Factors influencing the occurrence of negative interactions between people and crocodilians in Mexico

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Factors influencing the occurrence of negative interactions between people and crocodilians in Mexico
Factors influencing the occurrence of negative
               interactions between people and crocodilians
               in Mexico
                                          PIERRE CHARRUAU, MARTHA MARIELA ZARCO-GONZÁLEZ
                                       Á N G E L B A L B U E N A - S E R R A N O and O C T A V I O M O N R O Y - V I L C H I S

               Abstract Negative interactions between people and croco-                                       Introduction
               dilians have increased worldwide, but in Mexico there
                                                                                                                     f the  species of crocodilians (Uetz et al., ),
               have been few systematic reports and no rigorous evaluation
               of this problem. We compiled information on negative                                           O      one species of the family Alligatoridae, the spectacled
                                                                                                              caiman Caiman crocodilus, and two species of the family
               interactions between people and the spectacled caiman
               Caiman crocodilus and American crocodile Crocodylus                                            Crocodylidae, the American crocodile Crocodylus acutus
               acutus from the Worldwide Crocodilian Attack Database                                          and Morelet’s crocodile Crocodylus moreletii occur in Mex-
               for –, and we investigated interactions in greater                                     ico. On the IUCN Red List C. crocodilus and C. moreletii
               depth, through interviews with people in La Encrucijada                                        are categorized as Least Concern and C. acutus as Vulnerable
               Biosphere Reserve. We examined the relationship between                                        (Cedeño-Vázquez et al., ; Ponce-Campos et al., ;
               the occurrence of negative interactions between people                                         Balaguera-Reina & Velasco, ), and in Mexico the three
               and C. acutus and the species’ nesting season and abun-                                        species are subject to Special Protection (SEMARNAT,
               dance, and presence records. In Mexico, the frequency of                                       ). Populations of C. acutus and C. crocodilus were
               negative interactions increases when anthropogenic activ-                                      severely affected by hunting for their skins until this was
               ities occur close to nesting sites (,  km) and during the                                    permanently banned in the s. Since then the populations
               nesting season (February–September). In La Encrucijada,                                        of the three species have increased, although in some regions
               following negative interactions with crocodiles, the local                                     of Mexico they are still exploited (INE-SEMARNAP, ;
               inhabitants killed  crocodiles measuring . . m long in                                     Aguilar-Galindo, ).
               –. The frequency of negative human–crocodilian                                             As a result of this recovery of crocodilian populations,
               interactions was not correlated with the abundance of cro-                                     and because of land-use change, flooding, human popu-
               codilians but was correlated with the number of presence re-                                   lation growth and feeding of crocodiles by people, negative
               cords of crocodiles. Strategies to minimize these interactions                                 interactions between people and crocodiles have escalated
               include warnings at nesting sites, increased monitoring of                                     (García-Grajales, ). Crocodile behaviour, such as terri-
               anthropogenic activities during the nesting season, and                                        torial and self defence, and nest protection by females,
               management of nests to prevent them being destroyed by                                         exacerbate these negative interactions (Pooley et al., ;
               people.                                                                                        García-Grajales & Buenrostro-Silva, ). In the Americas,
                                                                                                              C. acutus and C. moreletii have been involved in a number
               Keywords Caiman crocodilus, crocodile, Crocodylus acutus,                                      of fatal incidents, with . and . cases/year, respectively
               human activities, human–crocodile conflict, Mexico,                                            (Sideleau, ). Such incidents are not, however, always
               nesting, relative abundance                                                                    recorded (Aust et al., ). Systematic compilation of
                                                                                                              data on interactions between people and crocodilians is re-
                                                                                                              quired to identify the potential risks to people from croco-
                                                                                                              diles, and to avoid retaliatory killings (Caldicott et al., ).
               GIOVANY ARTURO GONZÁLEZ-DESALES, MARTHA MARIELA ZARCO-GONZÁLEZ, ÁNGEL                              In the state of Chiapas in Mexico negative interactions
               BALBUENA-SERRANO and OCTAVIO MONROY-VILCHIS (Corresponding author)
               Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Biológicas Aplicadas, Universidad                          between crocodiles and people could be expected, as all
               Autónoma del Estado de México, Instituto Literario 100, Col. Centro, C.P.                      three species occur there, but in the Worldwide Crocodilian
               50000 Toluca, Estado de México, Mexico                                                         Attack Database (CrocBITE, ) only four incidents have
               E-mail tavomonroyvilchis@gmail.com
                                                                                                              been recorded in this state, which is probably an under-
               LUIS SIGLER The Dallas World Aquarium, Dallas, USA
                                                                                                              estimate. Here we examine the following questions: () Does
               JESÚS GARCÍA-GRAJALES Universidad del Mar Campus Puerto Escondido, San
               Pedro Mixtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico
                                                                                                              the frequency of negative human–crocodilian interactions
                                                                                                              increase during the nesting season? () Does the frequency
               PIERRE CHARRUAU Centro del Cambio Global y la Sustentabilidad A.C. Calle
               Centenario del Instituto Juárez s/n, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico                             of incidents increase when there is human habitation within
               Received  August . Revision requested  October .
                                                                                                              nesting areas? () Does the frequency of such interactions
               Accepted  June . First published online  May .                                      increase with crocodile abundance, both nationally in

