February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...

Page created by Juanita Morales
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...

        February 24-26
          Make the Right
          Choice for You:
        In-Person or Virtual
          (See Page 2 for more details)
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...
W     hen we think about TEAM, we think about each and every one of you who help to make up this wonderful
      organization. Wikipedia defines team as a group of individuals who are dependent on one another to work
as a whole to achieve a goal. There is no doubt that we are dependent on our members, leaders, lobbyists and
support staff. It is cliché that no reputable organization can exist without its members but most importantly an                       Early Bird Rates
organization cannot be successful without teamwork. KSHA’s goal has always been to support the professions                              Available Until
of audiology and speech-language pathology in the Commonwealth. This past year has personified that this goal
cannot be accomplished without tremendous grit, determination, love and teamwork. KSHA thanks you for your                             January 20, 2021
kindred spirit and support.
Now, more than ever, it is critical we continue to work together as a team, as essential health care providers,
researchers and educators to provide high quality outcomes for all of those impacted by communication
No one could have ever predicted we would be living and working through a global pandemic. COVID-19 has no doubt challenged us personally,
professionally, mentally, socially and physically. It has truly had an impact on everyone. However, we are bound and determined to show our
resilience as an organization to work together as a team to continue to serve our members and to provide you the support you deserve.
It has made us think outside the box resulting in creative and innovative ways to provide care to our patients, to teach the new generation of
students, to sustain research endeavors and to provide continuing education events such as this year’s Convention.
COVID-19 has definitely illustrated how important and essential audiologists and speech-language pathologists are in our various work settings.
Each and every one of us have been pushed to the limits and had to adapt on a daily basis. With face masks, face shields, teletherapy,
furloughs and the temporary closing of many of our workplaces, we have had to find a way to continue forward with a sense of grace,
diligence and the power of flexibility.
This year’s Convention will no doubt look different than ever before but thanks to your commitment, adaptability, flexibility, creativity and
teamwork, it will continue to be an event that provides opportunities for high-quality continuing education and networking, albeit if it is in-
person, virtual or a combination of each.
We are excited to have a past president of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Shari Robertson, as our keynote speaker.
She will kick off this year’s Convention by highlighting the importance of teamwork within the professions of audiology and speech-
language pathology. You will also not want to miss our luncheon speaker, Kentucky’s own Joel Katte, who will discuss the need for love and
compassion in our profession and beyond.
Our general sessions will include hot topics such as telehealth, advocacy, apraxia, early intervention, pediatric feeding, COVID and
dysphagia, dementia, hands-on voice therapy and trauma informed care.
We are humbled and excited to be able to have this year’s Convention and we look forward to seeing each of you whether in-person or
virtually. We are proud to be a part of this organization and proud to be #TeamKSHA. Thank you for all that you do to support our beloved
professions and thank you for being a part of this tremendous team.
                      Your Chairs,
                      Tommy Evans and Leigh Anne Roden
                      Convention Co-Directors

                                               New Session Formats for 2021
                                               Make the Right Choice for You!
 Presenter Format Indicator:                PIP = Presenter In Person                     PIV = Presenter Is Virtual   R = Presenter Will Be Recorded

To accommodate the comfort level of all of our participants, KSHA will be offering a hybrid Convention model for 2021. All sessions will be
offered for virtual viewing while in-person attendees enjoy the same session with a live presenter or watch a virtual presenter. Each session
is marked with a format indicator to help guide you through making the right choice for you!

 PIP      Presenter In Person:
          In-person attendees will join the presenter in a pre-selected session room. Virtual Viewing Pass participants, will watch from a
          location of their choice.
 PIV      Presenter Is Virtual:
          This session will be available to in-person attendees and Virtual Viewing Pass participants. In-person attendees will watch the
          presenter on-screen in a pre-selected session room while our Virtual Viewing Pass participants watch from the location of their
 R        Presenter Will Be Recorded:
          For those not able to view the following sessions during their live /virtual presentation, all participants will be provided with a
          link to watch the recorded version within five days of receiving the link. You will report your participation with your other session
          attendance. (Sessions 5, 12, 13, 14, 53)

Disclaimer: All session and presenter formats are subject to change. We recommend monitoring the KSHA website, www.ksha.info, for updated

2       K E N T U C K Y S P E E C H - L A N G UAG E - H E A R I N G AS S O C I AT I O N
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...
                                                                              February 24-26 | Louisville, Kentucky
                             Register online at www.ksha.info! Early Registration Deadline is January 20, 2021
                         KSHA Member Number_____________________________________                                        Opt Out of Networking Features
                         						                                                                                         Do NOT include my contact information (name, email, cell) on the
                          SLP  AUD  OT  PT			                                                                       following:   Pathfinder Search     Vendor Participant List

                         Alma Mater____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                         Name (preferred for badge)______________________________________________________________________________________________
                         Attendee Email (required for online CE reporting)___________________________________________________________________________
                         City_______________________________________________________ State___________________________ Zip________________________
                         Phone (Work)_______________________________________________ (Cell)______________________________________________________
                         SPECIAL REQUESTS/NEEDS: KSHA honors special meal requests that are related to allergy needs. Special requests due to personal choice and religion are considered,
                         based on KSHA’s availability to provide the meal at the same expense as the planned meal. All requests must be indicated at the time of registration for a special meal. A
                         card will be provided in your registration packet and is required for a special meal. A special meal cannot be requested without a card. Attendees will be notified prior to the
                         event if their request cannot be honored.
                         For meal functions, I request:  Regular  Gluten-Free  Dairy-Free  Vegetarian/Vegan
                         Additional Special Needs:________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                     CONVENTION REGISTRATION FEES                                                                              MEMBERSHIP RATES
   *In order to qualify for member rate, you must be a 2021 KSHA member                                                             For explanation of rates, visit www.ksha.info.
                                                    Early Registration                           Insert                                      Associate/
                                                                              After                                   Full Member                               Recent Graduate      Student Member
                                                      On or Before                              Amount                                     SLPA Member
                                                         1/20/21                                  Due
                                                                                                                          $50                   $40                    $35              No Charge
     Membership Fees – Renew or join by including your payment                                                      Master’s Degree      Bachelor’s Degree      Graduated within         Full-Time
                                                                                                                       or higher           or in the field        the last year       9 Hrs./Semester
     Yes  Renew my membership  Joining today                                              $
     Review the membership table to select the right level for you.

