Fabulous Farewell in Las Vegas - International Fashion Doll ...

19th Annual
   International Fashion Doll Convention

       19th ANNUAL

Fabulous Farewell in Las Vegas
     and Special Tribute to Jim Faraone presented by

            June 24 – 27, 2020
 The Orleans Resort and Casino, Las Vegas
              (Limited to 250 Attendees)

                         Jim Faraone
             816 W Oxford Dr., Nampa, ID 83651
                     (540) 454-3315 (cell)
February 2020

Hi Gang,

I am very pleased that you will be joining me in Las Vegas for the 18th and final International Fashion
Doll Convention! We are very pleased to welcome you! I have planned many of the exciting activities
normally and not normally found at conventions. You will find the Salesroom as well as Workshops,
Seminars and surprises. The Souvenirs and Favors are planned to enrich your memories of the event.

Additionally, there will be a few unique events, like the “Trader Jim’s” Salesroom where everything is
$15 and under. Plus there will be the exciting Freebie Table, the Lady Luck Slot Tournament and the
“Oceans 11 Heist” Treasure Hunt. A double plus is our “Farewell Tour” Souvenir Shop which opens right
after the final night’s banquet so you can purchase extra dolls that you signed up for or wait to see if
there are extras after that to purchase. The sign up will be available as soon as you have registered for
the convention.

If you would like to contribute to the surprise element, you can prepare 260 goodie bag items
(no plain business cards) and send them to Bruce Nygren; his address and IMPORTANT specific
instructions about shipping can be found later in this registration packet.

Please make your hotel reservations as soon as possible at the Orleans Resort and Casino, 1-800-
675-3267. Mention that you are an attendee of the International Fashion Doll Convention (Code
AFD0C06) and you will be charged for the first night’s fee. You can easily get a cab or shuttle right
outside the airport terminal by the luggage pick up. I would estimate the cab fee would be about $23
with tip and the shuttle is about $17 round trip. If taking a cab, tell the driver to go down Tropicana
since that is a shorter way and cheaper.

Please read the material in this packet very carefully (no extra charges for my spelling mistakes). Pay
attention to deadlines as some are firm. It is a wise idea to keep copies of all the forms that you send
back to me.

You must attend each event to receive your souvenirs and goodies. Plus your Name Tag MUST be
worn at all times. Registrations are non-transferable without permission.


A $50.00 cancellation fee will be charged for all registrants requesting cancellation prior to May 1,
2020. After May 1, 2020 NO part of the registration will be refunded and there will be NO mailings of
items and souvenirs from the convention. In other words, you’ll get nothing!

