February 2021 - American Herbal Products Association

Page created by Javier Wilson
February 2021 - American Herbal Products Association
IADSA NEWSFLASH | February 2021


         February 2021

                                         patients having autoimmune disease          Claims - Nutrient Supplement (2020).
                                         (like rheumatoid) or hyperthyroidism        Both regulations will come into force
                                         should take the product with caution.       on 1 March 2021, replacing the Health

Regulatory news                          Function: Sleep improvement
                                         Fish oil Daily intake: No more than
                                                                                     Food Raw Materials Directory (1st
                                                                                     Batch) and the Health Function
                                                                                     Catalogue (1st batch) released in 2016.
                                         4.0g (among them, the usage amount
                                                                                     The new versions also provide new
                                         of EPA+DHA should be no less than           interpretation claims. It is clarified
                                         1.0g). Suitable group: People with high     that it would be possible to include
                                         blood lipids. Unsuitable groups:            one or more sentences of the
                                         Children, pregnant women, lactating         interpretation claims on a label.
                                         women; those with bleeding tendency         However, words cannot be deleted,
                                         and patients with bleeding diseases;        added or modified.
                                         those with hepatic insufficiency; those
China                                    who are allergic to marine products.
                                         Function: Assist to reduce blood lipids
                                                                                     Addressing variation
New functional ingredients
                                         Reishi shell-broken spore powder
                                         Daily intake 1-4g Suitable group: Those     The China State Administration for
Coenzyme Q10, reishi shell-broken        with weakened immune systems                Market Regulation (SAMR) has recently
spore powder, spirulina, fish oil and    Unsuitable groups: Children, pregnant       issued a notification on management of
melatonin are now officially             women, lactating women Function:            health food registration for variations
considered as functional ingredients     Enhance immunity                            made to existing applications. The
with their inclusion into the health                                                 variation can affect the product name,
food raw material positive list. In a    Spirulina Daily intake 3-4g Suitable        health functions, or change of label
communication from SAMR on 3             group: Those with weakened immune           contents (limited to deleting the
December, it has also been clarified     systems. Unsuitable groups: Children,       preface, removing health functions,
that ingredients and related functions   pregnant women, lactating women and         reducing the scope of the “suitable
can only apply to the production of      those with allergic constitution.           for” or expand the scope of
health food instead of ordinary food.    Function: Enhance immunity. Also note       “unsuitable for”, standardizing the
                                         that beta carotene has also been            expression of specifications or
Coenzyme Q10 Daily intake 30-50mg        added to the list of nutrients for health
Suitable group: Adults Unsuitable                                                    cautions, and specifying edible
                                         food filing as a source suitable for        method). According to this
groups: Children, pregnant women,
lactating women, those with allergies,   adults.                                     notification, the changes made should
people taking pharmaceutical drugs                                                   not affect health food quality and
should consult the doctor before                                                     safety, or invalidate the registration.
consuming the product Function:
Enhance immunity; antioxidation                                                      Series of changes
                                         The State Administration for Market
                                         Regulation (SAMR), the National Health      The China State Administration for
Melatonin Daily intake 1-3mg Suitable    Commission ("NHC") and National             Market Regulation (SAMR) has recently
group: Adults Unsuitable groups:         Administration of Traditional Chinese       released a series of draft regulations
Children, pregnant women, lactating      Medicine have released the Health           related to health food functions for
women, people who work on driving,       Food Raw Material Directory - Nutrient      public consultation, namely:
mechanical operation and dangerous       Supplement (2020) and Health
operation cannot consume this product    Function Catalogue Allowed for Health
before or during the operation, and                                                      •   Health Function Catalogue
                                                                                             Allowed for Health Food
                                                                                             Claims Non-nutrient
                                                                                             Supplement (2020 Draft)
                                                                                         •   Interpretation of Health
                                                                                             Functions (2020 Draft)
                                                                                         •   Evaluation Guideline for
                                                                                             Health Food Functions (2020
IADSA NEWSFLASH | February 2021

    •     Ethical Review Guideline for     manufactured in Korea with imported      European Union
          Health Food Human                functional ingredients, HACCP
          Consumption Trial (2020          accreditation would be sufficient.
