Page created by Kristen Bowers
                                                     HOST CITY ELECTION 2022
                                                     UPDATE - MARCH 2018

On the evening of 31 July 2015, the President of           opportunity   for   social,             economic        and
the International Olympic Committee (IOC),                 environmental development.
Thomas Bach, announced that Beijing would be
the host city of the Olympic Winter Games 2022.            FROM APPLICANT CITY…
This announcement was the culmination of a two-            A total of five cities 1 endorsed by their National
year process, which the IOC has developed over             Olympic Committees (NOCs) submitted to the
a number of years to ensure that the city that is          IOC their application files to host the Games of
elected is capable of hosting the Games, and that          the XXIV Olympic Winter Games in 2022. These
the process is transparent for all involved.               cities, in order of the drawing of lots, were:
Olympic Agenda 2020, the IOC’s strategic                   Krakow 2 (Poland), Oslo (Norway), Almaty
roadmap for the future of the Olympic movement,            (Kazakhstan), Lviv 3 (Ukraine) and Beijing
was approved in December 2014 at the 127th                 (China). The application files provided the IOC
IOC Session. This allowed a number of the                  with an overview of each city’s vision, and
recommendations for the Candidature Process to             concept for the Games and formed the basis for
be incorporated into the process for the Olympic           an initial technical analysis of the bid.
Winter Games 2022. These changes included
cost savings to the Candidate Cities, an open              … TO CANDIDATE CITY…
dialogue with the Candidate Cites and an
                                                           On 7 July 2014, in Lausanne, the IOC Executive
Evaluation Commission report focusing on the
                                                           Board (EB) accepted the following cities as
opportunities and challenges presented by each
                                                           Candidate Cities to host the XXIV Olympic Winter
Candidate City.
                                                           Games in 2022 (in order of the drawing of lots):
                                                           Oslo (Norway) 4, Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Beijing
HOST    CITY   ELECTION                                    (China). The Candidate Cities submitted their
PROCEDURE FOR THE XXIV                                     Candidature File and guarantees to the IOC by
                                                           the deadline of 7 January 2015. They were
OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES IN                                    selected by the EB based on the technical report
2022                                                       of an IOC-appointed working group. This Group,
                                                           which included representatives of various
Successful Games start with a vision that aligns
                                                           Olympic stakeholders such as the International
Games planning with the realities, needs and
                                                           Federations (IFs), the NOCs and the IOC
aspirations of the host city, region and nation. A
                                                           Athletes’ Commission, carried out a detailed
clear and realistic vision is an essential
                                                           technical assessment and made a thorough and
framework for developing a sustainable Games
                                                           detailed report highlighting the opportunities and
concept and venue plan from the earliest stages
                                                           challenges of each city. The Candidature Files
of a bid, to deliver outstanding Games and a
                                                           were analysed in detail by the IOC Evaluation
successful legacy. Bidding for the Games
                                                           Commission, which visited each Candidate City
presents an opportunity to create effective and
                                                           in February and March 2015. Following the visits,
efficient partnerships to deliver other major
                                                           the Commission issued a report, which was
projects, irrespective of the outcome of the
                                                           published to coincide with the “IOC 2022 Briefing
election. With the right vision, well-integrated
                                                           for IOC Members”. This report, which covered all
planning and effective follow-up, the Games can
                                                           technical aspects required to host the Olympic
be a powerful catalyst for positive change and an
                                                           Games, reflected the collective opinion of the

1 Stockholm was an Applicant City but dropped out before   3   Lviv withdrew its Application in July 2014.
submitting an Application File.                            4   Oslo withdrew its Candidature in October 2014.
2 Krakow withdrew its Application in May 2014.

