F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library

F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library

                                                        i n D ee d s
                                                                Celebrate and recognize
                                                                 the hundreds of Friends
                                                                who support their Marion
                                                               County Public Library Syst
                                                                   each and every day!

                     Let’s celebrate and recognize the hundreds of Friends who support
   C ALENDAR        • BO their
                           O K Marion
                               REVIEW County
                                        • B O Public
                                              O K M ALibrary
                                                      R K S • System
                                                               P R O F I each
                                                                         L E and every day!
F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library
   V O L U M E 1 3 / I S S U E 3 / FA L L 2 0 2 1

                     LIBRARY DIRECTOR
                                                                    a word from the director

                       Julie Sieg                                                              Julie Sieg
                                                                                       MARION COUNTY PUBLIC
          The Friends of the Ocala                                                   LIBRARY SYSTEM DIRECTOR
               Public Library

                                                                 Our Friends Indeed!
                 Karen M. Jensen

            Erin Arnold         Scott Mason                                  ard-working, intelligent, dedicated, out-spoken, enthusiastic,
           Karen Dillon         Stacey Moye                                  passionate, professional, service-oriented, solutions-based and
      Stephanie Fraysier        Cate O’Brien                                 helpful… am I talking about you? I absolutely am if you are one
          Chris Holmes          Jessica Parsons                              of the 1,000 members of our Friends of the Library groups.
           Jessica Kelly        Robin Wayne
              Pat Lakin                                             When I began my career in public libraries, I had little idea what was
                                                                 meant by “Friend of the Library.” I thought Friends groups were just
                                                                 feel-good organizations made up of people who supported the idea
                  Pat Lakin freepik.com
                                                                 of the public library. I very quickly realized that Friends members are
                                                                 people who are passionate about supporting the work of the public
                                                                 library and roll up their sleeves to work hard to raise funds to support
MARION COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY                                     library activities and to advocate on behalf of the community for library
        Headquarters-Ocala Branch                                services. Day after day, some members do the back-breaking work of
 2720 E. Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala, FL 34470                   accepting book donations, sorting through and boxing donations for
                     352-671-8551                                the next sale or pricing and shelving them for their customers.
                                                                    Our Friends members, many of whom are either current or retired
                                Find the Library on              professionals, utilize their organizational, accounting, consensus and
                                FACEBOOK                         team-building, communication and public relations skills to support both
                                and TWITTER!                     the mission of the library and the mission of the Friends. The members
                                                                    do so by talking to elected officials at the local, state and national
                                                                    level to advocate for better funding, intellectual freedom, additional
ON THE COVER                                                         service points, or to help educate about the role of the public library
Celebrate and recognize                                              in our community. Our Friends offer continuing education sessions for
the hundreds of Friends who                                           their members regarding expanding membership, building capacity
support their Marion County
                                                                       among their existing members, non-profit reporting requirements
Public Library System each
and every day!                                                         and successful fund-raising endeavors. The efforts of our Friends are
                                                                        varied and diverse but one thing is clear: the library is able to offer
                                                                        the programs and services because of our Friends of the Library.
                                                                        Please, help support your public library.

The Marion County Public Library System is a department of the
Marion County Board of County Commissioners and is funded
by them through general funds. WORDS newsmagazine is
funded by the Friends of the Ocala Public Library, Inc.

2     words fall2021
F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library

                                                                 in Deeds!
The week of October 17-23 holds the             Friends of the Ocala
very special distinction of being national
Friends of the Library Week, a time             Public Library
when we celebrate and recognize                                                                               BY ERIN ARNOLD

Friends groups across the county. Locally,
it’s an opportunity to pay tribute to the                        s soon as one enters the Headquarters-Ocala Public Library,
hundreds of Friends who support their                            support provided by the Friends of the Ocala Public Library
Marion County Public Library System                              is evident everywhere. Immediately to the right, the Book
each and every day.                                              Market book store offers a variety of gently-used books for
   Did you know that many public                                 public enjoyment. Managed entirely by Friends volunteers,
libraries across the country were               book sale proceeds help support a variety of Marion County Public Library
established through the efforts of              System programming and educational efforts.
Friends groups? That scenario is                   Library staff witness the excitement of children who burst through the
certainly true here in Marion County,           automatic doors every day and point excitedly at the entrance to the
where several library branches are              children’s services area. Sculpted giant books, an alligator tail, horse head
the result of Friends and community             and even a beautiful storytime mural, all delight the eye. Attractive kiosks,
members joining together to help                comfortable chairs and copies of WORDS magazine invite the public to
establish a local public library presence.      experience all that the Headquarters-Ocala Public library has to offer. Each
   The Marion County Public Library             of these features has been supported financially by the Ocala Friends.
System is supported by six local Friends           Examples of the Ocala Friends support can be noted almost everywhere
groups: Friends of the Ocala, Belleview,        within the Headquarters-Ocala Public Library building. But it’s the many
Dunnellon, Forest, Freedom and Marion           behind-the-scenes examples of their generosity that also merit attention.
Oaks public libraries. Reddick and Fort            Since 1998, the Born to Read program has provided material for families
McCoy Public libraries are assisted by          with newborn children, including a reusable bag for toting library materials, a
the Friends of Ocala.                           book to start a child’s library, a library card application and other information.
   In this issue of WORDS, discover the         The tote bags and content, provided by the Friends of the Ocala Public
many ways the Friends help enhance              Library, are treasured by the children who receive them. It’s not unusual to see
the library’s ability to serve the public, by   a teen or a family with grown children still carrying them around in the library.
supporting library programs, events and         Born to Read bags are distributed at medical facilities and library locations.
serving as strong community advocates.             The Ocala Friends also support the incentives and promotion of summer
They truly are “friends in deeds.”              reading that encourages school age children to keep reading and learning
   To learn about a Friends group               throughout the summer months. This is important to combat “summer
near you, visit the library’s website           slide,” which refers to the tendency for children to lose educational gains
at library.marionfl.org or call                 over the summer months.
F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library
Celebrating Friendships
                                                                                                                  BY JESSICA PARSONS

                                                                    ll friendships are special, providing us with the love, strength and
                                                                    understanding we need. Discover some new friends by checking
                       Erin Quainton and Vicky Nelson               out these books from the Marion County Public Library System.

       Throughout the year, a variety of
    programs and events are offered                                          “My Friend Maggie” by Hannah E. Harrison
    for children, teens and adults that                                      Paula and Maggie have always been the best of friends.
    encourage reading, books, creativity,                                    They did everything together, at least until mean-spirited
    intellectual exploration, critical thinking                              Veronica started making fun of Maggie at school.
    and more. The Ocala Friends fund                                         Now Paula has to make a decision between standing
    program speakers, supplies and even                                      up for her best friend or fitting in with everyone else.
    snacks. And the matinee movies offered                                   A beautifully illustrated story about what it means
    at many public library locations are                to be a good friend, this picture book will warm every reader’s heart.
    made possible because the Ocala                                    “Frank and Bean” by Jamie Michalak, illustrated by Bob Kolar
    Friends pay for the movie licenses.
                                                                       Frank likes to have things his own way. He has his
       Each library staff position requires a
                                                                       own tent, spork and secret notebook. Things are great
    different level of education, from a high
                                                                       for Frank until the day Bean shows up. Bean is loud,
    school diploma or AA, to a master’s
                                                                       messy and extremely annoying. It seems Frank and
    degree in Library Science. The Ocala
                                                                       Bean will never be friends. Can sharing hidden secrets
    Friends provide tuition assistance to
                                                                       help bring this dueling duo together? This laugh-out-
    library staff to help them realize their full
                                                                       loud beginning reader is perfect for fans who are
    potential and better serve the public.
                                                        ready to graduate from Mo Willems’ Elephant and Piggie series.
    The Friends also support continuing
    education by funding attendance at                                  “Our Friend Hedgehog: The Story of Us” by Lauren Castillo
    conferences and workshops.                                          On a teeny-tiny island in the middle of a river live Hedgehog
       Across Marion County, “Library                                   and her best friend, Mutty. When Hedgehog loses Mutty
    Lover” signs and decals invite the public                           in the middle of a big storm, she is determined to set
    to “love their library” and learn more                              off to find him. Along the way, Hedgehog encounters
    about the importance of a public library                            an assortment of woodland animals and discovers the
    presence in Marion County. Signage and                              joy of making new friends. This whimsically illustrated,
    decals were funded by the Ocala and                 easier chapter book is sure to delight animal lovers of all ages.
    other Friends of the Library groups.
       And, when both the Friends of                                           “The Friendship War” by Andrew Clements
    Reddick and Fort McCoy Public Libraries                                    Grace can’t wait for school to begin so she can tell
    dissolved their groups, the Friends of the                                 her best friend Ellie all about the large collection
    Ocala Public Library stepped up to offer                                   of antique buttons she discovered inside the old
    on-going assistance. Support is provided                                   factory her grandfather just bought. What she
    for Reddick and Fort McCoy library                                         did not expect is that the buttons would cause
    programming and special events.                                            a craze at school. Now everyone is obsessed
                                                        and Ellie won’t talk to her, all because of buttons. Grace must figure
    HOW TO JOIN: Stop by the Book Market
    book store to pick up a membership                  out a way to stop this fad from taking over the school and ruining
    application or visit the Friends website at         her friendship forever. A wonderful middle grade novel about the
    friendsoftheocalalibrary.org                        power of popularity and the ups and downs of true friendship.

