FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland

Page created by Shirley Lawson
FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
City of Laurel
     Department of  Parks
       and Recreation

     Special Events,
 Sports Leagues, Teen
  & Adult Excursions,
   Senior Services,
Youth & Adult Classes,
     and More!

         FALL 2022             SOMETHING
                               FOR EVERYONE
FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
PARKS &                                      City of Laurel
                                                   RECREATION                                       Department of  Parks
                                                                                                      and Recreation
                                            Alice B. McCullough Field                             Laurel Municipal Center

     City of Laurel
                                            8th and Montgomery Streets                            8103 Sandy Spring Road, 301-725-5300
                                            Regulation softball fields, comfort station,
                                                                                                  Laurel Municipal Pool (seasonal)
                                            basketball court, outdoor stage, playground,
                                                                                                  901 Main Street, 301-776-7419
        Craig A. Moe, Mayor                 lighted tennis courts, and walking path
                                                                                                  Four-Pool complex, snack bar, bathhouse, picnic
                                            Centennial Community Park                             pavilion, and meeting space for rent
           CITY COUNCIL                     913 Montrose Ave
                                                                                                  Leo E. Wilson Community Park &
Brencis Smith – Ward 2, Council President   Playground and skate park
                                                                                                  Dog Park
        Keith R. Sydnor – Ward 2            Cypress Street Athletic Fields                        7701 Van Dusen Road
         Carl DeWalt – Ward 1               7901 Cypress Street                                   Picnic pavilion, playground, waterless Port-
          James Kole – Ward 1               Pavilion, grill, regulation softball fields, and      o-let, and Dr. Bruce Morley Dog Playground
                                            playground                                            (membership required)
       Martin Mitchell – At-Large
                                            Discovery Community Park &                            Mulberry Street Tennis Courts
CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEES                Inclusive Playground                                  Mulberry Street
                                            1025 Harrison Drive                                   Two tennis courts
       PARKS AND RECREATION                 Free Library, playground, solar charging station,
            Eileen Collins                                                                        Parks and Recreation
                                            waterless Port-o-let
            Laura Deglau                                                                          Maintenance Complex
                                            Duniho/Nigh Community Park                            7705 Old Sandy Spring Road
           Kemi Jemilohun                   15241 Van Dusen Road                                  Maintenance office and equipment yard
            Ken Skrivseth                   Tennis Court and 1/2 Court Basketball
                                                                                                  Partnership Activity Hall-LPD
                                            Emancipation Community Park                           811 Fifth Street
             TREE BOARD                     520 8th Street
                                            Amphitheatre, basketball court, playground, solar     Riverfront Park
             David Everett
                                            charging station, and seasonal water feature          22 Avondale Street
            James C. Phillips                                                                     Picnic pavilions with grills, playground, waterless
            Bobbi McCeney                   Granville Gude Park & Lakehouse                       port-o-let, and hiker-biker Path
                                            8300 Mulberry St., 240-294-1302
                                            Group picnic pavilions, walking path, indoor          Robert J. DiPietro Community Center
    YOUTH SERVICES COMMISSION                                                                     7901 Cypress Street, 301-497-0300
                                            event space, playground, horseshoe puts, adult
         Gloria Arnold, Chair               fitness-playground, Harrison Burton Memorial          Gymnasium, fitness room, game room, preschool
            James Agbai                     Stage, snack bar & pedal boat rentals (seasonal)      room, multipurpose room, and dance room
                                                                                                  available for rent
             Shirley Bell                   Greenview Drive Cabana
            Eileen Collins                  14403 Greenview Drive                                 Roland B. Sweitzer Park
                                            Two-large meeting rooms for rent, small kitchen,      7509 Old Sandy Spring Road
           Craig Frederick
                                            gas fireplace and outdoor deck                        Multi-purpose recreational field, playground,
          Rhonda Whitley                                                                          walking path, waterless Port-o-let, and park
           Robert Windley                   Greenview Drive Pool Complex                          pavilion
                                            (seasonal)                                            Snowden Place Tot Lot
       LAUREL ARTS COUNCIL                  14403 Greenview Drive, 301-604-4042
                                                                                                  1203 Snowden Place
        Melissa Holland, Chair              Main Pool, wade pool, bathhouse, snack stand,
                                            picnic pavilion, tennis courts, and Cabana
       Bharati Dhruva, Vice Chair                                                                 Stephen P. Turney Recreation Complex
           Charles Clyburn                                                                        9801 Fort Meade Road
        Kayleigh De La Puente
                                            Gude Mansion                                          Lighted regulation softball field
                                            13910 Laurel Lakes Ave, 301-725-7800
               Kerri Fuller                 Beautiful historic house with picturesque             Sturgis/ Moore Recreation Complex
            Angela O’Neal                   grounds, Catering Kitchen, Bridal and Groom           497 8th Street
                Inka Patel                  Suite, perfect for your next occasion.                Soccer fields, comfort station, picnic pavilion,
                                            Administrative Offices                                playground, and lighted parking lot
            Michael Spears
               Tony Small                   Laurel Armory Anderson &
                                            Murphy Community Center                               To view our rental facilities, please
                                            422 Montgomery Street, 301-725-8088
                                                                                                  visit our website at www.cityoflaurel.
                                            City Administrative Offices
                                            Gymnasium, lounge, classrooms, dance room,
                                                                                                  org/parks. For pricing and to check
                                            fitness room, conference room, gaming lounge,         availability please call our Rental
                                            Senior Services and Laurel Helping Hands Offices      Specialist at 301-725-5300 ext 2317.

                                                                                         Gude Mansion
                                                              Department of Parks & Recreation Administrative Offices
                                                             13910 Laurel Lakes Ave., Laurel, MD 20707 (301)725-7800
COMCAST HD 996, COMCAST SD 71, VERIZON 12                                           www.cityoflaurel.org/parks
FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
FALL 2022                                                  INSIDE
 02   Parks and Recreational Facilities                    PARKS &
 04   Fees and Registration Information                    RECREATION
 05   Event Rental Facilities
 06   Special Events
 07   Family Trips
 09   Outdoor Teen Club
 10   Clubs & Youth Sports
 11   Classes for Youth, Teens and Adults
 14   Dog Training
 15   Preschool                                            8
 16   Drop-In Programs for Youth, Teens and Adults
 17   Adult Sports Leagues
 18   Laurel Helping Hands
 19   Senior Trips
 20   Laurel TV

                           @LaurelParksRec                 9

      FOLLOW                     @LaurelDeptParksRec
        US ON
       SOCIAL                     Twitter
        MEDIA                     @LaurelParksRec

                           City of Laurel Parks & Rec MD

FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
                 ADMISSION FEES                                                      HOURS OF OPERATION
     Take a look at the many different ways you can pay to                           Mon–Fri  9:00 am – 9:00 pm
participate with the Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation.                      Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
                                                                                     Sunday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm LAAMCC ONLY
ANNUAL ADMISSION PASS                                                                      Holiday hours subject to change
  		                                   RESIDENT       RESIDENT
A. Adults 18-54 yrs.                    $117.00        $196.00          Registration Information Registration is held at the
   (includes Fitness Room)                                              Robert J. DiPietro Community Center and the Laurel Armory Anderson-
B. Youth 8-17 yrs.                       $ 11.00        $ 32.00         Murphy Community Center during hours of operation. Internet
C. Teen (13-17 yrs)***                   $ 77.00       $ 117.00         registration is available for some programs once your account has
   Teen Fitness Add-on                                                  been set up. We strongly encourage new customers to visit one of
D. Sr. Citizen 55+ yrs.                  $ 77.00        $117.00         our community centers to create an account After your account has
   (includes Fitness Room)                                              been created, you may register for classes/programs online at: www.
E. Double 18-54 yrs.                     $159.00        $281.00         Cityoflaurel.org/parks under our ‘Classes & Registration’ page.
   (includes Fitness Room)                                              Please visit our department's Facebook page or City website for the
F. Senior Double                         $ 98.00        $159.00         most up-to-date program information. You must be registered to
   (includes Fitness Room)                                              participate, unless a program listing states that no registration is
G. Replacement Pass                       $ 5.00         $ 5.00         required. Registration will be accepted through the first week of class if
                                                                        space is available. The City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation
6 MONTH ADMISSION FEES                                                  welcomes the participation of individuals with disabilities into all
A. Adults 18-54 yrs.                     $ 88.00        $127.00         programs. The City will fully comply with the American with Disabilities
   (includes Fitness Room)                                              Act in making reasonable accommodations to encourage participation.
B. Sr. Citizen 55+ yrs.                  $ 63.00        $ 85.00

