon. FICS, FAPU
                                           e-mail :

 JULY 2020                                                                                        Vol. 76     No. 7


















35    SALONS

               Cover Picture : “Charm of Charminar at night”– M.C. SHEKHAR
     Views expressed in this journal are strictly the author's view and FIP may not have the same views.
                                    All images are protected by the © copyright act.
    For any 'Copyright Infringement' the Author concerned shall be solely responsible for the Copyright violation.
    They must obtain prior written permission to use the article/image from the Original Author before sending it
to the Editor in Chief for publication in the Viewfinder and also forward a copy of the Consent to the Editor in Chief.
VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020                                                                                              1
YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography
                                  9A, Arya Kumar Road, Rajendra Nagar, Patna-800 016, Bihar, INDIA
                                            Tel. : +91-612-2667051, +91-98350-21092
PRESIDENT :                                                   WORKING COMMITTEE MEMBERS :
SUSANTA BANERJEE                                              RAM JI VYAS, AFIAP, ESFIP, Hon.FESGSPC
FRPS, MFIAP, ESFIAP, Hon. FCOS, Hon.FPAD,                     Gulab Bhawan, Kabutaron Ka Chawk
Hon. FBPS, Hon. FSoF, Hon. FIP, Hon.FSAP, Hon.FICS            Near Gayatri Mandir, Jodhpur-342 001
AB - 27, Deshbandhu Nagar, Kolkata-700 059                    Mobile : 09829212909
Mobile : 09433002131                                          E-mail :
E-mail :
                                                              C.R. SATHYANARAYANA, EFIAP, ARPS
                                                              Rajaram Silk House, 51 CT Street
                                                              Bangalore - 560 002
                                                              Mobile : 09845013007
9A, Arya Kumar Road, Rajendra Nagar, Patna-800 016            E-mail :
Mobile : 9835021092, E-mail :             ABHIJIT DEY, EFIAP, Hon. FICS, Hon.PESGSPC, Hon.PCA
                                                              57 (44), D Road, Anandapuri, P.O.-N.C. Pukur
VICE PRESIDENT :                                              Barrackpore, Kolkata-700 122 (W.B.)
ADIT AGARWALA                                                 Mobile : 9433812930
EFIAP/b, FRPS, Hon.EFMPA, Hon.PESGSPC, Hon.TPAS               E-mail :
F-604, Nirala Eden Park, Ahinsa Khand-2
                                                              SANTOSH JANA, EFIAP
Indirapuram, Gaziabad-201 014 (U.P.)
                                                              Video Vision, P.O.-Heria, Dist.-Midnapur, Pin-721 430 (W.B.)
Mobile : 9899922510, E-mail :          Mobile : 9733707550
                                                              E-mail :
SUMAN SAHA, EFIAP/s, FFIP                                     LM REPRESENTATIVE TO WC :
B.K. Saha House, 61, Becharam Chatterjee Road                 MS. SUNITA AICH, EFIAP, AFIP
P.o.-Behala, Kolkata, Pin-700 034                             Flat No. 5, 53 A, Tala Park Avenue
Mobile : 9831144551, 9874244551                               Kolkata, West Bengal, Pin-700 037
E-mail : treasurer.                               Mobile : 9432117938
                                                              E-mail :
FIP PUBLIC RELATIONS :                                        SALON OVERALL CONTROL :
Mobile : 9830079787                                           E-mail :
Email :
                                                              FIP MONTHLY CONTESTS
Mobile : 9734084734                                           INTER-CLUB COMPETITION :
Email :                         SAYAN SARKAR, EFIAP, FFIP, Hon.FCOS
GOBINDA CHAKRABORTY, EFIAP, FFIP, FISF, Hon. FICS, Hon. IUP   Mobile : 9432117939 • E-mail :
Mobile : 9163129488                                           Flat T1, Sudhanjali Apartment, Road 7, HB Town
Email :                                     Kolkata, Pin-700 110. India
Mobile : 7980364602                                           MR. MRINAL BANDYOPADHYAYA, EFIAP
Email :                              Mobile : 9433529577, 9831079753
                                                              E-mail :

H. No. 53, Sector 20, HUDA, Sirsa-125 055                     Mobile : 9734084734
Mobile : 9810897668                                           Email :
E-mail : sonabeniwal.
                                                              DIGWAS BELLEMANE, EFIAP, PPSA, EIUP, EFIP, Hon.MoL
STAR RATING / WHO IS WHO / EDAS :                             Mobile : 9449152121
DWAIPAYAN BASU, EFIAP                                         Email :
Shibanipith Lane, Baruipur
                                                              PRAKASH DUDHALKAR, AFIAP
Kolkata-700 144
                                                              Mobile : 9869541966
Mobile : 9831592436
                                                              Email :
E-mail :

    HELPLINE : Mr. Rajiv– 9431063606 (11.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M.) •
   2                                                               VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography
Edit           rial
                          Physicians and photographers
  Dr Maurice Van de Wijer ARPS was a physician and closely associated with
Belgian Football Association. He is credited with the creation of International
Football Federetaion. He was also the leading spirit, first President and the creator
of the modern FIAP. Some doubted his ability as a photographer but according to
one Mr Frank R. Trapre , not in any way associated with FIAP, between 1937-41 Dr
Van de Wijer had 545 International acceptances. In comparison our own legend Mr
J.N. Unwalla had 657 acceptances between 1932 -37.
He founded FIAP in 1950 at Bern, Switzerland where 10 delegates from different
countries participated. The main goal was to foster Worldwide photographic
knowledge from an artistic, educational and scientific point of view, in common
with the principles of UNESCO. The objective being that the Art and Science of
Light should spread to all the countries of the world.
Our own FIP founder Dr G Thomas was a renowned physician of his time and his
legacy carries on ….. … this date.
Friends, it gives me immense pleasure to share with you the good news that this
year four countries have taken FIP recognition for their own salons. Greece, Sri
Lanka, Bangla Desh and Georgia. Thanks to the efforts undertaken by Mr Narendu
Ghosh and others.
This month we are featuring the iconic Charminar of Hyderabad in our ongoing
series on Heritage of India. Mr Avishek das has kindly provided a photo essay on
Amphan and its trails.
Friends, the election process of FIP is well under way. The list of candidates in the
fray will be published in the VF of August with their respective bio data for you to
chose the best candidates.
Long Live FIP


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YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography
                                      M.C. SHEKHAR