     Full Convention Registration (In-Person)                                                                      SELECT METHOD OF PAYMENT:
     *KSHA Member/                                            $165               $210       $
     Reciprocal (OH, IN, TN)                                                                                      • Register online with a credit card at www.ksha.info
     Non-Member                                               $295               $340       $                     • Email to kshaoffice@ksha.info
     *Student Member                                           $30                $40       $                     • Fax to 888-729-3489
     Student Non-Member                                        $40                $50       $
                                                                                                                  • Mail
                                                                                                                      Send completed registration form with check or credit card
     Single Day Registration (In-Person)                                                                              information (checks payable to KSHA):
     *KSHA Member/                                             $90               $135       $                            KSHA
     Reciprocal (OH, IN, TN)                                                                                             838 East High Street, Suite 263
     Non-Member                                               $175               $220       $
                                                                                                                         Lexington, KY 40502
                                                                                                                  • Purchase Order (Registrations not accepted without purchase order.)
     *Student Member                                           $20                $30       $
                                                                                                                      - Fax purchase order and registration form to 888-729-3489
     Student Non-Member                                        $25                $35       $                         - Email to kshaoffice@ksha.info
     Virtual Viewing Pass                                                                                         • Credit Card
                                                                                                                       Visa       MasterCard         Discover     AMEX
     Members                                                  $125               $170       $
     Reciprocal (Nationwide)
     Non-Members                                              $255               $300       $                             Signature                                               EXPIRATION DATE
     Student Member                                            $20                $30       $
                                                                                                                         CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT NUMBER
     Student Non-Member                                        $30                $40       $
     Luncheon Options (Pre-registrations required)
     •                 Awards Luncheon (Friday) - Cost: $20                                 $                      Cancellations: A refund less $25 processing fee will be issued if the
     Foundation Donation                                                                    $                      KSHA Office is notified in writing by February 10, 2021.
                                                                             TOTAL DUE      $

                           Please indicate which sessions you are likely to attend.

                           Wednesday Sessions                     Thursday Sessions                                                                Friday Sessions
                           1            8                        14          21     28       35                                               41        47             53          59
                           2            9                        15          22     29       36                                               42        48             54          60
                           3             10                      16          23     30       37                                               43        49             55          61
                           4             11                      17          24     31       38                                               44        50             56          62
                           5             12                      18          25     32       39                                               45        51             57          63
                           6             13                      19          26     33       40                                               46        52             58          64
                           7                                      20          27     34
                                                                   Tailgate  Golden Brain Competition
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...

        BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND                                                                        STUDENT SESSIONS

Spirit Day and Tailgate | Thursday                                                                               Session 32
Wear your college gear on Thursday to show your support                                             The President’s Student Session
for your favorite university team competing in the Gold                                               Thursday, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Brain Competition! Join us for a fun tailgate party Thursday
                                                                                                      Presented by KSHA President
immediately following sessions. Wear your college gear and join
us for games, fun and a bit of competitive razzing!                                                Bethany Berry, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
                                                                                        This student session will facilitate growth-oriented career
Empowerment Zone                                                                        planning. The session is designed to support new graduates’
Experience Empowerment of Your Association
                                                                                        transition to professional settings by helping students develop
Join us at the KSHA Empowerment Zone* to learn more
about (and experience) the value of your membership.                                    awareness of their skills and a sense of confidence as they
                                                                                        prepare for clinical jobs and beyond.
• Learn about advocacy from members of Kentucky’s Advocacy
                                                                                                                 Session 40
• Interact with executive council members                                                             Training for Team KSHA!
• Find your path to power by:                                                                       Thursday, 3:15 pm – 4:45 pm
  99 Learning about advocacy efforts                                                         Presented by Jade Robinson, PhD, CCC-SLP
  99 Finding out how you can connect with your local legislator
     to make a difference                                                               As a student, you’ve been training hard to become a speech-
  99 Creating a personalized message for your legislator                                language pathologist or audiologist. But, your professional
                                                                                        growth is never really done. This session will help you see the
                                                                                        benefits of continuous effort to grow as a clinician. Becoming
                                                                                        a professional and a member of Team KSHA will require
                       NEW THIS YEAR                                                    flexibility, strength and endurance. If you’ve ever worked with
                                                                                        an athletic coach, you know those are key training areas that
Silent Auction – Online Bidding                                                         lead to success. This session aims to show you how being
Please plan to place a bid on one of the many items offered by                          flexible in your thinking, building your clinical strengths and
our Kentucky universities. Each university will be competing for                        demonstrating endurance through challenging times are keys
the right to claim the first and second place KSHA cash awards                          to success in the professional world. Come prepared to build
for raising the most amount of money for their university.                              your assets and grow as a future clinician. We can’t wait for
Please help them achieve their goal by placing a generous bid.
                                                                                        you to join Team KSHA!
Watch for more details.

Professional Headshots                                                                  Poster Presentations
To promote member advocacy and representation, professional
                                                                                        Graduate students have the opportunity to present current
headshots will be available to KSHA members during select
                                                                                        research projects to Convention participants. Deadline to
days and times that are to be announced. Look for additional
details in further KSHA emails.                                                         submit a poster is January 20, 2021. Visit www.ksha.info.
                                                                                        All poster presentations will be pre-recorded. Convention
KSHA Advocacy and Membership Forum –                                                    participants will be provided a link to view the poster virtually.
Now on Wednesday                                                                        The KSHA Office will provide instructions upon acceptance of
This session will provide updated information to members                                your submission.
regarding changes to current legislation, as well as a discussion
on advocacy. Additionally, members will be given time to ask                            Poster Competition
questions of professional concern regarding current, upcoming
State/federal legislation impacting those with communication                            The KSHA Committee on Higher Education is sponsoring
disorders.                                                                              a Poster competition for students and professionals at the
                                                                                        2021 KSHA Convention. Scoring will be based on the written
                                                                                        content of the poster and the oral presentation. Monetary
       VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES                                                          awards will be made as follows:
                                                                                        Student poster Awards: Awarded to the first student author only
Attendee                                                                                First Place $250 | Second Place $150 | Third Place $100
Show your Kentucky hospitality by volunteering to introduce a
presenter or be a virtual session facilitator. Watch your email in                      Professional Poster Awards: Awarded to the first author only
January to sign up.                                                                     Clinical Research Award $200 | Interprofessional Practice
                                                                                        Award $200
KSHA is offering volunteer slots to students attending the Convention.                  Award recipients will be acknowledged at the KSHA Luncheon
For volunteering a minimum of four hours, you will be entitled to a                     on Friday, February 26 and in the KSHA Communicator.
free Convention registration. You must be a KSHA student member
to participate. Watch your email in January to sign up. Registration and
virtual session facilitator positions will be available.