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                Oryx, 2021, 55(5), 791–799 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000668
Factors influencing the occurrence of negative interactions between people and crocodilians in Mexico
792         G. A. González‐Desales et al.

                TABLE 1 Records of the relative abundance index of Crocodylus acutus in Mexico during –, from various sources, and in .

                Locality, State                                                       Year                     index1                Source
                Amela lagoon, Colima                                                  (not indicated)                    45          Castillo (1996)
                Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve, Jalisco                           1987–2003                      20.57           García et al. (2010)
                Chiricahueto lagoon, Sinaloa                                          1996                             6.94          León-Ojeda et al. (1997)
                La Encrucijada, Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas                            1996                      2.1 (11.5)           Martínez-Ibarra et al. (1997)
                El Verde estuary, Sinaloa                                             1999–2000                         7.7          Navarro-Serment (2001)
                Boca Negra estuary, Jalisco                                           1999–2002                 45.4 (0.7)           Huerta (2005)
                La Manzanilla estuary, Jalisco                                        1999–2002                 40.9 (2.3)           Huerta (2005)
                La Ventanilla estuary, Oaxaca                                         2000–2001                 47.3 (9.7)           Espinosa-Reyes & García-Grajales (2001)
                Majahuas estuary, Jalisco                                             2000–2002                   5.2 (4.6)          Huerta (2005)
                Boca Negra estuary, Jalisco                                           2001                     18.25 (0.8)           Cupul-Magaña et al. (2002)
                Sumidero Canyon National Park, Chiapas                                2001                        2.8 (15)           Sigler (2010)
                Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo                      2003                              6.8          Charruau et al. (2005)
                La Palmita lagoon, Oaxaca                                             2004–2005                 6.38 (4.9)           Brandon-Pliego (2007)
                San Blas estuary, Nayarit                                             2005–2007                1.94 (14.8)           Hernández-Hurtado et al. (2011)
                El Cajon reservoir, Nayarit                                           2010–2011                0.67 (15.2)           González (2013)
                Majahuas estuary, Jalisco                                             2010–2015                      10.46           Tello (2016)
                San Juan lagoon, Jalisco                                              2010–2015                        8.75          Tello (2016)
                Palmasola lagoon, Oaxaca                                              2012                      70.1 (0.6)           García-Grajales & Buenrostro-Silva (2014)
                La Encrucijada, Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas                            2014                        1.5 (28)           This study
                 Surveyed km, where known, are given in parentheses.