                                         Silent Sentinel

The Charminar (lit. "four minarets"),              But all the expansion happened with
constructed in 1591, is a monument and             Charminar, the city's renowned landmark,
mosque located in Hyderabad, Telangana,            as the central point. Though Golconda was
India. The landmark has become known               the seat of power since 1100, infrastructure
globally as a symbol of Hyderabad and is           issues led the king to construct the
listed among the most recognized                   Charminar, from where the city spread out
                                                   in all corners. It is different matter that the
structures in India. Iits iconic monument,
                                                   city is beset with civic problems and is
Charminar, which is synonymous with the city,
                                                   bursting at the seams. Its laid back culture
came under the strobe lights. Unravelling the      is slowly being wiped away with modern
myths surrounding the construction of the 56-      lifestyle and the ills that come with
metre tall edifice.                                development taking over.
Thus wrote the founder of Hyderabad,               Notwithstanding confounding theories
Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah, the fifth                such as the one that Charminar was built to
ruler of Qutub Shahi dynasty. The                  commemorate the eradication of plague or
founder's wish for the city to be filled with      Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah built it for
people as the ocean with fish has come true.       his love Bhagmati who was from the area,
Today Hyderabad is among the six major             historians believe that Hyderabad was
cities in India with a population over a           named after Hyder Mahal, the name
crore.                                             Bhagmati took after getting married to
                                                   king Quli Qutub Shah. Even to this day
Charminar, along with the Qutub Shahi              people debate animatedly on Charminar.
Monuments of Hyderabad: the Golconda
                                                   But all tend to agree on one point that it was
Fort, and the Qutub Shahi Tombs, were
                                                   the monument that gets Hyderabad its
included in the "tentative list" of UNESCO         identity.
World Heritage Site. The Monument was
                                                   The real charm of Charminar, however,
submitted by the Permanent Delegation of
                                                   can be witnessed during the month of
India to UNESCO on September 10, 2010.
                                                   Ramzan when the one km stretch from
  4                                                                    VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography
lace and sherwanis are available. As in all
                                                Indian cities, the one who bargains
                                                unashamedly at bazaars wins and Lad
                                                Bazaar is no different.
                                                How Charminar Survived
                                                Braving the ravages of time and nature's
                                                elements, Charminar still stands tall
                                                though it could have been reduced to a
                                                rubble in 1687 if the Mughal emperor
                                                Aurangazeb had his way as he was on a
                                                mission to blast and destroy all buildings.
                                                During the time of Quli Qutub Shah, who
                                                built the monument in 1591, about 30 to 40
                                                persons used to offer prayers in the masjid,
                                                which is hidden from public view. The
                                                masjid is still intact and the ASI undertakes
                                                minor repairs when needed.

                 Street Vendor
                                                Bomb blasts close to the monument a few
                                                years ago did give Hyderabadis sleepless
Charminar to Mehbook Chowk is at its            nights, but the Charminar survived, yet
mystical best, especially at night. Lad         one more time. There was a time when one
Bazaar comes alive as people from all           of the four minarets fell due to lightning
walks of life make a trip just to soak in the   but was repaired at the cost of Rs. 58,000
atmosphere. The place shimmers during           and again in 1824 it was re-plastered at a
the day and glitters at night. In tiny rooms    cost of Rs. One Lakh.
above bangle shops, workers get busy
                                                What is striking about Charminar is that it
giving final touches to bangles, the sound
                                                was built in record time, just two years, as
from silversmiths pounding thin strips of
                                                compared to a majestic Mecca Masjid, a
silver nearby, naat (hymns) played in the
                                                stone's throw from Charminar, which took
background and the sweet aroma of
haleem beckons. Beyniaz Edulji, a travel        77 years to complete. Charminar has a
writer says, “Strolling down Charminar is       chequered history and has been in the
like taking a lesson in history. The place      spotlight as politicians, historians,
oozes with tradition, culture and history”.     researchers and the curious tourist make a
                                                beeline to it with their own agenda.
What makes the bazaars around                   Politicians of every hue make it to
Charminar special is the colour, glitz and      Charminar to make grandiose
the energy the place espouses. From glass       announcements especially if it is related to
and lacquer bangles, bridal suits, ghungat      the old city and books are still written on
(Veil), mehandi (henna), fabrics                the monument with people from far away
embroidered with zardozi, magic                 countries especially England, USA, Turkey
talismans, exquisite beads and the finest       and other countries make it to Charminar.

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YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography
William Dalrymple, Scotish historian and           get direct and in-direct flights to various
writer got a major chunk of information            destinations from this airport.
about Hyderabad and for his “White                 International flights connect this city with
Mughals” from a dingy book shop in                 Middle East countries. National and
Bazar.                                             international airlines provide regular
Every side of the Charminar is 66 ft with          services.
grand arches facing four streets and at each       Nearest Airport: Rajiv Gandhi
corner stands a minaret approximately 184          International Airport, Hyderabad
feet. The Second floor is out of bounds for        Hyderabad by Railways
public after four suicides over a period of
time. A girl committed suicide by jumping          Hyderabad city consists of three main
from the second floor in early 2000 and            junctions- Hyderabad Railway Station,
both floors were closed. Due to public             Secunderabad Railway Station and
demand now entry to the first floor is             Kachiguda Railway Station which are the
allowed. It is 55 steps to the first floor and     three important points to board trains for
another 150 steps to the top minaret.              different locations. You can get trains to
                                                   different location including Mumbai,
How to Reach Hyderabad                             Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi,
Hyderabad by Air                                   Thiruvananthapuram and Pune. It is also
Hyderabad Airport is about 18 km away              considered as one of the convenient ways
from the city center and is accessible with        regarding how to reach Hyderabad.
various transportation facilities. You can

                                          Jewellery Shop
  6                                                                   VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography
                                        Shivji Joshi

