FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014

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FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014

 Your Global Source
                               January/February 2014
                                     Volume 33 No. 1

Adhesive’s Increasing Role in
HVAC Filtration Efficiency

                      Clean-In-Place Filtration
                      Technology Can Make Refineries
                      Safer and More Productive

                      Smog and Haze Lead to High
                      Demand for Filter Materials in China

                      Testing and Evaluation
                      of Liquid Bag Filters
FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014
FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014
FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014
January/February 2014, Vol. 33, No. 1
                                                                                               Published by
 Editorial Advisory Board                                                                   INTERNATIONAL
 Industry Experts Join Editorial Board                            5                       MEDIA GROUP, INC.
                                                                                      6000 Fairview Road, Suite 1200
                                                                                         Charlotte, NC 28210 USA
                                                                                         Phone: +1-704-552-3708
 In-Place | Filtration                                                                   Email:
 Clean-In-Place Filtration Technology Can Make Refineries Safer,                        Internet:
  More Productive and More Environmentally Sustainable           6                  Carol and Arthur Brown, Founders
                                                                                    Klaas DeWaal, Publisher and CEO
                                                                                  Antoinette DeWaal, Associate Publisher
 Cover Story | Franklin Adhesives & Polymers                                                and Vice President
 The Growing Role of Adhesives in Increasing HVAC
                                                                                        Editorial Department
  Filtration Efficiency                                          12            Ken Norberg, Editor in Chief,
                                                                                    Adrian Wilson, Intl. Correspondent
                                                                                  Chen Nan Yang, China Correspondent
 Filtration | Markets                                                              Editorial Advisory Board, See page 4
 Smog and Haze Lead to High Demand for Filter                                       Administration Department
   Materials in China                                            14              Barbara Ragsdale,

                                                                                      Circulation Department
 Coolant | Filtration                                                             Cherri Jonte,
 Progressive Dilution for Cleaning Metalworking Coolants 18                     Advertising Sales Representatives
                                                                                   Joan Oakley,
 Testing | Liquid Bag Filters                                                    Debra Klupacs,
 Testing and Evaluation of Liquid Bag Filters                    22                              Europe
                                                                                Sabine Dussey,
                                                                                 Martina Kohler,
 Testing | Science                                                              Judy Holland,
 Determining Filter Cut Points and Pore Size Distributions                        Ferruccio Silvera,
  Using Microsphere Standards                              28                                    China
                                                                                 Zhang Xiaohua,
 Gas/Liquid | Separators                                                    Publication Data
 Eaton Gas/Liquid Separator Solves Ineffective Air                          Filtration News (ISSN:1078-4136) is published
                                                                            bi-monthly by International Media Group, Inc.
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                      Cover courtesy of Franklin Adhesives & Polymers       International Filtration News
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                                     2 • February 2014 •
FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014
FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014
Editorial Advisory Board

         Editorial Board Chairman                      Haluk Alper, President               Robert Burkhead
         Edward C. Gregor,                             MyCelx Technologies Corp.            Blue Heaven Technologies
         Chairman                                                                           Tel: 1 502 357 0132
                                                       Tel: 1 770 534 3118
         E.C. Gregor & Assoc. LLC                                                           Cell: 1 502 819 0204
         Tel: 1 803 431 7427                           Fax: 1 770 534 3117                  Email:                                
         M&A, Filtration Media                         Oil Removal – Water and Air          Air Filtration product develop-
                                                                                            ment and performance testing

         Peter S. Cartwright, PE                       Wu Chen                              Peter R. Johnston, PE
         Cartwright Consulting Co.                     The Dow Chemical Company             Tel/Fax: 1 919 942 9092
         Tel: 1 952 854 4911                           Tel: 1 979 238 9943        
         Fax: 1 952 854 6964                                        Test procedures                          Process Filtration (liquid/gas)
         Membranes, RO,                                Equipment and Media

         Jim Joseph                                   Dr. Ernest Mayer                      Robert W. Mcilvaine
         Joseph Marketing                             E. Mayer Filtration                   Tel: 1 847 272 0010
         Tel/Fax: 1 757 565 1549                      Consulting, LLC                       Fax: 1 847 272 9673                  Tel: 1 302 981 8060                   mcilvaine@
         Coolant Filtration                           Fax: 1 302 368 0021         
                                                                                            Mkt. Research & Tech. Analysis

         Henry Nowicki, Ph.D. MBA                      Richard Jacobs                       Katariina Majamaa
         Tel: 1 724 457 6576                           Eaton Corporation                    The Dow Chemical Company
         Fax: 1 724 457 1214                           Tel: 1 732 212 4747                  Tel: 1 952 897 4357                            Email:                               Email:                                  Membrane filtration,
         Activated Carbons Testing,                    Liquid Filtration Technologies       wastewater reuse,
         R&D, Consulting, Training                                                          industrial water treatment

         Dr. Graham Rideal                             Andy Rosol                           Clint Scoble
         Whitehouse Scientific Ltd.                    Global Filtration Products Mgr.      Filter Media Services, LLC
         Tel: +44 1244 33 26 26                        FLSmidth Minerals                    Tel: 1 513 528 0172
         Fax: +44 1244 33 50 98                            Fax: 1 513 624 6993
         rideal@                                       Tel: 1 800 826 6461/1 801 526 2005                      Precoat/Bodyfeed Filter Aids         Fabric Filters , Filter Media,
         Filter and Media Validation                                                        Baghouse Maintenance

         Tony Shucosky                                 Scott P. Yaeger
         Pall Microelectronics                         Filtration and Separation
         Tel: 1 410 252 0800                           Technology LLC
                                                                                            Dr. Bob Baumann
         Fax: 1 410 252 6027                           Tel/Fax: 1 219 324 3786
                                                                                            Advisory Board                        Mobile: 1 805 377 5082
                                                                                            Member Emeritus
         Cartridges, Filter Media,           
         Membranes                                     Membranes, New Techn.

                                       4 • February 2014 •
FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014
Industry Experts Join Editorial Board
  International Filtration News welcomes three new members to their Editorial Board. Together, Katariina Majamaa from
Dow Water & Process Solutions, Richard Jacobs from Eaton Corporation and Robert Burkhead from Blue Heaven Tech-
nologies, brings with them vast expertise from their respective areas.