4     K E N T U C K Y S P E E C H - L A N G UAG E - H E A R I N G AS S O C I AT I O N
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...
                Hammam AlMakadma, AuD, PhD, CCC-A,                                Cari Ebert, MS, CCC-SLP, is a pediatric
                is an assistant professor in the Department                       speech-language pathologist in private
                of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery                           practice in the Kansas City, Missouri area.
                and Communicative Disorders at the                                She received her bachelor’s degree from the
                University of Louisville. He earned his                           University of Iowa in 1993 and her master’s
                doctor of audiology in 2011 and his doctor of                     degree from Southern Illinois University at
philosophy in audiology in 2017 from Syracuse University.         Carbondale in 1995. Ms. Ebert is a therapist, consultant,
His current research activities focus on refining wideband        author and nationally recognized speaker who gets paid
acoustic immittance measurements for clinical diagnosis           to do what she loves most—TALK! She specializes in the
of middle ear disorders in children and adults and detection      birth to three population and believes that collaborating with
of conductive dysfunction in newborns’ ears. In addition          parents, caregivers and teachers is the most effective way to
to research, Dr. AlMakadma assumes responsibilities in            support early learning and development. She has dedicated
teaching and clinical supervision of audiology students at the    her career to helping young children achieve their maximum
University of Louisville.                                         potential with speech, language and social-emotional
Presenting Wideband Acoustic Immittance: Interpretive             development. Ms. Ebert’s son has autism and apraxia,
Approaches and Clinical Applications, on Wednesday.               allowing her to engage audiences both as a professional and
                                                                  as a parent of a child with special needs.
                Sandra Combs, PhD, CCC-SLP, is a speech-
                language pathologist with more than 30 years      Presenting Coaching and Bagless Visits in Early Intervention
                of clinical, teaching, research and supervision   and Using Deep Interests to Guide Programming for
                experience. She currently works as a full         Students With Autism, on Thursday.
                time clinician at a private special education                       Kellie Ellis, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an associate
                school in Lanham, Maryland. Dr. Combs has                           professor and chair of the Department of
presented on language, literacy, autism and teacher coaching                        Communication Sciences and Disorders at
and collaboration at the local, state and national levels.                          Eastern Kentucky University. She received
Presenting What is Autistic Communication, on Friday.                               her doctorate from the University of Kentucky
                                                                                    in rehabilitation sciences. Dr. Ellis teaches
               Lynzee Alworth Cornell, PhD, CCC-A, FAAA           undergraduate and graduate coursework in language
               is the director of clinical services for the       intervention, speech sound disorders, literate language and
               program and currently divides her time at          research methods. Kellie is a former chair of the Kentucky
               the University of Louisville between clinical      Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, former
               practice, teaching and research. She is a          president of the Kentucky Speech-Language-Hearing Association
               graduate of the University of Tennessee were       (KSHA) and former chair of American Speech-Language-Hearing
she obtained her degree in speech and hearing science with        Association’s (ASHA) Governmental Relations and Public Policy
a concentration in audiology. While completing her degree         Board. She currently serves as KSHA’s Governmental Relations/
she also completed an Alexander Graham Bell Cochlear              Political Action Committee (PAC) Chair and is a member of the
Implant Fellowship in 2010; one of only nine nationwide.          Site Visit Team for the Council of Academic Accreditation.
Presenting Precepting 101: What You Really Need to Know,          Presenting The ABC’s of Spelling Assessment and
on Friday.                                                        Intervention: Practical Strategies for SLPs, on Friday.
                Angela Dixon, MA, CCC-SLP, is the                                  Amber Valentine Forston, MS, CCC-SLP,
                manager of outpatient rehabilitation services                      BCS-S, IBCLC, CNT, is a speech-language
                at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis,                    pathologist who graduated from the
                Indiana. Clinically, she has been the                              University of Kentucky with her Master
                speech-language pathologist on Riley Cleft                         of Science degree in Communication
                and Craniofacial Team, specializing in the                         Disorders. She is a board certified specialist
evaluation and treatment of cleft palate and velopharyngeal       in swallowing and swallowing disorders and an international
dysfunction related speech disorders. Ms. Dixon is the            board certified lactation consultant, as well as a certified
assistant coordinator for American Speech-Language-               neonatal therapist (CNT). She worked for Baptist Health
Hearing Association (ASHA) Special Interest Group (SIG) 5:        Systems, Inc., for eight years before moving to Florida
Craniofacial and Velopharyngeal Disorders and is the co-chair     where she worked for Wolfsons Children’s Hospital and
on the Learning Resource Committee through the American           Mayo Florida. She is now back in Kentucky working for
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association.                            Baptist Health Lexington. She has experience in adults and
Presenting Early Intervention Therapy for Children With           pediatrics with feeding and swallowing difficulties including:
Cleft Palate and Evaluation and Treatment of Cleft Palate         bedside swallow evaluations, modified barium swallow
Speech Disorders: Preschool and School Aged Children, on          studies, fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and
Wednesday.                                                        pediatric feeding evaluations including the neonatal intensive
                                                                  care unit. She has experience with head and neck cancer
                                                                  patients including evaluation and treatment of swallowing
                                                                  difficulties, Passy-Muir valve use and voice after total
                                                                  laryngectomy including tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis.
                                                                  Presenting COVID and Dysphagia: The Hurdles of PPE, on
                                                                                  V I S IT U S O N L I N E AT W W W. K S H A . I N F O   5
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...
                  Sandra Grether, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an                                                   Jenna (Rayburn) Kirk, MA, CCC-SLP, has
                  adjunct associate professor at the University                                         been a school speech-language pathologist
                  of Cincinnati in the College of Allied Health                                         for 10 years. She has a passion for creating
                  Sciences, Department of Communication                                                 speech and language therapy materials and
                  Sciences and Disorders. She has been                                                  writing about current topics in the field on her
                  practicing for 46 years. Her areas of interest                                        website The Speech Room News. Ms. Kirk has
and expertise are in prelinguistic communication with                                    authored more than 500 best-selling resources on Teachers
individuals with significant cognitive disabilities, the impact of                       Pay Teachers and has been featured in the ASHA Leader.
cognition on language in pediatric hearing loss and cognitive                            Presenting Mastering Mixed Groups, on Wednesday and
disabilities, the neurophysiology of speech and language in                              SLP Time Savers for the School SLP, on Thursday.
children with childhood apraxia of speech and augmentative
communication.                                                                                           Joneen Lowman, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an
                                                                                                         associate professor in the Department of
Presenting Augmentative and Alternative Communication for                                                Communication Sciences and Disorders
Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, on Friday.                                                       (CSD) at the University of Kentucky. She is
                 Caroline Alexander Hudson, MS, CCC-                                                     project director for LinKS, a federal grant
                 SLP, has provided services to individuals                                               to train graduate communication science
                 in a variety of settings: early intervention,                           disorders students in telehealth and the program director for
                 schools, hospitals, outpatient clinics and                              the interprofessional telehealth graduate certificate offered
                 long-term care facilities. She has worked                               through the University of Kentucky. She is co-principal
                 as program manager, clinic director and has                             investigator on an National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National
taught college level classes in communication sciences and                               Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
disorders. She believes that language is closely connected                               (NIDCD) RO1 grant investigating effectiveness outcomes
to overall development, and that language is the foundation                              of behavioral parent training for families with deaf and hard
for life success. This belief has created a passion for helping                          of hearing children. Her teaching, research and publications
children develop language skills. She currently serves as the                            focus on school-age language disorders and telehealth.
director of speech-language pathology at Western Kentucky                                Presenting A Systems Approach to Telehealth Design and
University’s Clinical Education Complex.                                                 Delivery, on Thursday.
Presenting Clinical Supervision in the Midst of the COVID-19                                              Tim Nejman, AuD, is an audiologist who
Pandemic, on Wednesday.                                                                                   works at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
                Mark Ittleman, MS, CCC-SLP, has been a                                                    Medical Center. His previous work
                speech-language pathologist for 47 years.                                                 experiences included providing a variety of
                In Florida, he operated a private practice                                                audiological services to both the pediatric
                in Lakeland for nearly 20 years. He also                                                  and adult populations. His interests include
                specialized in profound speech and language                              amplification (traditional and bone conduction devices),
                difficulties in children and adults. In 2001,                            the use of advanced hearing aid features for the pediatric
Mr. Ittleman developed an intensive speech and language                                  population, selection of prescriptive hearing aid fitting
stimulation program in Texas. He is a patient advocate                                   formulas for children with acquired hearing loss, single sided
and has a special zeal for teaching therapists, caregivers,                              deafness and auditory processing disorders. Dr. Nejman
parents and spouses methods of speech and language                                       received his Doctor of Audiology from the Ohio State
stimulation for aphasia. He also teaches others an approach                              University in 2009.
to apraxia that enables caregiver training, home practice and                            Presenting Pediatric Hearing Aid Candidacy, Selection and
improvement of spontaneous talking.                                                      Fitting Considerations, on Wednesday.
Presenting Methods to Help Those With Apraxia Talk                                                       Michelle Niehaus, LCSW, is the program
at Home, on Wednesday and The Teaching of Talking:                                                       administrator/statewide coordinator for
Stimulating Speech-Language the Fun Way, on Thursday.                                                    deaf and hard of hearing services with the
               Joel Katte has been a staff developer and                                                 Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health,
               presenter since 2013. Mr. Katte contends                                                  Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities. A
               today’s relationships are urgent. His                                                     graduate of Indiana University and Washington
               professional developments help individuals                                University in St. Louis, she also holds a certificate in the
               maximize their relationships and moments                                  administration of programs for people who are deaf or hard of
               with clients, students, colleagues,                                       hearing from San Diego State University. Ms. Niehaus serves
 families and community members. The positive                                            on the KY Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the
 energy that emerges from his learning experience is                                     statewide advisory committee for the Early Hearing Detection
 instantly catapulting cultures to greater levels! He is                                 and Intervention (EHDI) program and various other state,
 an experienced secondary English teacher, elementary                                    regional and national committees.
 school principal and alternative schools administrator.                                 Presenting Addressing the Whole Patient: Biopsychosocial
 Presenting as our Awards Luncheon Speaker, Getting in                                   Impacts of Hearing Loss, on Thursday.
 the Heads and Hearts of Those You Serve!, on Friday.

