Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute

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Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute

Far-Right Nativism:
Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future
in North America and Europe

                                January 2022
Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute
Far-Right Nativism:
               Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in
                     North America and Europe
                                             By Alejandro Beutel and Hikmet Karčić

Executive Summary ������������������������������������������������������ 3                       Analyzing Nativist Actors in Continental and
                                                                                                  Transatlantic Contexts������������������������������������������������ 18
                                                                                                     Nativism in a North American Continental Context
Introduction ������������������������������������������������������������������� 5                  ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19

Research Parameters���������������������������������������������������� 5                           Nativism in a European Continental Context ��������� 21

   Why Nativism?����������������������������������������������������������������5                      Civil Society Organizations������������������������������������� 21

   Defining Key Terms/Concepts��������������������������������������6                                  Street-Focused Groups������������������������������������������� 21

   Selection Criteria: Choosing Countries to Analyze�� �� 7                                            Intellectually Oriented Groups������������������������������� 22
                                                                                                        Faith-Based Organizations������������������������������������� 24
North American Country Case Studies������������������������ 7
                                                                                                        Political Parties/Politicians������������������������������������� 25
   Overview of Contemporary Nativism in the United
   States��������������������������������������������������������������������������������7             Violent Actors����������������������������������������������������������� 26

   Overview of Contemporary Nativism in Canada ��� 10                                               Transatlantic Connections: Overview����������������������� 27
                                                                                                     North America to Europe: Institutional Activities��� 28
European Country Case Studies�������������������������������� 12
                                                                                                     Europe to North America: Institutional Activities��� 30
   Overview of Contemporary Nativism in Europe����� 12
                                                                                                     North America to Europe: Individual Activities������� 30
   Germany ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
                                                                                                     Europe to North America: Individual Activities������� 31
   United Kingdom����������������������������������������������������������� 14
   Poland ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15         Forecast and Conclusion�������������������������������������������� 33

   France ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16         Endnotes ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
   Hungary������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
   Sweden ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18

                             The views expressed in this intelligence briefing are those of the authors and
                               not reflective of an official policy or position of the New Lines Institute.

COVER: Sympathizers of the neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement (Nordiska motstandsrorelsens) demonstrate in central
Stockholm in November 2016 to protest against migrants. (JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images)

                                                                                              2                                                                                    January 2022
Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute
Executive Summary                   former President Donald               that U.S. nativists lose access
                                    Trump’s administration.               to executive branch power, and
This report aims to provide                                               subsequent policy influence,
a snapshot of far-right             In Canada, nativist movements         at national and international
nativist movements in North         appear to be far less                 levels for at least the next four
America and Europe. Beyond          institutionally robust and            years. Three potential shifts may
comparing actors and their          less influential in shaping           result from this.
corresponding ideologies in         mainstream public discourse
national and continent-wide         and public policy influence.          First, nascent real-world and
contexts, we shed further light     However, several key                  narrative transatlantic links
on transatlantic links between      figures who have had global           between North American and
and among nativist actors.          influence on the far right have       European anti-immigrant actors
We also more broadly provide        come from Canada.                     could either continue to grow
                                                                          or return to being domestically
insights into cross-border
                                    Nativism is on the rise in Europe,    focused. If the former occurs,
cooperation and influence, along
                                    playing a significant role in         a likely significant cause is
with the factors constraining
                                    politics in France, Germany,          the role Hungary is playing
such activities, among various
                                    and Sweden. In other cases,           in fostering influence among
far-right actors trafficking in
                                    such as in Hungary and Poland,        far-right nativists in Europe
nativist discourse.
                                    nativist rhetoric receives direct     and the United States. If the
                                    support not only from the             latter happens, it will likely
For the purposes of analytic
                                    political establishment but           be because of the lack of
simplicity and clarity, we
                                    also from the clergy.                 institutional vehicles that can
operationally define nativism as
                                                                          maintain cross-border links
anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim      While individuals, institutions,      among anti-immigrant actors
hatred (the two types of animus     and ultimately influence flow         and such actors’ ideological
heavily overlap, but are not the    in more than one direction,           and operational tendency to
same thing). A wide range of        our survey of North American          confine themselves within
organizations and individuals       and European actors suggests          sovereign borders.
are involved in promoting           certain trends. For example,
and sustaining nativist             U.S. nativist actors play an          Second, given their rapidly
ideologies and movements.           outsized role both within             declining national-level
                                    North America and across the          influence, U.S. far-right nativists
In the United States, although      Atlantic, with U.S. individuals and   will fight at a federal level to
they have attempted to be           institutions exerting significant     slow down or halt reversals
non-partisan, nativists have seen   influence upon far-right activist     of Trump-era immigration
the most success — in terms of      scenes in Canada and Europe.          policies. However, they will shift
acceptance of beliefs, rhetoric,    Nevertheless, some Canadian           much of their attention to local
and policy preferences — among      and European nativists have           and state advocacy.
politically conservative actors.    exercised influence in U.S.
Anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant      politics and activist milieus.        Finally, key U.S. nativist
actors have steadily advanced                                             actors have been increasingly
into the political mainstream,      Forecast                              engaging in anti-immigrant,
reaching the peak of their                                                anti-Afghan/anti-Muslim,
influence and access to             President Joseph Biden’s victory      and anti-China rhetoric. They
executive branch power during       in the U.S. 2020 election means       have been enabled by the

