Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Page created by Seth Jenkins
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana Veterinary
     Medical Association

   Winter Meeting
 January 20-22, 2017
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
General Information
The Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association invites you to attend
the 2017 Winter Meeting, January 20—22, 2017 at the Crowne
                                                                     HOTEL RESERVATIONS
Plaza Hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.                                The Crowne Plaza Hotel is located at 4728 Constitution Ave. Baton
                                                                      Rouge, LA 70808. The special group rate is $105 per night for a
                                                                      standard room. Reservations can be made by calling (800) 678-
REGISTRATION                                                          4065 or online at www.crowneplaza.com/execcenterbtr. To
Registration is required for admission to the LVMA’s Winter           ensure availability of sleeping rooms at the LVMA rate, make your
Meeting (fee information is listed on the registration form on the    reservations by December 19, 2016.
next page). Please complete the enclosed registration form and
return to the LVMA (Mail: 8550 United Plaza Boulevard, Suite
1001, Baton Rouge, LA 70809; Fax: (225) 408-4422; Or register
                                                                     CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS
online at www.lvma.org).                                              Cancellation requests must be received by the LVMA office by
The deadline for early registration is December 10, 2016. If          January 5, 2017 and will be subject to a $25.00 processing fee. If
your registration is postmarked after that date, or if you register   you need to cancel, please call the LVMA office at (225) 928-5862.
onsite, please add $25.00. MasterCard, VISA, Discover and
American Express are accepted. Please do not send cash               CONTINUING EDUCATION
through the mail. If registering on-site and paying with cash, please Attending the convention is a wonderful opportunity for
bring exact change.                                                   veterinarians to receive the required 20 hours of continuing
                                                                      education credit. Continuing education proof of attendance forms
Registration and check-in will be held at the Crowne Plaza:           will be available at the Winter Meeting. There is a different CE
Thursday, January 19       3:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m.                        form for each day. It is your responsibility to pick up this
Friday, January 20         7:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.                        document and mark which sessions you attend and the number of
Saturday, January 21       7:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.                        CE hours received. A tentative schedule is included within this
Sunday, January 22         7:30 a.m.—9:00 a.m.                        brochure. *Schedule subject to change.

Full Registration for Veterinarians and                              EXHIBIT PROGRAM
Veterinarian Students                                                The Exhibit Area will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on
   All veterinarian CE sessions (22 hours)                          Friday, January 20 and from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday,
   Continental Breakfasts (3 days)                                  January 21. Continental breakfasts and refreshments will be
   Admission to Exhibit Area                                        served in the Exhibit Area. To qualify for the door prize drawings
                                                                     that will be held in the Exhibit Hall at 3:00 pm and during the
                                                                     Veterinarian Luncheon, have each exhibitor initial the Exhibitor
LAVT/NSU Technician Program Registration                             Card in your registration packet and turn this card in at the
On Saturday and Sunday the Louisiana Association of Veterinary       registration desk prior to the start of the luncheon. Please be sure
Technicians (LAVT) in conjunction with the Northwestern State        to visit with and thank each of our exhibitors and sponsors for
University present a Veterinary Technician Program that is held in   their continued support of the LVMA.
conjunction with the LVMA meeting. Registration fee includes:
 Veterinary Technician Program (11 hours)                           CONTINENTAL BREAKFASTS
 Saturday and Sunday Continental Breakfasts                         Continental breakfast will be served on Friday and Saturday from
 Admission to the Exhibit Area                                      7:00 am to 8:00 am, and Sunday from 7:30 am to
 Technician Luncheon                                                8:00 am for registered attendees.

Veterinarian Spouse/Guest Registration                               CHRISTIAN BREAKFAST
Spouses or Guests of veterinarians may register for the following:   The Christian Breakfast will take place on Saturday, January 21 from
 Auxiliary Tour and Lunch (must RSVP to attend)                     7:00 am to 8:00 am. There will be a presentation from the LSU
 Continental Breakfasts                                             Students sharing experiences from their mission trips as well as Dr.
 Admission to Exhibit Area                                          David Baker. The price is $25.00 per plate.

LSU Faculty Registration                                             BUSINESS MEETING & VETERINARIAN
   Admission to all CE sessions but NO credit will be received
   Continental Breakfasts                                           LUNCHEON
   Admission to Exhibit Area                                        The Business Meeting and Veterinarian Luncheon will be held
                                                                     Saturday, January 21, 2017. The purpose of this meeting is to
                                                                     inform you of the accomplishments made over the past year and
OTHER STAFF REGISTRATION                                             the direction of the LVMA. The new LVMA officers and WJE
Office mangers, technician students, and other staff wishing to      trustees will also be installed and 2016 awards will be presented.
attend the Veterinary Technician Program (11 total hours) or         To improve planning, ticket purchase is required to attend the
the Practice Management Sessions (7 hours) should use the            Business Meeting and Luncheon. Cost is $5 for Veterinarians
appropriate section of Veterinary Technicians and Other Staff        and $30 for all other attendees. Please select and pay for tickets
Registration form.                                                   on your registration form to attend.
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Veterinarians, Spouses and/or Guests
                              2017 LVMA Winter Meeting Registration Form
                                               January 20—22, 2017—Crowne Plaza, Baton Rouge, LA
Instructions: Please type or print. Make your check payable to LVMA and mail with your registration form to: LVMA, 8550 United Plaza Boulevard, Suite 1001,
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809, or fax this form with your credit card information to (225) 408-4422. The deadline for early registration is December 10, 2016.
For registration postmarked after that date, please add $25 to the total fee. Requests for cancellations must be received by the LVMA office by January 5, 2017
and will be subject to a $25 processing fee. Please contact the LVMA at (225) 928-5862 or office@lvma.org if you have any questions.

Name                                                                                  Badge Nickname

Clinic                                                                                                    Phone

Address                                                                             City/State/Zip


Full Registration—Veterinarians: (Includes 22 possible hours of CE, Continental Breakfasts, Refreshment Breaks, and Admission to Exhibit Area.
**Business Meeting and Veterinarian Luncheon requires ticket purchase below.)

