Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group

Page created by Alfredo James
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group
facts & figures
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group
Our vision                                                                                        Hi,
To create possibilities                                                                           As Ikano celebrated 30 years since its
                                                                                                  founding as an independent group of
                                                                                                                                                  never stop dreaming about what we can
                                                                                                                                                  do tomorrow. Further highlighting this, in

for better living.                                                                                companies, 2018 was a year where we
                                                                                                  truly showed our company spirit in that
                                                                                                                                                  a joint effort to explore the unknown we
                                                                                                                                                  during the year hosted guests from all
                                                                                                                                                  around the IKEA world at the first Ikano
                                                                                                  we dare to challenge ourselves in order
                                                                                                                                                  Future Search – an event where each of our
It has been a dream of mine to bring              Marketing Manager in May 2018, and now          to keep growing and finding solutions
                                                                                                                                                  businesses defined action plans for how
the brand I love to the country of my             my dream is becoming reality.                   that can simplify everyday life for our         we can help IKEA reach more of the many
heritage ever since I first joined IKEA               Mexicans are excited about our arrival      customers!                                      people around the world. What is more,
USA in 2003.                                      and, looking at the competition, we
                                                                                                                                                  in 2018 we acquired Quant Marketing, a
                                                  definitely have the possibility to create       Looking back at the year that passed, I         business built by a highly talented team
                                                  possibilities for better living for many        am humbled by the determination shown
Antonia Banuelos                                                                                                                                  of co-workers with a track record of
                                                  Mexicans with our offering of well-designed     by our co-workers when faced with the
Marketing Manager,                                                                                                                                delivering excellent customer relationship
                                                  and functional home furnishings. Our            challenging task of creating a simpler and
IKEA Mexico                                                                                                                                       management and loyalty solutions. Starting
                                                  growing team is working tirelessly to make      high-performing Ikano as we kick-started        by gradually incorporating our previously
                                                  it happen and with the target set on 2020       our strategy 2018–2022 period.
After 16 years in different marketing                                                                                                             limited operations in this business segment,
                                                  for our first store opening, there is no time       Ikano Bank implemented robotics to
roles that took me from San Diego to                                                                                                              Quant will have a strong foundation and
                                                  to lose!                                        increase efficiency and co-launched a
Philadelphia, I joined IKEA Mexico as                                                                                                             the potential to grow exponentially over the
                                                                                                  service that helps people make their homes      coming years!
                                                                                                  sustainable. Ikano Bolig launched its first        As we now enter the final year of this
                                                                                                  two real estate projects in Denmark and

Our values and
                                                                                                                                                  decade, we do so with a firm belief in the
                                                                     Common                       Ikano Bostad adapted swiftly to tougher         possibilities the future holds for each of our
                                                                    sense and                     market conditions in Sweden, while not
                                                                    simplicity                                                                    businesses. We know that along the way

                                                                                                  losing track of our long-term commitment to     there will be points where things do not go
                                                                                                  disrupt the housing industry – exemplified      according to plan and that to get back on
                                                                                                  in a pilot study for a digital community        track we will have to make tough decisions,
                                                                      On fair                     interface that enables smarter living in        such as the sale of Ikano Försäkring that
For the past eight years, I have worked                               terms                       our neighbourhoods. Ikano Industry went
                                                                                   Daring                                                         was finalised during the year. But we also
in different departments within Ikano.                  Working                     to be         beyond its comfort zone in broadening our       know how far we can get when we put
                                                        together                  different       offering with products made from materials
The values have always been there to                                                                                                              our minds to it – not least exemplified by
lean against, but I have also learnt that                                                         that we have not previously worked with.        the achievements of our founder Ingvar
                                                                                                  Our insurance business established a            Kamprad who left us in 2018 at the age of
they are put to the test sometimes.
                                                                                                  new client partnership that expanded our        92, staying committed to the companies he
                                                                                                  safeguarding solutions for the IKEA concept     built until the very end. With his heritage
Angelica Karlsson                                 see that small actions, such as planning        to three more markets. And looking at our       always there as our guiding star, we are as
Executive Assistant,                              where to have fika and what furniture we        own operations as an IKEA franchisee, we
Ikano Bostad                                                                                                                                      ready as ever to deliver
                                                  use, can have a positive effect on how co-      opened our second store in Thailand – the       on our mission to
                                                  workers work together and socialise.            first one in the world to be fully integrated   simplify life for the
I have seen how important our values are             In challenging times, it is easy to lose     with a shopping centre. At the same time,       many people so
to bring co-workers across teams and              focus on our values. However, that is when      in Manila, we started construction of the       they can focus
businesses together, that is why I believe it     we need them the most. That is when we          world’s biggest IKEA store and in Mexico        on living it.
is important to implement and use them in         need to go back to our roots and use them       City, we expanded our retail office in          Glorious future!
our daily work. In my role as facility manager,   as guidance. By doing so, we can tackle         preparation for the first store, with both of
my team and I have worked a lot on                challenges in a better way and develop          these new markets planned to open in 2020.      Lars Thorsén,
planning the layout of our offices with the       both ourselves and our culture. And with such       While we may have reached the 30            Ikano Group CEO
help of our values. It is highly satisfying to    value driven co-workers, I believe we will.     mark, these achievements show that we
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group
Our new IKEA Bang Yai store in Thailand
                                                 was fitted with 4,500 solar panels, covering