Look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas......and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Jim Faraone
Rules & Regulations
Name Badges:                Attendees must wear their       Pets:    Pets are not permitted at any convention function
   name badges at all times to gain admittance to              or at the hotel. An exception is made for animals
   any and all functions. If you do not have your              assisting those in need. Also if your registered mate is
   name badge, not only will you be turned away                called a dog, rat, snake, weasel or whatever, they will
   from events so you can go back to your room to              only be permitted at the events if they can prove that
   get it... we’ll also make you eat in the lobby or rest      they can pee without lifting one leg.
   room on a snack tray. Anyone caught giving their
   name tag to others to sneak in will be thrown out        Stealing:       Stealing is not acceptable at the IFDC.
   of the convention after a barrage of “F” bombs.             Anyone caught stealing (this does not include the soap
                                                               and toiletries in your hotel room) will be prosecuted to
Access to Convention: Only individuals                         the fullest extent and if that doesn’t work, your hands
   registered for the convention are allowed at the            will be cut off and put on display at the 2020 IFDC.
   convention functions. An exception is salesroom             Remember that Vegas has cameras all over the place
   access for convention dealers’ non-registered               watching you, so don’t be dumb.
   helper. They will have a salesroom helper name
   badge so they have access. NO non-registered             Cranky A**es and Snobs:                        No cranky
   helper can attend any other event and they know             a**es and snobs are allowed at the IFDC. If you are one
   who they are. Though they may not know, since               of those, please leave the attitude home and just come
   they have been drawn and quartered and have                 expecting to have a fun time... and let everyone else
   been banned from the IFDC.                                  have a fun time. Little goofs are fine, since I never trust
                                                               anyone who is happy 24 hours a day either... but no
Cancellations:            There will be a $50                  major continuous, annoying attitudes allowed.
   cancellation fee for anyone who cancels before
   May 1, 2020 and after May 1, 2020 no part of the         Safety:     Please remember safety at the convention,
   registration fee will be returned and no convention         and the IFDC is not responsible for injuries at the
   goodies or souvenir dolls will be mailed out. We            convention. Please be aware of your surroundings,
   have to make money some way since I already                 especially those with motorized wheelchairs...we are not
   ordered your meals and favors and the homeless              responsible for tire marks on your butt.
   are real fussy about leftovers.
                                                            Purchasing and Checks:                      Be wise... and
Convention Souvenirs:                    In order to           unless you know someone really well, never pay for
   receive your souvenirs, including but not limited           an item without receiving the merchandise right then
   to the convention doll, attendees must be present           and there. Be wise and know the person first before
   at the convention events at the time the souvenirs          paying for something you will receive at a later date.
   are given out. No asking around what the goodies            Also never take a check from someone you don’t know,
   are so if you think they’re junk you’ll stay away to        it’s always better to play safe than be sorry later....no
   play the slots or see Donny and Marie at another            matter what tales or sob stories they may give you.
   hotel. If there is a major problem, just see me.
   Don’t schedule your flight home early so you miss           Also the IFDC does not have a credit card machine, so
   out on the souvenir doll and companion doll. Buck           when purchasing things from the IFDC either cash or
   the traffic like everyone else, and no thinking             check will work...... and those who bounce checks and
   you’re special. Remember that those who leave               don’t make up for them will be announced at the next
   the party early get talked about.                           year’s convention and on the internet....so think twice
                                                               about scamming!
Cameras and Filming: It is advised
   that you bring your cameras and video equipment
   to take home some good memories of a special
   time and new friends... not to mention the wild
   costumes. So keep affairs home!
Tentative Schedule
Date/Time    Event                                                                        Location
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
9:00 am – 11:00 am      Registration                                                      By Business Center
10:00 am – 1:00 pm      Set Up “Goodies Galore” Raffle - Drop Off Raffles                 Salon G
11:00 am – 1:00 pm      Early purchase of Raffle Tickets                                  Outside Salon G
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm      “Lady Luck” Slot Tournament                                       By French Buffet
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm       Late Registration                                                 By Business Center
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm       “Goodies Galore” Raffle Room Open                                 Salon G
7:30 pm – ?             “The Rat Pack” Opening Reception                                  Mardi Gras B
9:30 pm – 10:30 pm      “Goodies Galore” Raffle Room Open                                 Salon G
?-?                     Decadent fun and mingling in the casino!!

Thursday, June 25, 2020
9:00 am – 10:30 am      Durelle’s “Enid Collins Mid-Century Handbag” Workshop             Salon I
9:00 am – 12:00 pm      Set up “Trader Jim’s” $15 Salesroom                               Mardi Gras A
9:00 am – 12:00 pm      “Goodies Galore” Raffle Room Open                                 Salon G
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm       “Viva Las Vegas” Luncheon                                         Mardi Gras B
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm       “Trader Jim’s” $15 Saleroom Open                                  Mardi Gras A
3:00 pm – 9:00 pm       “Goodies Galore” Raffle Room Open                                 Salon G
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm       Dinner on Your Own
11:00 pm - ?            Decadent fun and mingling in the casino!

Friday, June 26, 2020
9:00 am – 10:30 am      Durelle’s “Retro Tiki Lamp” Workshop                              Salon I
10:00 am – 2:00 pm      Set Up “Golden Nugget” Salesroom                                  Mardo Gras A
10:00 am – 6:00 pm      “Goodies Galore” Raffle Room Open                                 Salon G
11:00 am – 12:30 pm     “A Wave from Japan” Seminar                                       Salon H
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm      Lunch on Your Own
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm       “Golden Nugget” Salesroom Open                                    Mardi Gras A
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm       Table Host Set Up (Centerpiece Contest)                           Mardi Gras B
7:30 pm - ?             “The Orleans Masquerade” Dinner                                   Mardi Gras B
?-?                     Decadent fun and mingling in the casino!