          LVMA Member (Regular, Life, Honorary, Graduate and Associate)* ………………………………………………………………………….. $275.00
          Annual Membership Dues* …………………………………………………………………...$175.00 In-State or $125.00 Out-of-State
          Out-of-State Veterinarian (member of any other state VMA) ………………………………………………………………………...$275.00
          Non-Member (not a member of any state VMA, includes Membership Dues) ……………………………………………………..$450.00
LSU Faculty Registration: Includes admission to CE courses and Exhibit Area—No CE credit will be given, must purchase a ticket to attend
        the Business meeting and luncheon……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………...$0.00
Student Registration: Includes 22 possible hours of CE, Continental Breakfasts, & Admission to Exhibit Area………………...…..$0.00
Veterinarian Spouse/Guest Registration: Includes Continental Breakfasts, Refreshment Breaks, Auxiliary Tour (must RSVP for tour to
the LVMA office), and Admission to Exhibit Area. Does not include admittance to CE programs or Business Meeting/Luncheon

          Spouse/Guest (circle one) First and Last Name                                                             ………………….$65.00
Registration for One-Day Only
Friday (Includes 10 possible CE Hours, Continental Breakfast, and Admission to Exhibit Area)
          LVMA or other State VMA Member ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….$150.00
          Non-Member …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………$225.00
Saturday (Includes 7 possible CE Hours, Continental Breakfast, and Admission to Exhibit Area. **Business Meeting and Veterinarian Luncheon requires ticket
purchase below.)
          LVMA or other State VMA Member …..……………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………..$150.00
          Non-Member ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...$225.00
Sunday (Includes 5 possible CE Hours, and Continental Breakfast)
          LVMA or other State VMA Member ……………………………………………...………………………………………………………….$125.00
          Non-Member …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………$200.00
ADDITIONAL SOCIAL TICKETS (Please write additional badge names on another sheet of paper)
Christian Breakfast …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. No. _____@ $25.00
Auxiliary Tour Only First/Last Name                                                                                    No. _____@ $35.00
Business Meeting and Luncheon First/Last Name _________________________ No. _____@ $5.00 (Vets) OR No. _____@ $30.00 (other)

  Lecture notes will be provided to all registrants electronically.
  Printed notes booklets are available for an additional $20.00. …………………………………….…………..No.                                    @ $20.00

Add $25 if postmarked after December 10, 2016………………………………………………………………………………………………..$25.00


PAYMENT METHOD                    Check Enclosed               VISA               MasterCard               American Express                Discover
Name on Credit Card

Credit Card No.                                                           Exp. Date                          Amount to be Charged
*Veterinarians who have not paid 2017 dues must pay membership dues to attend the full meeting.
Anyone requiring special assistance in order to participate should contact the LVMA office at (225) 928-5862 by January 2, 2017.
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Veterinary Technicians and Other Staff
                      2017 LVMA & LAVT/NSU Winter Meeting Registration
                                      January 20—22, 2017—Crowne Plaza, Baton Rouge, LA
Instructions: Please type or print. Make your check payable to LVMA and mail with your registration form to: LVMA, 8550 United Plaza Boulevard, Suite 1001,
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809, or fax this form with your credit card information to (225) 408-4422. The deadline for early registration is December 10, 2016.
For registration postmarked after that date, please add $25 to the total fee. Requests for cancellations must be received by the LVMA office by January 5, 2017
and will be subject to a $25 processing fee. Please contact the LVMA at (225) 928-5862 or office@lvma.org if you have any questions.

Name                                                                                  Badge Nickname

Clinic/School                                                   Phone                                     Email

Address                                                                             City/State/Zip

LAVT/NSU Technician Program Registration
          Saturday and Sunday Technician Program: Includes Saturday and Sunday Technician Program, Continental Breakfast, Technician Luncheon and
          Admission to Exhibit Area

                     Veterinary Technician ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...$125.00
                     Student Technician ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………$0.00
                     Other Staff ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….$125.00
          Saturday only Technician Program: Includes 7 possible CE Hours, Continental Breakfast, Technician Luncheon and Admission to Exhibit Area
                     Veterinary Technician ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..$75.00
                     Student Technician ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….$0.00
                     Other Staff …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…...$75.00

          Sunday only Technician Program: Includes 4 possible CE Hours and Continental Breakfast.
                     Veterinary Technician …………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………… $50.00
                     Student Technician...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….$0.00
                     Other Staff ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...$50.00

LVMA Practice Management Registration
          Saturday Practice Management Program: Includes Saturday Practice Management Program, Continental Breakfast and
          Admission to Exhibit Area

          Saturday only Practice Management Program: Includes Continental Breakfast and 7 possible CE Hours
                     Office Managers, Other Staff, Veterinary Technicians …………………………………………………………………………..$75.00

SOCIAL TICKETS (Please write additional badge names on another sheet of paper)

Christian Breakfast First and Last Name                                                                              No.         @ $25.00

Add $25 if postmarked after December 10, 2016…………………………………………………………………………………………………$25.00


PAYMENT METHOD                     Check Enclosed               VISA              MasterCard               American Express               Discover

Name on Credit Card                                                                                       Amount to be Charged

Credit Card No.                                                           Exp. Date                          CVV:


          Anyone requiring special assistance in order to participate should contact the LVMA office at (225) 928-5862 or
                                                office@lvma.org by January 2, 2017.
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
FRIDAY |                             Januar y 20, 2017
                      COMPANION ANIMAL                    COMPANION ANIMAL II                 COMPANION ANIMAL III                       LARGE ANIMAL
                                             7:00 am - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
                                                      7:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration and Exhibits
                                                                  8:00—8:50 am                         8:00—8:50 am                          8:00—8:50 am
                                                                 Sandy Merchant                          Ronald Koh                    Commissioner Mike Strain
 8:00 am - 8:50 am                                         Non-Atopic, Non-Flea Allergic     Applications of Therapeutic Laser in    State of Louisiana Agriculture
                              8:00—9:50 am
                                                          Dermatitis– What’s left to Worry           Your Daily Practice
                                 Jorge Vila
                          Case Based Approach to
                           Cardiac Emergencies
                                                                                                                                            9:00—9:50 am
                                                                 9:00—9:50 am                          9:00—9:50 am                           Diane Stacy
 9:00 am - 9:50 am                                                                            Osteo-Arthritis: Thinking Beyond
                                                               Michelle Woodward                                                       Updates on Louisiana State
                                                         Atopic Dermatitis– Old Problem,      NSAIDs: AN Integrative Approach             Disease Programs
                                                                Newer Therapies
                                              9:50 am - 10:30 am Refreshments in Exhibit Hall
                              10:30 —11:20 am                     10:30-11:20 am                      10:30 —11:20 am                      10:30 —11:20 am
                               Nicholas Parente                Nathalie Rademacher                      Larry McCaskill
                                                                                                                                             Frank Andrews
                      Clinical Approach to Proteinuria      Tips for Easier Diagnosis of     The Validation of Traditional Chinese
                                                                                                                                     Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome:
10:30 am - 11:20 am        and Glomerular Disease         Intestinal Obstruction in Small     Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) in the         Update on Diagnosis and
                                                                      Animals                 Treatment of Canine Paralysis with
                                                                                                        Clinical Results

                                                                                                    11:30 am—12:20 pm
11:30 am - 12:20 pm                                           11:30 am—12:20 pm                        Larry McCaskill
                          11:30 am—12:20 pm
                                                             Nathalie Rademacher                    Clinical Case Studies                 11:30 am—12:20 pm
                             Nicholas Parente
                                                          Radiographic Abnormality or            Demonstrating the Benefits of               Frank Andrews
                        Clinical Approach to Pro-
                                                                Normal Variant?                    TCVM for Your Patients            Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome:
                        teinuria and Glomerular
                                                                                                                                       What about Supplements?