4   words fall2021
F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library
Friends In Deeds!

Help Happens Here
Compliments of the Friends of
Freedom Public Library
                                              BY STEPHANIE FRAYSIER

                       hen we think of the word “friend,” we often think
                       of someone who is there to help build us up to be
                       the best we can be. That pretty much describes
                       the Friends of the Freedom Public Library’s mission
                       to support their public library and the patrons
it serves. There is a long list of accomplishments this group has
achieved over the last 20+ years, but here are just a few highlights.
   The Friends of the Freedom Public Library fully understand
the importance of getting the word out to their “200 corridor”
community about their public library. As strong public library
advocates, they seek ways to tell their neighbors about all that the
Freedom Public Library has to offer children, teens and adults.

   After some discussion with the library system director and county
administration regarding library signage, the Freedom Friends set
about raising funds to help install a high visibility, outdoor digital             The Friends find real joy in helping
sign for the Freedom library. The Friends worked extremely hard with         library staff reach out to share Freedom
their fundraising efforts, including ramping up their lobby book sales,      Public Library’s remarkable resources with
hosting a February 2020 Friends Valentine Matching Campaign and              our community.”
participating in the first NonProfit Business Council’s Give4Marion
virtual fund raising event. Thanks to the financial support provided by                                 — FLORENCE PRITCHARD
                                                                                      Friends of the Freedom Public Library president
the Friends, the new digital sign was recently installed.
   When the Covid-19 pandemic made it unsafe to offer in-person
library programs, the Friends generously enabled staff to adapt to the
virtual programming world. They provided the funds for the library
to buy filming essentials, such as cameras and backdrops, lights and
a Zoom account. Staff is now able to film many programs, including
virtual book clubs, craft programs for children and adults and even a
vermicomposting program. Many patrons have commented that they
appreciate the library’s efforts during a time when many people are
staying home and searching for things to keep them informed and
connected to their library.
   There is a long list of ways our Friends of Freedom Public Library
support library staff and patrons. And there’s always room for another
Friend! Contact the Friends of the Freedom Public Library today to learn
about the many ways they serve their public library.

 HOW TO JOIN: Visit www.foflibrary.org or follow their Facebook at

F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library
Friends In Deeds!

    The Gift that Keeps on Giving
    to the Reddick Public Library
                                                                  BY CHRIS HOLMES

                  n a pleasant autumn       their wings. Since that time, monies
                  day in October 1988,      needed to help provide programs
                  citizens of Reddick and   that enhance the library’s work in the
                  the surrounding area      community are provided by the Friends
                  gathered to celebrate     of the Ocala Public Library.
    the grand opening of the Reddick           The Reddick Public Library offers
    Public Library. At that time, there     programs for residents of all ages that         The Friends of the
    was a small Friends of the Reddick      connect citizens to information, ideas          Belleview Public Library :
    Public Library group that provided      and experiences. Special programs
    their library with funds for programs
    and other essential items, like a
                                            include Toddler Storytime, Pre-school
                                            Storytime, FUNtasmagoria, Seuss-a-              Lovin’ their
    refrigerator and furniture. The
    Reddick Friends continued to support
    their local library until the group
                                            Palooza, Brown Bag Lunches, Let’s Talk
                                            Books Adult Book Club, Painting 101
                                            and Reindeer Romp. These programs
    disbanded in 2014.                      are possible because of the Friends of                      BY JESSICA KELLY AND
                                                                                                                STACEY MOYE

                                            the Ocala Public Library.
                                               The highly successful Reindeer Romp                           ll the way back
                                            was initiated in December 2015 to                                in 1886, a group
                                            promote community awareness of their                             of South Marion
                                            local library and the services provided.                         pioneers established
                                            Targeting children and families in the                           what would become
                                            Reddick area, the event has grown to            a great cornerstone of the
                                            over 800 attendees. Local families look         Belleview community – a public
                                            forward to this community event which           library. After a fire destroyed this
                                            features food, activities for children,         original library, the community
                                            book and gift giveaways and music.              rallied and built a more durable
                                            Community donors have also helped               limestone building in 1908.
                                            provide toys, food, gift cards and even            Throughout the years, the
                                            bicycles. Volunteers wrap presents, cook        original Belleview Public Library
                                            food, conduct games and provide face            building expanded with the
                                            painting. A partnership with Ocala              support of the community to meet
                                            Harley Davidson insures Santa’s arrival         their growing needs. By 1988,
                                            on a herd of Harleys, highlighting the          when the library needed some
      With a continuing need for            festivities. For some children, these will be   repairs, people from the community
    monetary support for special            the only gifts they receive at Christmas.       stepped up to help raise the
    community programs, the Reddick            Mark your calendar for the third             necessary funds. From these efforts,
    Public Library became ‘A Friend In      Saturday in December and join this              the Friends of the Belleview Public
    Need!’ That’s when the Friends of the   amazing, free event. Witness the                Library was born. Since that day,
    Ocala Public Library responded and      magic that the Ocala Friends support            the Friends continue to be a vital
    took the Reddick Public Library under   is making in Reddick!                           part of the Belleview Public Library.

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F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library
Among many milestones, the Friends
   helped transition the Belleview Public Library
   into its long awaited, current 16,000-square-
   foot building in 2008. Today, the treasured
   original building still serves the community
   as a used bookstore. The Book Nook, as
   it’s now known, houses over 20,000 used
   books and related library materials and is
   completely run by Friends volunteers.