Saturday, June 27, 2020
10:00 am – 1:00 pm      “Golden Nugget” Salesroom Open                                    Mardi Gras B
10:00 am – 2:00 pm      “Goodies Galore” Raffle Room Open (Last Chance)                   Salon G
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm       Take Down “Golden Nugget” Salesroom                               Mardi Gras A
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm       “Goodies Galore” Raffle Drawings...all invited!                   Salon G
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm       Pick Up Raffle Prizes
7:30 pm - ?             “Stardust” Final Banquet hosted by Integrity Toys                 Mardi Gras B
                        Centerpiece Doll, Souvenir Doll, Companion Doll and Surprises
After Banquet - ?       “Farewell Tour” Souvenir Shop to purchase any extra               Salon G
                        companion and convention dolls
?-?                     Hugs and crying good-byes in the casino!

This schedule may be adjusted as events and times are finalized. You will receive an updated schedule at the
Convention when you pick up your registration materials.
Convention Payments
                   Use this form to send ONE CHECK for all pre-payments for the convention.

Name:________________________________         Email:__________________________________________

          Workshops: 		                       $______________
          $15 Sales Table(s) (as a Seller):   $______________ (“Trader Jim’s” $15 Thursday event only)
          Main Salesroom Table(s):		          $______________ (Main Sales Room on Friday & Saturday)
          Slot Tournament:		                  $______________
          Dance / Karaoke Night:		            $______________
          Business Card Ad(s):		              $______________
          Total:		                            $____________

                   Make Checks Payable to:                       Mail Check and All Forms to:

                International Fashion Doll                              Jim Faraone
                       Convention                                   816 W. Oxford Drive
                                                                      Nampa, ID 83651

  Lady Luck Slot Tournament - $20
Everyone has a blast at the Slot Tournament right there in the middle of the casino. This private slot tourna-
ment is just for us and is wild and fun. It is only open to 100 attendees and the machines are set up to work for
free. You must get a free BConnected PLAYERS CARD (available at the casino) to enter the tournament. After
the slot tournament as they are totaling up the scores, everyone enjoys champagne and cake and then the top
15 winners are announced and they will win a variety of prizes from dolls to paintings to dinners and more.

Believe me, this event is a fun time for all who enter it. You’ll never hear such wild screaming and laughter at
any other convention and even see yourself on the big screen! Even those watching the tournament from the
casino wish that they could get into the fun......but it’s a private event just for us.

                                              Limited to 100 Players

         Name: ____________________________________ Email: ______________________________________

                        Entry Deadline is April 15, 2020 (FIRM)
Workshops & Seminars
Registration Form

Name:_________________________________         Email: __________________________________________

Please indicate the extra events you would like to participate in. Remember that there is a lot to see and do in
Las Vegas, so please only sign up for events that you really plan to attend.

      You must pay for the following events in advance, when you mail in this Registration Form:

Workshops ($25 each):                                                              Date                  Time
_________   Durelle Brown’s Enid Collins Mid-Century Handbag                  Thur., June 25th 9:00 am – 10:30 am
_________   Durelle Brown’s Retro Tiki Lamp                                    Fri., June 26th   9:00 am – 10:30 am

        The following events will be paid at the door. This Registration Form reserves your place.

Seminars ($15 each):                                                               Date                  Time
_________   A Wave from Japan Seminar                                          Fri., June 26th    11:00 am – 12:30 pm

$15 Salesroom Shopping ($15 entry):                                                Date                  Time

_________   “Trader Jim’s” $15 Salesroom Shopping*                            Thur., June 25th    2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
            *(This $15 pay-at-the-door entry fee is for anyone shopping at the $15 Salesroom.
            For Dealers and those reserving a table to sell items, their fees must be paid in advance.
            See the “Trader Jim’s $15 Salesroom Table” Form for details.)