               12:20 pm—1:30 pm Lunch on your own for attendees. Committee Meetings and Luncheon
                                                                   1:30—2:20 pm
                             1:30—2:20 pm                                                              1:30—2:20 pm                         1:30—2:20 pm
  1:30—2:20 pm                                                       Jenny Sones
                            Stephen Lemarie                                                             Robby Porter                        Frank Andrews
                                                              Complicated Pregnancies:
                        Updates on Dermatological                                            Progressive Therapeutic Exercise for    Update on Equine Respiratory
                                                            Practical Advice for Dystocia,
                                Therapies                                                         the Small Animal Patient            Disease: Prevention is Key!
                                                            Planned C-sections, and More

                             2:30—3:20 pm                         2:30 —3:20 pm                        2:30—3:20 pm                          2:30—3:20 pm
                            Stephen Lemarie                         Carlos Pinto                        Robby Porter                         Ann Chapman
 2:30 pm - 3:20 pm      Updates on Dermatological         Update on Hormonal Therapy in        Neurologic Recovery… and Why          Equine Cushing’s– PPID: What’s
                                Therapies                 Canine Reproductive Health and       Aquatic Therapy is Not Enough                     New?

                                                   3:20 pm - 3:50 pm Refreshments in Exhibit Hall
                                                                                                                                              3:50—4:40 pm
                               3:50—4:40 pm                       3:50—4:40 pm                        3:50—4:40 pm
 3:50 pm - 4:40 pm                                                                                                                          Charles McCauley
                                Jennifer Lang                        Tom Tully                        Hannah Green                       Clinical Evaluation and
                             Soft Tissue Surgery            Pain Management of Exotic           Healing with Food in TCVM               Treatment of Lameness in
                                                             Animal Patients with Case                                                             Foals

                                                                                                     4:50—5:40 pm
                                                                                                    Cynthia Benbow
                                                                                                                                                4:50-5:40 pm
 4:50 pm - 5:40 pm                                                 4:50—5:40 pm                  Integrative Veterinary
                              4:50—5:40 pm                                                                                                      Colin Mitchell
                                                                   Jayme Looper                 Medicine and Your Practice
                               Jennifer Lang                                                                                              Surgical Procedures to
                                                             Advancing Cancer Care and
                            Soft Tissue Surgery                                                                                            Improve Brood Mare
                                                               Minimizing Side Effects
                                                                                                                                        Fertility and Maintenance
                                                                                                                                                of Pregnancy

 ***6:40 pm—8:30 pm Evening Session with John Mauterer, DVM, Diplomate ACVS***
                             Orthopedic Case Studies: What Could Go Wrong?
                                     Challenging Neurologic Cases
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
SAT URDAY |                                      Januar y 21, 2017
                                                                                        PRACTICE                                                      LAVT/NSU
                     COMPANION ANIMAL I COMPANION ANIMAL II                           MANAGEMENT                    LARGE ANIMAL               VETERINARY TECHNICIAN
                                               7:00 am—8:00 am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
                                                          7:00 am—8:00 am Christian Breakfast
                                                             7:00 am—3:30 pm Exhibits Open
                                                               7:00 am—5:00 pm Registration
                         8:00—8:50 am                   8:00—8:50 am                                                   8:00—8:50 am
                         Robert Hancock                  Jamie Schorling                                              Harold Newcomb
                      Hyperbaric Medicine in     Canine Orbital Disease - a case                                 Cattle Parasitology for the
                       Veterinary Patients         based practical Approach              8:00—9:50 am             Practicing Veterinarian            7:30-9:00 am
 8:00 am—8:50 am
                                                                                        Brenda Tassava                                               Registration
                                                                                   Enhancing and Improving
                                                                                    Client and Patient Care
                                                                                    with New Technologies
                                                        9:00—9:50 am
                          9:00—9:50 am
                          Robert Hancock               Jamie Schorling                                                 9:00—9:50 am                   9:00—9:50 am
                                                   Hot Topics in Veterinary                                          Harold Newcomb                  Amanda Adkins
 9:00 am—9:50 am     Diving into Regenerative
                     Medicine using PRP in the       Ophthalmology - an                                          Resistance & Immunology        Reptile Care– An Ounce of
                        Orthopedic/Sports            update on emerging                                                of GI Parasites            Prevention is Worth a
                                                   concepts and techniques                                                                            Pound of Care

                                   9:50 am—10:45 am Refreshments in Exhibit Hall
                                                                                                                                                   10:00—10:50 am
                                          9:30 am—2:30 pm Auxiliary Tour                                                                              Ronald Koh
                        10:45 —11:35 am                 10:45 —11:35 am                                                                          How to Use Integrative
                           Dena Ledato                                                 10:45 —11:35 am               10:45—11:35 am               Medicine to Improve
                                                          Renee Carter
                      Brachycephalic Airway                                             Brenda Tassava                Jacques Fuselier             Patient Outcomes
                                                     Tips and Strategies for
                        Syndrome Lecture                                             “Thank You for Firing       Review of Bovine Abortion
10:45 am—11:35 am                                    Managing Canine and                                                                             10:50—11:30 am
                            Summary                                                          Me!”                                               Refreshments in Exhibit Hall
                                                        Feline Glaucoma

                                                                                                                                                      11:30—12:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                     LAVT Meeting with
                                  11:35 am—12:00 pm Refreshments in Exhibit Hall                                                                   12:00—12:50    pm
                                                                                                                                                     12:00—12:50 pm
                        12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Business Meeting and Veterinarian Luncheon                                                                 Lunch & Learn
                                                                                                                                                Jenny Cassibry Fisher, RVT,
                          1:30—2:20 pm                  1:30—2:20 pm                 1:30—2:20 pm                1:30—2:20 pm                          VTS-oncology
                          Gary Balsamo                 Gabe Van Brunt                 Julie Couret              Jacques Fuselier                    No Capping Protocol
                        Regulatory Update        The Secrets Behind Detecting Recognition and Motivation Investigating Bovine Abortion
 1:30 pm - 2:20 pm                                   Ocular Emergencies        for Employee Engagement                                                1:00—1:50 pm
                                                                                                                                                      Robert Hancock
                                                                                                                Whittington Veterinary          Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in
                                                                                                                        Clinic                      Veterinary Medicine
                                                                                                                                                     2:00—2:30 pm
                          2:30—3:20 pm                                                  2:30—3:20 pm                    2:30—3:20 pm                Exhibit Hall Break
                           Gary Balsamo                2:30—3:20 pm                       Julie Couret                Roberto Palomares
                        Update on Rabies in           Gabe Van Brunt                 Extraordinary Service       Effect of Trace Minerals on         2:30—3:20 pm
 2:30 pm - 3:20 pm     Louisiana and Nation         Conquering Cataracts            Essentials, the ABC's of        the Immune Response              Julie Ann Smith
                               Wide                                                         Service              following BRD Vaccination        Anesthesia: Myths and