                                                    3                                                    January 2022
Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute
global effects of COVID-19, the        persuasively argued that Canada       and the COVID-19 pandemic
upcoming midterm elections,            has punched well above its            has contributed to a growing
influxes of undocumented and           weight class by being the country     atmosphere of resurgent
asylum-seeking migrants at the         of origin for several highly          European nativism. Furthermore,
U.S.-Mexico border, refugees           influential far-right individuals,    transatlantic ties between
fleeing from the collapse of           such as Lauren Southern,              nativist actors will strengthen
the Afghan government, and             Stefan Molyneux, and Gavin            over the next couple of years.
geopolitical saber rattling            McInnes, among others. From
between Washington and Beijing.        this perspective, Canada has          The mainstreaming of far-right
This has potentially negative          exported far-right extremists to      politics in European states
consequences, both domestically        other parts of the world.             creates a more permissive
(elevated risk of scapegoating                                               socio-political environment for
and violence against immigrants,       Hungary will continue to be a         far-right political violence. In
Afghans, Muslims, and Asian            key center of far-right influence     some countries, such as Poland,
Americans) and internationally         and activity. It, too, has punched    Hungary, and other parts of
(nascent links expanding               above its weight class, but           Eastern Europe, state-enabled
between U.S. and Japanese              differently from Canada.              far-right historical revisionism
far-right actors who share             Hungary’s social capital among        on matters such as involvement
similar geopolitical interests         far-right extremists is predicated    in the Holocaust and World
regarding China).                      upon at least three factors. First,   War II has furthered the
                                       under Prime Minister Viktor           mainstreaming of extremism.
Nativism will continue to              Orban’s authoritarian hand, it        The risk of violence in Europe
be an important ideological            is often perceived as a “model”       is further compounded by the
cornerstone and source of              country where the movement’s          phenomenon of far-right actors
political mobilization for far-right   policy preferences have been          traveling to participate in the
actors in the United States.           successfully implemented.             armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Although other issues appear to        Second, it has been the host
                                                                             Historical examples from other
have absorbed the lion’s share         country to several conferences
                                                                             conflict theaters like 1980s
of the U.S. far right’s attention      attended by anti-immigrant,
                                                                             Afghanistan and 1990s Bosnia
at the moment, this could easily       anti-Muslim, and white nationalist
                                                                             show that foreign fighters, with
change. Therefore, Muslims and         extremists from around the
                                                                             their training, networks, and
immigrants in the United States        world. Third, it has engaged in a
                                                                             combat experience, can organize
will continue to face a significant    decade-long lobbying campaign
                                                                             and enable or enact violence in
risk of violence from U.S. far-right   in the United States to court
                                                                             their countries of origin.
actors motivated in part by            political and policy elites. While
nativist beliefs.                      this campaign has targeted both
                                                                             Finally, Russia has been
                                       sides of the U.S. political aisle,
                                                                             providing support to far-right
In Canada, there will continue         evidence suggests it has found
to be an active nativist milieu,                                             actors in North America and
                                       substantially greater success in
though it will have limited                                                  Europe for instrumental rather
                                       courting members of the political
influence, largely due to the                                                than ideological reasons.
                                       right rather than members of
lack of a local institutional                                                Given its track record of
                                       the political left.
infrastructure robust enough                                                 success, we expect that
to sustain a far-right political       The weakening of the EU               this kind of support, within a
movement in an otherwise               because of the political effects      broader spectrum of influence
left-leaning national electorate.      of the 2015 mass influx of            operations, will continue for the
That said, it can also be              migrants entering Europe, Brexit,     foreseeable future.

                                                       4                                                   January 2022
Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute

       ntil perhaps the mid-2010s,
       most geopolitical and security
       analysts would have generally
regarded far-right movements as
politically peripheral. However, that
view has changed, and now many
observers believe such actors will
be influential for the foreseeable
future. Although hardly monolithic,
many far-right movements and
actors hold nativist sentiments and
ideological beliefs. Such nativism
is often an important meeting
point for otherwise disparate and
often internally fractious elements
of the far right.1

In 2012, Cas Mudde, a frequently
cited expert on far-right extremism,
published a landmark study
comparing nativism in North
American and European contexts.2
Since then, there have been
few policy-relevant publications         About a hundred people participate on the March Against Sharia organized by
undertaking a similar comparison.        ACT for America at Foley Square in New York City as part of similar events in
In this report, we pick up where         cities across the nation in June 2017. (ERIK MCGREGOR / Getty Images)
Mudde’s study left off. Our aim here
is to provide a snapshot of nativist
landscapes in North America and          typology, and provide a brief            geopolitical impact of far-right
Europe, as well as be illustrative and   overview of nativist actors and          movements in United States and
analytical rather than exhaustively      politics in select North American        Europe. Mudde argued in 2019 that
descriptive. Beyond undertaking a
                                         and European states. Second, we          despite all of the public discussion
much-needed update by comparing
                                         compare the dynamics of nativist         about populism, the far-right
actors and their corresponding
                                         political behaviors within regions       political surge in Europe was driven
ideologies in national and
                                         and between regions. Finally, we         by nativism, flatly stating, “While
continent-wide regional contexts,
                                         offer tentative thoughts on the          populism is a crucial part of the
we expand our focus to illuminate
nativist actors’ transatlantic links.    trajectories of nativist actors over     story, the real king is nationalism,
We also more broadly give insights       the next several years.                  or better put nativism, and he is
into cross-border cooperation                                                     here to stay.”3 Similarly, David Art, a
and influence among various              Research Parameters                      political science professor at Tufts
far-right actors trafficking in                                                   University, provocatively argued
nativist discourse, as well as the       Why Nativism?                            that, “Nativism — not populism — is
constraints on such actions.                                                      the defining feature of both radical
                                         First, why are we discussing             right parties in Western Europe and
First we define key terms and            nativism? This publication is part       of radical right politicians … in the
concepts, outline our actor              of a larger project examining the        United States.”4

                                                           5                                                    January 2022
Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute
Defining Key Terms/Concepts              “other,” nativism transforms
                                         that hatred/fear into a broader
Whenever we mention the term             philosophy (and sometimes
“nativism” or “nativists,” we are        political movement) to (re)define
specifically referring to far-right      who are “authentic” members of a
nativism/nativists. One of the           nation and who are not.
most widely cited definitions of
the term is by U.S. historian John       Here, it is important to clarify
Higham, who states, “Nativism,           that our definition of nativism
therefore, should be defined as          does not include actors who
intense opposition to an internal        may simply advocate for stricter
minority on the ground of its foreign    border controls or generally tighter
(i.e., ‘un-American’) connections.”5     immigration policies. After all,
However, this definition appears         establishing legal border entry
to be U.S.-centric in its origins and    parameters is fundamental to a
also appears to be indistinguishable     state’s security, sovereignty, and
from the similar but distinct            overall national interest.8 (Still,
concept of xenophobia — a fear or        simply invoking border security
hatred of anything that is perceived     or state sovereignty does not
to be strange or foreign.                automatically shield an actor from
                                         charges of nativism, especially if     A member of the far-right group
Instead, we adopt another scholarly      other evidence is identified that      “Proud Boys” marches during the “End
definition, which states, “Nativism      then warrants applying the label.)     Domestic Terrorism” rally in Portland,
emphasizes a difference between                                                 Oregon, in 2019. (JOHN RUDOFF / AFP
                                                                                via Getty Images)
natives and non-natives in               In more operational terms,
societies, placing increasing value      current nativist attitudes and
on the self-appointed [socially-         political behaviors are composed       “Islamophobia.” Here we define
constructed] ‘native’ population. It     of anxieties or hostility toward       anti-Muslim hate and its cognate
is characterized by an ‘us’ versus       immigrants and Muslims. Although       labels as a set of attitudes and
‘them’ cleavage, in which ‘them’         the two categories of people should    behaviors that define, and then
are threatening immigrant groups         not be automatically considered        dehumanize or demonize, Muslims
or ‘outsider’ ethnic communities.        synonymous, we include Muslims         and those perceived to be Muslim
As a form of prejudice, nativism         in this operational understanding of   (e.g., religiously observant Sikhs),
makes a distinction based on             nativism because anti-immigrant        casting them as an “other,”
origin and strongly values national      and anti-Muslim views and              and the processes that inform
identification.”6 Historian and          movements have become                  and give expression to those
political scientist Aitana Guia points   increasingly intertwined, especially   attitudes and behaviors.11
out that while nativism necessarily      after 9/11. Moreover, this fits
implies xenophobia, the two are not      into a conceptual understanding        Finally we adopt Mudde’s
synonymous. Consistent with our          of nativism, like the one above,       operational definition of “far-right,”
adopted definition, Guia points out,     because even Muslims born in           which is described as actors on
“Nativism turns xenophobia into          North American9 and European10         the right end of the conventional
a particular way of re-defining the      states are nevertheless frequently     left-right political spectrum “who
‘nation’ in the face of a constructed    constructed as part of an out-group    are ‘anti-system,’ defined here as
fundamental threat.”7                    in “us” versus “them” discourses.      hostile to liberal democracy.”12
                                                                                Mudde goes on to divide the far
In other words, whereas                  This publication uses “anti-Muslim     right into two broader sub-groups.
xenophobia is hatred/fear of the         hate,” “anti-Muslim prejudice,”        The first is the extreme right, which
racial/religious/ethnic/sexual           and similar terms rather than          “rejects the essence of democracy,