                            Total due for Pre-Paid Workshops:                 $___________

 Deadline: June 1, 2020 or until each workshop/seminar gets filled.
             As you notice, there are no schedule conflicts so you can attend every extra function at
                           the IFDC without having to decide which things you want.

             The workshops are open to 24 attendees, the seminars are open to 100 attendees and
                          the Trader Jim’s $15 Salesroom is open to all. Don’t delay!
Enid Collins Mid-Century Handbag ($25)                                                 Thursday, 9:00—10:30 a.m.
Durelle Brown                                                                                 Durelle_deco@yahoo.com

Going back in time to the 60’s once again to celebrate the fun fashions of the period. We will be
doing Enid Collins handbags. These popular rhinestone studded colorful Barrel bags were all the
rage for every mid-century fashionista. I did this workshop in 2010 and have numerous requests to
do it again. This year’s theme seemed to be the perfect opportunity to resurrect these kitschy fun
handbags. We will be making 2 bags, one the classic wooden box bag and the other a canvas barrel
bag. (Some TOOLS are required for this workshop. See note below.)

I want to honor my Mother by doing this workshop. She was a collector of handbags and had over
30 original Enid Collins bags in her stash. I will have a very limited number of extra kits available for sale
in class.

Retro Tiki Lamp ($25)                                                                      Friday, 9:00—10:30 a.m.
Durelle Brown                                                                                 Durelle_deco@yahoo.com

Another awesome retro accessory for our doll house is a fun table lamp. Lamps are often over-
looked in our room plans, but they can finish off the “Look”of a themed room. A couple of years
ago we did Tiki Bars and it was suggested at the time by several attendees to do a lamp in the
same theme. Now this is your chance to learn how to do a lamp with a retro look. Our class proj-
ect lamp will have a tropical Tiki feeling. I will have a limited number of extra kits due to the weight and
travel. (Some TOOLS are required for this workshop. See note below.)

       Scissors capable of cutting heavy paper or fabric
       Straight Edge Ruler or Creasing Tool
       Durelle will furnish glue to share, but you may find it easier to bring your own bottle. She
       recommends Aleene’s Tacky Glue. You many also choose to bring your own glue stick.
       For the handbags workshop, an assortment of colored fine-tip pens will be available
       to share, but again you may want to bring your own.

A Wave From Japan! ($15)                                                            Friday, 11:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
Denise Travers & Chiaki Hirakawa (Azone)                                                              dtdoll38@yahoo.com

2020 Wave from Japan Doll Event! The Last “Wave from Japan” has to be SO amazing & it will be!
You must join us to see what surprise are in store. So worth it! Azone! First in line Opportunities &
Exclusives, plus early “dibs” on limited, affordable exclusives in the salesroom. Possible Clearance
(maybe even Misaki-- I never know til just before). Ultra limited Wave from Japan exclusive Misaki
& Kylie. Featured Artist(s). Silent Auction. Many fun things exclusive to the WAVE!!

Speaking of 1st in line opportunities I will be incorporating most of what I offer at this last Wave-
http://www.denisesdolls.com Join us. You won’t regret it!
Nothing Over $15 Salesroom
“Trader Jim’s” $15 Salesroom ($15)                                                Thursday, 2:30—5:30 p.m.
The Trader Jim’s Salesroom is a salesroom where nothing costs more than $15. For your entry fee (paid at the
door), you will be able to shop for some great bargains with a small pocketbook. This has been a very successful
addition to the IFDC, like room sales but without all the running up and down the elevators. As you pay your
$15, you will receive 3 tickets to win prizes -- YES, another GAME NIGHT AT THE IFDC!!!! (Those selling will
receive 3 tickets with their $15 sales table.) Every 15 minutes names will be drawn for prizes.

I think you will all love the bargains and possibly going home with prizes that you have won. If you have to
leave early for an event don’t panic because if your name is drawn and you’re not there, your prize will be
saved for you.

If you want to be a seller at this event, send in the “Trader Jim’ $15 Salesroom Table” form with your $15 (per
table) paid in advance to reserve your spot. You may reserve more than one table.