Katariina Majamaa                                                       Majamaa is currently located in Minneapolis, Minn. She
End User Marketing Manager - Heavy Industry                          joined The Dow Chemical Company in 2007 as a technical
Dow Water & Process Solutions                                        service and development engineer for reverse osmosis,
   Katariina Majamaa is the end user marketing manager at            nanofiltration and ultrafiltration membranes in Rhein-
Dow Water and Process Solutions. She is responsible for de-          muenster, Germany, serving the regional markets of
veloping and implementing short to medium term strategies,           Benelux, Nordic, Baltic, the U.K. and Ireland. She later
on a global basis, for growing value to end users and generate       moved to Tarragona, Spain, to support the expansion of
pull through demand within the heavy industry market seg-            pilot capabilities and the opening of the Tarragona Water
ment with Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration,          Technology Application Center in 2011. Most recently, Ma-
Ion Exchange, and Fine Particle Filtration technologies.             jamaa spent time in Shanghai, China, exploring the needs
   Previously, Majamaa was the global application development        of the greater China market.
leader for Industrial Water & Power Generation and the leader           In Finland, Majamaa earned her Master of Science degree
of the North American Application Development team. Here,            in Chemical Engineering from Helsinki University of Technol-
she was leading technology strategy and new product develop-         ogy. She also recently completed graduate studies with research
ment projects from concept exploration through market launch         in the area of biofouling with Delft University of Technology,
based on identification and assessment of market needs, emerg-       the Netherlands, towards her doctorate in Chemical Engineer-
ing and complementary technologies, products and solutions,          ing. She has more than 10 peer-reviewed scientific publications
as well as developing intellectual property strategy and strategic   and over 30 conference presentations/alternative publications,
external partnerships.                                               and is a certified Six Sigma black belt.                      FN

Richard Jacobs                                                       corporate vice president, supply chain management for Eaton
Liquid Filtration Technologies                                       globally. There he was responsible for a budget of $7B, pur-
Eaton Corporation                                                    chasing products and services from 87 countries. Prior to join-
    As president of Eaton’s Filtration Division, headquartered       ing Eaton, Jacobs was vice president and general manager for
in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, Richard Jacobs oversees a division      Bendix CVS, a former division of Honeywell/Allied Signal, re-
considered a leader in liquid filtration that helps companies        sponsible for a $260M business selling desiccant filters and
improve product quality, increase manufacturing efficiency,          wheel end products. He also served as a corporate director in
protect employees and equipment, and achieve sustainability          Honeywell’s supply chain function. In addition, Jacobs is a
goals. He is responsible for the division’s business operations      graduate of the University of Tennessee Lean Certification Pro-
and performance in worldwide markets with manufacturing              gram as well as a graduate of the Six Sigma Institute.
locations in the U.S., Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Belgium, India           Earlier in his career, Jacobs spent eight years with General
and China as well as its worldwide sales offices in 22 coun-         Electric and is a graduate of GE’s Manufacturing Management
tries. He holds several U.S. Patents in manufacturing liquid         Program. He holds several degrees including a Masters of Indus-
filtration.                                                          trial Management, Bachelors of Science in Mechanical and In-
    Jacobs joined Eaton in 2004 as vice president, supply chain      dustrial Engineering from Clarkson College in Potsdam, New
management for the Fluid Power Group, responsible for a              York, and graduated from the Harvard BMS program and the
spending budget of $2B globally. He was later promoted to            Columbia General Management program.                          FN

Robert Burkhead                                                      tions at AAF International (for 15 years) and the U.S. filtra-
Air Filtration Product Development and Performance Testing           tion business group of Freudenberg Nonwovens (for 10
Blue Heaven Technologies                                             years). In both these positions he was accountable for over-
   Robert Burkhead is president and founder of Blue Heaven           seeing the filtration media/product design and manufactur-
Technologies in Louisville, Kentucky. Blue Heaven is a third         ing as well as laboratory construction and management.
party testing laboratory with a focus on air filter product per-        Burkhead has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical
formance assessment testing. In his capacity at Blue Heaven          Engineering Technology and holds product design awards
over ten years, he has also instructed and trained a wide            and patents for various filtration products. He has been ac-
range of customer’s internal personnel in the technical details      tively involved in ASHRAE technical committee activity for
of air filtration product and market specifics.                      30 years and also remains involved with INDA, AFS, ASTM
   Burkhead has also held engineering management posi-               and Underwriters Laboratory.                                FN

                                       • February 2014 • 5
FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014
In-Place | Filtration

Clean-In-Place Filtration Technology Can
Make Refineries Safer, More Productive
and More Environmentally Sustainable
By Richard Jacobs, President, Eaton’s Filtration Division

                                            Eaton’s ClearAmine™ automatic self-cleaning system helps ensure a
                                            continuous supply of pure amine for the removal of acid gas (H2S and CO2).

          rocessing toxic, corrosive      to both operator safety and overall      “amine units.”

P         and explosive chemicals at
          high temperatures and pres-
sures creates a uniquely hostile and
                                          productivity while reducing a refin-
                                          ery’s carbon footprint and environ-
                                          mental impact.
                                                                                      An amine unit is used to remove
                                                                                   hydrogen sulfide (H 2S) and carbon
                                                                                   dioxide (CO 2) contained in many
dangerous environment. The fact              That is not conjecture. The safety    crude oil feedstocks prior to refining.
that it is safely done every day in re-   enhancement and other benefits of        The process uses an amine, typically
fineries around the world is a tribute    modern, “clean-in-place” filtration      diethanolamine, monoethanolamine
to the skill and expertise of the engi-   systems have been proven in hun-         or methyldiethanolamine (DEA,
neers who design and operate them,        dreds of refineries. The technology is   MEA, MDEA) to remove H 2S and
but there is always room for improve-     widely used in catalyst protection       CO2 from hydrocarbon gases.
ment. Modern filtration technologies      and coking applications and is now          As the amine circulates through
can make a significant contribution       being applied in a growing number of     the process, it picks up contaminants

                                          6 • February 2014 •
FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014
Xinxiang Tiancheng Aviation
                               Purification Equipments Co. Ltd.
                        For airplane                                    For special vehicle

                                                                        For coal machinery
             For ultrafilter

For dust                                                          For fluid cleaning system
of cement

Our company specializes in designing & manufacturing and supplying many kinds of filters,
complete filtrating equipments and their elements with different materials according to your
drawings or new & old samples.

 Xinxiang Tiancheng Aviation Purification Equipments Co. Ltd.

           Chuangye Road No.1, Dvelopment Area, Xinxiang City 453003, Henan
                                       P.R. China
                         Contact Person in China: Mr. Li Minghao
      Tel: +86-13673735086 Fax: +86-373-3520026 Website:
                 Email: •
FILTRATION NEWS January/February 2014
In-Place | Filtration

Pipe scale, rust, iron sulfide, sand and other solids build-up in closed-loop amine systems fouling flash drums, heat exchang-
ers, strippers, re-boilers, and carbon filters. They also attract hydrocarbons, which cause system foaming. Eaton’s Clear-
Amine™ system provides an efficient method of removing harmful solids to protect and extend equipment life, and maximize
amine systems’ effectiveness.