Our 2018
                                                 about 20 percent of its energy needs.                            Total visitation
                                                                                                                      to our
                                                                                                                 IKEA stores and
                                                                                                              shopping centres was

at a glance
                                                                                                                   a 28 percent
                                                                                                                increase from the
                                                                                                                  previous year

 More than       In our third     Operating in       Ikano Bolig

               annual Health                      initiated its first

                Week, 1,210
             Ikano co-workers
               clocked 5,540
co-workers   hours of physical
              activity to raise
             funds to establish
              a second Ikano                           real estate
               Academy for                              projects
               young adults        countries          in Denmark

                                                       Through a new IKEA                                         Through a
                                                     franchisee partnership,
                                                 Ikano Re & Insurance Advisory
                                                                                                             renewable consumer

                                                             added                                            protection scheme,
                                                                                                                Ikano Bank UK

                                                                                           Ikano Industry
                                                                                            recycled 660
                                                                                                              customers make
                                                         new markets in
                                                                                         tonnes of foam in      their homes
                                                  Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece              its production     more sustainable
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group

We offer simple and fair banking and financing solutions to the many
people. Our offer to consumers includes private label cards, credit cards,
savings and loans. We deliver sales finance and customer insight services
to retail partners and provide businesses with leasing and factoring
solutions. We aim to grow significantly in the coming years by focusing
on our role as the bank for the many – providing solutions that simplify
people’s everyday life and help businesses grow.

Facts at a glance                             The year in brief
No. of co-workers: 1,081                      • The result for the year was in line with our

                                                                                                   Among our                                 At the end
Business volume                               • We worked closely with our customers and
                                                                                                   co-workers,                          of the year we had

                                                                                               47 6.9 970
                                                                                                                       websites had
EUR 6.3 billion                                 partners in our various business lines and
                                                total lending was on par with the previous
             1%                                 year.
                             Deposits         • We saw good growth in the leasing
                             Cards              business as well as increased deposits in
                                                the Bank.
                             Consumer loans
                                              • We continued work to strengthen the
                                                bank’s IT service capacity and speed up
                             Factoring          digital development.
             14%                              • Our home renewables consumer
                                                protection scheme won the Best Industry
                                                                                               percent took a Social                       open Visa/
                                                                                                  Day to engage                            MasterCard
                                                                                                                       million visits
                                                Innovation of the Year category in the UK
Open accounts                                   Card & Payments Awards.                          in a good cause                            accounts
Loans: 870,000                                • In Germany and Sweden we received
Deposit accounts: 230,000                       various awards for our savings and loan
Leasing contracts: 71,000                       products.
Private label cards: 3.7 million              • Ikano Bank was recognised as one of the
Bonus/loyalty cards: 9.3 million                top 100 Career Companies in Sweden.
Visa/MasterCard: 970,000                      • Our long-term goal is to achieve a
                                                gender-balanced workplace, with our
Our markets                                     management team currently consisting of
Ikano Bank AB operates in Austria,              five women and seven men.
Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway,            • Henrik Eklund was appointed new interim
Poland, Sweden and the UK.                      CEO after the end of the year.
Ikano Bank LLC operates in Russia.
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group
Time to increase speed
                                                                                               2018 was a challenging year. However            free up resources by automating simple but
                                                                                               we see many opportunities to grow               time consuming processes.
                                                                                               our business in the future and make                 During the coming years we will continue
                                                                                               a difference for our customers and              to develop our core business and current
                                                                                                                                               offering in the markets where we are
                                                                                               partners in all of the markets where we
                                                                                                                                               present. We will speed up our business
                                                                                               operate today.
                                                                                                                                               transformation and build capabilities, both
                                                                                                                                               in technology and organisation, to increase
                                                                                               Henrik Eklund                                   digital development and time to market.