                Mexico and locally in El Hueyate estuary in Chiapas? In                                 of Mexican municipalities (INEGI, ) with records of
                addition, we examine the relationship of the number of                                  negative interactions and the presence of crocodiles: ()
                negative incidents and presence records of C. acutus with                               principal economic activity (as primary: agriculture, live-
                socio-economic variables.                                                               stock, forestry, hunting, fishing; secondary: mining, oil and
                                                                                                        gas extraction, manufacturing, electricity, water supply,
                Methods                                                                                 construction; services: transport, government, other), ()
                                                                                                        education level of males (mean years of study), () human
                Negative interactions with C. acutus in Mexico                                          population density (inhabitants/km), () number of males
                                                                                                        in the population, () number of economically active males,
                Monthly records of negative interactions with C. acutus                                 and () municipality area (ha). We focused only on the
                in Mexico, with geographical coordinates, were compiled                                 characteristics of the male population, as negative inter-
                from CrocBITE () for  August – June .                                    actions occur most frequently with them (García-Grajales
                From the coordinates we calculated the Euclidean distances                              & Buenrostro-Silva, ).
                to the nearest nesting site (Casas-Andreu, ; Cedillo-Leal
                et al., ; Cupul-Magaña et al., ; Valtierra-Azotla,                              Human–crocodilian interactions in El Hueyate estuary
                ; Charruau et al., ; Sigler, ; Charruau et al.,
                ; Hernández-Hurtado et al., ; González-Desales                                  El Hueyate estuary in the La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve
                et al., a; Charruau et al., ) and to the nearest site                           on the Pacific coast of Chiapas state (Fig. ) has two core
                for which relative abundance data were available (Table ),                             areas (, ha: El Palmarcito and La Encrucijada), and a
                using ArcGis . (Esri, Redlands, USA). The distance of in-                            , ha buffer zone (INE-SEMARNAP, ). Within
                teractions to nesting sites and the distance of interactions to                         the Reserve the caiman subspecies C. crocodilus chiapasius
                sites where abundance of C. acutus had been evaluated were                              and C. acutus occur in both natural and anthropogenic
                classified in intervals, based on the Rule of Sturges (Sturges,                         ecosystems (dams, cattle ponds, fishery ponds and pampas;
                ). Using simple linear regression, we examined the rela-                            Sigler, ). There are  human settlements and ,
                tionships between interaction frequency and proximity to                                inhabitants in the Reserve, of which .% do not receive
                nesting sites, relative abundance of crocodiles, and number                             school education of any level; the main economic activi-
                of presence records of C. acutus up to  June , (the                               ties are fishing, agriculture and livestock breeding (INE-
                latter from GBIF, ). A χ test was used to identify any                             SEMARNAP, ). Reports indicate there are more
                association between interactions and the nesting season of                              crocodilians in the core zone than elsewhere (Sigler &
                C. acutus. We describe six socio-economic characteristics                               Martínez-Ibarra, ; Peña, ) and nesting of both

                            Oryx, 2021, 55(5), 791–799 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000668
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Human–crocodilian interactions                793

                                                                                                      LED white light to search for the brightness of crocodilian
                                                                                                      eyes by projecting the light beam between the boat and the
                                                                                                      mangroves (Chabreck, ). When we located eye-shine we
                                                                                                      decreased speed and slowly headed towards the individual,
                                                                                                      to identify it (differentiation of the species was by the pres-
                                                                                                      ence of bony crests and ossified inter-orbital bridge in the
                                                                                                      case of C. crocodilus, and the absence of these characteristics
                                                                                                      in C. acutus). The  km of the El Hueyate estuary monitored
                                                                                                      were the same stretch of the estuary surveyed in earlier stud-
                                                                                                      ies (Martínez-Ibarra et al., ; Sigler & Martínez-Ibarra,
                                                                                                      ; Peña, ).