                                                          6                                                  January 2022
Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute
that is, popular sovereignty and         public policy and social              North American Country
majority rule.”13 The second is the      issues that the general public        Case Studies
radical right, which “accepts the        considers acceptable – on
essence of democracy, but opposes        Islam and immigration has             Overview of Contemporary
fundamental elements of liberal          shifted steadily since 2000.          Nativism in the United States
democracy, most notably minority         While recognizing that each
rights, rule of law, and separation      country has a much longer                                 The United
of powers.”14 Both sub-categories        history with nativism, we focus                            States has a long
of the far right oppose liberal          on contemporary discourse                                  history of
democracy, albeit in different ways:     in the context of countries                                organized
The radical right trusts popular                                                                    nativism that
                                         that from 2000 onward were
sovereignty, as manifested in                                                                       stretches back as
                                         seen by political observers as
electoral processes, while the                                                                      far as the late
                                         “consolidated” democracies, or
extreme right completely rejects it.                                                                1600s, during its
                                         in a steady trajectory toward
                                         democratic consolidation.16           colonial era.18 Its most
We are not concerned with                                                      contemporary organized iteration
those otherwise identified as            Each of these countries’ national
                                                                               can be traced to the late 1970s and
libertarians or right-of-center          conversations has steadily
                                                                               early 1980s, when a coterie of key
conservatives. In practice, this         seen a mainstreaming of anti-
                                                                               social movement groups espousing
distinction can become somewhat          Muslim and/or anti-immigrant
                                                                               nativist rhetoric and policy
difficult, especially in some            rhetoric during this time.17          preferences were founded by the
countries where far-right ideas        2. They are host to strong far-         late white nationalist John Tanton
and policies are increasingly             right political parties that         (the “Tanton network”).19
embedded in mainstream                    have enjoyed substantial             Considered by observers to be key
discourse.15 To address this              electoral success.                   components of the “anti-immigrant”
challenge, where possible, we cite                                             movement, these organizations
examples of actors who identify        3. They are locations where
                                                                               were at first mostly focused on
as conservative or otherwise on           substantial non-state violence
                                                                               opposing immigration from Mexico
the right end of the conventional         motivated by far-right               and other Latin American nation-
left-right political spectrum but         ideologies against Muslims and       states.20 In the past 20 years,
reject the nativist beliefs that are      immigrants has occurred.             organized nativism grew to include
central to our analysis.               4. These states have highly             other actors outside the Tanton
                                          restrictive governmental             network, and the movement
Selection Criteria: Choosing              measures on immigration and/         expanded its issue area to
Countries to Analyze                      or the practice of Islam, and/or     include Muslims and most
                                          have strong far-right electoral      recently immigrants from Black-
Our report focuses on national,                                                majority countries in Africa and
                                          actors who have attempted,
regional, and transatlantic nativist                                           the Caribbean.21
                                          successfully or not, to enact
trends in seven North American
                                          or preserve highly restrictive
and European countries: the United                                             Anti-Muslim sentiment also has
States, Canada, Germany, the              measures through legislative         a lengthy history in the United
United Kingdom, Poland, France,           and/or executive policy means.       States that goes back to the
Hungary, and Sweden. In addition          This can include far-right actors    colonial era,22 but its beginnings
to their geographic diversity,            who may not have enough              as an organized movement can
these locations were chosen               legislative seats to directly pass   be traced back to the mid-1990s.23
for four reasons:                         a bill but can work in coalitions    Anti-Muslim activism did not
                                          with and/or put pressure on          grow and coalesce into a distinct
1. The “Overton Window” – the             other actors who may have            organized movement until after the
   spectrum of ideas regarding            the power to do so.                  Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

