Fabrication of two multifunctional phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardants toward improving the fire safety of epoxy resin

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Fabrication of two multifunctional phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardants toward improving the fire safety of epoxy resin
e-Polymers 2022; 22: 430–444

Research Article

Yunxia Yang* and Dan Xiao*

Fabrication of two multifunctional
phosphorus–nitrogen flame retardants toward
improving the fire safety of epoxy resin
https://doi.org/10.1515/epoly-2022-0042                                     satisfactory corrosion resistance, dimensional stability,
received March 03, 2022; accepted March 28, 2022                            electrical insulation, and mechanical properties (1–5).
Abstract: To improve the fire safety of epoxy resin (EP),                    Unfortunately, the high flammability and the release of
two novel phosphorus–nitrogen flame retardants, which                        a great number of toxic gases during combustion heavily
named as diphenyl allylphosphoramidate (DPCA) and                           limit the application of EP. Hence, it is critical to develop
N-allyl-P, P-diphenylphosphinic amide (DCA), were synthe-                   efficient flame retardants (FRs) to enhance the fire safety
sized by acyl chloride reaction and introduced into EP                      of EP.
for fabricating EP composites. The combustion tests                              The halogen compound, as a comonomer or additive,
showed that incorporation of 5 wt% DPCA or 5 wt% DCA                        has been widely used in fabricating FR EP composites.
into EP led to the exceptional limited oxygen index (LOI)                   However, halogen-containing FRs usually release toxic
value (27.1% or 31.6%). Besides, the peak of heat release                   fumes during combustion, which is extremely harmful
rate of EP-5 wt% DPCA and EP-5 wt% DCA was reduced                          to human health and the environment (6–8). As a result,
by 40.69% and 36.69%, respectively, compared to pure                        halogen-free FRs have attracted increasing interest from
EP. The enhanced fire resistance of EP was ascribed to                       researchers in enhancing the fire resistance of EP. It has
the trapping effect of fillers in the gas phase and the                       been reported that phosphorus-containing FRs, including
charring effect in the condensed phase. Furthermore, ultra-                  phosphide, organophosphorus compounds, polypho-
violet-visible spectra revealed that both EP-5 wt% DPCA                     sphate, etc., have been extensively used in varieties of
and EP-5 wt% DCA have considerable transparency. This                       polymers among all the halogen-free FRs due to the envir-
study is expected to broaden the application of EP in the                   onmental friendliness and outstanding flame retardancy
industrial area.                                                            (9–14). However, most of phosphorus-containing FRs are
                                                                            liquid and it has some disadvantages (poor thermal sta-
Keywords: epoxy resin, flame retardancy, trapping effect,                     bility, high volatility, and poor compatibility) (15–17).
diluting action, transparency                                               Besides, phosphorus-containing FRs have dissatisfac-
                                                                            tory flame retardancy when incorporated into polymers
                                                                            alone (18–20).
                                                                                 To overcome those intractable problems, phosphorus–
1 Introduction                                                              nitrogen (P–N) FRs have been developed for enhancing
                                                                            the fire resistance of EP (21,22). Zhou et al. synthesized
Epoxy resin (EP), as one of the most important thermo-                      an innovative P–N FR (poly(piperazine phosphaphenan-
setting resins, has been extensively used in adhesive,                      threne) (DOPMPA)) and they found that the EP composites
electronic materials, aerospace industry, etc., due to its                  passed the vertical burning (UL-94) V-0 rating and had a
                                                                            high LOI value (34%) with the incorporation of 13 wt%
                                                                            DOPMPA (23). Yang et al. prepared an innovative benzimi-
* Corresponding author: Yunxia Yang, Key Laboratory of Polymer              dazolyl-substituted cyclotriphosphazene filler (BICP) and
Materials and Products of Universities in Fujian, Department of             incorporated 10.7 wt% BICP into EP to fabricate EP com-
Materials Science and Engineering, Fujian University of Technology,         posite. The result showed that BICP not only endowed
Fuzhou, Fujian, 350108, China, e-mail: yangyx31628@yeah.net
                                                                            EP with excellent flame retardance but also enhanced
* Corresponding author: Dan Xiao, Key Laboratory of Polymer
Materials and Products of Universities in Fujian, Department of
                                                                            the thermal stability of EP (24). Zhu et al. synthesized
Materials Science and Engineering, Fujian University of Technology,         a novel P–N FR phosphaphenanthrene/benzimidazo-
Fuzhou, Fujian, 350108, China, e-mail: 19872102@fjut.edu.cn                 lone-containing (POBDBI) including benzimidazolone