including pipe scale, rust, iron sul-      stream after regeneration. This ulti-         Since clean-in-place filter systems
fide, sand and a variety of other          mately exposes everything upstream         minimize or eliminate the need for
solids. These foul system compo-           of the regenerator to a full load of       operators to open the filter system
nents include flash drums, heat ex-        contaminants.                              during operation, the safety impact is
changers, strippers, re-boilers and           Rich-side filtration is a better so-    obvious. These systems typically use
carbon filters. The amines also at-        lution in terms of protecting the          a backflush and purge cycle with a
tract hydrocarbons, a major cause of       equipment, but opening a cartridge-        backpressure-sensing control. The fil-
system foaming, which reduces              type filter system unnecessarily ex-       ters are installed both as single units
process efficiency.                        poses workers to dangerous and             with a bypass and as multiple banks
   The process is continuous, with         potentially explosive H 2S and other       to provide continuous protection.
the “rich” contaminant-bearing             hazards when changing cartridges.             The enhanced operator safety pro-
amine being regenerated and reused         The cartridges themselves also repre-      vided by a clean-in-place system
as “lean” amine. The most common           sent an inventory expense and must         makes it much more practical than
amine filtration solution today uses       be disposed of as hazardous waste          cartridges to filter the rich amine
cartridge-type filters to remove con-      creating both cost and environmental       side of the process. This can extend
taminants from the lean amine              impact issues.                             the life of costly system components
                                           8 • February 2014 •
In-Place | Filtration
while dramatically reducing operat-        Removing contaminated bags            able and above all safer than ever be-
ing and maintenance costs.              and/or cartridges from the waste         fore is a huge challenge. Fortunately,
   These are not the only benefits. A   stream reduces the gaseous emissions     it is one the filtration industry is
clean-in-place filtration system also   associated with their decomposition      well prepared to help their cus-
can significantly reduce a refinery’s   as well as the associated hazardous      tomers meet.                        FN

environmental impact and carbon         waste landfill fees. Over a ten-year
footprint. Compared to the com-         period, these savings can add up to      For more information contact:
monly used disposable media sys-        nearly a 60 percent cost reduction       Richard Jacobs
tems, an automated clean-in-place       compared to today’s commonly used        Eaton
system dramatically reduces the         disposable media systems.                Tel: 1-732-212-4747
number of bags and/or cartridges that      Making the refineries that fuel our   Email:
must be purchased, inventoried, han-    modern, global society more produc-      Website:
dled and eventually disposed.           tive, more environmentally sustain-

                           Download the entire issue of
                         International Filtration News at

                                        10 • February 2014 •
Cover Story | Franklin Adhesives & Polymers

The Growing Role of Adhesives in Increasing H
By Dan Pikula, Director, Filter Market Development, North America

The FilterFAB 3000 series introduces PVA technologies that act as binders.                The adhesives are sprayed directly onto the filter

       or years, filter manufacturers        in residential and commercial air filters.    FilterFAB PSA takes on far different

F      have relied on adhesives to put
       together various components of
the HVAC filters they make, so as to as-
                                             The series offers adhesive technologies
                                             designed to increase particle entrap-
                                             ment, including one that also functions
                                                                                           roles in the filter manufacturing facility.
                                                                                           As a permanent PSA, this surfactant-sta-
                                                                                           bilized vinyl acrylic adhesive can both
semble the filter media or bond it into a    as a binder. It also includes an adhesive     laminate layers of filter media together
frame or end cap. Now, they are looking      technology developed strictly for use as      and increase particle entrapment.
to this versatile substance to increase      a versatile media binder.                         The FilterFAB 3000 line also in-
performance of the filter media itself.          The company, which also offers a          cludes water-based surfactant-stabilized
   The ability of adhesive to bond filter    wide range of adhesives for many other        polyvinyl acetate emulsions developed
media together or to a frame also en-        filter assembly applications, plans to        as binders to stiffen filter media. The
ables it to capture and hold in place        broaden the FilterFAB 3000 series over        binder is designed to ensure easy pleat-
particles in an air stream during filtra-    time to meet additional filter media          ing and crimping of media and to min-
tion. Atomizers along the production         manufacturer specifications. It also is       imize pore clogging during filtration.
line spray an adhesive formulated            prepared to customize FilterFAB 3000              Filter manufacturers get the best of
specifically to entrap the matter directly   formulations for specific production          both worlds with the final adhesive
on the filter media. The adhesive bol-       equipment, filter media type and man-         technology in the current FilterFAB
sters filtration efficiency throughout       ufacturer requirements.                       line-up – a unique combo-adhesive that
the expected life span of the media.             The initial product in the FilterFAB      fuses the above PSA and polyvinyl ac-
   At least one adhesives manufacturer       3000 series draws on technology used          etate (PVA) technologies to offer the
that serves the filter industry has taken    for pressure sensitive adhesives (PSAs)       dual functionality of enhanced particle
a lead in developing products to meet        – adhesives that typically are coated         entrapment and media binding. A sin-
the growing interest in spray-on adhe-       onto a substrate to make tapes and la-        gle sprayer can simultaneously apply a
sives for improved HVAC filtration effi-     bels. PSAs can either be removable            binder and filtration enhancement PSA,
ciency. Franklin Adhesives & Polymers        (such as painter’s tape), permanent (a        both increasing plant productivity and
recently launched FilterFAB 3000, a se-      label on a prescription bottle) or repo-      end-product performance.
ries of adhesive technologies for media      sitionable (sticky memo paper). The               Despite their ability to provide specific
                                             12 • February 2014 •
HVAC Filtration Efficiency

 media.                                                 This digitally altered photo depicts entrapment of particles.

          solutions to the filter manufacturer, the     ically can be incorporated directly into     both safe for the plant crew to apply
          technologies that comprise the FilterFAB      existing media equipment, without            and for use in residential and commer-
          3000 series share a number of character-      need for additional equipment or reduc-      cial HVAC systems.
          istics that position them to easily meet      tion in productivity. Once sprayed onto         Filter manufacturers continue to
          varied application and production re-         the media, the adhesives set and dry         seek cost-effective, viable methods to
          quirements, offer the convenience of easy     quickly, without significant impact on       increase filtration efficiency. Recent re-
          clean-up in the plant and meet regula-        overall production time. And minimal         search and development in the adhe-
          tions for environmental friendliness.         clean-up requirements can increase pro-      sive laboratories strive to provide them
              First, the adhesives manufacturer         ductivity: The FilterFAB 3000 series         easier and better ways to achieve it. Ad-
          can easily customize key performance          easily cleans up with water when wet,        hesives manufacturers, such as
          characteristics of any of these technolo-     decreasing time required to keep equip-      Franklin Adhesives & Polymers, are
          gies to meet specific application re-         ment clean, free of clogs – and operating    willing to work with filter manufactur-
          quirements. Any of the formulations           smoothly, with minimum downtime or           ers to develop the best way to produce
          can be matched to media type, produc-         unnecessary maintenance costs.               the highest-quality filtration media for
          tion equipment, end use, viscosity, etc.         HVAC filter manufacturers make            a healthy world.                        FN