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Commission members with expertise in a wide           The biographies of the members of             the
range of relevant subjects, including sport,          evaluation commission are available here.
finance,    sustainability,   legacy,   transport,
accommodation, energy infrastructure, legal           ... THEN HOST CITY
requirements and marketing, and was provided          The Candidate Cities delivered a number of
to the IOC Members to assist them in electing the     presentations during the second phase of the bid
Host City. The Commission’s findings were             process, and the final presentation was given on
presented under five main sections, (Vision and       the election day to the IOC Members. The IOC
Concept,     Foundation,       Games     Delivery,    Members elected the Host City for the XXIV
Paralympic Games and Athlete Experience), with        Olympic Winter Games during the 128th IOC
the main opportunities and strengths, as well as      Session in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), on 31 July
the main challenges, highlighted in each section      2015 (see details on next page). The newly
and subsection. The IOC Members and                   elected host city then signed the Host City
Presidents and Secretaries General of                 Contract with the IOC.
International Olympic Winter Federations also
had the opportunity, before the election, to          VOTING REGULATIONS
participate in a two-day meeting with the
                                                      The vote took place by secret ballot. Any IOC
Candidate Cities (“IOC 2022 Briefing for IOC
                                                      member from a country whose city was a
Members”), where they received a full briefing on
                                                      candidate in the election had to abstain from
each city’s plan. This meeting took place in
                                                      taking part in rounds as long as the city was
Lausanne in June 2015. Following the adoption
                                                      included in the voting. For 2022 this was as
of Olympic Agenda 2020, and for first time, the
Evaluation Commission presented a report of its
key findings at the Briefing, and was available to
                                                      Number of IOC members at the time of the
answer Members’ questions.                            election:                            102
                                                      Not voting in the first round:
IOC EVALUATION COMMISSION                             IOC President, Thomas Bach:          1
FOR THE XXIV OLYMPIC                                  Nationals from Kazakhstan:           0
                                                      Nationals from China:                3
WINTER GAMES IN 2022                                       • Mr Zaiqing YU
The Evaluation Commission, appointed by the                • Mrs Yang YANG
IOC President, was composed of IOC Members,                • Mrs Lingwei LI
representatives of the IFs, NOCs, athletes and        Number of members who were eligible to vote in
the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), as      the first round:                     98
well as advisors. The main task of this
Commission, chaired by Alexander Zhukov, was          Honorary and Honour Members did not vote. In
to conduct an on-the ground analysis of the three     each round, each participating IOC member
Candidate Cities and prepare a report with its        could vote for only one city. The votes of
findings. The Commission visited each city to         members not taking part in a round of voting or
verify the information presented; study the           who abstained, as well as blank or spoilt
feasibility of the proposed plans; determine each     electronic voting entries, were not taken into
city’s ability to deliver successful Games in 2022;   account in the calculation of the required
and assess whether the Games would leave a            majority. The city that obtained the majority of
positive legacy that met the individual needs and     votes was elected. If, after the first round of
long-term development plans of the respective         voting, no city had obtained the absolute majority
city and region.

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of the votes cast, as many rounds would be held             committee and the respective authorities during
as necessary for a city to obtain such majority.            the visits. At the same time, the IOC has to
                                                            respect the laws of a sovereign state.
                                                            3) Introduction of a new evaluation criterion
Although the evaluation process for the 2022                entitled: “The Athlete Experience”. (Ref: Olympic
Olympic Winter Games was well underway when                 Agenda 2020, recommendation 2.) The Games
the IOC Session unanimously approved Olympic                exist for the athletes. The first priority for any host
Agenda 2020 in December 2014, the reform                    city should be to put athletes at the heart of all
recommendations had a profound and positive                 Games planning and preparation, with the goal of
effect on the 2022 bid process. Both Almaty and             providing the best possible platform for the best
Beijing embraced the spirit of Olympic Agenda               possible performances.
2020 and its emphasis on legacy, sustainability
and cost containment. Both cities took steps to             4) The Commission benefitting from third-party
optimise their Games plans to manage costs and              independent advice in such areas as social,
ensure      positive,   sustainable        legacies.        economic and political conditions with a special
Discussions in both cities during the                       focus on sustainability and legacy. (Ref: Olympic
Commission’s visits were collaborative, and                 Agenda 2020, recommendation 2.) In this
greatly benefited from the flexibility that Olympic         respect, and in preparation for its visits, the IOC
Agenda 2020 brought to the host city selection              commissioned a number of third-party,
process. Further changes to the 2022 bid                    independent reports on environmental issues,
process as a result of Olympic Agenda 2020                  public opinion, transport, energy, security and
included:                                                   economic issues. The Commission also
                                                            considered the views of UN agencies and
1) The Evaluation Commission producing a                    nongovernmental organisations on issues
report that highlighted the risks and opportunities         related to labour rights, media freedom and the
of each project with a strong focus on                      right to demonstrate.
sustainability and legacy. (Ref: Olympic Agenda
2020, recommendation 2.)                                    5) The IOC covering costs related to the 2022
                                                            Evaluation Commission visit that were formerly
2) Changes to the Olympic Charter with regard to            paid by the Candidate City. (Ref: Olympic
workers’ rights, sexual orientation and                     Agenda 2020, recommendation 3, Reducing the
sustainability: Fundamental           Principles       of   cost of bidding.) In addition to covering the travel
Olympism: “The enjoyment of the rights and                  and accommodation costs of its delegation, the
freedoms set forth […] shall be secured without             IOC also paid for the hire and operation of the
discrimination of any kind, such as race, colour,           Evaluation Commission conference room and
sex, sexual orientation, language, religion,                technical facilities, including the set-up and
political or other opinion, national or social origin,      design of the conference room.
property, birth or other status.” In addition, it is the
IOC’s role to ensure the Olympic Charter and all            6) Furthermore, throughout the 2022 bid process,
related rights and the Host City Contract are fully         the IOC underlined the efforts it was making to
respected for the benefit of all Games                      manage the cost, size and complexity of
participants. As a result, the Commission                   organising the Games. The Commission urged
examined a number of potential risks and                    Candidate Cities to avoid going beyond Games
opportunities related to the principles and values          needs by offering “nice-to-haves”.
of Olympism which go beyond purely technical
matters. These were discussed with each bid