              FIG. 1 La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve, with the locations                             Negative interactions with C. acutus in Mexico
              of the six negative interactions (cases) between people and
              crocodilians recorded during – (Table ), five with                             CrocBITE () contains  records of negative interac-
              American crocodiles Crocodylus acutus and one (Case ) with                             tions between people and C. acutus in Mexico during 
              a spectacled caiman Caiman crocodilus chiapasius, and nests                             August – June , and no reports of interactions
              recorded in . For details of the six cases, see Table .                            with C. crocodilus chiapasius. Of the  records only  in-
                                                                                                      cluded geographical location. There was a significant nega-
              species has been recorded (Sigler & Martínez-Ibarra, ;                              tive relationship between the frequency of interactions and
              González-Desales et al., a,b), and therefore we examined                            distance to the nearest nesting site (r = –.; P , .); i.e.
              human–crocodilian interactions and abundance of crocodi-                                there were more interactions closer to nesting sites. There
              lians only in the core zone.                                                            was also a significant relationship between the number
                  During October –September  we conducted                                     of negative interactions and presence records of C. acutus
              unstructured interviews in the principal settlements on the                             (r = .; P , .). There was no significant relationship
              margin of the El Hueyate estuary (Aztlán, Brisas del Hueyate                            between the frequency of negative interactions and the
              and La Ceiba) with  people (five women and  men; –                              relative abundance of C. acutus (r = –., P . .). With
              years old), who were either involved in incidents, or relatives                         respect to the date of incidents, there were significantly
              of those involved. As the total population in these settle-                             more negative interactions during the nesting season than
              ments is , (CONABIO, ), we interviewed % of the                                 at other times (χ = ., df = , P , .; Fig. ). Regard-
              total population. We focused on obtaining information                                   ing the socio-economic characteristics of the  municipal-
              about the date and location of any interactions, any actions                            ities where there were negative interactions or presence
              taken against the crocodilians, activities that people were                             records, the economic activity ‘services’ was the most com-
              performing at the time of the incidents, and information                                mon in municipalities where interactions ( munici-
              from people that witnessed the events. From  onwards                                palities) and sightings occurred ( municipalities), human
              we have made – visits per year to monitor reports of any                              population density was lower in municipalities with nega-
              additional negative interactions. We have knowledge of an                               tive interactions (mean . ± SD . inhabitants/km), and
              incident that occurred in March  but we have not yet                                in municipalities with negative interactions .% of the
              been able to interview the family members of the affected                               adult male population (– years old) had a mean of
              person.                                                                                 . ± SD . years of education.
                  The abundance of C. acutus and C. crocodilus chiapasius
              was analysed using the Relative Abundance Index Rsp/                                    Human–crocodilian interactions in El Hueyate estuary
              travelled distance, where Rsp is the number of records
              of each species and travelled distance is the total number                              We obtained data on the relative abundance of C. acutus in
              of km travelled during monitoring (Sigler et al., ). We                             El Hueyate estuary for , ,  and –, with
              obtained relative abundance data of both crocodilians                                   .–. individuals per km, and for C. crocodilus chiapasius
              from literature (Martínez-Ibarra et al., ; Sigler &                                 for  and –, with –. individuals per km
              Martínez-Ibarra, ; Peña, ) and our fieldwork in                                 (Fig. a). The relative abundance index calculated for our
              . In El Hueyate estuary we conducted  surveys during                              fieldwork in  was . C. acutus per km and . C.
              March–October  during the nesting season of C. acutus                               crocodilus chiapasius per km.
              and C. crocodilus chiapasius. The surveys were performed                                    We obtained information on six negative interactions
              from a  m boat with a  HP outboard motor, using a                                  between people and crocodilians in El Hueyate estuary

              Oryx, 2021, 55(5), 791–799 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000668
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794         G. A. González‐Desales et al.

                FIG. 2 Negative interactions by month involving C. acutus in
                Mexico, showing that the incidents are more frequent in nesting

                during – (Fig. b). Two of the incidents were fatal,
                two resulted in major injury (limb loss or permanent motor
                impairment) and two resulted in minor injury. Five of the
                incidents involved C. acutus and one C. crocodilus chiapa-
                sius (Table ).
                   According to the interviewees, incidents between croco-
                diles and domestic animals (mainly dogs) and livestock
                (cattle and pigs) are common in the area. Following nega-
                tive interactions with crocodiles,  adult crocodiles were
                hunted by the inhabitants of the three settlements during
                –. Five of the six negative interactions recorded
                occurred close to nesting sites (Table ), where we observed                            FIG. 3 (a) Relative abundance index (crocodilians observed
                 nests of C. acutus and  of C. crocodilus chiapasius in                             per km, during –) of C. acutus and C. crocodilus
                 (Fig. ; González-Desales et al., a,b).                                        chiapasius, and (b) the number of negative human–crocodilian
                                                                                                        interactions per year (during –), in El Hueyate estuary,
                                                                                                        La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve, Mexico.