6      K E N T U C K Y S P E E C H - L A N G UAG E - H E A R I N G AS S O C I AT I O N
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...
                 Lesley Raisor-Becker, PhD, CCC-SLP, is a
                 researcher, teacher and practicing clinician                     Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP, is a
                 specializing in the language and literacy                        professor emerita and provosts’ associate
                 development of infants, toddlers and                             at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
                 preschoolers. Her research interests include                     She is an American Speech-Language-
                 the effects of prenatal drug/alcohol exposure                    Hearing Association (ASHA) Fellow and the
                 on development, social skills and executive                      2019 President of ASHA. Robertson has
functioning in children. Dr. Raisor-Becker has adopted two        published numerous articles, book chapters, and clinical
children from foster care and has committed her career and        materials and presented hundreds of workshops at state,
personal life to helping vulnerable children.                     national, and international venues on a variety of topics.
Presenting Building Trauma-Informed Services in Early             She enjoys helping her fellow ASHA members find ways
Intervention and Examining Implicit Bias: Building Trauma-        to nurture their professional and clinical skills as well as
Informed Services in EI, on Friday.                               their creative and entrepreneurial talents.
                                                                  Presenting I Used to Have a Handle on Life, But it Broke!,
                                                                  on Wednesday and on Thursday as our Keynote Presenter,
                 Erin Redle Sizemore, PhD, CCC-SLP,               Imaginologists Imagine More! Also presenting Stress-
                 is an assistant professor-educator in the        Free Strategies for Building Better Readers, on Thursday.
                 Communication Sciences and Disorders
                 Department at the University of Cincinnati.
                 She has more than 20 years of experience
                 as a speech-language pathologist and has
worked with inter-disciplinary teams in a variety of settings                    Jade Robinson, PhD, is an assistant
including early intervention, schools and pediatric hospitals.                   professor in the communication disorders
Her clinical and research interests include working with                         program at Eastern Kentucky University.
families in early childhood, quality improvement, feeding and                    She received her Doctor of Philosophy in
swallowing disorders, and early speech sound disorders.                          Communication Disorders from Florida
                                                                                 State University. Dr. Robinson is a licensed
Presenting Childhood Apraxia of Speech: What’s New and           and certified speech-language pathologist. Her primary
What’s Important and Interactive Learning in Pediatric           clinical research interests include early intervention and
Feeding and Swallowing Disorders, on Thursday and co-            parent-implemented strategies that facilitate language
presenting Building Trauma-Informed Services in Early            development. She teaches a variety of courses, including
Intervention and Examining Implicit Bias: Building Trauma-       language development, language assessment, diagnostics
Informed Services in EI, on Friday.                              in communication disorders, school-based services and
                                                                 augmentative and alternative communication.