                                                                                    New look at CBD
                                                                                    Following a recent EU Court judgment
Among the changes introduced:              Suspension of foods produced by          (Case C-663/18) reporting that a
                                           ruminant and its by-products from        Member State may not prohibit the
                                           36 countries                             marketing of cannabidiol (CBD)
    •     Three functions (Promoting
          lactation, Improving growth,                                              lawfully produced in another Member
          Improving skin lipid) have now   The MFDS, the Korean Ministry of Food    State when it is extracted from the
          been removed, reducing the       and Drug Safety, has recently banned     Cannabis sativa plant in its entirety
          list of permitted functions      the import of foods produced by          and not solely from its fibre and seeds,
          from 27 to 24.                   ruminants and its by-products from 36    the European Commission has officially
                                           countries/regions. Under Korean law,     changed its position relating to the
    •     6 functions have also been
                                           MFDS can prohibit the import of foods    status of CBD extracts. The
          reworded (e.g. Aiding blood
                                           that contain risk materials or are       Commission now considers that CBD
          lipid reduction replaced by
                                           manufactured in a harmful                extracted from hemp is not a drug and
          Help maintain blood lipid
                                           environment.                             can be eligible for use in food and food
          health (cholesterol/
                                                                                    supplements. All CBD extracts remain
          triglyceride).                   The banned materials/foods are: Food     novel, requiring the submission and
    •     It is understood that            and food additives using ruminants and   approval of a dossier before use. The
          additional language that may     their by-products as raw materials       Commission had received about 60
          now be used to further           (milk, dairy products, and collagen      applications that were put on hold and
          explain the function to          casing excluded) with the exception of   will now proceed with checking their
          consumers.                       foods and products containing:           validity. If valid, they will send them
                                                                                    to EFSA for the risk assessment.
On the requirements of heath food                                                   Parallel to this, the UN Commission on
function evaluation, more information          •   Processed beef tallow            Narcotic drugs (CND) has voted to
about the tested samples would be                  products: The contains of        reclassify cannabis out of the most
required. This also includes an analysis           insoluble impurities in          dangerous category of drugs by
report of potentially harmful                      products: less than 0.15%        removing the substance from Schedule
substances for the tested sample.                  (certificate issued by the       IV of the 1961 Single Convention on
                                                   exporting country's              Narcotic Drugs.
                                                   government is required)
The Ethical Review Guideline for               •   Gelatin, Collagen: Made
Health Food Human Consumption Trial                from raw skin or leather         Overruling national limits for
(draft) is a new Regulation. It is                 (certificate issued by the       selenium
understood that institutions conducting            exporting country's
human trials should establish an                   government is required)
ethical review committee, made up of           •   Calcium Phosphate Dibasic:
                                                                                    The EU has recently extended the use
professionals having multiple academic             Containing no protein or fats
                                                                                    of the novel food selenium-containing
backgrounds.                                       (certificate issued by the
                                                                                    yeast (Yarrowia lipolytica) biomass in
                                                   exporting country's
                                                                                    food supplements under the following
                                                   government is required)
                                                                                    conditions: Food supplements,
Korea                                                                               excluding food supplements for infants
                                                                                    and children under 4 years of age 50
                                           This prohibition applies to Austria,     mg/day for children from 4 to 6 years
                                           Belgium France, Germany, Italy,          of age, resulting in 10 µg of selenium
General foods can now carry claims         Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland,        per day 100 mg/day for children from
                                           Denmark, Greece, Spain, Portugal,        7 to 10 years of age, resulting in 20 µg
General food can now bear "function        Sweden, Finland, Albania, Bosnia and
claims" which were so far only                                                      of selenium per day 500 mg/day for
                                           Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech    adolescents from 11 to 17 years of age,
permitted for health functional            Republic, Hungary, Liechtenstein,
food.The Ministry of Food and Drug                                                  resulting in 100 µg of selenium per day
                                           Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania,      800 mg/day for adults, resulting in 160
Safety (MFDS) has recently clarified in    Slovakia, Slovenian, Swiss, Serbia,
a Q&A that the use of such claims on                                                µg of selenium per day.