                As far as we are aware, this study is the first analysis of the                         However, with illegal killings as high as  individual croco-
                potential causes of the negative interactions between people                            diles per incident (according to the people we interviewed),
                and C. acutus in Mexico, and the first standardized report of                           such killings would be expected to affect abundance,
                populations trends of C. crocodilus chiapasius and C. acutus                            especially if any of the crocodiles killed are reproductive
                in a coastal region of Chiapas. For Crocodylus porosus, in                              females. A similar situation occurs in other regions of
                Australia and Sri Lanka, abundance and protection of the                                Mexico. Hernández-Hurtado et al. () reported 
                nest by females are the main factors that increase the prob-                            negative incidents during – in the Western Pa-
                ability of negative interactions with people (Caldicott et al.,                         cific region, following which  crocodiles were hunted,
                ; Amarasinghe et al., ). Our study suggests, how-                               injured or captured, of which  were hunted in Manzanilla,
                ever, that the abundance of C. acutus does not influence                                Jalisco. The illegal killing of crocodiles has been reported
                the frequency of incidents in Mexico.                                                   elsewhere after negative interactions, such as with C. porosus
                   The survey method used for the calculation of the relative                           in Sri Lanka (Amarasinghe et al., ).
                abundance index is potentially subject to biases (García-                                   Following negative interactions between C. acutus
                Grajales et al., ) and therefore the lower relative                                 and people in La Encrucijada, there was an apparent
                abundance we detected in La Encrucijada in  cannot                                  decrease in abundance of the species, to a level similar to
                necessarily be attributed to the illegal killing of crocodiles.                         that recorded when protection of the species began in this

                            Oryx, 2021, 55(5), 791–799 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000668
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                                                                                                                                                                                                      Oryx, 2021, 55(5), 791–799 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000668

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TABLE 2 Incidents of negative interactions with crocodilians during – in El Hueyate estuary and nearby areas. Case five was with a spectacled caiman Caiman crocodilus chiapasius
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and the other cases were with American crocodiles Crocodylus acutus.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Distance                                      Consequences of          Length of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Age                                              incident–nest    Actions following            incident for the         crocodilian   Actions against
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Case   Month & year       (years)   Occupation          Activity           (km)             incident                     affected person          (m)           crocodilians
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1      2005               42        Fisher              Unknown            0.03             Search by local              Fatal                    Unknown       None
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     authorities & relatives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     located clothing & it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     was concluded he was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     killed by crocodiles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2      April 2011         21        Student, fisher     Swimming in        1.72             Medical & psychological      Non-fatal, loss of       3.7           Killing crocodiles until
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the estuary                         attention                    right arm                              missing arm located
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3      February 2011      35        Fisher              Preparing a bird   0.01             Medical attention            Non-fatal, scars on      2.5           None
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 on the estuary                                                   abdomen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         4      2011               32        Fisher              Fishing at the     1.93             Medical attention            Non-fatal, lesions on    2.5           Killing crocodiles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 estuary shore                                                    the foot & difficulty                  $ 2.5 m long
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  with walking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         5      May 2012           44        Fisher              Cast netting in    0.12             Medical attention            Non-fatal, scars on      1.5           None
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 swampy areas                                                     right foot & left hand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         6      June 2014          46        Unknown             Swimming           12.61            Human remains recovered      Fatal                    Unknown       Killing of crocodiles by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 under the                           by municipality &                                                   local people & crocodile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 influence of                        federal authorities                                                 translocation by local

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Human–crocodilian interactions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 alcohol                                                                                                 authorities