   Open Access. © 2022 Yunxia Yang and Dan Xiao, published by De Gruyter.          This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Fabrication of two multifunctional phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardants toward improving the fire safety of epoxy resin
Fabrication of two multifunctional P–N flame retardants      431

and DOPO groups. They revealed that the EP–POBDBI               (DDS) was provided by Shanghai Aladdin Chemical Reagent
composite with 13 wt% FR achieved the UL-94 V-0 rating          Co., Ltd, China. Dichloromethane, DPC, DC, and triethyl-
and the LOI was increased to 36.5%. Besides, the peak of        amine were acquired from Shanghai Sinopharm Reagent
heat release rate (PHRR) of EP/POBDBI composite was             Co. Ltd, China.
reduced by 48.9%, in comparison with pure EP (25). As
mentioned above, P–N FRs show outstanding flame retar-
dancy and smoke suppression properties. However, it has
been reported the excessed P–N FRs showed an adverse            2.2 Synthesis of FRs
effect on the transparency of materials (26,27). Thus, it is
significant to develop multifunctional flame-retardant EP         Allylamine (0.051 mol, 2.912 g), triethylamine (0.050 mol,
composites with outstanding flame retardancy, good               5.060 g), and dichloromethane (150 mL) were first intro-
thermal stability, and high transparency.                       duced into a three-necked flask with mechanical agita-
    Herein, two innovative P–N-containing solid FRs were        tion. Then, DPC (0.050 mol, 13.432 g) was dropwise added
synthesized from diphenyl chlorophosphate (DPC), diphe-         into the above mixture at 0–5°C for 1 h. Then, the mixture
nylphosphinyl chloride (DC), and allylamine. After that,        was stirred overnight at room temperature. After that,
FRs were introduced into EP to fabricate flame-retardant         the solution was filtered to remove triethylamine hydro-
EP composites. The flammability, thermal property, and           chloride, and the filtrate was washed no less than three
transparency of EP and its composites were studied.             times with deionized water. The organic phase was dried
Besides, the FR mechanism of EP-diphenyl allylpho-              by anhydrous magnesium sulfate and further evaporated
sphoramidate (DPCA) and EP-N-allyl-P, P-diphenylpho-            under a vacuum at 40°C until the dichloromethane was
sphinic amide (DCA) was investigated. This study develops       removed absolutely. Finally, the white solid (DPCA)
an innovative approach to fabricate EP composites with          was obtained and the yield of DPCA was 90.60%. DCA
high flame retardancy, thermal stability, and transpar-          was prepared by the similar method as that of DPCA and
ency, which is expected to broaden the industrial appli-        the yield of DCA was 90.25%. The synthesis route of
cation of EP.                                                   DPCA and DCA is shown in Scheme 1.

2 Experimental section                                          2.3 Fabrication of FR EP composites

2.1 Raw materials                                               Taking EP–DPCA composite as an example, specifically
                                                                EP and DDS were first mixed at 120°C by mechanical
Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA, E-44) was provided      stirrer until DDS was completely dissolved in EP. Then,
from Xingchen Synthetic Material Co. Ltd, China. Allylamine     DPCA was incorporated into the above solution and
(A) was supplied from Chengdu Hongben Chemical                  stirred at 120°C for 30 min. Thereafter, the mixture was
Products Co. Ltd, China. The 4,4′-diaminodiphenylsulfone        degassed using a vacuum at 120°C for 30 min and poured