Portfolio is a series of a cohesive images      theme very well, pick up those images
arranged in consistent manner with              which suit best to it. Novelty and
unifying theme presenting the style of          emotion always pay dividend to
an artist. Portfolio should be backed up        participant.
by a rational intent of the artist. The         Commonality with moderate but
meaning of 'Rational Intent' is, that the       considerable variation is the essential
statement of artist should be put in            feature of any kind of portfolio being
such a manner that it justifies effectively     submitted for any purpose. Without
the selection of images based on specific       considerable variation the portfolio
purpose and/or theme. An irrelevant or          becomes boring and loses impact. If
weak statement fails to justify the             variation among images of a given
selection.                                      portfolio is lesser, then it becomes
Purpose is the starting point of any            challenging for photo artist to make it
portfolio. Before selection of images one       strong, interesting, and impressive.
should be well aware about her/his              Greater variation may weaken unifying
purpose of submitting the portfolio.            thread of commonality resulting in
You may submit your portfolio either            weak portfolio with loose and un-
for photographic distinction for                unified images. Suppose you are
national body like FIP or for                   submitting portfolio on studio lighting
international distinctions of institutions      portraiture consisting of 20 images of a
like FIAP, RPS, PSA or for participation        single person for MFIAP or FRPS. In
in theme based photo –contests. While           this situation you have to create 20
applying for photographic distinctions          portraits of single person differing
you have options of different genre and         considerably in postures, emotions and
sub-genre of photography like visual            lighting arrangement to make it
art, art photography, travel, wild life,        impressive. It is not necessary to stick
natural history, portraiture, fashion,          with single subject alone for submitting
street, documentary, photojournalism            a portfolio. There may be variety of
etc,. In order to submit relevant photos,       subject with inherent common thread
you must have proper knowledge of               unifying in unity. One photo artist
different photographic genres. Your             included elephant, monkey, fox, deer,
portfolio should match properly with            eagle, owl, lion and cheetah engaged in
particular photography genre for which          their different activities in his wild life
you are applying. Submission in photo-          portfolio submitted for his SPSA
contests, their theme is main                   distinction. You may select multiple
determining factor of selection of              subjects with multiple activities unified
images. After knowing the nature of
VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020                                                                   7
YEAR OF PUBLICATION JULY 2020 - No. 7 Vol. 76 - Federation of Indian Photography
under single thread of commonality.            effectively. Preparing a portfolio is
Whatever approach you opt whether              essentially as elective process motivated
'unity in diversity' or 'diversity in unity'   by purpose and individual vision of an
your portfolio should be a 'single             artist and a statement of intent helps
cohesive unit of multiple images'              viewer to understand portfolio from
presenting your style with strong              artist's perspective properly.
impact faithfully.                             Interestingly intent works in two ways-
Go Beyond Subjectivity-While picking           1.It connects viewers to artist's work.
images from your stock it is mandatory         Intent helps viewers to understand the
to rise above your likes/dislikes and          given portfolio from artist's
select only those which can go together        perspective.2. Secondly some images
having conformity with the purpose or          may be very strong taken individually
theme. Selected images should be               but fail to fit in unifying thread. In such
excellent qualitatively and technically        situation intent directs artist to be
too.                                           precise and clear in selecting relevant
Statement of Intent is defining the            images and arranging them in unified
work of photo artist making clear the          portfolio. Intent should be a precise
purpose behind it for viewers/jury             answer to 'How' and 'Why'. Unique
members. Intent is a verbal bridge             style and vision is the answer of 'how'
between the artist and viewer                  and a purpose or theme is a proper
narrowing the gap between the two by           justification of 'why'. Remember, a
making portfolio clear and meaningful.         strong portfolio with weak and
Two arguments may be given against             irrelevant intent is likely to snatch
intent-1.Viewer has freedom to                 award or distinction from the hands of
interpret artist's work in his /her own        an artist.
perspective, 2.A picture being itself          Keep statement of intent short, simple
vocal does not need verbal explanation         and to the point explaining your
at all. 'A picture is worth a thousand         vision, your unique style and the
words', so any additional verbal aid is        purpose of portfolio unambiguously.
redundant. This may be true for                Avoid long sentences, complex
individual images. As far as portfolio is      ornamental phrases, verbal jargon
concerned, the importance of intent            which make portfolio obscure to
cannot be minimized as it represents the       understand.
individual philosophy of an artist and         We need to know few more important
also a specific purpose behind the             features required for preparing
preparation of any portfolio. Masters or       portfolio with impact such as quality,
experienced artists do not click               'consistency,' 'cohesiveness', 'start with
randomly; a vision or thought process is       strong-end with strong','sequencing'and
constantly motivating them for what,           'originality & novelty'.
where and how to take pictures
  8                                                              VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
Quality- Select only those images which          serially could be felt gradually. Abrupt
are qualitatively and technically                change produced by misplacing of
superior over others. Under technical            photos breaks the viewing-rhythm
excellence take note of exposure,                causing annoyance in viewer's mind.
sharpness and compositional                      Sequence can be of different type like
excellence.                                      colour, tones, mood etc. Suppose you
Consistency-All the images right from            have images of different colour then put
first to the last one should maintain            first red, then orange, yellow then it's
consistency of quality, of theme and             complementary light blue, deep blue
style of artist. Any odd image                   and purple. With black & white
inconsistent with theme of portfolio or          portfolio put first dark tone, next lighter
style of artist may weaken the force of          dark, grey, light grey and lastly white.
portfolio as a whole.                            In portfolio of mood put the image of
                                                 sadness first, then move to serious face,
Cohesiveness is a quality of images
                                                 to cool and calmness, then smile and
sticking together with commonality and
                                                 ending with happiness. There can be
sequence shaping portfolio into a
                                                 more sequences based on lighting,
coherent whole.
                                                 contrast, movement, composition like
'Start With Strong'-'End With Strong'-           balance, perspective etc.
Though selected all 20 images are
                                                 Originality And Novelty singles out
excellent in quality, it is possible, some
                                                 your portfolio from the herd and
of these may weak in comparison with
                                                 presents it as 'a portfolio with
others. So put strong images at the
                                                 difference'. Such portfolio emerges as
Beginning and at the End to impress
                                                 shining diamond among gems.
viewer/jury psychologically. Let weak
ones fit in middle of both strong ends.          Lastly, before submitting search
                                                 portfolios of successful photo-artists on
Sequencing plays a major role in
                                                 websites of FIAP, RPS, PSA, get
influencing the psychology of viewer by
                                                 inspired by them and prepare your
evoking emotions in them. Sequencing
                                                 portfolios in your own way with
is placing images one after another in
such a way that the change happening

 “Made for each other”                “Light and Shadow”                   “Dramatic Desert”

VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020                                                                          9
EFIP Gold, Platinum and MFIP
                                         Barun Sinha
The candidates for the above should realize that these distinctions are entirely different
than any other offered by FIP. Now the artist is not expected to collect any more
acceptances and awards. There is no competition. Rather it is time to showcase their
artistic worth not by showing 2-3 good images but 10, 15 or 20 images where each image
is coherent to the next without being repetitive. One has to understand the philosophy
of coherence.
The most ardent task is to select 10, 15 or 20 images from your cupboard for the selected
portfolio. At the conception stage itself you have to imagine and execute to achieve
your goal to have the required number of images with uniformity without being
If your presentation is in Portrait then all the images should show different emotions or
character of the same or different persons in different indoor or outdoor lighting
If your chosen subject is birds with kill then all the different birds should either have the
kill in its beak, talon or they all should be in flight. One image with a kill in beak, another
with kill in its talon and the next one flying off with kill is not a coherent portfolio. If you
have a egret flying with a snake then try to get Ibis in flight or Kite or Purple or Grey
Heron in flight with a kill in your portfolio.
You can showpiece different activities of the same species. But 10 – 20 images of a
mating bird or animal ( single species) is a sequence and not a coherence.
Finally you have to write a letter of intent.
      1. A letter of intent which defines the purpose, aims and objects of your work
      2. A cohesive collection of images which meets the goals set in your letter
      3. The work in totality should show the author's vision
      4. High level of technique and technology appropriate to the subject
      5. Aesthetically appropriate body of work
Your hanging plan is also equally important. Your 1st image must start with a bang and
your last image should leave a lasting impression. Though you can mix colour and
Monochrome images in your presentation but it should be done aesthetically. Too
much mixing of landscape and portrait format should be avoided as it imparts a jarring
Aspirants are welcome to submit their work to FIP for advise and assessment prior to
the main event– Hony Secretary General
Good luck to all.
 10                                                                   VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
AMPHAN a Super Cyclonic Storm
        Devastation unprecedented– a photo report
                                   Avishek Das
                               EFIAP /b, EFIP, SSS/r
                       Photo Journalist: SOPA Images Limited

AMPHAN a Super Cyclonic Storm which           powerful than the previous ones in recent
has caused widespread damage in Eastern       times. The major affected areas of West
India, specifically West Bengal and           Bengal are specially South & North 24
Bangladesh on 20th May 2020. AMPHAN           Parganas, Howrah, Kolkata and a part of
is the first tropical cyclone of the 2020     Bangladesh. The estimated damage
which has hit west Bengal with a speed of     reported by West Bengal Government is 1
160 Km/ hr. caused huge destruction of        Lakh Crore after the assessment, however
livelihood and 90 deaths have been            Indian Prime Minister visited West Bengal
reported so far.                              on the very next day after this Cyclone and
Every year Bay of Bengal faced several        announced to release 1000 Crore as
Cyclonic Storm Like Fani, Bulbul Last year,   Advance for Relief Works.
but AMPHAN is recorded as Category 5          The devastation was so powerful that the
Super Cyclonic Storm by Indian                State had to seek help from Army, Disaster
Meteorological Department which is more       Management Team to restore the

VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020                                                                11
Electricity, Water supply Works & clearing    families are displaced during this Super
up numerous uprooted Trees throughout         Cyclone and they need help to restore their
the entire Bengal. Many major parts of the    houses before the Monsoon arrives.
city struggled up to 80 – 100 hours to get    The Photo story shot as the aftermath effect
back their Water & Electricity Supply as      on the early morning of 21st Morning, 2020
reported by Media Houses.                     just after the Cyclone Night. Several
The Remote Bengal is still under process of   Electric polls, numerous uprooted Trees
development as many of the Non-               seen lying on the grounds which Bengal
Government Organisation have stretched        has ever observed after 1833 as per the data
their hands with Relief Materials for these   from Indian Meteorological Department.
suffered people, as per source almost 50000

      National Salons                                                  32
      National Circuits                                  13      =     41 Salons
      International Salons                                             32
      International Circuits                             08      =     24
      Foreign Salons/Circuits with FIP Patronage                       05

 12                                                              VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
Amphan Relief– Chhayapath Calcutta Team

     Malini Dhar Mitra and her friends distributed relief material in Bali Islands on the bank of Bidyadhari river.

                    The super cyclone Amphan left a devastating trail of distruction along its
                    path. Several villages took the brunt of devastation and FIP is proud that
                    several FIP affiliated clubs and individual members pulled up their
                    resources and voluntarily undertook relief work in different parts of the

CL UB               Team Chhayapath, Calcutta under the guidance of Pinaki Ranjan
                    Talukder distributed relief material to Ramkrishna Mission Rudranagar,
    NEWS            Sagardwip, (one of the most affected area) Branch, South 24 Parganas.
                    Our member Rajat Dawn, Arindam Mojumder, Ashim Pandit & Saibal
                    Mondol also undertook similar relief work in the Sundarbans region of
                    West Bengal.
                    Ms Malini Dhar Mitra also visited one of the villages of Sundarban for
                    relief work.
                    –Editor Viewfinder

                                   Amphan Relief to Khanpukur Village (Rajat Dawn Team)

VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020                                                                                                 13
Federation of Indian Photography
                              FIAP Distinctions – 2020
General                           Upto 30th September 2020
We invite all valid FIP members and FIP Corporate Club Members to apply for the AFIAP, EFIAP,
EFIAP LEVELS Distinctions.
2019 FIAP distinction awardees can apply for their next distinction in 2020.
AFIP is mandatory for AFIAP & EFIP/FFIP is mandatory for EFIAP.
Your application must reach the Secretary General of FIP within 30th September 2020 ONLY
through email:
Basic Requirements
1.0. FIAP Photographers Card and FP (FIAP Photographer) Number
       All FIAP Distinction applicants are required to have a myfiap login prior to applying for
Distinctions. When setting up this login you will be allocated a FP number, which is your “FIAP
Photographer” number. Your FP number is your username for future login purposes. FIAP
Distinctions applicants are also required to hold a FIAP Photographers Card prior to applying for
Distinctions. This ID styled card identifies the photographer and includes a photo of them. Once a FP
number and FIAP Photographers card are obtained, they are valid for life. Both the FP number and
the FIAP card number are cited on applications for FIAP skill distinctions.
-      Photographers may access the profile creation page here:
-      The creation of the profile is straightforward, and a tutorial video provided on top of the
       profile creation page (
-      The provided information will remain confidential and limited to FIAP use only, amongst
       others for the card generation and shipping
-      Along with personal information, photographers also need to upload a recent high resolution
       portrait picture of themselves, to be used for FIAP life cards
When creating their profile, photographers must indicate their current distinction(s):
-      If they photographers and/or don't have a distinction yet, they leave this part blank.
-      If they already have distinctions, they enter them in their profile. Note that if they are in the
       process of applying for a new distinction, they must still enter their actual distinction(s) in
       their profile, before the upgrade.
After submitting their profile on
-      Photographers WITHOUT distinctions will be notified by email (check spam filter) that their
       account is active, they will also obtain their username (FP-XXXXXXX) required for login, and
       will be prompted to set their password. They may then login at any time with the provided
       username (FP-XXXXXXX) and personal password on the login page
       ( and order a FIAP life card online. Online payment, card production and
       shipping will be processed via the platform.
-      Photographers WITH distinctions will be notified by email (check spam filter) that their