                                           Montenegro, Japan, Israel, Canada,
general food would be permitted if the     United States of America, Brazil,
functional ingredient amount exceeds       United Kingdom.
30% of the recommended daily intake                                                 Some Member States were however
set in Health Functional Food Code.                                                 against this measure. Belgium
Currently 29 claims have been                                                       indicated that the decision would
approved for use. These include                                                     overrule national limits applied in
Ginseng, Chlorella. Spirulina. Propolis                                             some Member States. The Netherlands
extract, EPA, DHA oil, Probiotics. For                                              considered the novel food to be a new
domestic food products, the functional                                              source of selenium as this selenium-
ingredients should be provided by                                                   containing yeast biomass will be used
factories in compliance with Health                                                 to supplement the dietary intake of
Functional Food Good Manufacturing                                                  selenium. The Netherlands suggested
Practice (GMP). However it is                                                       to wait for EFSA’s result of the re-
understood that if products are                                                     evaluation of the safe upper level that
IADSA NEWSFLASH | February 2021

has been requested by the European         France                                      Germany
Commission based on newly emerging
data. Similar concerns were raised for
a novel vitamin D2 mushroom powder         Extension of TiO2 ban                       Stoffliste v2 published
to be used as a new source of
ergocalciferol. The Commission             France has extended its national ban        The new working Group Bund-Länder-
decision on this novel food could be       of the use of the additive titanium         Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffliste (AG
reviewed when the EFSA option will be      dioxide (E171) in foods and                 Stoffliste) has recently published its
available in July 2021.                    supplements for another year. No            revised list of Plants (Pflanzen)
                                           decision has been taken yet at the EU       developed 6 years ago. The new
                                           level. The final EFSA opinion on the        version that was open to public
Vegetable carbon: Call for particle        safety of E171, based on further            consultation in September has been
sizes data & limits for PAHs               studies that have been carried out, is      developed by representatives of
                                           foreseen by end March 2021.                 various authorities [the German
The European Commission has                                                            federal Authorities (BVL, BfR, BfArM),
published a new call for data regarding                                                the authorities of the German Länder,
the re-evaluation of vegetable carbon      Vitamin D: Take medicines not               the Swiss Federal Office for Food
(E 153) authorised in supplements at       supplements                                 Safety and Veterinary Affairs FSVO, the
Quantum satis. This request includes                                                   Austrian agency AGES], as well as
information on particle size and                                                       experts in the respective fields not
                                           The French Agency for Food,
particle size distribution for the food                                                under any authority.
                                           Environmental and Occupational
additive, and data on the lowest           Health & Safety (ANSES) has recently
technologically achievable levels for 16   published an article recommending the
priority PAHs. Deadline: 14 August         use of vitamin D medicines rather than      Over 100 monographs and more than
2021                                       food supplements to prevent the risk        250 plants have been added. In
                                           of overdose in children.                    addition, a “list of mushrooms” has
α-Lipoic Acid at risk                                                                  been created. The lists are not legally
                                                                                       binding and do not claim to be
According to the European Food Safety                                                  complete. The lists will be updated
                                           According to the Agency, cases of
Authority (EFSA), the consumption of                                                   periodically to take into account new
                                           vitamin D overdose have recently been
Alpha Lipoid Acid added to foods,                                                      scientific knowledge and market
                                           reported in young children following
including food supplements, is likely to                                               developments.