3 MONTH ADMISSION FEES                                                  Fees Checks are only accepted for certain activities. Persons
                                                                        paying City of Laurel property taxes pay resident fees. Fees include
A. Adults 18-54 yrs.                     $ 68.00        $ 88.00
                                                                        materials unless otherwise noted. No fee reductions will be made
   (includes Fitness Room)                                              for missed classes. We are no longer able to accept discounts on
B. Sr. Citizen 55+ yrs.                  $ 52.00        $ 63.00         contractual programs.
   (includes Fitness Room)
                                                                        Scholarships are available for low-income City resident families for
ONE MONTH ADMISSION FEES                                                some programs. The City also offers vouchers for low income City
A. Adults 18-54 yrs.                     $ 26.00        $ 33.00         resident families that may be used towards recreation programs for
   (includes Fitness Room)                                              children, youth and teens with other agencies. Contact the Department
B. Sr. Citizen 55+ yrs.                   $20.00         $27.00         at 301-725-7800 for more information.
   (Includes Fitness Room)
                                                                        Inclement Weather Daytime classes, workshops & leagues
DAILY ADMISSION FEES                                                    are cancelled if the snow emergency plan for Prince George’s County
A. Adults 18-54 yrs.                      $ 4.00        $ 7.00          is in effect by 9:00 a.m. Evening classes, workshops & leagues are
   (with Fitness Room)                    $ 5.00        $ 8.00          canceled if the snow emergency plan for P.G. County is in effect at
B. Teen (13-17 yrs)***.                                                 4:00 p.m. City of Laurel officials retain the right to close facilities due
   (Fitness Room Only)                    $ 3.00         $ 8.00         to inclement weather. For cancellation information due to weather
C. Sr. Citizen 55+ yrs.                   $ 3.00         $ 6.00         conditions, visit our Facebook or Twitter page as well as our website:
   (includes Fitness Room)                                              www.CityofLaurel.org
*** Customers ages 13-15 require a paying parent/legal guardian
    to accompany them in the fitness room at all times                  Department of Parks & Recreation
    DOG PARK ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES                                     Web Site Visit the City of Laurel’s website at www.cityoflaurel.org/
                                                                        parks and visit our registration site under the 'Classes and Registration'
    Yearly Membership                     $30.00         $35.00
ADMISSION - to the Community Centers entitles the participant to        Register Early! It is important to register for each and every
participate in both open gym and scheduled drop-in activities. Non-     program as soon as possible. A majority of our programs must meet a
Resident rates will be charged unless Proof of Residency is provided.   minimum number of participants otherwise it may be cancelled. We
PASSES ARE GOOD - at both the Laurel Armory Anderson-Murphy             strongly encourage participants to register before the first meeting
Community Center located at 422 Montgomery Street and at the            date for any class or program!
Robert J. DiPietro Community Center located at 7901 Cypress Street.
Rates subject to change.                                                                   www.cityoflaurel.org
        Passes must be presented at the front desk for entry.
                        NO EXCEPTIONS!
FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
Reunion Baby
 Wedding Famduilyation Party Shower

        Laurel Looking for a Place  
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 Anniversary Panarquet Birthday Fam
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                                                                         Explore the many rental options at the Laurel Department of Parks
        Fam ReunioWG                     raduation P
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                                                                         & Recreation. Visit www.cityoflaurel.org for rental information or
      Reunion B r Anniversary Party
       Party S       ho  we
       Picnic Bridalam Wedding Family
                                       Meeting Banqu
                                                                    et    call 301-725-5300 ext 2317.
         Birthday F ic Graduation Party
         Reunion Picn r Wedding Freat                        amionily
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                                                     and Rec

         Reun    ion     B      ab

                                                                                The Laurel Armory                    Gude Mansion
                                                                                Anderson &                           13910 Laurel Lakes Avenue
                                                                                Murphy Community                     The Gude Mansion is a historic
                                                                                                                                                            The Cabana at
                                                                                                                     house and new location for the
                                                                                Center                               Department of Parks & Recreation       Greenview
                                                                                422 Montgomery Street                Administrative Office. This historic
                                                                                The Gymnasium features a full size   Greek Revival-Style Farmhouse          Drive Pool Complex
                                                                                basketball court with sport court    has been updated but still retains     14403 Greenview Drive
                                                                                flooring and can accommodate         much of its historic charm, making     This site is perfect for small
                                                                                a full size volleyball court. Two    it a perfect venue for your next       wedding receptions, parties or
                                                                                conference rooms are available       intimate gathering. The venue          meetings. The beautiful wood
                                                                                for meetings and seminars. Dance     includes a separate Bride and          floor, abundant natural lighting,
                                                                                room downstairs with mirrors for     Groom suite and large catering         gas fireplace and expansive
The Granville Gude                                                              small group practices.               kitchen. The surrounding grounds       deck is a true gem. The kitchen
Park Pavilions &                                                                                                     are included with rental of venue.     is equipped with refrigeration,
Lake House                                                                      Laurel Municipal Pool                Gude Mansion’s picturesque             ice machine, warming oven and
                                                                                                                     architecture and outdoor space
8300 Mulberry Street                                                            Meeting Room                         is soon to be the perfect site
A beautifully landscaped park
makes this an ideal location for
                                                                                901 Main Street                      for small weddings, banquets,          Robert J. DiPietro
                                                                                This room is perfect for a small     showers, and more!
a variety of activities. The Lake                                               gathering or business meeting.       Accepting rentals in October!          Community Center
House offers a meeting room with                                                While we don’t offer private pool                                           7901 Cypress Street
large windows and fireplace with                                                rentals – please consider renting                                           Multi-Purpose Room will easily
maximum capacity for 40. Two                                                    the pavilion at one of our two                                              lend itself for slide and overhead
separate picnic pavilions each                                                  pools. Pavilion rental includes                                             presentations for your next
with a grill are perfect for family                                             limited admission and guaranteed                                            meeting. This room may also
reunions, company picnics or                                                    use of the pavilion during regular                                          be ideal for small wedding
birthday parties. Weekend boat                                                  pool operating hours.                                                       receptions, parties, banquets, etc.
rentals during spring and summer                                                                                                                            The adjoining dance floor and/
months, large playground,                                                                                                                                   or small kitchen area may be
walking path and seasonal                                                                                  Make Gude Mansion
                                                                                                                                                            the perfect complement to your
specials events make this park a                                                                            your Next Location                              event. Just steps away from off-
fun outdoor experience.                                                                                      for Your Annual                                street parking makes it an ideal
                                                                                                                                                            location for parties.
                                                                                                                Holiday Party!

FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
SPECIAL                                                                                  Everyone that is attending of ALL AGES
                                                                                              must register in order to reserve a seat

                                                                                              (exceptions are granted to infants that
                                                                                              remain in a parent/guardian's lap during
                                                                                              the duration of the event; strollers/carriers
                                                                                              cannot be placed in a seat).
                                                                                              Families that wish to sit together must
                                                                                              register together under one family name.
                                                                                              Seating is determined in advance and
                                                                                              cannot be changed the day of the event. If
                                                                                              you would like to be seated with another
                                              FRI NOV 4                                       family attending, please send an email to
                                                                                              Parks@laurel.md.us of each family's last
                                              Harvest Moon Hayride                            name and the number of people registered
                                              Riverfront Park
                                                                                              in each party. Seating is not guaranteed.
                                              6:00 – 9:00 pm                                  Registration begins October 1st!
                                              Kids, teens and adults can enjoy a brisk
SAT SEP 10                                    autumn Hayride along the Patuxent River.
Doggie Dip Day                                Drinks, snacks and entertainment will
(NEW LOCATION!)                               be held around a roaring bonfire. Pre-
                                              registration cost is $4.00 per person, kids
Greenview Drive Pool
                                              under 2 years old ride free. Pre-registration
12:00 noon – 3:00 pm
                                              is held at Robert J DiPietro Community
Bring your canine and enjoy a dip at          Center, Laurel Armory, and Gude Mansion.
the pool to celebrate the “Dog Days of        Cost is $5.00 per person on site, kids under
Summer”. Only main and wading pools will      2 years old ride free. The hayride will
be open for pet/owner swimming! Owners        originate from the parking lot located at the
must be able to restrain pet. $5.00 per       corner of Route 1 and Main Street. Last ride
dog. If you have a current membership to      to the bonfire is approximately 7:45 pm and
the dog park, enjoy the event for free with
presentation of current membership card
                                              the last ride to the parking is 8:45 pm.
                                                                                              SAT DEC 3
(limit 2 dogs per pass). Free to owners!                                                      Holiday Festival, Parade &
                                                                                              Armory Illumination
FRI OCT 28                                                                                    Laurel Armory
                                                                                              Parade Kick-off 3:45 pm
Halloween Spooktacular
Robert J. DiPietro Community Center                                                           Kick off the holiday season with our annual
6:30 – 8:30 pm                                                                                Holiday Parade, Holiday festival, and
                                                                                              Armory Illumination! Santa and Friends will
Grab your costume and a bag for goodies                                                       be in our Winter Wonderland for pictures
and head down to the Robert J. DiPietro                                                       and visits! Show your spirit and join our
Community Center for Halloween                                                                holiday parade as a spectator or participant.
Spooktacular, co-sponsored by the                                                             To participate in the parade, please send
Laurel Lions Club. Enter our decked-out                                                       an email to Parks@laurel.md.us. The
Halloween Hall and take treats to go! This    SAT DEC 3                                       Holiday Parade steps off at 3:45pm from
event is FREE and open to all ages.
                                              Breakfast with Santa                            the Municipal Center, our Holiday Festival
                                              Partnership Hall                                begins at 4:00pm at the Armory and the
                                                                                              Armory Lighting is approximately 5:15pm!
                                              Laurel Police Department
                                              811 5th Street
                                              9:00 am SHARP                                    ADDITIONAL FUNDING PROVIDED BY M-NCCPC

                                              Santa's making a pit stop! Join us for our
                                              family classic tradition of Breakfast with
                                              Santa. Create memories while enjoying
                                              a delicious hot breakfast and a visit from
                                                                                              COMCAST HD 996, COMCAST SD 71, VERIZON 12
                                              Santa and friends!

FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
Our Parks and Recreation Department always has something fun and
          exciting going on in the City of Laurel! From special events to sports
          programs and recreational workshops to fitness sessions, our City’s
          imaginative Department of Parks and Recreation once again presents its Fall
          Program Guide with a great variety of recreational opportunities for you and
          your family. With two full-service Community Centers and beautiful parks
          all over the City, there’s something for everyone, from youths to seniors!
          Explore and play in one of our parks! Challenge yourself with a new fitness
              I hope you’ll take advantage of all the City of Laurel has to offer! I look
          forward to seeing you at one of our many fall and winter community events!

                                                       Craig A. Moe, Mayor

                  FRI DEC 10
                   Free Holiday
                   Partnership Hall
                                                 FAMILY TRIPS
                   Laurel Police
                   811 5th Street
                                               MON SEPT 19                                        escape rooms and darkly entertaining live
                                                                                                  shows. The park remains fully operational
                   6:00 pm SHARP               Baltimore Orioles Baseball                         during the day and transitions to Howl-O-
                                               Game (10+)                                         Scream at night with rides continuing! Visit
Cozy up with a pillow and blanket and                                                             the countries of Italy, France, England, Ireland,
                                               #9757, R-$35, NR-$40
enjoy a showing of The Polar Express                                                              Scotland, & New France. Enjoy the scrumptious,
(2004). The Academy Award-winning              Departure 4:30 pm/Return 10:30 pm
                                                                                                  mouth-watering, food specialties of each (on
team of Tom Hanks and director Robert          See the young, exciting Oriole players try to      your own) as well as the cultural entertainment
Zemeckis reunite for The Polar Express, an     catch a wild card slot in the playoffs. The team   and shops. Too much for one day, so this is a
inspiring adventure based on the beloved       is improving and has already won more games        two-day trip, which includes 2-day admission,
children's book by Chris Van Allsburg.         than last year. Enjoy the sights and sounds as     overnight hotel, hotel breakfast, and round-trip
                                               well as the great ballpark food at Camden Yards!   transportation.
When a doubting young boy takes an                                                                                          Continues on next page
                                               Return time is 10:30 pm or approximately 40
extraordinary train ride to the North
                                               minutes after the last inning. Cost includes
Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-         transportation, premier parking, and ticket.
discovery that shows him that the wonder       Deadline to register is September 1st!
of life never fades for those who believe.
Concessions will be sold, cash only.
                                               SAT OCT 15 –
                                               SUN OCT 16
  HOLIDAY                                      Busch Garden’s
 DECORATING                                    Weekend Trip (10+)

  CONTEST                                      #9758, R-$120, NR-$130
                                               Departure Sat 7:00 am/
   Have you Decked the Halls                   Return Sun 8:00 pm
   on your property to show                    Get a jumpstart on Halloween and enjoy the
    that you've got the best                   usual thrilling rides, entertaining shows and
                                               attractions, but fear awaits in the Williamsburg
         Holiday Spirit?                       theme park’s collection of elaborate haunted
                                               houses, themed scare zones, challenging
   For Contest Details See Page 18

FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
                                                                                              Also check our            SENIOR TRIPS
                                                                                                       for Adults 55+ on Page 19

THU DEC 8                                                                                                 SAT NOV 5
Ford’s Theater:                                                                                           Autumn Vineyard Tour (21+)
A Christmas Carol &                                                                                       #9756, R-$10, NR-$15
Hard Rock Café (10+)                                                                                      Departure 11:30 am/Return 5:00 pm
#9759, R-$45, NR-$50                                                                                      Enjoy the beautiful Autumn scenery among
Departure 4:45 pm/Return 10:15 pm                                                                         the vineyards alongside a glass of your favorite
                                                                                                          red or white. Cost includes a guided tour of the
This famous classic Christmas tale will warm
                                                                                                          winery, round-trip transportation. Wine tasting
your heart and get you in the spirit of the
                                                                                                          is available. Refreshments are on your own.
holidays. The historic theater is magnificent as
                                                                                                          Location TBD.
well as the Lincoln Museum downstairs (catch
a glimpse during intermission). We will have
dinner (on your own) next door at Hard Rock                                                                 Additional trips may be added to our
Café. After the play we will make a quick stop                                                              website https://www.cityoflaurel.org/
to walk around the National Christmas Tree          region. St. Michaels offers shopping galore, with
                                                    an eclectic range of shops, including jewelry,           parks/teen-adult-family-excursions
with the over 50 mini-State-decorated trees
and other holiday displays-located on the           clothing and home decor, galleries and more!
Ellipse behind the White House. We will also        Stop by one of the many tasting rooms, offering
drive to the Capitol Christmas Tree for another     specialty foods and locally made libations.
photo opportunity.                                                                                             Adult & Family Trip
                                                    WED SEP 28                                                   Information
TUE DEC 13                                          Washington Nationals                                       The minimum age to participate in
Brookside Garden of Holiday                         Baseball Game (18+)                                        an Adult (18+ or 21+) or Family Trip is
Lights (10+)                                        #9755, R-$35, NR-$40                                       specific to each trip and will be listed.
#9760, R-$15, NR-$20                                Departure 4:30 pm/Return 10:30 pm                          Any minors who attend a family trip, must
Departure 5:30 pm/Return 8:45 pm                    See the 2019 World Series Champion                         be accompanied by a legal parent/
                                                    Washington Nationals battle the 2021 World                 guardian. Parental permission slips are
Stroll through the beautiful Brookside Gardens                                                                 required for all minors.
in Kensington and view the glitter and splendor     Series Champs, the Atlanta Braves. Check out
of the holiday lights adorning the trees and        the enthusiasm of the young, new players! Enjoy            The price listed for a family trip is PER
flora all throughout the paradise of nature. Food   the sights and sounds of Nationals Stadium in              PERSON. All persons attending the trip
Truck with hot chocolate and light refreshments     the heart of D.C. Cheer for your favorite team.            must register.
will be available outside the gardens. Deadline     Return time is 10:30 pm or approximately 40
                                                                                                            All trips are on a first come, first serve basis
to register is December 5th!                        minutes after the last inning. Cost includes
                                                                                                            and are subject to change or cancellation
                                                    transportation, premier parking, and ticket.
                                                                                                            due to insufficient registration. Pre-
* Advertised price is subject to change             Deadline to register is September 7th!
                                                                                                            registration is MANDATORY. Registration
depending on admission/ticket availability for                                                              and payment for all programs/trips can
some trips. Trip status will remain TENTATIVE       SUN OCT 30                                              be processed at the Laurel Armory, Robert
until admissions have been secured and final
registration fee determined.
                                                    Explore Harper’s Ferry,                                 J. DiPietro Community Center, or Gude
                                                                                                            Mansion. Online registration is permitted
                                                    WV (18+)                                                once you are entered into the City
                                                    #9754, R-$25, NR-$30                                    registration system; we strongly encourage