                                                         7                                                  January 2022
Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute
The physical devastation and                                                      vigilante patrols of the U.S.-Mexico
mass psychological impact of the                                                  border,34 armed protests outside
attacks created deep-seated fears                                                 of mosques,35 and harassment
about terrorism that not only led                                                 of immigrants36 and Muslims in
to the enactment of far-reaching                                                  local communities.37 In some of
counterterrorism legislation and                                                  the most extreme cases, they also
policies primarily directed at                                                    include violent hate crimes38 and
Muslims24 but also provided a                                                     ideologically motivated attacks
fertile social climate that far-right                                             against perceived enemies.39
actors exploited for political and
financial gain.25                                                                 In addition to what we would
                                                                                  identify as “core” movement
One of these groups, ACT for                                                      actors centrally organized around
America (originally established                                                   anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim
as American Congress for Truth),                                                  beliefs, there are other far-right
was established in 200226 and                                                     actors, peripheral to dedicated
quickly grew to be the largest                                                    nativists, who are mobilized around
formal U.S. organization dedicated                                                other ideologies but nevertheless
                                                                                  hold strong xenophobic attitudes.
to propagating anti-Muslim views,
                                                                                  Notable examples include Christian
claiming hundreds of thousands
                                                                                  nationalists,40 white supremacists,
of members and tens of local
                                                                                  anti-government extremists, and
chapters across the country.
                                                                                  the crypto-fascist Proud Boys.
Other organizations such as
                                                                                  (Anti-government extremists
the Center for Security Policy,         Brigitte Gabriel, founder and president
                                        of ACT for America, speaks at the 2017    include a sub-movement called
a hawkish foreign affairs think
                                        Values Voter Summit in Washington,        the Three Percenters, which prior
tank, pivoted from traditional Cold                                               New Lines Institute research has
                                        D.C., in October 2017. (CHERISS MAY /
War and post-Cold War security          Getty Images)                             identified as strongly tied to a
issues to explicitly promoting                                                    spectrum of anti-Muslim activities
anti-Muslim discourse and                                                         ranging from armed protests
conspiracy narratives.27                Anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim            outside of Islamic faith-based
                                        organizational actors engage              institutions to planned terrorist
There has been significant cross-       in a range of activities. Some            attacks against heavily Muslim
pollination between anti-immigrant      social movement organizations             residential areas.)41 Like actors
and anti-Muslim movements,              are policy advocacy groups                principally organized around
with key social organizations in        and think tanks that present              nativism, these peripheral actors
both movements incorporating            respectable and sanitized images          are represented by a wide range
new issues into their operations.       of their nativist sentiments. They        of organizational structures
For example, high-profile               frequently produce publications           and activities. But for them,
anti-immigrant organizations            of questionable rigor and quality,31      anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim
have published works that cast          engage media outlets to publicize         beliefs are a secondary – albeit
aspersions on Muslim immigrants28       their views,32 and meet with              important – motive underwriting
and invited individuals expressing      elected officials to enact policy and     their political mobilization.42
anti-Muslim prejudice to speak          legislative changes.33 However,           Like “core” nativists, several of
at their policy events.29 In            there are other groups and social         these ideologically adjacent
2018, ACT for America added             movement actors unaffiliated with         actors appear to have also
opposition to “illegal immigration”     a particular group who engage in          been involved in politically
and “sanctuary cities” to its           more extreme activities. These            motivated violence targeting
core activities.30                      activities include conducting armed       Muslims and immigrants.43

                                                          8                                                   January 2022
Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute
“ zenith
    In terms of policy impact, nativists appear to have reached the
           of their influence during the Trump administration. That
      administration engaged core nativist groups on multiple occasions.                                      ”
Despite their extreme views and           has resulted in the formation of        former White House speechwriter
attempts to politically position          dissenting entities52 attempting to     Stephen Miller, who has been
themselves in a non-partisan              reclaim the mantle of conservatism.     identified as the main architect
manner44 anti-Muslim and                  In other cases, certain actors have     of the Trump administration’s
anti-immigrant actors have                made a complete about-face and          most hard-line policies impacting
steadily made inroads into the            openly embraced nativist rhetoric       immigrants and Muslims (e.g.,
political mainstream. Insofar as          and movement figures they               “The Wall” and “Muslim Ban”) and
organized actors are concerned,           once criticized.53                      who allegedly has ties to white
it appears nativist discourse                                                     nationalists58 recently formed an
thus far has enjoyed its greatest         In terms of policy impact, nativists    organization called the America
acceptance among politically              appear to have reached the              First Legal Foundation. Among
conservative actors.45                    zenith of their influence during        other things, the foundation has
                                          the Trump administration. That          criticized Biden administration
At the moment, it is no longer            administration engaged core             officials for taking steps to undo
uncommon to see statements                nativist groups on multiple             immigration enforcement and
and policy platforms among                occasions,54 had several individuals    border security policies enacted
more mainstream right-wing                from these organizations serve          under the Trump administration.59
actors include language directly          as officials in government              Another example is Mark
associated with far-right nativism.46     agencies,55 and enacted several         Morgan, former acting director
In some more extreme cases, this          of the policy recommendations           of Immigration and Customs
includes hard-line legislators openly     from these entities. They include       Enforcement under the Trump
espousing rhetoric commonly               the suspension and restriction of       administration.60 Morgan joined
identified with white nationalism,        immigrants, refugees, and travelers     the Federation for American
such as the “Great Replacement”           from predominantly Muslim-              Immigration Reform, a core Tanton
conspiracy narrative.47 This gradual      majority countries (“Muslim Ban”);      network organization, shortly after
entry into mainstream right-wing          attempts to expand the physical         leaving federal service.61
intellectual, media, policy, and          barrier infrastructure separating the
political circles did not come            U.S.-Mexico land border (“building      Trump himself has been
without significant resistance from       ‘The Wall’”); and decreasing overall    enormously influential upon
many high-profile conservatives48         levels of legal immigration into the    far-right actors in the United States.
over the course of several decades.       United States through a variety         Again, while the steady and strong
However, in recent years, many of         of restrictive executive branch         hard-line shift in right-wing politics
these voices have been pushed             policy measures.56                      cannot be reduced to Trump’s
to the periphery of U.S. right-wing                                               influence alone, his candidacy
politics.49 This was enabled by a         With the departure of the Trump         and later presidency did enable
steady and broader realignment            administration, some of the same        and accelerate the permeation
of the political right in U.S. politics   people who sought to enact the          of far-right ideas — including
also spanning several decades             above-mentioned restrictive             nativism — within mainstream
across multiple policy issues50 but       policies and legislation are working    conservatism.62 Moreover, whether
accelerated by the candidacy and          to block any immigration policy         it was Trump’s intention or not,
presidency of Donald Trump.51             changes sought by the Biden             his rhetoric also frequently served
Currently, among other things, this       administration.57 For example,          as inspiration and justification