Scheme 1: Graphical synthesis scheme for DPCA and DCA.
Fabrication of two multifunctional phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardants toward improving the fire safety of epoxy resin
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directly into the preheated mold. Finally, the samples                     Raman spectra were collected on a Dxr2xi micro
were step-cured at 160°C for 1 h, 180°C for 2 h, and                   Raman imaging spectrometer (American) with an argon
190°C for 1 h, and the samples were naturally cooled                   laser of 532 nm.
down to room temperature. In addition, pure EP and                         Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-
EP–DCA sample was fabricated via the same process.                     GC/MS) testing was conducted on a GC/MS (Agilent 7890B-
The detailed formulas of all samples were summarized                   5977AGC/MSD) equipped with a frontier pyrolyzer. Helium
in Table 1.                                                            was used as carrier gas. The injector initial temperature
                                                                       was 40°C (3 min), and then at 10°C·min−1 from 40°C to
                                                                       280°C. GC/MS had the interface temperature of 280°C
                                                                       and the cracking temperature of 600°C.
2.4 Characterizations
                                                                           Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) transmission of samples
                                                                       was recorded via an ultraviolet spectrophotometer (UV2600)
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analyses were collected
                                                                       with a thickness of 1 mm.
on Nicolet 6700 infrared spectrometer (Thermo, USA).
      H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were
performed on Bruker AV400 NMR spectrometer (Bruker,
USA) with chloroform (CDCl3) as the solvent.
     Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was characterized
                                                                       3 Results and discussion
on NETZSCH STA449F3 (NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH,
Germany) with a heating rate of 25–800°C under nitrogen                3.1 Characterization of DPCA and DCA
     Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms                The FTIR spectra of FR are presented in Figure 1a and b.
were measured on DSC200F3 (Schneider) under N2 atmo-                   As shown in Figure 1a, three obvious absorption bands
sphere from 30°C to 250°C.                                             situated at 1,589, 1,484, and 1,185 cm−1 can be found in
     The LOI values were tested at room temperature on a               the FTIR spectra of DPC, which are assigned to the
CH-2 oxygen index meter (Nanjing Jiangzhong Analysis                   stretching vibration of benzene ring, benzene ring, and
Instrument Co., Ltd, China) by using ASTM D2863, and                   P]O bond, respectively (28). After the reaction between
the sample size was 100 mm × 6.5 mm × 3 mm.                            DPC and allylamine, it is noted that DPCA shows the
     Vertical burning (UL-94) tests were conducted on the              same typical absorption band as that of DPC. Besides,
CZF3 instrument (Nanjing Jiangzhong Analysis Instrument                two new peaks situated at 3,253 and 1,101 cm−1 are ascribed
Co., Ltd, China), and the sample size was 130 mm × 13 mm ×             to the stretching vibration of –NH and P–N–C groups,
3 mm.                                                                  respectively (29). The result indicates that the preparation
     Cone calorimeter test was analyzed on the Fire Testing            of DPCA is successful. It is observed from Figure 1b that
Technology (FTT) cone calorimeter at the external heat                 DC and DCA display three characteristic peaks at 1,434,
flux of 50 kW·m−2. The sample size was 100 mm ×                         1,589, and 1,244 cm−1, which agree well with the benzene
100 mm × 3 mm.                                                         ring, benzene ring, and P]O bond, respectively (30). In
     Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) (NovaNano-                   addition, two obvious peaks at 850 cm−1 (P–N–C bond)
SEM450 OXFORD X-MaxN EDS, USA) was utilized to                         and 3,186 cm−1 (N–H group) appear in the FTIR spectra
analyze the microstructures of the residual chars after                of DCA, demonstrating the successful preparation of
burning testing.                                                       DCA (31).