Award winning
                                                                                               Interim CEO,                                    Investing in new solutions such as a bank-
                                                                                               Ikano Bank
                                                                                                                                               wide lending platform to strengthen efficient
                                                                                                                                               processes and develop common product

protection scheme                                                                              We have a strong brand and company
                                                                                               culture, and building on our customer
                                                                                                                                               propositions across geographies.
                                                                                                                                                   We will also invest in our co-workers, to

helping our customers
                                                                                               promise ‘on fair terms’ and our values we       strengthen our leadership capabilities in
                                                                                               will continue to offer products that simplify   line with our values and make sure we keep
                                                                                               everyday life for the many people.              things simple, execute on our decisions and

live sustainably
                                                                                                  During the autumn, we increased focus        have a long-term focus with sustainability as
                                                                                               on simplifying our way of working and to        a natural part of our business.
                                                                                               clarify the way forward. We are continuing
                                                                                               to invest in our technical platform to secure
                                                                                                                                                Main objectives and focus areas 2019 – 2022
                                                                                               sustainable and profitable growth and
                                                                                               customer benefit.                                • People – together, create a great place
                                                                                                  An exciting area where we started to            to work.
                                                                                                                                                • Customer – push digital in everything we
To support the UK’s renewable energy           when using Certi-Fi approved retailers          make investments during the year is in
                                                                                                                                                  do & be customer experience driven.
sector, we launched a home renewable           and installers, making it possible to realise   robotics. We are at an early stage but look      • Growth – grow in a sustainable and
consumer protection scheme in the              their ambitions to make their homes more        forward to being able to streamline our            profitable way.
United Kingdom that makes investing            sustainable.                                    business, increase customer satisfaction and
                                                  Through this collaboration, in 2018
in green energy at home an easier
                                               we delivered over GBP 13 million in HIES
                                               backed loans to more than 1,300 customers.
                                               Furthermore, our home renewable consumer
Mark Williams                                  protection scheme was awarded Best
Strategic Manager, New Business,               Industry Innovation of the Year in the UK’s
SME & Brokers, Ikano Bank UK
                                               Card & Payments Awards, and we feel very
                                               honoured by this recognition – especially
In collaboration with The Home Insulation      considering the high calibre finalists we
and Energy Systems Contractors                 were up against, including Amazon Pay.
Scheme (HIES), as well as Certi-Fi, Ikano         For Ikano Bank, this means that we can
supported the development of The Energy        operate in a complex and well regulated
Performance Validation Scheme (EPVS).          industry with a high degree of comfort. We
    The scheme, which is free to consumers,    have helped create products that can grow
provides market-leading levels of consumer     our business, protect our customers, and
protection for renewable energy products.      have a positive impact on the planet.
It gives them access to Ikano Bank financing
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group
Among our
Real Estate                                                                                          tenant-owned
                                                                                                    apartments under


We offer space efficient, functional and sustainable homes at affordable
prices for people at all stages of life. We develop, build, own and manage
tenant-owned apartments, rental apartments, townhouses and nursing
homes. We look for new ways to improve not only the homes we offer, but
also the surroundings. We want to create communities where people meet,
greet and look after one another. A place where people feel at home from
the moment they step into their courtyard.                                                            percent will
                                                                                                     offer car pools

Facts at a glance                             Our properties and projects
No. of co-workers: 488                        Apt./townhouses under construct.: 1,380
                                              Rental apt.: 5,761 (433,500 sq.m)
Turnover                                      Nursing homes: 5 (293 apt, 22,500 sq.m)               Our rental
                                                                                                                          Among our tenant-owned
                                                                                                                            apartments under                  Our