                                                                                                                      Mary Lou Nelson

                                                      Forest Friends — Indeed!
                                                                                                               BY KAREN DILLON

                                                                   ife is always better         of candy. The Friends are already
      Friends’ funding supports library                            when you have friends,       planning Trunk or Treat 2021, so be
   programming, from refreshments to                               and the Friends of the       ready to celebrate!
   performers and presenters, to book                              Forest Library are friends      Recently, the Forest Friends
   giveaways. Many successful large events,                        indeed to the Forest         added hand-crafted greeting
   like Polar Paradise, the Belleview Community       Public Library. They have supported       cards to the used book offerings
   Celebration and Hunger Games Training              the library since 2002, and beyond        in the lobby. Beautifully arranged
   Camp are examples of Friends funding.              running the quarterly and lobby           by founding member Mary Lou
   Additionally, the Friends have generously          book sales, they also initiated one       Nelson, they also include seasonal
   provided funding for staff professional            of the library system’s biggest and       decorations and artistic gift tags.
   development and educational efforts.               most exciting annual events.              Friend Bernadine Bashaw began
      During the 2020 pandemic, when face-              In 2007, before the current             the card-making as part of a
   to-face programming wasn’t possible, the           Forest library building had been          general craft group three years
   Friends financially supported the library’s        constructed, the then-president of        ago, but with talented artists like
   virtual programming efforts to serve the           the Friends, Pat Hunter, suggested        Rene Sasse and Sandra Sanders
   public. Equipment such as cameras, lighting,       a fund-raising event that had been        in the group, the focus shifted
   microphones, platform subscriptions and            popular in her home state of Ohio.        more to the beautiful cards
   video editing software were all acquired           “Nobody had ever heard of Trunk           they produced. These are now
   with Friends’ financial assistance. The            or Treat down here,” says founding        displayed on a revolving rack and
   Friends continue to be an invaluable               member Nancy MacFarland,                  have proved very popular with
   partner in the Belleview Public Library’s          “but it sounded like a great idea.”       visitors to the library.
   efforts to serve the community.                    Member Sandy Norsworthy led the              The Friends of the Forest Library
      If you have ever enjoyed a library              effort to find local sponsors, and        have a rich past and successful
   program or benefitted from library services,       the first Trunk or Treat attracted        present, and in their creative and
   be sure to thank a Friend!                         a grand total of 75 people. The           capable hands, the future should
                                                      event has grown with the library,         be even more exciting!
HOW TO JOIN: Visit friendsofbelleviewlibrary.org or
find the Friends of the Belleview Public Library on   and the most recent Trunk or Treat
                                                                                                 HOW TO JOIN: Visit the Friends of the
Facebook at facebook.com/FOBLBookNook.                brought in 1,100 children and adults       Forest Public Library Facebook page at
Membership forms can also be picked up at the Book    to enjoy the entertainment, library        www.facebook.com/friendsofforestlibrary
Nook, 6007 SE Earp Rd., Belleview, FL.                                                           or call 989-820-4653.
                                                      offerings and of course trunk-loads

F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library
Friends In Deeds!

    With a Little Help from our Friends
    of the Dunnellon Public Library
                                                                                                                 BY CATE O’BRIEN

                          ebster’s defines a friend as a
                          person who helps or supports
                          someone or something. But
                          what do you call a group of
                          people who supports your
    organization’s service to the community? Around
    here. we call them The Friends of the Dunnellon
    Public Library! The Dunnellon Friends is
    comprised of wonderfully unique individuals who
    understand that communities grow and change.
    And as impassioned Friends, they willingly
    support the Dunnellon Public Library’s efforts to
    serve the ever-evolving Dunnellon community.
       This past year presented difficulties for
    everyone, and the Friends of the Dunnellon
    Public Library were no exception. However,
    through it all, this amazing group remained
    flexible, helping their library to respond to our
    patrons in new and amazing ways. Here are just
    a few examples of how Dunnellon Friends helped.
       The on-site Dunnellon Friends of the Library book
    store is completely operated by Friends volunteers.
    It offers a wide variety of slightly used books for all
    ages at low prices, and proceeds from sales help
    fund library programs and services.
       The Summer BreakSpot project that provides             Dawn Columbo and Roberta Teany
    free meals to children 1-18 is offered at many
    Marion County Public Library System locations
    during the summer. The Dunnellon Friends added to this             areas where Friends’ support has provided items like
    service by funding various reading-oriented prizes and             interactive globes, microscopes and slides, a beautiful rug,
    incentives to children.                                            as well as window and wall furnishings.
       The Dunnellon Friends have also contributed to the                 The impact of how this caring group of individuals has
    Marion County Public Library System’s book collection for          benefitted our Dunnellon Public Library is on display each
    years and most recently helped provide funding for the             and every day for the community to enjoy.
    digital collection that experienced significantly increased
    usage as a result of Covid-19.                                       HOW TO JOIN:
       And next time you’re visiting the Dunnellon Public Library,       Call the Dunnellon Public Library at 352-438-2520 or stop
    take a quick trip into the children’s and young adult services       by the Friends book store on site at the public library.

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F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library

                                                                                        y ar!
                                                                                                                   Our programs are scheduled to be held online, in-person or both online and in-person (hybrid).
                                                                                                                   Contact any Marion County Public Library location to recieve invitations to events indicated
                                                                                                                   by the      symbol. Contact the listed library to obtain a reservation for in-person programs.
                                                                                    Celeb                          These programs are subject to cancellation or change to virtual without notice.

                                                                                                                         Stories Under the Stars:                         Trunk or Treat!
                                                                                                                         Phantoms in the Fort                             Saturday, Oct. 30, 4 p.m.
                                                                                                                         Saturday, Oct. 16, 7-9 p.m.                      Forest Public Library
                                                                       SPECIAL EVENTS                                    Program held at Fort King Historic               Call 352-438-2540 for more information.
                                                                              Leer, Crear y Celebrar!                    Landmark, 3925 East Fort King St., Ocala         It’s the season for lots of fun with games,
                                                                                                                         Call Belleview Public Library at                 clowns, face painting and, of course, candy!
                                                                       Read, Create and Celebrate                        352-438-2500 for more information.
                                                                       our Hispanic Heritage!                                                                             Presented in conjunction with the Forest
                                                                       Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2 p.m.                       Goblins and ghouls return to Fort King           Community Center.
                                                                       All library locations                             for an evening of spine-tingling tales.
                                                                                                                         Bring your own chair and listen to stories       ADULTS
                                                                       Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month
                                                                                                                         of the strange and eerie. The darker             Facial coverings are encouraged
                                                                       through literature! Readers, performers and                                                        at all in-person programs.
                                                                                                                         it gets, the spookier the stories!
                                                                       listeners of all ages are welcome. Contact
                                                                       any Marion County Public Library System
                                                                                                                         Presented in partnership with Ocala Recreation           Writer’s Studio
                                                                                                                         and Parks, Fort King National Historic
                                                                       location if you are interested in participating                                                    Writers of all levels share
Various artwork in CALENDAR courtesy of freepik.com and vecteezy.com