                 Luis Riquelme, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, is          Presenting Training for Team KSHA!, a special student
                 currently an associate professor at New York    session, on Thursday.
                 Medical College and director of Barrique
                 Speech-Language Pathology, PC which
                 contracts with a large acute care hospital in                    Michael Scott, AuD, currently serves as
                 Brooklyn, New York. He has authored articles                     the Auditory Clinical Research and Implant
on dysphagia (swallowing disorders), multiculturalism/cultural                    Program Coordinator at Cincinnati Children’s
sensitivity and quality improvement. He has presented                             Hospital Medical Center. His clinical and
locally and internationally. Dr. Riquelme is on the Board of                      research interests include auditory implants,
Directors of the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation                     auditory (re)habilitation and electrophysiology.
Initiative, and immediate past chair, American Board of          In addition, Dr. Scott has a background in educational
Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. He remains the only         audiology, adult auditory (re)habilitation and auditory implant
person-of-color to have served as president of the New York      program development. He received a master’s degree in
State Speech-Language-Hearing Association. He is a Fellow        communication sciences and disorders from Washington
of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association              University in St. Louis, Missouri and a doctor of audiology
(ASHA) and received ASHA’s Certificate for Special               (AuD) degree from the Northeast Ohio AuD Consortium.
Contributions in Multicultural Affairs in 2009. Most recently,   Dr. Scott is also an adjunct instructor at the University of
he was recipient of the ASHA 2020 Media Champion Award           Cincinnati.
for his representation of and guidance to speech-language        Presenting Contemporary Approaches to Auditory Implants
pathologists during the COVID-19 pandemic.                       in the Pediatric Population, on Thursday.
Presenting COVID-19 Update and Presbyphagia: Impact on
Our Practice, on Friday.

                                                                                  V I S IT U S O N L I N E AT W W W. K S H A . I N F O   7
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...
                 JoAnna Sloggy, PhD, CCC-SLP, received                                                  Early Bird Rates
                 a bachelor’s degree in music from
                 Methodist University, a master’s degree in                                              Available Until
                 Communication Sciences and Disorders from
                 the University of Memphis and a doctorate
                                                                                                        January 20, 2021
                 degree in rehabilitation sciences from the
University of Kentucky (UK). She is a provider at the University
of Kentucky Voice & Swallow Clinic where she is a member
of the voice care team and serves as the singing voice
specialist. Dr. Sloggy provides assessment and intervention
for general and professional voice disorders, aging voice,
behavioral disorders of the upper airway including vocal cord
dysfunction and chronic cough. In addition, she serves as                                          Registration Options:
clinical supervision of graduate and undergraduate students
                                                                                         • Online at www.ksha.info
completing rotations and observation hours. Her research
area focuses on aging voice changes in professional singers.                              Confirmations are immediate!
Dr. Sloggy is also a consultant for medical device technology                             To receive the discounted member rate, login to the
software companies and provides professional vocal coaching                               Member Center using your last name and member
for television/on-air personalities.                                                      number.

Presenting Voice Therapy Workshop, on Friday.                                            • Email
                                                                                         • Fax            Complete the Registration Form
                  Stephanie Volker, MS, CCC-SLP, is a speech-                                             and return to the KSHA Office.
                  language pathologist who specializes in                                • Mail
                  providing cognitive rehabilitation to children
                  and adolescents who have impairments due to                             (Remember to renew your membership for 2021
                  acquired brain injury or chronic conditions. She                        prior to registering)
                  received her Bachelor of Science in education
and Master of Science in speech-language pathology at
Miami University in 1994 and 1995 respectively, and achieved
certified brain injury specialist certification in 2005. She is
currently employed at Cincinnati Children’s, serving children
                                                                                          Cancellations and Refunds
and adolescents with acquired brain injury (ABI) as a clinician                          Full refunds (minus a $25 handling fee) will be made if
in the Division of Speech-Language Pathology. She was
                                                                                         written cancellation request is received by February 10,
instrumental in creating and developing Cincinnati Children’s
outpatient neurorehabilitation team, a family-centered,                                  2021. Email requests to kshaoffice@ksha.info.
collaborative, comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation program
for children and adolescents who have sustained an ABI.
Presenting SLP Treatment of Executive Function and
Attention Skills, on Thursday and Role of the Speech-
Language Pathologist in the Treatment of Mild TBI, on Friday.                                            2021
                   Gail Whitelaw, PhD, is a clinical associate                                   Convention Committee
                   professor and director of the Speech-Language-
                   Hearing Clinic at The Ohio State University in                        Convention Co-Directors
                   Columbus, Ohio. She is also the audiology                             Tommy Evans
                   faculty member on the Leadership Education in
                   Neurodevelopmental and Other Disorders (LEND)                         Leigh Anne Roden
grant at Nisonger Center at Ohio State, a maternal and child health
training grant. Dr. Whitelaw has been involved with leadership                           Track Chairs
aspects of the profession of audiology, including serving as the
                                                                                         Adult SLP - Heather Gaddis
president of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), chair of
the Board of Governors of the American Board of Audiology (ABA),                         Audiology - Lori Travis
and president of the Ohio Academy of Audiology (OAA). Her areas
                                                                                         Early Intervention – Patti Lammering
of clinical interest include auditory processing disorders (APD) in
children and adults, tinnitus and sound tolerance disorders, and                         School Based – Christina Brock
issues related to functional hearing loss. She is also interested
in professional practice issues, including ethics education and                          Silent Auction Chair
mentoring. She received the Outstanding Clinical Educator Award
from the American Academy of Audiology in 2019.                                          Haley Doerr
Presenting Fifty Shades of Ethics: Professionals Ethics for
Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists, on Wednesday.