                                           the use of food supplements. In
lead to an increased risk of developing    response to this, ANSES, the French
Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome (IAS) in                                                   The lists also serve as a guide in
                                           Health Products Safety Agency (ANSM),
individuals with certain genetic                                                       Austria and Switzerland for botanicals
                                           paediatric scientific societies, the
polymorphisms.                                                                         and mushrooms used as food or food
                                           National College of Midwives and
                                           French poison control centres
                                           are alerting healthcare
Based on the limited data available        professionals and parents to the risk of    Status of highly bioavailable
and the low prevalence of IAS in           overdose associated with giving             curcumin
Europe, it was also reported that the      vitamin D supplements to children,
risk associated with the development       especially infants (link) To prevent this   A recent publication of a German Joint
of IAS following consumption of            risk, they are asking healthcare            Expert Commission has examined how
Alpha Lipoid Acid cannot be          professionals and parents to:               products containing curcumin with
quantified precisely neither for the                                                   improved bioavailability and placed on
general population overall nor for sub-                                                the market as food supplements are to
groups or individuals with genetic         •   Opt for medicines rather than           be classified. While the Joint Expert
susceptibility.                                food supplements;                       Commission reported that there was no
                                           •   Check the doses administered            basis for classifying such products as
                                                                                       functional medicines or traditional
                                               (verify the amount of vitamin D
Such conclusions could lead the                per drop);                              herbal medicinal products, no food
European Commission to impose                                                          preparations containing curcumin with
                                           •   Avoid combining different
restrictive measures or even a                                                         improved bioavailability had been
                                               products containing vitamin D.
prohibition.                                                                           consumed to any significant extent
                                                                                       within the European Union before 15
                                                                                       May 1997. It was reported that no
                                           ANSES also note that some of the            application for approval as a novel
The publication of this scientific         potential risk issues relating to food      food has been submitted. The Joint
opinion is based on a request of the       supplements are linked sometimes to         Expert Commission concluded that the
European Commission to initiate the        very high (up to 10,000 IU) vitamin D       evaluation of the safety of curcumin-
procedure under Article 8 of               concentration per drop, the presence        containing products with improved
Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006 for the       in the food supplement of other             bioavailability should therefore be
intake of alpha-lipoic acid in food        vitamins (example: vitamin K, for           recommended in each individual case
supplements because of the potential       which there is no recommendation for        due to the heterogeneity of the
risk to health associated with the         daily administration to children) or        specific manufacturing processes
intake of this substance raised by the     high dose calcium (increased risk of
Danish National Food Institute (DTU)       renal damage such as lithiasis /
and the Belgian Superior Health            nephrocalcinosis).
Council.                                                                               Norway

                                                                                       Focus on MSM and melatonin
IADSA NEWSFLASH | February 2021

                                          The register of authorised claims         Due to continuing inflation, Argentina
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority                                                 has updated its fees to register food
                                           https://www.gov.uk/government/pub        supplements from $11.120,00
(Mattilsynet) has requested its
Scientific Committee for Food and                                                   Argentinean Pesos to $16.240,00. The
                                          health-claims-nhc-register                Provision 705/2021 was published on
Environment (VKM) to investigate a
potential health risk associated with a   For applications of new health claims     22nd January 2021 which modifies
daily intake of food supplements                                                    administrative fees for the National
containing methylsulfonylmethane          https://www.gov.uk/government/grou        Administration of Medicines, Foods and
(MSM) at a dose of 3 g/day and those      ps/uk-nutrition-and-health-claims-        Medical Devices (ANMAT) and the
containing melatonin at a dose up to 1    committee#making-an-application-for-      National Institute of Foods.
mg/day. VKM was also asked to             authorisation-of-a-health-claim
consider how long a food supplement
with 1 mg of melatonin can be taken                                                 Enzymes & Processing aids
daily without causing negative health
effects. The conclusion of these risk
                                                                                    Argentina has recently revised its list
assessments must be completed by 12
                                                                                    of enzymes. The revised list contains
May 2021.
                                                                                    108 enzymes for use as processing aids
                                                                                    in food products, including food
                                                                                    supplements, and their conditions of
United Kingdom                                                                      use. Although the previous list
                                          Argentina                                 contained 106 enzymes, some enzymes
Post Brexit: Not much change                                                        have been removed and are not
                                          Revision of FS regulation                 allowed, and some others have been
Overall, the rules applying to food                                                 added. This Resolution has been
supplements remain mostly                 The National Food Institute (INAL) has    developed by the working group on
unchanged, but with national              considered it necessary to update         enzymes from the National Commission
procedures instead of EU ones. The        Article 1381 of the Argentine Food        of Foods. The new list is valid from 29
most relevant links have recently         Code (CAA) that defines dietary           January 2021.