Table 1: The detailed formulation of EP, EP–DPCA, and EP–DCA materials

Sample                  DGEBA (g)         DDS          DPCA (g)          DCA (g)            DPCA (wt%)                 DCA (wt%)                     P (wt%)

EP                      100               30           0                 0                  0                          0                             0
EP-2 wt% DPCA           100               30           2.65              0                  2                          0                             0.21
EP-5 wt% DPCA           100               30           6.84              0                  5                          0                             0.54
EP-2 wt% DCA            100               30           0                 2.65               0                          2                             0.24
EP-5 wt% DCA            100               30           0                 6.84               0                          5                             0.60
                                                                                                  mflame retardant                    31
The formula for calculating the mass fraction of P in FR is provided as follows: P(wt%) =   mEP + mDDS + mflame retardant
                                                                                                                            ×   Mflame retardant
                                                                                                                                                   × 100% (a).
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Fabrication of two multifunctional P–N flame retardants         433

Figure 1: (a) and (b) FTIR spectra of DPCA and DCA. (c) and (d) 1H NMR spectra of DPCA and DCA in CDCl3. (e) and (f) MS spectra of DPCA
and DCA.

     DPCA and DCA were investigated by 1H NMR spectra                demonstrate that the thermal stability of DCA is better
to characterize the chemical structure, and the related              than that of DPCA.
results are portrayed in Figure 1c and d. As shown in
Figure 1c, the chemical shift located at 7.39–7.12 ppm
and 7.19–7.10 ppm is assigned to the aromatic hydrogen
of DPCA. Besides, the obvious peaks at 5.77 and 3.75 ppm             3.2 Thermal stability of EP and its
are attributed to the C]C bond of DPCA. In the case of 1H                composites
NMR spectra of DCA, the chemical shift at 8.04–7.86 and
7.57–7.38 ppm are ascribed to the aromatic hydrogen of               The DSC data of EP, EP–DPCA, and EP–DCA are pre-
DCA. In addition, two sharp peaks can be found at 5.95               sented in Figure 2 and Table 2. It is noted that all the
and 3.64–3.53 ppm, corresponding to the hydrogen atom                samples show only one glass transition stag, suggesting
of the C]C bond for DCA. To further study the chemical               that the system had a cross-linking reaction, and the EP is
structure of FRs, DPCA and DCA were investigated by MS               fully cured (32). Besides, as shown in Table 2, the Tg value
spectrum, and the results are portrayed in Figure 1e and f.          gradually decreases with the increase of the additive,
As presented in Figure 1e and f, DPCA and DCA show the               which is attributed to the decrease of cross-linking den-
equimolecular ion peak at 257.1 (C15H16NOP) and 288.9                sity of epoxy thermosetting materials (33). This result is
(C15H16NO3P), respectively, further demonstrating that               ascribed to the interpretation that both DPCA and DCA
DCA and DPCA are synthesized successfully.                           participate in the curing process of EP through the reac-
     The TGA curves of DCA and DPCA under nitrogen                   tion of amino group (–NH) with epoxy group (34).
atmosphere are presented in Figure A1 and Table A1                        The thermal stability of EP, EP–DPCA, and EP–DCA
(Appendix). As can be seen from Table A1, T5% of DCA                 are assessed by TGA instrument, the thermogravimetric
and DPCA is 219.1°C and 213.9°C, respectively. Besides, it           (TG) curves, derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) curves
is noted that the residual mass value of DCA (3.8%) is               and related results are shown in Figure 3 and Table 2. As
higher than that of DPCA (2.0%). The above results                   shown in Table 2, EP, EP–DPCA, and EP–DCA show the
Fabrication of two multifunctional phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardants toward improving the fire safety of epoxy resin
434         Yunxia Yang and Dan Xiao

                                                                    one-step degradation, which is assigned to the degrada-
                                                                    tion of macromolecular chains of EP (C–C bonds, aro-
                                                                    matic ring, etc.). The T5% and Tmax of EP are 379°C and
                                                                    416°C, respectively. With the addition of FR, the T5%
                                                                    values of EP-5 wt% DPCA and EP-5 wt% DCA are lower
                                                                    than pure EP. This result can be originated from the
                                                                    early decomposition of the additive (35). However, it
                                                                    is noted that the char residues of EP-5 wt% DCA and
                                                                    EP-5 wt% DPCA are higher than that of pure EP. For
                                                                    instance, the char residue value of EP-5 wt% DCA and
                                                                    EP-5 wt% DPCA is increased by 20% and 40%, respec-
                                                                    tively, relative to that of pure EP. This result reveals that
                                                                    DCA and DPCA have the outstanding catalyze charring
                                                                    effect, which is advantageous to enhance the fire safety of
                                                                    polymers (36). The heat resistance index temperature
                                                                    (THRI) is calculated by Eq. 1, and the results are shown
                                                                    in Table 2 (37).
Figure 2: DSC curves of EP, EP-2 wt% DPCA, EP-2 wt% DCA, EP-5 wt%
DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA in nitrogen.                                             THRI = 0.49⁎[T−5% + 0.6(T−30% − T−5%)]             (1)