EUR 286 million                               Offices: 2 (25,000 sq.m)                                                        construction,
                                              Landbank: 176,000 sq.m
                                              Building rights: 10,000 (all phases)
                                              The year in brief
                           Property development
                           and production       • We sold in total 640 apt./townhouses.
                           Property management • We sold 484 rental apt. in Lund, Malmö
                  77%                             and Västerås.
                                              •   We finalised our first townhouses.
                                              •   We finalised our first apartments with
                                                                                                  kg of clothes for
                                                  flexible walls, movable sockets and smart          the charity
                                                                                                    organisation        percent will have sedum roofs,

                                                  on/off lights.
Market values of properties and landbank                                                                                  which collects day water
EUR 1.5 billion
                                              •   We initiated the first two projects in           Human Bridge        and prospers biological diversity
                                              •   We sold our first fully furnished apartment.

                                              •   We started the construction of our first self
                           Residential            developed nursing home.
                           Nursing homes
                                              •   We finalised the renovation of 290
                                                  rental apt.
                  63%      Offices
                                              •   We provided 20 young adults with summer
  7%                       Landbank
                                              •   We hired 14 young adults within the Ikano
                                                  Academy, our programme aimed at
                                                  helping unemployed youths enter the job
Our markets                                       market.
Sweden: Gothenburg, Lund, Malmö,              •   We decided to develop a roadmap to
Stockholm, Uppsala, Västerås                      become climate neutral by 2045.                                                                             percent of
Denmark: Copenhagen area                      •   We started a major energy efficiency
                                                  project to recycle heat in some of our
                                                                                                                                                           our management
                                                  rental properties.                                                                                        team members
                                                                                                                                                              are women
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group
Piloting a digital platform
                                                                                                  to help neighbours
                                                                                                  create a community
                                                                                                  During 2018, we started a pilot study          on the platform, making it easy to see who
                                                                                                  for a digital platform that enhances           lives in the building. Everybody can share
                                                                                                  communication between neighbours.              information in the news feed, chat with
                                                                                                  The purpose for this is to create great        individual neighbours and advertise in the
                                                                                                                                                 buy and sell section. It is also possible to
                                                                                                  neighbourhoods where the tenants feel
                                                                                                                                                 purchase services, for example window

Ikano Bolig’s first two
                                                                                                  a strong sense of belonging and safety,
                                                                                                                                                 cleaning, together in order to lower costs.
                                                                                                  and where they find it easy to both
                                                                                                                                                     With this platform, we wish to create
                                                                                                  socialise and share things they do not

projects are off to a
                                                                                                                                                 a sharing community that promotes a
                                                                                                  need every day.                                more sustainable lifestyle and simplifies
                                                                                                                                                 everyday life for our tenants. It could be that

running start in Denmark
                                                                                                  Stina Viktorsson                               your baby sitter lives next door. Perhaps
                                                                                                  Strategic Development Leader,                  the neighbour upstairs has a drill you can
                                                                                                  Ikano Bostad                                   borrow, or the extra chair you need for a
                                                                                                                                                 birthday party. Or maybe you will find a
                                                                                                  Through the app or the web interface,          new running buddy or someone to knit with.
                                                                                                  tenants can easily find information about          We have so far tested the digital platform
                                                                                                  the property, contact the tenant board,        in four residential projects with positive
Having decided to cross the water                homes in Hillerød. There we will provide a
                                                 diversified offering by selling land lots, row   book the laundry room or make service          feedback and will now investigate how to
from Sweden to establish a subsidiary
                                                 houses and apartments. The interior design       requests. All tenants have their own profile   proceed when the pilot study ends.
under the Ikano Bolig brand, our team
in Denmark during 2018 continued to              will be planned in cooperation with IKEA
                                                 Taastrup with the focus to develop space-
grow and initiated two projects. This
                                                 efficient and functional homes.
marks the beginning of a new chapter
                                                    Beyond the physical buildings, we are
for our real estate business.                    also committed to develop surroundings
                                                 that enable and encourage good relations
René Brandt                                      amongst neighbours and create a strong
Managing Director,                               sense of community. In Denmark we call this
Ikano Bolig                                      Nærvær, meaning togetherness. Before our
                                                 customers move in, we organise local events
I am very happy with what we have                to establish Nærvær among both the buyers
accomplished during the past year. We            and the existing neighbours in the area.
bought land at great locations and we are        Also, we will build community houses for our
up and running with our first two projects. At   neighbourhoods where people can meet
the end of 2018, we started selling the first    and socialise.
31 of 230 townhouses we will build in Greve,        This is how we can create better living for
outside Copenhagen.                              the many people, and how Ikano Bolig will
   Furthermore, we signed a purchase             add value to the Danish real estate market.
agreement for another 145 residential
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group