          Customized adhesives will be tested in        equipment for customers who require
          the lab to ensure ideal performance in        – and value – air purity. Likely, it’s im-
          the actual production facility. Further,      portant both to the manufacturers and                For more information contact:
          the formulations are compatible with a        end-users that products used in the
          wide range of conventional additives,         manufacture of filters follow guidelines       Franklin Adhesives & Polymers
          increasing their versatility and ability to   for environmental friendliness. All Fil-
          meet specific manufacturer needs.             terFAB 3000 adhesives – indeed, all ad-                  Tel: 1-800-877-4583
              As a group, the FilterFAB 3000 ad-        hesives under the FilterFAB brand – are                        Website:
          hesives help filter manufacturers maxi-       formaldehyde-free. “Green” formula-   
          mize filter efficiency at minimal cost        tion ensures that they meet environ-
          and effort. The application process typ-      mental regulatory requirements and are
                                               • February 2014 • 13
Filtration | Markets

Smog and Haze Lead to High
Demand for Filter Materials in China
By Jason Chen, China Correspondent

Smog and haze is not uncommon around industrial hubs in Northern China, leading to a demand for filter materials.

    n the past few months, public        been shrouded for months in thick         ber 2013.

I   concerns over China’s severe air
    pollution forced the government
to take a series of new measures to
                                         smog and haze. In eastern China,
                                         where most of the country’s manufac-
                                         turers are located, the Air Quality
                                                                                      To tackle the hiking air pollution,
                                                                                   the Chinese central government set
                                                                                   up a series of measures late last year,
tackle the ever-growing environmen-      Index (AQI) kept rising during most       including limiting car driving ac-
tal challenges. Production of filtra-    of 2013. An AQI of 0 to 50 is re-         cording to license plate numbers and
tion fibers in the Chinese market will   garded as excellent, 101 to 150 is        phasing out polluted production ca-
be boosted by the new governmental       considered light pollution, and above     pacity. They also included a project
plans and reach 1,5 million tons by      300 is severe pollution. But the AQI      with a total investment of 1,750 bil-
2020, according to industry experts.     in Beijing constantly sat between 400     lion RMB ($290 billion), which aims
                                         or 500 during the entire 2013, and in     to reduce the smog and haze and im-
SMOG AND HAZE                            Shanghai, China’s commercial center,      prove air quality in the country’s
  The market for air filtration is       the AQI even reached 700, a level         three most important economic
booming in China as the country has      deemed “poisonous” in early Decem-        zones by introducing advanced tech-
                                         14 • February 2014 •
nologies, new products, and new             fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants,    such as short life span, low accuracy,
mechanisms during the next five             and      manufacturing      industries.    low abrasion resistance, and wastes
years. These three zones include Bei-       Among these sources, high-tempera-         pollution,” said Sun.
jing circle (Beijing, Tianjin, and          ture waste gases from power plants             Professor Liu Jingxian of the Filter
Hebei Province), Shanghai circle            and manufacturing industries such as       Materials Testing Center (FMTC) of
(Yangtze River Delta Region), and           cement and steel contribute to most        Northeastern University also admit-
Guangzhou circle (Pearl River Delta         of China’s PM2.5 emissions, accord-        ted electrostatic precipitators can’t
Region). This project will also reach       ing to the government.                     catch PM2.5 effectively, though they
the final goal of eliminating all the          Electrostatic precipitators, bag fil-   can catch 99% of the dust. He said
heavy air pollution (AQI 251 to 300)        ters, and electrostatic and bag com-       bag filter had become the main
in China by 2023. Chinese industry          pound filters are used to eliminate        stream in China’s high-temperature
experts expect the investment will          high-temperature waste gases in            filtration efforts.
boost the growth of the country’s fil-      China. But most of the products cur-           According to recent research from
tration industry, especially of those       rently used in China have a low effi-      FMTC, main filter materials cur-
for high-temperature waste gases re-        ciency, according to Sun Maojian,          rently used in China to eliminate
duction.                                    president of the Yantai Tayho Ad-          PM2.5 emissions include:
                                            vanced Materials Co., Ltd. (Tayho).
PM2.5 AND FILTER MATERIALS                     “Electrostatic precipitators (used      FOR COAL-FIRED POWER PLANTS
   In China, the main harmful mate-         by Chinese manufacturers) can only            Currently, more than 80% of
rial in the air is particulate matter 2.5   catch around 60% of the particulate        China’s power consumption is sup-
(PM2.5). With a small diameter of           matters, which diameters are smaller       plied by coal-fired power plants. The
only 2.5 micrometers, a PM2.5               than 10 micrometers. On the other          main filter material in these plants is
spreads through the air and can di-         hand, most of the Chinese companies        polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) needle
rectly enter the human alveoli of           still use traditional materials such as    punched felt. A PPS needle punched
lungs, which can cause severe health        glass fibers as the main materials in      felt filter can catch around 78% of
problems. PM2.5 mainly come from            bag filters, which have problems           the PM2.5 in the waste gases, accord-
Filtration | Markets
ing to the FMTC research. Some filter    filter materials for the cement indus-      this replacement process. Currently
companies use spunlace process to        try include polyimide fibers, also          China’s supplies of aramid fibers are
increase the efficiency. A filter made   known as P84 fibers. China-made             dominate by global brands such as
of spunlaced PPS felt can catch up to    P84 filters can effectively catch           Du Pont and Teijin, and most of the
85% of the PM2.5 in a coal-fired         PM2.5 in the environment of high            Chinese manufacturers prefer to use
power plant.                             temperature, according to a recent re-      the relatively cheaper filter materials
   As the government seeks to            port of the Jiangsu Aoshen Advanced         such as glass fibers.
tighten the PM2.5 emission limit,        Materials Co., Ltd.                             The government’s 1,750-billion-
polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE) mem-            But today most of the Chinese ce-       RMB investment could help Chinese
brane PPS felt will be more widely       ment producers still have dust emis-        manufacturers reduce the aramid
used by power plants. PPS needle         sions of much more than the national        cost. Chinese government subsidizes
punched felt is dipped, laminated, or    standard, which is 10mg per cube            domestic companies for technologi-
coated with PTFE to improve high         meters of gases emissions. This             cal innovation and other efforts that
temperature resistance, corrosion re-    means many cement producers still           fit the government’s plan. The subsi-
sistance, and the ability to catch       don’t use bag filters made of P84           dies could reduce the cost of usage of
small particulate matters. The PTFE-     fibers and other advanced materials         aramid bag filters.
laminated filter material can catch      to reduce gases emission.                       Another possible momentum will
more than 99% of the PM2.5.                                                          be the decrease of aramid prices. As
                                         FOR THE STEEL INDUSTRY                      Chinese aramid fiber manufacturers
FOR CEMENT PLANTS                            In China, more than 90% of the          have started to expand their produc-
   Bag filters have been used in         filtration products in the steel indus-     tion capacity, the prices of aramid
China’s production of cement since       try are bag filters, according to Liu.      fibers are expected to decline, and
early 2000 and have dominated the        Main filter materials include glass         aramid bag filters will have better
market since early 2010. The main        fibers and their composites with            cost performance in the market. Cur-
                                         other fibers such as P84 fibers and         rently, Tayho is China’s largest para-
                                         aramid. Glass fiber-based bag filter        aramid producer, with an annual
                                         can catch up to 97% of the PM2.5            capacity of 1,000 metric tons. China’s
                                         emissions in steel production.              total para-aramid capacity was only
                                                                                     1,500 metric tons by 2013. But the
                                         ARAMID FILTERS                              capacity will reach, respectively,
                                             Comparing to most other prod-           5,000 metric tons in 2015 and 16,000
                                         ucts for high-temperature waste             metric tons in 2020, according to Ye
                                         gases filtration in China, aramid bag       Yongmao, chief consultant of the
                                         filters have better performance, ac-        China Chemical Fibers Association
                                         cording to Sun. He said a bag filter        (CCFA).
                                         made of aramid fibers could catch
                                         98% to 99% of the particulate mat-          FILTRATION FIBERS
                                         ters, with diameters as small as one            In China, the main filtration fibers
                                         micrometer. But currently only 5% of        include polyester, nylon, polypropy-
                                         the filtration products for high-tem-       lene,     polyacrylonitrile,     PTFE,
                                         perature waste gases are made of            aramid, glass fiber, P84, and PPS.
                                         aramid in China. As the governmen-          Polyester fibers account for around
                                         tal efforts to tackle air pollutions will   70% of China’s filter materials con-
                                         force the manufacturers to use more         sumption, but it can’t be used in a
                                         efficient filters, Sun estimated China      high-temperature environment. For
                                         would consume 50,000 metric tons            high-temperature filtration, the main
                                         of aramid fibers for producing new          materials are PTFE, aramid, glass
                                         bag filters to replace the current elec-    fiber, P84, and PPS.
                                         trical precipitators and glass-fiber            China’s production of filtration
                                         bag filters in the next few years. This     products consumed 740,000 metric
                                         would be a billion-dollar market,           tons of fibers in 2012, a 14% growth
                                         said Sun.                                   rate from the 2011 level, according to
                                             But the high cost of aramid fibers      China Nonwovens & Industrial Tex-
                                         will still be the main obstacle to slow     tiles Association (CNITA). CNITA es-
                                         16 • February 2014 •
timates that the annual growth rate       the consumption of PPS fibers.          were good since 2012. On the con-
will continue at double digits in the     Zhang Daming, CEO of China Lu-          trary, China’s PPS fiber sales were
following eight years, which means        mena New Materials Corp. (Lumena)       weak before 2011, while PPS fiber
the country’s consumption of filtra-      expected China’s annual PPS fiber       manufacturers’ operating rate was
tion fibers could overtake 1.5 million    consumption will remain at more         usually below 50%.
metric tons by 2020.                      than 20,000 metric tons in the next        China’s output and consumption of
                                          few years. Lumena is one of China’s     glass fibers reached, respectively, 2.9
   The market of each fiber is de-        largest PPS fiber suppliers, with an    million and 1.7 metric tons in 2012,
scribed in the following:                 annual capacity of 30,000 metric        according to the China Composites In-
                                          tons of PPS resins and 5,000 tons of    dustry Association (CCIA). CCIA es-
   Polyester fiber will continue to be    PPS fibers. Zhang said Lumena had       timated 11% of the domestic glass
the largest sector. China’s consump-      high gross profits and strong bargain   fiber consumption was for industrial
tion of polyester for filtration pur-     power for their PPS fibers, as sales    textiles, including filtration.       FN