Table 2: TGA data of EP, EP-2 wt% DPCA, EP-2 wt% DCA, EP-5 wt% DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA in nitrogen

Samples                     T5% (°C)            Tmax (°C)             Char yields (%·°C−1)             Rmax (%·°C−1)             THRI

EP                          379                 416                   20                               1.7                       194
EP-2 wt% DPCA               354                 389                   26                               1.4                       182
EP-2 wt% DCA                368                 406                   22                               1.3                       189
EP-5 wt% DPCA               339                 372                   28                               1.3                       176
EP-5 wt% DCA                354                 398                   24                               1.2                       183

Notes: T5%, Rmax, Tmax, and THRI, respectively, denote the temperature of mass loss for 5 wt%, the maximum mass loss rate, the maximum
weight loss temperature, and the heat resistance index temperature.

Figure 3: (a) TG and (b) DTG curves of EP, EP-2 wt% DPCA, EP-2 wt% DCA, EP-5 wt% DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA in nitrogen.
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    It is clearly observed that EP–DPCA and EP–DCA                     to ignition (TTI) of EP-5 wt% DCA and EP-5 wt% DPCA is
show slightly lower THRI values, in comparison with                    lower than that of pure EP, which is attributed to the degra-
pure EP, demonstrating that the thermal stability of EP                dation of polymers by the catalysis of fillers (38,39). This
is held. Besides, it is noted that the maxim degradation               result is well consistent with the TGA results from Figure 3.
rate (Rmax) of EP–DPCA and EP–DCA is lower than that of                As shown in Table A2, the PHRR and total heat release
pure EP, manifesting that the decomposition of EP is                   (THR) values of EP composites are decreased in compar-
inhibited by the additive.                                             ison with pure EP. For instance, the PHRR of EP-5 wt%
                                                                       DPCA and EP-5 wt% DCA are declined to 556.38 and
                                                                       593.95 kW·m−2, respectively. Compared to pure EP, the
                                                                       PHRR of EP-5 wt% DPCA and EP-5 wt% DCA is reduced
3.3 Flame retardancy of EP and its                                     by 40.69% and 36.69%, respectively. Besides, the THR
    composites                                                         values of EP-5 wt% DPCA and EP-5 wt% DCA are decr-
                                                                       eased to 77.83 and 73.69 kW·m−2, which are declined by
The flame retardancy of EP, EP-5 wt% DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA             15.45% and 22.47%, respectively, in comparison with
was evaluated by vertical combustion test (UL-94) and                  pure EP. These results reveal that the heat release of
LOI test, the data are illustrated in Figure 4. As shown in            EP composites is significantly decreased during com-
Figure 4, the pure EP shows the low LOI value (24.8%), and             bustion by introducing DPCA or DCA.
it cannot pass the UL-94 rating. When the FR was added,                     To highlight the superior flame retardancy of DPCA
the LOI value of EP composites gradually increased. For                and DCA, the fire-retardant performances of DCA and
instance, EP-5 wt% DCA composite shows the highest LOI                 DPCA are compared with prior literature, as shown in
value (31.6), which is 1.27 times as that of pure EP.                  Figure 6. As can be observed from Figure 6, these FRs
Besides, it is worth noting that EP-5 wt% DCA composite                (lamellar-like phosphorus-based triazole–zinc complex
achieves the UL-94 V-1 rating. The above results demon-                (Zn–PT), phosphorus/nitrogen-containing polycarboxylic
strate that the fire resistance is significantly improved                acid (TMD), organic/inorganic phosphorus-nitrogen-
with the introduction of DPCA and DCA. Besides, it can                 silicon flame retardant (DPHK), etc.) play little effect in
be concluded from the UL-94 and LOI results that the                   suppressing the heat release of EP (40–45). For instance,
flame retardancy of EP-5 wt% DCA is better than that of                 Jian et al. prepared Zn–PT and revealed that the PHRR of
EP-5 wt% DPCA. This result is ascribed to the reason that              EP composite was decreased by 22.26% via incorporating
the phosphorus content of DCA is higher than that                      3 wt% Zn–PT (40). Ai et al. demonstrated that the PHRR of
of DPCA.                                                               EP composite was declined by 35.28% with the addition of