  Table Host/Hostess Contest
If you would like to be a table host, please fill out the form with the names of those attending that you would
like to have at your table. No table host forms will be accepted unless there are at least eight people on the
form and all those listed must be already registered for the convention. If I receive a form and those listed are
not registered already, you will be notified that your request has been denied and you’ll have to try again. This
will get your table mates to hurry and register and not wait till the last minute. Plus don’t put down names for
your table without asking them first. Don’t put down names assuming they just love you and want to sit with
you......you could be surprised. At the Friday Night Dinner the Best Decorated table will win prizes!

The number of table hosts will depend on the number of attendees, so right now I don’t actually know how
many hosts will be needed and it may grow as registration picks up.

Table Host: ____________________________________ 6) _______________________________________

2) ____________________________________________ 7) _______________________________________

3) ____________________________________________ 8) _______________________________________

4) ____________________________________________ 9) _______________________________________

5) ____________________________________________ 10) ______________________________________

                Deadline is June 1, 2020 (or until tables are full)
Trader Jim’s $15 Salesroom Table
                                              $15 Per Table
             (Your table fee includes 3 prize tickets per table for prizes given out during this event)

Name: ____________________________________________         Phone Number: _________________________________
Address: __________________________________________        Email: __________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________        How many Tables: ______________________________

          Deadline is June 1, 2020 or until $15 Salesroom is filled!

 Golden Nugget Main Salesroom Tables
                        Sales tables for the Golden Nugget Salesroom are $100.00 each.
                          They are 6’ tables and will be covered in a black tablecloth.

Number of tables: _______ Wall Table(s)
                  _______ No-Wall Table(s)
                  _______ Total X $100 each = Amount enclosed: $_______________

Name/Company Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________       Email:________________________________________
Salesroom Helper Name(s):_________________________________________________________________
(Only 1 helper per dealer, unless you have more than 3 tables)

The convention will supply you with your temporary selling license which must be filled out, sales tax check writ-
ten, and form returned to Jim Faraone at the close of the salesroom.

             Deadline is June 1, 2020 or until Salesroom is filled!
                     Volunteering is a great way to find friends you have not met yet!

              Name:_______________________________ Email: ___________________________________

      I will volunteer to help with the following at the convention:
		             _____ U-Haul Truck Driver
		       _____ Movers: Getting up early the Monday before the convention to get items from
			             Bruce’s house. (You do have to be there the Monday before the convention and we
			             do meet at 6:00 am in the lobby, but this one comes with a free meal after we’re
			             done and there’s no price limit on your meal.)
  During the convention:
		             _____ Registration			                _____ Souvenir Shop          _______ Competition
		             _____ Setting up the Raffle Room     _____ Any area where needed

No one is worked to death, so don’t worry about volunteering for something.

                                     Deadline is June 1, 2020

 Shipping Items to Bruce Nygren
Certain convention items can be shipped ahead to Bruce Nygren, to be held until IFDC. Bruce and Peter really
help the IFDC by letting us mail the convention things to them, which they store in their home. That is why I ask
you not to send them things that have to be signed for or that they have to go pick up. Also, don’t send person-
al things to Bruce because we have to load trucks and unload trucks and unpack things, so we only want things
directly for the convention going to Bruce’s home.

You must clearly label each package with its contents, such as “Raffle Donations”, “Freebie Table Donations”,
“Goody Bag Donations”, etc.
                                              Bruce Nygren
                                            7882 McDowell Dr.
                                        Las Vegas, NV. 89129-5522

Contributing to the Convention
     Please let me know by April 15, 2020 if you will be donating anything for IFDC, so I can give you credit
                 in the souvenir book. You can also email me at jimfaraone666@gmail.com.

Freebie Table Donations
Those of you who have attended past conventions are now used to our Freebie Tables at the Opening Recep-
tion. This is a great way to clean out your homes of any doll related items you may no longer want for the Free-
bie Tables. Items can be dolls, doll parts and heads, fabrics, trims, books, magazines, doll stands, beads, sequins,
miniatures, craft things....well just about anything you don’t want. This is a fun clean up time for all, but I bet
you go home with other things so it’s not that much of a clean up but more of a free swap meet.