updated by the UK Department of           supplements. The new Resolution
Health:                                   published at the end of December
                                          establishes, in addition to the           Brazil
                                          definition and particular labelling
Food Supplements Guidance                 requirements, the requirements that
                                          supplements must meet in terms of
                                                                                    Guidance for food additives
                                          composition. Different regulations such
 https://www.gov.uk/government/pub        as those of the United States,            The sanitary authority ANVISA has
lications/food-supplements-guidance-      European Union, Canada, Brazil, Chile,    issued the second edition of the Q&A
and-faqs                                  Australia and New Zealand, as well as     document on food additives and
https://www.gov.uk/government/publ        the recommendations of the Codex          processing aids, aiming to clarify
ications/food-supplements-guidance-       Alimentarius, were considered.            common questions about the
and-faqs/guidance-notes-on-                                                         regulation. This includes 70 questions
legislation-implementing-directive-                                                 and answers with updated guidance on
200246ec-on-food-supplements                                                        the applicable regulation for food
                                          Main changes include: The increase of
                                                                                    additives and processing aids, including
                                          the minimum level for vitamins and
                                                                                    clarification on how to declare food
                                          minerals, from 20% to 30% of the
Scientific applications concerning the                                              additives on labels, the use of
                                          recommended daily intake. The
safety and bioavailability of an                                                    botanical species as flavourings, the
                                          Tolerable Upper Intake Levels were
individual substance for consideration                                              safety assessment of food additives,
                                          updated for the following vitamins and
for use in the UK market must until                                                 and information on use of the INS
                                          minerals: vitamins A, C, D, E, K,
further notice continue to be                                                       number.
                                          thiamin, B6, iron, magnesium and
completed in line with administrative     iodine. A maximum level has now been
guidance produced by the European         established for boron. It is specified    Correcting errors
Commission. Submission should be by       that Tolerable Upper Intake Levels
email to:                                 (UL) are established as the maximum       In December, an amendment of
nutritionlegislation@dh.gsi.gov.uk        safe daily intake for vitamins and        Administrative Order 76/2020 was
Nutrition and health claims               minerals for dietary supplements. The     published which lists the permitted
                                          establishment of limits for amino acids   ingredients in food supplements, their
                                          and other nitrogenous substances,         respective maximum limits, and the
Guidance document                         components of the products. The list      list of claims, in order to amend
https://www.gov.uk/government/publ        of permitted botanicals has been          Annexes II, IV and V, where some
ications/nutrition-and-health-claims-     reduced from 35 to 27 species.            information were incorrect: - Annex II
guidance-to-compliance-with-              Requirements for the use of probiotics    relating to the permitted ingredients in
                                          have also been included. Enforcement      food supplements intended for infant
and-health-claims-made-on-                date: 30 December 2020. Companies         and young children, where proteins
                                          will have a period to adapt until 30      were missing from the list. - Annex IV
guidance-to-compliance-with-              December 2021.                            relating to the maximum limits for
                                                                                    bioactive substances, enzymes and
                                                                                    probiotics, for each age group, where
                                          Fees for market access                    a footnote for folic acid has been
                                                                                    added - Annex V relating to the list of
IADSA NEWSFLASH | February 2021

permitted claims, where some wording                 documents must be submitted       supplements and medications may not
has been changed for the permitted                   in Spanish.                       be advertised during children’s
claim for Bifidobacterium animalis               •   Maximum limits of vitamins        programmes, including movies aimed
subsp. lactis BB12 (DSM 15954)                       and minerals are established.     at children.