     The FR performance of EP, EP-5 wt% DPCA, and EP-5                 7.5 wt% organophosphorus-bridged amitrole (41). Luo et al.
wt% DCA was further evaluated by cone calorimeter                      reported 15.06% decrease in PHRR, by incorporating 2 wt%
testing (Figure 5 and Table A2). It is noted that the time             DPHK into EP (42). Duan et al. incorporated 6.5 wt% TMD
                                                                       into EP and demonstrated that the PHRR was declined
                                                                       by 24.80%, compared to pure EP (43). In this study, the
                                                                       PHRR of EP composite is dramatically reduced by 40.69%
                                                                       and 36.69%, respectively, with the incorporation of DPCA
                                                                       or DCA alone. Generally, these results demonstrate that
                                                                       DPCA and DCA exhibit the outstanding effect in reducing
                                                                       the release of heat.
                                                                            The residual mass value of EP, EP-5 wt% DPCA, and
                                                                       EP-5 wt% DCA is portrayed in Figure 5c. It is noted that
                                                                       pure EP has little residual mass (2.91%) after the cone
                                                                       testing. In contrast, the residual mass of EP-5 wt% DPCA
                                                                       and EP-5 wt% DCA is obviously improved. For example,
                                                                       the residual mass of EP-5 wt% DPCA is the highest
                                                                       (13.29%) among all the EP composites, which is 4.6 times
                                                                       as that of pure EP. The above result is due to the distin-
                                                                       guished catalytic charring of DPCA, which is in line with
Figure 4: The LOI and UL-94 results of EP, EP-2 wt% DPCA, EP-5 wt%     the TGA results. It has been reported that the fire growth
DPCA, EP-2 wt% DCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA.                                  rate (FGR) and the fire performance index (FPI) were
Fabrication of two multifunctional phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardants toward improving the fire safety of epoxy resin
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Figure 5: (a) HRR, (b) THR, (c) mass loss, and (d) COPR curves of EP, EP-5 wt% DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA.

used to evaluate the fire-resistance safety of polymers              generation of toxic fume during the combustion of poly-
(46). The FGR and FPI are calculated via Eqs 2 and 3, the           mers. The corresponding results of carbon monoxide for
data are shown in Table A2.                                         EP, EP-5 wt% DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA are displayed in
                     FGR = PHRR/tPHRR                        (2)    Figure 5d. It is clearly observed from Figure 5d that the
                                                                    peak of carbon monoxide production rate (PCOPR) of the
                       FPI = TTI/ PHRR                       (3)    pure EP is 0.0294 g·s−1. With the addition of 5 wt% DPCA,
     Generally, the lower FGR and higher FPI indicate the           the PCOPR of EP-5 wt% DPCA is reduced to 0.0204 g·s−1,
higher fire safety of polymer materials. It is noticeable            which is declined by 30.6% compared to pure EP. The
that the FGR values of EP-5 wt% DPCA and EP-5 wt% DCA               above data further demonstrate that the fire safety of EP
are less than that of pure EP. However, the FPI shows the           composites is enhanced with the addition of FR.
opposite tendency as that of FGR. For example, the FPI of EP
composite is increased from 0.043 to 0.062 with the addition
of 5 wt% DCA. The above results are further manifest that           3.4 FR mechanism
the FR performance of EP is enhanced with the incorpora-
tion of DPCA or DCA.                                                The digital pictures of char residues for EP, EP-5 wt%
     Toxic fume is one of the most important parameters             DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA are displayed in Figure A2.
to threaten the health of human beings during a fire acci-           As shown in Figure A2a and d, pure EP has few char
dent. Therefore, it is especially important to research the         residues after combustion, which is due to the heavy
Fabrication of two multifunctional phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardants toward improving the fire safety of epoxy resin
Fabrication of two multifunctional P–N flame retardants      437