796         G. A. González‐Desales et al.

                area. Management strategies are now required for this                                   been documented that anthropogenic activities such as swim-
                crocodile population, as employed in  and  when                                 ming, fishing, washing, walking near sources of water, sailing,
                eggs were recovered from nesting areas within the estuary,                              catching crocodilians, falling into the water, bathing cattle,
                with  offspring reared from  incubated eggs and                                   collecting water or crossing a body of water, are the main
                then released in the Reserve (Sigler et al., ). In other                            circumstances in which negative interactions occur between
                regions of Mexico, habitat protection, nest and clutch                                  people and crocodiles (Caldicott et al., ; Langley, ;
                care, and long-term monitoring have helped the recovery                                 Jayson et al., ; Dunham et al., ; Brien et al., ).
                of C. acutus populations (García et al., ).                                             Our findings indicate a relationship of negative human–
                   Since , following the incidents with crocodiles,                                 crocodilian interactions with anthropogenic activities and
                people living along El Hueyate estuary no longer engage                                 the crocodile reproductive season (nesting and care of
                in fish harpooning for fear of being attacked; they also des-                           hatchlings), and potentially to some socio-economic char-
                troy crocodile eggs (Sigler & Martínez-Ibarra, ; Sigler                             acteristics of the municipalities where negative incidents
                et al., ; González-Desales et al., a) and no longer                             occur. This is also the pattern on the Mexican Pacific
                swim or bathe in the estuary. Negative human–crocodilian                                coast. Abundance of crocodilians does not appear to
                interactions affect both parties (Table ; Pooley, ). People                        determine the frequency of negative interactions, but the
                may suffer fatal incidents, temporary or permanent physical                             probability of negative interactions may increase in
                and/or psychological damages, economic expenses and loss                                locations with more crocodile sightings. This should be
                of domestic animals. The decline of a crocodile population                              considered in the safeguarding of tourists and the local
                can affect the local economy directly, and negatively, as a                             population: monitoring of wild populations of C. acutus
                result of an increase in species of mammals, birds and                                  would help to establish whether there are more negative
                arthropods considered problematic for agriculture (Cott,                                incidents at sites with greater numbers of crocodiles.
                ; Fittkau, ), and short-term ecological imbalance                               Consideration of the socio-economic characterization of
                (Nifong, ).                                                                         municipalities, and locating nesting zones, are the first
                   It is therefore important to collect data systematically, to                         steps required to identify risk sites and to implement
                understand the dynamics of crocodile populations and to                                 prevention strategies: for example, signage at risk sites
                document their interactions with people and, subsequently,                              such as nesting areas and training of response groups for
                to recommend actions that facilitate coexistence (Pooley,                               incidents with crocodiles.
                ). Ecotourism and sustainable harvest of crocodilian                                    Negative interactions between people and crocodiles are
                populations are potential management strategies (Fukuda                                 increasing in Mexico (García-Grajales & Buenrostro-Silva,
                et al., ). To conserve crocodiles, it is vital to involve all                       ), and the study of this phenomenon is necessary to sup-
                stakeholders, including government agencies, non-govern-                                port public policies, possibly including the translocation or
                mental organizations, business and tourism sectors, the                                 removal of troublesome individual crocodiles. Conservation
                media, and the public, both rural and urban.                                            strategies need to consider the ecological, socio-economic
                   The majority (.%) of incidents occurred during Feb-                               and cultural aspects of these interactions, to avoid the illegal
                ruary–September, the nesting season of C. acutus, which is                              killing of crocodiles (Carter et al., ). Public education
                similar to Crocodylus palustris in India, where .% of                                about crocodiles needs to be improved, to inform people
                incidents were reported during the breeding season (Vyas                                about high risk situations and how to avoid them, but it is
                & Stevenson, ). The main local economic activity is fish-                           also imperative to convey why crocodiles need to be con-
                ing within the estuary, close to nesting sites (Hernández-                              served (Pooley, ; Cureg et al., ; Sideleau et al., ).
                Hurtado et al., ; Das & Jana, ). Although the                                   Conveying this message to the diverse range of stakeholders
                inhabitants in the study area suggested that the increase of                            could include various strategies such as the use of brochures,
                crocodiles in the estuary is the main cause of negative                                 pamphlets, signage, media coverage, posters, public presenta-
                interactions, our findings suggest otherwise: negative in-                              tions and tourist guides (Amarasinghe et al., ).
                teractions also occurred when crocodile abundance was                                       Finally, we make the following recommendations: ()
                low, such as in  (Fig. ). Another important aspect to                              monitoring recreational activities near the sites and during
                consider is a crocodile’s length (Fukuda et al., ): the                             the nesting season (depending on the site, February–
                average size of the crocodiles responsible for negative                                 September) by tourism service providers and institutions
                interactions in Mexico was . m (range .–. m), and                                 responsible for crocodile monitoring and administration
                in  cases the crocodiles were reported to be .  m in                                 of natural areas, () dissemination of information on the
                length (CrocBITE, ). The crocodiles involved in the                                 possible risk of incidents, () protection of eggs in incuba-
                negative interactions in El Hueyate estuary measured .–                               tion pens, and () encouraging strategies to meet the social
                . m in length (Table ), and the dates of the incidents                               and economic needs of the local human population. We
                recorded corresponded to the months of courtship, nesting                               have implemented some of these strategies in El Hueyate
                or care of neonates. In other species of crocodilians it has                            estuary, and so far there have not been any reports of