                           3:30—4:20 pm                  3:30—4:20 pm                    3:30—4:20 pm                 3:30—4:20 pm
                          Kathleen Mullins                Renee Carter                    Julie Couret               Christine Navarre
                        Lumbosacral Disease                   TBA                  Fire Fighting Training for    The New Veterinary Feed
                                                                                      Leaders and Conflict            Directive Rules
 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm                                                                                                                                   3:30—5:20 pm
                                                                                                                                                       Ted Carlson
                                                                                                                                                   Canine Behavior and
                                                                                                                    LSU AgCenter                   Aggression in Clinical
4:30 pm - 5:20 pm        4:30—5:20 pm                                                  4:30—5:20 pm                    4:30—5:20 pm
                        Kathleen Mullins                                                Julie Couret
                                                        4:30—5:20 pm                                                  Christine Navarre
                         Osteoarthritis                                              Conducting Effective
                                                      Meredith Mouney                                             Judicious Use of Drugs in
                         Management                                                  Employee Appraisals
                                                     Yet Another Red Eye                                                Food Animals

                                                          5:30 pm—6:30 pm Speed Networking
                                                 6:45 pm—9:00 pm LSU SVM Reception at Sullivan’s
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
S UN DAY |                             Januar y 22, 2017
                                   COMPANION ANIMAL                                  LARGE ANIMAL                                   LAVT/NSU
                                                                                                                              VETERINARY TECHNICIAN
                                                          7:30 am - 12:00 pm Registration
                                                      7:30 am - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast
                                          8:00-8:50 am
                                                                                     8:00-8:50 am                                     8:00-8:50 am
                                           Julia Coutin
                                                                                   Chance Armstrong                                   Pam Mitchell
                                            Kirk Ryan
     8:00 am - 8:50 am                                                    Managing Heat Stress in Louisiana Cattle           Updates on Management Canine
                           Hepatobiliary Disease: Medical and Surgical
                           Considerations for Treatment and Diagnosis                                                             Hypoadrenocorticism

                                         9:00-9:50 am
                                                                                                                                       9:00-9:50 am
                                          Julia Coutin                                   9:00-9:50 am                                  Pam Mitchell
     9:00 am - 9:50 am                     Kirk Ryan                                  Chance Armstrong                        Updates on Management Canine
                           Portosystemic Shunts: Surgical and Internal   Hernias in Cattle: Diagnostic and Treatment              Hypoadrenocorticism
                               Medicine Perspectives and Updates                            Options

                                      10:00-10:50 am
                                       Jude Bordelon                                  10:00-10:50 am                                  10:00-10:50 am
    10:00 am - 10:50 am
                          Why We Do What We Do: The Science Behind                    Patricia Queiroz                                 Pam Mitchell
                           Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Disease       Anesthesia & Analgesia in Farm Animals              Topical Therapy for Dermatitis,
                                                                                                                             “Why Give a Poo about Shampoo”

                                                                                                                                       11:00-11:50 am
                                         11:00-11:50 am                               11:00-11:50 am                                     Pam Mitchell
    11:00 am - 11:50 am                   Jude Bordelon                                 Carlos Pinto                          “From Pain to Mobility”, Supporting
                             Strategies, Tips, and Tricks for Surgical    Defining and Breeding the Problem Mare                      the Senior Patient
                                 Closure of Challenging Wounds

                                                                                        12:00—12:50 pm
    12:00 pm—12:50 pm                                                                      Britta Leise
                                                                                    Tips for Equine Laminitis

General Information (Continued)                                                                                        *Meeting Schedule Subject to Change

COMMITTEE MEETINGS                                                              AWARDS
Committee meetings are scheduled during lunch on Friday, January 20,            Everett D. Besch Service Award, Veterinarian of the Year, Pet of the
2017. Lunch will be provided for those committees that schedule a               Year, Salesperson of the Year and Support Person of the Year will be
meeting in advance. If you are a member of a committee, please contact          awarded on Saturday, January 21 during the Veterinarian Luncheon at
your committee chair or the LVMA office for more information.                   the Crowne Plaza. These awards are to honor those who give above and
                                                                                beyond to the veterinary profession.
A fun-filled outing and lunch is being planned for Saturday, January 21
by the local committee. The tour cost is included in the auxiliary/
                                                                                FRIDAY EVENING SESSION
                                                                                Don’t miss the Friday Evening Session on January 20 at 6:40 pm with
spouse/guest registration fee. You must RSVP with the LVMA office to
reserve your spot. Contact (225) 928-5862 or office@lvma.org for more           John Mauterer, DVM, Diplomate ACVS—Orthopedic Case Studies: What
information.                                                                    Could Go Wrong? Challenging Neurologic Cases