poses was about 500,000 metric tons
in 2012. By 2017, the annual con-
sumption of filtration polyester fibers
could reach 760,000 metric tons.

   Aramid will be one of the fastest-
growing sectors. In 2013, more than
60% of China’s annual para-aramid
consumption of around 8,400 metric
tons was imported from the United
States, Japan and Europe. Para-
aramid will remain an average annual
growth rate of around 15% between
2012 and 2020. According to Ye
Yongmao, by 2015 domestic fiber
manufacturers will supply half of
China’s annual para-aramid fiber
consumption of 10,000 metric tons;
by 2020 domestic fiber makers will
supply 80% of the annual para-
aramid consumption of 20,000 met-
ric tons in China.

   PPS fibers will welcome a strong
growth in the next few years. China’s
capacity of PPS resins and PPS fibers
reached, respectively, 30,000 and
20,000 metric tons by middle 2013.
The demands from bag filters in
power plants have started to boost

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       for more news

                                 • February 2014 • 17
Coolant | Filtration

Progressive Dilution for
Cleaning Metalworking Coolants
By James J. Joseph

                                                                Figure 1: Sidearm Sump Cleaning

        ump-side cleaning of metal-          The remove and repair concept is      can be used and the range of possibili-

S       working coolants is growing in
        popularity because of all the
advantages of cleaning at the machine
                                         easy to understand. However, the pro-
                                         gressive dilution concept has many
                                         subtle fundamentals, which influence
                                                                                   ties includes centrifuges, most filter de-
                                                                                   signs and typical separators such as
                                                                                   magnetic, settling and hydrocyclonic.
without all the extra handling. There    its success in cleaning a sump. Many      Of course the selection and size must
are two basic concepts:                  believe that all they have to do is to    be in keeping with the application and
                                         hook up a sidearm cleaning device to a    flow rate.
 •Remove the total volume to a           machine’s sump and let it run for a          The success of the progressive dilu-
  portable cleaning device, which has    short time to clean the fluid; usually    tion cleaning function depends upon
  its own holding tank. Then send the    the quicker the better. However, the      many factors, but the two most impor-
  cleaned fluid back to the sump. This   importance of the cleaning time is a      tant parameters are the efficiency of the
  is a remove, repair and replace        major component to successful per-        cleaning device and turnover rate of the
  maintenance procedure.                 formance. This article explains the nu-   volume in the sump.
                                         ances of progressive dilution.
 •Constantly recirculated a portion of       Figure 1 shows a simple schematic     EFFICIENCY
  the sump’s volume through a            of a sidearm device connected to a            In this industry the term “efficiency”
  portable cleaning device without       sump.                                     is a difficult parameter to measure
  removing the total volume at one           Figure 2 shows a typical bag filter   while a unit is working. A filter’s effi-
  time. This is a progressive dilution   with a pump designed to work as a         ciency changes as it loads with the con-
  procedure.                             sump-side cleaner on a sidearm con-       taminants. Centrifuges have a high and
                                         cept. Almost any transportable device     fairly consistent efficiency but it could
                                         18 • February 2014 •
change when the ratios of solids to liq-          Figure 3 is a family of curves that re-
uids vary. Other separators have a lower       flects the amount of contaminants re-
efficiency, which is also dependent on         maining in the fluid versus time at four
the ratio of solids to liquids.                different device-efficiency levels: less
    All of this is treating the suspended      than 25 percent, 25 to 50 percent, 50 to
material, which can be drawn into the          75 percent, and 75 to 100 percent. The
pump’s suction. Another part of sump           unit for operating interval is one
cleaning is to take the steps to remove        turnover of the reservoir. The title uses
settled and floating material if they can      the term “clarification” to cover all
not be drawn into the feed pump.               cleaning devices regardless of their
                                               mode of operation. These curves are
TURNOVER                                       developed with established models
   Turnover is defined as a point where        from filtration studies on a wide range
the entire volume of liquid passes             of applications. They are prepared to fit
through a cleaning device at its de-           known factors found in typical applica-
signed flow rate. For example, a filter        tions and to compensate for some of
flow rate of ten GPM, working on a             the realities of data collection and in-
tank with 100 gallons, will turn over          terpretation.
the volume every ten minutes.                     The curves are not absolute because
                                               of the many other factors and un-
PROGRESSIVE DILUTION                           knowns which take place during the re-
    Progressive dilution is when a por-        circulation of liquid through a cleaning
tion of the volume of liquid in a sump,        device. They are not really smooth
with a fixed amount of suspended ma-           since most devices will react differently
terial, is continuously recirculated           as the amount of suspended material in
through a cleaning device and returned         the fluid changes in concentration.          Figure 2: A typical bag filter with a
to the tank. As it is recirculated, the just   However, it is possible to use these as      pump designed to work as a sump-side
cleaned portion mixes with the balance         guides to project a feasible performance     cleaner on a sidearm concept.
of the fluid to dilute the concentration
of remaining contaminants. The fluid is
progressively being cleaned as long as
no other contaminates are introduced
during the cleaning period.
    The phenomenon of progressive di-
lution has an axiom that a 100 percent
efficient cleaning device will remove
over 99.9 percent of the original sus-
pended material after the flow rate
through the cleaning device has
achieved seven turnovers. This state-
ment has a direct applicability to actual
practice, but caution is advised to rec-
ognize the practical limits of this think-
ing. There is more on this in the book
Coolant Filtration 2nd Edition- Addi-
tional Technologies.
    Obviously, the 100 percent efficiency
factor is the ultimate accomplishment
and there are few devices, which are
economically justified to achieve this
target. Less efficient devices attempt to
reach the 99.9 percent goal, but they
need more than seven turnovers to ac-
complish the task. Regardless of the ef-
ficiency, the majority of the