                                                           9                                                   January 2022
Far-Right Nativism: Its Geopolitical Effects and Its Future in North America and Europe - Newlines Institute
for far-right radicalization, armed    Overview of Contemporary                    policy advocacy organization
mobilization, and violence during      Nativism in Canada                          that began in 2002 and initially
his presidency.63 At its most                                                      focused on anti-Muslim politics and
extreme, this includes associations                         Compared to the        policies77 but later expanded into
with terrorist attacks such as the                          United States,         anti-immigrant-linked activities.78
2019 El Paso mass shooting64 as                             Canada’s nativist      Like its U.S. namesake, ACT
well as hate crimes against various                         movement               for Canada has more recently
ethnic and racial minorities.65                             appears to be          expanded into anti-immigrant
                                                            less institutionally   discourse, as well as broader
Individuals with otherwise                                  robust and             far-right rhetoric about the “deep
politically liberal views exist                             concomitantly          state” and the United Nations
within the organized nativist          less influential in shaping public          engaging in a conspiracy to subvert
movement. However, previous            discourse and public policy.                Canadian sovereignty.79
attempts to inject anti-immigrant      Canada’s most organizationally
positions into otherwise liberal-      sophisticated and prominent71               The Soldiers of Odin (SOO, also
favored causes have failed.66          immigrant restrictionist                    sometimes called “Sons of Odin”
Anti-Muslim attitudes appear to        organization was the now-defunct            in Canada) are an anti-immigrant
have made comparatively greater        Centre for Immigration Policy               and anti-Muslim organization
                                       Reform (CIPR), founded in 2010.72           started in late 2015 in Finland by
inroads among politically liberal
                                       However, the last evidence of               former neo-Nazi Mika Ranta in
constituencies, in part because
                                       organizational activity we identified       response to the influx of Syrian
far-right actors have consistently
                                       was in 2015.73 CIPR appears to              and Iraqi refugees entering Europe
attempted to co-opt the language
                                       have functioned in practice as both         that year.80 Although claiming to
of feminism, LGBTQ+ causes,
                                       a think tank and a policy advocacy          reject racism and other forms of
and combating anti-Semitism for
                                       organization.74 CIPR’s justifications       bigotry, information gleaned from
anti-Muslim ends.67                    for lower immigration levels closely        the group’s social media posts,
                                       parallel those made by Tanton               behavior from those claiming to
That said, while anti-Muslim
                                       network organizations. The                  be its supporters, and founder
sentiment has had substantial
                                       arguments include preservation of           Ranta’s white supremacist past
support across the political           “culture,” the environment, and             belied these claims.81 SOO chapters
spectrum – albeit to varying           demographics — the latter                   began to appear across Canada in
degrees – since 9/11, beginning        containing particularly strong racial       2016.82 However, by 2017, several
in 2015 there was a shift in U.S.      undertones. We found only one               local Canadian chapters officially
public attitudes toward Muslims.       currently active anti-immigration-          disavowed and disassociated
Whereas negative opinions              focused entity: Immigration Watch           themselves from their European
of Muslims were shared in              Canada (IWC).75 IWC is best                 counterparts after the latter’s ties to
significant numbers across the         described as a website, founded by          white supremacy and bigotry were
political spectrum, polling suggests   unidentified individuals based in           made public.83 The decision was
majorities of Democrats and            Vancouver, British Columbia,                not unanimous, and several other
independents hold favorable views      espousing heavily anti-immigrant            local chapters decided to remain
of Muslims, while Republicans          and staunchly restrictionist views.76       publicly associated with European
do not.68 However, this general                                                    affiliates.84 Regardless, the group’s
finding comes with an important        The closest approximation to                various factions are widely
caveat: Experts suggest that the       organizations directly engaged              associated with nativist sentiment
shift in views is largely mediated     in real-world (rather than online)          and deeply embedded within the
by partisanship and polarization       anti-immigrant activities are ACT           wider Canadian far-right context.
associated with Trump’s rhetoric69     for Canada and the Soldiers of              Supporters of Canada’s SOO
and proposed policies —                Odin. The former is a Canadian              groups have engaged in a range of
particularly the “Muslim Ban.”70       spin-off of ACT for America, a              street activities, such as protesting

                                                          10                                                     January 2022
particularly in Quebec province.92      groups,103 individuals espousing
  Canadian                             However, due to infighting, the         nativist views have been censured
  Three Percenters                     group appears to have been in           or expelled from the party. While
                                       decline since 2019.93                   arguably suboptimal for some
  The Canadian Three Percenters                                                observers,104 a non-nativist cordon
  are northern counterparts to         The relative organizational
                                                                               sanitaire within the Conservative
  a U.S.-origin militia extremist      weakness of the Canadian “core”
                                                                               Party appears to be functioning,
  sub-movement that goes by            nativist movement is bolstered
  the same name. Like their U.S.       somewhat by other far-right             at least for now.
  associates, Three Percenters are     organizational actors for whom
  particularly notable for their       nativism is a secondary, albeit         Moreover, Canada lacks a politically
  firearms training and often          important, political motive. This       influential figurehead similar to
  show up to political assemblies      includes extreme Quebecois ethno-       Trump. The closest example
  with weapons. While their            nationalists94 white nationalists/      was former Conservative Party
  core ideology is fundamentally       supremacists,95 anti-government         member and cabinet minister
  anti-government, like their          extremists, and the Proud Boys.96       Maxime Bernier, who left the party
  U.S. counterparts, much of the       They also include cyber-based           in 2018 to form the People’s Party
  Canadian Three Percenters’           media outlets like Rebel Media and      of Canada.105 However, in addition
  high-profile activities include      The Post Millennial, which both         to internal resistance from the
  surveilling mosques and              regularly promote far-right nativist    Conservative Party, Bernier also
  engaging in explicit anti-Muslim     talking points and have significant
  rhetoric under the guise of                                                  faced an uphill battle to garner
                                       online followings in Canada and the
  raising public concerns about                                                support for his locally tailored brand
                                       United States.97 (Gavin McInnes,
  terrorism.                                                                   of far-rightist politics in a largely
                                       founder of the aforementioned
                                       Proud Boys, was a former                left-leaning national electorate.106
  Source: VICE News
                                       contributor to Rebel Media.)98 At       The People’s Party of Canada
                                       their most extreme, peripherally        platform and rhetoric were based
outside of85 and baiting mosque        nativist actors have been directly      on a mix of far-right populism
congregations;86 joining wider         associated with acts of attempted       and nativism. Bernier’s brand of
far-right opposition87 to COVID        or successful ideologically             politics and policy preferences
19-related public health measures;88   motivated violence,99 such as the       was effectively repudiated at the
and engaging in street brawls          far-right 2017 Quebec City terrorist    ballot box in 2019 and 2021, where
with anti-racist and anti-fascist      attack against a local Muslim           consequences included him losing
counterprotesters.89                   congregation.100 Neo-Nazi Canadian      the parliamentary seat he had
                                       military deserter Patrik Mathews        held since 2006.107
Another group actor is La Meute        was involved in a 2020 terrorist plot
(“Wolf Pack”), which was founded       in Richmond, Virginia.101               Finally, recent violence associated
in 2015 by two ex-members of                                                   with some groups appears to have
the Canadian military.90 Like SOO,     These activities notwithstanding,
                                                                               negatively affected them, at least
La Meute holds anti-Muslim and         Canadian nativist actors —
                                                                               superficially. Nearly three months
anti-immigrant views. While its        ideologically core or peripheral — do
                                       not appear to enjoy the same level      after the Canadian government
members have claimed to reject
                                       of mainstream political and policy      designated the Proud Boys a
sexism and racism, defectors
from the organization and experts      influence their U.S. cohorts seem       terrorist entity — due in large
cast doubt on this claim.91 La         to have. For example, although          part to members’ involvement in
Meute’s activities appear to be        some figures from the Conservative      the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at
mainly focused on recruiting           Party have previously made              the U.S. Capitol complex108 — its
from and mobilizing members of         nativist statements102 and/or had       Canadian branch announced it
Canada’s francophone community,        prior connections to anti-Muslim        was shutting down.109