                                                 •   There is no positive list of
Colombia                                             ingredients, although the         Russia
                                                     definition foresees vitamins,
Registration fee up                                  minerals, amino acids,            Distribution channel restrictions
                                                     carbohydrates, proteins, fats,    lifted
                                                     combinations of substances
In January Resolution 2020046413 was                 with extracts from plant or
published which updates Resolution                                                     Following the approval of the new
                                                     animal origin and enzymes         rules of goods sales and revocation of
2020027137 which establishes INVIMA’s                (except for hormones)
fees, including fees for the registration                                              sanitary norms and rules of production
of food supplements. The new fees
                                                 •   Labelling requirements            and sales of food supplements
have been updated considering the                    including warning statements      (Government Decree N2463 of 31
minimum wage and the current ‘Unit                                                     December 2020), all restrictions for
of Tax Value’. The new fees are the                                                    retail sales of food supplements are
following:                                                                             lifted from 1 January 2021. In
                                                                                       particular, the Decree allows E-
                                                                                       commerce trade of dietary
                                                                                       supplements, as well as lifts
     •     Food supplements in solids
                                                                                       restrictions for retail sales of food
           forms: the fee has been
                                                                                       supplements only in pharmacies,
           increased from 4,554,638 to
                                                                                       dedicated stores selling preventive and
           4,997,071 Colombian Pesos         Belarus                                   medical nutrition products, and
     •     Food supplements in liquid                                                  department stores.
           form: the fee has been
                                             Dietary supplements & medicines
           increased from 4,333,808 to
           4,754,533 Colombian Pesos         can no longer have identical trade
     •     Food supplements in semi-         names                                     Ukraine
           solid form: the fee has been
           increased from 4,361,411 to       The Belarusian Health Ministry’s          Language law comes into force
           4,785,032 Colombian Pesos         Resolution 78 on criteria for trade
                                             names of medicines of 24 September        16 January 2021 marked the
                                             2020 came into force in November          enactment of Article 30 of Ukrainian
                                             2020. Importantly, one of the criteria    Law 2704-VIII on facilitating the use of
The new fees are already in force.
                                             bans the use of names fully replicating   Ukrainian as the official language for
                                             the names of dietary supplements as       consumer services. All market
Nicaragua                                    trade names of medicines.                 operators are obligated to service
                                                                                       customers and provide information
First legal framework                        Separate shelves                          about products and services in
                                                                                       Ukrainian. The requirement is also
Nicaragua has issued its first regulation                                              valid for online information about
                                             The Health Ministry has
for food supplements.                                                                  products.
                                             ruled medicines and dietary
                                             supplements should be displayed on
In short :                                                                             As per the law, information about
                                             separate shop shelves. The Belarusian
                                                                                       products and services may be included
                                             national internet portal published the
                                                                                       in other languages.
     •     The enforcement authority         Health Ministry’s Resolution 86 on
           will be the Department of         amending the Health Ministry’s
           Natural Artisan Products and      Resolution 120 of 27 December 2006 of     Uzbekistan
           Nutritional Supplements,          23 November 2020. It states that
           which will be linked to the       medicines in a pharmacy must be           Draft regulation covering
           Ministry of Health                displayed separately from other           supplements
     •     The import of supplements         products, including dietary
           registered with the               supplements. Dietary supplements
                                                                                       Uzbekistan’s Academy of Sciences has
           Department of Natural Artisan     must be marked appropriately as a
                                                                                       proposed a draft resolution on safety
           Products and Nutritional          product category on the dedicated
                                                                                       of food additives, flavouring agents,
           Supplements will be               shelf.
                                                                                       dietary supplements and processing
           authorized by the Department                                                aids. The draft document introduces
           of Pharmacy of the Ministry of    Change of rules for supplement            requirements for their manufacture,
           Health                            adverts                                   storage, sale, disposal and labelling.
     •     Registration must be issued                                                 The document has a number of
           within 60 working days. Part      Following a new law published in          appendices which contain detailed
           of the documentation to be                                                  safety requirements and hygienic
                                             January, dietary supplements can only
           presented includes a free sale    be advertised if the advertiser has       norms. The public discussion phase
           certificate, GMP certificate,                                               closed on 26 December 2020. Based on
                                             received approval from the Ministry of
           composition, analytical           Health of Belarus. This requirement       its results, the draft resolution may
           methodology, stability studies                                              now be amended or rejected.
                                             does not apply to outdoor and
           (for products with a shelf life   transport advertising. Dietary
           greater than 24 months). All
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