ADULT TRIPS                                         Departure 8:30 am/Return 4:00 pm
                                                    View the magnificent vistas where with a
                                                                                                            you to create a Laurel Parks & Recreation
                                                                                                            account in-person! No adult is permitted to
                                                                                                            register another child other than their own.
THU SEP 22                                          backdrop of mountains, the Potomac and
                                                    Shenandoah Rivers meet. Check out the
                                                                                                            Refunds are only issued if a program/trip is
Day Trip to St. Michaels Island,                    colorful autumn foliage! Hike along the
                                                                                                            cancelled. Registration and monies will not
                                                                                                            be taken on the day of the trip. Trip costs
MD (18+)                                            beautiful trails or explore the historic buildings,
                                                                                                            include transportation and admission unless
#9753, R-$25, NR-$30                                monuments, landmarks, in the charming little
                                                                                                            stated otherwise.
                                                    downtown district, which includes an array
Departure 8:00 am/Return 4:30 pm                    of restaurants to satisfy your taste! Check out         All trips leave from Robert J. DiPietro
This beautiful Eastern Shore town located           the site of abolitionist John Brown’s famous            Community Center, 7901 Cypress Street,
on the water offers magnificent views of            1859 raid with intent to end slavery. Includes          Laurel MD 20707. For questions, contact
nature. Enjoy the walk throughout the village.      transportation and admission into the National          Trip Coordinator, Robert Giuliani at
Experience the dining of the Chesapeake Bay         Park which is where the town is situated.               rogiuliani@aol.com.

FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
                                                                Please visit our website at www.cityoflaurel.org/
                                                                       parks to view recently added trips!


Exciting Teen Trips for                                                                               THU DEC 15
Teens, Ages 13-18                                                                                     Visit the National
(graduating high school seniors)
                                                                                                      Christmas Tree, DC
                                                                                                      #9752, $5.00
THU OCT 20                                                                                            Departure 5:30 pm /Return 9:30 pm
(School’s Out!)                                                                                       Visit the National Christmas tree along with the
Field of Screams, MD                                                                                  over 50 mini-State-decorated trees and other
                                                                                                      holiday displays located on the Ellipse behind
#9748, Price TBT                                                                                      the White House. Get in the holiday spirit.
Departure 4:00 pm/Return 10:00 pm                                                                     Prior, we will have a group dinner nearby (not
                                                                                                      included in price) at Washington's Hard Rock
#1 Rated Scream Park, Field of Screams is a
                                                                                                      Café. We will also drive to the Capitol Christ-
multi-haunt and the Best Haunted House and
Scream Park in Maryland, DC, Virginia and
                                                 TUE NOV 8                                            mas Tree for another photo opportunity.
Delaware! Field of Screams Maryland has two      (School’s Out!)
                                                                                                      * Advertised price is subject to change
terrifying trails combined into a one-hour
long trip of horrors beyond comprehension.
                                                 Great Falls National Park                            depending on admission/ticket availability for
This amazing Scream Park and all its horrors     #9750, $5.00                                         some trips. Trip status will remain TENTATIVE
                                                                                                      until admissions have been secured and final
will make you scream and jump at every turn!     Departure 10:00 am/Return 3:00 pm
Grab a snack at the available concession stand                                                        registration fee determined.
                                                 Explore Great Falls National Park along the
(on your own). Return time is approximate
                                                 Potomac River. Enjoy both the relaxation and
depending on crowds. Additional information
                                                 the adventure of walking the C & O Canal path
available at https://screams.org/. Deadline to
register is October 13th!
                                                 and the excitement of climbing the smaller cliffs.
                                                 View the magnificent, breathtaking, waterfalls                     Teen Trip
                                                 and take pictures of the spectacular autumn                      Information
WED OCT 25                                       scenery. Take your own lunch for a picnic.
                                                                                                       All trips are on a first come, first serve basis
UMD Men’s Soccer                                                                                       and are subject to change or cancellation

Game & Driving Tour
                                                 SAT NOV 12                                            due to insufficient registration. Pre-
                                                 Broadway Muscial                                      registration is MANDATORY. Registration
of University of MD                                                                                    and payment for all programs/trips can
                                                 “Matilda” By Charm                                    be processed at the Laurel Armory, Robert
Campus                                                                                                 J. DiPietro Community Center, or Gude
#9749, $5.00                                     City Players                                          Mansion. Online registration is permitted
Departure 4:15 pm/Return 9:30 pm                 #9751, Price TBT                                      once you are entered into the City
                                                 Departure 1:00 pm/Return 4:15 pm                      registration system; we strongly encourage
Watch the often highly-rated (2018 National                                                            you to create a Laurel Parks & Recreation
Champions) Terrapins battle the Blue Hens        Enjoy the Broadway musical “Matilda” as               account in-person! No adult is permitted to
of Delaware in soccer. We will engage in a       performed by the award-winning Charm City             register another child other than their own.
driving tour of the campus and stop for dinner   Player of Baltimore. Matilda is a little girl with    Refunds are only issued if a program/trip is
(on your own) at Maryland’s Student Union        astonishing wit, intelligence and psychokinetic       cancelled. Registration and monies will not
food court located on campus. This is a great    powers. She's unloved by her cruel parents            be taken on the day of the trip. Trip costs
opportunity for high students to explore the     but impresses her schoolteacher, the highly           include transportation and admission unless
UMD campus with friends!                         loveable Miss Honey. Packed with high-                stated otherwise.
                                                 energy dance numbers, catchy songs and an
                                                 unforgettable star young actress, Matilda is a        Parental permission slips are required
                      Twitter                    joyous girl power romp. Children and adults           for all trips. All trips leave from Robert J.
    FOLLOW            @LaurelParksRec            alike will be thrilled and delighted by the story     DiPietro Community Center, 7901 Cypress
      US ON
     SOCIAL           Instagram                  of the special little girl with an extraordinary      Street, Laurel MD 20707. For questions,
      MEDIA           @LaurelDeptParksRec        imagination. Theater is complete with Live            contact Trip Coordinator, Robert Giuliani
                                                 Orchestra and pre-show activities.                    at rogiuliani@aol.com.

