Fall 2021 Success is a choice - Central Texas College

Page created by Alberto Burke
Fall 2021 Success is a choice - Central Texas College

                       WE HAVE A      CLASS FOR             THAT!

                                                Fall 2021
                                           CO U R S E S C H E DU LE
                  Invest in your p
                                   rofessional deve
                  Success is      a choice.         lopment.
Fall 2021 Success is a choice - Central Texas College
                   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                     NO TRAINING DEPARTMENT?

            CAREER DEVELOPMENT                                                           NO PROBLEM!
            PROJECT MANAGEMENT .......................... 8

            SMALL BUSINESS ........................................... 8                          We have a
            SERVSAFE ......................................................... 10
                                                                                                  for that!

            AND DESIGN.................................................... 10


            TRANSPORATION TRAINING ................... 10
            HEALTHCARE CAREER TRAINING ......... 12

            CERTIFIED VETERINARY ASSISTANT ... 14                                        Take advantage of our
    P. 26
            PERSONAL ENRICHMENT                                                          Customized Training
            LANGUAGE & CULTURE ............................. 16
ABOUT                                                                                    Work with us to develop programs
C.E.        MUSIC.................................................................. 16   tailored to the content, schedule and
    P. 27                                                                                location requirements of your business.
            GET PHYSICAL ............................................... 16              From customer service to bookkeeping
                                                                                         and leadership, we can help you increase
            WATER FITNESS............................................. 17                employee productivity and improve
                                                                                         customer satisfaction.
            PHOTOGRAPHY.............................................. 17
                                                                                         CALL US TODAY! (254) 526-1586
            FOCUS ON YOU.............................................. 17

            CREATIVE CUISINE........................................ 18                  Our building number has changed! We are now building 559.
                                                                                         Come visit us in room 139! Our office does not accept cash
                                                                                         or personal checks. Payment must be made by credit/debit
            COLLEGE FOR KIDS ..................                                   18     card, money order, or cashier’s check.

Fall 2021 Success is a choice - Central Texas College
       The immediate past, current COVID-19 cautions, and the reemergence of
some pre-pandemic activity have provided an opportunity to expand on how
Central Texas College provides Education. This Fall, we are prepared to offer
flexible options to learn online, in the classroom, and blended formats as we
navigate the changes to our world. What is consistently clear is we at CTC are
committed to providing top-quality learning experiences no matter the barriers
or limitations; therefore, we are eager to showcase our new Fall classes, along
with many past favorites.

      We are expanding access to our programs into new locations and creating
new partnerships to reach more people in the upcoming year. The summer
proved to be a fantastic starting point for this new focus through the College for
Kids program. Our College for Kids participants had an incredible time amid the
changing CDC guidelines and COVID-19 vaccine distribution; yet, this summer,
Continuing Education increased our College for Kids programming through new
partnerships in new locations. We will continue the College for Kids program
expansion in the Fall through unique course offerings. The momentum from
summer’s success will spread as we launch new courses in new locations this
Fall and beyond.

       In the future, you can expect exceptional opportunities to gain high-
demand skills, acquire industry certifications, and ignite the lifelong learner
within while maintaining our commitment to safety for instructors and students
in virtual or physical classrooms. Thank you for allowing Continuing Education
to be your choice for training and lifelong learning.

You can contact us by phone to register or ask questions at 254-526-1586 or
email at continue.education@ctcd.edu.


Rahsaan Dawson MA.Ed, MMGT, CPP, COM
Dean of Service Areas, Adult and Workforce Education
Central Texas College

WHAT’S                                            LEGEND          BRAND-NEW
                                                                                CLASS ONLY

Certified Manager (CM) Program - Online      8

Certified Supervisor (CS) Program - Online   9
                                                     F E AT U R E S
ServSafe Recertification                     10
                                                     Project Management is
                                                     one of the most rapidly
                                                     growing professions in
Conversational Spanish                       16      America and certified project
                                                     management skills are now
                                                     required by many companies.
Celtic Fiddle Play-by-Ear Beginners          16      Become the highly effective
                                                     member that any company
                                                     would want on their project
                                                     management team.
Celtic Fiddle Play-by-Ear Intermediate       16
                                                     READ MORE                  8

Basketball Fundamentals                      16      TECHNICIANS OF
                                                     The Technicians of Tomorrow
Yoga Under the Stars                         16      program offers training to
                                                     exiting military and civilians
                                                     to be Certified Electrical and
                                                     Brake systems Automotive
Xtreme Hip-Hop Step                          17
                                                     READ MORE                  10
Aqua Boot Camp with Kat                      17

                                                    XTREME HIP-HOP
Be Great on Purpose                          17
                                                    In this high-energy class,
                                                    students will use an aerobic
Build Your Life’s Vision                     18
                                                    step to burn calories while
                                                    READ MORE                   17
Chocolate, Chocolate, and More Chocolate     18

Texas Cuisine                                18

                                                     YOGA UNDER THE
Babysitter Training (Age 10-16)              18      STARS
                                                     Join us for an intergalactic
                                                     yoga experience under the
Basic Aid Training (Age 6-10)                18      starry scenescape inside the
                                                     Mayborn Planetarium at CTC.
                                                     READ MORE                  16
Be Great on Purpose (Age 13-17)              18

        & LITERACY
       Adult Education & Literacy (AEL) provides services for eligible individuals
who are basic skills deficient, do not have a secondary school diploma or its
recognized equivalent and have not achieved an equivalent level of education or
is an English language learner.

       Adult Education & Literacy instruction are designed to expand the
educational opportunities for adults and to establish programs that will enable
adults to acquire basic skills necessary to function in society and allow them to
secure training that will allow them to become more employable, productive, and
responsible citizens as well as enabling them to continue their education to at
least the level of completion of secondary school. Our English Language Learner
(ELL) classes are designed to help students build their reading, writing, listening,
and speaking skills.

      Our students take classes for many reasons, including preparing for
college, finding a job, and being more comfortable speaking English in the
community. In addition, the classes are aimed at building confidence, comfort,
and competence in oral and written communication. Along with developing
communication skills through our very interactive courses, we are committed to
building cognitive and non-cognitive skills, making students more independent
and responsible individuals. The program will also provide training through
concurrent or co-enrollment in Workforce Training programs, including co-
enrollment in IET programs and employment advancement. This program will
help you prepare for unsubsidized employment in-demand industries and
occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency.

      Career services are also available. In addition, a Career Navigator is
available to help students plan educational and career goals.

   To find out more about the wonderful opportunities available, please contact the

  Adult Education department at (254) 526-1120 or email adult.education@ctcd.edu.

you will be able to define project
CAREER DEVELOPMENT     PROJECT                                 management compared to general                  TESTIMONIALS
                       MANAGEMENT                              management, describe the phases
                                                               of the project life cycle, define the
                                                               roles of the project manager and the
                                                                                                          PMP Testimonial
                                                               project team, define deliverables and      “During the summer of 2020 I
                           Our two PMP courses                 stakeholders and identify project          attended two Live-Online courses
                          are complimentary. We                management resources. Four practice        offered by Central Texas College:
                       recommend you take Project              tests and a resource page will be given    Introduction to Project Management
                                                               out during class. There will be a one-     Professional and Project
                       Management Certificate first            hour lunch break on Fridays; lunch is      Management Professional Exam
                        and PMP® Exam Boot Camp                not provided. (9 meetings) (4 CEUs,        Boot Camp with instructor Albert
                         second. However, you can              40 PDUs)                                   Hernandez. These courses gave me
                                                                                                          the fundamental building blocks
                        take one or both classes in            SEP 27-OCT 27 M/W              6-10 PM     needed to further my career as a
                                any order.                     COST/$949                                  project manager and obtain my PMP
                                                               *No class Nov. 11, 23, 25                  certification. The Live-Online course
                                                                                                          enables you to attend the class
                      All Project Management                   PMP® Exam Boot Camp                        from the comfort of your own home
                      courses will be Live-Online.             PMP-certified project managers             with engaged and knowledgeable
                      Students will receive online             earn an average of 20 percent              instructors.”
                      access information upon                  more than their uncertified                   - AARON M. ADKINS, PMP
                      registration.                            counterparts. Therefore, the PMP
                                                               certification is a must-have for