                                                        11                                                  January 2022
European Country                      Germany                                    emerged as the strongest party
                                                                                 in the eastern states of Saxony
Case Studies                                              Germany, with          and Thuringia.115 Its parliamentary
                                                          the Holocaust as       influence is likely to be constrained
Overview of Contemporary                                  part of its history,   now as the fifth-largest party in
Nativism in Europe                                        is an                  the Bundestag, as well as “the fact
                                                          indispensable          that no one wants to partner with
Europe’s long history of nativist                         case study. With       them, [meaning] they’ll play no
politics goes back to the                                 the fall of the        role whatsoever in the upcoming
establishment of “historical                              Eastern Bloc and       coalition negotiations.”116
nations.”110 The contemporary         the reunification of Germany,
nativism as a sort of rebirth of      several factors including economic         Yet results from the 2017 and 2021
                                      crisis, immigration, and xenophobia        national parliamentary elections
nation-states can be traced
                                      led to the normalization of nativist       show that nativist ideologies have
back to as early as the               politics. Parties and movements
de-colonization period                                                           become more influential. The
                                      positioning themselves as populist
                                                                                 AfD’s rise in popularity is mainly
after World War II that               and expressing far-right beliefs can
                                                                                 due to its ability to draw support
facilitated immigration from          also be considered nativist, since
                                                                                 from the steady anti-Muslim and
former colonial states to Europe.     they largely object to
                                                                                 anti-immigrant public climate in
The subsequent influx of              immigration and Islam.112
                                                                                 Germany — itself largely a result
immigrants during this period                                                    of the influx of refugees and
                                      Significant far-right movements
gave far-right movements an           are the white nationalist Identitäre       immigrants welcomed during
issue to mobilize around and          Bewegung (Identitarian Movement)           the tenure of former Chancellor
thus regain support after             and the anti-government-                   Angela Merkel. This led Germans
being tarnished from being            oriented, violence-prone                   to vote for a far-right political
ideologically associated with         Reichsbürgerbewegung (Reich                party in significant numbers
fascist Germany years earlier.        Citizens’ Movement), which is              for the first time since the end
                                      roughly akin to America’s Sovereign        of World War II.117
Nativism was given another boost      Citizen movement.113
                                                                                 Outside of electoral politics,
in the years immediately preceding
                                      There are also several far-right           one of the most publicly visible
and following the                     parties in Germany. Perhaps                movements from this category
end of the Cold War.111 This          the two most well-known at the             was Patriotic Europeans Against
included the political and economic   moment are the Alternative für             the Islamisation of the Occident
transition of post-communist          Deutschland (AfD), and the more            (PEGIDA), formed in October 2014,
countries, the Yugoslav               extreme National Democratic Party          which managed to quickly gain
wars, the expansion of the            of Germany (Nationdemokratische            popular support by organizing
European Union, the                   Partei Deutschland). Of the two,           regular demonstrations in the city
                                      the AfD has enjoyed considerably           of Dresden.118 Although shortly
expansion of foreign influences
                                      more electoral success, becoming           after its founding the organization
in Europe, and the Ukrainian
                                      the largest opposition party in            quickly grew to establish chapters
conflict. For the aim of presenting   the German national parliament             in other countries, they were
a diverse image of nativism in        (Bundestag) from 2017 to 2021.114          short-lived. PEGIDA’s physical
Europe, this report will explore      However, it lost its main opposition       presence is largely centered in
the following short country           status after the Sept. 26, 2021,           Dresden, though it has a smaller
case studies: Germany, the            national parliamentary elections.          presence in a handful of other
United Kingdom, Poland, France,       Despite the decline, it still received     cities and municipalities.119 PEGIDA
Hungary, and Sweden.                  10.3% of the national vote and             reached a record number of

                                                        12                                                    January 2022
■ Two bombings, multiple bank
                                                                                             robberies, and the killing of 10
                                                                                             people, mostly of immigrant
                                                                                             backgrounds, by the three-person
                                                                                             neo-Nazi terrorist cell called the
                                                                                             National Socialist Underground
                                                                                             from 2000 to 2007.127
                                                                                             ■ The 2009 anti-Muslim-motivated
                                                                                             killing of Marwa El-Sherbini by an
                                                                                             open supporter of the far-right
                                                                                             National Democratic Party.128
                                                                                             ■ The non-fatal stabbing of
                                                                                             Henriette Reker, a pro-immigration/
                                                                                             refugee candidate running for
                                                                                             mayor of Cologne, by a far-right
                                                                                             extremist in 2015. Reker was
                                                                                             stabbed in the neck, survived
                                                                                             the attack, and was elected
                                                                                             mayor the next day.129
                                                                                             ■ The 2016 mass shooting at a
                                                                                             shopping mall in Munich, which
                                                                                             killed nine people and wounded
                                                                                             36 and which was motivated
                                                                                             significantly by far-right beliefs
                                                                                             and largely targeted customers
                                                                                             of immigrant backgrounds.130 The
                                       © 2022, New Lines Institute for Strategy and Policy   incident was committed on the fifth
                                                                                             anniversary of Norwegian far-right
25,000 protesters in Dresden in          these threats are mobilized more                    extremist Anders Breivik’s 2011
the days after the Charlie Hebdo         so by anti-government beliefs than                  terrorist attacks.
terrorist attack in 2015, although       by racism per se, such as the Reich                 ■ The 2019 assassination of
its popularity appears to have           Citizens’ Movement123 and far-right                 politician Walter Lübcke,131 who
dropped significantly since then.120     survivalists/preppers124 — although                 defended immigration policies,
Nevertheless, PEGIDA appears to                                                              by two neo-Nazis.
                                         some of these actors also hold
maintain a significant audience          white supremacist views.125 One of                  ■ The 2019 Halle terror attack,
online both in Germany and around        the earliest contemporary examples                  which targeted a Jewish
the world121 and commemorated                                                                congregation praying at a local
                                         of far-right violence in Germany
the seventh anniversary of its                                                               synagogue, passersby, and
                                         was the 1980 Oktoberfest bombing
founding with a rally attended by                                                            individuals at a nearby kebab
                                         in Munich, which killed 13 and                      restaurant. The attack was inspired
about 1,000 people in Dresden
                                         wounded over 200 others.126 There                   in part by Breivik.132
on Oct. 17, 2021.122
                                         have been multiple recent incidents
                                                                                             ■ The February 2020 Hanau far-
Beyond social movements and              of such violence, several of which                  right motivated terrorist shooting
electoral politics, Germany has          targeted immigrants, Muslims, and                   spree, which killed nine people
also had to contend with the policy      those perceived to be supporting                    and wounded five others. The
challenge of far-right political         them. These incidents include, but                  targets were patrons at two hookah
violence and terrorism. Some of          are not limited to:                                 bars in the city.133

