Fall 2014 DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

Page created by Sally Brady
Smoke Signals
                           Fall 2014

DIY Halloween
Costume Ideas           Meet The Staff
                        of Journalism

Fall Highlights

Tricks and Treats for
Table of Contents

   CHS News...........................................3
   Meet the Staff.....................................13
chs nEWS                3
Alexander Sardinas

I  t’s hard to wrap up all
   the events that hap-
pened at Canyon this
                               val. For those who do
                               not know, Club Carni-
                               val is an event where the
September and Octo-            clubs on campus have a
ber. Although it is only       chance to promote their
the beginning of school,       club to the student body.
there     have      already            You cannot talk
been plenty of events.         about October without
        The first notable      mentioning its biggest
event was Warped Wel-          holiday: Halloween and 2014 Hollywoord Homecoming
come. There were more          the Halloween parties.
people this year than ever     These parties are a great
before! With the loud          way to celebrate. If you
music shaking your very        like dressing up and get-
bones, it was almost im-       ting free candy, trick-or-
possible to resist the beat.   treating is the perfect
The music takes con-           activity for you. There
trol of you, giving you        is, of course, another
one of the most amaz-          way to spend this mo-
ing experiences ever.          mentous night: dress up
 Another event that oc-        and scare you friends!
curred was Club Carni-                                     Lizzy Cameron, Georiga Lee, & Benni Cinkle at Warped

Hollywood Homecoming                                                                        Amanda Yaghmai
                                                                                            STAFF WRITER

E    very year, meth-
     ods to ask some-
one to Homecoming
                               ly less grinding, too.”
                                  This year, people are
                               definitely looking for-
                                                           This year’s theme is Hollywood Homecoming.
                                                                  Homecoming      this year is on Oc-
                                                           tober 18th at 7 o’clock in the quad.
get more elaborate,            ward to seeing the          It’ll definitely be a night to remember!
and the event itself           unique ways of getting
gets more extravagant.         asked to Homecoming.
        After      2012’s         “I remember last year,
Drops of Jupiter and           one guy asked his girl-
2013’s Once Upon a Time        friend using a red car-
themes, Canyon stu-            pet and he totally went
dents have major expec-        with the Once Upon a
tations for this year’s        Time theme!” junior
upcoming dance theme.          Michelle Neice said,
     “I’m hoping that it’ll    “It was absolutely ador-
be better than Warped,”        able and just roman-
freshman        Mikayla        tic on every levels.”
Neice said, “Hopeful-
Canyon’s Club Carnival!                                                                         Amanda Yaghmai
                                                                                                STAFF WRITER

                                                              C    lubs are a major
                                                                   part of Canyon’s
                                                              community. Some clubs
                                                                                             Nicholas Kang in 2010.
                                                                                             “UTD helps people have
                                                                                             a place to enjoy dancing
                                                              include United Through         and have a creative out-
                                                              Dance, Persian Club, and       let. It’s a special club be-
                                                              Benefits for Pets Club.        cause it’s different from
                                                                      For anyone in-         any other club,” president
                                                              terested     in      acting,   Kelvin Cate explains.
                                                              there’s Drama Club,                Canyon is also home
                                                              run by Mr.Blum, where          to Japanese Club, run by
                                                              students get the op-           Yuko Shimura. Japanese
Club leaders giving their best pose                           portunity to work in           Club is a way to help
                                                              productions and help           spread the Japanese cul-
                                                              create the sets needed.        ture throughout Canyon.
                                                               “The purpose of Drama            Canyon’s clubs are a
                                                              Club is for kids to express    big part of the Coman-
                                                              themselves and help            che life. Each and every
                                                              build self-confidence,”        one is unique in their
                                                              junior drama student           own special way and
                                                              Stephanie Manalo states.       brings something new
                                                               United Through Dance,         to Canyon everyday.
                                                              also known as UTD,
                                                              was created by alumni
Filipino Club Members flashing their signs