                      How to Get Your PMP
                                                               any serious project manager. To
                                                               earn your PMP® credential, you              SMALL BUSINESS
                      Before you apply for the certification   must meet the experience and
                                                               education requirements plus pass
                      exam, make sure you meet the
                                                               the 185-question, multiple-choice
                                                                                                                 Certified Manager
                      following sets of PMP certification
                      requirements:                            PMP® examination. Regardless of how               (CM) Program -
                                                               advanced your project management                  Online
                      • A four-year degree                     experience or education might be,
                                                                                                          The Certified Manager (CM®)
                      • 36 months leading projects             you should still prepare vigorously for
                                                                                                          certification is a professional
                      • 35 hours of project management         the exam. In this class, you will review   credentialing program that verifies
                      education/training or CAPM®              test-relevant material which includes      an individual’s ability to manage
                      certification                            change management, processes,              and potential to lead with a level
                                                               environmental effects and time and         of competency. CM certification
                      — OR —                                   cost estimations. You will complete        is attained by meeting eligibility
                                                               practice exercises, receive a four-hour    requirements for education and
                      • A high school diploma                  take-home exam that can be taken           experience and passing a series of
                      an associate’s degree                    multiple times and receive a valuable      three CM assessment exams. Program
                      (or global equivalent)                   resource page. (9 meetings) (3.6           applicants should have prior work
                      • 60 months leading projects             CEUs, 36 PDUs)                             experience but may or may not hold
                      • 35 hours of project management                                                    a management title. Employers look
                      education/training or CAPM®              AUG 19-SEP 16      T/TH        6-10 PM     to the CM certification to distinguish
                      certification                            COST/$859                                  candidates for hiring and career
                                                                                                          advancement. Enjoy the flexibility
                      Project Management                       Certification: Both courses provide        of studying individually anytime and
                      Certificate                              the education hours needed to qualify      anywhere with this self-directed,
                                                               for the PMI®, CAPM®, and PMP® exams        online certification prep. Enrollment
                      Enter the workforce with competitive                                                is continuous, allowing applicants to
                      project management skills or             offered through Project Management
                                                                                                          apply online and get started right
                      strengthen your business expertise       Institute. The certification exam is not
                                                                                                          away. In addition, the proctored CM
                      and professional resume with a           included in the price of this course.      exams can be scheduled whenever
                      Project Management certificate!                                                     the applicant is ready to test, allowing
                      Project Management is one of the         Textbooks required for Project             individual control over the pace of
                      most rapidly growing professions in      Management Certificate and PMP®            completion. Additionally, the exams
                      America and many companies now           Exam Boot Camp PMBOK® Guide,               can be taken on any computer with
                      require certified project management     6th edition, ISBN: 978-1628251845          reliable internet access, eliminating
                      skills. Become the highly effective      PMP® Exam Prep, 10th Edition, Rita         traveling to a testing center. Michael
                      member any company would want            Mulcahy, ISBN: 978-1943704187              MacDonald is a U.S. Army veteran,
                      on their project management team in                                                 serial entrepreneur, and the founder
                      this 40-hour accelerated certificate     Instructors: Albert Hernandez is a         and president of a successful, veteran-
                      course by learning methods for           retired Army, PMI-certified PMP with       oriented non-profit business. A new
                                                               more than 20 years of experience           class begins the first and 15th of each
                      planning and controlling projects. The
                                                               in project management. Erasmus             month.
                      course includes project management
                      concepts and models, critical path,      Quaye is a veteran, civil engineering      FALL START DATES: SEP 1 & 15,
                      analysis of time/cost benefits and       professional, and PMI-certified PMP
                                                                                                          OCT 1 & 15, NOV 1 & 15, DEC 1 & 15
                      resource utilization. Upon completion,   with six years of PMP experience and
                                                               five years of teaching experience.

laptop), internet service, professional
                                                                                     email address (Gmail/iCloud works

                                                                                                                                CAREER DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                     great) and the most important part...
                                                                                     the willingness to learn and create
                                                                                     an amazing business from concept
                                                                                     development to launch! Students
                                                                                     are encouraged to bring a laptop,
                                                                                     notebook and writing tool to class.
                                                  Human Resources                    Dress in business casual. Certification:
                                                  Professional Exam                  this course prepares you for various
                                                                                     certification exams including Senior
                                                  Prep - Live-Online
                                                                                     Professional in Human Resources and
       Certified Supervisor                This HR management course weaves          Customer Service and Sales. Instructor:
                                           together solid human resource             Michael Mac Donald is a U.S. Army
       (CS) Program - Online               principles, timely research, and recent   veteran, serial entrepreneur and the
Begin your management career with          events such as the latest rise in         founder and president of a successful,
affordable, independent learning. Are      unemployment and financial problems       veteran-oriented non-profit business.
you currently supervising others or        facing the U.S. and other countries.      (2.7 CEU) (9 meetings) A new class
aspiring to be a supervisor? If so, the    This course highlights important          begins the first and 15th of each month.
CS program is designed for you. The        challenges facing managers and
real-world knowledge and skills you                                                  FALL START DATES: SEP 1 & 15,
                                           employees in today’s business climate.
will learn through the program can be                                                OCT 1 & 15, NOV 1 & 15, DEC 1 & 15
                                           Interesting case studies explore real
used immediately to help you become                                                  COST/$1,249
                                           companies and organizations in-
a more efficient, effective supervisor.    depth and delve into some of today’s
To earn the CS certification, just apply
online anytime, pay certification
                                           most effective, unique approaches in
                                           dealing with HR issues. In addition,          CUSTOMIZED
fees, study independently (or with         this course provides study materials         TRAINING FOR
others), and pass an exam. Minimum
qualifications are a high school
                                           to help prepare for the PHR ® Exam.
                                           The PHR ® Exam Study Guide will             YOUR EMPLOYEES
diploma (or equivalent) and several        be utilized throughout the course         Workforce Training Grant - Small
years of work experience. U.S. military    to supplement the Human Resource          businesses with less than 100
personnel who have achieved a rank         Management textbook and provide           employees have access to valuable
of E3 or higher are automatically          review materials for exam prep.           workforce training at CTC through the
qualified. The CS certification has        Certification: Upon completion of this    Texas Workforce Commission’s Skills
been designed to help you understand       course, students will have the skills     for Small Business program. To apply
and work efficiently and effectively       necessary to serve as human resource      or for more information, visit the TWC
with people and processes in your          managers as well as the preparation       website at http://ssb.texasworkforce.
organization. The CS is the result         needed to sit for the HR Certification    org, e-mail skills@twc.state.tx.us or
of a comprehensive analysis of the         Institute ® (HRCI ®) PHR ® (or SPHR ®)    call toll-free 1-877-463-1777.
management profession, which               certification exam. Tuition includes      GET CUSTOMIZED TRAINING AT
identified the knowledge, skills and       book(s) and materials. ProTrain, 36       YOUR LOCATION!
abilities required for competent           hours, instructor-led.
supervision. Enjoy the flexibility of
                                           AUG 30-NOV 22             MON 6-9 PM      • Project Management
studying individually anytime, and
                                           NOV 1-JAN 24              MON 6-9 PM       (PMP & CAPM)
anywhere with self-directed online
                                           COST/$1,199                               • Lean Six Green / Black Belt
certification prep. Enrollment is
continuous, allowing applicants to                                                   • Certified Manager
apply online and get started right         COMPLETE SMALL                            • Certified Supervisor
away. The proctored CS exam can be         BUSINESS START-UP                         • Business Entrepreneurship
                                                                                     • Internal Auditing and the
scheduled whenever the applicant           (Veteran-Preneur Program)                   Quality Manager
is ready to test, allowing individual
control over the pace of completion.       This course is designed to assist         • Business Continuity
Additionally, the exams can be taken       United States Military veterans             Management (BCM)
on any computer with reliable Internet     and qualifying family members in            Methodology
access, eliminating traveling to a         turning entrepreneurial dreams            • The Financial Aspects of
testing center. Michael MacDonald          into reality through an educational         Business Planning
(see Certified Manager Program). A         program dedicated to successful           • Profit Strategies for
new class begins on the 1st and 15th of    entrepreneurship. Our entrepreneurial      Business
each month.                                education program guides students         • QuickBooks Online
                                           through content and exercises               Automating your Business
FALL START DATES: SEP 1 & 15,              designed to further understand              Processes & Online
OCT 1 & 15, NOV 1 & 15, DEC 1 & 15         and apply the steps involved with           Marketing: Reaching Customer
COST/$1,800                                launching, growing, and maintaining a       Everywhere
                                           successful business. Get a competitive    • And more!
                                           edge on the road to success!
                                                                                     For more information, contact the
                                           Prerequisites: Microsoft Office
      FIND US ON FACEBOOK AT:                                                        Continuing Education Department at
      /CTCCONTINUINGEDUCATION              (PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Word),       254-526-1586
                                           a working computer (desktop or

           FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 254-526-1586 OR VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.CTCD.EDU/CE                                         9
basic disaster prevention, recovery,
CAREER DEVELOPMENT     SERVSAFE                                 scripting basics and a greater
                                                                dependency on networking and
                                                                device connectivity. Recommended
                             ServSafe                           prerequisites: high school graduate
                             Recertification                    or GED holder, operating knowledge
                                                                of Windows or equivalent operating
                      The ServSafe program provides food        system. Tuition includes book(s),
                      safety training, exams, and educational   materials and exam voucher.
                      materials to food service managers.       Certification: upon completion of this          CompTIA Security +
                      Students can earn the ServSafe Food
                      Protection Manager Certification,
                                                                in-classroom course, students will be           with Exam Voucher
                                                                prepared to take the CompTIA A+
                      accredited by the American National                                                This course prepares for the Security+
                                                                1001 and 1002 certification exams.
                      Standards Institute (ANSI)-Conference                                              certification exam covering industry-
                                                                Tuition includes exam voucher.
                      for Food Protection (CFP). The                                                     wide topics including communication
                                                                ProTrain, 56 hours (40 hours Live-
                      program blends the latest FDA Food                                                 security, infrastructure security,
                                                                Online/16 hours online), instructor
                      Code, food safety research, and years                                              cryptography, access control,
                      of food sanitation training experience.                                            authentication, external attack and
                      Managers learn to implement essential     LIVE-ONLINE SCHEDULE                     operational and organization security.
                      food safety practices and create a        OCT 5-NOV 16   T/TH            6-9 PM    Security+ is taught at colleges,
                      culture of food safety. All content and   DEC 1-JAN 17   T/TH            6-9 PM    universities, and commercial training
                      materials are based on actual job tasks   COST/$1,489                              centers around the globe. In addition,
                      identified by the foodservice industry                                             many corporations recommend or
                      to help you protect customer health,                                               require the Security+ certification
                      improve employee performance, and                                                  for their IT employees. Companies
                      preserve business reputation. You                                                  like Sun, IBM/Tivoli Software
                      must provide proof that you have                                                   Group, Symantec, Motorola, and
                      been previously certified to take this                                             Olympus Security Group know the
                      course. There will be a 20-minute                                                  value of a Security+ certification
                      lunch break (lunch is not provided).                                               and recommend or require it of
                      The required textbook is: ServSafe               CompTIA Network+                  their IT employees. Recommended
                      ManagerBook with Online Exam                     with exam Voucher                 prerequisites: High School graduate
                      Voucher (7th Edition) ISBN: 978-                                                   or GED holder, operating knowledge
                                                                The CompTIA Network+ training
                      0134812366 (Approximately $68).                                                    of Windows or equivalent operating
                                                                measures the necessary competencies
                      Melinda Hodge is a certified ServSafe                                              system. Tuition includes book(s),
                                                                for an IT professional with
                      instructor and registered ServSafe                                                 materials and exam voucher.
                                                                approximately nine months experience
                      examination proctor. (2 meetings)                                                  Certification: Upon completion of
                                                                in network support or administration.
                                                                                                         this in classroom course, the students
                      OCT 2-9         SAT        8 AM-5 PM      Students will learn the knowledge and
                                                                                                         will be prepared to take the CompTIA
                      COST/$105                                 skills needed to install, manage and
                                                                                                         Security+ certification exam. Tuition
                                                                troubleshoot a variety of networks
                                                                                                         includes exam voucher. ProTrain, 48
                                                                on any platform. Recommended
                                                                                                         hours (30 hours Live-Online/18 hours
                       COMPUTER                                 prerequisites: high school graduate
                                                                                                         online), instructor-led.
                       TECHNOLOGY                               or GED holder, operating knowledge
                                                                of Windows or equivalent operating       LIVE-ONLINE SCHEDULE
                       AND DESIGN                               system. Tuition includes book(s),        AUG 26-SEP 28   T/TH           6-9 PM
                                                                materials and exam voucher.              COST/$1,379
                                                                Certification: upon completion of
                                                                this in-classroom course, students
                                                                will be prepared to take the CompTIA
                                                                Network+ certification exam. ProTrain,    MANUFACTURING
                                                                48 hours (30 hours Live-Online/18         & TRANSPORATION
                                                                hour online), instructor-led.
                                                                LIVE-ONLINE SCHEDULE
                                                                OCT 14-NOV 18   M/W            6-9 PM
                             CompTIA A+ with                    COST/$1,345                              Technicians of Tomorrow
                             Exam Voucher                                                                The Technicians of Tomorrow
                                                                                                         program offers training to exiting
                      CompTIA A+ exam is a globally
                      recognized industry standard for           NEED CPR FOR                            military and civilians to become
                                                                                                         certified electrical and brake systems
                      establishing an IT career. CompTIA A+
                      Core Series 220-1001 exam and 220-         HEALTHCARE                              automotive technicians. Prerequisite
                                                                                                         for dealership- sponsored technician
                      1002 exam cover expanded content
                      on growing IT support role including
                      expanded baseline security topics.
                                                                 PROVIDERS?                              program. This program is 344 contact
                                                                                                         hours. (34.4 CEUs)
                      The certification provides a different                                             START DATES: SEP 6 OR NOV 8
                      approach to define competency in           See First Aid & Safety pg. 15           COST/$1,375
                      operational procedures, including

Introduction to Automotive                  Automotive Heating and                            Professional Truck
Technology                                  Air Conditioning