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DEBRIEF                                               seven years in advance of the future Games) has
As part of the IOC’s mission to continually           become a major event in Olympic Movement
improve the bid process, the procedure is             history.
constantly monitored and improvements made
where necessary. This includes a debrief with                 Election of Lillehammer (NOR) as host city for
each Candidate City and its NOC within a period               the XVII Olympic Winter Games in 1994
of six-nine months following the election of the              (during the 94th IOC Session in Seoul). Other
host city. This provides the delegations with a               candidate cities: Anchorage (USA),
confidential forum to openly discuss their                    Östersund/Are (SWE), and Sofia (BUL).
thoughts on the bid process and to assist the IOC              Round                              1         2         3
in making improvements for the future.                 1988    Anchorage                         23         22        -

LEGACIES ACHIEVED THROUGH                                      Lillehammer                       25         30        45

BIDDING                                                        Östersund /Are                    19         33        39
The IOC urges cities to maximise opportunities to
                                                               Sofia                             17         -         -
leave a positive legacy in the city and the region,
irrespective of the outcome of the vote, and the              Election of Atlanta (USA) as host city for the
IOC has been able to note a wide range of bid                 Games of the XXVI Olympiad in 1996 (during
legacies being implemented by the cities and                  the 96th IOC Session in Tokyo).
their regions. Such legacies from recent bidding              Other candidate cities: Athens (GRE),
cities include new general infrastructure and                 Belgrade (YOU), Manchester (GBR),
sports facilities, increased tourism as a result of           Melbourne (AUS) and Toronto (CAN).
the promotion of the city and region and the                   Round            1     2           3         4         5

promotion of Olympism and the Olympic values                   Atlanta          19   20           26        34        51
in schools as a result of the support of the
                                                               Athens           23   23           26        30        35
education sector, etc.
                                                               Belgrade         7        -        -          -        -
2022 CANDIDATE                   CITIES:   PAST                Manchester       11    5           -          -        -
PARTICIPATION                                                  Melbourne        11   21           16         -        -
                                                               Toronto          14   17           18        22        -
• Games hosted: none
• Other candidatures: 2014 (Applicant City –                  Election of Nagano (Japan) as host city of the
   XXII Olympic Winter Games)                                 XVIII Olympic Winter Games in 1998 (during
Beijing                                                       the 97th IOC Session in Birmingham).
• Games hosted: 2008, (Games of the XXIX                      Other candidate cities: Jaca (ESP), Östersund
   Olympiad)                                                  (SWE), Aosta (ITA) and Salt Lake City (USA).
• Other candidatures: 2000 (Games of the                       Round                 1       2         3         4     5

   XXVII Olympiad)
                                                               Nagano                21      -         30        36   46

                                                               Jaca                  19      -         5         -        -
                                                               Östersund             18      -         25        23       -
Since 1994, following the change of cycle
between the Games of the Olympiad and the                      Aosta                 15      29        -         -        -
Olympic Winter Games, the yearly alternating                   Salt Lake City        15      59        27        29   42
pattern of celebrating a Games and electing a
future host city during an IOC Session (usually

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Election of Sydney (Australia) as host city for            Election of Turin (Italy) as host city for the XX
       the Games of the XXVII Olympiad in 2000                    Olympic Winter Games in 2006 (during the
       (during the 101st IOC Session in Monaco).                  109th IOC Session in Seoul).
       Other candidate cities: Beijing (CHN) Berlin               Other candidate cities: Helsinki (FIN),
       (GER), Istanbul (TUR) and Manchester (GBR).                Klagenfurt (AUT), Poprad-Tatry (SVK),

               Round           1     2      3      4              Sion (SUI) and Zakopane (POL).