 14                                                                         VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
account is pending approval. After validation by the FIAP distinction service, they will be
       notified that the account is active, obtain their username and set their password. They may
       then login at any time with the provided username (FP-XXXXXXX) and personal password on
       the login page ( and order a FIAP life card with their actual
       distinction online. Online payment, card production and shipping will be processed via the platform.
1.01 How to order a FIAP Photographers Card
-      To order a FIAP Photographers Card, you must first register/set up a myfiap login as per point
       1.0 above. Having set up your login you can either proceed to order a FIAP Card straight away
       via the applicable menu tab or you can login in at anytime via:
       When applicants order a FIAP Photographer Card the myfiap system will provide the FIAP
       Card Number immediately. Record this number carefully. The FIAP Card number, must be
       placed on your Distinctions application form. As you are given this number immediately, you
       can place it on your Distinctions application immediately. You do not need to wait for the card
       itself to arrive in the post. Follow link for Video tutorial -
2.01. The distinction "Artist FIAP" (AFIAP) is the first artistic distinction that can be obtained. It is
      awarded to photographic artists whose artistic qualities, technique and production of work
      have been acknowledged through their participation in international salons under FIAP
2.02. The candidate for this distinction must:
a)     Have taken part with success in international salons under FIAP Patronage for at least 1 year;
       i.e. his first FIAP-recognised acceptance must have occurred at least 1 year ago.
b)     Have taken part with success in at least 15 international salons under FIAP Patronage in at
       least 8 different countries. In this respect a Circuit is to be considered as a single salon.
c)     Have obtained at least 40 acceptances with at least 15 different works in international salons
       under FIAP Patronage.
d)     Include in his works a minimum of 4 different works, which have each received at least one
       acceptance in “Print” salons under FIAP Patronage.
2.03. Candidates for AFIAP distinction must submit:
a)     A completed application using forms prescribed by FIAP which is available on FIP/FIAP
b)     5 photographic works of the candidate in form of a digital file. All the submitted works must
       have obtained 3 FIAP - recognised acceptances in different salons. In this respect a Circuit is
       considered to be a single salon.
3.1.   The distinction "Excellence FIAP" (EFIAP) is awarded to photographic artists who, apart from
       having excellent techniques, have significant numbers of their works often accepted in many
       international salons under FIAP Patronage

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3.02. The candidate for this distinction must:
a)    Be the holder of the AFIAP distinction. An application for the EFIAP distinction can be made
      not less than 1 year after the award of the AFIAP distinction, based on the date of the diploma.
b)    Have taken part with success in at least 30 international salons under FIAP Patronage in at
      least 20 different countries. In this respect a Circuit is considered to be a single salon.
c)    Have obtained at least 250 acceptances with at least 50 different works in international salons
      under FIAP Patronage.
d)    Include in his works a minimum of 12 different works, which have each received at least one
      acceptance in “Print” salons under FIAP Patronage.
3.03. Candidates for EFIAP distinction must submit:
a)    A completed application using forms prescribed by FIAP which is available on FIP/FIAP
b)    5 photographic works of the candidate in form of a digital file. These works must be different
      and not resemble or be similar to those submitted for his/her AFIAP distinction. All the
      submitted works must have obtained at least 3 FIAP-recognised acceptances in different
      salons and at least 2 works must have obtained an award. These 2 awards must be from
      different countries and a Circuit is considered to be a single salon.
4.01. In order to honour photographic artists who, after having received the EFIAP distinction,
      continue to actively participate in international salons under FIAP Patronage and, by so doing,
      help to promote photography with their new artistic production, FIAP has instituted seven
      additional EFIAP levels.
4.02. The candidate for "EFIAP Levels" Distinctions must:
a)    Be the have been the holder of the EFIAP Distinction (or previous EFIAP Levels Distinction)
      for at least one year from the date of the diploma for that previous distinction
c)    and since the date on the applicant's diploma for the EFIAP Distinction have obtained in total
      at least in international salons under FIAP Patronage:
      For the EFIAP/b 200 acceptances, with 50 different works in 5 different countries
      For the EFIAP/s 300 acceptances, with 100 different works in 10 different countries
      For the EFIAP/g 500 acceptances, with 150 different works in 15 different countries
      For the EFIAP/p 700 acceptances, with 250 different works in 20 different countries
      After the date of being award the EFIAP/p distinction or since 1st January 2015, whichever is
      the later, have obtained:
      For the EFIAP/d1 50 awards with 15 different works in 5 different countries
      For the EFIAP/d2 100 awards with 30 different works in 7 different countries
      For the EFIAP/d3 200 awards with 50 different works in 10 different countries
4.03. The candidate for an "EFIAP Level" distinction must submit:
a)    A completed application using forms prescribed by FIAP which is available on FIP/FIAP
b)    A number of photographs, which have received awards after the date of the EFIAP distinction
      diploma, as indicated here under:
      EFIAP Bronze: 4 photographs awarded in 4 different countries and different salons
 16                                                                       VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
EFIAP Silver: 5 photographs awarded in 5 different countries and different salons
        EFIAP Gold: 6 photographs awarded in 6 different countries and different salons
        EFIAP Platinum: 7 photographs awarded in 7 different countries and different salons
        EFIAP Diamond 1: 5 photographs awarded in 5 different countries and different salons
        EFIAP Diamond 2: 6 photographs awarded in 6 different countries and different salons
        EFIAP Diamond 3: 7 photographs awarded in 7 different countries and different salons
        These photographs must be different and not resemble or be similar to those submitted for
        other distinctions. In this respect a Circuit is considered to be a single salon.
4.04.   In each year only one EFIAP level can be applied for and each level - Bronze, Silver, Gold,
        Platinum, Diamond 1, Diamond 2 or Diamond 3 - must be achieved in this sequential order.
4.05.   Distinctions "EFIAP Levels" and MFIAP are cumulative. An author, who holds these two
        distinctions, can use the initials of both distinctions after his/her name.
5.01.   The distinction "Master Photographer of FIAP" (MFIAP) is awarded to a photographic artist in
        recognition of his/her entire achievements in the field of artistic photography. MFIAP is the
        third step, after AFIAP and EFIAP, in the FIAP distinctions awarded for personal successes in
        photography. The candidate must have been the holder of the EFIAP distinction for at least 3
        years, based on the date of the diploma.
5.02.   The candidate for this distinction must submit:
a)      A complete curriculum vitae using forms prescribed by FIAP. The text should be written in
        one of the official FIAP languages.
b)      A portfolio of 20 images numbered from 1 to 20 (black and white prints or colour prints). The
        prints or support must measure 30 x 40 cm or A3. A portfolio-style of presentation is required.
        The weight of the complete portfolio should not exceed 2 kilograms.
        This collection must be coherent from its conception to its realisation and presentation.
c)      An introductory text that describes the subject and the creative concept of the photographic
        artist. The text must be written in one of the official FIAP languages.
d)      The fee has to be paid to the FIAP Treasurer.
5.03.   A list of acceptances and prizes obtained in international salons under FIAP Patronage is not
        necessary and these will not be taken into consideration when examining the application.
5.04.   Applications for MFIAP (documents of 5.2.) must be sent to the FIAP Distinction Service by
        electronic mail ( ).
5.05.   The works and the CD-ROM (with the digital version of the collection so that FIAP can
        reproduce the works to their original quality in case the original images are deteriorate) must
        be sent to the person responsible for the MFIAP dossiers together with the pages "A" and "B"
        signed and the introductory text.
5.06.   The portfolios will be examined at one of the ordinary meetings of the FIAP Board of Directors.
        The FIAP Board of Directors may call upon the advice of any qualified person.
        The MFIAP distinction is awarded by a simple majority of the members of the FIAP Board of
        Directors. If the MFIAP distinction is not awarded, the candidate will receive a written
        explanation for the rejection.
5.07.   If the portfolio of the author is accepted, it becomes the property of FIAP. The collection of
        works of holders of the MFIAP distinction can be used by FIAP for exhibitions or other events
        for the benefit of FIAP. The digital images of the accepted MFIAP candidate will be published
        on the FIAP Web Site. It must be possible to open this file with Adobe Photoshop software.
-       For more information about payment & procedures contact the FIP Distinctions committee.
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6.01. The distinction "Excellence for Services Rendered" (ESFIAP) is awarded to those persons who
      have given exceptional service over a long period for the benefit of FIAP.
6.02. Holders of the photographic distinctions AFIAP, EFIAP and MFIAP may also be nominated
      for the ESFIAP distinction if they fulfil the criteria.
6.03. Applications for the ESFIAP distinction must comprise a completed dossier with a curriculum
      vitae and a detailed description of the services rendered by the candidate. The application
      should be made with the form prescribed by FIAP. The text must be written in one of the
      official FIAP languages. The application must be send to the FIAP Distinction Service by
      electronic mail (
6.4.   Applications for the ESFIAP distinction are handled free of charge.
6.5.   The applications for ESFIAP are examined by the FIAP Board of Directors at one of its ordinary
7.01. The "Honorary Excellence FIAP" (Hon. EFIAP) distinction is the highest honour the
      International Federation of Photographic Art can award to the holder of the ESFIAP
      distinction. The number of living holders of this distinction is limited to a number set by the
      FIAP Board of Directors.
7.02. The Hon. EFIAP distinction is awarded by the FIAP Board of Directors. A unanimous vote of
      the members of this Board is required.
7.03. Any extraordinary contribution of an international nature to the development of photography
      or of photographic art will be taken into account as will be any exceptional service that has
      contributed to the progress of FIAP.
7.04. The application for a Hon. EFIAP distinction should comprise a complete curriculum vitae
      and a full description of the services that justify the candidacy. A form prescribed by FIAP
      should be used. The application, written in one of the official FIAP languages, should be sent
      to the FIAP Distinction Service by electronic mail (
7.05. Applications for the Hon. EFIAP distinction are handled free of charge.
7.06. The applications for Hon. EFIAP are examined by the FIAP Board of Directors at one of its
      ordinary meetings.
8.     Preparation of Images & Files
a.     AFIAP, EFIAP, EFIAP Levels Images submitted to FIAP with these Distinctions applications
       are sent as Digital files.
b.     Image files must be sized to at least 3600 pixels on the longest dimension and must be JPEG,
       compression 10. Within 4 Mb
8.01. Name of the files.
a.     Images File naming
       UN Code of the Federation (or ILFIAP number) + underscore + First name + underscore +
       Name + underscore + Title of the work + .jpg
       Example: 356_Barun_Sinha_Sunrise.jpg