FALL 2022 - City of Laurel Department of Parks and Recreation - City of Laurel, Maryland
                  THE CENTERS

         Robert J. DiPietro
        Community Center
      Thursdays 6:00-8:45 pm
 Innovative, challenging games for teens
                                                     TEEN CLUBS
 and adults. Games of all types such
 as The Resistance, One Night Ultimate         Friday Night Teen Club
 Werewolf, Fallout, Carcassonne, Mencala,
 and more. Share your favorite or learn a
 new one! 301-497-0300 for info.
                                                            Ages 12-17
                                                   Friday 7:00-10:00 pm RJDCC                                   BASKETBALL
                                            Grab your Teen/Youth Pass Card to join
                                            your friends for a variety of activities
                                            just for you! We have basketball, games,                          W.I.S.E. Youth Basketball
                                            tournaments and occasionally some food.                          Developmental Recreational
                                            NO daily drop-in fees accepted; you must                            Winter League Dates
                                            have a Teen/Youth Annual Pass!                              Winter League starts December 10th
                                            Youth/Teen Annual Pass R-$11, NR-$32                        and runs through March 4th. Teams
                                                                                                        are formed via the W.I.S.E. basketball
                                                  Outdoors Teen Club                                    draft process. Practice is (1) hour in
                                                              Ages 13 -18
                                                                                                        the evenings, games are on weekends.
                                            Exciting teen trips for area teens. See                     Registration is online at www.
                                            page 9 for a complete list of trips, August                 winninginsportsandeducation.com or
         Laurel Armory                      through December 2022.                                      email winninginsportsandeducation@
       Community Center                                                                                 gmail.com for any questions.
         Yu-Gi-Oh! Club
       Tuesdays 5:00-8:45 pm                                                                                    W.I.S.E GIRLS’
              Ages 8 and up.
             All levels of play,
          bring your own cards.                                                                                  6 wk Clinic beginning
                                                                                                                    after Labor Day
           Anime Club                                                                                   Accepting girls ages 7-17, all skill levels
     Wednesdays 5:00-8:45 pm                                                                            accepted. Register online at www.
              Ages 8 and up.                                                                            winninginsportsandeducation.com
        Enjoy your favorite anime
              with friends.

YOUTH SPORTS                                LAUREL LITTLE LEAGUE – Little League
                                            provides a fun and positive athletic experience
                                                                                                  contact James Agbai at 410-656-WISE (9473)
                                                                                                  or winninginsportsandeducation@gmail.

ALLIANCE                                    for the youth of all ages. Laurel Little League is    com. You can also visit their website at: www.
                                            a chartered affiliate of Little League Baseball,      winninginsportsandeducation.com
                                            Inc of Williamsport, PA. 301-725-5850. For more       LAUREL CITY KINGFISH – Competitive
The Department has partnered with
                                            information, visit their website at: https://clubs.   summer swim team that participates in the
several Youth Sports Organizations          bluesombrero.com/laurellittleleaguemd.
in the community. Check out these                                                                 Prince-Mont Swim League. Try-outs for new
organizations if you are looking to get     W.I.S.E. YOUTH SPORTS LEAGUES –                       swimmers is Tues. May 31st. For additional
                                            W.I.S.E. stands for Winning in Sports and             information, consult Aquatics Section, call 301-
your child involved in youth sports.
                                            Education. Youth leagues and clinics continue         497-0300, or email shehir-keys@laurel.md.us.
                                            throughout the year. If interested, please
                                               KIDDIE FOOTBALL                     Age 3-4       KIDZ SOCCER                         Age 5-6
                                               Learn basic skills and focus on the               They shoot, they score, GOAL! You will be
                                               fundamentals of passing, catching, running        introduced to beginner soccer concepts
KEY    RJDCC – Robert J. DiPietro              routes and team play, all in a fun and            (dribbling, passing and shooting) through
       Community Center                        exciting environment. Apply your skills           exciting and fun-filled games and activities.
       LAAMCC – Laurel Armory                  through fun-filled games and activities.          Parents are encouraged to follow the
       Anderson-Murphy Community Center        Parents are encouraged to follow the              coach’s instructions to assist in the games
       R – City Resident, NR – Non Resident    coach’s instructions to assist in the games       and activities. T-Shirt included in class cost.
                                               and activities. T-Shirt included in class cost.   Hurry! Space is limited!
                                               Hurry! Space is limited!                          RJDCC – R $45, NR $50
                                               Cypress Street Field – R $45 NR $50               #9747 Tue 6 wks 10/25/22         6:15-7:00 pm
                                               #9744 Tue 6 wks 9/6/22           5:30-6:15 pm
                                                                                                 LITTLE & JUNIOR
                                               KIDZ FOOTBALL                       Age 5-6
                                               Learn basic skills and focus on the
                                                                                                 TRACKSTARS                        Age 3-14
                                                                                                 Running, jumping and mental focus are
                                               fundamentals of passing, catching, running
                                                                                                 the basic athletic skills needed to excel
                                               routes and team play, all in a fun and
                                                                                                 at any sport. In this class, your active
                                               exciting environment. Apply your skills
                                                                                                 runners will learn the foundational skills
                                               through fun-filled games and activities.
                                                                                                 of track & field aimed at fine-tuning their
                                               Parents are encouraged to follow the
                                                                                                 gross motor skills, balance/coordination,
                                               coach’s instructions to assist in the games
                                                                                                 speed/agility and mental toughness.
                                               and activities. T-Shirt included in class cost.
                                                                                                 This fast paced 6-week, session is a
                                               Hurry! Space is limited!
                                                                                                 blend of interactive drills, fun games and
                                               Cypress Street Field – R $45 NR $50               competitive racing. You can visit: www.
YOUTH & TEENS                                  #9745 Tue 6 wks 9/6/22           6:15-7:00 pm     littletrackstars.com and www.facebook.
                                                                                                 com/littletrackstars for additional
ARCHERY                              Age 6     KIDDIE SOCCER                       Age 3-4       information. For questions, please email
Archery increases concentration, develops      They shoot, they score, GOAL! You will be         littletrackstars@gmail.com.
self-discipline, works on fine motor skills    introduced to beginner soccer concepts            Cypress Street Field – R $85, NR $90
and improves hand-eye coordination.            (dribbling, passing and shooting) through         #9731 Sat 6 wks 9/10/22 9:00-10:00 am
Scope of work:                                 exciting and fun-filled games and activities.     #9732 Sat 6 wks 9/10/22 10:00-11:00 am
                                               Parents are encouraged to follow the              LAAMCC – R $85, NR $90
  Conditioning - sessions will be for          coach’s instructions to assist in the games       #9733 Sat 6 wks 11/12/22 9:30-10:30 am
  participants to get in shape and             and activities. T-Shirt included in class cost.   #9734 Sat 6 wks 11/12/22 10:30-11:30 am
  physically prepare for Archery training.     Hurry! Space is limited!
  Ages – 6 years old to adults and beyond
  for seniors.                                 RJDCC – R $45, NR $50
  Sports Challenge - will help keep            #9746 Tue 6 wks 10/25/22         5:30-6:15 pm
  the Archery fun and interesting to
  Technique Focus - to get students
  tournament ready for competition
  in a more competitive training. Must
  fine tune form and techniques for all
  Archery Fun Games- incorporate games
  for an interactive practice to keep things
  interesting and fun.
  Understanding of Archery- learn about
  history and equipment used to foster
  interest in the art of Archery.
Sweitzer Park – R $55, NR $60
#9729 Sun 8 wks 9/11/22         4:00-5:15 pm

CLASSES CONTINUED                                                                           KEY    RJDCC – Robert J. DiPietro
                                                                                                   Community Center
                                                                                                   LAAMCC – Laurel Armory
                                                                                                   Anderson-Murphy Community Center
                                                                                                   R – City Resident, NR – Non Resident

                                                                                            Dress Code: Any color leotards & tights,
                                                                                            black tap shoes, and pink ballet shoes.
                                                                                            RJDCC – R $124, NR $129
                                                                                            #9765 Sat 10 wks 9/17/22 10:15-11:00 am

                                                                                            BALLET & TAP                     Age 7-10
                                                                                            This 45-minute class created for
                                                                                            elementary school aged children
                                                                                            explores a wide variety of dance genres
                                                                                            incorporating ballet & tap skills into every
JMD STUDIOS                                  BALLET & TAP                      Age 5-6      class. Upbeat music will accompany
Dance classes are offered and instructed     This 45-minute class created for               dancers as they learn dance movements
by the staff of JMDS Studios at the          elementary school aged children                and terminology in the center, at the
Robert J. DiPietro Community Center,         explores a wide variety of dance genres        barre, and across the floor. This class will
and offer three progressive dance            incorporating ballet & tap skills into every   keep students engaged and challenged
sessions throughout the school year          class. Upbeat music will accompany             while having fun at the same time.
culminating in a Spring Showcase for         dancers as they learn dance movements
                                                                                            Dress Code: Leotard & tights, tap shoes,
all students. (Showcase fee applicable).     and terminology in the center, at the
                                                                                            and leather ballet shoes
Students should register according           barre, and across the floor. This class will
                                             keep students engaged and challenged           RJDCC – R $124, NR $129
to their age as of SEPTEMBER 1. For                                                         #9765 Sat 10 wks 9/17/22 10:15-11:00 am
more information about the program           while having fun at the same time.
or if you have questions, please contact
Alycia Carlson at 240-343-2623. As
classes fill, new ones may be opened
so please always call if the class of your
choice is full. Students with prior dance
experience should call us for placement
assistance as well.