8      K E N T U C K Y S P E E C H - L A N G UAG E - H E A R I N G AS S O C I AT I O N
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...
Convention Program
                                                Abstracts Available Online at www.ksha.info
 Presenter Format Indicator:              PIP = Presenter In Person              PIV = Presenter Is Virtual        R = Presenter Will Be Recorded

Wednesday                                                                              Thursday
  Events of the Day                                                                      Events of the Day
  9:00 am–6:00 pm                Registration
                                                                                         7:00 am - 5:00 pm       Registration
  10:00 am–6:00 pm               Sessions
                                                                                         7:00 am - 5:00 pm       Exhibits Open
10:00 am – 11:30 am                                                                      7:00 am - 8:30 am       Light Breakfast
Session 1 - PEDs EI                                                          PIP         7:45 am - 8:45 am       Keynote Address
Early Intervention Therapy for Children With Cleft Palate                                9:00 am - 4:45 pm       Sessions
Angela Dixon, MA, CCC-SLP, Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health      5:00 pm - 5:45 pm       Tailgate
Session 2 - PEDs School Based                                                PIV
                                                                                         5:45 pm - 7:15 pm       Golden Brain Competition
Mastering Mixed Groups
Jenna Kirk, MA, CCC-SLP, Speech Room News, LLC                                         7:45 am – 8:45 am
                                                                                       Session 14 - Multi-Interest SLP/AUD                                        PIP+R
Session 3 - Adult SLP                                                        PIP
                                                                                       Imaginologists Imagine More!
Methods to Help Those With Apraxia Talk at Home, Part 1
                                                                                       Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed
Mark Ittleman, MS, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed
Session 4 - Audiology                                                        PIP       9:00 am - 10:30 am
                                                                                       Session 15 - Audiology                                                       PIP
Pediatric Hearing Aid Candidacy, Selection and Fitting Considerations
Timothy Nejman, AuD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center                     A Systems Approach to Telehealth Design and Delivery
                                                                                       Joneen Lowman, PhD, CCC-SLP, University of Kentucky
 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
                                                                                       Session 16 - PEDs EI		                                                       PIV
 Session 5 - Professional Issues                                          PIP+R
 Advocacy and KSHA Member Forum                                                        Coaching and Bagless Visits in Early Intervention
                                                                                       Cari Ebert, MS, CCC-SLP, Summit Speech Therapy LLC
                                                                                       Session 17 - Adult SLP                                                       PIP
                                                                                       I Have Trouble Swallowing Pills....What Do I Do?
                                                                                       Alice Inman, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, University of Louisville Hospital/Jewish
 Bethany Berry		         Kate Wood Hall               Virginia Moore                   Campus and the University of Louisville
 MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S      Lobbyist                     Kentucky Commission on
                                                                                       Session 18 - PEDs School Based                                               PIP
 KSHA President 		       Commonwealth Alliances       the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
                                                                                       Related Services--Making Annual Measurable Goals for You, Your
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm                                                                      Teacher Friends and Students
Session 6 - PEDs School Based                                                PIP       Melissa Weedman, MEd, CCC-SLP, University of Louisville
Evaluation and Treatment of Cleft Palate Speech Disorders:
                                                                                       Session 19 - PEDs School Based                                               PIP
Preschool and School Aged Children
                                                                                       Stress-Free Strategies for Building Better Readers, Part 1
Angela Dixon, MA, CCC-SLP, Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health
                                                                                       Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed
Session 7 - Professional Issues                                              PIP
                                                                                       Session 20 - Adult SLP                                                       PIP
I Used to Have a Handle on Life, But it Broke!
Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed
                                                                                       Treating and Supporting Persons With Dementia, Part 1
                                                                                       Jessica Wilmore, MS, CCC-SLP, CDP, Bellamy Care Consultation, PLLC
Session 8 - Adult SLP                                                        PIP
Methods to Help Those With Apraxia Talk at Home, Part 2                                10:45 am – 12:15 pm
Mark Ittleman, MS, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed                                              Session 21 - Audiology                                                       PIP
                                                                                       Contemporary Approaches to Auditory Implants in the Pediatric
Session 9 - Audiology                                                        PIP
Wideband Acoustic Immittance: Interpretive Approaches and                              Michael Scott, AuD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and the University of
Clinical Applications                                                                  Cincinnati
Hammam AlMakadma, AuD, PhD, CCC-A, University of Louisville
                                                                                       Session 22 - PEDs School Based                                               PIV
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm                                                                      SLP Time Savers for the School SLP
Session 10 - Adult SLP                                                       PIP       Jenna Kirk, MA, CCC-SLP, Speech Room News, LLC
Methods to Help Those With Apraxia Talk at Home, Part 3                                Session 23 - PEDs School Based                                               PIP
Mark Ittleman, MS, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed
                                                                                       Stress-Free Strategies for Building Better Readers, Part 2
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm                                                                      Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed
Session 11 - Higher Education                                                PIP       Session 24 - Adult SLP                                                       PIP
Adapting to Telepractice: Views of Graduate Student Clinicians                         The Teaching of Talking: Stimulating Speech-Language the Fun
Christen Page Guffey, PhD, CCC-SLP; Robyn Wahl, MS, CCC-SLP; Brooklyn
                                                                                       Way, Part 1
Clements, BS; Emma Prigge, BS, from Eastern Kentucky University
                                                                                       Mark Ittleman, MS, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed
Session 12 - Ethics                                                       PIV+R
                                                                                       Session 25 - Adult SLP                                                       PIP
Fifty Shades of Ethics: Professionals Ethics for Audiologists and                      Treating and Supporting Persons With Dementia, Part 2
Speech-Language Pathologists                                                           Jessica Wilmore, MS, CCC-SLP, Bellamy Care Consultation, PLLC
Gail Whitelaw, PhD, The Ohio State University
                                                                                       Session 26 - PEDs School Based + PEDs EI                                     PIV
Session 13 - Supervision                                                  PIP+R
                                                                                       Using Deep Interests to Guide Programming for Students With
Clinical Supervision in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic                             Autism
Caroline Alexander Hudson, MS, CCC-SLP, Western Kentucky University                    Cari Ebert, MS, CCC-SLP, Summit Speech Therapy LLC

                                                                                                           V I S IT U S O N L I N E AT W W W. K S H A . I N F O     9
February 24-26 Louisville - #essentialtogether #teamKSHA - Kentucky Speech-Language ...
Convention Program
                                                      Abstracts Available Online at www.ksha.info
 Presenter Format Indicator:                 PIP = Presenter In Person                    PIV = Presenter Is Virtual        R = Presenter Will Be Recorded