Alexander Sardinas
STAFF WRITER                          Mock Trial
M      ock Trial is a
       club on campus
in which students go
                                students compete against
                                other schools to find out
                                which school can argue
to court to argue their         the best side of the case.
views on the provided           Whether you are already
prompts in a “made-up”          interested in law, think-
trial setting. This gives       ing about pursuing it as
students the chance to          a career, or just searching
experience the closest          for a educational extra-
thing to an actual trial.       curricular activity, Mock
Mock Trial is very ben-         Trial is definitely some-
eficial. It allows students     thing worth considering!
the opportunity to be
exposed to law and the
courtroom experience.
 As a competitive club,                                       2013-2014 Mock Trial Team
SPORTS                                                                                                       5
Striding for Number One!
 Hailey Hilburn

C    anyon High School’s
     Cross Country has
some of the most hard
                             Sac Invitational.
                               Ryan Thompson, a
                             senior on varsity, quotes,
working athletes. They       “Brea Linda High School
have been training for       is going to be the toughest
the fall’s season since      competition in league, but
the second week of July      all of Southern Califor-
along-side Coach Ben-        nia is very competitive.”
zick’s guidance.             The boys are starting the
  “The girl’s varsity team   season as number three
is very strong this year.”   in the Southern Section
says Katerina Zaborniak,     Division Two and are
a senior at Canyon. She      striding for number one.      2013-2014 Boys Varsity Cross Country
has been running since       Although, this might be
her freshman year and she    difficult, they all believe
is looking forward to the    that they have the ability,
Orange County Cham-          as a team, to accomplish
pion Race and the Mount      this.

                                                           Krystian Ibanez takes a shot during practice

Girls Golf works hard duing practice.                      Amanda Zuidema13-14 Anaheim Athlete of the Year

 Coming Back Strong
Hailey Hilburn

C    anyon High School’s
     Varsity     Football
Team is up for the new
                             boys repeat over and
                             over to pump each
                             other up before games:
season’s challenge. The          “One, two, three
biggest goal this year is    WORK! Four, five,
making it back to CIF.       six,       WOOHOO!”
With all the heart and              “Villa      Park
dedication that these        High School will be the
boys have, CIF is not        toughest    competition,
that far from their reach.   as always.” Jack states,
     Jake Gabbard, Can-      “We play them on Oc-
yon’s left tackle and        tober 10th at 7P.M. at
defensive tackle, de-        Fred Kelly Stadium.”
                                                        Varsity Football clashes against their opponents.
scribes the chant the

                              Set, Spike, Win!          Hailey Hilburn
                                                        STAFF WRITER

                                                        G     irls’ Volleyball is
                                                              starting a new season
                                                        this fall under Coach Pea-
                                                                                       this year is very strong
                                                                                       with the skill that they
                                                                                       have on the roster.
                                                        cock. This year’s league is            “The girls and I are
                                                        going to be difficult con-     always getting better with
                                                        sidering the new layout        the help of our coaches ,
                                                        of the schools. Canyon is      and we all show so much
                                                        now in the top bracket with    promise for this season.”
                                                        Villa Park High School,            Coach Peacock, head
                                                        Foothill High School, and      coach, is beloved by
                                                        El Dorado High School.         his whole team. He
                                                           Amanda Cooper, Can-         keeps them focused, be-
                                                        yon’s      outside    hitter   cause this team is one
                                                        and opposite, is a var-        “crazy group of girls”.
                                                        sity veteran this year.                “Do Work” is a
                                                                 “Villa Park High      cheer that they repeat to
                                                        School is going to be          pump up the crowd before
                                                        the toughest competi-          games, while still being fo-
                                                        tion for the “Lady Co-         cused on the goal they all
                                                        manche’s.” says Amanda.        have in common: winning.
                                                                 Amanda         also
Girls’ varsity wins the Lakewood tournament.            believes that the team
Muse                                                                            7
     No plans for Halloween this year? Grab a
     friend and go to one of these events!
1.    Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor
      Mazes, Monsters and Halloween entertainment on board the Queen
      Mary and nearby dock.
      Location: Long Beach
      Admission: Ticketed
      For Kids: Ages 13+ Recommended
      2014 Dates: Weekends from October 2 through November 2