                                                                                                                                  CAREER DEVELOPMENT
An introduction to the automotive           Theory of automotive air conditioning
industry, including an automotive           and heating systems. Emphasis on the      Just 210 hours of training can get
history, safety practices, shop             basic refrigeration cycle and diagnosis   you into a high-paying career. Truck
equipment and tools, vehicle                and repair of system malfunctions.        drivers are in big demand around
subsystems, service publications,           Covers EPA guidelines for refrigerant     the country. Close to 100 percent of
fasteners, professional responsibilities,   handling and new refrigerant              our students get their Class A license
and automotive maintenance. (12             replacements. (4 CEUs)                    and move right into the driver’s seat
CEUs)                                                                                 after completing our four-week job
                                            Automotive Electrical                     training. Employment assistance
Automotive Electronics                      Systems                                   is available. The class includes 40
                                                                                      hours of classroom and 170 hours
Topics address electrical principles,       An overview of automotive electrical
                                                                                      of practical and behind-the-wheel
semiconductors and integrated               systems including topics in operational
circuits, digital fundamentals,             theory, testing, diagnosis and repair     training. Financing is available
microcomputer systems, and electrical       of batteries, charging and starting       through ATDS. The program is also
test equipment applied to automotive        and electrical accessories. Emphasis      eligible for MyCAA, DARS training,
technology. (16 CEUs)                       on electrical schematic diagrams and      WIOA training and Veterans Benefits.
                                            service manuals. (4 CEUs)                 *Initial screening is done at the ATDS
                                                                                      office or by calling 254-432-7534.
Automotive Brake Systems                    Apprenticeship –                          (20 meetings) (20.1 CEUs)
Operations and repair of drum/disc
type brake systems. Emphasis on the
                                            Mechanics Technology/                     PROGRAM SCHEDULES
safe use of modern equipment. Topics
                                            Technician                                SEP 13-OCT 8  M-F             7 AM-5 PM
include brake theory, diagnosis, and        An experience external to the             SEP 27-OCT 22 M-F             7 AM-5 PM
repair of power, manual, anti-lock          college for an advanced student in a      OCT 11-NOV 5  M-F             7 AM-5 PM
brake systems, and parking brakes.          specialized field involving a written     OCT 25-NOV 19 M-F             7 AM-5 PM
(6.4 CEUs)                                  agreement between the educational         NOV 8-DEC 4   M-F             7 AM-5 PM
                                            institution and a business or industry.   NOV 22-DEC 17 M-F             7 AM-5 PM
                                            Mentored and supervised by a
Dealership Sponsored                        workplace employee, the student
                                                                                      DEC 6-JAN 2   M-F             7 AM-5 PM
Technician Program                          achieves objectives developed
Dealership program offers training          and documented by the college             Professional Truck Driver I
to exiting military and civilians to        and directly related to specific
be dealership-certified in electrical,      occupational outcomes. (8 CEUs)           Provides an overview of the State of
brake, climate control, and steering                                                  Texas Class A commercial driver’s
and suspension automotive systems.                                                    license written test. Includes
Prerequisite: Technicians of Tomorrow                                                 preparation for mastery of the
program. 320 Contact hours (32                                                        commercial driver’s license written
CEUs)                                                                                 exam, general truck driving skills with
                                                                                      hands-on component and instruction
COST/$1,375                                                                           coordinated with the Department of
Automotive Brake Systems
                                                                                      Professional Truck Driver II
Emphasis on the safe use of modern
equipment. Topics include updates                                                     This course is a continuation of
of brake theory, diagnosis and repair                                                 Professional Truck Driver I. General
of power, manual, anti-lock brake                                                     truck driving with hands-on skill
systems, and parking brakes. (4 CEUs)                                                 development and instruction
                                                                                      coordinated with the Department of
Automotive Engine Theory
                                                BENEFITS OF OUR TRUCK
Theory and operation of automotive             DRIVING SCHOOL INCLUDE:
suspension and steering system,
including tie and wheel problems            • APPROVED THIRD-PARTY
diagnosis, component repair and              TESTING CACILITY.
alignment procedures. (4 CEUs)              • ONLY USE ONE MONTH OF YOUR
                                              VA BENEFITS.                                        Simply put...
Automotive Heating and                      • APPROXIMATELY 95 PERCENT                 we’re simply beautiful 91.3 KNCT-FM
Air Conditioning                             JOB PLACEMENT ATDS 			                     The ONLY radio station in Central Texas
                                             TRUCKDRIVING SCHOOL.                            playing YOUR kind of music!
Theory of automotive air conditioning       • POTENTIAL DEDICATED
and heating systems. Emphasis on the          TRIANGLE RUN; BE HOME ON
basic refrigeration cycle and diagnosis
                                              WEEKENDS!                                          NOW STREAMING
and repair of system malfunctions.
Covers EPA guidelines for refrigerant       • POTENTIALLY $65K STARTING
handling and new refrigerant                  PAY WITH BENEFITS.                                  AUDIO ON THE
replacements. (8 CEUs)                      • PARTNERS WITH WARNER, 		                              INTERNET.
                                              TMC, SCHNEIDER AND MAVERICK
                                              TRUCKING COMPANIES.

           FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 254-526-1586 OR VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.CTCD.EDU/CE                                       11
WORKFORCE TRAINING                                                                       HEALTHCARE
                                                                                         CAREER TRAINING

                       MASSAGE                                                               Allied Healthcare
                                                                                          Career Exams offered
                       THERAPY                                                            at CTC Testing Center!
                                                                                         National Healthcareer
                                                                                         Medical Assistant (CCMA)
                                                                                         Medical Administrative
                                                                                         Assistant (CMAA)
                        The Licensed Massage Therapy Program has moved under
                                                                                         EKG Technician (CET)
                        the Department of Health Sciences. Call 254-526-1890             Pharmacy Technician (CPhT)
                        ext 1266 for more information, or email the LMT program          Pharmacy Technician
                                                                                         Certification Board (PTCB)
                        director at viola.crowder-moger@ctcd.edu.


                       COLLEGE FOR KIDS
                                                                                         Pharmacy Technician:
                                                                                         Clinical Experience
                                                                                         “My experience in class was
                                                                                         awesome. I learned everything I
                                                                                         needed to know in order to pass
                                                                                         both the class and national exam.
                                                                                         I learned a variety of information
                        College for Kids (CFK) is CTC’s summer enrichment                including math, the top 200 drugs,
                                                                                         controlled substances, pharmacy
                        program packed with hands-on experiences that will               rules, regulations, laws and more!
                                                                                         The externship with Walgreens is
                        encourage kids of all ages to try new things, discover           an amazing opportunity allowing
                                                                                         us to get hands-on experience
                        new talents, and expand their knowledge in a fun hands-          and knowledge. I was able to pass

                        on learning environment. We have courses in STEM, arts/          the national exam before starting
                                                                                         the externship, however, I feel the
                        crafts, cooking, computers, and more. Whether your child         externship would definitely benefit
                                                                                         those students who want to do it
                        would like to build a robot or learn a new language, jump in     before taking the national exam. It
                                                                                         would help reinforce everything they
                        and experience College for Kids at CTC! Now offering CFK         learned in class and better prepare
                        courses in Spring 2022 as well as expanding to Lampasas,         them for the national exam.”

                        Marble Falls, and Fredericksburg. Stay tuned!
                                                                                               - SANDRA HOOVER,
                                          Save the date!                                    PHARMACY TECHNICIAN
                                       CFK Summer Preview
                                       Saturday, April 30th                             Pharmacy Technician
                        Meet the staff and instructors, tour the facilities and
                                                                                        Enjoy a satisfying career in the
                        register for College for Kids courses. Instructors will offer   constantly growing and evolving
                        hands-on activities and course demonstrations throughout        field of health care and prescription
                        the event.                                                      medicine while maintaining a stable
                                                                                        and straightforward work environment.
                                                                                        Throughout the 200 hours of
                            Stay up to date with College for Kids by visiting our       classroom instruction, you will prepare
                                             Facebook page at                           to take the PTCB national test required
                                    https://www.facebook.com/ctccfk/.                   by the State of Texas by learning about
                                                                                        law, ethics, terminology, body systems,

calculations, purchasing, inventory,        Optional Clinical		                      collection, administration of oral and
communication and professionalism                                                    injectable medications, and patient