 18                                                                          VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
b.    Dossier File naming
      UN Code of the Federation (or ILFIAP number) + underscore + First name + underscore +
      Name + underscore + Distinction sought + .xlsx
      Example: 356_Barun_Sinha_EFIAP GOLD.xlsx
9.    List of files to be sent to FIP (AFIAP,EFIAP,EFIAP Levels Only).
a.    Soft copy Duly Filled FIAP Dossier
b.    Digital Images (Proof of the works) as per distinction criteria
c.    Soft copy of Duly filled FIP Form E (Available at FIP Website)
d.    Photo copy of last distinction (Both FIP & FIAP) File Size – 1024px longest size, within 1 MB
f.    Hard copy of the FIAP Dossier Page A & B, with signature on the Page B . (See note below)
Note: The FIP Distinction in charge will provide the PDF format of the Page A & B of the dossier once
the application is verified. Applicants are requested print the same & send to FIP after Signing on
Page B.
1.    For AFIAP/EFIAP/EFIAP Levels, applications NOT to be sent to FIAP directly. FIAP
      Document 011/2016E -8.6. Within reasonable limits national federations have the right to add
      national requirements for the AFIAP and EFIAP distinctions. If the required number
      acceptances are reached, the application for the distinction has to be forwarded to FIAP,
      without any supplementary judging of the works.
2.    When a distinction application is rejected, the applicant must wait for at least one year before
      submitting a new application. If the application of a MFIAP candidate is rejected, the MFIAP
      applicant must wait for at least 3 years before submitting a new application. The candidate
      must send an updated dossier and, if necessary, other photographic works. In all cases of
      rejection, the applicant mustagain pay the application fee. A person may only make a
      maximum of 3 applications for MFIAP
3.    FIAP uses a computer program to cross check the result totals in your application spreadsheet
      against the requirements for that level, e.g. number of salons, number of different images etc.
      FIAP also checks the results cited on applications against the FIAP Database. It is VERY
      important that you are accurate and consistent with all details,(e.g. Spelling, Salon names,
      Country names & Patronage no's). An extra space before a title or spelling, patronage no's
      could be enough for a computer program to tally your form inaccurately. You will need access
      to a computer with Microsoft Excel installed to be able to complete these forms. It is important
      not to use 3rd party software as some corrupt the formatting on these forms
4.    Complete the Dossier A page first. The other pages are coded to auto fill the same details on
      other pages. Do not attempt to alter these details on the other Dossier pages as it is the auto fill
      coding you will modify. Changes to personal details should always be made on Dossier A,
      which will then automatically make the same amendments on the other pages.
5.    DO NOT alter columns, rows, fonts or alter/add any formatting headings
6.    Each judging of a circuit has a different patronage number. Write the correct patronage
      number for each judging of circuits. Don't club all patronage numbers
7.    EFIAP & EFIAP above applicants Select images such that they are not similar in any way to
      those you submitted for previous flap distinction, Similarity is one of the major causes of
      rejection of distinction application.
VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020                                                                                19
8.    Do not add any text in the Patronage no (FIAP No) Column. The format of the patronage no is
9.    Title of the works in the Dossier A & Dossier C must be in the Alphabetical order.
10. Images submitted (the photos you are sending to FIAP) must have the required, minimum
      number of results and awards that applies to the Distinction sought. Where an award is
      required for a submitted image, only list one award for that image, and the country in which is
      was achieved on Dossier A. Choose an award that fulfils the requirements for the specific
11. Do not send anything which is not asked for.
12. Refer the Specimen copy for more clarification. (Available at FIP Website)
AFIAP, EFIAP, EFIAP Levels – 7000/- inclusive of handling charges.
MFIAP - 2000/- handling charges
All these charges are payable to FIP by DD in the favour of 'Federation of Indian Photography'
payable at KOLKATA.
Or online transfer to the below account.
Federation of Indian Photography
A/c No. 50176190112.
IFS code ALLA0211705.
Allahabad Bank, Beadon Street Branch.
For candidates not already possessing FIAP photographers card a fee for of 50 Euro plus postage
from Europe is payable for a photographers card (Life Card). This fee is paid directly to FIAP via the
my FIAP website through PayPal payment system at the time of ordering the card. This is separate to
the Distinctions application fee which is paid via Federation of Indian photography.
Dr. Barun Kumar Sinha, Hony Secretary General
Federation of Indian Photography
9A Arya Kumar Road, Rajendra Nagar, Patna-800 016
Email :
Mobile : 9835021092
FIP Distinctions Committee contacts :
Mobile : 9734084734
E-mail :
Mobile : 9449152121
E-Mail :
Mobile : 9869541966
E-Mail :
Treasurer :
Suman Saha
Mobile : 9831144551, 9874244551
Email :
 20                                                                       VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
Federation of Indian Photography
                      Call for FIP Distinctions – 2020
                               Upto 31st August 2020
• We invite FIP and FIP Corporate Club Members to apply for the AFIP, EFIP, EFIP GOLD,
     EFIP PLATINUM and MFIP Distinctions.
     Our overseas members are entitled to apply for FIP Distinctions like AFIP/ EFIP with Fees
     of USD 100 and directly for EFIP GOLD and onwards, with Fees of USD 150 if already they
     have EFIAP/FPSA/ARPS.
• Your application must reach the Secretary General of FIP within 31st August 2020, ONLY
     through email :
• Candidates who already have ARPS, PPSA or AFIAP can directly apply for EFIP by
     providing proof.
• AFIP: 150 acceptances from FIP recognised International or National Salons with 20
     different works and out of 150 at least 40 must be from FIP recognised NATIONAL Salons.
     Out of 150 acceptances 2 awards should be from FIP recognised National or International
• EFIP : 350 acceptances from FIP recognised International or National Salons with 40
     different works. Out of 350 acceptances 75 must be from FIP recognised NATIONAL
     Salons. Out of 350 acceptances 5 awards should be from FIP recognised National or
     International Salon. You can apply for EFIP after 1 calendar year of AFIP.
For Overseas Applicants, there will be no requirement of acceptances from Indian National
Salons. Rest of the conditions remain same.
You can submit images in any one of the 3 sections - (A) Pictorial Monochrome, (B) Pictorial
Colour & (C) Nature. Photojournalism and Travel images are part of Pictorial.
Evidence in support of application should be 5 in number and can only be sent by digital file