                                                                                                                         Landmark and Ocala Storytelling Festival, Inc.
                                                                       in this online and in-person event.                                                                information and encouragement.
                                                                       Co-sponsored by the Hispanic Business Council.    Ocala’s Haunted History                          Wednesdays, 2 p.m.
                                                                                                                         Tuesday, Oct. 26, 5 p.m.                         Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10
                                                                       SEASONAL TREATS                                   Headquarters-Ocala                               Also held onsite at the Belleview Public Library.
                                                                                                                         Call 352-671-8551 for more information.          Call 352-438-2500 for reservations.
                                                                       ‘Tis the Season for                               Conjure the spirits of the past and learn        Thursdays, 4 p.m.
                                                                       Pumpkin Decorating!                               about the local lore and spooky historical       Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 4
                                                                       Freedom Public Library                            happenings that shaped Brick City.               Also held onsite at the Forest Public Library.
                                                                       Pumpkin Drop-off: Oct. 1-16                                                                        Call 352-438-2540 for reservations.
                                                                       Community Voting: Oct. 17-23                      FUNtastic Fall Festival!
                                                                       Call 352-438-2580 for more information.                                                            To Your Health:
                                                                                                                         Saturday, Oct. 30, noon
                                                                       Outfit your pumpkin! Have a favorite literary     Dunnellon Public Library                         Diabetes Self-Management
                                                                       figure? Fairy tale zombie princess? Jack-o-       Call 352-438-2520 for more information.          Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon
                                                                       lantern of all trades? Dress up a pumpkin                                                          Sept. 13-Oct. 11 & Oct. 25
                                                                                                                         One for fall and all for FUN! Games, treats      Belleview Public Library.
                                                                       in tricky togs, ghoulish garb or a fancy          and not-so-spooky stories top off the            Call 352-438-2500 for reservations.
                                                                       frock and join in the fun. Bring in your best     season. Costumes welcome. Come as your           Speaker: Jessie Driggers, Health Education
                                                                       decorated (not carved) pumpkin by                 favorite character and see if Ms. Cate can       Consultant
                                                                       Oct. 16 for entry into our annual display.        guess who you are! Be tricky! She’s clever.      Learn to reduce your risk by making
                                                                                                                                                                          small changes, such as improving food
                                                                                                                                                                          choices, increasing physical activity,
                                                                                                                                                                          meal planning, preventing complications,
                                                                                                                                                                          and medicine and medical care.
                                                                                                                                                                          Co-sponsored by the Health Department of
                                                                                                                                                                          Marion County.
F iends in D ds - Marion County Public Library
         Ride the Roads of Marion County                                                          OCALA
 Wednesday, Sept. 29, 3 p.m., Headquarters-Ocala                                                  2720 E. Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala, FL 34470
 Explore the history of roads and highways in Marion County                                       352-671-8551
 with history enthusiast and librarian Taylor Benson.                                             Programs are made possible by contributions from
                                                                                                  the Friends of the Ocala Public Library.
 Community Job Fair
 Wednesday, Oct. 20, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
 Belleview Public Library                                                                         SPECIAL EVENT
 Looking for a career? Find your future at the library!                                           All programs require registration. Call 352-671-8551 to
 Co-sponsored by the City of Belleview.                                                           register. Facial coverings are encouraged at all in-person
 It’s NaNoWriMo Time!                                                                                    Leer, Crear y Celebrar!
 Monday, Nov. 1, 4 p.m., Forest Public Library
                                                                                                  Read, Create and Celebrate
 National novel writing month comes with a challenge to write 50,000                              our Hispanic Heritage!
 words in 30 days. Bring your own device and write with us!                                       Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2 p.m.
                                                                                                  All library locations
         BOOK CLUBS
                                                                                                  Contact any Marion County Public Library System
 Make new friends and talk about books! To join virtually or in person, call the listed library
 for more information. You are welcome to attend one or all!                                      location if you are interested in participating
                                                                                                  in this online and in-person event.
 As the Page Turns                                Novels at Night (online only)                   See Program Spotlight for more information. Co-sponsored
 Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m.                              Tuesdays, 5 p.m.                                by the Hispanic Business Council.
 Freedom Public Library                           Headquarters-Ocala
 Sept. 7	“Jane Eyre”                             Sept. 14	“The White Tiger”                     SPECIAL PROGRAMS
            by Charlotte Brontë                              by Aravind Adiga                     All programs require registration. Call 352-671-8551 to
 Oct. 5	“Elevation”                              Oct. 12	“The Guest List”                       register. Facial coverings are encouraged at all in-person
            by Stephen King                                  by Lucy Foley                        programs.
 Nov. 2	“The Giver” by Lois Lowry                Nov. 9	“The Midnight Library”
                                                             by Matt Haig
                                                                                                       Ride the Roads of
 Forest Readers                                                                                   Marion County
 Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.                           Novels at Noon                                  Wednesday, Sept. 29, 3 p.m.
 Forest Public Library                            Wednesdays, noon                                See Program Spotlight for more information.
 Sept. 8	“The Book Woman of                      Marion Oaks Public Library
            Troublesome Creek”                    Sept. 15	“City of Girls”                       SEASONAL TREATS
            by Kim Michele                                  by Elizabeth Gilbert                  All programs require registration. Call 352-671-8551
            Richardson                            Oct. 20	“The Silent Patient”                   to register. Facial coverings are encouraged at all
 Sept. 22	“The Giver of Stars”                             by Alex Michaelides                   in-person programs.
            by Jojo Moyes                         Nov. 17	“The Dutch House”
 Oct. 13	“The Institute”                                   by Ann Patchett                          Spooktacular Crafts
            by Stephen King                                                                          Saturday, Oct. 23, 10 a.m.–noon
 Oct. 27    Readers Choice                        Novels at Night
                                                  Thursdays, 5 p.m.                                  Ages 5-12 with caregivers.
 Nov. 10	“The Boys in the Boat”
                                                  Dunnellon Public Library                           Have a spooky good time making
            by Daniel James Brown
                                                  Sept. 23	“In Five Years”                          spiders, ghosts and more.
 Monday Morning                                              by Rebecca Serle
 Books and Coffee                                 Oct. 21	“Pachinko”                             Ocala’s Haunted History
                                                             by Min Jin Lee                       Tuesday, October 26, 5 p.m.
 Mondays, 10:30 a.m.                                                                              See Program Spotlight for more information.
 Fort McCoy Public Library                        Power Hour Readers
 Sept. 13	“What Rose Forgot”                     Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m.                             ADULTS
           by Nevada Barr                         Belleview Public Library                        All programs require registration. Call 352-671-8551 to
 Oct. 4	“Blue Diary”                             Sept. 28	“Untamed”                             register. Facial coverings are encouraged at all in-person
           by Alice Hoffman                                  by Glennon Doyle                     programs.
 Nov. 1	“Girl in Disguise” by
           Greer Macallister
                                                  Oct. 26	“Mexican Gothic”                       Genealogy Help Center
                                                             by Silvia Moreno-Garcia              Wednesdays, 12:30-3:30 p.m.
 Let’s Talk Books! (in-person only)               Nov. 23	“The Night Circus”                     Sept. 1, Oct. 6, Nov. 3
 Mondays, 10:30 a.m.                                         by Erin Morgenstern
                                                                                                  Genealogy gurus from the Marion County
 Reddick Public Library
                                                                                                  Genealogical Society assist with your search.
 Sept. 13	“Gone Girl”
           by Gillian Flynn                                                                       Crafternoons
 Oct. 11	“Hoot” by Carl Hiaasen                                                                  Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m.
 Nov. 8	“The Four Winds” by                                                                      Get in touch with the right side of your brain!
           Kristin Hannah
                                                                                                  Sept. 1     Stapled Charms