We’re going to do the Freebie Tables a little differently this year... stay tuned to the IFDC Facebook page and
Yahoo Groups for more details as the convention gets closer. In the meantime, you can either bring your dona-
tions with you and drop them off at Registration, or you can mail them ahead to Bruce Nygren.

Goody Bag Donations
If you would like to send or make things for the goody bags, you would need to send 250 items. Items in the
goody bags are a great way to promote yourself or your work. Just no single business cards, though your busi-
ness card could be attached to your items. Items can be anything doll related or things like pens or things that
people could use at a convention.

Deadline is May 1, 2020 or you can bring it with you to the convention, but goody bag items must be brought
to the workroom by 10:00 a.m. the Tuesday before the convetion to make it into the bags. If they arrive late,
it’s fine and we’ll use them at the meal events on the tables. We never pass up anything.

  Raffle Donations
As you may know, the registration fee never fully pays all the bills for the convention. The raffles help pay the
extra expenses so any donations of raffle prizes would be greatly appreciated. Anything doll related is perfect
for a raffle prize. If each person just donated 1 raffle item, it would make such a wonderful raffle room to be-
hold! But of course more than one raffle item per person donated would be SUPER!

Name: ____________________________ Email: _______________________________ No. of Items: ________

Please send all raffle donations to Bruce Nygren, and please mark the front of the box “Raffle Donations”. You
can also bring your raffle donations with you and hand them in at Registration. Please attach a note to each
item with your name on it so that we can give you credit for the donation.
Be an Event Sponsor
If you’re a company, dealer or an individual and would like to sponsor part of an event, here is what you’ll be
able to sponsor. Yes, those at one table could chip in also to sponsor part of an event. Each item must be at least
$25 or more and below is the list of events to be sponsored. Each sponsor (and their table mates) will get to sit at
tables 3-10 (or the next few numbers) and will always be up front at each meal event, and your name will be
listed as a sponsor in the souvenir book plus a free quarter-page ad. Some have already pledged to be a spon-
sor, so the list is not long and the more the merrier. You can send the items to Bruce Nygren, or you can bring
them with you to the convention.

__________ Best Costume Prizes – 8 items		 __________ Surprise Give-Away – 4 items (one
								                                                     supplied by the IFDC)
__________ Best Table Prizes – 10 items		  __________ Other Prizes – 5 items

__________ Dance Contest – 6 items


Company: __________________________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________________________________________

                                     Deadline is June 1, 2020

 Vegetarian / Vegan Meal
Most meals at IFDC are buffet style, and a variety is provided to suit any dietary needs. However, for the Final
Night Banquet you MUST request a Vegan Meal Ticket in advance! If you do not request a Ticket by May 1,
You WILL NOT receive a vegetarian/vegan meal! (The meal will not include dairy, in order to accommodate
both the vegetarian and vegan diets.) No changes with the hotel can be made after that date.

       _________ Yes, I need a Vegan Meal Ticket for the final night banquet.

Name: _________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________

Email: _________________________________________

                               Deadline is May 1, 2020 (FIRM)
Get Your Costumes Ready!
Though not a requirement at the convention, many people like to dress up at some of the main events. And
yes, there will be prizes for the best costumes!!! Stay tuned to our Facebook page and Yahoo Group for more
details on the costume events, we will announce very soon which events and what the themes will be.

  Table Gifts
Though not a requirement for this convention, it would be a nice idea to help out the table hosts and treat your
table mates to a little gift at this event. If each person could bring 9 little gifts for the people seated at their
table, I think it would make an exciting gesture from all. The gifts do not have to be big things. Fun things can
be found in the Dollar Stores and who can pass up some little pieces of candy to munch on, or if you’re artistic,
create a little something for each person at your table. Again, this is not a requirement, but a fun thing for
everyone..... Don’t be cheap... do something!