Ikano Industry aims to be IKEA’s leading supplier of mattresses and
related products. Our facilities in Rogozno and Krajenka, Poland, together

                                                                                                     Sweet dreams for
create one of the largest and most modern mattress production lines
in Europe. With our focus on sustainability and quality at the core of
everything we do, a company culture characterised by teamwork and
innovation leads us forward.
                                                                                                     the many children
Facts at a glance                                  The year in brief
No. of co-workers: 790                             • We changed our company name from
Turnover: EUR 104 million                            Dendro Poland to Ikano Industry.
                                                   • Our Krajenka branch officially opened           A good night’s sleep is one of the              moistness. As for the natural latex, it is
                                                     after extensive renovations, employing          most important things in life, not least        completely biodegradable and consumes
Mattresses produced
                                                     some 150 co-workers at the end of the year.     when you are growing. Therefore                 much less energy when produced compared
                                                   • We opened a new sewing facility in              we launched a series of innovative              with the synthetic rubber it has replaced.
                                                     Rogozno with modern systems that create                                                             DRÖMMANDE’s non-woven fabric is built
       2% 5% 10%                                                                                     mattresses in 2018 that will simplify
                                                     a more ergonomic workplace.                                                                     of PLA fibre. Made from GMO-free corn
                                                                                                     nightlife for the many parents.
                             Children’s mattresses • The first Malvik mattresses produced with                                                       or potatoes, it is a non-toxic, sustainable
                             Foam mattresses         soy polyol were delivered to IKEA.                                                              alternative to petroleum based materials.
                                                                                                     Marcin Szulczyński                              It meets the stringent emission standards
                             Spring mattresses     • We expanded our product range with
                                                                                                     Junior Product Development and
                                                     spring mattresses and natural mattresses,                                                       of GREENGUARD and is also an excellent
                             Sofa mattresses                                                         Implementation Specialist, Ikano Industry
                                                     for example using coconut fibre in the                                                          alternative to wool as it is hypoallergenic
          83%                                        production.                                                                                     and can easily be washed.
                                                   • A new sustainability and communications         Every parent will agree that their children’s       The other two newcomers are called
                                                     department was established, targeting how       sleep during those early years is a matter of   HIMLAVALV and HIMLARUND (Swedish
Our markets                                          to achieve circularity in our business model.   great importance – not least if the parents     for heaven’s ceiling, loosely translated).
From our production facilities in Poland,          • We joined the group of IWAY 10 stars –          are able to get any sleep themselves.           Its labyrinth filling, with a pattern
we supply mattresses to IKEA stores in 33            meaning we are one of 10 IKEA suppliers            There are a number of things that            resembling uncooked instant noodles, is
markets across Europe and the Middle East.           with the highest safety standards and best      impact the way our kids sleep and the bed       made from carefully selected completely
                                                     ergonomic conditions.                           they sleep in is definitely one. In 2018 this   recyclable synthetic fibres, providing a
                                                   • A gender-balanced workforce continued           inspired us to develop three new families       unique combination of flexibility, pressure
                                                     to be one of our focus areas, exemplified       of child-friendly (and thus parent-friendly!)   distribution and ventilation. Just like the
                                                     by having seven women among our forklift        mattresses.                                     materials described above, it is non-toxic
                                                     operators at the end of the year.                  DRÖMMANDE (dreaming in Swedish) is           and hypo-allergenic – and in the case of an
                                                   • We expanded our reach to a new continent        a spring cot mattress with a combination        overnight accident, even the mattress core
                                                     by starting to supply IKEA stores in Qatar,     of coconut fibre and natural latex forms.       can be washed in the shower!
                                                     Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.            The coconut fibre is durable and flexible,          Our mission is to simplify life for the
                                                   • Our yearly foam production totalled 1,705       hardening the mattress while remaining          many people so they can focus on living,
                                                     thirty-metre blocks, with a total weight of     elastic due to a special production process     and with DRÖMMANDE, HIMLAVALV and
                                                     18,220,000 kilos.                               that also makes it adapt well to the body. It   HIMLARUND now available in IKEA stores,
                                                   • We recycled 660,000 kilos of foam in our        also protects against multiplication of mites   we hope that the lives of the many parents
                                                     production.                                     and microorganisms and doesn’t cause            can become a little bit easier – and the
                                                                                                     allergic reactions. What’s more, it provides    dreams of their children a little bit sweeter.
                                                                                                     good air circulation and prevents excessive
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group