        Long Beach Zombie Walk
        A festival where participants wear zombie costumes and enjoy music,
        food and themed vendor booths. Wear your own costume or have onsite
        makeup artists paint your face for an additional fee. Located at Rainbow
        Lagoon near the Port of Long Beach.
        Location: Long Beach
        Admission: Ticketed 2014
        For Kids: All Ages
        2014 Dates: Oct. 24-26

3.      Fullerton Arboretum Haunted Garden Tour
        Haunted tour at the Fullerton Arboretum. The end of the tour features
        a Haunter’s Ball, where there are games and activities.
        Location: Fullerton
        Admission: Ticketed
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*Facemaker Enterprises


*Elite Education

Thank you for your support!
MUSE                                                               9
can’t think of costume idea this year?

Monopoly Characteristics

                                 Gumball Machine Outfit

Chipotle Baby

                                                  Grapes Vine Costumes

Beanie Babies                          Nerds Candy
  Want to throw a killer party this Hal-
loween?! Here are some “killer” ideas to
Spooky Playlist:    Bloody Good Food:
~Thriller - Michael Jackson            ~“Boo”- nanas
                                       Ingredients: Ripe Bananas and Choc-
~A Nightmare On My Street - DJ Jazzy   olate Chips
Jeff & The Fresh Prince                How to:
                                       Cut your bananas in half. Then, stick
~This Is Halloween - Marilyn Manson    in chocolate chips in with the points
                                       side facing the banana. You now
~Somebody’s Watching Me - Rockwell     have your ghost looking bananas!
                                       Time to make: 5 minutes
~Ghost Busters - Ray Parker Jr.

~3 a.m. - Eminem

~Halloween - Aqua

~Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley

~Disturbia - Rihanna

~Monster Mash - Bobby Pickett

Mummy Dogs                             Mini Pumpkins
ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                               11
  Velcome to Oktoberfest                                Lily Abrams
                                                        STAFF WRITER

                                                        S tart off the October
                                                        month right with an ex-
                                                                                      val rides, bouncy houses,
                                                                                      and face painting. There
                                                                                      are many musicians that
                                                        citement filled festival! A   come to perform here
                                                        variety of Oktoberfests       such as singers, trum-
                                                        are starting at the end of    pet players, guitarists,
                                                        September and are going       and even accordionists.
                                                        until early November.         Emi K., a woman who
                                                        There will be food, rides     attended the Oktober-
                                                        and entertainment for         fest in 2012, states, “In
                                                        everyone’s enjoyment.         my opinion, everyone
                                                           While the Oktoberfest      should experience Ok-
                                                        originated in Munich,         toberfest at least once.”
                                                        Germany, festivals are        This is a great excuse to
                                                        held yearly in Hunting-       have a great time and
                                                        ton Beach at the Old-         eat a lot of good food!
                                                        World Center starting           These festivals are scat-
                                                        September 14th and end-       tered all around south-
                                                        ing November 2nd. Ok-         ern California such
                                                        toberfest includes many       as Big Bear Lake, Los
                                                        different types of activi-    Angeles, Dana Point,
                                                        ties ranging from dog rac-    San Diego, Monterey
                                                        es to huge parades. Other     Bay and many more.
                                                        activities include: carni-