                                                                   Round                                        1
               Beijing         32    37     40     43

                Berlin         9     9       -      -              Torino                                       53

               Istanbul        7     -       -      -              Sion                                         36
           Manchester          11    13     11      -
                                                                  Election of Beijing (People’s Republic of
               Sydney          30    30     37     45
                                                                  China) as host city for the Games of the XXIX
                                                                  Olympiad in 2008 (during the 112th IOC
       Election of Salt Lake City (USA) as host city for          Session in Moscow).
       the XIX Olympic Winter Games in 2002 (during               Other candidate cities: Istanbul (TUR), Osaka
       the 104th IOC Session in Budapest).                        (JPN), Paris (FRA) and Toronto (CAN).
       Other candidate cities: Östersund (SWE),
       Quebec (CAN) and Sion (SUI).                                Round                                   1         2

        Round                                     1                Beijing                              44           56

        Salt Lake City                            54               Istanbul                             17           9
        Östersund                                 14               Osaka                                   6             -
        Sion                                      14               Paris                                15           18

        Quebec City                               7                Toronto                              20           22

       Election of Athens (Greece) as host city for the           Election of Vancouver (Canada) as host city
       Games of the XXVIII Olympiad in 2004 (during               for the XXI Olympic Winter Games in 2010
       the 106th IOC Session in Lausanne).                        (during the 115th IOC Session in Prague).
       Other candidate cities: Buenos Aires (ARG),                Other candidate cities: PyeongChang (KOR)
       Cape Town (RSA), Rome (ITA) and Stockholm                  and Salzburg (AUT).

                                                                   Round                               1             2
        Round             1    2     3      4      5

                                                                   Vancouver                           40           56
        Athens            32   -     38     52     66
                                                                   Salzburg                            16            -
                          16   44    -       -      -              PyeongChang                         51           53

        Cape Town         16   62    22     20      -

        Rome              23   -     28     35     41

        Stockholm         20   -     19      -      -

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Election of London (GBR) as host city for the                 Election of PyeongChang (Republic of Korea)
       Games of the XXX Olympiad in 2012 (during                     as host city of XXIII Olympic Winter Games in
       the 117th IOC Session in Singapore).                          2018 (during the 123rd IOC Session in
       Other candidate cities: Paris (FRA), New York                 Durban).
       (USA), Moscow (RUS) and Madrid (ESP).                         Other candidate cities: Munich (GER), Annecy

       Round                  1      2           3        4

       London                22      32       39       54              Round                                                 1

       Paris                 21      27       33       50              PyeongChang                                          65

       Madrid                20      32       31          -            Munich                                               25

       New York              19      16           -       -            Annecy                                                7

       Moscow                15      -            -       -          Election of Tokyo (Japan) as host city of the
                                                                     Games of the XXXII in 2020 (during the 125th
       Election of Sochi (Russian Federation) as host                IOC Session in Buenos Aires (Argentina).
       city of the XXII Olympic Winter Games in 2014                 Other candidate cities: Istanbul (TUR), Madrid
       (during the 119th IOC Session in Guatemala                    (ESP).

       City).                                                                                                    1–tie
       Other candidate cities: PyeongChang (KOR)                       Round                               1                2
       and Salzburg (AUT).

                                                                       Tokyo                              42                60
       Round                                 1        2
                                                                       Istanbul                           26       49       36
       Sochi                                 34       51
                                                                       Madrid                             26       45
       Salzburg                              25       -
                                                                     Election of Beijing (People’s Republic of
       PyeongChang                           36       47
                                                                     China) as host city of the XXIV Olympic Winter
                                                                     Games in 2018 (during the 128th IOC Session
       Election of Rio (Brazil) as host city of the                  in Kula Lumpur (Malaysia). Other Candidate

       Games of the XXXI Olympiad in 2016 (during                    City: Almaty (KAZ).
       the 121st IOC Session in Copenhagen).                           Round                                        1
       Other candidate cities: Madrid (ESP), Tokyo
       (JPN) and Chicago (USA).                                        Beijing                                     42

       Round                             1       2    3                Almaty                                      26
       Rio                           26       46      66

       Madrid                        28       29      32      ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
       Tokyo                         22       20      -         • Current candidature process
                                                                • Further details on the 2022 process
       Chicago                       18           -   -

                                                              HOST CITY ELECTION 2022                                      March 2018

                                                              A publication of the                 For further information, please contact

                                                                                     Château de Vidy,        The Olympic Studies Centre
                                                                                     1007 Lausanne,          Tel. +41 021.621.66.67
                                                                                     Switzerland             studies.centre@olympic.org

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