LSU SVM RECEPTION                                                               CONVENTION COMMITTEE
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine will host a reception Saturday                   John Mauterer, DVM—Companion Animal Chair/Practice Management
evening, January 21 at Sullivan’s. More information will be available              Dale Peyroux, DVM—Companion Animal/Practice Management Chair
soon.                                                                              Kirk Ryan, DVM—Companion Animal/Large Animal Chair
                                                                                   A. Jacques Fuselier, DVM—Large Animal
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Speaker Information
  Frank Andrews, DVM                                                         Center, Southern Veterinary Eye Care, in Mandeville, Louisiana. Dr.
  Dr. Andrews received his DVM and MS degrees from Washington State          Van Brunt’s special interests are micro-incision cataract surgery,
  University. After a year in private practice in southeastern Washington,   corneal repair and reconstruction, and Ahmed Valve implantation for
  he completed an equine medicine residency at The Ohio State                treatment of glaucoma.
  University College of Veterinary Medicine. After a research fellowship
  in exercise physiology, he spent the next 20 years on the veterinary        Jude Bordelon, DVM, MS
  medical faculty at the University of Tennessee, College of Veterinary       Dr. Jude T. Bordelon grew up in the small town of Hessmer, LA.
  Medicine. In 2008, Dr. Andrews joined Louisiana State University as         Growing up on a small farm and surrounded by a variety of farm
  Professor and Director of the Equine Health Studies Program. Dr.            animals and pets, he pursued his passion for science, medicine, and
  Andrews' interests include colic and the treatment and prevention of        animals. The combination of his three areas of interest took him to LSU
  equine gastric ulcer disease.                                               where he obtained both his undergraduate (’98) and Veterinary School
                                                                              (’02) degrees. After graduation, Dr. Bordelon relocated to Stillwater,
  Chance Armstrong, DVM                                                       OK to complete a grueling one-year rotating internship in small animal
  A native of Abbeville, Alabama, Dr. Chance Armstrong was raiser on a        medicine and surgery at Oklahoma State University. He remained at
  beef, row crop and poultry farm in South Alabama. He graduated              Oklahoma State to complete a rigorous three-year residency program
  Magna Cum Laude from Auburn University in 2010 with a Doctor of             in small animal surgery. He did so while pursuing his Masters of Science
  Veterinary Medicine degree. Following graduation, Dr. Armstrong             degree. After successful completion of his residency, he remained at
  joined a five veterinarian mixed animal practice in Okeechobee,             Oklahoma as an associate professor in small animal surgery for two
  Florida. His time in practice was primarily spent providing services to     years. He later returned to Louisiana in 2008. Once back in his beloved
  the livestock owners in the region, with ample time spent treating          home state he has thrived in both private practice and academic
  small animals, small ruminants and exotic species including captive         environments (LSU 2012-2013). Dr. Bordelon has special interests in
  cervids. He returned to Auburn University in 2012 to persue a               innovative techniques involving orthopedics, neurosurgery, wound
  residency in comparative Theriogenology and a master’s of Science           healing, reconstruction surgical techniques, minimally invasive fracture
  degree. Dr. Armstrong received board certification through the              management (MIPO), and other minimally invasive surgical techniques.
  American College of Theriogenologists in 2015. He joined the faculty at He has authored book chapters and scientific articles as well. Dr.
  Louisiana State University in 2015. He continues to persue in the areas Bordelon has presented lectures and laboratories at many local, state,
  of infectious infertility in cattle and estrus synchronization protocols of regional, and national meetings. He is also is active member in the
  cattle.                                                                     American College of Veterinary Surgeons, American Veterinary Medical
                                                                              Association, Veterinary Orthopedic Society, Veterinary Wound
  Gary Balsamo, DVM, PMH&TM                                                   Management Society (past-President), the Veterinary Emergency and
  Gary is the State Public Health Veterinarian and Assistant State            Critical Care Society, as well as a variety other societies and
  Epidemiologist at the Louisiana Office of Public Health. Dr. Balsamo        organizations. Dr. Bordelon is extremely thankful to share his
  serves as chair of the Louisiana Animal Welfare Commission and as the wonderful life with his amazing wife Pia Bordelon (a registered
  Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals’ representative on the         veterinary technician). Together they love spending time with their son
  Louisiana Environmental Education Commission. Dr. Balsamo is a 1981 and daughter Peter and Gwyneth. They also have a black lab, Gracie, a
  graduate of the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary             terrier mix Olive, and a cat, Oscar. In his free time, Dr. Bordelon enjoys
  Medicine and a 1999 graduate of the Tulane University School of Public spending time with his family and friends, traveling, outdoor activities.
  Health and Tropical Medicine.                                               He also loves following Louisiana collegiate baseball teams as well as
                                                                              Louisiana football at all levels.
  Cynthia Benbow, D.V.M., C.V. A.
  Dr. Cynthia Benbow is CEO of Benbow Veterinary Services, LLC and a          Ann Chapman, DVM
  Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist with 16 years of experience              Dr. Chapman is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Equine Ambulatory
  integrating alternative therapies into veterinary business models. A        Medicine and a Consulting Veterinary Specialist at Louisiana State
  native of Metairie, Louisiana, Dr. Benbow is a 2000 graduate of             University. She received her BS (1990) from Gettysburg College and
  Louisiana State University's School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr.             her MS (2006) and DVM (2001) degrees at LSU. Dr. Ann Chapman is a
  Benbow also completed the Medical Acupuncture for Veterinarians             board certified diplomate of the American College of Veterinary
  program at Colorado State University’s School of Veterinary Medicine        Internal Medicine (Large Animal).
  in 2004, and since then has also returned to CSU to assist with the
  course. Being a practicing veterinarian/acupuncturist is one thing, but Renee Carter, DVM
  owning a company and understanding how to successfully integrate            Dr. Renee Carter is a 2000 graduate of the LSU-SVM. After completing
  alternative therapies into a business model is another. Dr. Benbow          a rotating internship at LSU, she completed a four-year residency in
  understands and explains the costs involved, potential profitability,       Comparative Ophthalmology at the University of Wisconsin-
  and trade-offs of doing so.                                                 Madison. Following completion of her residency, Dr. Carter achieved
                                                                              board certification as a diplomate of the American College of
  Gabe Van Brunt, DVM, DACVO                                                  Veterinary Ophthalmology. She returned to her home state of
  Gabe is a Louisiana native and grew up in his hometown of Mandeville, Louisiana as an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at LSU from 2006
  Louisiana. He is a graduate of Louisiana State University School of         -2012. Following a successful career in private referral practice, Dr.
  Veterinary Medicine. Following internship, he completed an ACVO             Carter is now an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at LSU and
  approved residency program at the Animal Ophthalmology Clinic in            actively involved with ophthalmology clinical service and teaching.
  Dallas, Texas. After completion of the third year of residency, he took
  the ACVO Board certification exam and was awarded diplomate status Jacques Fuselier, DVM, DABVP, DACT