                                                                13                                                         January 2022
United Kingdom                          British politics. Although nativism        in the U.K. are the English Defence
                                        was not the only factor that drove         League, Generation Identity, Blood
                     As the numbers     Brexit – other issues were at play         and Honour, and National Action.142
                     of immigrants      – it was a significant undertone           Blood and Honour is a transnational
                     arriving in the    to the campaign to leave the EU.           neo-Nazi organization banned in
                     U.K. from former   At its most extreme, this nativism         several countries but currently legal
                     colony states      violently manifested itself with           in the U.K., while National Action
                     grew after World   the killing of politician Jo Cox (a        is legally banned in the U.K. due
                     War II, so did     left-wing, pro-immigration member          to its extremism and history of
                     racist and         of parliament), whose neo-Nazi             violence.143 Another illustration of
xenophobic reactions, dramatically      killer, Thomas Mair, shouted “Britain      the threat of far-right extremism is
manifested by British fascist Enoch     First” as he stabbed her.138
                                                                                   the record-high number of far-right
Powell’s 1968 “Rivers of Blood”
                                                                                   perpetrators imprisoned.144 Not all
speech — leading to legislation that    It terms of electoral politics,
                                        far-right nationalist parties explicitly   of these arrests were made as a
“effectively racialized the basis of
the immigration system.”134 These       espousing nativist beliefs, such           result of violence; many were made
reactionary attitudes later spun off    as the British National Party and          for membership of a proscribed
a mutated form of prejudice,            the U.K. Independence Party, have          organization. Violence is on the rise,
anti-Muslim hate, largely triggered     been in decline since at least             however; between 2017 and 2020,
by the “Rushdie Affair” in the late     2010-2015.139 The largest such             almost 30% of prevented attacks145
1980s, in which Islam/Muslims           remaining party, the Brexit Party          were from the far right.
were portrayed as incompatible          headed by populist Nigel Farage,
with free speech and                    remains a loud but marginal                Although nativism and
liberal social values.135               voice. This decline in support for         euroskepticism were substantial
                                        the parties seen as traditionally          factors associated with Brexit,
While initial tensions and              right-wing is likely, in part, because     British authorities have since
controversies around the “Rushdie       the Conservative party has “largely        taken a tough stand on far-right
Affair” eventually decreased, issues    co-opted much of the ideological           extremists.146 This includes
of immigration and anti-Muslim          space within Great Britain that had        the increased focus of security
prejudice continued to simmer and       been the home of the right-wing            agencies on monitoring and
increase again slowly as an issue       extremist parties.”140 However, this       preventing far-right extremist
for many voters over the course         has also pushed the Conservative           threats as well as the banning
of two decades.136 This trend           Party as a whole further to the right.     and arrest of leading members
coincided with another important                                                   of far-right extremist groups.147
change: In the last three decades,      Meanwhile, the main center-left            However, the socio-political
the U.K.’s main terrorism threat        party, Labour, had also shown
                                                                                   environment associated with
shifted from Irish Republican           signs of shifting rightward on
                                                                                   Brexit and COVID-19 appears to
Army-related attacks to incidents of    immigration following its lack of
                                                                                   be providing further opportunities
violence committed by extremists        electoral success in the early to
                                                                                   for far-right recruitment and
acting in the name of Islam.137 As      mid-2010s.141 So while far-right
                                                                                   mobilization.148 The tabloid media
a result, questions about Muslim        political parties appear to be
integration became a prominent          largely on the decline, their ideas        in the U.K. is hugely influential
issue of public discussion.             appear to have gained substantial          on public opinion, and its fixation
                                        mainstream currency and support,           on anti-immigrant stories and
In the run up to and in the             including among the country’s              virulent nationalism is helping
years following the 2016 Brexit         largest electoral parties.                 to ensure a disproportionate
referendum and the 2019 general                                                    presence of nativist narratives
elections, nativist ideologies          Outside of political parties, some of      and voices within the U.K.’s socio-
became more visible in mainstream       the most prominent far-right actors        political discourse. 149