PRE-BALLET & TAP                 Age 3-4
This 45-minute whimsical tap and
ballet class, especially geared for
preschoolers, approach dance in a
playful manner. Beginning tap sounds
and ballet movements are intertwined
with creative activities incorporating
props and imagery to emphasize rhythm,
                                               Follow our
coordination, and body awareness. A
delightful dance experience for young
ones!                                          Page for the most up-to-date information
Dress Code: Any color leotards & tights,       regarding new classes, closures, and much more!
black tap shoes, and pink ballet shoes.
RJDCC – R $124, NR $129
#9764 Sat 10 wks 9/17/22     9:30-10:15 am           Be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW us @LaurelParksRec

ARCHERY                             Age 6+       Low impact is included, and you choose         ZUMBA (RJDCC)                    Age 16+
Archery increases concentration, develops        according to your fitness level. Mat/floor     Zumba fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and
self-discipline, works on fine motor skills      work includes exercises that will challenge    easy to follow moves to create a dynamic
and improves hand-eye coordination.              the muscle groups to improve toning            fitness program that will blow you
                                                 and increase strength. Light handheld          away. Achieve long term benefits while
Scope of work:
                                                 weights are optional. This fitness class       experiencing an absolute blast in one
  Conditioning - sessions will be for            is a great addition to your fitness goals.     exhilarating hour of caloric-burning, body
  participants to get in shape and               Our instructors are friendly, experienced,     energizing, awe-inspiring movements
  physically prepare for Archery training.       certified and will welcome you into the        meant to engage and captivate for life!
  Ages – 6 years old to adults and beyond        class that you choose. Our program is fun      Instruction by Carol Ortiz.
  for seniors.                                   and easy to follow. Floor exercises are
  Sports Challenge - will help keep                                                             RJDCC – R $90, NR $95 (18 classes)
                                                 included so please bring a mat. Visit our
                                                                                                T/Th 7:30-8:30 pm & Sat 10:30-11:30 am
  the Archery fun and interesting to             website at www.biofitness.us or call 410-
                                                                                                #9472 T/TH/S 6 wks              8/23/22
  participants.                                  956-1084 or specific class questions.
                                                                                                #9740 T/TH/S 6 wks              10/8/22
  Technique Focus - to get students              RJDCC – R $67, NR $72
  tournament ready for competition in a                                                          (No class 11/8/22)
                                                 #9735 M/W 6 wks 9/12/22         6:00-7:00 pm
                                                                                                #9741 T/TH/S         6 wks          11/26/22
  more competitive training. Must fine tune      #9736 M/W 6 wks 11/2/22         6:00-7:00 pm
                                                                                                 (No class 11/24/22, 12/24/22, & 12/31/22)
  form and techniques for all participants.
  Archery Fun Games- incorporate games
  for an interactive practice to keep things                                                    ZUMBA (LAAMCC)                   Age 16+
  interesting and fun.                                                                          Zumba fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and
  Understanding of Archery- learn about                                                         easy to follow moves to create a dynamic
  history and equipment used to foster                                                          fitness program that will blow you
  interest in the art of Archery.                                                               away. Achieve long term benefits while
                                                                                                experiencing an absolute blast in one
Sweitzer Park – R $55, NR $60                                                                   exhilarating hour of caloric-burning, body
#9729 Sun 8 wks 9/11/22          4:00-5:15 pm                                                   energizing, awe-inspiring movements
                                                                                                meant to engage and captivate for life!
ART FOR ALL- INCLUSIVE ARTS                                                                     Instruction by Carol Ortiz.
DROP-IN PROGRAM        Age 21+                                                                  LAAMCC – R $60, NR $65 (12 classes)
Art for All is an amazing art experience
                                                                                                M/W 7:30-8:30 pm
for all people regardless of skill or ability.
                                                                                                9475 M/W        6 wks          8/22/22
The program will encourage creativity
                                                                                                #9742 M/W       6 wks         10/10/22
and boost self-esteem while encouraging
                                                                                                #9743 M/W       6 wks         11/23/22
relationship building, socialization, and
self-confidence. No experience necessary,        POUR PAINTING                     Age 16+
just an open heart and mind! This is a           Learn to make beautiful paintings using
drop-in program with limited seats and           an acrylic paint pouring technique.
is offered on a first come, first serve          Pouring media, paint additives, color
basis. You must pay the drop-in fee at the       combinations, and pouring techniques
start of class. No pre-registration for this     will be reviewed. Super fun and no
class is accepted.                               painting skills required! All supplies will
RJDCC – R $3, NR $4 (per class)                  be provided.
M/TH beginning 8/29/22 10:00-11:00 am
                                                 $20 supply fee must be paid directly to
                                                 instructor on first meeting date.
BIO-FITNESS                        Age 18+
This 60-minute fitness class will improve        BEGINNER POUR PAINTING
mobility, condition the cardiovascular           LAAMCC – R $50, NR $55
system, increase flexibility, improve            #9739 Sun 6 wks 10/23/22 10:30 -12:30 pm
balance, and strengthen core muscle              ADVANCED POUR PAINTING
groups. This program is fun, easy to follow      LAAMCC – R $50, NR $55
and the class atmosphere is friendly             #9737 Sat 6 wks 10/22/22 2:30-4:30 pm
and inviting. A combination of High/             #9738 Sun 6 wks 10/23/22 1:30-3:30 pm

     HOW TO
     REGISTER                                KEY    RJDCC – Robert J. DiPietro
                                                    Community Center

                                                    LAAMCC – Laurel Armory
                                                    Anderson-Murphy Community Center
                                                    R – City Resident, NR – Non Resident

 To view a full list of current classes
  and programs or to register for a
        program online, visit
                                             DOG CLASSES
                                             TEACHING FIDO BASIC
     You may go to either the                MANNERS             Ages 18+
   Robert J. DiPietro Community              Teaching your dog the basics should be
 Center or Laurel Armory Anderson            a fun and positive experience for both
  and Murphy Community Center                you and your dog. This 7-week class is
      to register for a class or             designed to teach the basic cues (sit,
        program in person.                   down, stay and come) and then apply
                                             those cues to “life skills” such as: meet
You can register for specific classes                                                       Prerequisites: This class is for dogs
                                             & greet while leashed, wait at the door,
online through our Activenet                 settle on a mat, loose-leash walking,          9 months and older. Dogs must have
registration site. If you have previously    give it/take it, & leave it. Classes have no   completed our Teaching Fido Basic
                                             more than 5 dogs so you feel as if you are     Manners class or an equivalent basic
registered for a City of Laurel
                                             receiving “one-on-one” training.               manners class. Dogs should be able to sit,
Department of Parks and Recreation                                                          down, stay and come.
program, you may already have                Prerequisites: This class is for dogs 5        Main Street Pool Meeting Room –
an account set up. Click the online          months in age and older.                       R $125, NR $130
registration link to left and select “Sign   Main Street Pool Meeting Room –                #9776 Schedule TBT
In” using your email address. Then           R $190, NR $195
                                             #9775 Schedule TBT                             Class will consist of 3 indoor evening
select “Forgot Password” to receive
                                                                                            classes to teach your dog the skills needed
an email to reset your Activenet                                                            for Parkour and 3 outdoor weekend
password. Once your password has
                                             PARKOUR FOR DOGS                Ages 18+
                                             Dog parkour is also known as urban             classes to be held in different locations to
been reset, you can register for the         agility- It is a fun, non-competitive team     practice the skills on outdoor obstacles.
available classes online and pay using       sport with you and your dog and is
your credit card.                            based on the same principles as agility.
                                             It combines elements of human parkour
                                                                                              PetHub  Digital  ID  Tag
If you have not created an account
                                             and dog agility to create an accessible
or you would like to register for a          activity for dogs and humans alike. Dogs
program for the first time, please visit     get introduced to the world of jumping,             Simpler than a chip. Buy a
one of our community centers and             climbing, balancing on, crawling under,           PetHub Pet Tag and track your
our front desk staff can assist you.         and going around different obstacles in               animal online with GPS
                                             their everyday world such as boulders,
For additional information, please                                                               mapping. Most effective,
                                             fallen trees, playground equipment, tree
contact our offices at (301) 725-7800                                                          comprehensive and affordable
                                             stumps, fences, posts, park benches,
                                             walls, and whatever your imagination can            24/7 Pet Recovery System.
or e-mail us at parks@laurel.md.us
                                             come up with! It is a challenging, but fun,      Get yours today from
                                             physical activity for your dog; parkour can      The Parks & Recreation
                                             be done anywhere. Dog Parkour helps              Administrative
                                             with confidence and overcoming fears, and        Office at
                                             is a low impact but challenging activity for     Gude Mansion-
                                             any canine athlete. Please visit our website
COMCAST HD 996, COMCAST SD 71, VERIZON 12                                                     13910 Laurel
                                             for more information on this class.
                                                                                              Lakes Ave.