  by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists. After working After graduating from Louisiana State University School of Veterinary
  as an associate in Dallas, Dr. Van Brunt followed his dream of moving       Medicine in 2003, Dr. Fuselier opened a mixed animal practice in
  back home to Louisiana and establishing his Ophthalmology Referral          southern Louisiana. In the summer of 2010, Dr. Fuselier accepted a
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Speaker Information (Continued)
 Food Animal Clinical Instructor position at the University of Illinois       until 2000 when he established Southeast Veterinary Specialists and
 College of Veterinary Medicine. In 2011, he successfully completed the       Southeast Veterinary Dermatology in Metairie, Louisiana. Southeast
 ABVP board certification requirements to become certified in Food            Veterinary Specialists was acquired by MedVet in 2015 and Dr. Lemarie
 Animal Practice. In 2012, Dr. Fuselier accepted a Food Animal Clinical       practices veterinary dermatology in the MedVet Metairie and
 Assistant Professor position at LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. Also,     Mandeville locations and provides a monthly veterinary dermatology
 in 2013, Dr. Fuselier became a board certified Theriogenologist with the     clinic in Gulfport, Mississippi. Dr. Lemarie's interests include allergic,
 American College of Theriogenologists (ACT). In June of 2015, Dr.            infectious, autoimmune, parasitic and fungal skin diseases.
 Fuselier took the opportunity to go back into private practice and is
 currently practicing at Whittington Veterinary Clinic in Abbeville, LA. In   Dena Lodato, DVM, MS, DACVS
 this role, he is developing a food animal/cervid and theriogenology          Dena is originally from New Jersey but moved to Mississippi to attend
 specialty and referral aspect to the practice. His main areas of interest    vet school at MSU. Upon completion in 2008, she pursued a rotating
 are in bovine and cervid herd health, production and reproduction.           internship at LSU. After LSU, Dena completed a surgical internship at
                                                                              the Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center followed by a surgical
 Hanna B. Green, DVM, CVA                                                     residency at MSU. Since her residency, she has worked in NJ and MS,
 Dr. Green is a Baton Rouge native who graduated from the LSU SVM in          and joined South Paws Veterinary Specialists in Mandeville, LA in
 2015. She obtained her CVA (certified veterinary acupuncturist)              November 2015.
 certification from The Chi Institute of Chinese Veterinary Medicine in
 2015, and has since pursued advanced training in specialized                 Dr. Jayme Looper
 acupuncture techniques as well as some herbal and food therapy               A native of Louisiana, Jayme Looper, DVM, DACVR (RO), received her
 training. She currently practices integrative medicine at Baton Rouge        Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M and her DVM from LSU in 1997.
 Veterinary Specialists as well as Sherwood South Animal Hospital. She is     She completed an internship in small animal medicine and surgery at
 married to her husband and fellow veterinarian Dr. Brent D. Green with       the University of Florida, then spent several years in general practice in
 their two dogs and one cat.                                                  Denver, CO prior to her residency in radiation oncology. She completed
                                                                              her residency at North Carolina State University and was board certified
 Robert Hancock, DVM                                                          in 2004. She was in private specialty practice in the Chicago area from
 New Orleans native Dr. Robert Hancock graduated from Mississippi             2004-2016. She returned home in 2016 and is happy to be back at LSU
 State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2001. He completed        as an Associate Professor in Oncology.
 a one-year medicine and surgery internship at the University of
 Missouri-Columbia in 2001 followed by a three-year surgical residency        John Mauterer, DVM, Dipl. ACVS
 at Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in 2005.        is a native of the City of New Orleans. He is a graduate of the Louisiana
 He is certified in the TTA & TPLO procedures, Penn Hip, and Hyperbaric       State University School of Veterinary Medicine 1987. In 1992, he
 Veterinary Medicine. He is trained and certified in PRP (platelet-rich       completed his Residency in Small Animal Surgery at The Ohio State
 plasma) and BMAC (bone marrow aspirate concentrate) cell therapy             University. Upon completion Dr. Mauterer achieved Board Certification
 with Companion Regenerative Therapies. Additionally, he is certified in      from the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. He remained on
 Stem Cell Therapy through VetStem and Medivet. He is also certified in       faculty at The OSU for 2 years before going into private practice in
 hyperbaric medicine use.                                                     Columbus Ohio. In 1998, he and his wife Deb founded the Louisiana
 Dr. Hancock's areas of specialization include orthopedics and sports         Veterinary Referral Center, where they worked until 2010. From 2010
 medicine, canine rehabilitation and pain management, orthopedic              to 2012 Dr. Mauterer worked part-time as faculty at The LSU School of
 regenerative medicine, and hyperbaric medicine. He has a special             Veterinary Medicine, while also establishing his traveling surgery
 interest in knee stabilization surgery (including TPLO and TTA               service: Mobile Veterinary Surgical Services Inc. In September of 2012,
 procedures) as well as minimally invasive surgery. Dr. Hancock is            Dr. John and Deb established the surgical services at The Baton Rouge
 published in a number of peer-reviewed veterinary journals and his           Veterinary Specialists, where they are today. He lectures at national
 research publication was awarded Best Clinical Research by the               meetings and has written numerous articles and book chapters. He was
 American College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2005.                             co-inventor and patent holder of the non-endoscopic technique for
                                                                              gastrostomy tube placement. They now travel to Asia and Africa
 Ronald Koh, DVM                                                              providing aid to areas in great need of veterinary services, as well as,
 Dr. Ronald Koh is an assistant professor at the Integrative Medicine &       serving regularly at the New Orleans Dream Center, providing
 Rehabilitation Department at LSU Veterinary School. He received his          veterinary services for the homeless and those in poverty. Dr. Mauterer
 veterinary degree in Taiwan and completed a specialty internship and         serves on the Board of Advisors for Christian Veterinary Mission -
 Master’s program at University of Florida. He is certified in                USA. Also, he received the 2012 Dean Everett Besch, Distinguished
 acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, food therapy, and                      Service Award from the LVMA and the 2012 Southwest Veterinary
 rehabilitation. He is a candidate for the diplomate of American College      Symposium's Visionary Award for his professional, educational, and
 of Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation. His clinical interests include using   community service.
 Chinese and integrative medicine and rehabilitation for pain
 management, neurological disorders, geriatric conditions, and hospice  Larry McCaskill, DVM
 care.                                                                  Dr. Larry McCaskill graduated from the LSU School of Veterinary
                                                                        Medicine May, 1981. His formal training in veterinary acupuncture and
 Stephen L. Lemarie, DVM                                                Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) began July, 2008 at Chi
 Dr. Stephen L. Lemarie is a native of New Orleans. He received a BS in Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reddick, FL. Following
 Animal Science from Louisiana Tech University in 1985 and a MS degree completion of this training course, he also completed an International
 in Animal Science from Louisiana State University in 1987, Dr. Lemarie Acupuncture Course with Professor Song Dalu, Nanjing China. He
 completed Veterinary School at Louisiana State University in 1991 and  became a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (CVA) in March 2009. He