contaminants are removed at seven
                                      • February 2014 • 19
Coolant | Filtration
                                          or make flow rate adjustments to achieve better turnover-
                                          rates. Also, it can be seen that a device with low efficiency
                                          could be “acceptable” for an application.

                                          APPLYING PROGRESSIVE DILUTION
                                             Knowing that seven turnovers is a key factor, here are
                                          points to consider:

                                           1. Initial thoughts should be to see what is needed to
                                              approach seven turnovers.
                                           2. A large sump should have a higher flow rate than
                                              a small sump.
                                           3. Time to reach a turnover is an important parameter
                                              for machine downtime.
                                           4. Sump cleaning is intended to extend the fluid’s life;
                                              not keep it totally clean.
                                           5. The machine can operate with some contaminants;
                                              it does once it starts working.
                                           6. Seven turnovers may be too long and not really needed.
                                           7. Time to service the device, as needed, during
                                              the cleaning cycle.
                                           8. Note the different turnovers at a given level of
Figure 3                                      contaminants left in the system.

                       20 • February 2014 •
9. A small increase in flow rate could        If downtime is too long for the ma-              refill with cleaned fluid from the
    make a significant difference in        chine’s production schedule, here are               remote operation.
    turnover rates.                         some options to reduce the time:
10.There are four factors: sump size,                                                       CAUTION
    downtime, device selection and flow      1. Select a higher capacity cleaning              Since progressive dilution is a com-
    rate.                                       device for a flow greater than 20           plex phenomenon, it is important to
                                                GPM. Probably this step is the most         understand that the information offered
   Of the four factors in the progressive       practical; i.e., if bag filters are used,   here is presented in good faith as a
dilution concept, two are fixed: sump           add more bags in parallel. Or, with         guide to understanding the basics of
size and maximum time the machine               centrifuges use a larger unit.              sump cleaning. All factors should be
can be down. The other two, device se-       2. Use the most efficient device               evaluated by everyone involved to
lection and flow rate are flexible within       possible; most of the time a filter or      make sure there are no unknowns,
a reasonable range of options.                  centrifuge is already at the best           which could influence the selections of
                                                level. The filter must be sized for         equipment and time.                   FN

   The following typical scenario re-           the application to avoid frequent
veals some thought processes.                   stopping to change the media.               James J. Joseph is a consultant who has
                                             3. Run it at the number of turnovers           also written the book Coolant Filtration 2nd
   Given:                                       the machine’s downtime can                  Edition, Additional Technologies.
   • Sump capacity of 250 gallons               tolerate and see if the clarity level is
   • Filter selected for 20 GPM and has         acceptable. For example, the curves         For more information contact:
     been properly sized for the                show what can be achieved if 20             Joseph Marketing
     application                                percent left in the system is               120 Richmond Hill Court
   • Turnover every 12.5 minutes                acceptable; 1.5 to 3.3 turnovers.           Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
   • Seven turnovers would have the          4. If none of the above is feasible,           Tel/Fax: 757-565-1549
     machine down for about 1.5 hours           drain the sump, transport the fluid         Email:
                                                to a remote cleaning operation, and

                                   • February 2014 • 21
Testing | Liquid Bag Filters

Testing and Evaluation of Liquid Bag Filters
By Dr. Ernest Mayer
        iquid filter bags are univer-        micron ratings. This paper addresses        of primarily flat sheet media, includ-

L       sally used in a variety of in-
        dustries particularly for
paint, ink jet, chemicals, pigments
                                             how Capillary Flow Porometry
                                             (CFP) and to some extent NIST
                                             Glass Bead challenge testing can be
                                                                                         ing felts. This method was also com-
                                                                                         pared to conventional Capillary Flow
                                                                                         Porometry (CFP) where some inter-
and wastewater filtration. Needle-           used to unambiguously assess mi-            esting correlations were found. Al-
punched felt bags are primarily used,        cron ratings; how actual ISOCTD             most all flat sheet media that were
and a discussion of the needled-felt         challenge testing can be used; and          tested by both NIST glass bead chal-
punched process can be found in var-         how full-scale testing can be done to       lenge testing and CFP showed excel-
ious texts. More rigorous micron-            assess efficiency and life.                 lent comparisons by both Whitehouse
rated media are becoming more                                                            and DuPont’s instruments except for
prevalent today. In addition, multiple       NIST GLASS BEAD CHALLENGE TESTING           needled felts. Apparently, the dry glass
geometries are now offered for                  Glass bead challenge testing with        beads were trapped in the felt depths
greater surface area per individual          NIST certified glass beads was pio-         by static effects, which resulted in er-
bag. Another issue with bag filtration       neered by Whitehouse Scientific in          roneous efficiencies.
(other than simplicity and low cost)         the U.K. and further developed by              As a consequence, a wet method
is the lack of uniformity between            DuPont to provide a rigorous method         had to be used, but then significant
manufacturers and their confusing            to determine the cut-point efficiency       deviations occurred from the dry