Ikano Re and Ikano Insurance Advisory provide reinsurance solutions
and advisory services for the global operations of actors within the IKEA
franchise system. Our offering covers areas such as transportation,
property, liability and employees.

Facts at a glance                                    The year in brief
No. of co-workers: 12                                • We expanded our reach within IKEA
Gross premiums written:                              • Although our claims results were good
EUR 79 million                                         overall, we saw an increase of small and
                                                       medium sized claims.
            6%                                       • We started investigating how we could
                                   Property damage     create safety at home for the many people
                                   Life                by embedding insurance into IKEA
                          61%      Liability
19%                                                  • Our portfolio of employee benefit

                                                                                                     Fourlis partnership
                                                       insurance was extended throughout the
                                   Other               world.
                                                     • We continued our charitable support of

Geographical distribution of risk
                                                       two helplines for children in need, as well
                                                       as a school giving adolescents a second       brings our solutions to
                                                                                                     three new IKEA markets
                                   Germany           • Our bi-annual reinsurance meeting was
                                   United States       held in Älmhult, the Swedish town where
                                   Russia              our company was once founded, with 23
42%                                China               underwriters from various insurance
                                                       partners attending.
                              9%   France
                                   United Kingdom
                                                                                                     Over the past few years, Ikano                 IKEA stores, seven IKEA pick-up points and
           4%                      Sweden                                                            Insurance has actively been looking to         e-commerce stores in Greece, Cyprus and
                5% 7%
                                   Other                                                             expand its insurance services offering to      Bulgaria.
                                                                                                     all franchisees of the IKEA concept, and          It takes genuine effort to build a mutually
Our markets                                                                                                                                         beneficial business relationship with clients
                                                                                                     in 2018 we were delighted to welcome
Ikano Re and Ikano Insurance Advisory                                                                                                               in our sector and we are honoured that
                                                                                                     Fourlis Group among our clients.
offers services and support globally in the                                                                                                         Fourlis Group has chosen us as a partner
markets where the IKEA franchise system is                                                                                                          for safeguarding their operation of the IKEA
present.                                                                                             Bernd Lengfellner                              concept.
                                                                                                     Managing Director,                                After Fourlis Group’s decision to join
                                                                                                     Ikano Insurance Advisory AG
                                                                                                                                                    our IKEA insurance concept, we have
                                                                                                                                                    seen interest from additional franchisees
                                                                                                     Fourlis Group is the exclusive franchisee of   and going into 2019, we continue to offer
                                                                                                     the IKEA concept in Greece, Cyprus and         services and insurance solutions to all
                                                                                                     Bulgaria. They own and operate seven           franchisees of the IKEA concept.
Features, facts & figures 2018 - Ikano Group

We create a better everyday life for the many people by offering well-
designed, affordable home furnishings through our IKEA stores and
ecommerce in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. We also develop, own
and manage shopping centres anchored by IKEA and invest in other types
of real estate to create destinations where people shop, work, eat and
meet. Our multi-national team has ambitious plans to extend our offer to
more markets in multiple channels, including the Philippines, Vietnam and                         IPC goes digital to
                                                                                                  engage customers in
Mexico. With our co-workers and many partners, we are inspiring millions
to make home count and live a more sustainable everyday life.