                            Oryx, 2021, 55(5), 791–799 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000668
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Human–crocodilian interactions                       797

              further incidents. Signs are erected during the nesting sea-                                         for understanding illegal killing of large carnivores. Ambio,
              son, and  nests were protected during – by local                                           , –.
                                                                                                                C A S A S -A N D R E U , G. () Ecología de la anidación de Crocodylus
              people (García-Grajales et al., ). We are continuing
                                                                                                                   acutus (Reptilia: Crocodylidae) en la desembocadura del río
              these activities.                                                                                    Cuixmala, Jalisco, México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana, , –.
                                                                                                                C A S T I L LO , F.A. () American crocodile in the Central Pacific
              Acknowledgments We thank Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y                                               Region. Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter, , .
              Tecnología and the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México                                      C E D E Ñ O -V Á Z Q U E Z , J.R., P L AT T , S.G. & T H O R B J A R N A R S O N , J. ()
              (Scholarship 360827, Project 3841/2014/CIA) for funding; sponsors                                    Crocodylus moreletii. In The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
              of the Student Research Assistance Scheme for financing the field-                                   : e.TA. dx.doi.org/./IUCN.UK..RLTS.
              work through the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group (Project 14/3);                                     TA.en [accessed  April ].
              B. Sideleau for maintenance of CrocBITE; the people of La Encrucijada                             C E D I L LO -L E A L , C., G A R C Í A -G R A J A L E S , J., M A R T Í N E Z -G O N Z Á L E Z ,
              Biosphere Reserve for sharing details of their problems with crocodiles;                             J.C., B R I O N E S -E N C I N I A , F. & C I E N F U E G O S -R I VA S , E. ()
              the Island Conception ecotourism project for providing facilities during                             Aspectos ecológicos de la anidación de Crocodylus acutus (Reptilia:
              fieldwork; and Xareni Pacheco for help with the text.                                                Crocodylidae) en dos localidades de la costa de Oaxaca, México.
                                                                                                                   Acta Zoológica Mexicana, , –.
              Author contributions Development of concept and methods:                                          C H A B R E C K , R.H. () Methods of determining the size and
              GAG-D, MMZ-G, OM-V; fieldwork: GAG-D, LS; writing: all authors;                                      composition of alligator population in Louisiana. Proceedings of
              organization of crocodile monitoring and interviews: MMZ-G, OM-V;                                    the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Game
              financial management: PC, MMZ-G, OM-V; data analysis: GAG-D,                                         and Fish Commissioners, , –.
              AB-S; translation: LS.                                                                            C H A R R U A U , P., C E D E Ñ O -V Á Z Q U E Z , J.R. & C A L M É , S. () Status
                                                                                                                   and conservation of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)
              Conflicts of Interest None.                                                                          in Banco Chinchorro biosphere reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
                                                                                                                   Herpetological Review, , –.
              Ethical Standards The Universidad Autónoma del Estado de                                          C H A R R U A U , P., T H O R B J A R N A R S O N , J.B. & H É N A U T , Y. () Tropical
              México approved this research under its code of ethics, no crocodilians                              cyclones and reproductive ecology of Crocodylus acutus Cuvier,
              were captured in the course of the fieldwork, people interviewed al-                                  (Reptilia: Crocodylia: Crocodylidae) on a Caribbean atoll in
              lowed us to make use of the information obtained, and the research                                   Mexico. Journal of Natural History, , –.
              otherwise abided by the Oryx guidelines on ethical standards.                                     C H A R R U A U , P., M É N D E Z - D E L A C R U Z , F.R. & G O N Z Á L E Z -C O R T É S , H.
                                                                                                                   () Preliminary results on nesting ecology of Crocodylus acutus
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