                                                          14                                                    January 2022
                                           Historical Revisionism in Europe
                    Since the fall of
                    communism,             Europe has a long history of                           half a century of Communist rule,
                    Poland has had a       violence against the “other.” The                      wherein a state ideological version
                                           ideas of “right to land” and of                        of history was promoted, the
                    rebirth of both
                                           “historical nations” are often                         democratization of these countries
                    religion and
                                           closely associated with organized                      brought the revival of national
                    nationalism. With
                                           violence and expulsions. Although                      and religious identity. In many
                    Poland caught
                                           the historical and contemporary                        cases, local nationalist leaders
                    between its
                                           contexts associated with far-right                     who were also Nazi collaborators,
historical enemies – Russia and
                                           nativism frequently differ by                          mainly condemned by the
Germany – Polish politics has in
                                           country, commonalities can                             post-war Communist regime, are
recent years taken a religious
                                           nevertheless be identified.                            being rehabilitated by the new
nationalist-informed approach to
                                                                                                  democratic national governments.
nativism.150 The Catholic Church           The nostalgia for and glorification                    Poland enacted a law criminalizing
has a large influence in areas such        of historical events is used in                        any mention of Polish involvement
as politics, state spending, and           contemporary nativist political                        in the Holocaust. On the other
education. Poland is currently ruled       narratives. For example, the                           hand, in Hungary, historical
by the conservative and right-wing         1683 Battle of Vienna, when the                        revisionism and Holocaust
populist Law and Justice party.151         Ottoman Empire was defeated                            denial can be considered part
Results from the October 2019              near Vienna, is often referred to                      of the government’s strategy in
national elections brought the             when speaking of immigrants,                           rewriting history. In both cases,
far-right Confederation Liberty and        Islam or even Turkey’s EU                              the national victimhood in
Independence party into                    membership. Nativist rhetoric                          World War II is a key part of the
parliament. The party holds 11             argues that Islam was once                             country’s identity, while Jewish
seats in the Polish Parliament             defeated in Europe while now it                        victims and Hungarian and Polish
(Sejm), skewing the political              silently occupies the continent.                       collaborators are ignored
majority heavily to the right.152          The fall of communism, terrorist                       or minimized.
                                           attacks, and migrant and economic
In this political setting, the Polish      crises have given rise to more                         Nostalgia for the “glorious” past,
Constitutional Court banned                anti-Muslim bigotry, and this kind                     going however far back in history,
abortions in 2020, sparking                of rhetoric has become                                 seems to be a common dominator
nationwide protests. In addition,          more attractive.                                       in all cases. Identical cases can
the government has recently                                                                       be found in other countries
                                           As in a majority of former
cracked down on LGBTQ+ rights.153                                                                 throughout Eastern Europe. The
                                           communist countries in Europe,
Most recently, the ruling party                                                                   rehabilitation of Nazi collaborators
                                           Poland and Hungary are deeply
has come into sharp conflict with                                                                 through public events is an
                                           involved in historical revisionism                     attractive asset for far-right parties
the EU due to its direct assault
                                           regarding World War II. After                          and movements.
on the independence of the
Polish judiciary. In addition, other       Sources: Aitana Guia (Max Weber Program for Postdoctoral Studies),
mainstream political actors who            The Guardian, BBC News, Politico, Time, Tablet Magazine, Al Jazeera

take up nativist rhetoric have gained
                                        anti-Muslim hate, homophobia, and                      is widely present in Poland and
popular support in local elections,
                                        historical revisionism. The rise of                    other Eastern European countries
which has led to a “normalization of
far-right politics.”154                 historical revisionism, the wholesale                  — a cause and consequence of
                                        re-interpretation and rewriting of                     resurgent far-right activity. One of
In recent years, there has been         otherwise established historical                       the most visible consequences of
an increase in public and political     accounts of significant events (e.g.,                  this revisionism is the outlawing of
rhetoric espousing anti-Semitism,       involvement in the Holocaust),                         discussion of Polish involvement

                                                               15                                                                January 2022
in the Holocaust. Far-right             organization whose members              for attempting to assassinate
movements such as the National-         and supporters have a history of        President Emmanuel Macron.166
Radical Camp, All-Polish Youth          attacking people and property.          ■ June 2019: Five neo-
and Pride, and Modernity take           Among the attacks associated            Nazis plotting to attack
part in the yearly Independence         with the group are two 1988 fire        Muslim and Jewish places of
March. While originally organized       bombings of hostels catering to         worship were arrested.167
to commemorate the restoration          immigrant workers (one killed, 12       ■ October 2019: A far-right
of Poland’s sovereignty from            injured),160 the 1990 desecration of
different empires, in recent years                                              extremist was arrested after
                                        a Jewish cemetery,161 and the 2002      non-fatally shooting two mosque
the march has been an important         assassination attempt made on
event for far-right actors, including                                           congregants who were attempting
                                        then-President Jacques Chirac by        to prevent him from burning down
foreign extremists such as Italy’s      a far-right extremist and one-time
Roberto Fiore and the U.K.’s                                                    the house of worship.168
                                        member of the group.162 More
Tommy Robinson.155                                                              Beyond violent actors, into the
                                        recently, though the threat is not on
                                                                                realm of electoral politics, the
                                        the same scale as that posed by
France                                                                          National Rally (previously called
                                        violent Islamist actors, France has
                                                                                National Front) – founded in
                    France is home      faced a growing danger of far-right     1972 – is France’s best-established
                    to some of the      terrorism that includes plots to        far-right political party. During
                    most prominent      attack immigrants, Muslims, and         the 2017 elections, its president,
                    and                 those perceived to be supportive of     Marine Le Pen, was second place
                    well-established    them. Some examples include:            right after Macron, securing almost
                    nativist                                                    24% of the vote.
                                        ■ May 2016: A French far-right
                    movements in
                                        extremist was arrested at the           Outside of political parties, several
                    Europe. These
                                        Ukraine-Poland border while             far-right movements, such as the
groups, which have existed for
                                        attempting to return to France while    Volontaires pour la France, Réseau
several decades,156 base
                                        in possession of multiple firearms      Remora, and Génération Identitaire
themselves on a narrative rooted in
                                        and explosive materials. Ukrainian      (Generation Identity), also have
nostalgia for a glorious empire.
                                        authorities say they first became       a significant public following.169
These movements were fueled in
                                        aware of the individual during his      The latter is particularly known for,
significant part by the humiliating
                                        stay in eastern Ukraine, where he       among other things, occupying
French military defeat during the
                                        was trying to establish ties with       and storming mosques,170 hosting
Algerian war of independence from
                                        Ukrainian troops under the guise        pork sausage and wine parties,171
1954 to 1962.157 Algeria, a French      of volunteering.”163                    and receiving a donation from
colony since 1830, was valued for
its land and its people as a source     ■ July 2017: A far-right extremist      Christchurch, New Zealand,
                                        who said he wanted to kill              terrorist attacker Brenton Tarrant.172
of cheap labor for France’s colonial
                                        “Muslims, Jews, Blacks, and             These different types of actors
ambitions.158 Reactions to
                                        homosexuals” was arrested for           have a common dominator of
increasing Algerian immigration to
                                        plotting to assassinate France’s        anti-immigrant, anti-corruption, and
France after World War II, and
                                        president on Bastille Day.164           anti-Muslim rhetoric.
especially after French colonial
withdrawal from Algeria, gave rise      ■ June 2018: Thirteen people            A number of prominent
to far-right populist nativism.159      belonging to the far-right group        personalities, such as former Czech
                                        Action des Forces Operationnelles       Republic President Václav Klaus
Perhaps the best-known                  (Operational Forces Action)             and former French general Christian
violence-prone group of the             were arrested for plotting              Piquemal, have gathered around
1980s and 1990s was the French          to kill Muslims.165                     the National Council of European
and European Nationalist Party,         ■ November 2018: Six far-               Resistance, which claims to “work
a far-right neo-Nazi militant           right extremists were arrested          for the defence of European

                                                         16                                                   January 2022
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