Facts at a glance
No. of co-workers: 3,393
                                                 The year in brief
                                                 • We met more than 90 million people at
                                                                                                  revamped centre
                                                   our stores and centres and grew our total
Turnover                                           turnover by 21 percent.
EUR 687 million                                  • In Thailand, we opened the world’s first
                                                   IKEA store to be fully integrated into a
                                                                                                  During 2018 we refurbished our longest-       brand recognition jumped more than 36
                                                   shopping centre.
                                                                                                  running shopping centre inside and out,       percent and the Mood Menu also won Gold
   27%                                           • We expanded ecommerce to all of
                  32%                                                                             adding alfresco eating areas, vertical        in the Asia Pacific Shopping Centre Awards
                            Singapore              Malaysia and set up IKEA Collection Points
                                                                                                  gardens, a playground and dozens of           as the best example of emerging digital
                                                   to reach people as far away as Borneo.
                            Malaysia                                                                                                            technology.
                                                 • We planned for 2020 IKEA store openings        new tenants.
                                                   in both Mexico and the Philippines, taking
                                                   the top-trending spot on Twitter with our      Andrew Yeoh
                                                   news in Manilla.                               Head of Marketing,
                                                 • Our shopping centres grew visitation by        Ikano Centres
                                                   20 percent with new tenants & improved
Our IKEA stores                                    meeting spaces.
                                                                                                  For the re-launch the “new” IPC in Kuala
No. of catalogues released 6.6 million           • Construction workers at each of our
                                                                                                  Lumpur, we took a fresh approach to
No. of visits: 27.8 million                        four sites clocked more than 1 million hours
                                                                                                  marketing. First, we released a short,
No. of children to Småland: 252,445                without serious injuries.
                                                                                                  heart-warming film that tells the story of
No. of meatballs sold: 30.7 million              • IPC launched a one-of-a-kind Mood
                                                                                                  a boy’s first love (and his journey through
No. of chicken balls sold: 2.3 million             Menu app that increased the centre’s
                                                                                                  IPC). A surprise ending delighted viewers        Another campaign raised awareness of
No. of veggie balls sold: 0.6 million              brand recognition by 36 percent.
                                                                                                  and the film attracted three million views    our revamped Recycling & Buy Back Centre.
                                                 • IKEA Cheras achieved a gold rating
                                                                                                  on YouTube. People watched a series of        We paid people cash for old newspapers,
Our Shopping Centres                               from the US Green Building Council for its
                                                                                                  targeted follow-up spots more than 23         used plastics and more and, over three
No. of visits: 63.1 million                        sustainable construction and fit-out.
                                                                                                  million times!                                months last year, collected 4.3 tons of waste.
Gross leasable sq.m: 420,700 incl. IKEA stores   • IKEA Alexandra store installed Singapore’s
                                                                                                     Next, we launched a one-of-a-kind          IPC itself recycled 31 percent of the waste
No. of rented units: 1,432                         first commercial solar cooling and reduced
                                                                                                  Mood Menu app that recommends meals to        generated by its own operations and with
                                                   energy consumption by 24 percent.
                                                                                                  shoppers based on musical choices on their    solar panels, rainwater harvesting and
                                                 • Our Customer Contact Centre
                                                                                                  Spotify playlists. Close to 50,000 people     a sustainable dishwashing system. IPC is
                                                   consolidated operations in Kuala Lumpur
                                                                                                  downloaded the app and thousands used         aiming to become the greenest shopping
                                                   and improved service levels by 34 percent.
                                                                                                  coupons for IPC food outlets. As a result,    centre in town!
Second IKEA store in
                                                                                               Thailand opens with
                                                                                               a Bang!
                                                                                               In March 2018, we opened our seventh            concourse link that is suspended over a
                                                                                               IKEA store in the region, ushering              road and connects the store to the mall.
                                                                                               throngs of eager customers into a store         There are three direct entries from the
                                                                                               that breaks the mould on traditional            shopping centre with checkouts on all
                                                                                                                                               levels, and while this design challenges the
                                                                                               IKEA blue-box design principles.
                                                                                                                                               traditional IKEA store experience, it enables
                                                                                                                                               a seamless journey for our customers.
                                                                                               Amataboon Satrasook                             Furthermore, on the rooftop there are 4,500
                                                                                               Acting Local Marketing &                        solar panels that generate renewable
                                                                                               Communication Manager, IKEA Bang Yai
                                                                                                                                               energy covering about 20 percent of the
                                                                                                                                               store’s needs.