having pixel dimension of 2400px on the longer side at a resolution of 300 dpi and within 2MB.
Image file should be in JPEG & RGB colour mode.
Name of File/Works : FIP/Corporate membership number _ first letter of surname _ first letter
of first name _ title of work . Example - LM692 _ S _ B _ LION ON HILLOCK.
File Name of the dossier: FIP/Corporate membership number_ First Name_ Last Name_
Distinction sought.
Example: LM692_Barun_Sinha _ AFIP
• EFIP GOLD - One can apply after one year of EFIP/FFIP. No new acceptances required. A
     portfolio of 10 digital images with coherence and a statement of intent is required.
• EFIP PLATINUM - One can apply after one year of EFIP GOLD. A portfolio of 15 new
     (other than in Gold) digital images with coherence and a statement of intent is required.
Works must be sent by digital file having pixel dimension of 2400px on the longer side at a
resolution of 300 dpi and within 2MB. Image file should be in JPEG & RGB colour mode.
Name of File/Works : FIP/Corporate membership number _ first letter of surname _ first letter
of first name _ title of work . Example - LM692 _ S _ B _ LION ON HILLOCK.
VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020                                                                     21
File Name of the dossier: FIP/Corporate membership number_ First Name_ Last Name_
Distinction sought.
Example: LM692_Barun_Sinha _ EFIP GOLD
MFIP - One can apply after three years of FFIP or EFIP . A portfolio of 20 new other than
Gold/Platinum digital images with coherence and a statement of intent on dossier B (within 150
words) is required.
File Naming : FIP/Corporate membership number _ first letter of surname _ first letter of first
name _ serial number. Example : LM692 _ S _ B _ 1.
File Name of the dossier: FIP/Corporate membership number_ First Name_ Last Name_
Distinction sought.
Example: LM692_Barun_Sinha _ MFIP.
Jury of 5 senior photographers will decide the outcome. Jury will be looking for excellent
technical quality, pictorial elements, subject handling and strong coherence in the portfolio. In
case of failure, One can apply after ONE year with a handling fee of Rs.1000/-. Failure of 2019
can only apply in 2020.
• ESFIP - This distinction is available to individuals who have rendered distinguished service
    to FIP and not to any individual club. A brief note of contribution and proposed and
    seconded by two life members of FIP is required. No fees and no handling charge.
• ESFIPC - This is available to FIP Corporate clubs who have rendered distinguished services
    to FIP with uninterrupted membership for last 10 years. Proposed and seconded by two
    Corporate Clubs along with brief history and letter in support to be sent to Hon. Secretary
    General. No fees and no handling charge.
FEES : FEES : For AFIP - Rs. 4000/-, EFIP - Rs. 5000/-, EFIP GOLD - Rs. 7000/-, EFIP
Rs. 7000/- and MFIP - Rs. 7500/- Bank Draft payable to Federation of Indian Photography at
Kolkata must reach within 31st August 2020 to following address:
Dr. Barun Kumar Sinha, Hony Secretary General,
Federation of Indian Photography
9A, Arya Kumar Road, Rajendra Nagar, Patna 800016.
Online transfer is allowed to Allahabad Bank, Beadon Street Branch, AC#50176190112, IFS code
Note: We do not accept cheques
Application Requirements.
    1. Dully Filled Dossier (excel form)
    2. Proof of works as per dimensions (2400px, 300DPI, Below 2MB) as per distinction
    3. Self Colour Photo (768px on the longest size,300 DPI) Used for ID Card
Note: EFIP & Above Applicants: To provide proof of previous distinctions if asked for
Contact details for assistance
1. Arnab Chakraborty - 9734084734,
2. Digwas Bellemane - 9449152121,
3. Prakash Dudhalkar - 9869541966,
A FIP recognized Salon is a national Salon as long as it has only FIP recognition.
Participation by Foreigners does NOT change the status of the Salon.
 22                                                                   VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
35th FIP INTER CLUB CONTEST (DIGITAL), 2020 (2020/FIP/132/2020)
Panel of Judges : -
     1. Dr. B. K. SINHA, MFIAP, ARPS, Es.FIAP, Hon.FIP, Hon.FIVAF
     2. Mr. Sudip Roychoudhury, EFIAP, FFIP, Hon.FIVAF, Hon.FICS, AIIPC, Hon. SSS
     3. Ms Sharmali Das, GMPSA, EFIAP
     4. Ms Sona Beniwal, EFIAP, FBPS, FAPU, FFIP, Hon. FSAP, ESFIP
     5. Mr Sudhir Saxena, EFIAP
Calendar :-
Closing Date:- 21.12.2020 Judging Date :- 24 – 29.12.2020
Notification :- 5.01.2021     PDF Catalog & Award dispatch : 12.04.2021
Rules and Regulation : -
1.    This contest is open to every corporate club members (CM) of FIP. Before
      sending entries to this contest it is requested to all the corporate clubs to renew
      their FIP Corporate Membership. While uploading your club entry, please
      mention your corporate membership number with validity date in specific
2.    There are five Sections :
      (A) Monochrome (open)
      (B) Nature (Monochrome / colour)
      (C) Colour (open)
      (D) Photo Journalism (Monochrome/Colour)
      (E) Photo Travel (Monochrome/Colour).
3.    No manipulations are allowed in the Nature, Photo Journalism & Photo Travel
      Sections. Only cropping and enhancement of colour to the original of the
      subjects are allowed.
4.    Each club is entitled to send not more than 20 images. They can send 20 images
      in one particular section or they can send 20 images through different sections
5.    One member of a club can submit a maximum number of four photographs in
6.    Photographs which have already been accepted in the previous FIP Inter Club
      Contests, are not eligible for this contest.
VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020                                                                23
7.    Please mention the TITLE of each and every photographs in specific field.
      Untitled images will not be placed in the judging.
8.    No individual is allowed to send entries through more than one club.
9.    Size and presentation : All works should be uploaded through website in jpg,
      300 dpi, having the larger side of maximum 1920 pixels in case of horizontal
      images and 1080 pixels in case of vertical images. File size should not be larger
      than 2mb.
10. One complete list of entries and the list of members from a club's e-mail should
    be sent to the divisional secretary, mentioning the
      i)   Full name of the authors,
      ii) Titles and corrosponding sections
      iii) The full postal address of the club with correct pin code,
      iv) Corporate membership no. , e-mail address of the club,
      v) Mobile no. Of secretary/ president/ representative, should be included.
11. ENTRY FEE : - Rs.600/- per club.
      Preferred way of payment is – NEFT/Bank Transfer. Allahabad Bank,
      Beadon Street branch, A/c # 50176190112, IFSC Code ALLA0211705,
12. The Best three clubs and the first place winners of each section will be awarded
    Medal along with a Certificate of Merit. In addition to that, there are five
    Certificate of Merits in each section.
13.   Accepted photographs will be considered for the FIP WHO'S WHO & STAR
      RATING purposes.
14. Each participant will receive a PDF catalogue.
15. Prints and slides will not be accepted.
16. CLOSING DATE : 21.12.2020
Divisional Secretary –
Sayan Sarkar, EFIAP, FFIP, Hon. FCOS
Mob – 9432117939 E-mail –