All Your Fear is Here...
Emily Evans                low as $39 and passes        return along with a brand
                           for $75 to attend all 24     new attraction Special
  t’s that time of year    nights of this spectacu-     Ops: Infected, and back
again when amusement       lar Halloween scare-fest.    by popular demand El-
parks all over deck out            “It’s a lot of fun   vira’s Big Top. These
for one of the best Hal-   and scary I’m pretty         attractions are there for
loween events of the       excited for it,” says se-    a 24 day span so make
year at Knott’s Scary      nior Alejandra Salazar,      sure to check those out!
Farm. Opening Sept.        “The clowns are scary
25th to Nov. 1st Knott’s   though.” That’s right
Berry Farm temporar-       clowns, zombies, mon-
ily transforms into a      sters and ghouls roam
playground of the dead     around the park. Special
with monsters and maz-     attractions such as Black
es to explore. Tickets     Magic and The Witch’s
are on sale now for as     Keep in the Calico Mine
     Movie Madness Country Music's
                                                                     Biggest NIGHT
                                     Liliy Abram
                                     STAFF WRITER
At    Halloween time, Hollywood never fails           Emily Evans
                                                      STAFF WRITER
to send us terrifying tales told through film.
This year, there are 3 scary movies that will         The 48th annual CMA Awards land on Sunday
surely scare up the mood for Halloween.               Nov. 5 at 8/7c on ABC 7. The 48th annual CMA
         DraculaUntold                                Awards land on Sunday Nov. 5 at 8/7c on ABC 7.
   The movie premiering on October 3rd is a horror
film about Vlad Tepes who eventually becomes the Album of the Year:               Music Video of the
legendary Dracula. This is set in Romania during ♫ Crash My Party                       Year:
the Turkish invasions. Luke Evans, who plays Vlad,             -Luke Bryan        ♫ Automatic
goes to great lengths in order to fight for and protect ♫ Fuse                           -Miranda Lambert
his homeland. While doing this, there is a risk of             -Keith Urban       ♫ Bartender
selling his soul and becoming a vampire for eternity.   ♫ Platinum                       -Lady Antebellum
                                                               -Miranda Lambert
                    Ouija                               ♫ The Outsiders
                                                                                  ♫ Drunk On A Plane
                                                                                         -Dierks Bentley
   Ouija will hit the big screen on Oct. 24th. This
                                                               -Eric Church       ♫ Follow Your Arrow
terrifying movie is about a girl who had previously
played the Ouija Board and suffered a mysterious Female Vocalist of                      -Kacey Musgraves
death. A group of friends decide to look further              the Year:           ♫ Somethin’ Bad
into this “board game”. Once they start to play ♫ Carrie Underwood                       -Miranda Lambert
the game, scary and demonic things start to hap- ♫ Kacey Musgraves                and Carrie Underwood
pen to all of the people involved with the game. ♫ Martina McBride                Single of the Year:
                                                        ♫ Taylor Swift            ♫ Automatic
                                                        Male Vocalist of                 -Miranda Lambert
                                                                                  ♫ Drunk On A Plane
                                                           the Year:                     -Dierks Bentley
                                                      ♫ Blake Shelton
                                                                                  ♫ Give Me Back My
                                                      ♫ Dierks Bentley
                                                      ♫ Eric Church
                                                                                         -Eric Church
                                                      ♫ Keith Urban
                                                                                  ♫ Meanwhile Back At
                                                      ♫ Luke Bryan
                                                       Song of the Year:                 -Tim McGraw feat.
                                                      ♫ Automatic”                Faith Hill
                                                             -Miranda Lambert     ♫ Mine Would Be You
                                                      ♫ Follow Your Arrow                -Blake Shelton
                                                             -Kacey Musgraves
                                                      ♫ Give Me Back My
                                                             -Eric Church
                                                      ♫ I Don’t Dance
                                                             -Lee Brice
                                                      ♫ I Hold On
                                                             -Dierks Bentley
Meet the Staff                                                              13
                 Editors in Chief

      Hiba Bary                                        Alice Song

                  Staff Writers

Journey Lipman    Cole Pribble   Lily Abrams   Andrew Davis   Emily Evans

Marcella LaRosa               Jacob Basile                           Autumn Schorr

  Kate Eggers              Carly Southerland                          Riley Binder

                   Staff Writers

  Amanda Yaghmai    Savannah Rust              Michael Torino           Hailey Hilburn

                                               Not Pictured: Emily Goodman and Alex Sardinas
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