Thursday’s Sessions (continued)                                                                                                 Friday
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm                                                                                Events of the Day
Session 27 - Audiology		                                                              PIP
Addressing the Whole Patient: Biopsychosocial Impacts of                                         7:15 am - 8:00 am         Light Breakfast
Hearing Loss, Part 1                                                                             7:15 am - 1:30 pm         Exhibits Open
Michelle Niehaus, LCSW, Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health,                               7:15 am - 5:00 pm         Registration
Developmental, and Intellectual Disabilities                                                     8:00 am - 5:00 pm         Sessions
                                                                                                 11:30 am - 12:30 pm       Annual Business Meeting and
Session 28 - PEDs School Based                                                        PIP
                                                                                                 		                        Awards Ceremony
Childhood Apraxia of Speech: What’s New and What’s Important                                     12:30 pm - 1:30 pm        Luncheon Presentation
Erin Redle Sizemore, PhD, CCC-SLP, University of Cincinnati
Session 29 - Adult SLP 		                                                             PIP       8:00 am – 9:30 am
                                                                                                Session 41 - PEDs EI		                                                  PIP
COVID and Dysphagia: The Hurdles of PPE
Amber Valentine Forston, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, IBCLC, CNT; Victoria                               Building Trauma-Informed Services in Early Intervention, Part 1
Osborne, MEd, CCC-SLP, from Baptist Health Lexington                                            Erin Redle Sizemore, PhD, CCC-SLP; Lesley Raisor-Becker, PhD, CCC-SLP,
                                                                                                from the University of Cincinnati
Session 30 - PEDs School Based                                                        PIP
                                                                                                Session 42 - Adult SLP                                                  PIP
SLP Treatment of Executive Function and Attention Skills, Part 1
Stephanie Volker, MS, CCC-SLP, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital                                   COVID-19 Update and Presbyphagia: Impact on Our Practice,
                                                                                                Part 1
Session 31 - PEDs School Based                                                        PIP
                                                                                                Luis Riquelme, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, New York Medical College
Stress-Free Strategies for Building Better Readers, Part 3
Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed                                                    Session 43 - Audiology                                                  PIP
                                                                                                Kentucky EHDI: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How
Session 32 - Pre-Professional – ASHA CEUs Not Available                               PIP
                                                                                                Jeanne Albano, MPH; Lori Travis, AuD, from CHFS the Office for Children
The President’s Student Session                                                                 With Special Health Care Needs
Bethany Berry, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, KSHA President
                                                                                                Session 44 - PEDs School Based                                          PIP
Session 33 - Adult SLP 		                                                             PIP
                                                                                                Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist in the Treatment of
The Teaching of Talking: Stimulating Speech-Language the Fun                                    Mild TBI, Part 1
Way, Part 2                                                                                     Stephanie Volker, MS, CCC-SLP, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Mark Ittleman, MS, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed
                                                                                                Session 45 - PEDs School Based                                          PIP
3:15 pm – 4:45 pm                                                                               The ABC’s of Spelling Assessment and Intervention: Practical
Session 34 - Audiology 		                                          PIP                          Strategies for SLPs, Part 1
Addressing the Whole Patient: Biopsychosocial Impacts of Hearing                                Kellie Ellis, PhD, CCC-SLP, Eastern Kentucky University
Loss, Part 2
Michelle Niehaus, LCSW, Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health,                              Session 46 - Adult SLP 		                                                PIP
Developmental, and Intellectual Disabilities                                                    This Session is Limited to 50 In-Person Attendees – First Come, First Served
                                                                                                Voice Therapy Workshop, Part 1
Session 35 - Adult SLP 		                                              PIP
                                                                                                JoAnna Sloggy, PhD, CCC-SLP, University of Kentucky Voice & Swallow Clinic
An Interactive Approach to Evidence Based Treatment Planning
Following MBSS                                                                                  9:45 am – 11:15 am
Anne Blandford, SLPD, CCC-SLP, University of Louisville/Norton Healthcare;                      Session 47 - PEDs EI 			                                                PIP
Alice Inman, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, University of Louisville                                           Building Trauma-Informed Services in Early Intervention, Part 2
Session 36 - PEDs EI 			                                           PIP                          Erin Redle Sizemore, PhD, CCC-SLP; Lesley Raisor-Becker, PhD, CCC-SLP,
Interactive Learning in Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders                              from University of Cincinnati
Erin Redle Sizemore, PhD, CCC-SLP, University of Cincinnati                                     Session 48 - Adult SLP 		                                               PIP
Session 37 - PEDs School Based                                                        PIP       COVID-19 Update and Presbyphagia: Impact on Our Practice,
SLP Treatment of Executive Function and Attention Skills, Part 2                                Part 2
Stephanie Volker, MS, CCC-SLP, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital                                   Luis Riquelme, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, New York Medical College
Session 38 - PEDs School Based                                                        PIP       Session 49 - Audiology 		                                               PIV
Stress-Free Strategies for Building Better Readers, Part 4                                      Precepting 101: What You Really Need to Know
Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed                                                    Lynzee Cornell, PhD, CCC-A, FAAA, UofL Health
Session 39 - Adult SLP 		                                         PIP                           Session 50 - PEDs School Based                                          PIP
The Teaching of Talking: Stimulating Speech-Language the Fun Way,                               Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist in the Treatment of
Part 3                                                                                          Mild TBI, Part 2
Mark Ittleman, MS, CCC-SLP, Self-Employed                                                       Stephanie Volker, MS, CCC-SLP, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Session 40 - Pre-Professional – ASHA CEUs Not Available                               PIP
                                                                                                Session 51 - PEDs School Based                                          PIP
Training for Team KSHA!
Jade Robinson, PhD, CCC-SLP, Eastern Kentucky University
                                                                                                The ABC’s of Spelling Assessment and Intervention: Practical
                                                                                                Strategies for SLPs, Part 2
Poster Presentations		                                                                          Kellie Ellis, PhD, CCC-SLP, Eastern Kentucky University
                                                                                                Session 52 - Adult SLP 		                                                PIP
All Poster sessions will be pre-recorded and made available                                     This Session is Limited to 50 In-Person Attendees – First Come, First Served
for virtual viewing to all attendees.
                                                                                                Voice Therapy Workshop, Part 2
Watch the website for more details.                                                             JoAnna Sloggy, PhD, CCC-SLP, University of Kentucky Voice & Swallow Clinic