 24                                                              VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020
               The International Federation of Photographic Art

                                                                              INFO 153 / 2020
         hosted by the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)
                     and China Artistic Photography Society
                      in conjunction with Photo Beijing 2020
Photo Beijing, with the auspices of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), is a
large-scale annual photography event sponsored by:
• Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China; and
• Beijing Municipal People's Government; and
undertaken by:
• China Artistic Photography Society;
• China Photographers Association;
• China Photojournalists Society;
• China Picture Group; and
• Beijing Gehua Cultural Development Group Co., Ltd.
Cultural festivals and photographic exhibitions have been successfully held at the Photo Beijing for
seven consecutive years since 2013. This year's 8th edition will be held at the China Millennium
Monument and its sub-exhibition venues from 17-25 October 2020.
An important unit of the Photo Beijing 2020 is the "Belt and Road" thematic photography exhibition
which is hosted by the Federation of International Photographic Art (FIAP) and China Artistic
Photography Society. The theme of this year's special photography exhibition is World Natural
a. Definition
World Natural Heritage refers to the rare and irreplaceable wealth recognized by UNESCO and the
World Heritage Committee. It is a natural landscape with outstanding significance and universal
value recognized by all mankind. As of 2019, a total of 252 natural heritage projects in 107 countries
have been reviewed and approved by UNESCO to be included in the World Natural Heritage List,
including 213 World Natural Heritage and 39 World Cultural and Natural Dual Heritage. These world
natural heritages display unique and wonderful natural scenery, ecosystems, and cherish animal and
plant species everywhere, and are the common treasure of all mankind.
b. Objective
The objective of the World Natural Heritage special photography exhibition is to help raise the
awareness of the protection and inheritance of natural heritage and, using Photo Beijing, to develop
an international exchange and cooperation platform among our societies, professional photography
agencies, curators, and photographers.
a. All professional or amateur photographers, curators, and professional photography agencies
     from around the world are invited to participate in the Exhibition.
b. The Exhibition is divided into 2 categories:
     • Topical subjects in a set of images;
     • Single image;
VIEWFINDER JULY, 2020                                                                             25
You can also read