                                                                     by SEM, as shown in Figure 7. It is observed from Figure 7a–c
                                                                     that the samples show the same external char residues, which
                                                                     indicates that the internal char residues of EP-5 wt% DPCA
                                                                     and EP-5 wt% DCA play the primary role in enhancing the fire
                                                                     resistance in the condense phase. As portrayed in Figure 7d,
                                                                     there are many holes and cracks in the internal char residues
                                                                     of pure EP. After the incorporation of FR, the internal char
                                                                     residues of EP composites become solid and continuous
                                                                     (Figure 7e and f). Besides, almost no holes and cracks can
                                                                     be discovered in the internal char residues of EP-5 wt% DPCA
                                                                     and EP-5 wt% DCA. The above results further demonstrate the
                                                                     prominent catalyze charring effect of DCA and DPCA, which is
                                                                     beneficial to promote the forming of compact structure of char
                                                                     residues in the condensed phase and thus enhancing the fire
Figure 6: Comparison of PHRR reduction with previous literature.     resistance of polymeric material.
                                                                          To better shed light onto the FR mechanism, the char
                                                                     layer was analyzed by Raman spectrum, as disclosed in
flammability (35). However, it is noted that the carbonac-            Figure 8. The signal G band (1,580 cm−1) is derived from
eous residues of EP-5 wt% DPCA and EP-5 wt% DCA are                  the vibration of the aromatic structure of C–C, and the
sharply increased with the introduction of FR. For instance,         D band (1,350 cm−1) is attributed to the sp3 hybridized of
EP-5 wt% DPCA composite shows compact and coherent char              C atoms (47,48). It is commonly used that the area ratio
residues, which is desirable to suppress the transfer of mass        of ID/IG as an index negative to the graphitization degree
and heat. As can be seen from Figure A2c and f, EP-5 wt% DCA         of the char layer (49). As shown in Figure 8a, the ID/IG
shows the same char residues as that of EP-5 wt% DPCA.               value of EP is 2.58, which is higher than that of EP-5 wt%
Those results indicate that both DCA and DPCA have an excel-         DPCA (2.22) and EP-5 wt% DCA (2.28). This result points
lent effect in catalyzing the char residues, which is in accord       out that the graphitization degree of EP-5 wt% DPCA and
with the TGA results from Figure 3.                                  EP-5 wt% DCA is better than that of pure EP. Besides, these
     To further evidence the FR mechanism of EP com-                 data are in good consistency with the SEM results from
posites, the external and internal char residues of EP,              Figure 7, which further indicates the superior catalyze
EP-5 wt% DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA were investigated                    charring effect of DCA and DPCA.

Figure 7: SEM images of char residues for (a, d) EP, (b, e) EP-5 wt% DPCA, and (c, f) EP-5 wt% DCA after UL-94 tests.
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Figure 8: Raman spectra of char residue of (a) EP, (b) EP-5 wt% DPCA, and (c) EP-5 wt% DCA composites.