Multichannel customer                                                                          At more than 48,000 square meters, IKEA
                                                                                               Bang Yai in Thailand is the first IKEA store
                                                                                               in the world that is fully integrated with a
                                                                                                                                                  In terms of food, IKEA Bang Yai tested the
                                                                                                                                               ground for a new concept restaurant called
                                                                                                                                               HEM (home, in Swedish). Our cosy nook,

service helps us meet the                                                                      shopping centre. It will act as an ecommerce
                                                                                               fulfilment centre and was at the time of
                                                                                                                                               lined by bookcases and soft seating, serves
                                                                                                                                               up affordable healthy food with Swedish

many people
                                                                                               opening by far the largest store in Southeast   gourmet flare. However – all novelties of
                                                                                               Asia.                                           IKEA Bang Yai put aside – there is still a
                                                                                                   In perhaps the most complex IKEA            classic IKEA Restaurant serving our famous
                                                                                               construction anywhere, the showroom             Swedish meatballs!
                                                                                               and market hall are located in a massive

A series of upgrades to our Customer            to our ecommerce checkout page, we can
Contact Centres during the year                 now answer any questions customers have
improved our connection to shoppers –           as they are making a purchase on our site.
whether they reach out by phone, email          We also moved the team out of their old
                                                office to a bright new space with a pantry
or social media.
                                                and soft seating areas, creating a great
                                                place to work!
Alexander Soliman                                  As a result of the improvements made, we
Customer Contact Centre Manager,
                                                saw a 34 percent increase in service levels
IKEA Southeast Asia
                                                – answering the vast majority of phone calls
                                                in under a minute and emails within a day.
During the year, Singapore and Malaysia         What’s more, over the course of the year
Customer Contact Centre operations were         our hard-working agents handled close to
consolidated in Kuala Lumpur. We scaled up      295,000 phone calls, more than 100,000
our training and on-boarding programmes         emails and about 10,000 web chats!
and built specialised teams to handle each
channel. Introducing a live web chat function
Our financial results 2018                                                       Group Extended Management Team
For the 2018 financial year, Ikano Group achieved a growth of 9 percent
in turnover, including net income from finance activities. To maintain this
growth momentum, we continue to invest in our businesses. For instance,
we during the year invested EUR 64 million in our real estate markets,
Sweden and Denmark, and EUR 153 million in building new IKEA stores
and a shopping centre in Southeast Asia. On-going investments include
strengthening our position as a multichannel retailer by developing our
ecommerce systems, as well as the digital transformation journey of Ikano
                                                                              Lars Thorsén*     Mats Håkansson*       Yohann Adolphe*      Marie Gällstad*      Jean Champagne*
Bank. Furthermore, in line with our ambition to be a good local neighbour      Group CEO       Group Vice President     Group CFO          Head of Group            Head of
where we operate, we also supported local communities and charities with                                                                   Communications          Group HR
more than EUR 2 million.

Looking forward to 2019, backed up by our owners’ emphasis on long-term
growth this will be another year of significant investments, exemplified
by our strive to bring IKEA to Mexico by 2020 as well as by exploring
overseas expansion possibilities for Ikano Industry. We have exciting times
ahead of us!
                                                                                       Lars Svensson        Henrik Eklund       Robert Jaaniste         Daniel Skoghäll
                                                                                       Head of Group       Managing Director   Managing Director       Chairman of the
Yohann Adolphe,                                                                         Sustainability        Ikano Bank         Ikano Bostad         Board Ikano Bostad
Group CFO

Ikano Group organisation
                                                                                     Sebastian Luczynski    Tomas Wittbjer       Christian Rojkjaer    Malcolm Pruys
                                                                                     Managing Director      Business Leader     Managing Director     Managing Director
                                                                                       Ikano Industry          Insurance       IKEA Southeast Asia      IKEA Mexico
                                    Ikano S.A.

                                             Group Services                                              Supervisory Board
                                                                                                 Peter Kamprad        Jonas Kamprad          Mathias Kamprad
                                                                                                   Chairman           Board Member            Board Member
      Finance       Insurance      Production      Real Estate       Retail
                                                                                                            Eva Cederbalk          Per Karlsson
                                                                                                            Board Member          Board Member

                                                                                                            Mikael Ohlsson        Måns Hultman
                                                                                                            Board Member          Board Member

                                                                              *Member of the Ikano S.A. Management Team
Our mission

Simplifying the many
people’s lives so they
can focus on living.

             Produced in May 2019 by the Communications department of Ikano S.A.
        The printing cost for this booklet was EUR 0.43 per copy. 5,000 copies were printed.
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