                                                                                                  Oct. 6      Felt Cupholders
       words fall2021                                                                             Nov. 3      Marbled Coasters
Feathers, Nature, Wildlife                   CHILDREN                                            SEASONAL TREATS
and Conservation                             All programs require registration. Call             Program requires registration. Call
Saturdays, 10:30 a.m.                        352-671-8551 to register. Facial coverings are      352-438-2500 to register. Facial coverings are
Sept. 11, Oct. 9, Nov. 13                    encouraged at all in-person programs.               encouraged at all in-person programs.
Let your imagination take flight! Learn      LEGO® Engineers                                     Stories Under the Stars:
all about our winged friends from the        Tuesdays, 4 p.m.
experts at the Marion Audubon Society.
                                                                                                 Phantoms in the Fort
                                             Sept. 14-28                                         Saturday, Oct. 16, 7-9 p.m.
                                             Ages 5-12 with caregivers.                          Fort King Historic Landmark
The Monday Matinée
Mondays, 2 p.m.                              Can you build your way                              3925 East Fort King St., Ocala
                                             through the challenges?                             See Program Spotlight for more information.
Movies for adults. Anyone younger than
age 13 must be accompanied by an adult.      Master the Arts                                     Mystery Theater:
Sept. 13                                     Tuesdays, 4 p.m.                                    By the Light of the Full Moon
Sept. 20                                     Oct. 12-26                                          Thursday, Oct. 28, 4 p.m.
Sept. 27                                     Ages 8-12 with caregivers.                          Ages 13 and older
Oct. 4	                                     Express yourself through art.                       A daring werewolf is rampaging through
Oct. 11
                                                                                                 town. Join our quest to defeat this fiend.
Oct. 25                                      STORY TIMES
                                             Fresh Air Story Time                                SPECIAL PROGRAM
       BOOK CLUB                             Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays                     Program requires registration. Call
Make new friends and talk about books!       10:30 a.m.                                          352-438-2500 to register. Facial coverings are
Our book club offerings are listed under     Sept. 21-Nov. 4                                     encouraged at all in-person programs.
Program Spotlight. Attend one or all!        Location: Veteran’s Memorial Park                   To Your Health:
Novels at Night (online only)                Pavilion, 2601 E. Fort King Street, Ocala.
                                                                                                 Diabetes Self-Management
Tuesdays, 5 p.m.                             Enjoy a variety of stories and                      Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon
Sept. 14	“The White Tiger”                  songs under the pavilion!                           Sept. 13-Oct. 11 & Oct. 25
           by Aravind Adiga                  Ages 5 and younger with caregiver. Call             See Program Spotlight for more information.
Oct. 12    “The Guest List” by Lucy Foley    352-671-8551 to register.
Nov. 9	“The Midnight Library”                                                                   ADULTS
           by Matt Haig
                                             BELLEVIEW                                           All programs require registration. Call
                                                                                                 352-438-2500 to register. Facial coverings are
TEENS                                        PUBLIC LIBRARY                                      encouraged at all in-person programs.
All programs require registration. Call      13145 SE Highway 484,
352-671-8551 to register. Facial coverings
                                                                                                 Tech Help Center
                                             Belleview, FL 34420                                 Thursdays, 2-4 p.m.
are encouraged at all in-person programs.    352-438-2500                                        Sept. 2-Oct. 28
MANGAlicious Teen Club!                      Programs are made possible by contributions         Bring your device and drop in.
Thursdays, 4:30 p.m.                         from the Friends of the Belleview Public Library.
Sept. 2, Oct. 7, Nov. 4                                                                          Master Gardener Plant Clinic
                                                                                                 Fridays, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Anime and manga fans, unite!                 SPECIAL EVENT                                       Sept. 3, 17, Oct. 1, 15, Nov. 5, 19
                                             Program requires registration. Call
                                             352-438-2500 to register. Facial coverings are      The plant doctors are in!
                                             encouraged at all in-person programs.               Presented by UF/IFAS Extension Marion County.

                                                                                                        Writer’s Studio
                                                                                                 Wednesdays, 2 p.m.
YALLA!                                                                                           Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10
Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m.                                  Leer, Crear y Celebrar!                     See Program Spotlight for more information.
Sept. 28, Oct. 26, Nov. 23
                                             Read, Create and Celebrate                          Community Job Fair
Be a part of the library experience!         our Hispanic Heritage!                              Wednesday, Oct. 20
Earn volunteer hours for service.            Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2 p.m.                         11 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                             All library locations                               Belleview Public Library
                                             Contact any Marion County Public                    See Program Spotlight for more information.
                                             Library System location if you are
                                             interested in participating in this
                                             online and in-person event.
                                             See Program Spotlight for more information.
                                             Co-sponsored by the Hispanic Business Council.

                                                      Games on a Table
            BOOK CLUB                                 Tuesdays, 4 p.m.
     Make new friends and talk about books! Our       Sept. 7-Oct. 26
     book club offerings are listed under Program
     Spotlight. Attend one or all!                    Play classic and contemporary
                                                      tabletop games!
     Power Hour Readers
     Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m.                              STORY TIMES
     Sept. 28 “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle              Sept. 1-Oct. 28                                  Film Noir
     Oct. 26	“Mexican Gothic”                        A variety of stories, songs and activities for   Fridays, 1 p.m.
                by Silvia Moreno-Garcia               young children with caregivers.
                                                                                                       Movies for adults. Anyone younger than
     Nov. 23	“The Night Circus”
                by Erin Morgenstern
                                                      Preschool Adventures                             age 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
                                                      Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.                           Oct. 8
     TEENS                                            For ages 3-5.                                    Oct. 15
     All programs require registration. Call          Toddler Time                                     Oct. 22
     352-438-2500 to register. Facial coverings are   Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.                            Oct. 29
     encouraged at all in-person programs.            For infants-age 2.
     YALLA South!                                                                                             BOOK CLUB
     Tuesdays, 5 p.m.                                 DUNNELLON                                        Make new friends and talk about books! Our
                                                                                                       book club offerings are listed under Program
     Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2
     Be a part of the library experience.
                                                      PUBLIC LIBRARY                                   Spotlight. Attend one or all!
                                                      20351 Robinson Road,                             Novels at Night
     Earn volunteer hours for service.                Dunnellon, FL 34431                              Thursdays, 5 p.m.
     MANGAlicious Teen Club!                          352-438-2520                                     Sept. 23 	“In Five Years”
     Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m.                              Programs are made possible by                               by Rebecca Serle
     Sept. 21, Oct. 19                                contributions from the Friends of                Oct. 21    “Pachinko” by Min Jin Lee
                                                      the Dunnellon Public Library.
     Watch favorite anime and discuss                                                                  TEENS
     Manga. Anime and Manga fans, unite!
                                                      SPECIAL EVENT                                    All programs require registration. Call
     FAMILIES                                         Program requires registration. Call
                                                                                                       352-438-2520 to register. Facial coverings are
                                                                                                       encouraged at all in-person programs.
                                                      352-438-2520 to register. Facial coverings are
     Knights of the Chess Club                        encouraged at all in-person programs.            YALLA West!
     Tuesdays, 4 p.m.                                                                                  Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m.
     Sept. 7-Oct. 26                                         Leer, Crear y Celebrar!
                                                                                                       Sept. 7, Oct. 5
     Learn and play chess!
                                                      Read, Create and Celebrate
                                                      our Hispanic Heritage!                           Be a part of the library experience.
                                                      Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2 p.m.                      Earn volunteer service hours.
                                                      All library locations
                                                      Contact any Marion County Public
                                                      Library System location if you are
                                                      interested in participating in this
                                                      online and in-person event.
                                                      See Program Spotlight for more information.
                                                      Co-sponsored by the Hispanic Business Council.

                                                      SEASONAL TREAT                                   Sugar Skulls
                                                                                                       Saturday, Nov. 6, 1 p.m.
                                                      FUNtastic Fall Festival!
                                                      Saturday, Oct. 30, noon                          Celebrate Mexico’s Day of the Dead
                                                      One for fall and all for FUN!                    and decorate your own sweet treat!
                                                      See Program Spotlight for details.               FAMILIES
                                                      ADULTS                                           All programs require registration. Call
                                                                                                       352-438-2520 to register. Facial coverings are
                                                      All programs require registration. Call          encouraged at all in-person programs.
                                                      352-438-2520 to register. Facial coverings are
                                                      encouraged at all in-person programs.            Shake Your Sillies
                                                      Yarn Lovers                                      Outside Story Time!
                                                      Wednesdays, 10 a.m.                              Wednesdays, 11 a.m.
                                                      Sept. 1-Oct. 27                                  Sept. 1-Oct. 27
                                                      Make new friends while learning                  High energy and great times abound
                                                      some new stitches!                               with this perfect remedy for the