                3-5 YEAR OLDS                      KEY
                                                   R – City Resident
                                                   NR – Non Resident

                         Robert J. DiPietro Community Center

                                                  determined by class meeting dates and
                                                  therefore will differ each session. No                        FALL II
                                                  before or after care will provided.             #9486
                                                                                                  4’s CLASS – M/W/F
                                                  COVID Restrictions: The City of Preschool
                                                                                                  R $224, NR $238
                                                  program is licensed by MDSE and is
                                                                                                     11/2/22 – 12/9/22
                                                  subject to adhere to state regulations
                                                                                                     Closed 11/11/22 – Veteran’s Day
                                                  regarding COVID restrictions. We may also
                                                                                                     Closed 11/23/22 – 11/25/22 –
                                                  take additional measures to ensure the
                                                                                                     Thanksgiving Break
                                                  health and safety of all students, staff, and
                                                                                                     Closed 12/12/22 – 1/2/22 – Winter Break
                                                  Age Requirement                                 3’s CLASS – T/TH
                                                  The State of Maryland Department of             R $176, NR $187
                                                  Education (MSDE) requires a child must be          11/1/22 – 12/8/22
                                                  3 years old by August 31, 2022, to enter the       Closed 11/23/22-11/25/22 –
                                                  3-year-old class. A child must be 4 years          Thanksgiving Break
                                                  old by August 31, 2022, to enter the 4-year        Closed 12/12/22 – 1/2/22 – Winter Break
Classes Will Meet                                 classes.
Session A                                                                                         PRIORITY REGISTRATION for Winter
                                                  Registration for the 2022-2023 school
M/W/F – 8:30 am-11:30 am (4-5 years old)                                                          2023 is due by Tuesday, November 22,
                                                  is open and underway! Space is limited.
                                                                                                  2022. Open registration for City Residents
Session B                                         To register, you must go in-person to the
                                                                                                  begins Monday, November 28, 2022 and
T/TH – 8:30 am-11:30 am (3 years old)             Robert J. DiPietro Community Center. After
                                                                                                  Wednesday, November 30, 2022 for Non-
                                                  registration/payment for the Fall I session,
The City of Laurel Preschool is a licensed                                                        Residents.
                                                  you will receive a preschool registration
program designed to prepare students
for kindergarten. Curriculum will focus
                                                  packet that will need to be completed and
                                                  returned at the time of orientation.
on structured activities that incorporate                                                         #9761
reading, math, science, and technology.                                                           4’S CLASS – M/W/F
Art, music, and free play make this a fun
environment that will help your child
                                                                 FALL I                           R $320, NR $340
                                                                                                     1/2/23 – 2/17/23
develop the skills necessary for school.          #9784                                              Closed 1/16/23 – MLK Day
Snacks are provided. No before or after           4’S CLASS – M/W/F                                  Closed 2/20/23 – President’s Day
care available.                                   R $368, NR $391                                    Closed 2/21/23 – 2/28/23 – Snow
                                                     9/7/22 – 10/31/22                               make-up days
Registration                                         Closed 10/10/22 – Indigenous
All fees are due at the time of registration.        Peoples’ Day
                                                                                                  3’S CLASS – T/TH
Currently enrolled students are given             #9485                                           R $240, NR $255
priority registration for the following           3’s CLASS – T/TH                                   1/3/23 – 2/21/23
session. Students will not be guaranteed a        R $256, NR $272                                    Closed 2/22/23 – 2/28/23 – Snow
space in the class after priority registration.      9/6/22 – 10/27/22                               make-up days
Inoculation records must be received
prior to attending classes (Forms are             PRIORITY REGISTRATION for Fall 2022             PRIORITY REGISTRATION for Spring 2023
provided by the Laurel Dept. of Parks and         is due by Friday, September 23, 2022. Open      is due by January 30, 2023. The preschool
Recreation). All students must be toilet          Registration for City Residents begins on       program may choose to close registration
trained. Proof of age is required at the time     September 26, 2022 and September 28,            for the remainder of the school year
of registration. City holidays are provided       2022 for Non-Residents.                         depending on classroom size.
for in the schedule. Price per session is

DROP-IN                              KEY   RJDCC – Robert J. DiPietro

                                                    Community Center
                                                    LAAMCC – Laurel Armory
                                                    Anderson-Murphy Community Center
                                                    R – City Resident, NR – Non Resident
                                                    Additional Funding Provided by M-NCCPC

                                              Ages 18 + (No one under the age of 18 is
                                              permitted in the gym during adult drop-in)
                                              Participation in a drop-in program
                                              requires one of the following:
                                              Annual, 6, 3, or 1 Month Admission
                                              Pass for unlimited participation. A Daily
YOUTH & TEEN                                  Admission Pass is required for a one-time
LAAMCC AND RJDCC                              BASKETBALL
All participants must purchase a Teen/        Saturday     9:00 am - 1:00 pm RJDCC *
Youth Annual pass. NO daily admissions        Tuesday      6:00 pm - 9:00 pm RJDCC             PICKLEBALL IS BACK!
will be accepted. Participants may            Thursday     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm RJDCC             Tuesday   6:00-9:00 pm LAAMCC
enter and exit drop- in programs at will.     *Saturday gym time is subject to change          Wednesday 6:00-9:00 pm RJDCC
The drop-in program is not a licensed         depending on outside leagues that utilize        Drop-in Fee R $3, NR $5 or Facility
school aged childcare program. Policies       the center(s)                                    Membership Card
regarding the drop-in program reflect the             Please contact the centers to
State of Maryland’s Family Law Article. The                                                    Come down with family or friends to
                                                         confirm drop-in time.
Centers on occasion, may close due to                                                          enjoy a game or two of the sport that's
scheduling conflicts or inclement weather.                                                     sweeping the nation. Each person must
                                              OPEN GYM TIME                                    pay a drop-in fee or hold a current facility
OPEN GYM & GAMEROOM                           Held at both the Robert J. DiPietro              membership card. Proof of residency is
(after Labor Day)                             Community Center and the Laurel                  required to qualify for the resident rate.
Ages 8-11                                     Armory Anderson Murphy Community                 Please bring your own paddles and balls.
Monday – Friday 3:30-4:30 pm                  Center based upon space availability. The
Ages 12-17
Monday – Friday 4:30-5:30 pm
                                              department reserves the right to cancel or       WALK & TALK
                                              reschedule activities without notification.
Fridays 7:00-10:00 pm Teen Club at RJDCC                                                       Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00-10:00 am
                                              Call the centers or the recorded
                                              information lines for scheduled times.
                                                                                               Drop-in Fee R $2, NR $3 or Facility
                                              Open gym time is held at both the
                                                                                               Membership Card
                                              Robert J. DiPietro Community Center
                                              and the Laurel Armory Anderson Murphy            Join us for some indoor walking exercise in
                                              Community Center based upon space                a friendly environment and regularly open
                                              availability.                                    facility as the weather begins to turn chilly
                                                                                               and wet.
                                              The department reserves the right to cancel
                                              or reschedule activities without notification.
                                              Call the centers or the recorded information
                                              lines for scheduled times.