  Business Card Ad in Souvenir Book - $5
For those who contribute a raffle prize, goody bag items, dolls, etc. the ad is FREE. For others, a business card
with your information on it will be added the the Souvenir Book for $5. It’s a great way to get noticed by the
other conventioneers. This ad is text only; logos or other images cannot be included. Print out your ad the way
you want it written, and attach it to this form, or handwrite it in the box below.

                                    Deadline is April 1, 2020
Join the Convention Yahoo Group
Do join the Yahoo group for the convention at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IFDConvention/
Here you will be playing monthly contests for prizes plus you will hear more about the IFDC or changes in the
event. This is the group where you’ll get to sign up for extra souvenir and companion dolls, so don’t be lazy and
not join. You’ll also get to meet others attending the convention and make some friends before you even arrive.
Join up today and don’t miss out because I hate to hear whining! Also once I know about the souvenir and
companion dolls I do report their prices on the group so you know how to budget yourself and I even post the
whole menu for the convention so if you don’t like the food you can hit McDonald’s first.

  Souvenir Shop
Once the line is finished of those purchasing their Companion dolls, the next line will form for those who are
listed to purchase extra Souvenir and Companion dolls. When you registered you got an email to sign up for
extra dolls. You’ll get a number(s) and the names will be taken in order. This year there is a limit of one (1) extra
Souvenir and one (1) extra Companion doll per person. It’s first come, first served and if you are not around
when your name is called out, you will miss out on the dolls you want and go to the bottom of the list.

  Well, Gang.....
That’s it, and hopefully you like what you see. If you find mistakes in spelling or anything, forgive me, but Mi-
crosoft screwed up all my files (never purchase things from Microsoft) and I had to get new software which I’m
trying to slowly learn. But I wanted to make sure this gets out on time and though I’m figuring out the basics,
I’m still not used to this software and how to do certain things. Now to see if I can figure out how to set up the
other things for the convention, but at least I have time for that with the software. A HUGE thanks to Renatta
Rasmussen for getting this on the website for us.....and making me look smart!

See you all in June!

Jim Faraone
816 W Oxford Dr.,
Nampa, ID. 83651
540-454-3315 (cell)

                                   IFDC Website: http://www.ifdconline.com
       Yahoo Convention Group: (For Attendees) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IFDConvention/
               Yahoo Group: (For Non-Attendees) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IFDCinfo/

                        International Fashion Doll Convention 2020
                                    June 24 – 27, 2020
                         The Orleans Resort and Casino, Las Vegas
 Please join Integrity Toys as we bid a fond farewell to the IFDC and honor its creator Jim Faraone in a
 four day fabulous celebration! There will be goody bags, a large salesroom, a $15 salesroom/prize day,
 seminars by your favorite doll companies, workshops, large raffle room, a treasure hunt through the
                      casino, the legendary Slot Tournament...and more surprises!
                                       (Limited to 250 Attendees)
    Registration includes: Access to the sales and raffle rooms, The Rat Pack Opening Reception
    on Wednesday, the Viva Las Vegas luncheon on Thursday, The Orleans Masquerade Dinner on
       Friday, and Stardust Banquet on Saturday with a special Poppy Parker convention doll
                                       by Integrity Toys, Inc.!

   The Orleans Resort and Casino                             Approximate Room Rates (subject to change):
   4500 W. Tropicana Ave.                                    $44 (plus fees & taxes) Sunday – Thursday
   Las Vegas, NV. 89103                                      $89 (plus fees & taxes) Friday and Saturday.
   1-800-675-3267 or (702) 365-7055

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________ State/Country: __________________ Postal Code: _____________

Phone: _______________________ Email: _____________________________________________

     Registration fee:        Make checks payable to: IFDC
                              Mail with this form to:
       $350.00                Jim Faraone, 816 W. Oxford Dr, Nampa, ID 83651
                              540-454-3315 / jimfaraone666@gmail.com
          Convention Packets will be posted at www.ifdconline.com by February 20, 2020.
        Cancellation Fee of $50 before May 1, 2020; No Reimbursement for cancellations after May 1, 2020 and
            no items from the convention will be given. No transfers of registration without permission.
                   Join the Yahoo Group for the IFDC at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IFDCinfo/
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