12   words fall2021
                                                                                                       ‘there’s-nothing-to-do’ blues.
Kindness Rocks!                                   ADULTS                                            FUNtasmagoria!
Saturdays, 2 p.m.                                 All programs require registration. Call           Wednesdays, 4 p.m.
Sept. 4, Oct. 2                                   352-438-2540 to register. Facial coverings are    Explore the world through science,
Join in the building of our Garden of Kind        encouraged at all in-person programs.             stories and activities! It’s FUNtastic!
Words filled with inspiration and hope.           DIY Art                                           Sept. 15 Breaking Records
                                                  Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.                            Sept. 29 Eye-popping Illusions
FOREST                                            Express yourself through art!                     Oct. 6      Mythology and More!
PUBLIC LIBRARY                                    Sept. 1
                                                  Oct. 6
                                                             Rock Wrapping
                                                             Canvas Art
                                                                                                    Oct. 13     Be a Spy
                                                                                                    Oct. 20 Money, Disasters and Crime
905 S. Highway 314A, Ocklawaha, FL 32179
352-438-2540                                      Nov. 3     Creative Collages                      Imagination Station Kids Club
                                                                                                    Wednesdays, 2:30 p.m.
Programs are made possible by contributions       Coloring Club                                     Sept. 22, Oct. 27
from the Friends of the Forest Public Library.    Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.
                                                  Sept. 2, Oct. 7, Nov. 4                           Stories and crafts to fit the season.
SPECIAL EVENT                                     Seek serenity through coloring!                   Family Story Time
All programs require registration.                                                                  Fridays, 10:30 a.m.
Call 352-438-2540 to register. Facial coverings          Writers Studio                             Sept. 17-Oct. 22
are encouraged at all in-person programs. See     Thursdays, 4 p.m.                                 A variety of stories, songs and activities
Program Spotlight for more information.           Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 4                          for children and caregivers.
                                                  See Program Spotlight for other locations.
       Leer, Crear y Celebrar!
Read, Create and Celebrate                               BOOK CLUB                                  FORT MCCOY
our Hispanic Heritage!
Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2 p.m.
                                                  Make new friends and talk about books! Our
                                                  book club offerings are listed under Program
                                                                                                    PUBLIC LIBRARY
All library locations                                                                               14660 NE Hwy 315, Fort McCoy, FL 32134
                                                  Spotlight. Attend one or all!
Contact any Marion County Public
                                                  Forest Readers Book Club                          Programs are made possible by contributions
Library System location if you are                Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.                            from the Friends of the Ocala Public Library.
interested in participating in this               Sept. 8	“The Book Woman of
online and in-person event.                                 Troublesome Creek”
See Program Spotlight for more information.                 by Kim Michele Richardson
                                                                                                    SPECIAL EVENT
Co-sponsored by the Hispanic Business Council.    Sept. 22	“The Giver of Stars”                    All programs require registration. Call
                                                            by Jojo Moyes                           352-438-2560 to register. Facial coverings are
SEASONAL TREAT                                    Oct. 13   “The Institute” by Stephen King         encouraged at all in-person programs.
Facial coverings are encouraged at all in-        Oct. 27    Readers Choice                                Leer, Crear y Celebrar!
person programs.                                  Nov. 10	“The Boys in the Boat”                   Read, Create and Celebrate
Trunk or Treat!                                             by Daniel James Brown                   our Hispanic Heritage!
Saturday, Oct. 30, 4 p.m.                         TEENS                                             Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2 p.m.
See Program Spotlight for more information.       All programs require registration. Call           All library locations
                                                  352-438-2540 to register. Facial coverings are    Contact any Marion County Public
SPECIAL PROGRAMS                                  encouraged at all in-person programs.             Library System location if you are
Program requires registration. Call                                                                 interested in participating in this
352-438-2540 to register. Facial coverings are    YALLA East!
encouraged at all in-person programs.             Thursdays, 5 p.m.                                 online and in-person event.
                                                  Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18                        See Program Spotlight for more information. Co-
Ride the Rails of Marion County                   Be part of the library experience.                sponsored by the Hispanic Business Council.
Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2 p.m.
Explore the history of railroad travel and
                                                  Earn volunteer service hours.                     ADULTS
commerce in Marion County with history            FAMILIES                                          Tech Help Center
enthusiast and librarian Taylor Benson.           All programs require registration.                Tuesdays, 3 p.m.
                                                  Call 352-438-2540 to register. Facial coverings   Sept. 7-Oct. 26
Wildflower Walk                                   are encouraged at all in-person programs.
Thursday, Oct. 21, 10:30 a.m.                                                                       Bring your device and drop in.
                                                  Rock Art! Paint On!
Don your sneaks for a stroll through local        Saturdays, 2 p.m.
flora with our own botanical enthusiast!          Sept. 11, Oct. 9, Nov. 6
It’s NaNoWriMo Time!                              With a rock as your canvas, a
Monday, Nov. 1, 4 p.m.                            masterpiece is inevitable.
See Program Spotlight for more information.


 Monday Movie Matinée                             STREAM Dreams                                     ADULTS
 Mondays, 3 p.m.                                  Saturdays, 11 a.m.                                All programs require registration. Call
 Movies for adults. Anyone younger than           Sept. 4, Oct. 2, Nov. 6                           352-438-2580 to register. Facial coverings are
 age 13 must be accompanied by an adult.          Science + art = fun for the whole family!         encouraged at all in-person programs.
 Sept. 13
                                                  Rock Art! Paint On!                                      BOOK CLUB
 Oct. 4
                                                  Saturdays, 11 a.m.                                Make new friends and talk about books! Our
 Nov. 1                                                                                             book club offerings are listed under Program
                                                  Sept. 11, Oct. 9
 Genealogy Workshop                               With a rock as your canvas, a
                                                                                                    Spotlight. Attend one or all!
 Saturdays, 11 a.m.                               masterpiece is inevitable.                        As the Page Turns
 Sept. 25, Oct. 16                                                                                  Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m.
 Interested in genealogy? Let us help             Family Flick: Strange Magic                       Sept. 7	“Jane Eyre”
 you be successful in your search.                Wednesday, Oct. 27, 3 p.m.                                   by Charlotte Brontë
                                                  It’s movie time! Anyone younger than age          Oct. 5     “Elevation” by Stephen King
        BOOK CLUB                                 13 must be accompanied by an adult.               Nov. 2     “The Giver” by Lois Lowry
 Make new friends and talk about books! Our
 book club offerings are listed under Program     FREEDOM
 Spotlight. Attend one or all!
                                                  PUBLIC LIBRARY                                    All programs require registration. Call
                                                                                                    352-438-2580 to register. Facial coverings are
                                                  5870 SW 95th St., Ocala, FL 34476                 encouraged at all in-person programs.
                                                  352-438-2580                                      MANGAlicious Teen Club!
                                                  Programs are made possible by contributions       Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m.
                                                  from the Friends of Freedom Public Library.       Sept. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. 9
                                                  SPECIAL EVENT                                     Anime and manga fans, unite!
                                                  All programs require registration. Call           FAMILIES
                                                  352-438-2580 to register. Facial coverings are
 Monday Morning                                   encouraged at all in-person programs.
                                                                                                    All programs require registration. Call
                                                                                                    352-438-2580 to register. Facial coverings are
 Books and Coffee                                                                                   encouraged at all in-person programs.
 Mondays, 10:30 a.m.
 Sept. 13	“What Rose Forgot”                                                                       Family Outdoor Story Time
           by Nevada Barr                                                                           Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.
 Oct. 4    “Blue Diary” by Alice Hoffman
                                                         Leer, Crear y Celebrar!                    Sept. 8-Oct. 27
 Nov. 1	“Girl in Disguise”                       Read, Create and Celebrate                        Stories, songs and activities on the lawn
           by Greer Macallister                   our Hispanic Heritage!                            for young children with caregivers. Bring
                                                  Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2 p.m.                       a blanket for sitting, if you would like.
 TEENS                                            All library locations
 All programs require registration. Call
 352-438-2560 to register. Facial coverings are
                                                  Contact any Marion County Public
                                                                                                    MARION OAKS
 encouraged at all in-person programs.
                                                  Library System location if you are
                                                  interested in participating in this               PUBLIC LIBRARY
 YALLA Northeast!                                 online and in-person event.                       294 Marion Oaks Lane, Ocala, FL 34473
 Tuesdays, 4 p.m.                                 See Program Spotlight for more information. Co-
                                                                                                    Programs are made possible by contributions
 Sept. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. 9                        sponsored by the Hispanic Business Council.
                                                                                                    from the Friends of the Marion Oaks Public Library.
 Be a part of the library experience.
 Earn volunteer hours for service.
                                                  SEASONAL TREAT                                    SPECIAL EVENT
                                                  All programs require registration. Call
                                                                                                    All programs require registration. Call
 FAMILIES                                         352-438-2580 to register. Facial coverings are
                                                  encouraged at all in-person programs. See         352-438-2570 to register. Facial coverings are
 All programs require registration. Call          Program Spotlight for more information.           encouraged at all in-person programs.
 352-438-2560 to register. Facial coverings are
 encouraged at all in-person programs.            ‘Tis the Season for                                      Leer, Crear y Celebrar!
                                                  Pumpkin Decorating!                               Read, Create and Celebrate
 Family Story Time                                                                                  our Hispanic Heritage!
 Wednesdays, 11 a.m.                              Pumpkin Drop-off: Oct. 1-16
                                                  Community Voting: Oct. 17-23                      Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2 p.m.
 Sept. 1-Oct. 27                                                                                    All library locations
 A variety of stories, songs and activities       Garb a gourd as it suits your fancy!
                                                  See Program Spotlight for more information.       Contact any Marion County Public
 for young children with caregivers.                                                                Library System location if you are
                                                                                                    interested in participating in this
                                                                                                    online and in-person event.
                                                                                                    See Program Spotlight for more information. Co-
                                                                                                    sponsored by the Hispanic Business Council.