                                                      Drop-in programs are subject to change seasonally.

& REGISTRATION DATES                                            VISIT OUR SPORTS WEBSITE for up to date programs and
                                                                current league information including standings, schedules, and more at:

FALL 2022
BASKETBALL (MEN’S)                                                                                           TENNIS LADDER
Registration Ends 9/2/22       *                                                                             (COED)
                                                                                                             Registration Ends 9/8/22*
                                                                                                             Begins 9/12/22
                                                                                                             R $15, NR $20
Sundays beginning 9/11/22
Game Times 12:00 - 9:30 pm                                                                                   Play singles matches, any day, any court.
Robert J. DiPietro Community Centers                                                                         Players must challenge with other players
                                                                                                             through email/phone and set up a
Join a competitive league in a fun family
                                                                                                             tennis match on your own time. At season’s
environment that encourages physical activity
and sportsmanship. Officials, awards, and               SOFTBALL (COED)                                      start 1 free challenge is allowed by ALL players
                                                        Registration Ends 8/19/22 *                          anywhere on the ladder, after that, players can
facility usage included in fees.
                                                                                                             challenge players 3 places above. Maximum
Franchise Fee: $550 per team                            RECREATIONAL COED                                    16 players accepted.
* Teams who register for the Fall Basketball League     SOFTBALL
should call the Robert J. DiPietro Community Center     #9505 Mondays
on Friday, September 9th, 2022 at 301-497-0300
between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm to receive their
scheduled starting times for Sunday, September 11th
                                                        Mondays beginning 08/29/22
                                                        Game Times 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.                          WINTER 2023
                                                        Stephen P. Turney Recreation Complex
games. Team packets and schedules will be distribut-
                                                        Franchise Fee: $550 per team
                                                                                                             BASKETBALL (MEN’S)
ed the first night of play on Sunday, September 11th.
                                                        # 9506 Wednesdays                                    Registration Ends 1/20/23*

SOFTBALL (WOMEN’S)                                      Wednesdays beginning 8/31/22                         RECREATIONAL MEN’S 5-ON-5
                                                        Game Times 6:30 – 9:30 pm                            BASKETBALL
Registration Ends 8/19/22 *                             Stephen P. Turney Recreation Complex                 #9773
RECREATIONAL WOMEN’S                                    Franchise Fee: $550 per team                         Sundays beginning 1/29/23
SOFTBALL                                                * Teams who register for the Fall Softball Leagues   Game Times 12:00-9:30 pm
#9503                                                   should pick up their team packets on Thursday,       Robert J. DiPietro Community Center
Thursdays beginning 9/1/22                              August 25, 2022 between 10:00 am and 9:00            Franchise Fee $550.00 per team
Game Times 6:30 – 9:30 pm                               pm at the Robert J. DiPietro Community Center
                                                                                                             * Teams who register for the Winter Basketball
Stephen P. Turney Recreation Complex                    located at 7901 Cypress Str.
                                                                                                             League will receive their scheduled starting
Franchise Fee: $550 per team                                                                                 times for Sunday, January 29th via email to team
                                                        KICKBALL (COED)                                      managers. Team packets and schedules will be
SOFTBALL (MEN’S)                                        Registration Ends 9/15/22*                           distributed the first night of play on Sunday,
Registration Ends 8/19/22 *                             RECREATIONAL ADULT                                   January 29th

RECREATIONAL MEN’S                                      COED KICKBALL
SOFTBALL                                                #9771
                                                        Fun & energetic game of kickball for
                                                        adults 18+. Minimum of 10 players needed
                                                                                                               New Upcoming Leagues/
Tuesdays beginning 8/30/22
Game Times 6:30 – 9:30 pm
                                                        for a team.                                          Tournaments for Winter 2023
Stephen P. Turney Recreation Complex                    Thursdays beginning 9/22/22                                            Cornhole
Franchise Fee: $550 per team                            Game Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm Stephen P.                            Ultimate Frisbie
                                                        Turney Recreation Complex                                           Soccer/Futsal
                                                        Franchise Fee: $300

                                                         ADDITIONAL LEAGUE INFORMATION
           QUESTIONS?                                      • All players must be 18 years or older.
                                                           • The city reserves the right to use photographs of Department programs.
 E-mail the league commissioner:                           • All players participate at their own risk.
   shehir-keys@laurel.md.us                              Extended registration will be determined on a league to league basis. Call (301)
                                                         497-0300 for registration availability or for further information.

                                              HELPING HANDS

                                         HANDS                                 CRISIS INTERVENTION – Sudden
       HOLIDAY                      Youth Services Bureau                      changes e.g., sudden death, can cause

     DECORATING                      Strengthening Families,
                                                                               us to feel lost, even suicidal, and make it
                                                                               difficult for us to function in our lives. Our
       CONTEST                        Helping Youth Thrive.
                                                                               counselors can work with you to develop
                                                                               a short-term plan, and connect you with
       Have you Decked           Your Laurel Helping Hands counselors are      resources so you can get your life back
                                 here to help you deal with any emotional      on track.
       the Halls on your
                                 challenges that you or your family
     property to show that       members may be facing. We provide             SUBSTANCE USE ASSESSMENT – This
      you've got the best        services in-person and via telehealth, in     program is a partnership with PGCPS
                                 English and Spanish.                          to provide an alternative to expulsion for
        Holiday Spirit?                                                        students who are in violation of school
 Contact the Department          So, whether your child is getting in          drug policy. Students are assessed for
 of Parks and Recreation         trouble in school or at home, or is           their level of substance use, the impact it
 by phone or email at by         simply struggling to cope with life,          is having on their life, and an exploration
 December 9th and nominate       Laurel Helping Hands can help you get         of their reasons for use. We provide
 your home or someone            a handle on the situation. We equip           recommendations and referrals for further
 else’s. Judging beings after    parents with the necessary skills to meet     treatment if necessary.
 December 9th! Our categories    the developmental and mental health
 will include residential and    needs of their children, so that youth        INFORMATION AND REFERRAL
 commercial properties.          can maximize their potential at home, in      SERVICES – And when you need more
 Winners will be announced on    school and in the community.                  than we can provide, we help you identify
 Facebook. Holiday Decorating    And if you need help to navigate the          the best type of service for your needs
 Contest is sponsored by the     challenges of adult life or to successfully   and connect you to available resources.
 Laurel Civic Improvement        live with mental illness, our counselors      For more information about our
 Committee. Nominees must        work with adults to address various issues.   program or to request service Email
 reside within City of Laurel    Our goal is to help you and your family to    LHH@laurel.md.us , Call 240-294-1304
 limits. Office (301) 725-7800   live your best life possible.                 or stop by the Laurel Armory at 422
 email Parks@laurel.md.us
                                                                               Montgomery Street. We have Spanish-
                                           We Provide                          speaking counselors. Services are
                                                                               available in-person and via Telehealth.
                                 INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY COUNSELING
                                 Our counselors work with children,            FEES
                                 teens, adults, and families on a wide         • Substance Use Assessments are $15
                                 variety of issues e.g., parenting, family       per session. A 2-session minimum is
                                 conflict, divorce/separation, relationship      required by PGCPS.
                                 difficulties, anger management, anxiety,      • Individual & Family Counseling - We
                                 depression, grief and loss, personal            accept CareFirst insuranceand Medicaid.
                                 growth etc.                                     For those who do not have insurance,
                                                                                 we offer a sliding scale to Prince
                                 GROUP COUNSELING – Our                          George’s County residents, that is based
                                 counseling and psycho-educational
                                                                                 on household income and size.
                                 groups teach skills like impulse-control,
                                 anger management, parenting and               HOURS
                                 communication.                                Monday & Wednesday: 12:00-9:00 pm
                                                                               Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm

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