     To further study the FR mechanism of EP composites,            which exert the diluting effect and quenching action
as shown in Figure 9, the pyrolysis products of DPCA and            in the gas phase, respectively. For instance, m/z of frag-
DCA were analyzed by GC/MS and Py-GC/MS. It has been                ments located at 47, 63, and 64 are ascribed to the PO˙,
reported that the phosphorus-containing fragments, such             PO2˙, and HPO2˙ free radicals, respectively (51). It has
as PO, PO2, and HPO2 (m/z = 47, 63, 64), can interrupt              been reported that these P-containing free radicals could
the chain reaction by capturing OH˙ and H˙ radicals and             interact with H˙ and OH˙ free radicals, which led to the
thus result in the chain termination (50). Besides, the             chain termination (52). Besides, two obvious peaks can
N-containing radicals, such as C3H3NO (m/z = 69) and                be found at 69 and 46 m/z, which are attributed to the
NO2 (m/z = 46), take a major role in diluting the concen-           C3H3NO and NO2, respectively. These nonflammable gases
tration of oxygen gas and flammable volatiles. It is noted           can dilute the concentration of combustible gases and
that some N-containing nonflammable gases and P-con-                 thus further improving the fire resistance of polymers
taining free radicals are pyrolyzed from DPCA and DCA,              (53). Overall, these above results reveal that DCA and

Figure 9: (a, d) Total ions chromatograph (TIC) and (b, c, e) Py-GC/MS spectra of main pyrolysis products of DPCA and DCA.
Fabrication of two multifunctional phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardants toward improving the fire safety of epoxy resin
Fabrication of two multifunctional P–N flame retardants          439

DPCA play significant roles in improving the FR perfor-               which effectively enhances the fire resistance of EP com-
mance of EP composites in the condense and gas phase.                posites. In the gas phase, P-containing radicals could
    As mentioned in above results, the FR mechanism of               capture H-containing free radicals (H˙, HO˙, etc.), which
EP composites is illustrated in Figure 10. In the con-               prevent the further combustion of polymers. Besides,
densed phase, the compact and coherent carbon layers                 combustible gas could be diluted by these free radicals
are catalyzed by the FRs. Then, the release of heat and              (NOx˙, POx˙), which further leads to the enhanced fire
toxic fumes are suppressed by the compact carbon layer,              resistance of EP composites. Overall, the excellent FR

Figure 10: The possible FR mechanism of EP–DPCA and EP–DCA.

Figure 11: Digital photos of (a) EP, (b) EP-5 wt% DPCA, and (c) EP-5 wt% DCA samples. (d) UV-Vis spectra curves of EP samples in visible
region. (e) Normalized transmittance of EP and its composites.
440         Yunxia Yang and Dan Xiao

performance of EP composites is attributed to the mul-          composites. This study develops a novel multifunctional
tiple functions of FRs in the gas phase and condensed           EP composite with high flame retardancy and transparency
phase.                                                          and thus it is expected to expand the application of EP.

                                                                Funding information: Authors state no funding involved.

3.5 Transparency of EP and its composites                       Author contributions: Yunxia Yang: writing – original draft,
                                                                formal analysis, investigation; Dan Xiao: writing – review,
It has been reported that EP has been extensively used          supervision.
as optical material due to its high optical transmittance
(54–56). The related optical transmittance data of digital      Conflict of interest: Authors state no conflict of interest.
photographs for EP, EP-5 wt% DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA
are indicated in Figure 11a–c. As shown in Figure 11a–c,
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Figure A1: TG curves of DCA and DPCA under nitrogen conditions.

Figure A2: (a–c) Top view and (d–f) side view of EP, EP-5 wt% DPCA, and EP-5 wt% DCA.
444          Yunxia Yang and Dan Xiao

Table A1: The TGA data of DPCA and DCA under nitrogen

Sample       T5% (°C)     Tmax (°C)   Residue at 700°C (%·°C−1)

DPCA         213.9        293.9       1.9879
DCA          219.1        291.6       3.80615

Table A2: The cone calorimeter data of EP and its composites

Sample                  TTI           PHRR                FPI     FGR    THR        PCOPR     char
                        (s)           (kW·m−2)                           (MJ·m−2)   (g·s−1)   (%)

Error                   ±4.66         ±40.37              —       —      ±1.49      ±0.003    ±0.42
EP                      40            938.09              0.043   7.50   92.05      0.03      2.91
EP-5% DPCA              32            556.38              0.058   5.30   77.83      0.02      13.29
EP-5% DCA               37            593.95              0.062   4.75   73.69      0.03      11.04
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