* A small 0.1 ft2 Millipore filter holder was challenged with a     based on samples collected for turbidity & particle counting.
200ppm water solution of ISOCTD at stated flux, and both tur-       Note that >70 μm values result because the particle counting
bidity (NTU) and particle counting determined on samples col-       instrument only went up to 70 μm maximum (except for the
lected.                                                             vendor data).
** PMI Capillary Flow Porometer (CFP) values for Bubble             (2) Media life in minutes to 30 psid.
Point (B.Pt.) sizes in microns including the typical B.Pt./1.65     (3) Dirt Holding Capacity (DHC) in grams at end of cycle and
correction for the universal tortuosity factor based on dry         30 psid (expressed as grams/full size #2 bag & based on effi-
media challenge testing.                                            ciency and grams ISOCTD fed over cycle).
(1) The 50 & 98% initial efficiency ratings are listed in microns
                                              22 • February 2014 •
* The used filter bags were soaked in solvent for 24 hours to   lar bags; and the % Decreases (Decr.) calculated, which has
remove residual paint resin; and nine 25mmD. samples were       been shown to be a measure of media blinding.
cut from each bag and evaluated via a PMI Capillary Flow        ** Water Flux (gpm/ft2) obtained on these same 9-25mmD.
Porometer (CFP) for Bubble Point (B.Pt.), Mean Flow Pore        samples by filtration of 0.2 μm filtered DI water at 5 psid
(MFP) size, and Frazier permeability (cfm/ft2). The results     pressure.
were then averaged and compared to new samples from simi-       (1) Average of all four parameter % Decreases.

method. This wet method combined           for these thick needled-felts were still   ISOCTD testing became necessary
with glass bead particle counters          fairly high compared to glass bead ef-     along with some full-scale testing.
proved to be accurate, but CFP results     ficiency values such that actual

                                  • February 2014 • 23
Testing | Liquid Bag Filters

 Figure 1

* Actual plant tests were conducted with the various bag         pairs collected depending on bag life and averaged).
media evaluated in a 4-around Size #2 Pall vessel at a con-      *** Approximate filter area for the 4 bags tested;
stant 150 gpm flow which translates into the normal ~11          (1) Terminal ΔP depending on plant operation and/or bag
gpm/ft2 flux for 4 standard Size #2 bags (as well as for the     limitation;
molded BOSG bags); and ~2.5 gpm/ft2 for the ~60 ft2              (2) Bag life in minutes to 30 psid.
pleated bags.                                                    (3) Dirt Holding Capacity (DHC) in grams at end of cycle at
** Turbidities determined on collected influent and effluent     30 psid (based on actual grams contained in bag by weighing
samples across the bag filter, and averages over the entire      dry dirty bag – new bag weight).
bag life to terminal ΔP, (i.e., at least 7 and up to 28 sample
                                             24 • February 2014 •
SMALL-SCALE FLAT-SHEET BAG MEDIA            not shown here). Note that both of      dle-punched felt bag in another test at
    Table I details a few tests with typ-   these two bags were tested on the       equivalent filtrate quality. Note that this
ical bag filter media challenged with       same tank of resin to terminal DP so    test wasn’t taken to completion (e.g., 30
ISOCTD at a nominal 8 gpm/ft2 bag           the comparison would be valid. It is    psid) because the batch ran out. Nev-
filter flux and shows:                      believed that this lower blinding of    ertheless, the 9097/9096 bag showed
                                            the DuPont spunlaced media is due to    about a 13.7 psig DP compared to
   • Standard P050 felt has higher          greater uniformity and the absence of   about 18.9 psig for the PE25 bag; and
CFP values compared to DuPont’s             needle-punched holes.                   the 9097/9096 bag has even lower MFP
9096 and 9097 and a poor >70 μ m                                                    and B.Pt. suggesting better filtration.
98% ISOCTD efficiency, but reason-             • The 9097/9096 bag also opens up
able life and 101 g DHC (corrected to       less than the corresponding PE25 nee-      • Both spunlaced bag media
a Size #2 bag area, which agrees very
well with actual plant tests – see
Table III).

   • A vendor test of P050 results in a
125 μm 98% efficiency, which agrees
very well with the CFP B.Pt./1.65
value, albeit they used a somewhat
higher 12 gpm/ft2 flux. However,
their life was somewhat shorter at 100
mins; and DHC also lower at 92 g
(which could be attributed to the
higher flux). The lower DHC could
also be attributed to slightly higher
ISOCTD ppm loading used (i.e., see
plant evaluations in Tables III & IV)
   • Both DuPont 9096 & 9097
media exhibit lower DHCs (except
perhaps for 9097, which has similar
93 g DHC to the 101; 92 DHCs to
P050), but both are significantly
more efficient (i.e., 86 μm and 70 μm
98% efficiencies).

   Thus, these small-scale 0.1 ft2
ISOCTD challenge tests demonstrated
that P050 has reasonable life and DHC
but poor 125-150 μm 98% efficiency;
that DuPont’s new 9096 felt media has
much better 86 μm 98% efficiency but
poor life and DHC; and that 9097 has
some potential since its life and DHC
are similar to P050, but at much better
70 μm 98% efficiency.

   Table II (and Figure 1) details the
~110°C resin filtration trials with ac-
tual size #1 bags; and shows:

   • The 9097/9096 dual-layer bag
blinds much less than the correspon-
ding PE10 bag with low DP increase
(see Fig. 1) and equivalent filtrate
quality (as indicated by plant grit tests
                                   • February 2014 • 25
Testing | Liquid Bag Filters