                                                                                                                                 WORKFORCE TRAINING
in the workplace, study skills and
                                            Institutional Pharmacy                   communications. Students must be at
more. The program costs $2,595 plus         Practice                                 least 18 years of age, possess a high
the cost of textbooks and course            Explore the fundamentals of              school diploma or equivalent.The
supplies. Classes must be taken as          the diverse roles and practices          program costs $2,695 plus the cost
a cohort in the order in which they         of pharmacy technicians in an            of textbooks and course supplies.
are offered. This program requires          institutional pharmacy setting.          Classes must be taken as a cohort in
additional steps to register. To learn      Course includes an-depth coverage        the order in which they are offered.
more about this exciting career field       of hospital pharmacy organization,       This program requires additional
and additional class requirements,          work flow and personnel, safety
                                                                                     steps to register. To learn more about
                                            techniques, data entry, packaging
contact the Continuing Education                                                     this exciting career field and additional
                                            and labeling operations, inpatient
department at 254-526-1586 or visit         drug distribution systems including      class requirements, contact the
us at www.ctcd.edu/ce. (50 meetings)        investigational drugs, continuous        Continuing Education department at
COST/$2,595                                 quality improvement and inventory        254-526-1586 or visit us at www.ctcd.
                                            control. Clinical will start midway      edu/ce. (Day program 56 meetings)
Certification: Graduates will be            through program. Students will           (Evening program 65 meetings) (34
qualified to take two optional              be able to participate based on          CEUs)
certification exams. These exams are        instructor approval. (Clock Hours/50,
proctored on the CTC campus.                CEUs 5)                                  Clinical: Students will complete 80
                                            COST/$649                                clinical hours. Students can begin
•Pharmacy Technician
                                                                                     clinical after passing both the hands-
Certification Board (PTCB)
                                                                                     on and written midterm or as soon as
•Pharmacy Technician Certification
(CPhT)                                                                               clinical placement is secured. Clinical
                                                                                     placement is expected within three
AUG. 30-MAR 28* M/W                5-9 PM                                            months of completing the lecture
*No class Sep 6, Nov 11, 22-25, Dec 20-                                              portion of the class. Students may be
30, Jan. 17, Feb. 21, March 14, 16                                                   required to travel. See Clinical Medical
                                                                                     Assistant Polices Guide for additional
Introduction to Pharmacy                                                             information.
This course provides an overview
                                                                                     Certification: Graduates will be
of the qualifications, operational
                                                                                     qualified to take the optional
guidelines and job duties of a
pharmacy technician. (Clock Hours/52,                                                Medical Assistant Certification exam
CEUs 5.2)                                                                            offered by the National Healthcareer
                                                                                     Association (NHA). This exam is
Pharmacy Law                                                                         proctored on CTC campus.
Gain an overview of federal and
state laws governing the practice of                                                 PROGRAM SCHEDULE
pharmacy, the role of the pharmacy                                                   AUG 30-NOV 17 M-TH               5-9 PM
technician and the pharmacist and                TESTIMONIALS                        CLINICAL DATES:
their associated responsibilities.                                                   JAN 18-JUL 15       M-SU 8 AM-5 PM
This course includes the code of            CLINICAL MEDICAL                         *No class Sep 6, Oct 11, Nov 11,
ethics, patient confidentiality and                                                  Nov 22-26, Dec 20-Jan 1
a comparison of legal and ethical           ASSISTANT:                               COST/$2,695
aspects. (Clock Hours/48, CEUs 4.8)                                                  COST/$2,850 WITH EXAM VOUCHER
                                            The average pass rate for National
Pharmaceutical Math                         Healthcareer Association CCMA
                                                                                     *Course lectures will be available Live-
                                                                                     Online. Students will complete lecture
Solving pharmaceutical calculation          exams at CTC during the 2021             hours online and small group, hands-
problems encountered in the                 academic year is currently at 100%,      on lab training on campus.
preparation and distribution of drugs.      18% above the national average for
(Clock Hours/50, CEUs 5)                    testers this year!
                                                                                     Medical Assistant
Community Pharmacy                                                                   Interpersonal and
Practice                                    Clinical Medical Assistant               Communication Skills
Introduction to the skills necessary
                                            The U.S. Department of Labor expects     Class focuses on applying basic
to process, prepare, label and
                                            employment of medical assistants         psychological principles and the
maintain records of prescriptions in
                                            to increase 23 percent through the       study of behavior as they apply to
a community pharmacy including
                                            year 2028. Clinical medical assistants   special populations. Topics include
customer service, count and pour
                                            work in a physician’s office or a        procedures for self-understanding and
techniques, prescription calculations,
                                            clinic setting helping physicians        social adaptability in interpersonal
drug selection and preparation,
                                            carry out procedures, care for           communication with patients and co-
over-the-counter drugs, inventory
                                            patients, perform basic lab tests and    workers in an ambulatory care setting.
management and legal parameters.
                                            administer medications. Learning         (Clock hours/48, CEUs 4.8)
(Clock Hours/50, CEUs 5)
                                            objectives include identification
                                            of body parts and their functions,
                                            medical terminology, specimen

           FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 254-526-1586 OR VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.CTCD.EDU/CE                                      13
Anatomy and Physiology                                                                   and documents the basic skills and
WORKFORCE TRAINING    for Medical Assistants                           PERSONAL                                competencies required for animal
                                                                                                               care and assistance. The TVMA
                      Course focuses on the structure
                      and function of human cells, tissues,           ENRICHMENT                               certification exam fees are $135. The
                                                                                                               cost of the exam is not included in

                      organs, and systems with an overview                                                     the tuition. In order to receive CVA
                      of common pathophysiology. (Clock                                                        Level I certification, certain standard
                      hours/58, CEUs 5.8)                                                                      requirements must be met and can
                                                                         Discover new talents,                 be found on the TVMA website. In
                                                                                                               addition, students must complete the
                                                                        develop new skills, and
                      Medical Assistant                                                                        CVA Basic Course, CVA Intermediate
                      Laboratory Procedures                                express creativity                  program and turn in a log of 310
                                                                            with Continuing                    additional clinical hours to take the
                      Students will learn about the                                                            TVMA certification exam on the CTC
                      application of governmental health
                                                                      Education at CTC! Explore
                      care guidelines, including specimen              our personal enrichment
                      collection and handling, quality                     classes and find a
                      assurance, and quality control in the              class for you starting                CVA Basic Course
                      performance of Clinical Laboratory                      on page 16.
                      Improvement Amendments (CLIA)-                                                           Veterinary Animal Care,
                      waived laboratory testing. (Clock                                                        Husbandry, and Sanitation
                      hours/64, CEUs 6.4)
                                                                                                               Gain an understanding of basic patient
                                                                                                               observation, record keeping, care and
                      Procedures in a Clinical                                                                 comfort, animal husbandry, sanitation,
                      Setting                                                                                  safety procedures, and the roles
                                                                                                               and responsibilities of the veterinary
                      Instruction emphasizes patient
                                                                                                               team. Describe safety, cleaning and
                      assessment, examination, and                                                             disinfection procedures, bathing/
                      treatment as directed by the physician.                                                  dipping of patients, food and diet
                      Skills include vital signs, collection and                                               preparation, medical record entry,
                      documentation of patient information,                                                    medicating techniques, and disease
                      asepsis, office clinical procedures,                                                     prevention. In addition to 35 hours of
                      and other treatments as appropriate                                                      classroom instruction, students are
                      for ambulatory care settings. (Clock
                      hours/90, CEUs 9)
                                                                    CERTIFIED                                  required to complete 35 volunteer
                                                                                                               hours outside of class. The program
                                                                    VETERINARY                                 costs $399 plus the cost of textbooks
                      Advanced Medical                              ASSISTANT                                  (approximately $272) and course
                                                                                                               supplies (approximately $67). (12
                      Assistant Technician                                                                     meetings) (3.5 CEUs)
                      Course focuses on the theory and             Pets are part of our families, and if you
                                                                   love animals, there are few jobs more       AUG 31-OCT 7*     T/TH      6-9 PM
                      application of administration and
                                                                   rewarding than a veterinary assistant.      *No class Sep 6
                      clinical skills. (Clock hours/80, CEUs 8)                                                COST/$399
                                                                   As a certified veterinary assistant,
                                                                   you will acquire the knowledge
                                                                   necessary to support the veterinarian       CVA Intermediate
                          DISABILITY                               and veterinary technician in their
                                                                   daily tasks while learning basic and