 completed his Dermatology residency in 1994 from Louisiana State       is also a Certified Veterinary Chinese Herbalist (CVCH). He was the first
 University. Dr. Lemarie established a mobile veterinary                veterinarian to open a veterinary acupuncture and Integrative medicine
 dermatology service following his residency and continued this service practice in the Baton Rouge. He is a member of the International Chi
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association - Winter Meeting January 20-22, 2017 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Speaker Information (Continued)
 Institute Instructor staff for China. He enjoys mentoring, teaching and    Kathleen graduated from Mississippi State University College of
 speaking internationally.                                                  Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She completed a small animal internship
                                                                            at the Atlantic Veterinary College in Prince Edward Island, Canada. A
 Charles McCauley, DVM, DAVBP, DACVS                                        residency in small animal surgery at Mississippi State University College
 Charles T. McCauley, DVM, DAVBP (Food Animal), DACVS graduated             of Veterinary Medicine was completed in 2010. She joined a private
 from Texas A&M University before undertaking an internship and             referral and emergency hospital in Alabama, during which time she
 residency program in Food Animal Medicine and Surgery at Oklahoma          achieved Board Certification from the American College of Veterinary
 State University and a further residency in Equine Surgery at Purdue       Surgeons. In 2014, she and her husband, Jason, moved to his
 University. Dr. McCauley joined the faculty at LSU from private practice   hometown in Louisiana to take over the family farm. Dr. Mullins
 near Dallas, TX. He is a boarded diplomate of the American College of      established Acadiana Veterinary Surgery as a mobile surgical service to
 Veterinary Practitioners and the American College of Veterinary            provide the veterinarians and pet owners of Acadiana and surrounding
 Surgeons. Dr. McCauley is an Assistant Professor of Equine Surgery.        areas with the expertise of a surgical specialist in the comfort of their
                                                                            local clinic. Surgical procedures include a full array of orthopedic, soft
 Sandra Merchant, DVM                                                       tissue, neurologic, and oncologic specialized procedures.
 Dr. Sandra Merchant received her degree from University of Florida in
 2984, completed an internship at The AMC in New York before                Harold Newcomb, DVM
 returning to the University of Florida to complete a Residency in          Dr. Harold Newcomb graduated from Mississippi State University
 Dermatology in 1988. She is a Diplomate of the American College of         College of Veterinary Medicine in 1984. He practiced in Batesville Ms
 Veterinary Dermatology and has been a member of the faculty at             for 18 years in a mixed animal practice doing primarily cow/calf and
 Louisiana State University since 1988 where she was a full professor.      stocker practice. He also taught immunology and pharmacology to
 She retired from LSU this month but continues to do dermatology            veterinary technician students at the local community college. He has
 consulting in Louisiana and Texas. She had been awarded the Norden         been employed in as a Technical Services Veterinarian since 2003. He
 Distinguished Teacher of the Year, Louisiana State University teacher of   served as president of the MS Cattlemen’s Assoc. in 2015. His areas of
 the Year, MSD AGVET– Creativity in Teaching Award, 18 other teaching       interest include production medicine, and parasitology. He is a
 awards including Gamma Delta Sigma Teacher Honor Roll, Speaker of          member of AABP, AVC, AAVP AVMA, NCBA, Mississippi VMA and MS
 the Year– Small Animal– at the North America Veterinary Conference         Cattlemen’s Assoc.
 and Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine Faculty
 Distinguished Service Award. She has published over 60 book chapters   Nicholas Parente, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM)
 and referred article, 200 proceeding articles and presented over 500   Dr. Nicholas Parente is an attending internist at MedVet Medical &
 hours of continuing education at over 150 professional veterinary      Cancer Center for Pets in New Orleans. Dr. Parente received his
 meetings.                                                              Bachelor of Science degree from Long Island University at Southampton
                                                                        College and his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Ross
 Pamela S Mitchell, MS, DVM                                             University School of Veterinary Medicine. He completed a Rotating
 Native to New Orleans, over twenty years of experience as a            Internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at The Ohio State
 veterinarian. Graduated from Louisiana State University School of      University followed by a residency in Small Animal Internal Medicine at
 Veterinary Medicine in 1992, after achieving a Master of Science and   Michigan State University. Dr. Parente was in private practice in New
 Bachelor of Science. Experienced in companion animal clinical practice York for 5 years until he joined MedVet in July of 2016. Dr. Parente’s
 in general and emergency/critical care practices in South East LA.     clinical interests are quite varied, as is necessary of an internist in
 Experienced veterinary educator in academics, at LSU SVM, and animal private practice, and enjoys sorting through the diagnostic dilemmas
 health industry. Provides Continuing Education on Communication Skills that each patient provides.
 and medical topics to veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
 Passionately devoted patient advocate, devoted to strengthening and    Carlos Pinto, DVM, Ph.D
 preserving human animal bond. Active in local, state and national      Dr. Pinto is a diplomate of the American College of Theriogenology. He
 organized veterinary medicine. Proud pet parent to two Standard        earned his veterinary degree in 1986 in Brazil, and completed a PhD
 Poodles, "Lafitte" and "Claiborne"                                     (2001) and residency training in theriogenology at Louisiana State
 Motto for pet parents is "If you are concerned, I am concerned"        University. Previously serving on the faculty of the Ohio State
                                                                            University and North Carolina State University, Dr. Pinto has been on
 Dr. Meredith Mouney, DVM, MS, DACVO                                        the faculty at LSU since 2013. Dr. Pinto’s clinical interests are in
 Dr. Meredith Mouney grew up on the lakefront in New Orleans and            comparative theriogenology and assisted reproduction in equine,
 attended the Academy of the Sacred Heart class of 2002. She competed       bovine and canine species.
 on the NCAA equestrian team at the University of Georgia where she
 attended college. She received her doctorate of veterinary medicine        Robby Porter, DVM
 from Louisiana State University in 2009 and went on to a small animal      Robert J Porter, CCRP was one of the first people in the world to obtain
 medicine and surgery rotating internship at the University of Georgia      his Certification in Canine Rehabilitation from the University of
 from 2009-2010. She completed a residency in veterinary                    Tennessee. He has over 16 years of experience helping to rehabilitate
 ophthalmology and received a master’s degree at Purdue University          small animals recovering from surgery and injury as well as facilitating
 from 2010-2013. During her training, Dr. Mouney authored multiple          conditioning programs for canine athletes. Robby spends most of his
 articles pertaining to veterinary ophthalmology. She became a board        time in clinic at South Paws Veterinary Surgical Specialists but also
 certified veterinary ophthalmologist in 2013 and is a current member of    travels often to teach his force free exercise program to veterinary
 the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists. Dr. Mouney rides      professionals and canine performance trainers.
 hunter jumpers and loves her horse Owen, her two French bulldogs           Nathalie Rademacher, DVM
 Ellenore and Pierre and her Labrador Mozelle. Dr. Mouney currently         A faculty member at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine since 2007,
 works at Metairie Veterinary Ophthalmology Specialists.                    Dr. Rademacher is an Associate Professor of Veterinary Radiology. She