* Actual plant tests were conducted with the various bag          pairs collected depending on bag life and averaged).
media evaluated in a 4-around Size #2 Pall vessel at a con-       *** Approximate filter area for the 4 bags tested.
stant 150 gpm flow, which translates into the normal ~11          (1) Terminal ΔP depending on plant operation and/or bag
gpm/ft2 flux for 4 standard Size #2 bags (as well as for the      limitation.
molded BOSG bags); and ~2.5 gpm/ft2 for the ~60 ft2               (2) Bag life in minutes to 30 psid.
pleated bags.                                                     (3) Dirt Holding Capacity (DHC) in grams at end of cycle at
** Turbidities determined on collected influent and effluent      30 psid (based on actual grams contained in bag by weigh-
samples across the bag filter, and averages over the entire       ing dry dirty bag – new bag weight).
bag life to terminal ΔP, (i.e., at least 7 and up to 28 sample

showed less blinding after water flux tests   a short 1:15 life but a similar 100g      1.5 psid before the tests had to be ter-
were conducted on dried used bags (after      DHC compared to the small-scale           minated. Even so, their performance
solvent soaking overnight to remove en-       ISOCTD challenge tests (Table I), but     merited further study because of their
trapped resin) compared to new bag            poor 25% NTU efficiency under ab-         higher efficiencies and DHCs that
media, (i.e., 15 vs. 28% for 9097/9096        normal operating conditions, (i.e.,       simply could not be accounted for by
spunlaced vs. PE10; and -7 vs. 5% for         high inlet feed turbidity).               the area increase.
9097/9096 spunlaced vs. PE25.).
                                                 • DuPont’s 9096 and 9097 bags ex-         • FSI’s new B0SG bags also have
   Thus, these actual plant paint resin       hibited higher efficiencies, longer       merit due to much longer 9-hour life,
trials demonstrated the superiority of        lives, but lower DHCs. However,           increased DHC, and improved 35% ef-
the new spunlaced media compared to           9097’s DHC was reasonably close to        ficiency (vs. 25% for P050).
typical needle-punched liquid felts.          that of P050, (i.e., 92 vs. 100g); thus
                                              9097 bags are worthy of further con-         Thus, these full-scale bag tests
PLANT FULL-SCALE 4-AROUND SIZE                sideration.                               demonstrated that 9097 bags com-
   Table III details a series of full-scale                                             pare quite favorably to P050 bags
plant tests with their 150 gpm waste-            • Pleated 9096 and 9097 bags have      (i.e., longer life and similar ~100g
water stream (flux ~11 gpm/ft2) using         significantly longer lives and higher     DHC, at higher efficiency); that a
four (4) Size #2 bags, and shows:             efficiencies and DHCs than the stan-      pleated 9097 bag of ~60 ft2 area has
                                              dard P050 bags. Note that operating       much longer life at higher efficiency
   • The standard P050 bag exhibited          problems limited the DPs to 0.6 and       and DHC; and that FSI’s new molded
                                              26 • February 2014 •
B0SG depth bags also have signifi-        ciency. However, the 9097 inlet feed        SUMMARY
cant merit.                               turbidity was even higher (5.3 vs. 3.9         The extensive bag filter trials con-
                                          NTU), which could explain the               ducted here both with ISOCTD chal-
FINAL PLANT FULL-SCALE 4-AROUND           shorter life.                               lenge and full-scale plant tests
   Table IV details the final round of                                                demonstrated that Capillary Flow
4-around bag trials with similar bags        • The B0SG bags exhibited a very         Porometry (CFP) analysis can predict
(except that insufficient 9097 media      long 7:25 life, an excellent 72% effi-      bag filter media efficiencies (or mi-
was available to make pleated bags so     ciency, and good DHC despite the            cron ratings) such that ambiguous
a similar 80 gsm spunlaced media          fact that they had similar area as the      vendor ratings can be compared. In
was substituted); and that all bags       P050 bags.                                  addition, full-scale tests must be done
were run to terminal DP. Basically,                                                   to validate ISOCTD tests since effi-
Table IV shows                                • The DuPont 80 gsm pleated bags        ciencies and DHCs can vary signifi-
                                          (60 ft2 area) exhibited an even longer      cantly depending on the particular
   • The standard P050 bags exhibit a     9:30 life at even higher 78% NTU ef-        application. Furthermore, the test
slightly shorter 3:15 life, a similar     ficiency, and an excellent 675g DHC.        program here demonstrated the via-
28% efficiency and 100g DHC like          This very high DHC cannot be ac-            bility of pleated and molded-depth
previously, but a much lower 1:32 life    counted for by the increased area,          bags for increased efficiencies at much
and 68g DHC (but higher 46% NTU           [i.e., 60/14 x (68-100) = 292-429g vs.      longer lives and DHCs.                FN

efficiency) at upset conditions of high   674g actually removed]; hence, these
inlet feed turbidity.                     pleated 80 gsm bags have significant        For more information contact:
                                          merit for this application.                 Dr. Ernest Mayer
    • Under similar upset conditions,                                                 E. Mayer Filtration Consulting, LLC
the 9096 bags exhibit much shorter           Thus, these final full-scale bag tests   Tel: 1-302-981-8060
life and lower DHC even though its        demonstrated the utility of pleated and     Fax: 1-302-368-0021
NTU efficiency was 55%. On the other      molded depth bags for extended life, in-    Email:
hand, the 9097 bags have similar life     creased DHC, and increased efficiency
at lower DHC but increased 49% effi-      with much less operator changeouts.

                                 • February 2014 • 27
Testing | Science
Determining Filter Cut Points and Pore Size
Distributions Using Microsphere Standards
By Dr. Graham Rideal and Abi Stewart, Whitehouse Scientific Ltd., Chester, U.K.

           orometry is probably the most

P          well known method of meas-
           uring pore size distribution.
This involves using air pressure to
expel a wetting liquid from the pores of
a filter. When the gas pressure is ap-
plied, large pores offer less resistance
and so are cleared first.
    The appearance of the first bubble
(the “Bubble Point”) reflects the largest
pore size but different instruments use
different methods of detection. For ex-
ample, in the Coulter Porometer, incre-
mental “bands” of pressure are applied
and the fixed band within, which the
bubble first appears, is used for the cal-
culations of maximum pore size. There
therefore tends to be very good instru-
ment-to-instrument agreement.
    In other instruments, there is a con-
tinuous increase in pressure and a par-
allel measure of flow. Deviations from
a linear pressure/flow relationship are
theoretically more precise but the diffi-
culty here is defining the exact position
of the divergence. In simple terms, how
much must the bubble be inflated be-
fore it is deemed significant?
    The exact determination of the Bub-
ble Point, and from it, the maximum
pore size is critical as it is the bench-
mark from which the pore size distri-
bution is calculated. As the pressure on
the wetted filter is increased, interpola-
tion of the pressure versus flow rate can       This method has the advantage that       ical standards, where particle shape is
then be used to determine the pore size      the particles can be reference to the In-   not an issue. Filter cut points and pore
distribution.                                ternational Metre, for example through      size distributions can now be deter-
    The alternative method of measur-        the NIST (National Institute for Stan-      mined, even into the sub-micron re-
ing filter cut points (a defined “maxi-      dards and Technology, USA). However,        gion. Results will be presented for flat
mum”, pore size) and pore size               a disadvantage is that particle-sizing      sheet filter media and also 3-dimen-
distribution is the Challenge Test. In       techniques are dependent on the             sional small-scale filter elements.
this method, a range of particles, either    method of analysis where particles are
as solids or liquids (aerosols) are pre-     non-spherical.                              THE CHALLENGE TEST PARTICLES
sented to the filter and the particle size      This work reviews the latest tech-          Challenge test particles come in a
of the penetrating particles measured.       niques of challenge testing using spher-    range of sizes and shapes, but Figure 1
                                             28 • February 2014 •
You can also read