                           SUPPORT                                 intermediate skills. This program           In this program, you will acquire the
                                                                   requires additional steps to register.      knowledge necessary to support the
                                                                   To learn more about this exciting           veterinarian and veterinary technician

                          SERVICES                                 career field and additional class
                                                                   requirements, contact the Continuing
                                                                                                               in their daily tasks while learning
                                                                                                               intermediate skills. Learn about
                                                                   Education department at 254-526-            identifying slides, skin scrapings,
                                                                                                               tape prep for mites, vena puncture,
                          FOR ASSISTANCE                           1586 or visit us at www.ctcd.edu/ce.
                                                                                                               blood tubes, and placing catheters.
                           WITH SERVICES,                          Certification: The Certified Veterinary
                                                                   Assistant (CVA) program consists of
                                                                                                               The program educates veterinary
                        ACCOMMODATIONS,                            two courses:
                                                                                                               assistants on the essential skills
                                                                                                               and knowledge needed to become
                          OR TO SCHEDULE                                                                       effective veterinary medical care team
                                                                   1) CVA Basic Course
                             A PHONE OR                            2) CVA Intermediate Program                 contributors. Other topics include
                          VIRTUAL MEETING                                                                      general veterinary assistant, veterinary
                                                                                                               medical imaging, surgical preparation
                                                                   You must take both programs to
                         WITH A DISABILITY                         apply for the Texas Veterinary Medical      and assistance, and veterinary
                         SUPPORT SERVICES                          Association (TVMA) certification            pharmacy and pharmacology.
                                                                                                               Veterinary Animal Care, Husbandry,
                        COORDINATOR, CALL                          exam. TVMA offers a simple cost-
                                                                   effective option for certification.         and Sanitation is a prerequisite to
                           (254) 526-1195.                         The TVMA Veterinary Assistant               this program. The program costs
                                                                   Training Program is standardized            $1,299 plus the cost of textbooks

(approximately $272) and course             suspected, or in preparation for
supplies (approximately $67).               surgery. The need for qualified EKG

                                                                                                                                  WORKFORCE TRAINING
The program consists of 120 hours of        technicians continues to rise as the
accelerated classroom training with         aging population in America grows
an emphasis on skills mastery through       (and with it, the prevalence of heart-
hands-on practice. (30 meetings) (12        related conditions). This program
CEUs)                                       costs $649 plus the cost of textbooks
                                            and course supplies. Certification:
OCT 11-FEB 14*     M/W       6-10 PM        graduates will be qualified to take the
COST/$1,299                                 optional EKG Technician (CET) exam
*No class Nov 22, 24, Dec 20-29,            offered by the National Healthcareer
Jan 17                                      Association (NHA). The exam is
                                            proctored on CTC campus. (15
                                            meetings) (CEUs 6)
Veterinary Medical                                                                          TESTIMONIALS
Terminology                                 Electrocardiography
Introduction to word parts, directional     Learn fundamentals of cardiovascular       CPR FOR HEALTHCARE
terminology, and analysis of veterinary     anatomy and physiology. Includes
terms. (Clock hours/32, CEUs 3.2)           basic electrocardiography procedures,      PROVIDERS:
                                            interpretation of basic dysrhythmias
                                            and appropriate treatment modalities.      “I have completed a total of three
Veterinary Clinical Skills                                                             CPR classes, but this has been
                                            PROGRAM LECTURE SCHEDULE                   the best by far. The teacher was
Survey of basic veterinary and nursing      OCT 26-DEC 14       T/TH     5-9 PM        respectful and engaging. She taught
care skills. Includes aseptic techniques,   COST/$649
operating room procedures, and                                                         with the perfect balance of lecture,
                                            *Course lectures will be available Live-   AHA curriculum and hands on
the roles and responsibilities of
                                            Online. Students will complete lecture     learning. I walked out of the class
the veterinary team in a clinical
setting. Describe standard clinical         hours online and small group, hands-       feeling more confident than ever in
procedures, read and fill prescriptions,    on lab training on campus.                 my CPR skills.”
outline surgical patient preparation
procedures and explain aseptic
technique and disinfection, medicating       CREDENTIALING                             CPR for Healthcare
techniques, laboratory procedures,
radiology, and operating room                AND LICENSURE                             Testimony American Heart
protocol. (Clock hours/40, CEUs 4)
                                                EXAMS                                  Association basic life support training
                                                                                       reinforces healthcare professionals’
Veterinary Office                            The Army Credentialing                    understanding of the importance of
                                             Assistance program                        early CPR and defibrillation, basic
Management                                                                             steps of performing CPR, relieving
                                             provides funding for                      choking and using an AED. The course
Practical experience in management
of the veterinary practice. Emphasis
                                             courses and exams                         book and pocket mask are included
on client relations, record keeping,         leading to an industry-                   in the price of the class. Keilani
inventory, employment skills, and            recognized academic or                    Middleton is a certified CPR instructor.
computer skills in the veterinary            vocational credential.                    (1 meeting)
environment. Employ client and               Central Texas College                     SEP 18          SAT       8 AM-NOON
veterinary team communication, apply
basic business principles such as the        offers many exams from                    SEP 25          SAT       8 AM-NOON
                                                                                       NOV 13          SAT       8 AM-NOON
maintenance of medical records and           these certifying agencies:                DEC 4           SAT       8 AM-NOON
computer skills, and demonstrate
employment skills including                                                            COST/$65
                                             •Medical Assistant Certification
interviewing, resume writing, and            (CCMA)
appropriate interview attire. (Clock         •Certified Medical
hours/48, CEUs 4.8)                          Administrative Assistant
                                             •Certified EKG Technician
EKG Technician                               (CET)
Start a successful and meaningful            •Certified Billing and Coding
career that will help make a                 Specialist (CBCS)
difference in countless lives! EKG           •Certified Patient Care
rhythms provide important data for           Technician/Assistant (CPCT/A)
the diagnosis of heart conditions.           •Phlebotomy Technician
                                             Certification (CPT)
By administering EKGs, testing the
electrical activity of the heart through     •Certified Electronic Health                   WE ARE NOW
                                             Records Specialist (CEHRS)
small electrode patches attached
to the body, you will be making a            For a complete list of exams offered             OFFERING
life-changing difference by helping
people of all ages prevent and treat
                                             at Central Texas College, visit
                                             Testing Services at: https://www.                CLASSES
heart disease. These tests can be            ctcd.edu/students/current-ctc-
performed during physical exams,             students/testing-services/.
when cardiovascular problems are

           FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 254-526-1586 OR VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.CTCD.EDU/CE                                       15
Celtic Fiddle Play-by-
PERSONAL ENRICHMENT     LANGUAGE AND                             MUSIC                                             Ear Intermediate
                        CULTURE                                                                             This six-week self-paced intermediate
                                                                                                            course with three Q&A sessions builds
                                                                                                            on the Beginners course. The focus
                                                                                                            turns to shaping a player’s sound and
                                                                                                            building their playing confidence. In
                                                                                                            addition, the course starts to look at
                                                                                                            a broader range of rhythms of tunes
                                                                                                            and examines various ways to play
                                                                                                            these tunes with decorations. The
                                                                                                            course suits both students who have
                                                                                                            completed the Beginners course as
                                                                                                            well as established players. Colin
                                                                                                            MacLeod (see Celtic Fiddle Play-by-
                                                                       Celtic Fiddle Play-by-               Ear Beginners). (6 meetings consisting
                                                                                                            of ‘Live’ Welcome & three Fortnightly
                              Conversational                           Ear Beginners                        ‘Live’ Q&A Sessions + instructional
                              Spanish                           Imagine if you could play Celtic            videos, tunes to apply the techniques,
                       Get a thorough background in             fiddle with increased confidence.           reviews and replays)
                       grammatical structures, vocabulary,      Whether you are new to playing
                                                                                                            OCT 30-DEC 11       SAT      8-9:30 AM
                       and phonetics with emphasis on           an instrument or you would like to
                       correct pronunciation. Practice useful   change from playing sheet music to
                       vocabulary in everyday Spanish           “playing by ear,” this course is for you.
                       conversation and discuss cultural
                       and travel topics. Class includes
                                                                The six-week self-paced course with
                                                                three ‘live’ Q&A’s is a comprehensive        GET PHYSICAL
                       pronunciation, present tense,            introduction to teaching you how to
                       time, days of the week, colors, and      learn to ‘play by ear’. You will learn
                       numbers. Nilka Evans, a native of        techniques to help you develop the
                       Panama, has been involved with area      skills of playing Celtic fiddle tunes by
                       schools helping with the English         ear. You will progress your technique
                       Language Learners program. (8            to take your next steps on your
                       meetings)                                musical journey. The course suits
                                                                both students who are new to playing
                       OCT 5-28       T/TH            6-7 PM    an instrument as well as established
                       COST/$59                                 players. Along with a computer,
                                                                camera, and internet access, students
                                                                should have access to a violin and                 Basketball
                                                                its accessories, e.g. violin bow, rosin,           Fundamentals
                                                                violin tuner, shoulder test. Students
                                                                will be given the link to the online        Whether you want to learn the sport,
                                                                portal for accessing the course upon        brush up on your skills or relive

                         SALLIE MAE                             registration. Don’t worry if you don’t
                                                                think you have the skills. You can
                                                                                                            your glory days, basketball is fun
                                                                                                            for everyone. Begin class with the

                        CAREER LOANS                            switch over to our free Absolute            basics such as shooting, dribbling,
                                                                Beginners course to learn the basics        and passing. To get familiar with the
                                                                (runs at the start of each term), and       game, a few drills will be introduced.
                        When savings, scholarships              you can rejoin the Beginners class          Specific drills will teach you offensive
                                                                                                            and defensive principles, and
                            and federal aid aren’t              when you are ready. Colin MacLeod is
                                                                                                            practicing these drills can enhance
                                                                a Celtic fiddle player with more than
                        enough, get the money you               40 years experience, has achieved           your performance and help you
                          need to help pay for your             Grade 8 violin distinction, recorded        perfect your technique on the court.
                         undergraduate education.               seven CDs, played in Celtic bands,          Students must wear athletic clothing
                                                                                                            and gym shoes. Chris Armstrong has
                         The “option” in the Smart              and has run Celtic fiddle workshops
                                                                                                            been playing basketball since 1988.
                                                                in Scotland, Australia and the United
                         Option Student Loan name               States since 2007. (6 meetings              (4 meetings)
                         means you can choose the               consisting of ‘Live’ Welcome & three        SEP 10-OCT 1        FRI     10-11:30 AM
                          type of interest rate and             Fortnightly ‘Live’ Q&A Sessions +           OCT 29-NOV 19       FRI     10-11:30 AM
                        repayment option that work              instructional videos, tunes to apply the    COST/$29
                                                                techniques, reviews and replays)
                                best for you.
                                                                SEP 4-OCT 9        SAT       8-9:30 AM
                        *Must apply for loan one month          OCT 23-DEC 4       SAT       8-9:30 AM             Yoga Under the Stars
                        in advance of course start date                                                     Join us for an intergalactic yoga
                                                                                                            experience under the starry
                            *School Code 00400398                                                           scenescape inside the Mayborn

Planetarium at CTC. This class will         kick boards, aerobic exercise, Pilates,
integrate basic yoga techniques             and yoga with the goal of increasing        PHOTOGRAPHY

                                                                                                                                   PERSONAL ENRICHMENT
with breath work creating a cosmic          their endurance level while toning
meditation experience as deep skies         their body. No swimming skills are
pass overhead, and we journey               necessary. Bring a towel and wear a
together through infinite space. It’s       one-piece swimsuit or swim trunks.
truly magical! No yoga experience is        Kathleen McDonald has been teaching
necessary, and all levels are welcome.      for 10 years and is an Aquatic Exercise
Please bring your own mat. Ashley           SCW-certified instructor. (4 meetings)
Forshey is a 200-hour registered yoga
                                            SEP 10-OCT 1       FRI 5:30-6:30 PM
teacher with Yoga Alliance and has
                                            OCT 15-NOV 5       FRI 5:30-6:30 PM
been practicing yoga for over three
                                            NOV 12-DEC 10      FRI 5:30-6:30 PM
years. (1 meeting)
SEP 10              FRI           6-7 PM
OCT 15              FRI           6-7 PM                                               Basic DSLR Photography
NOV 5               FRI           6-7 PM
DEC 10              FRI           6-7 PM                                               Master the buttons, dials, and switches
                                                                                       on your DSLR camera while learning
                                                                                       to take beautiful photographs. You’ll
                                                                                       discover what all of the controls
                                                                                       on your camera are used for and
                                                                                       how settings impact your photos,
                                                                                       especially if you’ve just gotten your
                                                                                       digital camera or have a new one that
                                                                                       is confusing. Students must bring a
                                                                                       DSLR camera (no compact/point-and-
                                                                                       shoot cameras) and its user’s manual.
                                            Water Aerobics with Judy                   Carroll Hall’s photographs have
                                                                                       been published in newspapers and
                                            (Age 50+)		                                magazines. (6 meetings)
                                            Water aerobics is a fun workout with
                                                                                       OCT 5-21         T/TH            6-9 PM
                                            easy-to-follow exercise routines to
       Xtreme Hip-Hop                       improve cardiovascular conditioning.
       Step                                 Using the resistance of the water, this
Fitness doesn’t have to be boring!
This class is for everyone who likes
                                            class is a total body workout including
                                            aerobics, toning and stretching. It
to have fun while working out. In           can also improve your strength and
this high-energy class, students will       flexibility leading to better muscular      BASIC DSLR
use an aerobic step to burn calories        endurance and balance. Bring a              PHOTOGRAPHY:
while dancing. The class starts with        towel and wear swimsuits and aqua
stretching, then moves to intense           socks (shoes for water). Judy Mills is      What were the best features of this
stepping combined with hip-hop              a certified water aerobics instructor.      class?
moves as hip-hop music plays in the         (4 or 6 meetings)
background. All fitness and skill levels                                                “Instructor, people in the class and all
                                            SEP 28-NOV 2      TUE         9-10 AM
are welcome. If you’re looking for a                                                    the information presented was clear.”
                                            SEP 28-NOV 2      TUE 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
way to have fun and step up your            SEP 30-NOV 4      THU         9-10 AM
fitness to your favorite tunes, this                                                    “Instructor tailored level instruction
                                            SEP 30-NOV 4      THU 11:30 AM-12:30 PM     to students.”
course is for you. Step boards are          OCT 1-NOV 5       FRI         9-10 AM
provided. Bring a water bottle and          COST/$29                                    “Our instructor’s love for this subject.
towel. Jonabele Jeter is a certified
                                                                                        She was wonderful and made me
Xtreme Hip Hop Step instructor.
                                            NOV 16-DEC 14* TUE             9-10 AM      love photography!”
(8 meetings)
                                            NOV 16-DEC 14* TUE 11:30AM-12:30PM
SEP 7-30            T/TH     6:30-7:30 PM   NOV 18-DEC 16* THU             9-10 AM
OCT 5-28            T/TH     6:30-7:30 PM   NOV 18-DEC 16*     THU 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
NOV 2-DEC 7*        T/TH     6:30-7:30 PM   NOV 19-DEC 17* FRI             9-10 AM      FOCUS ON YOU
COST/$39                                    COST/$19
*No class Nov 11,   23, 25                  *No class Nov 23, 25, 26
                                                                                              Be Great on Purpose
 WATER FITNESS                                                                         Many people fail to take the necessary
                                                                                       action to achieve their goals because
                                                                                       of a sense of being overwhelmed. The
                                                                                       goal appears to be too large and too
       Aqua Boot Camp                                                                  difficult to achieve, or maybe they lack
       with Kat                                                                        some of the skills required to achieve
                                                                                       that goal. That’s where Be Great on
Safely tone your body in a low-impact                                                  Purpose steps in. This course will
environment. Each student works at                                                     encourage students to “just start” and
their own pace using water weights,                                                    be courageous through the process

           FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 254-526-1586 OR VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.CTCD.EDU/CE                                        17
of learning. Students will learn some                                                         Basic Aid Training
PERSONAL ENRICHMENT / COLLEGE FOR KIDS    basic strategies to start creating          CREATIVE CUISINE                                  (Age 6-10)
                                          success in any area of life they choose,
                                          from where they currently are to                                                       Basic Aid Training introduces children
                                          where they want to be, by turning                 Chocolate, Chocolate,                to safety information and first aid
                                          their dreams and ideas into a concrete
                                          vision. You don’t have to be great to             and More Chocolate                   procedures for a variety of situations
                                                                                                                                 with emphasis on safety, recognizing
                                          start, however, you do have to start to    Explore the basics of working with          an emergency, getting help, and
                                          be great! Bring a notebook and pencil
                                                                                     chocolate by creating elegant               caring for a victim. Students will
                                          with you to class. Vantonio Fraley is a
                                          successful entrepreneur and founder        chocolate roses, dipped truffles, a         be equipped with the knowledge
                                          of a nonprofit that mentors individuals    delicious chocolate drink, and more.        and skills necessary to know how to
                                          through education, entrepreneurship,       Even better, you get to take home           check and help someone choking,
                                          and sports to empower them to be all       all the decadent treats you make            perform hands-only CPR, identify
                                          they can be. (4 meetings)                  in class! Please wear sleeved shirts        household poisons and how to
                                                                                     and comfortable, closed-toe shoes.          prevent poisoning and how to treat
                                          SEP 9-30     THU             6-7:30 PM                                                 minor first aid injuries. Students will
                                          OCT 14-NOV 4 THU             6-7:30 PM     Bring an apron and a food container.
                                                                                     Melinda Hodge holds a degree in             receive a certificate of training from
                                          COST/$49                                                                               First Aid 4-U at the end of class.
                                                                                     culinary arts and is a professional
                                                                                                                                 Wear comfortable clothing - no tank
                                          Beyond the Scope                           baker and pastry chef. (1 meeting)          tops or shorts. Please bring a sack
                                          Beyond the Scope means that                OCT 16          SAT         10 AM-2 PM      lunch. Kenya Andrews (see Babysitter
                                          something is out of range. Challenge       COST/$69                                    Training). (1 meeting)
                                          your everyday thinking and take a
                                          look at yourself Beyond the Scope!                                                     OCT 16          SAT         9 AM-2 PM
                                          Be empowered to achieve goals,                                                         COST/$49
                                          maximize your passions and gifts
                                                                                            Texas Cuisine
                                          while learning about self-care,            The cuisine of Texas is as varied as
                                          empowerment, getting through
                                          obstacles that are faced every day,
                                                                                     its people. The influence of Spanish,            TESTIMONIALS
                                                                                     Mexican, German, Czech, and
                                          academic success, development              Vietnamese culture is undeniable.
                                          of talents and fostering habits that       Come partake in a uniquely Texas
                                                                                                                                 BASIC AID TRAINING:
                                          cause a positive outcome. Class will       menu that celebrates the deliciousness
                                          also discuss the importance of how                                                     What did you like best about this
                                                                                     and diversity of the great state            class?
                                          to recognize and cope with domestic
                                                                                     of Texas. The course incorporates
                                          violence, PTSD, depression, anxiety
                                          and bullying. Mental stimulation           Texas-raised and grown ingredients          “That we got to learn to save
                                          through positive reinforcement will        as availability will allow. Students will   people’s lives”
                                          be introduced to inspire you to reach      prepare and eat a menu of select
                                          your goals through step-by-step            dishes exploring Texas cuisine. Please      “We learned how to help people
                                          concepts of writing down a plan            wear sleeved shirts and comfortable,        when they are hurt.”
                                          and following that strategy through.       closed-toe shoes. Bring an apron
                                          Students must have basic computer          and a food container. Melinda Hodge
                                          skills and be familiar with Microsoft      (see Chocolate, Chocolate, and More                Be Great on Purpose
                                          Word. Bring paper and pencil to class.     Chocolate). (1 meeting)                            (Age 13-17)
                                          Schantel Thomas is an experienced
                                          speaker on domestic violence               NOV 6          SAT         10 AM-2 PM       Many people fail to take the necessary
                                          awareness and an advocate for victims      COST/$89                                    action to achieve their goals because
                                          who suffer from depression, anxiety,                                                   of a sense of being overwhelm. The
                                          PTSD and bullying. (4 meetings)                                                        goal appears to be too large and too
                                          SEP 27-OCT 6         M/W        6-8 PM
                                                                                      COLLEGE FOR KIDS                           difficult to achieve, or maybe they lack
                                                                                                                                 some of the skills required to achieve
                                          NOV 1-10             M/W        6-8 PM                                                 that goal. That’s where Be Great on
                                          COST/$69                                          Babysitter Training                  Purpose steps in. This course will
                                                                                            (Age 10-16)                          encourage students to “just start” and
                                                 Build Your Life’s                                                               be courageous through the process
                                                 Vision                              Explore the knowledge and skills            of learning. Students will learn some
                                                                                     necessary to safely and responsibly         basic strategies to start creating
                                          Bring your dreams, ideas, and desires      provide care for children and infants       success in any area of life they choose,
                                          closer to reality as you learn how         as a safe and responsible babysitter.
                                          to create a vision board. A vision                                                     from where they currently are to
                                                                                     Students will develop leadership            where they want to be, by turning
                                          board, in its essence, is a visual
                                          representation of all the things you       skills and how to start or improve a        their dreams and ideas into a concrete
                                          want to do, be and have in your life.      babysitting business. Other course          vision. You don’t have to be great to
                                          It is something you can look at every      topics include safety, discipline and       start, however, you do have to start to
                                          single day to remind you of your           basic child care, and first aid. Students   be great! Bring a notebook and pencil
                                          goals. Focus is powerful, and where        will receive a Red Cross certification      with you to class. Vantonio Fraley is a
                                          your attention goes, your energy           upon completion of the class. Bring a       successful entrepreneur and founder
                                          flows. Each student will be provided       sack lunch. Wear comfortable clothing       of a nonprofit that mentors individuals
                                          with their own vision board kit. Bring     - no tank tops or shorts. Kenya             through education, entrepreneurship,
                                          a notebook and pen/pencil to class.        Andrews has been a certified trainer        and sports to empower them to be all
                                          Kat McDonald is a certified life coach.    and volunteer with the American             they can be. (4 meetings)
                                          (1 meeting)                                Red Cross for more than 29 years.
                                                                                     (1 meeting)                                 SEP 7-28           TUE       6-7:30 PM
                                          OCT 23         SAT         9 AM-NOON                                                   OCT 12-NOV 2       TUE       6-7:30 PM
                                          COST/$35                                   SEP 18         SAT           9 AM-2 PM      COST/$49

   18                                    CONTINUING EDUCATION FALL 2021 COURSE SCHEDULE
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