14   words fall2021

ALL AGES                                                                                                   BOOK CLUB
All programs require registration. Call          REDDICK
352-438-2570 to register. Facial coverings are
encouraged at all in-person programs.
                                                 PUBLIC LIBRARY                                    Make new friends and talk about books! Our
                                                                                                   book club offerings are listed under Program
                                                 15150 NW Gainesville Road,                        Spotlight. Attend one or all!
Art at the Oaks                                  Reddick, FL 32686                                 Let’s Talk Books
Saturdays, 2 p.m.                                352-438-2566                                      Mondays, 10:30 a.m.
Create something amazing!                        Programs are made possible by contributions
                                                 from the Friends of the Ocala Public Library.     Enjoy books with Jim Stroup!
Materials provided.
                                                                                                   Donuts and coffee provided.
Sept. 25 Napkin Decoupage on Canvas
Oct. 9      Spooky Cupcakes                      SPECIAL EVENT                                     Sept. 13 “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn
                                                                                                   Oct. 11    “Hoot” by Carl Hiaasen
                                                 All programs require registration. Call
ADULTS                                           352-438-2566 to register. Facial coverings are
                                                                                                   Nov. 8	“The Four Winds”
All programs require registration. Call          encouraged at all in-person programs.                        by Kristin Hannah
352-438-2570 to register. Facial coverings are
encouraged at all in-person programs.
                                                                                                   All programs require registration. Call
       BOOK CLUB                                                                                   352-438-2566 to register. Facial coverings are
Make new friends and talk about books! Our                                                         encouraged at all in-person programs.
book club offerings are listed under Program            Leer, Crear y Celebrar!                    YALLA North!
Spotlight. Attend one or all!                    Read, Create and Celebrate                        Saturday, Oct. 30, 1 p.m.
        Novels at Noon                           our Hispanic Heritage!                            Be a part of the library experience. Earn
        Wednesdays, noon                         Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2 p.m.
                                                                                                   volunteer hours for service. In the spirit of the
        Sept. 15	“City of Girls”                All library locations
                                                                                                   season, costumes are highly encouraged!
                  by Elizabeth Gilbert           Contact any Marion County Public
        Oct. 20	“The Silent Patient”            Library System location if you are                FAMILIES
                  by Alex Michaelides            interested in participating in this               All programs require registration. Call
        Nov. 17	“The Dutch House”               online and in-person event.                       352-438-2566 to register. Facial coverings are
                  by Ann Patchett                See Program Spotlight for more information. Co-   encouraged at all in-person programs.
TEENS                                            sponsored by the Hispanic Business Council.
All programs require registration. Call          ADULTS                                            Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 3:30 p.m.
352-438-2570 to register. Facial coverings are   All programs require registration. Call
                                                                                                   Sept. 1-Oct. 27
encouraged at all in-person programs.            352-438-2566 to register. Facial coverings are    Explore the world through stories
MANGAlicious Teen Club!                          encouraged at all in-person programs.             and activities. It’s FUNtastic!
Tuesdays, 4 p.m.                                 Painting 101-Watercolors
Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16                                                                         Saturday Game Day
                                                 Wednesdays, 1 p.m.                                Saturday, Oct. 9, 10:30 a.m.
Anime and manga fans, unite!                     Sept. 15, Oct. 20
                                                                                                   Play classic and contemporary board games
YALLA Oaks!                                      Create something special with local artist,       with friends. Bring a game or play one of ours!
Thursdays, 5 p.m.                                Susan Starling. Materials provided.
Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 18
                                                 Handmade Friendship                               STORY TIMES
Be a part of the library experience.                                                               Sept. 1-Oct. 27
Earn volunteer hours for service.                Books and Journals                                A variety of stories, songs, and activities for
                                                 Tuesday, Sept. 28, 10:30 a.m.                     children and caregivers.
FAMILIES                                         Treasure and preserve your
                                                                                                   • Toddling Twos
All programs require registration. Call          memories with local artist, Nancy                 Tuesdays, 11 a.m.
352-438-2570 to register. Facial coverings are   Roberts. Materials provided.
encouraged at all in-person programs.                                                              • Preschool Story Time
                                                 Basic Computing                                   Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.
FUNtasmagoria!                                   Mondays, 4 p.m.
Wednesdays, 4 p.m.                               Oct. 4-25
Explore the world through stories                Learn about computers and what the
and activities. It’s FUNtastic!                  library has to offer. Call to register.
Sept. 8      Cooking                             Oct. 4       Basic Internet
Sept. 15 Origami                                 Oct. 11      Basic Email
Sept. 22 Drawing                                 Oct. 18      Basic Word
Sept. 29 Recycled Crafts                         Oct. 25      Surf the Library Databases
Oct. 6       Art
Oct. 13      Music
Oct. 20 Eye Spy
Oct. 27      Creepy Crafts

                                                                                           FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY
                                                                                           Friends of the Belleview Public Library
                                                                                           Tuesdays, 10 a.m. at the Book Nook
                                                                                           Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16
                                                                                           Friends of the Dunnellon Public Library
            EXHIBITS & DISPLAYS                                                            Tuesdays, 10 a.m.
                                                                                           Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2
            Headquarters-Ocala Public Library
            Sept.	Daughters of the American Revolution                                    Friends of the Forest Public Library
            Oct.   Francis Marion Stamp Club                                               Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.
            Nov.   Silver Springs State Park                                               Sept. 15, Oct. 20, Nov. 17
            Belleview Public Library                                                          BOOK SALE: Friday, Nov. 12
            Sept.	Oil Paintings by Lucy Pinkstaff                                            & Saturday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
                   Girl Scout Memorabilia by local Girl Scouts                             Friends of Freedom Public Library
            Oct.   Mixed Media Art by All About Art                                        Mondays, 10:15 a.m.
            Nov.	Clay Sculpture Figurines by Stacey Moye                                  Sept. 7, Oct. 4, Nov. 1
            Dunnellon Public Library                                                       Friends of the Marion Oaks Public Library
            Sept.        Friends of the Library                                            Fridays, 10 a.m.
            Oct.         Day of the Dead                                                   Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Nov. 19
            Nov.         Dog Tag Pride
                                                                                           Friends of the Ocala Public Library
            Forest Public Library                                                          Thursdays, 4 p.m.
            Sept. Photos by Forest Staff                                                   Sept. 19, Oct. 21, Nov. 18
            Oct.	Collages and Mixed Media
                  by Sandra Sanders
            Nov.  Harvest Display by Forest Staff                                          AT YOUR SERVICE
            Freedom Public Library                                                         Access Florida Assistance
            Sept. 	Basket Making Across the World by Jackie                               Help is provided with filing for various
                    Tanner                                                                 government assistance programs.
            Oct.	Artist Trading Cards in Watercolor
                    by Warren Thompson                                                     Forest Public Library
            Nov.	Honoring Our Veterans                                                    Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m.-noon
                    by Marion County Veterans Services                                     Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
            Reddick Public Library                                                         Visit www.uscis.gov or call 1-800-375-5283 to
            Sept.	Handmade Books & Journals                                               schedule an appointment at your local library with
                   by Nancy Roberts                                                        an official for the USCIS Orlando Field Office.
            Oct.	Halloween Collectables by Reddick Patrons
            Nov.   Thanksgiving by Reddick Patrons                                         Florida Diagnostic & Learning
                                                                                           Resources System
                                                                                           Free screenings for children birth through age 5 who may
                                                                                           have difficulty with learning, speaking, playing, seeing, walking
                                                                                           and hearing. Screening appointments may be held at your
                                                                                           local library. Contact ChildFind at 352-671-6051 to schedule.
 Labor Day                                    Veterans Day                                 Serving Health Insurance
 Monday, Sept. 6                              Thursday, Nov. 11                            Needs of Elders (SHINE)
 All Marion County public libraries closed.   All Marion County public libraries closed.   Obtain free Medicare counseling through the Florida
 Maintenance Day                              Thanksgiving Holidays                        Department of Elder Affairs. Contact Headquarters-Ocala,
 Monday, Oct. 18                              Wednesday, Nov. 24                           Dunnellon and Forest public libraries for schedule.
 Headquarters-Ocala, Belleview and            Headquarters-Ocala Public Library
 Dunnellon public libraries closed for        closes at 6 p.m.
 maintenance.                                 Thursday, Nov. 25 and
                                              Friday, Nov. 26
                                              All Marion County public libraries closed.