                                                                            is board certified by both the American College of Veterinary Radiology
 Kathleen B. Mullins, DVM, MS, DACVS-SA
Speaker Information Continued
 (2010) and the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging               Conservationist of the Year in January 2012. In January 2013, he was
 (2007).                                                                        named Veterinarian of the Year by the Louisiana Veterinary Medical
                                                                                Association. He previously served terms as president of SUSTA (the
 Jamie Schorling, DVM                                                           Southern United States Trade Association) and SASDA (the Southern
 Dr. Jamie Schorling earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in         Association of State Departments of Agriculture), and is currently the
 2003 from the School of Veterinary Medicine at Louisiana State                 president of NASDA (National Association of State Departments of
 University, where she also received her Bachelor of Science in Wildlife        Agriculture). He holds a commission from the U. S. Food and Drug
 and Fisheries. She completed an internship in small animal medicine            Administration. Strain is married to Dr. Susan Searcy Strain of Hot
 and surgery at Angell Animal Medical Center of Boston, MA. Her                 Springs, Arkansas, and they have two adult children.
 combined Ophthalmology Residency and Masters of Science programs
 were completed at the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary         Robby Van Mullem, DVM
 Medicine in 2007. During her residency, Dr. Schorling gained extensive         Robby is from Southeastern Louisiana University in 1995 after serving in
 experience examining, treating, and performing surgeries on dogs, cats,        the US Navy. Robbie began his career in the animal health industry with
 horses, and various exotic species. She also completed several research        IDEXX Laboratories. After a number of years as an in-clinic laboratory
 projects involving instruments to test intraocular pressure in dogs and        representative and earning the prestigious President’s Club Award,
 ophthalmic examinations in owls, small ruminants, and tortoises. Dr.           Robbie was then promoted to area instrument manager. He currently
 Schorling has been a board certified member of the American College of         lives in South Louisiana with his wife and children.
 Veterinary Ophthalmologists since 2007. Dr. Schorling enjoys examining
 and treating all species, including wildlife and exotic pets. She feels that   Tom Tully, DVM
 the most rewarding aspects of veterinary ophthalmology include being           Dr. Thomas N. Tully, Jr. is a Professor of Zoological Medicine in the
 able to perform procedures to restore comfort and vision to animals            Veterinary Clinical Sciences Department at LSU and serves as Service
 when they are injured or visually impaired. In addition to extraocular,        Chief of the Zoological Medicine Service. A 1986 graduate of the LSU
 corneal, glaucoma, and cataract surgeries, Dr. Schorling is dedicated to       School of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Tully has written, edited, and served
 working with clients to establish medical management plans for                 as co-editor and co-author of numerous books and book chapters in
 patients with chronic ocular diseases. She gives back to the community         veterinary medicine -- most recently published in January 2016, Current
 by participating in continuing education, teaching, and volunteer work.        Therapy in Exotic Pet Practice, (Mitchell and Tully). He is CoEditor-In-
 When she is not working, Dr. Schorling enjoys various outdoor                  Chief of the Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine.
 activities, including camping, hiking, horseback riding, and swimming.
                                                                          Jorge L. Vila DVM, MS, DAVIM
 Jenny Sones , DVM, PhD, DACT                                             Jorge L. Vila obtained his DVM from Louisiana State
 A 2008 graduate of the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Sones is   University in 2007. Following graduation, he completed a small animal
 a Diplomate of the American College of Theriogenology and an             rotating internship at Michigan State University in 2008 and practiced
 Assistant Professor at her alma mater. She earned a PhD in Molecular     as an emergency clinician for a specialty hospital in Richmond Virginia
 & Integrative Physiology at Cornell University in 2014 where she also    until 2010. After returning to Louisiana, he obtained a Masters of
 completed residency training in 2015.                                    Science degree in 2012 and completed a cardiology residency in 2015,
                                                                          both at Louisiana State University. He joined MedVet in 2015 where he
 Diane Stacy, DVM                                                         serves as the Cardiologist for both MedVet New Orleans and MedVet
 Diane Stacy is the Assistant State Veterinarian at the Louisiana         Mandeville. He has a special interest in the evaluation and treatment of
 Department of Agriculture & Forestry (LDAF) in the Veterinary Health     arrhythmias. He lives in Covington with his wife, daughter and their
 Division. Dr. Stacy received her undergraduate degree from LSU and her pets.
 DVM from the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine in 1982. Dr. Stacy
 owned two practices and worked as a mixed animal practitioner in         Michelle Woodward, DVM
 Greenwell Springs and Baton Rouge for 22 years. She joined LDAF in       Dr. Michelle Woodward received her veterinary degree from University
 2004 in a dual appointment as Area Veterinary Medical Officer (VMO)      of Tennessee in 2009. She completed an internship in equine surgery
 and State Homeland Security Program Coordinator and was appointed and medicine in 2010 and a dermatology residency in 2014, both at
 Assistant State Veterinarian in 2010. She has been trained at Plum       Louisiana State University. She is a Diplomate of the American College
 Island Animal Disease Laboratory as a Foreign Animal Disease             of Veterinary Dermatology. Dr. Woodward worked in private practice
 Diagnostician (FADD) and currently coordinates State/Federal livestock before returning to LSU as an Assistant Professor in 2016. She has a
 disease surveillance programs in Louisiana. Diane has been married to    strong interest in small animal allergic disease and equine dermatology.
 Mike Stacy, DVM for 27 years and they have two adult children, Jeffrey
 and Patricia.                                                            Gabe Van Brunt, DVM, DACVO
                                                                          Gabe is a Louisiana native and grew up in his hometown of Mandeville,
 Mike Strain, DVM, Commissioner, La. Dept. of Agriculture & Forestry      Louisiana. He is a graduate of Louisiana State University School of
  Dr. Mike Strain took the oath of office for his third four-year term as Veterinary Medicine. Following internship, he completed an ACVO
 Louisiana's Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry on January 11,      approved residency program at the Animal Ophthalmology Clinic in
 2016. A native of Covington, Strain earned a Doctorate in Veterinary     Dallas, Texas. After completion of the third year of residency, he took
 Medicine from LSU in 1983. In 1999, he was elected to the first of two the ACVO Board certification exam and was awarded diplomate status
 terms as State Representative, where he served on the Agriculture        by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists. After working
 Committee and chaired the Legislative Rural Caucus. He was twice         as an associate in Dallas, Dr. Van Brunt followed his dream of moving
 named Legislator of the Year by the St. Tammany Parish Alliance for      back home to Louisiana and establishing his Ophthalmology Referral
 Good Government. In 2003, the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine          Center, Southern Veterinary Eye Care, in Mandeville, Louisiana. Dr. Van
 presented Strain its Distinguished Alumni Award. Strain was awarded      Brunt’s special interests are micro-incision cataract surgery, corneal
 the Future Farmers of America’s highest national award, the Honorary     repair and reconstruction, and Ahmed Valve implantation for treatment
 American Degree, in August 2009, and he was inducted into the LSU        of glaucoma.
 Alumni Association Hall of Distinction in May 2010. Strain was named
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