10      K E N T U C K Y S P E E C H - L A N G UAG E - H E A R I N G AS S O C I AT I O N
Convention Program
                                                  Abstracts Available Online at www.ksha.info

 Presenter Format Indicator:             PIP = Presenter In Person        PIV = Presenter Is Virtual                 R = Presenter Will Be Recorded

Friday’s Sessions (continued)                                                   3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
                                                                                Session 60 - PEDs School Based                                                                       PIP
11:30 am – 1:30 pm                                                              Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Children With
                                                                                Autism Spectrum Disorder
Annual Business Meeting | Awards Ceremony| Luncheon Presenter
                                                                                Sandra Grether, PhD, University of Cincinnati
Join the Celebration! Lunch Fee $20 (Pre-order recommended)
Seating available for those not purchasing a lunch.                             Session 61 - Adult SLP 		                                        PIP
                                                                                COVID-19 Update and Presbyphagia: Impact on Our Practice, Part 4
                                                                                Luis Riquelme, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, New York Medical College
     11:30 am – 12:00 pm                                                        Session 62 - PEDs EI 			                                            PIP
  Annual Meeting Luncheon                                                       Examining Implicit Bias: Building Trauma-Informed Services in EI, Part 2
                                                                                Erin Redle Sizemore, PhD, CCC-SLP; Lesley Raisor-Becker, PhD, CCC-SLP
  Enjoy lunch while learning                                                    from University of Cincinnati
 about KSHA’s initiatives and
                                                                                Session 63 - Adult SLP 		                                                                            PIV
  general business updates
                                                                                How to Analyze Discourse for Your Adult Caseload
                 PIP                            12:30 pm – 1:30 pm              Katherine Maddy, PhD, CCC-SLP, University of Kentucky Healthcare
                                                      Session 53                Session 64 - PEDs School Based                                    PIP
                                                                                Video Modeling for Students With Autism and Their Families
                                             Getting in the Heads and           April Board, MEd; Tammy Pierce, MA, CCC-SLP from Jefferson County
     12:00 pm – 12:30 pm                     Hearts of Those You Serve!         Public School
        Awards Ceremony                       Presented by: Joel Katte
     Students with dreams
     become professionals
                                              Learn how to maximize
                                            relationships and moments
                                                                                              Continuing Education
     with vision. Join us in                   with clients, students,          ASHA Continuing Education
    recognizing a few of the                  colleagues, families and
     best in our profession.                   community members
                 PIP                                    PIP+R

1:45 pm – 3:15 pm
Session 54 - Professional Issues                                  PIP
Can’t We All Just Get Along? Learning to Love and Respect Medical
and Education Speech-Language Pathology Regardless of What Side of
the Fence You Are On                                                            This course is offered for up to 2.35 ASHA CEUs (various levels, professional area)
Melissa Weedman, MEd, CCC-SLP, University of Louisville                         The supervision session is offered separately for 0.2 ASHA CEUs.(intermediate level, related area)
                                                                                The ethics session is offered separately for 0.2 ASHA CEUs. (introductory level, related area)
Session 55 - Adult SLP 		                                        PIP
COVID-19 Update and Presbyphagia: Impact on Our Practice, Part 3                AAA Continuing Education
Luis Riquelme, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, New York Medical College                                              Kentucky Speech-Language-Hearing Association is
Session 56 - Multi-Interest SLP/AUD                                    PIP                                approved by the American Academy of Audiology to
Enhancing Advocacy and Communication: ASHA Committee of                                                   offer Academy CEUs for this activity. The program is
Ambassadors                                                                                               worth a maximum of 1.9 CEUs. Academy approval of
Tommy Evans, AuD, CCC-A, Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center                                             this continuing education activity is based on course
                                                                                content only and does not imply endorsement of course content, specific
Session 57 - PEDs EI		                                               PIP
                                                                                products, or clinical procedure, or adherence of the event to the Academy’s
Examining Implicit Bias: Building Trauma-Informed Services in EI, Part 1
                                                                                Code of Ethics. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/CE
Erin Redle Sizemore, PhD, CCC-SLP; Lesley Raisor-Becker, PhD, CCC-SLP,
                                                                                Provider and not necessarily of the American Academy of Audiology.
from University of Cincinnati
Session 58 - Adult SLP                                                 PIP      International Institute for Hearing Instruments Studies
Facial Nerve Injury: An Evidence Based Approach to Treatment                                                         This program has been submitted for 1.9
Anne Blandford, SLPD, CCC-SLP, University of Louisville, Norton Healthcare;                                          International Hearing Society CE credits.
Scarlett Rose, MS, CF-SLP, Norton Healthcare
Session 59 - PEDs School Based                                        PIV
What is Autistic Communication?
Sandra Combs, PhD, CCC-SLP, Special Education Provider; Taylor Weaver-
                                                                                Division of Child Care for Early Care and Education
Rosmilia, MA, CCC-SLP, T.C. Harris School and Academy
                                                                                                                                      Watch the website for
                                                                                      (Pediatric Track Only)                          approved sessions

                                                                                Disclosure Statement
                                                                                Presenters of the Kentucky Speech-Language-Hearing Association have
                                                                                financial and non-financial relationships to disclose. Full disclosure for the
                                                                                presenters is provided on the KSHA website, http://ksha.info/convention/2021-
                                                                                                           V I S IT U S O N L I N E AT W W W. K S H A . I N F O                11
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  Kentucky International
   Convention Center
     221 S. 4th Street
   Louisville, KY 40202

            Hotel Reservations
                                                                        Don’t Miss It!
              Louisville Marriott Downtown
                280 West Jefferson Street                                 KSHA 2021
                   Louisville, KY 40202
To make reservations, select one of the options below:
• Online: https://book.passkey.com/e/50109789
                                                                        February 24-26
• Call 502-627-5045 or Toll Free: 1-800-266-
  9432 (Reference Block Code: KSH)
A special room rate of $169 per night will
be available until February 2, 2021 or until
the room block is sold out, whichever
occurs first.

          Contact Information
Follow KSHA on Twitter and Facebook! #KSHAcon2021
    FAX 888-729-3489 | Email kshaoffice@ksha.info
     Website www.ksha.info | Phone 800-837-2446
                                                                   In-Person or Virtual
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