16     words fall2021
Freedom Public library staff at Lil’Leaf – Sholom Park

                                                                                        Reddick Public library – Knight sighting program

                                                         Marion Oaks Public library –                       Fort McCoy Public library –
Belleview Public library – Spaceship Icarus              FUNtasmagoria! program                                         Fairy Tale Ball

                                                                    Summer BreakSpot at Forest Public Library

Friends In Deeds!

     It all Began with the Friends of the
     Marion Oaks Public Library
                                                                                                                              BY ROBIN WAYNE

                  rom its humble beginnings as a
                  volunteer-run library inside the
                  Marion Oaks Community Center,
                  to its current status as a part of
                  the Marion County Public Library
     System, the Marion Oaks Public Library has
     depended on its Friends to make it what it is
         The Friends of the Marion Oaks Public
     Library actually organized before the
     building in which the library is housed was
     completed. In 1988, Margaret Huebner was
     determined that the community should have
     a library. She organized the Friends of the
     Marion Oaks Public Library to help make it

     happen. That same year, the community
     approved a MSTU tax to build a community                The Friends are working hard to help our library with
     center. By 1992 the building was completed
     and the Friends applied for a space within              its next renovation project and thank our community
     it. In 1993 the library opened, completely              for its support.”
     furnished using funds raised by the Friends                                                                               — IRMA MCNEAL
                                                                                                 Friends of the Marion Oaks Public Library president
     group and staffed by volunteers led by
     volunteer librarian Josephine Miskuf. According
     to Margaret Huebner, “The crowd was unbelievable. People into a bright and beautiful oasis. Shelving was replaced with
     filled the library and were standing in the hallway.”             modern purple bookshelves and comfortable, easy to clean
                                                                       furniture, including two mushroom-shaped chairs and a
                                                                       bench where parents love to read to their children. Now, the
                                                                       Friends are getting ready to tackle another big project, which
                                                                       will similarly transform the adult, teen and computer areas.
                                                                       Plans include modular furniture in the seating area, which
                                                                       will be able to change to meet the needs of library patrons,
                                                                       colorful modern shelving with book display capabilities and
                                                                       a bright, new computer area that will allow for more privacy
                                                                       for patrons. The Friends of the Marion Oaks Public Library
                                                                       have already procured funding from generous donors, SECO
                                                                       Energy and Marco Polo Homes, to assist in making these
                                                                       exciting changes a reality in the near future. Marion Oaks
                                                                       Public Library is so grateful to their wonderful Friends!
         Thanks to the Friends of the Marion Oaks Public Library,
     the library has gone through many transformations, most            HOW TO JOIN: Call the Marion Oaks Public Library at
     recently in 2018 when the children’s area was remodeled            352-438-2570 for information.

18    words fall2021
                                         MEET THE AUTHOR

                                       Connie Mann
                                       Meet Florida author and former Silver River boat captain Connie Mann during our “Meet the Author” program.
                                       Mann is the author of romantic suspense novels set in Florida’s small towns and unspoiled wilderness, including
                                       her most recent Beyond Power, set in the central Florida wilderness and Ocala. In the novel, Delilah Atwood has
                                       successfully escaped her cruel family and has now completed her master’s degree at Florida State University. She
                                       is returning home to Ocala to study the local monkey population, but her real concern is getting her teenage sister
                                       away from her abusive family. In the midst of her studies, there is a murder of another monkey researcher, and
                                       Delilah’s family may be connected to the crime.
                                           For many years, Mann was “Captain Connie” on the Silver River, introducing boatloads of children to their first alligator.
                                       Now living in Volusia County, she happily calls Central Florida her home. She is also passionate about helping women
                                       and children in developing countries break the poverty cycle and build a better future for themselves and their families.
                                       Connie Mann will be presenting her program on September 19 at 2 p.m. in Meeting Room C at the Headquarters-Ocala
                                       Public Library. The library will be closed to the public. Please enter Meeting Room C from the breezeway. The program is free
                                       and light refreshments will be provided. Copies of Beyond Power and another current novel, Beyond Risk (both in the Florida
                                       Wildlife Warriors series) will be available for purchase. There will be a brief annual meeting prior to the program.

                                               Yay! Book Sales are Back!
                                               Paperbacks 25¢ • Hard covers 50¢
                                                Friday, Nov. 5, 1-3 p.m.
                                                   Friends Members Only
                                                Saturday, Nov. 6, 10a.m.- 2 p.m.
                                                    Open to the Public
                                               Meeting Rooms B and C, Headquarters-Ocala Public Library

CONNIE          MANN
Author of Beyond Power and Beyond Risk
                                                  DID YOU KNOW?
                                                   Did you know that the Friends of the Ocala Library provides funding for many Library
Sunday, Sept. 19 2 p.m.
(After a brief Friends meeting)                    programs and fulfills many needs of the Headquarters-Ocala Public Library, the Fort
Meeting Room C                                     McCoy Library, and the Reddick Library? In the last few months, with the Friends help,
Headquarters- Ocala Public Library                 we have been able to provide assistance in many ways, including the following:

ANNUAL FRIENDS                                     • “Born to Read” program that                           • Program supplies provided
                                                     provides books for children                             for Reddick and Fort McCoy
MEETING                                            • “Brag Tags” for the Children’s                        • Producing and printing WORDS
Sunday, Sept. 19 2 p.m.
(Before the Meet the Author program)                 Reading program                                         newsmagazine for the entire county,
Meeting Room C                                     • Monthly Netflix membership                              which provides information about ALL
Headquarters- Ocala Public Library                 • Monthly Zoom access                                     of the branches and their programs
FALL BOOK SALE                                     • NEFLIN annual subscription                            • Graphics for rotating screen at BCC
Friday, Nov. 5 1- 3 p.m.                             Each upcoming issue of WORDS will list some of the many library projects that the Ocala
  Friends Members Only                             Friends help to subsidize.
Saturday, Nov. 6 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.                     To become a member of the Friends, find a membership application on our website at
   Open to the Public                              friendsoftheocalalibrary.org or visit the Book Market.
Meeting Rooms A, B and C
Headquarters-Ocala Public Library

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